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Image of a city ~ NOSplan

The ruins still retain the allurement of alchemy.

A city, once known for its grandeur and nobility now exhibits the artistry of insolvency. Hampi, was once a
historical capital of the Empire Vijayanagar having been ingrained by Harihara and Ukka in 1336 now constitutes
to be a part of UNESCO World Heritage. The city has procured one of its former name ‘Pumpa' from the river
Tungabhadra. The ancestral roots of the city date back to the Mauryan dynasty, making it an instrumental fragment
of Indian history. It was under the Vijayanagar dynasty did the city thrive and flourish as a monumental legacy.

The city ‘Hampi’ embraces a pleasing symphony among the delicate equilibrium of the arrant rocky ridges,
mammoth boulders being graced by the banks of Tungabhadra River while balancing the interlacing of the
farmlands. The climatological tone of the city is generally warm and dry, however, the months between September
to February shifts to pleasant and cool which sees the maximum cascade of tourism in the city. Apart from the
existence of the ancestral monuments, the occurrence of farmland provides the livelihood to most families living
in Hampi. The mineral ore occurrence within the boundaries of the city has thrived the mining industries since the
demand for iron ore was elevated in the international mineral market. Minerals embedded in the city have not
only boosted the economy of the people but also have been incorporated in building the monumental ornaments
of the city.

Hampi is an abode to around 500 palatial heritage monuments. The imperial palaces, temples, and forts are the
standing pride of the past brick culture. Once in the streets of the Vijayanagar Empire diamonds were marketed
especially in the street named Pan Supaari Street. ‘Hampi Utsav’ one of the most paramount celebrations which
occur in the first week of November is a cultural extravaganza of music, dance and the monuments are luminously
crafted. The intricacy of beautifully crafted temples, the majestic ruins, aquatic structures and royal embroidery
of the yore times articulates a glorious past. The ruins of the ancestral times depict an astounding sight for both
the pilgrims and the tourists. The city of Hampi has its culture derived from the times of Ramayana and Lord
Shiva, for the city has played an imperative role in both the periods. Thus, the craftsmanship and the artistry of
the city embeds the essence of dynasties and mythology.

The city of Hampi has opulence rich cultural heritage from being a part of the Mauryan Empire who quintessence
can be recognized from the rock edifices found in the Bellary district which was a common method of recording
relevant information in the times of Ashoka. Having been the capital of four different dynasties, yet it reached the
prodigious heights of technology of building construction under the guidance of King Krishnadevya Raya of the
Tuluva Dynasty. The downplay of politics, efficient governance, trade connection and invasion have imprinted
the level of architectural mastery of Indo-Islamic techniques on the temples of Hampi. One such classic example
is the intricate engravings of horses or yali (hippogryphs) found standing around the 8 feet tall pillars of the
temples. The Lakshmi Narayan temple has delineated pillars narrating the different shades of Prahad’s life an
ardent devotee of Lord Vishnu, while the articulate carvings of the pillars depict the destruction of Hiranyakashyap
by Lord Narasimha. The elegance of Vijaya Vittala Temple is sprawled spectacularly with pillared pavilions
within pillared pavilions and shrines within temples appearing like the existence of a town than of a temple. With
in the temple complex, exists the most iconic statue of the city Hampi the ‘stone chariot' which is chiseled with
battle scenes fought by Lord Vishnu. Yet the most stunning part of the monuments of city Hampi is the musical
pillars which were carved out of a single rock. The outermost pillars emit various musical tones, thus becoming a
marvel in its time.

The city of Hampi is a home of a kind of heritage which has its roots amalgamated with the mythological
characteristics of Indian culture which governed most of its monuments towards divinity. With the cycle of time
moving forward the monuments started to wither away due to the occurrence of wars and ignorance. However,
yet the city of Hampi with ruins display a mesmerizing grace. For a city that was once governed by four kingdoms,
the acknowledgment of UNESCO just highlights the dynamism of city Hampi.

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