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Article 1: Challenges of AI and Blockchain on HR Recruiting Practices.

Source: Cyprus Review . Fall2018, Vol. 30 Issue 2, p169-180. 12p.

Blockchain, artificial intelligence (AI) and other technological innovations are affecting all
aspects of our societies and causing some profound changes in human resource (HR)
practices in business and non-profit organisations. Critical to these high tech advances is
how they will affect employment patterns and the way companies will hire their workforce,
influencing HR practices and the way they will manage their employees. This paper, after a
short introduction, consists of three parts. The first discusses how blockchain and AI are
affecting HR practices. The second looks at hiring practices at firms, while the third discusses
employment patterns in the emerging age of high-tech super-automation. There is also a
concluding section, discussing the implications of the forth coming AI on employment (or
unemployment) and the inevitable income inequality that is bound to develop and affect
our societies.

Article 2: An HR perspective: the global hunt for talent in the digital age
Authors: Khaldoon Nusair, Duncun R. Dickson
Publication date: 2 February 2010

The purpose of this paper is to provide the reader with a practical understanding of the
dynamic changes in how résumés are handled by recruiters and the application of
technology to the human resource (HR) functions not only of reading résumés, but also of
how technology is making some of the initial decisions on how they are passed on to hiring
managers. HR information system has changed the way talent is accessed, pre-screened,
sorted, and stored. Knowledge of these systems is imperative for the twenty‐first century
job‐seeker. Recruiters and job seekers must be aware of artificial intelligence, optical
character recognition, and other scanning technologies. Understanding how technology is
changing, even the most basic of HR practices is crucial.

Article 3: How artificial intelligence will change HR

Author: Kazuo Yano
Date: June 22, 2017

AI is a term used in literature and media, but the real phenomenon is difficult to
grasp for many people. Here, Kazuo will explain "real AI" as used at Hitachi, while
showing how real AI holds the potential to heavily influence HR in the very near
future. AI is a term used in literature and media, but the real phenomenon is difficult
to grasp for many people.
Five Misconceptions of AI:

1. AI cannot be understood by those lacking a technical background.

2. AI is a new technology or a machine.

3. AI requires large amounts of data to be useful.

4. AI will bring us closer to a world in which the fear of "Big Brother" indiscriminately
controls people.

5. AI is relevant only for the future and not applicable now.

Article 4: AI: the HR revolution

Fred Gulliford, Amy Parker Dixon

Publication date: 8 April 2019

Where HR leaders and senior decision-makers struggle to solve ongoing issues, such as
absenteeism, an acute problem for the financial services industry. This paper demonstrates
the true value of AI, with complex issues solved by data analysis – a monumental and
expensive task for any employee to carry out. Artificial intelligence (AI) and robotics are
already here, influencing almost every single industry in one way or another. Organisational
scientists at Qlearsite use AI and machine learning to unleash the business potential
languishing in workforce data – something previously unusable because of its format. This
paper aims to track the initial implementation of AI up to present day, based on Qlearsite’s
corporate experience.

Article 5: Applying artificial intelligence: implications for recruitment

Ashwani Kumar Upadhyay, Komal Khandelwal
Publication date: 8 October 2018

This paper describes the impact of developments in the field of AI on the hiring process and
the recruitment industry. The application of AI for managing the recruitment process is
leading to efficiency as well as qualitative gains for both clients and candidates.
This paper offers strategic insights into automation of the recruitment process and presents
practical ideas for implementation of AI in the recruitment industry. It also discusses the
strategic implications of the usage of AI in the recruitment industry. This article describes the
role of technological advancements in AI and its application for creating value for the
recruitment industry as well as the clients. It saves the valuable reading time of practitioners
and researchers by highlighting the AI applications in the recruitment industry in a concise
and simple format.

Article 6: Virtual HR: The impact of information technology on the human resource
Author: Sharyn D Gardner, David P Lepak, Kathryn M Bartol
Date: October 2003
Accelerated investment and innovation in information technology (IT) offers prospects for
conducting business in ways that are radically different from the past. Despite the growing
presence of IT within organizations, however, we do not have a clear understanding of how
IT impacts the role of professionals. We address this issue by investigating how jobs in one
professional occupational segment, human resources (HR) professionals are influenced by
extensive use of IT within the human resource department. Specifically, we examine how HR
professionals handle HR information as well as the expectations placed on them resulting
from an increased reliance on IT. Our findings suggest that IT enables HR professionals to
more efficiently access and disseminate information while it also influences what is
expected of them.

Article 7: The future of HR management: Research needs and directions

Mark V. Roehling, Wendy R. Boswell

First published: 20 May 2005

The contributors to this special issue provide unique perspectives and insights about the
future of human resource management, and many of their ideas present opportunities for
future research. Our intent is to focus on identifying and briefly discussing the key needs
and directions suggested by these articles. The discussion is organized around four general
themes: the HR function and its impact, the roles of HR professionals, the value of HR
competencies, and the HR implications of globalization. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

Article 8: Artificial Intelligence and Its Impact on HR Technology

Author: wepow

One of the most talked about and debated trends in HR Technology has been Artificial
Intelligence (AI). Quick searches of the topic prompt wild predictions that believe AI will be a
game-changer in productivity for HR professionals. There are also others who fear
“machine” could take our jobs. The truth is, while there’s reason to be cautiously optimistic,
it’s still much too early to predict the exact impact of AI in HR and Talent Acquisition. Like
any new technology in our space, if not used properly and with the right strategy behind it,
users can find themselves deep in the rabbit hole.

Article 9: Artificial Intelligence technologies in human resource development Buzko,Y

Dyachenkol, M Petrova, N Nenkov, Tuleninova, Koeva

An essential part of modern management is computing, particularly, Artificial Intelligence

technologies. The Artificial Intelligence technologies which are based on reproduction of
principles of human intelligence functioning. But for the solution of applied problems we
need applied Artificial Intelligence which performs particular tasks particularly in
management. The most difficult task in Human Resource Development is to determine the
effectiveness of training costs due to its branching and sophisticated feedback given by
improved production results of staff who was involved in the process. Found that the main
factor influencing the amount of training in the company is the net income of the company
for the previous year.
Article 10: How will AI Impact the HR Industry in 2019
Date: Apr 25, 2019
Ken Martin Global HR Director, IPsoft

HR needs to do a better job of understanding how to leverage AI in the future and how it
will impact the workforce at large. Many organizations have already seen its impact in their
IT and customer service functions. Contact centres, a field notorious for burnout, has
adopted technology to better assist employees with tasks resulting in increased employee
performance and customer satisfaction. To successfully implement any transformational
technology, it will require that HR upgrade their own skill sets and understand how AI
benefits the business and the employees. One way to do so is to pick a business problem in
one unit, such as onboarding and pilot a solution. By doing so, new employees will get used
to the technology and the HR-department will get instant feedback.

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