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COMPRESSOR CONTROLS ccc CORPORATION Field Engineering Time Sheet ‘General Information CCC Project# :_ #14708 0311 Customer; _DRESSER-RAND Work Order End User : PETROBRAS FPSO P67 Customer PO Address Contact Person ;_ Socrates Goncalves - Position Fleld Service Representative City ‘Company :__DRESSER-RAND (Siemens) Country: _Brazil _ Telephone / Fax Worksite E-mail — Scope Startup of Compresssors Time Declaration Weeb: 1 oor : 2019) Tuvotoy “El] Woarantay LC Thorsday Ericay CI] Serta CJ] Senay CJ Tost) | 20019 [sours [soars [soni | Goma a0. a0 [FoTAL HOURS: 30, 30 Ta ie pail Fa oT TTS [Goany mies —[ ‘tne checker (Cieb complete (C] Parts used (Described in Dally Log) (7) Arabie Week '30-Sop Travel fom P-67 to Jecerepagua, Braz and then to Rio do Janoko, 1-0ct___“Travel rom Rio de Janeiro to Houston, Toxas. 20a Travel rom Houston, Texas to Des Moines, lows, DDetas car Tound in he Field Service Report provided. Comments? Customer Survey Detats ee Blake customer Name si Mike Sheehan b, Company : _DRESSER-RAND (SIEMENS) Date, a/DAA ‘Service Supervisor ‘Compressor Conirols Corporation 4725 2 USA pepe 1517700 Fc 516270 21 COMPRESSOR CONTROLS ccc CORPORATION cee Oe Field Engineering Time Sheet ‘General Information CCC Project# :_ #14705 0311 __ Customer :_DRESSER-RAND _ Work Order End User : PETROBRAS FPSO P67 Customer PO Address: 3 Contact Person : _ Socrates Goncalves i Position Field Service Representative City Company: DRESSER-RAND (Siemens) Country: Telephone/Fax : Worksite: E-mail : Scope: _Start up of Compressors Time Declaration Week: our: 2019 [wonday EJ Toesday Ll] Woavesday CI] Trwrstey CI] Fier DI Sematary CJ Sntey CJ [pate ZeSep-io | 24-Sep-10 | 25Sep-19 | 26-Sep-19 | 27-Sep-19 | 2bSer19 | 20-S0p19 [working ours 126 720 120 140 120 120. 720 [raver house [sine by hours [FoTaL HOURS 120 72.0 120 740 120 20 120 “Toe GSN ECT FR OTT [Geniymies id De caetarngnt (C20b Comptete [Parts Used (Described in Daily Log) [] Arabic Week Dail 24-S9p__Injecion B, Main C, and Export A runsing. Operations support No Export C start due fo laste wih power management sysiem, Preparation for Export C Volth es, surge tasting, and tuning. ZASep Injection B, Main C, and Export A running. Operations support. No Export C start de to lssue with power management sysiom. Preparation for Export C Voi est, surge testing, and tuning. 2E-Sep Injection 8, Main C, and Export A running. Operations support. No Export start duo to issue with power management system. Preparation for Expor C Voll es, surge tating, end tuning. 2E-Sop_ Surge Test Export at 9800, 11000, and 12100 RPM. Completed protminary antisurge tuning with dscharge valve closed. Voth 8 hour test rn. 7-Sep__Analyzed surge tastresuls. Conigured new surge line in Export C. Worked on Field Report. Operations suppor. ‘Main C, Export A, and injection B running. ‘26-Sep__Chacked Main Corupossor flow calculation in TrainVew and found it tobe incorect. Changed A value in TV o 441.4. ‘Checked injection Comrpessor flow calculation in TrainView and found it tobe incorect. Changed A value in TV to 73.22. ‘Main C tipped due to Wibration probe Issue. Main B, irjection B, and Export A running. Operations support. Worked on Field Report. 20-Sep__MainB, Injection 8, and Export A running. Operailons suppot, Saved backup fles of configurations and Project Buiker revisions. ‘Worked on report and fimesheats. [Detats can be ound inthe Field Service Report provided, ae None :_ Mike Sheohan Company» DRESSER-AND(SIEMENS) pae AL SOMA sontca superior DRESSER-RAND Weekly Time Report FIELD SUPPORT SERVICES a |, Lazaro Goncalves do Ova, 2100 |. send ene copy tes ge ne coy to cust. ae (Cop. 13458-628 [scopy tr our recs. ‘Santa Barbara Oeste -SP-BRASIL ‘Customer muss te reper each Wek. ane Gitomer mut si soce reas when is "Toveling hea einatad Atl al ie be Petrobras -P-67 Location: ‘OFFSHORE ima Types Tipe Equip BunicalContact No. TORR: Sees Maiexpot coe Injection (8A: 150967 reuertane_ | —7e0ers07=0 esTSHTO anes T0oP-99901..04.02.02 Date ae] EO] Or rm [SHORT OO rey “| Re Tin | fe “ie | Te Treat Foe | ne || eas | rum Ji, | sus | os [Deseription of Work Performed) 30a Day stots |Wertes| "* [ves [wonas| YOY [Won | ones Peat a | a ae rn ‘Mon ee = snore | ‘ca | = ee [| a Oct-19 j Ti i al Friday] Peace eee ty | dl | Tt | soa a nours|| to] 4/0] 0j}/o]o]10{4lo [Service Release ime Report Jeunes sonar cate Wat he wrk peromed by orcs for Seca Ropresertat's tne a x Ine Sorace Ropreennie ett nar at cn be Fonderedin cero wate proposal cr ected and he maybe eased os tus ol, ea [OR Serve nepeneae Ape | eosaners Se Se comport pa. 20-204 [Tie Date Tide Baia reser Rand al Seviee anager Aor Dia Serie a FIELD SUPPORT SERVICES ‘hv. Lazare Gongates de Ctra, 2100 omen Weekly Time Report instructions |. sont one cspyto Oe, gv one eco carer. kop apy Toyo rcs, fe. cesmer mat sgn Une rpot ach weok fs. cesar must sgn serve lease when obs [ites ave hare i site, Aci vel tna lb tomers sgnatre indicates tat he work performed by ‘Senice Ropresoniaive is saslactory solr as can De leined adhe may be released aso his dato. ae -—— EET aamEet — Mainexpor co2 Injection OS ney testing [airs —| “as —} “rao ononorpostnoe Date Travel | Travel Travel Wes ee | |e [fe [ce | fr || fe [onncpton or rk Peterman | Worked | Worked | Werte | Werk | | worked | Worked) za = rae : 2 eee — = i [] Par aces i 94 fee | eee Neal ravens | ell al LiLesseses ee Haas nl vo HOURS| 0} 42/1 0 0 i) oO | 42 1 [Service Release ‘ime Report for Service Representatives time and expanses wit i accordance wa the proposal or conve Signature indcales agreement with Line reported. Bevel -2Peeab— |B aves Rare ww, sett “RiloneraRowcd [eon sa Convul bat (A- 29-2010 ic ae [ a ——a ae ge ‘Dresser Rand Disc! Service Manager Approval

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