Options III

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BSM formula gives us a great deal more than just

the option prices - it gives us the complete
Options - Model 2 replicating portfolios for the call and the put, at any
point in time.

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Plot of Call and Put option prices (BSM)

Working with the formula

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Call and Put deltas under BSM

An option is said to be at-the-money-forward

(ATMF) if the strike price equals the forward price
on the stock for that maturity.
What is the Black Scholes price for an ATMF Call?

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Accommodating div yields in the BSM formula

 Some features of the Black-Scholes formulae: Appropriate for modeling options on stock indices
Option prices only depend on five variables: S0, K, r, T, and and currencies.
Two market variables, two contract variables and one — A simple adjustment: Replace S0 with e −δT S0
the volatility σ — is not directly observable.
throughout the formula, where δ is the dividend
In particular, option prices do not depend on expected
stock returns, which are difficult to estimate. yield for the underlying asset.
 How can this formula be used by the seller of the option, say
a call option on a particular stock?

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Consider a stock that pays dividends at a

continuous rate of δ.  Given an option price, one can ask the question: what level
of volatility is implied by the observed price?
Pricing options on currencies  This level is the implied volatility.
A currency is just an asset with a continuous  Formally, implied volatility is the volatility level that would
dividend yield, with the interest rate on the make observed option prices consistent with the Black-
currency playing the role of the dividend yield in the
Scholes formula, given values for the other parameters.
BSM formula.

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 Two sources are normally ascribed for the volatility

Let’s compute the IV for today morning’s market
prices at the NSE.  One is the returns distribution. The Black-Scholes model
assumes log-returns are normally distributed.
 However, in every financial market, extreme observations are
What do you observe?
far more likely than predicted by the log-normal distribution.
Extreme observations = observations in the tail of the
Empirical distributions exhibit "fat tails" or leptokurtosis.
 Empirical log-returns distributions are often also skewed.

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