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ETEC Program Standards and Requirements

ETEC 5243 ETEC 5373 ETEC 5313
Standards ID Model Web Design Visual Literacy
1.1 Identify differing X
instructional models of
1.2 Integrate into X
practice multiple
instructional strategies.
1.3 Identify and create X
instruction for various
learning styles.
1.4 Use appropriate X
delivery methods for
Development X X
2.1 Appropriate use of X
print materials in order
to enhance the
learning process.
2.2 Integrate X X
instructional materials
that utilize two or
more forms of media.
2.3 Create visual X
materials that enhance
the learning process.
2.4 Use Flash and/or X X
similar types of
software to create
interactive media
2.5 Engage students X X
using a variety of
instructional materials.
Utilization X
3.1 Utilize and X
implement various
3.2 Develop a web- X
based project for the
dissemination of
media-based learning
3.3 Develop and X
implement effective
policies related to the
utilization, application,
and integration of
media-based learning
in a specific
institutional or
organizational context.
3.4 Identify and X
address barriers
impacting the
utilization and
implementation of
media-based learning
Management X X
4.1 Utilize project X X
techniques during the
creation and
implementation of
4.2 Effectively manage X X
projects with multiple
components. This
includes the ability to
budget, evaluate, and
further the project.
4.3 Manage multiple X X
resources. This includes
the ability to justify the
allocation of funds,
document cost
effectiveness, and the
utilization of staff,
time, supplies, and/or
instructional resources.
4.4 Implement and X
manage various
delivery systems of
technology. This
includes the ability to
attend to hardware
and software
technical support for
both users and
developers, and
process issues such as
guidelines for learners,
instructors, and
support personnel.
Evaluation X X X
5.1 Use both formative X
and summative
strategies to evaluate
the quality of
5.2 Identify and X
implement appropriate
learning measurements
or assessment
5.3 Develop an X
assessment plan to
show evidence of an
instructional problem
or opportunity for
organizational growth.
5.4 Develop a long- X
range plan for the
advancement of
technology in an
organization or

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