2017 BIT MJ Sterilization Essay Swenson PDF

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© Copyright AAMI 2017. Single user license only. Copying, networking, and distribution prohibited.

Celebrating AAMI’s 50th Anniversary

What Needs In the 50 years since AAMI has been instruments used today. Separate certifica-
tions are available for sterile processing
an organization, a lot has changed
to Happen to in the world of medical devices. technicians who are specialists in surgical
instrumentation. Many “schools” also have
Elevate and These changes have been especially started to provide education programs in
intense when it comes to the clean-
Improve ing and sterilization of reusable
sterile processing. Unfortunately, these
programs do not have consistent, agreed-
Sterilization medical devices. upon curricula; therefore, the ability of
At one time, sterile processing technicians individual students varies greatly.
did not need complex skills to perform their I have seen people who attended a
jobs. Surgical instrumentation was basic, and “school” and became certified but who have
Donna Swenson it was relatively easy to teach a person how to no experience in performing the tasks
clean and sterilize these instruments. Most required of a sterile processing technician.
surgical instrument sets contained a small Ironically, on the other hand, many techni-
number of items, with very few having cians who have worked in sterile processing
complex features that required disassembly for several years and can perform the tasks
to clean. The most complex features, such as required of a sterile processing technician
mated surfaces for scissors and box locks on are not certified and would have difficulty
certain instruments, could be easily cleaned passing a certification exam. Therefore,
with an ultrasonic washer. requiring certification does not ensure that
As time went by, the types of procedures qualified technicians are working in sterile
that physicians wanted to perform became processing. What we need is a combination
About the Author
more complex, which in turn resulted in of academic credentials and certification.
Donna Swenson, greater variety and complexity among
BS, CRCST, CHL, is devices. With these changes came an Testing of Cleaning Processes
president/CEO of
increasingly complex approach toward Medical device manufacturers’ IFUs for
Sterile Processing
Quality Services,
cleaning and sterilization. cleaning medical devices are at best guidance
Inc., based in In recent years, numerous cases of for how to perform cleaning processes. The
Stickney, IL, cleaning- and sterilization-related problems manufacturer does not control many parts of
and chief quality officer for Quality have emerged. Inadequate cleaning of the cleaning process at a healthcare facility
Processing Resource Group, LLC. medical devices is a complicated issue with and therefore cannot guarantee that follow-
She was co-chair of AAMI’s Working
many potential causes, one of which ing the instructions will result in a clean
Group 3 during the time the ANSI/
AAMI/ISO 17665 series was developed involves the development of complex device. To increase the probability that a
and co-chair of PB70 for many years. cleaning procedures. This complexity clean device will result from following the
Email: donnaswenson@spqs.org necessitates robust training for sterile IFU, it is necessary for the healthcare facility
processing technicians. It also has become to perform product quality assurance testing
clear that healthcare facilities need to test of its cleaning processes. Many factors that
the cleaning processes used in their facili- are outside the manufacturer’s control (e.g.
ties to ensure the effectiveness of water quality, specific detergent used) can
manufacturers’ instructions for use (IFUs). influence the effectiveness of a cleaning
process. Therefore, testing at the healthcare
Necessity of Education for facility is the only means of ensuring effec-
Sterile Processing Technicians tive cleaning processes.
The need for additional education and
training of sterile processing technicians has Device Design Changes
been met in a haphazard manner. Some In recent years, a lot of emphasis has been
healthcare facilities require sterile processing placed on the cleaning of reusable medical
technicians to be certified. However, certifica- devices. Many medical device manufactur-
tion only demonstrates that the technician is ers have stepped up and are looking at their
minimally competent in sterile processing. total cleaning process, including disassem-
The reality is that technicians need to be bly of the medical device for cleaning and
competent in all aspects of sterile processing, the human factors that influence the ability
including cleaning of the very complex of the sterile processing technician to follow

218 Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology May/June 2017

© Copyright AAMI 2017. Single user license only. Copying, networking, and distribution prohibited.
Celebrating AAMI’s 50th Anniversary

IFUs. Disassembly of a device makes it processing managers will know if the people
easier to get at and adequately clean all they hire understand and can perform the
surfaces. However, disassembly also tasks required of a sterile processing techni-
requires the sterile processing technician to cian. 3) Healthcare facility
understand how to disassemble and reas- senior management will
We must insist that sterile processing
semble the device and then how to test the know that they can expect
device to ensure that it still functions their sterile processing technicians are true professionals
properly. Disassembly and reassembly also departments to perform as with the knowledge and skills
can be difficult to perform when the sterile required. 4) Patients can be needed to perform their jobs. Until
processing technician is wearing protective confident that when they
that happens, we will continue to
attire. As can be seen, certain issues cannot have a medical procedure,
be resolved through the redesign of reusable the medical devices will be have serious problems.
medical devices. safe to use. 5) Adverse
patient events (e.g., health-
Conclusion care-acquired infections) will be reduced.
Medical devices will continue to become Getting to the point where academic
more complex, and the need for education credentials exist and we can expect the
and training of sterile processing technicians benefits cited will take time and effort on the
will continue to increase. It is time for all the part of the many stakeholders. These stake-
stakeholders to get together and require holders include senior management at
better training and education of the people healthcare facilities, sterile processing
who are responsible for cleaning, disinfec- managers and technicians, professional
tion, and sterilization of reusable medical organizations and certification bodies (e.g.,
devices. The people who perform these tasks IAHCSMM, CBSPD, Association of periOp-
can literally hold a patient’s life in their erative Registered Nurses, Association for
hands. Designing medical devices that are Professionals in Infection Control and
easier to clean only addresses part of the Epidemiology), healthcare facility accrediting
problem. We also must insist that sterile agencies (e.g., The Joint Commission),
processing technicians are true professionals medical device manufacturers, standards
with the knowledge and skills needed to development organizations (e.g., AAMI),
perform their jobs. Until that happens, we regulatory agencies (e.g., Food and Drug
will continue to have serious problems. Administration, Centers for Medicare &
A first step in addressing the problem is Medicaid Services, Centers for Disease
developing academic credentials, to which all Control and Prevention), and test labs. These
sterile processing education programs will groups need to step up and address this
need to adhere. Having academic credentials need. If they don’t, then the potential for
will address several issues: 1) Individuals who patient harm will only continue to increase as
want to become a sterile processing techni- medical devices become more complex. n
cian will know if the program they are
considering is worth the money. 2) Sterile

Biomedical Instrumentation & Technology May/June 2017 219

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