Design Project: Group Number:3

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Object 1




The purpose of Academic Alert System is to give warning that identifies
at-risk students prior to enrollment, identifies those who become at-risk at
various points during the critical first year, and ensures follow up with
intrusive interventions by academic advising professionals and hence the
need of “Early Alert System” or “Academic Alert System”.
The mission of the alert system is to intrusively intervene with advising
measures, for at-risk students, once they’ve been identified by their
instructors or residence life directors; however, we strongly want to move
away from any notions that these measures are instigated and carried
through in early points in the semester, alone. While we encourage an
expedient alert once at-risk behaviors arise, the process of alerting and
advising is for the duration of a student’s enrollment in the respective
college. So, an alert that arrives after midterm in a fall semester may be a
very good indication that the student does not intend to return in the
spring. This alert is as important as an alert that arrives three weeks into
the semester. In fact, more intrusive and multiple measures will probably
be needed in this instance. Likewise, while we do emphasize concentrated
measures targeted at our freshman cohort, alerts for sophomores, junior,
seniors, and even graduate students must be treated with equal importance
and intervention. We believe that Academic Alert captures these measures
far more accurately; hence this system will be deemed as a Critical System
for the college.
The mobile attendance has been developed to eliminate the time and effort
wasted in taking attendances in schools and colleges. It also reduces the
number of paper resources needs in participation information management.
The system is divided into following modules:
• This is an android mobile application. It’s developed to be utilized for
school/college workforce with the goal that they may take student
attendance on their mobile phones.

• Student Attendance List Creation: Once this App is installed on a mobile

phone, and it allows a client to make a student attendance sheet consisting
of name, roll number, date, Absent/select check and subject. He needs to
fill student names along with related move numbers.

• Attendance Marking: The workforce has the list on his mobile phone
now. He may see the rundown call move numbers and select truant id the
understudy is missing or select present if understudy is available.

• Attendance Storage: This information is currently put away in the staff

mobile phone. Staff may likewise see it whenever on their mobile phone.

• Attendance sheet transfer: The staff can transfer the document to a server
(ordinary PC) by means of a web association where this information can
be stored and maintain by the school or college.

• Attendance Check: The PC administrator may now check the attendance

transfer as Student roll no, date, time and sort by date to check presentees
and absentees of a specific date.

Subsequently, this student computerizes participation system and

eliminates with the utilization of paperwork required for attendance
making and monitoring student attendance.
Unique id management system is a project developed to provide the
information about the citizen in any country. The information can be found
by the unique id of the citizen. In this unique id management system all the
transactions based on the id will be performed by the citizen.Citizens after
attaining an age of 18 years can only be registered and get a password to
access the site. Unique ID will be provided to every user after registration.
Once they enter into site, they can pay their electricity bill, telephone bill,
gas bill, book railway tickets and airline tickets and can apply for the
passport, visa, etc.,.

An individual can access the government services by using the internet in

the home or on the move using this Unique ID, if necessary, the individual
can directly walk-in to the government organization and can apply for any
service that he desires, without carrying any documents into the
organization. By using Unique ID we can store all the documents
(citizenship certificate, driving license, voter card, pan card, ration card,
etc.,) of an individual in his UID. By using this Application both the Users
and the Government Officials can register and get a Unique ID.

Users are nothing but the common people who can pay their bills through
this site. Government Officials are those who can verify details about a
person from the database and have access to the security official’s page. A
person called Moderator can access all the details of government officials
and if any updates are there, they will modify or update. Moderator can
have access to details of all users. He can modify the entire database.
Moderator can also see the requests and the feedbacks from the users.

Blood Bank Management System (BBMS) is a browser based system that

is designed to store, process, retrieve and analyze information concerned
with the administrative and inventory management within a blood bank.
This project aims at maintaining all the information pertaining to blood
donors, different blood groups available in each blood bank and help them
manage in a better way. Aim is to provide transparency in this field, make
the process of obtaining blood from a blood bank hassle free and
corruption free and make the system of blood bank management effective.

This project is aimed to developing an online Blood

D o n a t i o n Information. The entire project has been developed keeping in
view of the distributed client server computing technology, in mind. The
Blood Donation Agent is to create an e-Information about the donor
and organization that are related to donating the blood. Through this
application any person who is interested in donating the blood can
register himself in the same way if any organization wants to register itself
with this site that can also register. Moreover if any general
consumer wants to make request blood online he can also take the
help of this site. Admin is the main authority who can
d o addition, deletion, and modification if required. The
p r o j e c t h a s b e e n p l a n n e d t o b e h a v i n g t h e v i e w o f distributed
architecture, with centralized storage of the database. The application for
the storage of the data has been planned. Using the constructs of
MS-SQL Server and all the user interfaces have been designed using
the ASP.Net technologies.

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