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Monday 2 September 2019 *** Republic of Ireland € 2.20 No 51,099 £ 2.00 | Subscriber price just £ 1.

Total Football F1 pays tribute PLUS

Kane denies diving Hamilton joins
during dramatic sombre silence at

North London derby Spa in memory of
dead driver

28 pages of REPORTS Problem with VAR How Briton beat

Keith Hackett: Villa No3 seed to reach
and disgrace and videoeo
referee system making
her first US Open
officials look foolish quarter-final


PM warns Laundromat star scrubs up nicely



Downing Street
goes to the dogs
A Jack Russell that just weeks ago was
facing almost certain death after being
abandoned by dog traders will today
take up residence in one of the most
famous addresses in the world after
being adopted by Boris Johnson and
rebel MPs:
back me or
Carrie Symonds. It will join the Prime
Minister and his girlfriend – as well as
the notoriously territorial Larry the cat
– in Downing Street. The 15-week-old
dog was rescued by a charity after a
tip-off that it was being abandoned.
Page 3


Far-Right falls short in

key German elections
The nationalist Alternative for
Germany party (AfD) has failed to
be sacked
make a widely forecast breakthrough
in key regional elections, easing Tories who defy Johnson by trying to stop
pressure on Angela Merkel, the
German chancellor. The AfD made no-deal Brexit will be expelled from party
significant gains in two states in the
former communist east, but fell short By Christopher Hope which will define his Brexit ambitions,
of winning first place amid a late surge CHief politiCal Correspondent with John Bercow, the Commons
for the established parties. Mrs Speaker, set to hand control of the par-
Merkel’s Christian Democrats held on BORIS JOHNSON delivered an ultima- liamentary agenda to opposition MPs
in Saxony, according to initial tum to Philip Hammond and other so they can pass a law to force the Gov-
projections, despite suffering its worst rebel Tory MPs last night, warning ernment to delay Brexit.
ever result in its former stronghold, they will be expelled from the party if Ejecting as many as 21 Tory MPs from
and it must now try to form a coalition. they join forces with Jeremy Corbyn to the party would decisively wipe out Mr
Page 15 try to halt a no-deal Brexit this week. Johnson’s Commons majority and set
In a plan agreed by a dozen whips him on course for an autumn general
comment and Mr Johnson over lunch at Cheq- election. But the Tory leader will hope
uers yesterday, any Tory MP who de- that his “take it or leave it” offer, com-
William Sitwell fies No  10 will lose the party whip and
be banned from standing at a future
bined with his decision to break off
talks, will put pressure on the rebels –
election. The ultimatum could see a who now have to choose between end-
host of former ministers fighting to ing their political careers over a plan
Britain has block a no-deal outcome – including
Mr Hammond, David Gauke, David
which may run out of time if it fails to
clear the Lords by next week.
ingredients Lidington, Margot James, Anne Milton Michael Gove, the Cabinet Office
and Sam Gyimah – effectively “purged”. minister, suggested Mr Johnson could
to be the A senior source in the Whips’ Office even ignore any law forced on his Gov-
world’s said: “The whips are telling Conserva-
tive MPs a very simple message: if they
ernment that tries to keep the UK in the
EU after Oct 31. He told the Andrew
tastiest fail to vote with the Government on Marr Show on BBC One that the Gov-
Tuesday, they will be destroying the ernment would “wait and see” what
nation Government’s negotiating position and legislation was put forward.
Page 16 handing control of Parliament to Jer- Labour is also expected to agree its
emy Corbyn. plans at a meeting of the shadow cabi-
business “Any Conservative MP who does this net, hours after former leader Tony
will have the whip withdrawn and will Blair is set to warn his party not to sup-

US bidder dismisses not stand as a Conservative candidate port a general election until a no-deal
in an election. Brexit is ruled out.
Cobham security fears “There is a chance of a deal on Oct 17 Mr Johnson had initially planned to
only because Brussels realises the meet the rebels today to discuss their
The US private equity house behind a Prime Minister is totally committed to concerns. But that was abruptly can-
£4bn bid for defence contractor leaving on Oct 31 ... all MPs face a simple celled last night, citing a “diary clash”.
Cobham has dismissed fears the deal choice [tomorrow]: to vote with the No  10 then offered a one-to-one be-
would threaten national security. Government and preserve the chance tween Mr Johnson and Mr Hammond,
Advent International said “this is not of a deal or vote with Corbyn and Continued on Page 4
some sort of nefarious deal to sell to destroy any chance of a deal.” Meryl Streep on the red carpet at the screening of The Laundromat at the Venice Film Festival. The actress plays a crusading widow in
the Russians or Chinese”, and played Mr Johnson’s threat comes in a week Editorial Comment: Page 17 the comedy based on the Panama Papers scandal, which Robbie Collin, The Telegraph’s chief film critic, gives four stars. Review: Page 25
down claims jobs would go overseas.
Business: page 1

Puzzles 18
Heart checks to be available on high streets Watson faces calls to quit
Obituaries 27 By Laura Donnelly Next month, chemists will begin roll-
ing out the “rapid detection service”,
medical director, said: “Heart disease
and strokes dramatically cut short
By Robert Mendick CHief reporter influenced by Mr Watson’s pursuit of
historic sex abuse allegations. It is un-
HealtH editor in Paris
TV listings 29 SHOPPERS are to be offered on-the-
which will include checks on blood
pressure and cholesterol levels, along
lives, and leave thousands of people
disabled every year, so rapid detection
TOM WATSON is preparing to face
calls to quit as Labour’s deputy leader
derstood to express concern that police
may have felt under pressure.
spot NHS heart checks to detect signs with mobile electrocardiograms to of killer conditions through high street in the wake of a damning report into The 150-page report is due to be
Weather 31 of killer conditions. spot irregular heartbeats. If successful, heart checks will be a game-changer.” the catastrophic police inquiry into a published within a fortnight – although
High street pharmacies will be over- it will be extended to every pharmacist The plans, launched to coincide with Westminster paedophile ring. victims fear the Met Police may try to
hauled under a plan to prevent up to in the country by 2022. the world’s biggest heart conference, Mr Watson has attempted to mini- slip it out on a day dominated by Brexit,
ISSN-0307-1235 150,000 heart attacks and strokes Pilot schemes have seen some types follow proposals to scrap “one size fits mise his contacts with Carl Beech, a in order to minimise its impact.
within a decade. of strokes fall by a quarter. all” health MOTs at GP surgeries. fantasist now serving 18 years in jail for The report will be devastating for

9 *ujöeöu#yxc-yn* ÊÃËÆ
England’s most senior doctor said Pharmacists will be expected to ad- In future, GPs will be expected to in- perverting the course of justice, fraud Scotland Yard and raise serious ques-
the new approach would be a “game vise on exercise and diet, with results creasingly target checks on those and paedophile offences. tions about senior officers.
changer”, helping to identify risks far passed directly to GPs, who can pre- thought to be at greatest risk, due to But a report written by Sir Richard Mr Watson has tried to distance him-
earlier, with advice on lifestyle over- scribe the right medication. their medical and genetic history, Henriques, a retired High Court judge, self from Beech, who was widely
hauls, as well as targeted medication. Prof Stephen Powis, NHS England Continued on Page 2 will suggest that police were heavily Continued on Page 2
2 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Record 336 migrants cross Channel


Commuters face travel

misery as strikes begin
By Alex Shipman 5.35am on Saturday. They deployed the later, at around 9.55am, Border Force the relevant partner emergency ser- her French counterpart agreed to in- Rail passengers returning to work
cutter HMC Seeker, along with a was alerted to a rigid-inflatable boat in vices or authorities” tensify joint action to tackle small boat after their summer break today face
MORE than 300 migrants were found coastal patrol. the middle of the Channel containing A Home Office spokesman said: crossings in the Channel. travel disruption because of a rail
crossing the Channel last month – a The boat was found to contain 35 mi- seven people – five men, a woman and “Crossing the Channel in a small boat is “This includes drawing up an en- strike in the long-running dispute over
greater number than in the whole of grants – 29 males and six females – who a child who all claimed to be Iranian. a huge risk.” hanced action plan to deploy more re- guards on trains.
last year. told officials they originated from All three migrant vessels were taken The record figure of migrants found sources along the French coast to Members of the Rail, Maritime and
On Saturday, boats containing 66 countries including Iran, Iraq, Afghan- to Dover. crossing the Channel in August intercept and stop crossings.” Transport union on South Western
men, women and children were inter- istan, Syria and Kuwait. Another boat reached Kingsdown, emerged following a meeting between Police said on Thursday that the Railway (SWR) have begun a four-day
cepted along the Kent coast – taking French authorities made Border near Deal in Kent, where eight men Priti Patel, the Home Secretary, and body of a man who fell from a boat off walkout. Some trains will be cancelled,
the tally to 336, a record monthly fig- Force aware of a second vessel heading were passed on to immigration officers Christophe Castaner, her French coun- Ramsgate on Aug 9 had been found. others replaced with buses and fewer
ure, according to the BBC. towards Kent at about the same time. after being held by police. terpart, in Paris on Thursday, which The Iraqi migrant, who is believed to services will run into London
In 2018, 297 people were caught at- This boat contained 16 people, includ- Coastguard and rescue teams were was arranged in response to the soar- have drowned while trying to swim to Waterloo.
tempting to cross the Channel. ing six men, five women and five chil- sent from Folkestone and Deal to assist ing rise in crossings. Britain, was found at a wind farm off SWR said it planned to run just over
One of the four vessels intercepted dren. Fifteen said they were Iranian, operations. They agreed to develop an “en- the Belgian coast on Aug 23. half its normal timetabled service over
on Saturday was carrying 27 adults and the other claimed to be Lebanese. A spokesman for the Coastguard said hanced action plan” to prevent boats The Home Office said since January the course of the strikes, and advised
eight children, the Home Office said. One of the women on board was the crews were helping to rescue those containing migrants leaving France. it had returned to the Continent more passengers to check its app for travel
Border Force officials were alerted to taken to hospital for treatment but has in trouble and bring them to safety, The Home Office spokesman added: than 65 people who had arrived after updates.
a small boat in the Channel at about since been discharged. Four hours where they would be “handed over to “This week the Home Secretary and crossing in small boats.

Corbyn plans Subscribe today

and save 50%
to force private for three months
landlords to SEE PAGE 25 FOR DETAILS

sell to tenants
Majority of consultant
doctors suffer fatigue
By Christopher Hope
Almost all consultant doctors suffer
PRIVATE landlords could be forced to from work-related fatigue, a survey
sell their properties to their tenants in a suggests.
new “right to buy” scheme being A total of 3,847 consultants in
worked on by Jeremy Corbyn. anaesthesia and paediatric intensive
An investigation by the Financial care medicine in the UK and Ireland
Times said the plan was intended to responded to a survey and 91 per cent
“penalise wealthy landlords”. said they experienced work-related
During his campaign for the Labour fatigue, while 50 per cent said this had
leadership in 2015 Mr Corbyn put for- a moderate or severe impact on their
ward his own plan to extend the right health, wellbeing, work and home life,
to buy to the private rented sector. He according to the findings published in
suggested funding subsidised mort- the journal Anaesthesia.
gages for private tenants by withdraw- Dr Emma Plunkett, of Queen
ing £14 billion of tax allowances that Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham, said:
were at the time given to buy-to-let “The impact of fatigue continues to be
landlords. a major area of concern.”
The policy is thought to be modelled
on plans introduced in the Eighties by
Margaret Thatcher’s government, BA may strip striking
which allowed council house tenants
to buy their homes. The policy was
pilots of travel allowance
aimed squarely at supporting the so- British Airways is contemplating
stripping striking pilots of their travel
‘I believe this idea could allowances perk as they prepare for
next week’s walkouts, according to
open up the possibility of The Times.
real secure housing for Hundreds of passengers have
endured flight cancellations before the
many faced with insecurity’ pilot walkouts scheduled for Sept 9, 10
and 27. Staff who have been employed
called “generation rent” – those peo- by the carrier for more than six
ple, mainly in their 20s and 30s, who months can obtain standby tickets for
are increasingly unable to get a foot on themselves and up to three family
the property ladder as prices soar. members for 10 per cent of the fare.
Mr Corbyn said in 2015: “We have Airline bosses are now looking at
seen some good ideas from Labour to removing travel perks for striking
establish more secure tenancies for pilots for a set period.
renters. Now we need to go further and
think of new ways to get more people
into secure housing. Baby girl attacked by
“So why not go with right to buy,
with the same discounts as offered by
grandfather’s dog

way of subsidised mortgage rates, but A baby girl was airlifted to hospital
for private tenants and funded by with- after she was mauled by her
drawing the £14 billion tax allowances grandfather’s Staffordshire bull terrier.
currently given to buy-to-let landlords? The child was attacked at a house in
“I believe this idea could open up the Mynydd Isa, Flintshire, North Wales,
possibility of real secure housing for
Moving heaven and Earth Extinction Rebellion (XR) staged a “die-in” at Peterborough Cathedral on Saturday as part of its on Saturday afternoon and airlifted to
many currently faced with insecurity.” campaign against climate change. Activists lay down for 11 minutes under the Gaia Earth installation inside the cathedral, Alder Hey in Liverpool for treatment.
A Labour Party spokesman was ap- before a talk by Dr Rupert Read, the Green Party campaigner and XR spokesman, on climate catastrophe. The baby’s grandfather, who has not
proached for comment last night. been named, told North Wales Live
that she was bitten on the head.
“The baby was playing in the back

Watson’s involvement in Beech case may Tests will turn pharmacies room when she banged her finger and
screamed,” he said. The child was due
to have a scan yesterday and had been
have influenced Met Police, report claims into ‘local health hubs’ “playing with toys in the hospital”, he
added. “I have signed the dog over. It
is going to be destroyed,” he said.

Continued from Page 1 woman had claimed she was raped by ily redacted version that makes no Continued from Page 1 ire and Merseyside have begun offer- Lotto
known as “Nick”. In a statement after Lord Brittan in the Sixties. Police con- mention of Mr Watson. while routine screening tests are of- ing blood pressures screening services 5 | 10 | 16 | 26 | 41 | 58 | B/Ball 15
Beech’s conviction, Mr Watson insisted cluded there was no evidence and It is not clear if a second part of the fered by pharmacists. under a local initiative backed by the
“I met the man I knew as ‘Nick’ once” found glaring inconsistencies in her report into “Jane’s” false claim of rape Heart attacks, strokes and circula- British Heart Foundation. Thunderball
and that he encouraged him to take his account. But Mr Watson was accused will be made public but there will be tory diseases account for 160,000 Pilot schemes in Lambeth and South- 6| 10 | 23 | 25 | 28 | T/Ball 1
allegations to Scotland Yard. of deliberately undermining the first clamour for that to be released as well. deaths in the UK every year. wark in South London identified more No ticket holders won Saturday’s £10.9 million National
Lottery jackpot. One winner scooped the £500,000
Mr Watson neglected to mention inquiry, writing to the director of pub- Both reports, when pieced together, Speaking at the European Society for than 1,400 patients suffering from Thunderball.
that he remained in email contact with are said to be very damaging for Mr Cardiology (ESC) conference, in Paris, atrial fibrillation – an irregular heart
Beech, who told police that he was ‘His attempt to apologise… Watson and will raise serious concerns. Professor Bryan Williams, author of its rhythm – who should have been taking
“part of the little group supporting me”. Mr Watson has denied he was in- guidelines on disease prevention, said: blood thinning drugs, but were not. In
It is understood that Sir Richard’s re- in the wake of the guilty volved in any form of support group for “Heart disease and stroke remain the total, 1,300 of the patients have now
port will suggest that Mr Watson’s in- verdict is disingenuous Beech and that he made no judgment most important cause of premature been put on the medication, leading to is a member of the
volvement influenced their decision to on whether he believed his claims. death. The key is early detection of a 25 per cent reduction in the rate of Independent
take Beech’s claims seriously. and untruthful’ But when Lord Brittan died in Janu- those at risk. Doing this is a way that is strokes linked to their heart condition. Press Standards
Beech, 51, had claimed in interviews ary 2015, Mr Watson – quoting an email convenient for the public, not having Keith Ridge, England’s chief phar- Organisation (IPSO) and we subscribe
that he had witnessed the murders of lic prosecutions to complain that the from Beech whom he described as a to wait for a GP appointment.” maceutical officer, said: “This new con- to its Editors’ Code of Practice. If you
three children by a VIP paedophile ring case had been dropped. It was reo- “survivor” – wrote in a tabloid newspa- Dexter Canoy, clinical epidemiolo- tract makes the most of the clinical have a complaint about editorial
whose members included Lord Brittan, pened and Lord Brittan was questioned per: “Yesterday, one survivor said to gist at the University of Oxford, said: skills of local pharmacists and estab- content, please visit www.telegraph.
the former home secretary, Edward under caution in June 2014, seven me that … [Brittan] was ‘as close to evil “We need ways to target the people lishes pharmacies as local health hubs.” or write to
Heath, the former prime minister and months before he died. He was never as a human being could get’.” who aren’t seeing their GP regularly, Simon Gillespie, chief executive of ‘Editorial Complaints’ at our postal
Field Marshal Lord Bramall. Police said told that he did not face charges. Lord Brittan’s widow has said: “It is middle-aged men who think they’re the British Heart Foundation, said: address (see below). If you are not
his claims were “credible and true”. Victims of Beech’s lies are expected too late for Tom Watson to apologise healthy but haven’t been checked.” “Reaching more people and encourag- satisfied with our response, you may
A second report written by Sir Rich- to call for Mr Watson to step down as but his attempt to distance himself The checks are part of a £13 billion ing them to check their blood pressure, appeal to IPSO at
ard will underline Mr Watson’s alleged deputy Labour leader when the report from the false allegations of Carl Beech five-year contract for community phar- working with them to lower it where
interference in a separate claim made is published. It was written in 2016 but in the wake of the guilty verdict is dis- macists to expand their roles. necessary, will play a critical role in The Daily Telegraph, 111 Buckingham
by a woman known as “Jane”. The Scotland Yard only made public a heav- ingenuous and untruthful.” More than 100 pharmacies in Chesh- saving lives.” Palace Road, London, SW1W 0DT
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 ** 3

Downing St’s new

residents may fight
like cats and dogs
By Hayley Dixon have been in place for weeks and the
puppy has been living in a foster home
JUST weeks ago, this Jack Russell alongside a cat to get it ready to share
was facing almost certain death, territory with Larry, the notorious
abandoned by dog traders who Chief Mouser.
thought that a misaligned jaw But Mr Johnson and Miss Symonds
would mean that it would never will not escape the checks every per-
find a home. son adopting a dog has to have.
But today the puppy is taking Ms Jones will be carrying out


up residence in one of the most home checks and will en-
famous addresses in the world af- sure “everything is being
ter being adopted by Boris John- done in the same way as
son and Carrie Symonds. It will every other adoption”.
join the Prime Minister and his Ms Jones said: “He
girlfriend – as well as Larry the has been living with a
cat – in Downing Street. cat for a few weeks
The 15-week-old dog was and from my under-
rescued by Eileen Jones, who standing there are a
runs Friends of Animals lot of things in place
Wales, after a tip off that the for training. He is
animal had an undershot jaw only a baby so he is
and was being abandoned. going to be very
Ms Jones said she often workable and he is a
received calls about puppies delightful little pup. The 15-week-old permanent resident at No 10, the puppy Ms Jones, said that he was “over-
that were at risk and would “I think he will set- Jack Russell puppy will belong to Miss Symonds and Mr whelmed” that the couple had chosen
go to meet the tipsters in lay- tle in fine although has been living in a Johnson and live with them at No 11. to draw attention to the work of smaller
bys to rescue the animals. there may be more issues foster home with The couple is said to have chosen the volunteer-led charities.
Her volunteer-run charity on the side of the cat, but as another cat in dog to highlight strict new anti-puppy “Lucy’s Law is now being high-
specialises in taking sick dogs long as the puppy learns who preparation for it farming legislation, which comes into lighted by the Prime Minister and that
and arranges for them to be fos- is boss – the cat – then every- meeting Larry, force in April. is being seen by the world and hope-
tered before a permanent home thing will be fine.” though it will live Named Lucy’s Law after a Cavalier fully they will take notice,” he said.
can be found. It thought that if the Mr Johnson’s suggestion with the Prime King Charles spaniel that died after it “They have saved a life and it will
puppy had not been rescued by Ms of getting a dog at Downing Minister and Carrie was rescued from a puppy farm, it bans save so many others as it will open peo-
Jones it would have been shot. Street was said to have been Symonds at No 11 the sale of kittens and puppies from ple’s minds.”
Ms Jones, 66, will be delivering welcomed enthusiastically third parties, meaning buyers must The Government passed the legisla-
the Jack Russell today along with by staff, some of whom are deal with breeders directly. tion in May and Wales has since fol-
one of her volunteer coordinators said to have offered to Marc Abrahams, the TV vet who has lowed suit, with pressure on to
and the person who has been fos- help with walks. led the campaign for Lucy’s Law and Scotland to introduce similar restric-
tering it. Plans for the adoption Unlike Larry, who is a who put Miss Symonds in touch with tions on puppy farming.

Thames is back from the dead as seal pups thrive on its shores
By Jessica Carpani ety of London (ZSL), an international polluted waters would mean nothing constantly moving, playful creatures”. tide comes in they can swim away on it. river’s ecosystem, including over 100
conservation charity, were “thrilled” to could survive in its murky tides. The figures are good news for the Grey seals, on the other hand, take species of fish, two types of shark,
THE river Thames in 1957, was so heav- discover 138 pups on the sandbanks The pioneering research took place harbour seal population, which was longer to be comfortable in the water, short-snouted seahorses and the criti-
ily polluted that it was declared “bio- and creeks of the river in the first com- in 2018, with the data released for the decimated by outbreaks of Phocine Dis- so breed elsewhere and come to the cally endangered European eel.
logically dead”, leaving little hope for prehensive count of the offspring. first time today. Scientists analysed temper Virus (PDV) in 1988 and 2002. Thames later to feed.” But, experts warn that marine life re-
natural life in its waters. Using a light aircraft, they were able hundreds of photos taken as part of a Anna Cucknell, who leads ZSL’s Thames seal population estimates mains threatened. Last year, the RSPCA
But now, more than 60 years after to capture images of harbour seals dur- UK-wide seal monitoring initiative. Thames conservation, said: “Incredi- have been conducted annually by ZSL told The Telegraph that it was the worst
the Natural History Museum’s procla- ing pupping season. The count is evi- Explaining the decision to base the bly, harbour seal pups can swim within since 2013. The most recent results, year for seals encountering “horrify-
mation, experts have counted more dence that the river’s ecosystem has count on photographs, ZSL said it was hours of birth, which means they are from 2017, recorded 1,104 harbour seals ing” plastic-related injuries.
than 100 seal pups on the river’s shores. come back from the brink after the mu- “much easier, and so more accurate, to well adapted to grow up in tidal estuar- and 2,406 grey seals.
Scientists from the Zoological Soci- seum said its low oxygen levels and count the seals in photos instead of the ies like the Thames. By the time the Other species are also thriving in the Editorial Comment: Page 17
4 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Parliament prorogued

Gaukeward squad
faces stark choice
as Labour dithers Alistair
Former foreign
office minister
Former universities
Former education
Former international
development secretary

week ahead. Sir Keir Starmer, the

Tory rebels will stick to Day by day How explosive shadow Brexit secretary, suggested the
week might play out party should focus on passing laws to
principles, source says, but prevent no deal, rather than forcing a
opposition remains Today Commons confidence vote in Mr Johnson that
divided over next move Boris Johnson agenda to vote could result in a general election.
had offered to on and pass the Sir Keir fears that in the event of an
By Christopher Hope meet Philip no-deal law. election – which would lead to the sus-
and Danielle Sheridan Hammond, the Possible pension of Parliament – the UK could
ex-chancellor outcomes? leave the EU automatically on Oct 31
IF THE Tory rebels had their way, they and leader of Rebel MPs who with no way of MPs preventing it.
would be holding a series of meetings the Tory rebels. defy the Tory He told The Andrew Marr Show:
today with Boris Johnson to seek assur- But this and a whip will be “What we’re not going to do is allow
ances over his Brexit plans. larger meeting expelled from Boris Johnson, on top of what he’s al- David Greg
But last night the Prime Minister with all 21 Tory the party. ready done, to say, ‘well, I’ll arrange Lidington Clark
cancelled the meetings and instead rebels was Wednesday things so that we crash out during the
presented the rebels with a simple ulti- cancelled last If MPs have course of a general election, which I,
Former ‘de facto’ Former business
matum: back him or side with Jeremy night. taken control of Boris Johnson, may not win.’”
deputy prime minister secretary
Corbyn’s plan to stop no deal and lose The MPs have the order paper, On Sky News, John McDonnell, the
the Tory whip. been warned opposition shadow chancellor, proposed pushing
Those rebels now have 24 hours to that if they vote politicians with for a confidence vote as early as this
mull the take-it-or-leave-it offer before for a Bill to Tory rebels will
Labour is expected to begin its attempt
to have Parliament legislate to prevent
block a new
deal, they will
try to pass a law
to block no deal.
‘We have moved beyond the NO DEAL ...
point when threats or gongs
no deal.
The tactic was deployed at the end of
a day which began with David Gauke –
be expelled
from the party.
Former Labour
Mr Johnson is
set to debate Mr
Corbyn for the
will persuade people to OR NO JOB
the leader of the so-called rebel
“Gaukeward squad” – suggesting that
PM Tony Blair
will urge
first time in the
abandon their principles’ NEXT WEEK?
he was prepared to lose his job in his Jeremy Corbyn Possible week, if the bid to delay Brexit faltered.
attempt to stop no deal.
Mr Gauke told Sophy Ridge on Sun-
not to vote for
“the elephant
The “no-deal”
“Let me just say, general election?
Bring it on ... If he wants to bring a gen-
The 21 senior
day, on Sky News: “Sometimes there is
a point where you have to judge be-
trap” of an
autumn general
bill will be
watched closely
eral election about, bring it about,” Mr
McDonnell added.
Philip Hammond
Conservative MPs
tween your own personal interests and election. to see if it is In the midst of the confusion, the
the national interest and the national
interest has to come first, but I hope it
making enough
progress in the
Tory rebels had hoped to receive assur-
ances from Mr Johnson that may have Former chancellor
at risk of expulsion
doesn’t come to that.” Downing Street Commons to prevented them from joining an alli-
But just moments after Mr Gauke hopes that as pass through ance with Mr Corbyn’s MPs.
had vacated his chair in the Sky News many as later stages in A senior source close to the rebel Caroline
studios, Michael Gove was telling The possible of the the Lords. group said it wanted “proof that the ne- Nokes
Andrew Marr Show on BBC One that 21 rebels will Thursday gotiation [with the EU] is real”.
the Government might not abide by come back The Bill must be The source added: “As determined as
any legislation which attempted to onside. considered in they are to prevent a no-deal Brexit,
keep the UK in the EU beyond Oct 31. Tomorrow the Lords by this they want more than anything to ena-
Mr Gove said the Government would Labour will point if it has ble a deal ... They will wait to see what
“wait and see” what legislation was put publish details any chance of the Prime Minister has to say. None of
forward by MPs before deciding of the Bill to passing before this group wants to destabilise the
whether it would abide by it. force Mr prorogation. Government.”
His comments raise the prospect Johnson to ask Possible However, that option was removed
that the Tory rebels could ultimately for an extension outcomes? last night when Mr Johnson issued his
end their careers to vote for legislation to the Oct 31 If the no-deal ultimatum. The threat to strip them of
which the Government then refuses to deadline to leave Bill falls, Labour the whip was “sheer hypocrisy”, the Caroline Paul Richard
comply with. the EU. may table a source said, because “eight attendees Spelman Masterton Harrington
Mr Gove said: “Let’s see what the John Bercow is no-confidence of Cabinet have defied the whip this
legislation says … you are asking me expected to motion in an year on Brexit”, adding: “We have
Former Cabinet MP for East Former business
about a pig in a poke.” allow MPs to attempt to bring moved beyond the point when threats
minister Renfrewshire minister
Meanwhile, the Labour Party was at vote on taking down the or gongs will persuade people to aban-
odds over how it should approach the over the Government. don their principles.”

Richard Simon Nicholas

Benyon Hoare Soames
Former environment Chairman of the Northern Former defence Former immigration
minister Ireland affairs committee minister minister

Futile games in the Commons only

develop an attractive policy portfolio sealed until the few weeks prior to the
Comment on important domestic issues like UK’s departure. It is noticeable that the
schools funding, the NHS, policing and Dutch and French have softened their
infrastructure investment. All of aggressive rhetoric, and now there is
which need to be previewed in a even the suggestion that the EU will
Queen’s Speech. Similarly, after three want to extend the Oct 31 deadline.
By David Davis years of frustrating impasse, a strong They are engaging because they see
and radical Budget will be imperative the UK getting serious.

ut aside the hyperbole and to reassure voters and businesses that This is why the futile parliamentary
exaggeration about “the death of whatever the outcome of Brexit, the games in the Commons next week are
democracy” and “constitutional Government has a grip and is so damaging to our negotiating hand.
outrage” that have accompanied the competent and clear-sighted. Those MPs who shout loudly that they
Prime Minister’s plans to prorogue By reducing the options of are doing this “for the national
Parliament. It is actually a sensible unreconciled Remainer MPs, and interest” should consider how that is
strategy that can potentially reset the making it abundantly clear that no served by giving succour to our EU
tortured Brexit negotiations. deal is much more likely and that interlocutors. These MPs will seek to
In politics, momentum is key but it’s Parliament cannot block it, Boris block Brexit in defiance of the
also crucial to have a sense of purpose. Johnson has signalled to the EU that expressed national wish.
Had the Government pursued such a they need to focus on what a new The Cabinet is at last united on
strategy from June 2017, who knows Withdrawal Agreement would look prorogation and the new robust
what position we would be in now? like. At the very minimum it needs to negotiating stance. The current
It’s absolutely right that Boris be shorn of the backstop. strategy envisages a deal involving the
Johnson’s administration begins the I have consistently stated for the last Withdrawal Agreement minus the
detailed forensic work needed to three years that any deal will not be backstop. This would be far from a

Top Tories face ‘purge’ if they back Corbyn

Continued from Page 1 of spicy lamb and curried vegetables ests and the national interests have to
however that was rejected by the for- followed by plum tart at Chequers, the come first.”
mer chancellor as “discourteous”. Prime Minister’s country residence. Hours later, Mark Spencer, the Chief
Last night, Charles Walker, the act- Mr Johnson, his chief adviser Domi- Whip, phoned Mr Hammond to say: “It
ing chairman of the 1922 Committee of nic Cummings, and more than a dozen has become impossible for the Prime
backbench Tory MPs, appealed for whips worked on the details. Earlier Minister to make this meeting.” Mr
calm and urged Mr Johnson to “resist” that morning Mr Gauke, the former Spencer’s offer of a one-to-one was
stripping the whip from the rebels. justice secretary, disclosed details of then declined “on the basis that it is dis-
Mr Walker told The Daily Telegraph: the planned meeting with Mr Johnson. courteous that the Prime Minister has
“I say, as a committed Brexiteer and In a challenge to Mr Johnson on Sky rejected the meeting with the 21 MPs”.
acting co-chair of the 1922, that talk of News, Mr Gauke said he wanted to A source said: “The question is: ‘why
purging good Conservatives, who were hear “what is his plan to deliver a deal, is Boris so afraid to meet his own MPs?’.
serving in Government up until late when are we putting forward proposals “Given that the group were going to
July ... is extremely unpleasant and the to deal with this backstop issue”. He ask for proof that the Prime Minister’s
idea is one that must be resisted.” added: “I want to hear how he plans to negotiation is a sincere one, the fact
The threat against the senior Tory deliver the legislation if we get a deal that he has cancelled it without good
MPs will now be discussed at a meeting by October 31 because ... frankly I can’t reason suggests that it isn’t.”
of the 1922’s executive tomorrow, The see how he has got time to do that.” The source said the rebels will spend
Telegraph understands. Mr Gauke threatened to side with the “next day or so” finalising whether
The plan to threaten to throw out the the rebels, saying: “Sometimes it’s or not to side with Labour and vote
Tory rebels was hatched over a lunch between personal and national inter- down a no-deal EU exit.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 5

Gove assures public that food will not

run out as no-deal campaign launches
the supply of fresh food will be unaf-
Chancellor of the Duchy of fected under a no-deal Brexit,” a ‘There are a number of
Lancaster says everyone spokesman said. “The retail industry economic factors. Some
Margot Alberto has been crystal clear in its communi-
prices may go up. Other
James Costa will have the food they cations with Government over the past
need after UK leaves EU 36 months that the availability of fresh prices will come down’
foods will be impacted as a result of
Former digital Former PPS to David Mundell
By Danielle Sheridan checks and delays at the border.” Tory party politicking than making
minister ex-Scotland secretary
POLITICAL CORRESPONDENT Last night there was growing pres- sure we have a stable food supply”.
sure on the Government to set out how His remarks come as Sir Mark
MICHAEL GOVE has clashed with re- no deal would impact the food supply. Sedwill was asked to review the Gov-
tailers after claiming there would be Gordon Brown warned that “im- ernment’s £100 million no-deal adver-
“no shortages of fresh food” in the ports of almost a third of our food could tising campaign, amid concerns that
event of a no-deal Brexit. be subject to disruption”. information designed to “instill confi-
The Chancellor of the Duchy of Lan- The former prime minister said: dence … and reawaken enthusiasm for
caster, who is in charge of no-deal “Uncertainty, restricted supplies and a Brexit” could be applied to a general
preparations, said that while some food weakened pound could raise prices. election campaign.
prices would increase in the event of This would be a catastrophe for the Meanwhile, doctors warned that a
no deal, “everyone will have the food food industry but also for family budg- no-deal Brexit will have a devastating
they need”. ets, hospitals and those driven to food impact on the NHS as services prepare
“There will be no shortages of fresh banks due to the decimation of our for the onslaught of winter pressures.
food,” he told The Andrew Marr Show. social security system.” A report, published today by the
When pressed on whether food His comments were echoed by Tim British Medical Association and titled
Stephen Sarah prices would rise, Mr Gove said: “I Roache, general secretary of the GMB Michael Gove told thing from increased cost of the family “A health service on the brink: dangers
Hammond Newton think that there are a number of eco- union, who added that the risks of no The Andrew Marr shop and less choice on shelves, to job of a ‘no deal’ Brexit”, states the “NHS is
nomic factors in play. Some prices may deal were “writ large when it comes to Show that ‘everyone losses in food production and reduced already routinely overwhelmed by sea-
go up. Other prices will come down.” the food we eat”. will have the food nutrition in school and hospital meals.” sonal pressures” and how “the addition
Former health Former health
However, his comments were criti- “It’s time for Boris Johnson to come they need’ in the Mr Roache accused the Government of another, complicating factor is cer-
minister minister
cised by the British Retail Consortium clean,” he said. “With no deal, we’re event of a no-deal of “walking us to a cliff edge” as they tain to dramatically exacerbate that
(BRC). “It is categorically untrue that likely to see a huge impact on every- Brexit “seem more interested in ideological problem”.

David Gauke
Former justice secretary

Stephen Thomas
Brine Tugendhat
Former health Chairman of the foreign
minister affairs select committee

damage our hand

‘A strong panacea, and we should remember
that it would be only the start of a
and united negotiating process leading to a free
Cabinet and trade deal. We would still hand over
£39 billion, which under the current
Government document carries no guarantee of a
and a long-term agreement in return, so we
need to look at conditionality. This
confident means only completing UK
Prime contributions when progress is made.
So there is much more to do. To
Minister is quote Churchill: “This is not the end.
the best It is not even the beginning of the end.
But it is, perhaps, the end of the
vehicle to beginning.” It is time for action as well
secure the as words. A strong and united Cabinet
and Government and a confident
elusive deal’ Prime Minister is the best vehicle to
secure the elusive deal. It is within our
grasp if we trust our own judgment
and keep our nerve.

David Davis MP was Brexit secretary

from 2016-18

the larder
took a
break from
Brexit to
cycle to his
store. The

the two
heavy bags
as he rode
6 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 7

National Trust blames heat for fewer visits

budget due to what it described as “one season and the very hot weather in the its visitors would have to rely on fossil tions for our ability to restore a healthy,
Charity says hot summer
led to a fall in visitor
of the strangest weather patterns in
modern times”.
Scorching temperatures prevailed
summer affected our visitor numbers
– admissions income was down nearly
£5 million against budget and our com-
26.9m fuels for “some years to come”.
A strategy has now been put in place
to ensure properties are able to cope as
beautiful natural environment and to
look after the places in our care both
now and into the future.”
numbers amid fears over from June to August last year, leading mercial contribution missed its target The number of people who paid to visit best they can with “long-term changes The trust overseas 780 miles of
effects of climate change to widespread crop failures, wildfires by £10 million.” National Trust sites in the year ending in climate and extreme weather”. coastline, 248,000 hectares of land and
and, it seems, an apathy for wholesome The changing climate was a recur- February 2019, short of its 27.4m target It said the risks posed by climate more than 500 historic houses, gar-
By Jack Hardy excursions. ring theme throughout the 94-page change were “numerous and diverse”, dens and parks.
Around 26.9 million people paid to review which raised concerns that it especially if coupled with any cuts to It also said it was at increasing risk of
THE National Trust has blamed the visit trust sites in the year ending Feb- could have a ruinous impact on the nies and now claims to get more of its public funding for the environment. digital fraud after moving much of its
heatwave of last summer for failing to ruary 2019, short of the 27.4 million tar- land which the trust works to preserve. energy from renewable sources than The report added: “The impact of information online. “The trust recog-
hit its visitor targets, as it warned that get it set itself, according to its annual The trust has committed itself to from “oil and liquid petroleum gas failing to adapt effectively to climate nises that any digital fraud or theft
climate change could threaten the fu- report. slashing energy use and minimising its combined”. change will be considerable and could would have a greater impact than it
ture of its sites. It said: “We had set a budget of properties’ carbon footprint. However, due to the remote location significantly impede the delivery of our would ever have done in the past,” the
The charity said admission incomes £123 million for the year but the diffi- Earlier this summer, it pledged to of many of the trust’s holdings, the strategic aims. report said, adding that measures were
were down nearly £5 million against cult weather conditions in the early cease investment in fossil fuel compa- organisation conceded that both it and “In particular, there may be implica- being taken to repel cyber attacks.

Men heard
screaming for
help after ‘acid
attack’ in van
By Daily Telegraph Reporter
TWO men were taken to hospital with
serious burns after being doused in
what was believed to be acid as they sat
in their van yesterday morning.
Police and ambulance crews were
called to Amblecote, near Stourbridge,
West Midlands at around 10.30am.
A minor crash also happened at the
scene in the aftermath of the incident
and the road was closed, according to
West Midlands Police.
No arrests have been made but offic-
ers urged witnesses to come forward.
Analysis is due to be carried out on
the liquid as part of the investigation.
Witnesses said they heard screams
for help following the suspected acid
attack, which happened near a branch
of Laser Quest.
A local business owner told the Bir-
mingham Live website: “I could hear

‘I could hear someone

screaming, ‘Help me, help
me’ … whatever it was, it
was more than an accident’
someone screaming, ‘Help me, help
me’, and there was about three police
cars, two fire engines and an incident
support unit. Whatever it was, it was
more than an accident.
“It’s quite a decent area, it’s the first
incident we’ve had like this.”
Another added: “I thought it was just
a small crash because we could see the
van had been hit.”

A spokesman for West Midlands Po-

lice said: “Police are investigating after
a potentially hazardous substance was
thrown at two men while sat in a van on
Wollaston Road in the Stourbridge area
of Dudley just before 10.30am this
“The men have been taken to hospi-
tal with serious burn injuries as en-
quiries continue to establish the
circumstances around the incident.
“The road has been closed following
a minor collision which resulted after
Sticky wicket Members of the Royal Southern Yacht Club and the Island Sailing Club play their annual cricket match on Bramble Bank in the centre of the
the attack.” Solent. The bank is a shallow lying in the channel between the mainland and the Isle of Wight, which is exposed at very low tides. The event near Cowes has
Witnesses were asked to call 101 or been taking place since the Fifties, although on different dates depending on the tides. The sandbank is only visible for about an hour.
Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111.

Facebook’s encryption move ‘spectacularly harmful to children’

By Mike Wright the company in breach of the incoming CEO, hailed encryption, saying it “pre- tech companies to protect users. The for children and young people’s ac- spectacularly harmful to children and
SOCIAL MEDIA CORRESPONDENT statutory duty of care the Government vents anyone, including even us, from NSPCC said that tech companies’ re- counts not to be encrypted unless and dangerous,” he said. “This is morally
is looking to impose on tech giants. being able to see what you share on our sponsibility under the duty of care until a platform can demonstrate that it reprehensible and we should not allow
FACEBOOK should be barred from en- The call comes as Prof Hany Farid, services”. He also pledged to wait a year could only be “feasibly met” if mes- doesn’t compromise the duty of care.” this to happen.”
crypting children’s accounts unless it the man who invented the ground- to consult governments and law en- sages were unencrypted. The fight against child abuse images Facebook said that keeping young
can prove it will not put them in danger breaking software that detects and forcement about safety implications Andy Burrows, the NSPCC’s head of online has been spearheaded by soft- people safe on its services was its “top
from paedophiles, the NSPCC has said. blocks millions of abuse images online, before introducing encryption. child safety online policy, said: “You ware called PhotoDNA, which assigns priority”. A spokesman added: “In addi-
The charity warned Facebook’s told The Daily Telegraph that Face- In July, Priti Patel, the Home Secre- absolutely lose the ability to detect known abuse images a unique signa- tion to using technology to proactively
plans to encrypt its messaging services, book’s encryption plans were “spec- tary, said the plans could have “serious what is going on on your site (with en- ture that prevents it being re-uploaded. detect grooming and prevent child
including its Messenger app which has tacularly harmful to children”. consequences” for efforts to purge cryption) and we know from our own Prof Farid warned encrypting sexual exploitation on our platform, we
more than one billion users, would see Facebook has been facing mounting child abuse and terrorist content from research that Facebook and Facebook- Messenger would hinder the use of work with child protection experts, in-
the tech giant “lose the ability” to de- criticism since it announced plans to social media. The Government out- owned apps are the predominant sites PhotoDNA and could create a “safe har- cluding specialist law enforcement
tect grooming on its site. encrypt all its messaging services in lined plans in a White Paper earlier this where (grooming) offences are being bour” to trade child abuse images. teams like CEOP in the UK, to keep
The NSPCC argued this would put April. Mark Zuckerberg, the company’s year to impose a legal duty of care on recorded. That’s why we have called … “There is no question that this is young people safe.”

One in five bullied pupils Mother admits sex

assault in pinching
say they have felt suicidal policeman’s bottom
By Charles Hymas HOME AFFAIRS EDITOR Okolie and model and TV personality By Daily Telegraph Reporter
Penny Lancaster.
 AT LEAST two children in every class The research, by Survation, also A MOTHER who pinched a policeman’s
have contemplated suicide because of shows that 54 per cent of children aged bottom in a busy town centre has ad-
bullying, a study for the Diana Award 11 to 16 who were bullied avoided social mitted sexual assault.
has shown. events, 35 per cent missed school and Rosie Smith, 41, groped the officer’s
More than half (57 per cent) of chil- 20 per cent changed schools or were bottom in Tunbridge Wells, Kent, mag-
dren say they have been bullied at home-schooled because of it istrates heard.
some point at school, of whom almost As 10 million children return to Neil Sweeney, prosecuting, told
one in five (17 per cent) say it made school this week, 40 per cent say they Maidstone magistrates’ court: “Miss
them feel suicidal. are worried about going back because Smith reached out [and] pinched his
More than three quarters (78 per bottom, causing him to react. He
cent) of those bullied said it made them turned around. The officer warned her
anxious and more than half (56 per
cent) struggled to sleep at night.
The Diana Award, a charity set up in
57pc about the behaviour, saying ‘that’s as-
sault, I could nick you for that’, and
they engaged in a conversation about
honour of the late Princess of Wales The percentage of children who say they her brother who died last year.”
and backed by her son the Duke of have been bullied at some point at school, After the officer was called away

Cambridge campaigns for anti-bully- according to the Diana Award from the scene, a shocked onlooker
ing pupil ambassadors in schools. complained to police, the court heard.
In support of the campaign, Chris El- Ben Pite said his client, who was
more, a Labour MP, reveals for the first of bullying and 23 per cent think their dealing with “difficult family circum-
time on a video that he thought of tak- school does not tackle bullying effec- stances” as a mother of three children
ing his own life after bullies kicked him tively. More than a third (36 per cent) of and the legal guardian of a fourth, had
until he bled, urinated on his PE clothes parents are worried that their child has since apologised to the officer.
and spat at his face. behaved in a bullying manner, accord- Smith pleaded guilty to sexual as-
“There were points when I was 13 to ing to the survey of 1,003 parents and sault and one count of breaching a
14 years old when I would have happily children. criminal behaviour order.
not have been here any more. I googled Mr Elmore described how bullying As she was serving a suspended
taking my own life. I thought it would “made my life a misery”. After being prison sentence when she committed
have been easier than dealing with the punched in the face twice, his head- the offence, Smith faced being sent to
bullies,” he said. teacher told him “not to worry about
Ewe there Katy Cropper gathers her flock, assisted by dogs Butch and Abi, in the national prison. But the bench instead extended
Others who have made videos in it”. The Diana Award has trained more finals of BBC Countryfile’s One Man and His Dog contest in the Scottish Borders. Katy, a the suspension for a further six months.
support of the campaign are TV pre- than 33,000 anti-bullying ambassadors sheepdog trainer from Cumbria, was the first woman to win the competition, in 1990. She was also given a 12-month com-
senter Peter Andre, boxer Lawrence in 3,800 schools. munity order.
8 *** S Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Half of cancers diagnosed ‘too late to help survival’

By Lizzie Roberts around 115,000 patients are diagnosed and less chance of survival. The charity a decade – and says the number of radi- rals to hospital mean we urgently need
with stage three or four cancer in Eng- Worrying GPs ‘unaware’ of said shortages of staff were a major ologists must also rise, increasing from more staff.
MORE than 100,000 cancer patients a land, meaning that the disease has pro- men’s prostate disease risk contributor to late diagnosis in Britain, 3,038 to nearly 4,800. “The Government’s inaction on staff
year are being diagnosed too late to gressed to an advanced stage. This where survival rates lag far behind If bowel cancer is diagnosed at the shortages is crippling the NHS, failing
give them a good chance of survival, a represents nearly half of all cancers. Many GPs are Its research major European nations. earliest stage, more than nine in 10 peo- cancer patients and the doctors and
report warns. The estimates follow pledges last unaware of the found that 43 The charity’s experts said pledges to ple will survive, say the experts, but if it nurses who are working tirelessly to di-
A study by Cancer Research UK said year from Theresa May to ensure that, risk factors for per cent of men boost early diagnosis had increased is diagnosed at the latest stage, just one agnose and treat them.”
Britain needed to triple the number of within a decade, three in four Britons prostate cancer, were diagnosed strain on services, with rising numbers in 10 patients will survive their disease A Department of Health and Social
specialists in less than a decade. with cancer are diagnosed at an earlier meaning that at a late stage – a of patients being referred for checks, for at least five years. Care spokesman said: “Cancer is a pri-
And it suggested that without major point. The new calculations show that men are often rise from 32 per despite job shortages, with one in 10 Emma Greenwood, the charity’s di- ority for this government – survival
staffing increases across the NHS, a every year, 67,000 people are not be- not offered the cent in just five posts in diagnostic services now stand- rector of policy, said: “It’s unacceptable rates are at a record high and in the
government pledge to boost early diag- ing diagnosed until they reach stage right checks, years – and ing vacant. that so many people are diagnosed late. NHS Long Term Plan, we committed to
nosis of cancer could not be honoured. four – the most advanced stage – leav- cancer charity described it as The report calls for a near tripling in Although survival has improved, it’s detecting three quarters of all cancers
The study found that every year ing them with fewer treatment options Orchid warns. “very worrying”. oncologists – from 1,155 to 3,000 within not happening fast enough. More refer- at an early stage by 2028.”

Brief glimpse ‘It’s

of a unique beyond our
Roman mosaic We know it’s
is a big draw a unique
mosaic but to
By Callum Adams
find it in
A ROMAN mosaic found in a Berkshire
little old
field and hailed as one of UK’s most ex- Boxford is
citing archaeological discoveries will something’
soon be reburied, it has emerged.
Archaeologists and volunteers spent
nine days uncovering the mosaic,
which depicts a mythical chariot race
for the hand of a princess, in the village
of Boxford.
Anthony Beeson, an expert on Ro-
man and Greek architecture and art,
said it is one of just three known mosa-
ics of its kind in the world.
Matt Nichol, an archaeologist who
worked on the dig, described the mo-
saic’s imagery and iconography as “sec-
ond to none”.
When it was first partially uncovered
in 2017 it was described as the most ex-
citing mosaic discovery in Britain for
the last 50 years. The project, which
had been running since 2011, had pre-
viously uncovered the remains of a
large Roman villa, a bath house and a
farm building.
Featuring the Greek hero Bellero-
phon riding the winged horse Pegasus,
the mosaic, which dates from around
AD 380, was uncovered by volunteers
and resident historians working with
Cotswold Archaeology and the Boxford
Heritage Project.
After being fully uncovered, it was The mosaic, opened
opened to the public on Saturday but is to the public on
now to be carefully reburied because Saturday, depicts
of its location on private farming land. the Greek hero
Joy Appleton, from the Boxford His- Bellerophon riding

tory Project, said “It’s absolutely be- the winged horse

yond our expectations. We now know Pegasus and it
it’s a unique mosaic but to find it here dates from around
in little old Boxford is quite something.” AD 380
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 9

Travellers seize
the seaside by
setting up camp
of 50 caravans
to The Daily Telegraph yesterday after-
Business owners claim noon, he claimed there had been no
obvious attempt to disturb the encamp-
‘takeover’ was planned at ment since it had appeared more than a
weekend so officials would day earlier.
have less time to respond The businessman, who asked to re-
main anonymous, said: “We had some
By Jack Hardy young lads driving straight across the
lawns. Obviously that is not supposed
TRAVELLERS in caravans have set up to happen.
camp on the protected lawns of Hove’s “They were going along the middle
seafront, to the irritation of nearby of the lawns at around 20-25 miles per
businesses who complained little effort hour – it is not crowded on the lawn
was being made to evict them. today but it is not something to be ad-
Around 50 caravans and motor vised.
homes gradually began to “take over” “There is no sign of any police pres-
the Hove Lawns on Saturday, and cars ence at all at the moment. I think they
have since been seen driving at speed knew what they were doing. The bulk
along the grass. of them arrived on a Saturday, when
The occupants were said to be Irish there is no chance of getting a court
travellers, groups of whom caused sim- order to remove them straight away.
ilar trouble last summer after parking “We have had trouble before, with

further along the promenade. kids trying to nick things and rampag-
The mile-long stretch of green space ing through the tables – it is not some-
fringing the Brighton and Hove sea- thing we look forward to.”
front is afforded special legal protec- Groups of children aged between 11
tion to stop it being occupied by and 12 were said to have been pestering
vehicles. Under the protection, any neighbouring businesses by using dis- Caravans and motor tection order being flouted in recent caravans and motor homes parked in authorities against the invasion. Dawn ‘They were
“vehicle, caravan, tent or other struc- traction tactics to steal food. homes on Hove years, it is not the first. two parallel lines. Barnett, a Conservative, said: “It is a
ture” should be removed by the police A member of staff at a different busi- Lawns in East Individuals have been seen camping One onlooker said several of the ve- public space. If I were to go and park going along
after 12 hours, once they are given the ness said: “They have been trying to Sussex yesterday and parking on the grass in recent hicles did not appear to be displaying my car at Preston Park or Queens Park the middle of
authority by the council. take some food from here; they have months, largely due to the city’s home- number plates. Sussex Police said they or anywhere else, I guarantee it would
However, one business owner on the been taking ketchup too. They have lessness problem, residents claimed. were aware of the problem and were be moved within 12 hours.” the lawns at
seafront said the arrival of the travel- been leaving a mess in the toilet – cus- Travellers have parked on the main waiting for the council to authorise any One man said: “It’s relatively peace- around
lers appeared to have been timed to tomers are complaining.” road near the promenade before. Pic- further action. ful, just a bit irritating.”
ensure it was after offices and courts While the traveller camp is perhaps tures yesterday showed the usually pic- A councillor in the area expressed Brighton and Hove Council did not 20-25mph’
had closed for the weekend. Speaking the most egregious example of the pro- turesque lawns strewn with litter, with anger at the lack of action taken by respond to a request for comment.

Council to pull
plug on family’s
canal boat home
By Mike Wright tion”, defined as not remain-
ing in one place for more
A FAMILY who have lived than 14 days at a time. Boats
on a canal boat for more than must be engaged in a con-
a decade are facing eviction tinuous journey of 20 miles.
from the water for failing to Mr Holder said his chil-
move their home often dren, aged 14 and 18, went to
enough. school nearby and a perma-
Steve and Sarah Holder nent mooring would cost as
have been told to remove much as £6,000 a year. He
their houseboat from the had pictures to prove he had
Kennet and Avon canal in moved every two weeks. He
Wiltshire after the Canal and said: “I have to protect my
River Trust (CRT) refused to family here. I need to make
grant them a new licence. sure they have a home. They
The couple, who have two are trying to take us to court
children and have lived near to make an example of us.”
Bradford-on-Avon for 14 The CRT said it only re-
years, said they were told moved houseboats in rare
they had not travelled circumstances. Of more than
enough for a boat without a 34,000 boats on waterways
permanent mooring. last year, only 17 had been re-
The CRT said it only re- moved due to licence issues.
fused licences as a “last re- “Taking action to remove
sort” when boaters “refuse a boat … is always a last re-
to follow the rules over a sort,” said Jon Horsfall, the
long period of time”. CRT head of customer ser-
The British Waterways vice support. “In all cases
Act 1995 requires that boats any decision to remove a
without a home mooring be boat [is] independently scru-
used for “bona fide naviga- tinised by a judge.”

Broken ferry strands

tourists on Scilly Isles
By Jessica Carpani a day. Although it does not
usually fly on Sundays, Isle
TOURISTS stranded on the of Scilly Travel scheduled 18
Isles of Scilly for four days flights yesterday to bring
yesterday began to leave the back 400 of the 1,300 af-
island as 18 emergency fected ferry customers.
flights were scheduled after The Scillonian III was also
the only ferry broke down back in action at 3.30pm yes-
last Wednesday morning. terday and is expected to do
The Scillonian III experi- a double sailing today to
enced a double engine fail- cope with the backlog.
ure while on its way from the One stranded passenger
mainland, forcing it to turn said on Twitter that while it
back to Penzance, Cornwall. was “a beautiful place to be
The only other way to get marooned”, it was a “hugely
on and off the island, which frustrating” and “expensive”
is 28 miles off Land’s End, is ordeal. He added: “We
via small aircraft that seat a should have left on Friday.
maximum of 18 people. I’m staggered that there isn’t
The ferry, which can carry a vessel that can be hired, as
485 passengers, usually the knock-on effect is huge
completes a return trip once on such a delay.”

Roving raft Dolphin 1, a remote-control

buoy that propels a swimmer to safety, has
been used for the first time in Brighton.
10 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Government to raise new teacher salary to £30,000

of teachers, against a backdrop of soar- “I want the best talent to be drawn to While other sectors had embraced Last week, the Government an- teachers’ pay competitive if we are
Plans aim to boost the ing pupil numbers. the teaching profession and for schools flexible working, he went on, the lack nounced that schools in England would going to plug the leaky pipeline. A third
Last year, a government report to compete with the biggest employers of opportunity for the practice in the be given a cash boost of £14  billion of new teachers leave the profession
profession’s appeal warned that there was a “growing in the labour market and recruit the teaching profession was “often cited as between now and 2020-23. before they’ve completed five years’
to graduates as pupil sense of crisis” in teacher recruitment. brightest and the best into teaching. a reason for leaving”. Every secondary school will receive service. That’s a crazy situation.”
numbers continue to rise Ministers had failed to “get a grip” on “Teachers should be in no doubt that The pay rise is the latest in a string of a minimum of £5,000 per pupil next Geoff Barton, general secretary of
teacher retention, a Public Accounts this Government fully backs them in announcements. From September the year, while every primary school will the Association of School and College
By Camilla Turner Education Editor Committee said, adding that it was every stage of their career, starting Government will fund increased em- get at least £4,000 from 2021-22. Leaders, said that addressing wages
“particularly worrying” that the num- with rewarding starting salaries, and ployer contributions to the teachers’ Downing Street said the investment was “long overdue and much needed”.
TEACHERS’ starting salaries are to rise ber of secondary-school teachers had giving them the powers they need to pension scheme. delivers on Prime Minister Boris John- But he added: “We also need to see
to £30,000 within three years under been falling since 2010. deal with bad behaviour and bullying The DfE is also planning a crack- son’s pledge to increase annual school an improvement across the board to
plans announced by the Government. At the same time, secondary school and continue to drive up school stand- down on bad behaviour, with teachers funding by £4.6 billion above inflation. teachers’ pay ensure that we are also
The £6,000 pay rise by 2022, which pupil numbers are due to increase by ards right across the country.” to be given training to make them Paul Whiteman, general secretary of able to retain experienced teachers in
ministers say is the biggest reform to 540,000 – almost 20 per cent – by Mr Williamson said flexible working tougher with unruly children. National Association of Headteachers, the profession.
teachers’ pay in a generation, is aimed 2025, according to the Department for should be the “norm” for teachers, add- Ministers are to launch a review into called it “the right thing to do”. But he “It is also vital that any increase is
at boosting the appeal of the profession Education’s (DfE) official forecast. ing that a group of schools have been teacher training, which will focus on added that teachers needed to be prop- fully funded by government and that it
to graduates and follows rising con- Announcing the pay rise, Gavin Wil- appointed to champion this and share implementing stricter behaviour strat- erly rewarded at all stages of their does not fall on school budgets, which
cern about recruitment and retention liamson, the Education Secretary, said: best practice. egies to tackle disruption in schools. career. “We desperately need to make are already under severe strain.”

Bomb disposal Still in cracking

squad called to form, the Bletchley
home of arrested Park codebreakers
terror suspect who thwarted Nazis
  Bomb disposal experts were called   More than 80 veterans who played a
to an address near Middlesbrough last vital but secret role in the efforts to
night after a man was arrested on end the Second World War gathered
suspicion of terrorism offences, yesterday to mark the 80th
according to police. anniversary of the start of the conflict.
The 21-year-old suspect, who is from Scores of former staff were reunited
the Middlesbrough area, was arrested at Bletchley Park, where they had
and held in north London on Saturday helped crack German codes to unravel
in a pre-planned operation led by Nazi intelligence.
Counter Terrorism North East and The site in Buckinghamshire, where
Cleveland Police. the German Enigma cipher was
Following the arrest, police have broken, welcomed the former
been searching four addresses – one in workers, who are now well into their
north London, two in Middlesbrough 90s.
and one in nearby Teesville. Betty Webb, 96, who joined the
Searches took place yesterday at one Auxiliary Territorial Service in 1941 –
of the addresses in Middlesbrough and which was the women’s branch of the
in Teesville after some potentially British Army at the time – said it was
suspicious items were found at the “immensely important” for her to
latter, which meant that bomb disposal attend the reunion.
experts were called in. She worked in the estate’s mansion
One of the properties that has been and was involved in registering the
searched is the suspect’s home, signals – made up of figures and letters
Cleveland Police said. – which had come in.
Ch Supt Dave Sutherland said he Asked if she has a favourite memory
wanted to “reassure” people in the of her four years at Bletchley, Ms
wake of the arrest, adding that the Webb said: “No, it is all favourite. For
force would be stepping up patrols. me it was all great, because it was a
The suspect is being held on mix of people that I wouldn’t have
suspicion of being involved in the found unless I’d gone to university. It
commission, preparation or instigation was an education for me.”
of acts of terrorism contrary to Section With Sept 1 marking the day
41 of the Terrorism Act 2000. Germany invaded Poland, Ms Webb
Ch Supt Sutherland said: “I know said she never had any idea she would

that the nature of this police activity play such a pivotal role in the conflict.
will be concerning to residents in our Some 10,000 staff – three quarters
local communities, and I want to of them women, including aristocrats
reassure people that safety is our main and secretaries – worked at the stately
priority. mansion at the height of the war, while
“You will see increased patrols from thousands more were posted overseas.
the neighbourhood teams and I would Green power A 1961 Aston Martin DB4GT, once owned by Donald Campbell, who broke eight world speed records on land Bletchley was chosen as the main
ask anyone with concerns to speak to and water, above centre, is expected to sell for around £3 million in an auction by Bonhams at Goodwood on Sept 14. intelligence site as cities were more
these officers.” likely to be bombed.

Duck eggs blamed for man’s death A third of flexitime requests rejected 32,000 need help to change a light bulb
  A man is believed to have died of has confirmed a second case of  Almost a third of requests for Pukka, the Young Women’s Trust and   DIY-shy Britons turned to Google flooring also featured on the list. They
salmonella after eating duck eggs salmonella in the West Midlands with flexible working are being turned the Fatherhood Institute, which has more than 30,000 times in a year to were joined by how to hang a door,
bought from a village fete. the same strain type. It said: down, a study suggests. launched a petition to change the law ask how to change a light bulb. hang a picture frame and put up a
Niptoon Tavakoli, 65, died of organ “Investigations have established that Just over half of the 2,700 adults so that flexible working is open to all Analysis of more than 1.2 million curtain. Safestyle, the home
failure in intensive care two months prior to their infection, the two cases polled by the TUC said flexitime was employees from day one in the job. searches related to household improvement company that carried
after he ate four fried duck eggs. ate duck eggs from the same trader not an option in their job, rising to Frances O’Grady, the TUC general problems revealed 32,130 hits a year out the research, described Google as
Donna Martin, Mr Tavakoli’s who purchased them from a farm in almost two thirds for people in secretary, said: “It’s not right that for “how to change a light bulb”. the “go to” for millions of DIY tasks,
sister-in-law, “strongly believes” he the East Midlands, though it is working-class occupations. millions are struggling to balance their It came ninth in the top 10 “how suggesting many people do not have
contracted salmonella from eggs important to note that these eggs are Almost a third said flexible hours work and home lives. Ministers must to...” queries on Google. How to fix a handyman skills.
bought at the Messingham Show in not confirmed as the source of would be one of the main reasons to change the law.” dripping tap is searched 422,000 times The firm believes users may also be
North Lincolnshire on June 2. infection.” Holly Farm near Leicester look for another job. A Department for Business a year, while how to bleed a radiator is baffled by new technology, such as
Ms Martin said: “If you buy duck supplied the eggs, but it “found it hard The union is joining the Flex For All spokesman said the Government was searched on 322,000 occasions. smart meters, and the increase in LED
eggs you should cook them to believe” the salmonella was from its alliance, along with Pregnant Then working with businesses to “make Treating damp, reading gas and bulbs, spotlights and other versions of
thoroughly.” Public Health England batch. “No one else has got ill,” it said. Screwed, Fawcett Society, Mother flexible working a reality for all”. electric meters, and fitting laminate the traditional light bulb.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 11
Betting sites Cover girl Suicide vest
forced to join Cara
Delevingne music video
scheme to in a picture
reminiscent ‘an insult’ to
help gamblers of the work
of Richard arena victims
Avedon, for
By Jack Hardy an interview By Jessica Carpani
BETTING companies will be required
in the THE mother of a victim of the Man-
to sign up to a system that allows prob- October chester Arena attack has criticised pop
lem gamblers to block themselves from edition of band The 1975 after a music video
all casino and bookmaker websites un- Elle UK showed its singer appearing to blow
der rules to be approved by the indus- himself up in a suicide vest.
try regulator.
magazine. In The video, which has a trigger warn-
The Gambling Commission has it, the model ing for people with epilepsy, shows
given the green light to the move – 18 reveals that frontman Matt Healy detonating a sui-
months after initially anticipated – she hopes cide vest, which explodes into flames
meaning licences will only be given to and then emojis.
operators signed up to the software, Harvey Figen Murray, whose son Martyn
called GamStop. Weinstein is Hett was one of 22 people killed in the
The online self-exclusion scheme al- prosecuted. suicide bombing in 2017, said the video
lows gambling addicts to cut them- She says: “I was an “insult” to those who had died.
selves off from all online betting for Healy and fellow band members
periods ranging from six months to want there
several years. to be justice. ‘What the hell were you
Users register their details and select It turns out
the length of time they wish to be ex-
nearly every thinking … it is disgusting
iled from the sites. Its roll-out was and an insult to the 22
hampered at the start of the year after it single
emerged gamblers could change their woman I people murdered’
details to sidestep the restrictions. know or
GamStop was forced to admit the Adam Hann, Ross MacDonald and
software was not working well enough. have worked George Daniel are all former pupils of
The regulator subsequently de- with has Wilmslow High School, Cheshire, and
manded tougher ID and age checks for been are now said to be based in Manchester.
all gamblers to combat the problem. harassed or Ms Murray wrote on Twitter: “What
It is understood the Gambling Com- the hell were you thinking of releasing
mission is now satisfied that the assaulted in a music video where you carry a sui-
scheme is effective, with plans to for- some way. I cide vest and blow yourself up? You are
mally announce the new requirements just didn’t from Manchester. Be ashamed… be
for companies as soon as this week. know about very ashamed. It is disgusting and an
Tens of thousands of gamblers have insult to the 22 people murdered.”
already signed up to the service, which it.” Pat Karney, a Manchester council-
launched last year, with around 99 per lor, described the video as “totally in-
cent of operators willing to commit to sensitive.” He wrote on Twitter: “He is
it, according to The Guardian. one of us so should know what we
Surveys carried out by the charity would think.”
GambleAware found the system ap- The band was criticised last month

peared to be providing results, with 83 after recording a track with Greta

per cent of respondents saying it had Thunberg, the climate campaigner,
helped to reduce or stop their gam- and announcing that all proceeds
bling activity. would go to Extinction Rebellion be-
A Gambling Commission spokesman fore embarking on a world tour.
said: “We have nothing further to add The 1975’s management have been
at this time.” contacted for comment.

Harry eager to take Archie to ‘second home’ of Africa

South Africa this autumn with baby Instagram account yesterday, the Duke to South Africa! Our monthly social representation of the incredible work Parks and patron of Rhino Conserva-
Duke and Duchess of Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Wind- expressed his excitement about the awareness approach follows key ac- being done in Africa today.” tion Botswana.
sor before the Duke carries out a series much-anticipated trip as well as high- counts that inspire us and highlight The couple asked people to consider During the forthcoming visit, Harry
Sussex will visit South of solo visits to Angola, Malawi and lighting organisations “working to- those working towards positive following or supporting more than 20 is likely to champion the work of his
Africa with their son on his Botswana. wards positive change”. change. Instagram accounts, including Sente- mother Diana, Princess of Wales, who
first official overseas trip Archie will be around five months He said: “In just a few weeks our “As a lead-up to the tour, for the bale, which was founded by Harry and famously walked through a cleared
old when his parents take him on his family will be taking its first official month of September, we wish to cele- Prince Seeiso two years after he spent landmine field in Angola to highlight
By Mike Wright first official overseas trip. tour to Africa, a region of the world that brate the beauty of this wonderful con- his gap year in Lesotho in 2004. the devastating injuries the military
The Duke’s comments come months over the past two decades has been a tinent as a whole: from local The Duke has previously spoken of munitions can cause.
THE Duke of Sussex has said he cannot after it was reported that his aides were second home to me. organisations working hard to better Botswana as his “second home” and Sentebale has recently expanded its
wait to introduce his son to his “second considering plans for him and the “Our team has helped create a mean- the environment to the young leaders chose the country as the destination to work into Malawi and the Duke may
home” of Africa as he prepares for a Duchess to live in Africa for a period to ingful programme that we’re so excited paving the way for a better future for take the Duchess for their first journey see the latest developments and its
royal tour of the continent. further their charity and Common- to share with you. On a personal note, I the Commonwealth and beyond. together just weeks after they met. work in Botswana, helping young peo-
The Duke and Duchess will visit wealth work. In a post on the couple’s can’t wait to introduce my wife and son “These selected groups are a small The Duke is president of African ple living with HIV and Aids.
12 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 13
World news

Hong Kong activists block access to airport

an extradition proposal that would get to the airport. Despite escalating ‘If the flight is first few days of university and second-
Dozens detained by police have sent people to face trial in main- violence and disruption to daily life in ary school classes.
in latest demonstrations land China, where Communist Party Hong Kong, known for being an effi- delayed, then Calls are also growing for the UK to
influence contributes to a 99.9 per cent cient global business centre, the youth- we will put pressure on Beijing to uphold the
as mass rallies disrupt conviction rate. driven movement has continued to Sino-British Joint Declaration, which
city’s transport links That proposed law was suspended draw wide public support. stay at the kicked in when Hong Kong was returned
but the activists’ demands have since “I’ve attended most protests since airport and to Chinese rule in 1997 and said the Com-
By Sophia Yan CHINA CORRESPONDENT expanded to include greater political June,” said Miu, 58. “Those teenagers – munist system would not be practised in
and Katy Wong in Hong Kong accountability and wider democratic they have been really kind. One day support the the territory for at least 50 years.
freedoms, plunging Hong Kong into its when police threw lots of tear gas, a re- protesters’ In the central business district, hun-
PRO-DEMOCRACY protesters ob- worst political crisis in decades. ally young protester, only 20, took off dreds also gathered yesterday outside
structed access to Hong Kong’s inter- Police stood guard at the airport yes- her gas mask and gave it to me.” the British Consulate, waving the
national airport yesterday after police terday, placing heavy water barriers But that may not remain the case Union flag and holding signs that read
arrested dozens of people and used wa- around entrances and only allowing with increasing disruptions to regular “SOS”, calling on the UK to recognise
ter cannon and tear gas against activ- passengers through. Later, several life and school due to start this week, that freedoms were disappearing.
ists lobbing petrol bombs and bricks. teams were spotted at ferry piers and which could keep activists – many of “The UK government is not standing
The protesters snarled up road and train stations in an effort to catch re- whom are students – off the streets. up or doing enough, and just lets the
rail links, erected barriers and flooded treating protesters. To prevent that, a citywide strike has Chinese government speak,” said
stations en route to the airport, while The nearly 1,000 arrests are starting been called as well as a boycott on the Shirley Lo, 22, “I feel like they left us
shouting: “Stand with Hong Kong, fight to weigh on protesters, with many en- behind here and didn’t take enough
for freedom!” couraging each other to flee quickly action for us.”
Others drove cars slow slowly to hin- when police arrive to prevent being Some also chanted “Make Hong
der traffic. Some built barricades out- cuffed themselves. Closures of the Kong British again!” and “We love Brit-
side the airport, dispersing when riot protesters’ heads. The unrest came just A protester smashes city’s subway stations have also im- ish, we are British, equal rights for
police charged and aggressively pinned a day after some of the city’s most an office window in peded protesters’ mobility. BNO!” demanding the right to live and
people down to make arrests. intense clashes this summer. Activists Tung Chung railway By early yesterday afternoon, the work in the UK for holders of the Brit-
The plan was to recreate the mass marched in the rain through several station, Hong Kong. subway operator shut the airport ex- ish National Overseas passport.
chaos last seen in mid-August when a neighbourhoods before hurling Molo- Right, a policeman press line and a number of bus links Hong Kong has long had a compli-
five-day occupation of the airport – one tov cocktails and projectiles at govern- beats an activist in a were down, forcing demonstrators, cated relationship with the UK, though
of the world’s busiest transport hubs – ment offices and police headquarters. lavatory inside Hong passengers, flight crew, and journalists many have long attributed a robust
led to hundreds of flight cancellations. Police responded with tear gas, rub- Kong International to walk more than three miles to the capitalist system and strong rule of law
Scenes briefly turned violent when ber bullets and water cannon laced Airport, Below, police airport from the nearest, open subway. to the British.
protesters assaulted two men from with blue dye to help identify, and pos- block an entrance to One visitor from Taiwan trying to re- Tom Tugendhat, the chairman of the
mainland China and clashed with riot sibly arrest, protesters later. the airport after turn home said the disruption didn’t Commons foreign affairs committee,
police. “The airport is extremely im- By nightfall, officers shot two live thousands of bother him. “Protesting is the right of has called on the UK to treat BNO status
portant to the city’s economy and tour- rounds into the sky as warnings, while protesters gathered citizens,” said Mr Liu, 35, declining to holders as UK citizens. “It would right a
ism,” said Toby Pun, 23. “I hope this protesters lit a strip of stadium seats on outside yesterday give a full name. wrong we should never have imple-
will force the government to respond.” fire, setting ablaze a main road and “If the flight is delayed, then we will mented and give people options,” he
Although some flights were can- sending black smoke billowing around stay at the airport and support the pro- wrote in The Daily Telegraph.
celled, most still took off as scheduled brightly lit skyscrapers. testers,” said Peter, a Hong Konger who
yesterday, the planes roaring above Protests began in early June against left early and walked nearly an hour to Additional reporting by Michael Zhang

Colonial legacy Hong Kongers wave British National Overseas passports, a symbol of rights which they believe are being eroded by Communist China
Introduced in arms, looks like British Army, exception. It them behind, systems” policy. as a BNO leave the UK The Daily was handed the
the last decade of a regular British Royal Navy or does not grant even as China Even so, as the passport holder because of Telegraph. British legal
British colonial passport. Royal Air Force, the owner the continues to tension and as a possible Brexit, we can “Hong Kong system and rule
rule over Hong The BNO as well as vote or automatic right diminish the violence of Hong escape route to fill in the labour people are of law, which is a
Kong, the British passport grants stand for to live and work rights and Kong’s pro- the UK, provided market,” Rex hard-working, symbol of pride
National its holder the election in their in the UK. freedoms democracy they are able to Wong, 42 – a intelligent. We for the city
Overseas (BNO) right to be constituency of As a result, enjoyed by those protests receive a visa or protester whose can help make compared with
passport, with married under residence. But some Hong in Hong Kong as continues to work permit. entire family of the UK better.” the legal system
its burgundy British law, and there is one Kongers feel that a part of the “one escalate, some “If people four holds BNO Under British of mainland
cover and coat of to join the controversial Britain has left country, two see their status from the EU passports – told rule, Hong Kong China.

Britain must be clearer with China over our values

liberal and authoritarian visions for Hong Kong 5G infrastructure, and the respects strength and is contemptuous
ry humanity’s future.
is now
development of the Belt and Road of weakness. China respects
Of the protesters I met, few were set Initiative into the developing world. consistency and is contemptuous of
on civil disobedience, but the
overwhelming majority were there to
on the It also includes China’s intensive
cyber espionage as well as the growth
Frankly, we have been weak and
protest against Beijing’s alleged global front of overt and covert influence in other wavering. We need to be proud of our
By Bob Seely authoritarianism. Activists believe line for states, accompanied by an increasingly values, and be more consistent about
Beijing and its Hong Kong appointees harsh tone. defending them and our interests.

t felt apt to spend the fifth want to slowly extinguish the One civil What can we do in Hong Kong? There are two visions for humanity.
anniversary of the Umbrella Country Two Systems rule agreed by freedoms We can be clearer about defending The first is the Western liberal model
Movement under a brolly in the Britain and China in 1997, which values and calling on China to respect of a law-governed society, universal
thunderstorms in Hong Kong, means Hong Kong’s freedoms should the basic law, however much it irks rights and limited government.
observing thousands of residents be respected for at least 50 years. them. We can make sensible changes The second is the new authoritarian
protesting against Beijing and in Twenty years ago it was hoped that to the British National Overseas model championed by China, Russia
defence of civil rights. as China traded with the world, it passports. Above all, we need a global and other states where freedoms are
I was a guest of Stand with Hong would become more “liberal” and less strategy, post-Brexit. more curtailed, politicians above the
Kong, a civil society group authoritarian. The opposite is In a recent study with the Henry law and where surveillance will
campaigning to raise awareness in the happening. Jackson Society, I argued for a more become ubiquitous. In this struggle,
West about events in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is just one of a series of integrated foreign policy and a greater Hong Kongers are campaigning for
Hong Kong is in the front line of a touch points. Others include Beijing’s understanding of how we deal with that first vision. China wants the
clash of political civilisations, which extension of territorial claims into the the new authoritarianism. second. Hong Kong is now on the
helps to explain some of the great South China Sea, its aim to dominate Kevin Rudd, the former prime global front line for civil freedoms.
global trends happening now. Two are global communications and the minister of Australia and an expert on
particularly important: China’s place in intense lobbying campaign to let China, spoke to the foreign affairs Bob Seely is the MP for the Isle of Wight.
the world, and the struggle between Huawei into the UK’s critical national committee last year, telling us: “China He sits on the foreign affairs committee
14 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
World news
100 killed in
Yemen as
airstrike hits
Houthi ‘prison’
By Our Foreign Staff
MORE than 100 people are believed to
have been killed in an airstrike on a de-
tention centre in Yemen, the Interna-
tional Committee of the Red Cross
(ICRC) said yesterday.
The Saudi-led military coalition said
it had targeted a facility run by Houthi
rebels that “stores drones and missiles”,
but the rebels claimed the attack had
hit a building they used as a prison.
The ICRC rushed medical teams and
hundreds of body bags to Dhamar, a
south-western city.
“It’s a college building that has been
empty and has been used as a detention
facility for a while,” said Franz
Rauchenstein, ICRC head of delegation
for Yemen. “What is most disturbing is
that [the attack was] on a prison. To hit
such a building is shocking and sad-
dening – prisoners are protected by
international law.”
More than 100 people were esti-
mated to have died, he said, and at least
40 survivors were being treated in hos-
pitals in the city.
His team was “working relentlessly
to find survivors under the rubble”, he
said, but cautioned that the chances of
bringing out anyone alive were slim.
Footage obtained by AFP showed
heavy damage to the building and sev-
eral bodies in the rubble, as bulldozers
cleared away huge piles of debris.
The coalition intervened in 2015 to

support Yemen’s government after the

Houthis, who are aligned with Iran,
seized Sana’a, the capital, and much of
the country, which is the poorest in the
Arab world.
The fighting has claimed tens of
Eye of the storm A satellite image of Hurricane Dorian before it made landfall in the northern Bahamas yesterday, as it strengthened into a ‘catastrophic’ thousands of lives in what the UN calls
category five storm, with reports by the National Hurricane Centre of winds up to 185mph. Residents were urged to take steps to protect life and property. the world’s worst humanitarian crisis.
President Donald Trump’s Mar-a-lago resort in Palm Beach County was also included in mandatory evacuation orders issued for parts of southeast Florida. Both sides stand accused of actions that
could amount to war crimes.

Israel and Hizbollah exchange border fire

minister, contacted Mike Pompeo, the shells back over the Lebanese border. Hassan Nasrallah, Hizbollah’s leader, only replenished its stocks of rockets
Lebanese prime minister US Secretary of State and the adviser to Neither side reported any casualties, declared that things were “different Deadly drone Iran unveils and missiles, but grown them signifi-
Emmanuel Macron, the French presi- but it was the most significant escala- now” and warned that Israelis every- jet-propelled UAV cantly. Hizbollah is capable of hitting
asks for support from US dent, asking for US and French support tion between the two since January where should not rest easy. every point across Israel with waves
and France as barrages along the southern border. 2015, when clashes saw two Israeli sol- An Israeli military spokesman called Iran yesterday Dubbed the upon waves of rockets and missiles.
raise regional tensions Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli diers killed. yesterday’s clashes “tactical events” unveiled a “Kian”, the “Hizbollah also gained ground com-
prime minister, announced an order to The latest cross-border duel follows against the backdrop of “strategic jet-propelled unmanned bat experience in Syria, where it inter-
By Sara Elizabeth Williams be “prepared for any scenario”. a month where both sides have pushed threats” posed by Hizbollah. drone it said is aerial vehicle vened to help preserve the regime
Shortly after 3pm local time, the first the other’s defences. Analysts believe a major conflict still capable of can fly more in power,” she added.
INCREASING tension between Israel of several anti-tank missiles was Last week, two drones came down doesn’t look likely due to both sides finding and than 1,000 km “On the other side, Israel is capable
and Hizbollah threatened to boil over launched from southern Lebanon at over a Hizbollah media centre in south- preferring détente. attacking (620 miles) and of obliterating Lebanon.
yesterday as they fired missiles and military targets in northern Israel. ern Beirut. One exploded in mid-air “The likelihood of an all-out war is targets far from to heights of “Both parties are aware of the other’s
artillery at each other over the south- The Israeli army responded by and the other came down in pieces low,” said Elizabeth Tsurkov, Fellow the country’s 15,000ft, said capabilities, and as a result, are much
ern Lebanon border. deploying a military helicopter and fir- large enough for Hizbollah to register a with the Foreign Policy Research Insti- borders with state news more careful to avoid an escalation that
Saad Hariri, the Lebanese prime ing a barrage of around 100 artillery significant threat and a likely origin. tute. “Since 2006, Hizbollah has not precision. agency IRNA. will lead to conflict.”

Syria ceasefire at risk after US

fires missile at al-Qaeda leaders
By Sara Elizabeth Williams throughout the region and in the West,” have been corralled into the north-
the spokesman said. western corner of the country.
A TENTATIVE ceasefire in north-west But Russia, one of the key power Members of Hayat Tahrir al-Sham,
Syria, the second in a month, threat- brokers in Syria, accused the US of “en- al-Qaeda’s Syrian offshoot, their allies
ened to unravel yesterday after the US dangering” a hard-won ceasefire that and other anti-government groups,
launched an airstrike to target promi- was scarcely a day old. Citing the Rus- along with civilians including fleeing
nent al-Qaeda figures. sian defence ministry, the Tass news women and children, are among those
At least 40 people were killed when slowly being swept north.
the missile struck a meeting of leaders Whether al-Qaeda or other groups
of the terror group at a base near the
city of Idlib on Saturday, just hours
after a ceasefire brokered by Russia
400,000 retaliate for the strike will determine
the longevity of the ceasefire and the
length of respite granted to the inhabit-
ended months of bombardment of the The number of people who have fled the ants of Idlib, a city of three million.
last bastion of anti-regime fighters. Idlib area, according the UN, which said The UK-based Syrian Observatory
“This operation targeted al-Qaeda in 950 civilians had died since April for Human Rights, which relies on a
Syria leaders responsible for attacks network of sources on the ground, said
targeting US citizens, our partners, and more than 950 civilians had been killed
innocent civilians,” said a spokesman agency said the US had failed to warn in Idlib since the end of April.
for US Central Command, adding that Russia or Turkey before the strikes. More than 400,000 people have
the strike would “degrade their ability Idlib is the last holdout for Syria’s fled, according to the UN, but activists
to conduct further attacks and destabi- armed resistance. Over recent years, say the number on the move is far
lise the region”. those who could not agree surrender higher, although few have anywhere
“North-west Syria remains a safe deals, or those whom the government left to go.
haven where [al-Qaeda] leaders of Bashar al-Assad has no interest in al-
actively co-ordinate terrorist activities lowing into regime-controlled areas, Editorial Comment: Page 17

Attack on second
Afghan city as US
nears pull-out deal
By Ben Farmer in Kabul
THE Taliban launched an assault on a
second Afghan city in two days as Don-
ald Trump’s envoy said the US and the
militants were on the brink of a prelim-
inary deal to withdraw US troops.
The US envoy, Zalmay Khalilzad, ar-
rived in Kabul for the conclusion of the
ninth round of talks in Qatar as he at-
tempts to secure a US pull-out that
would pave the way for Taliban talks
with the Afghan government.
But fighting continued in the city of
Pul-e Khumri, about 140 miles north of
the capital, Kabul.
It came a day after an attack on Kun-
duz, one of Afghanistan’s most impor-
tant northern cities, that killed at least

25 people and wounded 85.

Mr Khalilzad said: “We are at the
threshold of an agreement that will re-
duce violence and open the door for
Afghans to sit together to negotiate an
honourable and sustainable peace and
a unified, sovereign Afghanistan that
does not threaten the United States, its
allies or any other country.”
Smoke signals An aerobatic display team performs at the Suhail Shaheen, the spokesman for
MAKS-2019 International Aviation and Space Salon in the Taliban, said: “We are on the verge
Zhukovsky outside Moscow, Russia yesterday. of ending the invasion and reaching a
peaceful solution for Afghanistan.”
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 15
World news

Relief for Merkel

after far-Right
falls short in key
German election
By Justin Huggler in Berlin dramatic rise in turnout. The result
will ease the immediate pressure on
THE pressure on Angela Merkel was Mrs Merkel and her chosen successor
eased last night as the nationalist Alter- as CDU leader, Annegret Kramp-Kar-
native for Germany party (AfD) failed to renbauer, who has endured a difficult
make a widely forecast breakthrough first year in charge.
in key regional elections. But the CDU still suffered its worst
The AfD made significant gains in ever result in Saxony and faces the dif-
two states in the former communist ficult task of building a new coalition in
east, but fell short of winning first place the fractured regional parliament.
amid a late surge for the established The election leaves the CDU divided,
parties. after Mr Kretschmer pulled the party
Mrs Merkel’s Christian Democrats back in the polls by distancing himself
(CDU) held on to first place in Saxony from Mrs Merkel’s government.
with 32 per cent, according to initial Despite an unexpected comeback,
projections, ahead of the AfD on 27.5. the SPD suffered significant losses at
Her main coalition partners, the cen- the hands of the AfD in Brandenburg, a
tre-Left Social Democrats (SPD), came state it has ruled since reunification.
first in Brandenburg, with 27.5 per Yesterday’s results came hours after
cent, ahead of the AfD on 22.5. the German president asked forgive-
“It is good that the people of ness for the crimes of the Nazis as he
Brandenburg have said we do not want marked the 80th anniversary of the
the far-Right extremists of the AfD to start of the Second World War.
win,” said Lars Klingbeil, the general “I bow my head before the Polish
secretary of the SPD. victims of Germany’s tyranny. And I
“The friendly face of Saxony has pre- ask forgiveness,” said Frank-Walter
vailed,” said Michael Kretschmer, the Steinmeier at a ceremony in the Polish
CDU regional leader. “This is a great town of Wieluń, where the first bombs
day for our state.” fell on Sept 1 1939.
Alexander Gauland, the AfD leader, He used the ceremony to issue a
said: “Our slogan was ‘20 per cent plus’. thinly veiled criticism of the AfD. “Any-

We have achieved that and are very sat- one who claims that this is all in the
isfied … but yes, we did not come first. past, that the National Socialists’ reign
There is still a piece missing and the of terror over Europe was a marginal
work starts now.” event in German history, casts judg-
The AfD led in the Brandenburg ment on himself,” he said.
polls for much of the campaign and It was a clear reference to Mr Gaul-
was widely expected to win first place. and, who last year described the Nazi
But it was held at bay by a late swing era as “a speck of birds--- in 1,000 years
towards the established parties amid a of glorious German history”. A concentration camp survivor attends a ceremony in Warsaw, Poland, yesterday to commemorate the 80th anniversary of the outbreak of the Second World War

AfD’s failure to land killer blow buys chancellor a little breathing space
land a decisive blow against either. potentially wrecking Mrs Merkel’s who favour remaining in her coalition. more populous west in last year’s
Analysis That could ease the pressure that was carefully laid plans for her succession. Holding Saxony will ease Although the AfD will seek to spin its Bavarian elections, and limped in
threatening to plunge Mrs Merkel’s But the unexpected success of the anxieties that Annegret gains as a success, the results were a fourth in this year’s Euro elections.
government into crisis just as the Social Democrats (SPD) in holding on disappointment for the party. If it It was hoping to reverse that trend
By Justin Huggler
Brexit deadline looms. to neighbouring Brandenburg may Kramp-Karrenbauer cannot come first in its former by coming first in at least one of

A is not up to the job

ngela Merkel will have slept a The fact that her Christian prove more significant for Mrs Merkel. communist eastern heartlands, there Brandenburg or Saxony. A dramatic
little easier last night after her Democrats (CDU) were able to hold on The SPD is set to choose a new must be doubt over whether it can rise in turnout yesterday suggests
allies managed to pull off to the key state of Saxony will ease leader and review its role in Mrs the party’s leadership election due on ever emerge as a national force. many people may have been spurred
something of a last-minute escape in anxieties that Annegret Kramp- Merkel’s coalition. Oct 26, that could have left Mrs Merkel Although it is currently the main to vote by polls showing the AfD
the regional elections. Karrenbauer, Mrs Merkel’s chosen A bad result in Brandenburg would fending off a crisis at home as the opposition party in Berlin, that is only neck-and-neck with the SPD in
While the nationalist Alternative for successor as party leader, is not up to have strengthened calls within the Brexit deadline loomed. because the two biggest parties are in Brandenburg. The AfD has one more
Germany party (AfD) managed to the job. Another disappointing result party to pull out of the coalition, Now she will hope the Brandenburg coalition. The AfD has suffered a chance to make a breakthrough this
inflict losses on Mrs Merkel’s party and and there would have been calls for Ms leaving Mrs Merkel without a majority. results will provide a boost for those difficult 12 months. It failed to make year when the former communist state
on her coalition partners, it failed to Kramp-Karrenbauer to step aside, With the results of the first round in among the SPD leadership candidates the hoped for breakthrough in the of Thuringia votes on Oct 27.

Italy’s PM tells would-be WORLD BULLETIN

coalition partners to stop Maldives reporter who

vanished ‘killed at sea’
migration squabbles A Maldives commission of inquiry has
concluded that a journalist missing
since 2014 has been killed, possibly by
By Josephine McKenna in Rome elections. “Either we are in agreement those linked to fighters in Syria at the
on carrying through the points of our time, its president said yesterday.
ITALY’S prime minister has said he is programme, or we stop here,” Mr Di Husnu Suood said that Ahmed
confident that squabbling political par- Maio said. Rilwan, attached to the Maldives
ties would set aside their bitter differ- The talks are understood to have Independent news website, had been
ences over mass migration and security become bogged down over policy dif- abducted outside his flat on the
to form a workable coalition this week. ferences including security and reduc- Hulhumale island and was taken to a
Giuseppe Conte said yesterday in a ing the number of MPs, while both boat and transferred to a bigger vessel
video address that the centre-Left out at sea where he was killed. He
Democratic Party and the populist Five added that Rilwan had received threats.
Star movement, until now political ri- Giuseppe Conte is
vals, had created a “good working envi- expected to say he is
ronment”. ready to form a Schools stay shut amid
Mr Conte said he expected to tell government by
President Sergio Mattarella he was tomorrow or
Notre-Dame lead fears
ready to form a government by tomor- Wednesday The Paris education authority has
row or Wednesday. ordered five private schools that were
“I see a good working atmosphere,” to have reopened today after the
Mr Conte said. “From this point of parties are competing for key cabinet summer holiday to remain closed until
view, I am absolutely convinced that positions. the threat of toxic lead from the
everyone is willing to set aside the past Mr Di Maio is reportedly reluctant to Notre-Dame fire is removed.
and concentrate on this important pro- give up his role as deputy prime minis- All schools in areas near the
posal that affects the whole country.” ter, a critical issue given that the una- cathedral were deep cleaned during
Mr Conte was asked to form a coali- ligned Mr Conte is heavily backed by the holidays after unsafe levels of lead
tion after the collapse of Italy’s populist the Five Star Movement. The prime were detected, exceeding 70mg per
coalition last month. Matteo Salvini, minister even stressed yesterday he square metre. Health inspectors say
the former deputy prime minister and was not a member of the populist party. five schools still require a more
head of the far-Right League, has been Roberto D’Alimonte, professor of po- thorough decontamination.
sidelined and left his position as inte- litical science at Rome’s Luiss Univer-
rior minister last week. sity, told The Daily Telegraph he
But on Friday the prospect of a deal expected the new coalition to proceed Death toll in Texas mass
nearly collapsed when Luigi Di Maio, but no one knew how long it would
the Five Star leader, presented a last.
shooting rises to seven
20-point plan with an ultimatum “It might last a few months or last The death toll in a mass shooting that
demanding every one of the proposals the entire legislature,” he said. “We unfurled on highways in western
be accepted or he would back fresh need a crystal ball.” Texas has risen to seven, local media
reported yesterday.
Police had said on Saturday that five
Pope given pause for thought people died and 21 were wounded in
the extended shoot-out on roads
between Midland and Odessa. The
while trapped in Vatican lift gunman died in a shoot-out with
police. Yesterday, an Odessa city
spokesman told reporters that there
By Josephine McKenna in Rome arrived, I want to thank them so much.” were now eight confirmed deaths,
The relieved pontiff asked the pil- including the attacker.
IT HAS long been claimed by support- grims in St Peter’s Square to give the
ers of the Catholic faith that God moves firemen a round of applause.
in mysterious ways. In a separate statement yesterday, Citizen list backfires as
But so, apparently, does Pope Fran- Francis called for urgent action to stop
cis’s personal lift in the Vatican – which the planet’s environmental destruction
2m Indians left stateless
broke down yesterday, trapping the and warned that the Amazon was A controversial citizenship list in
world’s most powerful clergyman in- “gravely threatened” in a reference to north-east India that has left almost
side for 25 minutes. the fires ravaging the region. two million people facing statelessness
The 82-year-old pontiff had to be He challenged governments to take has been criticised by its backers, with
freed by Vatican firemen after an elec- “drastic measures” to combat global local politicians claiming that many
trical fault brought his tiny private lift warming, blaming “sin, selfishness Bengali-speaking Hindus, a key vote
to a halt inside the ornate Apostolic Pal- and a greedy desire to possess and ex- bank for the ruling party, were left off.
ace, making him 10 minutes late for his ploit” for the damaging effects of cli- Prime minister Narendra Modi’s
regular Sunday audience. mate change in a message to mark the Hindu-nationalist Bharatiya Janata
“I have to apologise for being late, World Day of Prayer for the Care of Party, which runs Assam state where
but there was an accident,” the Pope Creation. the National Register of Citizens (NRC)
said with a smile. “We have caused a climate emer- was collated, claimed it was needed to
“I was trapped inside an elevator for gency that gravely threatens nature and detect “foreign infiltrators”. But local
25 minutes. Thank God the firefighters life itself, including our own,” he said. BJP politicians now say it has backfired.
16 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

School uniform
is a fine British
ritual bordering
on sadism
rowan pelling

othing says “back to wearing school garb so
school” more unflattering the
eloquently than a trip enforcement borders on
to Clarks for some sadism. It’s no exaggeration
playground-proof shoes. It’s to say the ingenuity
the one part of school required to subvert clothing
uniform purchase that has “regs” were as essential to
remained unchanged down my creative flourishing as
the decades. Even the kindly writing short stories.
women who negotiate a My alma mater’s uniform
truce between the parent’s was by general consent the
request for sensible most hideous in all of Kent:
footwear and their deep mud-brown with a
offspring’s yearning for vomit-yellow trim. I wore
street style seem to have that colour combo for five
teleported in from the whole years. No wonder
Eighties. I misted up a little girls at the local secondary
while buying black lace-ups modern, clad in racing
for my 11-year-old, but part green, used to spit at us. I
of that was the agony of had cackled at my big
parting with £40 on top of brother when he first set off
other clobber for his first for nearby Sevenoaks
day at our local academy. I School in his straw boater
knew I’d have to fork out for – still a requirement in the To order prints or signed copies of any Telegraph cartoon, go to or call 0191 603 0178 
sports kit, but I’d forgotten late Seventies – but stopped
about the calculator, pens laughing once I donned the
and peer-approved poo-brown Gym Culottes of
Superfine rucksack. I
naively thought my boy
would wear his big brother’s
cast-offs, but that was
without factoring in
different physiques and my
Despair. We even had huge
brown regulation pants that
reached to just below our
chests (my sons refuse to
believe school authority
once stretched to your
Tory rebels must back down or risk
younger son’s view of
himself as a style maven. My
husband and I felt faint at
the extra expenditure this
week, so heaven help those
on lower incomes.
knicker drawer). My school
years were spent dreaming
up innovative ways to slim
my A-line skirt into a
hobbling pencil version, and
saving money for chestnut
a ruthless general election purge
Charities who help character shoes. Pretty
cash-strapped families with much every classmate Article 50 deadline and prevent a talks, the Europeans will not consider – including the shadow Brexit
donated or second-hand devoted hours to the art of MPs at war with No 10 no-deal Brexit on October 31. changes to the Withdrawal Agreement secretary Keir Starmer – desire a
uniforms say they have seen the badly-knotted tie – Several known unknowns could nor to the backstop. read more at second referendum and for Britain to
demand rocket in the past pulled tight like a noose,
need to ask themselves scupper their plans. They might fail to Pro-European Tories are normally stay in the EU. Many Labour MPs who
year. Part of the problem is loosened like a cravat, or what their insurrection secure the emergency debate, as keen as French mustard to accept opinion say they respect the referendum
the trend for schools to opt tugged down to half-mast. will actually achieve although with John Bercow in the what Brussels says at face value. Yet in result, like Lisa Nandy, seem
for branded uniform Fifteen or so years ago the Speaker’s chair, this is highly unlikely. this case they seem to believe the EU determined to keep voting against
requiring specialised school wisely changed the They might fail to amend Standing will do the opposite of what its every proposed way out. Jeremy
retailers, meaning parents colour scheme. Girls now nick timothy
thy Order Number 14, but with so many representatives say. The only Corbyn, desperately trying to plaster
can’t nip to Tesco for basics. wear charcoal grey and Tory rebels this seems improbable. alternative explanation is they believe over Labour’s divisions, wants to keep
Many state schools seek to black with a pleated skirt. They might pass their legislation in the that the existing Withdrawal the onus on the Conservatives.
channel the pride and Less offensive perhaps, but Commons, yet find themselves Agreement – complete with the But what about the Tory rebels? If
identity they feel strict dress also far less fun than our St filibustered in the Lords. But peers backstop that Boris Johnson rightly they defeat the Government this week,

codes bestow upon children Trinian’s-style anarchy. could sit through the weekend to calls anti-democratic – can win the the only remaining solution for the
– which means blazers with Let’s pity all those poor create time to approve the bill before support of the House of Commons. Prime Minister might be to hold an
badges, ties and polished souls preparing to submit to hree years ago, the the PM can prorogue Parliament and Yet the Withdrawal Agreement has election. Having been accused,
shoes. I have mixed feelings the scratchy, torturous British people were kill off incomplete legislation. been rejected by MPs three times ridiculously, of staging a coup d’état
about this as someone who British tradition of school asked, “Should the None the less, with all this talk already. They have no solution. last week, the PM could choose to
fled from uniform to the uniform, as September once United Kingdom remain a about process – not to mention In contrast with their vacillation and administer a coup de grâce to this
joys of sixth-form mufti, like again creeps in. member of the European hysteria about prorogation – we are in vacuity, the Prime Minister at least sorry Parliament of Remainers and
a moth from an endless Union or leave the danger of missing the wood for the knows his preferred solution. He Remoaners.
cocoon. I saw my sons Jane Shilling is away European Union?” They were not trees. might not use his predecessor’s Boris would lead the Tories into this
flourish at a primary school asked whether we should leave only For there is a simple question that discredited phrase, but his belief is Brexit election with a clear promise to
where the only stipulation once the Government had negotiated Tory rebels need to answer. They say that no deal is better than a bad deal. win a better deal from Brussels or
was “wear blue and white, our terms of withdrawal. They were they respect the referendum result. By making it plain he is preparing the leave with no deal at all. And he would
but only if you feel like it”. follow Rowan Pelling on not asked whether we should leave They say they do not want to stop country to leave the EU without a deal need to be ruthless. Despite Philip
Even so, part of me admits I Twitter @RowanPelling; only once our future relationship had Brexit. They say they just want us to on October 31, he is making it more Hammond’s squeals, nobody opposing
may have benefited from the read more at been decided. Making the question leave with a good deal. But what do likely, in fact, that he will win a better Johnson’s policy could possibly stand
weird rite of passage that is conditional in this way would have they hope their rebellion will achieve deal from Brussels. And behind the as an official Conservative candidate.
been a signal to voters that ministers this week? scenes, he is proposing alternatives to If they did, the Commons could still
would not implement what they Consider what will happen if they the backstop to Europe’s leaders. block him even if he wins a clear
decided. With Britain unable to walk get their way. Presumably, they expect While the response from Dublin has mandate for no deal.
away with no deal, it would also have ministers to return to the negotiating been cool, the hearing he received in And so we return to the question
made a one-sided and punitive treaty table in Brussels. But why would the Berlin and Paris was notably warmer. facing the rebels. What in the end do
inevitable. EU offer any changes to the existing He might yet succeed, but if he fails he they hope their actions will achieve?
Yet this is exactly what MPs will try, deal if it knows that Parliament is is happy to leave without a deal. The purgatory of ongoing EU
yet again, to do this week. First they unwilling to allow no deal? The Yet if the rebels get their way this 1 membership? A second referendum
will seek an emergency debate under warning from the EU’s chief negotiator week we will go back to square one. and all the division that would bring?
Parliament’s Standing Order Number Michel Barnier yesterday – insisting The threat of no deal will disappear, Or a general election presenting a
24. Then they will use the debate to that alternative arrangements to the and the incentive for Brussels to Front Bench choice between Boris’s no-deal
amend Standing Order Number 14, backstop can be discussed only once compromise will evaporate. The Everything you strategy and the crazy communism of
which allows the Government to the existing Withdrawal Agreement rebels will trap us in the EU for several Jeremy Corbyn? The rebels might not
control the Commons timetable. And has been approved – may reflect
need to know like Boris’s policy, but they need to
more months, with no way out.
then, having seized control of the nothing more than the fact he has not The opposition parties would be from Westminster, think their actions through very
order paper, they will legislate been given an updated remit by the more than happy with this outcome. every weekday carefully. The stakes could scarcely be
ordering the Prime Minister to reverse European Council. But it is also a The Liberal Democrats want to hoover morning higher. For the sake of their country,
his policy. They will instruct him to reminder that without Britain credibly up Remain voters and push for a and the fortunes of their party, they
extend, with the EU’s agreement, the threatening to walk away from the second referendum. Many Labour MPs front-bench need to back down now.

Brexit Britain will be world’s tastiest nation

of local delicacies: a tart of freshly odd smattering further north – each the Week That Was, he continued:
From superb cheeses to picked peas, roasted tomato year another opens. Within a decade “There are other words that might be
consommé with wild garlic, pork belly you will be able to do what many pressed into service in an emergency:
terrific wines, the UK has and a panna cotta of strawberries and thought only possible overseas; lazy, inefficient, dishonest, dirty,
all the ingredients to be a cherry blossom. Each course would be through Burgundy in France, for complacent, exorbitant, but disgusting
serious gastronomic player matched with a blancs de blancs, a example or across the state of Victoria just about sums it up.”
sparkling rosé and one of the estate’s in Australia. In the Sixties the idea of restaurant
still wines: their Cradle Valley white, a Visitors will come to Britain for service as a respectable profession was
mix of pinot blanc and pinot gris.
Outside the vines work their way
down through the chalky soils to find
culinary journeys. And to a nation that
was, in the many years that followed
the Second World War, not just a bleak
Can-do a joke and most people looking for
employment as chefs were probably
too stupid to be hod carriers. Today,
moisture. The striking buildings of
Rathfinny – vast warehouses nestling
desert when it came to food, but one
that no one would have believed ever
UK service is seen as an art and our
restaurants are sought after by young
on an edge of the valley and in the had the urge to improve. chefs seeking apprenticeships from
600-acre estate – have the capacity to Today, you can’t find a space in the across the world.

summer’s evening recently and I produce a million bottles of sparkling car park of a provincial town for want My pleasure as a restaurant critic for
was sipping a glass of Sussex. wine, which is now officially called of farmers’ markets. Our cheeses beat this paper is that most of my reviews
Ahead of me were hundreds of Sussex, each year. The owners are those of France – softer, stinkier, are positive. Much as the critic relishes
precise lines of vines stretching out looking out to Europe and beyond to harder, you name it. Our cider is the prospect of a turkey on the horizon
into the distance. I was standing on the Asia and North America for customers. certainly fruitier and drier than they are a rarer beast these days.
terrace of the Rathfinny Wine Estate I had to pinch myself both at the anything coming out of Normandy, Of course, the food and drink
and would soon repair inside, to sit extraordinary achievement thus far we have the finest beef cattle in the industry faces huge challenges. But we
behind vast windows that framed the and at the mesmerising ambition. But world, the most succulent lamb – fed can, for once, look within our shores
wonderful views of vineyard, hills of this is no mere punt that Britain might on the lushest grass and the best for talent – we have the farmers, the
the South Downs beyond and a have a golden future in the food and insects – and I don’t know about you, land, the retail outlets and a growing
glimpse of the sea. Beneath the wine business. Rathfinny is just one but have you ever tried a glass of milk number of spirited independents. And
restaurant was the winery, a vast example of the belief now emerging anywhere else? a large bunch of hungry, sophisticated
warehouse filled with enormous steel across Britain that this country is a In 1962 the then young writer follow William consumers.
tanks which soon, once the harvest serious player in the world of Bernard Levin wrote a diatribe against Sitwell on Twitter Our Prime Minister likes to eat out,
was underway, would be filled with gastronomy. the state of this nation’s food and drink @WilliamSitwell; so let’s hope he can help to nurture the
the juice of chardonnay, pinot noir and How many would have scoffed a few sector. There was one word, he said, read more at talent and circumstances to make
pinot meunier grapes for a variety of decades ago at the idea of English that summed up the British hotel and Britain the tastiest nation on the
sparkling wines. vineyards with smart restaurants. Yet restaurant industry and that was opinion planet. Let’s raise a glass of Sussex to
Dinner would be a six-course menu across the south of England – and an “disgusting”. In an episode of That Was that.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 17
Letters to the Editor

The prorogation protests were just another attack on the democratic vote to leave the EU
sir – The demonstrations over the personal favourite was “Save but would not agree on anything else. has sworn on oath to do this to the
weekend against the prorogation of Democracy: Stop Brexit”. Mr Johnson could have kept the “best of her powers”. Written bits of
Parliament – which is standard Sam Jefferis moral high ground and still won on our constitution, such as the Bill of
procedure at the end of a Keynsham, Somerset Brexit. Now he has given ammunition Rights and the Act of Settlement, aim
parliamentary session – were clearly to the real enemies of democracy – the to control the Crown in its governance.
just an excuse to demonstrate against sir – The Archbishop of Canterbury’s opponents of Brexit masquerading as The Queen must uphold these while
leaving the EU. call for Remainers to accept the result opponents of no-deal. they remain unrepealed. They secure
ESTABLISHED 1855 On June 23 2016, 17.4 million people of the referendum in the interests of John de Waal the right of the people to make their
made the effort to get to their local democracy is admirable. Eastbourne, East Sussex own laws and customs. In order to sit
polling stations in order to give the Theresa May’s time in office showed in Parliament, all MPs have sworn

Remainer Tories
thumbs-down to the undemocratic EU. that reconciliation cannot be achieved sir – Can it be right that a prime oaths of allegiance and agreed to abide
No amount of Momentum- with a half-in, half-out solution. That minister’s advice to the Queen can be by the rule of law. So long as they do
orchestrated anti-Brexit activity can approach has only led to greater challenged in court but unilateral so, the Queen will indeed accept the
change that. discord. Remainers must not only changes to our constitutional advice of her ministers – but, should

face a stark choice Gerald Heath

Corsham, Wiltshire
accept the referendum result; for their
own well-being, as much as that of the
arrangements by a partisan Speaker
they propose to disregard the rule of
law, she is bound by the law to refuse.

nation, they must unite behind it and His Honour Charles Wide QC This is the true status of our
sir – I find it odd that those out on the embrace the opportunities. Peterborough, Cambridgeshire constitution, and thus it places
streets at the weekend, allegedly in Henry Speer limitations on the power of our
t’s astonishing to think that senior Tories defence of democracy, should feel Lincoln sir – Hugo Vickers’s understanding of Parliament so that it may not destroy
who sat in the Cabinet roughly six weeks ago such a strong sense of loyalty to an our constitution (Comment, August its own omnipotence and betray the
are now prepared to turn on the Prime organisation run by a secretive cabal sir – Ross Clark (Comment, August 29) 30) is in error. He takes Walter people to a foreign potentate. The
Minister, walk away from their party and of unelected officials. is right to fear that Boris Johnson’s Bagehot’s line to an extreme to make a Speaker’s stance should be tested
vote to stop a no-deal Brexit. But that’s what Sue Pickard prorogation of Parliament could be a very dangerous point, namely that the against these principles.
we’re likely to see happen this week. Epsom Downs, Surrey mistake. It may be legal and monarch must always accept the John Bingley
constitutional, but is it wise? Without advice of her ministers. Lord James of Blackheath
Tomorrow, when the Commons reconvenes, sir – I was greatly amused by some of it, the opposition parties could be This must be corrected. The Queen Rear Admiral Roger Lane-Nott
Remainer MPs, including several Conservatives, the slogans I saw at the protests. My relied on to oppose the Government is bound to uphold the rule of law. She Freddie Forsyth
will try to take control of the order paper and vote
to block a no-deal Brexit. This is madness: it’s why We accept letters
swathes of the public are now sick of this particular by post, fax and Chlorinated chicken Hospital flowers
Parliament and its seemingly endless attempts to email only. Please
include name, sir – Sir Ian Boyd, chief scientific sir – The reason why hospitals have
delay and therefore thwart Brexit. address, work and adviser at the Department for banned cut flowers (Letters, August 31)
MPs voted to trigger Article 50, true, but since home telephone Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is infection control.
then they have voted against every possible numbers. (Defra), argues that consumers should Water in flower vases is teeming
withdrawal deal, including Theresa May’s have a choice over whether or not to with bacteria, including Pseudomonas,
underwhelming agreement, which amounted to 111 Buckingham buy chlorine-washed chicken in the within 24 hours of being changed. The
Brexit-in-name-only. Palace Road, event of a UK-US trade deal because banning of cut flowers in burns wards
London animal welfare is a “values-based in the Eighties was accompanied by a
For an orderly Brexit to happen, Mr Johnson has SW1W 0DT choice” (report, August 29). rapid decrease in wound infection,
now only one choice left, which is to reopen This is disappointing. Defra, sepsis and death caused by this
negotiations with the EU and seriously rewrite Mrs fax supported by the British veterinary organism, which is challenging to
May’s agreement. MPs, especially within his own 020 7931 2878 profession and farming unions, treat, resistant to many antibiotics and
party, really should support him. But Mr Johnson proudly trumpets this country’s high difficult to eradicate from the fabric of
can only get a proper new deal if he has the ability email animal welfare standards and has the building, especially sink outlets.
to walk away from the negotiating table – and dtletters@ sought to reassure consumers that Dr Sarah A Pape these would at least be maintained Longwitton, Northumberland
Remainers want to seize control of House business after Brexit.
tomorrow precisely to remove that option, follow We know that shoppers not only
effectively undermining talks with the EU. Why? Telegraph Letters value high animal welfare standards Sacred sounds
Because their one, overriding goal all along has on Twitter but they also expect them. Chlorine

been to prevent Brexit itself. @LettersDesk washing is used to disinfect carcasses sir – It’s easy to imagine from much of
Remainers who once served in Mrs May’s at the end of a production process in the media coverage that the only
which chickens may have been kept in Victoria and Albert played by Emily Blunt and Rupert Friend in The Young Victoria (2009) worthwhile classical music concerts
Cabinet would argue that, in fact, they tried to get conditions associated with poor health held at this time of year have been at
Brexit completed by backing her deal. But the only and welfare. Additionally, we consider the Proms or the Edinburgh Festival.
Brexit they were willing to accept was one that that there are increasing public health What if Prince Albert had lived into old age? One example that proves this is not so
kept us trapped in the EU’s orbit potentially concerns about the practice. A recent was the astounding recital at
forever, and now that Britain finally has a PM study found that bacilli such as listeria SIR – Last week’s bicentenary of the militaristic Prussian education Westminster Cathedral last
properly committed to leaving, they have openly and salmonella remain completely Prince Albert’s birth received little which his eldest grandson, Wilhelm, Wednesday evening by the young
active after chlorine washing. The attention. His death, aged only 42, received from his tutors and during British organist Peter Stevens, the
joined the Remainer alliance. process merely makes it impossible to was a tragedy – not only for Queen his army training. cathedral’s Assistant Master of Music.
If they succeed in the Commons then it’s culture them in the lab, giving the Victoria and Britain, but also for Wilhelm’s father, the relatively It included a rare performance of the
possible that Mr Johnson will feel he has no choice false impression that the chlorine Europe and the rest of the world. liberal Kaiser Frederick III, also seminal, concentration-demanding,
left but to force a general election. In which case, washing has been effective. Their plan to ensure a peaceful suffered an untimely death after seven-movement work by Olivier
what happens to the Remainer Tories? It will be an The British Veterinary Association Europe through their wide family only three months on the throne in Messiaen composed in the Thirties, Les
election they have precipitated by opposing their has argued strongly to the connections never had a chance. 1888. Wilhelm became Kaiser Corps Glorieux. To hear this played in
Government that exports to Britain of Had he lived until 1901, as she did, Wilhelm II aged 29 with no suitable that building on that most appropriate
own Government’s policy – and the whip, chlorine-washed chicken should be he would surely have had a mentor, falling out even with organ by such a wonderful musician
presumably, will be removed from them. Thus we excluded on animal-welfare grounds. beneficial influence over the newly Bismarck. The rest is history. was an experience that will live long in
stand on the brink of a remarkable realignment in We would appreciate Defra’s support united Germany’s development after John Birkett the memory.
British politics that could see some MPs divorced on this. 1870, providing a counterbalance to St Andrews, Fife James Little
from the party they have served in for years. Simon Doherty Saffron Walden, Essex
But be in no doubt: it is a choice of their own President, British Veterinary
making, and all because they couldn’t accept the London W1 Smart motorways make drivers’ lives harder Ruffling feathers
result of the referendum and its full implications
for Britain. sir – I regularly commute along the tightly packed. Smart motorways are sir – Bob Stebbings (Letters, August
Learning the language southern stretch of the M25, which dumb. 28) claims that staring down seagulls

America’s gamble
was increased from three to four lanes David Miller does not work.
sir – I suspect one reason why some years ago in a move that wasn’t Tunbridge Wells, Kent I stared one down in Llandudno just
foreigners dislike British tourists very smart (Comment, August 31). a few days ago. I performed energetic
(report, August 31) is that so few of us In the absence of a hard shoulder, sir – I am an ambulance paramedic. head movements and made sure it

make any attempt to learn the the unavoidable lane closures that The hard shoulder is our usual path knew I was watching it. The bird
f Brexit seems like a never-ending problem, try languages of the places that we visit. follow a breakdown result in chaos through a traffic jam. Making rapid became increasingly anxious at my
fixing Syria and Afghanistan. In Syria, Bashar If you can afford to travel abroad, and long queues as traffic attempts to progress on motorways is now more behaviour (as did some human
surely you can afford to buy a bilingual squeeze into the remaining lanes. If difficult and stressful, as there can be observers) and eventually it flew off.
al-Assad has clung to power with the help of his dictionary and pick up a few words there is an accident, even in the inside four lanes of traffic blocking the way. Neil Hudson
Russian and Iranian allies and, let us be honest, the and phrases. There are also free lane, traffic police rarely hesitate to I now radio our control room when Leeds, West Yorkshire
tolerance of the West – but the country remains a websites and online videos. Yet many close the entire carriageway we are delayed because of this
tinderbox. At the weekend, the US launched an British tourists do not even have the completely. situation. I feel that an early record is
attack on al-Qaeda leadership in Idlib. The courtesy to learn how to say “hello”, Lane discipline is worse than ever necessary in case there is a fatality and Guilty pleasure
Russians accuse the Americans of endangering a “please” or “thank you”. with four lanes, as “middle lane a delay in medical treatment is
English may be a global language, wallies” gravitate to the third of four, questioned in the coroner’s court. sir – You report (August 30) that many
ceasefire. The contrary argument is that any peace but we mustn’t be so arrogant as to where they bumble along holding Smart motorways appear to have hotels are now going to use refillable
that provides cover for terrorists to regroup under assume that everyone speaks it, or everyone up, blinkered by been designed and approved by dispensers for all toiletries.
is hardly a peace at all. speaks it well. Trying to communicate complacency or perhaps fear. The people who spend little time on them Part of the pleasure of staying in
But that’s the gamble America is taking in with someone in their mother tongue second lane is often almost empty, for and have a poor understanding of the luxury hotels is being able to bring
Afghanistan. Taliban assaults on Afghan cities is a display of empathy that opens all good reason: lorries use it as their unplanned and unpleasant events that home the free mini products.
come, believe it or not, in the midst of peace talks kinds of doors. overtaking lane, and cars find it nigh occur on them. What are we going to do now?
Emilie Lamplough impossible to move into the third Tim Bradbury Daphne Johnstone
with the US. They send a message. The Taliban has Trowbridge, Wiltshire lane to pass them because it is too Northwich, Cheshire Havant, Hampshire
shown that it can carry out military attacks; the
Afghan government that it can hold the line; and
the US that it remains committed to the country,
even as it is effectively negotiating its own
withdrawal. The idea of the US sitting down to
talks with the Taliban will shock many, but this
conflict has gone on for 18 years and Donald Trump
For politicians, smiling is no laughing matter
wants to wind it down.
One of Washington’s conditions is that the people warm to you. When you smile, “In a word, tattoos.” When I was why, with support from the Duchess of
Taliban doesn’t offer a base to international Boris Johnson’s ready dopamine, endorphins and serotonin young, only sailors and people in Cornwall, patron of Silverline and wife
are released into your bloodstream, prison had tattoos. Now everyone in of the founder of the Prince’s Trust,
jihadists – and that’s the real tension in US policy. smile is one of the secrets lowering your heart rate and your the world under 40 seems to be I am launching a modest project
Mr Trump wants to get out of the Middle East and of his success – it wins trust blood pressure, relaxing your body emblazoned with them. Our new designed to get young and old away
Central Asia but this would leave behind a and enabling you to function more national hero, Ben Stokes, has both his from their iPhones and television
dangerous vacuum, filled either by hostile states and helps people relax effectively. Better than that, when you brilliant batting arms crammed with screens for a few hours, and doing
(Russia, Iran) or by terrorists who will eventually smile, people treat you differently. “tats” (as they are known in the trade), something active and amusing
bring the fight to America itself, as al-Qaeda did in gyles Look at the footage of Mrs May with while he has a three-lions-meet-Māori together. With the Poetry Together
2001. Nevertheless, the President is prepared to brandreth
h world leaders: compare and contrast design on his back, which the New project, groups of schoolchildren
with her successor. When Bojo Zealand-born cricketer created as a (aged anything from five to 18) are
take that risk, and it’s easy to see why. Whether he bounces onto the dais, everyone is 16-year-old to appease his parents after learning a poem by heart and inviting
wins re-election in 2020 or not, the White House is beaming – even against their better being told by them that he could only old people from local care homes to
unlikely to go on bleeding its country dry in judgment. Dr Clare explained to me get a tattoo if it had a meaning. learn the same poem. Then, around
defence of an already bloody status quo. that whatever the truth might be, a Friday’s Telegraph boasted a picture National Poetry Day in October, the

ave you noticed how Boris smiling person is perceived to be more on the front page of American actress old and the young are going to meet

Seal of approval
Johnson is always smiling? appealing, sincere and trustworthy Scarlett Johansson at the Venice Film up to recite their poem together and
Meeting Macron or Merkel, than a po-faced one. According to the Festival showing off her back tattoo have tea.
breakfasting with Trump in Biarritz, science, seeing a happy face activates featuring an elaborate climbing rose We did a pilot of the idea earlier in
entertaining schoolchildren at No 10, he your orbitofrontal cortex, the part of and a lamb – a tat tribute to her the year at the Chelsea Hospital and to
is beaming all the while. Even when your brain that processes sensory daughter Rose. see 80 and 90-year-old soldiers

nd finally, for some good news: scientists being earnestly quizzed by beetle- rewards. When you look at a person Tattoos are big business. I know a marching up and down with primary
browed political correspondents smiling, you feel that you are being man who got into tattoo ink only 10 schoolchildren while reciting
have counted more than 100 seal pups on the desperately channelling the rewarded – and you smile back. It’s an years ago and is now worth in excess A A Milne’s poem about changing the
shores of the River Thames. We are often prorogation outrage, there is an impish unconscious automatic response of £10 million. My publishers guard at Buckingham Palace was
told that the environment is on the brink of grin playing around the Prime (triggered in the cingulate cortex) and suggested to me that if I had the title of heart-warming. And, yes, it had
destruction, but how often do we hear of success Minister’s mouth as he offers his genial it explains why Boris, in spite of my new book tattooed somewhere everyone smiling. (If you know a school
stories, such as the transformation of the Thames? replies. That’s why he is going to win everything, has got to where he is about my person – “anywhere” they or care home that might like to take
In times past, the Thames functioned as a giant this thing – and the election that follows today and looks set stay there. The said – it would “guarantee great part, details are at
it. His smile is his secret weapon. scowling Jeremy Corbyn, poor fellow, publicity”. I told them I am already
open sewer. During the Great Stink of 1858, I know because some years ago I did doesn’t stand a chance. doing Twitter and Instagram. At my ‘Dancing by the Light of the Moon’ by
Parliament was inoperable. At first they tried to research on happiness with the late, age, that is quite enough. Gyles Brandreth is published by
escape the smell by covering the curtains in
chloride and lime, but eventually MPs gave in and
voted through reform in an unusually fast 18 days.
great Dr Anthony Clare, professor of
clinical psychiatry at Trinity College,
Dublin, and fondly remembered for
 You will recall the moment in the
1967 film, The Graduate, when the
young Dustin Hoffman, just out of  It seems that – like smiling –
learning poetry by heart is good
Penguin Michael Joseph on Thursday

Charles Moore is away

The Blitz, alas, destroyed some of the Victorian his radio interviews, In the college, at a party by the family for you. It stimulates the brain in all
Psychiatrist’s Chair. Dr Clare made a swimming pool, is given a piece of sorts of ways and helps keep dementia
sewers; by the Fifties, the river had been declared
study of successful politicians and career advice by a middle-aged at bay. Successfully memorising a
biologically dead. Now, thanks to declining concluded that the most successful neighbour: “In a word, plastics.” If piece of verse is satisfying: performing follow Gyles Brandreth on Twitter
pollution, there are seals, porpoises and sharks were the ones who smiled the most. I was asked to give a comparable piece it alongside others is as rewarding as @GylesB1; read more at
living in it – and the smell is vastly improved, too. Grinning is good for your health, and of advice today, it would have to be: being a member of a choir. That is
18 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Puzzles, mind games and Herculis Win £50 and a Telegraph pen
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 19
HRT ‘crisis’ Mind healing Tim Farron
Natural ways to How to navigate ‘I felt like I had let
relieve the pain toxic friendships everyone down’
of menopause Page 20 Page 23

Page 21

Can teenagers training and supervision but, as in
Germany, they offer energy,
enthusiasm and a free source of
labour. Winfield is now looking at
ways in which the hospital’s existing
volunteer force could be more

with nothing to do
integrated into clinical care. She
believes a wider volunteer
programme for young people across
the NHS could both relieve pressure
on the health service and help attract
them into rewarding careers in
healthcare they might not otherwise

save the NHS? consider.

Not everyone will be cut out for it,
but the Derby experiment suggests
that even volunteers who don’t seem
promising can come into their own.
A million miles from Charlotte and
her “head girl” approach was
20-year-old Will Muncey, who was
urged to take part by his parents.
A new BBC experiment placing young volunteers in hospitals has Charming, chatty but rudderless,
Will had been drifting from one job
to another, working for an estate
had a profound effect, participants tell Margarette Driscoll agency, then pulling pints. When he
arrived at his first placement, on the

his time last year, Charlotte of volunteers to help with admin jobs, to make a documentary about the been assigned, and to her surprise a head and neck ward, his main
Buck regarded herself as an manning reception desks, chatting to
‘Young NHS, was determined to make it caring instinct came to the fore. “I’d
Helping hands:
Charlotte Buck, concern was not whether he was up
unemotional person. Not cold
exactly, but headstrong and
patients and providing emotional
support. This group – filmed by the
people happen. Which might make for a great
TV, but when life in the NHS is a
thought connecting with people was
going to be a challenge, but we got
main, and Will
Muncey, above,
to the job but whether he could split
his half-hour break time into three
determined, focused on her studies BBC for The Big Hospital Experiment, offer constant battle against the odds, with really close. I was helping her to the took part in ten-minute slots to nip out for a fag.
and launching her career. She which starts this week – is the first to staff and funding at crisis levels, bathroom and rubbing cream on her The Big Hospital Then, a week or so later, as he was
became a volunteer at the Royal get involved in clinical treatment, energy overflowing wards, ageing patients because she couldn’t reach her legs. So Experiment, which taking routine observations, he
Derby Hospital mostly out of
self-interest: if she wanted to
feeding and washing, taking hourly
observations, monitoring patients in
and a free and a social care sector unable to
relieve the strain, why would anyone
that was a start,” she says.
Her most challenging stint was on
was project
managed by Karen
noticed something was wrong. A
patient he was talking to did not
specialise in medical law it would the high dependency unit and helping source of agree to throw a group of young, the renal ward, where there were Hill, senior nurse, seem properly responsive and had a
help tick the box marked “relevant
elevant with wound care. inexperienced amateurs into the mix? some seriously ill patients – some left very weak pulse. He raised the alarm
experience”. The idea came from a chance labour
labour’ The Royal Derby’s gamble was that needing dialysis, others at risk of and the hospital’s crash team arrived:
Instead, her six weeks on the conversation in a south London pub 15 such volunteers might become part of seizures or sepsis – three of whom died to his surprise, he might have saved
wards proved a physical, mentalental and years ago when James O’Reilly, the solution. on the same day. Charlotte had got to someone’s life.
emotional challenge that hass creative director of The Big “Obviously, there’s a level of risk know one of the men who was Will’s breezy chit-chat as he took
changed everything. “It made de me Hospital Experiment, was at involved and, as far as I’m aware, there terminally ill and spent the last few observations brought a smile to his
think about how I connect with university. He got talking to a isn’t anyone in the acute sector using hours of his life by his side, cooling his patients’ faces but, like Charlotte, he
people, about my family, made ade me visiting German student who trained volunteers alongside clinical forehead with damp cloths as his was unprepared for the closeness he
question things I’d never questioned
estioned seemed “so much older and staff,” says Cathy Winfield, the trust’s temperature soared. began to feel towards them.
before,” she says. “You build d such cooler than us”. It turned out executive chief nurse. “But we “I kept stroking his hand and When he heard a man he had got
strong bonds with patients so he had just spent nine months saw this could enhance the team chatting to him, trying to get him to to know on the cancer ward was
quickly. It’s really intense.” volunteering in a German around the patient. Family hold on until his family arrived,” she being allowed home, he was
Charlotte, 21, was one of 14 4 young hospital: “While we’d isn’t always there for our says. “I used to be someone who could delighted – but then realised it was
people from around Britain chosen been acting like idiots patients, you can be on your not talk about death, did not want to because there was no more the
to take part in a trial in Derby,
y, based and getting drunk, own and your daughter lives think about it, but though my mind doctors could do: “He was the most
on a German scheme which sees he’d had first-hand 150 miles away. We saw this was racing, I thought: ‘OK, you need to lovely guy. I was a bit lost for words.”
some 90,000 young people every experience of life as having the potential to fill do this.’ ” As with Charlotte, facing up to
year volunteering in hospitals als and and death and that gap.” Though she is as determined as ever these hard realities has changed his
care homes. could amaze us The volunteers, who to make it to bar school, she has outlook.
In the latter years of conscription
cription all with eye- spent six weeks at the moved home for a year to save money “The biggest thing I learnt was a
in Germany, which ran from m 1956 to opening Royal Derby late last
las and spend time with her mother, whole new respect for the NHS. It
2011, youngsters could choose se to do experiences of year, were put Janine. “I’d moved away from Kent doesn’t matter whether you are a
their national service either in the emergency and through basic and hadn’t been home for ages. I doctor or a porter, everything you’re
military or by volunteering in the trauma and all the training, learning worked two jobs while at university in doing really matters.”
care sector, a tradition which h has things you to administer firs
first Leicester, so I didn’t get to see my Though he is now back pulling
continued, giving German hospitals a experience on a aid, CPR and take mum very often at all,” she says. “I was pints, Will has arranged an interview
constantly refreshed band off hospital ward.” blood pressure. just thinking about my goal and not for a more permanent job. His stint in
enthusiastic – and free – workers,
rkers, O’Reilly On her first day, the people who’d supported me all the The Big Hospital
the NHS was his parents’ idea – what
similar to British healthcare continued to be Charlotte struck up way along to achieve it.” will they think when the programme
Experiment begins
assistants. fascinated by the a conversation with The experiment became food for is broadcast? “I’m told my mum will
on BBC Two on
Could a similar programme me work concept and, when Audrey, one of the thought for the hospital, too. be quite proud of me,” he says. “We’ll
Wednesday, 9pm
here? The NHS already has an army he got the chance patients she had Youngsters may soak up resources in see.”
20 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

�he �urgery
D O C T O R’ S D I A RY MIND HEALING Commitment is the third
quality. Both are prepared to

The Navigating
your toxic
put time and effort into the
relationship, even when
they’re physically far apart.
Fourth, balance. Although

torture of friendships
at any given moment one
may ask more of the other,
over time each individual
gives and takes equally.

restless Fifth, the relationship is

uplifting and rewarding,
allowing both individuals to
feel energised and positive.

legs The size of our social

network appears to be fairly
stable across age groups,
gender, time and culture.
According to Robin Dunbar
at the University of Oxford,
the number of individuals
Linda Blair – about 150 – any of us can
claim to recognise and feel

riendship is vital – and familiar with is based on the
it isn’t exclusive to amount of interpersonal
humans. Ethologists information the human brain

Robert Seyfarth and Dorothy can process. Within the 150
Cheney at the University of are three layers – five or so
Pennsylvania describe the intimate friends, about 15
evolutionary origins of very good friends and
human friendship using around 50 close friends.
their observations of other However, not all
animals, including horses, friendships are beneficial.
dolphins and monkeys, and Some, known as “toxic
conclude friendship is friendships”, can actually
become gradually less effective or Tens machine and the compressive Restless legs: a condition akin to adaptive across all species. damage wellbeing, causing
James Le Fanu paradoxically worsen those Restiffic that wraps around the foot ‘morale-sapping torture’ Those of us who are part low self-esteem, self-doubt,
creeping and crawling sensations and is reputed to be “superior to of a strong friendship group anxiety and fatigue. There
he startling news – known as augmentation. drug treatment”, reducing the to cause the signs and symptoms of are more likely to live longer, may even be physical
reported last week Over the years, readers of this intensity of symptoms from “severe” a mini stroke. as Julianne Holt-Lunstad at consequences – some
T that those troubled by
restless legs are three
column have written to tell of the
several ways they have found to
to “mild”. Nor is that the end of it – there are
two further forms of hairdressing-
Brigham University
discovered in her meta-
researchers have found
correlations between toxic
times more likely to
attempt or commit
ameliorate their symptoms –
notably heat, in the form of a hot More faint theories related fainting. The first,
“hairdryer syncope”, occurs in older
analysis of 148 studies across
the world. Laura Pittman and
friendships and systemic
inflammation as well as
suicide is a salutary reminder of the bath late at night, or, conversely, women who have sat under a hood Adeya Richmond at higher rates of heart disease.
morale sapping torture of this pouring icy water over the legs. The conundrum of the gentleman hairdryer for some time and is Northern Illinois University If you think one of your
enigmatic affliction. “Some say they “When I feel this infernal irritation who, to his and his hairdresser’s attributed to the heat generated by found undergraduates who friendships is toxic, what
never have a moment’s peace,” is about to start up,” wrote one long alarm, has collapsed twice this year the dryer dilating the blood vessels had more good friends were should you do?
noted Swedish physician Karl-Axel term sufferer, “I pull on my calf when having a “trim” has prompted to cause a fall in blood pressure. less likely to feel depressed Write down which aspects
Ekbom half a century ago. He muscle so tightly so as to induce a considerable interest with several Then, at the other end of the age or anxious during the cause distress. Ask yourself
likened the most unpleasant cramp, then letting go find it has ramifications. The most likely spectrum, there is “hair-grooming transition from home to how you’d like things to
sensation, typically occurring when almost disappeared.” explanation would be impaired syncope” in adolescent girls who university. And those who change. Can you make any of
lying in bed at night or sitting for The disappointments of drug blood flow, as ophthalmologist have been standing still for some have good workplace those changes? If not, try
any length of time, to “ants running treatment in the long term has William Coddington describes: time having their hair combed or friendships perform better talking to your friend.
up and down the bones” or “a leg prompted renewed interest in such “When I have my hair cut I braided. Here the action of pulling and report a more positive If they’re willing to make
full of small worms” and described methods – presumed to work by invariably flex my neck so the on the scalp stimulates the vagus work attitude, according to changes, give the friendship
how “the discomfort forces them to “drowning out” the unpleasant barber can more easily get to the nerve, leading to a reflex slowing of Seok-Hwi Song at the a chance as long as you feel
walk up and down continuously like nerve signals from the brain – back of my head,” he writes. For the heart rate. The predisposition of University of Seoul. it’s safe to do so. If not, or if
a caged bear”. summarised as “Non- those with arthritis in the cervical hairdressing to cause fainting in There are countless there are no changes within
Though initially thought of as a Pharmacological Treatments for spine, this manoeuvre can compress these diverse ways, though definitions of good friendship three to six weeks, it would
neurological curiosity, it is Restless Legs” in the journal Sleep the two vertebral arteries running interesting, might be a bit esoteric. but, in my opinion, five be best to end the
surprisingly common – and Review, available to read online. up the back of the neck, reducing On the contrary, recognising the qualities stand out. relationship and focus
remained untreatable until the They include graded exercise, and a the blood flow to the posterior part link is vital in sparing the The first is that the instead on other, healthier
chance observation of several range of medical devices such as a of the brain to cause transient loss unfortunate fainter a panoply of friendship nourishes both friendships.
patients with Parkinson’s disease of consciousness. intrusive investigations for individuals. Each feels
who found that the drugs they were
taking to boost the level of the
Initially thought of A similar sequence of events
occurs more commonly following
disturbances of heart rhythm,
epilepsy and other possible causes
supported and cared for, and
both look forward to
Linda Blair is a clinical
psychologist and author of
neurotransmitter dopamine also as a neurological the reverse manoeuvre of extending of loss of consciousness. spending time together. Siblings: How to Handle Rivalry
markedly alleviated their restless the neck backwards to have the hair Second, there is trust.
legs. At the time this seemed an curiosity, it is shampooed. Here the blood flow Each knows they can count
and Create Lifelong Loving
Bonds. To order for £10.99,
Email medical questions confidentially
amazing breakthrough but
despairingly, after a few months’
surprisingly through the vertebral arteries is
reduced still further by their being
to Dr James Le Fanu at drjames
on the other to be honest but
accepting, even when one or
call 0844 871 1514 or visit
blessed relief, the drugs tend to common compressed by the lip of the basin both change.

‘I didn’t want my
sister to die for
nothing. It just
seemed such a waste’
As organ donation laws are
set to change next Spring,
Harry de Quetteville meets
those helping to navigate

the process
loyd Dalton-Brown can
still remember the
moment he saw his sister
Jane, then 29, in hospital
after her accident. “When
I went in to the hospital
she looked fine,” he recalls with
startling clarity, nearly 20 years on.
“Her cheeks were rosy, she was
breathing.” But looks were terribly
The rise and fall of her chest was
maintained only by machine. Jane Agonising decision: Lloyd Dalton-Brown,
had suffered fatal head injuries after right, had to approve donating the organs
being hit by a lorry. “When the of his sister Jane, above centre
consultant showed me the scan of her
brainstem,” says Lloyd, “I changing in a way that could see “families can be divided over the
understood.” many more bereaved relatives faced issue”. He should know – his mother is
What happened next changed his with similar agonies to Lloyd. For against donation; his children are in
life – and those of five others. “The next Spring, organ donation will favour. His wife, as next of kin, will
consultant asked me about donating move to an opt-out basis, where make the call, should the worst
her organs,” says Lloyd, now 67. consent for donation is assumed, happen.
But, like the vast majority of unless someone has noted that they In recent years, families in the UK
people, he had never discussed the do not wish it. have stepped in to prevent donations
possibility of such a medical It is a watershed moment. After all in about 40 per cent of suitable cases.
catastrophe with Jane, who had yet to today, which marks the start of Organ So while next year’s law change is
reach her 30th birthday. “I agonised Donation Week, only 24.9 million expected to result in a many more
about it,” he says. “I wobbled. And you people have recorded their decision potential donors, it will be for nothing
don’t have long to make your unless families give are prepared to
decision. Because the organs don’t give their approval.
last long.”
‘I’ve never met a That is where SNODs – Specialist
Eventually he gave consent for her
organs to be donated. “I didn’t want
family who regret Nurse for Organ Donation – come in.
A cadre of 300 experienced nurses,
her to die for nothing. It just seemed the decision to usually drawn from intensive care and
such a waste.” emergency units, they are given six
Jane’s heart, lungs, and kidneys donate an organ’ months of training to prepare for the
went to others. Her liver went to a girl uniquely sensitive task of caring for
so desperately ill that an appeal for to be an organ donor on the Organ and supporting a donor’s family.
help was broadcast on the radio. Even Donor Register. That is 38 per cent of “You can’t imagine what people are
so, Lloyd couldn’t help wondering if the population. going through at that time,” says
he’d done the right thing: “I did a lot In 12 months’ time, however, all of SNOD Rachel Rowson. “It’s the
of soul searching,” he remembers. us bar those who register an objection darkest day of their lives.” That’s
It was only later, when he managed will in effect become card-carrying because the process of organ
to speak to many of Jane’s friends, donors. Of course, that will not be the donation requires someone to die on a
who reassured him, that he could set end of the matter. Because then, as ventilator, and that, as Rowson says
his mind at ease. now, bereaved families will still have delicately, “usually means donors
Now, the law in England is the ultimate say. And, as Lloyd says, have suffered a traumatic event: a fall,
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 21

Alternative NATURAL WAYS


ways to relieve Testosterone

begins to
naturally in men
you don’t pile on
the weight as
you age.”
Eat zinc:

after the age of Bupa’s Dr Luke
35, and some Powles, who
studies suggest recommends a
that boosting diet rich in
levels with essential
injections and nutrients, says:
other therapies “Eating foods
can help with more
improve muscle whole grains or
strength, energy shellfish
and sex drive in including zinc
middle age. may help
As hormone replacement therapy faces Question
marks remain
a supply crisis, Victoria Lambert looks over the benefits
and safety
at natural methods to ease the pain profile of such – which aids

treatments, testosterone
however – so is synthesis – can
RT is rarely out of the Avon. For those who want to cut their it possible to be found in
news. But whether reliance on HRT or try coming off it replace falling bananas, beets
you’re starting with completely, a number of alternative hormone levels and spinach.”
the odd hot flush or methods are gaining attention. naturally? Seek
already experiencing Try squats: sunshine: In
the full tidal wave of Herbal solutions “You are better 2010, Austrian
menopause symptoms, news of Cannabis oil has soared in popularity to let your own researchers
national shortages of hormone this year as a natural solution to body sort out found vitamin D
replacement therapy y (HRT) will be problems ranging
rangin from epilepsy to your helps the body
most unwelcome. anxiety, and now it’s hoped it could testosterone produce
The crisis over supplies
pplies of HRT – offer an alternative
alternati to HRT, too. TV levels than testosterone.
thought to have begun un after China presenter Andrea
Andr McLean and Meg resort to The study also
forced some manufacturers
cturers to Mathews, the entrepreneur and therapy,” says indicated that
stop producing HRT patches – is Noe Gallagher, have
ex-wife of Noel Richard Sharpe, levels of
reportedly seeing some me British both recently told how CBD hemp professor of testosterone
women flying abroad, d, with th
oil helped them overcome reproductive peaked in

warnings they could struggle to symptoms o of the menopause health at August and
get hold of patches foror nearly a including an anxiety and hot flushes. Edinburgh were lower
year. It’s thought thatt two The theo
theory is that CBD may University. “Eat throughout the
thirds of HRT products cts have dampen do down the menopause’s a healthy winter months.
been affected. effects on the endocannabinoid balanced diet Jasmine
To make matters worse, a system, a collection of cell and do plenty of Cameron-
report published thiss week receptors in the brain, organs exercise so that Chileshe
revived the debate overver and other tissues in the body
whether HRT raises women’s – and may help to ease
risk of breast cancer. The study menopausal
menopaus symptoms to menopausal symptoms can reduce raising awareness around the effect. “You can also get a vaginal the dog. Especially if it helps
published in The Lancetncett found including poor memory, their impact. Research on 140 women menopause helps women feel less oestrogen,” she says, “which is not strengthen the pelvic floor like
a small increased risk k for all irritability,
irritability broken sleep and hot by Prof Myra Hunter, a psychiatrist at embarrassed about it, and thus HRT and is safe for most women to yoga,” says Newsom.
types of HRT except topical flushes. King’s College London, found that after perceive the symptoms differently. use”. For fans of complementary Diet matters, too, but while many
vaginal oestrogens, and that for If you’re considering
consi coming off four sessions of CBT – where women MPs recently called for workplaces to therapy, the LadyCare Plus+ (£45, women try to up their intake of soya
some, the risk remains ns for more than HRT,
HRT Dr Marilyn Glenville, who were helped to replace negative have “menopause policies” and allow Boots) is an updated version of this and chickpeas, which are high in
a decade after use stops. specialises in women’s health and thoughts about the menopause with female employees time off or changes popular, discreet magnetic product phytoestrogens – compounds which
Around one in 10 women going hormonal balance, recommends positive ones – 65 per cent reported to their shifts when necessary. (about the size of a 10p coin) that mimic the effect of oestrogen in the
through the menopause are gradual weaning, and trying herbal reductions in flushes and night sweats, attaches to underwear in the pelvic body – “there is little evidence they
prescribed HRT – which restores remedies to ease the symptoms. compared with 12 per cent in a control Gadgets and cosmetics area to be worn day and night. Fans work”. Instead, she advises to “cut
falling levels of hormones – “Stopping HRT suddenly can cause group. They continued to experience One symptom getting more attention say it is useful forr mood stabilising. back on added sugars and
amounting to around 200,000 withdrawal symptoms. If you need fewer symptoms six months after they presently is vaginal atrophy: p
pro cessed food and make sure
women in the UK. But worries over extra help then you can use herbs like finished the treatment. Prof Hunter menopause causes skin in this Diet and exercise
cise you get adequate ca calcium to
supplies, and a new breast cancer black cohosh, agnus castus, dong quai found women responded just as well intimate area to dry out and become A study in the journal
urnal Menopause support bone strength.
streng Think
scare, will no doubt add to growing and sage, which have, been shown to from a self-help CD and book as they painful. New products such as internal omen with
in 2016 found women about improving y your gut
interest in alternative ways to help with the symptoms of the did to therapy sessions. moisturisers like YES VM, which sedentary lifestyles
yles had bacteria diversity as that’s
manage the symptoms of the menopause.” She recommends NHP’s Apps such as mySysters, which rejuvenate the dry or damaged tissues, significantly worse
rse menopausal important for serotonin
menopause. “This is an ideal time to Black Cohosh Plus (£24.77, tracks symptoms and offers support are proving popular. symptoms, including
uding hot levels, to help stabilise
st and
look at all the latest ways to take care network for women going through Dr Newson, author of the Haynes flushes, joint pain
n and improve your mood”.
of yourself as you approach and go perimenopause or menopause, or one Menopause Manual, recommends YES, anxiety. “Pick ann exercise Cutting down on alcohol
through the menopause,” says Dr Apps and mindfulness of the meditation apps like Headspace, Sylk and Regelle but warns against ou
that works for you and caffe
caffeine can also
Louise Newson, a GP and menopause Increasingly, experts are showing that may also prove useful. shopping for scented moisturisers or whether that is with insomnia
help wi
specialist based in Stratford-upon- changing your psychological response Many experts argue that simply using KY Jelly, which has no lasting running or walkinging and low mood.

close to death now full of life, back at

work, it does feel amazing.” Who
benefits from those transplants, he
says, is down to a computerised
weighting system, which is “quite
complicated,” with everything from
outcomes to geography taken into
account. But one thing is sure,
Wigmore adds: “Children take
Long delays remain – three years
for a heart transplant, more than two
for a kidney. Some 6,000 people are
on the waiting list. But it was 8,000
only a few years ago. That, says
Wigmore, is down to an organ
donation task force which, in 2006,
studied and improved the whole
pathway of donation, and put in place
greater family support, helping boost
public approval of donation (it now
stands at 80 per cent).
The greatest change has occurred
in Wales: as recently as 2015, almost
half of families there refused

‘When you see

someone who was
close to death full of
life, it feels amazing’
donation. Today, that figure is just a
quarter, the lowest in the UK and
described by Williment as “world-
The difference, she says, has been

Wales’ own opt-out law, in place for

four years. “It got the nation talking,”
she says. And talking, as Lloyd
Dalton-Brown knows, is the crucial
thing. “You have to have the
a traffic accident, some kind of injury donation itself that is the issue, but discussion before anything happens.”
to the brain like a stroke. It’s probably that grieving families are The benefits, he says, are
happened very quickly.” overwhelmed by mundane tasks. “We inestimable. “My sister died and
Most families, then, have said find they are worrying that the kids helped five other people. Jane was
goodbye to the potential donor at need collecting from school,” says able to do something to save others.”
breakfast, fully expecting to see them Claire Williment, who is ensuring that In the NHS, Rawson says she has
again for supper. Instead they are the several hundred staff on the NHS’ “never met a family who say they
confronted with tragedy, and, on top nationwide Blood and Transplant regret it. But we have had some
of that, asked to consent to organ Team are up to speed with the families who have regretted the
donation too. “Understandably some forthcoming law change. “But we can decision to say no”.
say ‘I just can’t make that decision,’” sort it all. That’s the unseen side.” Minimum estimates suggest that
says Rowson. “But unfortunately If families then agree to donate, a the law change will see several
saying that is also saying ‘no’. Time plan swings into action, managed hundred extra donors and around
isn’t on our side. We only have one from an operations base in Bristol. seven to 800 more transplant
time to ask, one time to get it right.” A surgical team from the National operations in England each year: “For
She describes a process of almost Organ Retrieval Service stands ready patients with organ failure there’s
unbearable delicacy in which, she is around the clock, 365 days a year, to never been a better time,” says
quick to say, there is absolutely no operate. The organs are then passed Wigmore.
pressure placed upon the family one to couriers to be dispatched to up to And time is crucial, no more so than
way or the other. nine recipients around the country. on the “super urgent list” in the
Rather, it is about helping them to “It’s an amazing logistics feat,” says Bristol hub. “It is very, very
process what has happened fast Williment. “If we have a heart, the powerful,” Williment says. “When
enough to ensure that, should they recipient will be being prepped at the you see a name has gone from that list
agree, the organs are still in a good same time the organ is being in the afternoon because they’ve had
enough condition. retrieved from the donor.” the transplant – nothing makes you
“Getting them to the point of What happens next is then up to happier. But nothing makes me
accepting that their loved one is going people like Steve Wigmore, professor sadder than when that name is gone
to die is the first step,” she explains. of transplantation surgery in because they’ve died waiting.”
“It is very sensitive and needs to be Edinburgh, who speaks of how
done in the right way.” remarkable the process is.
Often the SNODs find it is not “When you see someone who was
22 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 23

done for decades. I’m not blaming

any of them, but that is the impact.”
He did not seek therapy, but
naturally he prayed. “What is
massively important to me is to
demonstrate and feel a sense of grace
to others,” he says. “To be utterly
forgiving, take it on the chin, not to
sulk or whine.”
He is thankful his family were
kept, largely, out of the fray. If he has
a word of warning for Swinson about
what to expect, it would be the
impact on home life. “She doesn’t
need me to tell her it’s a great joy and
honour to be leader, but you need to
protect yourself,” he says.
His wife Rosie works in human
resources at a nearby university and
they have four children. He has
raised them Christian and says the
family attend church together. I
wonder whether he has encouraged
any constituents to convert?
“I’m not going to talk about
individuals I may have spoken to and
may or may not have come to faith,”
he says. “But it is important for
Christians to do. Not be intolerant or
ram it down people’s necks, but at
the same time gently, respectfully,
when the opportunity arises, to set
out the case.”
However, he is insistent he never
brings God into his constituency
surgeries. “If a bus driver while
handing over tickets said ‘let me

share Jesus with you’, they would be

rightly sacked, so I never do that.”
Back on to politics and I wait in
vain for a note of regret to creep into
his voice. Instead I am met with
waves of enthusiasm. “I’m absolutely
lacking in any regret,” he says.
“People who have been leaders
beforehand have a sense of
disappointment around
them, I don’t feel that in
the slightest.”
Partly that is explained
by his love for the

‘Broken and hopeless – I felt constituency he has served

since 2005. But more so it
is his unshakeable faith in
God that lifts him far above
the fray, even to the
detriment of his career.

like I had let everyone down’ “It is all flipping

temporary,” he says. “It is
close to being pointless
and yet it is what fills the
papers, social media, our
attention and is all over in
an instant. What I believe
in is something that
matters far more.”
When it comes to faith
Quitting as Lib Dem leader left Tim Farron MP’s mental health in a parlous state. and politics, Tim Farron
was only ever going to
He chose prayer over politics – and doesn’t regret it for a moment, finds Joe Shute

make one choice.

rior to launching his bid asked by a reporter what she prayed points out to the photographer his Viz Keeping the faith: Tim Farron A Better Ambition by Tim
to lead the Liberal for as she left church, the then prime jigsaw (Farron adores the cult comic). in his Westmorland and Farron (RRP £19.99). Buy
Democrats in 2015, Tim minister replied: “Better questions He combines fell running with pints of Lonsdale constituency, above, now for £16.99 at books.
Farron MP spent a day from journalists.” local ale and the occasional crafty and with Jo Swinson in 2015, or call
with 10 or so close friends “Perhaps Theresa May was wiser cigarette. “Don’t tell the kids,” he when he was leader of the 0844 871 1514
and advisers holed up in and more careful than me,” Farron whispers. Far from any lingering sense Liberal Democrats
a Lake District hotel. On the agenda reflects. Or simply a better politician? of regret, he exudes relief to have left
was a new slogan for his embryonic “Maybe. That might be all it is.” the Westminster bubble (and back-
campaign – “a fresh start” – and to Still, Farron insists that during his stabbing) behind.
look at anything in his character or time at the helm he put his party on to With politics entering full-blown
history that could prove to be a the resurgent path it occupies today, crisis mode, he spent the previous day
potential pitfall. pointing to the fact that membership playing football with youngsters on
“My faith was seen both as a doubled under his leadership. estates in Kendal and after our
strength and weakness,” recalls The Lib Dems’ firm Remain stance, interview was planning a hike up one
Farron, a born-again evangelical championed by Jo Swinson, the new of Wainwright’s smaller fells with his
Christian. It turned out to be very leader, has already scooped up MPs two teenage sons.
much the latter. from other parties and, it is hoped, will “Being leader of the party is a great
Soon after being elected by the attract disgruntled Tory and Labour mission and duty,” he says. “But I
party he was confronted with a voters. “It is very important in our won’t pretend my mental health isn’t
question that he still visibly winces tone to be inclusive,” he says. significantly better because I can
at when I raise it today: “Do you So what about the recent Lib Dem immerse myself in the life of this
believe gay sex is a sin?” campaign slogan “B------- to Brexit”, community.”
The short answer was – and chosen for the European elections? Farron’s book about his troubled
remains – yes. He admits now that “It’s not the kind of thing I would have tenure is called Better Ambition (his
the first time he was asked his view come up with,” Farron admits. suggestion), with the more
on the matter he knew it would not I meet the 49-year-old in his mischievous subtitle Confessions of a
go away, unless he were to explicitly Westmorland and Lonsdale Faithful Liberal (his publisher’s). It
deny his own faith, which transpired constituency in the Lake District ahead charts his journey from working class
was something he was not prepared Preston boy to joining the Lib Dems
to do. aged 16, to finding God while on a trip
Surely that is the “rabbit hole” – ‘That there is a to Singapore aged 18.
Farron’s words – he and his advisers
should have been better prepared
perception of me that Predictably, Farron devotes pages to
patiently explaining his views on sin.
for when it reared its head in the I’m not loving or “It’s not for me to pontificate on what
run-up to the 2017 general election? the Bible tells you,” he says. “I accept
“If I blame anybody at all, I blame tolerant is painful’ what the Bible says humbly and treat
me,” Farron says, before adding everyone equally.”
cheerfully. “And I don’t even think I of the publication of his autobiography, He attempts to further explain his
do that.” which comes out this week. It is only position – which is essentially, I think,
In 2017 the party increased its two years since he stepped down from that we are all sinful in the eyes of God
number of seats from 8 to 12, but the leadership, though such is the – and it becomes ever more apparent
fared unexpectedly badly in some febrile pace of modern politics that it how easily voters could fail to grasp
progressive metropolitan areas feels like a lifetime. the nuances of his message. Eventually
(Nick Clegg and Farron’s friend Greg Our interview is on the same he breaks off. “We all want to be
Mulholland lost their seats in morning that Boris Johnson known and understood. That there is a
Sheffield Hallam and Leeds North announces the proroguing of perception of me – and probably still is
West respectively). With some party Parliament, a move Farron describes – that I’m not a loving or tolerant
figures blaming the focus on as “a clear attempt to undermine person is to me quite painful.”
Farron’s views for the slump, he accountability and scrutiny and a theft His book describes the subsequent
resigned soon after, saying he felt of democracy”. On working with other dark times. “It is a sense of being
“remaining faithful to Christ” was opposition parties to prevent no deal broken, hopeless and useless, that I
incompatible with leading his party. – Swinson has been involved in talks have let everyone down, especially my
Yet Tony Blair managed it – his – Farron issues a word of caution. “I’m family, not for any particularly logical
press secretary Alastair Campbell happy to work with the Tories or reasons,” Farron writes.
once famously interrupted him as Labour to stop bad things happening, But in person he proves much more
he began to speak about his faith but we need to be aware they are both circumspect. “At times it felt pretty
with the edict: “We don’t do God.” just playing games here,” he says. grim,” he says, briskly. “I do not feel
Similarly, Theresa May, a devout Farron’s fresh-faced features and like a victim. I don’t want people
Christian, managed to sidestep youthful zeal are oft remarked upon. thinking that I do at all.”
questions about her faith. When He wears oxblood Doc Martens and He says he was never officially
diagnosed with depression, but
certainly recognised his mental health
was suffering. “It was clearly triggered
by external events you could trace.
This wasn’t any darkness that was
untraceable. It was obvious what had
happened. One can understand that
better and fear it less.”
The lowest point for Farron came in
May last year when he cancelled an
appearance at a church event in
Manchester after the promotional
literature criticised the “gay lobby” as
well as “increasing problems with
immigration” – sentiments with which
Farron insists he wholly disagrees.
He won’t name names but the
subsequent social media pile-on
involved plenty of members of his own
side. “People form an opinion of you
which is hurtful. I guess it is just the
Twitterati but many are people I
Frontman: the young Tim Farron, centre, played in a band called The Voyeurs genuinely know and love and have
24 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

To save a life, should police break the rules?

takes a measured view of Fulcher’s
A true-life drama actions. “We wanted Steve to do
whatever he could to get answers
about the murder of about what happened to Sian, like
anybody would, but at the same time,
a young woman asks once finding out what had actually
taken place, I also fully understood
if our system favours that there would be legal ramifications.
“Homicide (I still struggle to say the
suspect over victim, “m” word),” she adds, “comes with so
much to deal with on top of the
writes Chris Harvey enormity of the loss.

“I feel it’s important that people see
that when hit with trauma and grief
riveting true-life drama we all handle it in our own way. There
which begins on ITV is no right or wrong way to feel, there
tonight poses a blistering is no stereotype. It is instinctive,
question: is Britain’s self-protecting, raw and
police and criminal overwhelming; it’s OK to cope in
justice system set up to whatever way gets you through it and
protect the rights of a suspect over allows you to move forward.”
those of an innocent 22-year-old Paul Andrew Williams, the director,
abducted on her way home? And, in was influenced in style by
the words of Jeff Pope, the UK’s documentaries such as 24 Hours in
premier factual dramatist: “How do we Police Custody, and uses hand-held
want the police to behave if, god cameras throughout. Both director
forbid, it was one of our loved ones and screenwriter raise the issue of
that had gone missing? Is this how we answering “no comment” to all
want our police to be?” questions – which anyone who has
A Confession, starring Martin watched fly-on-the-wall
Freeman, tells, over six episodes, the documentaries on crime in this
agonising story of the hunt for Sian country will recognise as common.
O’Callaghan, who disappeared in the “Solicitors will almost universally
early hours of March 19 2011, after advise their client to offer no comment
leaving a Swindon nightclub. She had in order to not further incriminate him
become separated from friends, but it or herself,” says Pope, “so what you get
was only an 800m walk to the flat she is a situation where the art of a police
shared with her boyfriend, Kevin officer being able to sit face to face
Reape. Sian never made it home. with a suspect and question them and
CCTV showed she had vanished in a try to form an opinion as to that
blind spot between cameras, and a person’s guilt, or to gain information
flash of car headlights suggested she
had been driven away. But as the clock
ticked down on the chances of Sian
‘What was the purpose of
being found alive, the investigation, [solicitors] trying to fight for

led by detective Steve Fulcher (played

by Freeman), had a breakthrough. A
Halliwell’s innocence?
patrol car that had been in the vicinity That’s what I struggle with’
was fitted with automatic number
plate recognition (ANPR) technology, and the local community united to Halliwell, without caution: “Tell me which could clear or incriminate that
which made Christopher Halliwell, a help find her, Halliwell was judged a where Sian is?” According to Fulcher, person, that’s been taken off the table.
taxi driver, the primary suspect. suicide risk and a decision was made Halliwell replied: “Have you got a “Really, all police officers have to
In the book Fulcher later wrote to arrest him. In what is known as a car? We’ll go.” He took Fulcher to deal with now in terms of criminal
about the events, he detailed the series safety or urgent interview – essentially the site where he had moved Sian’s investigation is passive data, phone
of decisions that ultimately
ltimately led to him to save someone’s
someone s life – conducted body after murdering her. It was miles records, CCTV, that kind of thing. It’s
being charged with th gross misconduct without a solicitor at the scene of his from where the police had been also a fact that since PACE came in [in
and leaving the police.
olice. Operating a est, Halliwell returned
arrest, ret “no searching and Fulcher was struck by 1984], there are now more solicitors in
within what he believed
lieved to be c ment” to all questions,
comment” q and the thought: “We would never have the UK than police officers.”
an ever-diminishing ng window under the guidel
guidelines of the Police found her.” Rough justice: Pope wonders if it would be such an
of opportunity to save Sian if and Criminal E Evidence Act Halliwell told Fulcher how he had Martin Freeman, impediment to justice if England and
she was being held d hostage, he (PACE)
( CE) had to be
(PA b taken to a killed Sian, and then added: “You and I top and left, leads Wales had an inquisitorial legal
elected to put Halliwell
liwell under police
p ice station and
pol a allowed should have a chat.” He took him to the the cast in the role system, where there is not an
surveillance ratherr than arrest access to a solicitor.
solici burial site of a second victim – Becky of real-life detective automatic right to silence, as in France
him and have him invoke his ins
Fulcher instead directed that Godden-Edwards, who was aged 20 Steve Fulcher, and Italy, rather than the adversarial
right to silence, which
hich he be brought
brou to the when last seen in 2002 (Halliwell above. Far left, system it has at present.
would almost certainly
ainly location
l ation where he
loc claimed he had killed her in 2003). writer Jeff Pope “I’ve always slightly questioned how
lead to Sian’s death.
h. believed
believ Sian had most Then, for Fulcher, the case began to grand and theatrical we’ve become. I
Five days into the
he likely
likel been taken and unravel. Halliwell was taken to a police interviewed under caution. He would seem to be saying that the priority had think justice should be about truth,
search, as media in a second urgent station and, after seeing a solicitor, later plead not guilty to Sian’s murder, to be the other way around.” The clear that’s what I think is the most
pressure mounted d interview
inte asked offered “no comment” when but DNA evidence found on her body, implication of the official response to important thing, not who performs
as well as her blood in his car, tied him Fulcher’s actions, he says, is that best on the day in court.
to the murder, and he subsequently detectives will now be very wary of “I absolutely agree with the
changed his plea to guilty. doing what Fulcher did. principle that everyone should have
The charge against Halliwell for the “I do want to leave to the audience, their case presented in court, I’m not
killing of Becky was dropped, thinking ‘did Fulcher do the right suggesting Halliwell should have been
however, after a judge ruled his earlier thing or not?’,” says Pope. “On one shunted into court like a Soviet show
confession inadmissible as evidence side, he perhaps stretched the idea in trial, but where’s the common sense?”
because Fulcher had breached his mind that Sian was still alive. It was Pope adds: “What was the purpose
Halliwell’s rights by failing to caution certainly a very, very small chance that of [solicitors] trying to fight for
him and denying him a solicitor. she was still alive at the point that he Halliwell’s innocence? That’s what I
“What’s incomprehensible almost is went to that car park and interviewed struggle with – there’s something
why the police felt the need to Halliwell in person, but if it was my weird about a system which says we’re
instigate disciplinary proceedings daughter, and there was a two per cent fighting for this man’s innocence …
against Fulcher for gross misconduct,” chance that she was still alive, I’d want incredibly skilful, highly trained
says Pope, who won Baftas for his that chance taken. Isn’t that more advocates in court fighting for the
work on See No Evil: The Moors important than Christopher Halliwell’s innocence of Christopher Halliwell,
Murders (2006) and Philomena (2013), rights in that situation? who has confessed to two murders and
which he co-wrote with Steve Coogan. “What the drama asks is, have we taken the police to the bodies, what’s
“What the disciplinary proceedings arrived at a point now in the history of that about?
in effect said was, PACE is inviolable policing when the pendulum has “Halliwell’s team were not too far
and there are no circumstances under swung too far in favour of the away from having him walk free.”
which it can be breached. Fulcher suspect?”
argued that his priority was Sian, not Sian’s mother, Elaine O’Callaghan
A Confession starts on ITV tonight at 9pm
Christopher Halliwell, but the police (played by Siobhan Finneran), says she

Why was nobody singing their heart

out for Handel’s crowning triumph?
Prom 55

Royal Albert Hall

By Rupert Christiansen

andel’s final significant creation,
composed as his eyesight failed

him, the oratorio Jephtha is

generally ranked very highly in the
canon – “the crown” of his “unique
achievement in music”, thinks the
scholar Jonathan Keates.
It retells a story found in the Old
Testament Book of Judges, similar to
the Greek myth of Agamemnon and In fine voice: Allan Clayton brought ideal softness and sweetness to the title role
Iphigenia: Jephthah [sic], a general,
vows to God that if he is granted was not sparked in this superficially Jeanine De Bique, the diamantine
victory in battle he will sacrifice the attractive and competent soprano, sang agreeably as Jephtha’s
first person he meets on his return. performance: there was no urgency to wife and daughter, and Tim Mead, the
This turns out to be his daughter. In the narrative and too many of the arias counter-tenor, and Cody Quattlebaum
the Bible, it is left ambiguous as to in the expansive first act seemed (bass) gave virile and forthright
whether or not he does the terrible inconsequentially pretty rather than performances as the daughter’s suitor
deed; in Handel’s oratorio, an angel psychologically meaningful. Oratorio and Jephtha’s brother.
conveniently descends to commute doesn’t need to be staged theatrically Aside from a tussle with the
the girl’s sentence to life as a nun. to hit home, but it does have to be coloratura runs, tenor Allan Clayton,
For all the queasiness its subject sung as more than a chain of numbers; in the title role, was in fine voice,
matter provokes, Jephtha can seem a here it wasn’t. bringing ideal softness, sweetness and
work of high drama and human Although Richard Egarr’s tempi smoothness to “Waft her, angels”. But
poignancy, with its central act were generally fast and energising, he nobody on the platform was singing
climaxing in the chorus’s terrifyingly seemed to glide across the score’s their heart out, and it’s that sort of
fatalistic assertion that “Whatever is is surface, and the Scottish Chamber commitment that Jephtha requires.
right” – a creed often interpreted as Orchestra never sounded deeply
Handel’s grim acceptance of his engaged. The chorus sounded a bit This Prom is available to watch and
encroaching blindness – followed by woolly in the awkward Albert Hall listen to for 30 days on BBC iPlayer and
one of his most heart-tugging acoustic, but it came alive for those BBC Sounds. The Proms continue until
melodies in the aria “Waft her, angels”. crucial cries of “Whatever is is right”. Sept 14;
Yet its potential emotional impact Hilary Summers, the stately alto, and
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 25
Venice Film Festival

Stewart’s spirited turn

lifts haphazard thriller
Waterhouse split their attentions
Seberg between the two in a prescriptive,
almost dutiful way, and the result,
Cert TBC, 102min though still worthwhile, is an
occasionally haphazard thriller
★★★★★ diptych that doesn’t match in the
middle as neatly as it should.
Dir Benedict Andrews Still, Stewart is a wonder as Seberg
Starring Kristen Stewart, Jack – the billion-watt embodiment of the
O’Connell, Anthony Mackie, Vince vitality, presence and sheer now-ness
Vaughn, Margaret Qualley, Zazie that made the actress a leading light of
Beetz the French New Wave. A beautifully

enedict Andrews’s punchy done flashback to Seberg’s peppy
period piece about the FBI’s screen-test at the age of 17 enables
illegal surveillance of the actress Stewart to play notes well outside her
Jean Seberg has enough material for comfort zone – vivacity, naivety, archness
two fascinating stories, and enough – and she does so with breathtaking ease.
space to do justice to one. The first After an opening shot that pointedly
centres on Seberg herself (Kristen recreates Seberg’s first screen role,
Stewart): Hollywood’s prodigal lashed to a stake in Otto Preminger’s
daughter who quit town after finding Saint Joan – martyrdom subtext alert!
fame to make offbeat films in Europe – the film commences with her return
and returned five years later as a to the US in 1968 to audition for Paint
crop-haired, art-house icon. (I’m Your Wagon, a western musical
talking about both of them.) pitched as “a housewife with two

The second follows Jack Solomon lunks”. On her flight she meets Hakim
(Jack O’Connell), a (fictional) young Jamal (Anthony Mackie), the black-
radio specialist at the bureau, whose power activist, and, seemingly on a
bugging and spying of Seberg, whim, poses with him for a clenched-
supposedly justified by her fist photograph on the tarmac.
involvement in civil rights activism, Observing from afar are agents
takes on a voyeuristic, stalkerish edge. Solomon and Kowalski (Vince Vaughn),
Solomon is the obsessive superfan who peg her as trouble and embark on
who dreams himself into the starlet’s a staggeringly invasive surveillance
bedchamber, yet has the government regime with an obsessive fixation on
funding to actually do it. Meanwhile her relationship with Jamal. As an agent

A wickedly funny cocktail his wife Linette – a mostly thankless

role for Margaret Qualley – is the jilted
spouse waiting meekly at home while
the light in her eyes slowly fades.
A film about either one of these
characters could have been gripping
notes when they discuss wiring her
bedroom: “[J Edgar] Hoover likes to
hear the bedsprings creak.”
So too does the film – occasionally at
the expense of psychological depth or
historical context. But it’s a snappy,

of scandal and human greed

– particularly since Stewart and absorbing watch nonetheless. RC
O’Connell are two of the most
compelling young actors around. But UK release tbc
screenwriters Joe Shrapnel and Anna

deploys a ripe Bavarian accent that Crafty crusader: Meryl Streep uncovers a subsequent project, rather than using
Robbie Collin
suggests Werner Herzog moonlighting hidden world of financial sharp practice them to generate an income.) The
CHIEF FILM CRITIC as a sommelier. When an underling Laundromat often uses this kind of
in Venice bridles at a request to fiddle the dates married Los Angeles-based fourth-wall-breaking jolt to bring its
on his accounts, he philosophically businessman (Nonso Anozie) offers message into focus, although a
offers: “Some peeeeple believe that $20 million (£16 million) in Panama- horribly graphic surgery montage
time is chust an illooshun.” There’s based shares to his daughter Simone during a sequence set in China is
The Laundromat always a justification if you look hard (an impressive turn by the young overkill, and makes you forget the
enough. British actress Jessica Allain) to keep point it’s trying to make.
Cert tbc, 95min
The Laundromat was adapted by schtum about his affair with her Still, the cumulative message comes
Scott Z Burns from Jake Bernstein’s room-mate. The young woman is over loud and clear, and the fun and
★★★★★ book Secrecy World, and uses the appalled, but her eyes also flash with indignation make for a tasty, bracing
scandal as the basis for a wickedly opportunity. In short, she’s cocktail. This is a film that wields its
Dir Steven Soderbergh
comic, full-spectrum analysis of immediately compromised, even sledgehammer with panache.
Starring Gary Oldman, Antonio
human greed. It follows a number of though the money itself – stashed in
Banderas, Meryl Streep, David
characters from all walks of life who companies with wispy names like Released in select UK cinemas on
Schwimmer, Matthias Schoenaerts,
either actively plunge into, or become Jetstream, Whitecloud and Nimbus – September 27 and on Netflix on October 18
James Cromwell, Nonso Anozie,
involuntarily swept up in, the tax- remains an airy figment. Vivacious: Kristen Stewart embodies the sheer now-ness of New Wave star Jean Seberg
Jessica Allain, Nikki Amuka-Bird,

avoidance racket. The sketch-show structure and
Jeffrey Wright
Foremost among them is Meryl do-try-to-keep-up tone both smack of
rivacy is when you lock Streep’s (fictional) crusading widow The Big Short, Adam McKay’s 2015
the bathroom door Ellen Martin, who follows the thread financial crisis caper, and there is no
while taking a pee,” of a low-level Texas insurance scam all question that this is another topical
explains Antonio the way to a Mossack Fonseca outpost comedy designed to galvanise viewers
Banderas in his on the Caribbean island of Nevis. The into outrage, and perhaps also action.
reassuring chocolate- much-honoured actress is content to (It ends with a thrillingly crafty
mousse baritone around halfway be part of the ensemble, albeit in a monologue from Streep that drew
through Steven Soderbergh’s The bigger part than you initially realise, cheers in yesterday’s screening at the
Laundromat. “Secrecy is when what for reasons that are too much fun to Venice Film Festival.)
you are doing in the bathroom is not spoil here. But the film’s base notes of Even its creators aren’t spared. A
what people normally do.” outrage and bewilderment at this section on the Delaware boom in
This is a useful distinction to have hidden world of financial sharp shell companies – essentially,
spelt out during a film about the 2016 practice are rooted in her. corporations on paper that are
Panama Papers scandal, in which the Its twist of moral ambiguity is, too. primarily used to move money
money-laundering and tax-dodging Ellen is ostensibly out for justice. Her around – dobs in Soderbergh and
tactics of the rich and famous were laid husband (James Cromwell) has Burns themselves.
bare in leaked documents from the drowned during a ruby wedding “The director of this movie has
Panamanian law firm Mossack anniversary boat trip, and since the five!” Oldman tuts, while Banderas
Fonseca. And Banderas and his co-star charter company’s insurer has refused marvels: “Even the writer has one.”
Gary Oldman – who play Mossack and to pay out, she decides to track them (Soderbergh, who has directed four
Fonseca themselves – do a lot of this down in person. films and two TV series since his
kind of thing in it: cordially But when it comes down to it, by supposed retirement in 2013 following
expounding on concepts such as shell “justice” she actually means “money”, Behind the Candelabra, his Liberace
companies and offshore accounts in the form of a life-changing biopic, clarifies in the accompanying
while swanning around in tuxedos. As settlement. The theme is repeated in a notes that he creates them for
the German-born Mossack, Oldman lightly farcical subplot in which a administrative reasons for each

Polanski plods his way to catharsis

An Officer and a Spy
Cert TBC, 126min

Dir Roman Polanski
Starring Jean Dujardin, Louis Garrel,
Emmanuelle Seigner, Gregory
Gadebois, Hervé Pierre, Mathieu
Amalric, Melvil Poupaud

hen it was announced that
Roman Polanski would be
bringing his new film about
the Dreyfus affair to the Venice Film
Festival – though not in person, thanks
to the extradition treaty between Italy
and the US – it was widely supposed Late thrills: Polanski’s stiff-collared procedural is lifted by a rousing finale
that the story must hold for its director
a certain personal resonance. that his familiarity with “the workings Picquart (Jean Dujardin), the army
Naturally, there was outrage that of the apparatus of persecution” intelligence chief who unravels the
this 42-year fugitive from justice had helped shape his on-screen treatment charges against Dreyfus in the face of
been selected in the first place: of the Dreyfus case. resistance from his superiors.
Polanski has been living in exile in Yet though An Officer and a Spy is a Dujardin plays the role as poker-
Europe since pleading guilty in a Los personal film for Polanski, it doesn’t straight as Picquart’s rank requires,
Angeles court in 1977 to unlawful sex much look or act like one. This is a while his long nose and thick whiskers
with a minor. But he clearly sees the sober, stiff-collared procedural, make him look like a figure from a
subject of his latest film as something handsomely shot but also oddly Toulouse-Lautrec painting.
of a kindred spirit. Alfred Dreyfus, a bloodless until the more conventional By the very nature of the story, the
Jewish army captain in fin-de-siècle paranoid-thriller rhythms of its final act best parts arrive late: a foot chase, the
France, found himself shipped off to a kick in. The only recurring image that retrial, the rousing Zola stuff, a sabre
South American penal colony in 1894 feels from the heart are the rows of duel with the taurine Major Henry (a
after being wrongly convicted in a caricaturish faces that stare in sombre, terrific, steam-snorting Grégory
scandalous espionage case, and was silent, and as it turns out completely Gadebois). Before then, the
only exonerated following a public ill-founded judgment during the crowd investigation is painstaking, the pace
outcry led by the writer Émile Zola. and courtroom scenes – the subtext of heavy footed. The film pours out its
Exactly how much common ground each one being see how you like it. catharsis like concrete: you have to
the two cases share is up for debate. Dreyfus himself, played by Louis wait for it to set. RC
(I’ll concede the two are both Jewish.) Garrel, is a relatively marginal figure
In an interview in the press notes in the script by Robert Harris. Instead, UK release tbc
accompanying the film, Polanski notes the plot centres on Colonel Georges
26 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Court & Social

Court Supreme Allied Commander

Europe, 1993-94, is 84; Sir

Circular Richard Gibbs, a former High

Court Judge, 78; Sir Robert SMITH.—On August 15th 2019, at
Wilson, Chairman, BG Group the John Radcliffe Hospital, to Vicky 
plc, 2004-12, 76; Mr Jimmy (née Bayliss) and Ben, a daughter, Emily
LONDON, TUESDAY SEPTEMBER 2, 1919 Louise, a sister for Charlotte (Lottie).
Connors, tennis player;
Wimbledon Men’s Singles in conjunction with the medical officer of Online ref: A235696
Champion, 1974 and 1982; now
commentator, 67; Prof Peter
DEARER MILK health for the city (Dr. Robertson), the execu- SPENCER.—On 27th June, to Hannah
Furness, President, Royal tive food officer (Mr. Richardson), and repre- and Thomas, a son, Arthur James Jagoe. 
September 1st
College of Pathologists, 2008-11,
64; Sir Keir Starmer, QC, MP,
PROTECTING THE sentatives of the Dairymen’s Association.,
The object is to see that no district benefits at
Online ref: A235687

Divine Service was held in Crathie

Parish Church this morning.
Director of Public Prosecutions,
2008-13, 57; Mr Lennox Lewis, CHILDREN the cost of another.
Beginning last Saturday, the retailers will supply
WOOTTEN.—On 26th August 2019, to
Alix (née Odgers) and Bill, a daughter,
Rosy Elizabeth Joy.
The Right Reverend Colin Sinclair former boxer and undisputed
weekly returns showing the demand, and if the Online ref: A235697
(Moderator of the General
Assembly of the Church of
World Heavyweight Champion,
54; and Ms Mel Clarke, archer; NEED FOR deficiency generally is 15 per cent., and if in any
Scotland) preached the Sermon. Paralympic silver medallist,
individual compound – open, CO-OPERATION town or district 25 per cent. deficiency is reached,
the poorly-supplied parts will draw on their more Anniversaries
For more details about the Royal London 2012, 37. fortunate neighbours. It is hoped by the operation
Family visit Throughout the country local authorities are of this scheme to prevent the necessity for ration-
Today is the anniversary of the engaged upon schemes to meet the serious posi- ing. The shortage at the worst period of last winter
start of the Great Fire of London tion likely to arise should the price of milk be
Today’s birthdays in 1666. It is also the anniversary was 15 per cent., and Mr. Ledbury’s view is that
increased to a shilling a quart. Reports from our this winter it may touch 20 per cent. as the limit. MCCLURE - ARMSTRONG.—On 2nd
of the Battle of Omdurman in correspondents in many centres show that what- September 1954, at the Baptist Church,
Gen Sir John Waters, Deputy 1898.
ever be the cost, nursing mothers, children and DRIED MILK DISTRIBUTION. Thornaby on Tees, Yorkshire, Harry to
Beatrice (Betty). 
invalids are not to be allowed to suffer, and that Online ref: 573376
steps will be taken to see that the price to them The municipal authorities in Newcastle-on-Tyne
Clergy news will not be unreasonable for an adequate supply. have in their Health Department an organisation
Retirements and Resignations The need for co-operation is impressed upon all, specially to see that young mothers and children
The Ven Michael Anthony and to this end municipal and other bodies are are assured of a regular supply of milk, and this,
Mr W.H. Paine and Johnson, acting archdeacon of preparing schemes by which the poorer classes BAXTER.—Margaret Reid
through the work the health visitors, applies par- (Margie). Peacefully at home on
Miss G.M. Quinan Bristol (Bristol), has resigned; shall not be deprived of their milk, and to ensure
Revv Michael Learmouth, tr,
ticularly to the poorer districts of the city. A little Wednesday August 28th 2019, aged 86
The engagement is announced that no district shall benefit at the cost of another. more than a year ago, owing to the then great scar- years. Beloved wife of the late Ian, loving
Barnsbury team (London), to retire mother of Penny and Mike, inspirational
between William, youngest son of Infant welfare centres, health visitors, and city of milk, it was decided to introduce the distri-
with effect from Oct 31; Michael grandmother of Chris, Mary, Nina,
Mr and Mrs Anthony Paine, of bution of dried milk, which is supplied to appli-
Nelson, asst c, St Mark, Holbrook others are giving valuable help to local Stewart, Alex and Jack. The Funeral
Cherington, Warwickshire, and
(Chichester), has left the diocese; authorities in formulating plans, and every- cants at cost price, and in necessitous cases free of Service will take place at Masonhill
Georgina, youngest daughter of Crematorium by Ayr on Thursday 5th
Paul Andrew Smith, r, thing will be done for the protection of infant charge. Dried milk is regarded as being quite as
Mr and Mrs Duncan Quinan, of September at 12 noon to which all family
Cottingham (York), has resigned life. Liverpool Municipality, in carrying out nutritious as liquid milk. It is said to be much
Seaview, Isle of Wight.  and friends are invited. Family flowers
with effect from Oct 31; Judy only please, but donations in lieu may be
Online ref: 573485 Robinson, c, Holy Trinity, Swiss the advice of the Food Ministry, is merely con- cheaper and more economical than handling
made to the Ayrshire Hospice.
Cottage, known as The Lighthouse tinuing a system which has been in force in fresh milk. The cost price is about 2s 2d per lb. A
Online ref: A235675
(London), has resigned with effect that city since 1901. At that time special large number of persons are receiving the dried
from Aug 31; Oli Robinson, c, Holy arrangements were made by which a number milk at cost price at the Health Department’s BOLTON.—Margaret Jean (née Forsyth)
Trinity, Swiss Cottage, known as of milk depôts were established for the pur- Offices weekly, while at present there are about died peacefully on 25th August 2019,
Order of the Fleur de Lys The Lighthouse (London), has aged 87. Much loved wife of the late Jim,
pose of supplying suitably prepared milk for 100 cases in which it is being supplied gratis. mother of Andrew and Catherine and
The Order of the Fleur de Lys resigned with effect from Aug 31; infants.
celebrated its 580th anniversary M. Kathryn Twining, p-in-c, Members of the municipal authority at Bris- grandmother of Emily, Henry, Alice and
During the war the system was considerably tol state that they propose to take any precau- Thomas. Thanksgiving Service 12 noon
with a muster and dinner at St Ovingdean (Chichester), has on 25th September at St Nicholas’s
Columba's Church of Scotland, resigned; Clive Woodward, asst c, extended, and on the issue of the circular of the tionary steps that may be possible to ensure a Church, Harpenden AL5 2TP. Family
Pont Street, SW1, on Saturday. No Willingdon (Chichester), has Local Government Board in 1918 further develop- fair supply of milk to mothers and young chil- flowers only please. Donations, if
4 City of London Company of the retired; Brian Woollaston, tv, ments took place, and all houses in which births dren during the coming winter. For some desired, to Parkinson’s UK c/o L.C.
Order was the host and Princess Stroud tm (Gloucester), to retire Weston, Harpenden AL5 2TQ.
take place are visited by the health visitors. Steps time past a system has been in existence by Tel: 01582 712865.
Elizabeth of Yugoslavia, Grand with effect from Sept 30. which, on the recommendation of medical
are taken to see that every infant is properly fed Online ref: A235656
Patron, attended. Prof Hugh
Montgomery, Sovereign Grand with suitable food, procurable at a reasonable men, orders to obtain milk free of charge have
Commander, presided.
Prize-winners of price, or in certain necessitous cases at a reduced been supplied to needy mothers with infants, BRASSEY.—Midgie, died aged 74 at
home on 27th August. Widow of Lord
Crossword 29,128 price or even free of charge. An official of the local as well as to tuberculosis patients. Dairymen David Brassey, darling mother of Zara
Three first-prize winners: Mrs health department states that whoever else may honour the orders given out by the medical and Chloe and adored Granny of Al�e
have to go without milk this winter in Liverpool, officer’s department, and it has not been nec- and William. Private burial.
Elizabeth Matthews, Ponteland, Thanksgiving Service at St Leonard's
Newcastle-upon-Tyne; Mrs M. A. the mothers and young children may be certain of essary to open a milk depôt. Church, Apethorpe PE8 5DL on Friday
SUFFOLK LIEUTENANCY Hopkins, Larkhall, Lanarkshire; obtaining their requirements. Matters such as the milk supply for young chil- 20th September 2019 at 3 p.m. Bright
The following have been John Nimmo, Kilsyth, Glasgow. There is no apparent danger of a grave milk dren and nursing mothers have been delegated to colours only. Donations to Hospital at
appointed Deputy Lieutenants for Runners-up: Ken Owen, Rainham, Home. Enquiries to Crowsons & Toby
Suffolk: Essex; Roy Travers, Billinge,
famine in the Midland area, of which Bir- the Infant Welfare Committee by the Dover Cor- Hunt FD, Barnwell. Tel: 01832 272269.
   Mr Roger Finbow, Lt Col Anthony Wigan; Mr R. Dytor, Shrewsbury, mingham is the centre, but already precau- poration for several years past. This committee is Online ref: A235683
Fairbanks Weston, Mrs Lucinda Hutson Shropshire; Mr P. D. Tucker, tionary measures are being taken to secure strengthened by the inclusion of philanthropic
equality of sacrifice in the event of shortage. workers from outside the Town Council, and it DAVIES.—Angela Mary died peacefully
and Lord Somerleyton. Waterlooville, Hampshire; Mrs M. at home on 22nd August 2019, aged 89.
A. Wright, Ashton-under-Lyne, Last winter the Birmingham and District has done excellent work. The committee fully rec- Dearly loved widow of John, mother of
Lancashire; Mrs R. M. Sherman, Dairymen’s Association worked in co-opera- ognise the seriousness of the position that will be Charlie, Alex, Ed and Frankie,
Legal news Mevagissey, Cornwall; Frances tion with the medical officer of health in created by the price of milk being increased to 1s grandmother of ten and
Harris, Hatfield, Hertfordshire; great-grandmother of eight. Service of
securing an equitable distribution, and a a quart for the winter months, and will take all Thanksgiving at St Peter's Church,
Mr Martin Griffiths, QC, has been Gary Harrison, East Dulwich,
appointed a Justice of the High London; Brian Sharrocks, Chard, regular supply of milk was thereby procured. steps in their power for the protection of infant Limps�eld on Thursday 10th October at
For the coming winter Mr. Ledbury, the Milk life. It is anticipated that the further funds that 12.30 p.m. Coloured/club ties. Family
Court, assigned to the Queen’s Somerset; Colin Drew, Sandbach, flowers only. Donations, if desired, to
Bench Division, with effect from Cheshire; Brian Hammond, Commissioner for the Birmingham area, has will be necessary for the purpose will be readily Limps�eld Chart Golf Club or The
Oct 1, 2019, consequential to the Wimborne, Dorset; Mrs M. G. prepared a milk “pool,” which he will manage voted by the Corporation. Poppy Appeal. 
elevation of Lady Justice Davies. Gunn, Balsall Common, Coventry. Online ref: A235677

DUCKETT.—Juliet Anne, at home

The Night Sky in September on 18th August after a short illness.
Beloved wife of Dickie, and much
loved by her wider family and her
Jupiter low in the south-southwest. invoking the memory of the squat
pete The so-called Ice Giants, Uranus and alien in ET: the Extra-Terrestrial.
many friends. Service of Thanksgiving
at St Mary's Church, Henley-on-Thames
ce Neptune follow on later in the night Extend the line from the Cassiopeia’s on 11th September at 2 p.m. No flowers
please, but donations, if desired, to
with a better height relative to the central star through Ruchbah for Sue Ryder, Nettlebed. Enquiries to
A.B. Walker & Son. Tel: 01491 413434.
horizon. This gives us an improved approximately twice that distance
Online ref: 573531
opportunity to study them above the again and you’ll arrive at the
murky, turbulent atmosphere which wonderful sight of the Double

EVANS.—Carole (née Johannesson),
passed away peacefully on 24th August
eptember hosts the second occurs low down. Cluster, Chi and H Persei. 2019 in Southport Hospital, aged 69. She
equinox of the year, when the Neptune is easy to locate as it is This resides in the constellation of will be sadly missed by her loving
Sun moves from the northern to well placed close to the dim star Phi Perseus the Greek Hero. It is also husband Gren, sister Deborah,
daughters Louise and Joanna,
the southern half of the sky. It also Aquarii. Neptune is the only planet known as the Perseus Sword Handle. sons-in-law Darren and Jonathan and
represents, for the Northern that requires optical assistance to Both clusters are just visible with the her treasured grandchildren Kirsty, Katy
and Louis. Carole's Funeral will be held
Hemisphere at least, the period see, its brightness being below naked eye on a dark night, but it at St Luke's Church, Formby on 12th
when the rate of increase in the naked-eye threshold of even the takes binoculars to see their full September 2019 at 12.30 p.m. Family
flowers only please. Donations to Cancer
length of night is at its greatest. darkest skies. glory: a stunning sight which Research UK gratefully received
Neptune comes to opposition, when Uranus hovers just above this but resembles two piles of salt poured on c/o Barrington's Funeral Services,
49 Liverpool Road, Formby, L37 6BT.
a planet appears in the opposite part it’s a far from easy spot. Through A different view: the appearance of the black velvet. Tel: 01704 461511.
of the sky to the Sun, on Sept 10. binoculars, both worlds look like planet Mars when it is in opposition The W of Cassiopeia can be used Online ref: 573548
For planets closer to Earth such as stars. It’s not until you engage the to locate another interesting object
GIRDLER.—Peter Thomas Michael
Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, opposition extra-light grasp and magnification particularly interesting example lies known as Kemble’s Cascade. This Hilsdon, 21.11.1948 - 18.08.2019, after a
makes a big difference to their of a telescope that the planetary just south of the star Ruchbah (Delta resides in the frankly obscure long illness fought courageously. Born in
Malaya and from Wetherby, Yorkshire.
appearance. For the outer planets nature becomes evident. Both show Cassiopeiae). Here you’ll find the dim constellation of Camelopardalis the Celebration of Peter’s life will be on
Uranus and Neptune, opposition tiny discs but it’s their colours that star Phi Cassiopeiae, which has an Giraffe. It was named after the Friday 13th September at 2 p.m. at
Clayton Wood Burial Ground, Brighton
doesn’t really make much of an make them stand out. even dimmer neighbour known as Franciscan friar, Father Lucian Road, Hassocks, West Sussex BN6 9PD.
adjustment to our view, although it Neptune appears with a blue hue HIP 6229 (HIP indicates that this is Kemble. A keen astronomer, Kemble No flowers.
does mean that they are visible all while Uranus looks like a tiny the star’s Hipparcos Catalogue wrote about the pattern to Walter Online ref: 573566
night long. emerald. Early during a September reference). Houston, who named it Kemble’s La TOUCHE.—Pamela, aged 83 years.
The big, bright and detailed gas evening, the W-shaped constellation Together these stars represent the Cascade in a magazine in 1980. Died peacefully at RD&E Hospital,
giants of Jupiter and Saturn appear of Cassiopeia the Seated Queen can eyes of an owl, the body of which is Through binoculars or telescope it Exeter on 25th August. Mourned by her
husband Michael, daughter Nicola and
low from the UK. As darkness falls be seen climbing high in the formed by the adjacent cluster NGC really is quite impressive, son Gareth. Funeral Service to be held
you can see Saturn low above the northeast. A binocular sweep reveals 457, the Owl Cluster. It’s also known resembling a waterfall of stars at Exeter and Devon Crematorium on
Monday 9th September 2019 at 3 p.m.
southern horizon with brighter many impressive star clusters. A as the ET Cluster, the star layout ending in a splashpool. Enquiries to Drew & Sons Funeral
Directors. Tel: 01647 231306.
Online ref: A235685
This month’s chart
WATSON.—Stephen Daniel Mackman.
Passed away on 24th August, aged 76
years. Much loved brother of Jane and
This chart shows how the brother-in-law of Michael. Funeral
sky appeared at 1am on Service to take place at Rotherham
Crematorium on Thursday 12th
Sept 1 and will appear at September at 1.15 p.m. Donations to
midnight on Sept 15 and Diabetes UK via
11pm on Sept 30. All times
Online ref: A235686
are BST. The planets are
shown along with the
location and phase of the
Moon at five-day
intervals. The Moon is
full on Sept 14. This will
be the 2019 Harvest
Moon. Stars are shown as
BELOVED, IF God so loved us, we
circles; the larger the ought also to love one another.
circle, the brighter the 1 John 4.11
star. The hazy area
represents the Milky
Way. Orientate the chart
by rotating so the bearing
at the bottom matches
the direction you’re
facing. The bottom of the
chart then reflects your
horizon with the middle
representing the view
directly above your head.
The chart is designed to
be viewed using a red
torch outside, allowing
you to read the while
having minimal impact
on night vision.

Please send comments to


Readers can look back

through our Night Sky
archive for analysis and
sky charts that show how
the position of stars has

changed over the years. A

full guide can be found at
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 27

Valerie Harper Singing teacher who shaped

Patrick McGuigan

Actress propelled to television stardom as the wisecracking title character in the 1970s sitcom Rhoda future careers of opera stars

ALERIE HARPER, who has (1986-87), a sitcom that was more ATRICK McGUIGAN,
died aged 80, played remarkable for its behind-the-scenes the baritone who has
Rhoda Morgenstern on The intrigues than the on-screen action. died aged 86, enjoyed a
Mary Tyler Moore Show and She had been cast as Valerie Hogan, a successful performing
its 1970s spin-off, Rhoda, working mother with three boys and a career before going on to
creating one of television’s husband who, as an airline pilot, was become one of the most
most memorable brash, Bronx-bred usually away from home. inspiring vocal teachers of
Jewish-American comedy princesses, Within a year, however, Valerie his generation.
although she was neither Jewish nor a Harper had become embroiled in a As an early recruit by Sir
native New Yorker. row with the producers over her salary John Manduell for the newly
One of television’s best-loved that eventually proved intractable. She created Royal Northern
sidekicks, Valerie Harper initially was abruptly fired, written out in a College of Music in 1973,
played Rhoda as the frumpy friend of fatal car crash, and her role in the over the next quarter of a
the glamorous Mary Richards (Mary show taken by her character’s century McGuigan not only
Tyler Moore), the cool career girl unmarried sister (Sandy Duncan). moulded the creative
cutting a swathe through a television When Valerie Harper sued the personalities of many of this
newsroom in Minneapolis, Minnesota. producers for breach of contract, a country’s leading singers, McGuigan as Dr Bartolo in
By contrast, as the girl in the flat jury awarded her $1.4 million plus a but also played a major role Rossini’s The Barber of Seville
above, Valerie Harper looked every percentage of the show’s profits. While in establishing the college as
inch the lovable loser, unlucky in love, the show’s title mutated through a noted centre of musical No less innovative was
worrying about her weight and Valerie’s Family to The Hogan Family, excellence, its reputation McCabe’s earlier setting of
wrapping herself in a grubby dressing- she went on a star in a new sitcom, spreading far beyond the C S Lewis’s Christian
gown – the actress described Rhoda’s City (not shown in Britain), scheduled confines of Manchester. allegory, The Lion, the Witch,
bohemian style as “camouflage head-to-head on a rival network. Patrick Joseph McGuigan and the Wardrobe, which
dressing” – while off-duty from her job In 2007 Valerie Harper returned to was born in Dublin on premiered at Manchester
as a window-dresser at a department Broadway, playing Golda Meir in February 8 1933 and Cathedral in April 1969.
store. Golda’s Balcony, then Tallulah educated at the O’Connell McGuigan starred as Aslan,
“Women really identified with Bankhead in Looped, for which she School from 1953 until 1957, his wife, Caroline Crawshaw,
Rhoda because her problems and fears was nominated for a Tony Award. after which he studied with as the White Witch.
were theirs,” Valerie Harper explained She appeared in films intermittently, Adelio Vianni at the Royal Meticulous and expecting


many years later in her memoir. winning Golden Globe nominations Irish Academy of Music. the highest standards,
“Despite the fact that she was the butt for the buddy cop comedy Freebie and He then refined his vocal McGuigan taught at the
of most of her own jokes, so to speak, the Bean in 1974 and in Chapter Two technique in the company Royal Manchester College of
running down her looks and her (1979), based on a play by Neil Simon. of Tino Pattiera in Vienna Music from 1965 until 1973.
potential, she never acted defeated. A lifelong non-smoker, she and Herbert Caesari in Appointed a principal
Her confident swagger masked her discovered in 2009 that she had lung London before, in 1960, lecturer at the new Royal
insecurity. Rhoda never gave up.” cancer; she underwent surgery and enrolling at the Royal Northern College of Music,
Valerie Harper herself grew in that appeared to be successful. In 2013, Manchester College of he served as Head of Vocal
self-belief after winning three Emmy however, leptomeningeal Music. There he came under Studies from 1995 until
awards for The Mary Tyler Moore Show, carcinomatosis was diagnosed: a rare the influence of the great retirement in 1999.
and in 1974 Rhoda, now more chic and complication in which the cancer singing teacher Frederic Never concealing his
self-assured, was given her own series. Valerie Harper as Valerie Kathryn Harper was born on the chorus line of the musical Li’l spreads to the membranes Cox. It was Cox who overriding preoccupation
In Rhoda, she returns to New York for Rhoda: ‘We cheer August 22 1939 in Suffern, a village Abner during its run in Las Vegas and, surrounding the brain. That year instilled in McGuigan the with voice production and
a short holiday lodging with her shy her on, as – with all some 30 miles from New York, the in 1959, the Hollywood film version. she published her autobiography, academic rigour that individual voices, what
younger sister Brenda, played by Julie her foibles – she daughter of a sales executive whose She supplemented her wages as a I, Rhoda. brought a raft of awards, made him stand out was his
Kavner. But she meets and marries Joe tends to cope and job with a lighting company required dancer in various Broadway musicals Valerie Harper had always most notably the 1962 unerring ability to recognise
(David Groh), a handsome demolition prevail’; below him to move himself and his family by taking casual jobs in telesales and campaigned vigorously for women’s Ricordi Prize. and encourage individual
man, and stays. right, in The Mary from town to town. After sojourns in working as a hat-check girl before rights, and with fellow actor Dennis Combining a powerful yet talents.
When the on-screen couple later Tyler Moore Show, Oregon, Michigan and California, they joining the Second City acting troupe Weaver founded an organisation in flexible vocal range with a Whether it be the
divorced, the ratings faltered and of which Rhoda was finally settled in New Jersey, only for in Chicago in 1964. There she met and Los Angeles called Love Is Feeding commanding stage celebrated bass, Sir John
Rhoda was eventually cancelled after a spin-off Valerie’s parents to divorce when she married her fellow actor Richard Everyone (LIFE), which provided food presence, McGuigan made Tomlinson, or the popular
five series. But in its heyday it was was 17. She was educated at Lincoln Schaal, moving in 1969 to Los Angeles, for 150,000 needy people a week. his professional debut tenor Russell Watson,
acclaimed as one of the most successful High School in Jersey City. where he founded his own theatrical Now she spoke out in interviews playing Golaud in Debussy’s whose career McGuigan
spin-offs in American television A cradle Roman Catholic, she had company. and public lectures about the need for Pelléas et Mélisande at the helped rescue after serious
history, not least for Valerie Harper’s lost interest in religion as a teenager The following year she successfully greater funding for lung cancer 1965 St Pancras Festival. illness, countless pupils
fiery portrayal of the central character. and devoted herself instead to auditioned for The Mary Tyler Moore research and the importance of early Alongside appearances sought his help and advice
As the New York Times critic noted, dancing, graduating from the corps de Show (which aired in Britain on BBC diagnosis. She took part in Dancing with the English Stage long after finding success.
viewers identified with “the schlep she ballet at the Radio City Music Hall to One in 1971 and 1972). “She croaked out with the Stars, the popular American Company at the Royal Court In later years McGuigan
was to begin with – something we all one line,” one producer remembered, version of BBC Television’s Strictly Theatre, he served as proved no less successful as
feel about ourselves. Like you and me, “and we had what we’d been looking Come Dancing. Principal Baritone at an operatic producer, be it
she’s uncertain and battered … and we for.” Despite her illness, Valerie Harper Sadler’s Wells Opera. Later at the Royal Northern
cheer her on, as – with all her foibles It was a hit from the start, Valerie recently provided guest voices for The with Welsh National Opera, College of Music or with
– she tends to cope and prevail.” Harper’s Rhoda striking a particularly Simpsons, reuniting with her Rhoda Glyndebourne Touring professional companies
Rhoda was shown in Britain on BBC responsive chord with viewers, some co-star Julie Kavner (who had gone on Opera and Kent Opera his further afield. He also found
Two between 1974 and 1981. The of whom wrote in with advice such as to fame as the gravelly voice of Marge sensitive interpretations himself in regular demand
Sunday Telegraph’s Philip Purser was how to cope with her stereotypical Simpson, Marge’s mother, and her endeared him to audiences as a jurist at singing
an early cheerleader for Rhoda’s Jewish mother. At the end of the chain-smoking sisters Patty and nationwide. Likewise, his competitions and as a
“funny, quacking, Jewish-girl show’s first series, she won an Emmy Selma). sense of humour and keynote speaker at a wide
resilience”. Valerie Harper enjoyed award for best supporting actress in a Valerie Harper divorced her first generous spirit won him the range of seminars,
borrowing her character’s comedy, an achievement she repeated husband Richard Schaal in 1978. In high regard of colleagues. workshops and master
wisecracking shtick: before recording for the following two seasons. 1987 she married Tony Cacciotti, who In 1973 McGuigan’s classes.
a take, she invariably inquired of the The Rhoda series brought Valerie survives her with their daughter virtuoso contribution as the It was at the Royal
director what kind of shot it would be. Harper a fourth Emmy, in 1975, for Cristina. onstage baritone in John Manchester College of
“Two Ts?” she would ask, explaining outstanding lead actress, and a Golden McCabe’s first ballet, The Music that McGuigan first
that “two Ts” meant “two tits”, or from Globe, for Best TV Actress. She Valerie Harper, born August 22 1939, Teachings of Don Juan, won met his future wife, then a
the chest up. subsequently starred in Valerie died August 30 2019 particular praise. fellow student, the
Commissioned by Northern Yorkshire-born soprano

The Reverend Angus Smith

Dance Theatre, this highly Caroline Crawshaw. They
unusual work takes as its married in 1966 and she
subject not the survives him, together with
misadventures of Don their two daughters.
Giovanni or Don Juan but
the Yaqui (from Mexico) Patrick McGuigan, born
‘Wee Free’ minister who made headlines in 1965 trying to stop a Sunday ferry service to Skye Indian shaman, Don Juan February 8 1933, died

Matus. August 27 2019
HE REVEREND ANGUS Church committee, only for the
SMITH, who has died aged 90, decision to be later overturned,
was a minister in the prompting Smith, in 1999, to petition
fundamentalist Free Church the Isle of Lewis presbytery,
of Scotland – the “Wee Frees” – who challenging it find out which one was
made headlines in 1965 when he lay lying: “Either there was a conspiracy
down on a road leading to the slipway against Prof Macleod by us, or there
at Kyleakin on the east coast of Skye to wasn’t. If Macleod is right, then I am a
prevent cars coming off the ferry from liar. If I am right, he is a liar. If the
the mainland. presbytery finds there was no
The protest was the culmination of a conspiracy, then it must clear my
nine-month campaign by islanders name.”
against proposals by the Caledonian Macleod described the petition as “a
Steam Packet Co, a subsidiary of piece of nonsense” and dismissed it as
British Rail (now Caledonian part of the campaign against him.
MacBrayne or CalMac), to introduce a Subsequently, a number of Macleod’s

Sunday ferry service to the island. critics formed a new denomination,

In the run up to Smith’s protest, a the Free Church of Scotland
petition sponsored by the Church of (Continuing).
Scotland, the Free Church of Scotland Smith went even further, leaving
and the Free Presbyterian Church of the Free Church for the ultra-Calvinist
Scotland was signed by 3,883 people Free Presbyterian Church – also
out of Skye’s population of 7,400. The known as the “Wee Wee Frees”.
service, it declared, was a “desecration He continued to thunder from the
of the Biblical Sabbath”. pulpit until earlier this year. In 2006
But their pleas fell on deaf ears. he laid part of the blame for the
On Sunday June 6 Smith and decline of the Sabbath on the Royal
another minister led protesters at Family, politicians and television
Kyleakin Free Church in a Gaelic soaps, “which portray an immoral
prayer service, then Smith marched The ‘Ferry Free Church elder accused the the court finding that his female culture involving drink and drugs”. In
them out to the narrow road leading to Reverend’ in 1980 demonstrators of making an accusers “had all lied in the witness 2009 he protested when Caledonian
the slipway as the first Sunday ferry outside his kirk on “exhibition of themselves and the box to further the ends of [his] MacBrayne proposed a new Sunday
arrived. As police asked them to move, the Isle of Lewis: he island,” adding: “It was sad to see them enemies in the Free Church of ferry service between Lewis and
Smith told his followers in Gaelic, later joined the Free following each other like sheep.” Scotland”. During the hearing it was Ullapool, predicting that crime would
“Seas eir an toiseach!” – “stand fast Presbyterian Inevitably, perhaps, Smith became alleged that he had been the victim of rise on Lewis as a result and the
before them” – then lay down in front Church – aka the known as the “Ferry Reverend”. a conspiracy involving ministers from services would bring “things that
of the first car. ‘Wee Wee Frees’ Angus Smith was born in Govan, within the church, including Smith, terrified parents”.
After a 25 minute struggle, more Glasgow in 1928 to parents from the who also happened to be his brother- When the vessel due to make the
than 30 policemen managed to clear Isle of Lewis. Ordained in 1958 into the in-law. first Sunday crossing broke down due
some 50 islanders, mostly crofters, off Free Church of Scotland, he served as The revelation prompted Smith to to a faulty exhaust the day before,
the road, lifting some bodily, including minister at the Snizort Free Church in issue a statement denying the claims Smith hailed it as a reminder of “God’s
Smith. “It took seven constables to Skye, before moving in 1968 to Lewis, and accusing Macleod of describing providence”, though in the event
move one 20-stone crofter,” reported one of the last bastions of fellow ministers as “Nazis” and another ferry was drafted in for the
The Daily Telegraph. Sabbatarianism, as minister of Cross “ayatollahs” and putting “blasphemy inaugural Sunday sailing.
Then the demonstrators held an Free Church, Ness. In 1986 he was in the West Highland Free Press”. “I am “Neither CalMac nor its managing
open-air Gaelic prayer meeting and appointed Moderator of the Free loath to say anything about the Donald director understand that the God of
sang the 40th Psalm: “I waited Church General Assembly. Macleod affair and I have carefully the Sabbath was speaking to them,”
patiently for the Lord and he inclined He retired as minister of Cross Free kept these matters from my pulpit, but Smith protested. “It means nothing to
unto me and heard my calling”. Church in 1997 but remained steeped deliberate distortion, untruth, and them. If they do not have a heart or an
Fourteen, Smith included, were in controversy to the last. confusion in the minds of people force ear to hear, they may as well be
hauled away and charged with breach In 1996 he was named in court as me to act,” the statement read. pagans. CalMac is fighting God – not
of the peace. one of several accusers during the But the row continued. After being the people of these islands.”
But not all Smith’s fellow trial, on four charges of sexual assault, cleared, Macleod was the subject of Asked if the breakdown was divine
Sabbatarians supported the of the Free Church theologian Donald moves to have him removed from the intervention, a spokesman for
demonstration. After all, by Macleod, a professor of systematic church on charges of heresy, and there Caledonian MacBrayne said: “I really
demonstrating on a Sunday the theology at the Free Church College in were accusations that the church had do not think there is anyone here
protesters themselves were breaking Edinburgh, whose comparatively failed to investigate more allegations qualified to comment on that one.”
the Sabbath. The Rev Archibald liberal and reformist views, including about his private life. Smith was married and had four
MacVicar, clerk to the Church of his tolerant approach towards the Meanwhile Macleod’s claims that children.
Scotland described the occasion as rights of Roman Catholics, brought Smith and other church figures had
“the most massive breach of the Lord’s him controversy and enemies. conspired against him was The Reverend Angus Smith, born
Day that Skye has ever known”, while a Macleod was cleared of all charges, subsequently dismissed by a Free 1928, died August 28 2019
28 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Television & radio

The weekend on television What to watch

This forensic, unflashy A Confession

ITV, 9.00PM

 Jeff Pope, perhaps the

ALIBI, 10.00PM

film made a damning case

best docudramatist  An import from BBC
at work today, has done it America that originally aired
again. After the relatively in 2012, this period policier
slight Hatton Gardens from Oz creator Tom
comes another rigorous Fontana feels a little bit
and sometimes gruelling post-Deadwood, but has
interrogation of how plenty of extremely strong

f you’re entering middle-age, you human frailties can be performances (look out for
might be thinking about ways to brutally exposed on the Tessa Thompson and a fine
make yourself seem younger. Give wheels of justice. The turn from Franka Potente as
yourself a sparkly new look, perhaps; story of six-parter A a brothel madam) and a
maybe see new people. And certainly Confession is a fascinating keen feel for New York City
have an astonishing dental makeover. one and, like Little Boy during the Civil War. Tom
This is what long-running Britain’s Blue et al, based on real Weston-Jones (Dickensian)
Got Talent has done with its new events. Martin Freeman is the tormented Irish-
spin-off series Britain’s Got Talent: plays DSI Steve Fulcher, American out on the Five
The Champions (ITV, Saturday) in who leads the search for Points neighbourhood beat,
order to continue to make itself look Sian O’Callaghan, a while also trying to discover
youthful and alluring. It’s filmed inside Swindon woman who the truth behind his
the huge SSE Arena at Wembley, with went missing on a night daughter’s death and his
even more spectacular production out, and immediately fears wife’s disappearance. GT
values than before, with competing the worst.
acts who have previously done well Pope’s dramas are Entertainment
on BGT, plus performers from the an adept balance of
spin-off shows from around the world. the procedural and the Celebrity MasterChef
And there were new teeth aplenty, personal, and this one is BBC ONE, 9.00PM
from head judge Simon Cowell’s smartly cast too. Freeman
suspiciously neat, nuclear white grin, is joined by an ensemble  Twenty more famous
through to first BGT victor Paul Potts’s that includes Siobhan faces enter the kitchen to
new gnashers. Connie Talbot, who Finneran as Sian’s mother, face the scrutiny of John

Held to account: movie mogul Harvey Weinstein (centre) faces trial next year came second to Potts when she was a Imelda Staunton as the Torode and Gregg Wallace,
gappy six-year-old reappeared too, mother of Becky Godden with Zandra Rhodes and Oti
rom Jimmy Savile to Bill as mere philandering and the women now aged 18, with the requisite (another young woman
Cosby and Michael Jackson as having reluctantly succumbed to amount of teeth, tinkling the ivories whose disappearance
to R Kelly, a number of advance their careers, they said they and singing a song she’d written. eight years earlier may
high-profile, influential men opted not to rock the boat. The While it was good to catch up with be connected) and This On the case: Martin Freeman as DSI Steve Fulcher
whose high-profile, combination of confessional and back- our home-grown favourites, it was the Country’s Charlie Cooper,
influential connections and covering made for a grim spectacle, international acts who had a touch of in an accomplished and their families are character whose life will
enormous success seemingly rendered emblematic of the wider malaise of old-fashioned spectacle that made the dramatic debut, as Sian’s treated sensitively, and be upended by a single
them invulnerable, have recently been complicity in the entertainment world. show enjoyable family fun. Bad Salsa, boyfriend. False trails are Freeman (who’s excellent) rash (if maybe defensible)
held to account – albeit posthumously, There was useful context on a dance act from India, were fast and carefully laid, the victims lays the groundwork for a mis-step. Gabriel Tate
in some cases – by the courage and Weinstein’s psychology and furious, and brought a real touch of
determination of a few individuals. background, as well as necessary Bollywood to the screen. The stand-
The latest is Harvey Weinstein, whose acknowledgement of his central role out act, however, was American father
trial on charges of rape, criminal sex in the 1990s revival of American indie and daughter stunt act Bello and Arts how Germany was
acts and predatory sexual assault was cinema that made him such an Annaliese Nock, who performed transformed from a liberal Copper: Tom Weston-Jones
recently put back to January next year. irresistible figure to so many. The film dangerous moves on two giant Celtic Woman: Ancient democracy into a violent
(He has pleaded not guilty.) said that his pattern of abuse was hamster wheels. Their danger and Land/The Power of dictatorship within just four Mabuse among the first
But for all the mention of “sex” on established from his earliest days athleticism made the audience gasp, Women years, opening with Hitler’s quintet tasked with making
the Weinstein rapsheet, his alleged as a music promoter: flatter, bribe, and the “Super Fan” panel in the arena SKY ARTS, 8.00PM AND 10.00PM
decision to swap street their own sausages for
crimes are, of course, as much about threaten, isolate, intimidate, attack. voted them their winners. Along with fighting for parliamentary a debut dish of bangers,
power, or rather the imbalance of Ditto the cover-up techniques: bluster, Ukranian sand-artist Kseniya  In the first of Sky Arts’ politics. GT mash and gravy, before
power that has defined Hollywood. bully and, if all else fails, buy silence. Simonova, given the Golden Buzzer by best offerings tonight, the being tested in Indian
Ursula Macfarlane’s quietly furious The focus was rightly on the judge Amanda Holden whose week it multi-platinum Irish folk Paxman: Why Are Our cuisine and cooking over
Untouchable: The Rise and Fall of accusers as much as the alleged was to vote for a favourite, they went band Celtic Woman play a Politicians So Crap? open flames. GT
Harvey Weinstein (BBC Two, Sunday) perpetrator. Macfarlane trained the through to the final. lively concert in the shadow CHANNEL 5, 9.00PM
was both an indictment of that culture camera on former employees, actresses But here was the problem. Bar of Co Wexford’s Johnstown Factual
and a solemn acknowledgement of the who never quite made it (Caitlin Holden’s buzzer, the judges seemed Castle to mark their 13th The Power of Women: Goodall  Not what Westminster’s
women bringing about change. Dulany, Erika Rosenbaum) and those redundant. All the acts had been studio album, Ancient Land. embattled politicians want Jamie’s Meat-Free Meals
Rumours of Weinstein’s bullying whose careers were abruptly curtailed proven to be talented; what was the Afterwards, the second Documentary to see: here comes Jeremy CHANNEL 4, 8.00PM
and aggressive behaviour were legion (Roseanna Arquette, Paz de la Huerta), point of Messrs Cowell, Holden, Dixon episode of the excellent Paxman to ask why our
even before they became public it was implied, by Weinstein’s and Walliams reiterating how fantastic The Power of Women sees Rise of the Nazis representatives are failing  Jamie Oliver jumps on
knowledge. Former employees at machinations. These were not they were? Clair Woodward wildlife experts Jane BBC TWO, 9.00PM; NOT SCOTLAND
us, whether the two-party the vegetarian bandwagon
Miramax, the production company he scattergun accounts, but bolstered by Goodall and Virginia system is compromised, and with this new series; the
ran with his brother Bob, spoke dates, names and places. When they Untouchable: The Rise and Fall of McKenna sitting down  With the far-Right on what can be done about it? opener tonight features a
belatedly of their unease and dawning have their day in court, Weinstein may Harvey Weinstein ★★★★ together and having a the march once again, At 10.00pm, Jeremy Vine nice slate of recipes such
realisation that they may have enabled find his past catching up with him. Britain’s Got Talent: The Champions good go at setting the this timely three-part chairs a studio debate on as cottage pie, chip butties
his behaviour. In dismissing the stories Gabriel Tate ★★★ world to rights. GT documentary examines the subjects raised. GT and macaroni cheese. GT

Radio choice Charlotte Runcie

As Others See Us Britain could function in The Hidden Story Sangita Myska looks at the
RADIO 4, 9.00AM
the world after leaving of British Slavery vulnerabilities that make
the EU, with insights from RADIO 4, 8.00PM
victims susceptible to being
 Neil MacGregor returns diplomat Tommy Koh, taken into slavery, the
for another series that novelist Catherine Lim  Modern slavery is a psychological mechanisms
examines what people in and businessman Sunil hidden crime that seems of imprisonment that are
other countries think about Amarasuriya. Also in this almost impossibly difficult often used to more powerful
Britain, a question probably series are viewpoints from to fight, and according effect than physical chains,
more important than ever the United States – taking to recent Home Office and the systems in place
as Brexit approaches. The stock of the “special statistics, the largest to bring support and justice
first episode is in Singapore, relationship” – as well as national grouping held in to the people who have
potentially a model for how Spain, Australia and Poland. slavery in the UK is British. been enslaved.

Radio 1 Radio 4 with Chris Warburton 1.00pm Nihal 5.00 News 5.06 The Newsroom
Arthanayake 4.00 5 Live Drive 7.00 5 5.30 - 6.00am Discovery
FM 97.6-99.8MHz FM 92.4-94.6MHz; LW 198KHz
Live Sport: The Monday Night Club
6.30am The Radio 1 Breakfast Show 6.00am Today 9.00  As Others See 9.00 5 Live Sport: The Tuffers and Radio 4 Extra
with Greg James 10.00 Clara Amfo Us. See Radio choice 9.45 Book of the Vaughan Cricket Show 10.30 Sarah
12.45pm Newsbeat 1.00 Scott Mills Week: Winds of Change 9.45 LW: Daily Brett 1.00am Up All Night 5.00
4.00 Nick Grimshaw 5.45 Newsbeat Service 10.00 Woman’s Hour 11.00 Morning Reports 5.15 - 6.00am Wake 6.00am BBC National Short Story
6.00 Nick Grimshaw 7.00 Phil Taggart Three Vicars Talking 11.30 Loose Ends Up to Money Award 2018 6.30 Me, Putin and Judo
8.00 Radio 1’s Power Down Playlist 12.00 News 12.01pm LW: Shipping 7.00 A Whole ’Nother Story 7.30 Just
with Phil Taggart 9.00 Rickie, Melvin Forecast 12.04 The Offing 12.18 You Classic FM a Minute 8.00 Marriage Lines 8.30
and Charlie 11.00 Radio 1’s Indie and Yours 1.00 The World at One 1.45 Dad’s Army 9.00 The Unbelievable
FM 99.9-101.9MHz
Show with Jack Saunders 1.00am The Political Butterfly Effect 2.00 The Truth 9.30 The Senses 10.00 The
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6.30am Adele Roberts Illusions. Trevor Cox examines how Smooth Classics at Seven 8.00 The Marriage Lines 12.30pm Dad’s Army
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and guests discuss the nature of God. Wide Sargasso Sea 2.15 Charisma:
FM 88-90.2MHz
Last in the series 5.00 PM. Presented World Service Pinning Down the Butterfly 2.30 The
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9.30 Gary Davies 12.00 Jeremy Vine Forecast 5.57 Weather 6.00 Six Discontent and Its Civilizations 3.00
2.00pm Craig Charles in the O’Clock News 6.30 Just a Minute 7.00 6.00am Newsday 8.30 Business Daily The Carlingford Chronicles: Miss
Afternoon 5.00 Sara Cox 7.00 Jo The Archers. Lexi is thrilled to be back 8.50 Witness History 9.00 News 9.06 Marjoribanks 4.00 The Unbelievable
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Show with Cerys Matthews. New and Make You Feel? 8.00  The Hidden World Update 11.00 The Newsroom ’Nother Story 5.30 Just a Minute 6.00
classic blues tracks 10.00 Trevor Story of British Slavery. See Radio 11.30 The Conversation 12.00 News Before the Screaming Begins 6.30 A
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with Johnnie Walker 5.00 - 6.30am Others See Us 9.59 Weather 10.00 More or Less 2.00 Newshour 3.00 Story Award 2018 8.30 Me, Putin and
Vanessa Feltz The World Tonight 10.45 Book at News 3.06 HARDtalk 3.30 World Judo 9.00 TED Radio Hour 9.50
Bedtime: The Offing 11.00 Word of Business Report 4.00 BBC OS 6.00 Inheritance Tracks 10.00 Comedy
Radio 3 Mouth 11.30 Art of Now: Music of the News 6.06 Outlook 7.06 The Club 11.00 The News Quiz 11.45
Ka’kai 12.00 News and Weather Newsroom 7.30 Sport Today 8.00 Comedy Club 12.00 Before the
FM 90.2-92.4MHz
12.30am Book of the Week: Winds of News 8.06 HARDtalk 8.30 Discovery Screaming Begins 12.30am A Good
6.30am Breakfast 9.00 Essential Change 12.48 Shipping Forecast 1.00 9.00 Newshour 10.00 News 10.06 Read 1.00 BBC National Short Story
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Concert 5.00 In Tune 7.00 BBC Proms 5.58 - 6.00am Tweet of the Day The Conversation 12.00 News 2.30 The Skool Days of Nigel
2019. John Eliot Gardiner conductsa 12.06am The History Hour 1.00 News Molesworth 2.45 Discontent and Its
performance of Berlioz’s Benvenuto Radio 5 Live 1.06 Business Matters 2.00 News Civilizations 3.00 The Carlingford
Cellini 10.30 New Generation Artists. 2.06 The Newsroom 2.30 The Why Chronicles: Miss Marjoribanks 4.00
MW 693 & 909KHz
A concert by French-Spanish guitarist Factor 2.50 More or Less 3.00 News The Unbelievable Truth 4.30 The
Thibaut Garcia 11.00 Jazz Now 6.00am 5 Live Breakfast 9.00 Your 3.06 People Fixing The World 3.30 In Senses 5.00 A Whole ’Nother Story
12.30am - 6.30am Through the Night Call 10.00 The Emma Barnett Show the Studio 4.00 News 4.06 Newsday 5.30 - 6.00am Just a Minute
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 29
Today’s television

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Main channels Film choice
BBC One BBC Two ITV Channel 4 Channel 5

6.00 am Breakfast (S) 9.15 Countryfile 6.30 am Flog It! (R) (S) 7.15 A Matter of 6.00 am Good Morning Britain (S) 8.30 6.30 am Mike & Molly (R) (S) 6.55 Mike & 6.00 am Milkshake! 9.15 Jeremy Vine (S)
Summer Diaries (R) (S) 10.00 Life and Debt (R) (S) 8.00 Sign Lorraine (S) 9.25 Judge Rinder (R) Molly (R) (S) 7.20 The King of 11.15 GPs: Behind Closed Doors (AD)
Homes Under the Hammer (AD) (R) Zone: Inside the Factory (AD) (R) (S) (S) 10.30 This Morning (S) Queens (R) (S) 7.45 The King of (R) (S)
(S) 11.00 Defenders UK (S) 11.45 (SL) 9.00 BBC News at 9 (S) 10.00 12.30 pm Loose Women (S) Queens (R) (S) 8.10 Everybody 12.10 pm 5 News Lunchtime (S)
Close Calls: On Camera (S) Victoria Derbyshire (S) 11.00 BBC 1.30 News; Weather (S) Loves Raymond (AD) (R) (S) 8.40 12.15 Celebs on the Farm (S)
12.15 pm Bargain Hunt (AD) (S) Newsroom Live (S) 1.55 Regional News; Weather (S) Everybody Loves Raymond (AD) (R) 1.10 Access (S)
1.00 BBC News at One; Weather (S) 12.15 pm Politics Live (S) 2.00 Dickinson’s Real Deal (R) (S) (S) 9.10 Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 9.40 1.15 Home and Away (AD) (S)
1.30 Regional News; Weather (S) 1.00 Hardball (R) (S) 3.00 Tenable (R) (S) Frasier (AD) (R) (S) 10.10 The Big 1.45 Neighbours (AD) (S) In Harm’s Way (1965, b/w)
1.45 Doctors (AD) (S) 1.45 Emergency Rescue Down Under 4.00 Tipping Point (S) Bang Theory (AD) (R) (S) 10.35 The 2.15 FILM: Instakiller (2018, TVM) FILM4, 2.55PM ★★★
2.15 Impossible (S) (AD) (R) (S) 5.00 The Chase (S) Big Bang Theory (AD) (R) (S) 11.05 Premiere. Thriller starring Kelly
3.00 Escape to the Country (S) 2.15 Heir Hunters (AD) (R) (S) 6.00 Regional News; Weather (S) The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) 11.30 The Sullivan (S)  Not all John Wayne turns are
3.45 Garden Rescue (AD) (S) 3.00 Blitz Cities (AD) (R) (S) 6.30 News; Weather (S) Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) 4.00 Friends (R) (S) compelling; not all “epic films” by
4.30 Antiques Road Trip (S) 3.30 FILM: Odette (1950, b/w) Fact- 12.00 Channel 4 News (S) 4.30 Friends (R) (S) Otto Preminger are riveting. The
5.15 Pointless (S) based Second World War drama 12.05 pm A New Life in the Sun: Where 5.00 5 News at 5 (S) proof is this overlong melodrama, set
6.00 BBC News at Six; Weather (S) with Anna Neagle See Film choice Are They Now? (R) (S) 5.30 Neighbours (AD) (R) (S) in the Pacific theatre after the attack
6.30 Regional News; Weather (S) (S) 1.05 Find It, Fix It, Drive It (AD) (R) (S) 6.00 Home and Away (AD) (R) (S) on Pearl Harbour. In brief: Wayne
5.25 Flog It! (R) (S) 2.10 Countdown (S) 6.30 5 News Tonight (S) plays Rock Torrey, a maverick US
6.00 Eggheads (S) 3.00 A Place in the Sun (R) (S) Navy captain who has to work his way
6.30 Born to Be Wild (S) 4.00 The Great Hotel Escape (S) out of disgrace after a misjudgement.
5.00 Come Dine with Me (R) (S) An ensemble cast trudge through
5.30 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S) battles, fights and romantic conflicts.
6.00 The Simpsons (AD) (R) (S)
6.30 Hollyoaks (AD) (R) (S)

Odette (1950, b/w)

BBC TWO, 3.30PM ★★★★★

Celebrity MasterChef Rise of the Nazis Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen Stath Lets Flats Paxman: Why Are Our Politicians So Crap?  Set at the height of the Second
World War, this extraordinary film
tells the true story of Odette Sansom
7.00 The One Show Matt Baker and Alex 7.00 The Repair Shop The team tackles a 7.00 Emmerdale Tracy is grateful for 7.00 Channel 4 News (S) 7.00 Police Interceptors: Smash & Grab! Hallowes, who was approached to
Scott present (S) vintage mechanical money box and Pete’s support (AD) (S) Featuring a drugs raid and a high- serve as a British secret agent and
an old wooden high chair (S) 7.30 Brexit Debate: A Very British speed pursuit (R) (S) became the only woman to have
7.30 Inside Out Three surprising real life 7.30 Coronation Street Hope goes into Coup? An audience of voters received the George Cross. Anna
stories from across the region (S) hiding in the empty factory (AD) (S) debate the future of the UK Neagle gives a stirring performance
with leading politicians (S) and a fine collection of British actors,
including Trevor Howard and Peter
8.00 EastEnders The day of Whitney and 8.00 Only Connect New series. The 8.00 Ainsley’s Caribbean Kitchen 8.30 Jamie’s Meat-Free Meals New 8.00 Traffic Cops An edition focusing on Ustinov, lend their support.
Callum’s wedding arrives (AD) (S) Darksiders take on the Suits (S) Ainsley Harriott takes a culinary tour series. Jamie Oliver demonstrates decision-making during pursuits (S)
of St Lucia (AD) (S) vegetarian recipes See What to
8.30 Panorama: Inside the School Cuts 8.30 University Challenge Jesus College, watch (AD) (S)
Crisis A report on whether a crisis Oxford takes on Manchester (S) 8.30 Coronation Street Tyrone suspects
point has been reached (S) Hope of lying about the fire (AD) (S)

9.00 Celebrity MasterChef New series. 9.00 Rise of the Nazis New series. 9.00 A Confession New series. Fact- 9.00 Call the Cops Devon and Cornwall 9.00 Paxman: Why Are Our Politicians
With Zandra Rhodes, Neil Ruddock, Examining how Hitler’s party seized based detective drama starring police’s struggle to meet the needs So Crap? Jeremy Paxman assesses
Joey Essex, Oti Mabuse and Andy power in Germany during the 1930s Martin Freeman See What to watch of the public (AD) (S) the current state of British politics
Grant See What to watch (AD) (S) See What to watch (AD) (S) (S) See What to watch (S)

Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse

of the Black Pearl (2003)
10.00 BBC News at Ten (S) 10.00 I Love 1990 Sheryl Lee presents a 10.00 News; Weather (S) 10.00 Stath Lets Flats (AD) (S) 10.00 Live Debate: Are Our Politicians Up
10.25 Regional News; Weather (S) look back at the year (R) (S) 10.30 Regional News; Weather (S) 10.30 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown to the Job? See What to watch (S) ITV2, 6.15PM ★★★

10.35 This Country Kurtan’s shopping 10.30 Newsnight (S) 10.45 Fighter Pilot: The Real Top Gun In With Harriet Kemsley (R) (S)  The first of the highly successful
plans are disrupted by bus problems South Carolina, the Lightning Force 11.30 Britain’s Extreme Weather 12.30am 11.05 Paxman on the Queen’s Children film series is a truly old-fashioned,
(AD) (R) (S) pilots learn to drop bombs (R) (S) Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares USA 12.05am Soap Star Killer: swashbuckling adventure with a
1.25 Jamie and Jimmy’s Friday Night Countdown to Murder 1.00 The gutsy heroine (Keira Knightley) and
11.15 Untouchable: The Rise and Fall of Feast 2.20 Supershoppers: Money Live Casino Show 3.00 a lovable hero (Johnny Depp). They
Harvey Weinstein 12.50am Fosse/ 11.45 Tenable 12.35am Ideal World 2.00 Saving Special 3.15 Come Dine with Access 3.10 Celebs Go offset drippy Orlando Bloom, who
Verdon 1.35 Sign Zone: Interior Ideal World TV 3.00 Masterpiece Me 4.10 Gok’s Fill Your House for Motorhoming: Back on the Road falls for Knightley and works to rescue
11.00 Have I Got a Bit More Old News for Design Masters 2.35 Sign Zone: with Alan Titchmarsh 3.50 ITV Free 5.05 Kirstie’s Fill Your House for 4.00 Ben Fogle: New Lives in the her from undead pirates. Dead Man’s
You 11.45 Live at the Apollo 12.35- Countryfile 3.30 - 6.30am This Is Nightscreen 5.05 - 6.00am Judge Free 5.20 Star Boot Sale 5.50 - Wild 4.45 House Doctor 5.10 House Chest (no 2, average) airs tomorrow, At
6.00am News BBC Two Rinder 6.30am Countdown Busters 5.35 - 6.00am Wildlife SOS World’s End (no 3; bad) on Wednesday.

FV Freeview FS Freesat (AD) Audio description (R) Repeat (S) Subtitles (SL) In-vision signing
Freeview, satellite and cable Variations
BBC Four ITV3 ITV4 Sky One Sky Atlantic Film4 Drama Northern Ireland
FV 9 FS 173 SKY 116 VIRGIN 107 FV 10 FS 115 SKY 119 VIRGIN 117 FV 24 FS 117 SKY 120 VIRGIN 118 SKY 106 VIRGIN 110 SKY 108 FV 14 FS 300 SKY 313 VIRGIN 428 FV 20 FS 158 SKY 143 VIRGIN 130 BBC One: 7.30 - 8.00pm Home Ground
7.00 pm Beyond 100 Days 11.30 am Agatha Christie’s Poirot 11.25 am The Professionals Noon NCIS: Los Angeles Noon Without a Trace 11.00 am Send Me No Flowers Noon The Bill 10.35 On the Air 10.40 This Country
7.30 Johnny Kingdom’s Year with 12.40 pm Heartbeat 12.30 pm The Saint 1.00 pm Hawaii Five-0 1.00 pm Without a Trace (1964) Romantic comedy 1.00 pm Classic EastEnders 11.10 Have I Got a Bit More Old News
for You 11.55 Live at the Apollo 12.40 -
the Birds 1.45 Classic Emmerdale 1.35 Kojak 3.00 MacGyver 2.00 Blue Bloods 1.05 pm Fair Wind to Java (1953) 1.40 Classic EastEnders
6.00am BBC News
8.00 Rome: A History of the 2.15 Classic Coronation Street 2.40 Quincy ME 4.00 Modern Family 3.00 The West Wing Seafaring adventure 2.20 Dalziel & Pascoe BBC Two: 10.00 - 10.30pm Croí Uladh
Eternal City 2.50 Classic Coronation Street 3.40 Minder 5.00 The Simpsons 4.00 The West Wing 2.55 In Harm’s Way (1965, b/w) 4.20 All Creatures Great and le John Toal
9.00 Great Indian Railway 3.20 Midsomer Murders 4.45 The Professionals 5.30 Futurama 5.00 Without a Trace Second World War drama Small UTV: 8.00 - 8.30pm Ulster Giants 10.45
Journeys 5.20 Downton Abbey 5.50 The Sweeney 6.30 The Simpsons 6.00 Without a Trace starring John Wayne 5.20 Birds of a Feather Rescue – River Deep, Mountain High
10.00 The Culture Show 6.55 Murder, She Wrote 7.00 Silverstone Classic 7.00 The Simpsons 7.00 CSI: Crime Scene See Film choice 6.00 ’Allo ’Allo! 11.15 Fighter Pilot: The Real Top Gun
11.00 Victoria: A Royal Love Story 8.00 Doc Martin 8.00 Speed Freaks 7.30 The Simpsons Investigation 6.15 The Hunger Games: 6.40 Waiting for God 12.10 - 12.35am The Cruise: Sailing the
12.00 Walt Disney – Part One 9.00 Doc Martin 9.00 Benidorm 8.00 A League of Their Own: 8.00 Blue Bloods Catching Fire (2013) Sci-fi 7.20 Last of the Summer Wine Mediterranean
1.00 am Walt Disney – Part Two 10.00 Scott & Bailey 10.00 FILM: Tomorrow Never Dies European Road Trip 9.00 Succession adventure sequel starring 8.00 Dalziel & Pascoe
2.00 Metalworks! – The Golden 11.00 Scott & Bailey (1997) Bond adventure 9.00 FILM: Battle: Los Angeles 10.10 The Affair Jennifer Lawrence 10.00 New Tricks Scotland
Age of Silver 12.00 A Touch of Frost starring Pierce Brosnan (2011) Sci-fi thriller starring 11.20 Euphoria 9.00 Sicario (2015) Crime drama 11.20 Silent Witness BBC One: 7.30 - 8.00pm Grand Tours of
3.00 - 4.00am Rome: A History 2.00 am ITV3 Nightscreen 12.25 am Car Crash Global: Caught Aaron Eckhart 12.25 am Girls starring Emily Blunt 1.30 am Boon Scotland’s Lochs
of the Eternal City 2.30 - 6.00am Teleshopping on Camera 11.15 Brit Cops: Law & Disorder 1.00 Dexter 11.20 The Crying Game (1992) 2.30 Boon BBC Scotland: 7.00pm Beechgrove
1.25 Motorsport UK 12.15 am Manifest 2.10 Dexter Thriller starring Stephen Rea 3.30 - 4.00am Garden Hopping 7.30 The Children’s Hospital 8.00 Africa
2.25 The Protectors 1.15 Warrior 3.20 - 4.00am Curb Your 1.35 am Random Acts: Rotters 9.00 The Nine 10.00 River City 11.00
2.50 ITV4 Nightscreen 2.25 Motorbike Cops Enthusiasm 1.40 - 3.50am How I Live Now Best of Chewin’ the Fat 11.30pm -
3.00 - 6.00am Teleshopping 3.00 - 4.00am NCIS: Los Angeles (2013) Apocalyptic thriller 12.00 Loop
STV: 10.40pm Scotland Tonight 11.10
Fighter Pilot: The Real Top Gun 12.05am
2019 5.55 The Secret Life of the Zoo Thriller starring Gerard Butler 4.30 Porridge 7.30 Dad’s Army 8.55 The Saved 1.00 - 5.05am ITV Nightscreen
ITV2 Sky Sports Premier History TCM Movies
6.55 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick League Asterix: The Secret of the Magic Fast Show 9.30 Not Going Out 10.10
11.15am Dress to Impress 12.15pm 7.55 Escape to the Chateau: DIY 9.00 Noon Forged in Fire 1.00pm Big Easy Potion (2018) Animated family 24 hours, including at: Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Wales
Emmerdale 12.45 Coronation Street The World’s Most Beautiful Railway Noon PL Best Goals 92/93 1.00pm Motors 2.00 Storage Wars 4.00 Iron comedy with the voice of Christian 11.50am Escort West (1958) Western Crisps 10.50 Live at the Apollo 11.45
1.45 The Ellen DeGeneres Show 2.35 Premier League Highlights 5.00 & Fire 5.00 Forged in Fire 7.00 starring Victor Mature 1.30pm Kelly’s BBC One: 7.30 - 8.00pm Tudur’s TV
10.00 Coastal Railways with Julie Clavier 6.15 Benchwarmers 2: Two Doors Down 12.20am Absolutely Flashback
Dinner Date 3.40 Dress to Impress Walters 11.05 24 Hours in A&E Soccer AM: The Best Bits 5.30 Premier American Pickers 8.00 Highway Thru Heroes (1970) Second World War Fabulous 12.55 Royle Family Portraits
Breaking Balls (2019) Premiere. BBC Two: No variations
4.45 Take Me Out 6.15 FILM: Pirates 12.10am Shocking Emergency Calls League 100 Club 6.00 PL Legends: Hell 9.00 Unidentified 10.00 Mafia adventure starring Clint Eastwood 2.45 Legends of Stand-Up & Bernard
Comedy starring Chris Klein 8.00 Bad ITV Wales: 6.00 - 6.30pm ITV News
of the Caribbean: The Curse of the 1.15 The Supervet: Noel Fitzpatrick Paul Ince 6.30 PL Legends: Teddy Killers 11.00 Who Killed Tupac? 12.00 4.25 For Whom the Bell Tolls (1943) Righton 3.35-4.00am Harry Hill’s TV Wales at Six 10.45 Sharp End 11.45 -
Times at the El Royale (2018) In the
Black Pearl (2003) Swashbuckling 2.15 24 Hours in A&E 3.20-3.45am Sheringham 7.00 Soccer AM: The Best Britain’s Most Evil Cults 1.00am Spanish Civil War drama starring Gary Burp 12.35am Fighter Pilot: The Real Top Gun
late Sixties, several strangers meet by
fantasy adventure starring Johnny Food Unwrapped Bits 7.30 PL Greatest Games 8.00 Highway Thru Hell 2.00 Big Easy Cooper 7.35 The Gambler Wore a Gun
chance at a rundown Lake Tahoe’s
Depp and Orlando Bloom See Film Premier League Review 9.00 Premier Motors 3.00-4.00am American Pickers (1961, b/w) A professional gambler’s ITV Regions
League Highlights 10.00 The Debate
hotel with a dark past. Mystery thriller Yesterday
choice 9.00 Singletown 10.00 Family Dave with Jeff Bridges 10.30 The Vanishing
attempt to retire is disrupted by a
Guy 12.00 American Dad! 12.55am 11.00 Class Of 92 12.00 The Debate Sky Arts band of cattle thieves. Western Noon Time Team 2.00pm The Hidden No variations
(2019) Three lighthouse keepers get
The Cleveland Show 1.25 Plebs 1.55 Noon American Pickers 1.00pm Top 1.00am Premier League Years 3.00- starring Jim Davis and Merry Anders River 3.00 David Attenborough’s
Gear: Jaguar E Type 2.00 Cop Car 4.00am PL Greatest Games Noon Discovering: Paul Newman caught in a web of greed, paranoia and Natural Curiosities 4.00 Forbidden S4C
Superstore 2.20-5.50am 9.00 The Glimmer Man (1996) A New
Workshop 3.00 Scrapyard Supercar 1.00pm Tales of the Unexpected 1.30 murder. Thriller starring Gerard Butler History 5.00 Bangers and Cash 6.00
Teleshopping York detective travels to Los Angeles 6.00am Cyw 12.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
4.00 Timber Kings 5.00 Top Gear 7.00 JRR Tolkien: Designer of Worlds 2.45 12.25am Assassination Nation (2018) to investigate a series of ritual killings, Hitler’s Most Wanted 7.00 Full Steam
BT Sport 1 Comedy thriller starring Odessa Young Tywydd 12.05pm Cymoedd Roy Noble
E4 Would I Lie to You? 8.20 QI 9.00 Live California Dreamin’: The Songs of the but ends up as the main suspect. Ahead 8.00 Prince Philip: The Plot to 12.30 Heno 1.30 Taith Fawr y Dyn Bach
at the Apollo 10.00 Taskmaster: Noon Premier League Review 1.00pm Mamas and the Papas 4.00 The Sixties 2.25-4.00am Tyrel (2018) Comedy Action thriller with Steven Seagal and Make a King 9.00 Monster Ships 2.00 Newyddion S4C a’r Tywydd 2.05
Noon Brooklyn Nine-Nine 1.00pm The Champion of Champions 11.00 Jon Ligue 1 Highlights 2.00 Vanarama 5.00 Discovering: Lana Turner 6.00 drama starring Jason Mitchell Keenen Ivory Wayans 11.00 Carrie 10.00 The World at War 11.00 Prynhawn Da 3.00 Newyddion S4C a’r
Big Bang Theory 2.00 Melissa & Joey Richardson: Ultimate Worrier 12.00 National League 3.00 Vanarama Discovering: Tony Curtis 7.00 The (1976) A withdrawn teenager uses Porridge 1.00am Hitler’s Most Tywydd 3.05 Y Babell Lên a Mwy! 4.00
3.00 Baby Daddy 4.00 Brooklyn Nine- Would I Lie to You? 1.20am Mock the National League Highlights 3.30 Uefa Eighties 8.00 Celtic Woman: Ancient PBS America psychic powers to retaliate against her Wanted 2.00 WW2 Air Crash Awr Fawr: Bing 4.10 Awr Fawr: Patrôl
Nine 5.00 Speechless 6.00 The Big Week 2.00 Live at the Apollo 2.50 Champions League – Stories of the Land See What to watch 10.00 The abusive mother and bullying Detectives 3.00-6.00am Teleshopping Pawennau 4.25 Awr Fawr: Cacamwnci
Finals 4.00 BT Sport Films 5.00 What 11.35am 9/11 – The Day the World 4.40 Awr Fawr: Stiw 4.50 Awr Fawr: Oli
Bang Theory 7.00 Hollyoaks 7.30 Asian Provocateur: Mum’s American Power of Women See What to classmates. Horror with Sissy Spacek
I Wore 5.30 Bundesliga Special 5.45 Changed 12.40pm Ride the Tiger: A Wyn 5.00 Stwnsh 6.00 Newyddion S4C
Schooled 8.00 Brooklyn Nine-Nine Dream 3.30-4.00am The watch 11.00 Journey: Music Icons and Piper Laurie 1.05am McCabe & Discovery
Early Kick-Off 6.15 Ladbrokes SPFL Guide Through the Bipolar Brain 1.55 a’r Tywydd 6.05 Lorient 2019 7.00
9.00 Made in Chelsea 10.00 First Indestructibles 11.30 Marvin Gaye: Music Icons Mrs Miller (1971) Western drama Heno 8.00 Pobol y Cwm 8.25 Adre 8.55
Highlights 6.30 Bundesliga Highlights Royal Cousins at War 3.10 9/11 – The Noon Railroad Alaska 1.00pm Combat
Dates 11.05 The Big Bang Theory 12.00 Warren Beatty: A Hollywood starring Warren Beatty 3.30-6.00am Chwedloni: Cwpan Rybgi’r Byd 9.00
Show 7.30 Live Bundesliga 2. VfB Day the World Changed 5.15 Ride the Dealers 2.00 Alaskan Bush People
12.05am Gogglebox 1.05 Gogglebox Sky Sports Main Event Obsession 1.00am The Art of Hollywood’s Best Film Directors Newyddion 9 a’r Tywydd 9.30 Ffermio
Australia 2.10 Made in Chelsea 3.05- Stuttgart v VfL Bochum (kick-off Architecture 2.00-4.00am FILM:
Tiger: A Guide Through the Bipolar 3.00 Kindig Customs 5.00 Diesel 10.00 Codi Pac 10.30 Traed Lan 11.00 -
Noon Sky Sports News 3.30pm Live 7.30pm) 9.30 EnduroGP 10.00 BT Brain 6.30 Royal Cousins at War 7.50 Brothers 6.00 Fast N’ Loud 7.00 11.35pm 999: Y Glas
4.00am First Dates Being Frank: The Chris Sievey Story GOLD
Test Cricket. West Indies v India. Sport Score Best Bits 10.30 BT Sport Royal Wives at War 9.00 Documenting Outback Truckers 8.00 Combat
Coverage of the fourth day of the Goals Reload 11.00 Ladbrokes SPFL Hate: Charlottesville 10.15 11.40am 2point4 Children 12.20pm Dealers 9.00 Fast N’ Loud 10.00
More4 Second Test in the two-match series, Highlights 11.15 What I Wore 11.30
Sky Cinema Premiere Documenting Hate: New American Chef! 1.00 Are You Being Served? Street Outlaws 11.00 Wheeler Dealers
Noon The Secret Life of the Zoo taking place Sabina Park in Kingston 30 for 30 1.00am World Rallycross 24 hours, including at: Nazis 11.30 Royal Wives at War 1.40 The Good Life 2.20 Porridge 12.00 Fast N’ Loud 1.00am Street
1.05pm Four in a Bed 3.50 Ugly 11.00 Sky Sports News 1.00-4.00am Highlights 2.00 Inside Sailing 2.30 Noon Bad Times at the El Royale 12.50am Documenting Hate: 3.00 Last of the Summer Wine 5.00 Outlaws 2.00 Bitchin’ Rides 3.00 Fast
House to Lovely House with George Live WWE Late Night Raw. Wrestling Early Kick-Off 3.00-6.00am The Big (2018) Mystery thriller starring Jeff Charlottesville 2.00-6.00am 2point4 Children 5.35 Are You Being N’ Loud Revved Up 3.50-5.30am
Clarke 4.50 Portrait Artist of the Year action from the States Match Revisited Bridges 2.30pm The Vanishing (2019) Teleshopping Served? 6.15 The Good Life 6.55 Garage Rehab
30 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 31
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Monday 2 September 2019

Markets Week-on-week change Currencies Friday close Commodities Week-on-week change Inside
FTSE 100 Dow Jones  FTSE 250 19393.63 Gold Bum Calm amid
Biggest riser
FTSE All Share
+157.50 (+0.82pc)
3953.02 Rate
q steer the storm
7200 NMC Health 26500
+54.44 (+1.40pc) There’s a Investors
2502p 26250 FTSE All Share Yield 4.31
Change $1523.61 long way to
go before
should not
be put off
7100 +345.00 (+15.99pc) 26000 FTSE Eurotop 100 2911.14 -0.96¢ (£1251)
driverless by political
+67.88 (+2.39pc) -2.60 (-0.17pc)
7050 25750
Nikkei 225 20704.37 Brent Crude
cars fulfil turmoil
£€ their at home
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri
Biggest faller
Micro Focus Int
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri EURO STOXX 50
-6.54 (-0.03pc)
3426.76 Rate
p promise Tom
+92.51 (+2.77pc) Roger Bootle Stevenson


6536.53 1108¾p
-460⅜ (-29.34pc)


S&P 500 2926.46
+79.35 (+2.79pc)
Change $60.43 (October)
Yield 4.54pc -0.02
Nasdaq 7962.88 +0.09¢
+112.20 (+1.58pc) P/E ratio 14.88 +0.05 +774.38 (+3.02pc) +211.12 (+2.72pc) +1.09 (+1.84pc)
Get the latest markets info, share prices and create a portfolio at Page 7 Page 7 Pages 4-5 Page 2

Cobham is The winds of

change that are
renewing the
safe in our east coast ports
ambrose evans-

hands, says I
n the First and Second World Wars,
Grimsby’s fishing trawlers fought

US bidder
their own forgotten Battle of
Britain. They swept mines in the North
Sea. They hunted U-boats.
They escorted Arctic missions to
Russia, and ran the Nazi gauntlet on
moonless nights for vital supplies
(disguised as butter) from Sweden.
Crews were decimated. Their families
headquarters in both the US and UK, felt the sharp end of Luftwaffe
Moving jobs overseas though about 100 back-office jobs bombing for good measure.
could go, mostly at its Dorset base. Grimsby was still the biggest fishing
would be a ‘dumb decision’ However, he refused to be drawn on port in the world in the Fifties. One
and not part of the £4bn any guarantees Advent might give to can only weep at pictures of packed
plan, claims equity house win Government-backing. boats along the piers, framed by the
Lady Cobham, the widow of former hydraulic Dock Tower built in 1852
By Alan Tovey chief executive Sir Michael Cobham is and modelled on the 14th Century
leading a campaign to try to stop Ad- Torre del Mangia in Siena.
THE American private equity house vent’s bid. She has raised concerns that Whether it was the Icelandic Cod
behind a £4bn bid for Cobham has bro- Cobham’s manufacturing work will be Wars or the EU’s Common Fisheries
ken its silence to hit back at sugges- relocated abroad. Sir Michael was the Policy – arch-villain for most Grimsby
tions that the deal would threaten son of founder Sir Alan Cobham. veterans – or a general British failure
national security or damage Britain’s Advent has met Andrea Leadsom, of neglect, the fishing fleet shrivelled
industrial base. the Business Secretary, and the Minis- to nothing. By the Nineties the
In an exclusive interview, Advent In- try of Defence, which both have the tradition was dead.
ternational dismissed national security power to block the deal on national se- The direct railway line to London
fears saying “this is not some sort of ne- curity grounds. was closed in 1992. Life went on. There
farious deal to sell to the Russians or However, Mr Malani claimed that was still food processing and the
Chinese”. the deal will pay off only if Cobham nearby port of Immingham. But male
The firm also played down claims wins more business. unemployment rates matched the
that UK jobs would quickly disappear “The only way we make money is if highest in the country.
overseas. Transferring work away from Cobham is bigger and more success- The town lurched further
established sites would be “a pretty ful,” he said. Cobham’s largest single downwards in the post-Lehman
dumb business decision”, said Shonnel contract – building air-to-air refuelling austerity years, a reliable top-ten
Malani, the partner spearheading a systems for the US air force’s fleet of fixture in iLiveHere’s worst places to
165p-a-share offer on behalf of Advent. aerial tankers – is based out the com- live in Britain. The nadir was Sacha
About 1,700 of Cobham’s 10,000 staff pany’s base at Wimborne in Dorset. Mr Baron Cohen’s portrayal four years ago
are based in the UK. Mr Malani said the Malani said that part of logic behind of coarse drunks, hooligans, and
company’s “unique selling point” was the deal was that US ownership would benefit cheats in the film entitled,
“its technical skills and R&D”. open up more defence contracts. simply, Grimsby.

“For us the importance of Cobham is Advent says it has written to Lady Great Yarmouth, Hull, Blyth, and
its engineering skills, knowledge and Cobham offering to meet to try to allay other east coast towns each had their
intellectual property, which is located her concerns. own such stories, each among the most
in its sites and people – why would we “We realised she had some concerns forlorn pockets of this country.
risk that?” he added. “Relocating to and we felt those were probably not
Taking stock Jeff Bezos, the Amazon chief executive, was in Venice with his new girlfriend But what is now emerging – yet to
low-cost countries is not part of our in- based on all the facts,” Mr Malani said. Lauren Sanchez following his divorce from MacKenzie Bezos, who walked away, after 26 register in London’s metropolitan
vestment thesis, ” Mr Malani said. “She can choose to believe it or not... years of marriage, with a settlement that included $3bn (£2.4bn) worth of Amazon stock. consciousness – is the first evidence of
Advent has said it will maintain she hasn’t responded to our letter.” Continued on Page 6

Labour plans £300bn share grab

By Jack Torrance pany’s shares per year for 10 The plan is one of a series
years. The rules would apply of radical policies being con-
LABOUR’s plan to force to the 7,000 UK companies sidered by Mr McDonnell,
every large business to hand that have more than 250 including naming every in-
a 10pc equity stake to their workers. Staff would be paid dividual who earns more
workers would amount to a dividends of up to £500 per than £150,000 per year, in-
£300bn share seizure, new year, with the rest being troducing a four-day work
analysis has found. handed over to the Treasury. week and giving private ten-
John McDonnell, the Analysis by Clifford ants the right to buy their
shadow chancellor, wants to Chance and the Financial homes from landlords.
shift the balance of power Times found that the compa- Other policies being
away from bosses by creat- nies have a combined book looked at include breaking
ing so-called “inclusive value of roughly £3 trillion, up the Big Four auditors and
ownership funds” that of which one tenth would be banning “golden hand-
would receive 1pc of a com- shunted into the new funds. shake” payouts.
2 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Business comment
Jon Lewis
Virtual assistants have failed to
We need to match their once-grand promises
channel james
in the series. Five years after it sold its
first Echo speaker, Amazon says it has

sold more than 100m devices
equipped with Alexa.
But while Alexa’s ability to
understand us and the range of tasks it

more equitably
can do have improved, the experience
of using it has not changed
he big five American significantly.

technology companies – Surveys suggest that people mostly
Apple, Amazon, use it for simple tasks, such as playing
o human-designed system is Facebook, Microsoft and music and checking the weather.
perfect. Everything can and must Google – are often talked Anything more intricate than that, and
be improved, because that is the about as one. When we they will turn to their smartphone or
only way society can progress. worry about Big Tech’s growing laptop.


Although one can argue capitalism power, or talk about “Silicon Valley” as Artificial intelligence has not made
has achieved more than any other a phenomenon, we often group these large enough strides for us to trust our
social force to improve billions of lives by lifting five together, as if they move as a pack. smart assistants with booking flights
them from poverty – the World Bank said global It is an oversimplification that or doing our shopping.
poverty was reduced by half between 1990 and disguises fundamentally different The experience of talking to a
2010 alone – as a system it can, of course, like any characteristics. Apple and Amazon sell computer, and having it talk back to
other, be refined and made better. mainly to consumers, while Facebook, you, is painstakingly slow for anything
No one can have failed in recent years to be Google and Microsoft make most of but the most straightforward of
struck by the inherent – and increasingly marked their money from businesses. Amazon processes.
– imbalances capitalist societies manifest. We are and Microsoft are based not in the case, were vague: Apple’s said that habits, data that is invaluable to Mark Zuckerberg, That is the experience within the
all by now familiar with depressing statistics Silicon Valley at all, but 800 miles data was used to improve Siri, but advertising companies, but millions of Facebook’s chief home, the safest environment for
about wealth inequality, or with the lengths to away in Seattle. made no mention that humans were us agree to it because there are had to face a voice assistants. The experience is
which many of the world’s wealthiest individuals But in recent months, all have part of this process. At least two of the financial benefits to doing so. congressional significantly less comfortable in
and organisations will go to avoid paying taxes. managed to become affected by the companies now face scrutiny from Facebook’s privacy practices were hearing after the public, where smartphone-based
Speaking as the CEO of a business that every same controversy. The companies all European regulators over the matter. once much worse than they are today, data scandal, since assistants might be used, or in the
day, on behalf of both public and private sector offer some form of voice recognition After the controversies emerged, but were forgiven because people then it has been office, where Microsoft focuses
organisations, provides services upon which software – virtual assistants in the the tech companies involved loved to use it. Today, much of the revealed the tech its efforts.
millions of people rely, I strongly believe cases of Amazon, Apple, Google and suspended the practice, or at least excitement of being on Facebook has giants have been Voice recognition is undoubtedly an
capitalism is the best system humanity has to Microsoft, and language translation in made steps to tell users they were vanished, and so we feel we are not monitoring digital impressive technology. But many
ensure as many people as possible lead fulfilling Facebook’s instance. doing it. Last week, Apple apologised getting the same reward for the data assistants impressive technologies fail to make
lives – but I also believe we will fail to harness its And each of them have been over the matter, and said that in future, we hand over. much of an impact.
full potential unless we seek to channel its revealed, one by one, to have only those who had opted in would Google has suffered much less of a People are often wowed by virtual
energies more equitably. developed their software by have their commands reviewed by political backlash than Facebook, reality the first time they try it, but
The most obvious way to achieve this goal is to employing humans to listen to humans, and even then, only in despite its fair share of privacy sales of the headsets have been slow,
consider meaningfully the impact the engines of recordings of their users’ voices. text form. controversies, because people still find and many of those that were
capitalism – which are businesses – have on the In April it emerged that Amazon In examining what went wrong its services immensely useful on a purchased are now gathering dust.
full spectrum of stakeholders upon which they employs hundreds of people to listen here, we can of course say that the daily basis. Virtual assistants are more
rely to function properly. In the West, where to customers speaking to Alexa, the companies should have been more This brings us back to the present successful than that, but they may
capitalism has traditionally flourished, for too company’s virtual assistant. clear about their work. furore around voice recognition. Part ultimately end up as glorified light
long it has been underpinned by an ideology that Incidents ranged from the But such controversies are often less of the privacy backlash surrounding switches and alarm clocks, rather than
overwhelmingly prioritises the needs of embarrassing (singing in the shower), about the facts of the case as the them may well be because the ‘Surveys the leap forward in computing they
investors above all other concerns. to the serious (a child screaming for moment it takes place in. Today, we technological revolution digital suggest that have been sold as.
As a result, we have seen – and continue to see help). Similar examples followed with are in one of those moments for assistants promised us has not This may go some way to the
– innumerable instances of worker Apple’s digital assistant Siri, as well as privacy, thanks to the reckless materialised. people privacy outcry that tech companies
maltreatment, or of communities and the Google and Microsoft’s counterparts. behaviour of some of the major When Amazon’s Alexa, the most mostly use it have faced over how they develop
environment being damaged egregiously in the Users naturally felt their privacy tech companies. popular household assistant, began to their voice recognition software.
pursuit of return on investment for shareholders. had been violated, not only because it But privacy is a funny thing. We are take off, executives at the company for simple People are happy to sacrifice a little bit
It is for this reason that I applaud the decision makes one uneasy to know that their outraged when we feel it has been talked about it as a new wave of tasks, such of their privacy when they feel they
taken recently by the influential Business private conversations could be heard abused, as in the case of Facebook’s computing, in the same way that the are getting something in return. But
Roundtable in the US, whose membership by a stranger, but because none of the Cambridge Analytica scandal, but mouse and keyboard gave way to the as playing when voice assistants are not
comprises leaders from many of America’s most companies involved had disclosed that surprisingly willing to trade it away touchscreen. Jeff Bezos, a famous Star music and delivering on their sci-fi promises, it is
powerful companies, to no longer recognise the they used humans to listen to real when there are benefits to be had. Trek fanatic, envisaged the software no wonder that they start to look less
notion of shareholder primacy as the guiding people’s voice recordings. Supermarkets use loyalty card eventually acting like the fully
checking the like a technological breakthrough, and
principle for American businesses, and to urge Their privacy statements, as is often schemes to sell details of our shopping intelligent voice-controlled computer weather’ more like devices for eavesdropping.
all companies to do more to balance
environmental and employee wellbeing with the
imperative to achieve profitability.
We must, of course, not lose sight of the
importance of investment, nor of the fact that Business much-maligned Govia
Thameslink Railway
Share price
when we talk about ‘investors” often we are
talking about people’s life savings or pension
Insight (GTR). But analysts expect
it to report annual profits
Today £

pots, but to my mind

genuinely responsible
Go-Ahead of £113m on Thursday,
down from £161m last
£20.80 20

‘As a system it business – a term that, year, on roughly flat sales High July 2019
can, of despite its ubiquity, is still of £3.5bn.

course, like somewhat ill-defined – can In an upbeat statement £22.00

only become a reality when ahead of its financial year 16
any other, be Low Oct 2018

properly productive o-Ahead’s newly- end in June, Go-Ahead
refined and harmony is struck between extended boasted of better
investors, employees, Southeastern punctuality, improved £14.17 14
2018 2019
made better’ communities and the railway franchise will
environment. come under fresh Strengths Threats
Although the challenge is scrutiny when the David Brown
a great one – nothing less transport operator sets Chief executive
than a fundamental re-engineering of the out its annual results  Holds some of the UK’s  Could lose profitable
concept of corporate purpose – I am optimistic it later this week, writes most high-profile train Southeastern franchise
can be achieved, not least because statements Jack Torrance. franchises next year
such as that of the Business Roundtable Ministers handed the  Huge bus business  Labour could
demonstrate the will to do it is now there. And bus and rail operator an spread across the country, nationalise railways
where there is a will, there is always a way. extra five months in including London’s largest  Rising competition
At Capita, we are working hard to build into charge of the route last performance in its bus operation from foreign rivals
our commercial systems structures that ensure month, calling off a international bus business
we remain sincerely mindful of our commitment competition to run the and the launch of new Weaknesses Opportunities
to the people and communities without whom franchise until a highly- German train services
our achievements would not be possible, and anticipated review of the following years of
that we never lose sight of the importance of railways is complete. preparations.  Govia Thameslink  Launched a new
inclusion and diversity. Southeastern, a joint Clare Hollingsworth, franchise has become on-demand minibus
We still have much more to do, but I am venture with France’s the former Eurostar deeply unpopular service
immensely proud, for example, to lead the only Keolis, has become a chairman, is due to take  £262m debt pile  Growing international
FTSE-listed business that has appointed two profitable business for over the same role at  Complex nature of business
employees to its board of directors, which means Go-Ahead, whose other Go-Ahead next month, franchise bidding  Stake in car-sharing
views from within Capita’s wider workforce now operations include the replacing Andrew Allner. Transport group Go-Ahead is the capital’s largest bus operator process business Mobileeee
inform the making of decisions that relate to
long-term strategy. I am also proud of the work
we have undertaken recently to address our
pension deficit or to publish our supplier charter,
a document that ensures the day-to-day
interactions we have with often small or
medium-sized businesses conform to the highest
Domestic political turmoil should not panic investors
standards of global best practice.
More than anything, I am proud to be part of a economy is not well prepared for through Help to Buy, and its results unsettle these investors. Another
growing community of UK businesses thinking
tom stevenson
nson leaving the EU without an agreement. will be good. But the stock market is reason not to worry unduly about this
hard about how to reconnect with a public that Growth is weak, even adjusting for the clear what it thinks of the outlook for week’s events is the message from
in recent years has grown, often with good distortions to the GDP figures caused the sector – a dividend yield of 7pc and history. There have been plenty of
reason, increasingly mistrustful of corporatism, by the spring’s two aborted exits. a share price that’s only a single-digit UK-focused political crises in the
and that is acting decisively to do so. Productivity is low after four years of multiple of forecast earnings is hardly post-war period. All have, with the
Societies and commercial enterprises are Brexit-fuelled underinvestment by a vote of confidence. Its chief benefit of hindsight, proved to be good
nothing if not co-dependent, and I am strongly businesses. Even if you think some of executive recently sold a third of his

times to stick with the domestic
motivated by the desire to be part of a movement nvestors have a tendency to pay too the scenario-planning is alarmist, no shares. Go-Ahead Group, the trains portion of your portfolio. After the
that brings people and businesses closer much attention to domestic news. one can deny there will be more trade and buses group you might expect to devaluation of the pound in November
together. However, I recognise this goal will not At the very least, it can lead to home friction after a no-deal exit than be the most stable of businesses, is 1967, the FT 30 rose by a quarter in
be achieved until businesses come once again to bias in portfolios. The local headlines before. Mitigating fiscal and monetary expected to deliver no growth in 1968. Following the “who governs
be widely viewed as powerful agents of positive can certainly over-influence market measures can be taken (interest rates earnings and dividends over the next Britain” elections of 1974, the market
change, capable of being part of the solution to sentiment, as we forget that most of will fall to near zero, government three years. doubled the following year. The ERM
the greatest challenges of our time – from climate the world’s markets are indifferent to spending will ramp up, quick-win tax Perhaps fortunately for investors, crisis was quickly welcomed by
change to food security to severe global our self-inflicted political and cuts such as VAT will be implemented) this kind of domestic company is less a investors in 1992.
inequality – rather than as a major part of the constitutional crisis. This week, but leaving without a deal will hurt. feature of the UK stock market. We A key difference between those
problem. Each of us from time to time needs however, we might be forgiven for our Domestically-focused firms have will learn tomorrow who is in and out times and today, of course, is that the
properly to think about what our purpose is, ie navel-gazing. been at the sharp end of Brexit when in the latest FTSE reshuffle. stock market is not at crisis levels. BP
what we are motivated by, what we want to Whatever happens, and there uncertainty for what seems like an Almost certainly, Marks & Spencer will is not trading on three times earnings
achieve and how we want our impact to be felt remains a bewildering array of interminable four years since the EU fall out of Britain’s blue-chip index for and yielding nearly 13pc as it was in
by those around us. This is as true for people as it possible outcomes, the reporting of it referendum was set in stone by David the first time since the FTSE 100 was January 1975. Valuations in the UK are
is for companies and for society itself. will be a key chapter in the first draft Cameron’s unexpected majority at the created in 1984. It will likely be attractive relative to perceived safer
A well-defined purpose provides context, of the history of Brexit. By Friday, the 2015 election. This week, a string of replaced by Polymetal International, a havens but are not in the bargain
meaning and goals to which we can aspire and options will be narrower, and we will companies whose fates are driven gold miner operating in Russia and basement. Investors still calculate that
against which we can measure progress. have a clearer idea of where we are almost wholly by their home market Kazakhstan. Fewer than 30 of the the doomsters have got it wrong.
Certainly, one of capitalism’s most enduring heading at the end of October. will report on their progress. In original FTSE 100 constituents remain The UK still merits a place in a
strengths is the freedom it extends to individuals So, this is a good time to think about different ways, they illustrate the in an index which has less and less to well-diversified portfolio because
and to groups to define for themselves their own our exposure to the UK in our challenges faced by businesses in say about the British economy. sentiment is weak and valuations
purpose. What a shame it would be if we did not portfolios. In most cases, this will be Brexit Britain. The overseas focus of leading attractive. The next few months will
now seize the opportunity we have to shape higher than a neutral analysis of Take Restaurant Group, owner of British firms is one reason to relax probably be choppy, but the
collectively our common purpose toward the Britain’s place in the global markets the Wagamama, Frankie & Benny’s about this week’s political drama. ‘Most of the fundamentals of our internationally-
creation of a reality in which capitalism’s benefits would suggest (about 6pc). Most and Garfunkel’s chains. Its shares Whether there is a vote of no- focused market are unlikely to change
are channelled yet more effectively through investors overweight their own stock traded at over 500p four years ago. confidence in Boris Johnson’s world’s much. I wouldn’t dive deeper into the
every level of society. market thanks to the familiarity of the Today, they are around 150p, having Government, whatever we think about markets are UK market in these uncertain times
This, I believe, is the purpose that should be local investment opportunities. How halved the dividend as consumers prorogation, these are neither here nor but am relaxed about the exposure I do
the motivating force of our time and, ultimately, things pan out may determine tightened their belts and the sector’s there to Polymetal’s shareholders and indifferent to have.
our legacy to future generations. whether that is a good or a bad thing. overexpansion proved over-optimistic. probably of little interest to those in our self-
One thing looks clear to me. The Barratt Developments has had an BP, HSBC or Glaxo. Perhaps only Tom Stevenson is an investment director
Jon Lewis is the chief executive of Capita, the economic impact of no deal is less easier ride thanks to the Government’s Jeremy Corbyn outliving a caretaker
inflicted at Fidelity International. The views are
outsourcer controversial than it was. The British manipulation of the housing market premiership has the potential to crisis’ his own. He tweets at @tomstevenson63
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 3

House prices set to plunge in no-deal exit

fall could be as severe as 20pc with predicted that a no-deal Brexit could No-deal house price forecast turn could mean the value of homes in crease in unemployment which would
KMPG warns of homes London and Northern Ireland the cause mortgage approvals to slump by 2018 2019 2020 London is slashed by almost 7pc in cause these kinds of falls,” he said.
worst affected, it predicts. as much as 10pc. 2020, equal to £55,000 on average. KPMG added that while it expects
slump with valuations Yael Selfin, chief economist at It could also have an impact on
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6
Its analysts warned that house prices the price correction to be milder than
falling by as much as 20pc KPMG, said that in a worst-case sce- housebuilders, according to Jan East of England -6.4
-1.1 1.5 in Northern Ireland, more heavily reli- the crash in 2008, a “further shock to
in some parts of UK nario, “more severe falls of around 10- Crosby, head of housing at KPMG. He London -7 -4.8
-0.4 ant on EU trade than the rest of the buyer confidence could tip the overall
20pc [are] also possible if we look at said: “Transactions volumes will likely -1.3 0.5 country, could fall by 7.5pc in 2020. market into a much deeper slump”.
North East -6.5
By Marianna Hunt and Isabelle Fraser historic precedents”. fall much more than prices, making Property values in the North West This is in the context of a slowing
This is still some way off the Bank of government housing delivery targets North West -6.1 0.3 3.2 and Scotland are likely to remain rela- property market and stretched afford-
A HOUSING slump is expected to England’s predictions however, which impossible to achieve and slowing new Scotland -6 0.7 2.9 tively protected from the downturn. ability, unrelated to Brexit.
sweep across the country affecting previously warned that there could be building across the sector.” South East -6.7 -0.6 0.6 Hansen Lu, of Capital Economics, Even if a deal is reached, house
every region if Britain leaves the EU a 30pc fall in house prices in the event KPMG’s analysis, which took into ac- -0.4 3.1
said that although uncertainty will prices in London are still expected to
South West -5.9
with no deal, according to research. of no deal. Fears over a collapse in count the potential impact of Brexit on drive down the number of sales, a sig- fall sharply: by almost 5pc in 2019, and
House prices are likely to drop by house prices is likely to cause buyers to local economies, suggested that prop- Wales -5.4 -0.3 4.5 nificant crash in house prices is un- by around 1pc in 2020. “People have
around 6pc on average, according to retreat from the market, said Capital erty prices in Northern Ireland and the West Midlands -5.8 -1.3 4.4 likely. “Yes, there will be disruption, been priced out and deposits are unaf-
analysis by KPMG. In some areas the Economics, a research consultancy. It capital would fall the most. A down- but we are not expecting a large in- fordable,” Mr Lu added.

Britons can net Secret Escapes

£5bn from ‘PPI hires finance
on steroids’ chief as it
fees mis-selling considers float
By Laura Onita
By Lucy Burton
SECRET ESCAPES has hired a chief fi-
WEALTHY UK investors are in line for nancial officer for the first time in its
windfalls of thousands of pounds fol- eight-year history as it plots a possible
lowing a mis-selling scandal involving stock market listing or sale.
Swiss banks and asset managers. The travel website has brought in
Claims specialist Liti-Link believes Andy Botha, the ex-finance chief of
as much as £5 bn is owed to British cli- property company Zoopla. Although it
ents. It has described the situation as has always had a finance director, this
“PPI on steroids”. role is newly-created.
The firm insists that investors are en- Botha, who also looked after the fi-
titled to a refund on commission fees nances of online retailer notonthehigh-
that may have secretly been charged to, was instrumental in
them without their consent, a practice growing Zoopla via acquisitions until
banned in 2012. It said UK investors are its £2.5 bn sale to Silverlake last year.
coming forward in far smaller numbers Secret Escapes was the brainchild of
than other Europeans and are running Alex Saint and Tom Valentine. It offers
out of time to make a claim. members-only discounts on upmarket
A spokesman said: “Tens of thou- holidays across 22 countries. Mr Saint
sands of people are entitled to five or
six-figure payouts that are currently

‘I don’t think there’ll ever be £403m

another claims scandal as The latest available gross bookings figure
large as PPI, many of the for Secret Escapes, which is thought to be
planning a stock market listing or sale
small firms will close down’
going unclaimed.” has made no secret that a float is some-
The claims management industry thing he would explore in the future
grew rapidly after the PPI scandal blew but previously referred to it as only
up, making the founders of some of “one of the options open to us”. An out-
Britain’s largest compensation shops right sale could also be on the cards.
multimillionaires. He said: “Andy’s experience will be
The expectation is that many will particularly relevant as we focus on
now either cash in and close or focus strengthening our presence in [other]
on other, less profitable, scandals. markets and growing the business.”
Greg Stevens, who runs the Con- Last July, Secret Escapes secured
sumer Credit Trade Association, be- more than £50 m from Merian Global
lieves claims firms are already busy Investors, a cash injection that the
trying to spot new opportunities. He company’s chief executive labelled “a
said the industry has recently been great signal to markets”. It employs
“carpet-bombing lenders” with “thou- 1,000 staff and has a string of travel-re-
sands of bogus, at best speculative ‘af- lated businesses and brands.

fordability’ claims” over historic loans. Tens of millions in funding has also
Negar Yazdani, who runs claims law- been provided by the likes of Google
yers BlackLion Law, said: “I don’t think Ventures, Octopus Investments and At-
there’ll ever be another claims scandal las Venture.
as large as PPI. My opinion is that many Secret Escapes posted a £14.2 m pre-
of the smaller [claims firms] that were tax loss on £73 m of sales for 2017. Gross
focused on PPI are likely to shut down. bookings were £403 m, some 48pc
“Larger ones will remain, and new higher than the previous year.
products are likely to be claims relating Analysts said bankers would price
to pension mis-selling, GDPR, cavity the company based on a single multiple
walls, payday loans, packaged bank ac- of future gross bookings, meaning a
counts and leasehold mis-selling.” Fruit sellers provide a colourful and friendly welcome to Madagascar, one of the 22 countries to which travel website Secret Escapes offers its members discounted luxury holidays float would value it at roughly £500m.

Google moves to ban ‘deceptive and exploitative’ payday loan apps

By Margi Murphy extortionate interest rates. It will cut marketplaces that place those in need ucts is high, and there is a need for the app’s metadata, Google said. One

GOOGLE plans to wipe “deceptive”

and “exploitative” payday loans from
off crucial channels for online-only
lenders, which three years ago were
blacklisted from advertising on Goog-
of quick capital with those looking to
make money, will also be prohibited. It
is only recently that apps have become
60 short-term lending.”
“We are not surprised because it
does reflect an approach where Google
Silicon Valley, venture-backed start-up
Earnin has come under close scrutiny.
The app allows users to withdraw up to
the Android operating system, in an- le’s search engine along with guns and a popular way for consumers to get ac- The length of loans in days that will be believes it knows best. The Govern- $100 (£82) per day, but can change over
other blow to the short-term lending tobacco. cess to capital and have been a catalyst banned by Google as the tech giant cracks ment and Financial Conduct Authority time to upward of $500 or as low as
industry. Predatory payday loans and loan for the cryptocurrency boom, enjoying down on the short term lending industry should make decisions on ‘bans’.” $50. It asks, but does not require, peo-
Loans that require repayment in full shark apps have become commonplace grey regulatory areas. But many have American smartphone users will ple to tip “what you think is fair for ac-
in 60 days or less, also referred to as on both Apple and Android app stores, proved controversial. also be shielded from apps that lend cess to your earnings,” for the service,
pay-cheque advances or short term with many promising consumers quick The move was criticised by the Con- Google take the decision to ban short- money with an annual percentage rate according to its website.
loans will soon be banned, Google has cash but little clarity on how much sumer Finance Association (CFA), term loan apps. It doesn’t seem to re- of 30pc or higher. However Britons Adverts on Snapchat encourages tips
warned app developers in an email. they will have to pay back. which represents short-term lenders. flect the improved regulation and will still be shown apps with higher equating to 10pc of the payout re-
It is the latest setback for the indus- Peer-to-peer lending, which has Jason Wassell, chief executive of the protection here in the UK. Nor does it APR due to looser laws in the UK, pro- ceived. It claims this means it cannot
try, which has long been criticised for soared in popularity thanks to online CFA, said: “It is disappointing to see recognise that demand for these prod- vided that the rate is made explicit in be labelled a loan company.

MPs call for air passenger Chancellor urged to tackle

tax to be cut by at least 50pc industrial skills shortage
By Jack Torrance routes. Meanwhile, two thirds would By Tom Rees It also said that the Chancellor should
look to reduce or remove services if the back big infrastructure projects, in-
A CROSS-PARTY group of MPs has tax was increased. BUSINESS leaders have urged the cluding HS2. Mr Javid will hold a one-
urged the Government to slash or scrap The report said: “APD runs counter Chancellor to tackle an acute skills year spending review to apportion
the UK’s sky-high airline taxes. to many of the Government’s stated shortage in major industries as part of money to departments amid specula-
A report by the All-Party Parliamen- priorities, including increasing exports this week’s spending review. tion that the expected funding boost
tary Group for Air Passenger Duty Re- and creating jobs; its removal will The Confederation of British Indus- could be a pre-election gambit.
form claims APD is the highest tax of its give Britain’s aviation sector the chance try, the UK’s biggest business organisa- Ms Newton-Smith said: “The UK has
kind in Europe and that cutting it to flourish once more, boosting con- tion, has told the Treasury that a challenge about having the right
would open up dozens of new routes nectivity and driving economic companies want more investment in technical skills, and skill shortages
growth.” skills and training, infrastructure and have been a problem.”
The report also berates the “imprac- She warned that a change to the UK’s

£78 ticalities and absurdities” of how the

tax is collected, including the fact that
those travelling on domestic return 0.5pc
immigration system after Brexit could
make the worker shortage “much more
acute”, adding that “businesses are
The cost of air passenger duty levied on a journeys are forced to pay twice – dis- anxious for their staff ”.
long-haul economy flight, almost seven couraging regional routes. The Apprenticeship Levy percentage level Business leaders from the industries
times as high as when it was introduced Even if the levy was slashed in half, it of employers’ gross annual pay bills to be most affected by the skills gap have
would still be the highest in Europe, used for training apprentices raised concerns about a worker short-
just ahead of second-placed Germany. age in IT, construction and hospitality.
both domestic and international. The Government is expected to raise Vinous Ali at TechUK warned that
Introduced in 1994, APD adds £13 to £3.7bn in APD this year, equivalent to accelerating the move to a low-carbon the technology sector is facing a “big
the cost of every short-haul ticket and 0.5pc of total tax receipts. economy. skill shortage”. In particular, small and
£78 for long-haul in economy, rising to Henry Smith, the Conservative MP Rain Newton-Smith, its chief econo- medium-sized businesses have been
£176 for long-haul flights in first or and the group’s chairman, said: “We mist, said the skills gap is one of the helped by sourcing workers from Eu-
business class. have the highest aviation taxes in Eu- main challenges facing businesses, rope at a low cost and quickly.

The long-haul rate is now almost rope. calling on the Government to invest in “Our members would say skill short-
seven times higher as when it was first “This is simply not sustainable and young people to ease the shortage. ages are the biggest challenge they face
introduced and the short-haul rate has runs counter to the Government’s aims Ahead of Wednesday’s spending re- today,” she said. “The main hurdle lies
more than doubled. for a truly global Britain. view, the CBI urged Sajid Javid, the with how long and bureaucratic our
A survey of airlines found that more “We are calling for the Chancellor to Chancellor, to restore per pupil fund- immigration system currently is.”
than two thirds would invest in new act decisively and remove this barrier ing for 16 to 18-year olds to 2011/12 lev- Graham Watts, chief executive of
routes outside of London and the to growth by cutting APD by at least Love hearts Two diamonds worth £494,000 are shown els, deliver new technical courses trade body the Construction Industry
south-east if APD was cut by 50pc and 50pc to ensure that Britain has a flying at International Jewellery London, Kensington Olympia. known as T-levels and maintain the Council, said the need for workers in
9 in 10 would invest more in existing start to our post-Brexit future.” 0.5pc rate of the Apprenticeship Levy. construction is “very volatile”.
4 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Driverless car revolution is in dangg

The benefits of AI
vehicles have been
massively oversold
and the industry
hasn’t even got out
of first gear, argues
sceptic Roger Bootle

e simply don’t know
what sort of jobs
will be available in
the future. After all,
imagine yourself in
the year 1900
peering into the future. How could
you know then that the proportion of
people employed in agriculture in the
USA would fall to a twentieth of what
it was then? Or that there would now
be more people employed as mental
health nurses in the NHS than there
are sailors serving in the Royal Navy?
Or that large numbers of people would
pay good money to personal trainers
to put them through their paces and
ensure that they suffered the requisite
amount of agony?
History is full of people who have
made long-term predictions and who
have been proved utterly wrong.
Among economists one of my
favourites is the great William Stanley
Jevons, one of the most distinguished
economists of the nineteenth century.
In 1865 he predicted that industrial
expansion would soon come to a halt
due to a shortage of coal. Poor
old Jevons.
So we must tread warily. Having
said that, and having dosed ourselves
with lashings of humility, and drunk
deep from the well of scepticism, there
is a lot that we can say about the future
of employment in the new robot- and
AI-dominated future.

Self-driving vehicles
One of the most widely talked about
categories of jobs supposedly at risk is
drivers: bus drivers, truck drivers, taxi
drivers, chauffeurs, delivery drivers,
and many more. A 2017 trucking
industry report predicted that by
2030, out of 6.4m trucking jobs in
America and Europe, about 4.4m of
them could have disappeared as impact, before moving on to the that he aimed to have “fully driverless cost to middle income countries at
“robots” do the driving. criticisms and problems. cars” in use by 2021. about 2pc of annual GDP. And these
But things aren’t quite as You can readily understand the accidents are generally caused by the
straightforward as they seem. On The potential and promise reasons for the enthusiasm. This is common failings of human beings –
driverless vehicles there is a yawning only partly about cost saving. Human drunkenness, tiredness, sickness, and
gap between the hype and the reality. I Driverless cars are not a fantasy: they drivers kill 1.2m people a year, and distraction.
will start by discussing the positive are already working. Philip Hammond, additionally injure between 20 and Moreover, imagine all those old and
case and reviewing the potential when he was chancellor, told the BBC 50m people. Some estimates put the infirm members of society who can no
longer drive, as well as all those who
never could drive, who, in a world
with driverless cars, would not need to
drive. They would have as much
mobility as the rest of the population,
freed from the inadequacies of public
transport and the expense of taxis.
Meanwhile, parents would be freed
from the regular chore of dropping off
and picking children up from parties,
ballet lessons, football, and so forth.
And going to the pub would no longer
bring on the agonised choice over
whether to drive and not drink.
Over and above all this, there is the
saving of the time that we all spend
driving ourselves to work, to meet
friends and family, doing the
shopping, going on holiday, or
performing some errand or other. It is
fine if we actually enjoy the driving In 2012 be insured would deal a heavy blow to The crash
but most of us don’t – particularly not insurance companies’ revenue
congested urban driving or being Sergey Brin, streams. rate is higher
stuck in a motorway traffic jam. Think the founder for driverless
how much better things could be if Serious problems
someone – or rather something – else of Google, vehicles. The
did the driving. We could watch films, said that So the implications of driverless problem
learn a language, work, drink to our vehicles are potentially huge. But it is
heart’s content, or go to sleep. What driverless now time to take account of the more seems to be
bliss! Although the effects would not
show up in the GDP figures, the result
cars would sceptical view about their prospects,
before making an overall assessment.
that human
would surely be an increase in human be available The idea of driverless vehicles has drivers find
well-being. on the been doing the rounds for almost as
long as vehicles have existed. General
it difficult to
Wider still and wider market in no Motors introduced the idea at the 1939 interact with
more than World’s Fair in New York. Of course, other
Furthermore, if driverless vehicles since then the technology has become
really take off, the ultra-enthusiasts six years. much more capable than what could vehicles
talk of a transformation of urban land That means even be imagined then. (The 1939 when the
use as people en masse forgo their
individual cars and are transported in 2018. We are concept was of a radio-guided car.)
Indeed, this whole issue has been latter are
driverless, shared-use, electric still waiting characterised by over optimism since driverless
vehicles. It is quite possible that car then – and it still is. In 2012 Sergey
ownership would fall sharply as Brin, the founder of Google, said that
people predominantly chose to take driverless cars would be available to
rides in driverless vehicles from a Google’s employees within a year and
floating pool. would be available on the commercial
The results would include fewer market in “no more than six years.”
cars needing to be built (as well as That means 2018. At the time of
sold, repaired, insured, etc.). writing, we are still waiting.
Additionally, there would be less In practice, there is no reason for
demand for space to park cars that the three elements of the ultra-radical
remain idle most of the time. While vision of the future of car travel –
they are waiting for users, driverless driverless, shared-use, and electric – to
cars can be parked end to end and occur together. We need to unpick this
stacked. This could potentially attractive, and supposedly inevitable,
transform urban landscapes and free triad. We could see the widespread use
up much scarce space for other uses. of shared-use vehicles or electric
In 2016, Google’s Chris Urmson told a vehicles, or both, without seeing a
US Congressional committee that in large-scale move to driverless vehicles.
the US parking takes up an area the Feasibility is not the issue. Safety is.
size of Connecticut. By implication, if Demis Hassabis, one of the founders of
everything went according to plan Extracted from DeepMind, said in May 2018: “How do
with driverless cars, this space could The AI Economy: you ensure, mathematically, that
be freed up for other uses. Work, Wealth and systems are safe and will only do what
And there are potentially major Welfare in the we think they are going to do when
effects on the insurance industry. In Robot Age by they are out in the wild.”
the US, vehicle insurance accounts for Roger Bootle. Buy His misgivings are fully justified.
about 30pc of all insurance premiums. now for £16.99 at Despite the claims of the
There are particular issues with regard books.telegraph. manufacturers and developers of
to who bears the liability when a or call driverless vehicles that they are
driverless vehicle is involved in an 0844 871 1514 ultra-safe, a 2015 study from the
accident. Doubtless this would provide University of Michigan discovered that
See the Business
a fruitful area of business for insurance the crash rate is higher for driverless
section tomorrow
companies – as well as, inevitably, for vehicles. The study suggested that,
and Tuesday for
an army of lawyers. But a sharp when they occur, crashes are almost
further extracts
reduction in the number of vehicles to always not the fault of the driverless
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 5

ger of motoring into a brick wall

or cannot cope with a particular set of people will want to avail themselves of
circumstances, that intervention by these services. But, of course, this is a
humans is required, humans who are long way from the human user, the
supposed, at that moment, to be more erstwhile “driver,” being able to switch
capable than the machines/automatic off altogether. And while human
systems that have failed. But how can drivers are still needed to be capable of
they be more capable if they have been taking control then most of the
used to sitting passively while an much-hyped economic consequences
automatic system did all the work and of driverless vehicles won’t happen.
made all the decisions? Mind you, journeys with restricted
This isn’t an issue with level 5 routes, where the scope for things to
automated driving because in this case go wrong is limited, will surely be
human intervention isn’t even wide open to the full replacement of
possible. But, to reach level 5, humans by AI drivers. In fact, we
driverless cars will need to be able to already experience such AI drivers
cope with all weather conditions, quite frequently. Driverless rail
including fog, blizzards, and snow, be shuttles at airports and underground
able to distinguish between a football trains have been common for some
being kicked into a road and the child time. Four-person driverless pods to
chasing it, distinguish between a dog shuttle passengers between
and a child, and be able to negotiate Heathrow’s Terminal 5 and the car
their way along streets crowded with park have been in operation since 2011.
people, often doing unpredictable, and And there is clearly scope for an
sometimes apparently nonsensical, increase in the use of driverless
things. None of these things can tractors and other farm vehicles
driverless cars readily do now. operating on agricultural land.
Robert Dingess of Mercer Strategic Norway has introduced a driverless
Alliance, which is a lobbying firm that ferry. Mind you, so far it has been
specialises in automobile technology, confined to a 320-foot stretch of water
has put the current state of play most in Trondheim. The journey takes only
pithily. He notes that the 60 seconds. I am sure that there will
manufacturers have become good at be plenty of instances of such “auto-
“developing self-driving systems that ferries” moving people and goods
operate safely 90pc of the time, but short distances across restricted
consumers are not happy with a car waterways. But this is a far cry from a
that only crashes 10pc of the time”. fully automated oceangoing cargo ship
Accidents are one thing but suppose or liner sailing without a captain.
that a nefarious person or organisation Whether the vehicle is a car, a plane,
was able to hack into the system or a boat, what has been achieved so
controlling a vehicle or set of vehicles? far, and what is likely to be achieved in
This risk is scary enough with regard the foreseeable future, is a far cry from
to disaffected individuals or criminals, the wholesale replacement of humans
but think about terrorist groups. If by AI drivers that the AI enthusiasts
there were no human drivers in think is imminent. In that case, the
vehicles, including planes and cars, benefits of driverless vehicles have
and a terrorist group were able to hack been massively oversold.
into the computer systems controlling The whole thing has an aura of the
these vehicles then they could emperor’s new clothes about it. It
deliberately cause mass slaughter on reminds me of the excessive
an industrial scale by turning the enthusiasm about all things digital in
whole transport system into a weapon. the run-up to the bursting of the
It falls appropriately to an dot-com bubble. Of course, there was
economist to raise another key issue much to admire about some of the
that seldom seems to be discussed by ideas and the companies that
the techies, namely cost. The kit proliferated then. And some have
necessary to enable a car to operate more than endured: they have grown
autonomously is phenomenally like Topsy and transformed the
expensive. Just because something is business landscape. But there was also
technically feasible does not make it an awful lot of dross that was blown
necessarily economically desirable, as away as soon as the bubble burst and
the operators of the Concorde people recovered their senses.
aeroplane painfully discovered. If it is right to think of the time and
treasure spent on driverless cars as
Overall assessment reflecting a bubble, then there is
cars. The problem seems to be that What is the and the environment continuously. going driverless that you, the erstwhile going to be one hell of a reckoning
human drivers find it difficult to point of But the driver can assign control of the driver, can read the newspaper, fall This is not to say, though, that there is when it bursts.
interact with other vehicles when the vehicle, including steering, asleep, or get drunk? no scope for driverless vehicles.
latter are driverless. This is such a going acceleration, and braking, when A further problem derives from the Already, cars can drive themselves, Roger Bootle is chairman of Capital
problem that some tech companies are driverless if conditions are appropriate. de-skilling of drivers as a result of unassisted, on motorways and can Economics. His new book ‘The AI
trying to make driverless cars less At level 3, described as “conditional relying on technology. This is ironic park themselves. These features can Economy: Work, Wealth and Welfare in
robotic, even inducing them to cut you, the automation,” the car drives itself, but because it is precisely when, for and do bring some benefits to their the Robot Age’ is published by Nicholas
corners, be aggressive, and inch human the human driver needs to be ready to whatever reason, the technology fails, users. And doubtless over time more Brealey on Sept 5
forward at junctions. resume control when necessary. And
In fact, things aren’t quite so simple driver, the the system knows its own limitations
as even this might seem to imply. For
all the boasts about what their
safety driver, and will periodically request driver
autonomous vehicles can do and the or whatever At level 4, described as “high
reports that their vehicles have passed they call you, automation,” cars drive themselves
so many tests with flying colours, the without any input from the driver, but
claims of the manufacturers and have to pay “drivers” retain control over pedals
developers of autonomous vehicles attention the and the steering wheel in order to be
cannot be taken seriously. For these able to take over when necessary. At
tests are usually conducted in secret whole time? level 5, no human involvement at all is
and without independent verification. possible, even in emergencies.
We do not know – and we are not Levels 2 and 3 have proved to be
allowed to know – the road and unsafe as humans at the wheel
weather conditions that the vehicles become inattentive and distracted and
were subjected to, nor how far they are therefore unable to intervene
were dependent on any human promptly when necessary. There is a
intervention. well-known case of an accident in
It is significant that so much of the Florida in 2016. Joshua Brown, a keen
experience with driverless vehicles so advocate of Tesla cars, had put his car
far has been in locations like Phoenix, on autopilot but the car’s sensors
Arizona, a place blessed with a failed to register that a large truck was
predictable and attractive climate and crossing the car’s path. The car steered
good driving conditions. No snow, no itself under the truck, killing Brown.
fog, and no convoluted road systems Recognising these problems, within
or random congestion. A more serious the industry the great ambition now is
test would be to put these cars to develop vehicles at level 4. Actually,
through their paces in London, a level 4 autonomous truck is awaiting
Moscow, or Istanbul – in February. regulatory approval in Sweden. There
is no driver cabin or controls but, if
Human intervention need be, the vehicle can be operated
remotely by a supervisor sitting
Legislators, courts, and insurance hundreds of miles away, who can
companies are having to deal with supervise up to 10 vehicles at a time.
some very tricky issues created by This vehicle, known as a T-Pod, would
driverless vehicles. Under new UK initially travel only six miles a day and
legislation, drivers of self-driving cars would be allowed to operate on only
must not take their hands off the 100 miles of public roads where it
wheel for more than a minute. And in might encounter vehicles with human
April 2018 a motorist was banned from drivers. Yet substantially the same
driving after being caught on the M1 issues arise, unless the car really is
motorway in the passenger seat, with capable of dealing with all
the driving seat vacant as the AI circumstances. If not, how can you be
“drove” the car. The British ready to intervene in an emergency if
government is planning to scrap the you are not constantly alert? What if
requirement for a “safety driver” to you are drunk – or asleep?
enable advanced trials on public roads And what is the point of going
of fully automated vehicles by the end driverless if you, the human driver,
of 2019. It will be interesting to see the “safety driver,” or whatever they
how far this goes. call you, have to pay attention the
The American experience invites whole time? Isn’t the
scepticism. In June 2018 a report from point of
the Tempe, Arizona police department
into the crash of a “self-driving” Uber
vehicle that killed a 49-year-old
woman who was crossing the street
said that the crash was “entirely
avoidable”. The report said that
evidence showed that the safety
driver had been distracted as she had
been streaming a show on her phone.
In fact, among the developers of
driverless vehicles and AI enthusiasts,
such distinctions have gone much
further. Discussion is dominated by
the so-called six levels of autonomy,
ranging from level 0 to level 5. At level
0 there is no autonomy at all: human
drivers do everything and there are no
intelligent system aids. At level 1 the
driver must control all normal driving
tasks, but limited tasks can be
assigned to an intelligent system
installed in the car, for example
parking assistance. Level 2 is
characterised as “semi-automation.”
The driver must monitor the system
6 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

‘There will be jobs The offshore wind

farms in the North
Sea have the
potential to drive a
larger industrial
or to the struggling steel works at
Scunthorpe inland. Zero-carbon
energy at these low prices on the
doorstep of an interlinked industrial
ecosystem could drive a larger revival.

for 20 years, green revival in the UK Compare this to the strike price for
Hinkley Point. The nuclear project
was set at £92.50 seven years ago and
is adjusted upwards for inflation. The

energy is huge’
construction cost has doubled to
£20bn. It will eat £1bn annually in
subsidies until 2060.
The Government is doubling down
on offshore wind instead for pure cost
reasons, targeting 30GW of offshore
arrays by 2030. This may rise to 40GW
Continued from Page 1 170 staff in Grimsby with a further 500 as long-term energy storage at low
economic and social renaissance. A contractors. “When we advertised for cost becomes a reality.
North Sea energy boom has broken six apprentices we got a thousand Excess electricity at times of low
the vicious cycle. applicants,” said Darren Ramshaw, the demand could be used to make
“We hit bottom four or five years regional head of operations. The local hydrogen – or green gas – through
ago. It is frustrating to hear talk of one-man caterer that supplies the electrolysis. This can power lorries

decline because now we are really Ørsted canteen – Deli-licious – has and trains, or go into heating homes.
turning around,” said Philip Jackson, expanded to twenty people. “We believe we’re going to see the
head of the North East Lincolnshire The hub manages the Hornsea 1 same sort of falling cost curve as
Council in Grimsby. wind farm, the biggest offshore cluster electrolysis scales up,” he said.
The revival resembles the early on the planet. The array is being Wind combined with electric
stages of the oil and gas boom around erected at a staggering pace, one giant beefed up his fleet with six high-speed blades – some stretching 81 metres wind industry has found a loophole. vehicles and green gas production
Aberdeen in the Seventies. This time it turbine every couple of days. catamarans to transfer crew to the (265ft) – that pitch automatically into Projects outside the 12-mile coastal could eliminate Britain’s need for
is renewable energy. Installation out at sea is lightning Hornsea I field. the wind as the direction changes. limit are technically not in the EU so imported fuels. The energy trade
Grimsby has become the nerve fast. “They put up the tower, the “We’ve been managing industrial Ray Thompson, Siemens Gamesa’s the components can be imported into deficit (2pc of GDP) could become a
centre for the UK’s thriving offshore nacelle, and blades, in a single day. The decline here for forty years. We were development chief, hosts a constant bonded-warehouses without duties. big surplus. The other beauty of
wind industry. Hull across the team switches it on the next day,” said treated as an also-ran. Now we’re parade of visitors from Asia and The Treasury had assumed that offshore wind is that it picks up the
Humber hosts a Siemens Gamesa Matthew Wright, Ørsted’s UK getting unemployment down to record around the world. They no longer go tenders would come down to £100 per baton from North Sea oil and gas as
blade factory for wind turbines, the managing-director. lows,” he said. Hull has been on a roll to Bremerhaven first. “All our projects megawatt/hour (MWh) by 2020. In fossil reserves are depleted. Both rely
biggest manufacturing plant built in Hornsea 1 began in April and will be since it became a City of Culture in are on time, and on budget. It’s hard to fact the bids fell to £57.50 in the 2017 on the same support ships, rig skills,
Britain this century. The company is finished later this autumn with 174 2017. Japanese and Korean tourists can find an angle that is not positive even if round. “Offshore wind has outper- and local knowledge.
currently adding a second production turbines providing 1.2 gigawatts (GW), be seen with guidebooks, seeking out you try,” he said. formed every forecast ever made Decarbonising Britain’s energy
line to meet demand. comparable to a large nuclear reactor Papa’s famous fish & chips (as did I). Critics cite the threat to marine about the cost curve,” said Mr Wright. looked at first like an exorbitant cost.
“Green energy is going to be huge. but built in a fraction of the time. Siemens arrived in 2011 and habitats. Others point the finger at The next round (held up by a legal The venture is instead turning into an
There will be jobs for 20 years or Hornsea 2, 3, and 4, are lined up for recruited its first 800 staff, from Ørsted’s Hornsea 1 for the electricity challenge) should be closer to £50. economic and social bonanza faster
more,” said Mr Jackson. the early 2020s. Together they could 28,000 applicants. The plant makes a blackout in August but that may have This implies a profit for taxpayers. than almost anybody ever imagined.
The Danish group Ørsted has based potentially produce 6.2GW. gigawatt of rotor blades each year been a failure by the National Grid. We Such cheap power opens up the The most deprived towns in Britain
its gleaming new hub beneath the Tim Rix heads a 150-year family made of fibreglass and balsa wood will have to await the Ofgem verdict. prospect of direct cables to chemical have been given another chance.
Dock Tower. The company employs shipping business in Hull. He has from Ecuador. These are hi-tech Brexit is not a game-changer. The plants on the Humber, or at Teesside, What’s not to like?

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29761.9 Treas 4¼% 36 153.61* 2.77 0.78 6610.5 Smiths Gp 1669½ 1.6 2.7 2423.2 3i Infrastructure ● 299 235 3.1 332.3 Lowland Inv 1230 1350 4.8 37447.0 BHP Group 1773 1.2 6.2 1579.6 FirstGroup ● 130 — 165938.5 McDonalds $ 218½ 2.1 1.7
100.2 Town Centre 188½ 6.2
25201.4 Treas 4¾% 38 169.06 2.81 0.85 4664.6 Smith (DS) 340 1.3 4.8 348.7 Aberdeen Diversified 107 117 5.0 129.5 Majedie 244 297 4.7 1677.3 Centamin ● 145⅛ 0.9 4.0 5291.0 Flutter Entrtmt 6766 1.2 3.0 221907.7 Merck $ 86⅝ 2.5 1.6
2391.5 Tritax Big Box ● 140⅛ 148 4.9
Index Linked Securities 6027.4 Smurfit Kappa 2536 -2.7 3.6 278.8 Aberdeen New India 472 545 — 242.8 Mtn Currie Port 290 291 1.4 7205.8 Evraz 496¼ 1.7 16.5 375.0 Fullers ‘A’ 1165 1.7 1.7 1047579.7 Microsoft $ 137¼ 1.3 2.8
3039.8 Unite ● 1047 2.8
5907.4 Spirax 8025 2.9 1.3 173.1 Aberdeen Std Eq Inc 352 391 5.7 1591.0 Mercantile InvTr ● 201 223 3.2 5456.0 Fresnillo 740⅜ 2.6 2.0 897.7 Go-Ahead Grp ● 2080 1.8 4.9 196490.5 Pfizer $ 35½ 4.1 1.5
6579.0 Treas 2½% IL 20355.16 0.70 0.00 445.6 Urban&Civic 307 3.6 1.2
498.2 Vitec 1100 2.0 3.4 2633.1 Alliance Trust ● 798 834 1.7 510.0 Merchants Tst 463½ 466 5.8 32130.7 Glencore 237 1.2 6.9 3660.3 GVC Hldgs ● 629 -0.4 5.3 301392.1 Procter & Gamble $ 120⅜ 2.5 0.5
6821.2 Treas 2½% IL 24376.17 0.66 0.00 251.1 Warehouse REIT 104½* 107 5.7
3801.9 Weir ● 1464½ 0.2 3.2 590.6 Allianz Tech Trust 1688 1673 — 2013.6 Monks ● 920* 875 0.2 1121.0 Hochschild Mng ● 219¼ 0.8 1.5 8367.9 IAG Intl Cons Air 421¾ 5.7 5.4 17934.9 Rockwell $ 153¼ 2.5 2.2
4841.2 Treas 4⅛% IL 30400.65 1.03 0.00 1535.2 Workspace Gp ● 850 3.9
819.3 AVI Global Trust ● 740 822 1.8 550.0 Murray Income 832 879 4.0 277.3 Kenmare Res 253 5.8 2.6 9329.2 Intercont Hotels 5125 1.6 1.9 112806.6 United Tech $ 130¾ 2.2 2.1
9084.0 Treas 2% IL 35 308.73 0.65 0.00
1146.4 Bankers Invstmt Tst ●935* 961 2.2 1494.6 Murray Intl ● 1160 1166 4.5 5562.3 Polymetal ● 1183 1.5 3.5 1441.7 Mandarin 114⅛ 1.2 2.2 326780.0 Wal Mart Strs $ 114½ 1.9 1.4
The share prices, price-earnings ratios and dividend yields Food producers
below are supplied by Interactive Data (Europe) Ltd. The 358.5 Biotech Growth 774 843 — 82.7 Northern 2 VCT 59 64 6.8 52099.3 Rio Tinto 4149½ 2.1 7.4 Retailers 805.8 Marston’s ● 127⅛ 0.9 5.9 246788.9 Walt Disney $ 137 1.3 4.3
yields are calculated using historic dividend payments divided
by the closing share price multiplied by 100. 17978.9 Ass Brit Fds 2271 3.3 2.0 78.5 BlackRock Enrgy&Res68½ 79 5.8 81.6 Northern 3 VCT 86½ 93 4.6 1495.7 Mitchells&But ● 349 — 6434.9 Xerox Hldgs $ 29⅛ 3.4 2.3
307.4 Brown N 107¾ -2.9 6.6
9911.6 Coca‑Cola HBC 2730 2.1 1.9 319.5 BlckRock FroInv 132¾ 133 4.4 90.1 Nthn Venture 64½ 68 6.2 2171.8 National Ex ● 424⅜ 1.7 3.6
Oil & Gas 41.6 Carpetright 13¾ —
Aerospace & defence 1431.6 Cranswick ● 2760 2.4 2.0 326.4 BlckRck Grt Euro 385 398 1.5 356.2 Pacific Assets 294½ 294 1.0 1144.8 Playtech ● 371 2.2 4.4
Mkt Cap 7952.8 Dairy Farm 587⅞ 0.3 2.9 Europeans
795.0 Hilton Food ● 973 1.9 2.2 44.6 BlckRck Inc&Grth Inv194* 198 3.6 1230.5 Pantheon ● 2275 2753 — 101884.0 BP 500¼ 1.1 6.7 629.8 Rank Group ● 161¼ 1.0 4.7
(£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld 234.7 Dignity 469¼ —
66.4 REA Hldgs 164 — 175.5 BlackRock Latin 447 502 5.9 668.7 Perpetual Inc & Gr ● 292 334 5.0 984.5 Cairn Energy ● 167 — 753.5 Restaurant Gp ● 153¼ 0.3 5.4 18554.8 AkzoNobel € 81½ 18.6 1.7
2536.1 Babcock Intl ● 501⅝ 1.3 6.0 1248.4 Dixons Carph ● 107⅜ -4.1 6.3
60674.3 Unilever 5196 2.3 2.7 148.8 BlckRck NrthAmerInc194* 183 4.1 1106.7 Personal Ass ● 42850* 42369 1.3 312.7 EnQuest 18½ — 9230.4 Ryanair 829¼ — 36607.3 BMW € 60¾ 5.8 3.0
17480.2 BAE Systems 545⅝ 1.4 4.1 1769.3 Dunelm ● 876 1.5 3.1
675.1 BlackRock Small ● 1410 1465 2.2 22.5 PremierGlblInfra 124½* 134 8.2 762.9 Hunting ● 457 -1.6 1.8 684.9 Stagecoach ● 123¼ 2.9 6.2 12512.6 Carrefour € 15½ 3.0 0.7
3861.5 Cobham ● 161½ 7.8 0.2 2138.4 Greggs ● 2114 1.8 1.7
419.8 BlkRk Throg Tst 574 584 1.7 3293.4 RIT Cap Ptnrs ● 2120 1990 1.6 1446.6 Petrofac ● 418¼ 0.5 7.5 78.9 Thomas Cook 5⅛ — 21952.7 Continental AG € 109¾ 4.3 3.1
1639.1 QinetiQ ● 288⅝ 3.0 2.3
Gas & Water 360.2 Halfords 180⅞ 1.1 10.3
622.3 BlackRock Wld M 353* 414 5.7 4802.8 TUI AG 817 1.7 8.0 45687.4 Daimler € 42¾ 7.6 3.0
14807.1 Rolls‑Royce 771¼ -11.0 1.5 3225.4 Howden Joinery ● 538¼ 2.7 2.2
4054.6 Centrica 69¾ 0.7 7.2 314.5 BMO Cap & Inc 306* 313 3.7 1659.5 Wetherspoon ● 1579 5.4 0.8 55889.8 Danone € 81½ 2.4 1.9
848.9 Senior ● 202⅜ 1.6 3.7 3176.4 Pennon Gp ● 755¼ 1.2 5.4 858.5 BMO ComProp ● 107⅜* 135 5.6 6004.9 JD Sports Fash 617 15.7 0.3 36971.6 Deutsche Post € 29⅞ 3.8 1.9
1543.2 Ultra ● 2178 0.8 2.4 4926.3 Severn Trent 2071 1.4 4.5 823.9 BMO Glob SmCo ● 1346 1428 1.2 4103.1 Kingfisher 194½ 1.0 5.6 72259.9 Deutsche Tele € 15⅛ 4.6 1.4
5550.6 Utd Utilities 814 1.3 5.1 73.3 BMO Mgd G 207 209 — 181.4 Lookers 46⅝ 2.7 8.8 55734.0 Heineken € 96¾ 1.7 2.0
3749.0 Marks & Spen 192¼ 0.1 7.2
Banks 59.3 BMO Mgd I 134½ 133 4.4 200.2 Arbuthnot 1310 -3.7 2.7 183168.3 LVMH € 362⅜ 1.7 2.0
266.6 BMO Priv Eq Ord 360½ 384 4.1 4382.2 Morrison (WM) 182⅝ 0.8 6.9 260.6 BrooksMacdonald 1867½ 0.8 2.6 28807.0 LafargeHolcim SFr 46¾ 4.3 2.7
General financial
23559.6 Barclays 136⅝ 1.0 6.6 201.2 BMO Real Est Inv 83⅝ 105 6.0 47.9 Mothercare 14 — 2.5 Cambria Africa 0½ — 6643.4 Lufthansa € 14 5.7 4.8
1951.5 Close Bros ● 1289 2.1 5.0 3215.9 Ashmore ● 451¼ 1.4 3.7 79.4 BMO UKHighIncTst 92 100 5.7 7908.5 Next 5936 2.6 2.8 333.0 Central Asia Met 189¼ 1.5 7.7 25359.0 Nokia OYJ € 4½ 4.4 1.1
119442.0 HSBC 591⅜ 1.2 7.1 922.8 Brewin D ● 304⅜ 1.0 5.4 350.5 Brunner 821* 907 2.4 9159.0 Ocado 1295½ — 267.4 Ceres Power 175 — 17197.0 Michelin € 95⅝ 3.9 2.5
34945.1 Lloyds Bk Gp 49⅞ 1.7 6.5 132.8 Charles Stanley 261 2.0 3.4 1683.4 Caledonia ● 3040 3687 2.0 142.5 Pendragon 10¼ -2.4 14.7 173.0 Churchill China 1575 2.1 1.9 46103.7 Pernod Ricard € 173¾ 1.8 1.9
22423.2 Ryl Bk Scot 185½ 0.8 9.4 8907.7 Hargreaves L 1878 1.2 2.2 189.0 City Merchants HY 192½ 188 5.2 461.4 Saga 41⅛ -3.6 9.7 181.2 Cohort 442½ 1.5 2.1 18395.2 Peugeot € 20⅜ 3.8 4.1
50414.6 Santander 310½ 2.1 5.4 1994.2 IG Group ● 539¾ 1.0 8.0 1557.2 City of Lon ● 409* 400 4.5 4337.8 Sainsbury J 196⅛ 0.8 5.6 1119.7 Dart Group 752 9.6 1.4 38822.7 Philips (Kon) € 42⅞ 2.0 1.8
243.9 Secure Trust Bk 1320 1.8 6.4 3879.4 Intermediate C ● 1336 1.4 3.4 56.6 CQS Nat Res G & I 84¾* 114 6.6 2111.7 Smith WH ● 1958 1.8 2.8 7.2 Deltex Medical 1⅜ — 77307.5 Siemens € 91 4.2 1.8
19953.3 Standard Ch 622 0.8 2.9 2940.2 Investec ● 422⅜ 2.1 5.8 73.5 Dunedin Ent 356 401 21.6 1316.7 Sports Direct ● 249¼ — 62.0 Elecosoft 75½ 3.5 0.9 19674.5 Societe Gen € 23 9.5 1.9
601.6 IP Group ● 56¾ — 1043.9 Edinburgh Inv Tr ● 551 626 5.1 170.3 StudioRetailGrp 197 — 83.5 Finsbury Food 64 0.5 5.2 8776.8 Suez Environ € 14⅛ 4.6 0.7
392.1 Liontrust 770 1.2 3.5 587.5 Edin Worldwide 194⅝ 191 — 21467.3 Tesco 219¼ 2.4 2.6 88.5 Futura Medical 43¼ — 22407.9 Thales € 105⅛ 2.0 2.7
12.0 Lon. Fin. & Inv. 38½ 0.5 3.0 131.9 ElectraPrivEq 344½ 509 121.6 17.6 Gaming Realms 6¼ — 121042.7 Total € 45⅜ 5.8 1.6

82883.2 Diageo 3503½ 1.9 2.0 24318.3 Lon Stock Ex 6954 2.2 0.9 126.4 EP Global Opp 303 319 2.1 837.0 Highland Gold 230 0.9 5.8 40327.1 UBS AG SFr 10½ 6.7 1.2
Support services
472.0 Stock Spirits 236 2.0 3.2 2553.8 Man Group ● 166⅝ 1.8 4.8 374.2 European Assets 104 112 5.9 34.2 Hornby 27¼ — 43806.1 Volkswagen € 148½ 3.2 2.1
484.4 Oakley Capital 237 279 1.9 309.9 The Europ InvTr 770 894 3.6 1962.5 Aggreko ● 766¼ 1.8 3.5 141.3 Inland Homes 68¼ 3.2 3.5
1129.8 Paragon ● 436¼ 2.7 4.8 3811.7 F&C Inv Trust ● 702 736 1.6 Ashtead Gp 407.9 IQE 51½ —
Chemicals 10477.2 2271 4.2 1.8 Recent issues
1021.9 Provident Fin ● 403¼ 1.3 4.7 315.5 Fidelity Asian V 436 419 1.3 1895.0 BCA Marketplace ● 241⅝ 0.9 4.0 999.0 James Halstead 480 1.3 2.8 Mkt Cap

2375.9 Quilter ● 124⅞ 5.2 4.1 1172.3 Fidlty Chna Sp Sits ●213½ 234 1.8 11.8 LPA Gp 93 4.9 3.1 (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld
6049.4 Croda 4702 2.1 1.9 6778.6 Bunzl 2013 1.9 2.5
5631.8 Johnson Mat 2910 2.5 2.9 1250.9 Rathbone Bros ● 2230 1.3 3.0 1020.4 Fidelity Euro V ● 248 270 3.6 2098.3 Capita ● 125¾ — 192.5 M&C Saatchi 210 0.9 5.2 157.3 Brickability Group 68¼ —

1796.3 Victrex ● 2078 2.2 2.9 253.3 S&U 2100 2.0 5.6 202.4 Fidelity Japan Tst 151 166 — 71.6 Miton Group 41½ 2.3 4.8 1.0 BSF Enterprise 5 —
61.1 Carillion # 14¼ —
6170.4 Schroders 2730 1.6 4.2 694.6 Fidelity Sp V ● 251½ 251 2.1 39.9 Mpac Group 198 — 0.9 Mustang Energy 11 —
173.8 Charles Taylor 223 -0.4 5.2
1849.9 Finsbury Gwth ● 934 932 1.7 34.3 MS Intl 205 2.8 4.0
222.2 De La Rue 214 0.7 11.7
Construction Mkt Cap Mkt Cap
105.4 Hend Alt Strat 272½ 338 1.8 (£m) Stock Price (p) NAV Yld (£m) Stock Price (p) Cvr Yld 250.0 Numis 237½ 2.1 5.1
Healthcare 6868.5 DCC 6984 2.0 2.0
177.3 Hend Div Inc Tst 93½ 90 4.7 405.9 Ruffer Inv Pref 224½ 231 0.8 670.2 Premier Oil ● 80¾ — 10.6 Prime People 87½ 2.6 5.9
31.3 Alumasc 86½ 1.6 8.5 1057.6 Essentra ● 402 0.4 5.1
3447.5 ConvaTec Grp ● 174⅜ 2.0 2.6 221.2 Hend High Inc 172 179 5.7 340.6 Schroder Asian TR 359 356 1.7 97273.3 Royal D Shell A 2275½ 1.5 6.8 503.5 Restore 405 2.0 1.6
1487.1 Balfour Beatty ● 215⅝ 3.7 2.5 22941.3 Experian 2518 1.7 1.5
5223.4 NMC Health 2502 5.4 0.7 299.2 Hend Intl Inc 159½* 162 3.5 599.0 Scot American 412* 393 2.8 84615.5 Royal D Shell B 2265 1.5 6.8 43.8 Share 30½ 1.8
6437.4 Barratt Dev 632⅜ 2.4 4.3 13844.7 Ferguson 6044 2.8 2.5
2502.2 Mediclinic Int ● 339⅜ -2.6 2.3 602.5 Hend Smaller Co 806½* 895 2.9 605.0 Scot Invest ● 814 896 2.6 249.6 Soco Intl 62¾ 1.3 8.8 64.2 SRT Marine Sys 41½ —
3573.1 Bellway ● 2901 2.9 5.0 2698.2 G4S ● 173⅞ 0.5 5.6
17184.6 Smith & Nep 1965 2.1 1.5 69.5 Hend Opp 880* 1101 2.4 7720.9 Scot Mortgage 520 525 0.6 2568.7 Wood Grp (John) ● 376⅞ -0.0 7.6 100.1 StatPro 152 -0.3 1.9
4923.1 Berkeley Grp 3917 17.7 0.7 3841.2 Homeserve ● 1148 1.5 1.9
896.2 Herald Inv ● 1312 1545 — 196.1 Sec Tst of Scot 188 200 3.3 20.2 Sterling Energy 9⅛ —
328.2 Boot H 246½ 3.0 3.9 8760.4 Intertek Group 5428 1.7 1.9
871.6 HgCapital ● 216½ 215 2.1 86.8 Seneca Global 176½ 174 3.8 131.5 Tribal Gp 66 1.9 1.7
161.4 Costain 149⅝ 2.2 9.2 Household goods Pharmaceuticals 3727.2 IWG ● 417¼ 1.8 1.6
3034.2 HICL Infrastructure ●169⅜ 155 4.9 1349.3 Smithson Inv Tst ● 1256 1219 — 36.6 Union Jack Oil 0¼ —
892.0 Crest Nicholson ● 347¼ 1.7 9.5 612.3 Johnson Serv 165⅝ 2.4 1.9
8904.1 Burberry 2164 1.9 2.0 71.5 Highbridge MultiStrt 211 217 — 1355.1 TR Property ● 427 428 3.2 96003.1 AstraZeneca 7318 0.6 3.0 60.3 Walker Green 85 2.2 3.8
21815.4 CRH 2737 4.2 2.4 335.4 Menzies J 398 -0.3 5.2
101.1 McBride 55¼ 0.4 7.8 597.3 ICG Enterprise Tst 866* 1056 2.5 1912.3 Tmpletn Em Mt ● 775 851 2.1 3079.6 Dechra Pharma ● 3000 1.3 0.9 5.3 Xtract Resources 1¼ —
1789.2 Grafton Gp ● 752½ 3.4 2.5 536.5 MITIE Gp 146⅝ 2.1 2.7
900.3 PZ Cussons ● 210 0.8 3.9 192.9 Invesco Asia Trust 277* 307 2.1 393.7 Tritax Euro Box € 93⅛* 1 5.1 1711.0 Genus ● 2630 2.6 1.0 474.9 Young & Co - A 1590 3.1 1.3
542.1 Morgan Sindall 1192 2.7 4.6 8325.7 Rentokil 450¼ -1.1 1.0
45372.7 Reckitt Benck 6399 1.8 2.7 126.2 Invesco Enhcd Inc 74¼ 74 6.7 396.5 Tritax Euro Box £ 93¾* 5.1 85381.9 GlaxoSmKline 1711⅝ 0.9 4.7 220.3 Young & Co - N/V 1150 2.7 1.8
55.9 NMCN 537½ 2.3 3.9 365.3 Ricardo Gp 684 2.3 3.0
324.2 Superdry 395⅜ -10.5 2.9 156.3 Invesco Inc Gth Tr 267 317 4.3 239.6 Troy Inc & Gr 81¾ 82 3.3 4886.8 Hikma ● 2017 2.9 1.6 The Alternative Investment Market is for young and
6060.0 Persimmon 1902½ 1.2 12.4 385.7 Robt Walters 508 3.3 3.0 growing companies. Shares may carry higher risks than
7.8 InvesPerp Bal Rk 139 144 — 208.3 UIL Ord 236 381 3.2 440.8 Indivior 60⅜ — those with a full quotation, and may be difficult to sell.
1944.1 Redrow ● 552 2.4 5.5 746.0 SIG ● 126⅛ 0.8 3.0
55.6 InvesPerp Sel UK E 170½ 171 3.9 58.7 UIL Fin ZDP 20 150½ 143 — 8.8 Premier Vet 57½ —
4786.9 Taylor Wimpey 146 2.6 5.2
Information technology
62.5 InvesPerp Sel Gbl E 199 203 3.5 66.0 UIL Fin ZDP 22 132 121 — 1784.9 Serco Group ● 145⅞ —
377.8 Aptitude Sftwre 598 3.6 1.0 170.2 InvesPerp UK Sm Co518* 530 3.6 35.1 UIL Fin ZDP 24 117 109 — 3153.1 Travis P ● 1250½ -0.7 3.8
Mkt Cap
Property (m) Stock Price Cvr GrsYld
Electricals 5971.2 Aveva Group 3700 0.5 1.2 999.9 JPM American ● 471* 496 1.4 26.9 UIL Fin ZDP 26 107½ 107 —
30.4 BSD Crown 23½ — 332.1 JPM Asian 353 389 4.4 531.4 Utilico Emerg 233 266 3.1 1667.4 Assura ● 69¼ 3.9 Telecommunications 3320.6 Alcoa $ 17⅞ — —
115.2 Dialight 354 — 54.6 CML Micro 320 2.0 2.4 23.6 JPM Brazil Inv 70¼* 85 1.1 1847.2 Witan ● 211½* 218 2.4 1787.5 Big Yellow Gp ● 1070 3.1 99826.3 Amer Express $ 120⅜ 1.3 5.2
345.3 discoverIE Grp 428 2.1 2.2 3757.7 Micro Focus Intl 1108¾ 1.1 13.0 219.2 JPM Chinese 301½ 346 1.2 202.2 Witan Pacific 328 364 2.1 4740.1 Brit Land 509¾ 6.1 16368.8 BT Group 165⅝ 1.4 9.3 256443.7 BankAmerica $ 27½ 2.6 3.9
7452.4 Halma 1963 2.9 0.8 7613.5 Sage Gp 700⅝ 1.6 2.4 389.1 JPM Claverh’se 690* 714 4.0 1464.8 Worldw HealthTr ● 2755 2786 1.0 975.7 CLS Hldgs ● 239½ 4.3 2.9 2800.0 Inmarsat ● 604 1.4 2.6 204967.1 Boeing $ 364¼ 2.3 1.1 Bold FTSE100 Stocks ● FTSE250 Stocks
* Ex-dividend † Ex-scrip ‡ Ex-all
2584.0 Renishaw ● 3550 2.1 1.7 1129.3 Spirent ● 184⅝ 2.0 2.0 258.5 JPM ElecManGth 837½* 851 1.9 Net Asset Values © 2019 Morningstar Estimated at 105.3 Cap&Regional 14½ 16.7 1168.0 TalkTalk ● 101⅞ 2.4 2.5 67021.2 Caterpillar $ 119⅛ 3.5 2.6 § Ex-rights # Suspended
previous day’s close see
442.4 XP Power 2300 1.8 3.8 909.6 Telecom Plus ● 1160 0.8 4.5 Cover relates to the previous year’s dividend.
86.8 JPM ElecManInc 100½* 102 4.6 1743.5 Capital&Count ● 204¾ -4.5 0.7 223937.4 Chevron $ 118 4.0 1.6
Yields are net of basic rate tax.
7.2 JPM ElecManCsh 102½* 103 0.4 3555.3 Derwent Ldn ● 3184 2.1 41553.7 Vodafone 155¼ -3.3 5.1 26338.9 Coca-Cola Euro $ 56½ 2.3 1.4 Data is provided for information purposes only and is
Insurance Media not intended for trading purposes. Speak with a
1209.6 JPM Emerg Mkt ● 992 1070 1.3 1827.2 Gt Portland Est ● 696¼ 1.8 63724.1 Colgate Palm $ 74¼ 2.3 1.5 financial advisor before using any data to make
Electricity Mkt Cap
6246.7 Admiral 2147 1.2 5.2 577.3 JPM Eur Sm Cos 362 417 1.9 (£m) Stock Price Cvr Yld 1494.8 Grainger ● 244¼ 3.6 2.1 50402.1 DuPontDeNemrs $ 67⅝ 1.8 2.9
1069.9 Drax Group ● 270 0.3 5.5 13869.8 Aviva 354⅛ 1.3 8.5 207.6 JPM Eur Gwth 294½ 329 3.0 4924.6 Auto Trader 531⅝ 3.1 1.3 552.2 Intu Props ● 40¾ — 289026.9 Exxon Mobil $ 68¼ 5.1 1.2
29879.5 Nat Grid 858½ 0.9 5.5 3016.1 Beazley ● 569½ 0.8 2.1 153.5 JPM Eur Inc 152½ 170 4.3 177.0 Bloomsbury 235 1.6 3.4 1739.5 Hammerson ● 227* 11.4 66061.6 Brit Am Tob 2880 1.3 7.0 20220.0 Fiat Chrysler $ 13 5.6 1.0
11754.6 SSE 1151 1.4 8.5 3892.6 DirectLineIns 283⅛ 1.6 7.5 456.9 JPM Gbl Gth & Inc 342 331 3.8 1703.8 Daily Mail ‘A’ 810 8.3 2.9 397.0 Hansteen Hldgs 92⅞ 6.2 20254.6 Imp Brands 2124½ 0.7 9.1 4021.7 Foot Locker $ 36⅝ 4.1 3.2
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 7

Wagamama’s new owners face the heat over £550m deal

Share price performance has been Group, GCP, Oxford Biomedia, Secure
louis strong, but the Frankie and Benny’s Inc Reit Economic week ahead
ashworthh owner needs to prove widening its
the week ahead scope has not caused it to lose focus, Full-year- results Sajid Javid, the will give
and the departure of boss Andy McCue Barratt, Dunelm Group, Frontier Chancellor, gives evidence to the
earlier this year hasn’t backfired. Develop his first Treasury Select
“When Restaurant Group paid spending round Committee on
£550m for Wagamama over a year ago, Economics on Wednesday. the Bank’s latest
Analysts who questioned there were many who questioned the Services PMI and composite PMI (UK He faces a economic
The Restaurant Group’s wisdom of a move, in a sector that has and eurozone), Mortgages and trade tricky balancing forecasts and the
seen several high profile names close balance (US) act in setting out UK’s relationship
deal for the noodle chain in the past few months,” said CMC departmental with the EU.
will scrutinise its figures Markets’ Michael Hewson. Thursday budgets for the On Thursday
next financial the Office for
Today Trading statement Interims year, with National
Severfield, DS Smith Interims Gamma Melrose, Mpac pressures and Statistics will
With extra US/China tariffs now in Communications, Highland Gold, promises to publish new data
place, sentiment on Wall Street may be Impact Healthcare, India Capital Trading statement increase on GDP in each
muted – but US markets will be closed Growth Fund, IQE, Restaurant Group, Dixons Carphone spending, set of the UK’s
for Labor Day, so it won’t be until STV against other nations and

Tuesday that the impact will be Full-year results promises to stick regions.
known. Full-year results Alumasc, Genus, Go-Ahead Group, to borrowing Based on VAT
Craneware McBride, Redrow, Mid Wynd targets. returns from
Full-year results Investment Trust, HSS, SIG The public thousands of
Dechra Pharma Economics finances have firms, these
Construction PMI (UK), BRC sales The Restaurant Group, the new owners of Wagamama will release a trading statement Economics deteriorated in figures will give
Interims (UK), ISM manufacture and prices New car registrations (UK) recent months, a picture of
Old Mutual paid (US) has afflicted rival Persimmon. is likely to suffer from any slowdown limiting his growth in each
“Given the industry has been of the last few months. Friday room for area six months
Economics repeatedly rocked by quality Home furnishing chain Dunelm manoeuvre, after the end of
Manufacturing PMI (UK and eurozone) Wednesday scandals, we’ll want some has bucked the trend on the high Interims while pledges to each quarter -
reassurance that street this year, raising forecasts for International Public Partnerships cut taxes will twice as fast as
Tomorrow Barratt Developments has revealed it this continues to be the case,” the year. Preliminary results on make this harder the numbers are
is on course for record profits after said Hargreaves Lansdown’s Thursday will provide a sense of Full-year results still. calculated in the
Investors will scrutinise a trading choosing to focus hard on Laith Khalaf. whether that ambition is likely to Ashmore, Pacific Horizon On the same traditional way,
statement from Restaurant Group for improvements to its margins. A Brexit malaise is hanging be met. Economics Halifax house prices day Mark largely through
signs that its decision to swallow The company has also avoided across the whole UK housebuilding (UK) GDP (eurozone), Non-farm Carney, the more time-
noodle chain Wagamama was the right the slowdown in completion rates sector, however, and Barratt is no Trading statement payrolls and unemployment Governor of the consuming
one. and customer satisfaction fall that safer than its peers: underlying profit Halfords Interims Ferroglobe, Just rate (US) Bank of England, surveys.

Market data Unit trusts & open-ended investment companies prices
Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day
World market indices  Friday close
Discretionary Unit Fund Multi-Mgr Mangd A Acc† 5.00 *288.5000 +1.80 JPM Global Uncons Eq A Inc 3.00 115.6000 +1.5000 Jupiter Euro Inc Acc – 79.35 +0.74 M&G Global Macro Bd A Inc 3.00 *92.05 -0.04
Index Change
No 1, Poultry, London EC2R 8JR. 020 7415 4130 Multi-Mgr Mangd A Inc† 5.00 *280.5000 +1.70 JPM Japan A Acc 3.00 501.6000 +6.1000 Jupiter Euro Inc Inc – 51.30 +0.47 M&G Global Macro Bd A Acc 3.00 *146.15 -0.06
Ç Australia All Ordinaries 6698.20 +92.50 +1.40pc
Ç Brazil Bovespa 101134.61 +610.18 +0.61pc Maitland Discretionary Inc 3.00 2360.85 2507.37 +5.35 Sterling Bond Acc† 4.25 *240.6000 +0.10 JPM Japan A Inc 3.00 120.7000 +1.5000 Jupiter Euro Special Sits – *429.02 +3.90 M&G Global Themes A Inc 4.00 1011.6 +7.85
È China Shanghai Composite 2886.24 -4.68 -0.16pc Sterling Bond Inc† 4.25 *68.9300 +0.02 JPM Multi-Asset Income A Acc 3.00 *98.9300 +0.3300 Jupiter Fin Opp – 755.44 +7.01 M&G Global Themes A Acc 4.00 1601.72 +12.42
Ç France CAC General 5480.48 +30.51 +0.56pc
AXA Investment Managers UK Strategic Bond A Inc 4.00 *129.9000 -0.20 JPM Multi-Asset Income A Inc 3.00 *64.3100 +0.2100 Jupiter Fund Of Inv Trusts – 257.66 +1.56 M&G Managed Growth A Inc 4.00 108.15 +1.34
Ç Germany DAX 11939.28 +100.40 +0.85pc
Limited +0.10 +0.2200 +0.96 +0.11
Ç Hong Kong Hang Seng 25724.73 +21.23 +0.08pc UK Absolute Return A Acc 5.00 155.8000 JPM Multi-Asset Inc A Mth Inc 3.00 *64.2900 Jupiter Global Emg Acc – 64.74 M&G Optimal Income A Inc 3.00 147.06
7 Newgate Street, London, EC1A 7NX
Ç India S&P CNX500 8977.55 +71.45 +0.80pc UK Alpha A Acc† 5.25 139.6000 +1.20 JPM Multi-Man Gwth A Acc 3.00 1082.0000 +7.0000 Jupiter Global Eq Inc Acc – 78.08 +0.83 M&G Optimal Income A Acc 3.00 214.76 +0.16 Cust Svs: 0845 777 5511
Ç Japan Nikkei 20704.37 +243.44 +1.19pc
UK & Irish Small Co A Acc 5.00 578.4000 +3.30 JPM Multi-Man Gwth A Inc 3.00 982.8000 +6.7000 Jupiter Global Eq Inc Inc – 66.40 +0.71 M&G Property Portfolio A Inc – 110.45 110.45 +0.01
Ç Russia RTS 1293.32 +8.38 +0.65pc Fidelity International
Ç Singapore Straits Times 3106.52 +24.69 +0.80pc Amer Gwth Acc – 776.9 +4.5 UK Equity Income A Inc 5.00 *532.2000 -1.70 JPM Natural Res A Acc 3.00 623.4000 +4.4000 Jupiter Global Managed Acc – 288.70 +3.32 M&G Recovery A Inc 4.00 125.01 +2.29
130 Tonbridge Road, Tonbridge, Kent TN11 9DZ
Ç Spain Madrid SE 881.64 +1.47 +0.17pc Biotech Acc – 176.4 -0.2 UK Index A Acc – 638.0000 +3.90 JPM Natural Res A Inc 3.00 43.0600 +0.3100 Jupiter Global Managed Inc – 275.73 +3.17 M&G Recovery A Acc 4.00 305.51 +5.6
Call free: Private Clients 0800 414161
Ç Switzerland SMI Index 9895.65 +57.17 +0.58pc Broker Dealings 0800 414181
Emerg Mkts Acc – 284.6 +5 UK Tracker A Acc – 288.9000 +1.60 JPM Sterling Corp Bd A Grs Acc 3.00 *100.9000 … Jupiter Growth & Inc – 90.16 +0.45 M&G Strategic Corp Bd A Inc 3.00 76.5 -0.01
Ç USA Dow Jones 26403.28 +41.03 +0.16pc
È USA Nasdaq 7962.88 -10.51 -0.13pc European Acc – 952.5 +6.7 Unit Trust US Growth A Acc 5.00 1369.0000 +6.00 JPM Sterling Corp Bd A Grs Inc 3.00 *58.8900 … Jupiter Income – *509.80 +2.09 M&G Strategic Corp Bd A Acc 3.00 123.99 -0.01

FinTech R Acc – 810.9 +5 †Available as an ISA JPM UK Dynamic A Acc 3.00 *192.6000 +2.6000 Jupiter India Fd – *108.10 +1.45 M&G UK Inc Distribution A Inc 4.00 748.12 +2.31

Commodities summary Friday close Global Tech – 144.6 +1.3 Open World A Acc 3.00 190.2 … JPM UK Dynamic A Inc 3.00 *145.9000 +2.0000 Jupiter Int Financials – 114.21 +1.24 M&G UK Inc Distribution A Acc 4.00 7302.68 +22.53

Price Change Global Thematics R GBP Acc – 1701 +13 JPM UK Equity Core E Acc – *368.0000 +2.3000 Jupiter Japan Inc Fd Acc – *124.44 +2.12 M&G UK Infl Lkd Corp A Inc 3.00 115.9 -0.01
Investment Funds (OEIC)
È Gold per troy oz $1523.61 -3.72 -0.24pc Health Acc – 2140 +6 JPM UK Equity Core E Inc – *60.5100 +0.3900 Jupiter Japan Inc Fd Inc – *94.00 +1.60 M&G UK Infl Lkd Corp A Acc 3.00 121.1 -0.02
Ç Silver per oz £15.05 +0.11 +0.72pc
Japan R GBP Acc – 585.2 +11.3 Cash Fd Y – 100.06 … JPM UK Equity Gwth A Acc 3.00 146.7000 +0.5000 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo Acc – 202.58 +0.16 N.A.A.C.I.F. Inc – 85.69 +0.48
È Krugerrand £1240.82 -0.24 -0.02pc
È New Sovereign £289.84 -0.23 -0.08pc Managed Balanced Acc – 434.5 +2.2 Cash Fd Y Accum.Units – 101.20 … JPM UK Equity Gwth A Inc 3.00 128.7000 +0.5000 Jupiter Merlin Bal Prtfo Inc – 137.14 +0.12 N.A.A.C.I.F. Acc – 8948.03 +50.19
È Maples £1243.70 -0.24 -0.02pc Managed Income Acc – 174.3 -0.3 J.P. Morgan Asset Management JPM UK Higher Inc A Acc 3.00 *1023.0000 +6.0000 Jupiter Merlin Conserv Prtfo Acc– 63.01 +0.05 †CAR - Net Income reinvested.
Income Funds
Ç Platinum per oz £757.05 +16.13 +2.18pc 60 Victoria Embankment, London, EC4Y 0JP
Managed Income Inc – 109.5 -0.2 JPM UK Higher Inc A Inc 3.00 *492.2000 +2.5000 Jupiter Merlin Conserv Prtfo Inc– 52.58 +0.04
Ç Palladium per oz £1255.74 +48.34 +4.00pc Clients:0800 204020.Brokerline 0800 727770
È Copper grade A £4640.78 -35.15 -0.75pc Monthly Inc Inc – 238.0 -0.4 Enhanced Inc Fd 3.50 98.54 … JPM UK Sm Cos A Acc 3.00 474.6000 +2.8000 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo Acc – 462.11 +3.97
Ç Tin high grade £13346.74 +404.27 +3.12pc Monthly Inc Acc – 609.8 -1.1 Extra Income Fd 3.50 28.39 … JPM America Eq A Acc 3.00 *113.5704 +1.8000 JPM UK Sm Cos A Inc 3.00 89.3900 +0.5300 Jupiter Merlin Grth Prtfo Inc – 449.11 +3.86
È Lead £1665.57 -17.48 -1.04pc
Pan Euro HY Bond Acc – *167.0 +0.30 Moneybuilder Bal – 48.57 … JPM America Eq A Inc 3.00 *113.5649 +1.8000 JPM UK Strat Eq Inc A Acc 3.00 *175.3000 +0.5000 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo Acc – *320.99 +0.96
È Zinc special high grade £1822.81 -25.35 -1.37pc
Ç Aluminium high grade £1442.65 +5.41 +0.38pc Pan Euro HY Bond Inc – *105.2 +0.20 Moneybuilder Inc – 38.21 … JPM Asia Growth A Acc 3.00 228.4000 +3.6000 JPM UK Strat Eq Inc A Inc 3.00 *97.4300 +0.3000 Jupiter Merlin Inc Prtfo Inc – *139.13 +0.42 Merian Global Investors
Ç Nickel £14701.54 +1255.12 +9.33pc UK Growth Acc – 331.5 +2.1 JPM Asia Growth A Inc 3.00 125.6000 +2.0000 JPM Uncons Bond A Acc 3.00 *73.0700 -0.0100 Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo Acc – 334.51 +3.08 (formerly Old Mutual Global Investors)
Growth & Income Funds
Ç Baltic Dry Index* 2378.00 +101.00 +4.44pc For further information visit or contact
UK Select Opps R Inc – 1973 +10 JPM Div Gth A Net ACC 3.00 275.7000 +1.0000 JPM Uncons Bond A Inc 3.00 *55.2900 -0.0100 Jupiter Merlin WW Prtfo Inc – 334.49 +3.07
È Wheat per tonne £131.50 -0.35 -0.27pc your financial adviser.
UK Select Opps R Acc – 3662 +17 Moneybldr Div 3.50 240.8 … JPM Emg Euro Eq A Acc 3.00 233.4000 +3.4000 JPM US Eq Inc £ Hdg A Inc 3.00 *121.8000 +1.1000 Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc Acc – 123.85 +0.30
È Brent Crude Oct settlement $60.43 -0.65 -1.06pc
*Copyright Baltic Exchange Information Services Ltd. UK Smllr Cos Acc – 291.1 +0.8 JPM Emg Euro Eq A Inc 3.00 49.6800 +0.7300 JPM US Eq Inc A Acc 3.00 *212.4000 +2.4000 Jupiter Monthly Alt Inc – 31.07 +0.08 Merian Corporate Bond Fund – 140.3 …
Growth Funds
Jupiter N.American Inc Acc – *180.90 +1.97 Merian Eur (ExUK) Small Co – 16.4347 +0.106
AXA IM Funds
Exchange rates Friday close American 3.50 4656 … Jupiter N.American Inc Inc – *145.78 +1.58 Merian Global Emerging Mrkts - 14.7941 +0.227

£ > € Rate 1.1059 Change +0.31¢ £ > $ Rate 1.2179 Change -0.25¢ Amer Sp Sits 3.50 1727 … Jupiter Responsible Inc Fd Acc – 112.50 +0.61 Merian Global Equity – 279.2 +3.30
Tourist £1= Sterling £1= 1 Euro = 1 Dollar = European 3.50 2582 … Jupiter Responsible Inc Fd Inc – 68.55 +0.37 Merian Gold & Silver – 16.1907 -0.458
Australia Aus $ 1.7186 1.8075 1.6345 1.4842
European Opps 3.50 515.5 … Jupiter Strategic Bond Acc – *105.98 -0.07 Merian North American Equity – 322.3 +4.30
Canada Can $ 1.5426 1.6183 1.4633 1.3288
Denmark Krone 7.8211 8.2455 7.4561 6.7706 Global Special Sits 3.50 4305 … Jupiter Strategic Bond Inc – *66.85 -0.05 Merian Strat Abs Return Bond – 10.1298 -0.001
Euro € 1.0525 1.1059 … 0.9081 BNY Mellon Fund Managers Japan 3.50 400.6 … Jupiter UK Growth – *281.19 +2.02 Merian UK Alpha - 163.6 +1.10
Hong Kong HK $ 9.0597 9.5422 8.6287 7.8354 Investors: 0800 614330 Brokers: 08085 660000 Japan Smaller Cos 3.50 302.0 … Jupiter UK Smaller Cos – *353.41 +1.10 Merian UK Equity Income – 159.9 +1.00
India Rupee 76.8300 86.9636 78.6375 71.4075,
Israel Shekels 3.8780 4.2999 3.8883 3.5307 Global Focus 3.50 2354 … Jupiter UK Special Sits Inc – 183.51 +0.81 Merian UK Mid Cap – 285.3 +3.30
Japan Yen 123.2700 129.2687 116.8922 106.1450 Index UK A Acc – 110.2800 … Jupiter US Sm&Md Inst I Acc – 80.99 … Merian UK Smaller Company – 260.9 +1.60
Kuwait Dinar … 0.3702 0.3348 0.3040 BNY Mellon Investment Funds (ICVC)
Opps A Dis – 100.8 … Jupiter US Sm&Md Cap Ret Acc – 74.46 …
New Zealand NZ $ 1.8000 1.9309 1.7461 1.5855 Sterling Income Shares Natwest Investment Funds
Norway Krone 10.5800 11.0900 10.0282 9.1062 Special Sits 3.50 3857 …
Marks & Spencer Unit Trust (RBS Collective Investment Funds Ltd)
Pakistan Rupee 179.6300 190.4718 172.2355 156.4000 +0.05
Insight Corporate Bd 0% 97.18 South East Asia 3.50 1420 … Management Ltd PO Box 249, York YO90 1ZY
Saudi Arabia Riyal 4.2670 4.5678 4.1304 3.7507 0117 940 3848
Insight Eq Inc Fund 0% 159.48 +0.95 UK Select Acc 3.50 321.8 … Kings Meadow, Chester, CH99 9UT
Singapore $ 1.5766 1.6894 1.5276 1.3872
0870 333 1835
South Africa Rand 17.4900 18.4916 16.7211 15.1837 Insight Eq Inc Booster 0% 108.28 +0.72 †CAR - Net income reinvested Global Bond Fund Inc – 103.9 …
Sweden Krona 11.3800 11.9432 10.7997 9.8068 Insight Glob Abs Ret Inc 0% 114.83 +0.28 High Income Inc – *113 113 … Mangd Eqty Grwth Fnd Acc – 102.2 …
Switzerland Franc 1.1457 1.2050 1.0897 0.9895
Insight Glob Multi-Strat Fd 0% 131.5 +0.50 High Income Acc – *274.6 274.6 … Mangd Grwth Fund Inc – 103.2 …
Thailand Baht 33.3400 37.2327 33.6679 30.5725
UAE Dirham 4.1941 4.4733 4.0450 3.6732 Insight Inflat-Link Corp Bd 0% 109.55 +0.09 UK Select Port Inc – 336.2 336.2 … Mangd Grwth Fund Acc – 103.2 …
UK £ … … 0.9042 0.8211 Long-Term Global Equity 0% 317.37 +3.73 Fundsmith LLP UK Selection Port – 635.8 635.8 … UK Eqty Fund Acc – 100.4 …
USA $ 1.1621 1.2179 1.1013 …
Newton Asian Income 0% 216.27 +1.96 PO Box 10846, Chelmsford, Essex, CM99 2BW. UK 100 Co’s Fund Inc – 215.9 215.9 … UK Eqty Fund Inc – 100.4 …
Tourist rates for indication use only.
0330 123 1815
Newton Cont European 0% 286.39 +2.32 UK 100 Co’s Fund Acc – 386.7 386.7 …
Rates Newton Global Dyn Bd 0% 102.98 W’wide Man Inc – *524.6 …

Newton Glb High Yld Bd 0% 60.66 -0.04 Fundsmith Equity T Acc – 480.25 +4.29 W’wide Man Acc – *862.5 …
Inflation Change on month Year
RPI (1987=100) Jul 289.50 0.00 +2.80pc Newton Glb Inc Stg Inc 0% 225.56 +1.74 Fundsmith Equity T Inc – 441.11 +3.94
Mid Change Mid Change
RPIX (Target 2.5pc) Jul 290.00 -0.10 +2.7pc Newton Glb Opps 0% 337.02 +2.84 Name Init chge Sell Buy on day Name Init chge Sell Buy on day
CPI (2015=100 target 2pc) Jul 107.90 0.00 +2.10pc
Newton Intnl Bond 0% 274.62 -0.14 JPM Emg Markets A Acc 3.00 249.5000 +3.7000 JPM US Eq Inc A Inc 3.00 *166.2000 +1.9000
Halifax house price index Jul 764.20 -0.2pc +4.1pc
Newton Multi-Asset Bal 0% 214.01 +1.57 JPM Emg Markets A Inc 3.00 106.0000 +1.6000 JPM US Select A Acc 3.00 199.0000 +3.2000

Newton Mult-Asset Div Ret 0% 158.26 +0.95 JPM Emg Mkts Inc A Acc 3.00 *80.0600 +0.9500 JPM US Select A Inc 3.00 195.6000 +3.1000
Newton Mult-Asset Gwth 0% 898.32 +11.27 Janus Henderson Investors JPM Emg Mkts Inc A Inc 3.00 *59.6900 +0.7000 JPM US Sm Cap Gwth Fd A Acc 3.00 776.1000 +13.3000
Bank Rate 0.75pc Nationwide Base Mortgage Rate 2.75pc
M & G Securities Ltd
PO Box 9023 Chelmsford, CM99 2WB
Newton Oriental 0% 662.2 +9.33 JPM Eur Dyn (ex-UK) £ Hg A Acc3.00 213.5000 +2.6000 JPM US Sm Cap Gwth Fd A Inc 3.00 203.3000 +3.5000 PO Box 9039, Chelmsford, CM99 2XG
Overnight 0.68pc US Fed Funds 2.00-2.25pc Enquiries: 0800 832 832
+0.24 +2.3000 Enq: 0800 390 390. UT Deal: 0800 328 3196
7 day 0.69pc US Long Bonds Yld 1.98pc Newton Real Return A 0% 121.42 Website: JPM Euro Dyn (ex-UK) A Acc 3.00 225.9000
1 month 0.71pc European repo rate 1.25pc Newton UK Equity Fund 0% 892.39 +6.19 JPM Euro Dyn (ex-UK) A Inc 3.00 100.3000 +0.9700 Charibond Inc – 125.12 -0.01
3 months 0.76pc European base rate 0.00pc
Newton UK Inc 0% 66.24 +0.44 Asia Pac Cap Gwth A Acc 5.00 1167.0000 +14.00 JPM Europe A Acc 3.00 1517.0000 +12.0000 Charibond Acc – 4158.0 -0.31
6 months 0.78pc
Newton UK Opps 0% 344.31 +2.78 Asian Dividend Income Inc 5.00 *106.4000 +1.30 JPM Europe A Inc 3.00 82.7200 +0.6500 Charifund Inc – 1533.38 +6.76

Major price changes FTSE 100 Week on week US Opps EUR Acc 0% 122.84 +1.61 Cautious Managed A Acc 5.00 *267.3000 +0.90 JPM Euro Smaller Co A Acc 3.00 750.7000 +3.6000 Charifund Acc – 25330.37 +111.53

Risers 80 Volume Close Change Ç Imp Brands 2.52m 2124½ 3.38pc Cautious Managed A Inc 5.00 *145.7000 +0.50 JPM Euro Smaller Co A Inc 3.00 96.8800 +0.4700 Jupiter Unit Trust Managers Ltd M&G Corp Bond A Inc 3.00 41.64 -0.01
Carvetian Capital
Ç NMC Health 0.50m 2502 15.99pc Ç Vodafone 66.89m 155¼ 3.26pc +16.00 -0.0300 -0.02
Management Limited China Opps A Acc 5.00 1446.0000 JPM Global Bd Opps A Grs Acc – 57.3300 The Zig Zag Building, 70 Victoria Street, London, M&G Corp Bond A Acc 3.00 75.23
Ç Melrose Ind 14.17m 181 9.20pc Fallers 20 Volume Close Change SW1E 6SQ
Admin: Stuart House, St John’s St, Emerg Mkts Opps A Acc 5.00 199.3000 +1.80 JPM Global Bd Opps A Grs Inc – 49.8000 -0.0300 M&G Dividend A Inc 4.00 55.79 +0.24
Ç Fresnillo 2.64m 740⅜ 8.18pc È Micro Focus Intl 3.86m 1108¾ -29.34pc 020 3817 1000
Peterborough PE1 5DD
Ç Ocado Group 1.64m 1295½ 7.96pc È Aveva Group 0.29m 3700 -3.95pc European Growth A Acc† 5.25 237.5000 +2.20 JPM Global Bond A Gross Acc 3.00 *287.2000 -0.1000 M&G Dividend A Acc 4.00 676.89 +2.99
Dealing & Enquiries: 0345 850 0255
Ç Antofagasta 2.81m 866 6.65pc È Brit Amer Tob 3.28m 2880 -2.74pc European Sel Opps A Acc 5.00 1777.0000 +18.00 JPM Global Bond A Gross Inc 3.00 *220.2000 -0.1000 Jupiter Abslt Rtn – 50.32 -0.28 M&G Episode Grwth Stg A Dis 4.00 *55.07 +0.55
Ç Anglo Amer 4.75m 1774¼ 6.46pc È Aviva 11.80m 354⅛ -2.02pc
Generation Fd 5.00 *797.9 … Fixed Int Mthly Inc A Inc 4.25 *22.6300 -0.01 JPM Global Eq Inc £ Hdg A Acc 3.00 *89.0900 +0.9100 Jupiter Asian Fd – *895.46 +12.15 M&G Episode Income A Inc 4.00 127.31 +0.66
Ç Centrica 31.68m 69¾ 6.35pc È Hiscox 0.54m 1550 -1.90pc
Ç Ashtead Group 1.58m 2271 5.78pc È St James Place 4.06m 917¾ -1.63pc Sand Aire FENIX Bal Inc 5.00 *157.2 … Global Care Growth A Inc 4.50 339.2000 +5.00 JPM Global Eq Inc £ Hdg A Inc 3.00 *57.3100 +0.5900 Jupiter Asian Inc Fd Acc – 146.82 +1.56 M&G Episode Income A Acc 4.00 175.29 +0.91
Ç Rio Tinto 4.44m 4149½ 5.73pc È Direct Line Ins 5.30m 283⅛ -1.60pc Global Equity Inc A Inc† 5.25 61.9000 +0.57 JPM Global Eq Inc Fd A Acc 3.00 *115.9000 +1.3000 Jupiter Asian Inc Fd Inc – 128.89 +1.37 M&G Global Dividend A Inc 4.00 214.97 +2.62
Ç BHP Group 7.18m 1773 5.51pc È RSA Ins 1.67m 523⅜ -1.43pc
Consistent Unit Trust
Management Co Ltd Global Growth Acc 4.25 3515.0000 +44.00 JPM Global Eq Inc Fd A Inc 3.00 *90.4200 +1.0400 Jupiter China Acc – 125.23 +1.38 M&G Global Dividend A Acc 4.00 306.56 +3.74
Ç Smiths Gp 2.66m 1669½ 5.43pc È Berkeley Gp Hdgs 0.52m 3917 -1.31pc
Ç Smurfit Kappa 0.31m 2536 5.14pc È Barclays 30.57m 136⅝ -1.04pc Admin: Stuart House, St John’s St, Global Strategic Cap Acc† 5.00 *253.2000 +2.10 JPM Global HiYld Bd A Grs Acc 3.00 *116.8000 +0.2000 Jupiter China Inc – 119.05 +1.32 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Inc 4.00 265.55 +4.72
Peterborough PE1 5DD
Ç Glencore 39.70m 237 5.08pc È Bunzl 1.80m 2013 -0.98pc Global Technology A Acc 5.00 2101.0000 +38.00 JPM Global HiYld Bd A Grs Inc 3.00 *35.7200 +0.0600 Jupiter Corp Bond Inc – 60.56 -0.07 M&G Glbl Emrgng Mkts A Acc 4.00 296.07 +5.26
Dealing & Client Services 0345 850 8818
Ç Smith (DS) 6.69m 340 4.87pc È Legal&Gen 16.18m 219⅝ -0.95pc
Multi-Mgr Abs Ret A Acc 5.00 143.5000 +0.10 JPM Global HiYldBdAGrsMthInc3.00 *35.7200 +0.0600 Jupiter Dstrbtn Acc – 105.52 +0.10 M&G Glbl High Yld Bd A Inc 3.00 49.21 +0.07
Ç Reckitt Benck 1.25m 6399 4.80pc È Taylor Wimpey 12.85m 146 -0.78pc
Ç BT Group 31.39m 165⅝ 4.22pc È Hargrve Lans 0.36m 1878 -0.58pc Opportunities Unit Tst Inc 0% *45.65 47.01 … Multi-Mgr Active A Acc† 5.00 *231.8000 +1.60 JPM Global Macro Fund A Acc 3.00 *69.0000 +0.2600 Jupiter Dstrbtn Inc – 59.08 +0.06 M&G Glbl High Yld Bd A Acc 3.00 137.85 +0.18

Ç Johnson Matt 0.59m 2910 3.71pc È Barratt Dev 3.92m 632⅜ -0.57pc Opportunities Unit Tst Acc 0% *121.1 124.8 … Multi-Mgr Distbn A Inc 5.25 *133.8000 +0.70 JPM Global Macro Fund A Inc 3.00 *60.1500 +0.2300 Jupiter Dstrbtn & Grth Inc – 110.02 +0.40
Ç Unilever 2.22m 5196 3.71pc È Admiral 1.42m 2147 -0.46pc
Practical Invest Inc 5.00 227.8 244 … Multi-Mgr Divrsfd A Acc – 89.1500 +0.27 JPM Global Macro Opps A Acc 3.00 72.93 +0.45 Jupiter Eco Inc – 400.08 +5.99
Ç Stndrd Life Abr 5.48m 249¼ 3.57pc È Persimmon 0.86m 1902½ -0.37pc Initial charge:
Ç CRH 2.10m 2737 3.52pc È Sainsbury 5.94m 196⅛ -0.36pc Practical Invest Acc 5.00 1248 1337 … Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Acc 5.00 *182.0000 +0.60 JPM Global Macro Opps A Inc 3.00 72.27 +0.44 Jupiter Emerg Euro Opps – *240.58 +3.16 This charge in percentage terms is included in the purchase
price of the units. It is levied by the unit trust manager to cover
Ç Schroders 0.29m 2730 3.49pc È Lloyds Bk Gp 180.23m 49⅞ -0.32pc Multi-Mgr Inc&Gwth A Inc 5.25 *153.3000 +0.50 JPM Global Uncons Eq A Acc 3.00 1559.0000 +20.0000 Jupiter European – *2550.29 +25.38 administrative costs and commissions.
Ç Utd. Utilities 1.97m 814 3.40pc È Ass Brit Fds 1.66m 2271 -0.31pc * Denotes Ex-dividend
8 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

the minibus
as the Uber
of the future
Tech start-up entrepreneur Daniel Ramot
tells Olivia Rudgard why Via can succeed

where other ride-hailing apps have not
efore Daniel Ramot recently, has been insulated from
started Via, he and his technology”.
co-founder wanted to In particular, inspired by the Israeli
fix your overflowing sherut, Via wants to revive the
inbox. “You know minibus. Ramot believes the US and
how you get way too western Europe have a lot to learn
many emails? We from these informal buses which
were going to make a appear all over the world in slightly
filter that randomly different guises. They’re known as
deleted 50pc of your incoming email.” matatus in Kenya and Uganda,
What if someone important got in colectivos in Mexico and marshrutkas
touch? “I figure if something is really in Russia. “They’re very efficient and
important they’ll email you again.” actually successful at moving lots of
Laughing, he says: “We were mostly people in inexpensive ways,” he says.
joking about that one. We didn’t really Despite this, they are almost non-
think we were going to make money. existent as public transport in the US
We thought we might find it useful and UK.
because we were getting so many British readers might blanch at the
emails.” idea of being crammed into a minibus

He and Oren Shoval had served with some perfect strangers. But to
together in the Israeli air force in the Ramot, it makes perfect sense. “We
Nineties and early 2000 but were have the extremes, the private car, we
ambitious wannabe tech have the large bus. But actually, the
entrepreneurs. The pair explored all rest of the world is teaching us that
kinds of projects looking for a tough
problem they could get their teeth into.
these intermediate modes can be super
valuable and efficient.”
Daniel Ramot, who
such service operates in Sutton, in the
suburbs of London, a contract awarded
might not be that simple, though his
company did launch a driverless
Facts place where a passenger meets their
ride, that won’t send the bus too far out
Ramot has a PhD in neuroscience, and But is the transport app sector really developed avionic by Transport for London. It’s currently shuttle in Australia this summer. “If of its way, and at planning a route most
Shoval has one in biology, so they
considered a medical device start-up.
Eventually they settled on buses.
Via, founded in 2012, is a shared
a desirable place to be? Uber lost
$5.2bn in the second quarter of the
year, an enormous deficit that was
mostly due to its flotation on the stock
systems for the
Israeli air force,
co-founded Via to
help solve the
a one-year pilot and passengers can’t
use Oyster cards yet, but Ramot sees
these services as becoming entirely
absorbed into the city’s public
you think about what a driver is doing,
it’s not just driving, they are washing
and cleaning the vehicles, they are
paying for the time they’re driving to
When the shared
likely to pass other people who want to
go the same way, limiting the chance
that you’ll be sent off in the wrong
direction in search of another
minibus and taxi company, with an market, but neither it nor major rival world’s transport transport system. and from the job, they’re paying for minibus taxi firm passenger. “[Uber] just wants to get
algorithm designed to make sure Lyft has ever been profitable. issues Ramot says Via’s selling point is maintenance,” he says. “It’s not as you there the fastest possible way. We
was founded
passengers can be picked up and Via is also not alone in its mission to really this partnership side, which immediate and I don’t know that it have to find that trade-off,” he says.
dropped off in convenient places. Its reinvent the bus. Other companies wasn’t originally its core business, but saves quite as much as people are He might have fallen into running a
app means no hard cash changes hands
and the driver knows where everyone
needs to go. Customers could see it as
have tried and failed, including
Chariot, a minibus start-up which was
acquired by Ford in 2016 and shut
is “growing extremely quickly and is
very profitable”. The company has
plans to go public. “I think we have the
hoping it will save.”
Another problem for Uber has been
the hundreds of competitors that have
The amount in
bus company almost by accident, but
he definitely sounds like a transport
nerd now. He talks up the potential of
Uber with a bigger vehicle and some down earlier this year. Analysts have opportunity to grow very significantly, sprung up all over the world to try to his tech to take cars off the road and
highlighted low ridership numbers on and our plan would be to translate that eat into their market share. Uber was dollars that Via reduce traffic. “I’m intrigued in how
‘They’re very efficient and such routes to argue that it’s not a into an IPO in two or three years, that established as a luxury black car firm has raised so far cities are designed and how that drives
viable business model. would be our target,” he says. and has since expanded to allow how people end up getting around,” he
actually successful at Ramot thinks Via can avoid both of These partnerships also mean they price-conscious riders to cut their says, talking about how mandatory
moving lots of people in
inexpensive ways’
these pitfalls. Like Uber and Lyft, Via
has a consumer “ride-hailing” taxi
business, but it also makes a decent
enter a market with the full blessing of
the authorities, something Uber did
not do in its early days, when
costs by sharing.
Ramot says the technical problem
Via is trying to solve is much trickier
When Via is
parking spaces are often required to be
built with new housing and how cities
should instead create “parking
proportion of its income from more aggressive, rapid expansion led to it than summoning a cab immediately likely to go scarcity” to encourage walking or
strangers added in. than 80 partnerships with cities and being barred from many cities, when and where you need it and taking public transport.
Buses have a low-tech reputation. including London, where it faces having it take you where you need to public Can he really challenge Silicon
transport authorities. And unlike
They’re widely regarded as dirty, Chariot, it has no fixed routes but having to renew its temporary licence go. “It’s not something that we can just Valley’s taxi giant? Via is still much
unsafe, slow, unreliable and to most
people, a last resort. Ramot, 43, and
now based in New York, wants to
changes where the bus goes at
passengers’ convenience.
In these deals, Via lets the bus
later this month.
Ramot also believes his competitors
won’t be able to keep their prices low.
send a query to Google Maps and tell it
‘Hey, can you tell me the fastest route
among these 10,000 or hundred
The number of
smaller but does appear to be eating
into Uber’s market share, albeit in a
limited way. In Manhattan, where its
change that. His company has raised operator use its software, but in all Uber and Lyft have been able to grow thousand possible routes,” he says. giant rival has been hamstrung by laws
$387m (£318m) since it was founded. other respects the bus is integrated so quickly because they are able to In recent years Uber and Lyft have partnerships requiring drivers to receive a
Ramot is chief executive, and Shoval, into the local public transport system, operate at a loss due to the millions of rolled out their own shared services. with authorities minimum pay-rate, and can’t cut its
chief technology officer. keeping overheads low while dollars in venture capital funding that Customers who use these taxis will be prices as aggressively as in other
“We were looking to do something guaranteeing income for the company, has been pouring in over the past familiar with the sudden changes of places, Ramot says Via drivers carry
that we thought was a really and letting local experts decide where decade. “Ride-hailing services are direction caused by another passenger out 50pc of all shared rides.
interesting math, computer science the buses are most needed. One such really taxi services. They’re not as unexpectedly joining the journey, Elsewhere, the public transport side
problem, that would be hard to solve, programme is in Liverpool, where its cheap as maybe we would like them to pushing the arrival time back by 10 of its business puts it entirely out of the
and one that if we were able to get it technology is behind an Arriva app be, because they cannot be subsidised minutes and sending you back in the way of its larger competitor. Unlike
right, it would allow us to build running minibuses in the city. forever,” he says. direction you came from. Ramot claims Uber, which wants passengers to use
something big and have a really In the UK, it operates ViaVan, a joint Taxi apps have also claimed that Via’s algorithms make it a more its app as a one-stop shop to get
positive effect on society,” he says. venture with Mercedes-Benz, which self-driving cars are key to making it efficient journey. wherever they want to go, Via’s tech
Transport, with the exception of cars, provides the physical buses, while profitable in the future. Ramot thinks it In particular, he says, they’re better could end up as part of people’s daily
is “such a massive space that, until customers book rides on an app. One at identifying a “virtual bus stop”, the commute without them even realising.

The US has shot itself in the foot Every complaint deserves scrutiny
but a trade deal is still within reach but the customer isn’t always right
global trade increase in three years. By Huawei affiliates to the Entity List, Whether it’s poor workmanship, firm is now being run by a new boss or
starting this trade war, the US has shot going back on its words that “US
sir john bad attitude or unhelpful service, that the old regime has hired a new
liu xiaoming
ng itself in the foot and given the already companies can sell their equipment to timpson shoppers could be doing you a big consultant. In my book, top
comment sluggish world economy an even Huawei”. Such disrespect for ask john favour by highlighting causes for management should stick to strategy
harder time. And yet the constant commitments and consensus concern. Unsolicited comments can and culture, leaving daily details to
indecision on the US side has sent the dampened confidence in consultation. become your best form of market people like you: the front line
trade talks through a bewildering The second key is equality and research. But don’t put your colleague operators who know your part of the
series of twists and turns. mutual respect, both of which have on the naughty step before making business inside out. Too many bosses

ome in the US will tell you that the A deal is, though, within reach if we often been lacking from the US side. Straight-talking, common sure that they’re guilty as charged. just can’t resist creating policies that
trade war they have declared on have the right keys. This was seen in the recent US move to sense from the front line At Timpson, customer-facing turn into a compulsory process that
China is “easy to win” because The first is to always go into the label China a “currency manipulator”, employees are trusted with the tell experienced front line teams how
“the tariffs are hurting the Chinese talks with good faith, the lack of which which goes against the facts, is in of management freedom to do what they think is right. to do their job.
and not Americans”. But is that really is causing the current difficulty. breach of IMF rules and fails to satisfy We would be undermining their If you ignore the new regime, make
the case? The statistics tell a different
According to a report by the Federal
Last June, the presidents of China
and the US reached a three-point
agreement during their meeting at
the quantitative criteria set by the US
itself. This is typical of the bullying
tactics used by the hegemonic power,
Q To what extent is the customer
“always right”? I’ve had
shoppers accuse staff members of
authority if we backed every bit of
public criticism. It’s important to
listen to both shopper and colleague,
sure that you outperform the rest of
your team and keep your fingers
crossed that central management are
Reserve Bank of New York, the tariffs Osaka, namely that the two sides will but such action will not only hurt wrongdoing, but I struggle to know and discuss any problems with the too busy to realise that you haven’t
on Chinese imports will cost the trade partners but may also backfire. with whom to side. I want to show area management team, who are best adopted their systems. But there’s still
average US household $831 (£683) a ‘The constant indecision on The third key is responsibility. Big confidence in my employees and placed to know whether an a chance that you’ll be caught out; too
year and incur a total cost of $3bn in countries should have the audacity to protect them, but I also don’t want indiscretion is out of character. many head office executives are sadly
tax on companies and consumers the US side has sent the talks shoulder their due responsibilities. It to alienate customers. What do I do? No one likes criticism or tricky more interested in monitoring their
every month. through a bewildering is natural that China and the US have problems, but every complaint processes than measuring the results.
Moody’s Analytics predicts that if
the US were to follow through on the
outstanding tariff threats, American
series of twists and turns’
differences. The key is to take actions
to find solutions, not simply to blame
others for your own problems.
A Customers aren’t always right, but
even if they don’t have a genuine
complaint, most genuinely believe that
deserves a detailed investigation. Take
plenty of time and listen carefully
before you decide what to do. Give the
With a bit of luck, head office will be
so occupied running new training
courses that they fail to notice you
businesses and consumers will have to restart the trade talks, the US will not In the West, you say that “honesty is they do. Some protest politely, while customer the benefit of any doubt, but have become a maverick. But don’t
pay $100bn in the coming year. add new tariffs on Chinese imports, the policy”. In China, we have a others indignantly threaten to tell all sympathetically stand by any hold your breath; command and
According to World Bank research, and the negotiation teams will begin teaching from Confucius that carries a their friends and “never use your shop employee who believes that they have control companies concentrate on
the biggest victims of a trade war will discussions on specific issues. similar message: “He who has no again”. In my experience, the most done their best. discipline and don’t do delegation.
be American farmers and blue-collar As a follow-up to this agreement, credibility cannot stand tall.” aggressive complainers are the least Even if you increase sales by 10pc and
Recently three major US stock
indices plunged, wiping off trillions of
China bought agricultural products
from the US, including 2.27m tons of
soybeans from the end of June to the
China does not want to escalate a
trade war, but nor will it surrender on
major issues of principle. It is time for
likely to have a justified grievance.
Don’t jump to an early conclusion
– take your time and listen to both
Q The company where I work
recently introduced a new
workplace management system. I
double the net margin, they may still
insist that you do things their way.
Be true to yourself: keep managing
dollars in market value. JP Morgan end of July. the US to demonstrate its good faith sides. If a complaining client contacts personally hate it and find that it in the way you know best and hope
Chase & Co says the probability of a US Instead of reciprocating, the US and sense of responsibility and work me via letter or email and adds their harms my productivity. Is there a your boss moves to a new job before
recession in the coming 12 months had accused China of not purchasing its with China to reach a mutually- phone number, I’ll sometimes ring way for me to work in a different you’re asked to toe the line. If that
risen to nearly 40pc. agricultural products at all and beneficial deal through consultation them up. The shock of finding way without disobeying orders doesn’t happen, it’s probably time to
Elsewhere in the world, growth is recently announced a 10-25pc increase and co-operation on the basis of Timpson’s chairman on the phone from above? work for a different business – one that
faced with stronger headwinds as a of tariffs on $550bn of Chinese equality and mutual respect. This will often leads to a friendly and frank understands the value of trusting
result of the trade war.
The International Monetary Fund
downgraded its outlook for world
This was increased by a further 5pc
following retaliation from China,
be good for the people of both
countries and help ensure the steady
growth of the world economy.
conversation that quickly indicates
how the problem can be resolved.
But I’m not an expert at handling
A I can understand why you’re so
perplexed and, although I believe
there’s a chance that your dictatorial
people prepared to use their initiative.

Sir John Timpson is chairman of the

economic growth to 3.2pc, the lowest accompanied by a threat to pull complaints, so most people talk to our management team won’t notice if you high-street services provider, Timpson.
in almost a decade. The World Trade American businesses out of the Liu Xiaoming is China’s ambassador to customer support team, who spend fail to follow their latest rules, you Send him an email at
Organisation predicted the slowest Chinese market. The US also added 46 the United Kingdom every working day resolving problems. could be risking your job. I assume the
Monday 2 September 2019

‘I have lost a friend’ History maker
Leclerc dedicates Konta back to her
debut win to tragic best to reach US
driver Hubert Open last eight
Page 14 Page 16

A R S E NA L 2- 2 T O T T E N H A M

I’m no diver
England captain denies trying
to win last-minute penalty in
dramatic derby draw Harry Kane
goes down
under a
challenge from

Total Everton’s pride

Richarlison has
Keith Hackett
Why Grealish is
Football the edge in right to despair at
14 pages of the best five-goal thriller VAR disgrace
reporting and analysis Page 5 Page 9
2 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Total Football

Pochettino suffers system failure

closing today, and, on this evi-
Matt Law dence, Pochettino will lean heavily How another crazy north London derby unfolded
CORRESPONDENT on him again.
at the Emirates Stadium Arsenal had started the brighter
and threatened through Nicolas
Pepe and Ainsley Maitland-Niles
Lacazette 45, Aubameyang 71 2 before they were caught cold.
Kane beat Sokratis to a header
and Son Heung-min pulled David
Tottenham Hotspur
Eriksen 10, Kane 40 pen 2 Luiz out of position as he darted
across the Brazilian before passing
to Erik Lamela. Goalkeeper Bernd
Att: 60,333 Leno should have dealt with the
forward’s low shot, but he palmed
This should have been the reboot the ball tamely into the path of
moment for the team manager Eriksen, who could not miss.
Mauricio Pochettino has labelled All of a sudden this was the Tot-
Tottenham Hotspur version 6.0, tenham team who had won Po-
but, as so often has been the case at chettino so many admirers. The
the Emirates, the computer said home defence could not cope with
“no”. the direct running of Son, who had
Two goals up and with the Arse- a curling shot well saved by Leno
nal fans ready to lynch captain and almost set up Kane with a
Granit Xhaka, Spurs were motoring cross that was cut out by Matteo
towards a first league victory in Guendouzi.
their rivals’ backyard since 2010 Danny Rose had produced a bril-
and only a second in 27 games. liant headed block to stop Pepe’s
But Alexandre Lacazette pulled effort at the back post from an Au-
one back on the stroke of the break bameyang cross, but it was not a
and Tottenham suffered a system surprise to see Tottenham double
failure, as Pierre-Emerick Au- their lead – even if Kane’s penalty
bameyang levelled the scores and owed much to the stupidity of
Arsenal finished disappointed not Xhaka. There were plenty of bodies Arsenal 0 Tottenham 1, Eriksen 10 min
to complete the turnaround. between Son and the goal as the
Sokratis thought he had with South Korean tried to find space for This was Christian Eriksen’s 50th Premier League goal, the first Danish player to
11 minutes remaining, but Sead a shot and yet Xhaka took him out reach the landmark. The opener came from Bernd Leno’s save falling into Eriksen’s
Kolasinac had been offside when with a late, wild challenge. path, his sixth error leading to a goal since the start of last season, the most of any
he received the ball on the left Kane made no mistake from the player in the Premier League. Arsenal have made 13 errors leading to goals in that
before crossing for the Arsenal spot and the Emirates exploded period, the most of any club.
defender. with anger towards Xhaka.
Already billed as a “best of the Had they made it to half-time, it
rest” encounter in the race to finish is hard to imagine Tottenham
behind Manchester City and Liver- would have given up their lead, but Arsenal 1 Tottenham 2,
pool, this entertaining north Lon- they let the hosts back in and Arse- Lacazette 45
don derby only really confirmed nal seized the momentum. Alexan-
what we already knew. For all their dre Lacazette received Pepe’s pass, Tottenham have dropped 42
firepower, Arsenal remain capable touched the ball past Jan Vertong- points from winning positions
of defensive calamity, while Spurs hen and blasted it into the net. in the Premier League against
have not strengthened enough to Lacazette’s goal transformed the Arsenal; 11 more than any
trouble the top two. mood among the home players and against any other side. And
A draw at the Emirates is by no fans, and they came straight back the home side’s comeback
means a bad result for Tottenham, out on the front foot with Pepe began when Danny Rose

following a home defeat by New- forcing Hugo Lloris to save from his failed to clear on the stroke of
castle United, and there was header. The Frenchman did even half-time, turning over
encouragement to be taken for better to tip Guendouzi’s shot possession, the ball eventually
Pochettino. around a post, and from the corner, reaching Alexandre Lacazette,
Yet this will still feel like a missed Kolasinac poked Lacazette’s flick who skipped past Toby
opportunity to kick-start their sea- agonisingly wide. Alderweireld’s challenge to
son and there is little to disprove Arsenal looked certain to equal- finish in style.
the feeling that Spurs are still rely- ise and yet Kane almost buried
ing on the same set of star names to them with a brilliant move on the
show that, as a collective, they have break. He played a one-two with
not already peaked.
For all the talk of this being the
latest incarnation of the Pochettino
era, there were nine players in-
Eriksen before beating Leno with a
shot only to see the ball bounce
back off a post. There was a blow
for the home side when Lacazette
Kane denies diving after going
volved yesterday who also drew at was forced off with an injury in the
Arsenal during the Argentine’s sec- 67th minute. But Henrikh Mkhi- into Sokratis but insisted after- the closure of the European trans-
ond season in charge in 2015. Harry taryan’s introduction allowed Spurs striker claimed a wards that it was a “50-50” decision fer window today – would draw a
Kane netted for Tottenham four Aubameyang to move into the mid- last-minute penalty for referee Martin Atkinson. line under a turbulent summer at
years ago and his 40th-minute pen- dle and he was in just the right posi- “The defender made a tired the club.
alty that gave e this Spurs side a tion to divert Guendouzi’s pass tackle,” Kane said. “On halfway Pochettino has been complain-
two-goal lead was his 10th goal into the net four minutes later. It was a 50-50 decision [line] I think I would get that foul. ing for much of the season about
in 12 north London
ndon derbies. Arse
Arsenal sensed a winner and for the referee, he adds The ref probably thinks I am look- the lack of unity in the Tottenham
Christian Eriksen, another t
they thought they had got it ing for it. It is 50-50, I could get it in squad as a result of the doubts over
veteran of Pochettino’s
chettino’s reign, whe Sokratis put the ball in
when some games. In the box you don’t the futures of players such as Chris-
was brought back into the th net, but Kolasinac was
the By Sam Dean always get them. He’s come through tian Eriksen, who is in the final year
team and responded
ponded with o
offside. There was still time at the Emirates Stadium the back of me.” of his contract. The Dane, who
an impressive ve perfor- f some late controversy,
for The incident brought a contro- scored the opening goal at the
mance and his is 50th a Kane was accused of
as Harry Kane denied that he had versial end to a match which Kane Emirates, had hoped to leave this
Premier League d
diving under a challenge dived in an attempt to win a last- felt was ultimately disappointing summer but looks almost certain to
goal to open n the fro Sokratis and Pochet-
from minute penalty in Tottenham Hot- for Tottenham, who surrendered a stay after interest from Europe’s
scoring. tino punched the ground in spur’s breathless 2-2 draw with two-goal lead. biggest clubs failed to materialise.
The Dane looks likely to frus
frustration when Moussa Sis- Arsenal. “We expect to see the game out,” “The team wasn’t settled and I
nham for an-
stay at Tottenham soko blazed the last chance of The England captain went to Kane said. “It is a shame we could told you from day one when we
other campaign, gn, with the the ggame over the bar. Had that ground in the final moments of the not kill it off. But it is the Premier started the pre-season in London
nsfer window
European transfer gone in, then there would be match after a challenge by Arsenal League and if you don’t kill teams and then we moved to Singapore
more optimism that Tottenham defender Sokratis in the penalty off they come back at you.” that I wasn’t happy,” said Pochet-
Missed opportunity:
nity: Tottenham 6.0 wi
will be a genuine upgrade on area. Mauricio Pochettino, the Totten- tino. “I was a little bit worried about
manager Mauricio
cio Pochettino past re
releases. Kane appeared to throw himself ham manager, said the point – and the situation because we knew very
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 3

as Arsenal roar back Player ratings

By Oli Stein at Emirates Stadium

6 Bernd Leno
Guilty in Tottenham’s
first goal for parrying
7 Hugo Lloris
Reliable when called
upon and made a
into Eriksen’s path, but number of decent
redeemed himself with saves in. Had a
some good saves, moment of madness in
particularly from Son. the second half.
Arsenal 0 Tottenham 2,
Kane 40 (pen)
6 A Maitland-Niles
Combined well with
Pepe and offered an
5 Davinson Sanchez 
Played out of position
and never looked
Granit Xhaka’s challenge on
Son Heung-min was described attacking threat on the comfortable against
as “disgraceful” by Graeme overlap, but it meant Pepe or Aubameyang.
Souness and “absolute he vacated his position, Poor clearance led to
madness” by Gary Neville on which Son exploited. an Arsenal goal.
Sky Sports. It was the fifth he
has conceded since his debut
in August 2016, the joint most 5 Sokratis 
Guilty of poor
positioning for
6 Toby Alderweireld
What would Tottenham
do without him? He
of any player in that time. He
escaped a booking but Harry Tottenham’s first and made the most
Kane stepped up to score his seemed vulnerable clearances of any
10th goal in the north London every time they player and was
derby from 12 games, the joint countered. generally assured.
most in the fixture with
Emmanuel Adebayor and
Bobby Smith. It was the 19th
5 David Luiz
Caught out of position
for Eriksen’s goal, like
5 Jan Vertonghen
Not the best return to
the team. Mostly dealt
penalty in the fixture, the
Sokratis, and with whatever Arsenal
most of any match-up in
susceptible to threw at him, but was
Premier League history.
Tottenham beaten by Lacazette for
counter-attacks. the first goal.

6 Sead Kolasinac
With Maitland-Niles
bombing on, maybe
5 Danny Rose 
Like Sanchez, he
struggled to deal with
Kolasinac should have Aubameyang and Pepe
stayed back a little and did not offer his
more. Let himself down typical attacking
defensively. threat.

6 Luca Torreira
Industrious in midfield
and tenacious in
8 Harry Winks 
Another excellent
performance. Calm in
winning back the ball, possession and
Arsenal 2 Tottenham 2, but overshadowed by disciplined positionally.
Aubameyang 71 Guendouzi. His pressing led to the
Arsenal have lost only one of
their past 27 Premier League
home games against Spurs
while Mauricio Pochettino has
8 Matteo Guendouzi
Important in winning
back possession, tested
6 Moussa Sissoko
A competent defensive
display and he
won only three top-flight Lloris with a snapshot effectively regained
games away from home and capped an possession, but his
against the “Big Six” since he impressive display with performance lacked
took over in 2014. The match an assist. runs from deep.
went to form when Pierre-
Emerick Aubameyang scored
in his seventh league start at
home in succession. Thierry
5 Granit Xhaka 
Assured on the ball for
the most part, but he
6 Erik Lamela 
His shot led to
Tottenham’s opener,
Henry holds the record with needlessly lunged at but contributed little
nine in a row in 2000. Son in the box and beyond that. Rightly
gave away a penalty. taken off after
He was punished for it. an hour.

down at Sokratis ‘tired tackle’ 7 Nicolas Pepe

A promising display.
Forced a save and
assisted Lacazette’s
7 Christian Eriksen 
What a difference he
makes. Offered a
consistent counter-
goal in the first half, but attacking threat with
well what was going on. But now I that it’s only 24 hours. I hope tailed off after the smart passing and
am optimistic, happy. Table that everything will be clear for break. Encouraging. great awareness.
“I think the most important thing everyone.”
is to be all on the same page, with
the club – that the players have a
Man City
4 0
3 1
A GD Pts
3 9 12
3 11 10
Unai Emery defended Arsenal
captain Granit Xhaka after the mid- 7 A Lacazette 
Contributed to
build-up, dropped deep
7 Son Heung-min
Another threat. Spent
most of the game
clear idea of where we want to fielder conceded a first-half penalty
arrive and how we need to move.
Leicester 4 2 2 0 6 3 3 8
with a clumsy challenge on Totten- to facilitate Pepe and waiting for passes in
[We need] clear minds, like today
Crystal Palace 4 2 1 1 3 2 1 7
ham forward Son Heung-min. Aubameyang’s runs in behind, but made the
Christian and different players.
Arsenal 4 2 1 1 6 6 0 7
“In 90 minutes I am very proud behind and took his most of them. Won the
“Tomorrow, they are going to be
Everton 4 2 1 1 4 4 0 7
of his work,” said Emery. “Some goal superbly. penalty with tricky feet.
West Ham 4 2 1 1 6 7 -1 7
only focused 100 per cent on Tot- mistakes we can have and I want to
tenham, not thinking about differ-
ent things that make management
Man Utd
Sheff Utd
use [them] to progress and improve.
There are more positive things col-
8 P-E Aubameyang
Arsenal’s biggest
threat. Neither Sanchez
7 Harry Kane
Not hugely involved,
but his penalty was
so difficult.” Chelsea 4 1 2 1 6 9 -3 5 lectively, individually and with nor Rose could cope unstoppable and he
Asked if he believed Eriksen was Burnley 4 1 1 2 5 6 -1 4 Xhaka. with his directness and was reliable when
now certain to stay at the club Southampton 4 1 1 2 4 6 -2 4 “The penalty is really one action speed. Ghosted into called upon. Inches
beyond today’s European dead- Newcastle 4 1 1 2 3 5 -2 4 that is very disappointing. He the box for equaliser. away from a second.
line, Pochettino added: “No, there AFC Bournemouth 4 1 1 2 5 8 -3 4 worked very well. He played very
are still hours – one day. I don’t Brighton 4 1 1 2 4 7 -3 4 well. If we won the match maybe Substitutions Substitutions
want to say it is impossible but it is Wolverhampton 4 0 3 1 4 5 -1 3 we would speak about the mistakes Dani Ceballos (for Torreira 63) Made an immediate Dele Alli (for Lamela 60) Understandable given this is
going to be difficult. I think noth- Aston Villa 4 1 0 3 4 6 -2 3 less. Really there were two mis- impact with his range of passing. Henrikh Mkhitaryan his first appearance after injury, but offered little once
(for Lacazette 67) Failed to impose himself. he came on. Giovani Lo Celso (for Son 79).
ing is impossible in football. I am Norwich 4 1 0 3 6 10 -4 3 takes in the first half and they
optimistic. The most important is Watford 4 0 1 3 2 8 -6 1 scored two goals.” Referee: Martin Atkinson
4 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Total Football

All-action Guendouzi
shows spirit that puts
senior men to shame
involved in Lacazette’s goal, too, Driving force: Matteo Guendouzi
Sam Dean winning the ball high up the field to gave Arsenal control and belief
start the move that reignited
Arsenal’s belief. It all meant that Xhaka was left
At 20, and in only his second manning the fort in the centre. As
season in England, Guendouzi anyone who has seen Arsenal in
showed a spirit that was missing recent years would attest, this is a
Midfield leader, just 20, among more senior members of situation of considerable peril. He
became unlikely hero the team, particularly in the first soon charged in on Son Heung-
as many of his Arsenal half. Arsenal’s midfield was not min, sliding into a tackle with all
functioning and two of their more the grace of a truck on an ice rink.
team-mates looked lost

experienced players, Granit Xhaka Harry Kane, inevitably, scored the
and Sokratis, had damaging roles penalty.
s the players dropped to play as Tottenham Hotspur took Xhaka remains a strange and
to the turf at the end a two-goal lead. infuriating player for Arsenal. He is
of an exhausting north Arsenal needed drive and both an essential member of the
London derby, the inspiration. They found it in the squad, the captain this season, and
sense among the usual suspects up front, but also in a permanent liability in defensive
home fans at the Guendouzi, who arrived from moments.
Emirates would have been a Lorient for just £7 million last His foul on Son was almost as
familiar one. They have seen this summer. brainless as the penalty he
all before here, watching in “He is very young, but he is conceded in a damaging draw at
anguish as their defence melted progressing,” Emery said. “Last home to Brighton last season. With
under the slightest heat and then year was amazing for him. This every year he becomes a more
roaring in joy as their attackers year he has started giving us one senior part of the team, growing
made up for it at the other end. step more. Tactically, with the ball, into a genuine leader and taking
This time around, though, there he gives us a lot of control.” the armband, but still the same old
were different characters in the mistakes blight his game.
story. Alexandre Lacazette and In these early exchanges,
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang are
‘Last year was Arsenal looked bewildered by the
two of the usual protagonists, yes,
but they were joined by two others.
amazing for him. movement and angles in the Spurs
midfield. Harry Winks was
Nicolas Pepe’s involvement was This year he has dominant, all swerving hips and
to be expected, given Arsenal’s delicate touches, while Son was
£72 million outlay on the winger started giving us a permanent threat on the
this summer, but the same cannot
be said for Matteo Guendouzi,
one step more’ counter-attack.
Arsenal reeled, on the verge of
perhaps the least likely hero of the a collapse similar to their
day, but the hero all the same. Emery insists that his side must meltdown at Anfield last weekend,
Unai Emery, the Arsenal head be able to adopt different shapes but they steadied themselves
coach who looked to have aged a and systems from week to week. In before Tottenham could swing
decade during the most fraught of many ways, it is a strength of the another fist. Crucial to that, as
90 minutes, likes to speak about modern Arsenal. ever, were Aubameyang and
“mentality”. He wants characters There are occasions, though, Lacazette, who were aided by
on the pitch and strong when the players simply look Pepe, the latest addition to their
personalities on the ball. In uncomfortable with what they freewheeling clique.
Guendouzi, he had a midfield have been asked to do. Rarely has it The excitement around Pepe
leader who drove Arsenal forward been more evident than in the first manifested itself in a growling hum
when so many of his team-mates 45 minutes here, when Arsenal’s that rolled around the Emirates
looked lost. midfield was stretched and whenever he received the ball.
Big hair, bigger heart. Guendouzi misshapen against a Tottenham With Lacazette dropping in and

ran, tackled, intercepted, passed attack who could not believe the Pepe and Aubameyang pushing on,
and ultimately created the key space they had been given. Lucas there were echoes of Liverpool’s
moment for Arsenal, curling in a Torreira kept charging out to the front three, where Sadio Mane,
delightful cross for Aubameyang’s right wing. On the other flank, Roberto Firmino and Mohamed
second-half equaliser. He was Guendouzi drifted left. Salah incite so much fear in
opposition defences.
Brilliant pass that set up Aubameyang’s equaliser This was the first time that Pepe,
Aubameyang and Lacazette had Frenchman’s huge influence on the game
started a match together. To say
they had been unleashed would In possession With his
Aubameyang perhaps be an overstatement, Guendouzi’s touches attitude
given Tottenham’s control in the Guendouzi was Arsenal fans
first half, but there can be no everywhere for love Guendou-
questioning the role they each Arsenal and zi’s combative
played in the comeback. emerged as the attitude and he
There was Pepe, flicking a cross dominant force in refused to take
to Lacazette at the end of the first midfield, popping up a backwards
half. There was Lacazette, drifting all over the pitch as step
past Jan Vertonghen and crashing shown by his touch throughout,
his finish into the roof of the net. map. particularly in
There was Aubameyang, deep in this confronta-
Guendouzi the second half, darting in behind tion with Dele
and nudging the slightest of Alli.
finishes beyond Hugo Lloris. Direction of play
And there, behind, straining to
Pass/shot Run his limits and pushing his team
forward, was Guendouzi.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 ** 5

Richarlison back in the

groove to fire Everton
Richarlison 5, 80, Iwobi 12 3
Saiss 9, Jimenez 75 2
Att: 39,374

By Richard Jolly
at Goodison Park

When Richarlison began his Ever-

ton career with two goals against
Wolves at Molineux, this was the
sort of explosive impact the club
must have expected to see more
He had scored only twice on
Merseyside since December but, 13
months after that dramatic debut
and with the Brazil flag flying from

an executive box packed with

friends and family, he matched that
tally in an eventful afternoon that Dancing partners: Richarlison (right) celebrates his first goal with Moise Kean
indicated Everton can assume
Wolves’ title as the best of the rest Arsenal, answered his manager’s Traore failing to track Iwobi
in the Premier League. call to become more prolific on and Boly being outjumped by
Richarlison made a slow start to Merseyside by scoring for the sec- Richarlison. Captain Conor Coady
the season, which manager Marco ond time in five days. was first to err, a former Liverpool
Silva attributed to his summer com- “Fabian and Alex know the Pre- player aiding Everton as two teams
mitments at the Copa America, but mier League,” added Silva. “For who had mustered only three previ-
it was consigned to the past yester- them, nothing is new; just that they ous league goals between them got
day. If few Brazil internationals are are playing now in our blue shirt.” as many in 12 minutes of mayhem.
booked for celebrating a League He believes that Everton have Coady’s stray back-pass played Rui
Cup goal against Lincoln, the acquired leaders who helped them Patricio into trouble. The stretching
£40 million winger was on Wednes- recover after twice conceding goalkeeper’s clearance struck Kean
day. His manager and mentor, Silva, equalisers. They responded in a way and fell for Richarlison to finish.
who had substituted Richarlison in they might not have done before. Everton captain Seamus Cole-
his previous two league games, felt “In some moments last season, we man was in similarly generous
that strike was the morale boost didn’t show that,” he said. “For us to mood as Traore’s cross bounced off
that kick-started his campaign. react, it was really difficult and we him for Romain Saiss to level. Ever-
“He needs good performances to lost our confidence so fast.” ton responded with Iwobi’s second
win more confidence,” Silva said. Instead, the Portuguese manager headed goal in a week coming from
“The way he celebrated the last with much to regret was Nuno Gylfi Sigurdsson’s fine cross.
goal against Lincoln shows he Espirito Santo. Only Wolves and After an impasse for an hour,
needs these kinds of moments. We Watford are yet to win in the Pre- with Jordan Pickford making a ter-
are talking about a fantastic football mier League and, after three rific save from Patrick Cutrone, the
player and a fantastic boy. He is the respectable draws, his side were drama continued.
spirit inside our dressing room. He unusually error-prone, losing their “The only thing I didn’t like was
started the first game against Crys- unbeaten record and then their dis- the two goals we conceded,” said
tal Palace after [ just] 13 days work- cipline as they ended with 10 men. Silva. Set-piece frailties have been
ing with us. We cannot do miracles.” Three of Wolves’ six yellow cards, a theme of his reign and Everton
Yet if Everton’s victory was se- including both of Willy Boly’s, were allowed Boly to flick on Ryan Ben-
cured by a 2018 buy, their 2019 re- for fouls on Richarlison. They had nett’s long throw for Raul Jimenez
cruitment drive proved crucial to no answer to him to finish. Yet Boly then let Richarli-
suggest they are stronger for their “We didn’t start very good,” son head in Lucas Digne’s cross.
spending. Silva unleashed £70 mil- Nuno accepted. “We should not be Wolves looked tired and frayed,
lion of signings, with Fabian Delph, happy with the mistakes we made. as though their Europa League
Alex Iwobi and Moise Kean all mak- When we score two times, we efforts were taking a toll in their
ing their full Premier League should do better defensively.” 10th game of the season, but
debuts for the club. But Wolves were the architects Nuno rather strangely insisted: “I
Delph was influential and excel- of their own downfall. Two who got have more than 60 players availa-
lent in midfield. Iwobi, who aver- an assist were then culpable for a ble. There is no manager with so
aged a goal every 10 games for goal a few minutes later, Adama many options.”

And in defence Australian duo get

Defensive contribution
That combative
hot reception
streak serves Australian cricketers
Guendouzi well in his Nathan Lyon (left) and
defensive role. The Peter Siddle were
Frenchman won the Interception guests at Goodison
ball back on 11
occasions for his Park yesterday as they
side, with eight of took in another sport
those coming in Ball ahead of the fourth
Tottenham’s half to recovery Ashes Test at Old
complete a brilliant
all-round display. Trafford. Both were
Direction of play greeted with loud
Tackles boos from the crowd.
6 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Total Football

Liverpool would What draw at Southampton told us about Solskjaer’s United

By Tom Prentki

‘be lost without’ REASONS TO BE CHEERFUL

Daniel James

unsung Firmino “Fantastic” was the word Ole

Gunnar Solskjaer used to
describe the young winger’s
impact at St Mary’s in the 1-1
draw. His 10th-minute strike,
cutting in from the left and
thumping the ball into the top
corner, was devastating. James
Klopp and Robertson Premier League (right) has the same number of
hail ‘intense’ forward goals in four appearances as
match details Alexis Sanchez managed in 18
Pages 12-13 months. Perhaps signed with
Manager defends Salah the future in mind, James, 21,
after Mane outburst is already indispensable.
Klopp’s view of Firmino was
Most goals for Man Utd this season
backed up by the players, with left-
By Adam Lanigan at Turf Moor back Andy Robertson admitting Daniel James 3
that Liverpool would be “lost with- Anthony Martial 2
While Liverpool manager Jurgen out him”. Macus Rashford 2
Klopp was keen to downplay the The Scotland international
suggestion of any friction between added: “I don’t think there is any- Crosses
Sadio Mane and Mohamed Salah, one like him, with his work rate, his
he was much happier to extol the technique, his goals and his all- Daniel James 17
virtues of the ultimate team player, round play. People will say there Aaron Wan-Bissaka 13
Roberto Firmino. are better strikers, but for me what Macus Rashford 5
The Brazilian scored one and he does is so important to our team.
made one for Mane in the 3-0 vic- “He’s world class. He does every- Touches in opposition box
tory over Burnley on Saturday, thing and that’s the beauty of
Macus Rashford 25
which established a club-record of Bobby. He can do it all.
13 straight league wins, as well as “He’s our first line of defence, Daniel James 21
keeping the two-point lead over and I’ve not seen anybody better at Anthony Martial 19
Manchester City at the top of the doing that. He presses the defend-
table. Striker ers and doesn’t give them a minute.
In doing so, Firmino became the leading He comes back and nicks the ball in
first Brazilian to reach 50 goals in midfield for us. Promise of youth
the Premier League as he under-
the way “He’s so important for us defen-
lined his value to the European sively and then he goes up the park
champions. Top Brazilian and scores goals and makes assists. The long-term future
There have also been 29 assists scorers in the That’s what we need him to do.” may be bright for
in his 141 league appearances in Premier The only note of caution sur- United given the form
England as regular watchers of League rounding Firmino would be his in- and promise of their
Liverpool have become used to his tense schedule. He helped Brazil younger players, but
all-round brilliance.
With an eye for a goal and a pass,
plus the flicks and tricks that are
50 win the Copa America in July, so his
summer break was a brief one.
Now, as the Premier League
no manager can look
too far ahead. Mason
Greenwood (left), in
synonymous with Brazilian play- Roberto takes time to catch its breath just the eight minutes
ers, the 27-year-old has the quali- Firmino during the international break, the he was given, did
ties of both a No 9 and a No 10. But (Liverpool) striker will fly to Miami and Los more than both Juan
he does not rest on those Angeles for his country’s friendlies Mata and Andreas
laurels and sets the example for
others to follow by leading from the
front in closing down opponents
41 against Colombia and Peru. All
Klopp can do is cross his fingers
and hope his player returns fit and
Pereira, who started.
Aaron Wan-Bissaka
was again impressive.
and trying to win the ball back. Philippe healthy when action resumes on It was a less
Klopp recognises this special Coutinho Sept 14 at home to Newcastle. impressive showing
mix and acknowledges that his (Liverpool) While Firmino was smiling at from Marcus
players recognised it most when Turf Moor, Mane was growling Rashford, but Scott
Firmino was missing for the first
leg of the Champions League semi-
final in Barcelona in April when
29 when taken off, still unhappy about
not getting the ball off Salah when
better placed in an attack. But
McTominay was busy
and industrious.

they lost 3-0. Juninho given the Egyptian’s sensational

“What a player,” laughed the (M’brough) goal record, Klopp knows it is hard
manager. “It’s just unbelievable to be too critical. Solidity in
just how smart he is in decision-
making, how good he is techni-
cally, how fit he is, how much he
28 “I could describe five or six situa-
tions where everyone thought,
‘pass it, pass it, pass it’ and Mo
enjoys the really hard work. Willian scored,” he said. “That is the Though they failed to
“I remember when we played at (Chelsea) freedom of the player. win, the fault lay
Barcelona and Gini Wijnaldum dum had “It is not a big challenge, but y you much more with the
to play in that position. Ginii was sit-
ting in the dressing room m saying,
‘What the heck are you doing in
28 can always have this with
wit a
riker. We will leave it 100
per cent because we won w
lack of ruthlessness
in attack than any
deficiencies in
that position? It’s unbelievable.
able. It’s Gabriel 3-0 and everyone goes g defence – just as in
so intense’. Jesus away
aw in different
differ the previous games
“That was probably the e biggest (Man City) directions.
di No one will ttalk against Wolves and
respect you can get, when you play about this in a week.” Crystal Palace. “I feel
the position once and you see that. like we’ve been fairly
“Nobody can play it like e Bobby solid defensively, but
Firmino, but I don’t think what he Vital presence
presence: the fine margins are
is doing there is under-appreci- Roberto Firmino
Firmi the set plays and
ated. Everybody sees it. goal
scored one go they’re punishing us
“Being skilled like Bobby by and made and we’re not being
is one thing. Mix it up another in clinical at the other
with the attitude he puts in,n, Liverpool’s w
win end,” said defender
ly is
that is unbelievable. It really at Burnley Harry Maguire.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 7

City survivor Aguero

sees off challengers and
Lack of strength in depth proves Guardiola wrong
The ruthlessness with which
Manchester City and Liverpool are
swatting away the smaller clubs is only Manager jokes that At home
highlighting the yawning chasm striker will ‘die scoring’ Aguero in
between them and United. One only has the charts
to glance at the respective substitutes’
benches of City and United from the Laporte injury leaves
weekend to see how much more menace central defence exposed Most Premier
Pep Guardiola has at his disposal than League goals
Solskjaer (right) and, though United for Man City
exerted greater pressure following the By Richard Jolly at the Etihad
dismissal of Southampton defender at the Etihad Stadium 99
Kevin Danso in the 73rd minute, they Sergio Aguero
failed to find a winner. If there are times when Manchester 38
City’s accumulation of trophies Carlos Tevez
feels as inevitable as Sergio Aguero
celebrating goals, perhaps it is not.
Pogba For a glimpse at an alternative,
Raheem Sterling
uncert rather less glorious, form of his- 31
tory, look at the freefalling fortunes David Silva
of the man who could have been 30
With the European Aguero’s replacement. Yaya Toure
transfer window When Alexis Sanchez joined In-
closing ttoday, stories ter Milan on loan, he had scored Most Premier Injury concern: Aymeric Laporte could
linking Paul
P Pogba five goals for Manchester United in League face a lengthy spell on the sidelines
(left) wit
with a move to a period when Aguero got 44 for goals at
Real Ma
Madrid will still City. Since Pep Guardiola tried to one venue over. He may chug where he once
not go aw
away. His buy the Chilean in the summer of glided, but he drags defences out of
performance at St
perform 2017, the Argentine has struck 68 114 position. Quietly, he has got more
Mary’s w was in many times. He is the only player to have Thierry Henry Premier League assists than Gian-
ways a m microcosm of scored in each of the first four Pre- - Highbury franco Zola or David Ginola.
his longer-term
long mier League games this season, 101 The City manager probably took
impression. There
impress including twice in the 4-0 win over Wayne Rooney more pleasure from Aguero’s
were moments
mo of Brighton on Saturday. No wonder - Old Trafford unselfish pass for Bernardo Silva’s
brilliance, notably an
brillianc his manager said: “We need his 99 goal than for either of his clinical
outrageous turn
outrageo goals.” Sergio Aguero double.
away from
fro two Aguero has been scorer and sur- - Etihad Stadium Aguero is now only five behind
players in the second vivor. When David Silva leaves next 97 Thierry Henry, the top foreigner
half to set up a summer, the striker will be the sole Alan Shearer on the Premier League goalscorers’
chan on the remaining member of the 2012 - St James’ Park list. He should overtake Frank
ed of the title-winning team at City. He Lampard by Ch Christmas, perhaps
So threatened to be displaced
splaced by the 85 Andy Cole later this season. It
bbox. Equally, more versatile Sanchez,
hez, an old ally Robbie Fowler would leave only onl Wayne Rooney
tthere were of Guardiola’s from Barcelona. He - Anfield and Alan Shearer ahead of him.
pieces of
p mes to Gabriel
lost his place at times to
That scoring touch could matter
car Jesus, whose pressing sing the City still more if City are keeping fewer
and an manager loves. He was even omit- clean sheets
sheets. Aymeric Laporte
unwillingness to
unwill ted when Kevin De e Bruyne oper- could face a lengthy spell on
hold of the
seize ho ated as a false nine. t e sideli
the sidelines with a knee
game whwhen it was He has adapted, evolved
volved and yet injury, de
depriving them of
most neneeded. The carried on scoring with enviable c
their best centre-back. City’s
Frenchm consistency. He has lost the sprint- big-spendin
big-spending past means they
limped off
limped o the field er’s speed, the quicksilver
icksilver drib- are unlikely to be afforded
and onto the team bling that brought ht echoes of much sympathy
sympat when Guardi-
coach. His
H short- and Romario and Jimmy y Greaves. He ola, who brought
broug in £60 million
long-term future
long-ter has compensated with a preda- right-back Joao Cancelo in the
remain far f from tor’s precision. When n he curled summer, claimed they could not
certain. his second goal past Mat Ryan, centre-ba
buy a centre-back. United were
he had scored with seven
even suc- willing to pay £80
£80 million for Harry
cessive shots on target
get in the we not.
Maguire. City were
Premier League. He may not “Sometimes we w cannot afford it
Form away be as exciting, butt he is like other teams afford it,” Guardi-
from home unerringly precise. City’s ola said. “We co could not pay the
record scorer has deliv- money wanted.”
ered at least 28 goalss in six With Vincent Kompany gone to
United are winless in successive seasons. manage AnderlAnderlecht, City were
eight away matches, “Sergio will die scoring
coring down from four available senior
their worst such run goals,” said Guardiola.
ola. The centre-backs to one on Saturday,
since 2014. “We manager has become e a convert to Sto
though John Stones will be fit for
should have won. Aguero’s cause. Manuel uel Pellegrini Norwic on Sept 14. “We
the trip to Norwich
Wolves, clearly we used to refer to the striker as the are going to find ssolutions,” pledged
should have won. We world’s third best player. At Guardiola.
do create chances, we times under Guardiola, ola, he has Fernandinho came on for
do create pressure. It’s been City’s second-choice
nd-choice B
Laporte against Brighton and, like
about those scrappy striker. No longer. Mascheran could be a mid-
Javier Mascherano,
goals now,” Solskjaer “Even on the days ys when fielder Guardiol
Guardiola converts into a
said. Rashford (right) he doesn’t score goals,als, his defender.
was tasked with that astic,”
commitment is fantastic,” “He needs some processes
responsibility on said Guardiola. It is how defensively bubut he is intelligent
Saturday. “He’s Aguero has won him and has a lo lot of experience,”
getting there. We m
said the manager. “One day
keep practising those Leading the way: Sergioo m
maybe we need to
finishes and crosses,” Aguero has scored in p
put Kyle Walker
Solskjaer added. each of the first four a
as a central
Premier League gamess de
8 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Total Football

‘One of worst As frustrated as Smith was,

however, he was unsure how
procedures could be improved. “I
don’t know what else they can do to
change it,” he said. “We’ve got

decisions ever’ people looking at it in Stockley Park

[where VAR decisions are made],
what else can we do to change it?
We hope that it rights more wrongs

angers Smith
than it does and we felt that it didn’t
Nor did it help the manager’s
mood that the chaotic final
moments at Selhurst Park contrib-
uted to the feeling that his side
players you are playing against are should have more to show for their
Villa manager condemns of a higher level and I expect the efforts so far this season.
disallowed equaliser officiating to be better but that was “Our performances have been
similar to some of the games in the OK, with the exception of the open-
Championship last year.” ing half-hour at Tottenham,” he
Friend under fire over Smith, who thought Friend was said. “I felt we were the better team
late VAR confusion inconsistent in his use of the yellow against Bournemouth and we beat
card but had no complaints about Everton. And we should be leaving
the 54th-minute dismissal of here with something as well. So we
By Ian Winrow at Selhurst Park Trezeguet for a second booking, have been OK, but our points tally
certainly had a point about the isn’t what we would like it to be.”
Dean Smith admitted he thought referee’s late decision and was not Heaton will spend the interna-
he had left behind refereeing alone in the view that his side had tional break with Gareth South-
decisions like the one that denied been hard done by. gate’s squad, along with team-mate
his side a point at Crystal Palace “This is one of the worst Tyrone Mings, who has earned a
when Aston Villa gained promotion decisions I have ever seen in the first call-up.
into the Premier League. Premier League,” said Jermaine “I’ve said to him if he needs any
Kevin Friend’s view that Jack Jenas, as the Match of the Day pun- info on next week or anything he

Grealish had dived immediately dits picked over the incident. needs to bring, it is always difficult
before the midfielder moved the The lack of clarity about the rea- on your first trip on what to bring
ball on to Henri Lansbury, who son for the match official’s decision, along or what is going on, so I’ve
struck what would have been and therefore the extent of video told him to give me a bell,” said
an added-time equaliser, prompted assistant referee involvement, did Bemused: Dean Smith, the Aston Villa manager, reflects on their disallowed goal Heaton.
feelings of anger, frustration nothing to ease the confusion in the Ayew’s second goal in two games
and confusion for Smith and his stadium. The incident was followed should instead have awarded a got it wrong. “The referee said to us was timely given Roy Hodgson’s
players. by ugly clashes between visiting penalty. at the end he had a clear view of it, admission that he wants to add to
“The officials are human and supporters and stewards and Grealish was encouraged to keep but that is not my opinion,” said the his attack in the next transfer win-
they make mistakes, but they have police, who arrested one man on his thoughts to himself as he left the Villa goalkeeper. “I think there dow. “We looked dangerous and
to be better than they were today, suspicion of affray. stadium but clearly was not happy. were a couple, maybe even three though we didn’t get the centre-
in my opinion,” said the manager, Confirmation came later that “Sorry, I would talk but I have been fouls in there, a shove in the back forward we were hoping to get in
coming to terms with the fact his Friend had whistled for the diving told not to,” he said. “I will get my- and then Gary Cahill wipes him the transfer window, we still have
side had been beaten by Jordan offence before Lansbury’s shot self in trouble.” out. I’m not sure with VAR, when it good firepower up front and we still
Ayew’s 73rd-minute goal. crossed the line, limiting VAR’s role Tom Heaton, Grealish’s team- lands to Henri and it goes in, can have our powder dry and maybe a
“We’ve moved up to a higher to an assessment of Grealish’s going mate, was more forthcoming and in you bring it back or not – I am lost player will come up in January,”
level, a higher standard where the to ground and whether the referee no doubt that the match official had on the details.” said the Palace manager.

Wilshere’s career at a crossroads

as Noble return lifts West Ham
Strong reaction: Noble is hoping Rice steps out for
By Arindam Rej Mark Noble has Gareth Southgate’s side again, say-
at London Stadium forced his way ing: “He is good on the ball and
back into the reads the game so well. He makes so
Jack Wilshere was already a man West Ham side many tackles and does the stuff that
with a point to prove – but it feels nobo
nobody wants to do.”
like life has just become even ven Noble was a bundle of energy,
harder for him. help
helping to nullify a Norwich mid-
The West Ham United midfielder der field that is capable of more creativ-
had finally scored his first goal in ity. TThat laid the platform for a win
600 days, against League Two side ide that would have been more
Newport in the Carabao Cup, in emp
emphatic had Norwich goalkeeper
midweek. On Saturday, though, gh, Tim Krul not played, in the words
Manuel Pellegrini left him out of his of Noble,
N “like Superman”.
squad who beat Norwich City 2-0 0 at IIt raises the question of how
the London Stadium. Wils
Wilshere can fit into this West Ham
Pellegrini has said that he is team with neither Noble nor Rice
managing the player’s minutes utes look
looking worthy of missing out.
carefully. But less game time will View
Viewing the fluency with which
not help him. Wilshere had startedted Wes Ham attacked at times, Pel-
West Ham’s first two Premier mier legr
legrini might be reluctant to sacri-
League games and been substituted ted fice a more attacking player.
in both, with the team winning nei- R
Rice and Noble can protect their
ther. back four in a way Wilshere might
Mark Noble has stepped up to not be able to. And, even when
replace him in the subsequent two wo Wils
Wilshere is fitted in, he is under
Premier League games and been na pres
pressure to deliver now.
key cog in the team’s machine, ne, Th former Arsenal midfielder is
which delivered two key victories.ies. still only 27 and, having once been
The ovation that Noble received ved such a promising prospect, has
from home fans here showed how ow time to fulfil some of his potential.
highly they valued their long-serv-rv- But, as West Ham flourished with-
ing captain’s contribution. out him, it felt he was coming to a
West Ham again lined up in a 4-2- cruc juncture in his career.
3-1 with the other holding midfielder W
While Rice heads for the Eng-
in the team, alongside Noble, being land camp though, Wilshere’s own
Declan Rice, who has just been een days as a national team hope are
called into the England squad again. look
looking distant.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 9

Total Football

Lack of clarity over VAR is making officials look foolish

or when it is used, with players, intervene. Further training is the that the officials at Stockley Park We have to remember the
KEITH managers and supporters in the
dark over when VAR is, or is not,
only solution because learning on
the job is not going too well at the
will make the final call, rather than
the men in the middle.
standard referees are aspiring to
here. Riley has stated that before
T going to intervene.
Referees are looking foolish.
That said, there are two changes
The issue with that is it compels
the video referee to decide what
VAR the officials were getting 82
per cent of the big decisions right,
S You are seeing almost identical
incidents result in different
Riley could make that would have
an immediate impact. The first is to
constitutes a “clear and obvious”
error, rather than a referee
and so it is reasonable to expect
that the percentage of correct
VIEW decisions. These include Wolves’ deciding themselves they have got decisions would be somewhere in
disallowed goal at Leicester City on a decision wrong. the high 90s with access to
the opening weekend, or
Further training is As we are increasingly seeing, technology. That isn’t the case,

he international
Newcastle United’s equaliser
against Watford on Saturday
the only solution unless it really is clear as day, then
the man in the studio will always
though. True, we are in the early
stages of VAR in English football
break has come at a – both of which came after because learning side with his on-field colleague, but the system has been around for
good time for the inadvertent handballs. and it introduces a grey area to the some time and we should have
Premier League’s The situation is untenable and I on the job is not process that need not be there. learnt from mistakes elsewhere.
referees because at
the moment they are
hope that Mike Riley, who oversees
the elite refereeing panel, calls
going too well Second, we are sometimes
asking our best referees to be
Clearly, practice and time spent
back in the classroom is the only
really struggling with the video them together over the next VARs, rather than be out in the way the current state of affairs will
assistant referee process and how fortnight and makes them watch ask the referee to use the pitchside middle. On Saturday, Michael be rectified, and I am sure that will
to use it correctly. countless videos of key incidents, monitor to make the final decision, Oliver was VAR for Southampton v happen over the next fortnight. Let
I have always been a big so there is a consensus on what rather than the video referee. Manchester United and Burnley v us hope the officials’ studies go
supporter of technology, but we constitutes a clear and obvious That is the protocol elsewhere, Liverpool, and did not take charge well, because they are falling short
are seeing no consistency in how error and when the VAR should but in England we have decided of a game. I think that is wrong. at the moment.

How glaring
errors went

Jack Grealish dive

The video assistant referee cannot intervene on the goal itself because Kevin Friend has already blown his whistle to penalise Jack Grealish
for what he saw as a dive. That is a refereeing error, rather than a mistake by VAR. However, I believe that Gary Cahill’s challenge on
Grealish was strong enough to merit a penalty being awarded. It was a foul, inside the area and should have been punished. It was not, and
Villa can count themselves incredibly unfortunate.

Youri Tielemans’ Fabian Schar’s goal for Newcastle v Watford Sebastien Haller not
challenge on Callum being awarded a penalty
Wilson against Norwich
The worst of the lot. This is the It is a foul and therefore a
definition of a dangerous and penalty should have been
reckless tackle, which puts an awarded. I am struggling to see
opponent’s safety at risk. I am why it was not, but perhaps this
extremely surprised that Peter is the type of incident that is not
Bankes, the referee, did not seen as “clear and obvious”
issue an immediate red card to enough to overturn. However, if
the Leicester midfielder, but I Paul Tierney, the referee, had
am stunned that VAR Martin awarded it then I have no doubt
Atkinson did not step in and that Andre Marriner, the VAR,
instruct him to do so. This is would not have overruled him.
exactly the type of challenge A poor decision.
we want taken out of the game
and is precisely the reason why
VAR was introduced. It is a
complete failure of the system
that Youri Tielemans was not This is the sort of incident that makes VAR look foolish because of a
even booked. lack of consistency. The ball clearly hits Isaac Hayden’s arm before
falling for Fabian Schar to score, and under the current laws the goal
should have been ruled out for handball. We saw the same incident
when Wolves’ Willy Boly was penalised on the opening weekend and
for this incident to have a different outcome is difficult to justify.
10 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Total Football

Azpilicueta shows How right-back is

being targeted
Lampard’s problem Where teams attack
versus Chelsea

is not his youth club

Man Utd

weakness there and are now

Chelsea manager insists targeting him.
to Nick Szczepanik that Reece James, only 19 but with 44
starts for Wigan Athletic last
49 21 30
age is no issue as side fall season under his belt, is waiting in

to own-goal equaliser the wings, which would drop the
average age of the team still Norwich
he reactions among further, but the fans who cheered
their supporters to when 18-year-old Billy Gilmour
Chelsea letting a 2-0 made his Premier League bow as a
half-time lead slip to late substitute seem behind the
draw with Sheffield young players, for now at least.
United at Stamford And Lampard clearly does not
Bridge were predictable, and in regard age as a barrier. “I couldn’t
one aspect grimly so: when Kurt care less that we’ve got our
Zouma was debited with the own
goal that levelled the scores in the
youngest team in Premier League
history,” he said after the match. “It
58 14 28
87th minute, racist abuse followed was a plus last week [at Norwich,
on social media. when he fielded the club’s
The civilised majority of critics All smiles: Oliver Norwood celebrates youngest team since 1994] and I Sheffield United
among the fan base mostly pointed United’s equaliser with Lys Mousset don’t think it relates at all. It is not
at the youth of the two central just the young players. It is up to all
defenders, Zouma, 24, and right-back berth, which is of us to resolve the issue.”
21-year-old Fikayo Tomori. Tomori, worrying for Chelsea when Sheffield United’s issues,
who played for Frank Lampard on experience is in relatively short according to Chris Wilder, their
loan at Derby County last season, supply, especially at the back. manager, were initially about
was making his first Premier On Saturday he made no nervousness at the prospect of a
League start, dropping the average challenge as Callum Robinson first encounter with one of the
age of the starting XI to 24 years
and 158 days, the youngest during
headed Chris Basham’s cross just
wide in the first half. He was
“Big Six”, with four of his matchday
squad having played for the club in
50 15 35
the club’s time in the Premier nutmegged by United left-back League One. But he feels that
League. Enda Stevens before Robinson Saturday’s performance should Cesar Azpilicueta has been
But perhaps they were aiming at scored just after half-time and dispel it. one of the Premier League’s
the wrong target. At the other end clenched his fists in frustration. “I get that little bit of best full-backs since joining
of the age spectrum is club captain And although he was in the right apprehension because of where Chelsea in 2012 but in three of
Cesar Azpilicueta, a veteran of 342 place at the right time to have they’ve been,” he said. “But their four games so far this
appearances for Chelsea, with 528 prevented the same player crossing hopefully we’ll grow out of that
season the opponents have
career club and full international for Zouma’s unfortunate equaliser, pretty quickly and today will be a
matches on the clock. he was unable to do so. He also day we can look back on and say heavily favoured attacking
True, 30 is no age these days, conceded possession 20 times. ‘we’re here and we deserve to down their left flank, target-
even for a full-back, and crosses he At Carrow Road the previous be here’. ing the Spaniard. Chelsea have
provided for Tammy Abraham to week, Azpilicueta provided “We go in toe-to-toe with you conceded eight goals in those
score the opener and almost grab another assist for Abraham but and if we don’t get a result it won’t three games.
his hat-trick suggest he is still a Norwich City’s first goal was be for a lack of doing it our way.
valuable contributor to Chelsea’s created by an interchange on his And if we do, we feel we can cause
attack. But the Spain defender is side and statistics suggest that problems for teams in this
suddenly looking vulnerable in his opponents have spotted a division.”

Why high-flying Leicester can break into elite again

The manager signing Ayoze Perez, Newcastle
United’s top scorer last season but
Leicester City’s start to the season left out on Saturday, is the one to
following their 3-1 defeat of whom fans will look to provide a
Bournemouth – eight points from Mahrez-like return.
four matches, third in the table – Vardy v Liverpool, February 2016 Vardy v Bournemouth, Saturday
exactly matches how the title- Strikers
winning 2015-16 season began. As
then, City have a manager with a Defence goalkeeper and strong leader. Youri Tielemans has the ability to Vardy’s opening goal against
winning pedigree. justify his £40 million price tag. Bournemouth, encompassing a long
Brendan Rodgers does not have A back four of Ricardo Pereira, Midfield ball over the top, a turn of speed that
the length of service of Claudio Jonny Evans, Caglar Soyuncu and Wings left back-pedalling defenders for
Ranieri, who memorably led Ben Chilwell looks the equal of In the defensive midfield position dead, and an outrageous looped
Leicester to that title, but brings a Danny Simpson, Wes Morgan, in which N’Golo Kante once looked Here lies the most obvious finish that defied distance, angle and
history of success after twice Robert Huth and Christian Fuchs. peerless, Wilfrid Ndidi has grown shortfall. Where Riyad Mahrez was the degree of technique required,
guiding Celtic to the Scottish Soyuncu has begun the season well. into one of the most consistent in a regular goalscorer, contributing rekindled memories of his screamer
treble. He won promotion to the He and Evans may grow into one of the division, while home-grown 17 to the title-winning cause, none against Liverpool. He is now 32 but,
Premier League with Swansea and the best central defensive Hamza Choudhury is showing of the other wide players has having quit international football,
went close to a Premier League partnerships in the division. Behind much potential. Further forward, hinted at similar, much as Marc has every prospect of being every bit
title himself as Liverpool fell just them, Kasper Schmeichel, like James Maddison is a technically Albrighton, Harvey Barnes and as effective as four years ago. His two
short in the 2013-14 season, so he Jamie Vardy and a couple of others, proficient No 10 with creative Demarai Gray have outstanding goals on Saturday looked proof of
has experience of title-chasing provides a link with the Ranieri imagination and an eye for goal, qualities. There is more to come that.
pressure and knows the pitfalls. team and remains a dynamic while former Monaco midfielder from Barnes, though. Summer Jon Culley
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 11

How vital Spaniard How Sheffield United found success on his flank Celtic silence
has been to his club
Successful dribble Assist Successful cross Unsuccessful cross
give Gerrard
10,513 Cesar
Azpilicueta headaches
9,405 Ben

9,394 Christian
Eriksen Rangers
9,339 N'Golo
Sheffield United’s
attacking direction Celtic
Edouard 32, Hayes 90 2
9,333 Steve
Cook Att: 49,873

By Roddy Forsyth at Ibrox Park

Azpilicueta has been such a
consistent presence that in the
past 114 Premier League Celtic did not so much put one in
matches he has played all but the post for Rangers with this vic-
tory, they dumped a mailbag full of
107 minutes, far more than
questions on the doorstep at Ibrox,
anyone else in the division Sheffield United SHEFFIELD UNITED’S FIRST
where Steven Gerrard has much to
clearly targeted
contemplate as he attempts to
Azpilicueta, as
devise effective replies.
shown by the Having prevailed in both league
sheer number Old Firm derbies at home last sea-
of crosses they son, Gerrard had raised expecta-
put in from tions among the Rangers fans by
their left - the reinforcing his squad over the sum-
side the mer while successfully negotiating
30-year-old was eight games in the Europa League
defending – Azpilicueta qualifiers.
compared to on Celtic, too, had booked a passage
the right. Four into the group stage of the Europa
of their seven League and started the domestic
successful campaign in swashbuckling style,
dribbles were Azpilicueta is easily beaten by
but their improbable 4-3 home
also down Enda Stevens and the wing-back
defeat by CFR Cluj in the Champi-
Azpilicueta’s pulls the ball back for Callum
ons League qualifiers exposed Neil
flank and it was Robinson to slot home.
Lennon to vitriolic criticism from
no surprise that the Hoops support.
S GOAL Yet, yesterday Rangers were,
came from quite simply, out-thought and out-
crosses from the fought and would have lost by more
left. had it not been for goalkeeper Allan
McGregor. Gerrard chose to start
with Jermain Defoe rather than Al-
fredo Morelos in attack. Lennon and
his players, though, refused to allow
Chelsea’s Frank Lambard Rangers to impose themselves.
and Cesar Azpilicueta Celtic made the breakthrough
from an error by Connor Goldson in
Azpilicueta the 32nd minute, when he tried to
thread a pass through the green-
and-white midfield cordon and
played it straight to Mikey John-
Again Azpilicueta cannot ston. Johnston’s return ball was
prevent the cross as Robinson judged perfectly to allow Odsonne
whips a wicked ball in that Kurt Edouard to stride through the
Zouma deflects into his own net. Rangers back line, draw McGregor
from his line and shoot below the
Three minutes into injury time

Bruce keeps faith with misfiring Almiron Jonny Hayes added the second in a
move he started and finished.
There was still time for a misera-
ble afternoon for Rangers to deteri-
orate when Jordan Jones slammed
The ball bounced off him and Almiron is the final piece in the pace is a potent weapon. He needs into Moritz Bauer and was dis-
By Luke Edwards goalkeeper Ben Foster cleared, team who stormed clear of relega- to be managed carefully. missed by Bobby Madden.
at St James’ Park wiping out the Paraguayan in the tion last season under Rafael Ben- “He’s a great lad, probably the “The dressing room has been
process. St James’ Park groaned and itez, but he keeps falling apart in most popular player here,” Bruce fantastic for me, but I’m part of why
It was the perfect moment for Almiron disappeared, unable or the box. said. “He’s bright and effervescent, it went wrong today,” Gerrard said.
Miguel Almiron to score his first unwilling to get on the ball. This was his 14th appearance for he’s a great pro. He just needs to get Of Jones’ late dismissal, Gerrard
goal for Newcastle United, shortly Another mistake came, his deci- Newcastle without a goal and it is one of those opportunities to fall for said: “He deserves his red card, his
after the team had fallen behind, at sion-making fried by the earlier starting to affect him. He scored 21 him. I’ve been pleasantly surprised ban, and he’s got everything to do
home, in front of an expectant and miss. Newcastle had Watford where goals over two seasons with Atlanta at what a good player he is. now to get back in my team.”
edgy crowd. they wanted them, a high defensive United in Major League Soccer, but “He scores goals in training, but Lennon, meanwhile, addressed
Christian Atsu had run clear line and Almiron – the fastest player has not scored in 20 appearances it’s a bit different doing it in front of his detractors. “If you believed all
down the left, his cross was a dan- on the pitch – had open space to run for his country. 50,000 people and he probably just the hype, we shouldn’t have turned
gerous one, the ball bounced into. But he went too quickly and, Not good enough? Having sold snatches at it a little bit. up today. We’ve kept our counsel,
through to Almiron, unmarked at overexcited, he was flagged offside Ayoze Perez to Leicester City in the “When he gets up and running, we’ve stayed calm and we’ve put in
the far post. The crowd gave out long before he rounded Foster and summer, Newcastle need Almiron he might learn to go at things a little a brilliant performance,” he said.
one of those collective gasps of ex- put the ball into the net. to replace his goals – 13 in all com- bit calmer. The great goalscorers go Rangers (4-3-3): McGregor; Tavernier, Goldson, Katic,
citement, the audible anticipation Almiron did not hide after half- petitions last term – but there is calm in front of goal. We need to be Flanagan; Davis, Jack, Kamara (Ojo h-t); Aribo (Jones 70),
Defoe (Morelos 60), Arfield. Subs Foderingham (g),
of a goal about to be scored, but time, but he missed another chance little sign of that happening. patient with him and I will be.” Helander, Barisic, King.
Almiron could not live up to their when he scuffed a shot. Groans His new manager loves him, but If Newcastle are to pull clear of Booked Arfield. Sent off Jones.
expectations. The ball kicked up off again. Fortunately Fabian Schar that does not mean he is not testing relegation danger again, they need Celtic (4-2-3-1): Forster; Elhamed, Jullien, Bitton (Bauer
65), Bolingoli; Brown, McGregor; Forrest (Ntcham 65),
the grass, his body was stiff, his had been on target just before the Steve Bruce’s patience. The prob- more from Almiron than his speed. Christie, Johnston (Hayes 85); Edouard. Subs Gordon (g),
touch heavy and, rather than take interval to cancel out Will Hughes’s lem is, there is nobody who can They need goals, because he cost Morgan, Bayo, Griffiths. Booked Hayes.
control of the situation, he lost it. early goal in a 1-1 draw. replace him in the squad. Almiron’s them two points against Watford. Referee Bobby Madden.
12 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Total Football
Burnley 0-3 Liverpool Attendance 21,762 Premier League table Sam Dean’s team of the week
Burnley Liverpool HOME AWAY NEXT GAME Roberto Firmino is often
6 Subs Rodriguez P W A GD Pts
Goalscorers D L F A W D L F overshadowed by his
Pope (Barnes 73) Not Wood 33 og, 1 Liverpool 4 2 0 0 7 2 2 0 0 5 1 9 12 14/09 Newcastle (h) Heaton
6 7 6 6 used Taylor, Mane 37,
team-mates, especially Aston Villa
2 Man City 4 1 1 0 6 2 2 0 0 8 1 11 10 14/09 Norwich (a)
Lowton Tarkowski Mee Pieters Drinkwater, Firmino 80 Mohamed Salah and Sadio
3 Leicester 4 1 1 0 3 1 1 1 0 3 2 3 8 14/09 Man Utd (a)
Hendrick, Hart (g), Subs Oxlade- Mane, but Liverpool’s win at
Vydra, Long 4 Crystal Pal 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 1 7 14/09 Tottenham (a)
6 6 6 7 Chamberlain Burnley provided further proof Sanchez Cahill Fernandinho Masuaku
5 Arsenal 4 1 1 0 4 3 1 0 1 2 3 0 7 15/09 Watford (a)
Lennon Westwood Cork McNeil
(Henderson 71),
6 Everton 4 2 0 0 4 2 0 1 1 0 2 0 7 15/09 Bournemouth (a)
of the Brazilian’s importance Tottenham C Palace Man City West Ham
Shaqiri (Firmino 85),
Origi (Mane 85) Not 7 West Ham 4 1 0 1 2 5 1 1 0 4 2 -1 7 16/09 Aston Villa (a)
to Jurgen Klopp’s side. Daniel
5 6 used Milner, Gomez, 8 Man Utd 4 1 0 1 5 2 0 2 0 2 2 3 5 14/09 Leicester (h) James remains the one shining
Barnes Wood Lallana, Kelleher (g) 9 Tottenham 4 1 0 1 3 2 0 2 0 4 4 1 5 14/09 Crystal Pal (h) este United,
light at Manchester U ted, Yarmolenko Tielemans Guendouzi James
West Ham
W Leicester Arsenal Man Utd
10 Sheff Utd 4 1 0 1 2 2 0 2 0 3 3 0 5 14/09 Southampton (h) while anotherr
7 8 6 11 Chelsea 4 0 2 0 3 3 1 0 1 3 6 -3 5 14/09 Wolves (a) youngster,
Referee C Kavanagh (Lancashire)
Mane ★Firmino★ Salah 12 Burnley 4 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 1 2 3 -1 4 14/09 Brighton (a) teo
Arsenal’s Matteo
2 Shots on target 7
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 13 Southampton 4 0 1 1 2 3 1 0 1 2 3 -2 4 14/09 Sheffield Utd (a) Guendouzi, Firmino Vardy
6 6 6 5 Shots off target 8 14 Newcastle 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 3 -2 4 14/09 Liverpool (a) produced what at Liverpool Leicester
Wijnaldum Fabinho Henderson ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 15 Bournemouth 4 0 1 1 2 4 1 0 1 3 4 -3 4 15/09 Everton (h) felt like a
6 Corners 4
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 16 Brighton 4 0 1 1 1 3 1 0 1 3 4 -3 4 14/09 Burnley (h) coming-of-
6 7 7 7 10 Fouls committed 15 17 Wolves 4 0 2 0 2 2 0 1 1 2 3 -1 3 14/09 Chelsea (h) age
Robertson van Dijk Matip Alexander- 5 Offsides 1 18 Aston Villa 4 1 0 1 3 2 0 0 2 1 4 -2 3 16/09 West Ham (h) performance.
Arnold ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 4 3 14/09 Man City (h) Manager: Chris Wilder
7 19 Norwich 1 0 1 5 4 0 0 2 1 6 -4
Sheffield United
37 Possession% 63
Adrian 20 Watford 4 0 0 2 1 6 0 1 1 1 2 -6 1 15/09 Arsenal (h)

Chelsea 2-2 Sheffield Utd Attendance 40,560 Crystal Palace 1-0 Aston Villa Attendance 25,250 Leicester 3-1 Bournemouth Attendance 31,613

Chelsea Sheffield Utd Crystal Palace Aston Villa Leicester Bournemouth

5 Goalscorer Goalscorers 6 Goalscorer Subs Davis (Jota 7 Goalscorers Goalscorer
Arrizabalaga Abraham 19, 43 Robinson 46, Guaita Ayew 73 59), Hourihane Schmeichel Vardy 12, 73, Wilson 15
Zouma 89 og 6 7 7 6 (Douglas Luiz 71), Tielemans 41
6 5 6 5 Subs Willian Subs Sakho (Kelly 7 8 7 7 Subs Ibe (Smith
(Barkley 60), Subs McGoldrick Ward Kelly Cahill van Aanholt 79), Townsend Lansbury (Wesley Subs Gray 64), Solanke (H.
Azpilicueta Tomori Zouma Emerson 85) Not used Pereira Evans Soyuncu Chilwell
Batshuayi (McBurnie 63), (Schlupp 84), (Albrighton 64), Wilson 64),
(Kovacic 83), Mousset 6 7 6 Benteke (Ayew Steer (g), Konsa, 7 Choudhury Surman (King 79)
6 6 6 McArthur Milivojevic ■ Kouyate ■ El Ghazi, Ndidi
Gilmour (Freeman 79), 86) Not used (Barnes 71), Fuchs Not used Boruc
Barkley Jorginho Kovacic
(Abraham 84) Not Osborn (Basham Meyer, Hennessey Elmohamady 7 7 8 7 (Maddison 86) (g), Stacey, Rico,
used Alonso, 84) Not used (g), McCarthy (g), Albrighton ■ Tielemans Maddison Barnes Not used Justin, Simpson
Christensen, Sharp, Stearman,
6 8 6 Victor Camarasa Ward, Perez, Praet
6 7 5 Zaha ★Ayew★ Schlupp 9
Caballero (g), Moore (g), Besic
Pulisic Abraham Mount ★Vardy★
4 7 4 6 6 7 6
McBurnie ■ Robinson Referee S Attwell (Warwickshire) Referee K Friend (Leicestershire) Referee P Banks (Norwich)
Trezeguet ■ Wesley Jota C. Wilson ■ King
5 Shots on target 2 5 Shots on target 2 5 Shots on target 2
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
7 8 6 8 Shots off target 7 7 6 7 17 Shots off target 8 7 8 Shots off target 6
6 6 7 6 6
Stevens ★Norwood★ Baldock ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Grealish ■ Luiz ■ McGinn ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
Freeman Lundstram 3 Corners 4 13 Corners 2 Fraser Lerma ■ Billing ■ H. Wilson 4 Corners 5
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
6 6 6 6 Fouls committed 11 6 6 6 6 15 Fouls committed 15 6 5 5 6 9 Fouls committed 10
O’Connell Egan Basham
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
2 Offsides 0 Taylor ■ Mings Engels Guilbert ■ 2 Offsides 0 Ake Cook Mepham Smith 2 Offsides 1
6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 5 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
63 Possession% 37 55 Possession% 45 53 Possession% 47
Henderson ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Heaton ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Ramsdale ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙

Man City 4-0 Brighton Attendance 54,386 Newcastle 1-1 Watford Attendance 44,157 Southampton 1-1 Man Utd Attendance 30,499

Man City Brighton Newcastle Watford Southampton Man Utd

7 Goalscorers De Subs Murray 7 Goalscorer Goalscorer 7 Goalscorer Goalscorer
Ederson Bruyne 2, Aguero (Bernardo 67), Dubravka Schar 41 Hughes 2 Gunn Vestergaard 58 James 10
42, 55, B. Silva 79 Connolly (Maupay
7 6 6 8 67), Gross
6 7 7 5 7 Subs Manquillo Subs Chalobah 6 7 7 7 Subs Long Subs Lingard
Subs Fernandinho Krafth Schar Lascelles Dummett■ Willems (Krafth 78), Muto (Doucoure 71), Cedric Bednarek Vestergaard Danso ■ (Adams 62), (Andreas Pereira
Walker Otamendi Laporte ■ Zinchenko (Laporte 37), (Trossard 74) Not (Atsu 82), Success (Hughes Armstrong ■ 68), Matic (Mata
Gundogan (De used Duffy, Fernandez (Schar 71), Deulofeu 8 7 (Boufal 71), 68), Greenwood
Jahanbakhsh, 5 6 5 7
8 7 8 Bruyne 69), B. 85) Not used (Gray 82) Not 6 Romeu Hojbjerg 7 Yoshida (Ings 77) (McTominay 82)
Mooy, Button (g) Almiron Hayden ■ Longstaff Atsu
De Bruyne Rodri ★D. Silva★ Silva (Silva 78) Clark, Ki, Shelvey, used Gomes (g), Not used Not used Rojo,
Ward-Prowse Boufal
Not used Bravo Darlow (g) Welbeck, Masina, McCarthy, Romero (g),
7 8 7 (g), Tasende, Joao 7 Sarr 6 6 Stephens, Tuanzebe, Chong
Mahrez Aguero Sterling Cancelo, Foden Joelinton Adams Ings N’Lundulu, Valery

7 6 5 5 6
Referee J Moss (W Yorkshire) Referee G Scott (Oxfordshire) Referee M Dean (Wirral)
Trossard Maupay March 5 Gray 8 Rashford
6 Shots on target 1 5 Shots on target 3 8 5 2 Shots on target 8
Pereyra ★Hughes★
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 5 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
Shots off target Shots off target ★James★ Pereira Shots off target
5 6 6 6 9 5 5 7 6 6 8 10 Mata 8 13
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 6 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
Bernardo Propper Stephens Montoya 8 Corners 1 Femenia Cleverley Doucoure ■ Janmaat 6 Corners 5 2 Corners 3
McTominay Pogba
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
5 6 7 9 Fouls committed 6 6 6 7 5 Fouls committed 11 6 7 6 7 15 Fouls committed 6
Burn Dunk ■ Webster ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Cathcart ■ Kabasele Dawson ■ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
1 Offsides 3 6 Offsides 0 Young ■ Maguire ■ Lindelof Wan Bissaka 0 Offsides 1
6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
53 Possession% 47 48 Possession% 52 40 Possession% 60
Ryan ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Foster ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ de Gea ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙

West Ham 2-0 Norwich Attendance 59,950 Arsenal 2-2 Tottenham Attendance 60,333 Everton 3-2 Wolverhampton Attendance 39,374

West Ham Norwich Arsenal Tottenham Everton Wolverhampton

6 Goalscorers Subs Amadou 6 Goalscorers Goalscorers 7 Goalscorers Goalscorers Saiss
Fabianski Haller 24, (Zimmermann Leno Lacazette 45, Eriksen 10, Kane Pickford Richarlison 5, 80, 9, Jimenez 75
6 6 6 7 Yarmolenko 56 36), Drmic 6 5 5 6 Aubameyang 71 40 pen 5 7 7 7 Iwobi 12 Subs Joao
Fredericks ■ Diop Ogbonna Masuaku Subs Snodgrass ■ (Stiepermann 77), Maitland- Sokratis ■ Luiz Kolasinac
Subs Ceballos Subs Alli (Lamela Subs Bernard Moutinho (Saiss
Coleman Keane Mina Digne
McLean (Cantwell Niles
6 (Yarmolenko 71), (Torreira 63), 60), Lo Celso (Son
7 7
(Iwobi 76), 59), Jota (Cutrone
Sanchez (Noble 78) Not used 8 6 6 Mkhitaryan 79) Not used Calvert-Lewin 68), Pedro Neto ■
Rice Byram, Vrancic,
85), Fornals Guendouzi Xhaka ■ Torreira (Lacazette 67) Gazzaniga (g), Gomes Delph ■ (Kean 76) Not (Neves 84) Not
7 6 7 8 Fahrmann (g),
(Felipe Anderson Not used Ozil, Aurier, Lucas 8 7 8 used Holgate, used Vallejo ,
Yarmolenko Noble Lanzini ★Anderson★ 88) Not used Tettey Chambers, Moura, Skipp, Tosun, Gibbs-White,
7 7 8 ★Richarlison★ Sigurdsson Iwobi
Balbuena, Nelson, Martinez Davies Schneiderlin, Jonny, Ruddy (g)
7 Zabaleta, Roberto
Pepe Lacazette ■ Aubameyang
(g), Willock
6 Sidibe,
Haller (g), Ajeti Kean Stekelenburg (g)

6 7 7 7
Referee P Tierney (Lancashire) Referee M Atkinson (W Yorkshire) Referee A Taylor (Cheshire)
Pukki Kane Cutrone Jimenez ■
7 6 7 Shots on target 3 8 Shots on target 9 6 Shots on target 5
6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 7 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
Cantwell Stiepermann Emi 11 Shots off target 5 Eriksen ■ 8 Son 6 Lamela ■ 18 Shots off target 4 5 6 6 9 Shots off target 3
6 6
6 6 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ★Winks★ ■ Sissoko ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Vinagre ■ Neves Traore ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
8 Corners 2 11 Corners 6 Saiss Dendoncker 7 Corners 7
Leitner Trybull
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
6 6 6 7 15 Fouls committed 10 5 5 6 5 13 Fouls committed 18 5 5 6 12 Fouls committed 12
❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Boly ■ Coady Bennett ■ ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
Lewis Godfrey Zimmermann Aarons ■ 2 Offsides 3 Rose ■ Vertonghen Alderweireld Sanchez■ 3 Offsides 1 1 Offsides 2
7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ 7 ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
49 Possession% 51 57 Possession% 43 58 Possession% 42
Krul ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Lloris ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙ Patricio ❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙❙
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 13

This week’s fixtures Sky Bet EFL Scotland

Kick-off 7.45 unless stated
Championship League One League Two Premiership
P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Scunthorpe. Group B: Accrington v Fleetwood. Group C:
Salford City v Aston Villa. Group D: Macclesfield v Swansea 6 3 0 0 8 3 2 1 0 4 1 8 16 Ipswich 6 2 1 0 6 2 2 1 0 8 2 10 14 Exeter 6 2 1 0 3 1 2 1 0 4 2 4 14 Celtic 4 2 0 0 10 1 2 0 0 7 2 14 12
Newcastle, Port Vale v Shrewsbury. Group E: Crewe v Charlton 6 2 1 0 5 2 2 1 0 6 3 6 14 Lincoln City 6 3 0 0 8 0 1 0 2 4 4 8 12 Newport Co 6 2 1 0 4 2 1 2 0 2 0 4 12 Rangers 4 1 0 1 6 3 2 0 0 3 1 5 9
Burton (7.30). Group F: Bolton v Bradford (7), Rochdale Leeds 6 1 1 1 2 2 3 0 0 8 1 7 13 Blackpool 6 2 1 0 5 2 1 2 0 5 3 5 12 Crewe 6 2 0 1 3 4 2 0 1 4 3 0 12 Livingston 4 1 1 0 2 1 1 1 0 6 3 4 8
v Man City. Group G: Blackpool v Morecambe (7.30).
Group H: Doncaster v Lincoln City. South, Group A: West Brom 6 1 2 0 5 4 2 1 0 5 3 3 12 Coventry 6 3 0 0 4 0 0 3 0 6 6 4 12 Grimsby 6 1 2 0 8 5 2 0 1 5 2 6 11 Aberdeen 4 2 0 0 6 2 0 1 1 0 1 3 7
Gillingham v Colchester, Ipswich v Tottenham Hotspur. Bristol City 6 1 1 1 5 5 2 1 0 6 3 3 11 Wycombe 6 3 0 0 9 5 0 3 0 1 1 4 12 Swindon 6 2 0 1 6 4 1 2 0 5 3 4 11 Motherwell 4 1 0 1 5 5 1 1 0 3 1 2 7
Group B: Oxford Utd v Norwich, Portsmouth v Crawley. Fulham 6 2 0 1 7 2 1 1 1 3 3 5 10 Sunderland 6 2 1 0 6 3 1 1 1 3 5 1 11 Plymouth 6 2 1 0 6 2 1 0 2 4 4 4 10 Kilmarnock 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 1 2 -2 4
Group C: AFC Wimbledon v Brighton (7.30), Leyton
Orient v Southend. Group D: Coventry v Walsall, Forest Preston 6 3 0 0 8 2 0 1 2 3 5 4 10 Peterboro’ 6 1 1 1 6 5 2 0 1 6 1 6 10 Macclesfield 6 2 0 1 4 1 1 1 1 4 4 3 10 Hamilton 4 1 0 1 3 3 0 1 1 2 5 -3 4
Green v Southampton (7). Group E: Exeter v QPR 6 1 1 1 5 5 2 0 1 4 4 0 10 Burton 6 1 0 2 2 2 2 1 0 6 3 3 10 Crawley 6 2 0 1 4 2 1 1 1 6 6 2 10 Ross County 4 1 0 1 4 4 0 1 1 0 3 -3 4
Cheltenham. Group F: Plymouth v Bristol Rovers. Group Birmingham 6 2 1 0 5 2 1 0 2 1 6 -2 10 Fleetwood 6 2 1 0 5 2 1 0 2 5 6 2 10 Forest Green 6 2 0 1 2 2 1 1 1 3 3 0 10 Hibernian 4 1 1 0 3 2 0 0 2 1 9 -7 4
G: Stevenage v Milton Keynes Dons. Group H:
Northampton v Peterborough (7.30). Nottm Forest 6 1 1 1 5 3 1 2 0 4 3 3 9 Rochdale 6 0 2 1 2 3 2 1 0 6 2 3 9 Port Vale 6 2 1 0 4 2 0 2 1 4 7 -1 9 St Mirren 4 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 2 1 3 -2 3
Women’s International Sheff Wed 6 2 0 1 4 2 1 0 2 4 4 2 9 Doncaster 4 2 1 0 6 4 0 1 0 1 1 2 8 Cheltenham 6 2 1 0 8 3 0 1 2 0 2 3 8 Hearts 4 0 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 3 6 -3 2
Norway v England (5, BBC 2). Millwall 6 2 1 0 3 1 0 2 1 2 6 -2 9 Shrewsbury 6 1 2 0 1 0 1 0 2 3 6 -2 8 Bradford 6 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 2 8 St Johnstone 4 0 1 1 2 3 0 1 1 2 9 -8 2
WEDNESDAY Cardiff 6 2 1 0 5 3 0 1 2 2 6 -2 8 Rotherham 4 0 1 1 1 3 2 0 0 3 1 0 7 Cambridge 6 1 1 1 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 0 8 Trophy South, Group E: Newport Co v Brentford 6 1 1 1 4 2 1 0 2 1 2 1 7 Bristol Rvs 6 2 1 0 5 1 0 0 3 0 6 -2 7 Colchester 6 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 3 3 0 8 Aberdeen 3-0 Ross County
West Ham. Leigh 34
Luton 6 1 1 1 6 6 1 0 2 4 4 0 7 MK Dons 5 2 0 1 3 5 0 0 2 3 5 -4 6 Ley Orient 6 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 1 4 6 -2 8 Cosgrove 37 (pen)
THURSDAY Hedges 50 (13,006)
Reading 6 1 0 2 4 5 1 1 1 4 3 0 7 Gillingham 5 1 1 1 8 4 0 1 1 1 2 3 5 Salford City 6 1 2 0 4 2 0 2 1 4 6 0 7
European Championship qualifying Group D
Gibraltar v Denmark (Sky Sp Red Button), Rep of Blackburn 6 1 1 1 2 2 1 0 2 3 5 -2 7 Portsmouth 5 1 1 0 5 3 0 1 2 2 4 0 5 Northamptn 6 1 0 2 4 4 1 1 1 2 2 0 7 Hearts 2-2 Hamilton
Clare 20 Oakley 50, 73
Ireland v Switzerland (Sky Sp Main Event). Middlesbro’ 6 1 1 1 2 2 0 2 1 5 6 -1 6 Oxford Utd 6 1 1 1 6 7 0 1 2 3 6 -4 5 Carlisle 6 1 1 1 4 5 1 0 2 3 5 -3 7 Berra 58
Group F Derby 6 0 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 4 6 -3 6 Tranmere 5 1 0 1 7 3 0 1 2 1 5 0 4 Mansfield 6 0 2 1 4 5 1 1 1 4 3 0 6 (15,347)
Faroe Islands v Sweden (Sky Sp Red Button), Norway v
Hull 6 1 0 2 3 5 0 2 1 3 4 -3 5 Accrington 5 1 0 1 4 4 0 1 2 1 5 -4 4 Morecambe 6 0 1 2 2 5 1 1 1 4 5 -4 5 Livingston 2-1 St Mirren
Malta (Sky Sp Red Button), Romania v Spain (Sky Sp Lithgow 26 Magennis 64
Football). Barnsley 6 1 1 1 4 5 0 1 2 0 4 -5 5 AFC W’don 6 0 2 1 2 3 0 0 3 3 7 -5 2 Walsall 6 0 2 1 2 4 1 0 2 1 4 -5 5 Dykes 58
Group G Wigan 6 1 1 1 3 4 0 0 3 1 7 -7 4 Southend 6 0 0 3 1 8 0 0 3 3 9 -13 0 Oldham 6 0 1 2 1 3 1 0 2 2 5 -5 4 (2,346)
Israel v North Macedonia (Sky Sp Red Button). Huddersfield 6 0 0 3 2 6 0 1 2 3 5 -6 1 Bolton 5 0 1 1 0 5 0 0 3 0 12 -17 -11 Stevenage 6 0 1 2 2 4 0 2 1 0 2 -4 3 Motherwell 3-0 Hibernian
Group J Seedorf 23
Armenia v Italy (5, Sky Sp Football), Bosnia- Stoke 6 0 1 2 3 7 0 0 3 3 8 -9 1 *Bolton deducted 12 points **Bury Expelled from EFL Scunthorpe 6 0 1 2 2 5 0 0 3 3 8 -8 1
Donnelly 80 (pen)
Herzegovina v Liechtenstein (Sky Sp Red Button), Hylton 86 (5,964)
Finland v Greece (Sky Sp Red Button). Birmingham 2-1 Stoke AFC Wimbledon 0-0 Wycombe Crawley 1-0 Cheltenham St Johnstone 0-1 Kilmarnock
Friendly International Jutkiewicz 73 Lindsay 58 (4,521) Palmer 90 O’Donnell 40
Northern Ireland v Luxembourg (Sky Sp Premier Bellingham 76 (3,427)
League). (20,652)
FRIDAY Brentford 3-0 Derby Accrington 2-1 Milton Keynes Dons Crewe 2-1 Bradford Rangers 0-2 Celtic
European Championship qualifying Group C Mbeumo 17 Bishop 52 Agard 18 Kirk 42 Vaughan 32 Edouard 32
Watkins 18, 45 Hughes 59 Lowery 60 Hayes 90
Estonia v Belarus (Sky Sp Football), Germany v Holland (11,055) (2,218) (49,873)
(Sky Sp Mix).
Group E Bristol City 2-2 Middlesbrough Blackpool 1-1 Portsmouth Exeter 1-0 Mansfield
Slovakia v Croatia (Sky Sp Red Button), Wales v Palmer 44 Moore 64 (og) Gnanduillet 58 Harness 17 Bowman 5 Championship
Rowe 81 Assombalonga 68 (10,605) (4,316)
Azerbaijan (Sky Sp Premier League). (20,757) HOME AWAY
Group G P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Leeds 0-1 Swansea Burton 2-0 Bristol Rovers Forest Green 0-2 Newport Co
Austria v Latvia (Sky Sp Red Button), Slovenia v Routledge 90 Akins 87 Amond 4 Dundee Utd 4 2 0 0 10 3 2 0 0 4 1 10 12
Poland (Sky Sp Red Button). (34,935) Edwards 90 Haynes 90 Ayr 4 2 0 0 5 2 1 0 1 3 3 3 9
Group I (2,831) (2,897)
Cyprus v Kazakhstan (Sky Sp Red Button), San Marino Inverness 4 2 0 0 7 1 0 1 1 1 4 3 7
Luton 2-1 Huddersfield Bury P-P Doncaster Northampton 3-1 Plymouth
v Belgium (Sky Sp Red Button), Scotland v Russia (Sky Collins 57 (pen) Ahearne-Grant 47 Watson 7 (pen) Riley 10 Arbroath 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 2 1 7
Sp Football). Shinnie 66 Williams 21, 41 Morton 4 2 0 0 7 3 0 0 2 2 9 -3 6
Friendly International (10,062) (5,535)
Chile v Argentina (3). Dundee 4 1 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 4 8 -3 5
Millwall 1-1 Hull Gillingham 5-0 Bolton Oldham 0-1 Colchester
Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer Cup Third Round J Wallace 10 (pen) Grosicki 18 Ogilvie 27 Nouble 45 Alloa 4 0 1 1 1 2 1 0 1 2 4 -3 4
Waterford v Hearts (12,495) Lee 39, 57 (3,091) Queen of S 4 0 1 1 1 2 0 1 1 0 1 -2 2
Hanlan 54, Boon 76 (og) (5,065)
SATURDAY Kick-off 3pm unless stated Dunfermline 4 0 1 1 2 4 0 1 1 1 2 -3 2
European Championship Qualifying Group A Nottingham Forest 1-1 Preston North End Ipswich 3-0 Shrewsbury Port Vale 1-0 Cambridge Utd
Adomah 79 Bodin 40 Jackson 2 Davies 84 (og) Partick 4 0 0 2 3 5 0 1 1 3 4 -3 1
England v Bulgaria (5, ITV 1), Kosovo v Czech Republic (27,249) Norwood 10 (pen) (4,874)
(2, Sky Sp Football). Arbroath 1 Dunfermline 0-Partick 2 Ayr 3-Queen of the
Downes 69 (19,161) South 0 Alloa 1-(Friday) Dundee Utd 6 Dundee 2-Inverness
Group B CT 5 Morton 0.
Lithuania v Ukraine (5, Sky Sp Football), Serbia v Reading 0-2 Charlton Lincoln City 2-0 Fleetwood Salford City 1-1 Leyton Orient
Leko 51 Walker 34, 36 Towell 13 Neal 87 (og)
Portugal (7.45, Sky Sp Premier League).
Group H (16,906)
Taylor 80 (pen) (8,361) (3,154) League 1
France v Albania (7.45, Sky Sp Football), Iceland v HOME AWAY
Sheffield Wednesday 1-2 QPR Oxford Utd 3-3 Coventry Scunthorpe 0-1 Carlisle P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Moldova (5, Sky Sp Red Button), Turkey v Andorra Fletcher 23 (pen) Hugill 60, 64 Mackie 64 Westbrooke 35 Loft 60
(7.45, Sky Sp Red Button). (23,446) Dabo 85 (og) Godden 56, O’Hare 90 (3,359) Raith 5 2 0 0 8 2 1 0 2 5 7 4 9
Friendly International Moore 90 (8,080) Dumbarton 5 1 0 1 3 2 2 0 1 5 9 -3 9
Colombia v Brazil (2.30). West Brom 3-2 Blackburn Peterborough 3-0 Sunderland Stevenage 2-2 Macclesfield
Sky Bet League One Falkirk 5 2 0 0 8 1 0 2 1 0 1 6 8
Phillips 22 Dack 1 Maddison 36, 64 Guthrie 69 Stephens 27
Bristol Rovers v Accrington, Coventry v Blackpool, Livermore 31 Johnson 45 Knight 52 Wildin 72 Ironside 85 (pen) East Fife 4 2 1 0 9 4 0 1 0 1 1 5 8
Doncaster v Rotherham (12.30), Fleetwood v Oxford Diangana 40 (23,792) (10,005) (2,504) Peterhead 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 1 0 3 2 1 8
Utd, Milton Keynes Dons v AFC Wimbledon (12, Sky Sp Wigan 0-0 Barnsley Rotherham 1-1 Tranmere Swindon 3-1 Morecambe
Football), Portsmouth v Southend, Rochdale v Ipswich, Forfar 4 1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 2 1 2 7
Wiles 73 Payne 90 Doyle 5, 21 Alessandra 13
Shrewsbury v Peterborough, Sunderland v Burton, (8,691) Yates 17 Airdrie 5 1 1 1 3 3 1 0 1 2 4 -2 7
Tranmere v Gillingham, Wycombe v Lincoln City. Clyde 5 1 1 0 2 1 0 1 2 3 8 -4 5
Sky Bet League Two Cardiff 1-1 Fulham Southend 0-3 Rochdale Walsall 1-3 Grimsby Stranraer 5 1 1 1 6 6 0 0 2 1 4 -3 4
Bradford v Northampton, Cambridge Utd v Forest Murphy 42 Mitrovic 45 Henderson 35 Lavery 5 Whitehouse 41
Green, Carlisle v Exeter, Cheltenham v Stevenage, (22,631) Morley 37, Camps 77 Hanson 68, 81 (pen) Montrose 5 0 0 2 1 3 0 1 2 3 7 -6 1
Colchester v Walsall, Grimsby v Crewe, Leyton Orient v (Friday) (5,614) (4,812)
Airdrieonians 0 Falkirk 0-East Fife 4 Raith 2-Forfar 0 Clyde
Swindon, Macclesfield v Crawley, Mansfield v 0-Montrose 1 Dumbarton 2-Stranraer 1 Peterhead 2.
Scunthorpe, Morecambe v Salford City, Newport Co v
Port Vale, Plymouth v Oldham. Vanarama League League 2
Ladbrokes Scottish League One HOME AWAY
Forfar v East Fife. National North South P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts
Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer Cup Third Round
Airdrieonians v Bohemians, Clyde v Queen of the South, HOME AWAY HOME AWAY HOME AWAY Cove R 5 3 0 0 11 2 1 1 0 6 5 10 13
Connah’s Quay Nomads v Cove Rangers (5.15, S4C), P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts P W D L F A W D L F A GD Pts Edinburgh C 5 2 0 0 3 1 1 1 1 6 9 -1 10
Dundee Utd v Arbroath, Dunfermline v Alloa, Woking 8 3 0 1 6 3 4 0 0 10 3 10 21 York 8 2 2 0 4 1 4 0 0 13 4 12 20 Wealdstone 8 4 0 0 10 3 3 0 1 11 4 14 21 Cowdenbth 5 3 0 0 6 2 0 0 2 2 6 0 9
Formartine United v Glenavon, Inverness CT v Morton, FC Halifax 8 4 0 0 9 2 2 1 1 7 4 10 19 King’s Lynn 8 4 0 0 11 3 2 1 1 6 6 8 19 Havant & W 8 1 3 0 7 1 3 1 0 11 5 12 16 Queen’s Pk 5 0 2 0 1 1 2 0 1 4 3 1 8
Kelty Hearts v Solihull Moors, Montrose v Partick, Raith
v Falkirk, St Mirren v Stirling, Stenhousemuir v The New Bromley 8 2 2 0 9 6 3 1 0 6 3 6 18 Alfreton Tn 8 3 1 0 10 1 2 0 2 7 6 10 16 Hemel H 8 3 0 1 8 4 2 1 1 6 6 4 16 Annan Ath 5 1 2 0 5 4 1 0 1 2 3 0 8
Saints FC, Wrexham v Ayr. Maidenhead 8 1 1 2 6 5 4 0 0 8 1 8 16 Guiseley 8 3 0 1 9 5 2 1 1 10 5 9 16 Billericay 8 4 0 0 9 3 1 1 2 4 8 2 16 Albion 5 1 1 1 6 6 1 0 1 5 5 0 7
SUNDAY Dover 8 1 0 3 5 7 4 0 0 7 2 3 15 Chester FC 8 3 1 0 11 3 1 2 1 4 4 8 15 Dulwich 8 2 1 1 7 6 2 1 1 5 2 4 14 Elgin 5 1 1 1 6 4 0 2 0 1 1 2 6
European Championship Qualifying Group D Stockport C 8 3 0 1 7 3 1 2 1 5 5 4 14 Concord R 8 3 0 1 7 3 1 1 2 6 5 5 13 Sten’muir 5 0 0 2 3 6 1 2 0 3 2 -2 5
Georgia v Denmark (5, Sky Sp Football), Switzerland v Leamington 8 3 1 0 8 2 1 1 2 5 6 5 14
Solihull Mrs 8 3 0 1 8 4 1 1 2 9 7 6 13 Weymouth 8 2 1 1 11 7 1 2 1 4 4 4 12 Brechin 5 0 0 2 0 4 1 0 2 3 4 -5 3
Gibraltar (5, Sky Sp Red Button). Hereford FC 8 1 3 0 4 3 2 0 2 5 7 -1 12
Group F Barnet 8 1 2 1 5 5 2 2 0 6 4 2 13 Braintree Tn 8 2 0 2 10 9 2 0 2 6 5 2 12 Stirling 5 0 0 2 1 3 0 0 3 1 4 -5 0
Brackley 8 3 1 0 6 1 0 1 3 1 6 0 11
Romania v Malta (5, Sky Sp Red Button), Spain v Hartlepool 8 1 1 2 9 10 2 1 1 3 3 -1 11 Bath City 8 2 1 1 5 3 1 1 2 6 5 3 11 Albion 2 Stirling 1-Annan Athletic 1 Stenhousemuir 1-Cove
Faroe Islands (2, Sky Sp Premier League), Sweden v Gateshead 8 1 2 1 3 4 1 3 0 4 3 0 11
Torquay 8 2 0 2 5 5 1 2 1 7 9 -2 11 Rangers 3 Queen’s Park 0-Cowdenbeath 2 Brechin 1-Elgin 3
Norway (7.45, Sky Sp Red Button). Boston Utd 7 2 2 0 8 2 0 2 1 1 4 3 10 Maidstone 8 1 2 1 6 4 2 0 2 5 4 3 11 Edinburgh City 3.
Dag & Red 8 2 0 2 7 9 1 2 1 4 4 -2 11
European Championship qualifying Group J K’minster 8 0 1 3 4 7 3 0 1 9 5 1 10 Chelmsford 8 3 1 0 10 2 0 1 3 3 10 1 11
Armenia v Bosnia-Herzegovina (5, Sky Sp Red Button), Yeovil 8 2 1 1 6 4 1 0 3 5 6 1 10
Finland v Italy (7.45, Sky Sp Football), Greece v Sutton Utd 8 0 2 2 4 8 2 2 0 6 3 -1 10 Farsley Celtic 8 2 0 2 5 6 1 1 2 5 5 -1 10 Welling 8 3 0 1 8 6 0 2 2 3 7 -2 11 Other
Liechtenstein (7.45, Sky Sp Red Button). AFC Telford 8 1 1 2 4 6 2 0 2 5 5 -2 10 Dorking 8 2 1 1 6 3 1 1 2 4 10 -3 11
AFC Fylde 8 1 2 1 2 4 1 2 1 7 9 -4 10 BETVICTOR SOUTHERN.-Prem central: Barwell 3 Kings
Tunnock’s Caramel Wafer Cup Third Round Gloucester 8 1 1 2 6 6 2 0 2 5 10 -5 10
Chippenham 8 2 1 1 5 3 0 2 2 1 3 0 9 Langley 1-Bromsgrove Sporting 0 Banbury 2-Hednesford 0
Dundee v Elgin. Notts Cnty 8 1 2 1 8 5 1 1 2 5 6 2 9
Slough 8 1 2 1 5 5 1 1 2 5 6 -1 9 Needham Market 1-Hitchin 0 Tamworth 3-Leiston 1
Wrexham 8 2 1 1 5 4 0 2 2 6 9 -2 9 Curzon Ash 8 2 1 1 9 3 0 2 2 2 6 2 9 Alvechurch 2-Nuneaton Borough 4 Lowestoft
Eastbourne 8 2 1 1 7 5 0 2 2 0 6 -4 9 1-Peterborough Sports 2 Stourbridge 2-Redditch 1 Rushden
Other Boreham W 8 0 2 2 5 7 2 0 2 7 4 1 8 Southport 8 1 2 1 4 2 1 1 2 3 4 1 9
Oxford City 8 1 0 3 4 10 1 2 1 5 6 -7 8 & Diamonds 1-Royston 2 Rushall Olympic 1-St Ives 1
Harrogate T 8 1 1 2 4 7 1 1 2 5 5 -3 8 Altrincham 8 2 1 1 8 7 0 2 2 2 8 -5 9 Coalville 2-Stratford 1 Biggleswade Town 2.
BETVICTOR NORTHERN PREMIER.-Prem: Ashton Utd 1 St Albans 8 1 2 1 3 5 0 2 2 5 7 -4 7 Prem south: Chesham 2 Blackfield & Langley 1-Dorchester 2
Aldershot 8 0 2 2 3 5 2 0 2 4 5 -3 8 Darlington 8 2 1 1 6 2 0 1 3 3 9 -2 8
Matlock Town 1-Atherton Collieries 3 Nantwich Town Hamp & Rich 8 1 1 2 6 7 1 0 3 5 11 -7 7 Hartley Wintney 3-Farnborough 0 Truro City 2-Gosport
1-Basford Utd 1 Radcliffe 0-Buxton 0 Stalybridge 0-FC Eastleigh 8 1 2 1 4 4 1 0 3 2 6 -4 8 Spennymoor 6 1 0 1 3 5 0 2 2 4 7 -5 5 Borough 1 Hayes & Yeading 1-Harrow Borough 1 Taunton
United of Manchester 4 Morpeth Town 2-Gainsborough 2 Dartford 8 1 3 0 5 4 0 1 3 4 13 -8 7 1-Met Police 1 Merthyr 2-Swindon Supermarine 0 Poole
Barrow 8 2 0 2 4 5 0 1 3 7 10 -4 7 Kettering 8 1 1 2 7 9 0 1 3 3 9 -8 5
Lancaster City 4-Grantham 0 Whitby 4-Hyde United 4 Tonbridge A 8 1 1 2 4 6 0 1 3 3 9 -8 5 1-Tiverton 3 Salisbury 3-Weston-S-Mare 1 Beaconsfield
Stafford Rangers 0-Scarborough Athletic 0 Witton Albion Chesterfield 8 0 2 2 5 7 0 3 1 5 7 -4 5 Bradford PA 8 0 1 3 2 11 1 1 2 2 10 -17 5 0-Wimborne 4 Walton Casuals 1-Yate 2 Hendon 2.
0-South Shields 4 Bamber Bridge 1-Warrington Town 1 Ebbsfleet 8 0 1 3 5 11 1 0 3 4 7 -9 4 Hungerford 8 1 2 1 5 6 0 0 4 3 12 -10 5
Blyth Sp 7 0 0 4 2 10 0 1 2 0 5 -13 1 DANSKE BANK PREMIERSHIP: Crusaders 3 Dungannon S
Mickleover Sports 0. Billericay 3 Hungerford Town 0-Chelmsford 1 Bath City 0-Warrenpoint Town 1 Cliftonville 5-(Friday) Carrick 0
Chorley 8 0 2 2 2 9 0 2 2 4 11 -14 4
BETVICTOR PREM: AFC Hornchurch 2 Wingate & Finchley Altrincham 3 Farsley Celtic 1-Bradford P A 2 AFC Telford 0-Chippenham 1 Braintree Town 2-Concord Rangers 3 Ballymena 1-Glenavon 0 Coleraine 4.
0-Bishop’s Stortford 3 Cheshunt 2-Bognor Regis Town 0 Bromley 2 AFC Fylde 2-Chesterfield 1 Dagenham & 3-Gateshead 2 Brackley 0-Gloucester 2 York 3-Guiseley 1 Welling 0-Dartford 1 Hemel Hempstead 1-Dorking
Redbridge 1-Chorley 1 Boreham Wood 3-Eastleigh 1 Barnet Curzon Ashton 0-Hereford FC 0 Boston Utd 0-Kidderminster Wanderers 0 Dulwich 0-Eastbourne Borough 4 Hampton & JD WELSH PREMIER: New Saints 2 Penybont 1-(Friday)
Carshalton Ath 2-Bowers & Pitsea 0 Enfield Town Airbus UK Broughton 2 Caernarfon Town 3-Bala Town 0
1-Corinthian Casuals 0 Brightlingsea Regent 1-Haringey 2-Ebbsfleet Utd 1 Aldershot 2-FC Halifax 2 Solihull Moors 0 Alfreton Town 1-King’s Lynn Town 2 Darlington Richmond 1-Oxford City 0 Havant and W 3-Slough 1 St
1-Harrogate Town 0 Dover 2-Sutton Utd 0 Maidenhead Utd 0-Leamington 2 Blyth Spartans 0-Southport 1 Kettering Albans 1-Tonbridge Angels 1 Weymouth 1-Wealdstone 2 Connah’s Quay Nomads 1-Cardiff Met Uni 1 Newtown
Borough 2 East Thurrock 0-Horsham 0 Folkestone Invicta 0-Carmarthen Town 0 Barry Town United 1-Cefn Druids 1
1-Leatherhead 1 Lewes 4-Margate 0 Worthing 2-Merstham 3-Torquay 1 Hartlepool 2-Woking 3 Barrow 2-Wrexham 1 1-Spennymoor Town 2 Chester FC 1. Maidstone Utd 1.
Stockport Co 2-Yeovil 3 Notts County 1. Aberystwyth Town 2.
0 Kingstonian 1-Potters Bar Town 1 Cray Wanderers 1.
14 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Cooper plays down

Swansea chances
FOOTBALL coaching staff, performance staff
and group of players doing their
Swansea City manager Steve very best for the football club.
Cooper has refused to get carried We’re really proud to be part of it.”
away after his side went top of the Leeds winger Stuart Dallas,
Championship thanks to Wayne meanwhile, says his own side’s
Routledge’s late winner at Leeds. promotion push will not be badly
The victory was Swansea’s first at derailed by their defeat.
Elland Road for 70 years but Cooper “We’ve had a great start to the Poignant day: Charles Leclerc dedicates his win to Anthoine Hubert (right); the
says he wants to keep a lid on season and we shouldn’t forget drivers pay tribute (above); Hubert’s brother and mother (below) with his helmet
expectations despite being two that; we’re disappointed at the min- and consoled by Lewis Hamilton (right centre); the mangled car (top right) and a
points clear of second-placed ute, but we will regroup and go board of remembrance which fans signed (bottom right)
Charlton Athletic. again,” said Dallas after a loss that
“It’s a good start and a good tally leaves Leeds third. “We know if we
to get so far but the only thing that’s continue to play like we did, we will
important for us is to keep going win more games than we lose, it’s
and keep working,” he said. just unfortunate we couldn’t do
“For us it’s not about making that against Swansea.”
statements. It’s just looking at our- But Leeds manager Marcelo
selves and striving to get better in Bielsa felt his side should have won
the way we want to play and want after dropping points at home for
to work. I love the football club and the second time this season.
I think it’s a football club I’m proud “We have now lost five points
to be part of, the way that the staff playing at home, so you have
and supporters are when they come enough space you can be a little bit
to the football club. disappointed. We cannot criticise
“I can see they’re really proud of the style of the team who play, but
it and I’m just one of them and com- we were creating conditions to be
pletely bought in to what it stands able to win all six games we’ve
for. I’m hoping the fans are seeing a played until now.”

Lukaku abused in Cagliari

Romelu Lukaku suffered racist could have done it differently” and
abuse as he hit the winning penalty “the blame is 50-50”. Bonucci later
for Inter Milan in their 2-1 win at rowed back, saying: “I was
Cagliari. interviewed right at the end of the
The former Manchester United game, and my words have been
striker, who moved to Italy this clearly misunderstood.”
summer, was the target of monkey The racist abuse directed at
chants from the home supporters Lukaku will do little to help the
as he stepped up to shoot. image of both Cagliari and Italian
The sickening scenes come just football and attitudes towards
five months after Moise Kean was monkey chants directed at black
also the victim of racist chants players. In the aftermath of the
while playing for Juventus at the Kean incident, Kick It Out
same ground. That display of launched a blistering attack on the
racism was made even more Italian Football Federation, saying
noteworthy by Kean’s then there had been a “clear failure in
teammate Leonardo Bonucci
reportedly claiming Kean, now at
Everton, was partly responsible.
Kean, 19, spread his arms while
facing the crowd after scoring
process” and the game should have
been abandoned.
The racist abuse understandably
overshadowed the Inter Milan win,
one that earned new coach Antonio
Leclerc dedicates surprise
Juve’s second goal in their 2-0 win, Conte two victories from two at the
prompting Bonucci to say: “[Kean] start of the season. FORMULA ONE friend. I would like to dedicate my edy unfolded, cried as he stood
first win to him.” alongside her.
Two hours earlier, Leclerc had Formula One drivers, team
Football in brief Tragedy overshadows stood shoulder to shoulder with the bosses and dignitaries formed an
Ferrari driver’s win sport’s grief-ridden community for arc around the grieving mother and
Bale scores and is sent off Bury to be returned to League Two an emotional one-minute silence in son as silence fell over the Ardennes
Gareth Bale scored his first goals from the 2020-21 season,” he told honour of his contemporary. forest.
since March and was shown a late BBC Radio 5 Live’s Sportsweek. Hamilton in second to Hubert, 22, died at 6.35pm on Daniel Ricciardo, the usually
red card as Real Madrid were held “I will be seeing to present a increase lead over Bottas Saturday evening following a jovial Australian, kept his eyes
to a 2-2 La Liga draw at Villarreal. complete package to the EFL 160mph Formula Two crash at the closed throughout the reflective
Bale, on the sixth anniversary of without the deafening noise of a fearsome Eau Rouge corner. pause, before appearing to wipe
his £85million move to the Spanish ticking clock and apply to enter By Philip Duncan He was the first driver fatality at a away tears – his actions summing
capital, salvaged a point for Real by League Two next season.” in Francorchamps Formula One race weekend since up the sombre mood here before
twice levelling at El Madrigal. But Ayrton Senna and Roland Ratzen- yesterday’s race.
the 30-year-old’s evening ended on Ubogagu joins Real Madrid Wearing a black armband as he berger were killed at Imola in 1994. Leclerc, who is 22 next month,
a sour note as he picked up a pair Chioma Ubogagu has joined Real stood on the top step of a Formula Hubert’s distraught mother, hugged Hubert’s mother. Ferrari
of stoppage-time yellow cards for Madrid’s women’s team, CD One podium for the first time, Nathalie, took centre stage on the team principal Mattia Binotto then
late challenges and was dismissed. Tacon. The England winger has Charles Leclerc pointed to the sky grid. Dressed in a green jumper, put an arm around his young star.
left Orlando Pride to join Tacon, to acknowledge Anthoine Hubert, blue jeans, and hiding her eyes Speaking prior to the race,
Bury hope to re-enter league who were bought by Madrid the young French driver killed at behind sunglasses, she was at the Binotto said: “It is not easy for
Bury MP James Frith is seeking a in June. Spa-Francorchamps. scene of her son’s death after Charles. He knew Hubert very well,
meeting with the English Football There was no customary cham- making the five-hour car journey but he also knows a win is the best
League to request that the town’s Republic lose quartet pagne spraying. The motor racing from her home outside Paris to way to keep his head up.”
football club is reinstated to Sky James McCarthy, Sean Maguire, world was in mourning. Belgium. Leclerc did just that. He made the
Bet League Two next season under Matt Doherty and Keiren “On one hand a childhood dream She held her son’s pink and white perfect start, racing away from pole
new ownership. “We are going to Westwood have all withdrawn has been realised,” said Leclerc. crash helmet. Hubert’s brother, position. Leclerc briefly traded
write to the remaining 71 clubs and from the Republic of Ireland’s “On the other hand it has been a Victhor, who was trackside with places with Ferrari team-mate
ask for their support and ask for squad to face Switzerland. very difficult weekend. I have lost a father, Francois, as Saturday’s trag- Sebastian Vettel, owing to different
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 15

Norris: It could
have been me, it
starts shaking you
Whiting following his sudden death
By Philip Duncan in March.
Norris took advantage of a cha-
British teenager Lando Norris otic opening first corner in which
admitted he was left shaken by Max Verstappen collided with Kimi
Anthoine Hubert’s death at the Raikkonen. The incident allowed
Belgian Grand Prix. Norris to make up six places from
Norris, the 19-year-old McLaren his starting spot of 11th. That was
rookie, graduated from Formula
Two after finishing runner-up in
the feeder championship last year.
“I didn’t feel great ahead of
today’s race,” said Norris, who was
on course to finish a career-best
fifth before his McLaren hit trouble
on the final lap.
“What happened here on
Saturday could happen to any of us.
It could have been me last year
racing in Formula Two.
“When you think like that, it
starts shaking you. Maybe some
people take it better than others,
but I didn’t take it too well.
“At the end of the day, my job is to
race for the team. I still need to live
my life, move on and do things that
sometimes I don’t want to do. Paying respects: A tribute to Anthoine
“I wanted to race today, but at Hubert on Lewis Hamilton’s Mercedes
the same time I felt so sorry for
everyone involved. I don’t even like where he remained until he broke
talking about it. He was a racer like down following an engine failure
we all are but he was just the with just four miles of the race to
unlucky guy. run.
“It was something that is so rare, “I said the f-word very, very
but at the same time it could still loudly,” he added. “I am pretty sure
happen in Formula One.” people in the grandstands heard.”
The FIA, Formula One’s govern- The London-born Thai Alex
ing body, has opened an investiga- Albon assumed Norris’s fifth place
tion into Saturday’s tragedy. It will after battling back from 18th on his
work alongside Belgian authorities. impressive Red Bull debut.
The inquiry is being led by “If you told me I would finish
racing director Michael Masi, the fifth before the start of the week-
Australian who succeeded Charlie end, I would have taken it,” he said.

Results and standings

Spa-Francorchamps 44 Laps World Ch'ship Standings

e victory to friend Hubert 1

Charles Leclerc Drivers
(Monaco) Ferrari
1 Lewis Hamilton (GB) 268pts
1hr 23mins 45.710secs
2 Valtteri Bottas (Finland) 203

2 Lewis Hamilton
(GB) Mercedes GP
3 Max Verstappen (Holland) 181
4 Sebastian Vettel (Germany) 169
5 Charles Leclerc (Monaco) 157
mile track rose to their feet to for a
round of heartfelt applause on lap
19. Hubert carried the number 19
Raikkonen. The force of the impact
sent Raikkonen temporarily on to
two wheels. Verstappen sustained
3 Valtteri Bottas
(Finland) Mercedes GP
4 Sebastian Vettel (Germany)
6 Pierre Gasly (France) 65
7 Carlos Sainz (Spain) 58
8 Daniil Kvyat (Russia) 33
9 Kimi Raikkonen (Finland) 31
on his car. damage to his Red Bull and Ferrari 1:24:12.132 10 Alexander Albon (Thailand) 26
“We grew up together,” said slammed into the barriers at the top 5 Alexander Albon (Thailand) 11 Lando Norris (GB) 24
Leclerc as he reflected on their of Eau Rouge. The sport held its Red Bull 1:25:07.035
12 Daniel Ricciardo (Australia) 22
friendship. “Losing Anthoine takes breath but, mercifully, Verstappen 6 Sergio Perez (Mexico) 13 Sergio Perez (Mexico) 21
me back to 2005 and my first walked away unscathed. Racing Point 1:25:10.158
14 Nico Hulkenberg (Germany) 21
French championship. Leclerc’s victory at his 34th 7 Daniil Kvyat (Russia)
15 Lance Stroll (Canada) 19
“There was him, Esteban [Ocon, attempt ensures he becomes the Scuderia Toro Rosso 1:25:15.367
16 Kevin Magnussen (Denmark) 18
the Mercedes reserve driver], third-youngest winning driver in 8 Nico Hulkenberg (Germany)
17 Romain Grosjean (France) 8
Pierre [Gasly, the Toro Rosso the sport’s history after Max Ver- Renault 1:25:32.349
18 Antonio Giovinazzi (Italy) 1
driver] and myself. We were four stappen and Sebastian Vettel. It also 9 Pierre Gasly (France)
19 Robert Kubica (Poland) 1
kids dreaming of getting to For- ends Ferrari’s winless run this year. Scuderia Toro Rosso 1:25:34.878
20 George Russell (GB) 0
Friends: Charles Leclerc (left) and mula One. Vettel finished fourth after a two- 10 Lance Stroll (Canada)
Racing Point 1:25:35.548 Manufacturers: 1 Mercedes GP 471pts, 2 Ferrari
Anthoine Hubert raced together “We have grown up in karting to- stop tyre strategy backfired. 326, 3 Red Bull 254, 4 McLaren 82, 5 Scuderia
gether, so to lose him is a big shock “It is not easy for any driver to 11 Lando Norris (GB) McLaren at 1 lap; Toro Rosso 51, 6 Renault 43, 7 Racing Point 40,
12 Kevin Magnussen (Denmark) Haas F1 at 1 lap;
tyre strategies, but once the four- for me, and everyone in the sport. jump into a top team, let alone 13 Romain Grosjean (France) Haas F1 at 1 lap;
8 Alfa Romeo Racing 32, 9 Haas F1 26,
time world champion was ordered “It is obviously quite challenging Ferrari, and continually outper- 10 Williams 1
14 Daniel Ricciardo (Australia) Renault at 1 lap;
aside, the Monegasque’s win rarely to close the visor and go through form, out-qualify and out-drive a 2019 Race schedule
15 George Russell (GB) Williams at 1 lap;
looked in doubt – even though the exact corner [where he died] four-time world champion,” said 16 Kimi Raikkonen (Finland) Alfa Romeo Racing at Italian Monza Sep 8
Lewis Hamilton ran him close. at the same speed as I did the day Hamilton of the sport’s latest race 1 lap; 17 Robert Kubica (Poland) Williams at 1 lap; Singapore Marina Bay Sep 22
Hamilton finished a second be- before. It is difficult to enjoy this winner. 18 Antonio Giovinazzi (Italy) Alfa Romeo at 2 laps Russian Sochi Sep 29
hind Leclerc to extend his title lead victory, but hopefully in two or “But Charles’s results speak for Not Classified 19 Carlos Sainz (Spain) McLaren 1 Japanese Suzuka Oct 13
over Valtteri Bottas, who took third, three weeks I will realise what themselves. There is a lot more lap completed, 20 Max Verstappen (Holland) Red Mexican Mexico City Oct 27
to 65 points. happened.” greatness to come from him and I Bull 0 laps completed United States Austin Nov 3
Fastest Lap Vettel 1:46.409 (36) Brazilian Sao Paulo Nov 17
Leclerc led as the tens of Following Leclerc’s faultless am looking forward to racing along-
thousands of spectators at the 4.3- start, Max Verstappen tagged Kimi side him in the future.” Pole Leclerc 1:42.519 Abu Dhabi Yas Marina Dec 1
16 ** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Sport US Open

Konta fights back from the

brink to edge past Pliskova
off the forehand side and 39 off the Turnaround: Johanna Konta lost the
Simon Briggs Top three backhand, with the second-high- first set and was a break down in the
CORRESPONDENT on today est totals standing at 56 and 29 second, before a thrilling recovery
at Flushing Meadows
ws respectively.
The challenge yesterday was to ing serves that cracked the match
Naomi Osaka maintain that eyeballs-out aggres- open.
v Belinda sion when the prize at stake was so Pliskova dumped a drive volley
Big-serving Czech held Bencic significant. Konta was looking to into the net off the first, then drove
off to reach the last eight World No 1 become the first Briton to reach a forehand long off the second,
plays Bencic, the quarter-finals here since Jo with the court at her mercy both
Battling display will rank who has a 2-0 Durie in 1983, and it would have times.
winning been all too easy to ease off and With a glimmer of hope at 0-30,
as one of best in career head-to-head play the percentages. Konta finished off the break and
record She did in fact fall prey to this then held her own serve, under
Johanna Konta has pulled off some against her temptation late in the first set, but enormous pressure, to the delight
magnificent wins at the majors this and is back in Pliskova is a wily customer who of a large and passionate crowd on
year, but yesterday’s was arguably form after can survive a long baseline rally Louis Armstrong Stadium. Perhaps
the best of the lot: a comeback some with surprising ease, using those there was a slice of canny match
from a set and a break down against horrible stork-like legs to cover the court in management, too, in the way she
Karolina Pliskova, the big-serving injuries. just a couple of strides. had changed the sweatbands on
Czech who had beaten her in six of The only way to beat her yester- her wrists before that Pliskova
their previous seven meetings. Rafael Nadal day was to bombard her with sheer service game at 5-5, giving her
The shots of Hollywood star v Marin Cilic pace. And to Konta’s credit, she opponent a few extra seconds to
Tom Hiddleston holding his fist in Second seed made that adjustment midway think.
the air after the final point – which Nadal has not through the second set, just when Konta’s reward was a 6-7, 6-3, 7-5
saw Pliskova slam a forehand long dropped a set things were beginning to look victory that will go down among
– might have given a hint as to the yet but 2014 bleak. her finest. Pliskova might have a
inspiration that underlay this champion The final set, in particular, was a track record of underperforming
result. Konta is normally serene Cilic will take triumph both of technique and at the slams but she is also the third
after a win, but this time she placed confidence mental steel. Konta landed three- seed, and has already won three
her hand over her face in what from third- quarters of her first serves and WTA titles this year – one of them
looked like disbelief. round win maintained that fiery resolution to with a thumping victory over
The victory felt particularly spe- over US No 1 strike first wherever possible, even Konta in the Madrid final.
cial, she said, because of “having John Isner. though the fact that Pliskova With a deeper run here, she
everyone here”. served first meant that she was would have had a shot of climbing
It was a bumpy ride, especially Taylor always coming from behind. to No 1 in the world for the second
because Pliskova had burgled the Townsend v There was one moment when time.
first set against the run of play, sur- Bianca Hiddleston – who is appearing on Konta’s first visit to the US Open
viving a lengthy sequence of break Andreescu Broadway and has attended two of quarter-finals means that she is
points. The serve- Konta’s four wins to date – plunged now part of the “Last Eight” club at
Standing 6ft 1in, with legs like volleying his head into his hands after she each of the four slams. This is more
lamp-posts, she has the most lethal Townsend botched a smash. than just a catchphrase: former
serve on tour – and yesterday’s 16 has been one “I didn’t see it,” said Konta after- quarter-finalists are entitled to
aces carried her to the top of the of the wards, “but I think when people various privileges, including
tournament table by a comfortable feel-good come to support you, they’re living access to tickets for life.
margin. stories but every moment of the match. It’s While Konta was clocking up
But if Pliskova has been the most Andreescu’s normal for them to express emo- that second-week debut, Serena
dangerous server in this US Open, variety and tion in every possible way. It’s Williams was moving into the last
then Konta has thumped more touch will been good to have people here eight for the 16th time in her
winners off the ground than any- make her a who are rooting for me”. extraordinary career with a com-
one else – by an absolute street. At tough nut In the end, it was a couple of des- fortable 6-3, 6-4 win over Croatia’s
the time of writing, she had hit 69 to crack. perate chipped returns off boom- Petra Martic.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 17

Osaka tugs at heartstrings as she

consoles crushed Gauff on court
By Simon Briggs

After a disputatious first week at

the US Open, Arthur Ashe Stadium
took on a very different mood on
Saturday night. An intriguing battle
between world No 1 Naomi Osaka
and 15-year-old Coco Gauff ended
in touching scenes as Osaka con-
soled her devastated opponent.
It is a sign of Gauff ’s potential
and high expectations that she felt
so crushed by a 6-3, 6-0 defeat at
the hands of the defending cham-

pion. In fact, the first set had been
highly competitive, and kept the
fans – who filled every one of Agony and This was a hugely popular deci-
Ashe’s 23,771 seats – screaming in empathy: Naomi sion. One reason why there is such
excitement throughout. Osaka (right) empathy between the pair is that
But Osaka admitted afterwards comforts Coco they both grew up training on pub-
that she had been more focused for Gauff lic courts in Delray Beach, Florida.
this contest than any other since “I was around the later teenage
she won the Australian Open in years,” Osaka explained later. “I feel
January. She gradually exposed the like we would get there around the
creaky parts of Gauff ’s developing same time, maybe like 8am or
game – especially a second serve something.
that missed its target almost a third “But she would train by herself,
of the time. then she would train with other
Then, as the pair shook hands, people. That was the crazy part to
Osaka made an unusual decision. me. She was, like, 10.”
She suggested to Gauff – who was Osaka became choked up when
already tearful – that they should she turned to Gauff ’s parents in the
perform the on-court interview to- stands and said: “You guys raised an
gether, rather than taking the spot- amazing player. For me, the fact
light herself as convention suggests. both of us made it is incredible.”

Federer casts doubt over Olympics

ments,” added Federer, in reference
By Simon Briggs to the fact that a certain number of
Davis Cup appearances are re-
After moving through to the quar- quired before a player has auto-
ter-finals with an almost effortless matic access to the Games.
6-2, 6-2, 6-0 victory over 15th seed Even so, it is hard to imagine the
David Goffin, Roger Federer ex- International Tennis Federation
pressed uncertainty about whether would block the world’s most popu-
he will compete at next year’s Quick work: lar player from competing.
Olympics in Tokyo. Roger Federer “The Olympics have always been
Federer has been imperious here conceded just very memorable,” Federer said. “Ei-
in the past two rounds, dropping four games to ther with carrying the flag, meeting
only five games against Dan Evans David Goffin my wife in 2000, winning gold.
on Friday and then four yesterday. “Naturally it’s always going to be
But he remained cagey about his a possibility for me to play Tokyo if
scheduling – even though he has there is an exemption. I don’t know
confirmed that he will play the ATP if I’m actually going to do it or not
event in Tokyo next month. because it all depends on family, on
“It’s still a year away,” Federer scheduling, on body, on future.”
said. “The time is slowly coming Federer will play Grigor Dim-
around for me, in my mind, my itrov, a former client of his manage-
team, my family, to find out what’s ment stable Team 8, in the
the best schedule after Wimbledon quarter-finals after Dimitrov – who
next year. used to be known as “Baby Fed” –
“As I don’t know if I will be overcame Australia’s Alex de
playing, I don’t know the require- Minaur in straight sets.
18 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Sport Rugby Union Japan bound:
Wales’ 31-man party

Prop Evans out as

Gatland picks ‘best Josh Adams
(Cardiff Blues)
Age 24 Caps 13
Hallam Amos
(Cardiff Blues)
Age 24 Caps 20
Aled Davies
Age 27 Caps 19

World Cup squad’

lected and to urge them forwards. has missed a few campaigns, had a
Saracens’ Carre gets nod The reason for Evans’s demotion is hamstring issue during the cam- Gareth Davies Jonathan Davies Leigh Halfpenny
after impressing in camp linked to his injury problems – he paign,” Gatland said. “When we de- (Scarlets) (Scarlets) (Scarlets)
underwent a shoulder operation in cided to go with the five props, one Age 29 Caps 43 Age 31 Caps 75 Age 30 Caps 81
April – and to the potential of Carre, of the big discussion points was
Selections show strength who has signed for Saracens. how durable they are.”
in depth, claims coach “It was a massive call and it is On the flank, James Davies must
Rhys’s durability,” Gatland said. have been fearing the worst, but as
“He carried well against Ireland one of the nation’s favourite charac-
By James Corrigan and scrummaged OK. He is 128kg ters there is widespread satisfaction
[20st] and is a big man and is only that the openside will join brother
Perhaps it is no surprise that War- going to get better. He came in at Jonathan on the plane. Davies, a
ren Gatland sent a few shock waves 138kg [22st] and was really strug- member of Team GB’s silver-win-
through Wales by leaving out gling but by the end [of the warm- ning sevens squad at the 2016
Grand Slam winner Rob Evans and weather camp in Turkey last week] Olympics, can thank the fact that George North Hadleigh Parkes
picking the young, green hulk Rhys he was beating the other props in Gatland has chosen to select six (Ospreys) (Scarlets)
Carre in the World Cup squad he terms of fitness. He’s got some en- back-rowers, with Aaron Shingler Age 27 Caps 85 Age 31 Caps 17
named yesterday. After all, the gine on him – the progress that he covering second row, should Cory
Kiwi’s 11 years as national coach has made over the 13 weeks we have Hill not recover from a leg fracture.
have been anything but boring. had in camp has been phenomenal. This proves the importance of
As his reign in the Principality “Is it a risk? The thing when you 27-year-old Hill. The Dragons lock
reaches its closing act – and what a will not be available until the sec-
finale it could be in Japan – this is a ond game – against Australia – at
reminder that his actions can speak Wales’ World Cup the earliest, but Gatland is prepared
even louder than his words. “We group fixtures to wait for his main line-out caller.
are not afraid of anyone,” he said. No worries about durability there.
“This is the best squad we have Monday, Wednesday, With an 18-13 forwards-backs
ever taken to a World Cup.” Sept 23 Oct 9 split, there are only two No 10s in Owen Watkin Tomos Williams Dan Biggar
It must be, if not only Evans is v Georgia, v Fiji, Oita the party, as Gatland had indicated (Ospreys) (Cardiff Blues). (Northampton)
deemed surplus to requirements Toyota City 10.45am beforehand, and it was obvious that Age 22 Caps 16 Age 24 Caps 8 Age 29 Caps 72
but also tighthead Samson Lee and 11.15am BST Rhys Patchell would be named
centre Scott Williams. Gatland con- Sunday, alongside Dan Biggar after making
ceded that Carre over Evans had Sunday, Oct 13 such a difference in Saturday’s sec-
been “the hardest call”. Sept 29 v Uruguay, ond-half comeback. Jarrod Evans is
It was almost unthinkable that v Australia, Kumamoto one for the future.
Evans would be overlooked for a Tokyo 8.45am City 9.15am But where does Scott Williams go
21-year-old who has not even been next, after being snubbed in favour
first-choice loosehead for the Car- pick a youngster is you know you’re of Owen Watkin? That is the thing
diff Blues and whose international going to go through some pain. He’s with the World Cup four-year cycle
experience amounts to the first 40 learning and making mistakes, but – it does seem so final for those such
minutes in the defeat by Ireland you need to see the long-term de- as Williams. But he is only 28 and
on Saturday. velopment and often we haven’t could still play a part in this World Liam Williams Rhys Patchell
Evans has won 35 caps since his seen that in Wales because of [the Cup, of course, as could so many of (Saracens) (Scarlets)
debut in 2015 and started all five Six need for] results. It’s ironic some- the discarded. Age 28 Caps 56 Age 26 Caps 12
Nations matches this year as Gat- times that we’re developing players Elsewhere, Gatland resisted the
land completed his third clean at the international stage rather temptation to go with wing Owen
sweep as Wales coach. Nobody ex- than doing it at regional level.” Lane, who impressed on his debut;
pected this. Credit to Evans be- Gatland is going with only five Hallam Amos earned the nod. “Our
cause Alan Phillips, the team props, which is an eye-opener in it- strength in depth is shown by the
manager, revealed that the 27-year-
old was the first to appear on the
self. Wyn Jones, Evans’s Scarlets
team-mate and, invariably, his dep-
calibre of the players we are leaving
behind,” Gatland said. “I think this
squad’s collective WhatsApp group uty, can cover tighthead. Lee’s ab- squad is good enough to win the
to congratulate the 31 who were se- sence is another surprise. “Samson World Cup.”

Stockdale believes Ireland are ‘back on track’ after

Wales It may have been a tentative step England inflicted with a 57-15 right out there, but I thought we A series of dominant tackles
rather than a stride in the right di- thrashing seven days previously. came out for the first half and ensured that Ireland were not bul-
rection, but Ireland have at least re- However, a much-changed played really well. lied for the second weekend in suc-

Ireland minded themselves of their Wales were overpowered for the “There was a good energy, a good cession. If fly-half Johnny Sexton,
all-conquering 2018. first hour, conceding a 22-3 lead, bounce about us that we haven’t poised to feature next weekend
That was the view of resurgent and crippled throughout by a crum- seen for a while. We’re definitely against the same opponents, is
wing Jacob Stockdale, who scored bling scrum. Although replacement back on the right track.” Schmidt’s chief strategist, Ryan is
two of the visitors’ three tries as fly-half Rhys Patchell stirred a Significantly, Joe Schmidt had re- his dynamic enforcer – a pivotal fig-
By Charlie Morgan Wales eventually went down 22-17 steely comeback, Ireland held on. instated James Ryan to the starting ure despite his tender years.
at the Principality Stadium in the final home game of Warren “It was definitely a case that we line-up. Aided by strong outings Stockdale’s display would have
Gatland’s 12-year tenure. let ourselves down as much as any- from loosehead prop David Kil- been encouraging, too. The prolific
Gatland had mischievously sug- thing last week,” Stockdale said. coyne and stand-in captain Peter Ulster wing, who endured a tough
gested that his team could “derail” “We let an awful lot of other people O’Mahony, shifted to openside afternoon at Twickenham, sup-
Ireland’s Rugby World Cup prepa- down. We just wanted to make sure flanker, the 23-year-old lock ex- ported Andrew Conway’s break to
rations by picking at the scars that that we changed that. It didn’t all go celled at the Principality Stadium. bag a 15th Test try and made it 16 in
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 19


World Rugby must

act on the issue of
Jake Ball
Age 28 Caps 35
Adam Beard
Age 23 Caps 15
Rhys Carre
Age 21 Caps 1
James Davies
Age 28 Caps 5
transgender players
rugby is hampered by a lack of
BRIAN scientific evidence. Current studies
are confined to purely athletic
MOORE measurements. There is little or no
rugby specific evidence and no
information on the issue of contact,
which differentiates it from other
sports. It is not surprising that
Elliot Dee Ryan Elias Tomas Francis Cory Hill rugby has followed athletics in its

(Dragons) (Scarlets) (Exeter) (Dragons) policy for transgender females,
Age 25 Caps21 Age 24 Caps 8 Age 27 Caps 42 Age 27 Caps 24 requiring them to take medication
ust over a week ago BBC to lower their testosterone levels to
Sport ran an article a specified range before they
about Kelly Morgan, qualify to play women’s rugby.
who was born Nicholas The problem is this is not
Gareth Morgan, and universally accepted. Some
after transitioning to a academics claim the range is
transgender female now plays in wrong and needs to be five times
Wales for Porth Harlequins Ladies. lower to remove physical
If you doubt the divisiveness of this advantages. They also point out
issue, witness the debate on social that transgender women retain the
Wyn Jones Dillon Lewis Ross Moriarty Josh Navidi media. It is toxic even for a advantages of denser bone
(Scarlets) (Cardiff Blues) (Dragons) (Cardiff Blues) platform not known for civil structure, greater muscle memory
Age 27 Caps 14 Age 23 Caps 14 Age 25 Caps 33 Age 28 Caps 18 discussion. The rugby authorities and overall size. Bone density is
have to recognise how disruptive important in rugby, as it affects the
this issue could be, and it must be ability to absorb impacts.
taken seriously, for many reasons. It is not only the fairness of
Rugby, rightly, aims to be an competition; rugby has the added
inclusive sport, but this will be dimension of physical safety. The
undermined if it does not get its case of Smoldon v Whitworth and
policy right on the issue of Nolan (1997) ruled on the duty of
transgender players. If it is not officials and governing bodies and
careful the agenda will be dictated highlighted the issue of physical
by a variety of groups who do not disparity when considering safety.
Ken Owens Aaron Shingler Nicky Smith care about the consequences for Rugby has a duty to ensure players
(Scarlets) (Scarlets) (Ospreys) the game, provided their
view prevails.
Age 32 Caps 66 Age 32 Caps 20 Age 25 Caps 30
Despite there being very few
For now it is wise to
transgender rugby players, the
Morgan story attracted hysterical
restrict transgender
comments like: “This is the death women to playing
of rugby.” I read many claims that
women’s rugby will be flooded by non-contact rugby
men who suddenly decide to
become transgender so that they are as safe as is reasonably
can succeed when they could not practical. Until rugby has better
do so in men’s rugby. information on this safety issue, it
As an initial observation, men do would be wise to restrict
not suddenly decide they want to transgender women to playing
become transgender women. Even non-contact rugby. This would be
a cursory glance at their stories allowed by section 195 of the
Alun Wyn Jones shows the decision is taken over Equalities Act 2010, which makes it
(Ospreys) time, frequently years. It often lawful to restrict the participation
Age 33 Caps 127 provokes ridicule, exclusion and, of transsexual people to uphold fair
Justin Tipuric Aaron in extreme cases, abuse and or safe competition.
(Ospreys) Wainwright violence. It is not a trivial decision. Two of my four daughters have
Age 30 Caps 65 (Dragons) Many comments betray played rugby and women’s rugby
Age 21 Caps 11 ignorance of the fact that in both has my total support. It accounts
men’s and women’s rugby there are for more than a quarter of the
disparities in the size, weight and global playing population and
power of players, not least because participation in England has grown
of the physical requirements of 28 per cent since 2017. These

ruining coach’s home finale different positions. This does not

automatically make rugby unsafe
for smaller, lighter or less powerful
players and contact sports involve
achievements could be jeopardised
by just one incident of serious
injury or one successful legal
action caused by participation of a
the risk of injury. transgender woman.
21 caps after hacking through an same and the best way to do that is pressed with more muscular con- These comments should not be Legally, morally and for the good
errant offload from Aaron Shingler have energy.” tributions. ignored, because left unchallenged of women’s rugby, World Rugby
and gathering ahead of Hallam Referee Romain Poite lost pa- Lane slalomed over out wide to they become accepted wisdom. needs to act now. As soon as
Amos. tience with Wales’ scrum, yellow- mark his maiden cap with a try and Women’s rugby has had to fight comprehensive research shows it
While an impish kick-pass from carding prop Leon Brown in the Patchell darted inside Garry hard to overcome the impression is possible to put transgender
Jarrod Evans lobbed him and found 52nd minute and awarding Ireland Ringrose to score late on. Ireland that it is not suitable for females female rugby players in a position
Wales debutant Owen Lane, Stock- a penalty try soon afterwards. finished slightly flat, yet survived. because of the collisions that are an where they pose no greater risk of
dale delivered a sturdier defensive That would be a belated cue for Schmidt is expected to inform intrinsic part of the game. This harm than natal females, they
effort that included a breakdown Wales to rouse themselves. Patch- World Rugby of his 31-man party struggle will be far more difficult if should be able to play full contact
turnover. ell, having replaced Jarrod Evans at for Japan today, announcing it pub- people believe that transgender and be welcomed into an inclusive
“You feed off players around the break, promptly played his way licly next Monday following an- women render the game unsafe sport that has a good record of
you,” added Stockdale, withdrawn into Gatland’s Rugby World Cup other encounter with Wales. On because of their physical accommodating lesbian and gay
by Schmidt at half-time. “You try squad. He swung wide, crisp passes Saturday evening, he labelled the superiority. people. Those who still disagree
and make the players around you that stretched Ireland. Another process of culling Ireland’s wider Making informed decisions should be honest and admit their
feel good and they try and do the bench man, burly Jake Ball, im- squad as “horrible”. about transgender females playing real agenda is not safety.
20 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Sport Rugby Union

Business helping Kruis on and off the pitch

E XC LU S I V E I N T E RV I EW contributions at 136 attacking
rucks over five matches – including
31 clear-outs in the 51 minutes
Entrepreneurial spirit before he was replaced in Dublin.
has helped take the No other player came within 10.
“I know my role within the
England lock up a level, team,” he adds. “I’m not going to be

he tells Charlie Morgan making line-breaks, I’m not going
to be scoring tries. I’ve fully
ithout wishing accepted that. Someone like Billy
to disparage Vunipola might ask you how many
either party, it is rucks you’ve hit knowing full well
not easy to that he has done all the carrying
imagine Dan and the exciting stuff.
Bilzerian and “I embrace it. Focusing on
George Kruis in the same room. making the most of every impact is
One is an unashamedly something I’ve tried to do.”
ostentatious, poker-playing The second Six Nations snapshot
international playboy who supplies comes from the final minute of a
photos of scantily-clad women to 57-14 win over Italy. Kruis had
his 28 million Instagram followers. already scored his second Test try
The other, a more understated after charging down Jayden
character, hit close to 140 rucks Hayward on the hour mark.
during the 2019 Six Nations – Around 20 minutes later, still
roughly one in every three that harrying the Azurri on their own
England accumulated while in try-line, he blocked a box-kick
possession over the tournament – from scrum-half Tito Tebaldi. The
and is poised for an influential role ball looped to Brad Shields, who
at the World Cup in Japan. touched down. Clenching both
Both men did attend this fists, Kruis celebrated wildly.
summer’s Europe CBD Expo in “I was probably happy because
London, an annual event that aims you might do 100 of those and one
to forge connections between will come off. It’s more of a long
those working in the cannabis game. But then I understand that
industry. Kruis was networking on of those 100, even if you don’t get
behalf of the business he founded [the charge-down], a lot of them
with former team-mate Dominic will have an effect on how the kick
Day, fourfivecbd, which sells is kicked.
painkilling products manufactured “Then your back three might be
from CBD (cannabidiol). Bilzerian, in a better position to run it back –
having recently launched his own there’s a reason [you do it]. As I say,
range, passed through on a New opportunity: England’s George Kruis has set up a business supplying painkilling products derived from cannabis I know my role.”
promotional tour. Saracens wanted to be admired
The pair did not meet properly. joint, something he explains matter for their mental and physical
A curious Kruis merely caught
‘You can talk about of factly. Kruis does not seem toughness last season. “There has
sight of Bilzerian briefly.
Regardless, the Saracens lock
something other squeamish.
That was the third time he had
to be a realisation that the game is
not lost until it actually is,” says
believes entrepreneurial pursuits than rugby. After gone under the knife to repair Kruis, remembering one simple
provide a healthy balance to his life ankle damage, the previous but uncompromising message. He
that has helped performance. 10 or 12 years, occasion ruling him out of last and his club colleagues in the
“I thought it was quite cliched
before,” he ponders. “But the more
that’s refreshing’ year’s tour to South Africa and
capping a disappointing season
national set-up – Jamie George,
Billy and Mako Vunipola, Maro
I think about it, the more [business following on from the British and Itoje, Owen Farrell – backed that
commitments] have helped me off prove as much. During an epic Irish Lions tour to New Zealand. up by coming from behind in two
the field and on it as well. European Champions Cup final Feeling far sharper for the 2018-19 deciders in club colours.
Especially when you are injured. victory over Leinster in May, he campaign, he excelled. It will need a similar blend of
“Quite a big thing I’ve found is rolled his right ankle. “I felt like I was playing some of resolve and composure for England
that you can talk about something Despite battling to the end of the my better rugby,” says Kruis ahead Strategic: George Kruis studies the to achieve what they want to at
other than rugby. After 10 or 12 season, helping Saracens thump of Friday’s Quilter International game during the recent defeat to Wales Rugby World Cup 2019.
years, that’s refreshing.” Gloucester in the Premiership against Italy in Newcastle. “I’d be Determined, dependable and
Kruis does not turn 30 until semi-final and then edge out kidding myself if I said that I was at Two things about the most diligent, Kruis can set the standard.
February, but it is a decade since Exeter at Twickenham, Kruis opted the same level the year before.” recent Six Nations sum up what he
his first-team debut for Saracens to undergo surgery in June. The When it comes to discussing his brings to the England set-up. The Quilter is a principal partner of
and he is a seasoned professional operation inserted “a couple of own form, Kruis does not get much first is a statistic. According to England Rugby. Find out more at
with silverware – and scars – to fake ligaments” to stabilise the more animated than that. Opta, Kruis made effective

Townsend’s discipline problem highlighted by Georgian brute force

Georgia to name his squad tomorrow, was was a real good performance for Northampton centre Rory Hutch-
Late decisions:
concerned to see his players cough maybe the first 20 or 30 minutes. inson did his chances of going to
Gregor Townsend
up numerous penalties as the “After that, we know we didn’t Japan no harm as he marked his
names Scotland’s
Scotland Georgians’ brute force gave his apply ourselves as well. The opposi- first start with a double.
World Cup squad
men problems. tion came back into the game and Forward Karen Asiesvili pulled
Now he says that will be one of we gave away a few penalties. one back for Georgia but Darcy
Gregor Townsend admits his side the areas the Scots focus on as the That’s what we’ll be working on.” Graham and Scott Cummings
need to improve their discipline clock ticks down to their Japan Russell stole the limelight for the completed a win which will have
after seeing Georgia force penalty 2019 opener. “While there are still areas to Scots on their final audition before helped make up Townsend’s mind
after penalty out of Scotland. Speaking after the Finn Russell- improve there, I thought that was a Townsend announces who has on a number of big decisions.
The Dark Blues were never in inspired victory, Townsend, who big step up. Our attack game got made the cut. The Racing 92 Townsend believes their expedi-
any trouble of losing to the Lelos in welcomes the Georgians back to going. I still think there’s things we maverick had a hand in four tries tion to the Caucasus was just what
Tbilisi as they cruised to a 44-10 tri- Edinburgh for their final warm-up can do better but we did see where before the head coach decided they needed as they prepare for the
umph. clash on Friday, told BBC Radio the space was, whether that be by there was no point taking any World Cup. “The fact we went to a
But with less than a month to go Scotland: “I saw what I wanted to moving the ball wide or chipping further risks with his health and different venue with a noisy home
before his side kick-off their World tonight. We knew we’d be tested in over the defence. replaced him with 18 minutes left. support with a team we’re not used
Cup campaign against Ireland in defence around the ruck area, that “It was great to see some of the Ben Toolis crossed over first in- to playing and adapted well is en-
Yokohama, Townsend, who is due we’d be tested on our line-out maul. back-line players get on the ball. It side a quarter of an hour before couraging,” he said.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 21

Knight’s tough
summer ends
in final flourish
K I A S U P E R L E AG U E and run in the fifth over, she be-
came the first, and now only,
woman to hit 1,000 career runs in
Isabelle the Super League. A personal land-
Westbury mark but, at that stage in the game,
at Hove unlikely to have even crossed her
mind – so far behind the rate did
Western Storm appear to be.
When the Storm’s Smriti
Unbeaten 78 clinches Mandhana, star of last year’s tour-
Western Storm victory nament but underachiever in this
one, fell first ball to Tash Farrant
England captain back to (two for 19) with only two runs
scored, 172 looked a towering chase.
her best after Ashes loss The Storm had just conceded
their equal-highest number of
If Ben Stokes was in, England’s men runs, and to win would require the
had a chance. If Heather Knight is highest successful run chase in a
in, Western Storm do too. As the knockout game. When Rachel
England captain reservedly raised Priest – big hitting, clean clubbing
her bat to the crowd for her 38-ball Rachel Priest – fell not long after,
50, it was not quite in the guise of the headlines were being written.
Stokes last week, so intent on the Danni Wyatt’s 28-ball half-century
task at hand that he failed to and 73 in all, the tournament’s lead-
acknowledge his century landmark ing run scorer, had surely steered
at all. But it was close. Knight is a the Southern Vipers to victory. Not
woman with a lot to prove, and in a in Knight’s world.

hurry to do so. “I thought that they were on for

An Ashes humiliation, a coach 200-plus at one point, the way that Champions:
subsequently removed and Knight Danni and Tammy [Beaumont] Western Storm’s
the one still standing. What the were going,” conceded Knight. Heather Knight
crowd was offered at Hove, as au- “When they were in the middle, it celebrates
tumn begins and the fourth and fi- was a very good track, really hard with the Super
nal version of the Kia Super League to defend, really hard to stop the League trophy
ends, was Knight back at her best, flow of runs. But I thought we – the Storm’s
and at the very first opportunity. bowled outstandingly. Freya second in four
Her unbeaten 78 in an improba- [Davies] and Anya [Shrubsole] years – after
ble chase showed that Knight has pulled it back nicely, managed to her superb
the mettle to succeed for a long pick up a few wickets. We knew if match-winning
one of the top four was there at the innings (below)
end we were in with a good chance,
Finals day results so I’m delighted it was me and
happy to pick up the trophy.”
Semi-final Chapeau, too, to Deepti Sharma
Loughborough Lightning 143 (39 not out from 22). If Stokes had
Southern Vipers 145-5 Jack Leach, then Knight had a
Southern Vipers won by 5 wkts more-than-able accomplice in the
Indian all-rounder. In just her first
Final overseas tournament, Sharma has
Southern Vipers 172-7 been denied much of a chance to
Western Storm 174-4 bat this season, so dominant and
Western Storm won by 6 wkts consistent have the Storm’s top
five been. But she was ready, and
time to come. She will need a holi- waiting, and with a comforting
day first, as she joked post-match, thwack of the bat first ball,
but she will be back. four runs, Knight exhaled
As for the Storm, dominant in the in relief – it was not all on
group stage, the most consistent her to do it alone.
performers over the short-lived life “When she came in
of the KSL, they were deserved she took the pressure off
winners of the tournament’s de- me massively” Knight
nouement, the closing scene before said. “And that’s when it
the Hundred replaces it next year. became quite an easy
A record chase, a captain’s knock, equation. That’s actually
the sun setting on a turbulent sum- the point when I started to
mer of English cricket. This is how get nervous! But I’m just
endings are meant to be. delighted that we were able
We saw the steely intent as to do that in a high-pressure
Knight muscled full deliveries skil- situation and what a final to
fully over extra cover. We had the finish off the competition.”
touch and timing as she planted her It has been a tough season
front foot, using the pace and angle for England’s women and
of the Southern Vipers’ seam attack next year carries a lot of
to guide the ball over backward uncertainty. But there is
square leg. And we saw the confi- hope, too. With Knight at
dence and fleetness of foot as she the helm, a steely
danced down the track to any spin- expression and a glint in
ner who erred in line or length. As her eye, this is a woman
Knight skipped to 16 runs, a drop just getting started.
22 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Sport Subject
‘Archer can beat
Australia with
reverse swing –
like I did in 2005’

t was one of the images of Conditions in the series so far
Simon Jones starred at the 2005 Ashes series. A Ashes have worked against reverse. It
Old Trafford 14 years ago huge crowd at Old
Trafford as Simon Jones
deciders was too wet at Edgbaston and
Lord’s, while Headingley is a soft
and tells Nick Hoult the bent the ball in from way Fourth Test pitch that does not abrade the ball.
England paceman can outside off stump to Old Trafford But Old Trafford and the Oval will
smash into the wickets of From be better suited, especially if the
shine there this week Michael Clarke, who was Wednesday, weather remains dry, and
so flummoxed by the 11am Australian batsmen have a history
reverse swing he shouldered arms. of struggling to handle reverse
Reverse swing dominated that Fifth Test swing.
golden summer, with Jones and Kia Oval Jones looks as fit as when he
Andrew Flintoff brilliant Thursday Sept took seven wickets, including six
exponents of unplayable deliveries 12, 11am for 53 in the first innings, during
that Australia never managed to that dramatic drawn Test in
counter successfully. Manchester 14 years ago when
Jones has retired now, but was Ashes fever gripped the country
back at Old Trafford last week and thousands were locked out on
where he believes reverse swing the final day, unable to buy a ticket.
could play a part for the first time Jones said it was the only time he
in this current Specsavers Ashes warmed up an hour before play in
series – making Jofra Archer even front of a full house. It was the
more dangerous for England. moment when the players realised
Archer was in Hove on Friday they were in the middle of a special
practising with the Dukes ball and summer.
making it swing. Coaches at Sussex The World Cup triumph and Ben
say he can bowl reverse and if he Stokes’s heroics at Headingley to

can start making the old ball talk at level the Ashes 1-1 have led to
speeds above 90mph then it will comparisons with 2005 for the way The battle with Steve Smith will Flashback:
complete him as the all-round the Ashes has once again become a be the headline moment of the England’s Simon
fast-bowling package. topic of national conversation. But next Test. Smith has dismissed Jones celebrates
Old Trafford is the hardest pitch while Stokes is playing the Flintoff suggestions Archer has a taking the wicket
in the country. It has pace and role, can Archer reprise Jones and psychological hold over him after of Australia’s
carry, but it is abrasive too. The be a threat with new and old ball? hitting him on the neck and Michael Clarke
recent hot spell should also have “Of course he can reverse it,” leaving him with concussion. during the
dried out the used pitches next to Jones told The Telegraph. “He has “Jofra has now had a week off, memorable third
the Test strip, making it easier for played in all different conditions in so he should be fresh,” Jones said. Ashes Test at Old
the ball to be scuffed up – thus different countries, and it is when “The Aussies will know that and Trafford in 2005,
promoting reverse swing. you rub shoulders with guys in they will fear it because he has had when he took
different leagues they give you such an immense impact on the seven wickets;
advice and you learn skills like series. I have no worries about and (far left) back
‘It will reverse swing. He has the talent him. His action is so beautiful. It is in Manchester
and cricket brain to make the most so easy. It does not look like there ahead of the
always of reverse. Old Trafford is a great is any stress on his body. He is so fourth Test last
place to bowl reverse swing. If he easy at the crease, he has a quick
be in the can get the ball reversing both arm. He is tall, so he gets that

back of a ways then he is the complete

business because of his extra pace.”
extra bounce.
“For me the bouncer is the
batter’s Jones admits he struggled to dangerous ball because of its
sleep in 2005, could not eat and length. It is not that short, and that
mind lost weight due to the tension of is where batters get in trouble. It is
if they that summer. He never played for
England again after bowling
coming at them at that awkward
height of the throat or face. He
have himself into the ground at Old knows when to bowl it and doesn’t
Trafford and in the fourth Test at overdo it. He can also pitch the ball
been hit. Trent Bridge. He worries about up and swing it, so he has
I don’t England over-bowling Archer, but
believes the Sussex man has the
everything. England just need to
look after him and he will have a
care who lithe athleticism and laid-back lengthy and successful career.
personality to cope better with the “I love the way he is so relaxed.
they are ’ workload and stress. He has taken to it like a duck to
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 23

Stokes pleaded
to be reinstated
as vice-captain
Stokes’s unbeaten 135 at Heading-
All-rounder badgered us ley last weekend. His heroics in
for the role, says Giles Leeds mean the series is level at 1-1
going into the final two Tests – an
unlikely prospect when England
Team director hopeful were bowled out for 67 in their first
Anderson will return innings at Headingley.
“What sport can deliver in terms
of drama, joy, ecstasy, despair. I
By Isabelle Westbury don’t think there is anything quite
like it and last weekend had all of
Ben Stokes lobbied England’s man- that in a day, it felt like,” the 2005
agement for a return as Test vice- Ashes winner said on BBC’s
captain, a position he was stripped Sportsweek radio programme.
of in late 2017 following a late-night “Morale wise, being back in the
brawl in Bristol, Ashley Giles has series, that’s how fine the lines are.
revealed. We could [have been] looking at
Giles, the national team director, some very different interviews
said yesterday that it was Stokes [last] Monday and Tuesday. We are
who had approached both him and very much back in the Ashes series
Tom Harrison, the chief executive now and I’m sure that the guys will
of the England and Wales Cricket be full of confidence. And just that
Board, to reprise the role, rather performance that Ben Stokes deliv-
than the other way around. ered, I’m sure it will raise everyone
“It is [an incredible turnaround],” else as well.”
explained Giles, of the 12 months Following the news that James
since August 2018 when Stokes was Anderson has had to withdraw
cleared of affray following charges from the rest of the Ashes series
brought after the Bristol incident. after a recurrence of the calf injury
“And this is one of the responses that had sidelined him since
that we want to see, really. bowling just four overs on the first
“It was actually Ben Stokes who day of the first Test, Giles remains
was badgering away as well about sanguine.
having the vice-captaincy back,
because this means so much to him.
Not just the vice-captaincy, but the
Ben Stokes was
Ashes series, Test cricket and he
handed back the
believes that as Joe [Root’s] right-
hand man he can deliver for him,
before the Ashes
and he is demonstrating that pretty
well at the moment.
“He badgered myself and Tom
Harrison. He was desperate to do it. “Jimmy will be desperate really
He really is one of your warriors [to return],” said Giles, before
when you take to the field. And he admitting that he was not sure how
water. He does not look fazed by ago after injuries took their toll on But now I have had six years has demonstrated that a couple of long he would be out for.
anything. He looks like he enjoys his body. He moved away from away I have slowly reintegrated times this year at least, and on two “He was obviously looking for-
himself. For instance, in that last cricket but is now back in the into the game and found my love of the biggest stages in the World ward to this series and had worked
Test he grabbed the inflatable ball game, studying for his level-three for it again. Cup final and last week in the Test so hard to try and get back for these
and threw it back into the crowd. coaching badge, working in a “I am desperate to be a fast- match. He is almost, when you last two Test matches. I would hope
That shows how relaxed he is. private school in Cardiff and bowling coach at one of the write the team down, going to be that there is enough time leading to
Players in the past have got caught applying for jobs in county cricket. counties. I feel as if I have a lot to your first name on the list.” New Zealand for Jimmy to be fit,”
up in the emotion and playing in an With the Hundred competition offer with experience and skill sets The renewed maturity – and he continued, referring to Eng-
Ashes series has really got to them. starting next year, the England and from my career. responsibility – has suited Stokes land’s next Test series, which starts
But he is not one of those people.” Wales Cricket Board has missed a “You get some coaches that have and his evolving game this summer. in late November following a series
Archer preferred to pitch the trick by not involving the 2005 not experienced the highs and lows However, it was not immediately of tour matches and five T20 inter-
ball up at Headingley, but still squad. The number of foreign of playing professional sport. I’ve clear that the Durham all-rounder nationals. After the tour of New
clunked Marnus Labuschagne on overseas head coaches has caused a been there and experienced both. would react well to such an eleva- Zealand, England will travel to
the head when he went short in the stir, but it could be clawed back if a It can be the best thing in the tion. Even when he was announced South Africa, with the first of four
second innings. Jones says he must few more young English coaches world one minute, but then it can as vice-captain in July, there were Tests starting on Boxing Day.
dish it out again to Smith. are given back-room jobs. be the worst place to be and until worries that he was trying too hard “In terms of strategy, we have got
“Massively, yes. Give him more “It is still difficult at times. I do you have experienced that you to redeem himself of his past a couple of options really. We are in
of the same,” he said. “It is always miss the routine. I am applying for can’t really advise someone, actions, and fears of burnout were the year of a T20 World Cup, so we
in the back of a batter’s mind when different roles at the moment and encourage them or give support. voiced. Against India last year, could play our best T20 team and
they have been hit. I don’t care hopefully when I get one of those The fact I can relate to players is there were occasions where his give our guys a break from Test
who they are. If they say it is not in and have some success, life will be the biggest thing. eagerness to impress appeared at cricket.
the back of their mind, then they a bit easier,” said Jones. “The coaches they have got for odds with the Test mentality “But if you look at it the other
are lying. It is always there and “Just being self employed can be the Hundred are vastly required to succeed. way around, most of our top players
always will be. tough at times. I am still involved experienced and very good, but it These issues seem to have been play a lot of T20 cricket already.
“I know Smith has said, ‘He has in the game, so that is great. would have been nice to see some ironed out. “I love having that We’ve talked a lot about refocusing
not got me out’ and Archer said, “I spent time away from the British people involved. It is a little responsibility,” insisted Stokes on red-ball cricket, maybe it’s an
‘He was not there long enough to game due to nature of injuries I bit sad that people are not used. when he was appointed. “It is opportunity to play a really strong
get him out’. It is good for the had and frustrations I felt in my But I will finish my level three and something that I thoroughly enjoy team in those Test matches,
game, good for the build-up and last year. I needed time away. I did see where it goes.” doing. I take pride in being vice- particularly leading into a South
I’m sure Jofra will go after him as not like being around the players captain. Being part of that think- Africa series which follows on
soon as he gets the chance.” or watching cricket when I Simon Jones was speaking on behalf tank is pretty cool.” almost a week or 10 days later.
Jones, now 40, struggled, as so finished. It brought back stuff that of Specsavers, the Official Test Giles, meanwhile, is optimistic We’re still juggling with that at the
many do, when he retired six years reminded me of the tough days. Partner of the England cricket team. about England’s prospects for the moment. I do hope Jimmy is
rest of the Ashes series following available.”
24 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Sport Boxing

Lomachenko lesson just ‘seven out of 10’

Champion is harsh critic
as Campbell earns credit
Edwards keeps title after
‘VAR’ overturns decision
By Gareth A Davies BOXING

Vasyl Lomachenko marked himself

as “seven out of 10” in defeating
Luke Campbell in their riveting
world lightweight title clash in Lon-
don on Saturday. The Hull fighter
pledged that he would be back “to
become a world champion”, mean-
while history was made as the
sport’s version of the video assistant
referee was used in a championship
fight for the first time in the UK.
On a night British fans witnessed
the leading technical fighter in the
world, Lomachenko, a double
Olympic gold medallist who has
dominated the professional sport in
three weight division in just 15
fights, proved once more he is near
unbeatable due to his physical gifts
and knowledge of the art of boxing.
And yet Campbell was a willing,
thrilling dance partner, in spite of

being hurt in the fifth round and

dropped in the 11th.
Lomachenko – known as “The
Matrix” – won a landslide decision
on the cards – 119-108 on two, 118- Brutal examination: Vasyl Lomachenko goes to work on Luke Campbell’s body as the Ukrainian shows his array of skills en route to a landslide decision in London
109 on the third – and if he has
flaws, it is not clear who will find The reigning champion himself? mance. The event also marked the anything like that before, I think it and Scotland’s Taylor (15-0, 12 KOs)
them. There was the finest of “Am I pleased [with the perfor- first time at a fight in Britain that an was completely the right thing to meet with chief support from heav-
chances that Campbell’s height and mance]? I want to see my fight on instant replay was used – effectively do,” said the promoter Eddie Hearn. yweights Joseph Parker, the former
reach advantages, as well as his TV, and after I will understand,” he VAR – to reverse a decision in a Mauricio Sulaiman, president of World Boxing Organisation cham-
identical southpaw stance, might said. “I promise I’ll come back to world-title fight. It was used by the the WBC, who was ringside, pion, and Dereck Chisora. “It has
give him an edge, but it simply led the UK, with the best fans in the World Boxing Council and was explained yesterday it was “obvious always been a dream for me to fight
to a non-stop brutal chess match of world. I give myself seven out of effective in overturning a fight a decision needed to be made” and in London,” Prograis said. “I can’t
dancing feet and flashing fists. 10.” involving London’s Charlie that it was done “after consulting wait to go and put on a show. I know
Fifteen million fans – half of the But that was credit to Campbell. Edwards, who was defending his briefly with the WBC supervisory once they [UK fans] see me fight
population in Ukraine – were watch- “Last night was one hell of a battle,” world flyweight title against Mexi- team”, also beside the ring. “We they’ll be fans for life.”
ing on free state television, while the he said yesterday after being taken can Julio Cesar Martinez Aguilar. have done it before, and many other Taylor, the International Boxing
O2 Arena was sold out. “There is one to hospital as a precaution on Satur- The champion was hurt and went sports do this, so why shouldn’t Federation world champion, added:
genius in this group, and that is Ana- day night, having taken 211 punches. to the ground after a ferocious body we?” he added “I want to take on the best fighters.
toly, Loma’s father,” said Bob Arum, “I’m gutted it didn’t go my way assault in the third round. Elsewhere, another riveting class Now it’s finally over the line I can
the American promoter, continuing but respect to Loma. Nothing is Mark Lyson, the referee, counted of elite fighters was announced for concentrate on getting to work in
to make the comparison in skills be- worse than the pain of a loss, but Edwards out and called the fight Oct 26 at the O2, where light- the gym. I’m very confident that I
tween Lomachenko and Muham- this will not stop me, I will be back over, although replays showed that welterweights Josh Taylor and can both outbox him and outfight
mad Ali. “The atmosphere in London and I will be world champion.” Edwards had been punched in the Regis Prograis meet in the final of him. I believe that I am the best
is better than in Las Vegas. The Brit- Campbell’s stock will have risen ribs by a left hand when he was al- the World Boxing Super Series. fighter in the division and now it’s
ish fans are so knowledgeable.” after a brilliant technical perfor- ready on his knees. “I’ve never seen American Prograis (24-0, 20 KOs) time to prove it.”

Sadness as Bradford fans bid farewell to iconic Odsal home after 85 years
R U G BY L E AG U E victory against Sheffield Eagles the 7,531 crowd at how it had come redundant but worked without
marked the end of an era. Super League Leeds take to this. Early in the millennium, pay for three months.
Raw emotion dripped from Bradford reached five successive After a third spell in
The emotion was raw as every corner of Odsal, a decaying
huge step towards safety Super League Grand Finals and administration in November 2016
the troubled Bulls left but unique amphitheatre. won three of them. They did the came liquidation and an
In 1954 it housed a then world- Leeds interim “It was a tough treble in 2003 and were World unthinkable fall into the third tier.
their historic stadium, record crowd of 102,569 but a coach Richard game and pitch Club champions three times during In January 2017, the reformed club
writes Ross Heppenstall ground where the ashes of several Agar said his and I’m highly that glorious era. were handed to Chalmers.

generations of Bradford supporters side took a delighted the Since 2012, however, Bradford The RFL owns the lease on Odsal
are scattered will now close after giant leap boys stuck have suffered three but now has no tenant and closure
s hundreds, if not owner Andrew Chalmers said he towards together and administrations, two relegations of the site will lead to numerous
thousands, of Bradford could no longer afford its rates, survival with a stuck through and a liquidation. Various owners Bradford employees losing their
Bulls supporters rent and maintenance. 36-10 victory at it,” Agar said. “I have talked about returning the jobs. With only 14 players
descended on the More alarming still is the club London know that club to their former glories but contracted for next season and
pitch at the final being placed in special measures Broncos. The mathematically none have delivered. coach John Kear unable to sign
hooter, it did not look by the Rugby Football League due win gives we’re still not Odsal itself and its associated anyone while the club remains in
or feel like a club ready to part to concerns over their financial Leeds a safe but it’s a costs has partly proved the club’s special measures, the future
company with their iconic home of sustainability. four-point fair old swing undoing. In 2012, the RFL bought remains uncertain. Despite this
85 years. From next season, the Bulls will cushion over with two the lease on the stadium from the victory, Bradford’s play-off hopes
Rugby league’s fallen giants have share a ground with Dewsbury their hosts, games and two Bulls and later that year came the ended due to results elsewhere.
suffered an extraordinary fall from Rams some 10 miles away and with a further other teams first financial meltdown and spell Kear said: “It is sad to be leaving
grace during the past decade and outside the Bradford district. three teams battling each in administration. The club’s Odsal, but we have just got to keep
yesterday’s 30-10 Championship There was great sadness among between them. other.” entire coaching staff were made this club alive and kicking.”
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 25
Sport Athletics

Lake finds her The Telegraph

Tokyo Eight
‹ Morgan Lake is one of eight

voice in looking specially chosen athletes whose

progress Telegraph Sport will be
tracking and who will be
contributing to our pages in the
build-up to the Olympic and

to become a role Paralympic Games next year.

The other athletes, with a vast
range of backgrounds and ages,
but united by the dream of glory

model for Tokyo

in Japan, are boxer Frazer
Clarke, 11 year-old skateboarder
Sky Brown, Paratriathlete Joe
Townsend, cyclist Ethan Hayter,
Alice Tai, a Paralympic swimmer,
climber Shauna Coxsey and
gymnast Nile Wilson.

coached her from childhood in

E XC LU S I V E I N T E RV I EW British indoor record by clearing Windsor all the way up to the Rio
1.97m in Hustopece, Czech Olympics.
Republic. But in February despite being an
Charlie Eccleshare
hare Since then, though, she has extremely fit 50-year-old, he
struggled for consistency and has suffered a stroke. Eldon’s progress
been plagued by niggling injuries. since has been astounding. Having
She is hopeful that those fitness been unable to walk in the
concerns are behind her, in time immediate aftermath, he is now
for a proper crack at the worlds healthy and back in the gym.
The gifted high jumper, ahead of the main event at the “His recovery has been
one of The Telegraph Tokyo Olympics next year. absolutely incredible,” Lake says.
Retaining her high-jump gold “The way I’ve seen him recover
Eight, is willing to have medal at the British from not being able to walk to
her say beyond athletics Championships last month jogging a few weeks later was just

certainly suggests Lake is back such a huge inspiration for me.
firing. Looking further ahead, Lake “If I think about myself, I only
f something is bothering has been selected as one of The have small changes to get to where
Morgan Lake, she will have Telegraph Tokyo Eight, which I need to be, and seeing what he
no hesitation about saying so. celebrates the future stars did in five weeks he’s made it seem
It is not that the young targeting gold in 2020. completely possible.”
British high jumper is Should Lake achieve that sort of Since her father’s recovery,
confrontational – far from it glory in Japan then her profile Lake’s life has settled back to
– it is just that she is determined to would explode. Either way, she is something approaching normality,
use her profile to send a positive
A quick glance at her social-
‘Sportspeople are ‘The way my dad
media presence illustrates that
this is someone who refuses to trot
scared. They say recovered from a
out sponsor-approved platitudes. what they think stroke was a huge
Instead subjects as diverse as
climate change, prejudice and people wish to hear’ inspiration to me’
poaching have all appeared on
Lake’s Twitter account over the determined to be a positive role although it is worth noting that

past few months. As someone who model. normality for her would seem
juggles her status as a British “Having a voice is something I’m absurd to most people.
Olympian with studying for a conscious of,” she says. “Because As both a British athlete and
psychology degree at when I see other athletes tweet psychology student, Lake does
Loughborough University, Lake is about things that are a bit more much of her revision while on the
well practised at learning about a political and having their opinion road and, when at university,
range of different topics. about things, I’m more inclined to shuttles from the lecture theatre to
When we meet to discuss her investigate it. the gym. Her house-mates are also
chances at the World “I think a lot of issues I probably a far cry from the standard
Championships that begin in Doha wouldn’t have known about if it combination of geographers,
this month, she is similarly weren’t for social media. Because I Target: Morgan Lake competes at the World Championships in Doha this month economists and historians – they
engaging. Naturally Lake, 22, is don’t really watch the news every are all highly promising young
determined to make good on the morning, but to be able to have interviews so they just say what much inspiration she takes from athletes, including world junior
enormous potential that brought some time out and see things when they think people want to hear the positive role models in her life. heptathlon champion Niamh
her two junior world I’m online or travelling, I’m like, rather than saying what they really From a sporting perspective she Emerson.
championships gold medals five ‘Wow, I didn’t know anything believe. So, yeah, it would be nice admires female trailblazers such as Lake insists though that she
years ago, but there are also more about that’. if people spoke more about these Serena Williams from afar, while thrives on her hectic lifestyle, and
important issues to discuss. “I think sportspeople are scared issues.” on a more personal level Lake believes the hours spent in the
Take body image, which of saying the wrong thing in Listening to Lake, it is clear how counts Dina Asher-Smith, who she library can help with her
continues to be an unhealthy has known since their junior days, performances.
preoccupation for those as a close friend. Asher-Smith’s “Rather than sports psychology,
commenting on women’s sport. “A humility after a stellar couple of I focus more on neuroscience and
lot of the time in women’s sport, if years has served as a powerful clinical psychology,” she explains.
someone isn’t performing as well example. “It’s good to get my mind away
a lot of people will say it’s because Former Olympic gold medallist from thinking about sport the
they’ve put on weight,” Lake says. Denise Lewis has also acted as a whole time, and it’s nice to have
“They don’t do the same kind of mentor, while going further back it that balance.”
thing for men. With a man they’ll was seeing Kelly Holmes win the For now the main focus is on
tiptoe around it, try and find every 800m and 1500m double in Athens Doha, and then – assuming she
other excuse – whereas a woman 15 years ago that captured the qualifies – Tokyo. She laughs
they’d say, ‘You looked heavy so seven-year-old Lake’s imagination. thinking about it now, but back on
that’s why you didn’t jump well’.” “That was the moment when I the famous Super Saturday of 2012
For Lake, jumping well or not decided I really wanted to be an when Britain scooped up three
should be the focus – and it has Olympian,” she says. track and field golds, Lake was
been a mixed year in that regard. The principal source of Lake’s huddled round a tiny TV in Stoke
Having switched from heptathlon motivation and inspiration though at a junior event trying to catch a
to high jump – where she finished comes from closer to home. She glimpse of her heroes.
10th in Rio – Lake began this and her father Eldon have always Seven years on, she is relishing
year strongly and equalled the Winner: Morgan Lake goes clear on her way to retaining the British title last month been extremely close – after all he the chance to take centre stage.
26 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph
Sport Racing

De Sousa targets Doncaster return 2.00 Nursery (5) 2YO 6f £3,429
1 513 Fashion Free [P](18) (D) (BF) Archie Watson 9 10
Hollie Doyle 1 2.00 - War of Clans
Silvestre de Sousa could be back in the aim will go slightly further, who bone. Because it was so bruised we 2 547 King’s View (27) R Hannon 9 7 S M Levey 2 2.30 - Daily Times 4.00 - Esspeegee
3 4D5 War of Clans (20) K Burke 9 2 H Shaw (3) 3 3.00 - Monarch Maid 4.30 - Hassaad
the saddle in time for Doncaster’s St knows, but hopefully he will be went back in on Tuesday for 3.30 - De Little Engine 5.05 - Three Little Birds
4 532 Enjoy The Moment (14) (BF) M Channon 9 1 David Egan 4
Leger meeting, which starts on back for Doncaster,” said De Sousa’s another X-ray and the collarbone S.P. f’cast: 10-11 Fashion Free, 3-1 Enjoy The Moment, 9-2 War of
Wednesday week, after it emerged agent, Shelley Dwyer. was fine, there is just ligament dam- Clans, 13-2 King’s View. Going: Good to firm TV: Sky Sports Racing
Draw: In sprint races low numbers tend to have an advantage over five
his collarbone was not broken after “He is going to Sir Peter age round there. 2.30 EBF Maiden Fillies’ Stakes (Plus 10) (5) 2YO 6f £3,429 furlongs, high best over six furlongs.
1 3 Baracca Rocks (32) K Burke 9 0 [B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces
all. O’Sullevan House [at Newmarket] “It is still sore but it is getting H Shaw (3) 7
2 6 Belle Anglaise (22) S C Williams 9 0 R Kingscote 2 3.30 Dave Wood 60th Birthday Handicap (5) 7f £3,429
De Sousa was not expecting to re- on Monday, so we will know a bit there. He is much better. He is still 3 422 Daily Times (53) J Gosden 9 0 R Havlin 1 1 222 Seprani (10) Miss Amy Murphy 5 9 7 G Wood 2
turn until Champions Day at Ascot bruised, but the bruising is coming 4 Diamonds And Rust W G M Turner 9 0 L Morris 4 2 937 Pour La Victoire [B](13) (CD)(C)(D) A Carroll 9 9 7
next month, but his comeback tar- out. If he progresses as he did last 5 4 Indyzeb (11) J W Mullins 9 0 Hollie Doyle 6 Hollie Doyle 5
get date has now been brought for- On the mend: week then touch wood we will be 6 40 Queen Salamah (28) Richard Spencer 9 0 D Muscutt 3 3 345 Bint Dandy [B](8) (D) C Wallis 8 9 7 David Egan 3
Silvestre de Sousa 7 77 Sorteo (27) A Balding 9 0 L Keniry 5 4 356 Fieldsman (10) (CD)(C)(D) A Carroll 7 9 6 G Downing 1
ward after it was found nothing was back. It is good news.”
8 9 Trouser The Cash (140) Miss Amy Murphy 9 0 G Wood 8 5 423 De Little Engine [P](18) (CD)(D) Alexandra Dunn 5 9 5
broken and that his injury was re- hopes to be back The Charlie Appleby-trained S.P. f’cast: 4-7 Daily Times, 13-2 Sorteo, 8-1 Queen Salamah, C Fallon (5) 4
stricted to ligament damage. in action at the Ghaiyyath ran out an impressive Baracca Rocks, 10-1 Belle Anglaise, 25-1 Others. 6 271 Blessed To Empress [V](2) (CD)(C)(D)
Miss Amy Murphy 4 8 13 J Mitchell 6
The three-times champion St Leger meeting winner of Germany’s top race, the 3.00 Ian Carnaby Selling Handicap (6) 6f £2,782
S.P. f’cast: 9-4 De Little Engine, 3-1 Seprani, 9-2 Blessed To
jockey was injured in a fall at Grosser Preis von Baden, at Baden- 1 715 Red Tycoon [B](12) (D) K C-Brown 7 9 7 F Marsh (3) 2 Empress, Fieldsman, 13-2 Pour La Victoire, 14-1 Bint Dandy.
2 224 Monarch Maid (13) (D) P Hiatt 8 9 2 E Whittington (7) 11
Chelmsford City on Aug 23 when Baden yesterday. 3 R74 Knockabout Queen (2) (D) A Carroll 3 9 0 K Fox 5 4.00 Handicap (6) 1m 4f £2,782
Alnadir, trained by Simon Crisford, The unexposed colt made all the 4 998 Congress Place [P](10) M Appleby 3 8 13 A Rawlinson 4 1 341 Esspeegee [V](13) (CD)(D) A Bailey 6 9 7 D Keenan (3) 2
came down after being squeezed more as the week goes on as to running under William Buick and 5 511 Nervous Nerys (24) (CD) A Hales 3 8 10 Amelia Glass (7) 9 2 465 Beer With The Boys (9) (D) M Channon 4 9 5 David Egan 4
for room in a five-runner handicap where we are at. cruised home 14 lengths clear of 6 269 Waneen (18) J Butler 6 8 9 David Egan 3 3 008 Sea Of Mystery [T](24) M Appleby 6 9 2 A Rawlinson 7
7 427 Red Snapper [P](41) W Stone 4 8 8 Hollie Doyle 6
over 10 furlongs. “It is all good, all positive, no Donjah with German Derby winner 8 0-6 Regal Miss (61) P Chamings 7 8 8 George Rooke (7) 10
4 163 Contingency Fee [H,P](6) (C)(D) P McEntee 4 9 1
Grace McEntee (7) 8
De Sousa was taken to Adden- neck braces or anything on now so Laccario a further four lengths 9 089 Indian Affair [P,T](11) (D9) J Bradley 9 8 8 P Prince 8 5 093 Kirtling [T](13) (D) Andi Brown 8 8 12 J Mitchell 6
brooke’s Hospital in Cambridge for we are hoping he can get back for away in third. The Godolphin four- 10604 Willa’s Wish [B](22) A Carroll 3 8 6 D Keenan (3) 7 6 968 Brockagh Cailin (26) J S Moore 4 8 11 L Keniry 3
assessment and a return visit there Doncaster. year-old, who has run just seven 11980 Spring Holly [H](12) J Bradley 3 8 6 L Morris 1 7 627 Roy Rocket (13) (CD)(C) J Berry 9 8 11 J F Egan 1
S.P. f’cast: 5-2 Nervous Nerys, 4-1 Red Tycoon, Monarch Maid, 7-1 8 357 Foresee (18) (D) A Carroll 6 8 10 Hollie Doyle 5
revealed better news. “When he was in Addenbrooke’s times, was given a 16-1 quote for the Knockabout Queen, 10-1 Red Snapper, 12-1 Congress Place, Waneen, S.P. f’cast: 11-8 Esspeegee, 4-1 Beer With The Boys, 6-1 Foresee,
“The aim is Doncaster. Whether there was a shadow on the collar- Prix de l’Arc de Triomphe. 16-1 Indian Affair, 20-1 Others. 13-2 Kirtling, 8-1 Contingency Fee, 10-1 Roy Rocket, 25-1 Sea Of
Mystery, Brockagh Cailin.

Chepstow 4.30 Novice Stakes (5) 5f £3,429

1 0-3 Spirited Guest (175) G Margarson 3 9 5 T P Queally 1
2 5-2 Katherine Place [H,T](14) W G M Turner 4 9 1 R Tate 3
2.15 Fillies’ Novice Stakes (Plus 10) (5) 2YO 5f £3,429 Going: Good to firm-good in places TV: Sky Sports Racing 4.15 BMC Bucket Manufacturing Handicap (5) 1m 2f £3,429 3 -39 Abuja [H](23) M Madgwick 3 9 0 L Keniry 2
Marlborough Draw: High numbers have a slight advantage in races up to a mile.
1 404 Chasanda [H](87) (D) P Evans 9 7 Angus Villiers (7) 9 1 0/4 Banish [T](26) T R George 6 9 9 H Turner 6 4 3 Hassaad (114) Archie Watson 3 9 0 Hollie Doyle 4
1.45 - Prissy Missy 2 423 Allez Sophia (40) Eve J-Houghton 9 0 C Bishop 4 3.15 Novice Stakes (5) 7f £3,429 2 138 Gendarme [V](12) (CD)(D) Alexandra Dunn 4 9 7 S.P. f’cast: 4-7 Hassaad, 5-2 Spirited Guest, 10-1 Katherine Place,
2.15 - Allez Sophia (nb) 3.45 - Graphite Storm 3 29 Band Practice (18) Archie Watson 9 0 O Murphy 7 1 2-2 Alrajaa (18) (BF) J Gosden 3 9 5 J Crowley 4 S P Davis (3) 3 12-1 Abuja.
2.45 - Kwela 4.15 - Freckles 3 186 Arctic Sea (22) (C)(D) P Cole 5 9 3 Rossa Ryan 1
4 0 Erika (14) N Mulholland 9 0 Rossa Ryan 5 2 Edraak Owen Burrows 3 9 5 D O’Neill 5
3.15 - Alrajaa 4.45 - Mr Nice Guy 4 072 Freckles [H](17) M Tregoning 4 8 12 O Murphy 5 5.05 Apprentice Handicap (5) 5f £3,429
5 0 Handful Of Gold (12) K Bishop 9 0 J Fahy 2 3 09U Four Feet (18) H Candy 3 9 5 Emma Taff (7) 2 1 753 Wiley Post [B](25) (CD)(D) (BF) A Carroll 6 9 12
6 3 Just May (26) C Cox 9 0 H Crouch 1 4 8 Auntie June (18) R Brotherton 3 9 0 C Shepherd 3 5 057 Less Of That (111) (D) Debbie Hughes 5 8 10 Elisha Whittington (6) 2
1.45 Nursery (6) 2YO 5f £3,429 Racheal Kneller (5) 2
7 47 Liscahann (25) J W Mullins 9 0 R Hornby 3 5 8 Plum Duff (212) M Blanshard 3 9 0 C Bishop 1 2 331 Three Little Birds (26) (D) S Kirk 4 9 11 Georgia Dobie 1
1 266 Beignet (17) (BF) R Hannon 9 7 Rossa Ryan 10 6 635 Essenaitch (28) (CD)(D) P Evans 6 8 7 Angus Villiers (7) 4
8 Minhaaj W Haggas 9 0 DOUBTFUL 6 S.P. f’cast: 2-9 Alrajaa, 4-1 Edraak, 16-1 Four Feet, 50-1 Plum 3 078 Bernie’s Boy [P](5) (D) P McEntee 6 9 3
2 448 Tilly Tamworth (42) B Millman 9 7 R Hornby 1 Duff, 100-1 Auntie June. S.P. f’cast: 11-8 Freckles, 7-2 Arctic Sea, 9-2 Banish, 5-1 Grace McEntee (6) 5
9 65 Where Next Jo (28) P Evans 9 0 Rhiain Ingram (5) 8 Essenaitch, 12-1 Gendarme, 16-1 Less Of That.
3 658 Full Spectrum [P](14) Paul George 9 7 M Nicholls (3) 5 S.P. f’cast: 6-4 Allez Sophia, 4-1 Band Practice, 5-1 Chasanda, Just 4 092 Tan (7) (C)(D) (BF) M Appleby 5 9 3 M Crehan 4
4 544 Carmel [P](24) Archie Watson 9 6 O Murphy 7 May, 8-1 Liscahann, 10-1 Where Next Jo, 50-1 Others. 3.45 Acorn Property Group Handicap (4) 7f £5,208 4.45 Apprentice Handicap (6) 3YO 1m 4f £2,782 5 515 Haveoneyerself [P](6) (CD)(D) J Butler 4 9 1
5 722 Prissy Missy (6) David Loughnane 9 4 T Greatrex (5) 6 1 214 Graphite Storm (16) (D) C Cox 5 9 11 H Crouch 6 Morgan Cole (5) 3
1 217 Bug Boy [P](21) Paul George 9 10 Rhiain Ingram (3) 5
6 550 Good Times Too (39) M Channon 9 4 C Shepherd 9
2.45 Handicap (5) 3YO 7f £3,429 2 563 Bungee Jump (7) (CD)(C)(D) Grace Harris 4 9 10 S.P. f’cast: 2-1 Three Little Birds, 9-4 Wiley Post, 7-2 Tan, 5-1
1 669 Indomitable (58) A Balding 9 7 O Murphy 2 Rossa Ryan 4 2 544 Twenty Years On [P](26) (D) R Hughes 9 7 A Villiers (5) 2 Haveoneyerself, 12-1 Bernie’s Boy.
7 567 A Go Go (32) P Evans 9 1 H Crouch 3 3 347 Four Mile Bridge (14) M Usher 9 1 T Greatrex (3) 4
2 673 Kwela [P](18) (D) Eve J-Houghton 9 7 C Bishop 3 3 317 I Am A Dreamer [V](9) (D) M Johnston 3 9 8 F Norton 1
8 330 Jane Victoria (23) Adam West 9 1 R Da Silva 4 J Crowley 5 4 794 Mr Nice Guy (16) S Kirk 9 1 Poppy Bridgwater (3) 1
3 556 Jungle Juice (10) (CD)(D) M Channon 9 7 4 321 Aluqair [H](18) (D) S Crisford 3 9 4 Whistler’s Nap
9 782 Blue Venture (20) A Carroll 9 0 H Turner 8 Scott McCullagh (5) 5 5 148 Ragstone View [H](27) (D) B Millman 4 8 12 C Bishop 3 5 360 Bonneville [B](78) B Millman 8 8 O Searle (7) 8
Freckles (4.15 Chepstow) is today's nap for Whistler (Marcus
10890 Lethal Sensation [B](22) P Webber 8 11 M Dwyer 11 4 588 Molaaheth [T](31) Alexandra Dunn 8 13 Rossa Ryan 4 6 246 Sir Roderic [V](16) (C)(D) B Millman 6 8 11 O Murphy 2 6 596 Magic Act (14) M Johnston 8 8 A Breslin (3) 7 Armytage), of The Sunday Telegraph.
11869 Red Cinderella (32) P Evans 8 8 Angus Villiers (7) 2 5 855 Plumette (22) (CD) David Loughnane 8 12 L Coughlan (7) 1 7 257 Waqt [P](10) (D) Alexandra Dunn 5 8 10 S P Davis (3) 7 7 605 Keith [WS](78) B Millman 8 6 S P Davis 6
S.P. f’cast: 2-1 Prissy Missy, 9-2 Beignet, 11-2 Carmel, 8-1 Good 6 529 J’ouvert (195) P Evans 8 10 Angus Villiers (7) 6 S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Aluqair, 3-1 Graphite Storm, 5-1 Bungee Jump, 8 563 Ocean Reach (11) R J Price 8 4 Isobel Francis (7) 3 Tomorrow's Meetings
Times Too, Blue Venture, 10-1 Tilly Tamworth, A Go Go, 16-1 Full S.P. f’cast: 3-1 Indomitable, 7-2 Plumette, Kwela, 5-1 J’ouvert, 6-1 13-2 I Am A Dreamer, 15-2 Sir Roderic, 10-1 Ragstone View, 12-1 S.P. f’cast: 7-2 Magic Act, 9-2 Mr Nice Guy, 5-1 Ocean Reach, 11-2 Catterick 2.00 to 5.40; Goodwood 2.15 to 5.35; Kempton Park 5.45 to
Spectrum, 20-1 Jane Victoria, 33-1 Red Cinderella, Lethal Sensation. Molaaheth, 7-1 Jungle Juice. Waqt. Bug Boy, 6-1 Twenty Years On, Four Mile Bridge, 10-1 Others. 8.45; Salisbury 4.50 to 7.30.

Hexham Windsor Results

Marlborough 6.10 Novices’ Handicap Chase (4) 2m 4f £6,433 4.25 Zupermann Automotive Handicap (5) 6f £3,429 Marlborough Brighton Going: Good to firm
1 421 Murphy’s Law (14) K Dalgleish 5 11 12 B Hughes 1 433 Mr Buttons [P](19) Mrs L Stubbs 3 9 7 C Noble (3) 7 2.00 (5f60yds h’cap): Urban Highway (T Marquand 7-2) 1;
4.35 - Lawtop Legend 4.25 - Chil Chil (nap) Thegreyvtrain (2-1F) 2; Zaula (9-1) 3. 8 ran. 13/4l, shd. (A
2 407 Inca Gold (55) B Haslam 5 11 11 R McLernon 2 225 Shake Me Handy (40) R Teal 4 9 6 W Cox (3) 6 Carroll). Tote: Win £4.90; places £1.20, £1.02, £2.70. Exacta:
5.10 - Ringaringarosie 6.40 - Prancing Oscar 3 244 Desert Island Dusk [T](34) (CD)(C) M Barnes 8 11 3 3 515 Good Answer [P](30) R Cowell 3 9 4 P Dobbs 4 4.55 - Phuket Power 6.30 - Verify
£11.20. Tricast: £56.78. Trifecta: £43.10. CSF: £10.81.
5.40 - Melody Of Scotland 7.10 - Classical Milano Sam Coltherd (3) 5.30 - Max’s Thunder 7.00 - Lumination
4 271 Chil Chil (5) (D) A Balding 3 9 3(6ex) James Doyle 2 2.30 (5f60yds mdn): Spanish Angel (O Murphy 4-6F) 1;
6.10 - Murphy’s Law 7.40 - Gennady 4 P25 Braavos [B](29) (D) Sam England 8 11 3 C Bewley 6.00 - Look Surprised 7.30 - Culture Newyorkstateofmind (6-4) 2; Freshwater Cliffs (9-1) 3. 3
5 514 The Groove (21) (D) P Evans 6 9 2 H Bentley 1
5 485 Tokaramore [H](16) (D) I Jardine 7 10 9 Ross Chapman ran. 23/4l, 11l. (A Balding). Tote: Win £1.60; Exacta: £2.00.
Going: Good-good to firm in places TV: Sky Sports Racing 6 705 Porto Ferro [T](47) (CD)(C)(D) J Bridger 5 8 7 K O’Neill 5 Going: Good to firm TV: Sky Sports Racing Trifecta: £1.40. CSF: £2.05.
6 0-P Ripstick (16) (D) J Walton 8 10 0 C O’Farrell 7 447 Caledonian Gold [V](9) Mrs L Williamson 6 8 7 G Ashton (7) 3
[B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces Draw: High numbers hold a slight advantage in sprints. 3.00 (5f215yds h’cap): Red Alert (T Marquand 8-1) 1;
S.P. f’cast: 4-6 Murphy’s Law, 5-1 Braavos, 6-1 Inca Gold, 8-1 S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Chil Chil, 3-1 Mr Buttons, 4-1 The Groove, 6-1 Good [B] Blinkers [V] Visor [E] Eyeshield [T] Tongue Strap [P] Cheekpieces Chatham House (11-8F) 2; Cent Flying (11-4) 3. 6 ran. 3/4l,
4.35 Handicap Hurdle (5) 2m 7f £4,159 Tokaramore, 10-1 Desert Island Dusk, 50-1 Ripstick. Answer, 7-1 Shake Me Handy, 12-1 Porto Ferro, 25-1 Caledonian Gold. 1/2l. (A Carroll). Tote: Win £9.30; places £3.00, £1.10.
1 6-0 Moorlands Mist (114) (CD) Sara Ender 12 12 2 6.30 Visit Handicap (5) 3YO 1m 2f £3,429 Exacta: £26.80. Trifecta: £78.20. CSF: £19.70.
N Moscrop (3) 6.40 Handicap Hurdle (4) 2m £5,458 4.55 EBF Novice Stakes (Plus 10) (4) 2YO 6f £4,852 1 530 Society Guest (19) M Channon 9 7 G Mosse 8 3.30 (6f210yds nov): Ziggle Pops (S M Levey evs F) 1;
2 131 Chocolat Noir (7) M Todhunter 6 12 0(7ex) D Cook 1 U11 Desert Point (4) (D) K Dalgleish 7 12 7(7ex) B Hughes 1 8 Bad Company (60) J Boyle 9 5 C Bennett 12 2 853 Slade King (13) G L Moore 9 7 T P Queally 11 Herodotus (3-1) 2; Anglo Saxson (9-1) 3. 4 ran. 5l, 1/2l. (R
2 Prancing Oscar [P](11) B Haslam 5 12 1 R McLernon Hannon). Tote: Win £1.60; Exacta: £4.50. Trifecta: £11.90.
3 043 Oscar Ceremony [P](72) Stef Keniry 8 11 12 H Brooke 31 2 5 Barking Mad (12) P Evans 9 5 H Bentley 2 3 273 No Dress Rehearsal [H](45) M W Easterby 9 7 A Kirby 10 CSF: £4.23.
4 322 Quivvy Lough (31) Olly Murphy 5 11 9 R Johnson 3 521 Capitoul (16) (D) Dr R Newland 7 11 12 C Hammond (3) 3 55 Bryn Du (14) W Haggas 9 5 James Doyle 6 4 537 Glory (19) R Hannon 9 5 T Marquand 1 4.00 (7f211yds h’cap): Harlequin Rose (C Fallon 11-2) 1;
5 5-5 Benarty Hill (16) Kenny Johnson 9 11 2 Alison Clarke (7) 4 653 Green Zone (16) (D) Miss L Harrison 8 11 0 4 57 Burniston Rocks (38) E Vaughan 9 5 S Donohoe 8 5 722 Verify (18) Ed Walker 9 5 J P Spencer 3 Limerick Lord (14-1) 2; Joyful Dream (5-2F) 3. 9 ran. 11/2l,
D McMenamin (5) 11/2l. (P Chamings). Tote: Win £4.40; places £1.60, £3.80,
6 448 Lawtop Legend [P](66) (CD) G Bewley 7 11 1 J Bewley (3) 5 223 Cotai Again (10) C Hills 9 5 K Shoemark 3 6 745 Toybox [P](33) J Portman 9 3 R Hornby 4
5 5-4 Frame Rate [P](F41) I Jardine 4 10 13 C O’Farrell £1.40. Exacta: £63.40. Tricast: £239.75. Trifecta: £290.40.
7 P84 Elixer [H](34) F Murtagh 6 11 0 L Murtagh (3) 6 Dance Fever C Cox 9 5 A Kirby 10 7 158 Lieutenant Conde [T,WS](55) H Morrison 9 2 C Bennett 6 CSF: £77.84. NR: Weardiditallgorong.
6 9P4 Gripper (34) Miss L Russell 4 10 12 B Campbell (3)
8 -24 Angel’s Envy [P](60) I Jardine 7 10 9 B Hughes 7 9 Gift Of Youth (14) Mrs A Perrett 9 5 R Havlin 11 8 462 Elsie Violet [P](17) (D) R Eddery 9 1 A Atzeni 7 4.30 (1m1f207yds h’cap): Quick (T Marquand 15-2) 1; The
S.P. f’cast: 6-5 Desert Point, 3-1 Prancing Oscar, 4-1 Capitoul, 6-1 Jean Genie (11-10JF) 2; Cafe Sydney (11-10JF) 3. 3 ran.
9 757 Court Baloo [P](47) (D) A Whillans 8 10 4 Ross Chapman Green Zone, 20-1 Gripper, 25-1 Frame Rate. 8 8 Ivadream (19) R Charlton 9 5 J Watson 1 9 490 Wall Of Sapphire [E](26) (C) M Loughnane 9 1 S W Kelly 9 1/2l, 10l. (R Hannon). Tote: Win £5.30; Exacta: £11.90.
S.P. f’cast: 5-4 Chocolat Noir, 11-4 Quivvy Lough, 5-1 Angel’s Envy, 9 55 Kassab (47) P Chapple-Hyam 9 5 S W Kelly 4 10954 Sea Of Marengo [P](18) (D) Grace Harris 9 0 L Morris 12 Trifecta: £7.00. CSF: £15.36. NR: Geetanjali.
10-1 Oscar Ceremony, 16-1 Lawtop Legend, 20-1 Court Baloo, 25-1 7.10 Handicap Chase (4) 3m £5,133 10 50 Numinous (54) H Candy 9 5 T Marquand 9 11650 So Strictly [T](26) P Cole 8 13 S M Levey 5 5.00 (1m1f207yds h’cap): Light Of Air (Miss Katy Brooks 8-1)
Benarty Hill, Moorlands Mist, Elixer.
1 4P- Gold Patrol (168) (D) Jake Coulson 11 11 12 T Gillard (7) 11 44 Phuket Power (9) (BF) T Dascombe 9 5 R Kingscote 7 12776 Your Thoughts (17) P Webber 8 11 F Norton 2 1; Luna Magic (7-4F) 2; Brother In Arms (7-1) 3. 7 ran. ns,
2 331 King Golan [B](16) (D) Kenny Johnson 8 11 10 12323 We’re Reunited (10) R Harris 9 5 D Probert 5 11/2l. (G L Moore). Tote: Win £11.30; places £5.10, £1.50.
5.10 Visit Handicap Chase (5) 2m £4,419 S.P. f’cast: 10-3 Verify, 5-1 Elsie Violet, 11-2 No Dress Rehearsal, Exacta: £28.80. Trifecta: £187.40. CSF: £23.84.
Alison Clarke (7) S.P. f’cast: 11-4 Phuket Power, 4-1 We’re Reunited, 5-1 Cotai 6-1 Slade King, 8-1 Toybox, 10-1 Glory, 12-1 Society Guest, 14-1
1 341 Teeton Power [V](12) Miss Kelly Morgan 8 12 3 A Wedge 3 -14 Classical Milano (71) (CD)(C) G Bewley 8 11 10 J Bewley (3) Again, 7-1 Bryn Du, 10-1 Dance Fever, 12-1 Others. Sea Of Marengo, Lieutenant Conde, 16-1 Others. Placepot: £180.10. Quadpot: £81.00.
2 116 Hurricane Rita [P](73) (D) C Dore 9 11 12 A P Heskin 4 /PP Onlyfoolsownhorses [P,T](38) (D) M Hammond 8 11 8 Worcester Going: Good
3 5-1 Reverse The Charge [P](121) (CD)(C) Mrs J Walton 12 11 8 A Cawley 5.30 Nursery (5) 2YO 1m £3,429 7.00 Novice Stakes (5) 1m 3f £3,429 2.10 (2m4f h’cap ch): Invincible Don (J J Burke 7-2) 1;
Miss A Waugh (5) Caveat Emptor (11-4F) 2; Max O (15-2) 3. 7 ran. 1/2l, 5l. (S
5 228 Damiens Dilemma [B](44) (CD)(D) (BF) 1 134 Incinerator [T](10) (BF) H Palmer 10 0 James Doyle 2 1 Chicago Socks W De Best-Turner 9 9 9 R Da Silva 5 Durack). Tote: Win £4.60; places £1.90, £2.80. Exacta:
4 162 Ringaringarosie (4) (CD)(D) (BF) M Todhunter 6 11 6 W Coltherd 11 10 13 Sam Coltherd (3) 2 541 Lethal Talent (19) J Portman 9 7 T Saunders (7) 4 2 33 Knockacullion (13) R Hughes 3 9 2 S W Kelly 6 £15.40. Trifecta: £77.50. CSF: £13.85.
T Willmott (7) 6 71P Pena Dorada [P](9) (C)(D) A Whillans 12 10 9 3 696 Pitcher (10) R Hannon 9 4 S M Levey 6 3 53 Lumination (147) M Meade 3 9 2 R Hornby 10 2.40 (2m7f nov ch): Go Another One (R Johnson 1-3F) 1;
5 P66 Jacobite Rising (16) (D) M Sowersby 6 10 12 L Murtagh (3) Rachel McDonald (5) Notnow Seamus (11-4) 2; Lady Markby (10-1) 3. 5 ran. 31l,
4 846 Slavonic Dance [B](10) R Beckett 9 3 H Bentley 5 4 66 Riverfront (23) A Balding 3 9 2 D Probert 8
6 333 Roll Of Thunder (34) (CD) J Walton 10 10 12 C O’Farrell 7 U39 Apache Pilot [T,V](44) (CD)(C)(D) M Barnes 11 10 3 21/4l. (J McConnell (IRE) ). Tote: Win £1.20; places £1.10,
Mr D Hurst (10) 5 403 Max’s Thunder (24) D M Simcock 9 3 J P Spencer 3 5 Scarlett Sun G Margarson 3 9 2 T P Queally 1 £1.10. Exacta: £1.60. Trifecta: £2.00. CSF: £1.91.
7 P41 Gentleman James [B](16) Mrs D Sayer 7 10 4 B Hughes
8 33P Miss Batten [T](33) (D) Miss L Russell 5 10 2 B Campbell (3) 6 750 Kentucky Hardboot (10) M Channon 8 13 G Mosse 1 6 Social City A Carroll 3 9 2 L Morris 9 3.10 (2m nh flat): Present Chief (R McLernon 7-4F) 1;
8 264 Wisecracker [B,T](16) (BF) B Case 6 10 2 C Gethings S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Lethal Talent, 5-2 Incinerator, 4-1 Slavonic Dance, Stimulating Song (12-1) 2; Witness Protection (6-1) 3. 7
S.P. f’cast: 11-4 King Golan, 4-1 Classical Milano, 5-1 Miss Batten, 7 06 Aspiring Diva (17) Mohamed Moubarak 3 8 11 G Mosse 3
S.P. f’cast: 3-1 Gentleman James, 4-1 Ringaringarosie, 5-1 Pena Dorada, 6-1 Damiens Dilemma, 10-1 Apache Pilot, Gold Patrol, 11-2 Max’s Thunder, 8-1 Pitcher, 12-1 Kentucky Hardboot. ran. nk, nk. (Jonjo O’Neill). Tote: Win £2.50; places £1.30,
Wisecracker, 6-1 Teeton Power, 8-1 Hurricane Rita, Reverse The 25-1 Onlyfoolsownhorses. 8 57 Gibraltarian (14) J Boyle 3 8 11 C Bennett 7 £4.40. Exacta: £19.80. Trifecta: £71.00. CSF: £24.02. NR:
Charge, Roll Of Thunder, 12-1 Jacobite Rising. 6.00 Jon And Sonya Anniversary Handicap (4) 5f £5,208 9 26 Heavenly Tale (171) R Beckett 3 8 11 H Bentley 11 Breffniboy.
7.40 Maiden Hurdle (5) 2m £3,355 1 601 Harry Hurricane [P](14) (CD)(D) G Baker 7 9 9 10 8 Torbellino (14) J Best 3 8 11 K Fox 4 3.40 (2m7f h’cap hdle): Hot Ryan (T Scudamore 7-2) 1;
5.40 Handicap Hurdle (4) 2m 4f £6,108 1 Connerys Hill Kenny Johnson 6 11 0 Alison Clarke (7) C Fallon (5) 1 11 39 Waterfall (26) Mrs L Wadham 3 8 11 H Turner 2
Rubys Cube (6-1) 2; Superefficient (11-4F) 3. 11 ran. 13/4l,
1 162 Melody Of Scotland [V](11) (CD)(C) B Haslam 5 11 12 41/2l. (D Pipe). Tote: Win £3.70; places £1.30, £2.20, £1.40.
2 P-6 Darry Desbois [V](71) M Todhunter 6 11 0 R Day 2 076 Line Of Reason (12) (D) P Midgley 9 9 9 H Bentley 2 S.P. f’cast: 9-4 Lumination, 11-4 Knockacullion, 5-1 Heavenly Tale, Exacta: £24.50. Tricast: £66.51. Trifecta: £58.80. CSF:
R McLernon
3 P2/ Duc De Grissay (499) A M Thomson 6 11 0 3 160 Benny And The Jets (53) S Kirk 3 9 7 R Hornby 8 15-2 Riverfront, 8-1 Scarlett Sun, 16-1 Waterfall, 20-1 Gibraltarian, £23.59. NR: Lapalala.
2 P-8 Applaus [P](19) (C) M Hammond 7 11 2 A Cawley 25-1 Chicago Socks, Torbellino, Social City, 33-1 Aspiring Diva. 4.10 (2m4f h’cap hdle): Doubly Clever (Luca Morgan 2-1) 1;
Rachel McDonald (5) 4 535 Foxy Forever [B,T](9) (D9) M Wigham 9 9 7 F Norton 5
3 001 Something Brewing [P](31) (C)(D) I Jardine 5 11 1 Jimmy Rabbitte (15-8F) 2; Bally Longford (9-1) 3. 5 ran. 6l,
4 222 Emerald Rocket [B](13) (BF) Olly Murphy 4 11 0 R Johnson 5 757 Waseem Faris (19) (D) K C-Brown 10 9 7 P Dobbs 11
Ross Chapman
5 4- Footloose [T](307) J Snowden 5 11 0 G Sheehan 6 654 Just Glamorous (19) (D) Grace Harris 6 9 6 C Noble (3) 9
7.30 Sky Sports Racing On Sky 415 Handicap (5) 1m 3f £3,429 9l. (J Farrelly). Tote: Win £2.90; places £1.60, £1.40. Exacta:
4 33- Transpennine Star [B](156) (BF) Jonjo O’Neill 6 11 1 1 11- Roundhead [WS](J263) R Phillips 4 9 12 J P Spencer 1 £6.50. Trifecta: £20.40. CSF: £6.19.
R Johnson 6 4-2 Gennady (11) (BF) K Dalgleish 5 11 0 B Hughes 7 359 Excellent George [T](35) (D) S C Williams 7 9 5 4.40 (2m7f mdn hdle): Hattaab (Kielan Woods 13-8) 1;
M Ghiani (7) 10 2 452 Carp Kid [P](12) (CD) J Flint 4 9 11 F Marsh (3) 6 Jonnigraig (8-1) 2; Ballygown Bay (5-6F) 3. 6 ran. 10l, 7l.
5 7-2 Craig Star (14) (D) D McCain 9 10 13 B Hughes 7 2 Raashdy (9) Sam England 6 11 0 J England
8 531 Maid Of Spirit (19) (CD)(D) C Cox 4 9 4 A Kirby 6 3 815 Tiar Na Nog (64) (CD) D Coakley 7 9 10 C Bishop 4 (G McPherson). Tote: Win £2.30; places £1.20, £2.60. Exacta:
6 563 Placedela Concorde [T](4) M Barnes 6 10 9 8 Unite The Clans (F24) A M Thomson 5 11 0 C Bewley
Sam Coltherd (3) 9 -60 Wherewouldugetit (78) Sara Ender 5 11 0 N Moscrop (3) 9 836 Joegogo [V](19) (D) P Evans 4 9 0 T Marquand 7 4 801 Culture [P](21) (C) G Baker 3 9 7 C Fallon (5) 3 £12.50. Trifecta: £14.90. CSF: £12.95. NR: Make The Switch.
5 454 Bartholomew J [P](13) (D) Mrs L Pearce 5 9 6 D Probert 5 5.10 (2m h’cap hdle): Hallings Comet (D McMenamin 5-4F)
7 56- Oldtimer (165) M Todhunter 8 10 8 R Day 10 3 Misscarlett (16) P Kirby 5 10 7 R McLernon 10912 Look Surprised (14) (CD)(D) R Teal 6 8 11 W Cox (3) 4 1; Competition (7-2) 2; Solstalla (9-2) 3. 5 ran. 12l, 12l. (S
S.P. f’cast: 5-2 Something Brewing, 3-1 Transpennine Star, 9-2 S.P. f’cast: 6-5 Emerald Rocket, 4-1 Gennady, 5-1 Raashdy, 8-1 11255 Celerity [V](4) Mrs L Williamson 5 8 7 G Ashton (7) 3 6 732 Dubious Affair (19) (BF) Sir M Stoute 3 9 1 R Kingscote 2 Lycett). Tote: Win £1.80; places £1.30, £1.60. Exacta: £5.40.
Melody Of Scotland, 5-1 Craig Star, 13-2 Placedela Concorde, 12-1 Misscarlett, 10-1 Footloose, 16-1 Duc De Grissay, 20-1 Darry Desbois, S.P. f’cast: 5-2 Maid Of Spirit, 7-2 Look Surprised, 9-2 Harry S.P. f’cast: 2-1 Dubious Affair, 7-2 Culture, 9-2 Tiar Na Nog, Trifecta: £13.80. CSF: £5.96.
Oldtimer, 16-1 Applaus. 25-1 Unite The Clans, 50-1 Others. Hurricane, 8-1 Foxy Forever, 10-1 Others. Roundhead, 11-2 Carp Kid, 20-1 Bartholomew J. Jackpot: £1,289.90. Placepot: £30.80. Quadpot: £12.90.
The Daily Telegraph Monday 2 September 2019 *** 27

McIlroy’s dazzling fightback Britain stack up Olympic

qualification places but
denied by Soderberg victory fall short in medal hunt
GOLF 10-footer for a birdie to win his R OW I N G Ukrainian winner Roman Polian-
maiden title. skyi set a world-best time. Pritchard
“I thought it was exciting enough was only one second behind Aus-
World No2 beaten in simply to be playing here with By Rachel Quarrell in Linz tralia’s bronze medallist and 2018
play-off in Switzerland Rory,” Soderberg said. “My hands world champion Erik Horrie, and
were shaking.” McIlroy’s head was Britain finished ninth in the World set a personal best by 20 seconds.
doing the same, although perhaps Championships medal table but “It was a very quick race,” he
My hands were shaking he was being unfair to himself. This joint top in Olympic qualification, said. “Unfortunately I didn’t have
playing Rory, says Swede was his 15th top 10 out of 19 starts in and leading the way in para-rowing. the pace this year, but I’m looking
2019, a remarkably consistent ratio. The closing finals yesterday forward to going again next year.”
Whatever anyone says about his added a single bronze medal to the John Collins and Graeme Thomas
By James Corrigan barren run in the majors – five years British tally, as the men’s eight were finished fourth in the men’s double
GOLF CORRESPONDENT – there can be no doubt he is at the caught off balance by early speed despite medal aspirations, and
peak of his powers. The fact he has from Germany and New Zealand,
There are not too many uncon- not won a European Tour event in but pushed on from 600 metres
So close: Vicky
quered summits in the golf career four years is also a mystery. gone, staying ahead of Australia, to
Thornley was two
of Rory McIlroy, but the Omega “Too many mistakes,” McIlroy claim third in an intense race where
seconds off a
European Masters in the Alps said of a week that included 14 any slip could have cost them
medal in the
remains one. Eleven years after he bogeys. “I made enough birdies, qualification.
women’s singles
was beaten in a play-off at the Winner: Sebastian Soderberg of but I just didn’t quite have it over “Each year we come away with
picturesque mountainous Swiss Sweden poses with the trophy the weekend. This is my seventh the medal I least like the colour of,
course of Crans-sur-Sierre, the event in eight weeks. I think play- but this regatta was all about get-
same fate befell the world No 2 five birdies in the last seven holes to ing so much, sometimes mental ting boats to the Olympics, and this Vicky Thornley was two seconds
yesterday. reach the 14-under mark. errors creep in here and there.” year we’ve really evolved as a off a medal in the women’s singles,
It was actually to McIlroy’s im- The Northern Irishman even Soderberg, ranked 287th in the squad,” said Mat Tarrant. “We’ve another rapidly accelerating race.
mense credit that he was part of the emulated Severiano Ballesteros’s world, was suitably delighted. “It’s really learnt a lot.” The women’s team qualified six
five-man, sudden-death shoot-out iconic shot on the 18th. Ballesteros’s unbelievable,” he said. “I’ve dreamt In an equally competitive wom- boats out of seven for the Olympics,
won by the Swede Sebastian Soder- “great escape” in 1993 is marked of playing on the European Tour, en’s eights final, the British opted the first time they have outdone the
berg. After last week’s exertions in with a plaque from where “El Con- even better doing it this way. I was for prudently confirming Tokyo men with four.
Atlanta, where he won $15 million quistador” somehow discovered a in the lead, lost it, went into the tickets, doing so by 1.5 seconds over Rowing has changed in the past
(£12.2 million), the 30-year-old made gap in the trees. McIlroy’s effort play-off with Rory among it. Romania, while New Zealand and three years. Fields have tightened,
a 4,500-mile journey to compete in was not in that league but it was still “I was more nervous in the Australia surprisingly beat defend- minor slips can cost many places,
this European Tour event. a magical shot on to the fairway that beginning than I was towards the ing champions the United States. and more crews are reaching the
There because of a sponsor’s allowed him to go into the play-off. back nine. Got on a good run and “It wasn’t our prettiest row, but it medal zone. In such close contests
commitment, it would have been Finland’s Kalle Samooja, Italy’s the ball kept going in. Just playing was about getting that qualification there can be small gaps between
easy and almost forgivable if he had Lorenzo Gagli (67) and Argentine with Rory, so many people around, spot,” said cox Matilda Horn. gold and sixth, and Britain have
coasted in when he found himself Andres Romero were also playing playing with a guy like that adds Para-sculler Benjamin Pritchard work to do with three Olympic-class
four off the pace at the turn. But for the £375,000 first prize, with heat to it right away. I proved to performed beyond his experience, bronzes compared to New Zealand’s
McIlroy battled back, conjuring 28-year-old Soderberg holing a myself that I can play out here.” finishing fourth in a field where tally of four golds and two silvers.


Baseball Cycling OMEGA EUROPEAN MASTERS (Crans-sur-Sierre, MEDALS: 1 New Zealand (4G+2S+0B); 2 Italy League 1: Coventry 6 Oldham 50-Doncaster 48 (Kazakhstan) 6-4 6-3 6-2; A ZVEREV (Germany, 6)
MLB: Arizona 6 Los Angeles Dodgers 5-Atlanta 11 LA VUELTA (Spain).-Stage 8 (Valls to Igualada Switzerland).-Leading finals scores (GB & (3G+4S+3B); 3 China (3G+1S); 9, GB (2G+4B). Keighley 12-Hunslet 16 Workington 30-Newcastle bt A Bedene (Slovenia) 6-7 (4-7) 7-6 (7-4) 6-3 7-6
Chicago White Sox 5-Chicago Cubs 0 Milwaukee 166.9km): 1 N Arndt (Germany) Team Sunweb 3h Ireland unless stated): 266—S Soderberg GB MEDAL CREWS: Gold PR2 mixed double, PR3 46 North Wales 22-Whitehaven 74 West Wales 6. (7-3); D S SCHWARTZMAN (Argentina, 20) bt T
2-Colorado 4 Pittsburgh 11-Detroit 10 Minnesota 50m 48s; 2 A Aranburu (Spain) Caja Rural- (Sweden) 64 70 66 66 (won at first extra play-off mixed coxed four. Bronze lightweight women's Sandgren (US) 6-4 6-1 6-3; M CILIC (Croatia, 22)
7-Kansas City 7 Baltimore 5-LA Angels 10 Boston Seguros RGA; 3 T van der Sande (Belgium) Lotto hole); R McIlroy 67 63 69 67; K Samooja single, lightweight women's double, men's four Rugby Union bt J ISNER (US, 14) 7-5 3-6 7-6 (8-6) 6-4; R
4-New York Yankees 4 Oakland 3 (11 innings)- Soudal at same time. Stage 9 (Andorra la Vella to (Finland) 66 71 62 67; A Romero (Argentina) 69 and men's eight. Internationals NADAL (Spain, 2) bt H Chung (South Korea) 6-3
Philadelphia 3 New York Mets 6-San Francisco 1 Cortals d’Encamp, 94.4km): 1 T Pogacar 61 66 70; L Gagli (Italy) 64 68 67 67; 267—A Georgia 10 Scotland 44 6-4 6-2. 4th rd: R FEDERER (Switzerland, 3) bt D
*= British entry has newly qualified the boat class
San Diego 4-St Louis 10 Cincinnati 6-Tampa Bay 9 (Slovenia) UAE-Team Emirates 2h 58m 09s; 2 N Arnaus (Spain) 66 67 70 64; M Lorenzo-Vera Georgia: S Matiashvili (L Khmaladze 54), M GOFFIN (Belgium, 15) 6-2 6-2 6-0; G Dimitrov
to Tokyo * = British entry has newly qualified the
Cleveland 6-Texas 3 Seattle 2-Toronto 6 Houston Quintana (Colombia) Movistar Team +23s; 3 P (France) 63 72 67 65; 268—L Herbert Modebadze, Z Dzneladze (T Mchedlidze 56), D (Bulgaria) bt A De Minaur (Australia) 7-5 6-3 6-4.
boat class to Tokyo today # = new world best time
4-Washington 7 Miami 0. Roglic (Slovenia) Team Jumbo-Visma +48. (Australia) 70 67 67 64; T Fleetwood 65 65 68 Kacharava, A Todua, T Abzhandadze, V Women’s Singles 3rd rd: N OSAKA (Japan, 1) bt
70; W Ormsby (Australia) 66 64 67 71; M Lobzhanidze (G Aprasidze 54), M Nariashvili (K
Overall: 1 Quintana 35h 18m 18s; 2 Roglic +6s,
Schwab (Austria) 63 67 70 68; 269—M Kinhult
Rugby League C Gauff (US) 6-3 6-0; B BENCIC (Switzerland, 13)
Bowls 3 M A Lopez (Colombia) Astana Pro Team +17; 21 Asieshvili 56), S Mamukashvilli (G Chkhaidze 56), bt A KONTAVEIT (Estonia, 21) w/o; D VEKIC
NATIONAL CH'SHIPS (Royal Leamington Spa).- J Knox (GB) Deceuninck - Quick Step +13m 23s; (Sweden) 67 72 65 65; A Pavan (Italy) 70 68 66 Betfred Super League B Gigashvili (L Chilachava 56), S Sutiashvili (L (Croatia, 23) bt Y Putintseva (Kazakhstan) 6-4 6-1;
Tony Allcock Trophy, Semi-finals: Camberley, 53 Geoghegan Hart +49-36; 102 O Doull (GB) 65; C Bezuidenhout (S Africa) 67 67 65 70; G Catalans Dragons 6 Hull K R 24 Lomidze 66), K Mikautadze (G Nemsadze 59), O J GOERGES (Germany, 26) bt K BERTENS (Holland,
Surrey bt Brimfield & Little Hereford, Team Ineos +1h 20m 29s; 134 I Stannard (GB) Green (Malaysia) 65 64 69 71; E Van Rooyen (S Catalans Dragons—T: Mead. G: Gigot. Giorgadze, B Saghinadze, B Gorgadze. 7) 6-2 6-3; T Townsend (US) bt S Cirstea
Herefordshire 39-33; Box, Wiltshire bt Team Ineos +1-40-52; 153 S Bennett (Rep of Africa) 65 69 68 67; R Paratore (Italy) 67 66 67 Hull K R—T: Shaw (2), McGuire. G: Shaw (6). Scotland: B Kinghorn, D Graham, R Hutchinson, S (Romania) 7-5 6-2; B V ANDREESCU (Canada, 15)
Eastbourne, Sussex 35-33. Final: Camberley, Ireland) Bora - Hansgrohe +1-57-06. 69; S Jamieson 70 65 67 67; T Pieters HT: 6-16. Johnson (H Jones 48), S Maitland, F Russell (A bt C WOZNIACKI (Denmark, 19) 6-4 6-4; K Ahn
Surrey bt Box, Wiltshire 42-36. Rink scores: (Belgium) 67 67 70 65; 270—T Detry (Belgium) London Broncos 10 Leeds 36 Hastings 65), G Laidlaw (A Price 59), A Dell (J
DEUTSCHLAND TOUR.-Stage 3 (Gottingen to 68 71 65 66; N Bertasio (Italy) 66 70 65 69; H
(US) bt J Ostapenko (Latvia) 6-3 7-5; E MERTENS
Camberley skips first): D McCallum drew with N Eisenach 189km): 1 K Asgreen (Denmark) London Broncos—T: Dixon, Morgan. G: Dixon. Bhatti 59), S McInally (G Stewart 65), W Nel (Z (Belgium, 25) bt A Petkovic (Germany) 6-3 6-3.
Grenfell 21-21; M Sampson bt A Jacobs 21-15. Tanihara (Japan) 66 66 71 67; 271—A Johnston Leeds—T: L. Briscoe, Seumanufagai, Walker (2), Fagerson 59), B Toolis, G Gilchrist, J Barclay (S
Deceuninck-QuickStep 4h 27m 53s. 4th rd: J KONTA (GB, 16) bt KAROLINA PLISKOVA
White Rose Trophy, Semi-finals: Surrey Swifts 69 69 66 67; D Drysdale 65 70 70 66; S Garcia Handley, Dwyer. G: Martin (6). HT: 10-18. Cummings 69), H Watson, M Fagerson (J Strauss
Stage 4 (Eisenach to Erfurt, 159.5km): 1 S (Czech Rep, 3) 6-7 (1-7) 6-3 7-5; S WILLIAMS (US,
(Spain) 66 68 66 71; M Angel Jimenez (Spain) 59). Scores: 0-3 Laidlaw pen (7 mins); 0-6
bt Northamptonshire Saints 13-6; Colbrelli (Italy) Bahrain Merida 3h 44m 48s; 2 Y Wakefield 16 Wigan 24 8) bt P MARTIC (Croatia, 22) 6-3 6-4; Q WANG
Northamptonshire Cobblers bt Wiltshire 67 66 69 69; J Luiten (Holland) 69 68 68 66; Laidlaw pen (12); 0-11 Toolis try (14); 0-13
Lampaert (Belgium) Quick Step, 3 A Kristoff Wakefield—T: Batchelor, Miller, Jones-Bishop. G: (China, 18) bt A BARTY (Australia, 2) 6-2 6-4.
Moonrakers 16-3. Final: Surrey Swifts (H 272—L Bjerregaard (Denmark) 66 68 70 68; A Laidlaw con (15); 0-18 Hutchinson try (19); 0-20
(Norway) UAE-Team Emirates, B Swift (GB) Team Brough (2). Wigan—T: Marshall (3), Powell. G: Men’s Doubles 2nd rd: J S CABAL (Colombia) & R
Bjork (Sweden) 67 68 67 70; S Crocker (US) 68 Laidlaw con (20); 3-20 Matiashvili pen (33); 3-23
Cushen, J Tindall, J Wilson & C Souter) bt Ineos all at same time. Overall: 1 J Stuyven Hardaker (4). HT: 12-12. FARAH (Colombia, 1) bt D Evans (GB) & C Norrie
67 68 69; L Westwood 67 72 64 69; J Morrison Laidlaw pen (40); 3-28 Hutchinson try (47); 3-30
Northamptonshire Cobblers (D Walker, K Rollings, (Belgium) Trek-Segafredo 16h 23m 9s; 2 Colbrelli P W D L F A Pts (GB) 5-7 6-4 6-3; L Bambridge (GB) & B
67 67 70 68. Laidlaw con (48); 8-30 Asieshvili try (58); 10-30
N Betts & C Cinato) 18-9. +3s; 3 Lampaert +12; 18 Swift +1m 26s. St Helens 27 24 0 3 846 383 48 McLachlan (Japan) bt N MEKTIC (Croatia) & F
Amy Rose Bowl, Semi-finals: Northants Roses Abzhandadze con (59); 10-35 Graham try (63);
bt Devon Belles 34-33; Somerset Scrumpies bt European Football Ice Hockey Wigan 27 16 0 11 627 519 32 10-37 Russell con (64); 10-42 Cummings try SKUGOR (Croatia, 9) 6-3 6-7 (4-7) 6-3; J MURRAY
ELITE LGE CHALLENGE CUP.-Gp A: Glasgow 3 Warrington 27 15 0 12 682 491 30 (73); 10-44 Hastings con (74). HT: 3-23. (GB) & K SKUPSKI (GB, 15) bt R Berankis
Essex Lionesses 43-13. Final: Northants Roses FRANCE: Angers 2 Dijon 0-Lyon 1 Bordeaux (Lithuania) & J I Londero (Argentina) 6-3 6-4; R
Dundee 6-Dundee 7 Glasgow 2. Gp C: Sheffield 8 Salford 27 15 0 12 746 569 30 Wales 17 Ireland 22
bt Somerset Scrumpies 34-15. Rink scores 1-Nantes 1 Montpellier 0-Nimes 3 Brest RAM (US) & J SALISBURY (GB, 10) bt A De Minaur
Nottingham 4-Nottingham 5 Sheffield 1. Hull 27 15 0 12 627 702 30 Wales: H Amos, O Lane, S Williams, O Watkin, S
(Northants Roses skips first): R Wigfield bt S 0-Toulouse 2 Amiens 0-Marseille L St Etienne (Australia) & M Reid (Australia) 6-4 7-5. 3rd rd: L
Branfield 14-6; K Smith bt L Holden 20-9. L-Reims 2 Lille 0-Rennes 1 Nice 2-Strasbourg 2 Castleford 27 14 0 13 594 520 28 Evans (J Holmes 47), J Evans (R Patchell 41), A
Rowing Catalans 27 13 0 14 519 675 26 Davies (T Williams 47), R Carre (R Evans 41), R
Bambridge (GB) & B McLachlan (Japan) bt J
Monaco 2. WORLD CH'SHIPS (Linz-Ottensheim, Austria).- Chardy (France) & F Martin (France) 6-3 7-6 (7-4);
Boxing GERMANY: B Leverkusen 0 Hoffenheim 0-B Men, Singles C-final: 1 Bulgaria 6-59.06; 2 GB Leeds 27 11 0 16 612 620 22 Elias (E Dee 63), S Lee (L Brown 41), A Beard, B
K KRAWIETZ (Germany) & A MIES (Germany, 12)
LONDON (O2 Arena).-WBA Super, WBC & WBO Wakefield 27 10 0 17 573 690 20 Davies (J Ball 47), A Shingler, J Davies, J Navidi.
Munich 6 Mainz 1-Freiburg 1 Cologne 2-Schalke (T Barras) 6-59.45. Doubles A-final: 1 China bt M Arevalo (Spain) & J O’Mara (GB) 3-6 6-3 6-4.
World Lightweight titles: Vasyl Lomachenko Ireland: W Addison (G Ringrose 43), A Conway, C
04 3 Hertha Berlin 0-Union Berlin 3 Borussia 6-05.68; 2 Ireland 6-06.25; 3, Poland 6-07.87; 4 Huddersfield 27 10 0 17 541 706 20 Mixed Doubles 1st rd: B Mattek-Sands (US) & J
(Ukraine, holder) bt Luke Campbell (Hull) UD. Farrell, B Aki, J Stockdale (D Kearney 41), J Carty,
Dortmund 1-Wolfsburg 1 Paderborn 1-Eintracht GB (J Collins/G Thomas) 6-10.35. Eights A-final: Hull K R 27 10 0 17 516 731 20 Murray (GB) bt S Zhang (China) & J Peers
British & Commonwealth Lightweight titles: K Marmion (L McGrath 60), D Kilcoyne (A Porter
Frankfurt 2 Fortuna Dusseldorf 1-W Bremen 3 1 Germany 5-19.41; 2 Holland 5-19.96; 3 GB* (T London B's 27 9 0 18 475 752 18 (Australia) 6-4 6-7 (2-7) 10-7.
Joe Cordina (Cardiff, holder) bt Gavin Gwynne 45), N Scannell (R Best 52), J Ryan (T Furlong
Augsburg 2. George/J Rudkin/J Bugajski/M Sbihi/J Dawson/O
(Merthyr) UD. BETFRED.-Ch'ship: Toronto 62 Barrow 8-Toulouse 52), I Henderson, J Ryan (D Toner 52), T Beirne,
ITALY: AC Milan 1 Brescia 0-Juventus 4 Napoli Wynne-Griffith/M Tarrant/T Ford/cox H Fieldman) 42 Dewsbury 14-Batley 0 Featherstone P O’Mahony (J Murphy 60), J Conan. Triathlon
3-Atalanta 2 Torino 3-Cagliari 1 Inter Milan 5-22.15. Women, Singles A-final: 1 Ireland Scores: 0-3 Carty pen (9 mins); 3-3 J. Evans pen ITU WORLD GRAND FINAL (Lausanne,
Cricket 2-Genoa 2 Fiorentina 1-Lazio 1 Roma 1-Lecce 0 7-17.14; 2 New Zealand 7-20.56; 3 US 7-22.21;
64-Bradford 30 Sheffield 10-Halifax 58 Rochdale
WOMEN'S KIA SUPER LGE FINALS DAY.-Hove, 0-Leigh 23 York 24-Widnes 36 Swinton 28. (16); 3-8 Stockdale try (18); 3-10 Carty con (19); Switzerland).-Elite, Men: 1 K Blummenfelt
Verona 1-Sassuolo 4 Sampdoria 1-Udinese 1 4 GB (V Thornley) 7-25.48. Doubles C-final: 1 P W D L F A Pts 3-15 Stockdale try (28); 8-15 Lane try (64); (Norway) 1h 50m 47s; 2 M Mola (Spain) 1:51:3;
Semi-final: Loughborough Lightning 143 (19.5 Poland 7-00.05; 2 GB (R Siddorn/K Edwards)
Parma 3. 10-15 Patchell con (65); 15-15 Patchell try (76); 8 J Brownlee (GB) 1:52:32; 13 A Yee (GB)
overs); Southern Vipers 145-5 (19 overs). 7-01.79. Eights A-final: 1 New Zealand Toronto 26 25 0 1 964 344 50
Southern Vipers win by 5 wkts. SPAIN: Getafe 1 Alaves 1-Levante 2 Valladolid Toulouse 26 19 0 7 851 422 38 17-15 Patchell con (77). HT: 3-15. 1:53:26. Women: 1 K Zaferes (US) 2h 02m 45s;
0-Osasuna 2 Barcelona 2-Real Betis 2 Leganes 5-56.91; 2 Australia 5-59.63; 3, US 6-01.93; 5 2 J Learmonth (GB) 2:02:49; 3 G Taylor-Brown
Final: Southern Vipers 172-7 (20 overs, Wyatt GB* (F Gammond/Z Lee/J Wratten/H Taylor/R York 26 18 1 7 598 521 37
73); Western Storm 174-4 (19 overs, Knight 1-Atletico Madrid 3 Eibar 2-Espanyol 0 Granada
McKellar/R Shorten/K Bennett/H Norton/cox M Leigh 26 18 0 8 780 512 36
Speedway (GB) 2:03:03; 13 S Coldwell (GB) 2:06:49; 18 V
78no). Western Storm win by 6 wkts. 3-Valencia 2 Mallorca 0-Villarreal L Real Madrid L. CH'SHIP RIDERS’ INDIVIDUAL (Sheffield): 1 E Holland (GB) 2:08:02.
Horn) 6-06.96. Featherstone 26 17 0 9 813 445 34 Riss (Redcar); 2 D King (Sheffield); 3 R Douglas
1ST T20 INT'NAL.-Pallekele: Sri Lanka 174-4 Fixture
(20 overs; B K G Mendis 79); New Zealand 175-5
Golf PARA-ROWING Bradford 26 15 1 10 635 522 31 (Leicester); 4 S Masters (Edinburgh).
WOMEN'S CAMBIA PORTLAND CLASSIC PR1 (arms-only) men's singles A-final: 1 Sheffield 26 15 0 11 732 646 30
(19.3 overs). New Zealand won by 5 wkts. Cricket
(Portland, Oregon).-3rd rd leaders (US unless Ukraine 9-12.99#; 2 Russia 9-19.43; 3 Australia Halifax 26 10 1 15 594 671 21 Tennis
2ND TEST.-Kingston: India 416 (140.1 overs; stated): 197—Y Noh 65 68 64; 200—H Green 9-23.86; 4, GB (B Pritchard) 9-24.80. US OPEN (Flushing Meadows, New York, Seeded 2ND TEST (day 4 of 5).-Kingston: West Indies v
Swinton 26 9 1 16 571 787 19
Vihari 111; Kohli 76; Sharma 57; Agarwal 55; (Australia) 64 63 73; 202—B Altomare 69 65 BOATS QUALIFIED TO TOKYO = 10 (joint top players in capitals, seeding in brackets).-Men’s India (3.30pm).
Holder 5-77) and 119-4 (46 overs); West Indies Batley 26 8 1 17 446 732 17
68; B M. Henderson (Canada) 67 68 67; 203—D with Holland): Olympic women's = pair, four, sin- Singles 3rd rd: A Rublev (Russia) bt N KYRGIOS
Widnes 26 13 0 13 624 578 14
117 (47.1 overs; Bumrah 6-27). Finkelstein 66 69 68; P-Y Chien (China) 69 67 gle, lightweight double, quad and eight (total 22 (Australia, 28) 7-6 (7-5) 7-6 (7-5) 6-3; M Sport on TV
TOUR MATCH.-Derby: Derbyshire 172 (u Plooy 67; S Schmelzel 72 62 69; M Jung Hur (S Korea) seats). Olympic men's = double, four, quad and Dewsbury 26 6 2 18 505 699 14 BERRETTINI (Italy, 24) bt A Popyrin (Australia) BASEBALL: MLB, New York Yankees v Texas
86) and 112 (Starc 4-39); Australia 338-5dec. 64 70 69; 204—S Burnham 69 66 69; 205—S Y eight (total 19 seats). Paralympic = PR1 men's Barrow 26 4 1 21 455 845 9 6-4 6-4 6-7 (3-7) 7-6 (7-2); G MONFILS (France, Rangers - BT Sport/ESPN 6pm.
(Marsh 74; Khawaja 72; Harris 64). Kim (S Korea) 71 61 73; S Hyun Park (S Korea) single, PR2 mixed double, PR3 mixed coxed four Rochdale 26 1 0 25 342 1186 2 13) bt D Shapovalov (Canada) 6-7 (5-7) 7-6 (7-4) CRICKET: West Indies v India - Sky Sports The
Australia won by an innings and 54 runs. 67 65 73. (total 8 seats). *Widnes deducted 12 points 6-4 6-7 6-3 (6-8); P Andujar (Spain) bt A Bublik Ashes 3.25 & Sky Sports Main Event 3.30pm.
28 *** Monday 2 September 2019 The Daily Telegraph

Final whistle
here there is too happy to receive the
mention of seemingly limitless free
W football, money from the TV
money is rights deals, while clubs
never far get themselves into
behind. Even the briefest financial messes trying to
scan through the football get their snouts in
pages of a paper or the trough.
New book puts website gives plenty of And it is the fan who
cause to feel uneasy has suffered: alienated
case for reducing about the Premier from the players on their
television’s League. obscene salaries, treated
For instance: as a cash cow, and via
influence on our Manchester United will paid-TV, priced out of
national game, be paying £175,000 a even watching our
week this season for the famous clubs play the
writes Alan Tyers white elephant of their national sport live.
nightmares, Alexis Nicholson argues that
Fans suffer Sanchez, now on loan at
Inter Milan, not to play
for them.
fans should boycott
pay-walled televised
football and demand that
as TV now Fifteen miles up the
M60 from Old Trafford,
Calling the shots: John Nicholson’s book argues that TV has taken ownership of the game government make league
football available for free
runs the Bury were thrown out of
the English Football
League; in the aftermath,
pyramid. At Newcastle
United, beloved former
players such as Rob Lee
Regrettable though he
and Sports Direct may be,
Ashley is far from being
us that we were once the
most important part of, to
the point where we are
on the BBC and ITV,
believing that the
national sport is a public
Premier some Premier League
clubs made half-hearted
are urging fans to lay off
Steve Bruce and focus
the only club owner in
the division whose
now bit-part players in
their drama. They have
good, and also good for
the public.

League murmurs about maybe

possibly offering a few
more crumbs to teams
their ire instead on the
man Lee calls “the real
villain”, the owner Mike
background and methods
demand more scrutiny
than they get: the
taken television from
being a guest at football
to football being a guest
He also calls for salary
caps for players and an
end to gambling
further down the Ashley. morality or otherwise of on television.” advertising, citing its
Abu Dhabi’s so-called This book posits that corrosive effects on the
sportswashing via the Premier League has mental health of the
Manchester City being pulled off a mind game gamblers.
the highest profile regarding its television Nicholson, whom I
example, but far from the reach. With barely a have known for nearly 20
only one. million watching many years as a writer on the
The common thread in matches in the UK on Football365 website, is an
those four stories is unusual, powerful writer
money and, or so a book
out this week argues,
He argues whose gifts are for the
polemic and the
specifically the money that league provocative.
that comes into the There will be plenty
Premier League from games should who dismiss his book as a
subscription television.
Can We Have Our Football
be available pipe-dream or as an
irrelevance compared to
Back? How the Premier for free the realpolitik of big
League Is Ruining money and large
Football And What We what we once called institutions. But I think it
Can Do About It, by John satellite TV, Nicholson, sits rather neatly in the
Nicholson, is an speaking to broadcasters, overarching debate of
intriguing and thoughtful owners, TV executives our time: who gets to
attempt to crystallise a and former players control, and who has to
sense that many people including Mark sit and take what they
have about how the Chapman, Chris Sutton, are given?
Premier League is Clive Tyldesley and
contested, marketed and Simon Jordan, argues “Can We
consumed in 2019. And that the Premier League Have Our
that sense is that has conflated brand Football
something is rotten. awareness with Back? How
Nicholson argues that popularity and that the Premier
the money Sky pumped television has been League Is
into the Premier League allowed to take Ruining
has corrupted and ownership of the people’s Football
co-opted the sport game far beyond what And What We Can Do
in England. would be justified given About It” is published on
He writes: “Since 1992, the actual number of Thursday by Head
those who run the paying punters. Publishing.
Premier League have Top-flight football club See www.johnnicholson
tried to sell something to owners have been only

In tomorrow’s Sport section

Simon Heffer
Stokes’ heroics
only papered over
the cracks of
England’s flaws

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