022 Improved Rock Drilling With Diarot Analysis

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Improved Rock Drilling With

Diarot Analysis
Simulation Assists
Problem Solving
For over a decade, Atlas Copco
experts have gathered data from
mining, surface drilling and tun-
nelling projects all over the
world. This information has been
stored in Diarot, a rock drilling
simulation program. Diarot is a
unique system, which makes it
possible to simulate rock drilling
on a particular rig, and then eval-
uate the result. All without leav-
ing the office! Diarot assists the
customer in choosing the right
parameters for his rig before the
first hole is ever drilled. Likewise,
if a problem occurs in the field,
possibly because there has been
a change in the geology of the
rock to be drilled, Diarot can
delineate the problem and identi-
fy the solution. Numerous case
histories from different applica-
tions have been recorded where
Diarot has come up with the
right answer. Whether the drill
bit is wrong for the rock, or the
rock drill stroke is too long, or
the hydraulic oil temperature is
running too high, Diarot will
analyze the problem and make
recommendations to improve the
entire rock drilling process.
Diarot will always give an answer, Diarot will optimize drilling rates and drillsteel economy.
and, if the customer input is cor-
rect, the answer will be correct.
contained in a system, including the torque increases with the rotation
rock drill, bits and drill steel, feed, speed. The torque in the drill steel is
Introduction hydraulic system, parameter settings, proportional to the rotation pressure
and the nature and condition of the increase from idling to drilling. The
Achieving the optimal performance rock. drillrig control system should accord-
from a drillrig involves practical test- Good drilling economy requires ingly be designed so that the thrust
ing to evaluate penetration rate, grind- drill steel joints that are well tight- force is automatically adjusted to hold
ing intervals, service life and costs, to ened. A well-tightened joint is the rotation pressure at a predeter-
find the most efficient combination of obtained through sufficient rotation mined value. When drilling in softer
components such as drill bits and drill resistance from the bit. rock, the buttons penetrate deeper
strings. Friction losses in the hoses, the into the bottom of the hole, and a
Diarot contains a database, with rotation motor, and the gear in the greater torque is required to rotate
information on each of Atlas Copco’s rock drill all contribute to the idling the drill steel, unless the thrust force is
rock drills and other components, as rotation pressure. The geometry of the not reduced simultaneously. Diarot
well as rock data from various areas drill steel threads, and the dimensions tells the user what rotation pressure
throughout the world. The program of the bit, demand a certain torque for should be applied to obtain well-
takes into consideration all the parts joints to be well tightened, and this tightened drill steel joints. It simply

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out to evaluate different drill bits,

with reference to the optimal settings
of the COP 1838HE rock drill.
Ballistic bits were tested, and proved
to be the best, resulting in increased
The COP 1838HE rock drill being
used has different stroke positions, as
opposed to a conventional drill with a
single fixed stroke length. Changing
the stroke length gives an extra dimen-
sion in tuning the impact energy and
frequency. In this case, position 3,
with an impact pressure of 180 bar,
had been used for drilling to date. The
Rocket Boomer L1 C-DH drillrig at Linwood Stone. Diarot recommendation was to change
to a shorter stroke, using position 2,
specifies the settings for percussion parameters, such as rock drill, percus- with an impact pressure of 205 bar.
pressure, rotation speed, drill steel sion pressure, and stroke lengths. Different rotation speed and feed
dimensions, thread geometry, and so When it comes to rock drilling, force settings were adjusted to the
on. there are many factors governing the higher frequency produced by the rock
overall result, and all parts of the drill, and the Diarot simulation also
Unique Tool process must work smoothly. Diarot is provided a full recommendation for all
a unique tool, in that it is possible to settings. The rock drill ran much more
Diarot is unique, with its library of measure and control the entire process, smoothly, and the coupling tempera-
gathered information, and the pos- before the first hole is even drilled! ture halved, from around 80 degrees C
sibility to simulate the activity of a to 40 degrees C.
complete rig. For example, when pro- Better performance The rig used 3.6 m-long T45 rods
jecting drillrig performance for a for drilling holes ranging between 6 m
tunnel, or when designing equipment At a worksite close to Stockholm’s and 15 m deep, and the regrinding
upgrades, it is possible to simulate Arlanda international airport, an Atlas interval was some 50 m. After ten
drilling with a large number of differ- Copco ROC 642HP drillrig was bench regrinds, it was difficult to maintain
ent rock drills, as their characteristics drilling 76 mm holes. The temperature the ballistic profile of the buttons, and
are stored in the library. The settings on the coupling was 80 degrees C, the customer re-sharpened them to a
of these rock drills can be fine-tuned, and a Diarot simulation was carried conventional spherical profile.
and tested, in order to arrive at the With the application of the new
right results for a particular project. Going full-ballistic at Linwood. The new Secoroc Diarot settings, wear on the threads
button bit model -37-66, with longer button
Likewise, different rock drills or drill was low, uncoupling the rods was
protrusion and improved flushing capacity, for
strings can be tested for the same easy, and the life of the Secoroc bits
increased penetration rate in soft rock.
application in varying rock conditions, exceeded 1,200 m.
in order to adjust settings such as feed Weekly production increased from
force, rotation speed, stroke position 1,400 m to an average of 1,700 m, with
and impact pressure. a best week of 1,820 m. Fuel con-
The expected drilling rates can be sumption was low at 15 lit/hour, a
calculated, and the optimal setting of figure which is less than half that of
the system can be delineated. It can be comparable rigs, and which saved
decided whether new rock drills on more than a half litre of dieseline per
old rigs will be an alternative, or drilled metre. At 40,000 m/year, the
whether it is better to buy new rigs. call to Diarot proved a great saver!
Diarot will also work out if different
bit grinding intervals will make a dif- Improved Penetration
ference to bit life.
Reverse calculations using Diarot At Auersmacher in Germany, the Diarot
make it possible to determine the program was used on a diesel-hydraulic
character of a rock, based on measured single-boom Rocket Boomer L1 C-DH
production results. That calculated equipped with a COP 1838HF rock drill
rock quality can then be used to inves- to establish the correct settings for the
tigate the effect of changing other rig. Blast holes of 51 mm diameter are

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now being drilled to depths of 3.4 m in In all cases, not only the impact For example, water flushing pro-
limestone at 6-8 m/min, a doubling of pressure had to be changed, but also vides better cooling and less wear flat
the previous standard performance. In the feed pressure and the rotation than air flushing. However, when the
this case, the optimum rotation speed speed. It is very important to change bit penetrates the bottom of the hole
was calculated to be 400 rev/min. all settings according to the calcula- with about the same velocity as the
Dropping it to 300 rev/min reduces the tions, in order to achieve the forecast impact velocity of the piston, which is
penetration rate by 2 m/min. result. about 10 m/s, significant energy is
Another Rocket Boomer L1 C-DH The measuring of the coupling tem- required to push away the water in
was delivered to the Linwood Stone perature during drilling is also impor- front of the bit. This results in a
mine in Iowa, USA for use in lime- tant. The worst condition exists just reduced drilling rate in comparison
stone with an average compressive before regrinding the bit, at the time with air flushing.
strength of 165 Mpa. This rig is when it generates the lowest torque. If The Diarot computer program uses
equipped with RCS using ABC Basic the torque becomes too low, then the physical models for most factors that
software for assisted boom position- wear of the threads will increase, since determine the drilling rate and the
ing, collaring point, hole direction, the joint runs open, with a reduction of wear flat increase of the bit, and the
hole depth control, and statistics. The drill steel life as a consequence. drilling economy. For the remainder,
result was actually better than calcu- empirical relations are used in terms
lated, because of changing the rotation Bit Life of analytical mathematical equations.
speed to 400+ rev/min and using a The constants in these empirical rela-
newly developed button bit from Atlas Consumption of drill bits forms a sig- tions are always non-dimensional, and
Copco Secoroc, with increased button nificant part of the costs of blast hole are obtained by comparing calculated
protrusion, and more and bigger flush- drilling in construction and mining. values with measured ones from many
ing holes. During drilling, the cemented carbide real drilling operations of widely
The Rocket Boomer L1 C-DH is buttons, or inserts, wear flat. When different character.
achieving penetration rates of 3.5 to drilling is carried out with constant
4.5 m/min, which is a doubling in percussion pressure, the drilling rate Snakeskin
output over the previous generation decreases with increasing wear flat. If
of drillrigs. The Diarot calculation the drilling continues long enough The Diarot program allows the user to
was used to find the correct settings without regrinding, then the drilling calculate the stress on the bit that leads
for the drillrig, without using trial and rate finally becomes zero. This occurs to fatigue, or breakage of the buttons
error. earlier for bigger drill bits, and for or inserts.
At Mineradao Serra Da Fortaleza in harder rock. Drilling in certain rock, such as
Brazil, data was collected from a COP The drilling rate and the wear flat limestone and marble, causes neglig-
1238ME rock drill mounted on a increase are linked, and determined by ible wear to the bit. The buttons are
Simba H254. The Diarot calculation several input data, such as piston heated by the friction, and cooled by
indicated that the regrinding interval mass, percussion pressure, drill steel the flushing medium.
should be reduced to once every two rotation rate, thrust force, drill steel This results in micro-cracking in
holes. The result was a penetration dimensions, bit diameter, number of the cemented carbide button surfaces.
rate increase to 1.09 m/min from buttons and button size, button wear When these cracks are not continuously
0.99 m/min. As a bonus, shank life resistance, flushing medium, and rock removed by abrasive wear, they grow
increased from 1,810 to 2,360 drilled hardness and abrasivity. into the cemented carbide, and eventu-
metres and rod life increased from 450 ally become visible as snakeskin. If
to 580 drilled metres. The ideal temperature on the coupling should be such snakeskin is not regularly
At Companhia Vale Do Rio Doce down to 60°C for air flushing and 45°C for water removed by regrinding, then the but-
(CVRD) another COP 1238ME flushing. tons will eventually fall apart, or be
mounted on a Simba H254 was stud- crushed.
ied, resulting in a recommendation Diarot does not allow longer
being made to decrease the regrinding regrinding intervals than 400 m. If the
interval to one hole. Penetration rate input data indicate a greater regrinding
was increased from 0.99 m/min to interval than 400 m, then the program
1.28 m/min. Shank life also increased adjusts the value of the regrinding
from 1,420 drilled metres to 2,450 wear flat to below 400 m. The output
drilled metres and rod life from 310 data indicates that 0.5 mm is ground
drilled metres to 530 drilled metres. off the buttons to eliminate snake skin,
In both of these cases, the bits were and that the number of possible
being over-drilled, with large risk of regrindings is calculated accordingly.
button breakage, which can lead to a The total cost for the bit, including
reduction of the average drill bit life. regrinding, is of utmost interest for the

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customer. If the penetration rate drops,

the drill steel and the shank life
Project LINWOOD DAVENPORT IOWA decreases, and excessive vibration and
File name Linwood1838HF.DAT
wear results on the drillrig.

Application DRIFTING Diarot in Tunnels

Rig R.BOOMER L1 C-DH The Diarot expert program is available
Feed BMH 6316
Rock drill COP 1838HF-R38H35 05
to owners of tunnelling drillrigs. All
Stroke length position that is required is for the customer to
Percussion pressure MPa 22,5 provide reliable drilling information to
Rotation motor OMS 100 his Atlas Copco service engineer.
Oil temperature °C 40 Details are needed of parameters, such
Oil viscosity at 40°C cSt 46
as percussion pressure, rotation rate,
Rock designation LIMESTONE and the corresponding accumulated
location LINWOOD IOWA USA drilling rate, plus the wear flat on the
compressive strength MPa 165 drill bit insert or button after one
stamp strength MPa 1650 regrinding interval. The service engi-
brittleness 1,15
indexation parameter mm 8,10
neer will send the information to a
Cherchar Abrasivity Index 2,00 Diarot specialist for analysis.
density kg/m3 2700 He will start with a reverse Diarot
calculation to determine relevant rock
Hole depth m 5,1 data, which is then used to work out
Drilling direction (>0° is upwards) ° 0
the most effective drilling rates for
Drill steel designation R38H35 other settings, situations and equip-
length m 5,40 ment. The results are presented to the
male/female No customer, and, once the recommenda-
Bit diameter mm 51 tions are implemented, the Diarot spe-
insert type ballistic button
number of buttons 9
cialist will monitor the feedback. All
number of periphery buttons 6 communications can be via the
periphery button diameter mm 10,0 Internet.
RETRAC N In the Diarot system, calculation of
Rock-bit friction coefficient 0,20 the total performance of drillrig, feed,
Regrinding wear flat mm 5,0
Flushing medium Air
control system, rock drill, drill steel
and drill bit supports the concept of
Total Rock Drilling Technology.
OUTPUT DATA At the Viiki Extension Project in
Project LINWOOD DAVENPORT IOWA Helsinki, Finland, contractor YIT
LINWOOD1838HF compared the performance of a COP
File name Linwood1838HF.DAT 1838ME rock drill with the new COP
Application DRIFTING
Diarot calculations predicted a 20%
Percussion pressure MPa 22,5 increase in performance. Practical
Impact frequency Hz 69 drilling at the site with both rock drills
Relative drill stress % 91 produced the following penetration
Number of regrindings 2 rates for a 51 mm bit with ballistic
Diameter wear after 2 regrindings mm 1,7
Recommended air flushing flow l/sec 18 buttons: COP 1838ME 1.85 m/min;
COP 1838HF 2.33 m/min. In both
Optimum Reduced cases the “relative drill stress” was on
Rotation rate rpm 256 205 154 the same level. Parameters such as
Accumulated drilling rate m/min 3,62 3,53 3,26 impact pressure, feed pressure, and
Regrinding interval m 1109 1172 1260 rotation speed were set according to
Bit service life m 3326 3516 3779 the Diarot calculations. The HF ver-
sion was the clear winner, with a 26%
Shank service life m 6 990
Coupling service life m 4 890
higher penetration rate than its rival,
Rod service life m 4 040 the ME.

Selected diarot input and output data for COP 1838HF. by Åke Eklöf


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