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Submitted To

Department of Management Study


In the Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Project

Master of Business Administration

Under the Guidance of Submitted By



I hear by declare that every part of this project report entitled

genuinely prepared and organized by my own knowledge, sensibility, originality
and hard work under the guidance and supervision of my teachers.
The survey that I have conducted on the basis of which this report is
formulated was held in Sagar city by the customers of Castrol Oil. I acknowledge
that with best of my knowledge the report does not contain any work which has
been submitted for the award of any degree anywhere if the respected examiners
detect anything wrong in relation to this report of mine I request him not to award
me any sort of graces marks for my work.

2nd semester


This is to certify that the project report titled “CUSTOMER SATISIFACTION

SHRIVASTAVA student of MBA (hons) 4th semester under the guidance of
faculty MR. AAKASH CHOUDHARY for the parcial fulfillment of Master
OF Business Administration (HONS) is satisfactory in respect of.
This work done has been carried to our satisfaction and it is a bonafied
presentation of work by her under the guidance and supervision.


HEAD OF THE DEPARTMENT ___________ ___________


The project work is field which uses tools and techniques to transfer subjectivity
in the environment into objectives also the findings of the research when applied
show results which can be measured and evaluated so there is feedback this is
what makes it a dynamic activity.

This survey is analytical study of a different fact of product were focus is given
on the brand image. The idea behind this project is to give knowledge and to
make them to face real life situation. The project survey is commonly used for
the collection from the respondents through questionnaire with sample size 50 in
this statistical techniques have been used systematically. This project report
survey is not only with my own efforts but also that of others.

I was fortunate enough to get support from large number of people so I owe a
great many thanks to great many people who have helped and supported me in
the preparation of this project report.

It is my privileged to express my gratitude towards respected MR.

ASHFAQ SIDDIQUE (HOD)Of Department Of Business Management
person with substance of genius, excellence in teaching skills for their guidance,
cooperation and moral support and also for giving us there valuable time.

I would like to give special thanks to MR. AAKASH CHOUDHARY for

their guidance and inspiring nature has made possible the formulation of this
project thank you mama for your valuable suggestion, Cooperation and
supportive hands which you have kept upon me.

I would like to give sincere thanks to all my faculty members:

Thank you teacher’s for your skillful knowledge guidance, cooperation,

supportive hands.

I also wish to express my indebtedness to my parents as well as my family

member whose blessings and support always helped me to face the challenges

At the end I would like to express my sincere thanks to all my friends and
others who helped me directly or indirectly during this dissertation work.

Table of content





CHAPTER -1 Introduction

Identified Problem

Need of the Study

Objective and Scope

CHAPTER – 2 Methodology

Research design

Data Collection

Sampling Procedure

Sampling Plan

CHAPTER – 3 Data Analysis and Interpretation

Analysis (Statistical Tools)

Disgrammatic Representation
CHAPTER 4 Limitation







The automobile industry today is the most lucrative industry. Due to the increase
in disposable income in both rural and urban sector and easy finance being
provided by all the financial institutes, the bikes sales have increased rapidly over
the corresponding period in the previous year. Further competition is heating up
in the sector with a host of new players coming in to venture in the Indian
markets. One factor that could help the companies in the marketing of their
product is by knowing and creating a personality for their brands.

This report attempts to answer some of the questions regarding service and
satisfaction level of Castrol Bike Zone in India by conducting the market
research. This report is categorized into parts, deals with introduction to Castrol
Bike Zone, companies selected, product and the industry.

The behaviour of the customers can be studied by knowing their perceptions
about the bikes in the market and about the possible entrants in the market. This
research will help in knowing what a customer (or a potential customer) thinks
about the service and satisfaction level with Castrol Bike Zone and what are the
possible factors guiding a possible revisit. Similarly, the idea of measuring the
customer satisfaction will serve the same purpose of determining the customer
perception. Thus, by measuring the” willingness of existing users of a bike to
recommend it to others” will help the Castrol Bike Zone to chalk out the entire
Customer Behaviour.

The report shall attempt to answer some of the questions regarding service
and satisfaction level at Castrol Bike Zone serviced bikes in Bangalore by
conducting a market research. The market research will be helpful for the service
centres in India to find out the possible gaps between the customer expectations
and the present market offerings. This way these service centres will be able to
find their share in the ever-expanding Indian market pie.

The research will track the customer satisfaction in the following two layers:

 Product related Parameters

 Dealers related parameters
The customer satisfaction index will be calculated for the bikes taken into
It will be mainly a primary research and the information will be gathered from
both primary and secondary research. The study will analyze the applicability of

existing research concepts, theories, and tools for evaluating consumer

It is true fact that if you are satisfied you recommended to others. Word of mouth
and customer satisfaction play a very important role in determining market
perception about a service centre. It is the market perception that determines the
success of a service centre and so it is very important for the service centres to
measure the “willingness of existing users of a product to recommend it to
others”. The same is a lot of interest to customers as well for it helps them make
the service decision.

A bike is one of the most significant purchases that an Indian consumer makes
and this project addresses the most important question that perplexes bike service

“What makes Winning Customers Trust and willingness of a product to

recommend it to others by him?”

The project highlights the factors that influence the service centre decision of a

The factor under consideration would be:

 Price
 Technical Facilities
 Service Time

 Bike Handling
 Staff Knowledge
 Finance schemes

Customer satisfaction index: some of the most advance thinking in the business
world recognizes that customer relationships are best treated as assets, and that
methodical analysis of these relationships can provide a road map for improving

“If you cannot measure it, you cannot improve it.” – Lord William Thomson
Kelvin (1824-1907)

Major attributes of customer satisfaction can be summarized as:

 Product quality
 Product packaging
 Keeping delivery commitments
 Price
 Responsiveness and ability to resolve complaints and reject reports
 Overall communication, accessibility and attitudes


+ Benefits -

Features - Attributes

We cannot begin to address the customer satisfaction issue we define the

parameters and measures clearly.

The customer satisfaction index represents the overall satisfaction level of that
customer as one number, usually as a percentage
“The fact that word of mouth sales are a big deal in this industry has also helped.
Industry players and market surveys reveal that 20-30 percent of sales are
through word of mouth”.

For the purpose of the project has undergone through

 Surveying the relevant consumer base through exhaustive questionnaire.

 Understand the elements underplaying in each segment
 Deducing An analytical overview through different statistical methods

Recommendation comes from satisfaction and satisfaction comes from

Relationship Quality

Product Service
Quality Quality

Overview of Castrol Bike Zone

Transparency in Operations:

Customer can wait at the swanky waiting lounge in BikeZone and can see his
bike being serviced by professional and experienced mechanics that have been
trained by the Castrol Training Team. The Spare parts used are genuine and prior
approvals are taken from the customer before commencing any work.

Personalized Attention:

The service advisor ensures that all customers get undivided attention and all
their problems are noted down systematically and solutions provided as per the

Expert Mechanics:

The Mechanics who treat the bike are extremely professional and trained in their

High Tech Equipments:

High Quality Tools, Ramps and other equipments are used to treat the customers’

Extreme care is taken to deliver a world class experience to the


Currently Bike Zone has 96 Operational across 18 cities in India, and is rated as
one of the top 20 franchising opportunities.

Present Bike Zone Network

Bike Zone Network wants to grow to 220 operating sites by end of 2008.

With the present set of operating stores, BikeZone network satisfies around
45,000 customers per month which itself speaks of high quality and great brand
value this set up brings to customers. Plans to sell Exclusive Branded
Merchandise like Helmets, Bike Covers, and Security Systems are underway
.The products would be in the Retail market through the BikeZone Set up by end
of april-2008

With Increased focus and a dedicated team, BikeZone is poised to touch greater

Millions of drivers across the world are unaware that their car engines are being
needlessly worn away.
So what is this unseen damage? And why does it happen?
The problem with some conventional motor oils is that as soon as your engine is
switched off, the oil begins to drain from the engine parts, dripping to the bottom
of the sump. Only when your engine is started again does it begin to circulate –
but this takes time so there’s a crucial period when key components are most
vulnerable to the intense forces at work within the engine.
Castrol’s scientists have discovered that up to 75% of engine wear occurs during
The result? The engine’s critical parts suffer needless damage. The effect of wear
on some parts is so dramatic you can actually see, hear and feel it.


Castrol Magnatec is the result of almost 20 years of continuous development by
the scientists and engineers at Castrol’s many technology centres around the
globe. Their latest development is the ‘ultra-refining’ of the key component that
provides the clinging protection in Castrol Magnatec’s unique formulations. See
Castrol Magnatec’s solution to engine wear.
Ready to protect your car? Find the right oil for your engine and see where to buy
Castrol Magnatec.

Every dimension of market orientation emphasis the ability of intermediaries in
order to continuously sense and act on the events and trends in present and
prospective markets.

Today’s highly sophisticated life makes the marketer to know the pulse of the
market. If companies want to survive in the competitive market they have to
identify the needs of the customer and try to fulfill them.

A market study is a snap shot at a point of time; this is because the need of
consumer is dynamic. Therefore he/she is always looking for something new to
be satisfied.

The last few decades have seen companies operating in a highly competitive
environment. The economy is referred to as “CUSTOMER DRIVEN”

With firms allowing to customers to dictate specifications and quality standards

and also working out corporate strategies evolve around the consumer. However
this is not an easy task because the consumers are moving market and each
consumer behaves uniquely at the market place. The ultimate success of any
marketing program will depend upon the way the consumer behaves and whether
his/her behavior is indicative of acceptance of the product or services offering
from the firms.

Consumer behavior is not predictable. Consumer needs are dynamic; therefore,

he/she is always looking for something new to satisfy new needs. This is the
reason why the consumer satisfaction has emerged as a separate research area of

study since, the past few decades. The study has been undertaken to determine
CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR the research has been taken up in
analysis of CONSUMER BUYING BEHAVIOUR with reference to
“CASTROL OIL” in a customer driven, need based market.


 The main objective of the study is to identify the consumer buying pattern

with Castrol Oil.

 To analyse the number and percentage of respondents owning Castrol Oil on

the basis of income, occupational level.

 To analysis the percentage of respondents owning Castrol Oil on the basis of

the causes and sources of awareness.

 To analysis the preference of Castrol Oil on the basis of price.

 To analysis the result of consumer satisfaction on the basis of future purchase

and comparison of Castrol Oil with other brands.


Scope covers only Castrol owners. Their preference is on basis of various factors
and consumer satisfaction level is on basis of future purchase and comparison
with other brands. The survey is conducted at the company service center at
Mumbai. The sample survey is taken for a number of “50” Castrol customers.




Research Methodology
Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the research problem. It
can be understood as a science of studying how research is done scientifically. It
takes many dimensions and research methods to constitute a part of the research
methodology. Thus when we talk of research methodology, we not only talk of
the research methods but also consider the logic behind the methods used in
context of the research study in such a way that results are capable of being
evaluated either by the researcher himself or by others. Under this head, the
methods and techniques used in preparing this report are discussed.

Research Process:

Information Need Secondary

Felt Research

Define Research
Primary Research

Prepare Research Tabulation and

Design Analysis

Design Research 21 Report Writing and

Methodology Presentation
Design Research Methodology

The research methodology selected was influenced by the target population i.e.
the Hyundai car owners. The major parts of the research methodology were:

Method of Data Collection

Both, secondary as well as primary methods were used.

Sampling Plan

Sampling Technique – Non Probability Purposive and Convenience Sampling

Sample Universe – All the Castrol Shope owners in Sagar
Sample Frame – SAGAR
Sample Unit – All respondents
Sample Size – 50

Questionnaire Design

The questionnaire was designed in order to meet all the primary and secondary
objectives of the study. Structured open and close ended questionnaire was
Plan and Do Secondary Research
Secondary Data

It included the data like Indian Automobile Industry, Need for Consumer
behaviour and Buyer 5 Step process.

Secondary Data Sources: Internet, Company profile, brochures.

Plan and Do Primary Research
Primary Data

Primary data was collected via Questionnaire.

Primary Data Sources: Primary data is collected directly by meeting the

consumers who own Hyundai Cars

Tabulation and Analysis

The analysis of data involved a number of closely related operations such as

establishment of categories, the applications of these categories into raw data
through tabulation, charts etc and then drawing inferences. All analysis was
univariate in nature and was of Simple tabulation type. In this report mostly
judgmental analysis was applied. The data collected were grouped into research
characteristics and further subjected to segmentation and then the scores were
obtained by using tally bars. The scores and percentage are presented in tables,
graphs and charts. By percentile inferences were drawn. Every table for each
test is represented through charts and graphs.

Report Writing and Presentation

After analysis, the next step was the preparation of report. The report was
prepared according to the report writing principles. The inferences drawn from
the analysis have been incorporated in the report along with the recommendations
& limitations of the study.


No project is ideal. In reality different problems were encountered which acted as

limitations of the project such as-

• Some of the respondents were not ready to reveal relevant information

which was required for the project. Because the information collected from
the customers by meeting them at their working places, company service
centers, during the business hours, or at the parking lot where they may or
will be busy with some other work, the information extracted would not be
sufficient from the respondents.

• There was time constraint (2 months) for completing the entire project
and meeting all the objectives. Due to which only 100 no. of respondents
could be surveyed, who represents the population

• The study is limited to Mumbai city only.



Findings & Analysis
Q1. No of Problems experienced in your Vehicle
• None
• One
• Two
• Three or More


As per the analysis shows, Problems Experience seems to be the most
important reason for servicing the bike. Similarly, the performance needs like
mileage, speed, stability at higher speed etc. adds to the motives for servicing
the bike.

Q2. No of times you have returned for same problem

• None
• One
• Two
• Three or More


It clearly indicates that most of the customers got solved their problems in the
first visit itself at Castrol Bike Zone, similarly few customers were also returned
for the same problem due to some reasons

Q3. Please rate your Castrol Bike Zone on the understated parameters on
the scale of 1 to 5 where

1 Highly Satisfied
2 Satisfied
3 Neutral
4 Dissatisfied
5 Highly Dissatisfied

Parameters 1 2 3 4 5

Ease of Obtaining appointment

for Service
Distance ( Proximity)
Technical Facilities
Cost of Service
Availability of Spares
Information Provided
Service Time
Bike Handling ( Delivery &
Assured Customer Transactions
Ambience of Service Center
Finance ( Credit) Schemes

Dealers are the middle men between a bike manufacturer and its customers.
Dealer thus becomes the most important link in joining the company to its
customers as he is the person who will sell the product, will deliver it and will
keep on providing the after sales services to the customers as and when required.
So, it becomes necessary automatically to study dealer as a part of customers’
satisfaction journey with the product called bike!

Among all the listed factors Castrol Bike Zone is fares the best among all its
counter parts in terms of dealer density which is quite obvious. Also, the cost of
service provided by Castrol Bike Zone is also satisfied by the most of customer.
Similarly, Castrol Bike Zone emerges out as the clear winner among its
competitors through its excellent services, we say all thanks to the vast, extensive
and well managed service system.

Q4. How do you rate the brand image of your Service Center?

1 2 3 4 5
Very Low Very High


As per the analysis, Castrol Bike whose brand image is most preferred in the
market. This is because of the reason, that it’s from the house of Castrol, a
London company known for its overall image. Similarly due to few reasons few
customers were rated as Low image about the Bike Zone.

Q5. Please rate your performance of your bike after service on the scale of 1
to 5

• 1 Highly Satisfied
• 2 Satisfied
• 3 Neutral
• 4 Dissatisfied
• 5 Highly Dissatisfied

Parameter 1 2 3 4 5
Fuel Consumption
Mileage ( Km/ltr)
Pick Up
Stability at higher speed
Top speed

The customer choice of the bike highly depends upon the performance and
maintenance costs of the bike. This is the reason why this class of parameter was
chosen for this study. And the results show that Castrol Bike Zone fares the best
service in its segment as most efficient service of all. So this segment shows a
mixed bag of response for the Fuel efficiency and mileage parameter etc. Bike
Zone performs consistently on all the parameters and all serviced bikes fares
really well on pick up whereas it fares somewhat badly on fuel consumption and
Top Speed.

Q5. Reasons for choosing Bike Zone (rate best 3 factors from 1 to 3 in order
of your preference)

1. Affordable price
2. Technical superiority over competition
3. Comfort
4. Manufacturer’s image
5. Value for money
6. Safety


Indian market is still the hard nut to crack for most of the automobile
manufacturers. Though the Indian bike industry is among the fastest growing
bike markets of the world still the Indian psyche is too complex for the
manufacturers to understand. The most important reason for choosing Castrol
Bike Zone seems to be “Comfort”, 19 of the respondents suggested that
“Manufacturer’s Image”, “Affordable prices” are the most important factor while
choosing a bike zone. This is the reason why 15 of respondents were satisfied
with the Castrol Bike Zone. This reason is also followed by ‘Value for money’
where the customers look for the best product, best services and best repute all
bundled in one with the best deal they can strike. This explains 16 of respondents
were told that Castrol Bike Zone proves “Value for Money”.

Q6. Will you recommend to your friends?

• Yes
• No


It seems logical that satisfied customers will someday become loyal customers, in
other words there is a positive correlation between customer satisfaction scores
and customer buying behaviour. If a customer rates the Castrol Bike Zone very
high in satisfying his or her needs, the bike Zone should expect more referrals
and this is reflected in the analysis that 36 of our respondents say that they will
refer their car to their friends & relatives.


We surveyed 38 people who belonged to various age groups. The survey of 4 age
groups was done. The four age groups were:
 Less than 21 years
 21 -35 years
 36-54 years
 More than 55 years




Limitations of the study:

 All the research projects are hindered in their smooth flow by some
unforeseen problems. The problems arise in the form of constraints by time
and scope of the study. The current project was also faced by certain
problem. Some of the problems faced in the course of the research are as

 A strong unwillingness on the part of the owners of various bikes, to

participate and aid the research.

 Sampling error: the research include a sample size of 38 customers which

is not enough to determine the brand perception of the consumers for
servicing the bikes. Since its not a census survey there is always a chance
of error while extrapolating the results of a sample study over the
population especially in those researches where the qualitative aspects are
concerned. So it’s always doubtful to map the qualitative aspects using a
quantitative measure.

 The study was limited to the geographical region of Sagar


1. Improve the model

2. Establish more service centers and provide the best service.

3. Come with a ‘clean proposal’. Never hide the facts, be honest in selling your
vehicles, in describing the PLUS / MINUS facts, “customers friendly” attitude
is a must for any Business Deal.

4. Spare parts should be made available at lower rate.

5. Please provide High-way horn and reverse horn.

6. Change the look and increase the Mileage consumption.

7. Maintain the same demand in the market.

8. Introduce more colours in accent.

9. Reduce some bit in the price of xing.

10.Dropping facility should be provided.

11.Improve crash safety in all the Hyundai vehicles.

To conclude, the results show that the Castrol Bike Zone is playing on the
peripheral cues to maintain their Total Relationship Management and connect to
the customers both present and potential. The Bike Zone is operating in a highly
aggressive and competitive global market place and this climate has led to the
emphasis on quality in all aspects. TQM focuses on integration and coordination
as well as the continuous improvement of all activities and processes. Total
Relationship Management (TRM) is a very recent marketing strategy and
philosophy. It focuses on and is concerned with all integrated internal and
external activities within the organizations. These two terms are integrated by the
Castrol by building good quality products and building good relationship with
Consumers through enhancing it service levels.

However, when studied from the point of view of a customer there seems to be
no major difference among the bike brands in a segment as far as performance is
concerned. The brand perception is dependant mostly on the peripheral cues
depending upon the nature and quality of the service provided along with the
pricing, maintenance, availability of spare parts and related issues. So, Castrol
Bike Zone should focus more on its pricing factor because few customers were
felt that the priced being charged is higher than other service centres.

The study shows that brand perception is something which starts building up
before servicing a bike and goes on with its use and is reflected in the
recommendations the customer makes to his acquaintances for the same bike
zone. Also, it’s seen that the customer might not be using the bike still he holds

the perceptions about it. Brand personality of a service zone is enforced by the
dealers in the mindsets of the customers and the customers react to it by forming
their perceptions about the service station and this reflects in the overall brand
image of the bike zone. So brand image complement each other and the brand
perception aids the building of brand image.

Finally the major point that emerges out of this detailed study is a caution for
the service stations. It says that there is no doubt that Indian market may be
growing with a double digit figure still the service stations have a long way to
travel to convince their customers about the Quality of their service and how it
suits the prospective consumers. Simply because it simply is not a guarantee that
how so ever good the customer might be holding the brand perception and how
so ever good the brand image may be it is not a guarantee that it will convert into
sale. Bikes just like clothes and accessories suit the style and persona of a person
and since all bikes will become commodity someday the key to sell and excel in
the market will lie with a person who knows how to use the perceptions of the
customers to its use and sell the bikes ‘coz ultimately only that bike survives
which sells!






Sites Visited -

• Nargundkar, Rajendra, Marketing Research, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing
Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2009.

• Kulkarni, M.V., Marketing Research, Everest Publishing House, Pune,


• Marketing Management, Philip Kotler

• Consumer Behaviour, Suja.R.Nair

• Business India – Februray,2011







Research Questionaire : Custumer Satisfication survey on Castrol Oil

In Sagar

Dear Respondents , This Information is required for my survey report work

titled as above. Your responses will be kept confidential and will be used for
academic and research purpose only


Contact Number: Email Id:

(1) Occupation:
(a) Government (c)Business (e) Retried
(b) Professionals (d) Housewife
(2) Income:
(a) Upto 3,00,000 (b) 3,00,000 – 5,00,000 (c) 5,00,000 – 7,00,000
(d) 7, 00, 000 – 10,00,000 (e) Above 10,00,000
(3) Reasons for purchasing Castrol Oil ?
(a) Manufacturer Reputation (b) Availability of Service (c) Cost of the
(d) Looks of the Vehicle
(4) Awareness about the Vichicle Oil
(a) Television Advertisement (b) Newspaper Advertisement
(c) Friends & Relatives (d) Other Sources

(5) How Oil is being purchased? (a) Through Loan (b) Direct
(6) What parameters do you consider while purchasing the Castrol Oil?
(a) Looks (b) Price (c) Colour (d) Engine capacity (e) Pickup (f)
(7) Further Plans of the customers towards Castrol Oil ?
(a) Hyundai (b) Opel (c) Hindustan Motors (d) Maruti (e) Ford (f) Honda
(8) Purpose of buying the Oil?
(a) Own Use (b) Company Use (c) Taxi Service
(9) What is your opinion regarding the price of Castrol Oil ?
(a) Highly priced (b) Reasonably priced
(c) Approximately priced (d) Below Level priced
(10) How much you are aware about the Castrol Oil brand available in
market ?
(a) Fully Aware (b) Less Aware
(c) Moderatly Aware (d) Unaware
(11) How do you rate the service after sales of Castrol Oil?
(a) Very Good (b) Good
(c) Average (d) Bad
(12) Are you satisfied with the overall performance of Castrol Oil ?
(a) Fully Satisfied (b) Satisfied
(c) Moderate Satisfied (d) Less Satisfied

Any Suggestions


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