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Geometry is the study of shapes.

Geometric figures What can haveis GEOMETRY

one, two, or three dimensions.
While Dimension is a measure in one direction

F i r s t D i m e n s i o n

Is A line connecting two points. There is no depth and no height, only a width. You
can call this the x-axis.The one dimensional analog of a cube is an interval. It is
formed by taking a dimensionless
point and dragging it through a
distance. That distance could be 2
inches or 3 feet or anything. Let
us call the distance "L" defined as
the LENGTH. The interval has
length L. It is bounded by 2 points
as its faces--the two points at
either end of the interval.

S e c o n d
N o w w e h a v e a d d e d h e i g h t o r
t h e y - a x i s . T h i n k o f a n y f l a t
f i g u r e , l i k e a t r i a n g l e .

The two dimensional analog

of a cube is a square. It is formed by
d r a g g i n g t h e
one dimensional interval through
d i s t a n c e L i n t h e s e c o n d d i m e n s i o n .

D i m e n s i o n . s i d e s .
T h e f a c e s a r e I
ntervals of length L. We know are four of
them since its two dimensional axes must be
there capped on either end by faces.

So base from the figure. 3 above we have 2 dimensions x 2 faces each = 4 faces. The
faces together form a perimeter of 4xL in length.Two-dimensional shapes can be
measured in two directions.Their measurements are LENGTH (or BASE) and
WIDTH (or HEIGHT).The distance around is PERIMETER.The enclosed space is
A R E A .

T h i r d D i m e n s i o n

We have now added depth or the z-axis. This is the dimension in which we experience
the world. It includes volume and the ability to obtain cross sections from objects. You
can think of this dimension as space without time.
Three-dimensional shapes are measured in the directions: lenghth, width, and height.

Three-dimensional shapes have faces,vertices, and edges.

Faces refers to the sides of a shape.

Base on the figure on left the cube has 6 faces, but only 3
f a c e s w e r e v i s i b l e .

A vertex is where a two or more points meet; a corner.the

rectangular prism on the left has 8 vertices but not every
vertex may be visible in a three -dimension

the edge of a shape is the line where two surfaces meet

like for example this cylinder which has 2 edges.

A three dimensional triangle is now a pyramid.

The cube has volume L3. It is bounded by faces on 6 sides. The faces are squares of
area L2. We know there are 6 of them since its three dimensional axes
must be capped on either end by faces.

So we have 3 dimensions x 2 faces each = 6 faces. The

faces together form a surface of 6xL2 in area. Drawing
a picture of a three dimensional cube on a two
dimensional surface is equally easy. We take two of its
faces--two squares--and connect the corners.

There are several ways of doing the drawing

that corresponds to looking at the cube from
different angles. The figure shows two ways
of doing it. The first gives an oblique view;
the second looks along one of the axes

F o u r t h D i m e n s i o n

The fourth dimension is not a spacial one but it consists instead of time. Time
helps plot an object’s location in the universe and also adds a way for the third
dimension to change. Remember how the third dimension is space without time? Well
now we officially have space time . Fourth di mension as a tessera ct.
So far I hope you have found our constructions entirely unchallenging. The next
step into four dimensions can be done equally mechanically. We just systematically
repeat every step above. The only difference is that this time we cannot readily form
a mental picture of what we are building. But we can know all its properties!To form
a tesseract, we take the cube and drag it a distance L in the fourth dimension. We
cannot visualize exactly what that looks like, but it is something like this:The tesseract
has volume L4. It is bounded by faces on 8 sides. The faces are cubes of volume L 3.
We know there are 8 of them since its four dimensional axes must be capped on either
end by faces--two cubical faces per axis. Once again, we cannot visualize all four of
these capped dimenions. We can at best visualize three directions perpendicular to
each other. We then somehow add in the fourth (in red)
So we have 4 dimensions x 2 faces each = 8 faces. The faces

together form a "surface"

(really a three dimensional volume) of 8xL3 in volume. Drawing a picture of a four dimensional tesseract
in a three dimensional space is straightforward. We take two of its faces--two cubes--and connect the
c o r n e r s .

There are several ways of doing the drawing that corresponds to looking at the tesseract from different
angles. The figure shows two ways of doing it. The first gives an oblique view; the second looks along one
of the axes.So now we seem to know everything there is to know about the tesseract! We know its volume
in four dimensional space, how it is put together out of eight cubes as surfaces and even what the volume
o f i t s s u r f a c e i s ( 8 x L 3 ) .

F i f t h D i m e n s i o n
From here on we begin to see the higher dimensions. These are imperceptible to us, scientists believe,
because they exist on a subatomic level. These dimensions are curled in on themselves in a process known
as compactification. The dimensions here on out really deal with possibilities.
In the fifth dimension there would be a new world that would allow us to see the similarities and differences
between our world and this new one, existing in the same position and having the same beginning as our
p l a n e t , i . e . t h e B i g B a n g .

a space with five dimensions. If interpreted physically, that is one more than the usual
three spatial dimensions and the fourth dimension of time used in relativistic physics.[1] It is an abstraction
which occurs frequently in mathematics, where it is a legitimate construct. In physics and mathematics,
a sequence of N numbers can be understood to represent a location in an N-dimensional space. Whether or
not the universe is five-dimensional is a topic of debate.
F i f t h d i m e n s i o n

S i x t h D i m e n s i o n
The sixth dimension is an entire plane of new worlds that would allow you to see all possible futures,
presents, and pasts with, again, the same beginning as our universe.
S i x t h d i m e n s i o n
any space that can be described locally with six coordinates, not necessarily Euclidean ones, is six-
dimensional. One example is the surface of the 6-sphere, S6. This is the set of all points in seven-dimensional
Euclidean space ℝ7 that are a fixed distance from the origin. This constraint reduces the number of
coordinates needed to describe a point on the 6-sphere by one, so it has six dimensions. Such non-
Euclidean spaces are far more common than Euclidean spaces, and in six dimensions they have far more
a p p l i c a t i o n s . S e v e n t h D i m e n s i o n
In the seventh dimension up through the ninth, we now have the possibility of new universes with new
physical forces of nature and different laws of gravity and light. The seventh dimension is the beginning of
this, where we encounter new universes which have a different beginning from ours. That is, they were not
b o r n f r o m t h e B i g B a n g .

S e v e n t h d i m e n s i o n .
Seven-dimensional spaces have a number of special properties, many of them related to the octonions. An
especially distinctive property is that a cross product can be defined only in three or seven dimensions.
This is related to Hurwitz's theorem, which prohibits the existence of algebraic structures like
the quaternions and octonions in dimensions other than 2, 4, and 8. The first exotic spheres ever discovered
w e r e s e v e n - d i m e n s i o n a l .
E i g h t D i m e n s i o n
This dimension is a plane of all the possible pasts and
futures for each universe, stretching infinitely.
E i g h t d i m e n s i o n
N i n t h D i m e n s i o n
The ninth dimension lays bare all the universal laws of physics and the conditions of each individual
u n i v e r s e .
N i n t h d i m e n s i o n

T h e T e n t h , o r E l e v e n t h D i m e n s i o n
Some scientists believe that the multiverse has only 10 dimensions while others put that number at 11.
However, a universe cannot have more than 11 dimensions because of self consistency — they become
unstable and collapse back down into 11 or 10 dimensions. At this point, anything is possible. There are all
futures, all pasts, all beginnings and all ends, infinitely extended, a dimension of anything you can imagine.
E v e r y t h i n g c o m e s t o g e t h e r .
T e n t h o r e l e v e n t h d i m e n s i o n
String theory also has an answer for the mysterious moment before the Big Bang occurred. The universe
then consisted of nine perfectly symmetrical dimensions and one time dimension. The four fundamental
forces — which I cover in my Quick Summary of the Universe — gravity, weak nuclear, strong nuclear,
and electromagnetism were held together under extremely high pressure and temperature. When it became
unstable, it broke into the dimensions of time and space we know today. The first four are perceptible to us
while the last six or seven were reduced down to a size smaller than an atom.

While the idea of a multiverse is fun in terms of

science fiction and daydreaming, it’s also
mathematically sound and would provide the
framework for a theory of everything — which is
exactly what string theory attempts to be. It would
be a beautiful coming together of science, math,
a n d m y s t i c i s m .

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