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Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

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Using image logs to identify fluid types in tight carbonate reservoirs via T
apparent formation water resistivity spectrum
Xuqiang Fana,b, Guiwen Wanga,b,∗, Quanqi Daia,b, Yafeng Lic, Fengsheng Zhangd, Zhibo Hea,b,
Qingbo Lic
State Key Laboratory of Petroleum Resources and Prospecting, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing, 102249, China
College of Geosciences, China University of Petroleum (Beijing), Beijing, 102249, China
Research Institute of Exploration & Development of Qinghai Oilfield Company, CNPC, Dunhuang, 736202, China
Oil Gas Evaluation Center, China Petroleum Logging CO. LTD, Xi'an, 710021, China


Keywords: Hydrocarbon-bearing zone identification of tight reservoirs plays a crucial role in hydrocarbon exploration and
Fluid identification development. However, tight carbonate reservoirs are generally characterized by complex lithology, low por-
Image logs osity, strong heterogeneity, and weak fluid logging responses, which present a major challenge to detect hy-
Apparent resistivity spectrum drocarbon-bearing zones using conventional methods. To address this challenge, this paper develops a new
Tight carbonate reservoirs
method defined as Rwa spectrum, taking advantage of the high vertical resolution and borehole coverage of the
image logs. The Rwa spectra can be derived from the histogram distribution of the apparent resistivity values of
formation water (Rwa) in a sliding window, combining the Simandoux equation and the triple-porosity model.
The results show that a very broad Rwa spectrum with long tails corresponds to hydrocarbon-bearing zones, and
the peak shape of it is flat. In contrast, the narrow Rwa spectrum corresponds to water-bearing zones, and the
peak shape of it is a sharp spike. Furthermore, two Rwa spectrum parameters, namely AVERAGE (reflects the size
of main peak values) and VARIANCE (reflects shape changes of the Rwa spectra) are defined to quantificationally
detect hydrocarbon-bearing zones. For oil zones in Yingxi field, the AVERAGE had a value higher than 10 and
the VARIANCE was higher than 10. And for water zones, the AVERAGE had a value lower than 4.5 and the
VARIANCE was lower than 5. The resistivity values decrease linearly with the increase in pyrite content of the
reservoirs of high pyrite content, which disturbs the response to resistivity values from different fluid types (oil,
gas or water). Hence, this method is suitable for the formation of no or little pyrite contents (lower than 0.2), and
the case where the salinity value of drilling mud is similar to that of formation water. Moreover, the method has
been validated by production test data, providing unusual perspectives on the identification of fluid types in
tight carbonate reservoirs.

1. Introduction Meanwhile, different logging techniques can provide various petro-

physical parameters, which constitute cross-plots that are a graphical
Conventional hydrocarbon resources have been exploited and de- solution to differentiate between the different formations' fluids (oil,
veloped for decades and gradually became depleted. Therefore, un- gas, and water) using two (or three) log parameters (Abudeif et al.,
conventional reservoirs, such as tight reservoirs and shale, show en- 2016; Bateman, 1977). For example, the bulk density, sonic and neu-
ormous potential, which has been the subject of many recent studies tron porosity logs are commonly used in combination with resistivity
(Aplin and Macquaker, 2011; Lai et al., 2017; Zeng et al., 2013). Cor- logs to detect fluid types, and the Hingle and Pickett cross-plots as two
rectly reservoir fluid identification plays a crucial role in tight re- typical cross-plots (porosity versus resistivity) have been widely used
servoirs characterization and hydrocarbon volume estimation. In gen- (Hingle, 1959; Pickett, 1966). In addition, mathematical statistics
eral, well log data has accurate and intuitive advantages in the methods are used to detect hydrocarbon-bearing zones. Conventional
hydrocarbon detection and the potentials estimation of the hydro- logging data are used as input dataset to train and construct neural
carbon-bearing formations (Bai et al., 2019; Shedid and Saad, 2017). networks or decision tree, building predictive models by discriminant

Corresponding author. China University of Petroleum-Beijing, 18 Fuxue Road, Changping, Beijing, 102249, China
E-mail address: (G. Wang).
Received 9 October 2018; Received in revised form 20 March 2019; Accepted 2 April 2019
Available online 09 April 2019
0920-4105/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

analysis to classify the fluid types (Elshafei and Hamada, 2009). The accurate matrix density value of the mixed depositional formation can
rapid development of advanced logging technology such as image logs, be obtained. Therefore, the matrix porosity can be calculated using the
nuclear magnetic logging, and dipole shear sonic logging provides nu- matrix density value under the constraint of the density log. The vuggy
merous new methods to identify fluid types. Naides and Paris (2005) porosity and fracture porosity were quantified using FMI images.
found that the image logs will show a dark pattern in a very permeable High-resolution electrical borehole imaging logs had made it pos-
with high water saturation sandstone due to the diffusion phenomenon sible to obtain an in-situ description (e.g. fractures and sedimentary
in water if the mud and water formation resistivity were similar. characterization) of the reservoir to better evaluate complex reservoirs
However, a disadvantage of this method is that the dark pattern is si- (Khoshbakht et al., 2009; Lai et al., 2017; Nian et al., 2017; Zeng et al.,
milar to the pattern observed in shale or fine sandstone. Xiao et al. 2013). The Schlumberger's FMI (Fullbore Formation Microresistivity
(2015) calculated the Rwa values using image logs to identify fluid types Imager) data were collected in this study, and the FMI logging tool can
according to Archie's equation, but the effect of shale on the resistivity provide images of borehole walls with 80% borehole coverage in 8-in.
was ignored. Moreover, the usual differential spectrum method (DSM) boreholes (Folkestad et al., 2012; Moreau and Joubert, 2016). The FMI
and shift spectrum method (SSM) could be used to identify fluid types imaging tool consists of a total of 192 numbers of sensors which are
by the one-dimensional NMR logging (1D NMR), due to the transverse equally shared between eight pads, and each pad contains 24 resistivity
relaxation time (T2) distributions of various fluid types are different sensors (Lagraba et al., 2010; Rajabi et al., 2010). Therefore, 192
(Sun, 2007; Wei et al., 2005). The transverse relaxation time (T2) and channels of data are available in each well. 192 electrodes are possible
diffusion coefficient (D) analysis of 2D NMR logging (known as (T2, D) by placing an array of 24 circular sensors in 2 rows on each pad and
2D NMR) will greatly improve the accuracy of fluid identification (Sun flap, with a vertical sampling rate of 0.1-in and a vertical resolution of
and Dunn, 2005; Tan et al., 2013). Furthermore, the elastic property 0.2-in (Folkestad et al., 2012; Schlumberger, 2004). The equipment is
parameters (such as P-wave and S-wave velocity ratio, Poisson ratio, elevated upward, different pads press against the borehole wall, and the
and Lame coefficients) can be calculated using dipole shear sonic logs lower electrodes emit current, which is received by the circuit elec-
data, which have a large difference between hydrocarbon and water trodes. Thus, an electrical current proportional to the formation con-
formation (Liu et al., 2016; Ramamoorthy and Murphy, 1998). ductivity subsequently flows through the formation and is measured by
However, these above methods are limited in certain cases that the each electrode in its immediate vicinity. Therefore, each electrode
necessary empirical of some parameters and formula for fluid identifi- makes a measurement proportional to the conductivity of the formation
cation is unavailable or when the time is of the essence. Therefore, the directly facing it, and FMI data contain the high resolution information
apparent resistivity values of formation water (Rwa) is proposed to about electrical characteristics of the formation, which could be used
quickly detect hydrocarbon pay zones (Entyre, 1982; Tixier et al., for fluid type identification.
1960). For clean formations, according to Archie's equation, Rwa is The dual laterolog (DLL) consists of deep and shallow reading (LLD,
defined as the ratio between the true formation resistivity and the LLS), which are done simultaneously at two different frequencies in
formation resistivity factor. Generally, Rwa is minimum in water- practice (Chemali et al., 1983). Meanwhile, these two measurements of
bearing zones, roughly equal to Rw, whereas in hydrocarbon-bearing resistivity have different investigation depths. The LLD system uses
zones it is much higher (Bai et al., 2019; Dennis and Lawrence, 1984). remote (surface) for returning the main and bucking currents; there-
However, tight carbonate reservoirs, comparing to sandstone and shale, fore, deep-reading LLD measures are closer to the resistivity of virgin
are described by complicated mineral compositions, strong hetero- zones (Rt). In contrast, the LLS system uses the electrode pair which in
geneity, and show higher resistivity and density (Ehrenberg and tools for returning the main and bucking currents, therefore, shallow-
Nadeau, 2005; Lucia et al., 2003; Shedid and Almehaideb, 2001). reading LLS measures are closer to the resistivity of flushed zones (Rxo)
Therefore, the well log data is significantly affected by these factors, (Chemali et al., 1983). Due to the difference between LLD and LLS, fluid
and both the traditional cross-plots and Rwa are limited to detecting types and water (and hence hydrocarbon) saturation of formations can
hydrocarbon-bearing zones in such conditions. For instance, well log be calculated by the resistivity measures of the dual laterolog.
responses indicate more matrix properties than fluid types, increasing
the difficulty in identifying fluid types. Thus, quick and effective hy- 2.2. Calculation procedures of Rwa spectrum
drocarbon-bearing zone identification is a major challenge in carbonate
reservoirs. As discussed above, the FMI tool has the high vertical resolution
To tackle this challenge, this study aims to develop a more effective (0.2 in, about 5 mm), while the effective detecting depths are only 2 in
method to identify fluid types in tight carbonate reservoirs. The Rwa (about 5 cm). Compared to the dual laterolog, the vertical resolution
spectrum, which is derived from the image logs, is proposed to detect and borehole coverage of FMI image logs are higher, but the in-
hydrocarbon-bearing zones, and the results were verified using pro- vestigation depth is shallower. Therefore, these micro resistivity curves
duction test results. This method contributes to improve the identifi- measured by the imaging tool could be calibrated by the resistivity of
cation of fluid types in heterogeneous carbonate reservoirs using image the flushed zones (LLS) to reflect hydrocarbon information near the
logs. wellbore and in the flushed zones. Due to the sampling interval of LLS is
0.125 m, the 0.125 m was selected as the sliding window. Thus, each
2. Data and methods sliding window corresponds exactly to a sampling interval of LLS. The
calibration method is similar with that of Schlumber Company (Xiao
2.1. Well logs et al., 2015), but the ration of FMI and LLS is used as a calibration factor
to directly calibrate the FMI data to an absolute conductivity scale.
Openhole wire-line logs used in the study area include dual lateral Firstly, conductivity data from all FMI pads and flaps over a sliding
resistivity logs (LLD and LLS), Fullbore Formation Microresistivity window of 0.125 m can be used to obtain an average conductivity (C1).
Imager log (FMI), Litho Scanner log, gamma ray log (GR), density log
ni nj nk
(DEN), compensated neutron log (CNL), and acoustic log (AC). In this
study, we regard LLD as the deep resistivity (RT). FMI logs were run in
C1 = ∑ ∑ ∑ C (j, k, i)/(ni⋅nj⋅nk )
i=1 j=1 k=1 (1)
12 wells which were drilled with water-based muds in the study area,
and core samples were collected from 5 of them. The studied carbonate Where, C1 is the average conductivity of a sliding window
reservoirs are characterized by complex mineral composition, due to (0.125 m), S/m; ni is the number of vertical samples in the sliding
the background of mixed siliciclastic-carbonate sediments. The mineral window (if the sliding window is 0.125 m, for FMI tool, ni = 50), nj is
components were calculated by Litho Scanner log, and then the the number of pads and flaps (for FMI tool, nj = 8), nk is the number of

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

electrodes in every pad (for FMI tool, nk = 24); C (j, k, i) is the corre- of Rwa values distribution, i.e., the Rwa spectrum similar to the Nuclear
sponding recorded electrical conductivity of each FMI electrode in FMI Magnetic Resonance (NMR) T2 spectrum can be obtained. The left
tool, S/m. peaks refer to the small Rwa values, whereas the right peaks correspond
The calibration factor f was defined as the ratio of the 1/LLS (LLS is to the high Rwa values. Meanwhile, in order to measure the Rwa spec-
the shallow lateral log resistivity) to the average conductivity C1: trum shape and quantitatively identify fluid types, the two parameters
1 are proposed. One parameter is AVERAGE, which reflects the size of
f= main peak values and can be calculated by the following formula:
LLS⋅C1 (2)
n n
Therefore, the electrical conductivity of each FMI electrode (Ci) Rwa = ∑ Rwai PRwai/∑ Rwai
which has been calibrated by the resistivity of the flushed zones (LLS) i=1 i=1 (8)
can be derived:
where PRwai is the frequency corresponding to Rwai.
Ci (j, k , i) = f ⋅C (j, k , i) (3) The other parameter is VARIANCE, which reflects shape changes of
the Rwa spectrum and can be calculated by the following formula:
Simandous (1963) proposed the Simandoux equation (Eq. (4)).
1 V ϕm⋅Swn ∑i = 1 PRwai (Rwai − Rwai ) 2
= sh ⋅Sw + σRwa = n
Rt Rsh a⋅Rw⋅(1 − Vsh) (4) ∑i = 1 PRwai (9)
Where, Rt is the true formation resistivity (Ω·m), Rw is the formation Therefore, for water zones, Rwa values are low which show a narrow
water resistivity (Ω·m), Rsh is the shale resistivity (Ω·m), Vsh is the shale left spectrum without tails (AVERAGE and VARIANCE are low).
volume content (fraction), Sw is the water saturation in fraction (frac- Conversely, Rwa values of hydrocarbon zones are higher which are
tion), ϕ is the effective porosity (fraction), a is the tortuosity factor characterized by a very broad right spectrum with long tails, and the
(dimensionless), m is the porosity exponent (dimensionless), and n is values of AVERAGE and VARIANCE of oil zones are higher than that of
the saturation exponent (dimensionless). water zones. Thus, fluid types could be identified by using the Rwa
For the pure water layer, the formation water resistivity Rw can be spectrum analysis.
determined from setting Sw to 1 (or 100%) in Eq. (4):
ϕm⋅Rt ⋅Rsh 3. Geological setting
Rw =
a⋅(1 − Vsh)⋅(Rsh − Rt ⋅Vsh) (5)
The Qaidam Basin has been in existence since the Jurassic period,
As discussed above, Ci (the FMI image logs values which have been which is mainly covered by Mesozoic and Cenozoic terrestrial clastic
calibrated by LLS) could reflect hydrocarbon information on the flushed and carbonate deposits (Jian et al., 2013; Rieser et al., 2005). Topo-
zones. Therefore, by applying the Simandoux's formula for flushed graphically, the basin is a rhomb-shaped intermontane basin bounded
zones, the apparent resistivity of formation water (Rwa) can be derived by the Altyn Tagh to the northwest, the Qilian Shan to the northeast,
by the following equation (Eq. (6)). and the East Kunlun Shan to the south (Fig. 2). During the Palaeogene
ϕm⋅Rxo⋅Rsh Rsh period, the basin enters a stage of subsidence and continuous lake de-
Rwa = = ⋅ϕm / Ci position began, and the lake sediments are subdivided into near-shore
a⋅(1 − Vsh)⋅(Rsh − Rxo⋅Vsh) a⋅(1 − Vsh)⋅(Rsh − Vsh/ Ci )
and deep-water sediments with many thin layers of carbonates (Liu
et al., 2017; Ma et al., 2017; Ye et al., 2016). The studied Yingxi field
where Rxo is the resistivity of flushed zones (Ω·m). lies in the northwestern of the Yingxiongling structure belts, south-
The pore system of tight carbonate reservoirs is generally compo- western Qaidam Basin (Fig. 2).
site, which is composed of pores, fractures, and/or non-connected vugs. The stratigraphy of the Qaidam basin is divided into three main
In these cases, the triple-porosity model is more suitable to evaluate tectonic units, which are metamorphic basement, late Palaeozoic-
reservoir petrophysical characteristics (Aguilera, 2004; Al-Ghamdi Mesozoic sediments, and Cenozoic sediments (Xia et al., 2001; Xie
et al., 2011). Therefore, the triple-porosity model (Eq. (7)) is used to et al., 2018). The Cenozoic strata of the Yingxi field can be divided into
calculate the porosity exponent (m) in tight carbonate reservoirs of eight stratigraphic units (Fig. 3), each of which has been dated precisely
composite pores system in this study. based on paleontology and magnetostratigraphy studies (Cheng et al.,
2017; Ma et al., 2017). The Upper Xiagancaigou Formation (E32) of the
(1 − ϕ ⋅ vnc )
−log ⎡ϕ⋅vnc + −mb
⎤ Yingxi field is characterized by typical sediment of salt lacustrine en-
ϕ ⋅ v + (1 − ϕ ⋅ v ) / ϕb
m= ⎣ ⎦
vironments and mainly consists of carbonate, siliciclastic rocks, gray
logϕ (7)
mudstone, and trace evaporates (gypsum and halite) formed during
Where, ϕ is the total porosity of the composite system (fraction); ϕb regressive phases of lake development. The main pore type is inter-
is matrix porosity (fraction), which is equal to void space in the among crystal pores of dolomite and micro-fractures, and dissolution pores are
of bulk volume of the matrix system; vnc is the vuggy porosity ratio, secondly. Oliocene multiple gypsum formations were deposited over
which is equal to the non-connected vuggy porosity among of total the E32 Formation and acts as a perfect top seal. The E32 Formation
porosity; v is the partitioning coefficient, which is equal to fracture shows the coexistence of reservoir and source rock characterized by low
porosity divided by total porosity; mb is the porosity exponent (ce- organic matter abundance, with total organic carbon (TOC) ranging in
mentation factor) of the matrix block from unfractured plugs (or based 0.38%–1.98% (Li et al., 2008). The organic matter represents Type Ⅱ
on lithology). and low maturity level. However, the organic matter is highly con-
Fig. 1 can graphically represent the process of obtaining the ap- verted into hydrocarbon (Li et al., 2008). Therefore, the above geolo-
parent resistivity of formation water (Rwa) spectrum from image logs gical factors directly determine the high productivity of drilling well of
data. According to the calculation formula (Eq. (6)), the resistivity the E32 Formation in Yingxi area.
values of FMI image logs could convert into Rwa values (each mea-
surement point corresponds to a Rwa value) (Fig. 1A). Therefore, for a 4. Results
sliding window, a total of 192 Rwa values can be calculated by image
logs (Fig. 1B). Then the Rwa spectrum (Fig. 1C) can be obtained from the 4.1. Petrophysical properties
distribution of the 192 Rwa values. In Fig. 1C, the horizontal axis is the
Rwa value, whereas the y-coordinate is the frequency, then a histogram The mineral compositions of 18 samples from 5 wells are shown in

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

Fig. 1. Calculation process of the Rwa spectrum using the borehole images. (A) Borehole images from FMI tools. (B) Sketch map of Rwa curves. (C) The Rwa spectrum.

Fig. 3A. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results reveal significant differ- to 12.31%, with an average of 3.87%. The data exhibits a unimodal
ences in mineral compositions of the samples (Fig. 4). Overall, clay distribution with a peak value of 0%–6% (Fig. 5A). Meanwhile, hor-
mineral content ranges from 9.3% to 41.6% with an average of 25%. izontal permeability ranges from 0.02 mD to 35.14 mD, with most of
Quartz content averages at about 11% and ranges between 1.0% and the permeability measurements giving values of < 1 mD (Fig. 5B).
18.4%. Albite content ranges from 1.0% to 11.6% with an average of
7%. Carbonate minerals in the studied area mainly consist of calcite and
dolomite, with the calcite content ranging from 5.2% to 48.1% (average 4.2. Calculation results
19%) and dolomite content is correspondingly high ranging from 4.5%
to 76.2% (average 28%). Anhydrite content ranges from 0% to 15.4% Base on the production test results, the zone types can be subdivided
with an average of 5%. Other minerals such as pyrite, halite, and K- into oil zones, water zones and oil-water zones according to fluid types
feldspar are also identified, but their contents are less (Fig. 4B). Con- in zones. Shape characteristics of the Rwa spectrum from different fluid
ventional plug analysis results show that most samples have apparently type zones are summarized by processing various well intervals. A very
low porosity and permeability (Fig. 5). The porosity ranges from 0.09% broad peaks distribution of Rwa spectrum with long tails corresponds to
hydrocarbon-bearing zones, and the peak shapes are relatively flat. In

Fig. 2. (A) Location of the Qaidam Basin; (B)

Digtal Elevation Map (DEM) of the Qaidam
Basin and surrounding orogenic belts; (C) DEM
of the NW Qaidam Basin and the location of the
Yingxi area (marking a red rectangle). (For in-
terpretation of the references to color in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web
version of this article.)

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

Fig. 3. Cenozoic stratigraphy, thickness and representative lithological of the NW Qaidam Basin. In the geologic time scale: E-early; M-middle; L-late.

contrast, the narrow Rwa spectrum corresponds to water-bearing zones,

with only a single peak showing, and the peak shapes are a sharp spike.
In order to make clear the evaluation capability of this method and
contrast the shape characteristics of Rwa spectrum and parameters re-
sults from different fluid type zones, three cases conducted with the
image logs data derived from two wells are designed and discussed in
the following verifications.
Oil zones: the processing results of Rwa spectra and parameters from
the S254 well at the depth of 4509–4521 m are shown in Fig. 6. Caliper
shows good well bore condition in the interval, with the shale content
ranging from 11.1% to 49.0% (average 29.2%). The computed porosity
ranges from 0.77% to 6.16% with an average of 2.73%. Meanwhile,
distinct dark vugs (dissolution pores) can be detected from image logs
in high porosity intervals (porosity > 4%, intervals within
4512–4513 m & 4518–4519 m), and the porosity of these intervals is
similar to that of the intervals in Fig. 7. The Rwa spectra are at its widest
distribution at intervals of 4511.1–4513 m, 4514.5–4516.6 m and
4517.8–4520 m (Fig. 6 a, b, c), which show broad peaks of a relatively
flat shape with a “long tail”. Such a spectrum shape indicates that the
fluid type of this interval is oil. The maximum value of the AVERAGE is
17.9, and the maximum value of the VARIANCE is 11.6. Well test
showed an oil-production rate of 5.36 m3/d and a water-production rate
of 0.8 m3/d with a 6-mm chore by 26.2-MPa oil pressure in the test
interval of 4511.5–4520 m. The test results also verify that the fluid
type is oil in this interval.
Water zones: the processing results of Rwa spectra and parameters
from the S254 well at the depth of 3953–3965 m are shown in Fig. 7.
Shale content averages at about 35.6% and ranges between 24.2% and
48.9%. The computed porosity ranges from 2.5% to 7.0% with an
average of 4.4%. Meanwhile, distinct dark vugs (dissolution pores) and
the dark continuous sinusoidal waves (fractures) can be detected from
Fig. 4. Mineral composition of the E32 Formation in Yingxi area. (A) The X-ray image logs in high porosity intervals (porosity > 4%, intervals within
diffraction (XRD) results of all 22 samples from 5 wells; (B) Average values of 3956–3958 m & 3962–3964 m). The Rwa spectra are relatively narrow,
various mineral contents.
with only a single peak showing, and the peak shapes are a sharp spike
(Fig. 7 a, b, c). Such a spectrum shape indicates that the fluid type of
this interval is water. The maximum value of the AVERAGE is 4.5, and

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

Fig. 5. Histogram of porosity and permeability of the E32 Formation in Yingxi area: (A) Porosity distribution; (B) Permeability distribution.

the maximum value of the VARIANCE is 3.2. Well test showed an oil- parameters, image logs data of 12 wells in the study area was processed,
production rate of 0 m3/d and a water-production rate of 11.2 m3/d and parameters (AVERAGE and VARIANCE) in 18 test sections from 12
with a 4-mm chore by 25.3-MPa pressure in the test interval of wells were calculated. The cross plot of these two parameters is illu-
3955–3695 m. The test results verify that the fluid type is water in this strated in Fig. 9, and the table lists the test results of some of the data
interval. points in Fig. 9. The y-axis is the AVERAGE, and the x-axis is the
Oil-water zones: the processing results of Rwa spectra and para- VARIANCE. Fluid types could be determined by the test results, and the
meters from the S160 well at the depth of 4218–4230 m are shown in oil, water and oil-water zones are marked by red dots, blue triangles
Fig. 8. Shale content averages at about 34.1% and ranges between and pink diamonds, respectively. Most of the data points of water zones
12.4% and 52.2%. The computed porosity ranges from 1.4% to 6.9% are inside the small rectangular area, so an AVERAGE of 4.5 and a
with an average of 3.6%. Meanwhile, distinct dark continuous or dis- VARIANCE of 5 are defined as the boundaries between water zones and
continuous sinusoidal waves (fractures) and dark vugs (dissolution oil-water zones. Whereas most of the data points of oil zones are outside
pores) can be detected from image logs. The Rwa spectra are relatively the large rectangular area, so an AVERAGE of 10 and a VARIANCE of 10
widest at the intervals of 4221–4228 m, and the shapes of its peaks are are defined as the boundaries between oil zones and oil-water zones.
wider than spectrum peaks in the intervals of 3955–3695 m (S254 well) Therefore, the value 4.5 of AVERAGE and the value 5 of VARIANCE can
and narrower than spectrum peaks in the intervals of 4514.5–4516.6 m be considered the lower limit of hydrocarbon-bearing zones. Table 1
(S254 well) (Fig. 8 a, b, c). Such a spectrum shape indicates that the summarizes the characteristics of the theoretical (simple schematic
main fluid type of this interval is oil, and water is secondary. The diagrams without scales) and practical Rwa spectrum and its parameters
maximum value of the AVERAGE is 10.7, and the maximum value of for formations with different fluid types in tight carbonate reservoirs of
the VARIANCE is 8.9. Well test showed an oil-production rate of Yingxi field.
2.13 m3/d and a water-production rate of 1.2 m3/d with a 6-mm chore
by 21.2-MPa oil pressure in the test interval of 4220.5–4228 m. The test
results verify that the main fluid type is oil in this interval.
On the basis of the method of calculating the Rwa spectrum

Fig. 6. Calculation results of the Rwa spectrum at the depth of 4509–4521 m in the S254 well.

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

Fig. 7. Calculation results of the Rwa spectrum at the depth of 3953–3965 m in the S254 well.

Fig. 8. Calculation results of the Rwa spectrum at the depth of 4218–4230 m in the S160 well.

5. Discussion zone resistivity is different between the hydrocarbon-bearing and

water-bearing zones, and this difference is helpful in recognizing the
5.1. Significance of Rwa spectrum presence of hydrocarbons (Raymer and Salisch, 1970; Salazar and
Torres-Verdín, 2008). Carbonate reservoirs heterogeneity is sig-
The flushed zone is the part of the formation, in the immediate vi- nificantly affected by the presence of fractures and solution pores,
cinity of the borehole, which is caused by mud filtrate invasion which increases the randomness of mud invasion process (Miranda
(Merchant et al., 2006; Raymer and Salisch, 1970). The process of in- et al., 2009). By virtue of the high vertical resolution and borehole
vasion has moved some hydrocarbons and/or formation water and, coverage of image logs, the statistical distribution of the resistivity
consequently, that the formation contains mud filtrate and irreducible values within a sliding window can effectively offset the impact of mud
hydrocarbon or water (Jiao and Sharma, 1992). Therefore, the flushed invasion randomness. This statistical distribution can be plotted as a

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

(reflects shape changes of the Rwa spectrum) of oil zones are higher than
that of water zones. Thus, fluid types could be identified by analyzing
the Rwa spectrum.

5.2. Effects of shale and porosity on fluid identification

The brine is usually the only conductor present in the clean for-
mation (Winsauer, 1952). However, this is not the case in a shaly for-
mation, where the clay produces an additional conductive path beside
the formation water (Hill and Milburn, 1956; Winsauer and McCardell,
1953). Hence, the presence of conductive clays considerably compli-
cates the interpretation of resistivity data of partially saturated for-
mations (De Witte, 1955; Poupon et al., 1954). Generally, the presence
of clay or shale in formation lowers the formation resistivity (Hill and
Milburn, 1956; Serra and Sulpice, 1975), causing the Rwa spectrum peak
to move to left and the two parameters (AVERAGE and VARIANCE)
decrease. If not corrected, the formation water saturation (Sw) will be
overestimated, i.e., the zone is wrongly interpreted as a water-bearing
zone (that is actually an oil-bearing). The Simandoux equation takes
into account clay conductivity and makes a modification of Archie's
equation. Therefore, it is used to construct Rwa calculation formula (Eq.
(6)) for E32 Formation in Yingxi field, which considers the effects of
Fig. 9. The cross plot of Rwa spectrum parameters in Yingxi area.
shale on formation conductivity.
The well log data is the comprehensive responses to formation
continuous Rwa spectrum to visually display the hydrocarbon informa- characteristics within the instrument detection range (Serra, 1984).
tion near the borehole. Moreover, there are great differences between Therefore, well logging indicates more responses from matrix proper-
the Rwa spectrum of water-bearing and hydrocarbon-bearing zones. ties and complicated mineral compositions than fluid type in tight
In water-bearing zones, the main fluids within pores are mud filtrate carbonate reservoirs (Sharma and Prasad, 2009). The larger the for-
and bound water in flushed zones without movable hydrocarbons. mation porosity, the more fluid it contains, and the higher proportion of
Therefore, Rwa values are low and stable, and the Rwa distribution shows responses from fluid in total well log response. Thus, the electrical
a relatively left narrow spectrum with only a single peak, and the peak characteristics of fluid within formation pores could be well shown on
shape is a sharp spike (AVERAGE and VARIANCE are low) (Fig. 10A). the resistivity logging. Meanwhile, there will be bigger differences be-
For hydrocarbon-bearing zones, movable hydrocarbons are displaced tween oil and water zones in the Rwa spectrum and parameters, which
by mud filtrate, but the residual hydrocarbon is still randomly dis- are beneficial to the identification of fluid types.
tributed around the well bore. Therefore, Rwa values and its range of As shown the cross plot of resistivity versus porosity in Fig. 11, and
hydrocarbon-bearing zones are higher than them of water zones. The the resistivity of water zones is low (about 45 Ω m) on the whole, while
Rwa distribution is characterized with a very broad right spectrum, the resistivity of some oil zones is also very low, so there are no obvious
which shows a relatively flat shape peak with long tails (Fig. 10B). The boundaries among the oil zones, water zones, and oil-water zones.
AVERAGE (reflects the size of main peak values) and VARIANCE Therefore, due to the effects of high shale content and low porosity, the

Table 1
The shape characteristics and parameters values of the Rwa spectrum for zones with different fluid types of the E32 Formation in Yingxi area.
Zone types Flushed zone model Theoretical Rwa spectrum Practical Rwa spectrum Rwa spectrum shape Rwa spectrum parameters

Water zones left narrow peak < 4.5 <5

a sharp spike

Oil-water the shape characteristics 4.5–10 5–10

zones between water zones and oil

Oil zones broad peak with long tails > 10 > 10

flat peak shape

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

Fig. 10. Theoretical characteristics of the Rwa spectrum and formation models for zones with different fluid types. (A) Water zones; (B) Hydrocarbon zones.

Fig. 11. The cross plot of formation resistivity (Rt) versus porosity of the E32
Formation in Yingxi area.

conventional cross plot of resistivity versus porosity cannot be effec-

tively applied to identify the fluid types for tight carbonate reservoirs in
Yingxi field.

5.3. Analysis of method application scopes

Pyrite is one kind of conductive minerals in the rock matrix

(Clennell et al., 2010). Generally, the pyrite within the rock matrix
lowers the true formation resistivity (Rt), interfering the resistivity
logging response from hydrocarbons (Clavier et al., 1976; Han et al.,
2015). Fig. 12 is the cross plot of Rt and pyrite content, and the pyrite
contents and Rt are the results from Litho Scanner logging and deep
laterolog (LLD), respectively. As shown in the legend, both colors and
symbols represent different fluid type zones. Fig. 12A shows Rt has Fig. 12. The cross plot of formation resistivity (Rt) versus pyrite content of the
E32 Formation in Yingxi area. (A) Cross plot of the formation with high pyrite
negative correlations with the pyrite content when the pyrite contents
content (> 0.02); (B) Cross plot of the formation with low pyrite content
are higher than 0.02, with correlation coefficients of 0.76. The data
(< 0.02).
points are from different fluid type zones, indicating the effect of pyrite
on resistivity is greater than that of fluid within pores. However, Rt
shows no obvious relationship to pyrite content when the pyrite con- high pyrite content (> 0.02) intervals is limited due to the effect of
tents are lower than 0.02 (Fig. 12B). The result indicates that the effects pyrite content on resistivity. However, the effect can be ignored when
of pyrite content on resistivity cannot be ignored in the formation with the pyrite contents are lower than 0.02 (Fig. 12B). Therefore, this
high pyrite content (> 0.02). Unfortunately, the Rwa spectrum method method can be used in the formation with low pyrite content (< 0.02).
developed in this study is not perfect for eliminating the effect of pyrite The pyrite contents are lower than 0.02 for most zones of E32 Formation
content on resistivity. Therefore, the effectiveness of this method in in the study area according to the results from X-ray diffraction (XRD)

X. Fan, et al. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 178 (2019) 937–947

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