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Chapter 02 : Medical Terminology – Set A

1. A surgeon performs an escharotomy. This procedure is best described as:

a. Incision into a burn in order to lessen its pull on the surrounding tissue.
b. Removal of a basal cell carcinoma
c. Debridement of a pressure ulcer
d. Removal of a fingernail

2. Where would a subungual hematoma be located.?

a. Mouth- under the tongue c. Scalp
b. Under the toenail/fingernail d. Bottom of the foot
3. Impetigo is best describes as:
a. A dry, scaly condition of the skin
b. A bacterial skin infection
c. Severe itching
d. Acute eruption of vesicles along the path of a nerve
4. Pronation is turning the hand to have the palm face:
a. Upward c. Downward
b. Sideways d. Outward
5. Which of the following characterizes the disorder dystonia?
a. Difficulty swallowing
b. Abnormal muscle tone causing abnormal postures and muscle spasm
c. Impairment of speech
d. Slowness of motion
6. Arthritis is an inflammation of what?
a. Muscle c. Joint
b. Nerve d. Tendon
7. The dome-shaped muscle under the lungs flattening during inspiration is the:
a. Bronchus c. Mediastinum
b. Diaphragm d. Pleura
8. A respiratory disease characterized by overexpansion and destruction of the alveoli is
identified as :
a. Cystic Fibrosis c. Emphysema
b. Pneumoconiosis d. Respiratory distress syndrome
9. The word describing the presence of blood in the pleural cavity is :
a. Hemothorax c. Hemoptysis
b. Hydrothorax d. Pleural effusion
10. A thin membrane lining the chambers of the heart and valves is called the.
a. Myocardium c. Pericardium
b. Endocardium d. Epicardium
11. A procedure widening a narrowed vessel or obstructed blood vessel is called a(n):
a. Valvotomy c. Angioplasty
b. Angiography d. Thrombectomy
12. Restriction of blood supply, commonly due to factors in the blood vessel, that can result
in damage or dysfunction of tissue is known as:
a. Ischemia c. Fibrillation
b. Heart failure d. Dyslipidemia
13. Splenorrhaphy is described as:
a. Dissection of the spleen c. Hemorrhage of the spleen
b. Suture of a wound of the spleen d. Softening of the spleen
14. A deficiency of cells in the blood is defined as:
a. Erythremia c. Cytopenia
b. Phagocytosis d. Bacteremia
15. Bone marrow harvesting is a procedure to obtain bone marrow from a donor. Bone
marrow collected from a close relative is:
a. Autologous c. Autoinfusion
b. Allogenic d. Alloplasty
16. This is a procedure to visualize the contents of the mediastinum;
a. Mediastinoscopy c. Median rhinoscopy
b. Mediastinotomy d. Medialization
17. The operative overlapping of tissue to repair a defect in the diaphragm is called:
a. Imbrication c. Immersion
b. Immobilization d. Immunodiffusion
18. The root word for mouth is:
a. Gloss/o c. Stomat/o
b. Bucc/o d. Dent/o
19. A surgical procedure creating an opening into the jejunum is defined as a:
a. Colostomy c. Gastroenterostomy
b. Gastrojejunostomy d. Jejunostomy
20. Inflammation of the membrane lining the abdominal cavity and covering the abdominal
organs is called:
a. Peritonitis c. Diverticulosis
b. Ulcerative colitis d. Diverticulitis
21. Excessive potassium in the blood is referred to as:
a. Hematuria c. Hypoproteinemia
b. Hyperkalemia d. Hypernatremia
22. A medical treatment used to remove the waste products in the blood is:
a. Hemophilia c. Hemapheresis
b. Hemodialysis d. Hemochromatosis
23. A patient is diagnosed with inflammation of the testis and epididymis. The medical term
for this condition is.
a. Orchialgia c. Vesiculitis
b. Epididymitis d. Orchiepididymitis
24. What condition results from failure of the testis to descend into the scrotum?
a. Epididymitis c. Orchitis
b. Cryptorchidism d. Priapism
25. A vesiculotomy is defined as:
a. Removal of an obstruction from the vas deferens
b. Surgical cutting into the seminal vesicles
c. Removal of one of the seminal vesicles
d. Incision into the prostate

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