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Lesson 4 Residential Project: FLOOR PLANS:: In this lesson you will jump right in and get started drawing your floor plans for the residential project. Throughout the lesson you will be introduced to a few new commands and you will study common methods used to draw floor plans. Walls Introduction: Two lines, a certain distance apart, represent the walls in a floor plan. In AutoCAD these walls are drawn on a layer named A-IALL, The distance between the two lines is the same as the actual thickness of the wall (or vety close to it); wall thicknesses are usually sounded off to the nearest 14”, “The following is an overview of how walls are typically dimensioned in a floor plan. This information is intended to help you understand the dimensions you will see in the exercises, as well as prepare you for the point when you dimension your plans. Stud walls (wood or metal) are typically dimensioned to the center of the walls. This is one of the reasons the walls do not need to be the exact thickness. Here are a few reasons why you should dimension to the center of the stud rather than to the face of the gypsum board: © The contractor is laying out the walls in a large “empty” area. ‘The most useful dimension is to the center of the stud; that is where they will make a mark on the floor. If the dimension was to the face of the gypsum board, the contractor would 30" have to stop and calculate the center of the stud, which is not always the center of the wall thickness (e.g., a stud wall with 1 layer of gypsum board on one side and 2 layers of gypsum board over resilient channels on the other side), Dimension Example = Two Sead Walls ‘©. The extra dimensions (text and arrows) indicating the thickness of the walls would take up an excessive amount of 100m on the floor plans; space that would be better used by notes. Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2014 Occasionally you should dimension to the face of a wall rather than the center. Here’s one example: © When indicating design intent or building coxle reyuisensents, you should reference the exact points/sutfaces. For example, if you have uncommonly large trim around a door opening, you may want a dimension from the edge of the door to the face of the adjacent wall, Another example would be the width of a hallway; if you want a particalar width you would dimension between the two faces of the wall and add the text “clear” below the dimension to make it known, without question, that the dimension is not to the center of the wall Dimensions for masonry and foundation walls: © Foundation and masonry walls are dimensioned to the nominal face and not the center. These types of walls are modular (¢.., 8"x8x16") so it is helpful, for both designer and builder, to have dimensions that relate to the masonry wall’s “coursing” Dimension Example ~ (which helps reduce waste). ‘Two masonty Wals Dimensions from a stud wall to a masonry wall: © The rules above apply for each side of the dimension line, For example: a dimension for the exterior foundation wall to an interior stud wall would be from the exterior face of the foundation wall to the center of the stud on the stud wall, Dimension Example = Stud to masonry Contos Residence mage courtesy of Anderton Archies Alen H. Anderson, Architect, Duluth, MN 42 Residential Project: F.OOR PLANS Overview of the plans you will be drawing: The following sketches will give you an idea of the floor plans you will draw in this lesson, FIGURE 41.1 Sketch ~ First Floor Plan FIGURE 4-1.2 Sketch ~ South Elevation Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2014 Figure 4-1.3 ketch ~ Basement Floor Plan Figure 4-14 Sketch ~ Second Floor Plan. 44 Residential Project: FLOOR PLANS ST Getting Started: In this exercise you will draw just the walls forall three floor plans. Similar to the exercises in Lesson 3, you will draw each floor plan in a separate drawing, ‘Additionally, each drawing will have a common origin; this will make it easy to copy/paste and overlay the plans to make sure things lineup from floor to floot. You will use the upper lefi corner of the two-story portion of the residence as the origin. Drawing walls involves extensive use of just a handful of commands, most of which you already know how to use. The most typical commands used in drawing walls are: © Line © Stretch * Extend © Offset ° Trim ‘The last two commands, Trim andExtend, have not been covered yet. You will study these commands in this exercise. ‘You will now start drawing the basement floor plan walls. 1. Start a new drawing named Flr-B.dwg. Don’t forget to se the correc template: App. Menu New and then SheetSets\ Architectural Imperial.dwt. 2. Switch to Model Space TI model (Tea [tape 7 Setting the Drawing Limits Next you will set the Model Space drawing limits. The drawing space does not actually have limits; this setting relates more to zooming and drawing regenerations. 3, Type Limits and then Enter (wake sure Dynamic Input is on; F12 toggles is on and of). 4. ‘Type -150’, press the Tab key and then type -130/; Enter. a. Don't miss the minus sign in the two values above. b. YI: If you ate typing in the Command Window ox Dynamic Input is off, you need to enter a comma in place of the tab. 5. Type 150’, press the Tab key and then type 130’Enter. 6. Select Zoom All from the Zoom icon flyout (Navigate 2D panel, View fm all tab). 45 Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2014 FYI: The Zoom All command will zoom tothe drawings extents or te drawing’ Limits (whiheer is grater). In tis case, mothng as been drawn so you have no draving extents; thus, ‘he draing Kits are ned. You are now viewing a drawing area 300” wide and 260" tall (based on the Kits juts), with the drawings origin (ce, 00) entered inthe iow The wl allow yom 1 start rawing the flor plan without basing stp and soom (end regenerate the drawing). Try tanga diagonal fn ike you did at the beginning of Leon 2 and lst he properes to wri ‘his (xe Page 24); be sure toerase the diggonal ln before moving on 7. Create the layer A-WALL (color: White linetype: Continuous). 8. With A-WALL layer Current, draw the lines shown in Figure 4-1.5 with either ORTHOor Polar Tracking turned on. Tip: Fer drawing the first ine, enter 0,0 for frst paint and then enter 24° with Polar Tracking on and the cursor pointing down and snapped tothe vertical. a. Make sure Dynamic Input it toggled on (Status Bar). b. You do not need to draw the dimensions yet. All the dimensions shown in the foundation perimeter drawing (Figure 4-1.5) relate to masonry coursing, See the TiPon the next page. 9. Use the Measure \Distance command (located on the Usilites a panel under the Home tab) to double-check your dimensions before ‘Saas Distance moving on, Now is the time to make corrections. FYI: Ortho is ggled on and of from the Status Bar, near Polar Tracking. When Ortho is ‘toggled ot you are only able to draw horizontal and versical lines, Ortho neds to be turned of in order to draw angled lines, Polas Tracking gives you the “best ofboth words i, angled liner «and orbogonal lines, Sometimes Polar Tracking needs tobe turned off whem drawings angled lines hich ar realy case to borzontalo vertical 46 Residential Project: FLOOR PLANS 76-0" 44-0" 32-0" 184 134" sz-0" 18-4" FIGURE 4-1.5 Foundation perimeter ~ Basement Floor Plan "The black dot represents the Origin (Le, 0,0) “Ta: Canrcte blocks come in varios wis, and mast are 16” long and 8” high. When drawing ‘plans teri asiple rue to kexp in mind fo make sure you are designing walls to coursing. This “applies fo wall Inthe and openings within CMU wall Dimension rues for CMU coursing in flor plans © 0" one’s” where is any even mumbereg,, 6-0" or 24-8" * oa anhere ois any add number (eg. 5'-4") ‘The foundation walls consist of 8” thick concrete blocks, so you will use the offset command to quickly create the interior side of the wal. 10, Use the Offset command to offset the lines previously drawn toward the center of the structure 8” (Figure 4-1.6). Residential Design Using AutoCAD 2014 SS FIGURE 4-1.6 Preliminary Foundation perimeter - Basement Floor Plan Notice in the figure above that the Offset command simply offsets a line of the same length as the original line. Thus, at outside corners the lines are too long and inside corners the lines are not long enough. If you recall from the previous Lesson, the Rectangle command creates what is called a “closed polyline”. If you had used the Polyline command to draw the perimeter the entire outline would have offset with perfect comers. You would then have to explode the polyline(s) in order to create the interior walls 11. Use the Fillet command with the radius set t0 0 (ie., zero) to clean up all the comers. Do not Fillet the comer identified in Figure 4- Do not Fillet hs commer TIP: Use Multiple, a sub-command of Filet, 40 perfor several Filles in a row. FIGURE 41.7 Do not Filler this comer Basement Floor Plan Resi tal Project: FLOOR PLAN ‘You should now have exterior walls with all but one “‘cleaned-up” corner. Using the Extend Command: ‘You will use both Extend and Trim to complete the other major masonry wall in the basement. Both commands are located on the Modify panel under the Home tab (on the Ribbon); hover your cursor over the icon to view its tool-tip which displays the command name. oe Move © Rotate Tan 12, Select the Extend command (see the image to % Copy Ak Miror | _ sight). [Bi seetch i sae ‘Yeu are now prompted to Select boundary edges... Th on-sren prompt rads: remem This is what you want to extend to. 13. Pick the horizontal line identified in Figure 4-1.8. 14, Press Enter to tell AutoCAD you are done selecting, a. Or, just right-click. You are now prompted to Select object to extend... Tle onscreen prompt reads: 15, Pick the short vertical line identified in Figure 4-1.8, 16, Press Enter to complete the line extension, Tae: When yon sl tol fom avon ton, the seeded wo iss Ofte ~/ beend «fo sb op ofthe “tack Inthe image above yon ste deacon yA Miner CJ iter + eas Trim and ome Extend is usd it ames the df (ce ch Filscale QB anny tae fo the ef. If the one you mantis on top you snl cick he icon rather than the down-arrow. Once AutoCAD is closed, the Ribho reverts bac to the defo Moaiy * 49 First pick Boundary Edge — ic, this is what you want to extend to, Resultant line ‘The dashed line indicates the line after being extended, Second Pick Object to Extend — be sure to select the half of the line closest to the Bowndary Edy. FIGURE 4-18 Using the Extend command to extend a line Tir: Wen selecting a line to extend, AutoCAD is amare of whic side ofthe ln's midpoint you select, Tiss because you can extend a ln in bat directions (assuming yon ested lines to extend 40

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