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Assignment # 1 CE-579, Fall 2017-18

Question No. 1 (10)

The area of the watershed is 32 hectares. The landuse in the watershed is:

20% Forest (soil group C), 10% Cultivated (soil group B), 20% Residential, lot size ¼ acre (Soil group
D), 30% Industrial (Soil group D), and 20% Parking (Soil group A).

o Height of most remote point in the watershed is 25 m

o Maximum travel length from the remote point is 1100 m

Calculate peak runoff from a 10-year frequency storm using Rational method

Question 2: (10)

Calculate total volume (depth) using SCS curve number method for Soil type B and for Antecedent soil
moisture conditions II, when Ia =0.2S. The precipitation amount is 55 mm. The total area is 75 ha. The 30
ha is pasture with Fair condition. The small grain crop is in poor condition with contoured practice and
covers 20 ha. The other 25 ha is commercial (hard surface). Use Table 4.3 from the Schwab’s book page
74 (attached).

Question 3. (10)

(a) What is the concentration of chlorine (mg/L) of household ammonia that contains 5.25 % by weight of
Cl2. (Density of water = 1000kg/m3)

(b) Calculate the arsenic limit in water which is 10 parts per billion into mg/L.

Question 4. (10)

The solubility of oxygen in water goes down with increase in temperature; therefore, O2 availability to
aquatic life decreases during summer time. Find the solubility of oxygen in water 10oC and 20oC?
Assume the Henry law constant for oxygen is 57.4 mg/L.atm and 45.8 mg/L.atm at 10oC and 20oC,

Hint: (you should know the conc. of O2 (20.9 or .209 atm.) in air.

Question 5. (10)

One of the sources of water supply for Karachi is KB Feeder which runs from Kotri Barrage to Karachi
via Kinjhar Lake. This stream passes through Kotri Industrial Area (KIA). Assume flow rate for KB
feeder before KIA is 85 m3/s. The discharge with pollutants (Boron) from KIA is 13m3/s. The Boron
conc. in upstream water is 0.05 mg/L and effluent conc. is 16 mg/L. Calculate the Boron conc. (mg/L) in
downstream water of the stream right after KIA.

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