July-August 2018 Writing T1 Letters

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(AUGUST 2018)

1. You have recently visited a sports centre and discovered some problems and the poor condition of a changing room there. You have made
a complaint earlier, but still no action was taken. Write a letter to the facility manager about it. In your letter:

– Describe the problems

– Include details of your complaint
– Say what actions you would like them to take.

2. Your child’s school has arranged a trip abroad for students. The principal of the school asked some parents to join the trip to help. Write to
the school principal and say:

– Why do you want to join the trip?

– How could you help during the trip?
– Ask some questions about the trip.

3. You recently stayed in a hotel and an employee was very helpful to you. Write a letter to the hotel management to tell them what
happened. In your letter:

– Describe the situation

– Explain what happened
– Say what you would like the manager to do

4. There is a problem with the changing rooms in the sports centre that you visit. You have complained several times but with no success.
Write a letter to the manager of the sports centre. In your letter:

– Describe what the problem with the changing rooms is

– Say what happened the last times you complained
– Explain what you want the manager to do

5. Your child is going away on a school trip for three days to another country. The head teacher wants some parents to join the trip and you
would like to go. Write a letter to the head teacher. In your letter:

– Say why you would like to go

– Suggest what you could do to help during the trip
– Ask some more questions about the trip

6. Write a letter to hotel manager praising a staff member. In your letter:

– Explain the situation

– What they did
– What you want manager to do.

7. You are getting married soon. Write a letter to your friend from a different country and invite him/her to the wedding. In your letter:

– Describe your future wife/husband.

– What will happen at the wedding
– Why do you want to invite him/her
8. You have had problems with a changing room in a sports center. You have made some complaints but nothing has been done about it.
Write a letter to the manager stating:

– The issues with the changing rooms

– What has been done about it
– What you want the Manager to do.

9. Write a letter to colleague who gave you a book that helped you for a presentation at work. You should:

– Describe the presentation

– Why was it important
– How did it help you.

10. Your child is going on a trip to another country for 3 days. School is looking for some parents who can join the trip and you decided to
apply for the same. You are interested in going with trip. Write a letter to the head of the school and include:

– Why you want to join the team

– What you can do to assist
– Queries related to the trip.

11. The local council is about to destroy children playground in your area because it is under use. Write a letter and tell them:

– Why it is not well used

– What can be done so more people can use it.
(JULY 2018)

1. City council is planning to pull down one of the historic buildings in your town, because they do not have funds to renovate it. As a citizen,
you don’t want it to happen. Write a letter to the city council and say

– What is the importance of the building?

– Why should it be renovated?
– Suggest a plan to raise funds and maintain the building in the future.

2. Write a letter to your friend about a job offer that can be suitable for him/her and say

– Describe the job.

– What are the facilities available?
– Why is this job suitable for him/her?

3. You recently started commuting to work by bicycle and discovered that there is a problem with bicycle parking near the building where you
work. Write a letter to the building manager and say

– Explain the reason for using a bicycle to commute.

– What problems have you encountered with parking?
– What are your recommendations to solve them?

4. You work in a company and need to take a certain course. Write a letter to your manager and say

– Explain why you need this training course.

– Where and when will you take it?
– How will the company benefit from it?

5. Write a letter to your friend about a book that you have read recently. Include the following in your letter:

– Describe the book.

– Why do you want him/her to read it?
– Tell him/her how to get the book.

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