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Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20

Plasma-assisted catalysis for volatile organic compounds abatement

Monica Magureanu a,*, Nicolae B. Mandache a, Pierre Eloy b,
Eric M. Gaigneaux b, Vasile I. Parvulescu c,*
National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, Plasma Physics and Nuclear Fusion Department,
Str. Atomistilor 409, C.P. MG-36, 76900 Bucharest, Romania
Catholic University of Louvain, Unité de Catalyse et Chimie des Matériaux Divisés, Croix du Sud 2/17, B-1348 Louvain-la Neuve, Belgium
University of Bucharest, Department of Chemical Technology and Catalysis, B-dul Regina Elisabeta 4-12, 030016 Bucharest, Romania
Received 11 February 2005; received in revised form 15 April 2005; accepted 19 April 2005
Available online 23 May 2005


A dielectric barrier discharge (DBD) combined with Mn-based phosphate catalysts placed downstream of the plasma reactor was
investigated experimentally for total oxidation of toluene in air. The discharge was initiated by high voltage pulses of 18 kVamplitude and 12–
13 ns rise time. The pulse frequency increased from 14 to 80 Hz, for applied voltages in the range 18–28 kV. Discharge currents up to 100 A
and approximately 50 ns duration were obtained. No other hydrocarbons except toluene were detected in the effluent gas. The yield of carbon
dioxide formed in the discharge was up to 24%. As catalysts, MnPO4, Mn-APO-5 and Mn-SAPO-11 were tested, for temperatures up to
400 8C. Under purely catalytic conditions, the best behavior for toluene total oxidation was found for Mn-SAPO-11, with a CO2 yield up to
33%, at 400 8C. The combined application of plasma and catalysis showed a remarkable synergetic effect, even at low temperature, up to
100 8C, where the catalysts alone are not active. In this range, the CO2 yield increased up to 41%, for the Mn-SAPO catalyst. At 400 8C the
highest CO2 yield was obtained for MnPO4, reaching 68%. The synergetic effect observed for the plasma–catalyst combination is attributed to
ozone radicals formed in the discharge, which decompose on the catalyst surface, greatly contributing to toluene total oxidation.
# 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Volatile organic compounds; Plasma; Dielectric barrier discharge; Heterogeneous catalysis

1. Introduction adhesives, represent also an important source of VOC

emission. Losses in the production processes can contribute
Volatile organic compounds (VOC) are aliphatic and also to VOC pollution, however, to a smaller extent.
aromatic hydrocarbons, which may contain also hetero- These compounds are harmful to the environment and to
atoms, like oxygen, nitrogen, sulfur, halogens. They are human health. They are precursors of photochemical smog,
characterized by a very high vapor pressure, exceeding leading in the presence of UV light, to the formation of
0.5 kPa at 25 8C. ozone and other oxidizing compounds in the low atmo-
The main source of VOC emission in the atmosphere is sphere, and contribute also to the depletion of stratospheric
transportation, by emissions from motor vehicles and ozone. Regarding the medical risks, it is known that many
aircraft, evaporative losses from automobile service stations, VOC are toxic, and some were proved to be carcinogenic.
and also by evaporation from gasoline marketing activities. Therefore, the abatement of VOC, with high efficiency
Industrial processes involving the use of solvents, including and at low cost, is a very important issue. Conventional
various chemical processes, the use of paints, glues, techniques for the removal of these pollutants are thermal
and catalytic oxidation and carbon adsorption. Thermal
* Corresponding authors. Tel.: +40 213320588; fax: +40 213320588.
oxidation destroys VOC from contaminated air streams at
E-mail addresses: (M. Magureanu), high operating temperatures, in the range 700–900 8C. The (V.I. Parvulescu). addition of a catalyst accelerates the rate of oxidation and

0926-3373/$ – see front matter # 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20 13

enables the reaction to occur at lower temperatures, 300– investigation of such a plasma–catalyst synergy could be
600 8C. Supported noble metals: Pt, Pd, or metal oxides (Ni, the key to improving the efficiency and lowering the costs of
Cu, Mn) are currently reported for such applications [1–3]. VOC removal.
However, catalyst poisoning by sulfur, chlorinated com- In the present investigation, a dielectric barrier discharge
pounds or heavy particle loadings, which may be present in (DBD) at atmospheric pressure, combined with hetero-
the gas stream limits the performances of these catalysts due geneous catalysis was used for the oxidation of small
to catalyst deactivation. amounts of toluene in air. The electrical characteristics of the
In the carbon adsorption technique, the VOC are removed discharge and the ability of the plasma to decompose toluene
from the air stream by physical adsorption onto activated were studied. Several catalysts based on Mn were tested for
carbon grains. However, this method is not recommendable temperatures up to 400 8C, in the absence and in the
to remove high contaminant concentrations and there are presence of the discharge.
several other factors that affect the adsorption, including
temperature, type of carbon and of contaminant, and
residence time. In addition, the spent carbon must be 2. Experimental
disposed of and the adsorbed contaminants must be
destroyed. This often involves thermal treatment, which The experimental set-up is illustrated in Fig. 1a. Toluene
increases the cost of the air cleaning process. Therefore, a was introduced via a bubbler and was afterwards diluted by a
non-thermal approach, involving lower costs, would be stream of ambient air. The flow rate through the bubbler and
desirable. the flow of ambient air were adjusted by mass flow
As an alternative to conventional techniques for VOC controllers (MFC-1, MFC-2). The input concentration of
abatement, non-thermal (non-equilibrium) plasma, gener- toluene could be varied by controlling the flow rate of air
ated in atmospheric pressure discharges, had been investi- passing through the bubbler and the flow rate of ambient air.
gated [4–8]. The advantage of these plasmas consists in the In most experiments the flow through the bubbler was set to
ability to generate high-energy electrons, while keeping the 5 ml/min and the flow of ambient air to 45 ml/min. Under
background gas close to room temperature [8,9]. Typical these conditions, the toluene concentration at the inlet of the
electron temperatures are in the range 2–10 eV (1 eV – discharge reactor was 560 ppm. In other experiments, both
11 000 K) and gas temperatures between room temperature flow rates were varied, keeping their ratio constant,
and 200 8C [9–12]. The energetic electrons excite, dissociate therefore, the total flow was varied at constant toluene
and ionize the gas molecules producing chemically active concentration. A dielectric barrier discharge reactor was
species. Thus, a highly reactive environment is created used at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature. The
without spending energy on gas heating as in thermal catalysts were placed in a cylindrical reactor, downstream of
processes. However, plasma activation tends to be less the plasma reactor, in a temperature-controlled oven. The
selective than catalytic processes, and undesirable by- oven temperature was varied between room temperature and
products may be formed. Especially the formation of toxic 400 8C. Toluene conversion was determined by gas
carbon monoxide in discharges in mixtures of air and chromatography (GC) using a gas chromatograph (Hew-
hydrocarbons was often reported [1,13]. lett-Packard 5890 series II) with flame ionization detector
It is hoped that by combining plasma and heterogeneous (FID) and a CP-Sil2 CB column (50 m length, 0.32 mm
catalysis, the high efficiency of non-thermal activation and diameter). The presence of hydrocarbons in the effluent gas,
the high selectivity of catalysts will result in a synergetic as reaction products from toluene decomposition was also
effect. Promising results in this direction were already one-line determined by GC. A gas analyzer (Fisher
reported [2,3,13–17], however, at the present state of Rosemount, type MLT 4T IR-IR-UV-IR) was coupled on-
development, the large energy required hinder the broad line to monitor continuously the concentration of carbon
application of non-thermal plasma technology for cleaning dioxide resulting from the complete oxidation of toluene, as
of VOC-contaminated effluent streams. Therefore, the well as nitrogen oxides (NO and NO2) formed in the plasma.

Fig. 1. (a) Experimental set-up; (b) discharge reactor and electrical circuit.
14 M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20

The concentration of ozone generated in the plasma was room temperature under O2 flow, the sample was purged
measured by the iodometric method [18]. with He (15 ml min1) for 3 h. The temperature was then
The discharge reactor and the electrical circuit are shown increased at a rate of 5 8C min1 up to 500 8C under the
in Fig. 1b. The dielectric barrier discharge was generated in a same He flow. The O2 desorbed was analyzed by a Balzers
cylindrical reactor made of glass, with the outer diameter of Quadrupole QMG 311 mass spectrometer.
14 and 1.5 mm wall thickness. The inner electrode was a The XPS spectra were recorded using a SSI X probe
metallic rod of 8 mm diameter. The outer electrode was FISONS spectrometer (SSX-100/206) with monochromated
made of copper stripes wrapped around the glass tube. The Al Ka radiation. The spectrometer energy scale was
discharge gap was, therefore, about 1.5 mm, and the length calibrated using the Au 4f7/2 peak (binding energy
was 12 cm, resulting in a volume for the plasma of 5.3 cm3. 84.0 eV). The samples were moderately heated by a quartz
The discharge was operated in pulsed mode. Under these lamp in the introduction chamber of the spectrometer to
conditions reactive species are formed at a high rate during promote degassing, thus, improving the vacuum in the
the pulses, maintaining a low average power input. The analysis chamber. For the calculation of the binding
voltage pulses were produced by charging a capacitor energies, the C1s peak of the C–(C, H) component at
(C = 1 nF) at high voltage, which is subsequently discharged 284.8 eV was used as an internal standard. The surface
by a self-triggered spark-gap switch (SG). Due to technical composition of the investigated samples was determined
reasons, the high voltage of negative polarity was applied on using the bands assigned to Mn2p3, P2p, Al2p, O1s, N1s, and
the outer electrode and the inner electrode was grounded in Si2p, respectively.
the plasma–catalytic tests. Similar results were obtained
with a positive high voltage applied to the inner electrode
and the outer electrode grounded. The discharge voltage was 3. Results and discussion
measured by a high voltage probe (Tektronix P6015A) with
a resistance RHVprobe = 100 MV, connected in parallel with 3.1. Discharge characterization
the discharge. The discharge current was measured from the
voltage fall on a 4 V resistor, connected in series with the Typical voltage and current waveforms are shown in
inner electrode. The current and voltage waveforms were Fig. 2a and b, respectively, for applied voltages in the range
monitored by an oscilloscope (Tektronix TDS320). 18–28 kV.
Several Mn-based phosphate catalysts were tested: The rise time of the voltage (from 10 to 90%) after the SG
MnPO4, Mn-APO-5 and Mn-SAPO-11. MnAPO-5 and breakdown is 12–13 ns (Fig. 2a), resulting in a voltage rise
Mn-SAPO-11 were prepared according to literature proce- rate of approximately 1.5 kV/ns. The voltage decay is slow,
dures [19–21]. MnPO4 has been prepared by mixing being determined by the time needed to discharge the
0.06 moles MnO2 with H3PO4 (molar ratio 1:1) in 50 ml capacitance of the electrode system through the resistance of
H2O for 2 h at room temperature under vigorous mixing. the high voltage probe. Consequently, the voltage pulses are
After that, 5 ml dimethylaminoethanol were added, and the long, of the order of tens of ms. The amplitude of the pulses
mixture was stirred for another 60 h, and than it was is determined by the distance between the electrodes of the
thermally treated at 170 8C for 48 h in a teflon-lined stainless spark-gap switch (gap length of the switch). In the present
steel autoclave. The resulting precipitate was washed with experiments a gap length of 7 mm was used. Under these
demineralized water and calcined at 400 8C. conditions, a potential difference of about 18 kV between
The above catalysts were characterized by adsorption– the electrodes of the switch is sufficient for spark breakdown
desorption isotherms of N2 at 196 8C, XRD, O2-TPO,
XPS. Adsorption and desorption curves of N2 at 196 8C
were obtained with a Micromeritics ASAP 2000 apparatus
after degassing the samples at 150 8C for 12 h under
The XRD patterns were recorded by a SIEMENS D-5000
diffractometer at 40 kV, 50 mA, and equipped with a
variable-slit diffracted-beam monochromator and scintilla-
tion counter. The diffractograms were recorded in the range
0–808 at a rate of 28 min1 using Cu Ka radiation
(l = 1.54183 Å).
The TPD measurements with O2 were carried out in the
same fixed bed quartz microreactor as that used for the
catalytic testing. Four hundred milligrams of sample were
heated from room temperature to 500 8C at a rate of
1 8C min1 in a diluted flow of O2 (40% O2 in He at Fig. 2. (a) Voltage waveforms; (b) current waveforms, for applied voltages
27 ml min1) and kept at 500 8C for 8 h. After cooling to of 18–28 kV.
M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20 15

in the switch. In this way, voltage pulses of 18 kV amplitude The average current was calculated from the relation:
were generated, regardless of the amplitude of the applied Z
voltage. When the applied voltage exceeds 18 kV, the Ī ¼ n IðtÞ dt (1)
voltage does not decrease to zero between consecutive
pulses. The voltage waveforms consist of a ‘‘continuous’’ The increase in pulse frequency with applied voltage is more
part of several kV, over which the pulses of 18 kV amplitude pronounced than the slight decrease of the discharge current,
are superimposed. When increasing the applied voltage, the therefore, the average current increases towards higher
amplitude of the voltage pulses remains the same, only the voltages (Fig. 3b). A linear dependence of the average
level of the continuous voltage increases, so the pulses are current on voltage was observed and values up to 200 mA
shifted towards higher voltages. were obtained.
The current pulses (Fig. 2b) consist of two peaks. The first Due to the linear increase of the average current with
narrow peak is the displacement (or capacitive) current, and applied voltage, the average power shows a dependence as
represents the current charging the capacitance of the the square of the voltage (Fig. 3c). In these experiments,
electrode arrangement [22]. The amplitude of this current average powers in the range 0.5–5.5 W were obtained.
peak is proportional to the time derivative of the voltage, and The energy per pulse was calculated by integrating the
its duration is equal to the voltage rise time. The capacitive product of current and voltage, for the second current peak,
current appears regardless of the presence of the plasma and the real discharge current:
does not contribute to the discharge ignition. The real Z
discharge current is the second current peak. This was E ¼ IðtÞUðtÞ dt (2)
confirmed by the temporal correspondence with the visible
radiation emitted by the plasma, monitored by a photo- The energy per pulse increases also with increasing applied
multiplier [23]. Discharge currents up to 100 A were voltage. The maximum value obtained was 68 mJ.
obtained. A slight decrease in the amplitude of the current
pulses was observed with increasing the applied voltage. 3.2. Catalyst characterization
This behavior is most likely the result of charges
accumulated on the dielectric due to the continuous voltage 3.2.1. Texture characterization
mentioned earlier. Mn-APO-5 and Mn-SAPO-11 had typical surface areas
Fig. 3 illustrates the dependence on applied voltage of the for such kind of materials, respectively, 164 and 280 m2 g1.
pulse repetition rate (a), the average discharge current (b), Manganese phosphate, prepared following the described
the average power (c), and the energy per pulse (d). procedure, had a surface area of 89 m2 g1.
The repetition rate of the pulses (n) is determined by the
applied voltage. Since the voltage decreases exponentially 3.2.2. XPS
with time, the pulse frequency is higher for higher applied Table 1 compiles the binding energies of Mn2p3/2, P2p3,
voltage. In the present experiments a linear dependence of O1s, Al2p, and Si2p levels. For MnPO4 the binding energy of
the frequency on applied voltage was found (Fig. 3a). A the Mn2p3/2 level points to an oxidation state of less than 4+,
maximum repetition rate of 80 Hz was obtained at 28 kV. likely Mn3+, with Mn involved either as isolate species, or in
a MnO or Mn3O4 reduced environment [24,25]. Since the
synthesis of this phosphate used MnO2 as precursor, this
value indicates a reduction of manganese in the presence of
dimethyl-aminoethanol. In comparison with the binding
energies of Mn2p3/2 level for MnPO4 sample, the values
measured for aluminophosphate and silicoaluminopho-
sphate might correspond to a more oxidized state close to
Mn4+ [26]. But for these materials considerable evidence is
given in the literature that Mn in (silico-aluminophosphate is
in a Mn2+ state [27]. Some other authors also reported such
high values for the binding energy of the Mn2p3/2 level in
MnO [28,29]. Therefore, the values given in Table 1 could

Table 1
XPS binding energies of Mn 2p3/2, P2p3, O1s, Al2p, and Si2p levels
Catalyst Binding energy (eV)
Mn2p3/2 Mn2p3/2 P2p3 O1s O1s Al2p Si2p
MnPO4 641.2 644.7 133.0 530.4 531.1 – –
Fig. 3. (a) Pulse frequency; (b) average current; (c) average power; (d) Mn-APO-5 642.7 646.6 133.1 532.3 74.6
energy per pulse, as a function of applied voltage. Mn-SAPO-11 642.1 645.2 133.2 532.2 74.4 103.3
16 M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20

Fig. 5. Temporal evolution of the CO2 concentration resulting from toluene

total oxidation in the discharge, for gas flow rates in the range 50–150 ml/

Mns for all these catalysts, that confirms indeed a very weak
oxygen desorption capacity.

3.3. Plasma–catalytic tests

In order to separate the effect of the discharge from the

catalytic effect in toluene oxidation, experiments were
Fig. 4. XRD pattern of MnPO4. carried out: (a) under plasma conditions in the absence of
catalysts, at room temperature; (b) under purely catalytic
correspond indeed to a Mn2+ state. An additional support in conditions, with the catalysts heated up to 400 8C, in the
this sense may result from the values of the binding energy absence of the plasma; and (c) for the plasma–catalyst
of the Mn2p1/2 level. Data reported in literature [26,29] for combination.
Mn3+ and Mn4+ species indicate much higher values than For all the experiments (plasma only and plasma
those given in the Table 1. In a relative accordance with these combined with catalysis) reported in this section, the
measurements, the band of the O1s level was symmetric. voltage applied to the discharge was 22 kV. This corresponds
However, it is far from sure that this is indicating only one to discharge pulses of 75 A peak current, with duration of
type of oxygen. For all the investigated phosphate catalysts approximately 50 ns, and repetition rate of 40 Hz. Under
the binding energies of the P2p3 level was very similar, the these conditions, the energy per pulse was 57 mJ, and the
values being typical for inorganic phosphates [30]. resulting average power was 2.25 W. The input toluene
concentration was kept constant at 560 ppm in these
3.2.3. XRD experiments.
XRD patterns recorded for Mn-APO-5 and Mn-SAPO-11 Without catalyst, i.e. working with the plasma only, at
corresponded to those published in literature for such room temperature, the influence of the gas flow rate on the
compounds (Fig. 4) [31,32]. The XRD pattern of MnPO4 concentration of carbon dioxide resulting from the total
indicates an essentially amorphous solid, although it oxidation of toluene in the discharge is shown in Fig. 5.
contains very weak reflection lines corresponding to Toluene conversion, measured by GC, was in the range 45–
manganese phosphate [33], and also some un-identified 55%, roughly independent on flow rate in the range
peaks. These lines evidence that the crystalline fraction is investigated. This is most likely due to the filamentary
not a pure MnPO4 phase. As compared with the standard
patterns from the JCPDS-International Centre for Diffrac-
tion Data [33], it appears that the unidentified peaks could
correspond to reduced Mn oxides like Mn2O3, Mn5O8 or
Mn3O4, although it is not possible to fully ascertain that
these phases (or a combination of some of them) are indeed
present in the sample.

3.2.4. O2-TPD
O2-TPD profiles of the investigated catalysts in the
temperature range 100–500 8C evidenced very weak
oxygen-desorption capacity materials. The quantification
of the O2 released corresponded to less than 0.05 O atom/ Fig. 6. CO2 yield obtained in the discharge, as a function of input energy.
M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20 17

character of the discharge, since a part of the gas can by-pass

the micro-discharges, and therefore, exit un-reacted. The
CO2 concentration stabilized after several minutes, which
represent the response time of the system.
The specific energy input Ein is defined as the ratio
between the average power dissipated in the discharge and
the flow rate [34]:
J power ðWÞ
Ein ¼  6  104 (3)
l flowðml=minÞ

For the flow rates used in these experiments (50–150 ml/ Fig. 7. CO2 yield obtained in the discharge alone at room temperature, with
min) the specific energy input varies in the range 2.7–0.9 kJ/ the catalyst alone, for the plasma–catalyst combination, and the calculated
l. The CO2 concentration obtained shows a linear increase sum of CO2 yields with plasma alone and with catalyst alone, as a function
with the energy input, reaching 950 ppm at the highest value of catalyst temperature for a MnPO4 catalyst and the toluene conversion for
the plasma–catalyst combination.
A parameter which reflects the toluene total oxidation is
the yield of CO2 (YCO2 ), defined as the ratio between the temperature, under purely catalytic conditions in the range
concentration of CO2 obtained in the experiment and the 293–673 K, and for the plasma–catalyst combination in the
CO2 concentration for total oxidation of the entire amount of same range, as a function of the catalyst temperature, for the
toluene introduced: three catalysts investigated. The plasma reactor was kept at
½CO2 out room temperature, only the catalysts, placed downstream,
YCO2 ð%Þ ¼  100 (4) were heated. The sum of CO2 yields obtained with the
7  ½C7 H8 in
plasma alone and under purely catalytic conditions is also
where [CO2out] is the output CO2 concentration, and shown.
[C7H8in] is the input toluene concentration. The MnPO4 catalyst became active around 200 8C. In the
No other hydrocarbons except toluene were detected in absence of the discharge, the resulting CO2 concentration
the effluent gas by gas chromatography. Nitrogen oxides increased as the catalyst temperature was increased.
(NO and NO2) were formed in very small amounts in the However, relatively low values (maximum 680 ppm CO2
plasma, below 7 ppm. Ozone was detected after the at 400 8C) were obtained in the temperature range
discharge reactor in concentrations of 7–8000 ppm, when investigated, corresponding to a CO2 yield up to 17.3%.
the plasma was operated in air. Carbonaceous deposits were For the plasma–catalyst combination, the resulting CO2
observed on the walls of the plasma reactor and on the inner yield was enhanced as compared to that obtained with the
electrode. These by-products could not be analyzed in the discharge alone, or with the catalyst alone, for the entire
present experiments, however their yield was estimated by temperature range used. After a strong initial increase with
weighing the discharge tube before and after the reaction and catalyst temperature, the CO2 yield remained almost
does not exceed 5%. constant when heating the catalyst from 100 to 300 8C,
Carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide were the only and increased again considerably for higher temperatures.
gaseous reaction products resulting from toluene oxidation At 400 8C the CO2 yield under these conditions was 67.6%.
in the plasma. Therefore, CO accounts for the rest of the
carbon needed to fulfill the carbon balance, since the solid
by-products were accounted for by weighing the discharge
tube. It is expected that the addition of catalysts would lead
to a shift in product distribution towards total oxidation
Fig. 6 shows the CO2 yield in the plasma, in the absence
of catalysts, as a function of input energy. The CO2 yield
increases linearly with input energy. A maximum value of
24% was obtained for the highest input energy used.
The following experiments were carried out in the
plasma–catalytic system, at 50 ml/min flow rate. The
toluene conversion was slightly enhanced by the addition
of the catalysts downstream the plasma zone, its values Fig. 8. CO2 yield obtained in the discharge alone at room temperature, with
the catalyst alone, for the plasma–catalyst combination, and the calculated
being in the range 50–70%. sum of CO2 yields with plasma alone and with catalyst alone, as a function
Figs. 7–9 illustrate comparatively the CO2 yield resulting of catalyst temperature, for a Mn-APO catalyst and the toluene conversion
from toluene total oxidation in the discharge at room for the plasma–catalyst combination.
18 M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20

Fig. 10. Synergy factor f as a function of the catalyst temperature for the
three catalysts investigated.
Fig. 9. CO2 yield obtained in the discharge alone at room temperature, with
the catalyst alone, for the plasma–catalyst combination, and the calculated
sum of CO2 yields with plasma alone and with catalyst alone, as a function oxygen radicals, generated in the plasma. Since the toluene
of catalyst temperature, for a Mn-SAPO catalyst and the toluene conversion concentration is very small, electron impact dissociation of
for the plasma–catalyst combination. toluene molecules should be rather low, as compared to
radical reactions.
A similar behavior was observed for the Mn-APO Oxygen radicals are generated by dissociation of
catalyst. In this case a maximum CO2 concentration of molecular oxygen according to the reaction:
530 ppm was obtained under purely catalytic conditions, at
e þ O2 ! e þ O þ O (R1)
400 8C, corresponding to a CO2 yield of 13.5%. In the
plasma–catalytic experiments, the CO2 yield increased in a Although atomic oxygen is a strong oxidizer, its stability is
similar manner as for the MnPO4 catalyst, with a maximum very limited. Due to fast re-association processes, the life-
of 55.4% at 400 8C catalyst temperature. time of oxygen atoms is only a few microseconds at atmo-
When using the Mn-SAPO catalyst in the absence of the spheric pressure [35].
discharge, 1310 ppm CO2 were obtained from toluene total Atomic oxygen reacts with molecular oxygen in three-
oxidation at 400 8C, resulting in a CO2 yield of 33.4%. The body collisions, forming ozone by the following reaction:
plasma–catalyst combination led to an enhanced CO2 yield
O þ O2 þ M ! O3 þ M (R2)
especially at the lower catalyst temperatures used. The
maximum CO2 yield obtained under plasma–catalytic In air, M can be either molecular oxygen or molecular
conditions was 63.5% at 400 8C. nitrogen. The corresponding rate constants are: kN2 ¼
The combined application of plasma and catalysis shows 5:6  1034  ðT=300Þ2:8 cm3 s1 mole1 and kO2 ¼ 6
a remarkable synergetic effect if compared to the sum of the 1034  ðT=300Þ2:8 cm3 s1 mole1, respectively [10].
individual effects. A synergy factor f can be defined as the Ozone is a more stable molecule; its lifetime at room
ratio between the CO2 yield obtained in the plasma–catalytic temperature is several days. It is also a strong oxidizing
system and the sum of yields obtained under purely catalytic agent, and oxidation with ozone usually starts at lower
and purely plasma conditions: temperatures than oxidation with oxygen.
Under purely catalytic conditions, toluene is decomposed
ðYCO2 Þplasmaþcatalyst by reactions with oxygen on the catalyst surface. Such a
f ¼ (5)
ðYCO2 Þplasma þ ðYCO2 Þcatalyst behavior is generally associated to the presence of oxygen
vacancies [36] which might be also the situation of these
Fig. 10 illustrates the synergy factor f, for the three catalysts catalysts, as far as manganese seems to be in a reduced
investigated, as a function of catalyst temperature. oxidation state. But the significant point of this study is that
At low temperature, up to 100 8C, where the catalysts are while using Mn3O4 the formation of the intermediate
not active, the best results were obtained with the Mn-SAPO oxidation products has been observed [37,38], while in this
catalyst, with a synergy factor up to 1.85. For this catalyst case only CO2, and presumably CO, have been detected.
the synergy factor decreases with increasing temperature In the plasma–catalytic system, only the long-lived
until 1.16 at 400 8C. For the MnPO4 catalyst the synergy species formed in the discharge (the ozone radicals) can
factor was 1.63–1.74 over the entire temperature range reach the catalytic reactor and enhance toluene total
investigated, except at room temperature, where no synergy oxidation on the catalyst surface. The most likely
was observed. The plasma–catalyst synergy for Mn-APO mechanism is the decomposition of ozone on the catalyst
was also less pronounced at room temperature ( f = 1.23), surface, forming oxygen radicals (R3), which react further
and was enhanced at higher catalyst temperature, where f with the toluene molecules. A similar mechanism is
varies in the range 1.58–1.81. proposed also in [2] for the decomposition of benzene by
The toluene decomposition in the discharge can be due to means of a dielectric barrier discharge combined with MnO2
electron impact dissociation and to reactions with ozone and catalyst.
M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20 19

catalyst XPS results, which indicated a more oxidized Mn in the

O3 ! O þ O2 (R3) incorporated APO and SAPO molecular sieves.
The plasma–catalyst synergy is expected to increase
In the present experiments toluene, conversion was when placing the catalyst in the discharge region. In this
slightly higher in the presence of catalysts as compared to case, in addition to oxidation with ozone, a contribution of
the values with the discharge alone, however, the major the short-lived species present in the plasma to toluene
effect of the catalyst was on the CO2 yield, which was oxidation on the catalyst surface is expected.
significantly enhanced by the addition of the catalysts. A
possible explanation for the shift of the product distribution
towards total oxidation in the presence of catalysts could be 4. Conclusions
the oxidation of some part of the CO formed in the plasma to
CO2, on the catalyst surface. At low temperature, this An experimental investigation of toluene total oxidation
reaction most likely proceeds via ozone, while at higher was carried out in a plasma–catalytic system, formed by a
temperature molecular oxygen probably plays a more dielectric barrier discharge and Mn-based phosphate
important role, since ozone is easily decomposed at high catalysts, placed downstream the plasma reactor.
temperature. In the discharge, toluene decomposition is due to electron
When increasing temperature, ozone destruction in the impact dissociation and to reactions with ozone and oxygen
gas phase, especially by reaction with molecular oxygen radicals generated in the plasma. The main reaction products
(R4), is enhanced: are CO2 and CO. Carbonaceous deposits were observed in
O3 þ O2 ! O þ O2 þ O2 (R4) the plasma reactor, however, in relatively small amounts.
The CO2 yield in the plasma reached 24%.
The rate constant of this reaction kD = 73  Under purely catalytic conditions, toluene is decomposed
1011 exp(11400/T) cm3 s1 mole1 [39] depends by reactions with oxygen on the catalyst surface. The
strongly on temperature. The decrease in ozone concentra- maximum CO2 yield, 33%, was obtained at 400 8C for Mn-
tion with increasing temperature could explain the plateau in SAPO.
the CO2 yield observed for the MnPO4 and Mn–APO The combined application of plasma and catalysis led to a
catalysts, in the temperature range 100–300 8C (Figs. 7 slight increase in toluene conversion, the major effect being
and 8). The rate constant for ozone destruction in the gas the shift in product distribution towards total oxidation. The
phase increases with almost 5 orders of magnitude in this addition of the catalyst showed a higher effect on toluene
range, from 3.9  1023 at 100 8C to 1.7  1018 at 300 8C. total oxidation than the sum of individual steps. The
On the other hand, the reactions on the catalyst surface are synergetic effect, was found even at temperatures up to
accelerated when increasing temperature, as shown by the 100 8C, where the catalysts are not active. In this case, the
tests performed under purely catalytic conditions. The bal- CO2 yield increased up to 41%, for the Mn-SAPO catalyst.
ance of these two effects is the most likely cause of the In this temperature range, this effect is most likely due to
almost constant rate for toluene total oxidation observed for oxidation with ozone radicals of a part of the CO formed in
catalyst temperatures in the range 100–300 8C. At higher the plasma to CO2, on the catalyst surface. A further increase
temperature, the toluene oxidation with molecular oxygen in the plasma–catalyst synergy is expected by placing the
on the catalyst surface is significantly enhanced (see Figs. 7 catalyst in the discharge region, when the short-lived species
and 8 open symbols—purely catalytic conditions), therefore, produced in the plasma will most likely contribute to
the CO2 yield increases again, despite the further decrease in oxidation on the catalyst surface.
ozone concentration.
The Mn-SAPO catalyst promotes toluene total oxidation
with ozone even at low temperatures, below 100 8C. In the Acknowledgements
absence of the discharge, toluene oxidation with oxygen on
the catalyst surface is more pronounced as compared to the This research was accomplished in the framework of a
MnPO4 and Mn-APO catalysts. Consequently, for the bilateral research agreement of the ‘‘Commissariat Général
plasma–catalytic experiments the CO2 yield increases des Relations Internationales (CGRI)’’ office and of the
continuously with temperature, despite the decreasing ‘‘Direction des Relations Internationales (DRI)’’ office of
ozone concentration. the Walloon Region of Belgium with Roumania. The authors
At this moment it is hard to ascribe the differences also thank the ‘‘Direction de la Recherche Scientifique
determined among the investigated catalysts. Since all the (DRS)’’ office for the program ‘‘Action de Recherches
catalysts desorb very little oxygen in the investigated Concertées’’ of the ‘‘Communauté Française de Belgique’’.
conditions, it may be speculated that not a redox mechanism The authors thank European Project CONCORDE.
is governing such a behavior but more probably the The work was partly financed by the Romanian Ministry
differences in the mode Mn is positioned on the external for Education and Research, under Program CERES, project
surface. Such a hypothesis may also be supported by the number 3-120.
20 M. Magureanu et al. / Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 61 (2005) 12–20

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