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Here in the Philippines most specially in provinces, we have weird believes called
superstition. I think most of us have knowledge about it. What is superstition anyway? And
why it became funny and weird.

Superstition is any belief or practice that is considered irrational or supernatural. It is one of

the Filipino culture, and it had big influence in terms of life, failure, success and happiness of
Filipinos.There are lots of superstion which we follow. We inherit it through the elders and
believe that failure to fulfill some of this will result a bad luck. No matter how young and
modern you are, your superstitious blood still flows in your veins. Sometimes you get
surprised because lola will scold you for doing something you didn’t know was wrong. Can
you still remember the common Filipino superstitions?

These are some of the Superstitions That Are Funny.


Sweeping the floor at night will drive away incoming blessings. People believe that if they
sweep the floor at night then their good Luck will also be swept away with this and
something Bad and Evil will happen to them. So, in most part of our country , People ignore
to sweep the floor at night. So even if your house is dirty don't sweep on the floor at night or


Combing your hair at night will bring bad luck.

seriously? what's wrong with being clean and hygienic at night. Is it still good luck when you
wake up with your hair so tangled like nest of the birds? on the other hand lets just sleep with
messy hair. Dirt and head lice (kuto) can wait in the morning. haha weird

3.Singing while cooking will make you single for the rest of your life. However, a few says
you’d end up with a much older spouse.

To all single ladies and gents, DON’T YOU DARE sing while cooking, lest you’ll never find
your fated love or you’d marry someone way older. At least, those are what our superstion
grandparents say. Come on, can we not associate singlehood with everything that happens
within the household? weird.

4.Groupfie of 3? The person in the middle will be the first to die.

This is most common superstion that scares teenager in the 90's. Admit it that once in your
life included an “extra friend” in the groupfie, so none among the three of you will die.
Terrifying right?

5. When you accidentally bite your tongue, someone is thinking of you.

Did you bite your tongue? Then ask someone to give a number. Then convert it to alphabet.
And whoever person that came on your mind. Maybe he/she think of you. yieeehh . Come
on! What’s fun with this Filipino superstition is naming the corresponding letter and the
chance to fantasize that maybe (just maybe) your crush thinks of you, too. yiehhhhh ..

6. Don’t sleep with your hair wet; otherwise, you’ll lose your mind.

Your mind will lose? i am doing it sometimes . Did i lose mine? hehehe just sayin..

In science they say tha if you sleep with your wet hair, it will cause damage and breakage of
your hair.

7. To keep skin acne-free, girls should wash their face with the discharge from their very

did you done this girls? do you agree with it? Do you remember when your first time to have
a period? and your family rejoiced with happiness because your a girl now.yiehh.. but your
grandma will tell you. "then wipe it to your face so that you will not have any acne or
pimples" even if it's true or not . Thank you but, no way. so disgusting right. but we need to
respect the people who does it.

just a few of those superstition we have.

Our culture is pretty much a mishmash of cultures belonging to those who colonized us,
which led us to really weird and often, really stupid superstitions.

Many of us relying on social media nowadays. For news, entertainment, Online selling, etc.
Sometimes it's good but it cannot be denied that many are also at risk for this.

Social media of course it is the collective of online communications channels dedicated to

community-based input, interaction, content-sharing and collaboration. Websites and
applications dedicated to forums, microblogging, social networking, social bookmarking,
social curation, and wikis are among the different types of social media. And these are the
examples of social media; Facebook, twitter,Google,wikipedia etc. Most traditional online
media platforms include social components, such as comment fields for users. In business,
social media is used to market products, promote brands, connect to current customers and
foster new business.

Social media is indeed very useful. To many people specially to us as students. It helps us to
our assignment, project, research and even when we need entertainment when we're bored.
We often use Facebook in our daily lives. Scrolling, watching videos, buying anything from
online, making friends and many more. When we want to post something like
photos,videos,covers, bible verses and even defamation(paninira) of virtue. One more
important website is Google. All that we need to know is in the google. Like meanings,
definition, news, lyrics of a song etc. We also use social media in businesses.Like promoting
products, to buy something, to read reviews about the product, and selling products of

But even if it helps us, it is also dangerous. Why? It is dangerous to all of us because many
crimes; such us killing, stealing,rape, embezzlement are happening in our world that is
related with social media. it is very alarming for the reason that many of us are easy to
believe. Many of us are easy to trust people that never been seen. That is one of the reason
where crime comes. The criminals taking advantage of our weaknesses and lack of
judgment. In the Tv or internet we always watched news about crimes sadly most of them
are girls who is raped by whoever person they want to meet with. And may more crimes.

Im not saying this to scare or terrify you. i'm not against with social media. Indeed it is very
useful to me in everyday of my life.
I'm just here to give awareness and reminder to all of you. Yes it is true that internet(social
media)is so helpful / useful but we need to know our limit and discipline our self in using it.

Don't be fooled.

Be smart always

i wish you had learned from here. thankyou for listening.


Many of us today seeking for true happiness. But even if you've done everything to be happy
still nothing happen. Using facebook sometimes makes fun, playing online games, reading
wattpad, go out with friends but at the end of the day it feels like not enough. We once
thought that if you were in a relationship status with the guy/girl that you really like. You
will be happy already, but not yet enough.

This generation seems to be lapse. Some of us today forgotten how to be happy i mean how
to be genuinely happy . Many people especially young people struggling just to find their
happiness. They thought that when they get what they want they will be happy already. But
they will realize that it's not the way that they think it is.

Now let me tell you this. If you want a happy and contented life, you need to know this. Did
you know that your life will be easier and happy if you know your worth as a person. And I
know who is this man who will give us our true worth.

Owen Feltham said;

"He, who always waits upon God, is ready whensoever he calls. He is a happy man who so
lives that death at all times may find him at leisure to die.”

Happiness is dependent on circumstances, but true joy and true happiness comes from our
faith in Jesus Christ. Joy and true happiness is everlasting because the source of it is
everlasting. Yes! you heard it right He is Jesus. All of us know who he is. Let me read bible
verses to prove it is really right.

Said in Philippians 4:11-13 Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in
whatever circumstances I am. I know how to get along with humble means, and I also know
how to live in prosperity; in any and every circumstance I have learned the secret of being
filled and going hungry, both of having abundance and suffering need. I can do all things
through Him who strengthens me.

(Him is Jesus, he is the only one who gives us strength and that strength makes us contented,
humble and so more)

Philippians 4:19 And my God will

Philippians 4:19 And my God will meet all your needs according to the riches of his glory in
Christ Jesus.

( are worried of something ? you shouldn't be worried because Jesus is under control of
everything that we need, just trust him and He will prove it)

Not only does a happy heart benefit you, but it benefits others as well. Who would you rather
hang around with, someone who is always sad or someone who is always happy? Happiness
is a very contagious thing and it makes more people happy.

Proverbs 15:13 A happy heart makes the face cheerful, but heartache crushes the spirit.

Proverbs 17:22 A cheerful heart brings good healing, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.

(when people around you noticed that you are sad, looked miserable, broken they will feel
the same too, but when they see in your eyes in your mouth the happiness they will feel it
too, even if they have a bad times if they see you happy you could ake them happy.)

Don’t let your happiness and peace come from your performance on your walk of faith. You
will be miserable. Allow your joy and peace to come from the finished work of Christ on the

Hebrews 12:2 fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith, who for the joy set
before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the
throne of God.

(dont be confident with our selves. we cant be happy without Him, so then when you get
something that you wish or pray for be thankful to God because he gave it to you for you to
be happy.)

So are you searching for happiness in all the wrong places?

Things will never give you true happiness. Stuff is killing us in this world. Things are only
obstacles that get in the way of an eternal perspective. Some of the wealthiest people are
some of the saddest. You might see them smiling in photos, but wait until they get alone.
Things will never fill the loneliness in your heart. It will only keep you longing for more in
your pursuit of happiness.

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