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Colegio María Luisa Villalón

Departamento de Inglés
Profesoras: Javiera Del Río

Evaluated worksheet IV° Medio: Past perfect

Name: _________________________________________Class:________________Mark:________

Objetivos de aprendizaje: Leer y demostrar comprensión de ideas principales e información explícita en textos
instructivos, informativos y descriptivos simples.
Identificar uso de vocabulario específico.

Past Perfect:
 We use past perfect when we talk about something that happened
before another action.
 The second action is in past simple because it happened after the first
 Structure: Subject + had + v. participle
I had played videogames
 Negative: Subject + had not + v. participle
I hadn't played videogames
 Interrogative: Had + subject + v. participle + ?
Had I played videogames?
Past Simple:
 Structure: Subject+ v. past+ complement
I played videogames
 Negative: Subject+ did not+ v. infinitive
I didn't play videogames
 Interrogative: Did+ Subject+ v. infinitive+ complement+?
Did I play videogames?

To identify which one to use we have the help of some connectors:

 With before, by the time, until and when the verb is in the simple past.
 With after the verb is the past perfect

Item I. Use of English

I. Have you ever had a terrible day, when everything went wrong? Write had happened to you. Use past
perfect and all the space. (8 points)

II. Complete the table with the tenses of past perfect. (1 point each)

Positive Negative Interrogative

They play videogame

I buy a new jacket

She goes to the mall

He studies for the test

You drink a lot of water

III. Complete the sentences with past perfect or simple past (2 points each)
1. We had already gone when John ________________________________(come) home.

2. Juan ________________________________ (pass) all his exams when school finished.

3. When I ________________________________ (get) to the train station I discovered I had forgotten my wallet.

4. I went to the doctor, then I ________________________________ (buy) some vegetables and went home.

5. I had opened my backpack when the robber _________ (run) and stole my things.

6. When we ________________________________ (arrive) at the station,the train had already left.

7. We got home to find that someone ________________________________(break) into the house.

8. I opened the fridge to find someone________________________________ (eat) all my ice cream.

9. I had known my husband for three years when we ________________________________ (get) married.

10. Julie was very pleased to see that John ________________________________ (clean) the house.

IV. Match the sentences as it corresponds (1 point each)

1. When she started learn English, ____ a. nobody told had told them.
2. Jane had already typed ten pages when ____ b. I met his family.
3. By the time he arrived at the pub,____ c. she decided to change her meal
4. I had known him for a long time before ____ d. her computer crashed.
5. They did not know where to meet because e. she had already learned French.
6. We had been to NY before ___ f. they had run out of juice.
7. They bought a sandwich before ____ g. I had left the hospital
8. Someone had waited for use when h. The robber had stolen in the store
9. The waiter had gone with the order when ___ i. we went to Paris
10. The doctor arrived when ____ j. we arrived home
V. Create sentences in past perfect with the given verbs. (2 points)

1. Be (interrogative)

2. Break

3. Buy (negative)

4. Do (interrogative)

5. Drive

6. Go (negative)

7. Know

8. Make

VI. Write a story of 10 lines using the past perfect and simple past at least 5 times each. (8 points)

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