Philippine Basic Education

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Philippine Basic Education

A blog that tackles issues on basic education (in the

Philippines and the United States) including early
childhood education, the teaching profession, math
and science education, medium of instruction,
poverty, and the role of research and higher

Prudence Is A Virtue
As human beings, we have been granted the gift of
being able to control oneself by the use of reason. It
is called prudence. With this virtue, we can see
ahead and anticipate the challenges. Without it, we
could either be reckless or cowardly. Doing the right
thing and making things happen requires both will
and reason. Having the desire, however, is not
enough if the dream is impossible or if the plan of
action does not address the real problem. On the
other hand, having the reason alone requires courage
especially when one is going against the tide. We
expect our leaders to be able to address our needs,
but society likewise cannot thrive with leaders who
will not stop promising the impossible. There is a
difference between something that is possible but
difficult because it requires political will, and
something that is simply impossible no matter how
much will there is. Achieving equity in schools is an
excellent example of a difficult task but possible if
there is a will. Preventing climate change sadly
could be an example of the latter especially if we are
talking about local elections.
Climate change is global. The reason behind the
increase in greenhouse gases in our atmosphere can
be traced to the laws of thermodynamics. There is
agreement among scientists with regard to climate
change being man made but one must also take note
that scientists also fear that climate change at this
point is almost inevitable. Warding off climate
change requires at least zero emission of greenhouse
gases. Our electrical infrastructure is still mostly
carbon-based. Even transformers of electricity
contain an even more powerful greenhouse gas,
sulfur hexafluoride

Equity: One Issue Fairfax County Public

Schools Could Focus On
Public education is first and foremost, for the
common good. Schools matter to all of us. But
achieving the common good requires equity. It is
only in a diverse and inclusive community can we
truly achieve equity. Thus, in this coming election of
members for the board of Fairfax County Public
Schools, one issue could easily sum up a campaign
for any candidate: Advancing equity in our schools.
I think this can cover all the challenges the county
currently faces. We must provide excellent
opportunities for learning to all children regardless
of family income, parent educational attainment,
race, and gender. Anything less than equal
opportunities is unacceptable. Hindrances to equity
unfortunately abound for it is only expected that
each and everyone of us to have the knee-jerk
reaction of "What about us?" Thus, in some ironic
fashion, pushing for equity can divide us.

The politics of division is especially useful in a

democratic society where the majority wins and
lands in control. A shrewd politician can win by
dividing society and simply ensuring that the larger
fraction is on his or her side. Divisions can be easily
spawned by appealing to our beliefs and prejudices.
Divisions can be created by simply appealing to how
we identify ourselves. A school board candidate in
my district subscribes to this playbook. The
Annandale Blog describes Tom Pafford as "laser-
focused on one issue".
If Tom Pafford is running for a position in my native
country, the Philippines, he may actually win. The
Philippines is also trying to legislate on matters that
involve gender identity. In these discussions, the
question of whether bathrooms should be assigned
according to gender identity also shows up. There is
always this concern that privacy can be violated or
sexual assault could happen. Toilets inside schools, I
hope, have stalls so there is really no problem with
privacy and those that do not have separate stalls are
for urinals. And for assault, the transgender already
has the greater risk especially with an extremely
prejudicial society. Therefore, the arguments against
transgenders having the right to use the toilet of their
choice really have no basis.

Equity trumps this issue. It is clear that every

children regardless of gender identity should be
provided an environment that is respectful and safe
so that every child can have the opportunity to learn.
It is true that this coming election can be distilled in
one issue but it is not about denying transgenders a
safe and respectful school climate. Pafford does
focus on one issue but his goal is to divide us and
take advantage of our biases and beliefs. And it can
work especially if equity begins to look like a threat
to our beliefs and our identity.

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