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The story is about a woman who was cheated by her husband, so in revenge she killed her two

children. It takes place in the Xochimilco Lagoon in Mexico. Also, the characters are the
weeping woman, the children, her husband and Michel (mistress).

But, first we settled in the 21st century.

Mom: hi, Rosa. I’m going to organize a party. I have to decorate and gather the waiters to
attend the guests well. Can you take care of my children?

Rosa: Sure, I can. I’ll be responsable and cautious with your children.

Mom: Would you be here at 8:00?

Rosa: Yes, i’ll be punctual.


Mom: Thanks for coming in today.

Rosa: My pleasure.

Mom: Before I go out, the food is prepared. After they dine, they go to sleep.

Rosa: Don’t worry. They’ll behave calmy and sleep puntually.

Mom: Ok. Behave well. Bye girls.

Children: Bye mom.

Children1: You’ve had my doll since Tuesday. Give me it.

Children 2: If you want it, you have to struggle with me. (pelean)

Rosa: Behave correctly or the weeping woman will want to take you.

Children 1: who is the weeping woman?

Children2: Iknow only she was a woman who was looking for her children.

Children 1: How was she?

Children 2: She was scary.

Children 1: ohh please, don’t scare me.

Children 2: Do you want to know about her?

Children 1: I don’t know. Before today, I have never heard that.

Rosa: So, do you want to hear the story?

Children 2: Yes, I want to tell it.

Children 1: So do I.

Children 2: Ok, Rosa tells us please.

Rosa: One day, there was a woman called Maria who lived happily with her family. Maria was
very much in love with her husband called Luis.

Luis: I love you so much Maria. You’re a great wife. Thanks for giving me two beautiful

Maria: I do too. Thanks for being a good husband and for has loved me for these years. The
people always have said we are a perfect family.

Daughters: Mom, we’re going to school. Bye parents.

Maria: Bye girls.

Rosa: Luis was working hardly near of the village.

Children: He was effcient and responsable with the job, right? He liked to be adventurous.

Rosa: Yes. Then, a gossip was coming to the Village about a beautiful woman there called
Michel. She was Young. When Luis was returning his house, he looked at her and he fell in love

Luis: woooh! I’ve never seen a beautiful woman.

Michel: Do you know the hour?

Luis: Of course, it’s 3 o’clock.

Michel: Thanks. What’s your name parsonable man?

Luis: I’m Luis. And your name miss?

Michel: My name is Michel. Nice to meet you.

Luis: It’s nice to meet you too.

Michel: I hope to see you son.

Luis: So do I.

Rosa: And it turns out that, they’ve fallen in love. So, three months passed and Luis treated
diferently his family.

Maria: What’s up with you? You behave horribly with me.

Luis: Speak correctly because that’s not true.

Maria: You haven’t arrived punctual at home for this months. Tell me the true.

Luis: Shu up, Maria! (golpe) You don’t knowledgeable anything and you don’t independently.
My job is exhausting and I need to work for maintain you. Also the pay is unsatisfying.
Maria: Please, stop. I was trusting you for a long time but now I don't know.

Luis: whatever. When I return, I hope to see that you aren’t crying.

Rosa: But in reality Luis was going to see Michel.

Luis: Hi Darling, who have been?

Michel: Bad. I was very patient but I don't want to compete with your wife anymore. You must

Luis: I can’t choose quickly. I was always longing for a family like the one I have and now I will
lose them.

Michel: We’ll have a incredible family togeter and our children will be very clever.

Luis: Also Things with my wife are not right. Look how long I've had to endure her.

Michel: She has never deserved you.

Luis: You're right. So, I will finish with her and we will go together very fast.

Michel: I was wating this answer for a long time. I will pack everything finally and see you later.

Rosa: After they talked, Luis went to tell Maria everything decidedly. He wanted to be happy
with the woman who had just met.

Luis: I arrived and you have continued to cry. I got tired, I'm leaving the house.

Maria: No please. I tried to unite our family all these years. Don’t leave us unexpectedly.

Luis: So did I. Unfortunately I already decided. I met a glamorous woman. I love her too much.

Maria: I knew perfectly well that you were cheating on me. who is she?

Luis: You better not know. Then I don't want to know that you've been talking about her
badly. Be careful with girls

Maria: don’t go. I could be more efficient for you.

Rosa: Maria cried every moment so her daughters were cheering her up but she didn't want to
see anyone. when this happened, a festival was being held in the village.

Daughter: Mom, do you want to go with me at the festival? The townspeople participate in
many competitions. Let’s go please.

Maria: I had told you to leave me alone. I won't go anywhere, so do your homework quietly.
Daughter: But mom, women will dress up as brides, walk and bring the pettiest fruit to win a
prize. I’ve never seen it.

Maria: go away.

Rosa: Maria just wanted to get revenge to the point that she was losing her mind.

Maria: Why did he leave? should i go for him? It is surely the fault of all those girls. If I had not
had children, I would be rewarded with him. I know waht to do. My daughter, get ready to go
to the festival.

Daughter: Yeah!! I will dress happily.

Rosa: Maria decided to dress in white. and she took her daughters secretly to the nearby
lagoon of the village.

Daughter: Mom, what are we doing here? We have to go to the festival before it ends.

Maria: Don’t worry baby. After we having fun in the lagoon, we will go to the village.

Daughter: Ok mom but help me because you never taught me to swim.

Maria: I will do it… but being in the water can be hazardous. (la ahoga)

Rosa: Maria was crazy. Instantly she drowned her daughters without any pity. she had wanted
to see them dead since her husband left her but then ...

Daughter: Mom stop. I can’t breathe.

Mom: You made that Luis leave me. I hate to keep living you. After you die son, I will be

(hija muere)

Mom: Darling, are you still alive?... oh no… Survive please. It was a mistake. I don’t want to be

(llora desconsoladamente, y camina preguntando por su hija)

Mom: Help me please. I’ve seen my daughters dead. Please, I want her back. This is not a
fantasy. My daughters are dead, they told me to leave her there. They are in my head, please.
Give me my daughters. Where are my daughters?.
Rosa: Since then, the weeping woman was going out every night crying and looking for her
daughters desperately. She has scared the villagers because she is waiting to take two girls like

(las niñas se asustan)

Children 1: I didn’t think it would scare me so much.

Children 2: Neither did I. I hadn’t herad it completely before. Oh sister, this story is based on a
legend. Maybe she has existed.

Rosa: Surely yes. So, girls try to behave well before she finds you. Good night.

Children 1: Our nanny was telling a really scary sleeping story.

Children 2: I had noticed. We should stop arguing so much. Good night.

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