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Film 1
Les choristes1 2003, 97 minutes
Un film de Christophe Barratier, en français, avec des sous-titres anglais

I. Résumé du film: France 1949, Clément Mathieu, professeur de musique sans emploi accepte
un poste de surveillant dans un internat de rééducation pour mineurs , le système répressif appliqué
par le directeur, Monsieur Rachin, bouleverse Mathieu. En initiant ces enfants difficiles à la
musique et au chant choral, Mathieu parviendra à transformer la vie quotidienne.

II. Les Personnages Principaux/Les Adultes:

Clément Mathieu
Rachin—le directeur de l’école
Violette Morhange—la maman à Pierre

Les élèves/étudiants
Pierre Morhange
Le Querrec
La Comptesse

III. Les Questions

1. Is Monsieur Mathieu a good teacher? (80 words minimum)
(type your answer here)

2. Which student did Monsieur Mathieu help the most? (80 words minimum)
(type your answer here)

The film’s title in English is The Chorus.

3. Which scene was the most remarkable and why? (80 words minimum)
(type your answer here)

IV. The Assignment Guidelines: This assignment is due Monday September 23rd by 11:59
PM.2 Please send your paper by email in a .docx (in this template) to
This assignment is typed, and electronically checked (using Microsoft Word proofing tools) for
spelling and grammatical errors. The content of the paper will be your own original work and
information from Internet websites will not be used. This is not a review of the film (whether it
is good or bad, whether or not you liked or enjoyed, the film). Rather, you will focus on your own
critical analysis of the film by answering the questions. Since I am the primary reader of your
paper, you are asked to avoid plot summary, biographical information about the filmmaker,
and historical summary. Do not tell me anything that I would find in an encyclopedia or on the
Internet. Make direct references to individual scenes in the film to support your position. 15 Points

*You may write this paper in English.

**This video is streaming instantly on Amazon for $1.99 in standard definition. The Chester Fritz
Library has a DVD copy of this film. Both the Amazon version and the library copy will have
subtitles in English.

Chester Fritz Library call number for this DVD: PN1995.9.F67 C46 2005 DVD

Please do not submit this assignment more than 72 hours prior to the deadline.

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