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Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
20 Ramsay Road, Shirley, New York, 11967-4704, Tel: 800-224-6339 (Int’l 631-924-9000), Fax: 631-924-9241, Email:,

FN: 08-008 1/08

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This manual covers installation and operation of the following products:

#086-250 Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator (115V)
#086-258 Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator (250V)

NOTE: Prior to making activity measurements after a preset Dial Value has been
changed on ANY isotope selection key, all Atomlab model Dose Calibrators must
be power cycled; i.e., the Dose Calibrator power switch must be turned OFF and
then back ON. Failure to power cycle after changing any preset key may cause a
measurement ERROR on any or all isotope keys.

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Atomlab Dose Calibrator
1. Instrumentation
A. This equipment and its accessories are warranted by BIODEX MEDICAL SYSTEMS,
INC., against defects in materials and workmanship for a period of two years from the date of
shipment from BIODEX MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. During the warranty period, BIODEX
MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. will in its sole discretion, repair, recalibrate or replace the equip-
ment found to have such defect, at no charge to the customer.



B. This warranty does not apply if the product, as determined by BIODEX MEDICAL
SYSTEMS, INC., is defective due to abuse, misuse, modification or service performed by
other than a BIODEX MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. authorized repair and calibration facility.
Misuse and abuse include, but are not limited to, subjecting limits and allowing the
equipment to become contaminated by radioactive materials.

C. In order to obtain warranty repair service, the equipment must be returned freight pre-
paid to one of our facilities. The Return Authorization number (R.A. #) should be included,
along with a statement of the problem. Equipment will be returned transportation prepaid.

2. Calibration
A. Instruments are warranted to be within their specified accuracy at the time of shipment.
If a question arises and BIODEX MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. determines that the initial cali-
bration is in error, the instrument will be recalibrated at no charge.

B. Mechanical products are warranted to meet written specifications and tolerances at the
time of shipment.

C. The return policy is as stated in paragraph 1.C.

3. Warranty is non transferable.

4. Non-Warranty Service
A. Repairs and/or replacements not covered by this warranty may be performed by
BIODEX MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC. at a factory authorized service location. Estimates of
repair charges may be requested, however, a charge for estimate preparation may apply if
the repair is later not authorized by the customer.

B. The cost of transportation into and out of the service location will be the responsibility of
of the customer.

Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
20 Ramsay Road, Shirley, New York, 11967-4704, Tel: 800-224-6339 (Int’l 631-924-9000), Fax: 631-924-9241, Email:,

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Service Procedure
If you think you have a service problem, take the following action.

1. Check to see that the problem occurs more than once.

2. Check the instruction manual and operations procedure.

3. Check the instruction manual Trouble-shooting Guide.

If you still think you have a service problem, call BIODEX MEDICAL SYSTEMS, INC.,
Service Department at (800) 224-6339.

Keep yourself and the phone next to the equipment.

1. Service will ask you for a brief description of the problem. We will ask specific questions
about the malfunction that occurred. This diagnostic process may take a few minutes,
so call us when you have time to spare.

2. After taking the information, we will advise on the action we will take.

3. Sometimes service personnel must consult with engineering and it may take time to get
back to you. Be sure to let the service representative know your schedule so that we
can call at a convenient time.

4. The return call may be from a person other than whom you first reported the problem to.

5. After analyzing the problem, we will decide if the unit must be returned to us for repair,
or replacement parts will be sent.

6. If unit must be returned, it will be given a return authorization (R.A. #) number by us.
Pack the system in the carton that it was originally shipped in, or pack it safely and
securely to avoid shipping damage. It is the customer's responsibility for any damage
that occurs during shipping.

7. Non-warranty/non-service contract charges for repair are as follows:

a. Materials
b. Time
Service Currently $125.00 per Hour
c. Shipping Charges

Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
20 Ramsay Road, Shirley, New York, 11967-4704, Tel: 800-224-6339 (Int’l 631-924-9000), Fax: 631-924-9241, Email:,

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Packing Slip


Shipping Cartons: The Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator (#086-250 or #086-258

with RS-232 port) and its respective components comes
carefully packed in two cartons inside a large, single ship-
ping box. The cartons, each marked with an appropriate
serial number, are labeled:


NOTE: Prior to removing any of the cartons from the shipping

box, visually inspect the box and the inside packing for dam-
age. If any damage is noted, do not unpack the contents.
Notify the carrier immediately so that a claim can be made if
necessary, and contact your Biodex Medical Systems Sales
Representative. If there is no visible damage, remove the
cartons and place them on a table or to the side. We suggest
removing the DISPLAY UNIT carton first.

NOTE: Before deciding on a location to set up your Atomlab

for operation, be sure to read Chapter Two on installation.
This chapter notes operating and environmental require-
ments, and offers several tips on choosing a location for
your dose calibrator.

The DISPLAY In addition to the Display Unit itself, this carton contains the
UNIT Carton: Atomlab's Operation Manual, all the necessary connection
and power wires needed to run the system, and a Moly
Assay Kit. A Report of Calibration can be found in the
Instruction Manual's front, inside pocket.

The DETECTOR CAUTION: The carton labeled DETECTOR UNIT is very

UNIT Carton: heavy, ~32 pounds. Severe damage to the unit may result if
this carton is dropped. Remove the detector from the carton
and carefully place it on the table or other counter where you
will set up and use your Atomlab unit. Make certain the table
top will support a minimum of 300 pounds. We suggest that
you place the carton on its side so that you can slide the
Detector Unit out of the carton onto its base. Inserted into the
Chamber Well should be a Chamber Well Liner. A Plastic
Sample Holder is packed with the Display Unit.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Packing Slip

ATTENTION: Le carton étiqueté UNITÉ DE DÉTECTION est très

lourd, ~32 livres. Cet appareil peut subir de sérieux dommages s’ii
est échappé. Retirez le détecteur de son carton et utiliserez le
avec prudence sur la table ou le computoir où vous installerez et
utiliserez l’unité Atomlab. Assurezvous que la table supportera un
minimum de 300 livres. Nous suggérons que vous placiez le car-
ton sur son côté afin que vous puissiez faire glisser L’UNITÉ DE
DÉTECTION du carton à sa base. Dans la chambre du calibra-
teur vous devriez trouver un manchon protecteur. Un échantillon
en plastique est emballé avec l’unité de présentation.

NOTE: Do not discard the packing materials, cartons or

shipping boxes. You will need them should it become neces-
sary to return any of the Atomlab components in the future.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Packing Slip

Figure P-1: The Atomlab Dose Calibrator Major Components.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Table of Contents

Chapter One: Introduction to the Atomlab Dose Calibrator.........................1-1
Introduction to the Atomlab Dose Calibrators and this manual.
Chapter Two: Installing Your Dose Calibrator ...............................................2-1
Describes what you need to properly use your Atomlab Dose Calibrator,
powering up, installation, and cleaning instructions.
Chapter Three: Getting Started .......................................................................3-1
This chapter allows you to gain a quick familiarization of the operation of
your Dose Calibrator.
Chapter Four: Description ...............................................................................4-1
Describes features and functions of your Dose Calibrator, including the
Detector and Display units.
Chapter Five: Operation...................................................................................5-1
Describes the full operation of your Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator
Appendix A
Atomlab Dose Calibrator Troubleshooting Procedures ................................A-1
Appendix B
Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator Specifications ................................................B-1
Appendix C
Decay Calculations .......................................................................................C-1
Appendix D
Pre-Set Calibration Values............................................................................D-1
Appendix E
Calibration Values for Version Six Firmware Other Isotope Selections........E-1
(Includes Setting Information for Y-90)
Appendix F
Atomlab Dose Calibrator Calibration and Traceability ..................................F-1
Appendix G
Atomlab Computer Interconnection ..............................................................G-1
Appendix H
Electromagnetic Compatibility ......................................................................H-1
Appendix I
Determining The Firmware Level of Your Dose Calibrator ............................I-1
Appendix J
Quality Assurance Testing of Atomlab Dose Calibrators...............................J-1
Atomlab Dose Calibrator Quick Reference Chart
Atomlab Dose Calibrator Trouble-Shooting Chart

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 1




The Atomlab Dose Calibrator you have purchased is a high-

quality, dependable and reliable instrument. Before using it,
please review the following points.
Before using this device, be certain to read the entire opera-
tion manual. Failure to read the manual may result in user
error or inaccurate data.
The Atomlab Dose Calibrator should be used only as speci-
fied in the operation manual.
The Atomlab Dose Calibrator is designed for use in a patient

Quality Assurance Testing of Atomlab Dose Calibrators is

provided in Appendix J.


Biodex Medical Systems’ Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrators are

designed to perform accurate radioisotope measurements
simply and quickly. Due to our unique electronics and soft-
ware, the performance you obtain when using these units
will surpass the latest stringent regulatory performance

By familiarizing yourself with the procedures presented in

this manual, you will be able to carry out dose measure-
ments while keeping your Atomlab 100 functioning optimally
and reliably for years to come.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 1


The following conventions are used to provide graphic and

other aids to facilitate following instructions given in this
Key Labels The Increment/Decrement keys are represented by ⇑ and ⇓.

Keys in Boldface Type (i.e., PRINT) must be pressed for a


When there is an option in a step, it will be represented by

upper case brackets { }.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2



We strongly suggest that you read this chapter before mov-

ing on to the operation chapter. This will help ensure that
your Atomlab Dose Calibrator is up and running properly,
and that you have adequate access to the unit to perform all
the functions that will be discussed. It will also help you
become familiar with the various components of your dose


Prior to installing your equipment, plan a layout for your

Atomlab unit that will ensure it is convenient for measuring
radionuclides and will not cause undue radiation exposure
because of extra handling of high activity sources. There
should be ample room to place a vial shield on the work
surface (preferably behind an L-Block shield), open the
shield and remove the vial using tongs, quickly place the
vial into the Sample Holder and then place both into the
Chamber Well.

Remember that to make radioisotope measurements you

will have to place the clear plastic Chamber Well Liner into
the Chamber Well and lower the plastic Sample Holder into
the liner. Make sure there will be no obstructions, such as
wall cabinets, above the Detector Unit. Such obstacles may
make it difficult to insert and remove the Sample Holder.

Work Surface Choose a table or other counter which is free of vibration,

does not wobble, and will easily support 300 pounds.

The surface area of the table top should provide ample area
to accommodate the Detector Unit, Display Unit, the Printer,
the L-Block Shield, the shielded radionuclide preparation
area, and room for writing. See Figure 2-1 for a typical dose
preparation layout.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2

Suggested dimensions of the table top are:

• 30 in. deep
• 48 in. wide
• 36 in. high

Figure 2-1: A typical dose preparation layout.

Physical Location Frequently, dose calibrators are located in areas called hot
and Environment labs in which there is a wet sink with plumbing. Do not
locate your dose calibrator on a table or other counter
which can become wet or is subject to splashing or spray-

Avoid areas which have drafts caused by heating or air con-

ditioners, or are in direct sunlight. Electronics work best
when constant temperature is maintained.

The temperature range is from 0 to 40° C, and the relative

humidity range from 0 to 95%.

Choose a location for your dose calibrator which is not fre-

quently used by other personnel — one where the table on
which it lies will not be bumped.

In general, make sure your work area is clean, dry, and dust

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2

Avoid locating your dose calibrator near a radioactive mate-

rials storage area. The .25-inch lead shield around the
detector shields it from changes in radiation levels from
diagnostic energy radionuclides (i.e., Tc-99m); however, the
high energy radiation from sources such as Cs-137 and Co-
60 will easily penetrate the shield and change the back-
ground radiation level. The lower the ambient radioactivity,
the less background activity for which the Atomlab Dose
Calibrator must compensate, and, the greater the accuracy
and reliability of the readings.


Choose a line power source with a socket which mates

securely with the power plug provided.

Verify that the power line is properly grounded.

Do not choose an outlet that has a wall switch control.

Line Voltage 100 to 120 VAC 1/2 A, or 200 to 240 VAC 1/4 A, selectable
with Fuse Holder (see Appendix A).

Line Frequency 50/60 Hz.


After you have chosen a suitable location for your Atomlab

Dose Calibrator and familiarized yourself with its compo-
nents, position the various units. Make sure the Detector
and Display Units have been positioned to where they will
not have to be moved prior to connecting the cables.


Detector Unit Refer to Figure 2-2 for an illustration of the Detector Unit's
Connection cable connector and rear panel. The Detector Cable is gray,
ten feet long, and has white identical male connectors on
both ends. The connectors are of a self-locking type.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2

1) Rotate the Detector Unit so that you can see the

rectangular opening in one side of the base.

2) Take one end of the Detector Cable, orient its connector

so that it matches the openings on the connector of the
Detector Unit (refer to Figure 2-2), and then insert the
connector firmly until you feel it click. Do not force the
connector, it is self-locking! Gently pull on the connector
to make sure it is firmly secured.

To remove the connector, squeeze both sides and pull.

3) Rotate the Detector Unit to its normal position so that

the connector is facing away from the work area.

Figure 2-2: The Rear Panel of the Detector Unit, end of the
Detector Cable, and the Operational Light.

NOTE: For the next procedure ensure your dose calibrator

Display Unit is turned OFF.
1) Rotate the Display Unit so that you are looking at the
rear panel. Locate the connector labeled CHAMBER.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2

2) Take the connector on the free end of the Detector Cable,

orient it so that it matches the openings on the connector
of the Display Unit, and then insert the connector firmly
until you feel it click. Do not force the connector, it is
self-locking! Gently pull on the connector to make sure it
is firmly secured.

Figure 2-3: The rear panel of the Display Unit with Chamber
Connector, the end of the Detector Cable, and the Display
Power Cord end of the Power Cord.
1) Rotate the Display Unit so that you are looking at the
rear panel. Directly to the right of the connector labeled
CHAMBER, locate the Fuse Holder. This is labeled USE
ONLY WITH 250V FUSES, with 100-120 read upright,
and 200-240 read upside down.

2) The orientation of the Fuse Holder determines the

power your dose calibrator requires. When the label
100-120 and its corresponding arrow points to the arrow
directly below the Fuse Holder, you can plug your unit
into an 100 VAC power source.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2

If, conversely, the label 200-240 and its corresponding

arrow points to the arrow directly below the Fuse Holder,
you must plug your unit into a 240 VAC power source.

NOTE: Your Atomlab 100 has already been configured for

your use. If, however, you turn the Fuse Holder upside
down to change the voltage required, the fuses within the
Fuse Holder must have the proper rating. See Appendix A
for details.

3) Locate the Power Switch to the right of the Fuse Holder

and the socket for the Power Cable to the left.

4) Ensure the Power Switch is in the OFF position (0).

5) Plug the Power Cord into the socket.

6) Rotate the Display Unit back to its normal position.

7) Take the remaining end of the Power Cord and plug it

into an outlet which meets the requirements previously


Reach behind the Display Unit and power up your Atomlab

by flipping the Power Switch from the 0 (OFF) position to the
– (ON) position. The Self-Test will commence automatically.

Because the Atomlab 100 is capable of using multiple

Chamber Units, the Self-Test for this system checks to see if
more than one Chamber is in use. This causes the Self-Test
to pause approximately 20 seconds after power up. To com-
plete the test and place the unit in normal operating mode,
press the ENTER key when it begins to flash.

If an error is detected on either system, it will be noted on

the Electronic Thumbwheel Display. You can then refer to
Appendix A or the Trouble-shooting Guide supplied with this
manual to resolve the problem.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 2

NOTE: After turning your Atomlab ON and completing the

Self-Test or chamber selections, do not press any keys for at
least an hour. This allows the sensitive electronics to stabilize.


Now that you have set up your Atomlab Dose Calibrator, and
everything is intact and functioning properly, take a few
moments to repack the packing material. This material was
especially designed for safe shipment of the Atomlab Dose
Calibrator and should be considered part of the instrument.
Place the shipping material in the appropriate boxes and put
the boxes back into the shipping carton. Label the carton and
store it in a safe, out-of-the-way location. If you ever need to
return your dose calibrator for updates, calibration, or repair,
use the original shipping carton, boxes, and shipping material.


As required, wipe down the exterior of the unit using a soft
rag slightly dampened with alcohol.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 3



This chapter provides a quick introduction to your Atomlab

Dose Calibrator. It will familiarize you with the basic opera-
tion of making an Activity Measurement so that the instruc-
tions provided in the rest of the manual will make more
sense. This chapter will be especially valuable to those of
you who are already familiar with dose calibrator operation. A
detailed description of the Display and Detector Units is pro-
vided in Chapter 4, and of operation procedures in Chapter
5. Also consult the Appendices for further information.


LED Keys An understanding of the following key functions, and a

knowledge of the Atomlab Display Unit, will facilitate your
use of the Atomlab Dose Calibrator.

Whenever you initiate a mode, such as Setup, the Atomlab

Dose Calibrator will guide you by causing the LED's to flash
on the keys you need to press.

When the manual specifies that a LED comes ON, it always

means steadily, even if it was previously flashing. In some
instances, pressing a key will cause a flashing LED to turn
OFF or come ON steadily.

Front Panel Refer to the Front Panel Display illustrated in Figure 3-1. On
Display the Atomlab 100, the unlabeled key to the right of the ⇑⇓ on
the Electronic Thumbwheel is referred to as the ENTER key.
The 4-digit display associated with the Electronic
Thumbwheel is referred to as the Electronic Thumbwheel
Display. See Chapter 4 for details.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 3

Figure 3-1: Atomlab 100 Front Panel Display

Power-up If you have not done so already, reach behind the Display
Unit and flip up the power switch from the left position (0) to
the right (-) to power up your system. The TEST key LED
will illuminate and the Atomlab will automatically initiate a
Self-Test program.

For any Atomlab 100 Self-Test initiated by turning the unit

ON, a pause occurs approximately 20 seconds after power-
up. This allows the user to enter the number of Chamber
Units connected to the Display. If you are using a single
chamber, press the ENTER key when it begins to flash. The
Self-Test will continue and, if no errors are detected, the
Atomlab 100 will enter its normal operating mode. If you are
using multiple chambers, refer to the Instruction Sheet pro-
vided with your Multi-Chamber Manual Interface for details
on entering multiple chambers during the Self-Test.

Note that Atomlab 100 Self-Tests initiated by pressing

the TEST key do not require the user to enter the number of
Chamber Units connected. They automatically place the
Atomlab in normal operating mode without a pause.

Any error detected during the Self-Test will show as an Error

Message in the Activity Display. Refer to Appendix A for a
description of Error Messages and the proper course of action.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 3

Read the Display NOTE: The top right four-digit LED Activity Display always
indicates activity in the Detector's Chamber Well, no matter
which keys are pressed. (There are momentary exceptions:
when you press the TEST key, for example.)

To the right of the Activity Display are the units of measure,

e.g., microcuries (µCi). At this time, the display will indicate
some numeric value and the µCi symbol. Also lit is a LED
associated with one of the Isotope Selection keys. When an
isotope is selected, the Atomlab Dose Calibrator is automat-
ically calibrated to display the activity of that isotope. Press
the Tc-99m (or any other Isotope Selection key) and
observe the LED on the key come on (the Tc-99m key may
already be selected). If there is no activity in the Detector,
the displayed value should be about 1.00 µCi or less. This
value may get lower after "warm-up".

NOTE: The Mo-99 key has a special function for the Moly
Breakthrough test, which is described in Chapters 4 and 5.

NOTE: The activity reading when you first power up your

dose calibrator may be any value, even negative, as you
have not yet corrected for the background radiation in your
work area. After you use the BKGND key as described below,
and after the dose calibrator has warmed-up, the activity
level should be close to zero (<0.1µCi).

Background Before activity measurements are normally made, a dose

Adjustment calibrator requires a background adjustment to assure there
are no errors in the displayed value. The Atomlab Dose
Calibrator automatically stores and subtracts the
Background Value before displaying the activity reading.

With nothing in the Detector but the Chamber Well Liner

and empty Sample Holder, press the BKGND key. The LED
on the key will come ON while background measurements
are made. The LED will go OFF automatically when com-
pleted and the displayed value should be less than 0.1 µCi.
The activity value will remain in memory until the BKGND key
is pressed again or the system is turned OFF.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 3

NOTE: The normal functions of the dose calibrator are dis-

abled as the background is compensated for. This proce-
dure will take anywhere from several seconds to 100 sec-
onds, depending upon the level of activity of previous meas-
urements. You may abort the background measurement at
any point by simply pressing the BKGND key a second time.
Cs-137 Check After the above background correction has been completed,
remove your Cs-137 calibration Check Source from its
shield, place it in the Sample Holder and lower it into the
Chamber Well. Press the Cs-137 Isotope Selection key on
the front panel and observe that the LED on the key comes
on. The Activity Display will now indicate the activity of your
Cs-137 Check Source. Compare it to the decayed calibrat-
ed activity (see Appendix C for Decayed Activity Chart,
Chapter 5 for an explanation). For a properly calibrated
source above 200 µCi, the displayed value should be within
a few percent of the decayed calibrated value. If you do not
have a Cs-137 source, use a calibrated vial Co-57 source
and repeat the above by pressing the Co-57 key.

These calibration check sources provide a vital quality

assurance test which should be done daily to assure proper
performance of the calibrator.


The Atomlab 100 automatically selects the proper averaging

period or time constant for the proper display of low activity
sources. When you first lower the source into the well, the
activity value quickly jumps to the final value. For a few sec-
onds the value may fluctuate, but then the value settles
down to a small variation in the right digit. The Atomlab
Dose Calibrator will average the activity data while the
source is in the Chamber Well, which over several seconds
will result in a stable reading. As soon as the source is
removed from the Chamber Well, the Activity Display will
drop down to the near zero value.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 3


The Atomlab Dose Calibrator automatically selects the prop-

er range to display the activity results (either mCi or µCi if
you have selected Ci, or GBq or MBq if you have selected
Bq). The selection is made on the basis of providing maxi-
mum resolution for the number displayed. Therefore, all you
have to do is place the source in the Chamber Well and
read the activity value from the Activity Display.


Isotope selection can be done at any time before or after

placing the source into the Chamber Well. As soon as you
press an Isotope Selection key, the displayed activity value
is corrected in accordance with the corresponding
Calibration Value stored in memory.


Proper units for radioactivity can be either the traditional

Curie (Ci) or the international unit Becquerel (Bq), whichev-
er may be required in your facility. Your Atomlab Dose
Calibrator has the ability to display in either system by user
selection through the SETUP key.

Changing To change the Atomlab 100 Display Units, press the SETUP
Display Units key and observe its LED come ON. This indicates the
Atomlab 100 is in Setup mode. Observe that the unit indica-
tor to the right of the Activity Display (for example, µCi) is
blinking at the same rate as the LED on the OTHER key.
Press the OTHER key and see that the other system of units
(MBq) is now displayed and the displayed activity value has
been corrected in accordance with this new system of units.

If you removed your Check Source, place it back into the

Chamber Well. Toggle the units back and forth by pressing
the OTHER key. Before leaving Setup mode, ensure that you
have selected the proper system of units and then press the
SETUP key again. This will lock the units selection into the
display. The Activity Display units can be subsequently rese-
lected in the Setup mode.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4



By this point, you should have already setup, installed and

powered up your Atomlab 100 as described in Chapters 1, 2
and 3. Now, before getting into the actual operation proce-
dures, we suggest you take a few minutes and review this
chapter. It provides a complete description of the Display
and Detector units comprising your dose calibrator. For an
illustration of parts and components, refer back to "Packing
Slip", Figure P-1.


The Atomlab Dose Calibrators are used to measure the

radioactivity of a known radioisotope. Their primary applica-
tion is the measurement of the dose administered to a
patient in nuclear imaging. The design for both units incor-
porates unique electronics and software which surpass
stringent regulatory performance standards and provide fast
and accurate results.

The Detector Unit uses an ionization chamber for radiation

detection and an electrometer for ion current measurement.
The chamber bias is generated with an electronic high volt-
age supply, eliminating the need for expensive battery
changes. An optional Multi-Chamber Manual Interface is
also available.

The Display Unit communicates with the Detector Unit

through a serial port.

An optional RS-232 computer interface is available. This

interface will allow the user to send data and commands
between the dose calibrator and a remote PC.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4


The Atomlab Detector Unit is a well type ionization chamber

capable of measuring activity as low as 0.01 µCi and as
high as 9999. mCi of Tc-99m. The chamber is surrounded
on all sides and on the bottom with .25-inch lead to both
shield you from the source you are measuring and shield
the dose calibrator from any ambient radiation.


The well type chamber was carefully selected to provide a

nearly "4 pi" measuring geometry which means that the
radiation detector nearly surrounds the radionuclide. This
allows the Atomlab Dose Calibrator to measure the activity
of a sample no matter what its volume or shape, as long as
it fits into the Chamber Well. This is necessary, for example,
when measuring syringe doses when the volume is unim-


Placed within the well is a plastic liner to protect the cham-

ber from contamination in the event of the source leaking
during measurement.


The ionization current is measured by a microprocessor-

controlled high impedance electrometer located within the
base of the Detector Unit.


On the rear panel of the Detector Unit are the connectors

for power and data communication with the Display Unit.
The Detector Unit can be located up to three meters away
from the Display Unit.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4


The response of this type of ionization chamber has been

carefully studied using radionuclides calibrated at the Na-
tional Institute of Standards & Technology. The result is a
well-defined energy response curve which is used to deter-
mine the calibration values for many different isotopes with
high accuracy. Each chamber has been calibrated with a
National Institute of Standards & Technology traceable
source. The corresponding Calibration Value has been
stored in the memory of the Detector Unit. After calibration,
the chamber's accuracy is tested with several sources of dif-
fering gamma energies whose activity values are traceable
to the National Institute of Standards & Technology.


The Atomlab Dose Calibrator Display Unit consists of control

keys and displays that allow you to make activity measure-
ments. A built-in microprocessor executes commands input via
the front panel keys and computes activity values from
Detector data.

The Display Unit, with a molded plastic case housing the

electronics, has been specifically designed to perform Activity
Measurements in a laboratory setting. To allow easy fingertip
control of the keys, the front panel slopes gradually. The
Activity Display slopes as well, providing an optimum viewing
angle. On the rear panel of the unit are the power and com-
munication connectors, and the power switch, which remain
out of the way as they are infrequently needed.


The innovative design of the Atomlab's Dose Calibrator's

electrometer ensures that this zero adjustment is performed
while measurement of the activity values is being carried
out, and is therefore continually updated.

Method The current from the chamber is collected on a capacitor in

the feedback loop of the electrometer whose capacitance
value is stable and measured to a high degree.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4

Voltage measurements are made periodically. The time peri-

od between measurements is accurately calibrated. The
second of two successive values is subtracted from the first
by the microprocessor, which yields the net voltage change
on the capacitor. Because the time interval between meas-
urements is so small, any offset arising from fluctuations in
the electronics is the same for both measurements, and is
automatically compensated for during the subtraction.


When you set your dose calibrator to display Activity Values

in Ci (Curies), the conventional system of units, either µCi
or mCi will be indicated next to the numeric display. The
prefix micro or µ (10-6), or milli or m (10-3) is automatically
selected by the system's microprocessor.

For example, if the numeric value displayed is 12.03, and

µCi is indicated, the activity will be 12.03x10-6 Ci or
0.00001203 Curies; if 63.9 is displayed and mCi indicated,
the activity is 63.9x10-3 Ci or 0.0639 Curies.

In the same manner, when you set the dose calibrator to

the international system of units, Becquerels, either MBq or
GBq will be indicated, where the prefix M represents Mega
(106) and G represents Giga (109).

The absolute measurement range of the Atomlab Dose

Calibrator is from 0.01 µCi to 9.999 Ci of Tc-99m (and the
equivalent in Becquerels).

For example, 12.03 µCi = .445 MBq and 63.9 mCi = 2.36
GBq. If the numeric display reads 0.445 and MBq is indicat-
ed, the activity value is 445,000 Becquerels; if 2.36 is dis-
played and GBq indicated, the activity is 2,360,000,000

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4


To familiarize yourself with the location of the displays and

various keys on the front panel, refer to Figure 4-1

Activity Display The four-digit LEDs which make up the Activity Display always
display measured activity, except during the Self-Test.

To the right of the Activity Display are the four display unit indi-
cators: µCi, mCi, MBq, and GBq. If you select Ci as the display
units, the LED behind either µCi or mCi will come ON, depend-
ing on the range automatically selected by the Atomlab Dose
Calibrator; if you select Bq, MBq or GBq will be indicated.

NOTE: If the Detector Well is empty, the display units

should be in the lower range, either µCi or MBq.

Figure 4-1: The Atomlab 100 Front Panel

Isotope Selection These keys allow you to select which radioisotope you will
Keys be measuring. When, for example, you press the key
marked Tc-99m, the dose calibrator will be calibrated to
accurately measure the activity of Tc-99m. The LED on the
key you press will come ON so that you will always know for
which radioisotope the system is currently calibrated.

Standard The standard radioisotope (Isotope Selection) keys for the

Isotopes Atomlab 100 include: Co-57, Cs-137, I-131, In-111, Ga-67,
Xe-133, I-123, Tl-201, Mo-99 and Tc-99m.The Co-57 and
Cs-137 keys are primarily used for accuracy and Constancy
Tests while the Mo-99 key is used for the Moly
Breakthrough Test.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4

User-Defined The keys labeled 1, 2 and OTHER allow you to display activity
Keys values for non-standard radioisotopes. The 1 and 2 keys are
programmable, eliminating the need to constantly set the
Calibration Values for any non-standard radioisotope you
constantly measure, while the OTHER key allows you to set
up the dose calibrator for a particular radioisotope at the time
of measurement (its default setting can be modified as well).

NOTE: When you press any one of these keys, the

Electronic Thumbwheel (#1) Display will show the
associated Calibration Dial Value.
Self-Test The Self-Test is initiated by turning the Atomlab ON, or by
(TEST Key) pressing the TEST key. The LED on the TEST key comes
ON. Items tested include: electrometer sensitivity, chamber
bias supply, software check sum, and the display. All LED
indicators are lit to let you know their condition. During the
Self-Test, the Activity Display does not indicate activity.
Display Test
Sequence The display test sequence is as follows.

1) All segments of the numeric LEDs or digits on the Ac-

tivity Display, the decimal points, and all four Activity
Display unit LED indicators, will come ON for four
seconds. The display will look like: µCi mCi


After 4 seconds, this display will turn OFF and the next
test given in 2) will occur.

2) All Electronic Thumbwheel Display digits and decimal

points will come ON. The display will read as follows:

3) Press the flashing ENTER key. The LED indicator on

every key will come ON.

When the Self-Test is completed and no faults have been

detected, the LED on the TEST key turns OFF. At this point,
the system is ready to use.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4

If there should be a problem detected, the LED on the TEST

key will flash and the Electronic Thumbwheel Display will
show a number corresponding to the fault. See Appendix A or
the Atomlab Dose Calibrator Trouble-shooting Guide for Error
Messages and correction procedures. If you should decide to
continue in spite of the fault, press the TEST key to return to
normal operating mode. The LED on the TEST key will contin-
ue to flash. In the event of an error message, we recommend
you perform a Constancy and Linearity Test before continuing.

Background When you press the BKGND key to store the background
Correction activity, this value remains in memory until you press the
(BKGND Key) key again. Pressing the BKGND key a second time will abort
the process.

NOTE: Even though both Atomlab Dose Calibrators com-

pensate for background interference, the accuracy of
Activity Measurements depends on the intensity of the back-
ground radiation. For this reason, store the new generator,
storage generator and check sources away from the dose

Setup Key
Pressing the SETUP key accesses the Setup mode. At this
point you may change the dial value settings. To change
other setup parameters once in Setup mode:

1) Press TEST one time to display the current firmware version.

2) Press TEST two times to display the current chamber version.

3) Press TEST three times to display the current chamber


4) Press TEST four times to display high voltage.

5) Press TEST five times to return to Setup mode.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 4


There are four keys which perform specific functions: the

keys labeled SETUP, TEST, and BKGND, and the unlabeled
key, which on the Atomlab 100 is referred to as ENTER in
this manual. In conjunction with the Electronic Thumbwheel
(described below), these keys allow the user to perform
such functions as selecting the Activity Display Units, cali-
brating the Isotope Selection keys, testing the instrument,
and compensating for exterior conditions which affect the
accuracy of the Atomlab 100.


The Electronic Thumbwheel consists of a 4-digit LED

Display (Electronic Thumbwheel Display), ⇑⇓ keys, and the
unlabeled key referred to in this manual as the ENTER key.

Electronic The Electronic Thumbwheel Display shows:

Display • Calibration Value when the 1, 2, and OTHER key has
been selected, or when any of the other Isotope
Selection keys have been selected in Setup mode.
• Error Numbers if the Self-Test has localized a fault.
• Countdown for Moly Breakthrough Test.

Increment/ An arrow pointing up is to the left of the Increment key (⇑),

Decrement Keys an arrow pointing down is to the right of the Decrement key
(⇓). The Increment/Decrement keys, when pressed, change
the value shown on the Electronic Thumbwheel Display cor-
respondingly. If held, the speed at which the value changes
will increase. The maximum value is 999; the minimum 0.1.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5


NOTE: Most of the following functions and procedures are

briefly described on the Quick Reference Chart provided
with this manual.

At this point, make sure you have performed the steps de-
scribed in Chapters 2 and 3 and are familiar with Chapter 4.


The next few guidelines should be followed to ensure

obtaining the most accurate, reliable results:

1) Perform the Self-Test, Daily Constancy, Quarterly

Linearity and annual accuracy tests as required. If not
properly compensated for, changes in operating
parameters will affect the accuracy of readings.

2) Do not introduce other high energy radioactive sources

near the location of the Atomlab 100. Try to maintain
a stable environment.

3) Leave your Dose Calibrator ON at all times, or make

sure you turn it ON at least one hour prior to using it.

CAUTION: Keep the Chamber Well Liner in the Detector

at all times. Failure to do so will affect the accuracy of
test results obtained and leave open the possibility of con-
taminating the Chamber Well.

ATTENTION: Gardez le manchon protecteur à l’intérieur de

la chambre du calibrateur en tous temps. A défaut de cette
précaution, la précision des résultats de vos tests peut être
affectée et, laisse place à la possibilité de contaminer le
puits de la chambre.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5


Perform the following steps daily if radioisotope activity

measurements are to be taken.

Self-Test The Self-Test is automatically initiated at power-up. Because

the Atomlab 100 is capable of using multiple chamber units,
the Self-Test on this system checks to see if more than one
chamber is in use. This results in approximately a 20-second
delay from power-up to the start of the test. If only one
chamber is connected to the display unit the Self-Test will
automatically resume and, providing no errors are detected,
the unit will advance to its normal operating mode. If any
faults are detected, refer to Appendix A or the Atomlab Dose
Calibrator Trouble-shooting Guide.

Self-Test If two or more chambers are connected to your Atomlab 100,

(Multiple the system must be programmed to initialize each chamber
Chambers) as explained in the following procedure.

1) With the Atomlab turned OFF, turn the switch box dial to
chamber one.

2) Reach behind the display unit and flip the Power Switch to the
ON position. Allow the unit to complete the standard Self-Test.

3) Press SETUP. The SETUP LED should come ON.

4) Press TEST three times in succession. The message CH-

1 will be displayed in the Electronic Thumbwheel display.

5) Using the ETD ⇑ and ⇓ arrow keys, enter the total number
of chambers connected to the display.

6)Press TEST twice.

7) Press SETUP. The system should now be in standard

operating mode. The SETUP LED should be OFF.

8) Turn the switch box dial to the next chamber (#2) and repeat
steps three through seven. Do this for each chamber connect-
ed to the display.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5

9) To ensure that each chamber is set correctly, repeat again

steps three through seven for each switch box chamber set-
ting. For each switch box setting the ETD should indicate the
total number of chambers connected to the display unit.

10) Turn the Atomlab OFF.

11) Set the switch box to chamber one and turn the system
back ON. After approximately 20 seconds the display unit
will emit a “beep,” the ENTER key will begin to flash and the
prompt “CH-1” will again appear in the ETD.

12) Press the flashing ENTER key and allow the Self-Test to
proceed. When the Self-Test is complete chamber one will
be fully initialized.

13) Set the switch box to chamber two. Turn the Atomlab
OFF. Wait five seconds and turn it back ON.

14) At the “beep” use the ETD ⇑ and ⇓ arrow keys to incre-
ment the ETD value so that it matches the switch box setting.

15) Press the flashing ENTER key and allow the Self-Test to
proceed. When the Self-Test is complete the chamber will be
fully initialized.

16) Turn the Atomlab OFF. Set the switch box dial to the next
chamber and turn the system back ON. Repeat steps 14 to
16 for each additional chamber.
Correction Ensure the Chamber Well Liner and Sample Holder have
been placed into the Chamber Well. Press BKGND.

NOTE: Both the Chamber Well Liner and Sample Holder

should be periodically checked for contamination as
described later in this chapter (the more your dose calibra-
tor is in use, the greater the frequency of checks required).
Constancy Check
Cs-137 Remove your Cs-137 check source from its shield and
place it into the Sample Holder. Lower the holder, with
source, into the Chamber Well.

Press the Cs-137 key. The Activity Display will now show
the activity of your Cs-137 check source.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5

Compare the displayed activity with the decayed calibrated

activity (for an example of how to calculate a decayed activ-
ity see "Isotope Selection Key Calibration", later in this
chapter). For a properly calibrated source above 100 µCi,
the displayed value should be within a few percent of the
decayed calibrated value.

NOTE: If you do not have a Cs-137 source, use a calibrat-

ed Co-57 source and press the Co-57 key to perform the
above steps.


The following procedure allows you to make a typical

Activity Measurement with your Atomlab 100.

1) Place the radioisotope to be measured into the Sample

Holder and carefully lower it into the Chamber Well.

2) Press the Isotope Selection key corresponding to the

isotope to be measured.

3) The Activity Display should now show the activity of the

selected isotope.


A Moly Breakthrough test is an evaluation of the amount of

Mo-99 contamination in a vial or syringe of Tc-99m. Tc-99m,
a decay product of Mo-99, is obtained from a generator by
leaching it from the column of Mo-99 after it is formed.

The test method has been derived from the fact when
Mo-99 decays, high energy gamma photons (~750  keV)
are produced which can "breakthrough" a lead wall with a
thickness sufficient to totally absorb the lower energy
Tc-99m gamma. Therefore, when a Tc-99m source is placed
in a properly shielded lead container and inserted into the
Chamber Well of the Atomlab 100, any measured radiation
will be due to Mo-99 gamma transmission.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5

NOTE: The Mo-99 key has been calibrated to measure the

activity of Mo-99 in a source contained within the optional
Moly Breakthru Shield. You must use this breakthrough
shield. Failure to do so may result in inaccurate results.
The Activity Display will show a direct readout of the activity,
which means that corrections for wall absorption have been
included in the Calibration Value.

Procedure Perform the following steps to carry out the Moly

Breakthrough test.

1) Insert empty Moly Shield and press the Mo-99 key. The
Electronic Thumbwheel Display will begin a 30-second

2) Once the countdown is finished, verify that the Activity

Display reads 0.05 µCi or less. Wait about 30 seconds
more for the Atomlab 100 to stabilize. If the value is too
high, press the BKGND key. You may continue when the
BKGND LED indicator goes OFF.

3) Place the Tc-99m source in the Moly Shield and carefully

lower it into the Chamber Well.

4) Again press the Mo-99 key. The Electronic Thumbwheel

Display will begin another 30-second countdown.

5) After the count reaches 0, the Activity Display should be

stable enough for an accurate Mo-99 activity reading.

NOTE: Although the Mo-99 countdown is intended to sug-

gest an adequate time frame, the Atomlab 100 will continue
to acquire Mo-99 data as long as the Mo-99 key is selected.
As a general rule, the longer you wait, the more stable the

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5


If you have an isotope whose activity has already been

accurately calibrated, such as a source obtained from the
National Institute of Standards & Technology, you may use
it to set a Calibration Value for any of the Standard Isotope
Selection keys. The procedure is as follows.

1) Obtain the calibrated activity and its date.

For example, the National Institute of Standards &

Technology source you obtained is I-125 with the
following properties:

Activity measured: 12/13/88, 12:00 EST

Activity per unit mass: 1.195 MBq/g ±0.005 (±0.5%)
Mass: 4.95863 g

The half-life is 59.6 days ±0.2

Let A = current activity

Ao = activity at time of calibration

A = Aoe – In(2)(t/T1/2)
where t = time lapse since calibration and T1/2 = half life

Ao = (1.195 MBq/g)(4.95863 g)
= 5.926 MBq
= 160.2 µCi

t = 60.25 days
A = 160.2 e – In(2)(60.25/59.6)
= 79.5 µCi (2.94 MBq)

2) Insert the source with Sample Holder into the Well.

3) Press any standard Isotope Selection Key. The current

Calibrated Value for the key will show in the Electronic
Thumbwheel Display. If you are calibrating for an isotope
not listed on the front panel, select the 1 or 2 key.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5

4) Use the ⇑⇓ keys to change the setting on the Electronic

Thumbwheel Display so that the Activity Display shows
the current activity of the sample which was calculated in
step 1. The ENTER LED starts flashing.

NOTE: Because the calibration factors have a finite

number of steps (i.e., the calculated value for activity
may lead you to try and put in 7.345 when the calibration
factor can only be 7.3 or 7.4). You may not be able to
perfectly match the calculated value for activity. In other
words, you may have to round the number.

5) Press the ENTER key. The Selected Isotope key is now

programmed with the Calibration Value on the Electronic
Thumbwheel Display. The ENTER LED turns OFF.

6) Press the SETUP key. The SETUP LED turns OFF to

indicate the Atomlab 100 is out of Setup mode.

NOTE: Should you find that you never use one or more of
the standard Isotope Selection keys, you may use the proce-
dure above to reset them for a radioisotope you do frequent-
ly measure. However, you must identify or mark the key with
the isotope for which it is programmed.


Key Calibration
The following procedure allows you to measure the activity
of a radioisotope not included among the ten standard pre-
set keys. The calibration values you set for the keys labeled
OTHER, 1 and 2 are programmed into memory, eliminating
the need to reset the keys later (unless you need to meas-
ure a different non-standard isotope).

NOTE: In order to change the default Calibration Value for

the other key you must select this key prior to initiating the
Setup mode.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5

NOTE: When you press one of the User Defined Isotope

Selection keys (the OTHER, 1 and 2 keys), the Calibration
Value for the selected key will always appear on the
Electronic Thumbwheel Display. The only time the
Calibration Value for the other Isotope Selection keys will
appear on the Electronic Thumbwheel is when the Atomlab
100 is in Setup mode.

1) Press the SETUP key. The SETUP LED comes ON. The
OTHER key LED begins to flash indicating you may
select the OTHER display units if desired.

2) Press the key labeled 1 (or 2). The 1 (or 2) LED comes

3) Select the Calibration Value from Appendix E

corresponding to the radioisotope you intend to

4) Use the ⇑⇓ keys to set the Calibration Value on the

Electronic Thumbwheel Display. The ENTER LED starts

5) Press the ENTER key. The 1 (or 2) key is now

programmed and will retain the Calibration Value you set
it to, even if you turn OFF your Atomlab 100.

6) Press the SETUP key. The Atomlab 100 is now out of

Setup mode.
The Standard Should you need to return the standard Isotope Selection
Keys keys (labeled Co-57, Cs-137, ... , Tc–99m) to their original
preset Calibration Values, follow the above steps, but with
the following changes:

• For step 2) press the standard Isotope Selection key in


• For step 3) look up the preset calibration dial value in

Appendix D.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 5

Checking the From time to time you may wish to check the Calibration
Standard Keys Values of the standard Isotope Selection keys. With Appendix
D before you, press SETUP and then press the standard
Isotope Selection keys, comparing the settings on the
Electronic Thumbwheel Display with values in the appendix.
Pressing SETUP again takes you out of Setup mode.


To ensure that your Sample Holder is not contaminated,
perform the following steps.

1) Remove the Sample Holder from the Detector.

2) Ensure that the Activity Display reads less than ±0.05

µCi or (MBq). If not, use the BKGND key to correct for
the change in background radiation.

3) Place the Sample Holder into the Chamber Well.

4) Press the Mo-99 key. If, after the 30-second countdown

on the Electronic Thumbwheel Display, the activity is
>2µCi, set the sample holder aside. Repeat the test
{steps 1) through 3)} the next day or after a weekend. If,
after the repeat test, the activity is still >2µCi or greater,
you need to order a replacement Sample Holder
because of contamination.

5) If the activity is < 2µCi, place the Sample Holder back in

the Chamber Well and, if the activity value now reads
greater than 0.05 µCi, again press the BKGND key.
Detector Liner
Check Repeat the above procedure, but only remove and replace
the Well Liner.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Glossary



This glossary provides definitions for the most common

terms relevant to the Atomlab Dose Calibrators.

Accuracy Tests The test of a dose calibrator to see how close the displayed
activity values are to the true values.

Averaging Period The time the Atomlab takes to display a stable activity

Background The function of the Atomlab, initiated by pressing the BKGND

Correction key, which stores a value for the ambient activity. This value
is automatically subtracted from all subsequent activity meas-
urements to compensate for the background activity level.

Becquerel (Bq) The international unit of activity, corresponding to one dps

(disintegration per second, or one nucleus decaying per
second). The Atomlab displays activity values in units of
MBq (million Bq) or GBq (billion Bq).

Calibration The use of calibrated activity sources traceable to the

National Institute of Standards & Technology to calibrate
each Atomlab unit and verify the accuracy of the activity val-
ues it displays.

Calibration Value The value set on the Electronic Thumbwheel (#1) Display to
adjust the Atomlab to correctly respond to a particular
radioisotope. See Response, Ionization Chamber.

Calicheck A sleeve shield package to perform linearity tests on dose


Constancy Check Performing daily checks using a radioisotope with a long

half-life to ensure that the activity values a dose calibrator
displays is stable over a long period of time.

Decay Chart A chart projecting how the activity of a source will decay
over a period of time at specified time intervals.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Glossary

Detector Unit An Atomlab component housing the ionization chamber

detector and the electrometer.
Display Displayed value changes without the removal or insertion of
Fluctuations a source in the Chamber Well.
Display Unit The Atomlab component incorporating the electronics, con-
trol keys and displays which perform and show activity
Dose Calibration The verification of the activity of a radiopharmaceutical to
be administered to a patient, corresponding to the radiation
to be delivered to the body.
Electrometer Measures the current in the ionization chamber, which is
proportional to the activity of a source within the chamber.
Electronic The section of the Atomlab Front Panel consisting of a 4-
Thumbwheel digit display, Increment/Decrement keys (⇑ and ⇓) and an
associated key, which allows the operator to enter any num-
ber possible on the display into the Atomlab program.
Geometry Tests The test of a dose calibrator to determine the variation in
the displayed activity values due to the geometric configura-
tion of the source's container (vial, syringe, etc.) and its
location within the ionization chamber detector.
Ionization A device which responds to the activity of a source by form-
Chamber ing ion pairs which can be collected as a measure of the
Kit A calibrated solution containing a compound labeled with a
radionuclide such as Tc-99m (radiopharmaceuticals). From
such kits doses are prepared to administer to patients to
facilitate nuclear imaging.
L-Block Shield A partially transparent radiation shield behind which doses
can be prepared.
Linearity Tests The test of a dose calibrator to determine the variation in
the displayed activity values from the true ones over the
measurement range of the instrument.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Glossary

Lineator A sleeve shield package to perform linearity tests on dose


Moly Used in the Moly Breakthrough Test to shield the radiation

Breakthrough of the Tc-99m in an eluent so that the activity of the Mo-99
Shield can be measured.

Moly Break- Used to determine the percentage of parent Mo-99 remain-

through Test ing in the eluent containing the daughter Tc-99m radionu-

Molybdenum-99 The parent radionuclide which decays into the daughter Tc-
(Mo-99) 99m, used to generate radiopharmaceuticals.

NIST National Institute of Standards & Technology, whose activi-

ties include maintaining radioactive material standards.

NRC Nuclear Regulatory Commission, which is the agency of the

Federal Government which regulates radioactive materials.

Range Selection The Atomlab unit automatically selects which range of

Display units (µCi or mCi, or MBq or GBq) to be used for
the Activity Display to show activity values with the most sig-
nificant number of digits.

Response, The variation of the ion current collected by an ionization

Ionization chamber because of individual decay processes associated
Chamber with different radioisotopes. Calibration Values are required to
adjust the output of the electrometer for each radioisotope to
compensate for this variation in response, thereby ensuring
accuracy over the entire range of commonly used radioiso-
Sleeve Shield
A method of performing linearity tests on a dose calibrator
by encircling a single source with leaded sleeves of varying
thickness, thereby reducing the activity the dose calibrator
measures by a known amount. Comparison of the expected
and actual activity values constitutes the test of linearity.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Glossary

Source Decay A method of performing linearity tests on a dose calibrator

by measuring the initial activity of a source, accurately cal-
culating its decayed activity at prescribed time intervals, and
making activity measurements at those time intervals.
Comparison of the calculated and actual activity values con-
stitutes the test of linearity.
Traceability Refers to using sources for calibrating a dose calibrator
whose activities can be traced to the National Institute of
Standards & Technology.
Zero Calibration Compensating for electronic drifts in the input and output of
the electrometer of a dose calibrator so that they do not
affect the accuracy of the displayed activity. The Atomlab's
electrometer does this automatically by constantly subtract-
ing the first of two successive activity measurements from
the second, so that any offset is compensated for.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A



Should it appear that your Atomlab Dose Calibrator is not

functioning properly, the procedures explained in this
appendix, and on the Quick Reference Chart provided with
this manual, should allow you to determine whether a
problem does indeed exist and what steps can be taken to
correct the difficulty.

Should you encounter any of the problems discussed in the

following sections, immediately perform the accompanying
steps to ascertain whether your dose calibrator requires
servicing. If you conclude that it does, contact the Biodex
Customer Service Department at 1-800-224-6339 for further

This appendix assumes that you have performed all the

basic installation procedures presented in Chapter 2.


The following problems are described in this appendix.

• System will not Power Up

• Fluctuations in Activity Measurement
• Unexpected Readings
• Determining the current Software Version
• Display Unit Fuse Inspection and Replacement
• Setting Up the Atomlab to accept 100 VAC or 240 VAC
• Important Notes about System Errors


If your Atomlab Dose Calibrator fails to power up, perform

the following steps, proceeding to the next step only if the
current one fails to remedy the problem:

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A

Procedure 1) Turn the Power Switch OFF for several seconds, then
switch it back ON.

2) Turn the power OFF again and remove the Power Cord
from the electrical outlet. Remove the other end of the
Power Cord from the receptacle on the rear of the
Display Unit.

3) Re-insert the Power Cord into the receptacle and then

plug the Power Cord back into the outlet. Turn the
power back ON.

4) Turn the power OFF, remove the Power Cord from the
outlet and verify that the voltage of the outlet is correct.
If not, repair the outlet or find another outlet that
provides the required voltage. Re-insert the Power Cord
and turn the power back ON.

5) Turn the power OFF, remove the Power Cord from the
outlet and remove the Fuse Holder, as described later in
this appendix (see Figure A-1). Verify that both fuses are
intact. If one or both are not, replace. Re-insert the Fuse
Holder into the rear panel of the Display Unit. Re-insert the
Power Cord into the outlet and turn the power back ON.

If your system still will not power up, call the Biodex
Customer Service Department.


When the system is displaying activity for the more common

isotopes, the electrometer continually averages the data it
receives from the detector. This ensures, for most readings,
a stable Activity Display.

After you insert an isotope into the Detector and select the
properly calibrated key, the display may vary at low activity
values as the system acquires the new data. After a short
time the Activity Display will stabilize, with expected fluctua-
tions described below. If the display continues to fluctuate,
and you have verified it is not because of a high Calibration
Value, consult Biodex Customer Service Department.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A

Display Fluctua- For some isotopes which require a high Calibration Value,
tions For High you may observe fluctuations of ±0.5 µCi or more. Keep in
Calibration mind that the Calibration Value for an Isotope is related to
Values gain of the electrometer, or by what factor the electrometer
has to amplify the signal from the detector. The Calibration
for Tc-99m is 33.6, and a reading of 10 µCi for Tc-99m is
equivalent to 10-12 Amps measured by the electrometer.
High Calibration Values impact gains so that the electrome-
ter amplifies inherent noise to a greater degree. Thus,
greater fluctuations are observed in the Activity Display.

For instance, the Calibration Value for Co-60 is 5.0. The fluctua-
tion due to noise probably would not be noticeable (±0.01 µCi).
The fluctuation due to noise for Tc-99m (33.6) is approximately
±0.05 µCi. For an isotope requiring a Calibration Value of 500
(for P-32 it is 632) the fluctuation will be ±0.5 µCi or more.

Mo-99 The Atomlab Dose Calibrator begins averaging display data

Fluctuations the moment you press the Mo-99 key (Calibration Value
=180). This means that at first the fluctuations will seem rela-
tively high before gradually decreasing. This is why the
Atomlab Dose Calibrator provides the 30-second countdown.
In addition, the relatively high Calibration Value means the
fluctuation due to inherent noise will be slightly higher than
for the other common isotopes. Again, these fluctuations are
to be expected and do not require any action on your part.


If for some reason you suspect that the reading on the

Activity Display is inaccurate, ensure that the Calibration
Value for the proper Isotope Selection key is correct.


To verify the current Atomlab 100 Display Unit firmware level:

1) Press SETUP.

2) Press TEST. The Display Unit software level

will appear on the ETD (#1) window.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A

3) Press TEST twice more to return the system to normal

operating mode.


The following section provides the procedure to remove the

Fuse Holder. Refer to Figure 2-3, which shows the rear
panel of the Atomlab Display Unit, and Figure A-1, which
illustrates the actual Fuse Holder replacement procedure.

CAUTION: Due to the possibility of electrical shock, danger

of injury to yourself, and damage to the equipment, does
exist. Be sure to switch the power OFF, and unplug the unit,
before proceeding.

ATTENTION: Due à la possibilité de choc électrique, il

existe un danger de vous blesser ou de causer des dom-
mages à l’équipement. Assurez-vous de bien fermer l’ap-
pareil et de le débrancher avant de procéder.
Procedure 1) Rotate the Display Unit so that you are looking at the
rear panel. Directly to the right of the connector labeled
CHAMBER (between the power plug and ON/OFF
switch), locate the Fuse Holder. This is labeled in the
center with USE ONLY WITH 250V FUSES, on the
bottom with100V-120V read upright and on the top with
200V-240V read upside down.

2) The orientation of the Fuse Holder determines the

Orientation power the Atomlab unit requires. If the label
100V-120V can be read upright (the label 200V-240V is
upside down), and the corresponding arrow directly
below the label points to the arrow on the rear panel
directly below the Fuse Holder, then you must plug your
dose calibrator into an 100 VAC power source.

If, conversely, the label 200-240 can be read upright (the

label 100V-120V is upside down), and the corresponding
arrow directly below the label points to the arrow on the
rear panel directly below the Fuse Holder, then you must
plug your dose calibrator into a 200 VAC power source.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A

3) There is a small indentation to the left of the Fuse

Holder. Insert the end of a flat-edged screwdriver into
the indentation and gently pry the Fuse Holder out
slightly. Now, use your fingers to pull the Fuse Holder
out of the panel.

Fuse Inspection Once the Fuse Holder is removed, inspect the filament at the
center of the two fuses. If it is burned or broken in any way the
fuse must be replaced. If the filament does not appear to be
broken or burned, test the fuse for continuity with an ohm

Figure A-1: Removing the Fuse Holder

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A

Fuse The following fuses must be used:

100-120 VAC Two SLO-BLO 5x20 mm 1/2 Amp

200-240 VAC Two SLO-BLO 5x20 mm 1/4 Amp

CAUTION: The danger of damage to the equipment exists. Be

sure you properly orient the Fuse Holder prior to replacing it.

ATTENTION: Danger de dommage à l’ équipement.

Assurez-vous de bien orienter le support de fusibles acant
de le remplacer.
Fuse Holder To replace the Fuse Holder, position it into the indentation
Replacement from which it was removed and gently push it back into
place. It is critical to first determine the particular power
requirement (100 VAC or 240 VAC) and ensure the Fuse
Holder is properly oriented before turning the system back
ON. See step 2), above.


Figure 2-3 shows the proper orientation of the Fuse Holder

to set up your Dose Calibrator for 100 VAC operation. The
Fuse Holder contains two 1/2 Amp, 250 VAC fuses.

If you should wish to set up your system to accept 240

VAC, remove the Fuse Holder, as described above, replace
the existing fuses with 1/4 Amp, 250 VAC fuses, and then
replace the Fuse Holder with the proper orientation.


Following the Self-Test, if a fault has been detected the

TEST LED will remain on and the Electronic Thumbwheel
Display (#1) will show the first error message in the Form
"Er.1, Er.2", etc. Each time you press the TEST key the next
Error Message, if further faults have been detected, will be
displayed. The TEST LED will flash continuously to inform
you that more errors have been detected.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix A

After you have reached the last error message, press the
TEST key once more. If one or more of the Error Messages
still persist, refer to Appendix A or the Atomlab Dose
Calibrator Trouble-shooting Guide provided with this manual.

NOTE: In some instances an electronics glitch will cause an

error to be displayed, even though there is no problem with
your dose calibrator. For this reason, be sure to run the
Self-Test a second time if an initial review of the problem
indicates no fault exists.

NOTE: For certain error fault you can press the TEST key
and continue to use your dose calibrator. The LED on the
TEST key will continue to flash, reminding you that action to
correct the problem must eventually be taken. Some of
these faults can be easily corrected over the phone by the
Biodex Customer Service Department. Other faults, howev-
er, require that you return the dose calibrator to Biodex
Medical Systems for servicing.

Chamber CAUTION: Only qualified service personnel should remove

Service the chamber cover. There is an electrical shock hazard.
Components under cover operate at 350 volts. The cham-
ber bias supply capacitors require at least two weeks, with
power disconnected, to discharge to less than 50 volts.

ATTENTION: On ne doit confier qu'à un personnel d'entre-

tien qualifié le soin de déposer le couvercle de la chambre
d'ionisation. Il y risque de danger électronique. Les com-
posants sous le couvercle fonctionnent sous une tension
d'environ 350 V. La chambre d'ionisation est dotée de con-
densateurs qui nécessitent au moins deux semaines d'ali-
mentation débranchée pour se décharger à moins de 50 V.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix B

Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator Specifications

This appendix provides the physical and operating specifi-
cations of your Atomlab 100 Dose Calibrator.

For Tc-99m, 0.01 µCi to 9999 mCi, auto-ranging.

Units are user selectable:

Ci Bq

00.01-19.99 µCi .001-1.999 MBq

20.0-199.9 µCi 2.00-19.99 MBq
200.-1999. µCi 20.0-199.9 MBq
2.00-19.99 mCi .200-1.999 GBq
20.0-199.9 mCi 2.00-19.99 GBq
200.0-9999. mCi 20.0-399.9 GBq

Auto selection:
one second above 2 mCi;
three seconds between 200 µCi and 2 mCi;
three to 30 seconds below 200 µCi.

Overall accuracy of activity determination for specific front
panel isotopes using the factory set Calibration Values is
within 3% or 0.3 µCi, whichever is greater.

NOTE: Intercomparison of calibrated sources and the

Atomlab 100 requires combining the uncertainties of both
the Atomlab 100 and the calibrated source to determine
expected agreement.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix B

Detector Within 1% or 0.2 µCi, whichever is greater.


Electrometer Within 1% or 0.2 µCi, whichever is greater.


Electrometer Within 1% or 0.2 µCi, whichever is greater.


Stability Short term (24 hours): within 0.3% above one mCi,
exclusive of background.
Long term (one year): within 1%.

Display Fluctuations Activity Range

< 1 Digit > 199.9 µCi

< ±2 > 19.99 µCi
< ±4 0.01 to 19.99 µCi

25 keV to 3 MeV

Ten preset Keys: Co-57, Cs-137, I-131, In-111, Ga-
67, Xe-133, I-123, Tl-201, Mo-99, and Tc-99m.

Two user programmable keys: 1 and 2.

OTHER key for setting on-the-spot Calibration Values for

non-standard isotopes.


Four digit Calibration Value Display with
Increment/Decrement keys to change value. Range is from
000.1 to 999.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix B

Well-type pressurized ionization chamber, with Argon filled
gas. Replaceable plastic liner included. Dimensions are:

Well opening: 2.5 in. (6.4 cm)

Well depth: 10.25 in. (26 cm)

Detector Shield .25 in. (6 mm) lead surrounding ionization chamber, with top
well opening.

Chamber Bias 300 volt electronic power supply.


Temperature: 0 to 40°C
Humidity: 0 to 95% rh, non-condensing

For optimum performance, the Atomlab 100 should be oper-

ated in a normal laboratory environment where the tempera-
ture and humidity are maintained for normal human comfort
and the ambient radiation level is low and constant.

Display Unit Detector Unit

Size: 3.75 x 12 x 14.3" 7.5 x 7.5 x 16.25"

(9.5 x 30.5 x 36.3 cm) (19 x 19 x 41.3 cm)
Weight: 6 lb (2.72 kg) 35 lb (15.9 kg)

Line Voltage POWER

100 to 120 VAC 1/2 A, or 200 to 240
VAC 1/4 A, selectable with fuse card.

Line Frequency 50/60 Hz

Detachable line cord. Built-in EMI filter and transient sup-

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix B

Length 10 ft. (3.1 m)
Conductors Six total: two for power, one for chassis ground, three for serial
Connectors AMP Mate-n-Lock, white with hooded strain relief.

Activity Display Four digit, seven segment red LED, 0.57 in. (14.5 mm)
high, four floating decimal point indicators between digits.
Activity Units Four discrete inscriptions back lit with large red LEDs: mCi,
µCi, MBq or GBq (right adjacent to digits).
All Keys Momentary contact, rubber with conductive pad.

Adjacent red LED to indicate selection.

Isotope Selection I-131, In-111, Ga-67, Xe-133, I-123, Tl-201, and
Keys Tc-99m.

Each key has a pre-assigned Calibration Value for activity

measurements in a standard syringe or vial form.

Keys can be reset for new Calibration Values.

The Mo-99 key is calibrated for Mo-99 assay in a shielded vial

of Tc-99m. The Atomlab 100 provides a 30-second countdown.
Calibrator Co-57 and Cs-137: used for accuracy and constancy
Constancy checks.
Isotope Keys

Other Isotope Key OTHER, 1, and 2: allows activity display of other isotopes. In
Setup mode the OTHER key selects units.
Electronic Four digit, seven segment red LED, 0.27 in. (6.9 mm) high,
Thumbwheel with colon between second and third digits, and three float-
ing LED decimal point indicators between digits.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix B

Two round Increment/Decrement keys below display. When

an Increment/Decrement key is depressed momentarily, the
Display changes accordingly by one digit.

If the key is held down, the Display changes slowly at first

(1 digit per 1/4 second), then more quickly after two-and-
one-half seconds (ten digits per 1/4 second), after which the
display will change full range in about seven seconds.

Electronic Displays Calibration Value when OTHER, 1 or 2, has

Thumbwheel been selected;
Error Number when ER. is lit.

Calibration Value of pre-selected isotope when in Setup

mode (000.1-99.).

Control Function The ENTER key (to the right of the Electronic Thumbwheel
Keys Display) programs the Calibration Value to correspond with
the selected isotope key.

The SETUP key allows the selection of activity display units

and the calibration of all of the isotope Selection keys. To
enter Setup mode, press the key once. Pressing the key a
second time takes the Atomlab 100 out of Setup mode.

The TEST key enables the Dose Calibrator’s Self-Test pro-

gram, which includes a test of the electrometer sensitivity,
chamber bias supply, software checksum, and the display.

The BKGND key enables the background radiation measure-

ment for storage and automatic correction.

Line Voltage 100 to 120 VAC 1/2 A, or 200 to 240 VAC 1/4 A, selectable
with Fuse Holder (See Appendix A).
ETL Listed
Electrical Equipment, Laboratory Use;
Part 1, General Requirements for Safety conforms to
UL STD 3101-1, conforms to EN 6010-1,
EN 60601-1-1

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix B

Authorized European Community Representative: Prothia, Paris, France



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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C


This appendix provides methods of performing radioisotope
decay calculations.

The first section provides two methods of performing Decay

Calculations, the second section provides the Decay Factor
Chart, and the third section provides an explanation of how
the procedures used in the first section, and the Decay
Factor Chart in the second section, are generated.


If you are using a calculator with the Yx function, perform
the following:

1) Measure the current activity of the radioisotope (A0,)

which can be compared to the calculated decayed

2) Look up the half life T1/2 of the radioisotope in Appendix

D. Note the time units.

3) T1/2 = Half life of the isotope

t = Elapsed Time
A = Current Activity
A0 = Activity at the time of calibration

4) Calculate A = A0 x 2(-t/T1/2)

5) Calculate the elapsed time (t) in the same units as the

(T1/2) that will elapse between when the calibrated activity
measurement was made and when you wish to know
what the decayed activity of your radioisotope will be.
The following is a calculation of the decayed activity of Tc-
99m, with an initial activity of 43 mCi, after 53 minutes:

1) A0 = 43 mCi.

2) For Tc-99m, T1/2 = 6.007 h.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C

3) Elapsed t = 53 min x 1 hr = 0.8833 hr

60 min

4) A = A0 x 2(-t/T1/2)
A = 43 mCi x 2(-0.8833/6.007)
A = 43 mCi x 2(-0.147045)
A = 43 mCi x 0.903
A = 38.83 mCi


The following method is used to perform radioisotope decay
calculations using a calculator without the ex function:

1) Measure the current activity Ai of the radioisotope.

2) Look up the half life T1/2 of the radioisotope in Appendix

D. Note the time units.

3) Calculate the time t, in the same units as T1/2, that will

elapse between when the activity measurement was
made and when you wish to know what the decayed
activity of your radioisotope will be.

4) Calculate t / T1/2 in terms of N + R, where N is an

integer (0, 1, 2, etc.) and R is less than 1.

5) Look up Xn (N) in Table 1.

6) Look up Xr (R) in the Decay Factor Chart.

7) Calculate Af = Ai x Xn (N) x Xr (R).

Sample The following is a calculation of the decayed activity of Tc-
Calculation 99m, with an initial activity of 43 mCi, after 32.5 hours:

1) Ai = 43 mCi.

2) For Tc-99m, T1/2 = 6.007 h.

3) t = 32.5 h.

4) t / T1/2 = 32.5 h / 6.007 = 5.410. N = 5, R = 0.410.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C

5) From Table 1, Xn (5) = 0.03125.

6) From the Decay Factor Chart, the .41 row and the .001
column, Xr (.410) = .75262.

7) Af = Ai x Xn (N) x Xr (R) = 43 mCi x (0.03125) x (.75262)

= 1.01 mCi.

N Xn (N) = 2 -N

0 1
1 0.5
2 0.25
3 0.125
4 0.0625
5 0.03125
6 0.01563
7 0.007813
8 0.003906
9 0.001953
10 0.000977

Table 1

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C


Xr (R), where R = t / T1/2 (0.000 to 0.499)
R .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009
.00 1.00000 .99931 .99861 .99792 .99723 .99654 .99585 .99516 .99447 .99378
.01 .99309 .99240 .99172 .99103 .99034 .98966 .98897 .98829 .98760 .98692
.02 .98623 .98555 .98487 .98418 .98350 .98282 .98214 .98146 .98078 .98010
.03 .97942 .97874 .97806 .97739 .97671 .97603 .97536 .97468 .97400 .97333
.04 .97265 .97198 .97131 .97063 .96996 .96929 .96862 .96795 .96728 .96661
.05 .96594 .96527 .96460 .96393 .96326 .96259 .96193 .96126 .96059 .95993
.06 .95926 .95860 .95794 .95727 .95661 .95595 .95528 .95462 .95396 .95330
.07 .95264 .95198 .95132 .95066 .95000 .94934 .94868 .94803 .94737 .94671
.08 .94606 .94540 .94475 .94409 .94344 .94278 .94213 .94148 .94083 .94017
.09 .93952 .93887 .93822 .93757 .93692 .93627 .93562 .93498 .93433 .93368
.10 .93303 .93239 .93174 .93109 .93045 .92980 .92916 .92852 .92787 .92723
.11 .92659 .92595 .92530 .92477 .92402 .92338 .92274 .92210 .92146 .92083
.12 .92019 .91955 .91891 .91828 .91764 .91700 .91637 .91573 .91510 .91447
.13 .91383 .91320 .91257 .91193 .91130 .91067 .91004 .90941 .90878 .90815
.14 .90752 .90689 .90626 .90563 .90501 .90438 .90375 .90313 .90250 .90188
.15 .90125 .90063 .90000 .89938 .89876 .89813 .89751 .89689 .89627 .89565
.16 .89503 .89440 .89379 .89317 .89255 .89193 .89131 .89069 .89008 .88946
.17 .88884 .88823 .88761 .88700 .88638 .88577 .88515 .88454 .88393 .88332
.18 .88270 .88209 .88148 .88087 .88026 .87965 .87904 .87843 .87782 .87721
.19 .87661 .87600 .87539 .87478 .87418 .87357 .87297 .87236 .87176 .87115
.20 .87055 .86995 .86934 .86874 .86814 .86754 .86694 .86634 .86574 .86514
.21 .86454 .86394 .86334 .86274 .86214 .86155 .86095 .86035 .85976 .85916
.22 .85857 .85797 .85738 .85678 .85619 .85559 .85500 .85441 .85382 .85323
.23 .85263 .85204 .85145 .85086 .85027 .84968 .84910 .84851 .84792 .84733
.24 .84675 .84616 .84557 .84499 .84440 .84382 .84323 .84265 .84206 .84148
.25 .84090 .84031 .83973 .83915 .83857 .83799 .83741 .83683 .83625 .83567
.26 .83509 .83451 .83393 .83335 .83278 .83220 .83162 .83105 .83047 .82989
.27 .82932 .82874 .82817 .82760 .82702 .82645 .82588 .82531 .82473 .82416
.28 .82359 .82302 .82245 .82188 .82131 .82074 .82017 .81960 .81904 .81847
.29 .81790 .81734 .81677 .81620 .81564 .81507 .81451 .81394 .81338 .81282
.30 .81225 .81169 .81113 .81057 .81000 .80944 .80888 .80832 .80776 .80720
.31 .80664 .80608 .80552 .80497 .80441 .80385 .80329 .80274 .80218 .80163
.32 .80107 .80051 .79996 .79941 .79885 .79830 .79775 .79719 .79664 .79609
.33 .79554 .79499 .79443 .79388 .79333 .79278 .79223 .79169 .79114 .79059
.34 .79004 .78949 .78895 .78840 .78785 .78731 .78676 .78622 .78567 .78513
.35 .78458 .78404 .78350 .78295 .78241 .78187 .78133 .78079 .78025 .77970
.36 .77916 .77862 .77809 .77755 .77701 .77647 .77593 .77539 .77486 .77432
.37 .77378 .77325 .77271 .77218 .77164 .77111 .77057 .77004 .76950 .76897
.38 .76844 .76791 .76737 .76684 .76631 .76578 .76525 .76472 .76419 .76366
.39 .76313 .76260 .76207 .76154 .76102 .76049 .75996 .75944 .75891 .75838
.40 .75786 .75733 .75681 .75628 .75576 .75524 .75471 .75419 .75367 .75315
.41 .75262 .75210 .75158 .75106 .75054 .75002 .74950 .74898 .74846 .74794
.42 .74742 .74691 .74639 .74587 .74536 .74484 .74432 .74381 .74329 .74278
.43 .74226 .74175 .74123 .74072 .74021 .73969 .73918 .73867 .73816 .73765
.44 .73713 .73662 .73611 .73560 .73509 .73458 .73408 .73357 .73306 .73255
.45 .73204 .73154 .73103 .73052 .73002 .72951 .72900 .72850 .72799 .72749
.46 .72699 .72648 .72598 .72548 .72497 .72447 .72397 .72347 .72297 .72247
.47 .72196 .72146 .72096 .72047 .71997 .71947 .71897 .71847 .71797 .71747
.48 .71698 .71648 .71598 .71549 .71499 .71450 .71400 .71351 .71301 .71252
.49 .71203 .71153 .71104 .71055 .71005 .70956 .70907 .70858 .70809 .70760

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C


Xr (R), where R = t / T1/2 (0.500 to 1.0)
R .000 .001 .002 .003 .004 .005 .006 .007 .008 .009
.50 .70711 .70662 .70613 .70564 .70515 .70466 .70417 .70368 .70320 .70271
.51 .70222 .70174 .70125 .70076 .70028 .69979 .69931 .69882 .69834 .69786
.52 .69737 .69689 .69641 .69592 .69544 .69496 .69448 .69400 .69352 .69304
.53 .69255 .69208 .69160 .69112 .69064 .69016 .68968 .68920 .68873 .68825
.54 .68777 .68729 .68682 .68634 .68587 .68539 .68492 .68444 .68397 .68349
.55 .68302 .68255 .68207 .68160 .68113 .68066 .68019 .67971 .67924 .67877
.56 .67830 .67783 .67736 .67689 .67642 .67596 .67549 .67502 .67455 .67408
.57 .67362 .67315 .67268 .67222 .67175 .67129 .67082 .67036 .66989 .66943
.58 .66896 .66850 .66804 .66757 .66711 .66665 .66619 .66573 .66526 .66480
.59 .66434 .66388 .66342 .66296 .66250 .66204 .66159 .66113 .66067 .66021
.60 .65975 .65930 .65884 .65838 .65793 .65747 .65702 .65656 .65611 .65565
.61 .65520 .65474 .65429 .65384 .65338 .65293 .65248 .65203 .65157 .65112
.62 .65067 .65022 .64977 .64932 .64887 .64842 .64797 .64752 .64707 .64662
.63 .64618 .64573 .64528 .64483 .64439 .64394 .64349 .64305 .64260 .64216
.64 .64171 .64127 .64082 .64038 .63994 .63949 .63905 .63861 .63816 .63772
.65 .63728 .63684 .63640 .63596 .63552 .63508 .63464 .63420 .63376 .63332
.66 .63288 .63244 .63200 .63156 .63113 .63069 .63025 .62982 .62938 .62894
.67 .62851 .62807 .62764 .62720 .62677 .62633 .62590 .62546 .62503 .62460
.68 .62417 .62373 .62330 .62287 .62244 .62201 .62157 .62114 .62071 .62028
.69 .61985 .61942 .61900 .61857 .61814 .61771 .61728 .61685 .61643 .61600
.70 .61557 .61515 .61472 .61429 .61387 .61344 .61302 .61259 .61217 .61174
.71 .61132 .61090 .61047 .61005 .60963 .60921 .60878 .60836 .60794 .60752
.72 .60710 .60668 .60626 .60584 .60542 .60500 .60458 .60416 .60374 .60332
.73 .60290 .60249 .60207 .60165 .60123 .60082 .60040 .59999 .59957 .59915
.74 .59874 .59832 .59791 .59750 .59708 .59667 .59625 .59584 .59543 .59502
.75 .59460 .59419 .59378 .59337 .59296 .59255 .59214 .59173 .59132 .59091
.76 .59050 .59009 .58968 .58927 .58886 .58845 .58805 .58764 .58723 .58682
.77 .58642 .58601 .58561 .58520 .58479 .58439 .58398 .58358 .58317 .58277
.78 .58237 .58196 .58156 .58116 .58075 .58035 .57995 .57955 .57915 .57875
.79 .57834 .57794 .57754 .57714 .57674 .57634 .57594 .57554 .57515 .57475
.80 .57435 .57395 .57355 .57316 .57276 .57236 .57197 .57157 .57117 .57078
.81 .57038 .56999 .56959 .56920 .56880 .56841 .56801 .56762 .56723 .56683
.82 .56644 .56605 .56566 .56527 .56487 .56448 .56409 .56370 .56331 .56292
.83 .56253 .56214 .56175 .56136 .56097 .56058 .56019 .55981 .55942 .55903
.84 .55864 .55826 .55787 .55748 .55710 .55671 .55632 .55594 .55555 .55517
.85 .55478 .55440 .55402 .55363 .55325 .55287 .55248 .55210 .55172 .55133
.86 .55095 .55057 .55019 .54981 .54943 .54905 .54867 .54829 .54791 .54753
.87 .54715 .54677 .54639 .54601 .54563 .54525 .54488 .54450 .54412 .54374
.88 .54337 .54299 .54261 .54224 .54186 .54149 .54111 .54074 .53036 .53999
.89 .53961 .53924 .53887 .53849 .53812 .53775 .53737 .53700 .53663 .53626
.90 .53589 .53552 .53514 .53477 .53440 .53403 .53366 .53329 .53292 .53255
.91 .53218 .53182 .53145 .53108 .53071 .53034 .52998 .52961 .52924 .52888
.92 .52851 .52814 .52778 .52741 .52705 .52668 .52632 .52595 .52559 .52522
.93 .52486 .52449 .52413 .52377 .52340 .52304 .52268 .52232 .52196 .52159
.94 .52123 .52087 .52051 .52015 .51979 .51943 .51907 .51871 .51835 .51799
.95 .51763 .51727 .51692 .51656 .51620 .51584 .51548 .51513 .51477 .51441
.96 .51406 .51370 .51334 .51299 .51263 .51228 .51192 .51157 .51121 .51086
.97 .51051 .51015 .50980 .50945 .50909 .50874 .50839 .50803 .50768 .50733
.98 .50698 .50663 .50628 .50593 .50558 .50523 .50488 .50453 .50418 .50383
.99 .50348 .50313 .50278 .50243 .50208 .50174 .50139 .50104 .50069 .50035
1.0 .50000

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C


Calculator The radioactivity of an isotope can be calculated as it
Method decays using the following expression:

Af = Ai e-λt


Af = final activity at the end of the decay time;

Ai = initial activity measured at some starting time;

t = net decay time in units inverse to λ; and

λ = (lamda) decay constant specific to the radioisotope.

λ = ln (2) / T1/2 = 0.693 / T1/2


T1/2 = half life specific to the radioisotope.

So, using a calculator with the ex function, decay calcula-

tions can easily be performed, as shown in the first section
of this appendix.
Decay Factor If you do not have a calculator with the ex function, the
Method above expression can be rewritten as follows:

Af = X Ai


X = Xn (N) x Xr (R)

N = integer number of half lives in time t; and

R = decimal remainder after dividing t by T1/2. To verify this,

remember three important relations regarding exponentials:

e(A + B) = eA x eB ;

eln(A) = A ; and

Biodex Medical Systems C-6 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix C

eAB = (eA)B .

Now t / T1/2 = N + R

where N is an integer, and R is the remainder less than 1.

For t = 32.5 hours and T1/2 = 6.007 hours,

t / T1/2 = 32.5 / 6.007 = 5.410

so that N = 5 and R = 0.410.

Now, to simplify calculations, we can write the above rela-

tion as:

Af = Ai e-λt = Ai e-ln (2)t / T1/2

Af = Ai e-ln (2)(N + R) = Ai e-ln (2)N x e-ln (2)R

= Ai x Xn (N) x Xr (R)

Xn (N) = e-ln (2)N = (eln (2))-N = 2-N

This expression is used to generate the values in Table 1.

Xr (R) = e-ln (2)R

This expression is used to generate the Decay Factor Chart

for values of R from 0.001 to 0.999.

For the above example

Xn (5) = 0.03125

Xr (0.410) = 0.75262
Af = X Ai = [Xn (N) x Xr (R)] Ai = [0.03125 x 0.75262] 43 mCi

Af = 1.01 mCi

Biodex Medical Systems C-7 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix D



This appendix provides the preset Calibration Values for the

standard Isotope Selection keys on your Atomlab Dose
Calibrator, as well as the half-lives for the radioisotopes.

These preset calibration values are dependent on the firm-

ware level of your Chamber Unit. Atomlab users with firm-
ware level six should refer to Chart A. If your firmware level
is five or less, refer to Chart B.

Chart A
(For Chamber Units with level six or higher firmware only.)

Isotope Selection T1/2 Pre-Set

Key Calibration Value
Tc-99m 6.007 h 33.6
Mo-99 65.92 h 180
Tl-201 72.91 h 18.8
I-123 13.221 h 12.9
Xe-133 5.243 d 19.0
Ga-67 3.261 d 30.2
In-111 2.805 d 12.7
I-131 8.021 d 22.2
Cs-137 30.0 y 17.4
Co-57 271.7 d 29.3

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix D

Chart B
(For Chamber Units with firmware level five or less.)

Isotope Selection T1/2 Pre-Set

Key Calibration Value
Tc-99m 6.007 h 31.5
Mo-99 65.92 h 179
Tl-201 72.91 h 18.0
I-123 13.221 h 14.4
Xe-133 5.243 d 19.6
Ga-67 3.261 d 28.0
In-111 2.805 d 13.5
I-131 8.021 d 22.6
Cs-137 30.0 y 17.3
Co-57 271.7 d 27.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E



This appendix provides Calibration Values which you may

use to program the non-standard Isotope Selection keys of
your Atomlab Dose Calibrator.

These values are dependent on the firmware level of your

Chamber Unit. Atomlab users with firmware level six or
above should refer to Chart A on page E-2. If your firmware
level is five or less, refer to Chart B on page E-6.

To determine the firmware level of your dose calibrator, refer

to Appendix H.

NOTE: For Y-90, be sure to see the section "Dial Settings

for Y-90", at the end of this chapter.

Biodex Medical Systems E-1 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

Biodex Medical Systems E-2 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

Biodex Medical Systems E-6 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E


The typical Atomlab Dose Calibrator dial setting for Y-90
activity in a 10 cc plastic syringe is 375. This value can be
used as a starting point for initial measurements. However,
it is recommended that the dial setting used for clinical
measurements be determined from the first dose of Zevalin
received from the radiopharmacy, as outlined below. Follow
on doses should then be compared to the radiopharmacy
doses for constancy.

A sampling of Atomlab Dose Calibrators has been tested

with a NIST traceable Y-90 activity in a 10 cc plastic syringe
geometry with volumes ranging from three to nine cc. A Dial
setting range for Y-90 was determined to be 363 to 394 for
an accurate activity measurement. The average volume
dependence for this sampling of Atomlab Dose Calibrators
was determined to be 0.13%/cc, using three, four, five, six,
seven, eight and nine cc in the 10 cc plastic syringe.
Therefore, the volume dependence is negligible and the
same dial setting can be used for all volumes as distributed
by IDEC for Y-90 Zevalin.

The Y-90 recipient, using an Atomlab Dose Calibrator,

should determine the correct dial value from the first Y-90
dose that they receive from a commercial radiopharmacy.
This is determined by selecting the OTHER key and adjust-
ing the dial setting until the displayed activity agrees with
the decay corrected Y-90 syringe activity as stated by the
commercial radiopharmacy. If the adjusted dial setting falls
within the range of 363 to 394, then use that dial setting.

If it falls outside the range, then verify that:

a) there is a well liner in place
b) a hook style dipper is used
c) the annual accuracy and daily constancy tests
results are acceptable

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix E

If these criteria are met, then determine the percent differ-

ence of the new dial value with respect to the nearest range
limit value (363 or 394), i.e., Dial Value Error (DVE). Add
this percent to the Change in Constancy Percent Error
(CCPE). If the sum of the errors is in the range of -2% to
+2%, then the new dial value should be used. If not, contact
Biodex Technical Support. The user may also want to con-
tact the radiopharmacy to determine if a calibration error
may have occurred.

NOTE: The CCPE is the percent change from calibrator

installation of the constancy measurement, where CCPE =
"Today's" Constancy Percent Error – "Installation's"
Constancy Percent Error. The Constancy Percent Error is
the measurement error with respect to the decay corrected
source activity. A change down in the Atomlab Calibrator
constancy will cause a change up in the dial value required
to compensate the change in constancy, and visa-a versa.
Thus, the CCPE will have the opposite sign as the DVE, so
adding them should cancel to within 2%.

For example, a new dial value for Y-90 is found to be 400.

This falls outside the range and is +1.5% higher than 394.
The constancy measurement shows a -2.5% change since
the Dose Calibrator was installed. Their sum is (+1.5%) +
(-2.5%) = -1.0%, which within -2% and +2%. The dial value
of 400 should be used.

NOTE: For all Dose Calibrator Models, the well liner must
be installed before making measurements. The well liner
provides attenuation for the Y-90 betas that would otherwise
enter the chamber and cause high readings.

Biodex Medical Systems E-10 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix F


This appendix describes the calibration procedures per-

formed on your Atomlab Dose Calibrator and their traceabili-
ty to the National Institute of Standards & Technology.


The calibration of the Atomlab Dose Calibrators is directly

traceable to the National Institute of Standards &
Technology, formerly the National Bureau of Standards
(NBS). This is achieved through the establishment of a set
of working laboratory standards, the maintenance of these
working standards, and the use of these working standards
to calibrate each Atomlab Dose Calibrator.

The working standards consist of two ionization chambers

identical to the chambers used in each Atomlab Dose
Calibrator for radiation measurement, and several long-lived
radiation sources.

The two standard ionization chambers have been calibrated

using radionuclides that were calibrated by the National
Institute of Standards & Technology, generating response
numbers. These response numbers were then used to
determine the photon response function of the ionization
chambers. The shielding configuration is identical to that of
the Atomlab Dose Calibrator design.

The National Institute of Standards & Technology sources

are in glass ampule form and, because of the potential for
breakage, are not suitable for routine calibration. Instead the
working standards are in epoxy resin form in a plastic vial E
package. These standards have been calibrated against the
National Institute of Standards & Technology sources in the

Biodex Medical Systems F-1 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix F

two standard ionization chambers. Together, the chambers

and the sources provide a high degree of accuracy and
redundancy. Periodically, the source activity is measured in
the two standard chambers and the results are compared to
the expected decayed activity.

The Atomlab Dose Calibrator must first pass all electronic

testing and operate for three days prior to calibration.
Calibration then takes place with the Co-60 working stan-
dard. The calibration value is stored in a special memory
chip on the chamber circuit board. Calibration is then veri-
fied by measuring the activity of all the working standards,
including Co-60, Cs-137, Ba-133, and Co-57.

Finally, a Tc-99m source in a 10 ml vial of saline is calibrat-

ed in the two standard ionization chambers. After calibra-
tion, the response to the Tc-99m standard is measured and
verified to be within 2%.

Biodex Medical Systems F-2 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix G


NOTE: The optional RS-232 serial interface board must be

factory installed. If you did not order your system with this
option, disregard this appendix. If you wish to give your dose
calibrator the capability to communicate with a remote per-
sonal computer (and to a printer via the computer) you must
return the unit for installation. Contact the Biodex Customer
Service Department at 1-800-224-6339 for details.

With the serial interface board installed, there will be a 9-pin

male connector in the location labeled PC PORT on the rear
panel of the Display Unit. The Atomlab Dose Calibrator will
continually transmit data to the port, whether a remote PC is
connected or not. Data transmitted is Activity Value, Isotope
Selected, and the Calibration Value for that isotope.

NOTE: The software to perform this remote communication will

have to be individually tailored for the particular PC you intend
to use. Although Biodex Medical Systems does not carry the
software, we can provide the names of companies that do.


Starting with Version 5.0 of the Atomlab 100 firmware, the

PC port is bidirectional. Until this release, the PC port was
strictly a transmission port for the calibrator. The calibrators
now recognize the following commands:


Hex Ascii Key Meaning Response

0x03 ETX ^C Send one record One record is sent

0x11 DC1 ^Q Start automatic
transmission 0x06 ACK ^F
0x13 DC3 ^S Stop automatic
transmission 0x06 ACK ^F
0x31 1 1 Send one record One record is sent
0x32 2 2 Start automatic
transmission 0x06 ACK ^F
0x33 3 3 Stop automatic
transmission 0x06 ACK ^F

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix G

The second group of commands is included to aid developers

of third party software. The characters "1,2,3" will not be inter-
cepted or interrupted by off-the-shelf serial port software pack-
ages, whereas the control characters very likely will be.

Do not attempt to communicate with the calibrator during its

power-up sequence. The response is undefined. All PC port
commands may be ignored after this attempt.

During normal operation, the above six characters are recog-

nized, all others are ignored.

During a self-test sequence, i.e., the TEST key was pressed, all
characters are ignored, including the six PC port commands.

The PC port operates at 4800 baud, no parity, 8 data bits and

1 stop bit.

The start of a record character is a tilde (0x7E ~ ~) (Hex Ascii

Key). The end of a record character is a line feed (0x0A LF
^J). A record is made up of four fields in the case of the Dose
Calibrators and five fields in the case of PET calibrators. The
field separator is one or more spaces (0x20 SP Spacebar).

The first field starts with the first character after the title and
Dose Calibrator
Records continues until a space is encountered. It may be from two till
six characters in length. There are thirteen isotope names.
Typical sample records are shown below (version 5 firmware):

Atomlab 100
~Tc-99m 31.5 2.54 µCi
~Mo-99 179. 25.6 mCi
~Tl-201 18.0 14.0 MBq
~I-123 14.4 19.5 GBq
~Xe-133 19.6 1.57 µCi
~Ga-67 28.0 2.24 µCi
~In-111 13.5 -1.08 µCi
~I-131 22.6 1.80 µCi
~Cs-137 17.3 1.37 µCi
~Co-57 27.0 2.15 µCi
~#2 278. 22.3 µCi
~#1 5.0 0.40 µCi
~OTHER 7.7 -0.61 µCi

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix G

The second field is the dial value that is being used to cal-
culate activity. The third field is the numerical value of activi-
ty. This number may be positive or negative. The fourth and
last field is the units of activity. They will be µCi, mCi, MBq
or GBq. The final character is the end of record character as
described above.


Load your communications software after your calibrator is

up and running. Press Alt-W to bring up the translation
table. Change 10 to be translated to 13. Press F3 to acti-
vate the translation table. (You may want to save this table
for future use.) Press Esc to exit this option. Press Alt-F3 to
add a line-feed after each carriage return. Records will
appear on your screen, one per line at the rate of approxi-
mately one record per second. If this is not the case, press
"3" to command the calibrator to use automatic transmis-
sion. If you would like to use "records on request only",
press "2". Then press "1" each time you would like the cali-
brator to send you a record.


As of Version 5.0 of the Atomlab 100 firmware, the PC port

for the calibrator will include additional commands that will
allow full control of the calibrator through the PC port. A
series of one byte codes are equated to each button on the
keyboard. All of the same key strokes that are valid from the
keyboard will be available to the user through the PC port.
The commands are the letters A-Z plus "[" and "\" for the 28
possible keys. This is Ascii codes 0x41 through 0x5C. Q
has no meaning for the Atomlab 100. For all units T =
SMPL# or Enter Key for the left most electronic thumbwheel
(ETW #1). W = up arrow for ETW #1. X = down arrow for
ETW #1. Y, Z, [, \ do not apply to the Atomlab 100

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix G

Code Isotope
A Tc-99m
B Mo-99
C Tl-201
D I-123
E Xe-133
F Ga-67
G In-111
H I-131
I Cs-137
J Co-57
K #2
L #1
T Unlabeled
W Up Arrow ETW#1
X Dn Arrow ETW#1
[ N/A
\ N/A

N/A = Not Applicable

Biodex Medical Systems G-4 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix H



special precautions regarding EMC and needs to be installed
and put into service according to the EMC information pro-
See chart on next page

NOTE: Portable and mobile RF communications equipment


NOTE: Contact Biodex Medical Systems for additional

EMC information.

Biodex Medical Systems H-1 Release 2.0

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Standard Test Method Range Limits Result

IEC 61000-3-2 Harmonics 100 Hz to 2KHz Class A THD = 39.77%
IEC 61000-3-3 Flicker observation time (TP) 10 min - -
max voltage change (dmax) 4% .24%

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max Rel steady state voltage change (dc) 3% .03%
duration of d(t)>3%(t) .2 sec 0.00 sec
short term flicker Sev (PST) 1.00 .04
long term flicker Sev (PLT) .65 .04
IEC 61000-4-2 Electrostatic Discharge 4 Kv + 6Kv pos/neg 1pps for 10 sec no degradation of performance complied
IEC 61000-4-3 Radiated Immunity 1 KHz to 2500 MHz/3v/m/Horiz & no degradation of performance complied
IEC 61000-4-4 Electrical Fast Transient/Burst, PWR Input leads 2 Kv/pos+neg/5KHz no degradation of performance complied
ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual

Power Leads REP Rate

IEC 61000-4-6 Conducted Immunity, 150 KHz to 80 MHz /3Vrms no degradation of performance complied
Power Leads
IEC 61000-4-8 Magnetic Immunity 3A/M RMS @ 50/60 Hz no degradation of performance complied
IEC 61000-4-11 Voltage Dips and Interrupts Int Pause % no degradation of performance complied
Duration between reduction
Int 20msec pause 10 sec >95% no degradation of performance complied
Int 100msec pause 10 sec 60% no degradation of performance complied
Int 500msec pause 10 sec 30% no degradation of performance complied
Int 5000msec pause 10 sec >95% no degradation of performance complied
CISPR 11 Conducted Emissions 150 KHZ-30 MHz, Class A, Group 1 79/73 dbuV QP complied
66/60 dbuV AV
CISPR 11 Radiated Emissions 30 MHz – 1GHz, Class A, Group 1 40/47 dbuVm @ 10 m complied

IEC 61000-4-5 Surge Immunity, 1 Kv, differential, 2 Kv Commons no degradation of performance complied
Power Leads Pos, Neg

Date: 3/8/05
Atomlab\Rick Prince - dc methods test.doc :cs:dv

Release 2.0
Appendix H
ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix I


Use the following procedure to determine the firmware level

of your Atomlab 100 Display and Chamber Units.

1) Press SETUP four times.

2) Press TEST. The Display Unit firmware level will appear

on the Electronic Thumbwheel Display.

3) Press TEST again to display the Chamber Unit

firmware level.

4) Press TEST once more to display high voltage.

5) Press TEST once more to return to the isotope

value setting.

1) Press SETUP to return to the normal operating mode of

the system.

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix J

Biodex Medical Systems ®

APPENDIX J: Quality Assurance Testing of AtomLab Dose Calibrators
Quality Assurance Testing of AtomLab Dose Calibrators
(Manufacturer’s* Instructions)
The following procedures are the manufac- • Constancy: Starting at installation and After repair of the dose calibrator, repeat
turer’s instructions for qualifying at least once each day before measuring the above tests as a new installation.
AtomLab® 100, 100+, 200, and 300 dose patient dosages (±5 percent).
calibrators in accordance with NRC regula- NOTE: A plastic well liner and source dipper
• Dial Value Setting: at receipt of isotope must be used in all measurements.
tion 10 CFR 35.60 of 1 January 2003. Use of activity in container other than a plastic
these instructions outside the USA may syringe (±10% from decay corrected cal- NOTE: If possible, leave the dose calibrator
require modification in order to satisfy ibration activity). powered-on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If
local regulations. • Linearity: at installation and at least not, allow 1 hour warm-up after power-on
Qualification is the determination of errors quarterly thereafter (±5 percent). before performing these procedures.
associated with the following tests at the • Geometry: at installation (±5 percent). NOTE: Assay means to place the source con-
indicated frequency. Acceptable errors for
• Accuracy: at installation and at least tainer into the dose calibrator so that the
each test are indicated in parentheses.
annually thereafter (±5 percent). dipper is resting in the well liner.

Constancy means reproducibility in mea- 1 Press the Background (Bkgnd) button. exceeds the tolerance, make correc-
suring the same source, over a period of When the display zeroes, the unit has tions2 to all future measurements.
time, with decay correction. automatically adjusted for Background. 5 Repair or replace the dose calibrator if
Assay a relatively long-lived source (such as 2 Assay each reference source using the the error exceeds ten percent (10%.)
Cs-137) each day before using the appropriate dose calibrator setting (i.e.,
calibrator. use the Cs-137 setting to assay Cs-137.) 1. Tolerance Limits: Determine the tolerance limits
Cs-137, 100 µcuries, is strongly recom- 3 Record the activity reading of the con- from: Low Limit = 0.95 x INITIAL; High Limit =
mended because the 30-year half life will stancy source in a permanent log that 1.05 x INITIAL, where INITIAL = the average of
the first two weeks of constancy measurements. In
assure use of the same source throughout has limits or tolerance bars1. the log, decay the tolerance limits and INITIAL val-
the life of the calibrator, and it is readily 4 Compare the measurement with the ue using half life of the isotope (Cs-137, 30 years).
available. allowed tolerance. If the measurement 2. Correction resulting from constancy error: Cor-
Consider using the following procedure or rected measurement = Measurement x (INITIAL/
ACTUAL) Constancy Record.

Dial Value Settings and Source Containers (Glass Vial, Glass Syringe, etc.)
The Atomlab Dial Value (DV) settings procedure. During following steps, set DV Container with source material
enable the software to convert ion cham- to the Atomlab published value. 1 Assay Container with the isotope source
ber current into a displayed activity value material, record as (Container Activity)1.
for the isotope corresponding to the DV Container with no source material
selected. The displayed activity value is 1 Assay a quantity of isotope source mate- 2 Transfer part or all of the source mate-
directly proportional to the DV. rial in a plastic syringe, nominal wall rial from the Container into a plastic
thickness of 1mm, record as (Plastic syringe, nominal wall thickness of 1mm.
The isotope’s “source container” is either a
vial or syringe; the composition of the vial Syringe Activity)1. 3 Assay the plastic syringe with the iso-
or syringe MAY influence the accuracy of 2 Transfer part or all of the source mate- tope source material, record as (Plastic
the activity measurement. The DV supplied rial from the plastic syringe into the Syringe Activity).
in the Atomlab User Guide (Instruction empty Container. 4 Assay the partial or “empty” Container
Manual), or pre-programmed into the front 3 Assay the Container with the isotope for residual activity, record as (Container
panel isotope keys, are calibrated for use source material, record as (Container Activity)2.
with the source material in an un-shielded plas- Activity). 5 Calculate the Container Dial Value for
tic syringe (nominal 1mm wall), while 4 Assay the partial or “empty” plastic use with isotope assayed,
hanging in the supplied “source dipper”
syringe for residual activity, record as
syringe support. For isotopes contained in ( PSA )
CDV = DV ⋅ ------------------------------------ ,
(Plastic Syringe Activity)2.
sealed long lived QA sources (Cs-137, etc.), ( CA ) 1 – ( CA ) 2
the DV supplied are calibrated for use with 5 Calculate the Container Dial Value for
type Vial E epoxy sources or equivalent. use with isotope assayed in that type of where PSA = Plastic Syringe Activity and
container, CA = Container Activity.
Accurate measurement of unsealed
sources in any other configuration must be ( PSA ) 1 – ( PSA ) 2 Typically, for glass wall source Containers,
with a new Container Dial Value “CDV”, CDV = DV ⋅ ------------------------------------------------- , CDV will be higher than DV when the iso-
( Container Activity ) tope has a significant portion of low
determined by the USER with the following
where PSA = Plastic Syringe Activity. energy photons in its emission spectrum.

*Manufactured by Sun Nuclear Corporation, Melbourne, FL; distributed by Biodex Medical Systems.
July 8, 2004 P/N 107012 Rev. B; © 2004, Sun Nuclear Corp. page 1 of 4

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix J

Biodex Medical Systems Quality Assurance Testing of AtomLab® Dose Calibrators

Linearity means the proportionality of the the first assay. Decay-correct each dis- acceptable range and if the 1st linearity test
measurement result to the activity mea- played activity measurement (M) using by decay produced acceptable cfM values at
sured, as determined over the intended the equation, higher M values, then the dose calibrator
range of use for the dose calibrator. t - passes. The two linearity tests should have
This test is done using a vial or syringe of T1 ⁄ 2 overlapping activity values in the acceptable
Tc-99m whose activity is at least as large as M0 = M ⋅ ( 2 ) ,
range.3 Hint: Recalculate first test ( M 0 )
the maximum activity normally assayed in
where T1/2 = 6.007 h. Record the values. without including failing values from low
a prepared radio pharmaceutical kit, in a
See linearity form, Figure 1. Calculate (M) Mo-99 contamination.
unit dosage syringe, or in a radio pharma-
activity correction factors (cf) by divid-
ceutical therapy, whichever is largest. 5 If cfM < 0.90 or > 1.10, contact Biodex
ing the average of all decay corrected
Decay method measurements ( M 0 ) by each M0, i.e., technical support and provide full
details, including all linearity decay
1 Zero the Background by pressing the Average of all M data.
Background (Bkgnd) button. cfM = ------------------------------------------0- .
M0 ( t ) 6 Put a sticker on the dose calibrator that
2 Assay the Tc-99m syringe or vial in the says when the next linearity test is due.
dose calibrator to obtain the activity. Accept if 0.95 < cfM < 1.05. Consider
This first assay should be done in the correcting the displayed activity mea- Shield method
morning at a convenient time, for exam- surement (M) of radio pharmaceuticals if If you decide to use a set of “sleeves” of
ple, 8 A.M. a linearity error is greater than ± 5% and various thicknesses or combination of
3 Repeat steps 1 and 2 at about noon and less than ± 10%, i.e., 0.90 < cfM < 0.95 sleeves to test for linearity, it will be nec-
again at about 4 P.M. Continue on sub- or 1.05 < cfM < 1.10. Corrected M = M essary to first use the Decay Method to
sequent days until the displayed activity * cfM where subscript M is closest in show the calibrator is linear. Then follow
is ten (10) microcuries or less. If the dis- value to M in most recent linearity form. the directions furnished with your lead
play indicates less than 50 µCi, (1.85 For low activity values, if cfM < 0.95 see sleeves (i.e. Lineator instructions.)
MBq), wait 30 seconds before recording the following note about Mo-99
contamination. If failure occurs at the low activities, check
the display. Or, press the Mo-99 key on
for Mo-99 contamination by repeating the
the AtomLab panel and then the Tc-99m NOTE: If there is any Mo-99 contaminant in test with 1 mCi. See Note under “Decay
key to get a faster reading. Record the the Tc-99m sample, then long decay tines Method,” step 5.
date, time (to the nearest minute), and (>48h) will compromise the decay linearity
activity. test. This will be apparent with decreasing
NOTE: Use of a spreadsheet, such as Microsoft cfM values for the lowest displayed activity
Excel, in steps 4 and 5 will simplify measurements (M). In order to test for this,
3. See “Quality Control Testing of Dose Calibra-
calculations. prepare another linearity test sample with tors,” R.Y.L. Chu and W. E. Simon, Journal of Nu-
4 Convert the time and date information an activity of about 1 mCi. Repeat the lin- clear Medicine Technology, 24, #2, June 1996, pp
you recorded to hours (t) elapsed since earity test. If the cfM values are within an 124-128.

AtomLab Dose Calibrator Linearity Test, Model: _______________ Serial Number:_______________

Date Time Activity Measured, M Hours elapsed, t M0,t cfM = Avg / M0,t
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Avg: ______

Accept if 0.95 < Avg / Mo,t <1.05

Figure 1. Sample dose calibrator linearity test data collection form

Geometry Independence means that the tions. The following test assumes your syringes and vials are tested through-
indicated activity does not change with injections are done with 3 ml plastic out the range of volumes commonly used.
volume or configuration of the source syringes and that radio pharmaceutical kits If a significant volume correction results
material. This test should be done using a are made in 30 ml glass vials. If you do not from these procedures, the tests should be
syringe that is normally used for injec- use these, change the procedure so that

July 8, 2004 P/N 107012 Rev. B; © 2004, Sun Nuclear Corp. page 2 of 4

Biodex Medical Systems J-2 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix J

Biodex Medical Systems Quality Assurance Testing of AtomLab® Dose Calibrators

repeated to verify. AtomLab dose calibra- 6 Repeat step 5 twice more until you have a syringe and inject it into the vial. Assay
tors have been tested for volume assayed 1.5 ml and 2.0 ml volumes and the vial. Record the volume and activity
dependence in beta measurements which recorded them. indicated.
are expected to be worst case and the 7 Assay the vial used to draw saline into 2 Remove the vial from the calibrator and,
results were 0.13 %/ml. 4 the syringe. If the measured activity is using a clean syringe, inject 2.0 or 3.0 ml
greater than 1% of the 0.5 ml syringe of non-radioactive saline, and assay
Syringe test
assay, Tc99m was lost during filling. again. Record the volume and activity
1 In a small vial, mix 2.0 ml of a solution of Repeat the procedure. indicated on the form (Figure 2). Repeat
Tc-99m with an activity concentration the process until you have assayed a
8 Divide the average activity by the activ-
between 1 and 10 mCi/ml. 19.0 ml volume. The entire process
ity indicated for each volume. The
2 Set out a second small vial containing quotient is a volume correction factor. must be completed within ten (10) min-
non-radioactive saline solution. utes, or, if not, decay-correct the
9 If any correction factors are greater than
3 Draw 0.5 ml of the Tc-99m solution into activity.
1.05 or less than 0.95, it will be neces-
the syringe and assay it. sary to make a correction table that will 3 Divide the average activity by the activ-
4 Record the volume and activity of the allow you to convert from “indicated ity indicated for each volume. The
first assayed sample (Figure 2). activity” to “true activity.” If this is nec- quotient is a volume correction factor.
5 Remove the syringe from the calibrator, essary, be sure to label the table 4 If any correction factors are greater than
draw an additional 0.5 ml of non-radio- “syringe geometry dependence”, and 1.05 or less than 0.95, it will be neces-
active saline into the same syringe (total note the date of the test as well as the sary to make a correction table that will
volume 1.0 ml), and assay again. Record model number and serial number of the allow you to convert from “indicated
the volume and measured activity on dose calibrator. activity” to “true activity.” If this is nec-
the form. essary, be sure to label the table “vial
Vial test (30 ml) geometry dependence”, and note the
4. See “Accurate Dose Calibrator Activity Mea- 1 To test the geometry dependence for a date of the test and the model number
surement of Y-90 Ibritumomab Tiuxetan,” J. A. Sie- 30 ml glass vial, draw 1.0 ml of Tc-99m and serial number of the calibrator.
gel et al, J Nucl Med, 2004, 45:450-454. solution (between 1 and 10 mCi/ml) into

AtomLab Dose Calibrator Geometry Test, Model:________________ Serial Number:_______________

Syringe: Type______ Volume_____ Decay correct if test not completed in 10 min.
Date Time Volume (Activity)v Volume cf = Avg/(Activity)v
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Avg: ______

Vial: Type______ Volume_____ Decay correct if test not completed in 10 min.

Date Time Volume (Activity)v Volume cf = Avg/(Activity)v
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
______ ______ ______ ______ ______
Avg: ______

Figure 2. Sample AtomLab dose calibrator geometry test form

Accuracy means a determination of the pal photon energy between 100 keV and calibration, serial number, model num-
dose calibrator’s absolute error resulting 500 keV. ber, and manufacturer.)
from a measurement of a suitable NIST- 1 Press the Background (Bkgnd) button 3 Repeat the procedure for the other cali-
traceable radionuclide activity. Traceable which zeroes the dose calibrator. brated reference source.
sources are available from NIST and from 2 Assay a calibrated reference source at 4 For both sources, decay-correct the ref-
many radioisotope suppliers. At least two the appropriate setting (i.e., use the Co- erence source activity value and record
sources with different principal photon 57 setting to assay Co-57). Record the as “true activity.”
energies (such as Co-57, Co-60 or Cs-137) displayed activity measurement, M, the
should be used. One should have a princi- 5 Calculate activity measurement % error
date, and the reference source identifi- from:
cation (nuclide, activity, date of

July 8, 2004 P/N 107012 Rev. B; © 2004, Sun Nuclear Corp. page 3 of 4

Biodex Medical Systems J-3 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Appendix J

NOTE: Prior to making activity measurements after a preset Dial Value has been
changed on ANY isotope selection key, all Atomlab model Dose Calibrators must
be power cycled; i.e., the Dose Calibrator power switch must be turned OFF and
then back ON. Failure to power cycle after changing any preset key may cause a
measurement ERROR on any or all isotope keys.

Biodex Medical Systems J-4 Release 2.0

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ATOMLAB Dose Calibrator Operation Manual Chapter 1



The Report of Calibration that accompanies the Atomlab Dose Calibrator is intend-
ed to represent evidence that the product was calibrated by the manufacturer
before it was shipped. This report does not serve as an exemption to the accuracy
test that is required at installation of the product in the facility where it will be used.

The date on the Report of Calibration does not expire since the report is not
useful, in the typical sense, as a record of calibration in a periodic maintenance

For example, when a survey meter is purchased, it normally comes with a calibra-
tion certificate, dated within the past 6 or 12 months. This meter is then placed on
a re-calibration schedule, as determined by local regulations. The re-calibration
date may be scheduled from the original calibration date, or simply placed on the
institution’s normal schedule interval for such meters.Re-calibration requires the
meter be shipped to a laboratory that is licensed to perform such a task. There is
no need to check the accuracy of the survey meter upon installation at the facility;
the facility generally has no means to check the accuracy of a survey meter.

The situation and requirement is different for Dose Calibrators. Although modern
manufacturing capabilities have improved the robust nature of dose calibrator
systems, these products tend to be more fragile than survey meters. Therefore,
the NRC determined at an early date that the dose calibrator accuracy must be
tested on site, prior to its introduction into clinical use. This was prudent since, a)
the dose calibrator was being used to measure radionuclides prior to administra-
tion to a patient and, b) the availability of sealed long lived isotopes made this
accuracy test very reasonable at a clinical facility.

The NRC now requires the facility using a dose calibrator to implement the
Manufacturer’s Instructions for Quality Assurance Testing of Dose Calibrators.
Such Instructions accompany all Atomlab Dose Calibrators, and requires the
Accuracy test "at installation and at least annually thereafter. After repair of the
dose calibrator, repeat the above tests as a new installation."

Therefore, the date on the Report of Calibration cannot be used as a substitute for
the installation accuracy test. The only significance of the date is when the dose
calibrator was calibrated at the manufacturer. It never receives another calibration
unless it is returned to the manufacturer. The accuracy test at the facility is not a
calibration; it is simply an accuracy test stating that the dose calibrator measures a
specific radionuclide within a stated error. The date on the Report of Calibration
does not expire until the dose calibrator is returned to the manufacturer.

Biodex Medical Systems J-5 Release 2.0

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Biodex Medical Systems, Inc.
20 Ramsay Road, Shirley, New York, 11967-4704, Tel: 800-224-6339 (Int’l 631-924-9000), Fax: 631-924-9241, Email:,

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