OMWB Simulation

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How to simulate summary of FI-MM Integration GL mapping (i.e.

OBYC) for
‘Movement Type + Material’ combination?

Often, we would like to review how a particular GL account is getting populated in FI document. For this, we
can use Tcode: OMWB (“Simulate Inventory Management”). Below is quick approach

1) Identify ‘transactions’ (Ex: BSX, GBB etc) in FI document for which you are interested to verify the GL
account configured in OBYC
Ex: In the below FI document posted during PGI in a sales order (i.e. 601 Movement type), we can
identify Debit is with ‘GBB’ & Credit is with ‘BSX’

2) Then, go to Tcode: OMWB-> Simulation and give below parameters (Plant, Material, Movement Type),
then select specific variant of movement type and click on “Account Assignment” tab.

CMA Ramesh Kolluru

3) Then, OMWB simulates summary of GL account assignments configured in OBYC which can help as quick
reference in validating FI document posting.

CMA Ramesh Kolluru

4) Cross-check with T030 Table

CMA Ramesh Kolluru

CMA Ramesh Kolluru

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