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Republika ng Pilipinas KAGAWARAN NG EDUKASYON Rehiyon XI SANGAY NG LUNGSOD NG DABAW. Lungsod ng Davao TEL. NOS, 224-3274/224-0100/224-3274/227-4726, 224-0089/22-1672221-8587/224-0854)225-3500 DIVISION MEMORANDUM. No. fys.2017 To From. subject Date ‘Alma C. Cifra, ED ~ Chief, Curriculum implementation Division Teresita F, Del Valle, PhD ~ Chief, School Governance and Operations Division Education Program Supervisors Public Schools District Supervisors and Secondary Schools Cluster Heads Mack Arthur C, Gamnayot ~ SEPS, Research and Planning Section All Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads Schools Division Superintendent UNIFIED TEST CONSTRUCTION OF QUARTERLY EXAMINATIONS 19 SEP 2017 This is to inform all public elementary and secondary schools that construction and release of all quarterly examinations shall be initiated by the Curriculum Implementation Division of the Schools Division of Davao City. This is to ensure that the quarterly examinations being given to our leamers are well ~ distributed across the competences assigned in each quarter based on the most recent curriculum guides. Furthermore, this is to guarantee that all quarterly examinations are valid, reliable, gender- and culture-sensitive, and supports localization! contextualization/ incigenization Due to the peculiarity of the Senior High School offerings of public schools, they are enjoined to prepare their respective quarterly examinations based on their school offerings. Guidelines on classroom assessment are detailed in DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015. ‘All guidelines stated in Part C of Division Memorandum No. 00538, s. 207 re: “Validation of Test Questions for the Quarterly Examinations” are hereby rescinded. For information and compliance, J MARIA INES C. ASUNCION, CESOVI Schools Division Superintahdent fr: ceignppttor2_ test UnifiecKorstuction Aaferance: Ohison Memerecura No. 03538, «2017 Suaseud Biot Lot wwa4 10 SNOLWNIWYXS AYSLYYND JO NOILWAMA ONY NOI: BEou0000 wnanvwowaw x The fable of Specification (705) chal have the flowing format ‘Table 2. Table of Specitication (TOs) Format _ — | leamng Ab of No of & Hees Pceniont Under Each Capra Dox s | Senet [ae tana Aang | Anang | Evalaing | Catng | = =e +e t 2 epirtertate of tems for such earring competency will depend on the number of hours} days area. teach the competency, More i¢eins should be constricted fr teaming competencies os longer instructional hours Sree el 38 SGlact ours in Fipine, a Tipino competency tought for 4 hours has a perc Ten gi Gauivalent to: (ghoursy go total houss) x 100 = 19%, This means that 102 of the tora) numb 17 the Flipine quarteny exam is allot tact for tv potency & Buration and rota! Number of terns in Quarterly Assessment Per Learning area he total nuinber of testiters during quarterly aséesime 5 1525 follows: Table 5 Quarter Grade Lev Assessment Number of item: Per Learning Area Languages [AP ish ae RE i {Wiens Soitens Ft ng — Grades Jang 4 Tan tem “| 40 ome [aOitems— | a0 items | 40 tems | Groves 00 ai tens] $0 ems (Grades 11 anc 50iters | s0temg 7} ims al THES shall be giver one (1) our to ansiver quarterly assessments per learingarea S District Basee/ ter-Based Construction of Test Questions Bssessinent in the la coon | zine at Rebing students pestorm well reation to the leaning nent synthesizes all the Jearnin skills, concepls, and valves leamed ino Sen oie # ihe ed of the quarter. snay 6 In the form of oblective tests, neve standards The quarterly ans entire qual Pertormance-baced sessment or a combination Per Division Memorancus nies for the updated AAW ected hy a yo9! t questions and TOS shouid be based on vestions with ity accompanying 108 will be sed! of Content experts eg, Master ene Toachers The Public Schools District supervisors schedule of the quarterly exam ven in DepEd isu ial Submit those test questions 2 month before the S. FOr SY 2017 ~7018, DepEd Order No. 25, Table 4. Schedule of Quarterly Examinations —_ Quarter ead — = a Gea 7 ah | ES Orcler No O'S Codes 15 — 18), senior high schools shal so administer yazan alice are grades are reported infer 7. However aicompimgsorostr ee Derbi he frst seater isan avrige of suiler | and peicmurce ve Ueteceoen eae averagent Quarter yand quarters pertonnance uate “tach am sThe test des gradeleveli district clus developers seach Garey fate love fo | check teal nister] test tems hased Test bvaluaters q_theconouer bivision Su nly appv Ww schicois wt sest item an; ‘he question Test write dol the Admingtenng, Qeatterty Examinations Figure 1. Pray Teachers itey provige rabies sh 2 The assessment process tothe standards. stalidarcs 19 ter and! siudersts wil 'S of content anc the eating system sre givertin tapi ‘Test evaluators are preteraly Master feache: s the PS0S | Cluster Head shall submit sm, The ik fer the anline form shat be dent tying | inxicated! mia separate Memorondin Least Leurres Competencies po SUSter shall reatea team of lest Gevalopers per leaning area @Very EadS wast 3years, Wg ar€a specidists orhave taught the learning area) Contextualization shat be st » ubsevveu in Constructing tests tor the "of text cuauetors per aming ean Overy content experts, They are tasked to ipnmnert of questions tothe warning competencies and the TOS. Miscigned be seplaced by the evsluntors, alone month prior to of quarterly exams, Wenorancum No 1036, 10, itted by the PSDSe/ ister Heaus 9 tendent ation Program Soper teors shall vaNGaS peor to the epprovalof Ure Schools ed distievb sed Custer based quarterly examinations hoy he district chester. sall beadministered be done using the resuit ofa rancomly selected schoo! to improve eveloners shall be given ai ‘ce-based) cluster based certifications at the shall entity the top five | east earn bis shell be submitted via ae eniine 'ed Competencies per learning area every 1895 Flow in the Tost Construs ‘oh and Tost Valigation formance assassinent when p: FoMance standards are indicated in the ibs to propeny assess the lazeners’ partormanea. ¥y the pool of evaluators anc tnon validated by the Education Propram lund stanéards basect tomeet or even exces performance iy th Tab It seeks (0 ensure that keachers will teach ds. The students’ attainment of erefore.« critical evidence of earning. The datails of je 5 of Deptd Oruye No. 8.5 2015, the stand. rl MARIA INES C. ASUNCION, CESO Vi Schook Division Supgsintgndlent eferonces id Onder We 7 Ded Order No 85 Dest drier te. 3h 20 Cun Ne. 1056, 8 2616

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