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Vamenta Boulevard, Carmen,Cagayan de Oro City

Teacher/ Students : Genevie G. Vicerra

Subject : English – 13
Date : October 10, 2019
Time : 5:00pm- 6:00 pm
Day : Friday
Course and year : BSED-3A


At the end of the lesson, learners will be able to:

a. identify the meaning of the words.

b. understand the story by answering comprehensive questions, and
c. give full understanding to the important of The Three Musketeers.


Topic : The Three Musketeers
References : Original Title : Les Trois Mousquetaires
Publication Date: March- July 1844 (Serialized)
Country :France
Smith , Ian Hayden (2012) international Film Guide 2012 p. 125. ISN
978-1908215017 Studio Babelsberg” Studio Babelsberg 12 October
2010 Retrieved 6 January 2011.
Author : Alexandre Dumas
Materials : Handout, projector , speaker and laptop
Values integration : develop moral values are patience and perseverance.

A. Preparatory Activities
1. Setting of classroom atmosphere
2. Prayer
3. checking of student’s attendance
4. Refresh
The teacher will ask the students the previous lesson.
Development Activities
1. the teacher ask the students the questions?
In what way you become a loyal Friend.

- Possible answer: patience, sacrifice and honest.

d. Lesson Proper/ Presentation
The teacher will give the hand-out of the story to the students and read within 5 minutes
after that Unlock the difficulty of words
Swashbuckling - behaving in a brave and exciting way, especially like a fighter in the past
Swagger - conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manner especially.
To walk with an air of overbearing self- confidence

Entrench - to place within or surround with a trench especially for defense,

To place (oneself) in a strong defensive position.
Pace - rate of movement the runner’s pace especially
An established rate of locomotion.
Embroiled - to cause someone to become involved in an argument or a difficult
Venomous -producing venom in a specialized gland and capable of conflicting
injury or death venomous snakes.

Comrade - an intimate friend or associate. Companion. Reflecting upon all my

comrades that were drowned
Swathe - a long strip or large area especially of land.
Teaser - one that teases .an advertising or promotional devices intended to arouse
interest or curiosity especially in something to follow.

Delirious - relating to, or characteristic of delirium delirious mutterings.

Venomous - producing venom in a specialized gland and capable of inflicting or

death venomous snakes.
Replete - fully or abundantly provided or filled a book replete with- delicious details

Swagger - to conduct oneself in an arrogant or superciliously pompous manners

specially to walk with an air of overbearing self-confidence.

Undimmed -not made dim or dimmer, not dimmed enthusiasm. The bossed silver is

undimmed by handling.

Cliff – hanger - an adventure serial or melo especially. One presented in installments

each ending in suspense
Feuilleton - a part of a European newspaper or magazine devoted to material designed
to entertain the general reader.

D. Discussion The teacher asks the questions

1. why did d’Artagnan travel to Paris?

2. Described’ d’Artagnan ?

E. Generalization
After the discussion the teacher will require the students about the full understanding of the

Direction: Answer the following questions in a ½ sheet of paper
The students will require to answer the comprehensive questions?

1. what are three Musketeers, on the idea that sometimes a friendship

is born out of conflict?
2. What are the three gift that receive to D’Artagnan?
3. What is the subject matter of The three Musketeers?
4. What are the three Musketeers?

5. What is the narrative line of the three Musketeers story?

V. Assignment
Read and study the story in ½ cross wise write the morals lesson about the three
What is the subject of the matter of "The Three Musketeers"?
This novel by Dumas explores the larger than life exploits of the musketeers who
risked life and limb to fight for what is good and right. Set in the time of Louis XIII,
the author brings the
2What were the three paternal gifts that young D'Artagnan received?
The three gifts that young D'artagnan receives from his father, D'artagnan the
elder, are a horse, money, and a letter. The horse is old, yellow, and has no hair
in its tail, which earns D'artagnan.
1.What would be an essay, based on The Three Musketeers, on the idea that
sometimes a friendship is born out of conflict?

The idea that friendship grows out of conflict can be seen in two primary ways in The
Three Musketeers. First, and more generally, the musketeers themselves are brought
together in a common cause....
1. who is Why did d'Artagnan travel to Paris?

1. What is the theme of the Three Musketeers?

2. The Three Musketeers Theme of Friendship. The primary friendship featured in
The Three Musketeers is between four young gentlemen devoted to the King.
Their friendship allows them to combine forces and defeat evil powers that might
otherwise prevail.

E. Generalization
After the discussion the teacher will require the students the reflect the story.


Direction: Answer the following questions in a ½ sheet of paper

The student will identify the correct meaning of words. And write the correct answer.


Who are the characters in the story The Three Musketeers?

The story follows D'Artagnan and the three musketeers Porthos, Aramis, and Arthos, as well as
the characters of Constance, Milady, the Duke of Buckingham, Queen Anne, and the Cardinal.

Were there 3 or 4 Musketeers?

This is why there are four musketeers in every 'Three Musketeers' movie. It never fails. You sit down
to watch a "Three Musketeers" movie or TV show and you're quickly introduced to Athos, Porthos,
and Aramis...and also D'Artagnan.

What is the setting of the Three Musketeers?

Setting. The Three Musketeers is set in 17th century France during the reign of Louis XIII.
The story takes place predominantly in Paris, but the protagonist's adventures take him across
the French countryside and as far as England.Feb 24, 2019

What is the moral lesson of the Three Musketeers?

The moral of The Three Musketeers is all for one and one for all. It means that if they are broken
down and one is alone, that could be bad. However, when the band is all together, they can
conquer all the good things. The other moral lesson of The Three Musketeers is about loyalty.

List of Characters

D'Artagnan - The central character of the novel, d'Artagnan is a young, impoverished Gascon nobleman

who comes to make his fortune in Paris. He is brave, noble, ambitious, crafty, and intelligent. Like any

Romantic hero, he is driven by love and ruled by chivalry, but occasionally prone to fall into amoral


Athos - The most important of the Three Musketeers, Athos is something of a father figure to d'Artagnan.

He is older than his comrades, although still a young man. Athos is distinguished in every way--intellect,

appearance, bravery, swordsmanship--yet he is tortured by a deep melancholy, the source of which no

one knows.

Aramis - A young Musketeer, one of the great Three. Aramis is a handsome young man, quiet and

somewhat foppish. He constantly protests that he is only temporarily in the Musketeers, and that any day

now he will return to the Church to pursue his true calling. Aramis has a mysterious mistress, Madame de

Chevreuse, a high noblewoman, whose existence and identity he tries to keep from his friends.

Porthos - Porthos, the third of the Three Musketeers, is loud, brash, and self-important. He is extremely vain,

and enjoys outfitting himself handsomely; but for all that, he is a valiant fighter and a courageous friend.

His mistress is Madame Coquenard, the wife of a wealthy attorney.

Lady De Winter - A mysterious, beautiful, dangerous, and ultimately evil Cardinalist agent. D'Artagnan

becomes obsessed with her, but eventually she and the Musketeers become fierce adversaries. Milady

has a secret, and she kills anyone who finds it out--her left shoulder is branded with the Fleur-de-Lis, a mark

put on the worst criminals.

Madame Bonacieux - Wife of Monsieur Bonacieux and lady-in-waiting for Queen Anne. Madame

Bonacieux is loyal to the Queen through and through. D'Artagnan falls in love with her, and in doing so

gets involved in the Queen's secret affairs.

Monsieur Bonacieux - D'Artagnan's landlord, and Madame Bonacieux's husband. He originally comes to

d'Artagnan for help when Madame Bonacieux is kidnapped, but after a private audience with the

Cardinal, turns on his wife and becomes a Cardinalist agent.

Monsieur De Treville - The head of the King's Musketeers. Monsieur de Treville is an honorable and

distinguished gentleman, and close friend to the King. He treats all his Musketeers as his sons, and is an

important figure of support for the young d'Artagnan. He is a rival of Cardinal Richelieu for favor and

influence with the King.

King Louis XIII - King of France. Louis XIII is not much of a ruler, and is dominated by his advisors, most

notably Cardinal Richelieu, the most powerful man in France. He is a petulant and petty person, and

those around him who are most successful are those who have learned to manipulate his pettiness.

Cardinal Richelieu - The King's most influential advisor, Richelieu is the most powerful and important man

in France. He is furiously self-absorbed, but also an extremely effective leader of the state. Richelieu works

hard to maintain the reputation and power of the king, since this is the stock on which his own status is


Queen Anne - Queen of France. Anne is Spanish, and her loyalties are divided between her Spanish

heritage, her position as Queen of France, and her love for George Villiers, the Duke of Buckingham. The

King does not trust her, or particularly like her, and the Cardinal hates her. Anne leads an unhappy life in

the court.

George Villiers, The Duke Of Buckingham - Favorite and Minister of War for King Charles I of England.

Buckingham is the perfect English gentleman, handsome, witty, brave, wealthy, and powerful. He is

desperately in love with Anne of Austria, who, more reservedly, returns his affections. Throughout the

novel, Buckingham's only motivation is to see and please Anne.

Lord De Winter - Lady de Winter's brother-in-law. Lord de Winter is a foppish gentlemen, not given to

intrigue or action, but he rises to the occasion when more is demanded of him toward the end of the


Comte De Rochefort - The Cardinal's private spy, a dangerous man.

Comte De Wardes - A Cardinalist agent; Milady is in love with him.

Kitty - Milady's maid; she falls in love with d'Artagnan.

John Felton - A British Naval Officer, ward of Lord de Winter; a Protestant.

Planchet - D'Artagnan's manservant. A very intelligent, reliable, somewhat brave man.

Grimaud - Athos' manservant. Athos has trained him to communicate in hand-signals, to minimize


Mousqueton - Porthos's manservant. Like his master, he enjoys the finer things in life.

Bazin - Aramis's manservant. He wants nothing so much as for his master to enter the Church.
Madame De Coquenard - Porthos's mistress, the wife of a wealthy attorney. She dotes on Porthos, living

for his affection. Porthos keeps her identity secret from his friends, telling them his mistress is a Duchess.

Madame De Chevreuse - Aramis's secret mistress, and a close personal friend of the Queen. Madame de

Chevreuse is banished from Paris because the King, goaded by the Cardinal, suspects her of aiding the

Queen in her personal and political intrigues.

__________1. cannot be at fault.

__________ 2. Carried by.
__________ 3. crowded around someone or something
_________ 4. a greatly loved or admired person.
_________ 5. The act of showing sorrow.
_________ 6. A person that express a strong feeling of love or respect for someone or
_________ 7. Renewal
_________ 8. found an answer or solution to a problem.
_________ 9. state of being away from other people.
_________ 10.the amount of time that a person holds a job office or title.

V. Assignment
Study the story and “learn the past and you will know the future insight , lesson
learned and relate it to your personal experiences. ½ crosswise.

SUMMARY: A historical romance, it relates the adventures of four fictional

swashbuckling heroes who lived under the French kings Louis XIII and Louis XIV, who
reigned during the 17th and early 18th centuries. At the beginning of the
story, D’Artagnan arrives in Paris from Gascony and becomes embroiled in three duels
with the three musketeers Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. The four become such close
friends that when D’Artagnan serves an apprenticeship as a cadet, which he must do
before he can become a musketeer, each of his friends takes turns sharing guard
duty with him. The daring escapades of the four comrades are played out against a
background of court intrigue involving the powerful cardinal Richelieu.
Dumas wrote two sequels that concerned D’Artagnan and the three
musketeers: Vingt ans après (1845; Twenty Years After) and Le Vicomte de
Bragelonne; ou, dix ans plus tard (1848–50; The Vicomte de Bragelonne; or, Ten Years
Later). The Three Musketeers was also adapted numerous times for film.
DETAIL: The Three Musketeers is the most famous of around 250 books to come from
the pen of this prolific author and his 73 assistants. Alexandre Dumas worked with the
history professor Auguste Maquet, who is often credited with the premise for, and
even the first draft of, Les Trois Mousquetaires, although the text, like all his others,
plays very fast and loose with the historical narrative.
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D’Artagnan, the hero, is a Gascon, a young man who embodies in every aspect the
hotheaded stereotype of the Béarnais people. Armed with only a letter of
recommendation to M. de Tréville, head of King Louis XIV’s musketeers, and his
prodigious skill with a sword, this incomparable youth cuts a swathe through
seventeenth-century Paris and beyond, seeking his fortune.
The enduring quality of Dumas’s texts lies in the vitality he breathes into his characters,
and his mastery of the roman feuilleton, replete as it is with teasers and
cliffhangers. The Three Musketeers is a romance par excellence, and the pace of the
narrative carries the reader on a delirious journey. The strength of the characters, from
the “Three Musketeers” themselves, to Cardinal Richelieu and the venomous
“Milady,” need scarcely be highlighted, so entrenched have they all become in
Western culture. The charisma of Dumas’s swaggering young Gascon certainly
remains undimmed.


What is the resolution of The Three Musketeers?

Lady de Winter (Milady), Richelius's spy, has been making life difficult for d'Artagnan.
d'Artagnan and his Musketeers chase her, but before they can get to her, she kills
Constance to revenge...
1 Educator Answer

What happened to D'Artagnan on the way to Paris in The Three Musketeers?

In The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas, Pere (meaning "the father"), a young
man of eighteen called d'Artagnan left his home in Tarbes (in Gascony, in southwestern
France) to make his way to...
1 Educator Answer

Why did the Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan salute Bicara with their swords?

In The Three Musketeers, the Three Musketeers and D'Artagnan salute Bicarat with
their swords because, according to the text, “Bravery is always respected, even in an
enemy.” The context of...
1 Educator Answer

What would be an essay, based on The Three Musketeers, on the idea that sometimes
a friendship is born out of conflict?

The idea that friendship grows out of conflict can be seen in two primary ways in The
Three Musketeers. First, and more generally, the musketeers themselves are brought
together in a common cause....
1 Educator Answer

Who was d'Artagnan? Describe his appearance.

D’Artagnan is the protagonist of Alexandre Dumas's novel The Three Muskateers. He is
a cadet who meets the titular group of the king's Muskateers, Athos, Porthos, and
Aramis, and recounts the...
1 Educator Answer

What is the narrative line of the Three Musketeers story?

The narrative style of The Three Musketeers is told in straight and direct third person
form. It is told in a manner that highlights the heroism of D'Artagnan and his friends,
and does not spend a...
1 Educator Answer

In what way is romance used in The Three Musketeers?

Just to add a bit to tthakker's answer regarding the nature of courtly love, a very
different way of thinking than our modern notions of romantic love. "Romance" does not
mean the...
1 Educator Answer

What are the major conflicts in The Three Musketeers by Alexandre Dumas?

One major conflict can be found in Chapter 26, in which Aramis struggles between love
and religion. "As long as a person loves, and is loved in return, and knows the
whereabouts of his...
2 Educator Answers

What were the three paternal gifts that young D'Artagnan received?

The three gifts that young D'artagnan receives from his father, D'artagnan the elder, are
a horse, money, and a letter. The horse is old, yellow, and has no hair in its tail, which
earns D'artagnan...
1 Educator Answer

Who are the three Musketeers in The Three Muskateers by Dumas, and what does the
word "musketeers" mean?
Dumas tells us right in the "Author's Preface," which is in reality a fictional frame to the
story of the same sort Hawthorne made use of four years later in The Scarlet Letter
(written between...
1 Educator Answer

For an essay, how are clichés are used in The Three Musketeers by Dumas? I don't

A young man--we can sketch his portrait at a dash. Imagine to yourself a Don Quixote
of eighteen; a Don Quixote without his corselet, without his coat of mail, without his
cuisses; a Don Quixote...
1 Educator Answer

D'Artagnan is originally from Gascony. Why is this information important?

To a large extent, Alexandre Dumas restored the somewhat damaged reputation of

Gascons in The Three Musketeers. For centuries they had been mocked by France's
educated elite for their rough...
1 Educator Answer

Why did d'Artagnan travel to Paris?

D'Artagnan has made the long journey from Gascony to Paris in order to join the elite
corps of musketeers. His father has given him a letter of introduction to a Monsieur de
Tréville, the captain...
2 Educator Answers

What is the subject of the matter of "The Three Musketeers"?

This novel by Dumas explores the larger than life exploits of the musketeers who risked
life and limb to fight for what is good and right. Set in the time of Louis XIII, the author
brings the...
1 Educator Answer

What is the theme of the book The Three Musketeers, by Alexandre Dumas?
There is not one main theme, but here are a few which are recognized as major themes
in the book: "The Quest": the quest of a young man to make his fortune "Brotherhood":
the camaraderie of a...
1 Educator Answer

For the book/movie The Three Musketeers, what is a description of the time period?

Like other novels of Alexandre Dumas, "The Three Musketeers" is a historical romance,
a narrative with historical background. The three musketeers personify three faults of
the time...

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