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Clean Enough to Drink

(introduces the children to the context or problem and asks them to help solve it.)
We are running out of clean drinking water! Our water ways are filled with pollution,
rubbish and chemicals that we cannot drink.

97.5% of the earths water is our salt water oceans which we cannot drink.
If we don’t do something soon we will run out of clean drinking water quicker than we expected.

Your Task:
It is our job to clean our water ways! You are required to create a filtration system to remove the pollution
and chemicals from our water ways, or to filter and clean the salt from our ocean waters. This filtration
system must make the water clean enough to drink.
1. In partners you will research water filtrations systems that we have present today
2. Draw at least 3 design ideas.
3. Choose 1 design, illustrate it clearly and detailed, label your design appropriately.
4. Using recycled material- create a model of your design.
5. Complete a small presentation to the task, displaying and explaining your design to the class and how
it will provide us with clean drinking water.

Project specifications Evaluation

 You must create at least 3 design ideas Your model product must be able to filter at least one of the
 You must show evidence of research to following products.
strengthen your design choices. 1. Salt
 Your model must be made solely of recycled 2. Rubbish
materials. 3. Metals
 You may use glue, sticky tape, hot glue gun (With 4. Oil
teacher assistance) and blue tack to build your 5. Rocks/ sand
structure. Complete a self-evaluation of your product before presenting
 If you need specific materials speak directly to it to the class.
the teacher

Presentation Time:
When your model is complete. You will perform a small
Lesson1: Research Australia’s water ways, How we can clean them,
presentation to the class outlining each component of
and the filtration systems we currently have in place. Create a
your model. brainstorm to demonstrate these ideas.

You must explain how your model will clean water, and
Lesson 2: Determine which substance you will filter. Draw 3 designs
why you have designed it the way that you have. on how you will create a filtration system.

You will also display your model filtrating the desired Lesson3: Finish design illustrations, label the diagram appropriately.
material. Decide on one design to continue further.

You will be marked on your presentation skills. Lesson 4: Clearly illustrate your chosen design on A4 paper. Label
each component of the design and how it places an importance on
your filtration system.

Resources/support materials
Lesson 5 & 6: Create/ build your design using recycled materials.

Can you clean water? –

Lesson 7: Test the effectiveness of your model and make modifications where necessary.

Clean Water for All- Lesson 8: Write a small paragraph explaining how your model works, why it is effective and reasons why it should be used within
our community.
Homemade water filtration- Lesson 9: Presentations

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