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b= TE) SIMPLIFIED Conyrigh 2007 Venancio I. Besavilla, Jr. Givil Engineer - CIT (2nd Place) - August, 1969 Geodetic Engineer - CIT(7th Place) - July, 1966 Former Insrustor: Cebu Insitute of Technology Former Chairman: CE. Dept University of the Vsayas ‘Awardee: Awardee Awardee: Member: Member: Member: Member: Member: Director Treasurer: Director: ‘Asan Outstanding Educator from the Phil Veterans Legion on May 1988 ‘As Outstanding Alumnus in the Field of Education From CIT Alumni Association, Inc, March 1990 ‘At Ouistanding Engineering Educator from the CIT High School Alumni Association. December 1991 Geo-tnstiuie of the American Society of Chil Engineers (ASCE) ‘Sructural Engineering Institute (ASCE) ‘American Conerete Institute (ACD) (idembership No. 104553) ‘American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) (embership No. 346960) PICE Delegation o the American Society of Civil Engineers, 1997 Annual Convention & Exposition (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA) PICE National Board (1997-1999) 2001-2003} 2004-2007) PICE Natlonal Board 2005 - 2000 PICE Cebu Chapter 1991- up tothe present ice President. _ PICE Cebu Chapter 2005 - 2006 President: Cebu Institute of Technology Alurnni Association (2003-2008) ISBN on asiosss .cepU MANILA ea Pr, Pi 2ns Flo. Coreepcion Co Camara wsransoy P Cora ‘¢Szndarao Ss SL Sampara Mara Seach Davao Gry Spire Deore cy Tela) 808 ‘a No hap 2ssstss Te No. (020-3305 Tl (0822) 123-11 Samsing) BAGUIO ‘TACLOBAM CENERAL SANTOS Tan Cae ig Inder Roque UR. «RO Rvers Oy Uotrdes Got Sauna Si Tacobancey Const Looe in Dortican oad “aL no (83) 3263708. Gerera Sane Nol G8 San eae 9, Baqi ty el No (08) 3 Tal Nes (8) 4 ane TABLE OF CONTENTS ane CHAPTER. DESCRIPTION OF TOPICS PAGE NO. 1 Introdiiction 1-9 2 Analysis of Tension Members N10 - 3 SRO Roepe peta 3 Boled Connections for Tension Members OH 126° Ssnsiok tly Gace game 4 + Desgn of Tension Members 17 - 170 Ss ie rekereeet aera 5 Tomson and Shear in Bolted Connections In - 1977 6 — Eccentrically Loaded Bracket Connections 198 - 237 7 Bending Stresses 238 = 302 8 Shearing Stresses 303 - 319 (Pie 9 Defection of Beams 320 - 338 10 Plate Girders, Cover-Plated Beams and BuiltUp Beams 339 - 396 | 11 Beams Bending in Both Axis — a) Unsymmetrcal Bending 397 - 403 8) Design of Purins 404 - 410 )_ Stresses of Unsymmetrical Section an - 42 12 Shear Center 413 - 418 13 Locel Web Yielding and Crippling 419 - 430 14 Tension and Bending 431 - 45 ~ 15 Composite Beams 46 - 474 yon ft Se Des Bows ia 16 Axiaily Loaded Compression Members 475 - 552. WZ Local Buckling For Stiffened and Unstifened Elements 553 - 570 18 Design for Axial Compression with Bending 571 638. 19 Base Plate 639 - 659 ~ 20. Griliage Foundation 660 - 664 TABLE OF CONTENTS CSN is Me SSI ACO eden ee) 2S) 21 22 23 Welded Connections a) » ° d) @ p a” h) » 1m) Welded Beam to Coluran Cor Specifications Lap Joints Welded Connections in Trusses Lap Splice Intermittent Welds Continuous Fillet Welds Plug and Slot Welds Groove Welds Shear and Bending of Welded Bracket Connections + Welded Seat Angle Connection Tension and Shear for Welded Bracket Connections Shear and Torsion for Welded Bracket Connections ection Welded Base Plate Basic Princip «) ») of Plastic Design: Plastic Analysis Collapse Mechanism 665 680 694 696 700 702 708 72 ng 725 764 773 784 a a ee REFERENCES xt ” 10. nL. 14. Basic Structural Design boy Kurt H. Gersile, McGrawhall Book Co Structural Engineering for Professional Engineer's Examination by Max. Kurtz, MoGrawhill Bok Co, Essentials of Structural Design boy Anthony Hoaaly, John Wiley and Sons, Ine: Structural Steel Design by Jack C. MeCormac, International Textbook Co Elementary Theory of Structures bay Wang and Eckel, MeGrawhill Book Co, Design of Steel Structures boy Kazim and Jindal Prentice Hall of Ini Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations by Tyler G. Hicks, MeGrawhill Book Co, Structural Engineering Handbook (2nd Edition) by Gaylord and Gaylord, McGrail Book Ca Design in Structural Steel boy john Lothers, 2nd Edition Prenti India Steel Structures by Vezirani and Ratwani, Khanna Publishers, Delht Flementary Structural Analysis by Norris, Wilbur and Ux MeGracoill Book Co. Structural Design by Sutherland and Bowman, in Wiley and Sons Professional Engineers Examination Questions and Answers by William S. La Londe, Jr, 2nd Edition, McGrarhill Book Co. Modern Framed Structures by Johnson, Turmeauare and Bryan, 10th Edition, fon Wiley and Sons REFERENCES ——=_____ ae ICHAPTER ONE ee ee 1.1. Classification OF Structural Stee! 18. Design of Modem Steel Structures ‘by Linton E. Grinter Macmillan Company 16. Elementary Structural Problems in Steel and Timber bby Young and Morrison, 3d Edition, john Wiley and Sons All purpose carton stel (A 36), (4 529) These steels centains 1.7% Carbon, 1.5% Manganese, 0.60% Silicon and 060% Copper. The common type the A 36 has a yield stress of 248 kPa, is suitable for bbalted, welded ot riveted bridges and buildings. 17, Simplified Design of Structural Stee! by Harry Parker, th Editon, John and Wiley and Sons 18. Basic Steel Design ‘by Johnson, Lin and Galambos, 2nd Edition, Prentice Hall Ligh Strength Law Alo Structural Ste (A441 and 572) nestesconanngcaibon and manganese, these steels obtain thei higher irengthe an ion of more alloys such as strengths and otter properties by the additi ys 8 Columibiam, vanadium, chromium silicon, copper and nickel, These steels have yields stresses as low as 276 MPa and as high as 444 MPa. These steels have much greater atmospheric corrosion resistance than carbon steels 39. Structural Steel Design by Jack MeCormac, 3rd Edition, Harper and Row 20. Steel Design Manual bby Brockenbrougi and Johnson, United States Steel Corporation 21, Fundamental Structural Stee! Design (ASD) ‘by Thomas Burns, Delmar Publishers Inc tural Steel, Atmospherc-Cocrosion-Resistance High-Strength Low-Ally Str These structural steet are allayed with small percentages of copper to become more corrosion resistant. When exposed to the atmosphere, the surface of these steel oxidize and form a very tightly adherent film which prevents oxidation and thus eliminates the need for painting. This type of structural stel is particularly used for Structures with exposed members that are difficult to paint, such as 22, Steel Structures Design and Behavior (2nd Edition) ‘by Charles G. Salmon and John E. Johnson, Harper and Row Publishers 23, Steel Design (4th Edition) by Willian T.Segut, Thompson Publisher 24. Structural Steel Design by lack C. MoCormac (LRFD Method) 25. National Structural Code ofthe Philippines, 2001 (VoL 1- Sth Edition) ASEP Publisher (NSCP C101 -01) 26. LRED Steel Design (3rd Edition) by Wallan T. Segui, Thompson Publisher 27. Manual of Steel Design and Construction by Jose A. Bernales, Webster School & Office Supplies bridges, electrical transmission towers. the ASTM grades of steel under these type are (A53, A500, ASO1, A570, A606, 1.2 Properties of Structural Steels: ASTI Decignation Type of Steel A 36 AS ‘Aas igh Strength tow-alloy | 276-345, AST High Strength tow-aloy | 290-450 IAD “Aineepheric Corrsion= Resistant high-strength lowealloy 290-345, ‘Aimspheric Corrsion= resistant high strength low-alloy ‘Quenched and Tempered lowalloy ‘Quenched and Tempered low alloy 1.3, ASTM (American Society for Testing and Materials) Designations of Structural Steel Material conforming to one of the following standard specifications is approved for use under the 501.3 NSCP Specifications Structural Stee Pipe, Stel, Black and Hot-dipped, Zine-costed Welded and Seamless Steel Pile High-strength Low-alloy Structural High-strength Low-alloy Structur Vanadium Stee Manganese 21 Tubing in Rounds a Shapes formed Welded and Seamless Carbon Stee ASTM A36 ASTM A53, grade B ASTM A242 ASTM Addl ASTM A500 ASTM ASOL High-yield Strength, Quenched and Tempered Alloy-Steo! Plate, Suitable for Welding. 4 Structural Steel with 290 MPa Minimum Yield Point "Steel, Sheet and Strip, Carbon, Hot-olled, Structural Quality I High strength, Low-alloy Columbism-Vanadium Steels of Structural Quality High-strength Low-alloy Structural Steel With 345 MPa Minimum Yield Point to 100 mm Thick, 2 Steel, Sheet and Stcip, High-strength, Low-alloy, Hot-rolled and Cold-rolled. With Improved Atmospheric Corrosion Resistance ., - 1. Steel, Sheet and Strip, High-Strength, Low-alloy, Colurbium or Vanadium, or both Hot-Rolled and Cold-Relled « . H4. Hot-formed Welded and Seamless Hight en Loaalley Structural Tubing Structural Ste! for Badges ASTM ASI4 ASTM AS29 ASTM A570 ASTM A872, ASTM A888 ASTM A606 ASTM A607 ASTM A6i8. ASTM A709 4 1.4 Steel Sections Steel Sections are usually designated types are W Section (wise flange), S-beam (American Standard Channels, Tee sections and Angular Sections. hapes of thelr cross sections, The common} andard Beam), American Theos shapes were for difference between W and Sshapes are. nerly called beams and American Standard beams. The: 1) The flange width ofthe S-shape is narrower than the W’shape. The inner face ofthe f the S-shape hasa slope of about 16.7 T ty Example: § 610x134 Deep of beam = 610 mm Theoretical mass = 134 kg/m aig EERE These are doubly symmetrical shapes which are not elassifed as W or S-shapes, They wy symmetrical both x and y-axes. Example W 410 x 85 means that this W shape is 410 mm deep and has a mass of 85 kg/m. This shape consists of two rectangular-shaped flanges connected by a rectangular plate and symmetrical about both the x and y axes. Example: M 356x256 | ly Deep of beam = 356 mm pie a Theoretical mass = 25.6 kg/m deep of beam by=width of flange (= thickness of flange ty = thickness of we ‘ soi ra fa [Beaten] Treo] fos [Oop Te = com] FR ee fam (emp | im] @2 | 109) rao] — a8 [Anam aT ‘These are channel shapes formerly called American Standard Channels, The inner face ofthe flange has the same slope as S-shapes, sa Brample: C380274 "py ‘These were formerly called ship building or Miscellaneous Channels and are not classified as C shapes: Example: MC 458 x 86 or Cee a] 4572 Jone 540 | 778 ERUCTURAL steEL DESIGN al eg angles. Allangles have sample qual angle section 1, 200 x 200 arallel flange faces, i Example: Unequal angle L- 200 x 150 x 25 it [sea ane Ticknas Boxe Wr300x 1193 (Structural Tee or Split Tee) Structural Tees are obtained by splitting W, S or M shapes such that each split section hhas one half the area of the original shape. Nominal depth is 300 mm and a mass of 119.3 kgim obtained by splitting W 600 x 238.6 shape. Example; WT 300 x 1193, Designation [rrsones| sro 2.120 STRUCTURAUSTEEU DESIGN’ 1.5 Floor Live Loads’ (NSCP Section 205.1) Hors shall be designed for the unit live loads as shown on table 15. These leads ual be taken as the minimum live loads in kilonewton per square mete: of Iotzontal projection to be used in the design of buildings for the occupancies listed, «vit loads at least equal shall be assumed for uses not listed in this section but that ‘ite or accoramodate similar loadings, Where it can be determined in designing floors thatthe actual live load wall be greater ius the value shown in Table 1.5, the actual live load shall be used in the desig of sich buildings or portions thereof. Special provisions shall be made for machine and syjaratus loads TABLE 1.5 USEOR occuPANcY USE OR OCCUPANCY [ Desciston Category ae Oe rome Se Ec aa = oo oo Tirso Tao ena soe ‘nerowith | Stages areas roman eRe 5 Dining rooms | ‘ete aa Rredarens| ‘Enedted tales al soe Pree eer Tabs atoms 2. Reser Some as 68 sevecor = Seca (Cassone | 19 carages 18 Roo gecs 7 See 18 Sees erway ir a '9-Stog2 [heavy 120, ta aa] ‘Woes [60] The z rr Pabicaccess.| 120 20. See Fea — Resor ads sl bp ase han tw ead re oceganoy wih wich hey te assocaia, ut eed Fovecans 4a 2.1 Allowable tensile stresses: b.2 Net Areas: \Foreas refers to the gross-sectional aren of a member minus any holes aad soles. fw gross area of a member at any point shall be determined by summing the sunlcts ofthe thickne 1nd the gross width of each clement as measured normal to Iwwaxis of the member. For angles, the gross width shel be the sum of the widths of For gross areas of members at sections where there are no holes 1D Fy ne ley less the thickness. The area ofthe holes subtracted is rectangular and equals Je cliameter of the hole times the thickness of the metal. The width of a bolt or rivet cle shall be 1.6 mm greater than the nominal dimension of the hole as shown on the le 22 Allowable tensile stress = holes for bolts or rivets For sections where there Allowable tensile stress where Fy = minimum yield stress in MPa = specified minimum tensile strength in MPa Allowable capacity of a tensile member with bolt or rivet holes permitted by the SCP seein seq he lero te lowing aloes HORA HOLE DENSON TAT Bes Bolt Hole Dimensions Eq. 21-5 (Dia.) Standard a)” | Overae | shoresiot | — Lang sot where:_Ag= gross area of & member at any point which Is determined Hy (01a) __| Width x Length | width x Length summing the products of the thickness and the gross wi 2 14 16 14x17 14x32 each element as measured normal othe exis ofthe member 16 7 a | xm 17x40 «Age actual effective net ares 20} 24 24 | 2tx25 7xaa MeUA 2 24 a 2axas 24x59 ; | 7} 2 zs | 7x63 «ren cet (Seotabie2 9) | S25 [a 1) |e) oye Ola 1.510.510 For pinconnecied members Tension oa F,=045F, on the net area of pin hole Fg. 2.4¢ sate Bering stes on the projected area ofthe pin Diameter of bolt= 20 mm On conlact area of milled surface and ends of fitted bearing stiffness, on Standard diameter of 20 mum =21 mm, rojected area of pins in reamed, drilled of bored holes. F,=090F, Eq. 21d Diameter of hole = 21 + 1.6 For expansion rollers and rockers r= (E25) osea Fa. 2t-e Diameter of hole = 22.6 ma. £ roller oF rocket in mm and Fy isin Newton per linear 12 STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESIGHI | (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN | 13 2.3. Example: 2.5 Example: Determine the net area of the 100 mm x 200 mm plate for the but joint connection Hf : Pl i npute the nt area ofthe riveted connection shown ifthe thickness ofthe plate is shown ifthe diameter of bolts is 20 mm. Dy Nominal hole dimension for 48 mn from table 22is 21 mm stony [omm. Diameter of rivets = 20 mn jominal hole dimension + 1.6mm. Netarea = [200-2026)] 10 Net area = 1548 mm? < 0.85 Ag Netarea <085 Ag (See 2.10) (0485(200)(10) = 1700 mm? Nominal hole diameter for 20 mm rivets = 21 (see table 2.2) Dun, of hole = nominal hole diam. + 1.6 {sun of hole 21 + 1.6 2.4 Effect of Staggered Holes in Computation of Net Areas: - (Oinnof hole = 226 mm In riveted cofnections, if space isnot available fr a single line of connectors, i may paige J be necessary to use more than one line. If this i the cose, its therefore necessary ¥0 ing route ABCD: (2 holes only) stagger them in order to provide as large net area as possible at any one section 0 resist the load. 300-2226) + SO actin 5023.2 NSCP specifies hat fora chain of hoes extending acrosa pat nary "= 25827 iagenal or zigzag line, the net width ofthe pat shall be obtained by deducting from the goss width the sum ofthe diameters or alot dimensions ofall hoes inthe chain. JC ssclering route ABECD. (3 holes) seeding foreach gage space inthe cha he quan ; fo ah quanity te with = 300-3026) 2» 25 tis = 26835 mm ee aos iene BES AS Gee2.10) ‘S = longitudinal center to center spacing (pitch) of any consecutive holes in Transverse center to center spacing (gage) between fastener gage lines in B70 2 < 0.85(300}(10) = 3060 mnt? 8 14 (STMUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 15 2.6 Staggered rivets in angular sections, Table 2.6 Standard Gages for Angular Sections When holes are staggered on two legs ofan angle, the gage length g to be used in 1 EE £ is obtained as: 75_162.5| 50 |43.754.38.28.12§ 25 [21.8421.88|15.63] © expression sot B 2 75 | 75 [62.5/65.75 ' QR = 81-3 * 82-9 7 Net Area of Staggered Riveted Connections in Angular Sections AMPLE ‘ibpate the net area ofthe 350 x 100 x diam. sivets in Nominal hole ection with shown. Area of the angular section is 3064 1 22) (ison of 20 mm diam. is 21 mm (See t LUTION: $6.25 +625- 12 he location of holes depending on theif "1969. where gy and gp are gage distances for ti ength of the legs ofthe angle. bia of hole = nominal hole dimension + L6 ‘Original gages of holes in angular section. som tea-k g=50+6 = 106 (SPRUErURAL srEEL DESIGN 4A Uitective net area for bolted or riveted connections. (SCP Sec, 502.4) Fie nit aro ws computed has beon reduced due to the presence of the hole which ely meteases the unit stess in a tension member even if the hole is occupied by Avivel or bolt This refers to the gross cross sectional area of a member minus any Inns “The area of the holes subtracted is rectangular and equals the diameter of the Tale tunes the thickness of the metal. The net area as computed gives the reduce to tht ete Bin. The ten oven ths cases rot enifoly sist bated ones resco Li J The sunt for the non uniformity, NSCP provides for an effective net area A,= Ay Sites \wlisie" isa reduction coefficient as given in NSCP (Section 02.4) Bul whi the load is transmitted directly to each of the cross sectional elements by Hynstors, the effective net ares A, Route AC Aq= 3064 2(22.6)(12) Table 2.8 Values of ReductionCoetficient U for Bolted Aq= 2521.6 mm? or Riveted Corrections When the onside load ts transmit Slemwnts ofa member ue (GRNIGTORAWSTEELDESIGN: 219 Effective Net Area for Welded Connections {NSCP section 502.4) ® W, MorS-shapes with flange wiclths not less than 2/3 the depth and stitictura fecs cut from these shapes provided the connection isto the flanges. Bolted o Tiveted connections chall have no fewer then three (3) fasteners per line in direction of stress... . U= 0.90 {D When the load is transmitted by welds through some but not all of the cross sectional elements of the member, the effective net area Ae shall be computed as. Aes Where: Ag= gross area of member @ When the load is transinited to a plane by longitudinal welds along both edges ‘a the end of the plate, the length of the welds shall not be less than the width of thw plate. W, Mor S-shapes not meeting the condition of paragraph @, structural tees cu from these shapes and all other shapes including built up sections. Bolted or riveted connections shall have no fewer than three (3) fasteners per line in the direction of stress = 0.85 Low La length oFweld We plate width (distance between welds) ® All nembers with bolted or riveted connections having ‘only two (2) fasteners per line in the director of stress Us 075 Table 2.9 Reduction Coefficient u for Effective Net Area Computation for Welded Connection When L>2W @ When2W>L>15W @ When 15W>L>W 2.10 Effective areas for riveted splice and gusset plates (NSCP Section 502.4.8) Bolted and riveted splice and gusset plates and other connection fittings subject tensile force shall be design in accordance with the provisions of the NSCP where t effective net area shall be taken as the actual net area, except that, for the purpose design calculations, it shall not be taken as greater than 85% of the gross area, 2.11 Block Shear Wolted Connection: Not all the time that the allowable tensile load is always controlled by 0.60 Fy Ay 050 F, 4, or by the allowable load on the bolts or welds with which the joint ‘connected. Sometimes it is controlled by its allowable block shear strength. In the analysis of block shear strength, the failure of any block shear may occur alo 2 path involving shear on one plane and tension on 2 perpendicular plane. ‘The allowable biock shear strength ofa particular member is determine by computingl, Welded Plates: the allowable shear stress 0.30 F, times the net shear area Ay plus the atlowatll tensile stress 0.50 F, times the net tension area Ay. Tee 130 F, Ay + 050F, Ay where: 030 F, =allowable shear stress 050 F, = allowable tensile stress Ay= net shear area Aj=net tension area Welded Connections: 2.12 Critical Sections for Block Shear neers “i y weterae ss fivo. 9) EZ Dy = diameter of hole. = KE Ba ‘Bolted Connections with where D = nominal hy Net tension area Ay Bolted Flange of W Section: 2.14 Allowable Tensile and Shearing Stresses of Fasteners, 2.13 Allowable Bearing Stress at Bolt Holes ect 5104.7) table 2.14 ‘On the projected zrea of bolts and rivet in shear connections with the end distance in the line of force not less than 1.5d and the distance center to center of bots not less than 3 Description of Fasteners land Short prone ers Hes “inten Transverse ParaleO ie Holes | pure? [toad | Load ‘A. Inastandordor short slotted holes with two or more bolts inthe tine of force, the| allowable beating stress is expressed as: Fy=120F, Fg. 2138 TW Get, hacdiven ee veal parts evtng te ecaireincms of Secuons Ay Aa Sane Aso sits neti ie require Section A, when sre notexcade lossree* Ps In long slotted holes with the axis of the slot perpendicular to the direction of load and with two or more bolts in the line of foree, the allowable bearing stress is expressed as! Nhe treads are Eq. 2.130 om see lanes | 033 Ra A108 tt, hee dead excel tr sae S ols, when ved Tadeo hese ‘hen treads ‘On the projected area of the bolt or rivet closest to the edge in standard or short Pinan. “wed (rom shear slotted holes with the edge distance less than 1.5d and in all connections with a single bolt in the ine of force, the allowable bearing stress is cepts i“ Hypa 3q) S120Fu £0 213-< Oc aig ap Heads pried in ten phn where: Ly= distance from the free edge to center of the bolt, The ede caps ofthe fread portion ofan pet ode bared pnts croesecdeni a ts pereers tux ad ete A sal be age an tal dye eet cee ps ri A4 ls nbc emi aise ending Geter 633 Cheat ml see and at seaned ues with ss A Sines: When e 7 . y ite deta ert ipso epee veered = Bier —— - Wi a i "Table 2 Neer! ae Section for ahs fr spec ASTM stl ses I deformation around the hole is not a design consideration and adequate ffs lhi-cicn nd appcadcn chine tices spacing and edge distance is as required, the following equation is permitted F,=150Fy Eg. 213-4 od appcation relative tong ans of sto 24 2.15 Wind and Seismic Stresses ‘Lamlor tearing can occur ifa large weld (or welds from both sides is imposed on a ‘hick piece of base metal. A large over match of electrode and base metal in a full j-tration butt weld tends to increase the possibilty of tearing (that is from using. } AU instead of an E 70 electrodes with A 36 base metal). thin, stiffened column lnnge is also susceptible to tearing, since the flange stiffeners being welded to the lunn flange produce restraint. Allowable stresses may be increased 1/3 above the values otherwise provided wh produced by wind or seismic loading, acting alone or in combination with the des {dead and live loads, provided the required section computed on this basis is not than that required for the design dead and live load and impact (if any) comput ‘without the 1/3 stress increase, and further provided that stresses are not otherw Tequited to be caleulsted on the basis of reduction factors applied to design loads combinations, The above stress increase does nat apply to members subjected fatigue. 2.16 Fatigue 2.17 Impact Fatigue, as used in this Specification. is defined as the damage that mey renilt | efter a sulficient number of fluctuations of stress, Stress range is defined the magnitude of these Fluctuations. In the ease of a siress reversal, the stress ran shall be computed as the numerical sum of maximum repeated tensile an| compressive stresses Ur the sum of manieniim shearing stresses of opposite directo ata given print rsnlting from siffoings arrangement of live kent, ructures carrying live loads which induce impact, the assumed live load shall be «eased sufficiently to provide for same. 4 otherwise specified, the increase shall be not less than: or supports of elevators . seers peeievais 100% 2.16.1. Limellar Tearing Hor caboperated traveling crane suppor girders and their connections. 25% Fatigue of a metal occurs when it is repeatedly stressed above its endurance lim Raglih many eyeies of leading and umloading, Lamellar tearing may show up ally pendantcoperated traveling crane support fatigue cracking after « number of cycles of load applications. For a joint which i ‘gitderp and their connections eat 10% highly testrained, the shrinkage of the welds in the through the thickness direction Shh adequately redistributed andthe result eave tearing onthe ote! caller support of light machinery, shat orator driven 20% lamellar tearing, meaning tearing consisting of thin layers. This is aggravated by th application of extemal tension Por suppiors oF recipescating machinery or péwerdiven units 50% For hangers supporting floors and balconies .. 7 33% Factors involved when a lamellar tearing may occur in certain welded joints 1, There must be large relative sttaing in the base metal (lamella tearing does nol (cur in the Weld metal). These strains occur where large loenlize stresses occu 2 Losing is generally perjendicular to the mill rolling direction thal produced the member being welded. Boams weldee to column flanges procuced this typ ol foading in the column flanges (but notin the beam flange), 3. ‘There must be strain in the bese metel pRARY ILLUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 2.18 Problem: ‘The 200 mm x 150 mm x 12.5 mm angle has one line of 20 mm diameter bolts in ead leg. The bolts ae 75 mm on center in each line and are staggered 37.5 mm with respec foeach other. Fy= 248 MPa,F, = 400 MPa. Standard nominal hole diameter of 20 ma } Elfective net area: bolt is 21 mm, Area of angular section = 4355 mm. @ Tensile capacity: Compute the net area ofthe given section. Compute the effective net area ifthe reduction coefficient u = 0.75 Compute te mex allowable esl oa tat he section ell cary D060 As T= 0.60(248)(4355) 1 T261ameN > T= 648.2 kN 1 050Fu Ae ) T = 0.50,400)(2860) 1 =572000N T=572KN Safe tensile capacity = 572 kN SOLUTION: Net area of the given section Dia. ofhole = 21 + 1.6 19 Problem: plate shown in the figure 2.19 has a thickness of 12 mm, Diameter of bolis is 16 JA 36 steel is used with F,= 248 MPa and F,= 400 MPa. Standard nominal hole (m. of 16 mm bolts = 17 mm Considering route ABCD: oa 23 BS Westin ‘n= 4255-226y125) + BPSEA25) A= 381344 mim? BEG. med Figure 219 28 subtracted at any one section in calculating the net area, ee ‘Compute the allowable tensile strength of this section. SOLUTION: © Min pitch"S" for which only two and a half bolts need be subtracted at any one section, Diameter of hole = 17+ 1.6 Diameter of hole = 18.6 Net width = 300-25(18.6) Net width = 253.50 mm | For royte ABCDE: s Net width = 300-3186) +355 ssasona sao, , $= 37.35 mm ® Effective net area: Net width =253 50 53 50(12) ‘Compute the minimum pitch "S" for which only two and one half bolts need be ‘Compute the effective net area of the section ifthe reduction factor u = 075; J Allowable tensile strength: T=060F, Ay T= 0.60(248)(300)12) 7 #535680, T=050Fy A T =0.50(400)(2281.5) T=456300N Allowable tensile strength: T=456,300N, T=4563kN prin ‘miscellaneous channel MC 300 x 67 is bolted as shown on the figure 2.20 by a JH) mm diam. bolts. A 36 steel is used with F, = 248 MPa and F, =400 MPa, Standard. }sxinal hole diameter for 20 mm bolt = 21 mm Prof. of MC 300 x 67 fae A= 8250'mm? | Figure 220 ‘Compute the net area of the channel section. ‘Compute the effective net area of the channel section. ‘Compute the allowable tensile strength ofthe channel section. 20 i SOLUTION: Net area of miscellaneous channel: Dia. of hole =21+1.6 Dia, of hole = 22 Ag=s0- [2020470] + [0% + 6% Jara) Ag = 729745 mm Fee ee te pe INSEE es fore cof W Morpeth anges wide les thn 28 of dep and sua Gat fom tase shape and al ker shapes indog bull up cot set i ec fee eda alerted rae the dintionof tea he oducion tice 4038 A085 Ae= 0.85(7297.45) A= 6202.83 mm? Allotvable tensile strength: O60F, Ay T=0.60(288)(8250) ‘T = 0.50(400)(6202.83) T = 1240566 Allowable tensile strength = 1227.6 kN 12) Problem: tingle-angle tension member 175 mnt x 100 mm x 18 mm has two gage lines in its ng leg, anc one in the short log for 16 mm bolts arranged as shown. Area of the ‘section is 4961 mnd. Use A 36 steel F, = 248 MPaand F, = 400 MPa, Standard Compute the net area of the swngular section = Compute the allowable tension sirength of the angular section 4 hused on the gross area. Compute the allowable tensile strength of the angular section bos Inaved on the effective net area. Reduction factor u = 0.75. A 2213029, re SOLUTION: [Net area of angular section: n= 625 +625-18 Diam ofle = 186mm pq soo1 sane) + [0% « SOF] is 4211.74 mm? A @ Tensile strength of angular section based on gross area: T=060F, Ay T =0.6(288)(4961) 738197 N 738.20kN Tensile strength of angular section based on effective net area: Ac=U Ay Ae= 075421174) ‘Ag= 315881 mm? THO5F,As T= 0.5(400)(315881) 1761N T 63176 2.22 CE Board May 2002: The figure sows a ple having with of 409 ran hicnen of 72m tonnected to anather pete by 5 om obala2e down inthe figure 212. As Tarte of holes to be 2 lrger then the ameter ofthe bs Une A 38 Pach ytd seength Fr” 28 MPa and minimum terse sng Fc 10 are mire alate reeete par eee Gael ora ea ‘ish hep sal be elaine by ducting om he oe wih he ue Shanes ters fal hsm the aan aban free ap inthe hain he unity 5 where the longuinal enter teeter (te) any consecutive holes, in millimeters and g isthe transverse center fo center spaci (gage) between fastener gage lines in millimeters. Ia = 60 mm, ¢= 150 mim a d= 109 mm, ‘STEEL DESIGN Which of the following gives the ws value of b so that the net ong bolts 1-2-3-4 is equal net width along bolts 1-2-4 ich of the following gives the rest value of the net area for tension in the plates, Which of the following gives the he exewuded, SOLUTION: Value of bso that the net area obtained in chain 1-2-3-4 is equal to the net area of hain 12-4 eet COL te ©” LIBRARY ace. oe Supiaae “es Considering route 1-2-3-4: +274 OR 4 (1502 Seti = 400-404 +2) 05 aay +S Not width = 322.25 Considering route 1-2-4 Value of P 50 as not to exceed the allowable tensile stress: P0605, Ag . 42) « (60 , (50-b? Net wid ~ 400-331 + 2) + {005 « OOS A osdeumyasor |-080-bP P=7142i0N, Net width = 301 + 050 1 205Fy <2 [oo 0934] a Net area mo 2 [ras 2] <2 fon O58 2035+ £50? e200 262 22500-3000 + 82 1200 6500-0 13 Probleme pe wten eo An = 3623.65 mm? p12 mm x 100 mm x 18 mm angular section having an area of 4960 min? is connected to rows of 16 mm e bolts with a hole diameter of 18.6 mnt in the 175 nin leg and vw row in the 100 mnt fey. Compute the spacing (pitch S) so that only two holes for y wn fasteners need be deducted in computing the net area, @ Netarea: Considering route 1-2. Net width = 400- 4(34 +2) + Net width = 322.22 mm oaierg it nur: te Net with snot +2) 60%, GEE wase2S-18 Ne wh = 30157 Na ae 301972) ste ABCDE: Netaren = 362365 weo-s0aoye)« [7S wss6+| 5% BS ks Ss) s [Net area when only 2 holes are dedusted: ‘Ay = 4960-2018.6K18) ‘Ay = 42904 mm? 3 = 57.28 mm on centers 2.24 Problem: From the.bolted connection shown in the figure 2.24 , the steel plates which 275 mm x 12 mum is connected by bol's having diameter of hole equal to 2 mm great than the 25 mn @ bolts. A 36 steel is used with Fy = 48 MPa, F, = 400 MPa » Compute the shear capacity of the joint if the connection is of bearing type using an A 490 bols with threads excluded from sheer with an allowable shearing stress Fy= 276 MPa. ® Compute the bearing capacity of the joint @ Compute the horizontal spacing (pitch) of rivets which will cause the strength of the plates to be equal to the strength of rivets. Assume A,= Ay SOLUTION: Shear capacity: Te AVF, Resp ayers a: 1490293 N P= 14903 kN [eating capacity: t Ayko Tye LF Te (25 + 212)C1190.29¢400) T= 1710720 N T<171072kN Horizontal spacing: Consider route A-B-D-C-E: Net wit s Net width= 194 + e setae 12 (ist Nee) T=060F, Ag T = 0.60(288)(275)(12) T= 491040 N Anam Ae Figure224 T=050Fy Ae sie «0soaon [2(s04 + )] g + Seams $= 3987 mm 38 2.25 CE Board Nov. 1997 A steel plate is 360 mom wide and 20 mm thick with four bolt holes 25 mm e cat into plate as shown in the figure 225. The general expression for the specification f ‘computing the net area is te) = thickness of plate idth of plates liameter of holes S= pitch of rivets B= gage of rivets where Figure 225 Which ofthe following most nearly gives the critical net area A, for observation. SOLUTION: Route ABCRG: = 70 [360-305 2 (7) 40) “B00 ‘Ag = 5925 mm? Route ABCDE: ae SP, (60-457 a [20- ~3@5) EQ" -H50y ‘Ay = 5818.75 mm? Route A-B-C-ED-E: a 4 USP, (45 , 60) Age20 [350-405 3+ 5 Ay = 5625 mm? Use An = 5625 mn? 39 U6 Problem: lve plate shown in the accompanying figure 226 consists of a 250 mm x 10 mm vol plate with 5 rivets having diameter of holes to be 20 mm. A 36s specified with 2 MiL8 MPa, Miniraum tensile strength F, = 400 MPa. Compute the effective net area Ae 7 et ee ie ae ea SOLUTION: fective net area Ay: Route A-C-D-E: atid = 250-40) + BE EOF [Net width = 313.19 mm Rote ADE i Net wath = 250-900 + BF, « Net width = 219.77 mm owe ABE wic OF, Gor Net wit « 0-320) $85 + Net width = 2875 mm Route A-E J 27 Problem: Net width = 250-2(20) wn the figure 2.27 shown, diameter of holes is 20 mm. Steel plates is made up of Net width = 210 mn i « 250 som with staggered sections in the accompanying figure. Resistance Net area An = 10(20875) ‘or for the yielding limit state = 0.90 Net area Ay = 2087.5 may oe 48.5 MPa min. tensile strength A, < 0.85 Ay Fy = 449.3 MPa ltrs DL=12 16 Ay <0:85(250)(10) Ap= Ay < 085 Ay stance factor for the fracture limit en 20875 mit ste = 76 nate the net area Ay for the late, Use LRFD method. Value of T based on gross ave rf ed on Compute the design strength of the connection. T=0608, Ay “Compute the maximum value of wivice load T when A36 steel is L ‘wed, the live load is four times - 250X1 7 T =0.60(248.8)(25010) the dead load. T=373200N T=3732kN SOLUTION: Net area Aa! Value of T based an effective net aren 1=050 Fy, Route ABE: G02 , 0? Net width = 250-3020) + GOK « {SOF T = 0,50(400)2087.5) T=417500N T=4175kN Net width = 208.75 ene 42 Route ADE ‘ oF coe Net win =250-300) + Net width = 217 mm. Route A-C-DE 13.5)? | (75)? , (60) Net wim 250- 400) «GBR OS Net width = 307.25 mm (impossible) Route A-C-D: 3020) « W352 , 75% Net width = 250- 3(20) “4(60) * 4050) [Net width = 30925 mm (impossible) Route A-F: Net width = 250 -2(20) Net Width » 210 mam, Use net width = 208.75 ram Aner = 208.75(10) Saat = 2087.50 rom? Max. net= 0.85 A, ‘Max. net = 085(10}250) Max. net = 2125 mm? Use Aye = 2087.50 mn? LDvsign strength: yew Fy Ag (yielding limit) = 559800.N J rvctae iat Dune Fu Ac Ave Ag = 2087.50 mun? yx 0.75(4493)(2087 50) fy 70M35N tet, 359.800 KN (design strength) iice Load T: Aye L2DL + L6LL NOS =1.2D +1.6(4D) De 7365kN Le 4073.66) Ib 294.64 WN Tot service load T= D+ L 173.66 + 294.64 = 368.30 KN ia HAPTER THREE IGII MIN IO LO EN SON IIEMBERS) Types of bolted connection: ‘Sp-eritical or Friction type connection = bolted connections where high slip. ‘tance is desired. When high-strength bolts are fully tensioned, they clamp: parts being connected tightly toyether, this results on a considerable resistance to Ing on the surface equal to the clamping force times the coefficient of ‘niction” So ifthe shearing load is less than the permissible frictional resistance, ‘tw: connection is referred to a slip-critical or friction type. Ifthe load exceeds the ‘nictional resistance, the members will slip on each other and will tend to shear It the bolts and at the same time the connected parts will push or bear against thw bolts. In this type of connection, the specification assumes the bolts are in Anwar and no bearing, 3.1. Types of Bolts: Bolting and welding have been the methods used for making structural st connections for the past few decades and riveting is almost obsolete because they Tonger provide the most economical connections. Rivets are still occasionally used. fasteners, but their use has declined to such a degree that most steel fabricators ha discontinued riveting altogether. Nearing type connection = bolting connections where high slip resistance is not swear. Types of bolts use for connecting members: © Unfinished botts = sometimes. called ordinary o common bolts. They classified by the ASTM as A302 bolts and are made from carbon steals wi stress-strain characteristics similar o those of A-36 steel : 1 sizes and types of holes for bolts: ® High strength bolts = they are made from medium-carhon heat tested steel ang "i istsize bolt and sive holes are 1.6 mm larger in diameter than the bolt or from alloy steel and have tensile strengths greater than those of ordinary Dol ‘They are designated as A 325 and A 490 bolts. ‘Oversized Holes = they are used in all plies of connection as long as the applied ul does not exceed the allowable slip resistance. They should not be used in f ‘ing pe conection Were bao cil Short Slotted Holes = they oe ase regards ofthe ection ofthe applied isnt the permis sp tesistancei ge than the applod fore. Ih osd head nah 1s applied n'a dretion normal Wo the ou. these holes maybe used I any so "aunggpe connections @f-mm- alls Ion Slotted Holes = hey ré used in oly one ofthe connected parts of ition et) = - "tor bearing ie conection: For lon ype tse holes aye adn MS" 3/16" Bok lenght ony direction but for bearing-type connections the load must be normal to the, at ‘st-of the slotted holes, If long:slotted holes are used in an outer ply, they will ~vul tobe covered by plate washers. 46 3.4 ‘Types of Bolted Connections: 5 Failure of Bolted Joints: © Lap Joint Inu Failure of Bolt: Shear Failure of Plate Behind Bolt i, ‘ensiun Failure of Plate me « }- r uring Failure of Plate ve © Butt Joint © Double shear Failure of a Butt Joint (en 60 Minimum Spacing of Bolts (ection 510.4.8) ‘unice between centers of standard, oversized or slotted fastener holes shall not be ite F times the nominal diameter ofthe fastener nor less than that required by ‘nllowing paragraph, ifapplicable. ‘Along a line of transmitted forces, the distance betwean centers of holes °S” shall less than 3d when: F. F, 112 F, forstandard or short slotted holes with two or more bolts in line of force OF, far long-slotted holes with the axis of the slot perpendicular to direction of load and with two or more bolts in the line of force. Otherw' the distance between centers of holes shall not be less than the following: 2p id so2ee Bef Ea. 3.64 where: P= force transmitted by one fastener to the critical connected part = specified min. tensile strength of the critical connected part, ickness of critical connected part ‘nominal diameter of fastener 3.7 Minimum Edge Distance: oo e san; ot not eho 3.8 Maximum Edge Distance and Spacing: Max. L,= 12t but not to exceed 150 mm {t= thickness of the connected part under consideration For unpainted built up members which is exposed to. atmospheric corrosion: Max.L,=8t but not to exceed 125 mm Spacing of fasteners = 148 but to exceed 175 mm where t= thickness of thinnest part || LUSTRATIVE PROBLEMS 9 Problem: Polted connection shown in figure 39 uses the friction type connection with 11m diameter A 325 bolt. Compute the force P required to ‘cause a slip of the 22 mum diam. bolt if the slip coefficient is 0.34 when the section is subjected to a jpretension load of 174 KN, Using the force P, compute the yominal shear stress. Compute the factor of safety ngainst a slip of a 22 mm diam. bolt if the allowable nominal shear stress is 120 MPa SowTion: fave P required to cause a sip ofthe 22 mm da bolt o.s4c174) 59.16kN 59160 Tap 155.63 MPa 3.10 Problem: A double lap splice connection shown in figure 3.10 is made-up of 6 min x 150 minta 9 mm x 150 mm, Use NSCP specifications and assume a double row of bolts wi standard size holes for a bearing type connection with threads excluded from t shear planes. Minimum tensile strength Fu = 552.93 MPa, Assume dia. of hole’ 3 mm bigges than the diameter of bolts. Allowable shear stress is Fy = 207 MPI Allowable bearing stress fy = 1.2 Fu. Diam. of bolts is 19 mint. Fy= 489.25 MPa Compute the tensile capacity of the steo plates Compute the number of 19 mm diameter bolts to develop the full rength ofthe plates Compute the theoretical distance required, SOLUTION: Tensile capacity of steet plates: By inspection the cross sectional area ofthe center plate is Tess than the sur of the areas of the to outer plates, therefore check the “capacity ofthe center plat only. 15¢-22019 0,85(150)9) Max: by = 11475 mam? T= 080 FyAg T + 0:60(849.25\1509) 1 = 368893 N Use = 2s (ies capac of plates) Number oft: der. cpiy ofeach eh, Shar (double shear Ro Ako Jose) Renew By bearing of takts Rel 2F dy R-12F,t B+ 1.2(582.93)19)(9) Ke 113461N Use R= 113461 N (max. cmpeaty of bolts) Mami of tls Use 4 bolts (because there are 2 bolts im each row) 52 i @TRUGTURAL STEEL DESIGN End distance required Ls LUTION P load per bolt capacity if bot treads ae ses plates = 205)]15 600 mam? A= 1500 men? 50(h6) 2400 min 060 FyAy Y 060(345.6)¢2400) | 497664 Min Ly = 1.5 diameter of bolt Min. Le = 1.5009) 1 050FyAg 1 9.50(449.3)1600) Use be =28.5 mt 1 35a ty of bald i single shear: 3.11 Probler Ko ADE, A bolted bearing type connection shown in figure 3.11 consists of 16 mm x 150 mig ®- $(22)°(207) steel plates with 22 mm diameter A 325 bolts and A 572 Grade 50 plate material wit standard holes (Fy = 345.6 MPa). Minimum tensile stzengih Fu — 449.3 M Allowable shearing stess Fy = 207 MPa. for bolt threads excluded from shear plan Diameter of holes 3 nim bigger than bolt diameter j k= 78687 N 1 7a6e714) 314748. © Determine the tensile capacity of the bearing type connection ifthe boll threads are excluded from the sheae plane. Determine the tensile capacity of 2 the bearing type connection if the bolt theead are included in the aring capacity of bots 21449 3422)(16) 89784 s9784(4) 759137 N shear plane. Allowable shear stress F,~ 145 MPa Compat- che theoretical length L f bolt threads are excluded from y= 314748 N the shear plane 54 my 55 Tensile capacity if bt threads are 8 Minimum value of jncded bn her plane bate T=060 Fy, ie2? , Rl F raswien 7 =0.60(345.6)150)16) ~T icy T= ASTOOA Neca of rte) 1 a8 IP T=050F Ae 70687 = 1150- 175587) ere : 1 SB, 2189 say 22 mm TO050F, At Motto US diameter of tal = 0504493343600) Mr Le= 1502) ‘ 1 = 358440 (ens capacty of vet ren) Mor ¢= 23 mm Ae L = 20) 675 opacity of ot ns. ie L141 om ReAsfe R=% aapass) 142 Problem: R=55119N } om the figure shown in figure 3.12 is a double lap splice of a bearing type tion with the threads excluded from the shear plane and consists of double vs ot bolts, A 36 stel is used with Fy = 248.8 MPa. The bolts used is an A 325 bolts ss iny; diameter of 28 mm: in standard size holes, Minimum tensile stress F, = 400 Use NSCP Spres, Assume diameter of rivet holes to be 3 mm bigger than the Bearing capacity of bolt Ushiameter, Allowable shear stress of A 325 bolts is 207 MPa. Use F, = 1.5 Fu. RaApFy 12: nS eer Compute the tensile capacity of 112 Fy the plates, R 220631246493) ‘Compute the numberof 28 ma - R= 189784 Ins in required to developed the To © 1 12 igs724 vlltength ofthe plates | Bo T 3759137 N Compute the min. spacing. °O ° r Lotweun the rows of bolts ‘Safe capacity = 220876 N Figure 312 SOLUTION: Tensile capacity of plates: An =(250-2(20)16 An = 1248 mn? Max, An = 0.85.49. Ay = OND{Z50)(6) Ay = 1275 moe = 1248 ran? Te050FyAe T = 050(400)1248) ‘T= 249600 T=060Fy Ay T = 060(248.8)(2506) T= 223620N ‘Tensile capacity = 223920N [No.of 18 min belt to develop fall strengt of the plates: ‘Shear of bot: (double shear) REAFo R= F08)%20712) R= 105350 ocing of bolts: Ne ApFy edt 15Py = 1H(6)01.54400) = 64800 N ti fos «28 No ofbolts = 3.46 say 4 bolts spucing of rows of bolts: 285960) 18 4006) * 2 55.65 mm say 56 mm MM 308) 5 but not less than 56 6 mm 3.43 Problem: in figure 3.13 & bolted with an A 325 bolts having diameter A lap joint shown i 116 mm 3 15) mm with standard hol 22 mm and A 572 Grade 50 plate material ‘Assume diameter of holes is 3 mm larger than the bolt. Fy = 385.6 MPa, Fu = 4 MPs, Fo = 207.3 MPa. for bearing type connection. Fy = 121 MPa fora frition ty connection. D Determine the tensile capacity of the plates if itis a bearing type connection. Determine the tensile capacity of the plates if itis a friction type ‘connection, Compute the minimum ‘theoretical length of the lap if 2 friction type connection, sowUTioN: Tensile capacity of the plate fits bearing type connection: ‘Aq = [150-225)] 16 50(¢449.8)(1600) T=350H0N 60 Fy Ay (0.60(345,63(150)116) 197084 N (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Shear capacity of bolls Re FyAy 73 (San? k= 7600N 1 aaa) 315008 ering capacity R= ApEp Redtlaky 22(16)(1.2K49.3) k~ 189784 1 =4(189784) 1 = 759137 Sofe capacity = 315208 N nile capacity of the plate using a Prictin te connection Ay 21255) 16 Ay = 1600 um? Ay = Ay = 1600 mer? SOF Ae 0.50(449.3)(1600) 440 60 Shear of rivets: R=ALF, R=Eenya2t) R= 45956 T = 4(45996) T= 183984 N Use T = 184 KN ‘Theoretical length of ap 2P nara 183984 P= 45996N 1, = 2185958) ** 49:36) Le= 128mm say 13mm Min. Le= 1x diameter of bolt 4 w 2185906) , 22 49306) $= 238mm <3x diameter of bolt $= 3122) $= 65 L=S+2e L = 66 +2033) L= 132mm ' 1 WRIRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 61 1.14 Problem: lied connection shown in the figure 314 Is using an A 325 bolts with threads Ware excluded from the shear planes. It has a diameter of 19 48 MPa, F, = 400 MPa mi, Assume the to be A 36 steal with Fy oturmine the tensile capacity of the connection using a friction: Wype connection with an Iawable shear stress of 117 MPa, Asstime dia, of hole Livtormine the tensile capacity of thw connection using a bearing, ype connection with an allowable shear stress of ‘termine the value of 2A + B for 1 bearing-type connection Figure 3.14 SOLUTION: lense capacity using friction type hear of bots. 1 Apt 1 Far ain 1 199037 Lwaring of plates: 16 Fy A, (0(248)(250)(12) 446,400 T= 050, A, Ace Ae Ay = [250 -3(22)] 12 iT, TH3 brF, 122% = 050F Ay 50¢400)(2298) F, = 441600 T=2(641600) T » 883,209 Ag = [250-3(22)] 12 Ag = 2208, T = 0.50(400)(2208) T= 441600N Use T = 199087 N T= 199.08 N Tensile capacity using bearing type connection: Shear of bolts. I Aske (4139? 6,207) 1. 352,143 Uearing of bolts: Pe Ap Fyn <12F, = 1.21400) 480 MPa sat 19012) 28mm? 228(480%6) 656,540 {ating of plates: (same as frietion type) 1 441600 Use T = 352343 N 1352.04 N (586905) | 19 s- ot | $= 33.95 f Saad S=309) S=57 Use S = 57 A=285mm 2A +b=2(285) +57 )ESIGN’ 65 115 Problem: ' tongitudinal lap joint is designed for a tank 7.8 m. in diameter carrying an internal ‘rwssote of 860 kPa. The rivet pitch ofthe joint is 75 mm with a diameter of rivet of oul stresses os toson of plates = 110 MPa |v shear im rgets = 80 MPa Jr fririg of rivets on the plate = 80 MPa J Which of the following gives the ‘Novkness of plates. }© Which of the following gives the somber of 22 mn diameter rivets Inv each repeating section Jo Which of the following gives the Hiliciency of the joint due to 7 and SOLUTION 21 = 860(1.8(0.075) 15805 kN 1 58050 N yrioet hole = 22.43 850 = (75 = 25) # (110) 056mm be 1 min 66 © Number of 22 min rivets Shear of rivets: THA,S, sosta F229 non) a 167 sy 2 Bearing of ies Toa, {50850 = 22(11)2) 168) n= 127 say 2 Use 2 rivets Efficiency of oint Tearing of plates: Tah Ss T= (75-25x1,010) 760500 Show fries: THAS, T=F ap veo) 7 =60821N Bearing of rivets TaAS, T=22(11(165}2) 279860 N Safe enpacity = 60500 60800 8 Tes) Eff = 66.7% 100 (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 116. Problem: \ tut joint shown in the figure 3.16 has a width of the plate of 330 mm and a ‘of 10 mm_A 490 bolt bearing type connection is used with an allowable Ions stress Fy = 276 MPa, A 36 steel is used with Fy~= 249 MPa and F,, ~ 400 MPa. ‘vouume diameter of bolt hole to be 2 mim bigger than the bolt diameter. Which of the following gives the ae i veniomicat diameter ofthe bolt Which of the following gives the ing capacity of the bolted nection, Which of the following gives the ‘ease capacity of the plates. Figure 3.16 SOLUTION: conomical diameter = diam. ofa rivet in which the shear strength equals the Dearing strength cay a9¢1.23400) 1 2214 mm say 25 mm (sed = 25 mm 9 68 ® Bearing capacity: P=F,(aKoia) Pe L2Fy (Abin) P= 1.2(400}(25)(109/4) P= 480000 P= 480 kN ® Tensile capacity of plates: P2060F, Ay P-=0.60(288)230)(10) P=491040N P= 491.04 kN T=050Fi Ay [330 - 2(25 + 2)(10) 760 ram? P = 0.50(400)(2760) P=ss2000N P=S52 kN Safe P = 491.08 kN (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 117 Problem: ‘lle connection shown in the figure 3.17 is bolted with a A 325 bolts with an “ble shearing stress of 207 MPa when threads are excluded from shear plane. A ‘v4 used with an Fy = 248 MPa, F,= 400 MPa. Ascume bolt hole diam. to be bigger than bolt diam, Diam. of bolt is 20 mm hheanng type connection, Compute the tensile capacity of the connection if shearing stress noverns. ‘Compute the tensile eapacity of the connection if bearing stress Compute the tensile capacity of thw conneetion if tearing of plates noverns Figure 317 SOLUTION: Tensile eapacity if shearing stress jowerns. (Single Shear) {Ashen P20} (207)(9) 1 170557~N 11170564 lense capacity if bearing stress governs: Ay hyn) 2010 K1.2) Fy 9) 2oc10,1.24400,9) ‘864000 N 864 kN 70 @ Tensile capacity if tearing stress controls Tearing at section RT Franz F020 05 Fy Ap= 02222 Aq [300 -4022)]10 Ag = 2120 Ags Ay 22120 mm? 05 FyAe= 0.2227 (05(800)(2120) = 0.22227 ‘T= 190891 N Tearing at section D ant +357 Tt hegea Tt O50 FuAc+ 3 = 7 O.50F, Ae = 0389 An= [300 -22(3)] 10 qo 2310 mm! Ag Ay =2310 mm? 050 Fy Ay =0.289T (0.50(400)(2310) = 0.389 T= 1187661 N Tearing at section Ae= fo00-220)}10 Ags 2560 mm? Ags Ag = 2560 mm? «050(400)(2560) = F 1 =1,024,000N Ihnsed on Gross area: ' 060 Fy Ay } = 0604248)(10)¢300) 1 = 892800 ing of main plate at section © Iased on net area 1 05FyAe 1 O5F Ay ¥ -05(400) [300 - 4(22)}20 1 $48000.N 1 888 kN Mased on gross area 1 OBO Fy Ag 1+ n160(248)(300)(20) 1 s2800 N 1 S28 kN Ve Pe sas kN 72 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESI \STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 73 3.18 CE Doard May 1998. AA plate having a width of 300 mm and a thickness of 20 mum is to be connected By tw 1 load without exceeding the allowable tearing strength ofthe plates: plates of the same material with half the thickness by 25 mm diameter A 502 grade 2 218. The rivet holes have a diameter of 2m roll longer than the rivet diameter. The plate is A 36 steel with yield strengt 2 248 Mon, F, =s400 MP2. The A 502 wrade 2 rivets has an allowable shear stress of 152 MPa, uso Fp Aend hot driven rivets as shown on the figure © Which of the following gives the ‘max. load that ean be applied to AoA the connection without exceeding, the allowable shear stress. Which of the following gives the A, = [300- 2¢27}]10 max, load that can be applied {0 Ay. = 2860 mn the connection without exceeding, the allowable bearing stress between plates and rivets. Which of the following gives the max. Joad that can be applied to the connection without exceeding, the allowable tearing strength of the plates, 1 - 984000 N 1-984 kN asexoyas60) oF SOLUTION: Max. load without exceeding the allowable shear stress: (double shear) ' T= AyFon F osy 152)(4)02) 596908 N 596.9kN 11968 kN \00)(2360 984 kN Max. load without exceeding the allowable bearing stress: T=Ayfon T=@yenoa 25(20)(1.29(400)(4) 1 "STRUCTURAL STEE (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 5 3.19 Problem: 1-050, Ag 16 mm. Assume diameter of hole to be 24 mm. Bolt threads are excluded from 1. 367200N tone ae ie “Allowable stresses of A 572 Grade 50 plate material: Se lwnsile capacity due to the failure ofthe bolts: 0 MPa lnwar apacty of bolt, Compute the tensile capacity due 1 Asn (single shear) to the failure of the plates, ‘Compute the tensile capacity due tose to the failure of the bolts 1 Fret ona) Compute the required end e550 distance from center of standard hoe to the edge ofthe plate, T+ 31475 UN, Figure 3.19 SOLUTION: leasing capacity of bolts: Tensile capacity due tothe failure of the plates: 1 Apiyn For gross area of plates. 70.60 Fy Ay Ve Ay1SFy 1 (22ya6y.syas0(4) ‘7 =060(345)(150)06) 1 950400.N' T= 496800 f | 9504 kN For net area of plates. “pl Iensilecapacity of bolts T=050F,A, 1 M475 4N Ae Aa {iso - 22)]06) 1632. min? 76 coe ® Required end distance from the center of standard hole to the edge of the plat Pe Re P =load per fastener P=AgFe (shear) P=Fa2y- eon P= 78687 N PoA,Ey (bearing) P= 22(16)(1.5K450) P=237500N Use P = 78687 N _ 2178687) F016) Ly 21.86 mm < 375mm ok 3.20 Problem: {A repeating section ofa triple-riveted butt joint is shown m the figure 320. A load 162 KN is acting on the repeating section. Diameter of rivet is 22 mm. Assu diameter of hole is 24 mm. Thickness of main plate i 14 ma and of exch cover plat 10 mm. i S 8, ® Compute the max. shearing stress developed in the joint. ® Compute the max. bearing stress developed in the joint. Compute the max. tensile stress developed in the joint. SOLUTION: ‘woring stress: "heres one rivet is single shear and {rivets in double shear. There are total of 9 shear areas: Hearing Stress: Inany one of thervets in rows @ oF © where the rivets ace in double sheae will yuce on the shear area a force of 18(2) = 36 KN to act against the main plate ux 18 KN act against each cover plate, ‘The average bearing stess occurs in the itn plat, since the sum ofthe thickness of two cover plates 10 + 10 = 20 is jeter than 14 mon, tas ABS Hy dtSy ie 1688 MPa MMMUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN rz 14 Problem: Tensile stress in the joint: ‘At row © (one hole to be deducted) lates are jeined by 4 rivets 25 mm in diameter as shown in the figure 321. Load is equal to 9 shear areas. ‘iw banveter of rivet hole = 28 mm. ‘One single shear and 4 double shear. T9108) Ihab Stresses WAU (shear) T=162kN au atvn Cbeaing) wa MPa (tearing) ‘Compute the capacity of the joint » that it will not exceed the wale shear stress, ipute the capacity of the joint 162000 frao-1@4))i4 F\=5357MPa that it will not exceed the loveable bearing stress Atrow ® (holes to be deducted) ‘Connpute the capacity of the joint Load is equal to 8 shear areas (4 double shear) me wl not eves the 1-808) Movable tearing stress. T= Mask SOLUTION: pacity of joint: 144000 Rep Non] (Arn [pa -2028)) 14 ‘or 1 $5? Oya) ‘At row @ (2 holes to be deducted) in the cover plates, the lower cover pif = 1874451N 1 197454N cartes the load is equa 05 single shes: T= 5(18) T=90iN Awning capac 1 [eao-208] 40) sooo (240-48) 19 88 Me Max. tensile stress = 63.57 MPa 1 HORN “a C (@MaticruraL sTeEL DESIGN ®@ Tearing capacity: r. a Tea leh, wn in figure 322 is connected by # 1 The steel 18 A.36 with F, = 250 MPa ws chu rom the shear plan A325 boits of the beating typ e holes are standard sivas and th Allowable bearing stress Fy= 1.2 Fy with a T. fer, TH4F An snpute the shear capacity ‘Te 4(100) [150 -28]10 Fe MPa: T= 488000 N T= 488 kN pute the bearing capacity spuie the tensile capacity, And row: r reted uum Bret ‘ tf T=$ 100) [150-2028))10 Te 125333N T= 12533 KN | -cna50N Hoorn eapacity: T2FiAp ‘T= 100 [150-28]10 1. 21400,22)22.5)4) 528000 N ‘Tearing capacity = 122 KN (TRUCTURAL STEEL Eston SOLUTION: 82 © Tensile capacity ‘hear steength per bolt, “war strength is based on double shear. THO6OF,Ay T = 0.60(250)(12 51300) Te ALF (2) 1. $0? eory2) 1 130062N 1 1300624N Aq = [300 -2025)]12.5) y= 125 mm? 1-05 uA Hearing strength per bolt: 5¢400)(3125) 25000. N OD a 75 To AaF Tede(.ayey © 22018.75)(1.2y¢400) 1 19800 1198 KN 2.23 Problem: ‘A beating type connection is shown in the figure 3.23 in the butt joint which cons (of 12.5 mim outer plates and 18.75 mm inner plates having equal widths. It caries. axial tension of 750 AN, An A 325 bolts having a diameter of 20 mt has an allowal shear F, = 207 MPa, The joint has a standard-size holes and the bolts has thres« ‘excluded from the shear plane. Use A 36 steel and assume edge distances a ‘spacing requirements are meet Fy= 250 MPa, £,,= 400 MPa Nu of bolts required: ‘capacity per bolt = 130052 kN 70, 130062 No. of bolts required = ‘Compute the shear strength per bok. ex . ® Compute the bearing strength per 58 say 6 bolt bolt & Compute the number of bolts required Fig 323 84 3.24 Problem: | Two plates 75 mtx 12 mm thick are joined with a triple riveted butt joint as shown ia the figure 324. Cover plates are of unequal lengths. Assume diameter of rivet hole to 2 mum bigger than rivet diam, Allowable Stresses im ‘Tension = 148 MPa . ‘Shearing stress = 110 MPa Bearing stress = 220 MPa 1D Compute the strength of the joint con the basis of rivet values, 2 Compute the strength of the joint ‘on the basis of failure of plates, ® Compute the efficiency of the joint. Figure 324 SOLUTION: © Strength of joint on basis of vet failure: Shear of 20 mm o: (single shear) P=EQ07 a0) P=34558N Strength of 22 mm a (single shear) | -Zeaxe = Fez? ao) P=s1814N Strength 25 mmo (double shear) j PF a5? a10)@) P= 107992N | STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGNY 1 (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Beating shear of rivet: Sirength of 20 mum sin bearing 2 20(7.5)220) P= 33000 Strength of 22 mm a (bearing) P=22¢75220) P= 36300N Staengtls of 25 mm w (bearing) P = 25(12}@220) Rivet values Rivet value of 20 mm o rivet = 33000 N Rivet value of 22 mm o rivet = 36300 N Rivet value of 25 mm o rivet = 66000 N Strength of joint on the basis of rivet values: ‘T=33000 + 36000 + 66000 T=135000N Te135kN Strength of joint on the basis of failure ofp Strength of 12 mm plate a section © (rivet hole = 22 mm) B (75 -22)012)(148) 98128 Strength of 12 mm plate at section @ (rivet hole = 24 mm 0) =F + 33000 ‘T= (75- 24)(12)(148) + 32000 T= 123576N ‘Strength of 12 mm plate at section © (Givet hole = 27 mm a) +36300 + 33000 T= (75 -27M12\148) + 36900 + 33000 T= 154518) Strength of joint base on tearing of plates: T=949128N Efficiency of the joint __ Strength of ji Fail strength of unt 94128, (12)c48)* 1" ifcieney = 70.67% 1 Efficiency, Bificiency (STRUCTURAD STEEL DESIGN 8.25 Problem: The truss member shown in the figure 325, consists of two C 300 x 38 A 36 steel onnvctad to 225 mon gusset plate. Diameter of A 325 bolts is 22 0 ie equine ‘w developed the ful tensile capacity of the member when its used = 250MPa Allowable Shear (F,) ‘4.325 bolts when | Slip-Critcal | Bearing Type thwadsare” "| Connections | Connetioe oven gcson238 | om Ae ne shear plane 17 MPa | 207 MPe d= 300 mn E $3. A325 bolts when treadsapeet | size | us Mea Shoot plane | Compute the full tensile capacity of the member. Compute the number of 22 nn A 305 bolts with threads excluded from shear plane when itis used F asa slip-ritieal connection Compute the number of 22 mmr A 325 bolts with threads excluded Irom shear piane when itis used asa bearing-lype connection Figure 3.25 SOLUTION: Fal tensile capacity of member: P=060F, Ay P = 0.60(250)(5742) P=711300N 88 __ STRUCTURAL STEERIDESIGN Number of e A 325 bolts if used asa slip-critical connection: PerAn riwo «17 aa? a n= 16 bolts © Number of 22 mm o A 325 bolts if used as a bearing connection. PaFoAn 711300 = 207 (F)@2? n 1n=7003 say 10bolts 3.26 Problem: [A riveted connection is shown in the figure 326. A 25 mm diameter A 502, grade 2 ricets are-used. A 36 steel plates are used. Use standard diameter of hole. Use NSCP Specs. Allowable stresses for rivets: Allowable tensile stress for plates: Shear; fy 152 MP Fp= 0.60 Fy Ay Dearing: Fy=12Fy 0.50 Fy Ae Aga u Aa, © Compute the tensile strength of : tive connection if shearing stress. r $ of rivets governs S$ = @ Compute the tensile strength of the connection if bearing stress 2 between plate and rivets governs 4) Compute the tensile strength of the connection if tearing of plates governs, 8 e—o +21? Figure 326 ISTRUC SOLUTION: Tensile strength if shear of rivets governs: TeAy T= FSP (152K6) T=447677N Tensile strength if bearing between plates and rivets governs: T= Abfy T+As12F, Nominal dimension of hole for 25 mm o rivets = 27 mn (See section 510.4.4.4 NSCP Specs) Width ofa rivet hole shall be taken a¢ 16 mm greater than the nom dimension of the hole: ® than the Width of rivet hole = 1.6 +27, Width of rivet hole = 28.6 mm T= Ayi2F y(n) T = 28.6(9.5X1.2)¢400(6) 1 = 783496 N @ Tensile strength base of net area: ‘Ag = (net width) ¢ = 250-2(28.6) + 50%, Net width = 250- 2028.6) + Net width = 199.05 ma Aq 198.05(85) ‘Aq = 1890.98 run? T2060 Fy (A, T= 0.60(248(9.5)250) T=342000N T=050FyAe = UA, Ae 0:85(1890.98) Ag= 1607.33 mm? Ta050F,A, 7 =0.50(400)1607:33) T 2321467 Use T = 321467 1.27 Problem: ‘A bolted connection shown in figure 327 is made up of 2150 x 87.5 x 95 mm. The angle is made of 4-36 steel and the bolts have diameter of 20 mm A 325 bolts where \eads are excluded from shear planes. Pruperties of 180 x 87.5295 4 2208 mn? 195 mm 1-248 MPa n 400 MPa rperties of 20 mm A-325 bolts ox 207 MPa Nominal dimension of hole diameter 221mm Compute the shear capacity of the connection. 2 Compute the bearing capacity of \nom the connection, Compute the tearing capacity of the connection, W Figure 327 SOLUTION: "Shear capacity of the connection: ® Bearing capacity of the connection: T=A,Fy Fp=12 Fu ‘Ag= dia. of boltx thickness x0. of bolts y= 2000.58) ‘Ags 1520 men? T#Ay12Fy ‘T= 1520(1.2,400) ‘T= 729600N T=79.65N ® Tearing capacity of the connection ‘Tension on gross area: T=060F, Ay ‘T = 0.60(248)(2206) T= 928252.8N T= 328.25 kN Tension on net area: Width of bolt hole = nominal dimension of hole + 1.6 Width of bolt hole = 21 + 1.6 Width of bolt hole = 22.6 mm T=O50F.Ay Aun U Ag U=085 (Section 502.44 NSCP Specifications) Route ABCIE A (S02 2206 -2022.6)9 5) + gps) (95) Ag = 1871.6mnm? Route ABF: Ag = 22085 - (22.6)(95) Ags 1991.3mm? Use smallest value of Ay: Aq= 187L6mm? An 85(1671.6) 1590.86 men? [= 050F,A, = 9.50(409(1590386) 1. m8172N 1-847 kN lating capacity = 318.17 KN 94 3.28 Problem: Tensile strength due to shear failure of bolts: ‘The 175 x 100 x 16 mm angle shown in the figure 328 connected to a gusset plate with Te AgFo three 25 mm o bolts (4 490) when throads are excluded from shear planes. ‘The angle consists of A 36 steel Anfeste) Properties of 175 x100x 16 A.36 Steel. Properties of A 490 bots 14726 mm? Aw 4181 mn? Fy=243MPa y= 276 MPa te 16mm F,=400 MPa Naminal hole diam Pe Ak y T= 147260276) © Compute the tensile strength of T= 406538 N 06.44 RN the connection due to bearing failure of bolts. ® Compute the tensile strength of the connection due to shear of {ailure of botts. @ Compute the tensile strength of the connection due to tearing of angular section W Tensile strength due to tearing of angular section Based on gross area: r 60F, Ay © Compute the allowable block T=on0pexae) shear strength. © Compute the allowable tensile Bazan strength of the connection. T=62213KN SOLUTION: Based on net effective area: © Tensile strength due to bearing Figure 3.28 failure ofthe connection: T0505, A, THApFy ‘nominal hole diam + 1.6 F=12Fy Width of hole =27 + 1.6 p= 25(06)0) Width of hole = 286 mm ‘Ap 120mm? Ana lex TH4,12F, Ay OD hole xt 1200 Aq = 4181-28.6(16) T=576000N T=S76KN iii Oo ee pe | A=UAy Ag 08537234) Ag 316489 mun? T=050F,A, T= 0.50(400)(3164.89) T= 632978 Allowable block shear strength T=03 Fy Ay +05 Fy Ay Ay = net shear area Ay= (250 14,3-286- 28.6)16) Ay = 2856 mam? A;= net tension area Ay= (75 143)(16) p= 971.2 mame T=030FyAy+ 0.50 Fy Ay ‘T = 0,30(400)(2856) + 0.50(400\971.2) T= 536960 N 1 =53696kN Allowable tensile strength of the member: T= 406.44 kN (due to shear failure) 3.29 Problem: A butt joint shown in figure 3.29 is bolted using A 325 bolts with a diameter of 22 mm, with threads excluded from shear plane. Allowable shear stress v= 207Méa. Use A 36 steel with yield strength F, = 248 MPa anda minimum tensile strength F, = 400 MPa. Assume diamater of bolt hole to be 25 mmr, ) Compute the shear capacity of bas the butt joint Compute the Bearing capacity of = the butt joint Compute the tearing capacity of the butt joint SOLUTION: 1" Shear eapacity (double shear) Figure 329 oF F22? QX207)9) 416376 N T= 16164 kN Bearing capacity T2ApF, Fa L2Fy ‘T =25(22y9)(1.2,400) T= 2376000N T= 2376 kN so israerumanssree EST @ Tearing capacity: Row © ot Tart Bre Brom A T= 305 Fa Ae) ew An Age [300-3025)}22 n= 4950 T= 40.5) 400,4950) T= 2070000 T= 2870 kN ow Tent gre es Bom Ite tei k 3 T-305R89 Aes Ay Ag= [300 - 3(25)2 y= 4950 7 =} (osyo0Ks950) T= 1485000 T= 1485 kN Row @ 3 SOF, Ae Ags Ay ‘Age [300 -25(3)]22 A= 4950 THO5F, Ay ‘T= 0.5(400)(4950) T=950kN T=060FyAg Ta0soessyo00122) . 1 eazo80N 4 1295208 KN A] g Ta = 0.60 Fy Ag a = 0.60(248)(300)(12.5) na = 1126000 N T=1116 kN Use T = 982.08 kN Check forthe outer plate Tlosra, Ae= An ‘Ane [300-2513)] 02.5) Ag = 2812.5 mon? ~osn0(28125) 125000 Use T = 982.08 kN 100 ii 3.30 Problem: {n'a double riveted but! joint of the prossuro type in which the cover plate extends ‘over only the inner rows of rivets, the thickness of the main plates 14 mm, that of the shorter upper cover plate is 6 min, that ofthe longer cover plate is10 mm, Diameter of rivet hole is 20.5 int. Diameter of rivet is 20.5 m., long pitch is 200 mm, short pitch is 50 man Allowable stresses: Shear 60 MPa Bearing 130 MPa ‘Tearing: -Fy=80 MPa ‘Compute the rivet capacity of the bt joint @ Compute the tearing capacity of the butt joint. 3 Compute the efficiency of the bat joint Figure 3.30 SOLUTION: ©) Rivet capacity ofthe butt joint: Single shear of a vet ® © Oo oe R= AyFe Ry =F 205) (60) oO R,= 19806N Ry=19.8kN Qo QO Double shear of river Vivet—Urvel Note: Forrow @ only 1 rivet For row 2 only 2 rivets Crushing in the main plate Pa = Aly , = 14(20.5)1130) P,,<37310N Bs Ph, =3731 KN ‘Crushing in the upper cover plate: Pn ApFy P= 6(20.5)130) Py, = 15990N i= 15.59 KN Crushing inthe lower cover plate: (205130) The strength on the single rivet in row (in a repeating section is determined by {he lowest value ofthe load that will single shear the rivet, crush it in the main plate, or erush iton one cover plate, Single shear = 198 kN (Crush in main plate = 37.31 kN (Crushing in lower plate = 26.65 kN Use rivet capacity on row is 19.8 kN 102 «pipes ‘The strength of each ofthe two rivets in row @: ‘Double shear the ivet = 39.6 kN Crushing on main plate = 3731 KN Crushing on upper plate = 159 KN Crushing on lower plate = 26.65 KN Crushing on both cover plates = 15.99 +2665, Crushing on both cover plates = 42.64 KN ‘Adopt 37.31 KN for one rivet = 37.31(2) = 74.62 KN for two rivets Rivet capacity = rivet capacity of row © + rivet cap. for row ® 198 + 74.62 98:42 KN Tearing capacity Tear 1g of main plate at row ©: qh Ty = (100-20.5K14\80) “Tearing of main plate at cow @: w Ifthe main pate is to tear at row %, the external load must be the sum of the tearing resisiance of main plate at cow ® plus the load transmitted by the rivet in row from the main plate to the cover plate =Fp4198 100-2005)}4 60) +198 —EeEeE————EE———— OT Tearing on the cover plates: Tearing onthe upper cover plate T= [100 -2(20.5)] 6 60) 1, =2820N T)=28.2kN Upper cover plate transmit rivet load of 2 rivets in double shear Upper cover plate transmit rivet load of2 rivets in double shea Tearing on the lower cover plate: 7, = [100 - 2(20.5)] (10480) T,=47200N Ty=472kN Lower cover plate transmit fivet load of 2 rivets in double shear = 209.6), Lower co plate transmit rivet load of 2 rivets in double shear = 79.2 kN 8.324472 7552 kN, Total tearing capacity of cover plat Total tearing capacity af cover plat Safe tearing capacity = 75.52 kN Eifcwney of the joint Safe zapeity = 75.52 KN safe capacity Tull seengtn 852 100(14)(80) Hilieieney = 67.43% Litficeney = Piiveney = 100 104 3.31 Problem: ‘The lap connection shown in the figure 331 is connected by 9-19 mm o rivets with thickness of plates of 8 mm. Assume diameter of hole to be 3 mm greater than the rivet diam, Allowable stresses: ‘Shear: Fy=95MPa Bearing: Fy 220MPa Tearing: Fy=140MPo O20 © Compute the eapacity of the lap connection so that it will not exceed the allowable shear stress of rivets @ Compute the capacity of the lap connection so that it will not exceed the allowable bearing stress of the rivets Compute the capacity of the lap connection so that it will not exceed the allowable tearing stress of the plates Figure 331 SOLUTION: © Capacity due to shear of rivets: PoA,Fon P= Fas? 5x9) P= 242417 P=26242 kN DEUS tos, 2 Capacity due to bearing of ris PoA,Eyn Padtiyn P= 19(8,220)9) P= 300960.N P=30096kN * Capacity due to tearing of plates: Row @: PahA, P= 140 [250-22] @) P2255360'N 225836 KN Row 2: paler, Bra Ay P =3 (40) [250-2022)}8 P = 259860 N P=200.564N" Row pailar, Sp oray P= 2.140) [250-3022)]8 P= 300120N P209.12 KN Safe P= 255.36 kN 106 oo mt | | ‘A quadcuple riveted butt connection is connected with 20 mm diameter rivets. It . ‘carries a tensile force of 360 KN. Main plate is 250 mm x 12 mm and each cover plate is Ae [250-4(23)] (12) ‘mm thick. Use A 36 Stel with F,= 248 MPa, F, = 400 MPa. Assume that the rivet ‘Ag = 1896 mn? hole is 3 mm larger than the rivet diameter. Pys nF; © Compute the bearing stress of the rivets on the main plate. ® Compute the max. tensile stress in the main plate of the quadruple riveted connection. Compute the width of the cover plate "b” at row 2, if the tensile stress is not to exceed 180 MPa, 144000 = 1896 F, Fy=7595 MPa At row 3 360000 = 3(36000) + Py Py=2! SOLUTION: “mn Bearing stress ofthe rivets on the poe main plate: “ . Ag = [250-323)}12 TaApiyn Ag 2172 mm? Pre Ag [360000 = 20(12) Fy (10) 252000 = 2172 5 Fy=150MPa <12F,=480 MPa Fis 11602 MPa Beating stress = 250 MPa @ Max. tensile stress of the quadruple riveted butt connection: Atrow @: p= e000 10 F = 360qNN (each rivet) 360000 = P+ 6F 360000 = P + 6(3600) = 144000 i Ay = 2448 mm? Fy=132.35MPa Pee AnFr 360000 = (250-23)(12) Fr Fy= 132.16 MPa Max. tensile stress = 132.35 MPa (ailure of tearing stress is at row @) ‘Width of cover plate “bat row +7 = 180000 P+7(18000) » 180000 P=54000 [STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 109 3.33 Pin-Connected Members: Vin-connected members consists of eyebars and pin-connected plates, Most of the bbridges on the early years were pin-connected but the disadvantage of the old pin- ‘connected trusses was the wearing of the pins in the holes which causes looseness of the joints, In the present, trusses are using bolted or welded connections, but ‘oceasionally pin-connected bars are used as tension members for long-span bridges «and hangers for some type of bridges and other structures where they are normally subjected to very large dead loads, Allowable stresses D On the net area ofthe pin-hole for pin-eonnected members = 0.45 Fy 'D Onthe gross area of members = 0.60 Fy Bearing stress on projected area of the pit 2908, ‘A. Pin-connected Plates: NSCP Specifications (Sect, 504-42) 3.34 For pin-connected members in which the pin is expected to provide for relative ‘movement between connected parts while under full load, the diameter of the pin hole shall not be more than 0.8 mn greater than diameter ofthe pin. sta, of in zB 110 asso pinconnces pate diane na ical nevi tothe aio ino 235 Th i che tatui up member, fom ge ofp le ne pllorencnd she acoso pone Edge distance from edge of hole. 4c4t 9.3.51 9.3.52, 3.36. The minimum net area beyond the pinhole shall not be less than 2/3 of the net area across the pin hole 2 along ab. Net area slong CO > 3 of net area along ab. 3.37 Tene ste of pin cones 2 cosh, 5q.337 3.38. Bearing stress of pin connected plates: z HS 09Fy parallel to the axis of the member, itt B. Eye bars: 339 3.40 341 342 3.43 Bag NSCP Specifications (Sect. 5044.3) ‘The width of the body of an eye bar shall not exceed 8 times its thickness: west Eq, 339 The pin diameter sal ees thn 7/8 times tee wih 4230 5.340 "epi ole lant sal ot be 0 more than 08 mn reer han the pin Smet feapeos eqn Forse having yield ts restr than 489 MPa te ole ameter shal not tsced tines he plate thckns andthe withthe eyta chal be reed seondingly test maa "he distance rom the ole age to pated per pends tothe decton the applied load shall not be less than 2/3 nor greater than 3/4 times the width of the eyebar body. acin raat rq 432 dns ody fyb: Pim cq 112 2 2 cossr, Bq 345 3,46 Net area at section © - Ay Wheat 9.3.46 3.47. Tensile stress at section @ - ® P F< 0.00F, q.347 3.48 Problem: A pin connected plate is shown in figure 348, Pin diameter is 62.5 mum and thickness of plate is 12 mm, Material used is ASTM 441 with Fy= 345.5 MPa, Fp= 483 MPa © Compute the allowable tensile load. @ Compute the edge distance dy and check for the required NSCP Specs for the edge distance d Check for the required NSCP Specs. for net areas beyond the pinhole. Figure 348 SOLUTION: fl © Allowable tensile toad: Based on gross area! P=05F, Ay P= 0.6(345.5)(150)(12) Based on net area P=045 FA, 5 sally d-@5+08 | ees d=633 mm Ag = (150-63.8)(12) Ag= 10404 min? P=045 FyAy P=0.45(345.5)(1040.4) P=161756N Allowable tensile load = 161,76 kN 43.35 < 4(12) = 48 ok <4 s 5 Analorg © -® Solution: ‘Value of P so as not to exceed the allowable bearing stress: 820.20> 3 (1040.4) Allowable bearing stress = 0.90 Fy 2020°> 693.6 min? ok Use net area beyond the pin hole: Ag = 820.20 mn? 116 @ Valse of P so as not to exceed the allowable shearing stress Alleanble shearing stress = 040 Fy Fore = Stress x Area 040, @) a5? @ = 04oaasy (1) 25? @) =13648 iN ® Value of P not to exceed the allowable bending stress: ‘Allowubie bending stress = 0.66 Fy 066(345) 5,025 Pe 1127kN Po. pa (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 1.50 Bolt length and whether the threads are excluded or not excluded from shear plane. Table 3.50 Holt Size Gam) 125. 15 20 2 25 28 20 35 0 fA & Bolt length = Grip +1 Thread Gum) 5 Both Tenth 117 Linon 18 22 25 28 30) 38 2 5 50 9.3.50 “STRUCTURAL STEEDDESIGN (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 119 118 3.51 Problem: 3.52 Problem: ‘A bolted connection shown in figure 351 is using an 4 32,22 mm diameter bot. ‘bolted connection shown is using an A 490 bolts having diameter of 25 mn. The ‘Thread length is 38 mm. thread length is equal to 45 mn. © Compute the length of rip. | © Compute the ength of grip. @ Compute the required bolt i Compute the required length of length, bolt 8 Determine whether the threads are excluded or not excluded from shear planes. rr) |_ [am |} ® Determine whether threads are excluded or not excluded from shear planes, (s [oa heads | Fatt Bott jure ican wie eoored Bh poy SOLUTION: SOLUTION: © Lengthot grip: | eutaie Length of grip =12.+25 +12 renin Grip « 1262412 Length of grip = 49 mm Cm) a Figure 35 Required bolt length i From table L= 30 mm » ob Legg 48 #30 L Leg Grip +L ta TI a 7 12, = 28 mm from table 3.50 he - Uy 49+ 28 lene sone fie = 7 mm c ~ i x=33m, haa @ 1277-38 x= 39mm Distance for two plates» 12-+ 26 Distance for two plates = 36 he5 7 Sam Distance for two plates » 12 + 25 Distance for two plates = 37 < 39 18mm ‘Therefore the threads are steers ne cece) not excluded from shear plane. excluded from shear plane. 120 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 3.53. Min. Spacing of Bolts: The distance between centers of standard oversized or slotted fastener holes shall not be less than 2.67 times nominal diameter of the fastener nor less than 3d when 112 Fy is used in standard or slotted holes with two or more bolts in the line of (OF, for long slotted holes with the axis ofthe slot perpendicular to the direction of the load and with two or more bolts in the line of force. Otherwise the distance between centers of holes shall not be less thar: pr ad 9.353 3.54 For oversized and slotted holes, the distance required fro standard holes in ‘equation. 3.53, plus the applicable increment C, from table 3.54 but the clear distance between holes shall not be less than one bolt diameter. i 121 \STRUGTURAUSTEEU DESIGN 3.55. Minimum Edge Distance ‘The datas fam the contr of star hoe oan edge o «conned pa notte than theapliabie value rom ble 385 north valc reeegacen ae Along aie of arated lee, in the ction ofthe she art center of stndard het the eo he enneted pat sae be fn USdwhen F212 orF,~ 10 Fy Othenven be edge all tDvtale toe heart 9.355, Table 3.55 Minimum Edge Distance (mm) Towunal bao Reerburetct | Atstemd Edges Table 3.54 Values of Spacing Increment ¢; (rm) ony 2 z i # i 2 3 Nominal Dia. of| Oversized aioe ° Beene | RE | repent iss ia zB 4 Force | Shortalots | Longrslots 28 50 == — 3 <2 30 50 [site Suer5d ia Danee 3 30 a % gr oveszal or slated hoes soe abe 356 328 60 a ‘80 Tad-16 "All sige distance inthis cokann may be reduced 3 mm when the holes a ~ Whe eg of dots han warn allowed in Table 22,Cy may be iemeny det nt exceed 25% ofthe mmimm design engin elt fe dither he macau Sod 3eel deb “These may Be 32mm athe ends f beam connection angles. 2) STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGN! or slotted hole to an edge of an 3.56. The distance from the center of an oversized or slot oversized or slotted hole to an edge of a connected part shall be not less than. tecjuted fora standard hole plus the inerement C; from Table 3 5 Table 3.56 Values of Edge Distance Increment (2 mm) Siete Holes Nominal | Oversized [Perpendicular to Bdge ‘Paral Dameterot | isle oe | Eaae =a 15 30 3 30. 30. o7sd 4 [>a | 38 30 | 3.57 Max, Edge Distance and Spacing: scum distance rom he ete of ny svt or bl the nearest edge of pak ee e ae YP ration, but shall not js in contact shall be 12 times the connected part under considers exceed 150 mm. Fe eel which will be exposed to For unpainted, built up members made of weathering steel whi phe * he spacing of fasteners connecting a plate and a shape or two ‘shall not exceed 14 times the thickness of the thinnest part ‘edge distance shall not exceed § times the thickness of atmospheric corrosion, plate components in contact ror 175 mm and the maximum the thinnest part or 125 mom. (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 123 3.58 Problem: ere sereern meee ‘at Tr pmnicommniy ocbomenstcngn et aarde wonon ae Sac nrg ans pacgs lee Sclent ce Seeraeioeeeteamnds — seal ome eed ae Irietion type connection is used. a Diam. of bolt is 22 rum mom Tm 3 Compute the number of bolts needed to connect the splices if bearing type connection is used. Diam, of bolt is 22 mim. Use F, 15 Fy 1) Compute the dimension of the splice plates on both sides of the web using friction type. Figure 358 Specification of A 325 bolts: Allowable shearing stress for friction type = 117 MPa Allowable shearing stress for bearing type bolts 2) When threads are not excluded from shear planes = 145 MPa bb) When threads are excluded from shear planes = 207 MPa Hole diameter mm bigger than bolt diameter Minimum edge distance required for 22 mnt bolt measured from center of standard hole to the shear edge ofthe plate is 38 mm. Minimum bolt spacing shall not be les than 22 ims the dametrof he bolt Maximum edge distance shall be 12 times the thickness of the connected part under «consideration but shall not exceed 150 mm. Thread length of bolt for bearing type = 38 mm Required length of bolt = grip distance + 28 mn: STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGN] |STRUCEURAU STEEL DESIGN yy rE 125 SOLUTION: © Length, width and thickness of splice plate: Gross area required for 2 plates: ‘Aq [240-3(25)]5}2) (for 2 plates) ‘Ag = 1650 mm? > 1325 mm? or s086F, er Min bolt spacing = 2674 Seon Minos 26702 ‘Ag = 1619.01 men? nae Min. bolt spacing = 5874 say 60 mm, Netarea An G5 Min. edge distance = 8 min say 40mm Min bot spacing =26574 Min. ol spacing = 2.672) Min. bot pacing 5874 say 60mm 530000 75(400105 Ag = 1325 man? ‘Try two plates 240 mm x5 mm aon Total length of splice = (40 + 60+ 40)2 Total lengthof pe = 28mm Diameter of hole = 22+ 3 " ana Diameter of hole = 25 mm Use 280 mm x 24¢ mmx5 mm splice plates No.of bolts required (double shear): 7 No of bls required using friction By shear of ball: required using vetion ty = 6 bolts on each side T2AFN 530000 = F (22)? 2MLi7) N N 2596 say 6bolts By tearing of plates: Diameter of hole «22 +3 Diameter of hole =25 No. of bolts needed if bearing type is used: pn Leos Required length of bolt = 6 + 18.2 +5) + 28, Required length of bolt = 56.2 mm. From the figure shows thatthe thread is not excluded froze: shear plane. Allowable sheae stress = 145 MPa (double shea) Te Fs 530000 = f (227 @)(145) N N=48say Sbolts Check for bearing on web channel Fy= 13 Fy Fp (ND T= 22(182)(5)(1.5(500) T= 1201200N 201.2 KN > S30 KN safe) (Check for bearing on two plates (522152). 53(400) ‘T= 660100 N > 830000 N (safe) CHAPTER FOUR DIMI days oe 4.1. Design of Tension Members: {ension members usually consists of angles, channels, wide flange of § sections, when they are bolted, riveted or welded. When they are bolted allowance should be made for the holes while ifthe seetions are welded, no holes will have to be deducted ft the required gross area. However, some welded members may have holes punched in them for temporary bolting during field erection before the welding are being done ithe field. These holes should be considered in the design, ‘lowable tensile capacity ase on grass aren DOF A, Bq. At ased om effective net area 50F A, Bg. 412 Ag-area of holes reduction coefficient see table 28 Table 2.8 Values of ReductionCoefficient U for Bolted or Riveted Corrections When the tensile load is transmitted by bolts through all thé cross-sectional elements of a member _) STRUCTURAL STEEDESIGH) 128 ® W,Mor Shapes with flange widths net less than 2/3 the depth and structural tees cut from these shapes provided the connection is to the flanges. Bolted or riveted connections shall have no fewer then three (3) fasteners per fine in the direction of tre... . U=0.90 @ W,MorS-shapes not meeting the condition of paragraph @, structural tees cut from these shapes and all other shapes including built up sections. Bolted or nnveted connections shall have no fewer than three (3) fasteners per line in the direction of stress = 0.85 @ All members with bolted or riveted connections having only two (2) fasteners-per Tine in the direction of stress... Uh (SPRUGTURAUSTEEL DESIGN Slenderness ratio: Leso0 += least radius of gyration =r Min. Ag= a5 pa * estimated hole area ‘Types of Tension Members: ditt ITT Tarapecan ors “LL ‘ue ts Seton itd J Buttap stn Rerrcre 129 E4413 130 4.2 Problem: A single angle tension member is to support a total tensile load of 312 kN. The ‘member has a length of 2.7 m. and is to be connected to one leg only with 2 2 ra bolt at least three in a line, Assume that only one bolt is to be located at any one cross Section. Use A 36 steel with Fy~ 248 MP2, Fy= 400 MPa. Use reduction coefficient U = 085, Assume hole diameter = 25 mim, Design an angular section to carry the tension load. Prop. of Angular sections: ‘Angular Section ‘Asea (mm?) Min, Radius of Gyration (mm) 150% 1508 mm 2354.83 mm? 3048 mm 150x875x95mm 2206.45 mm? 19.48 man 100x 75 12.5 mm 2086.77 mar? 1623 mm 100% 100% 11 mm 2135.48 mm? 19.94mm 100%875% 125mm 2258.06 mun? 1834 mm SOLUTION: T=060FyAy a Min 55 ZabF, 312000 Min Ag F(48) Min, Ag = 2096.77 men? T=050F, A, Ag=U Ay T=O50F,U Ay 50F,U 312000 Min. Aa=95(400/055) Min, Ag = 1835.29 mn L Min. r=ahs 2700 300 Min. ¢= 9mm Min, r= ‘Try 100x75%12.5 mm = Ag dhe E ‘Ay = 2096.77 -25(12.5) 1784.27 mm? < 1835.29 man? (ail) Try 100 100 11 mm Ag= Ag date t 2195.48 -25(11) 1860.48 mm? > 1835.29 mm? ok Capacity of 100 100% 11 mm P=060F, Ay 7 = 0.60(248)(2135.48) 1 =317739N> 312000 N (safe) r 050 FA, = 0.50(400\(0.85)(1860.48) 316282 N >312000 N (safe) 131 Sindee ao Laon L_ 2700 9.98 35.01 < 300 (ok) Use 100 x 10011 mm angular section 4.3 Problem: [A tension member has a span of 9 m. and carries a tensile load of 981 EN. The member {s to have two lines of rivets in each flange for the 20 mm rivets with Standard diameter of 21 mm of hole dimension with at last 3 rivets in a line, Use an ‘A36W section, Neglect weight of membe:. Fy= 248 MPo, Fy = 400 MPa, 4) Which of the following sections could carry the load safely @ Whats the capacity of the section being chosen? 3 Whatis the actual slenderness ratio of the selected member? SOLUTION: © _Wesection to carry the load safely: 1 - Tra min. Ag “TDF, 381000 Min. As =9.55048) Min, Ay = 6592.74 mm? L Min n= 3h5 3000 Min.1y= yp Min, y= 30mm Possible Sections Wik 60 W250%67 th 13.10 mm t= 1463 mm by= 2082 mm bp= 204.27 mo Try W 200% 54 Width of rivet hole=21 + 1.6 Width of rivet hole = 226 mm (See sections 502.32 and 510.4.44 of NSCP Specs) Ag = 6839 -4(22.6)113.72) A= 8598.71 arson by 166.75 yee 2 d= Spe 05a <2 Use U = 0.85 (See table 2.8) Ae=U Ag Ag=(.85(6598.71) Ag= 4758.91 min? 60 Fy Ay T= 0.60(248)(6839) T= 1017643 > 981000 ok T= 050 Fy Ae T =0.50(400)(4758.91) T= 981782 N < 981600 N (ail) 4.4 Probler Tey W250 60 1427613 ‘Re = 7613 -4(226)11372) A= 87271 mm? ‘A tension member of a roof truss hasa length of 7.6 m. and is stressed in tension by a dead load of 178 kN and a live load of 268 KN, The tension member needs some amount of rigidity. Assumed A 36 steel is used and there are two lines of bolts ia each flange (at least three in a lin). 4 325 bolts (threads excluded from shear plane) 20 mm diameter in a bearing type connection aru required to developed the full capacity of the member. I an additional axial tension of 200 ki is produced by wind load, design a W section. Assume dia. of bolt hole = 22 mm. by d= 2985 2 682 Use U = 090 (See NSCP Section 502.44) A 36 Stee: =U Ay Fy= 248 MPa = 400 MPa Ag=090(6372.71) A,= 5738.46 mm? Properties of W Sections [Sesion Ara] | T=060FyAy em?) | frm) | cond | fmmy | niny | finy waxiz| 339 | 200 | 782 [iss4 | 353i | 3099 T= 0.60(248)7613) wsxiss] 3503 _| 130 | 1067 | 1276 | 5496 | 2251 ‘T= 1132814 > 981000 (safe) wox20] 374 | 357 [932 | 1529 [ 6756 | 3835 SOF yAe '50(400)(5735.44) ‘T= 1147088 N > 981000 N (safe) SOLUTION: Dead load = 178 KN Liveload = 268 iN TN Use W 250-2 60 (this is lighter than W 250 x 67) Percentage of wind load to the sum of @ Capacity ofthe section chosen: dead and live load: T=132814N = 202 (ro) T= 1132.81 kN 6 = 448% > 93.3% @ Stender ats L900 583 se <0 eee 136 STRUCTURAU STEEUIDESIGH) 137 | ‘therfore wind load governs in the “design ofthe member: 2 ‘ota load = 46+ 200 25s “otal load = 46 KN re - Mg = 7355 (0B0F) 333(0.6)(543) | Min, A =3257 mm? ™ = Try W5x 185 . T= 0.60 Fy Ag (1.333) n= Ag" Ane 060 248135031333) T 694821 N J on ‘Ag = 3794 -22(9:32)(4) y=2973 mm = 050 Fy Ae T=050 ne Ags 0.90(2973.84) n= 267646 oe? Aga U An 07260 2 =098>2 T=O5F, A, (1.333) W5x 185 T = 0.5(400)(2676.46)(1.333) Ag Ate: 12713543 > 646000 (safe) Ag = 3503 - 4(22)(10.67) ‘Ag = 2564.04 mm? T= 0.60 Fy A, (1.333) ‘Ag = 0.90(2564.04) ‘T= 0.60(248)(3794)(1.333) Ae 2307.64 mm? ‘752541 N > 646000 (safe) Stendernes Ratio 12050 Fy A338 12760 19317 <200 ok T = 0.50(400)(2307.64)(1.333) Use W6x20 12 615216 N < 646000 (ail) 4.8 Problem: ‘Design a W section for member CD of the tr steel and assume there are two lines of three ‘iameter of bolt hole= 20 mm. Neglest wei ight of section. ss shown in the figure 45. Use A 36 “18 mam bolts in each flange. Assume A36 Steel: Fyn 248 MPa F, = 400 MPa Figure 45 Properties of W Sections toe [a ith | Piange Th 5 W025] SiO mm? | 259.89 mm | 14729 mm vamm | 3598 a rLsizsmmé| 20378mm | wecmm | iene 3851 af sexo mnt] 20708mm | 165 74mm | Usine 3912 Wax 26 | 5910 mme[ 208.72 mm | 166.12 i 7émm | 41.5 | SOLUTION: BM=0 ‘Te24) + 12586) = 312572) T=750KN T Min. 4g" 50, 750000, Min. Ag =9,60088) Min. Ay = 5040 man? Try Wi2x27 ‘ 4, tg Atte v ‘Aya 5129 -20(10.16¥4) ° y= 43162 mm? oan by 165.02 a 303.78 boos? b-o513<3 \ wrx Ag=0:85(0316.2) Ag 3668.77 mm? Tensile strength based on net area: T=050F,Ay 1 = 050(400)9668.77) T=735754N 1 =73875KN <750 failed Tey W 10x29 ‘he = 5510- 2007.34) iene ° w10x29 140 ___| STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGN] AsUAy Ag= 0:85(4922.8) Age 418438 ‘Tensile strength based on net area: T#050F, A. ‘T= 050(400)4186.38) T= 836876 N ‘T= 836.88 KN > 750KN ok ‘Tensile strength based on gross ares: T=060F, Ag T= 0.60(248)5510) T=819888.N ‘T=819.9 KN > 750 KN ok Loser 750KN (ok) Tensile capacity based on gross area: 790.13 KN > 750 KN (ok) Slenderness ratio: L_ 300 48. < 300 Use W 8x28 (lightest section) 142 4.6 Problem: Design the top chord of the truss shown in the figure 4.6. Use ST Section with A 36 steel. Assume that member to be connected through its web with one line of three or ‘more 22 mm bolts. Use diameter of bolt hole to be 25 mm. Neglect weight of section. A 36 steel: F,= 248 MPa F,=400 MPa Properties of Seaton] A Da] Renae mm} (mm) | Width som) st sxi7s| a3] 127 | 12558 st6x159 | so19| 1524 | 127.00 st6x175 | 3316] 1524 [12898 SOLUTION: IMp=0 TSin 0 (1.8) + T Cos 6 (12) = 45(1.8)3) $9041.82) + 900.8) = 1843" ‘TSin 1743" (1.8) + T Cos 18.43" = 729 T= 425,94 kN Try ST6x159 ‘Ag = 3019 mm? b= 127 asta Aq = 3019-25(8.89) Ag > 2796.25 mm? gs aoe 5 ‘Ag =0.90(2796.25) y= 2516625 mm? aan ST6x159 Tensile capacity based on net area T=050FuAe T = 0:50(400}2516.625) T= 508325 N 503,325 KN > 426.94 KN (safe) ‘Tensile capacity based on gross area: TH05F, Ay T= 0.6(248)3019) T= 44027N T= 449.23 KN > 426.94 KN (safe) Slendemess Ratio: 1997 4 = 7469 < 300 Try ST5x175 Ag = 2948.75 c= 09012945 75) Ag= 265.175 50 Fy A 50(400)(2651.175) 530295 N 426940 KN (safe) Tensile capacity based on gross area: F=0608, Ay £ = c60y2say(aa2a) 1 > 498462. | 1 = O46 KN \26940 (fe (heST6x 159 (lightest section) 146 4.7 Problem: Design a standa-d channel that will safely support a tensile load of 780 KN. The ‘member is 4.5m. long and is assumed to have one ine of holes for 25 mm bolts in each flange. Use A 36stee! and assume there are atleast three holes in each line. Diameter ‘Properties of Channels Ton] Ara] Depih ] Flange Flange Wad om, {mm2)] (mom) [Width (me) | Thickness (men) [Thickness] (mm) _| 10x25 | aaa [254 [7330 1.07 1336 [17a ‘10x30 _| 590 [254 [77.08 07 17.09 | 1699 c1zx25 | ano [ s048 | 7.39 12.73 19.81 12x30 | 90 {3048 | 9os2 12.73 19.38 SOLUTION: T Mins =3305 Min. Ag = eam, Min. Ag = 5282 mm? Try C 10x30 ‘gy 5690 - 2(27)1L1.07) ant Aq = 5092.22 me U~085 = ‘A= 0.85(5092.22) e= 4328.39 mm? ws 147 Tensile capaci based on net area: T=050F,A, T= 1.50(400)(4328.39) 86567 N T= 865.68 KN > 780 kN ok Tensile capacity based on gross area: T=060F, Ay T = 0.60(248)5590) T= 84667 KN > 7801 Slenderness Ratio Use C 10x30 148 4.8 Problem: 'A built up cection consists of two channels (C 300 x 37) and two steel plates $2.5 mmx 300 mm bolted with 22 mm diam, bolts. Assume atleast three bolts in each line. Use A 36 steel with Fy= 250 MPa, F, = 400 MPa, © Compute the net area ofthe built up section. ® Compute the effective net area ofthe built up section. Compute the allowable tensile strength of the built up section. Properties of C 30037 A= A792 mm? 4300 mm y= 12.52 mm fp= 9.68 mm by= 76.18 mm SOLUTION © _Netarea of the built up section: Dia. of hole =22 +3 ia. of hole = 25 mm ‘An = [300125 -2(25)(12.5)] 2 + [4792 - 2(25)(12.52)] 2 A= 14582 mn? @ _ fective net area of the built up section: Az UAy SCP Spees. for reduction coefliient U W, M or Sshapes with flanges less than 2/3, the depth and structural tees cut from these shapos and all other shapes. including built up sections. Bolted or riveted connections shall have no fewer than three fasteners per line in the direction f stress, the reduction factor U = 0.85. A= UAy Ag=085(14582) Ags 12394.70 mm? 3 Allowable tensile strength T=060F, A, ‘AG~125(200)2) + 204792) Ag= 17084 mn? .60(250)¢17084) 562600 N T=050F,A, ‘T = 0.50(400\12394.70) T=2478940N Allowable tensile strength = 2478940 N Allowable tensile strength = 2478.94 kN 4.9 Problem: ‘A W300 x 67 has two lines of 20 mmm diam. which has a spacing as shown in the figu P= 400 MPa. bots in each lange hee bls in each i re 49. A 36seel ed with y= 350 Me, Compute the effective net area of the section. ® Compute the allowable tensile strength ofthe section, © Compute the block shear strength of the section. tye 1840 mm d=300mm tye 84mm SOLUTION: “eo Effective net are2 ofthe section: Dia of hole =20+3 Dia.of hole =23 mm ‘An=8250-403)144) y= 69520 me? Ac=UAn Figure 49 SCP Specs. for reduction factor U. and sic WiMor shapes with Ranges wih ots than 2/3the dep, Hons archer provided te connection sto te fangs. Bolted test an shall Rave no eer than te fasteners er tin i the ed cofatem the vu of eduction aot U =O. by _ 201.05 oe) 2 0473 Use U «090 AyeUAa ‘Ae= 0.90(6925.20) ‘Ae= 6232.68 mn? 151 @ Allowable tensile strength of the section: T=060F, Ay T= 0.60(250)(6250) 1237500 N T= 1237.5KN T=050 Fy Ae T =0.50(400)(6232.68) T= 1246536 Te 1246.54 kN Allowable tensile strength = 12375 kN ® Block shear strength ofthe section: T=030F, Ay+ 050 Fy Ay Ay=net shear arez Ay= [200- 23+ 23+115)] 1440 ‘Ay = 2052 mm? for one section only ‘Acs net tension area Ay= @2-11.5)(14.40) ‘A,= 2952 mm? for one section only Total A, = 4108 Total Ay = 295.2(2) T=030F,A, +0.50F, A, T = 0:30(400\4104) + 0.50(400)(590.4) T=610560N T=61056kN 152 “4.10 Problem: \ ‘A bolted connection shown consists of an angular section £150 mmx 100mm x8 mm, ade up of A 36 steel and the bolts are 13 mi in dlameter. Cross 151894 mn? F, = 400 MPa, F250 MPa The angle sectional area of the angular sectios © Compute the effective net area ofthe section. 2 Compute the allowable tensile strength ofthe angle. '® Compute the allowable block shear strength. SOLUTION: W_Bffective net ares: Diameter of hole 18+3 Diameter of hole =21 mm Aga teen 21096) + [60% Jo Ag = 1638 mm? AesUAy SCP Specs for adtoncoetcen W, Mor Shapes wth ange wid estan 2/3 the depth, ad structural es Cut from thes shapes and al other shape, chiding bul up sections wth bolted or riveted connections with no fewer than three fasteners per line in the direction of sires, the reduction coefficient. U=085 Av= 085 Ay ‘Ae = 08540638) A, = 1392.3 mn ® Allowable tensile strength of angular section: T=0.60f, A, T = 0.60(250)1894) T=284100N T=050F, A, T= 0.50(400\1392.3) T= 278460 N Allowable tensile strength = 278.46 kN 3) Allowable block shear strength Along the shear plane. Ay =net shear area ‘Ay = (300-21 -21 10.5} ‘Ay = 1980 mm? ‘Along the tension plane, Ay= net tension area 20) +60 At [» 201 +627] y= 46733 mm? T=030F,A, +0505, A, T =0:0(400)(1980) + 0.50(400)(467.33) T= 331066 N T=33107kN NE 154 aoe (STRUCTURAD STEEL DESIGN } IGN 155 4.11 Problem: i By aes oapeay SHAT, ‘A tool truss is shown on the figure 4.11 showing the details at joint B. Diameter of | eivets is 20 mm | ToALF, Allowable stresses 6000» 20? tyr) Shearing stress Fy =70 MPa = 4.27 say Seivets Bearing stress Fy 140 MPa © Determine the numberof 20 mnivetsto fasten member BC to the guseet plate : @ Determine the numberof 20 mm rivets to fasten member BE to the gusset plate by basing paciee capacity of rivets: Determine the average tensile tess for member BC Sat, Ta Aphy 96000 = 20(6)(140) a n=571 say6 cl = = Hains bani east j Use =6 rivets for member BC er co a te Bars aoqmy Oe ge Por wa ap Fig ® No.of rivets for member BE: LS Figure 4.11 74 ue Cutsecton ®-@ SOLUTION: IMa=0 BESin 0(4)+ BECos 008) = 9548) Be (3) ($) 5) + BE (Ea) = 9508) BE =SDKN (compression 3 No.of 20 mm o rivets lor member BC: 2R = 96 + 200+ 96 96 KN SF=0 BC =96 KN (Tension) 156 Shear capacity of rivets: PoAyFy ‘80000 =% (200 (70) n= 3.64 say 4 nvets. Bearing capacity of rivets: P=AgFy } 9000 = 20(23)(140) n n= 220 say 3 rivets rivets on member BE Usen 8 Average tenile stress for member BC: F\= 118.67 MPa 157 4.12 Problem: 4 uss joint shown in the figure 412 coneists of a bottom chord C made up of two ingles and web members A and B carrying the given laads. A 502- grade I bolts is girs with an allowable shearing stress F, = 120 MPa. Thickness of gusset plate is 85mm. A 36 steel is used with F,= 248 MPa, F, = 5C0 MPa Y Compute the required number of 18 mm diam. bolis to developed fuily the truss joint for member A 2 Compute the required number of 18 mm dia. bolts for member B % Compute the required number of 18 mm dia. bolts for member C. ‘SOLUTION: Figure 412 No. of bolts for member A. ‘Shear capacity of bolts (double shear) PaAFe isis 150000 =¥ 18) 12042) n n= 246 say 3 bolts Bearing capacity of bolts fon the gusset plate Peary 5, 2F, 150000 = 18(9:5\1.2)¢500) n = 146 say 2 bolts Usen = 3 Bolts for members A 158 ___ STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESIGN! @ No.of boli for member B: ‘Shear capacity ofbolts (ouble shear) a Fe 20000 - $08) 020,20 n= Absay 4 bots Bearing of bolts on the gusset plate: Te Apkp 20000 = 18(9.5)(1.2)600) 9 n=214 say3 Use 4 bolts for memberB & No.of 18mmboltoa member C: hes capacity of bolt (double sheat) T= 62467 -400 T= 22467 kN Te AsFe 24670 = % 18) (12032) n n=335 say ‘Bearing capacity of bolt on the gusset plate: T=A,F 204670 = 18(9.5\1.2)500) n n= 1.99 say 2bolts Use w =5 for symmetry reasons by placing one bolt atthe intersestion of the rivet gages for members A and B. 4.13 Problem: ‘Two channels having a cross section shown carries. tensile load. It has a length of 8 my and has one line of three 22 rim diam. bolts in each channel flange. The center of bolt holes are 44.50 mm from the back of the channel, Use 4 36 steel Fy = 248 MPa, y= 400 MPa, Stanclard di. of normal hole for 22 mm bolt s 26 Propetties of C 300 x 45 gus 3a Te plase Compute the capacity of the tension member neglecting the effect of tie plates. Compute the slendemess ratio of the section Compute the dimension of tie plates, % 5 SOLUTION: Capacity of tension mem Ta060F, Ay peal T = 0:60(248)(5690)2) oie T= 1683344 N TH050F,Ay AsUAy ae Figure 413 ‘Width of hole = 24 + 1.6 Width ofhole = 256mm (See NSCP Sec. 510.44.8) Ag = [5690-2(25.6)(12.73)] 2 ‘Ay = 10076.45 mm? ‘Ae=0.85(10076.45) (NSCP Specs U = 085) Ag = 8564.98 mm T=050F A, T = 0.50(40048564 98) T= 1712996N Safe T = 1683344. Sale T = 1683.34 KN ® Slenderness Ratio: 14 x 108 + 56900132 887] 2 1y = 20522 x 10° mint 74x 108 (2) 34 8 108 mnt nin \ 56902) tpin=1088mm ok 9000, F7 1088 L872 <300 ok 7galisa.sajaszaale, i 161 SRUGTURAUSTEEMDESION tt, @ Dimension of tie plates Section 504.3:3 NSCP Specifications Min. length of tie plates is not less than 2/3 of the distance between the lines of fasteners connecting them to the components of the member. The thickness of the tie plates is not less than 1/50 of the distance between the lines of bolts or rivets, andes t=dem 50 (342mm say Sm Use 300 x 1505 mem tie plates 300 4.14 Problem: 4 typical structural joint of a light truss is shown in figure 4.14. Each member is ‘made up of two 8 min thick angles placed back to back are riveted to a gusset plate Foe 270 MPa, Use A 36 steel F, = 248 MPa, F, = 400 MPa. Dia. of rivets = 20 mm. ‘Compute the minimum thickness of the gusset late for each rivet to be approximately as strong in Dearing as in shear, ® How many rivets ate required for eaR sow ‘How many rivets are required for member B, How many tivets are required for cours member C. . © Min. thickness of gusset plate: (Gouble shear O) Se Fyn Fy 20? (70) = 208 (1.2)400) t= 1767 say 18 mm © No.of rivetsfor member A: Shear of rivets. (double shear) T= 320000 1 =F oy @7OV2K) 320000 = 207 @70)2) 0 n= 189 say? Bearing of rivets on the angle Tadt ya 320000 = 208) 1-20400N(9}2) n=208 say 3 Bearing on the gusset plate: 320000 = 20(18)(1.2400) 85 say? Usen =3 rivets 163 No. of rivets for member B: Shear of rivets (double shear) T=A,Fyn(2) 584000 = F (207 27032) n= 344 say Bearing on the gusset plate: Bearing on the angle: 584000 = 20(8)1.2)400)n}2) n=38 say4 Use n =4 rivets No of iets for member C Star of rivets (double shear) To AgFen®) 380000 =F 20)? @7OX}2) n=224 say3 Bearing on gusset plate: Ted Fyn 380000 = 20(18)(1.2)(400) n n=220 say3 Bearing on angle: T=dtFan@) 320000 = 20(8.2)400)n (2) ne25 sy3 Use m= 3 rivets 164 4.15 Problem: A.C375x50:5 (channel) is used as puslins of a roof truss having a pitch of 1/4. There are 9 purlins on each side of the topchord spaced at 2.15 m. on centers. The spacing between trusses is 6.75 m, The trusses are subjected to the following loads: Tile Reof = 860 kPa of roof surface Wind load = 1.20 kPa normal to roof surface Use A 36 stet Fy= 248 MPa Figure 4.15 © Determine the diameter of the sag rods for the purlins of the truss if they are placed at the mid span. ® Determine the diameter of the sag rods for the purlins of the truss if they are placed at the third points. @ Determine the diameter ofthe tie rod at the ridge ifthe sag rods are placed at the third points. SOLUTION: © Diam. of sag rods at midspan of the purlins. Load on each putlins, Roof covering = 2151086) Root covering» 1849 KN /m Weight of prin = 505880 4954N/m ‘Weight of puslins 1 tan 0-4 = 2657" ‘Tangential com, ponent ofthe fo W,= (1849 + 0495)Sin 2657" We 1.048 kN/m. Using 3 moment equation: oe 2 01816758 3 1482KNm 5, - 0950375) 375) 1492 = 3.75 R569 Ri + Re R= 1.048 6.75) 1.327 + 1.327 R = 1.048(6.75) R442 KN (reaction at sag rods at mid point) Total load on the critical ea 598 rods: (It will support the 8 lower puslins) A = 35360 397400) = 26788 mm? nd? ‘P= 26788 d= 1847 mm Used = 20mm a 166 ST RUCCTETRADISTEEIDESTGRT @ Diameter of sag rods at middle thirds: ‘Using 3 moment equation w= 1088 Ni Mp=Mc 25 Mp=R 225) -1.088(2.25)2252 055 = 225R)-2652 Rix 0983-R y+ Ra+ 2K = 1.068(6.75) 0.943 + 0.943 + 2R = 1.048(6.75) R= 0.2594 KN’ (reaction at sag rods at middle thirds) 594(8) (total reaction of ential sagrods) 7524N A= 15721 mm? xd a 515721 d= 14.14mm = 16 mm @ (rnin. diam.) 167 @ Dia.oftie barat ridge purine: 1,Cos 0= 20782 Ty a i C38 2657 (Th = 23202 N (tension of tie bar) 4.16 Problem: Seaueo ume , ‘A roof truss shown i gute 416 is subjected to the following loads Tile ot = 0.77 KPa of roof surface Snow load = 096 kPa af horizontal projection of oof surlace. Weightof channel = 1714 kg/m Spacing between trusses = 64 mm ‘spacing of purlins = 1.90 m. Use A 36 Steel: F,= 248 MPa 77 F= 400 MPa ‘ee1elbe Figure 416 Compute the total load carried by the critical sag rod if its placed at the third points ofthe puelins. Compute the diameter ofthe sag rods. ‘Compute the diameter ofthe tie bar between ridge purlins. | sousron / | © Total load carvied by the critical | mas me en fy an wn os nas (9) 088 ae ees cence eee Zine — 2R + 2(0.906) = 1.062(6.4) sore = DRA (cng mie id LWctzntrm & ‘Total reaction for: ti te nacional poring we pn) i Wy = 0.7719) peace) astm Toaster reco ws ess woe © Dame ftge weet ‘Tangential load: Wy= (Wy + Wa Ws) Sin 0 Aw 954 Wy (1.463 + 1,728+ 0.168) Sin 1843" 8.330800) Wy= LO kN/m A=113.29 mm? 1.062 kN Using three moment equation: we Ma= "oy" 11329 d=1201mm = 0.483 KN. Mp: Used = 16 mm (min. dian) oe ar TC Use d = 16 mmm (min. diam.) CHAPTER FIVE TC Pee CITED CONNEGTIO) 5.1 Bolted Connections Subjected to Shear and Tension High Strength Bearing Type Bolted Conmection. Ty=TCos@ (tensile force) Ty TSin8 (sheating force) T ‘Shearing stress: fy= Te ia 1 Tensile stress fix 7 ne umber of bolts, Satie ameter of bolts ‘Combined Shear and Tension Connection 3.2. Fy= allowable tension stress for bearing type connections (NSCP Specifications) Allowable Tension Stress for Fasteners in Bearing-Type Connections Table 52 Description of | Threadsinctudedin | Thyeads Excluded from "Shear Plane fais Sheaase AB ols Tea 1a/.<1078 A225 bolts earn | vou aae aaBoois Vem aa fara 15373 Thweaded Parts, fo | ABotsores | owF,-18/<039F, | 04s -14y<023% Som inacer [Asm Grade Rives B13 <1 ‘A802 Grade 2 Rivets 262-13 f,<700 ‘ : 4 ! 172 he 5.3 Combined Tension and Shear in Slip-Critical Joints or Friction type Connections For A 325 and A 490 bolts used in slip-eritical connections, the max. shear stress allowed shall be multiplied by the reduction factor Equation 5.3.1 where: ‘faz the average tensile stress due to a direct load applied to al ofthe bolts in the connection a SrAy the pretension load of the bolt the computed total tensile force in one bolt (STRUCTURAL STEEL/DESIGN 173 Max, allowable stress: By afols-L) Equation 5.4.1 where: Fy’= max. allowable shear stress for sip ‘for allowable shear stress ‘Ji average tensile stress due toa direct load applied to al ofthe bolts y= area of one bolt y= the pretension load of the bolt. critical joint or retion type connection Note: When the allowable stresses are increased for wind or seismic loads the teduced allowable shear stress shall be increased by 1/3, 5.5 Combined Tension and Shear in Bearing Type Connection Table ss '5.4 Combined Tension and Shear in Slip - Critical Joint or Friction Type Allowable Tensile Suess MP3) | Allowibie Shear Stee RIP “ Threads: Threads ie Connection: ae ee a ShoarPlane™ [Shear Mane| Shea ee" TableSa iG fotdaven | | 207-134, <159 | 207-134, <159 P= ‘weal Tonal Ses Pa) at L ‘Oversized | __Uang Sioned Hes ASt2 Grate Fastener Spas’ | andshor | ransverse | Paral feudaiven | 252-1200 | 262-135-200 152 Holes |siotted Flea] Ys et ae a 22-18fy< 1378 [792-1 < 1378 as ‘AisSpolewheniiveadsarenat | i m7 as a 73 | ‘excluded from shear planes w D ans |Veor-9 ear nge = oe ‘A525 bles when threads are F = 89 venmaae Te ‘ech tom shear planes uz 0 Tie [Vor im 19 ze “A490 bolts when threads are nat a a aol 06 PFe- 1 8<00F Jo4se, 14,0336, or, | oz, ‘echded fom shear planes ‘A400 bots when thceds are as Py 13 96 ‘excluded from shear planes eae nee ake ne TEL 174 = 5.6 Problem: 0 the column shown with ‘The tension member shown in the figure is connected to th 8-22 mm A 325 high strength bolts in a bearing type connection with the threads excluded from the shear plane and standard size holes. © Compute the shearing stress at the A 325 bolts. 1 @ Compute the tensile stress at the A 325 bolts. @ Compute the allowable tensile stress of the A 325 bolts. SOLUTION: © Shearing stress of bolts: T, =760 Sin 2657" Ty =339.94 kN Shearing stress: f, Se 8%) ay @ Tensile stress of bolts Ty= 750) Cos 26.57" Ty 679.74 KN Tensile stress fi: 175 & Allowable tense stress: A= VG 25 fF Fr=VG03)?-2,15(011.78P y= 254.84 MPa >223.52 MPa Note: The connection i safe 5.7 Problem: ‘rom the figure 5.7 shown, an axial load P passes thr the center of gravy he bolt aroup. The bolts is ar A 490 with threads ” ‘excluded from shear plane. IF this is a bearing type connection Used, find the value of P. Compute the allowable tensile siressof the A 490 bolts, Compute the allowable shear stress if friction type of slip critical connection is used. Allowable shear strength of an A 490 bolts is 145 MPa and the minimum pretension for fully tighten A 490 bolts having: diam. of 22 mm is 218 kN, Figure 57 ¥ 5 i \ i 17 SOLUTION: © Value ofPifa beating type connection is used: 1 tan = 5 09-2657 ®: y jodt, _Psind “10 @ ca? psin26s7 P10 (8) cae je=0ot0118P fo [Allowable tensile stress: p= Vor fF Fisk: o.oenss P= VG72r- 3.82¢0000118 P)? 5.5228 x 10° P? = 138364 - 2.5942 x 108P? 180567 x 10 P? = 138384 P= 1310585 P= 13106 4N ® Allowable tensile stress: Fy V QR) 12h? fo= 0.000118 F ‘fe 0.000118(1310585) fo= 158.649 MPa Fy= V(a72)? - 1.82(154.649)? F,= 307.99 MPa Allowable shear stress fora friction type or slip-critical connection. Allowable shear stress for A 490 bolts: rohal 4] f= 0.000235 P {f= 0.000235(1310585) ‘fi 30799 MPa Ave Bop ‘Ay= 380.13 mun? Foes [1 - Sega F,= 67.13 MPa (allowabie shearing stress) ‘Actual shearing stress: PSin 2657" "To ea 1510545 sin 2657 10 axe 1154.21 MPa > 6713 MPa (nto fetion te) ¥ E i t ; i i 5.8 Problem: ‘The figure 8 shown is a typical connection which is subjected to both shear and tension. The diameter ofthe bolt is 22 mm. © Determine the max. value of P that the connection could carry if the allowable shear stress in the absence of tension governs, if the pretension in the bolt is I74KN. Use Friction type connection, wy [1-4] Te where Fj =allowable shear stress in the absence of tension Ji = nominal tensile stress due to f applied loads a Ay=area of bolt Ty = pretension in bolt 4 ~ 5 |® Determine the max. value of P that ~!, the connection could carry if the allowable tensile stress in the absence of shear governs: Fy=303MPa Use Friction type connection, 9) @ Determine the max. value of P that 5 the connection could carey if the allowable tensile stress combined le with shear governs. Use Bearing lype connection. Using A 207 bolts, 12 192-18 fy Figure 5.8 SOLUTION: Max. P if shear controls (Friction type connection) fox B0P_ P = 360.1316) L f= 0.00035 P| Oo re =a [if] ee fn - .0003504360.33 reat fi- Te ] 6 Fy'= 121(1 -0.00000076P) le} |i]o fo=Fy 0.000263P = 121(1 -0.00000076P) J 0.000855» = 121 P= 340883 88 kN Max: value of Pfellousble tensile stress _soverns: (Friction type connection) fe=0.00035P far 0.00035P = 303 P= 865714NN P= B657LAN Max: value of Pf tensile stress governs: Using Bearing type connection. 179.2-1.8f, Fy = 1792 1.80.000268 P) heh .00035P = 179.2 - 1.8(0,000263P) = 217634 N P= 21763 kN Sena ae STEEL. tT: 5.9 Problem: | sae y x 106 (150) ‘The connection shown nthe igure 59 cons of 104325 bolts where treads are | hi excluded from the shear plane. Diameter of A 325 bolts is 22 mim. The minimum pretension load fr fly tighten bolts is 17348 AN. Vet ptch othe connections | 25 mr 276830 182.40 MPa < 308 MPa (safe) Allowable tensile sires of A325 bolts is 303 MPs Allowable shear stress for combined shear and tension using friction t Allowable shear stress of A 325 bolts is f= 117 MPa connection pe aay 20mm |? l Fy foi AAs) Ty Is fy =117 MPa 06066) @ T= pretension load ‘Ty = 173.48 KN eimone @ Compute the allowable shear stress for combined shear and tension using friction 80 Fy'=7024 MPa (allowable shear stress) pe connection. | Compute the allowable tensile stress of the bolt using bearing type connection. j Ps ype ‘Actual shear stress: == 260000. F022? 10) SOLUTION , . S040 MPa < 724 ok Tenmile sess of most stesed ant shesed te 1 Say! Fea ew amy=ae94 Allowable tense stress using being type connection: Sayin 42764000 le! eae © 1M = 260000 (200) ajc Vo03y?-2.15(68.407 2 x 10° Name 285.92 MPa > 182.40 MPa (safe) aoa. aeer MTT he te 182 __. STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGH! 5.10 Problem: ‘A framed conection shown in figure 5.10 is subjected to an eccentric load P. The fasteners are A 325 subject to shear and tension in a beating-type connection with no threads in the shear plane. Allowable shearing stress is 207 MPa. Diam. of bolt = 28 mn. ‘Allowable tensile stress when shear is also acting is V(G03)}*-2.15 6? Figure 5.10 ©) Determine the capacity P for the connection shown. ® Determine the nominal tensile stress on the two most stressed bolts, |S _Detcrmine the shearing stress of the most stressed bolt SOLUTION: \) Capacity P for the connection shown, om fm Dae ‘b= 87.5(2) bes 4-20 Mam? Jy = 0.000286 P Sr =075f; fa =0.75 (0.0000286 P} fe= 0.000214 P ‘Tensile force on the two most stressed bolts. T=fy 75 +875) (5) pas. T =0.0000214 P (175) (75) T=0281P Nominal tense seven he oa hel Ab we 2) asp Ja 0.900852 P ‘Shearing stress ofeach bolt 2 fo= ze fo=z Fasy @) fo=0.000491 P 2 E i ‘ i i ¥ 104 TRCN Allowable tensile stress when shear i also acting, Fy 2 VQ03?-215 oP Fy = ¥203)- 2.15 (0.000491 Py y= 91809 -0.000000518 F* o.oonssaP = 0191809 -0.000000518 P? (0.000562P)? = 91809 -0.000000518 P* (0.0900003047 P? = 91809 -0.000000518 F# P=315475N 15.48 KN ‘Nominal tensile stress on the two most stressed bolts. ° fr 01000552 P f= 0.000552 (315475) fe 17414 MPa e ‘Shearing stress of most stressed bolt. fo= 0.000491 P Fo= 0.000191 18875) fox 15490MPa <207 MPa (OK) 185, 5.11 CE Board May 1993, Feb. 1971: ‘A seat angle 100 mm x 150 mm x 16 mm with a length of 200 mm and attached to a column supports a load of 40 KN. The seat angle is attached to the column by two ows of two 20 mme rivets per row on the longer leg. The row of rivets are 62.5 mm apart and $6 mm from the top and 31.5 mm from the bottom of the 150 mm leg of the seat angle, bis Figure 5.11 1) Compute the maximum bending stress ofthe seat angle, & Compute the shearing stress ofthe rivets, % Compute the max. tensile stress between the rivets and the seat angle. Compute the tensile stress of the most stres rivets connecting the seat angle to- the column, ‘Compute the max. tensile and max. shearing stress of the most stress rivets. SOLUTION: Note: The loading onthe set angles assumed to be triangular. zal Pee] "Bending of the 100 mm leg. ‘M = 40000(17.33) ‘= 693200 Nn po ft (693200) I= 300 (16) ‘f=8123 MPa Bending of the 150 mm leg. " 7M = 400005.38) Ww M= 1018200 4 erase S om foe 2013200 J “ro0ii¢) 18.73 MPa @ Shearing stress of rivet: Sez Foor) 5, =3183 MPa © Bearing stress between the rivets and the seat angle ef Se Sy -20(16)(4) 5,= 3125 MPa @ Max. tensile stress of the most stressed rivets, A,=% 20%) 200—+ fi wt oe ate he nevteal ans ofthe seat wee ist 0-0 ‘Tompute the neutsal ai, the = momert of area of the tension side is equal to the moment of rea in compression side. A,04-9~4,(015-90=2000 (#) 623(94- y) + 628(315- y) = 1009? 1625(94-9) + 6.28G15~y) =)" 500.32 - 6 28y + 197.82 6284 = * p+ 1256y- 788.14 =0 y= 22469 mm 315-y=9.01 Mey =7151 1 = 200249? 6256017 « 628)7151 I= 4020735 min‘ ‘M = 40000(33.33) ‘M = 1333200 Nan C=715tmm faMe L f.=23.71MPa 2 v6 z 13852007151) D073 5) RP= (31.839 + (11.86)? co R=33.97 MPa (max. shearing stress) Max. tensile stress = 11.86 + 38:97 ‘Max tensile stress = 45.83 MPa Max. shearing stress using. Mohes Circle: R=33.97 MPa (max. shearing stress) 187 '5.12 Standard Bolted Beam Connections {a} Framed connection (b) Framed connection (© Framed connection with seat _(d)Seated connection te {e)Sexed connection (f) Seated connection with stiffened seat SEE 1A Framed Connections: ‘These type of connections consists of a pair of flexible web angles ly shop-connected to the web of the supported beam and Feld connected tothe supporting beam or column. When two beams are being connected it is usually necessary to keep ther larges atthe same elevation, the top flange of one of the beam will have to be cut back, this is called «oping, Ths lype of connection mustbe check for block shear capacity Frame Connection with Seat: This type of framed connection consists of two web angles connected to the beam web in the shop after which bolls are placed through the angles and column in the field. Ax angular section ealled erection seat, supports the beam during erection. Seated Connecti This type of connection consists of an erection set which is shop connected to the column and another angleat the top of the beam which ts field-connected to the beam and column. The top angle keeps the top flange of the beam from being accidentally twisted out of place during construction. Seated Connection with Stiffened Seat: ‘This connection is used for heavier loads by placing stiffened seats in addition to the top angle. aieensa arate one) OOD fh ir 5.A2-A_ Problem: ‘A W10 x 66 is connected to 2 W 14 x 111 girder by 4-16 mm diam, rivets on the webs of W 10 x 66 and 4 - 20 mm dia, rivets on the W 14 x 171 girder as shown in Figure 5.12-A. Use A 502 grade 1 rivets with an allowable shear stress F, 120 MPa. Use A 36 steel with F,= 248 MPs, F, = 400 MPa, © Compute the reaction ofthe beam connection considering the rivets connected to the web of the W 10 x 66 bear. @ Compute the reaction of the beam connection considering the rivets connected to the web of W 14x 111 girder. ‘Compute the maximum reaction ofthe connection, Section Thickness seen Angular 95mm Widxill 135mm (web) W10x65 11.43 mm (web) SOLUTION: Reaction of beam connection considering rivet connected to the web of W 10 x66 ‘Shear of rivet (double shear) ae 20 (G) cae)? na) R= 193019N R= 19302 kN, Figure 512-4 Bearing of rivets on the web: a R=AyFy Radi h2Futn) R= 1611.43 K1.24A00H4Y R=351130N 188-C Bearing on the angular section: R= 16(9.5)(9X1.2)(800) R=291840N Reaction of beam connection is 93.02 kN Reaction of beam connection considering rivets connected tothe girder. Shear of iets (single shear RaAE, R=™ oP ayt2o) R=150796N R= 15080kN Bearing of rivets on the web of girder: RaA,F R= 20(13.5\4)(1.24400) R=518400N R=SI84kN Bearing of rivets on the angular section: Ra Aphy R=20(9.5)(4\1.2)1400) R=361800N R=3648 kN Reaction of connectio Max. reaction of the beam connection: R= 150.80 KN (smaller value) : | E E t 4 188-D 5.12-8 Problem: AW 16 x 96 beam is connected tc 2 steel girder WW 18 x 50 by four 20 mm diameter bolts. The bolts are A 490 with treads not excluded from shear planes. Use A 36 steel beam. Assume hole diameter to be 22 mn Prop. of W 16 x96 A490 5018 A36 steel A= 18194 mn? Fy 195 MPa Fy=248 MPa F,=372MPa F, = 400 MPa © Compute the shear capacity of 2 Sine bolted connection e 2 © Compute the bearing capacity of el wivsze bolted connection. e 8 Compute the block shear capacity ° ‘of the bolted connection. i 4 SOLUTION: wisgs @ Shear capacity (double shear) Re A F (20) (442) ast R= 2513.27 193) = 485062 N R= 485.06 kN © _ Bearing capacity of the bolted connection: Figure 512-8 RaAyFy Fyn 12h F,= 1.21400) y= 480 MPa Apedt 4, = 20135948) ‘Ay = 1087.2 ment R= Api, R= 1087.2(480) R= 521856N R= 521.86 4N ® Block shear capacity R=A,0.MF, + 4,050 Fy Ag= net shea Ay= [385-220 -11] (0359) A, = 3506.22 mm? Ays net tension area y= 490359) Ki A,= 668.91 mm? R= Ay 0.30 Fy + Ay 050 Fy R= 350622(0.3\400) + 665.91(0.50)(400) R= 553008 R~ 553.93 kN UF sine eo ite 5.12-€ CE Board Nov. 1998 A W 16 x 58 is connected to W 18 x 31, Use A-96 steel Fy = 248 MPa, Allowable, heaving stress. F, = 0.40 Fy. . “ \ 502 grade hot driven rivets has an allowable shearing stress of 152 MPa and ollowable bearing stress of 1.2 Fu (NSCP). The support is to be designed using the hull strength of W 16 x 58 beam based on the grass section. Fu = 400 MPa, roperties of sections W 16x58 wisxat 403 mm Flange thickness = 11 mar Web thickness = 10 mrenta emart 08 \ bbe bie 188-F a __)) STRUCTURAW STEELIDESIGN! ‘Compute the minimum diameter of rivets not to exceed allowable shear stress. ‘Compute the minimum diameter of rivets not to exceed allowable bearing stress. Compute the minimum diameter of rivets, Figure 5.12 SOLUTION: Min. diameter of rivets not to exceed allowable shear stress. v AOFy (2) te V = 0.40(248)(40310) V ~ 399776. ‘By shearing of rivets on the W 16 x 58 (double shear) 12) =2046 say 22 mm Min. diameter of rivets not to exceed allowable bearing stress. Fy = 400 MPa Sy 12 Fa S,= 1.21400) 480 39976 = #80(DK OKA) D = 208 say 22 mmo Min, diameter of nets. Use 22 mma (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 89 5.13 Problem: A.W 530 x 92 beam is connected toa W 360 x 147 column by using angular sections which are riveted by using 20 mm diameter civets. Thickness of angular sections and flange of the W 360 x 147 column is 10. mm. Web thickness of W 530 x 92 beam is mm Allowable stresses fr rivets: ‘Shearing stress = 103 MPa Bearing stress = 300 MPa Figure 53 | Which of the following, gives the safe load that the W 360 x 147 beam could ‘support due to shearing of rivets. Which of the following gives the safe load that the W 360 x 147 beam could carry due to bearing of rivets. Which of the following gives the safe load that the W’530 x 92 beam could carry at its end neglecting the effect of the eccentricity of the load and the moment that might developed by the connection. 190 SOLUTION: © Shearing of rivets on the W360 x 147 column section R= (20726103) (single shear) R= 258867N » Bearing or rivets on the flange of calum R= 20(10)(8)(200) 480000 2 Shearing of rivets onthe W530» 82 eam section: (double sear) F207 (a) @p08) R= 258867 N of the beam: = 20(12)(8)(300) R= 288000 N Safe load = 258867 N Bearing of rivets on the web thickness: 191 5.14 Problem: ‘AW 530 x 92 steel beam is connected to a W 360 x 147 column by using angular sections which are riveted by using 20 mm diameter rivets. Thickness of the angular sections is 11 mm thick. Neglect any effect of the moment due to eccentricity of the load. Allowable stresses for rivets: Shearing stress = 103 MPa. (single shear) Bearing stress = 207 MPa (single shear) Bearing stress = 276 MPa (double shear) Which of the following gives the safe \nad that could be carried by the “ee angular connartion only between = solumn and beam. Po Whack of the olowing ives the safe : wad that could be carried by the clip. = rl connection tot alr, ‘hich he lowing gies teste —— lad that could be transmitted from wscler™* the W830 X92 beam to. the W 360 x 147 column section through moe the eveted connection fos SOLUTION: 8 ge 8 8S 8 Incr yong omecon 8 ee 8 ete cana ean “siring 9930 82 eo ‘aring stress (double shear) “= © Fao? ere set Figure 514 tearing on the web (double shear) ke» 20(10.2\5)@276) 1 281520N ‘uu carried by angular connection between column and beam = 281520 N ; E E ; : 192 E @® Lond carried by clip ange Bearing om connecting angles: ‘cing shear = 20(11)5)2)0207) = 455400 Considering column flange Shear of 10 rivets (single sear) =F a0}? aoxt03) R= 323584 N Bearing on the flange of colar (single shen) R= 20(19 8130}207) R=819720 Use R = 281520 00 the beam-olumn 3 6 connection only L* Considering, Shearing of rivets: R= F 207? (4(003) R= 12944 Load carted by clip angle = 129434 N & Safe load transmitted from W 530 x 92 to W 360 x 147 column section: Bearing on the column flange: (ingle shear) R= 20(198))207) R= 327858 N Bearing on set angles: (single shear) R= 20(11)(4)207) R= 182160N Sofe R = 129434 for the column-seat angle connection 193 5.15 Problem: From the figure 5.15 shown, a W 410 x 122 steel bear carries @ load of 427 KN at each snd and is transmitted fo the W 610 x 156 girder. Four rivets having a diameter of 22:mm are used through the web of each plate of the beam which is connocted te an angular section which is 10 mm thick. Allowable stresses fr rivets: Sheating stress = 103 MPa Bearing stress (doubles shear) =776 MPa Bearing siress (single shear) = 220MPa © Which of the following gives the safe load carried by the rivet ‘connection on the connecting angle and seat angle. ® Which of the following gives the max. load cattied by the seat angle only. Which of the following gives the number of rivets required to fastened the two beams to opposite seat angle of the same thickness to the web of W 610 x 156 girder having a web thickness of 12.7 mm while that of the W410 x 192 is 133mm, War0x 132 SOLUTION: © Considering the W 410 x 132 beat Shearing of reels (double shear) Ra Assy R= F a2? (1oayayay R=320N, eoring om the 13.3 mn oeb double shear) R=22013.3y4)(276) & = 323030 N easaan evare PH) D> fF 194 __ STRUCTURAL STEEDIDESION! Bearing on the 10 mm connecting angle (single sheur) R= 2020/8220) R= 387200N Safe load carried by the rivet connection on the connecting angle R= 313229N @ Excess load tobe carried by the seat angle. = 427000- 313229 P=113771N © Considering the W 610.x 156 and the seat angle Shearing of one rivet: (single shear) R=5 (22)? (108) R=30156N Bearing om the web of W 610 x 56 {single shear) Bearing on the seat angle (single shear) R 22212-74220) 1468 Saf capaci of oe rie» 29154 N 7” Na ofits mded = RZ No.of rivets mwded =< 2.91 Us 3rwvers 5.16 Problem: ‘The figure 5.16 shows a W 460x 97 beam is riveted to a W 610 x 125 girder by two: 100% 90.x 10 mun angles with 19mm diameter rivets. For the shop-driven rivets that atached the angles to the beam. Allowable shear stress = 80 MPa Allowable bearing stress = 170 MPa For the feld-driven rivets, riveted on the job. Allowable shear stress = 70 MPa Allowable bearing stress = 140 MPa Web thickness: 100905 Jom ear Girder = 11.9 mm Beam = 114 mun feat ( Which of the following gives the end reaction without exceeding the allowable resistance of the 8 field driven rivets in single shear. © Which of the following gives the fond reaction without exceeding the allowable bearing resistance ol the ‘min. thickness of the connection in 196025 ne which case the 10 mm thickness of ip angle. |D Which of the following gives the ‘end reaction without exceeding the Teer dam allowable bearing resistance of the web thickness of the beam on the Figure 5.16 4 rivets in bearing, igu ‘Sieeha ovate CNN Pe 196 SOLUTION: © End reaction due to & field driven rivets im shear ReASsn R59? 70) R= 158776N R= 158848 © End reaction due to 8 rivets in bearing Re AySy R= 19(10)(1409(8) R= 212800N R= 1218kN ® End reaction due to rcets in bearing ‘on the beam: R= AySyr R= 114419\170¥8) R= 1472885 R=u73kN STRUCTURAL STEELDESTON, 129159 mm onele sr doe roe Miaidsade tm 100490210 megan (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 197 5.17 Problem: "ihe clip angle and the riveted connection shown in 1945 KN. ‘The plate is 200 mun wide and 16 mm thick 19» 100 x 20 me with a rivet gauge of 62 13 MPa, Figure 5.17 isto resist a pull of and the lip angle is made up of mm. Allowable shearing stress of rivets = ‘Compute the number of 22 mm o vets on th Compute the bendi * Compute the: We 16 ram plate. ing stress ofthe clip angle using NSCP Specification. tensile stress ofthe plate section, SOLUTION: No. of 22 mm o rivets Shearing stress of rivets (double shear) TAS, 124500 = ¥ 22)2(103)2) 1 = 159 say 2 rivets vgwesir M = 62250(42} iE TON M = 2614500 N.mm_ a wsch us eerste Pa inmean co pa a5 aS ss xn 225(20} 104.50 MPa Tensile stress of the plate section x Dia, ofale = 22-43 i he i of tote = 25 mm atl abl" | bes T=A,S, ur 124500 = (300 - $016) $, S,= 31225 MPa ATL STR) ee TK estin CHAPTER SIX ECCENTRICALLY LOADED, EGTIO 6.1. Eccentrically Leaded Connections (Brackets) “f Shear and Torsion ‘Three methods of Analysis A. Elastic Method. B. Reduced Eccentiicity Method ©. Ultimate Strength Method 4.2 Flastie Method: MeR, J= 362+ y%) 4 My. Bat yay P+ R= total reaction of most stressed rive! 9 6.3 Reduced Eccentricity Method 1) With one gageline of fasteners Compute the effective eccentricity 120 ene L32Mo8) Where n = no. of fasteners in each line a3 = 150 +2811 Qs) = 106.25 mm M=Pe M = (106.25) P Je Bets y2) 121802 j= 12800 you @ With two or more gagelines of fasteners ‘Compute the effective eccentricity 4 vd eee 15 Mes) chip 1n=4 (no. of fasteners in each Line) e_=150-L5 Hos ex 875 mm s3 e Mere 5 M=e7sP e a es) vs (80)? + 4(40)? + 8(50)2 * 4 2000 Bex M, aM fT M, SRE rong 6.4 Ultimate Strength Method Locate the instantaneous center from the center of group of rivets 1-202 + y2) J=4( 10097 + 6(5072 j= $5000 ‘Compute the reduced eccentricity Leah a5) erm 2395 150 peck °° EN N= 6 rivets (otal no. of rivets) 95000 15046) p= 611 Varian? + coor * £149.48 mm Iecanapes M=Pe, M = 60000(150) a M=9. 108 Numi reMe p= 2X10" (149.48 55000 = 24460 N (reaction for the most stressed rivet) 202 __ STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGND 6.5 Problem: My IF An eccentric load of 66 kN isacting as shown in the figure 65, 52 B2x1B 9 © Using elastic method, compute fy= 13424 for the maximum force on the most stressed rivet. -\amatvemar @ Using the reduced eccentricity RE von eu24y? method, compute for the maximum force on the most stressed rivet, ® Using ultimate strength method, ‘compute for the max. force on the most stressed rivet, SOLUTION: © Max. force on the most stressed rivet using elastic method: Most stressed rivet is A oF Bi r a J=Bo8+y?) J = (75)? + 100)? 1358 128 KN Max. force on the most stressed rivet using reduced eccentricity method: ‘n=no. of rivets in vertical row n=3 Mes) «200-295 e=150 mun J = (1009 + 6475)? J=73750 M=66000(150) M=99% 10 Nimm (= 995.0 (100) 50 fen 1d M, wey 9.9 x106 (5) 73750 (y= 10068 6.6 Problem: $6000 _ 11000 ne A bracket shown in figure 6.6 is subjected to an eccentric load P acting at an ‘eccentricity ¢ = 125 mm. Diameter of rivets is 25 mm e. Allowable shearing stress of VG IF rivets is 110 MPa R= 24980.N ) Compute the safe value of P R=24.990KN using elastic analysis method, 2 Compute the safe value of P using reduced eccentricity method. ¥ Compute the safe value of P using ultimate strength method @ Max. force on the most stressed rivet using ultimate strength method 1+ D)95) z a c= 200-2535) \ = 190mm SOLUTION: ni “ Valueof P ross ‘elastic method: Figure 6.6 | J= 202+ 92) i J= 67) + 41007 }=4403 2 440)2 34 os Ze J=12800 ry Locate the instantaneous center of rotation: e = =e 25 P wy S 3 4 M, nt spa et N=total numberof rivets = me rt 73750 . 5 (8 «ae te rT t= 8194 mm } £,=0391P a { V M | ast 1 ‘ Bee) | Brg a T2800 Lar R= V03m1 P+ O64 PP nso R20751P. o joan Gee { IM = 660001150) REAR pa 2 29% 108 185.09 7375) 0751 P =F @57 (110) Value of P using reduced eccentricity method: cere LE Ma 2125-25) ees M=Peg. M=875P Ja does yy J=AG0}? + aca J = 12800 oor oar f % losne osme R= VO273PP+ (0523 PP R=059P Rev, oss 2S asPio P=91519N P=9152kN 2 Value ofP using ultimate strength method: exe B05 eo= 125-8305) 2" 87.5 mm M=875P J= E024 2) J = 440) + sao? J = 12600 = 12800 87504) %9= 3657 mm 1 V 7657 = OP 8539mm R=AVR, Re Fasrcio) 53096 - 875 P 86.39) 53095 = 825 F639) 207 208 16.7 CE Board May 2002, Nov. 2006 |A plate is connected toa column by four bolts and carries an eccentric load as shown, in figute 67. The load P = 325 kN, eccentricity ¢ = 250 mm. Dimensions of a= 150 mm and b » 200 mm. Diameter of bolts is 20 mm. © For this problem, assume that the load P acts through the centroid of the bolts. Which ofthe following gives the stress on the bolts. @ Assume that the only load acting, fon the connection ‘equal to the load P multiplied by its eccentricity. Which of the following gives the distance from the centroid of the bolts an mm ‘where if bol is placed the stress will be equal and opposite to the _mgst stress bolt in the connection. a moment boa @ Which of the following gives the eccentricity of the load P measured from the instantaneous center of the bolts. SOLUTION: © Stess ofthe bots if the load P is acting through the centroid 32500 Foor @ 5, = 25.96 MPa Distance from centroid of bolts which if it will be placed the stress will be equal «and opposite to the most stressed bolt. “ e305 250-205) 250mm Ja Baty) J 41007 +475) J =62500 yw 562500. *> = 712 5008) y= 7353 mn [Eccentricity of load measured from the instantaneous center ofthe bolts. e= 73.53 +250 © = 323.53 mm Satan oie SLLEE 210 a 6.8 Problem: “A bracket shown in figure 6.8 carries an eccentric load of 80 kN at an eccentricity of 250-mm, Diameter ofbol is 20 mm a. Using ultimate strength method of analysis. {© Compute the reaction of bolt A due to shear and torsion. ® Compute the reaction of bolt B due to shear and torsion. ® Compute the reaction of bolt C due to shear and torsion. PoaoeN SOLUTION: © Reaction of bolt er) P cone TM (05) e.=150-1¢5p5 ee= 1875 mm. M = 1875(80000} M=15x10° 4973733 mm r= Vera + Gor = 12541 mm Ryaltt 15106 (125.49 56000 Reattion of bolt B due to shear and torsion: (67.33)? + Gor r= 6234 mm, yn tStoh e239) Ry=24734N Ry= 26.73 kN Reaction of bolt C: = Va267 + (007 189 mm Mr Roa? 151069089) Re = 24346 N Rex 2435 kN re | ee WERNER NIGER Lee 6.9 Problem: A bracket shown in the figure 69 carries an eceentri load of 30 KN at an eccentricity cof 200 mn. Diameter of bolts is 20 mm 9 Use the reduced eccentricity method of analysis, o ® Compute the skearing sicess of bolt A. Compute the stearing stress of bolt B. Compute the shearing stress of bolt. souuTion: Shearing sre bolt A ere EM e5, = 250-2495) 52150 mm Ja tatey) J =4(75) + 6(60) J=44100 M=Pe, M = 20000150), M= 45x 10° Nanm hoy y 45x10 (75) 43100 683 N fa Figure 69 Z | [Pa Foret +o ‘i 3) Mt 213 M, tye. Yara, fof Sx 160 i ga10 F fy 6122 ™ te 8 Ra= Viresay+ an122 Ry = 13500N rd Sas > 3500 Foor Sas Sq=42.97MPa ‘Shearing stress of bole Be wt Het a | fmm y= Verran OF “Sale Rg=122N ° get 214 @ Shearing stress of bolt C: fom po 8Sx1e 3) “#4100 i Re= VIP + 7658 Ro= TAN Sc= ae 78 8c=z Foor ‘Sc 2462 MPa (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 215 (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN: 215 6.10 Problem: A single plate 225 mm x 650 mm is fastened to the flange of the column with 6 rrets ranged as shown in figure 6.10. The maximum load on a corner rivet shall not exceed. 42000 N. Allowable stresses 38 75.. 15.38 SH. bt © Which of the following gives the required diameter of rivets in the ‘bracket connection, Which of the following gives the safe load P that the bracket cocld carry. Which of the following gives the thickness of plate.b Figure 6.10 Solution: Diameter of rivet ‘Shuaring of corner rivet gy 42000 = MF (ana Do 288 22 Fak £ Safe fond P: : M= 024475) R A 4H9P Po mer Ms cat HERS Ay 216 M fa sare 499 (75 Ja= ag 560) fic =0.66533P Mz feo sgey $550 05 Le" 55a50 fy 0.66533P 3) R= VORP + ORTBPY 42000 = 1.055P P=39825N 3 Thickness of pate: a Bearing of riets on the plate ; 42000 = 22(0(220) 5 f= 868mm say 9mm } ending of late Dia oftole=22 +3 | Di of = 25 | pote 2249905 Me 1672x10¢Nmm c=1as ons 5 Ts 7s Tes GRAS ESIGN 217 S27 = 1225" asyi75.@ 1 657968751 Mc 1 13g = 1672100125 AE ISE f= 204 man say 21 mm se = 21 mum 6.11 Problem: The bracket shown in the figure 6,11 is bolted with 5-20 mn dia. bolts. Iteazries an rvcentric load of P = 35 KN. Using elastic method of analysis, "Compute the location of the centroid of the group of bolts measured to the left of A and below that of A. Compute the shearing stress of bolt A a "Compute the shearing stress of bolt B. SOLUTION: \ Location of centroid of bolts: Ay=2 ar Dato La, Ar AL+Ay fol? oe Ac2s3 wpe ga = Tate so m@ of | | Ax Loo oo SF =20) + 30130) “tres omm a 218 219 Aye? Aged Ae feism Agel A=As+ Ast As i +241 __ R= V(18836)+ (15783)? : Ngee tt R=24575N he 57 = 2(0) + (100) + 1(200) R y=80 R=S.A, a0 2as74-=5, (5) co? CCentroid is at 60 mm to the left of A clematis Sq= 7822 MPa '® Shearing stress of bolt A: Shearing stress of bol B Zoxt + y2) = 2190)? + 3(60)? + 2(80)? + 2(20)? + 1(1207 fe sey ao ay Beet + y") = 55000 2 = 19850000 (120) 1, = 19850000.020) f= 23673 —M M-Pe Sree = 10850000 (60 +250 fy 35000 esto 1836 00-00 Me soe) Ry= Vgse7a + (188067 . Ree A252 csi mw Rus Sp As 20252 = (Sq) F (20)? Sg= 9630 MPa 220 ___ STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESTGN) (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN. 6.12 Problem: AA bracket supporting a crane runway is connected to a supporting column by 10 fasteners using an A 325 bolts with a diameter of 28 nm, © Compute the shearing stress at 2108 bolt A ® Compute the shearing stress at bolt B & Compute the shearing stress at bolt ¢. SOLUTION: © Shearing stress at bolt A: W250 74 Calan acto Figure 6.12 AT = Avy + Aaya + Aaya + Aayet Asys 1OY =2(75) + 2(200) + 2(275) + 2(350) 7 =160 M = 350(210) + 16(320) M=78520 KN. M = 7862 x 10° Nm Bes2 + »2) = 2070)? + 2057 + 2207 + 21105)? + 24180) + 10(75)2 Bo? + y2) = 219750 4 7862x106 (170) "219750 f= 60821 N 8.62 x 10° (75) 219750 fy = 26893 R= V(a7a33) + owe)? ReT7S7IN R=SaAn 7377 «$4 (7) ay S4= 125.6 Ma Stress at bolt at bolt B: M, PTE 72.62 » 10° (180 219780 f= 61399 1, 7862 x19" 8; = 26833 2 SIRIE bees s (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN _ 223 222 ‘ 6.13. CE Board May 2005 P 5 on, A vet bracket is subjected to load P acting at an angle 0 from the vertical. There g so sve 4-25 no vets, two on each column flange and two plates, one on each column a fuinge Ry= V(a7833)" + (643997) ee £4 faacec0 pam 6 54099, rf | s0220 Hows 1 ae Sp= S200. ® Reap * - Sp= 13028 MPa ® Stress bolt: ‘gure M, Figure 6.13, hE ST EOFs 7) ¢, - 7862 10° 20) f Which of the following gives the max. shear stress if P 219750, {= 100 mm, a = 150 nim and e = 250 mm Which of the following gives the max. value of P if e = 250 mm and the allowable showing stress is 20 MPa, 6 = 437 Which of the following gives the minimum eccentricity “e" when allowable shearing stress is 120 MPr, 0= 45° 0 RN, 0 = 45, = 40 KN, ifthe 219750 5833 SOLUTION: Max. shear stress of 40KN, 0=45", b= 100 mm, 150 mir, & = 250 mm: 1 St . Be i M = 4949000 N.mer_ eo . Is" Tf i 100, @ Value of Pife= 250, 5, 4949000 (75) 11250 2093 R= 40682 hae a R=SAy ae ‘od saiayn=7010 40682 = 8, (7) (25? 1 | $= #259 MPa saa ess 1M = 254P (250) + 354P (100) M = 123900 P y=5is y Soe y?) 123900 P (75) 11250 fy = 8267. R= Va77 PP + 003 R=1085? sgycnime one R=S.AS oo R= 120 () 057 jew e R= 58905 jyetsnr snr 6905 = 10185? P=s7sa Kn (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 1 Value of ef P= 40 kN: M=14140(e) + 14140(100) M = 14140,(100 + e) =< Seco) 4140 (100 + €(75) 1250 94.27 (00 + ¢) R=AS, Fasy R= E25) 120) R= 58905 (68905) (7070 + (7070 + 172 94.27(100 + 6) 51409 = 94.27(100 + ¢) 100+ e= 545.4 445.34 mm, 226 ___STRUGTURAL STEELIDESIGNI 6.14 Problem: {A riveted bracket shown in figure 6.14 is subjected to a load P acting at an angle of from the vertical. There are 8-20 rom diam. rivets, four on each column flange and twa plates one on each column flange. (enlimeah ‘ole ahah yan tern Figure 6.14 © Which of the following gives the max. shearing stress if P = 40 kN, = 300 mm, b= $50 mm, ¢ = 250 mir Which of the following gives the max. value of Pif 0= 45% allowable shearing stress is 100 MPs, @ Which of the following gives the min. eccentricity "é” when P = 40 KN, @= 45%, allowable shearing stress is 109 MPa. 250 mm, and the SOLUTION: © Max. shearing stress if = 40 AN, e380 | pongo 5 8 = 45% = 300 mm, b= 450 mim, = 250mm M = 14140(250) + 225(14140), M = 6716500 Nun Spe? y2) = 24050) + 21507 Bix? y") = 50000 M, Ins y") 765001150) 0000 R=23047 R=S.Ac 23097 =8, (7) @o?. Hauanseass Tomas Value of P if 8 = 45° e = 250 mm, and the allowable shearing, sness is 100 MPa S0354P) + 354725) M=168150P Nam Beet + y2) = 50000 cote SAP. ssp =, Dix? + y?) 168150P (150) 50000 = ReS,A, 8-10) co? R= 3186 R? = (88 SPP + (592.95PP° (31416)? = (88.5PY + (592.95P)? = s240KN Pr eoias josie Sue suse fesse ie STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGN! @ Valueof if P= 40kN, 0 = 45% allowable shearing stress is 100 MPa, M=14140e + 141400225) M = 14140025 + 6) asa iO _ 3535 oth Bee+y5 14140025 + «(150 50000 i242 215 +) R=S.A, R= 100) (207? R=31416 RP (3535) + (2595 + 1," (31416? = (35357 + (3535 +f, 3535+ f= 31216 f= 27681 27681 = 42.42(205 + 6) 225 +e = 65255 = 2755 mm 229 \ bolted connection shown in figure ‘oonection with an allowable shear ecevntrcty. 434 uses an A 325 bolts in a friction type ress of 120 MPa, Using elastic method with Fall Compute the max. reaction of the bolt ‘Compute the diameter of the bolt size assuming the fastener control the capacity. Compute the shearing stress of bolt A. SOLUTION: Max. reaction of bolt AB = Any Asxg Aya lanes: Figure 434 160000(37.5) On. 2108 Nimm ne z Lot + y2)= 4975)? + 10757 + 11125)? nas 473 + 362.97 + 17.57 + 182.5) + 1115755 0000 Siw 230 hoxpep 6x 108 (1575) § 775 f= 13166 wt "“Egie a by TS ems Most stressed bolt is bolt B. P= (13166) + (31357 4 =11.98 say 12mm bolts Shearing stress of bolt A ee ree) 6x 10" ($2.5) AQ ss AL so Ss ‘06897 al fe, ‘ - Ry? = (135? + 68977 Ry=7576 Ra=AcFo 7576 =E (2 F, 4 = 67MPa 231 eeEaoEaEaRREeQa9Neoa SS 6.16 Problem: Hom the given bracket shown in figure 4.35, itis bolted using A 325 bolts with slameter of 18 mm with threads excluded from shear planes. Allowable shear Fy= 117 MPa Use A 36 steel with Fy=248 MPa, F,= 400 MPa. "he bolts are in single shear and bearing on 12.5 min plate as are Figure 435 Using elastic method and slip critical connection shown.Compate the allowable \lssign strength P for the slip critical connection shown. SOLUTION: ts dot y2) = 675) + 61757 us y2) = 67500 Mt 0707P 150) M1 108.05 P Neram 10505 P 75) 3167500) 13178 P RP = (0.19636 P)? + (0.19636 P)? 12769 P ty shar of ols: Fe R= Easyci7) R=20778N By besring of bolts on the plate Fy=12F, F,.= 12400) Fy = 480 MPa R=ApFy R= 18(125)880) R= 108000 Use R= 29773 N 0.2769 P = 29773 P=17217N P= 10722 kN P-9-43 +94 ovine 2 kK ovine ® (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 6.17 Problem: A bolted connection shown in figure 4.36 is bolted with .4 490 bolts with threads of ‘wits excluded from shear plane. A 36 steol is used with F, = 248 MPh, Fy = 400 MEa Using. slip-eritieal connection with an allowable shear stress of 115 MPa PSK Compute the diameter of bolt needed, Compute the shear stress at bolt B 1} Compute the tensile stress of the 12.5 mm plate assuming diameter ‘of hole to be 2:mm bigger than the bolt SOLUTION: Diameter of bolt needed: M = 125000(250) M-=31.25x 10 Figure 436 Lo + y2) = 200}? + 210072 Zoe + y*) = 100000 M, hoot WP 325 x 10" 2 f=" To0000 = 62501 , CARIN SURE eee 234 Ra? = (62500)? + (25000)? Ry=67315N By shear: Ra=AoFe =Fat e735 ~ Fd? 145) d= 2431 mm say 25mm Use: 5 mm dia, By bearing: Ran AF Fy=12Fy 67315 = d(128)(1.2) 400 = 1122mm Use d = 25 min Shear stress at bolt B: My, fe 31.25 x 108 (100) f=" T0000 6 fyg= 31250 R= 812507 + 250007 y= 40019 N Rea Ave son9=Fe5yF, Fy =S155 MPa 00 % (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN: 235 Tensile stress of the plate yore 1 = 25G2OP _ 19 seam, 200) = 12.5(27)(1007 (2) Js 112.72% 108 31.25. 10° (250 112.72 x 10° {= 7208 MPa 6.18 Problem: \ vecentriity loaded connection shown in figure 4.37 has a eccenteie load of 180 KN, bolts is used with threads excluded from seat planes, Using elastic method. Compute the resultant load on the most stressed bolt in the \ccentrically loaded connection. Compute the diameter of 4 325 bolts for a bearing type conaeetion having an allowable war stress of 207 MPa Compute the shearing stress of Ill A. Figure 437 OiAth ween 236 STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGNE SOLUTION: © Resultant load on the most stressed bol in the eccentric Locate first the centroid of the group of bolts AR = Ayn; + Apx2 A333 6¥ = 3(0) + 275) + 1150) 250 Ary + Arye © ABYS 340) + 2075) + 1(150) 7-50 Doo? + y2) = 360 + 205)? + (11? +3450)? + 2(257 + 100)? Bo? + 2) = 37500 = 1800000175) ally loaded connection, “stay Rey R? = (42000)? + (1140007 Re 141 Ny R= A2L49KN (resultant load om must stress reel) rameter of bot RaAyFy aust = 38 aon 4-273 sy 28mme Use 28 mnn dia, of bolt Shearing stress of bolt Bey) Hs foloay "00 enn Me Sey f, - SES 10 (50) y= 37500 f, = 42000 AR cn 84883 = F (28)? Fy CHAPTER SEVEN Pia koe ataao 7A Types of Beams: 72 ‘Beams are siructural members that support transverse loads, either horizontal sloping of vertical loads, depending upon their end connections. Simple beams tavmend connections which are considered net to have any end moments with its ends free continuously to rotate. A beam is considered continuous beams it extend peross three or more supports anc! if is considered fixed beams Hits sore are rigily attached to other members 9 that a mement can be transmitted across the connection. © Joist « these are closely spaced beams supporting the floors and roofs of buildings. © Lintels doors. ‘Spandrel beam sre beams over openings in masonry walls such as windows and 1 = these beams supports the exterior walls of the building, @ @ Foor beams = these are larger beara found in many bridges perpendicular qo the voaduray of the bridge and they are used to transfer the floor loads from stringers to the supporting girders or trusses. ® Stringers parallel to the roadway. @ Gieder = these are large beams into which smaller beams are fremed. Bending Stresses: hese are beams in the floor of bridges which are running Ia beam in subjected to # bending moment, the stress maybe computed Using material, the procedure is called elastic design or fox me T ibe texeratorpula fh 2% ‘When the stresses are within the Kimit of the lowalae stress design (ASD). Equation 7.2.1 (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 23 239 ‘bending moment atthe section under consideration | = moment of inertia of the cross section with respect to the neutral axis, stance from the neutral axis to the extreme fiber known as the section modulus allowable bending stress meena 1t should be remembered that this formula is limited to ymula is limited to stress situations below the elastic limit because itis based on the usual elastic assumptions, that a plane section before bending remains a plane section after bending is proportional tothe strain, " serene nine sis Allowable bending stresses for |-shaped m t Alowable vending 3 sped members and channels bending For Compact Sections bending about strong axis. Fy =0.66 Fy Equation 7.3.1 ‘A compact section is one that satisfy the following conditions: Its flanges must be continuously connected to the web. The eet have the following flange width-thickness ratio ofits compression elements eo 6 . y | by 10 4 7 24 iE Equation 7.3.2 STRUCTURAL STEELDESIGN! 240 \ @ The section mast have the following, depth (o web thickness ratio. d 1680 Equation 7.3.3 te JE @ The laterally unsupported length of the compression flange L exceed the value of L,. Where Leis the smaller value of Ly or Equation 7.3.4 Equation 7.3.5 When Ly land 44> ly Use the following elation, Case 2G 2b - , [35163306, RO Lzand Ly>ly Use the following relation, 1, = 0b Lys the bigger value of Ly and La L /ssi6330¢, ry , Case @ E Lye unbraced length Alowable bending stress is the larger value of equation 7.16.1 and equation 7.15.2 but < 0.40 Fy. mem sections, and with bers with compactor non-compact sections, ‘inbred ergs Ly router than Lend Unbraced length Less than Lin the allowable benainastess is Fi = 060F, Equation 7.16.1 Equation 7.15.2 When Iy>L¢ Ly Ly but by Ly | You Fy isles thon 060 Fy ) pene rcpt ‘Check whether: Ta ENG. 1. . [SIRS VERS 3228 x 10° (fail) Se eat. 23 aN Try W27 x84 & we= $4 @.28y981) 123KN/m, a R M = 7.38485) M=2579 10° Nmm 25.34 + 35.79 M = 50213. 10° 260 EY .sM «06 Fy $6113 108 Se" 056088) Sq 2B x 10 < 3474 x10? (Safe) (Check for width-thickness ratio of flange: by _ 253.06 6.154) 108 (Compact section) (Check for depth-thickness rato: d _ 67.926 ty 7 1176 = 5765 < 1680 ~ 1067 (Compact section) 7 8 < pac ‘Therefore Use W27 x 84 section 261 1.21 Problem: 2, W 33 ¥ 130 i used to support the loads and moment as shown in figure 7.21 ‘Neglect the weight of the beam and use A 36 steel with Fy «248 MPa Properties of W 33 x 130 vox ‘lange thickness (i) = 21.717 mm Web thickness (ty) = 14.732 mi Section modulus (8,) = 6853 x 10° mm? t= Figure 7.21 © Compute the maximum moment due to the loads acting on the beam. ® Compute the resisting moment capacity of the beam i fll lateral support is provided. ® Compute the resisting moment ca pacity of the beam if lateral support is provided at the ends only, wun sey so.uTON: ae © Max. moment of bam due to loads: Ma=0 98 = 90(3) +906) + 286 21.78 Ry 180- 121.78 Ry= 5822 kN Max. moment = 286 + 58.22(3) 056 Max. moment = 460.66 KN sess 262 © Resisting moment capacity of beam if itis fully laterally supported. ‘Check whether compact or non-compact section "be 292.354 24, * 3i717) uo vy my < Ph = 678 d_ 94074 a7 1680 707 < 193 ~ 10568 VF, Use allowable bending ses3Fs= ral o66 Fy 06288) = Me 5653 x10" M= 1089 10° Nn M = 1089 kN @ Resisting moment capacity of bear if lateral support is provided at the ends only: ‘Unbraced length y= 9, Compute the value of Land by =O VF ty 20 58 Va 137900 La jas(@40 74 Be230A2 717} Ly= 4199 m. DESIGN 263 |= smallest value of Ly and Up 23713 L= 4199 m. y= 9000 me Uy>le oly Use: TORMAC, Lb , 4 EHOG, Fy n Ry (y= 10 (When the bending moment at any point within an unbraced length is larger than that at both ends of this length) Compute the value ofr 1, = radius of gyration of a section comprising the compression flange plus 1/3 of the compression web area, taken about an axis in the plane of web, 398.653) x= 132.884 men ‘A= 292.354(21.717) + 132.886(04.732) A = 8306.70 12. 21.717(292.358" 14.7309 12 12 15.26 x 10° 5325 < 12193 > 11907 ‘Use allowable bending stress it R 72100, Csr? 2740, “la 265 s27006, h-" Bi 3274011) wane 75 29235421717) Fi, =6943 MPa R= M=5245x 10 Nam M = 5265 kN 7.22 Problem: A 572 Grade 65 steel with Fy= 448 MPa is used as a simple beam to carry a ‘omeentrated load P at the center of sts span on a 6 m. simply supported span, The Inwam isa W 12 14 section having the given properties shown. Properties of W 12x14 Weight of beam = 208.75 N/m ‘Area = 2658 mm? Depth (d) = 302.514 mm Flange width &) = 100.787 mm Flange thickness (t) Web thickness (ty Section modulus ($y ‘Compute the allowable bending stress of the beam ifthe compression flange of the beam is fully supported against lateral movement ‘Compute the value of the concentrated load P that the beam could support swely * Compute the allowable bending stress if te compression flange has ateral support only at itsendsand at the mid-span. 266 Aas SOLUTION: © Allowable bending stress if the compression lange is fully supported against lateral movement. be _ 100787 2y * 25.69) by ae fle fle ‘The flanges are non-compact: 10 250 Vey 24 Vey “The web is compact: 4. 1680 aE 5 ‘The section is partially compact: Allowable bending steess F] 1, [oman & 2 99.90 MPa B Safe load it could eazry PL, WL? Mayr eg » 0.2476 kN M 289.90 = ago M=7031 x 10° Nan M=7031 kNam a =F(O) 9.20476 (67 4 3 7031 P=46264N 5P +0921 Allowable bending stress if the compression flange has lateral support only at its tends and at mid-span, ‘Compute the vatue of L, which isthe smaller value of Ly and Ly 1, = Meh Ve 1. oud vues t= 95235 mm ule Ly = 3000 mm ‘Lee 58352 mm Ly= 952.35 mm Ly> le Lyle TORIC, L 5; ¥ A = 100.787(5.63) + 48522(5.029) A=817.50 5.69(100.787}* , $8.522(5 029" 72 12 859644 L _ 3000 Peer & vzs0s Cy= 1.0 (Simply supported) 269 When: 703270(7, (3516330(1) VRRRO «12105 > fD 9962 « 12305 > 8899 _172100G Use Fy = BZ Fyn 2805) Use biggest value of Fy, but should be < 0.60 Fy yy = 1721000 023.05" Fy=7741 MPa 5 AOD *> = 3900(302 514) 100.7578.63) y= 5228 MPa Use F, = 7741 MPa < 0.60F, = 265.8 MPa OE 270 bane GTRUGTURAUSTEEL DESIGN 271 iceman ae sa te ee ar AW section is used as a beam without lateral support. 36 steel is used with Fy=066 Fy * . te benching stress, : ; : Properties of W section Lydle 1, = 2792.9 10° mm* t= 335.28 mm y=2172mm S-= 6658.15 x 10° mm? © Compute the allowable bending stress if it has a simple span of 3m 163.68 MPa (allowable bending stress) © Compute the allowable bending stress if it has a simple span of ¢m. ® Compute the allowable bending stres if it has a simple span of 6 m. © Compute the allowable bending, stress if thas a simple span of 9m. puted eamere ple spa Allowable bending stress ft has a simple span of 4m Ly=4000mm —Le= 373mm — Ly = 4200 mm SOLUTION: © Allowable bending sess iit has a span of 3m For compact or nor-compaet section Whens Lyk, hel, Allowable bending stress. F,= 0.60 Fy F,= 0.600248) F.=1488MPa Allowable bending stress fit has a span of 6 m. Be ssA17} y= 9000 mun y= 4200 mm by> Le =3713 mm Ly>Ly= 4200 mm Use [= 3713 mm ain Ly = 3000 am, Wher: bas | [Rae 2h > warzy “6% a y y roses | tones 92.35(21.72) + 14.7303288) af jonas A = 8307.16 mm? 1 = 2172029235) , (132.88)(14.73)? 72 i 2 wae 1=4526x 10 mm* T a IP HV" sa07 16 f= 7381 mm y= 1.0 mpl supported ra) 7M « aw VPRO « 129 < fT ss te =3713 mm p> Ly = 4200 mm TOR ob 16850 Cy RS on NR SD. 2m, [SSG ae < 81> Ve 25 < 12193 > 907 Use the! ager value of: 1172100 Cy fe ink 172100 ( (121.99) 78.84 MPa 82740 (4 S000 (840.74 292.35 (21.72) Fy= 69.43 MPa Use Fy= 78.84 MPa < 0.60 F, ee tO 274 1,24 Problem: ‘A simply supported bear has a span of 12 m. The beam used is a W 33 x 240 with an ‘A242 steel with F, = 345 MPa. Compute the safe uniformly distributed load that can be safely carried by the beam. © Af the compression flange is braced laterally Ifthe compression flange has lateral support only at its ends. @ Ifthe compression flange has lateral supports only at its ends and the mid span. Properties of W 33 x 240 We =35t N/m tye = 21.08 men A #45588 mm? 1, = $660.75 x 10% ment 4=8509 mm 1) = 38834 x 10° mm by= 40297 mm Sh = 1332268 x 10% me? y= 35.56 mm Sy = 1933.67 x 10° mm? SOLUTION: © Safe uniform load ifthe compression flange is braced laterally, 1680 99.45 (compact ection) Fy= 2077 MPa —_M 277° 355 6818 M3034 10° Narn 3024 KN an wie wat soa = ERE W= 168.56 N/m Safe uniform load it could support: Wi, = 168.56 -351 Safe uniform load ifthe compression flange has lateral supports at its ends. Ly= 12000 mm (unbraced length) 200 by ba = OT), NS a ee 276 Use the relation: [REE Fy n Cy=1.0 (simply supported bear) 1 x=} 89.88) x= 129.96 ‘A = 402.97(35.56) + 129.96(21.08) A= 17069,17 man? 1 2Sseau2or? ,12929681.09" an 11980110" TST) > af BRD < nras6 > YE 4515 = 11256 > 10096 18 (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 277 ST Use the bigger value of Fy: “7200 nF Fy= 9251 MPa 8274061) TaMRO|550.9) 42970550) Fy=116.12 MPa Use Fy= 116.12 MPa < 0.60, Ke M fy M NOI2= s3559 8 16° M= 1547 10° Nnm M= 1587 kN ua 157 = WP W= 8594 N/m Safe uniform load, Wy = 8594-351 Wy = 82.43 NI .® Safe uniform load if the lateral supports only at midspan and its ends. by-G00mm Le = 4399 Ly 6731 Lok, lycly 207 = aah Tax M=27%8 x 108 Nam M=2738 Nm we Mae 2759 = WOR? W= 15322 KN/m Safe uniform load: Wp= 1532-351 W,= 149.71 kNIm (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 279 1.25 Continuous Beams with Compact Sections Members (including composite members and excluding hybrid members and with yield points greater than £48 MPa) which meet the requirements for compact sections and are continuous over supports or rigidly framed to columns, may be proportioned for 9/10 of the negative moments produced by gravity loading when such moments are maximum at points of support, provided that, for such members, the maxiesumn positive moment is increased by 1/10 of the average negative moments. This reduction shall not apply to moments produced by loading on cantilevers. If the negative moment is resisted by a column rigidly framed to the beam or girder, the 1/10 reduction is permitted in proportioning the column for the combined axial and bending loading, provided that the stress f, due to any concurrent axial load on the ‘member, does not exceed 0.15 Fy 1.26 Problem: A W450 x62 consisting of Fy= 311 MPa is used fora continuous span of 152m, I core uriform dstrbuted load of 176 Nim and wo concentated lads of 90 1M iting atthe midspan between the supports. Use 36stel with Fy = 248 MPa Properties of W 430 x82 (A= 10452 mm? = 460mm 8,n19135mm eseeen) wel Z6KNI ed AYEONTTONER ACTIONS S, = 1612.49 x 103 mm? | ReeA7mm oH ly = 18.73% 10° mm* tb 195 x 10? mm3 242mm y= 5029 mn ones vas Compute the maximum moment due to the actual loads. Neglect weight of bear, Compute the actual bending stress of the beam using NSCP specifications and compare to the allowable bending stress, if continuous lateral support provided by a reinforced concrete slab. « | Compute the actual bending stress if lateral supports is provided only at beam supports and midspans and compare tothe allowable bending stress using NSCP specifications. 280 (SRRUGTURAU STEED DESIGN SOLUTION: ® Maximum moment: ‘® Actual bending stress if lateral support is provided by concrete slab. ‘sing thee moment equation, Ls Int = 0 since is, si Nata #2 (La +L) + Mela PA « 9829 9 Unbraced length Ly = 0 singe there i ful lateral support 6Aja WIP, 3PL? ae th 4 * 8 och 6Apb WL, 3PL? a“ 191.26 G7 4 a sraeaf Mose 7 Be WED , SPL? | WL? | SPL? _ a . 2h avetats ae & Lam ti 25 Vas seams [22.3 c0767]2-0 " ts a a _ 460 i735 My=~ 255322 kNum = $642 a, 1690 £<12- wx 255.322 +75Rj = 99638) + 17647698) fe a8 R= 78285 KN Ry = Ry= 78285 kN eis compact section Ry +R + Ry = 2180) 417652) Use F,= 0066 F, 78.285 + 78285 + Ry= 180 + 267.52 * Allowable bending stress: + 1a Fy= 066 F, Mp = 28285 5.11405) (36) * a ’ 701) pa FL oe Mp=170411 kNan LD ‘Max. moment = - 255.522 Y 205.26 MPa See Section 506.212 ‘Members which meet the requirements for compact section and continuous over supports maybe proportioned for 9/10 of the negative momentss produced by grovity looding when such moments are maximum at points of support provided that for such members the maximum positive moment is increased by 1/10 ofthe average negative moments. Max. negative moment = 3, (255.322) Max. negative moment = 23.79 KN.m ‘ 1 (0#255: Max. postive moment=170411-+ 2; (2225 Max. positive moment = 18318 kN.m Moc bending tres = f= WOTx.0 612.4910 ‘foe 142.51 MPa (actual bending stress) f= 142.51 < 205.26 MPa (safe) © Actual bending stress if lateral supports is provided only at beam supports and midspans. For the3.8 m. outer span: My=0 My +170411 c=175+ 005 (tt) -03 (Mt) 2 42175 +1.05 (spe) +03 (Gyan) Get mama L_ 3a oa Ls 1356 TOA. = Sie VBE «1555 < + 140.66 as << 86< L Use the biggest value of © and @ by should be less than 0.6 Fy Je. suet o 5 [}-aiteads samc, e282 5 no [Sgt °° L3 7 10.55 x 108 (1.75) Tis 17742 MPa ry = 82740 (1.75) B00(460), 86.6 MPa (allowable bending stress) L Considering the 38 mat ens the bea Acta bending ste 1 og Perens “pias 0 = 113.50 MPa < 1866 MPa (sf Ne ~ sh 186.6 MPa safe) 284 si Considering the interior 328 m. section, cynt.75 +105 (Ye) +03 ay y=. 75+ 105 (12H) 03 GRA)? aE Cy=2.58>33- Use Gy=23 (EERE < rss6 « EET an 31 nn <785 < 16126 Use the bigger value of Fy but < 060 Fy 3” 105810 cd’ 2706 td ah - [3 - eee ase} (airy 13 - 505510 23 Fy 184.58 MPa reef. aut B Fux 8274023) 6 5001460) 191.2618) Fy= 44.85 MPa Use y= 18458 MPa < 06 Fy Actual bending stress: 285 (IRUCTURAEISTEER DESIGN > 1.27 CE Board Nov. 1997 4 simply supported steel beam has a span of 6 m, and is subjected to a vertical rocestrated load of 250 kN acting at midspan, An allowable of 100% for impact is ‘wai for the concentrated load only. The beam is laterally supported only at the vjports, Use A 36 steel with yield strength Fy = 248 MPa, Fo tloxural members with compact or non compact sections as defined in the NSCP. with unbraced lengths greater than L., the allowable bending stress in tension 11 = O60 Fy tou such members with an axis of symmetry in and loaded in the plane of their web, ‘te allowable bending stress in compression isthe larger value from equation 506-6 oF on? and 506-8 except that equation 506-8 is applicable only to sections with a ipression flange that is solid and approximately rectangular in cross section and hasan area not less than the tension flange. \hvwable bending compressive stress. TRAC, L ¢ [BISA wine EO ck [EROS x Fy s172100 Equation 506-7, (Or, when the compression flange is solid and approximately rectangular in cross section and its area isnot less than that ofthe tension flange: 82740 Co Equation 506-8 289 (othe foregoing 1+ distance between cross sections braced against twist or lateral displacement of the compression flange, mm. For cantilevers braced against twist only at the support, L may conservatively be taken as the actual length, +1» radius of gyration of a section comprising the compression flange plus 1/3 of the compression web area, taken about an axis in the plane of the web, ann, 1» area of the compression flange, mum} y= 175 +.1.05(M/Mp) + 0.30(M1/Ma)? but not more than 23, where My is the smaller ‘ond Mp the larger bending moment at the ends of the unbraced length, taken about {he strong axis of the members, and where Mj/Mp the ratio of end moments, is positive when My and Mz have the same sign (reverse curvature bending) and. negative when they are of opposite signs (single curvature bending). When the bending moment at any point within an unbraced length is Larger than that at both, ends of this length, the value of Cp shall be taken as unity. Cl, may be computed by the formiila given above for frames subject fo joint translation, and it shall be taken as unity for frames braced against joint translation, Cj may conservatively be taken as unity for cantilever beams. ) simply supported beam having a span of 8 m. is laterally unsupported is made up of Alo steel with Fy =248 MPa with the following properties: br=0210m. Ps Sy = 0.002077 m3 & 4 =0533m. | Which of the following gives the slendiemess ratio above which the bear would be considered long, 2. Which ofthe following gives the allowable bending stress, Which ofthe following gives the maximum uniform load that can be carned by the beam. SOLUTION: © Min. slendemess ratio above which the beam would be considered long beam. Cy=1.0 (simply supported bear) Min, =f SIO Min! 9D nin Es 307 © Allowable bending stress L _ sc00 nS Ke 15094 [EERE ky Fy tm 5325 <15098> 11907 Since: # > 11907 Use allowable bending stress: 1172100 Cy Cire? _ 172100 1) Fe "(s094y? Fy = 5145 MPa 2 : 291 210016) Fy =6520MPa © Fe <000ry Fy = 0.60 (375) Fy =225 MPa Use the biggest value of @ or ® but not more than 0.60 Fy Allowable bending stress = 65.20 MPa Max. uniform load it could carry Mens WiNvm M relt M = 65.20 (2.077 x 108) 18542 108 Nn M= 19540 vasa MBE Wn 1693 kN/m 292 STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESIGNI 7.29 CE Board May 2003 ‘Section 505.232 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines states that for lexural members with an axis of symmetry in, and loaded in the plane of their web, the allowable bending stress in compression is determined as the larger value from Equations (506-6) or (506-7) and (506-8), except that Equation (506-8) is applicable only to sections with a compression flange that is solid and approximately rectangular in cross section and that has an area not less than the tension flange Higher values ofthe allowable compressive stcess are permitted if justified by a more precise analysis, Stresses shall not exceed those permitted by Section 507, if applicable. For 506.233. For channel bent about their major axis, the allowable compressive stress is determined from Equation (506-8) FOTOS. [SII Rh SrS F yO y aera [Fe J, Hoss x10 G., ee asics, tee Fy x 1172100G : Use Fe Tine Equation 506-7, (Or, when the compression flange is solid and approximately rectangular in cross- section and its area is not less than that of the tension flange: 82740 C, TD Oty Fy Equation 506-8 2 Where Co= 175 +108 (MH) + 020 (UH) nut not more tan 23, where My ithe smaller and My isthe larger bending, moment a the ends of the unbraced length, len out he strong ni of emer nd where the ai of ed ments is positive when M, and Mz have the same sign (reverse curvature bending) and negative when they are of opposite signs (single curvature bending). When the bending moment at any point within an unbraced length is larger than that at both ends of this length, the.value of Cy shall be taken as unity STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 293 ‘may conservatively be taken as unity for cantilever beams and ris the radius of kvration of a section comprising the compression flange plus 1/3 of the compression. ‘web atea, taken about an axis inthe plane of the web, and y= Flange thickness '\ steel beam having a simple span of 8 m. is subjected to a clockwise moment M at the left end and 25% of M (counter clockwise) at the right end. The steel section has. thy following properties. Scoatam Zz j= 0.016 m. + Ss, .00206 m3 Which ofthe following gives the max. slenderness ratio above which is considered long bear. Which of the following gives the allowable bending stress in the compression flange, Which ofthe following gives the moment atthe left end. SOLUTION: Slendemness ratio: M, My? y= 175+ 10594! +030 (A)* hut rot more than 23 cue 175 +105 (223M) « 30(- 025M)? y= 1.506 294 ORM, Ly yf, 5 m Fy y Fos 556) , 9000, . [35163800506] BS 5S 248 6535 < 15094 > 14613 Max, slendemess ratio above which is considered long beam = 146.13 @ Allowable bending stress: 1172100Gy ee __ 117210041506) Fe 05094) ~ = 7749 MPa '82740(1.506) (©0533) O.210(0.016) Fy =98.19 MPa F, = O60F, Fy = 0.80048) 488 MPa Use allowable bending stress @ Moment atthe et en M hos M = 98.19(0.00206)(1000)5 M= 20227» 10¢Nmm M=20227kNm (SIRUGTURAUSTEEL DESIGN 295 7.0 CE Board Nov. 2003 vettion 506.2.32 of the National Structural Code of the Philippines states that for seal members with av axis uf symmetry in, and loaded in the plane of their web, ‘he allowable bending stress in compression is determined = the larger value from ‘iquations (506-6) or (506-7) and (306-8), except that Equation (506-8) is applicable woly to sections with o compression flange that is solld and approximately ‘wclangular in cross section and that has an area not less than the tension flange. Higher values of the allowable compressive stress are permitted if justified by a more Jwevise analysis, Stresses shall not exceed those permitted by Section 507, if liable 4 5062.33 For channel bent about theit major axis, the allowable compressive sve is determined from Equation (506-8) When PES okey asues2oc, ¥ % ¥ Fyn ube) user» [2 Figure 5066 1172100 6, Use Fee Tie Figure 506-7 |. when the compression flange is solid and approximstely rectangular in cross ‘tion and its area is not less than that ofthe tension lange: 12S Figure 6-8 uy "here Cy= 1.78 + 1.05 (Ret) + 030 (RP) but not more than 23, where M; isthe wller and My isthe larger bending moment at the ends of the untraced length, "about the strong axis ofthe member, and where X¢! the ratio of end moments positive when My and My have the same sign (reverse curvature bending) and soative when they are of opposite signs (aingle curvature bending) 296 __ STRUCTURAL STEEU DESIGN) When the bending moment at any point within an unbraced length is larger than that at both ends of this length, the value of Cy shall be (aken as unity. Cy may conservatively be taken as unity for cantilever beams and r, isthe radius of gyration of a section comprising the compression flange plus 1/3 f the compression web area, taken about an axis in the plane of the web, and d= Beam Depth by= Flange Width y= Flange thickness Assimple beam having a span of 8 mis subjected to a counterclockwise moment Mat the left end and a counter clockwise moment (0.25M) at the right end, Fy =248 MPa ~ 533 m. 16m. u ops 9.002077 m? Reverse Curvature © Which of the following gives the slendemness ratio which is considered a short beam, @ Which of the following gives the allowable bending stress in the compression force. @ Which of the following gives the moment atthe left end. SOLUTION: © Stoners ri whch cond hr bam os aellt vos (M0" ; cyaa7ssrostticom (M)* reset morte 23 cy=t.75e105(°38!) « 030 (035)? y= 2.03.23 Slenderness ratio which is Considered short Beam: 4 [a R (ea 28 7387 Allowable bending stress: [PEM , [EDS ty " Fy ERED < 585 < (SREB 1302.03) 28 * 0.088 28 6 7587 <1809%< 168, 2B, fe [he aaisStore] __24s1so94y 37055 x10 2o3 4S F,= 9991 MPa Check rye HOG HY Fy = 82740003 (0533) ‘aa1000.016) y= 13235 MPa Fy=060Fy Fe= 0.60(268) Fys M88MPa Use allowable bending stres=132.35 MPa 297 298 ___ STRUCTURAL STEEDIDESION] Moment of eft ent -M Ag M 192355 Gipao77 OOF M=2789 4108 Nam M2749 kN 7.31 CE Board Nov. 2004 ‘ A simply supported steel beam carries a uniform concrete slab 200 mm thick. It carries a ceiling load of 500 Pa and live lead pressure equal to 2000 Pa. The length of the beam is 6 meters and is spaced at ? m. on centers. Unit weight of concrete is 24kN/m?, Allowable bending stress for steel beam is .66Fy. Modulus of elasticity is 200GPa. F, = 248 MPa. © Which of the following gives the uniform load pressure carried by the beam. @ Which of the following gives the load carried by the beam in KN/m, @ Which of the following gives the most economical section, Section | Moment of Inertia Depth W125 25 | 0.000849 mn D310 me Wi2x 19 | 10000581 m™ 0309 m Wi2x14 | 020000369 mn 0302 m. Solution : ‘© Uniform toad pressure carried by the beam. W,=24(02) +05 +2 W,=73 kPa Wy= 7300 Pa 2 Load carried by the bea: w= 73000)0) W = 14600.N/m Wa 146kNim ‘Most economic section: we we ager M= 657m Repred section modulus: M ah 57x 108 0.66(248) $,=401393 me? 5,=0.0004014 m? For W 12 x26 }000548 mx? > 0.004014 a (fe) For W219 000841 0303 2 2000350 m* < 20004014 m? (filed 300 STRUCTURAL STEELDESIGN| For WI2x 14 5, 000000369 ne Ca = 10002443 < 0.0004014 rm? (ed Use W 12 x 26 isthe most economical section | 7,32. CE Board Nov. 2005 secon 062332 of he National Sacra Code ofthe Piping tates ht for Resumes nt avons oy nad nde te pane of a ed, tions tring ese compres eerie onthe age ae oe gunna (060) or 007 and C068), excep at Equation O68) 6 appeble only to sector with a comprenson Henge Ina eld and appronnatly seigule in cos soion telat hs an ove not ethan he tion Henge: Fe vies of ia eSas sn ruat etre SIRE pata frau analy, Sees shall no ected ose permited by Secon 80. velba For 5062.33 For channel bent about their major axis, the allowable compressive stress is determined from Equation (506-8). we EES, L/S, ope. eae sigute were [Saute] Figure 506-6 L, [SRG When E> JSP Se use 7, = NZI Figure 5067 Ure 1), when the compression flange is solid and approximately rectangtlar in cron estion and its area is not less thar that ofthe tension flange: 2710 4, Figure 5068 wy Wvhore Cy= 1.75 + 1.05 (RF) + 020 (R)° but not more than 23, where My isthe wan Me ending moet the edhe ted thy snail te stungacetbe member ad hee Mi heraoa ed nomen ve wen My an Mave he sme ign ae carte oding ond tive when they ae oop ns ge conve ng) Wen the Ident yi sh ania engine ne war bo ‘wholes hence Chtateracens ony Chey cesarean ine compen fine 13 of ie cmpeseon ede en 1 Beam Depth vy Flange Wide 1) lange thickness ‘cantilever beam has a span of 4:m, and carries a uniformly distributed load 2 saghout its span, Which of the following gives the nearest value of the slondernwss satio which is mnsidered asa long bear, ' Which ofthe following gives the nearest valWe ofthe allowable bending steess » Which of the following gives the nearest value of maximum moment, —s Solution : Slenderness ratio Ll 4 117 Tear = 7553 Lf Fy L 4 /3516330() _ (senders rato tobe considered as long etm) Allowable bending stress: L aSTERO CS be yee 7538 < 11907 2 Fpl aE. eine 2 sacs] 5 Batsinal Fam 13025MPa Allowable bending stress should not be less thar 0.60 Fy = 148.8 MPa 82740 Cy Td iy _-s27400 ~ 40533) 92100016) fy=13040 MPa Use allowable bending stress = 132.25 MPa ‘Max. moment: ‘Mt = 132.25(0.002077)1000)° 74683250 Narn M = 278.68 KN CHAPTER EIGHT SZ US STRESS ‘LY Shearing Stress of Beams Long beams usually are govern by deflection of bears. ‘Medium length beams are usually govern by flexural stress. Short beams are usuatly govern by shear. ‘There are two types of shear acting on beams. © Transverse shear: ‘There isa tendency of the left section of the beam to slide upward with respect to the right section of the beam. But this type of shear failure ‘will not occur in steel bearns because web crippling will occur first before shear oceuts, © Longitudinal shear: The beams bends which causes changes in lengths of longitudinal fibers where the lower fibers are stretched and the upper fibers are shortened while the fibers in the neutral axis do not change in length. Due to these deformations, there is a tendeney for a particular fiber to slip, fon the fiber above or below. Max. longitulinal shear usually occurs at the neutral axis, ae | srRucTURADSTEEUDESTGN ‘8.2 Shearing Stress: ‘Allowable shear stress: ) F,=040F, -_—_ et 31026 Ky ’ « di when Cy is less than 08 + Fiege wen cei 500, hen is more than 08 i con fe Hhen Cy is more + 538, when ioless than 1.0 04am eh yest iy whenf moretant 0 the = thickness of web in mm. Jar distance besween transverse stifiness i = clear distance between flanges at the section under investigation in mm. 4 = total depth of beam in mm. Equation 8.2.4 Equation 8.2.2 Equation 8.2.3 Equation 8.2.4 Equation 8.2.5 Equation 8.2.6 Equation 8.2.7 2.3 Transverse Stiffeners: Intermediate stiffeners are required when: © tpgemer than 260 cauaton 83.1 Max. web shear stress fis greater than Ce ve ion To Sig and fo Ze Equation 8.3.2 14 Spacing of intermediate stifeners when required shal be such thatthe web shear stress will not exceed the value for Fy=yis (C,) < 040 F, oF the allowable shear stress with tension field action given by equation Ce __) where Cy<1 Equation 8.4.1 145 Vi + (al? Where: ae 12 G2) nas coven Where: ty thickness of web, mm clear distance between transverse stiffeners, mn, ‘a= clear distance between flanges at the section under investigation, mm, ‘15 Shear Stress Distribution on a W Section: ve Equation 8.1 V-=max external shear atthe section in question ‘moment of inetis ofthe entire section about the neutral axis width ofthe section where the unit shearing stress is desired (Qs statical moment of area of section lying outside, either above or below the line on which the shear stress is desired taken about the neutral axis fo shearing stress 306 he AW 24 x94 beam is subjected to a shear force of 900 KN, Properties of W Section: ” y= 230,15 mm ()=2215mm 7 Ie 1119 10 mt % ‘Compute the shear stress atjunetion of flange and web. ‘Compute the shear stress at neutral axis, ‘Compute the shear force carried by the lange. ‘Compute the shear force carried by the web. Compute the average shear stress on web. eoa6 vo Som Ty (= 230.15(22.15)297 41) = 1.5210 mm? = 23015 va Te f= OL 52. 10 fe 119.7 x10 Jo 331 MPa 307 v Sorte b= 1321 mm fox PRI "197 x 10 (a1) = 93.19 MPa 2 Shear stress at neutral axis: (Q= 290.15(22.15)(297.41) + 286.335(13.11)(143.1675) (Q= 2.05 108 mm! 900000(2.05 x 104) 1197x108 (13.11) f= 125.69 MPa Shear force arsed by flanges. (Two flanges) F-23129 15)02.18, F=27069N (Shear force carried by web section: -F = 900000 - 27069 F=872831N © Average shear stress on web: v fear ‘00000 Fe 516 97 7 fox 1127 MPa 308 ‘Compute the max. bending stress ‘of the beam shown, Compute the total shear carried bby the web and the flanges. Compute the total bending moment carried by the web and the flanges, SOLUTION: Bending stress r= lOQGSOP , [30000 , sooroys239% 250462. scasyssn? Jo 1261035 «108 c 61035 x 108 387 s 8 = 10958 x 10° r the section shown, the shear force acting is 670 kN and the bending moment is. 1475 kN. loam Figure 87 ‘Shear carried by the flanges and webs BR -¥o “Te Forthe flanges: (= 250(16)49) + 300(16 4533) +p, = $758400(670000) = 6103.5. 10° (300) Fy=174MPa -vo “Te 7000048754400) 8103.5» 10 (10) (= 5219 MPa F, 670000 TAC) fo= 60.14 MPa Shear foree carried by the two flanges: Fy= 22% 0) fr50(16) + 30006)] y= 15m2N Vorce carried by the web: Fa = 670000. 15312 Fay 654688. N = STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN) | STRUCTURASTEEL DESIGN aut 310 1.8 Problem: 5) Moment carried bythe args andthe webs oun a W section fora beam of A 36 steel Fy= 248 MPa to carry a uniform load of . 11 ANhm on a simply supported span of 1.5 m. Assume lateral bracing is adequate of torstabilty | Sali ee Properties of W sections available rl Wie Wiest wus) | Woofbeam BAIN sn [4584 N/m [S007 NE y Area, 5129 5890 4948 pth @ B78 3709 281 Flange width bp 165.02 16574 T2764 lange thikress (@ 7016 TIL Tas Web thickness) a2 or eas Moment of inertia (I) B49 x10 mm! [95x 10% mm? | 10156x 1 mm “ton Modulus (S,) —[ Seba x10 mm™] MIx 10 mm] 57S2 x10" mm err as v0 mee IL SOLUTION: 128807 +0 | [air By nig Ae +9 (101525) Y wit : i oso) vA. Mo's Tl TH F,= 333004 N 1 —| e am M6241 ‘M = 8241 x 10° Nmm cas M : nM (M =233.12 kNam (moment carried by the web) 5-524, \475 -23312 O65 F, $2.81 x10 668) 5, =50348 «10° 1241.88 kNam (moment earied by the flanges) 31z “ { 393.+0:38007 293.38027 KN /m . Mw C833802710.5) 3 M=8251kNm M=82.51 x10 KN _ 8251x106 752» 1 y= 14344 MPa <0.66 F, = 16368 MPa r laeansst My-101 so 106 ass28) Use Fy = 0408, v, fag wa y= 2983802711.) ee? V=22004 kN vy The JoxqgHi0D 352.81(6.48) f= 9625 MPa <'040F,=992MPa (safe) Use W14 x 26 beam a4 STRUCTURAL STEELDESIGN) | (STRUIGHUIRAUSTEERIDESIGN!!S%) 315 aon Design a W section to carry two concentrated loads of 134 KN acting at the middle we SO) (3.28) 7.2m. Use A 36 steel with F,= 248 MPa and assume full lateral bracing for the Wt = 12286N/m baAN aaa Se eetue oaiesieatep ae main [Yoreresn aera Wei Ae (we 76 2p Twi 96) Teyuallonss oad ='23 + 1-23) 2s 24 { Weight TL6 Nm T4081 NV ‘Try uniform load = 30.23 kN/m Reon R Area 14452 mm? 18258 mm? ae a manne se) 4 ‘Web thickness (I) 18mm 14.61 mm R= 242.83 ‘Section Modulus (S,) 2884 x 10° mm 3245 x 10" mm? Me 89 17028) gy , 3628012) ser over spams 28 ow 1. swn Me5I751Nm a nein TET 425175. 106Nen Re 2384 +r soa 7 in ° a Beg 238.4 + 168.8) ‘48. sy wa AEE ey, 4802 A ye ISIC M = 509.52 KN. >” 3298 x 10° Fy 16022 MPa < 066 F, = 16368 MPa (ae) } | i s,=m1810 316 (Check for shéar: V-=242.83 kN wm Allowable shear stress: Fy=040F, F,=0.40(248) y= 992 MPa 33.24 < 992 (safe) 317 1.10 Problem: AA built up wide flange section consists of a section having a total depth of 353 mm, lange width of 254 mm, flange thickness of 16.4 mm and a web thickness of 955 mm. Use Fy= 250 MPa. Compute the max. shear capacity of the built up section using 2001 NSCP Specifications. 2 Compute the shearing stress at the junction of the web and the flange, due to sheat of 300 AN. 3) Compute the shearing stress atthe neutral axis due to shear of 300 RN. SOLUTION: |) Max. shear capacity of the built up section: Allowable shearing stress. 988 ts F204 F, when < 98 . = O40 Fy Be VA 1 PTT y-10+ 3202 , 993. das 95 \hesm2 95 56 3371 < 6312 tyes VF, (@lty) max. sheer capacity bye V=040F ete V =0.40(250)(353)(95) V=335350N V =335.35 kN ama RY Shearing stress at the junction of web and flange: 1 =258Q59P _ 122.2522029 0 2 2 1=262.2x 10 mmt 9595 12295 Q-ay = 254(16.4)(1683) Q=701070.8 v fete fp Soaonaxz01070.45 fo "760.2 x 108 (9.5) fy= 9844 MPa & Sheorngetees atthe neuteal xis: > 254(16.4)168.3) + 160.01 580.05) = 82275408 ass 959s sa wie _-320000(822754.08) e762 x10 63) fo= 99.09 MPa san (STRUGTURAUSTEEL DESIGN — a9 11 CE Board Nov. 1997 \ Nien is ade op of 190 mn thick concrete slab and 50 ma thick floor finish both of | ich 38 a unit weight of 24 KN/rel- The floor also carries celling whose weight is v1 and a live load of 2400 Pa. ‘The floor is supported by simply supported steel owns with a span of 10m spaced at 4.6 m on centers with compression flange rigidly luched to the conerete floor. The steel is A36 with yield strength (Fy) = 248 MPa. ullowable shear stress specified in the1992 NSCP is 0.40 Fy, Considering the tof the beam, which of the following sections is the most economical (lightest) «ton for the given load assuming that shear stress govern the design. SOLUTION: ‘ling load = 720 N/m? vv Lead = 200 N/m? vring slab = 24,000 (02) venting stab = 4,800 N/m? (200 mm thickness) Iinal load #720 + 2,400 + 4800 nN Toad «7,920 N/m? (excluding wt of bear) v ays ate 1.40 fy d tw: by w 12x19) ‘al load = 364,320 + 278(10) total load = 367,100 N 367 100 i = 1 = 183,550 N. 40 fy dt (040 (248) (309) 6) 183916.8 > 183550 N. ue W 12 x 19 section wma A CHAPTER NINE 9.1 Deletion of Beams cessive deflections of sel beams may cause damage of other material enced or supported by he beams and wi as damage the appearance ofthe Sacre, Bours end uders upping Nos dn el shale proportoned srk due gard we the defn poder’ Dy the desig lod Bas and Hider sopping peed cll hal be popstoned ht the maxim Sefton doesnot exceed iy ofspan Type of Load Maximum Deflection Pu ll ONSEIL (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN BERRERREROMIGGHG as ‘Type of Load Maximum Deflection Bee SF 322 ___srrucrunay sreeupesienn ‘Type of Load ‘Maximum Deflection 8 SPs oaBEL (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 323 SEIN 82 9.2 Problem: |\W 1896 has a simple span of 9m, Toe beam is supported laterally at third points Uwe A 36 steel Fy = 248 MPa. Mroperties of W 18 x 96 Weight « 1404 N/m ‘Area = 181935 mm? bin OWT Datemine the maxim ad cul ty 50 a not enced the SMowable teuel os Determine the mas nom led tcl cary so as nat eed th Sob sheargeese »Detwmin he mim usfonn bad tnd carry so as rw exceed the aligns dlecton of sof span 20000 Mts SOLUTION: © ‘Max. uniform load if flexural stress governs: wiz Mex" g M,= Woe = M,= 1025 WkNm Mou = M2218 M=(10125W 1420 bNim 324 STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGN! a4 essSsSCSFSFSSO OOo Solve for Ly (smallest caine of Ly or Lz) oh 137900 Bis(461.25)_ 28450011) Ly= 7898 nv Le= 37903 Ly < Le (compact section) a NA Cesk _ pes 2th ft ~ 207« 2 -207<0s Bens NE st, Fy 965048 fy 1.68 Ma M MBL 10" M=4952% 10 Nimm M=4962 kNm M = (10125 W +1422) . 4962 = 10.195 W + 14.22 7.56 stm (STRUGTURAL STEEL DESIGN 325 |) Max. uniform load if shear governs: 419.04 3 Allowable shear stress F.= 0408, v Fir OM Fy arama = 240248) Pesoan sous = WY L409)9 2 W=130.78kNim Max uniform lad defection governs Welt SB8ET goon 5 W249) 0000)" 380 * 384 20000069927) 108 Wy = 40927 N/m Wy=4093 KN im We Lao 8 We Laon W 23953 kNin wma IL 326 (STRUCTURAL STEELDESIGN _ 327 9. Pebien: yo 00 ‘A W141 87 beam has a simple span of 9 m. which is laterally supported every 3 m Use Grade 50 steel F, = 44.5 MPa, E,= 200000 MPa, Neglect weight of beam. Properties of WI x 87 fas) bam) A= 16516.10 mm? 4=3556mm - whim by=3683mm LOTT 17.48 mm fhe= 10.67 mm Je 4025 108 rmmt $,= 2261.4 108 mmt Compute the value of W if flexural stress governs, > Compute the value of W af shear stress governs. Compute the value of W if deflection governs, Allowable deflection is. 3a5 of SOLUTION: Value of W if flexural stess governs: _ (85 W +55 W)) Max. M= > SWS) 2 Max. Mo=22.125 7 (kN) Unbraced length Ly = 3000 min =O VF, 368.3078) ly=77 Le = 3969 Ly 7287 Ly < be ‘Check if compact or non-compact 916 < 1053 < 13.47 ‘The beam is partially compact All owable bending stress: 5 wr] ssas[o7-oownanass 335] 22085 MPa Fi 328 ‘STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESIGHI M 2085 = 261410 M = 4994 x 10° Nm M= 499.4 KN 22,125 W = 499.4 2.57 KNIn Value of Wi shear governs: recive hk _ most j ase Fhe v } sssqigeT ~ ACH ves2i8N V=S2285 kN =85W 52285 =85 W w 1.51 Nim (STRUGTURAL STEEL DESIGN 329 > Value of W if deflection governs: Pe Ga ET ie " Poa (kN) ve kN bak CTT 360 2s 360 a §4.25mm ag = 5. (2000X9}90007"__, _23¢41v)(1000).9000}* '384(200000(402.5 x 10%) * 618(200000)(4025 x 10°) 25=1.06W + 1.2860 W = 10.66 Ninn 4 Problem: 10x29 hasa span of $m. It carries a total floor load of 4.8 kPa. inchuding that of vcrete slab. Neglect weight of beam. E,= 200000 MPa, Vw A36steel Fy = 248 MPa Properties of W029 A=59097 me Compute the spacing of the beam if allowable bending stress governs. ‘Compute the spacing of the beam if allowable shearing stress governs ‘Sompute the spacing ofthe beam if defection governs. Allowable deletion is of span, 326 _800 9.3 Problem: a ET yy A. W114 47 bear has a simple span of em. which i laterally supported every 3m eo Use Grae 50 steel Fy = 344.5 MPay £,=200 000 MPa, Neglect weight of beam Gee 368 30748) Properties of W 14x87 lea ea ae = 16516.10 mm? 4-556 1 wsvn ten9 y= 3683 mm Lane 4551748 mm ee lp < te 21067 mm os Ie 4025 x 108 ment S,= 22614 x 108 mm? (Check if compact or non-compact mmnaA NY Compute the valu of Wf xual sts ovens Compute th valu of Wits see gover Compute te vale of W i deflcton governs. Alowable deflections 3h; of Seas, SOLUTION: Vale of W if leur] stress gover aswessuna Now M 3 sus ‘Thebear is parally compact sine 222225 W GN) ssw Lote gt Ly, = 3000 mm S Allowable bending ste : : J 1-24 ze Fi=8, [079 -oo00ree (iH) vi] Viv ze “4 ye 2.0889 = 3445 [0.79 -oco07621053) VaHa5] ‘Ly = 3969 mm Fe 2085 MPa ae emma ny 328 ______ STRUCTURAL STEELZDESIGN! GTURAL : DESIGN 329 1 Value of W if deflection governs: SWE, 2B “RHEL” GBET Pp Pp WW (kN) wen L CTT 0 - i es 25 - 5 W(1000)¢9};9000)__, _23¢4¥)(1000)(9000)5 _ * 384{200000)(402.5 x 108) * 648(200000)(402.5 x 10°) 220. Bea M = 499.4 10° Nien B= 25mm. 2st «12a > Valco if shee gore: WW 10654 wou we » sos on 1 robes \ 11029 has a span of 9m. It carries total floor load of 4.6 kPa. including that of rtete slab. Neglect weight of bearn, £, = 200000 MPa, Hive A 36stee! Fy = 248 MPa Properties of W10x29 Compiute the spacing of the beam if allowable bending stress governs. (Compute the spacing of the beam if allowable shearing stress governs. Compute the spacing of the beam if deflection governs. Allowable deflection is hi j of span. a 330 (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN” 331 SOLUTION: 81 Spacing if shear governs: pacing if bending controls: A 23419 © Sperry nr eer a 0 rae desis) > Cc 1230 € v a t 5939734) = 040248) 1 ‘The beam isa compact section 1 5 = 0.66 Fy | Toul load W=4819)5 wees | Spacing if deflection controls: $= 170m. Lae PIMA Y ————ES r 332 STRUCTURAL 9.5 CE Board Nov. 2006 {A steel beam has a span of 7.8m carries. a uniform load of 52 kN/m. The steel section is made up of 21 x 62 Properties of 21 x62 section Weight = 93 kg/m d=05%m. ° e Which of the following gives the max. flexural stress. Which of the following gives the max, deflection ofthe beam. Which of the following statement is correct to describe the beam. 1. Inadequate for shear, bending and deflection, 2 Inadequate for bending ad deflection. 3. The beamis adequate. 4. Inadequate for flexure only, SOLUTION: | Aa fru stress 59 S308 wos G8 = 5291 KN wee vy 291008 n_s = 40238 KN eM wer j= 802 580.590) '»*"0.000554(2) 98564 KPa {= 19856 MPa > 0.66 Fy fy =056248) {y= 168.68 MPa (pot safe) Mas, deletion Swi SET 4 = -3152.91)7.8)(7800} (1000) 384{200000(0.000554)(1000)* 5 = 28mm > 21.7 (rot safe) Allowable defection = 2 Allowable deflection = 21.7 mm J4=0538 Mmna GY 334 __ STRUCTURAU STEEL DESIGNE @ Description ofthe beam: vy 25291028) 2 Vv = 206235 206.360. ‘0533(0010) fp 38715 kPa fe=3872MPa fall = 0.40248) fall =99.2 MPa (safe) ‘Therefore itis inadequate for bending and deflection. hey 9.6 CE Board May 1998 ‘A simply supported beam with span of 8 meters is subjected to a uniform vertical downward lond equal to 50 kilo Newtons/meter, acting on the plane of the minor axis of the beam section, which includes the beam weight. The beam is restrained against lateral buckling of the top and bottom flanges for the entire span. The materia! 1s A36 steel with fy = 248 meyaPascals and modulus of elastcity = 200 gigaPascals. The allowable flexural stress for laterally braced compact sections is 0.66 - The allowable deflection is 1/360 of the span. Three compact sections are being considered, as follows, with their respective properties relevant to this problem (length units are in meters) Section Momentof Inertia Beam Dept 1 W24x5 (0.000858 m# 0.598 m. 2 W2ix62 (0.000854 m* 0.533 m. 3. W2Ex68 0.09061 m* 0537 m. ® Determine the minimum section modulus Sx, in m3, such that the maximum Flexural stress will not be exceeded ® Determine the minimum moment of inertia ly, in m4, such that the maximum deflection will not be exceeded ® Assuming that shear stress is not critial, which of the sections being considered is the most economical section adequate for the given load ‘STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN. SOLUTION: 1} Minimum section modulus in m?, such that the maximum flexural stress will not be exceeded. ah “3 2 a 5000.82 M ‘M = 400000 Nm. (M = 400 x 106 Namo ns oss) = 03% Minimum moment of inertia I, in such that the maximum deflection will not be exceeded Swi? Y SRE 000 _ 5(50000)/8)81%4000)> 360 384(200000)1 00 x 108 mat 00% mt 335 336 __ STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGNY ® Assuming that shear stress is not critical, which of the sections being considered is the most economical section adequate forthe given load. 1 For W24x 58: = 0.000558 m* 420598 m, 5 = 9:000558(2) 0598 $= 0.00187 < 0.0024 fail in fecure 1 = 0.000558 < 0.0006 fail deflection For W21 x 62: 1=0.000584 mt 4=05%3 «5 = 2.000554(2 0533 $= 0.00208 « 0.002 fai in flexure 1=0,000554 < 0.0006 fails deflection aon d= 0537 Sot ej oe wooo Therefore none ofthe section is adequate. (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN: 337 9.7 CE Board May 2000 ‘simply supported stee! beam is to be supported over an 8 m. span. Itis to carry & lutal uniformly distributed load of 40 LN/m on the beam, Assume the compression ltange i laterally supported throughout the whole span and the section is a compact secon Fy=246 MPa, fo = O66. allowable deflection sly of pan. section nt ko wens onsets 08 was oonnsi0 om wane onses ase wiex7l 00170 oa Which ofthe follnwing gives the required section modulus? 2 Which of the following gives the required moment of inertia 2 Which of the follow ing gives the most economical section? SOLUTION: Required section modulus: ee TTT weAO Kv M=320kN.m am g, = 220%10° S* 0.66(288) S,= 1985034 mm? 5, = 0.001958 a 338 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 2 Requirect moment of inertia Allowable deflection = WL L 360 (oO gy00" 800 oT ‘04 1=480x 10°mm# T= 0.00048 m* © Moss economical section: W 2b x5: aamnmA NV ‘004810 10.2 {9001798 m? < 0.001985 m){not safe) 193 w21x62: (002077 m* > 0.001955 m? (safe) Use W 21 x 62 lightwe than W 18 x71 S$ = 0.002077 m* > 1.03048 mé NSCP provides that rolled or welded shapes, Plate girders and cover plated beams shall in general, be proportioned by the moment of inertia ff the gross section. No deduction shall be made for shop or field bolt or rivet holes in either flange provided that. 05 FyApy> 05 Fy Age Equation 10.1.1 Where: Ajj = net flangearea after deducting holes Ag = gross lange area If 05 Fy Ay <0 Fy Ag the member flexural propertios shal! he based on an effective tension flange aren Ay. 5F, Ae2gH Ap) Equation 10.12 ‘The total cross-sectional area of cover plates of bolted or riveted girders shall not exceed 70% of the total flange area. Longitudinal spacing of bolts or rivets connecting the web or cover plates to flange. 1. Shall not exceed 600 mn. 2. For painted and unpainted members nut subject 40 corrosion shall not exceed 333, times thickness of outside plates nor 300 mm when lasteners are not slaggered slong adjacent lines times thickness of outside plate not 450 mm when fasteners are or staggered along adjacent gage lines 3. For connectors between elements in continuous contact consisting of a plate and a shape or two plates shall not exceed. 24 thnes the thickness of the thinner plate nor 300 mm for painted ant Unpainted members not subject to corrosion oF 14 times the thickness the thinner plate nor 175 mn for unpainted members of weakening stecl subject to atmospherie corrosion some AAIMMARY ‘There are some occasions that the total depth maybe so limited that the resisting moments of W sections of specified depth are too small because such beam depths are required by the architect or incase of bridges they are limited due to clearance requirements. The cover plated beams will proved to be a very satisfactory solution for situations like these. The moment of inertia section equals the moment of inertia of the W section plus the moment of inertia ofthe top and bottom caver plates, Approximate values: Nite $ isnot ea he cone stance tthe cent he cove ate Ri fyi 6 M Arik itis plate girder itis built up wide flange bean Min. thickness of web section is 8 mm. 1d ofspan. Depth of plate girders have average values of to 2 of sp 1,streni09Smmcran) LOD les | | Ll. hwd-75mm (approximate) 10.5 Web Slenderness Limitations 1. If no transverse stiffners are used or if they ate used but are spaced at arate distances on cater han 1 imesh nts btw Mange the mais roe fe VEG, +1) Equation 10.54 2 tne lees are used and Spaced no more han 1 tne the distance between flanges, the maximum ratio! 5250 a Equation 1052 fu Ey 2 342 __ STRUCTURAL STEEMIDESIGN! 10.6 Allowable Bending Stress for Plate Girders fh 2807 When f > 2582 Se Max. bending stres in the compression flange shall not exceed a Fy’ s FyRrcRe ‘Equation 10.6.1. < Cc Where " Fy applicable bending stress S Fy=0060 Fy if Ly > Le L Fy= 066 Fy if Ly < Le Ae (b, 196 Ryo = 1-0.0005 4 (2 - 86) < 10 Equation 106.2 i, " At Nie | R= 10 for nny ides Equation 1063 ' n+ 4" Ga-e) By Oe? ag Equation 1064 Er a= SF «10 Equation 165 Ay area of web atthe section under investigation Ay= area of compression flange (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 343 10.7 Allowable Shear Stress with Tension Field Action A, 998 when > 298. eR Equation 107.1 10264 K, HOOKS hen C, isles than 08 Fy tht? Equation 10.72 Equation 10.73 00, when @ is more than + ian NO than LO Where: y= thickness of web 4 = clear distance between transverse stiffeners ‘h = clear distance between flanges at the section under investigation 8) When f& > 260, fe > 35 Co and Cy < 10 ec 2 [ 1 e 344 10.8. Design of Cover Plates ae fe t= Sanu 1105) Equation 1.81 Where: {= thickness of cover plate Shog® Fequired section modulus Syy=section modulus of standard wide flange section b= width of cover plate 4 = depth of wide flange section «ear PINAY 10.9 Problem: | A plate girder is compose! of the following material. { ‘One web plate 1200 mm by 10 mm Four flange angles 150 x 100 x 18 mm with long legs outstanding Teves gaver plates 350 nan x 72 mm The overall depth of the girder is 1238 vem. Each flange is connected to the web plate ove of A 502 grade one, 22 mm dia. rivets spaced 150 mm on centers and Incated 62.5 mi from the back of the angles. The compression flange has continuous lntral support, but there is no disteibuted load bearing on the top flange. Spacing of rivels connecting the cover plates is 150 mm on centers. Assume diameter of holes to bbe 25 nm, Use A 30 steel Fy =248 MPa; F,= $00 MPa, Fy= 060 Fy Allowable stresses of rivets: f= 20MPa Bye ltly 1 Compute the moment of inertia at the newtral ans, Compute 4 Compute the shear capacity of the girder as govern by the F bya sin ya sing Aexural capacity of the girder. o* spacing. a 345 fe of 150 mm x 100 mm x 18 mm angular section 44774 mm? 10.2% 10° mmé 27.43 mm if 1y=361 x10" rome 62.5 mm sage of angles on the short leg SOLUTION: ‘Moment of inertia atthe neutral axis: ‘2625 mm, Tn} ase Gross area of flange 74(2) + 350(12) s Gross aren = 131548 mm? rea of 2 angles plus cover plate Gross area Agg= 131518 mon? Atea of holes for cover plate +4 for angular sections Area of holes = 2(12)(25) + 6(25)08) Agy= 131SL8- 2400 Ain= 107348 346 ___ STRUCTURAL STEELDESIGN) | (STRUCTURAUSTEEL/DESIGN 347 © When 0.50 Fy App > 05 Fy Age Flexural capacity No deduction shall be made for shop or rivet holes in either flange rat he © When 0.50 Fy App < 0.6 Fy Ag, oor, Fy= 060028 The member flexural properties shall be based on an effective tension sea) flange area Fy! Fy= 1488 MPa SE, M9) : SE tags - Mia) 5 Ae oF, Am $85 ~ Fone 0 (M = 2466 x 106 < Check: 050, Apy = 0.5(400)(10754.8) = 2150060 M2684 Kom 5 060 Fy y= 06(85)131548) = 195084 O50, Ap.> 060 Fy Ag - Therefore no deduction is necessary. 4) Shear capacity: RL | } SVG 1 Note ; Section 502.115, Shear capachy | ‘ ‘The total cross sectional area Rm AoFy of cover plates of bolted oe i riveted girders shall not Rag 27 (120) exe 708 fe tl Rass frenerhetenly $002. 220m a Bearing capacity onthe 10mm plate 5 Raa R= 22(10)(1.2)(400) R= 10560 for one rie ony , Use R= 45616 tun [29022 casera. Joe [aeonimesarasmsny Jo soa Rr 7 2 sof, Iya 12006 x 10 mnt —-- ene 1 1OMABY STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! 17. 4(2)(579.57) + 350(12)(613) Q=7764533 1 = p 0 159 = 58260231006) 10 V 7453) V = 862125N S=] at | et] > be V=862.13 KN) 10.°0 Problem: A welded plate girder is composed of 1650 mm x 9.5 mm web plate and two 500 mm 1 19 mim flange plates. ‘The unbraced length of the compression flange is 55m. Assuming C= 1.0. Use A 36steel. F,= 249 MPa. E,~ 200000 MPa (Compute the resisting moment of the beam, ‘Compute the safe concentrated load that the beam could support if it has a span of 1m. Compute the vertical deflection of the beam, Neglect weight of beam, ee 2 SOLUTION: © Safe resisting moment: = 50011688)" | 490.5(1650)° 2 12 1 = 16788 108 mnt c g = 1678x108 ‘Su 19891 x 103 mm? 108 (on compact? V288 im 551. unbraced length Use F;=0.60 F, (For flexural members with compact or non-compact section with unbraced length greater than L,, the allowable bending stress is Fy= 060 F, (Section 506.2.3.1) NSCP. F,= 0.600248) Fy= 1488 MPa A, 287 6.73, Vy Use Fy’ = Fo Rrc Re where: Re= 1.0 from non-hybrid members i ston [4] OF? 1996 ae a7a68- 2255. Rpg = 1 - 0.0005 (173.68 Zz: o> a Rec = 0.995 Allowable bending tess: Fy =FoRrc Re Fy’ = 148 8(0995)2) y= 148.06 MPa eene 1100 7M ‘ Fes M T9601 xT M = 2945 x:10° 2945 KN 148.06 Deflection of beam: PL MEL Bending) hh Safe value of Pat midspan __ P(t 5 = —}O71400(1100038 ean = FaaDOOND)LE7SBNIOF P=1071KN 5 =884mm 351 10.11. Problem: A cover plated beam shown in the figure consists of a W 330 x 219 and two wtanguler plates 18 mm x 490 mm placed on top end bottom of the flanges and Jolted by A 325 bolts having a diameter of 2? mm. Assume all the edge and center ler distance requirements are met and that the bolt threads are excluded from the Iwar plane, The steel is A 35 (F, = 250 MPs) and is painted for atmospheric corrosion tance. The spacing center to conter for painted members or for unpainted ‘wmbers not subject to corrosion is 24 times the thickness, of the cover plote, not to feseed 300 mm. For unpainted members consisting of weathering steel subject to simospherie corrosion, the spacing is 14 times the thickness of cover plate not 10 ‘oeved 175 mm. The beam has an external shear capacity of 848 KN. Determine the moment of inertia at the neutral axis of the cover plated beam, Determine the spacing requirad for the 22 mn diameter A 325 bolts used in a beating type connection if F,=207 MPa and Fy= 400 MPa Compute the maximum spacing required by the NSCP specs. Properties of W530 219 J, = 1511 x10 mmé y=29.20mm 4 = 551.50 eam ’ SOLUTION: Moment of inertia at the neutral axis: iua=t5i x08 + [8 , sooaaye 57 yg =2679 4 10% 352 ® Spacing required for the 22 mmr A 325 bolts: Ki S*¥9 (= 18(400)284.75) = 2050200 R= bolt capacity for 2 bolts By shear of 2 bots: R=A,F,Q) R= FOP 20712) R= 157375 By bearing of 2 bolts in the plate: R=Q)AsFp R=2(18)(22K1.2\400) R= 380160N Use R= 157375N $= 242.50 mm say 240 mm ® Max. spacing required $= 24 } 300mm for corrosion resistance 5 =2408) 5 #432 mm Max. $= 300 mm on centers 10.12 Problem: A built up beam is made up of 1250 mm x 9 mum web section and two flange sections. «620 mmm x 20 mm plate. It has a span of 14 m. and carries a uniform load of 10 KN/m including its own weight. Use A 36 steel F, = 248 MPa, t w=t0 kN TOT TT 20 |). Compute the section modus of the given beam. © Compute the allowable bending stress using, NSCP the uniform load. SOLUTION: Section moduli: 1 SUROE , FS22GOP - coxoyea5?]2 11466 x 10 mm <4 Cues ye 1466.x 108 61S 77767 x 10° min ‘Specifications. Compute the safe concentrated load that it could carry at its mid-span besides (section modulus) ® Allowable bending stress: For the flange section. aia A 2547 te 1248 Coon-compact section) 61.23 (ltis a built up section) a-- se ear PION ANY z i i For built up sections with non-compact flanges and with webs whether ‘compact or non-compact, the allowable bending stress is: nat [o> oom 4 af] aA hy KevGpgpm Fi, > 7 Ko AO *= (38.9% ono Fy= 12466 MPa rae 355 Safe ond Pit could erry at its midspan ett 1446 W767? M=2216 x 10! Nm. Mow 2216 KN. wit PL uaWe FE 4004)? , Pca) 2216 » SOU ¢ P=353,14 KN 10.13 Problem: 36 W 16x45 with 22 mm thick cover plates is to be used to support a uniform ad Of $85 kN/m on a 9/m. simple span. Assume the beam has ful lateral bracing for ich compression flange. Determine the width of the cover plates, Properties of W 16x45 Wr = 658N/m A= 8580.6 ment = 409.45 mm, 1, =243.08 x 10° mam! ee. ANE eng eam Wh UT Ty S_= 1188.06 x 10° men? = = be 78.79 mon 1430mm, A 36 steel Fy=248MPa F,=400 MPa _ an GSTRUGTURAUSTEEMESIONS 87 Somos . 10.14 Problem: Total uniform load = 58.5 + 0.558 the architects specify that a beam no greater than 400 mm deop be designed to support a uniform load of 127 kN/m excluding the beam weight for a 73 m. simple Total uniform load = 59.158 kN/m. span. Use 4 572 steel with Fy = 345.6 MPa. Assume full lateral bracing for the compression flange, use a W 14x95 with cover plates. Determine the width of the cover plates if i¢has a thickness of 25mm. we a > 59589? oper a wes Vroperties of W 14x 95 maze We = 1.39 KN/m TTT a (M = 598.97 x 1 Nim A> 17999.96 mon? = 8 = 36944 su ae Q sett y= 369.44 mm sat 3 y= 189mm < 5,= 4054x108 feel 1 5,2 24744 x 10° mm? A . ; tnas 243083 108 + [2 «20187059 | j I 4 Iya = 24808 x 108 + 2.089 x 1088 SOLUTION: . et Total load = 117+ 1.38 c Total load = 118.39 KN/m «5 = 24308 x 10° + 2.049 x 10% 26725 we x Me“ 4025.4108 PROB 22019 x IP z = y= 183973) = 326,78 mm say 350 mm a 1M 2788.63 x10 Nom ct 883010 (afer Use 300 mn x14 mm cover plates ® Safe uniform load! M1 UE 6 TO M = 1095.668 x 10° Nima 95 664 KN wet Mets wosc6e HS? W = 234.48 INI © Shear stressat inner surface of cover plate and Pange hte G = 500(18)350) = 1638000 velwe vel, V=7 (23448)6) v=70344 kN v=703H0N v. Late fox MO 163600 3508 x 108 057) Je-123 MPa 10.16 Problem: \ welded plate girder with section shown in figure 10.16 is simply supported over a hyn of 12m Tt carries a uniform load of 36.6 kN/a including its own weight and a ‘smecentrated load of 268 kN at ils midspan, The web is provided with sufficient Wfeners and the compression flange is laterally supported throughout the span ] i Se: 268 Nim “mow Lal wa] | fimo rie Figure 10.16 ance eer 1 IRDARY 362 ais © Which of the following gives the width ofthe cover plate having a thickness of Cutoff of cover plate: 12mm sos not to exceed the flexural stress of 138 MPa. Neglect impact stresses, oR Bein Sa © Which of te following gives the distance ofthe cut-off point of the cover plates a heout measured from its support. ae ext Which of the following gives the intensity of shear stress at the intersection ofthe Mar,-¥8 cover plate and the original fan a ‘graves M=3536e- 368 sowuTion: M=983.6x- 163% © Width of cover plate: 1 y= [2022s raxeine 2 f= 9166464 bmn tnx [22822 «soora.e00? ]2 f= 266485600 10,1200) be hth+l y= 1440 x 108 ment 2 a MAD? M= 1462.8 Nm M = 1462.8 106 1452.8 x 10° (624 T6664 6 + 40BAIBS600 = 276 min At section AA 4081185600 mm (no cover plate) M=35363- 183%? 920.94 = 3536x183 x2 10m. Shear stress at inersection of cover plate and onignal ange: vy 23562), 268 remaee V=3596kN 1 =353500N Qray = 26712,618) Q= 1980072 ia soft 166464276) + 084185600 618129668 1300 nm aa: rer | INDARY 10.17 Problem: Design a built up wide flange section with no intermediate stiffeners for a 15 m simple span to support a uniform load of 43.88 kN/m (excluding the weight of the beam). Assume steel weighs 77.10 kN/n?. The section is to be frame between columns and is to have full lateral bracing for its compression flange. Use A 36 steel with F,= 248 MPa, The web depth could be estimated to be equal to the gitder depth, Tes 50 mm SOLUTION: Web section: woth kN 1 Approximate d= 75 of span 5 21.25 m, h “50 = 1250-50 f= 1200mm ke< ve (non-compact) (web) 1200 1995 te V8 ty=947 mm. = 12668 Try 12mm. fh _ 1200) ase b £ < 12648 (non-compact) 100 Total load 88+ wt of bean ‘Assume wt of beam = 1.60 kN/m Total load = 4388 + 1.60 Total load = 45.48 kN/m M-=1279.13% 108 Nm Area of flange: ee ae 2 + 24/6) sefel®_ , 2Ath/aP Wa * “UD byh? sate ay tah $ = 27913106 _ 3211200 “A ye02s8 1200) * 6 Apa ily 4764 Tey = 14mm 4764 $764 — 540 sey 400 ft «20. 258 (1 # 70 405 Ke=7993.75)0 0359 tt <0 2y fas 735 'S1_nom-compact section Use Fy= 0.60 F, Ty= Fr Roc Re Ry= 1.0 (non-hybrid girder) Ay= 12500 ante EAE I i 370 __ STRUCTURAUSTEEDESIGM 10.19 stiffeners This usually necessity to use stillenerson high hin webs of plate girders to keep them from buckling Usually the stiffeners are welded to the web members, 5 Bearing Stiffeners = these are stiffeners which transfer heavy reactions and Toncentrated loads to the full depth of the webs without putting all the leads on the flange connections. Intermediate Stiffeners ~ theso are stiffeners placed at various intervals ‘along, the web to prevent buckling due to diagonal compression. An intermediate stiffener placed on one side of a girder web 1s almost ‘economical than a pair of stifleners one on each side of a web. Init stifle ar sometines eld non bearing stlener aiy heron or wanavr nema steners Te are ted» 260 BG Se 0dr, and the max. web shear stressis fy > Fy we Can BBE, hen issn cy= 20K sae cyis mov than 08 W/ty) VF Koad 28 wen (ses than 10 Ke=834+ hy when (f)ismore than 1.0 tym thickness of web 4'= clear distance between transverse sifeners fr = clear distance between flanges “The spacing of intermediate stiffeners, when required shall be such that the web shear wren ee ae fo < hotly [= 2) amano 115 EndSuffener Interior Stiffener End Bearing Stffener 10,20 Problem: he cross section near the end of a simply supported gird 5 fa The der consists of flange plates, 5 mnt x 450 mm and a web plate, 95 mm x 2250 mm. The girder is of A 36stoel and ns lateral support of the compression flange every 3.5 m. Use NSCP Specs. Compute the section modulus. Compute the safe moment capacity ofthis section Compute the clear distance between transverse stiffeners if the end reaction is 1427 RN, SOLUTION: Section modulus: 3 . 1 PSG, [08750 , ssoe7 51497572 53172. 108 man ‘Safe moment capacity ofthe section; A 250 i 33 b B28 “ 161.73 (It sa plate girder) antrene 1 IRDARY 372 we | STRUCTURAESTEEDIDESIGN! mo! ———EE——_—___eeeeeee Allowable bending stress: 1y'= FoRocRe by 450. 80. Ty 7 W373) by yr 2 736 mm? Area of rivet hol “The aea of rivet hole is neglected in the computation of moment of inertia. athel, I, = moment of inertia of web plate 1, ~ Won0soys nD 1, = 964.7 x 10° met [p= moment of inertia of two coverplates fy= 24224 x 10° mm* [y= moment of inertia of 4 angles 1, = 3860-10 x 10° mint B47 x 10° + 2492.4 10% » 3860110 « 10% 247.2% 10 mn Safe concentrated load it could carry at the midspan: 4 1936 «P10, SOUR 060088) = t BM 1966310" Nm ‘tts M = 1986 kNim HTT TTT maPl, WE =F 3 P=644.8kN Spacing of 20 mm diam. rivets. 58 0 Q-4F = 350(12)537) + 7548.4(504.84) (= 60661343 mm? R= rivet capacity | a Shear of vets (Goube shes: R= eo? 1092) R=G4717N Bearing of rivets on the web: R=20(10)1220) R= 44000 N Use R= 44000.N 440007247.2) 19" 80000(6066134.3), S=13833:nm a6. ant ere | IRBARY 10.23 Problem: The end bearing stiffener of the plate girder shown in the figure 10.23 is made up of the end bearing stiffeners 12.5 mim x 150 mmm x 1550 mm, Investigate the adequacy of the end bearing stiffener. Use A 36 steel Fy = 248 MPa, ASTEN STAN TEE 4 £ ¥ cry shesas oll aa rete Figure 1023 SOLUTION 7). 125.608" 2 as sis em? 4 fig = 2150128) 988) = 4518 mm? [jr Na NSCP Specs. states that the effective length may rot be taken as less than 3/8 of actual! length: KL _ @/4)(550) "82.08 SS7RN 387 AN oa Pee en 8 V5, | oe Tyas 126.17 apenas eonses Allowable compressioe stress: an Ise AKL | Fy ver [i st] 4 SRL (KLINE BC BCS 5 3 5, 3(14.16) 14.16)? Jest OAR So aaah * Maa! a, Fs FS =. 4.16?) 248 [ste it 144.12 MPa Actual compressive stress v ferag e225 fr Bis = 137.78 MPa < 144.12 MPa ‘The end bearing stiffener is adegeate & anit ene 1 IRRAR 382 10.24 Problem: Given a built up section shown in the figure 1024 consists of a channel and an angular section with long legs turned out as shown is used as @ beam. 4 36 steel is ‘used with a yield strength of F, = 248 MP2, Properties of Channel A= 30 mm? 58.7 x 10° mm! Wr.» 30.8 kg/m Properties of angular section A= 600mm? 1, 20799 x 108 ment 2-199 mm Wh = 126 kg/m ] wan Built wp seton Figure 10.24 ‘Compute the location of the neutral axis of the built up section measured from the lop of the flange of thechannel ® Compute the section modulus of the built up section, ‘Compute the safe value 0°" W" N/m that the beam could carry if the allowable: flexural stress is 0.60 Fy. SOLUTION: 1) Neutral axis of built up setion: Ay=3929 mm? yy = 152.50 y= 1600 mmr y= 285.10 A= $529 mm? A y= Aim Ave 5529 7 = 3929(152.50) + 1600(285,10) = 190.87 mm Section modulus of built up section’ 183.7 x 106 « 3929(38.37)2 + 0.709 x 10% + 1600(94.23)2 1= 74.49% 106 mont ~~ q L Sic 100] 34 gx 7489.x10° “19087 $= 390.27 x 10° min ‘ites 1 Safe valet“ ‘YMg=0 6, MOM sn 04 a=W Rye Ryness MOD kaw Lew Wx r-167 ys vere.) « 76D 29845 WkNm 5 = 3.39845. 07x 10° scores See W 17.09 kNim ‘bn anit eRe 1 IRRAR Allovsable bendling stress ‘Allowable shear stress Fv = 100 MPa Allowable deflection 5 Prop. of the wide flange section. 84 10.25 CE Board May 2001 ‘A composite beam is made up of a wide flange with two cover plates of 1320 mm x 12 mm placed at the top and at the bottom. The beam has a simple span of Gm, and carries @ total load of 360 kN/n. 150 MPa iL 360 A202 m? 1 = 0.001568 mé, Which of the following gives the section modulus ofthe section. @ Which ofthe following gives the deflection of the bear ® Isthe beam a) Adequate #5) Inadequate for flexure and shear ©) Inadequate for flexure and deflection 4) Inadequate for flexure, shear and deflection: ‘SOLUTION: Section modulus 1 =corses + [23202122 , o3n(0012,0280"] {= 0.002196 m* 1=2196 x 10° mmn* 1 Se 0.002196 B=" 0292 $= 0.00752 m’ $= 7520x208 min? __ STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGN| Deflection of beams: ge Swe — ,S(seacn0} 66000" 5 ~ sae(2c0000 (2196¢105 5=1383 mm, 1 Investigation yflerire we Ma"5 we 0002 M = 1620 kN.m, {© 215.43 MPa > 150 MPa (unsafe) y shear: y «ME 36000046 vy nti 26000066 = 1080000. we a, __Tos0009 584(18) Fy = 102.7 MPa > 100 MPa (unsafe) By deflection, Allowable deflection = 200 lowable defection = 20 Allowable deflection = 16.67 mm (adequate) ‘Therefore it is inadequate for shear and flenure 365 386 10.26 CE Board Nov. 2003 ‘A built up section is made up of 3 rectangular plates welded to form an H-beam. The overall depth is 400 mm and is 13 meters lg. The slenderness ratio L/7 = 200. The ‘max. load in tension is 1600 KN and a min. load in compression is 260 KN. The member is to carry a load P i ax load + mun. load, Compute the required area ofthe section if allowable stress is 185 MPa Compute the width of the lange ifr = | width of flange. 2 Compatethe thickness o the pata cr < soution: CX arenoysecton 20+ Ce erie a + ta Far] oo ay I | u om 100 ¢ | u E iE - i c c 3 Thickness of pate: 4=9351 9351 = 26042) + (400 - 26,8) 9351 = 5208 + 4008-2 2A? 920" + 9351 gor + 46755 =0 f= 104 mm, Use = 12 mm W077 CE Board Nov. 2005 vor plated beam consist of a W’ 21 x 62 with 12 mm x 300 mim plates attached to the J er bottom of the flange and is fastened by two rows of 20 mm erivets. The beam, smmple span of 6 m, and carries a uniform load of 270 KN 0560 m. J. 000151 me Which of the following gives the nearest value of the distance from the NA. to Ah centroid of the cover plate. Which of the following gives the nearest value of the moment of inertia of the wilt up section about the NLA. Which of the following gives the nearest value of the pitch of rivets (P) ifthe spweity of each rivet is 30 KN. Vay ere 1 moment of inertia about N.A. shear capacity of rivet 1 shear force atthe point where the piteh is required 4+ aren of eover plate 1» distance from N.A. tothe centroid of cover plate pitch of rivets SOLUTION: ‘ance from N.A. to centroid of vv plate: 5 ve wii i anit EGE | IRD 388 @ Moment of inertia at N.A. ina soomsi + [20002 osyooray02867 Ina = 0.0021 mé (9 Pitch of reves: ptR 7 y =270(6) 2 V=8105N, A=03(0.012) A-=0.0086 me? R=300) Ra GOKN p= 0.0021(60) ~ B10(0.0036(0:288) P=0151m. P=15hmm W270 4am (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 389 1.28 Problem: » structural steet beam in the form of a T-seetion consists of a WF section and a placed on top of the WF section which is riveted by two 20 mm diameter ‘vis paced at 140 mim on centers. The beam has a span of 6 m. F,= 103 MPa for Inpties of WE section. A= 6800 man? t 400mm J 1, = 186. 10% ms waties of Channel A= 3900 mim? {= 300 mm $2173. = 5410 mnt 1, £1.60 x 10° mm# Compute the max. shear capacity of the beam, Compute the section modulus ofthe beam, ‘Compute the stress atthe interface ofthe channel and WF section if itis subjectedt toa moment of 297 kN.m. SOLUTION: Aes her apacty: 4, = 6800 Ap= 3900 AzAy+ Ay 4 =6800 + 3800 0700 u c u ¢ ¢ 390 Ay Avi + Aave 10700 = 6800(207.2) + 39000173) y= 137.96 T= 1.6% 108 + 3900(120 68)? + 186. 105 = 6800(69.22)? 77x 108 ment RL soft R F emp asia) R=6i717N Q=Ay (= 3900120.68) = 470852 687170277) x 108 40 = (470652) V =272063N 27LAN (max, shear capacity) Section modulus $= 1029 x 103 mem Stress. the interface of the chanel the 29710 (13078) f 277 x 10® f= 14022 MPa 391 A channel and a wide flange beam form a T-beam of 9 m. simple span. The channel 's riveted to the wide flange by two 16 mon. dia. rivets spaced at 150 mm on centers longitudinally. Es = 200000 MPa © What concentrated load P ean be supported at the center of the T:beam if the shearing stress in the rivet isnot to exceed 100 MPa; ‘What concentrated load P can be supported at the center of the T-beam if the fiber stress in the WF is not to exceed 138 MPa in tension and the fiber stress in the channel is not to exceed 118 MPa. 3) What concentrated load P can be supported at the center of the T-beam if the cn ghte, + afte <2 a , My Foe for doubly syminettical Tand H shape members with compact flanges Continuously connected tothe web and bent abou thei weak ai the 066, Sowabe bonding swe 075 Fy wean) ‘e348 Ma Note: Consideration should be given to the question of lateral support for 165 x 108 the compression flange which will indicate whether compact or Tess ‘non-compact sections 1008.6 x 19? MRSA to 41.3 Problem: A W 14 2.95 having a span of 6 m. carries uniform load which causes a bending ‘moment along the major axis of 165 KN m and a lateral concentrsted load P acting at the flange of the midspan of the beam. Using A 36steel with Fy= 248 MPa, determine ‘he safe-value of P that thisbeam could support 165.108 2031.2« 108 Properties of W14 x95 (A= 18000 mm? d = 358,65 mm? b= 369.44 mm? er by ce y= 12420 MPa jo < air, * at 9 S,-247hax10 ford 28, 62 «350510 (uted 5,=8652310" ye] 76368 * 075248) = * = | Try W142 74, 8, =1835.4x 10%, 5, = 4343x108 ‘LUTION: fur fu SE L ‘ ie c fu be Dara OF oe T8354 x 10" aves iu for 8990 MPa My ~ In= 3 = = 45x10 c fo B43 x10) € gma 0.80 (compact section) foe, fo Teor, * OF, $ 1° B90, 704s _ 0976210 Bites} * 7750465 ~ 0976 Use W14x74 beam 11023 =231x10%M, Check i 82 compeet section Fig 231 10° My My= 42.7 x10 53 oer, * OF, <10 668 ico2a8) * 075258) Joy™ 110.23 MPa Iisa compact section. anit FRE LIBRARS 402 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! 403 11.4 Problem: [A W244 100 section has a span of 5A mand carciesa concentrated lod ofP applied a the center of the span at an eccentricity of 87.5 mm as shown in figute 113. The i flanges are restrained from warping atthe ends only and the beam 1s laterals tmnsupported. Using A 36 steal with Fy 248 MPa and electing fs own weight, ] compute the safe value of P that the beam could support. IH |ssacns for ~225P. 098 Hl a Properties of W 24 x 100 4036.8 (109) Soe A= 1903222 ms ho Sox = 0.3295 P ; i 4 {y= 19685 mm i {= 11.87 mm | . =. i Convert the fre int puonen force H acing on the fange S,= e863 10° i s75P =H 680315) i ‘H=0151P az HL Mya 0.151 PG) Figure 114 + SOLUTION: ‘My= 0.2039 P KN. Since this beam is laterally unsupported: 210 % 208 Catron on he flange by fe. 8 oe Py = Hrsess = 774 2, = Bao) Be <1. «108 compact ston V248 HS Te ¥ 2039 P) 10° te= 3871 mm 609.6 x I y= 5460 mm bok (NSCP Specs) For flexural members with compact of non compact sections with tunbraced length Lp greater than L,the allowable bending stess is 0.60 Fy. fox, fw +f 10 Fae * Toy Use Fy, = 0.60 Fy Fy = 0708, BOP 0s60P 4 ,60(248) * 0.75(248) ~ pail FRE LIBRAR® 404 _ STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN? 11.5. Design of Purtins Palins are usually subjected te vertical loads and normal loads thus causing herding moments on both the x-axis and y-axis as shown on the figure. sett uy os Wane of pains ‘n Wy = (y+ Wy) Cos 0+ Ws Notes Assuming all etical Wy= (4 + W2) Sin @ loads passes thrangh the controid of purlins) Since the purlins are subjected to bending in both directions then we could use the following expression: Fy” ay fig? Hs (assuming all loads are acting on the centroid of W secton) Fy,= 0.66, for compact section Fy = 0.75 Fy for bending along the weoker axis, (STRUGTURAUSTEELDESIGN2 40s 11.6 Sag Rods of Purtins The presence of sag rods on the purins reduces the moment along the minor axis toa max. of "4 when sag rods are used at mid-span and “k when sag, rods are used at one-third points. The sag rods act as lateral support for the purlins and keeping the purlins in proper alignment during erection until the ‘oof i installed and connected to the purlins. a) Sag rods at mid-span of purlins: tN TO (Using three msment equation) (on Th (Using three moment enuaton) feteted ‘ shot z ~ ‘EL (pacing berween | W390 Wyl90 antl PRE LIBRAR 11.7 Problem: “The spacing of rus inthe figure 1.74.6 m.on center. Sag rods ae used in the id points between trasses, Assure ill lteral supports supplied bythe rot. Use A 36 Sel with Fy = 248 MPs, Assume al loads acting onthe purling to be acting a the controid ofthe pulins 1o prevent torsion. Spacing of purins along the top chord is 140m. Pitch of truss =. The puri re subjected othe following lads. Snow = 1440 N/m? of roof surface Roofing = 288 N/m? of roof surface Wind sueface = 720N/m? perpendicular to the roof surface Design WY section for the purlins Properties of W Section available Section [Weight] Area [Depth | Flange ] Flange | Web] Sv Width [Thickness [Thickness = (84m) | foun? | foro | omy | found | gm | (oun) fn’) waa) 2a frsisss | 60s | rooms | sos] are | ssnt6 [551 Wort) 1735 | 2eo87 [1240 | 1oret0 | 7067] sez | vrenos_[oeair aval or [oeast [ieee | moar eas Zao s9s09 [50516 Figure 1.7 SOLUTION: ; aor tan =} 0-266" Snow =14400.4) = 2016 N/m sii Roof = 288(14) = 4032N/m Wind = 720{1.4) = 1008 N/m ‘Ass, wt of purlins = 150.N fem Total vertical load = 2016 + 4082 + 150 Total vertical load = 2569.2 N/m We» 1008 + 2569.2 Cos 266° Wi, = 3808.3 N/m Wy = 2509.2 5in 266° a Wy= 11504 N/m Wel? Mae ~ M, =2305:3 (4.67 BBS M.-9232Nm a 14-4 cag rast mip) po HIDAL? yatta ‘My= 7607 Nam Try W6x85, Sy = 83246 mm, 8, = 16551 mm by _ 1002s fy = ove Tiy * 24928) PB 1018 ay y 10 the 2y * og Use Fyy= O65 F, Fry OF, 20 ee Sumas otf 10.80 compact section fa. _f Teer, * 078%, $19 1082, 4595 0.66(248) * O.75(248) = 989 < 10 (soe) Use W685 purlins 407 & _! PORE f Pit ae STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGN! | (STRUCTURAUSTEEUDESIGN © 11.8 Problem: ‘Approximate Section Modulus Select a W section to serve as a pusln between roof trusses 7.2m. on centers. The woof spe Me is assumed to support a dead load of 960 Nin?,of root surface including its weight 6 F, and a snow load of 960 Win? of horizontal root surface projection. The slope of the s,-iasevon roof truss is 1 vertically £0 2 horizontally and the purlins are to be spaced 18 mon «= 0.66(248) centers. Use A 36 steel with F,= 248 MPa. Assume loads pass through the center of | S_ = 1158785 mm? sravity ofthe section. Sag rod are to be placed a the middle thirds between trusses : Properties of W Sections available , Me Section | Area Dap Ge tH 5 a y " O79 Fy (ev?) | vm) | tren) | Gomory | emmy | (oem) | cond) | 5, = 844400. Wax [rs39 | 1524 | rors {709 | 584 | niaso62i| 2167 | '" 075(248) wax to [ans | —s475—]on3e [1036 | an [tories oss] | 545998 mn? wsx10 [19097 | 20066 [1000s | sis | 422 | 1a7eio.0| 73029 SOLUTION: Try W6x12, 6, 118,806.20, $= 244167 mm? tana! 0-26 Cos 266° r= 161 Dead load = 960(1.8) = 1728N/m Dead load = 960(1.61) = 15856 N/m Toial vertical oad = 32736 N/m W,= 22796 Sin 266" Wi, = 1466 N/m ip 2220.22 ee M, 15965 15965, 34 Teoia45} THe 7 HIS? 10 fi 18967 Nm My= HE (aay rods a = H96(722 a) My= BAN thirds) 409 tL £, © ey enit EGE L! 410 ‘STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGN] ‘ry W6x36, 8, = 16714805, 5,= 3588767 M, Sn Be 15957000 fox 16788 uy2 1347 MPa M Me Ing 5 88400 Soy = 35887.57 foamsonte : HAR, 9 be 12. - (compact section) 3 < TB =108 com Use Fix = 066 Fy Fy= 075, <10 foe OF, F353 _ogi9 < 10 ( + Big = 0819 < 10 (sof ofa, e8F, 113.47 662485, Try W8.x10, $, #127819.10 mn, S, = 17370290 489 8881 17510 gar oatas) * 7s a45) ~ 17> 19 Use Wx 16 q ait 11.9 Stresses of Unsymmetrical Sections x and y axes cepreseats the centroid ofthe section. Moments of inetia I, and ly could be computed casing the transfer moment of inertia from one axis into another axis and the product of inertia yy which i setwally the product of AY 7 where X is positive for centroid to the tight of y axis and negative to the left of y axis, likewise 7 is positive for centroid above the + bvisand negativebelow the x axis. A simplified equation could be used to compute stresses of points on sections which have no axis of symmetry. p=(Subcthcbe)s Cesct py ee eafreone \\ beam having a cross section shown is subjected to a vertical concentrated load of vat its midspan. Tt hasa simple span of 5m. 1, = 3363 106 mmt Compute the product of inertia with respect to x and yaxis, ‘Compute the stress at point A. ‘Compute the stress at point B. entt EGE LIBRAR SOLUTION: © Product of inertia ag= ARF Ig = 152054)4.11 54.6) + 177.60(25.4y- 282,469) j= = 13.366. 108 mom mu @ Stressat point A tae [Meh Me « [Mabey fa ity tag? Tely- (ly ned M, = 4 M,=10 kan My=0 2 0-10(-13.366 10) ey Fa= [9363 x 10°)06.10 x 109)- 613.366 x 10°F ef ___ 1416.10) 10-0 (BREE x TOFHL6 10 x 108)=(- 13366 x 105 fan 1544 + 6022 fin = 44.78 (compression) 3 Stressat B faz J to)» Poet], POU tly lay Tely Cag? SY - 0-104-13.366 x 108) ] fo> (aaa aaryie 10» 1°). ¢ 13386 x 10H] Al to11610%109-0 (33,63 x 10°)(16.10 x 10°) - (13.366 x 10°F 287 4+ 10.69 (compression) = 440.5 ee (673) 12.1. Shear Center Shear center is the point on the cross section of a beat through which the resultant of the transverse loads must pass so that no tivisting er torsion eccurs, Thesstresses in the beams maybe ealculated for bending and transverse shear. Ii the load does not pass through the shear center, both bending and torsional stresses will occur For certain shapes the shear center maybe located as follows: For 2 section with one axis of symmetry the shear center will fall somewhere on that axis but not necessarily atthe centroid of the section. For a second with two axes of symmetry the shear center will fall at the intersection of the two axes, thus coinciding with the centroid of the section, For sections consisting of two intersecting plate elements (angles, tes) the shear center is a the intersection of the plates. ‘Shear Centers of Different Sections a4 2 como) (STRUCTURALSTEEL DESIGN 12.2 CE Board Nov. 1995, as The bending moments My and Mz at any section along the beam are equal respectively tothe procuct of the vertical shears Vy and V2 in the flanges and the The shear center of an H-section with unequal flanges is located nearer to the bigger : i 16 ram x 200 m0 sistance tothe section flange, Ifthe smaller lange is 16 mm x 100 mm, the larger Fan sand the web is 9 mm 284 mn, © Compute the location of the shear Mie Vix center from the center of the fave LC bigger ange a onl @ Ir the beam i subjected toa tot | re hob I shear force of 200 kN, compute d My" M2 the shear force at the bigger Hs flange ain 3) Compute the shear force at the smaller flange. SOLUTION: Location of the shear center from the center of the bigger flange: y= 100 SM, =0 (about the shear center VybeVya ent EGE LipxA ‘The two flanges bend as though they ‘were separate beams which have equal radii of curvature EI oon et 9 = 300 BoM bho k b= 33.33 mm. Fa My pnt t EGE LIBRAR® 414 12.2 CE Board Nov. 1995, ‘The shear center of an H-section with unequal flanges is located nearer to the bigger flange. If the emallor lange is 16 nm = 100 ram, the largor flange is TS mm x 200 mm and the web is 9mm x 284 mnt © Compute the location ofthe shear center from the center of the I | bigger flange. | pn 2 @ If the beam is subjected to a total shear force of 200 kN, compute the shear force at the bigger u Range. Compute the shear force at the smaller flange. SOLUTION: © Location of the shear center from the center ofthe bigger flange. y= 100 YM, «0 (about the shear conto) Vib-Yye ‘The two flanges bend as though they were separate beams which have equal radii of curvature STRUCTURAL STEEDDESIGND (STRUGTURAUSTERLDDESIGN a5 The bending moments My and Mz at any section along the beam are equal respectively to the product of the vertical shears Vj and V; in the flanges and the distance tothe section 1O2O0P 4) - 18000P (399 ‘2(200)? = (1007 (300- b) 8b = 300-6 9b = 300 b= 33.33 mm. PAPT EGE Lipnm” @ AN6 16(100) a 1g AV2=hVy 3600? (299 y,) = 1800 y, 8(200-V)) = Vi ‘9, = 8(200) Vy =I7778kN Shear force atthe smaller flange: Vp=200-Vy Vy= 200-1778 V=2222 kN he “7 "2.3 Problem: A thin walled channel section has a depth of web equal to 230 mm, thickness of web of 12 mm. with a flange width of 68 mm, and flange thickness of 12 mm. A vertical shear foree of 160 kV is acting on the thin walled channel as shown in figure 123. Compute the shear flow at the flange at B. Compute the average shear flow atthe center ofthe web member. Compute the location of the shear center from the center of the web vember. SOLUTION: \_ Shear flow atthe lange B 8258 _ Ss(2a0P 1% 7 {= 36.08 x 10° Sher sss ange ate Qeay Q=68(12\121) (Q = 98736 mm? 160000(98736) 36.08% 1 99> 43785N/mm 17.85 kNim @® Average shear flow at the center ofthe web member: v scone + W00000120}024121/2) ae ae~ 43785 + 36.08 x 10° Bhs c= 82741 N/mm s7asg go= 827.41 KN/m fF w= 437.85 + § (389.56) CB Gave = 697-56N from 97.56 kNImin L } 300.56 57.85 wat 7.85 @ Location of the shear center from the center of the web member = $5786) = 14886.9N ent EGE L! H=14887 KN 160(e) = 14.887 (242 22.52 mm Cheek: ¥ =697.56(023) V = 1604 KN (ok almost equal to 160 kN) iar r THIRTEEN LOCAL WEB YIELDING and CRIPPLING 13.4. Local Web Yielding Web yielding occurs when heavy concentrated loads produces stress at the junction of the flange and web of a beam where the load is being transferred from the relatively wide flange to the narrow web. Web yielding can be prevented if the web is stiffened near the loads. The toe of the fillet is the most dangerous location of failure because the resulting area at that point is the smallest. Loads are assumed to be distributed longitudinally along the beam from the load application point at a distance of 2.5K for loads applied at the lend and 2.5 K on each side for concentrated loads applied ata distance greater than d from the end of the member as shown on the figure, ‘Stress a the end of the member e TN 425K) $066 Fy Equation 13.1.1 ‘Stress. atthe concentrated load: Ea WNEER) SO Fy Equation 13.12 Bearing stiffeners shall be provided if the compressive stress at the web toe of the fillets resulting fcom concentrated loads exceeds 0.55 Fy Where: R= concentrated load or reaction in Newtons f= thickness of web in mim [N= length of bearing (not ess than K for end renctions) K x distance from outer face of flange to web tow of fillet in mn, 420 13.2. Web Crippling Concentrated loads and end reactions will eipple or buckle the web of 3 ‘bear unless the web is stiffened or the loads are spread over a large area of the ‘ange. ‘Web crippling as shown in the figure arises from high compressive stresses occurring in the vicinity of concentrated loads when applied to beams or beam bearing supports and reaction of beam flanges at connection to colurnns. Bearing stiffeners shall be provided in the webs of members under concentrated loads when compressive force exceeds the following limits. & When the concentrated load is applied at a distance not fess than 4/2 from the end of the member, ane [149%] fF egatonsaan Fo specified minimum yield stress of beam web in MP2 b When the concentrated load is applied less than a distance 4/2. from the ——— TL q woos n3 [109] et NSCP Specs. If stiffeners are provided and extend! at least one half the web depth, equations 13.21 and 1322 need not be checked, Equation 13.22 ae 424 11.3. Sidesways Web Buckling The web will be subjected to compression if a compressive force will be applied to braced the compression flanges as a result the tension flange will buckle as shown in the figure ew. Te se pe Sidra acing (NSCP Specs) Bearing Stiffeners shall be provided in the webs of members with flanges not restrained against relative movement by stiffeners or lateral bracing, and subject to concentrated compressive loads, when the compressive force exceeds the following limits, 4, 2 tetandd ange iestained agit tation and ess tan 23 a Equation 832 sete [soe iin] b. Ifloaded flange is not restrained against rotation and ~~ is less than 1.7 sapee [oa ty] Equation 1339 Whee 1 Ieges laterally unbraced eth along ether lange tthe point of Isa man tye ange hr Fee dep between wed ool files inn NSCP pes Eaton 1331 and 18332 ned ot be checked provided that excess 23 017 respectively ofr webs subjected to 8 unsorn Shute ads AMT ee Lion” 13.4 Problem: ‘A W 30 x 99 beam carries a concentrated load of 890 kN at its midspan. Using A 36 steel with F, = 248 MPa, Neglecting weight of the beam. © Compute the minimum bearing length N, at the end reactions in order to prevent web yielding. © Compute the minimum bearing length Np over which the load must be 17 It need not be checked for sidesway web Uchlingg tis adequate — PAL LEGE LinkAn® 426 __ STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGND 13.6 Problem: ‘AW 30 x 126 beam has the top Flange restrained against lateral displacement and rotation and hasan unstiffened web. A point load is applied to the top flange at 2 m from one support. The beam spans 12 1, Use A 36 steel with yield strength of 148 MPa Properties of W30x 116 Compute the maximum value of the point load that maybe applied without web yielding occuring Compute the maximum value of the point load which maybe applied without web crippling occuring, Compute the maximum value of the pomt load which maybe applied without side sway web buckling occuring. SOLUTION: Point load that maybe applied without web yielding occuring: When the force applied is ata distance from the member and that is greater than the depth of the member, Re 1656 Fy by (N+ 5K) 6 2483(14.88 [0+ 5641.28] R=488018N R-404124N GERUGTURAU STEED DESIGN 427 Point load that maybe applied without web crippling occuring. ‘When the concentrated load is applied at a distance not less than d/2 from the fend of the member. rears fies Qs a 8 xairaneasy [+a )G)"] Va Re 700972N Re 7m.374N Point load that maybe applied without side sway web buckling occuring Uh oadd ange icrentine agpntrotaton and 4 <23 ven "eT 404 449)] 4, = 762 -2(41.28) 4. = 679.46 = 1053623 erfpis sires 2 f= 762 -2(21.59) h=71882mm pn SBELSD? [1 5 04c.055"] R=281583N R=28154kN fNLLEGE Lios 428 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN? a 1,7_ Beam Bearing Plates 118 Probe ang plates for beams are designed to avoid web crippling ofthe beem and hghbesing stresses on the foundation § 1 30x89 steel beam has maninimn reaction of 446 A a the supports. Using Wo stel with F,= 248 MPa Allowable bearing stress of eonetete support & From he figure shown it required tht te lngth ofthe pate bmustbe |, se accter han N, order to avoid cepping ofthe beam 7. Properties of W029 Az 1674 mm? 702mm y=26563 mm . a2 78286mm ta26 mm Ke 3651 mm 0.66 Fy= 5 (N, + 25K) J o28k eg C] 1) Determine the length ofthe bering pte ’ 2 Determine the width of the bearing plate. Ia) Determine the thickness of the bearing plate. 5 » th souuTion axencntsd am py k bom Fy ty 25K ‘. 4000 | 0166(248)(13 26) ~ 2.513651) Jl ero edn Rete kN ger be 1142 say 150mm uh iim YT eh Solving fora i R tenor] TR Width of bearing plate: : Z ' i a ; a st ai} ss tt rcs pte cy nab eK a 4579714 mm say 90mm 3h ee Ate NLLEGE LIBRA 430 wegen ® Thickness of plate a AR ORF, 1 SORE = 075248) ' 89.04 mma say 99mm Use = 90 mm R FOURTEEN TENSION and BENDING 14.1 Tension and Bending Usually bottom chords of trusses are subjected to tension with bending, but bending in tension members are not as serious as those in compression ‘members due to the fact that tension tends to reduce lateral deflections unlike the compression members, they tend to cause more or bigger lateral deflections “The combined stress is due toaxial stress which causes tensile stresses and ‘due to bending which causes both tensile and compressive stresses, Equation 14.1.1 i “Members subject to both axial tension and bending shall be proportioned at all points along their length to satisfy the following equation. a. Bending inane axis only. fa fax computed axil stress puted bending stress F, = allowable tensile stress 60 Fy Fyq= allowable bending stress b. Bending in both axis, heute tec ro Fr” Fin * Fey Fp2060F, Faq =0066F, for compact section Fyy=O75Fy — Fee=0.60F for non-compact section Equation 14:13. = oe AR? PNLLEGE LIBR 432 14.2 Problem: AW 16 x50 is used as a beam to carzy a uniform live and dead load including its ‘own weight of 37.5 kN/m and an axial tension load of T acting through the centroid of the member. tt has a simple span of 6 m-The compression flange ofthe members| Ineraly supported agit local Bucling Use A tel, F,~ 208 MP. 4 Properties of W16x 50 Warr sia TAT TT . Toon ia. Sy2172% 108 mam? © Compute the allowable axial stress. © Compute the allowable bending stress. @ Compute the safe axial load T that the beam could catry SOLUTION: © Allowable axial stress. oe fefecw n-it fp IB TxI fea TO fa= 12745 Ma te. 17985 2115.95) = 563 < le Sh =108 10. vey Section is a compact secion: Allowable bending stress: F,=066F, Fy = 0.66(248) Fy= 163.68 MPa ‘Safe axial load T that the beam could carry. 0 F.* Fy oligo 1488 * 16368 ~ fr=S294MPa r S385 = aege ROE SRR T=312364N T5124 kN 433 PALLEGE Lipnmn” 434 14.3. CE Board May 2005 A simple beam 4.5 in span carries a concentrated load of 300 KN at its ‘midspan and is subjected to an axial tensile force of 250 kN. Fy = 248 MPa. Three sections are being considered as follows with their corresponding properties relevant to this problem. Section Aes Team Momeatot—] Depth Inertia W2ins | Ooier D598 m 000558 Wax | 0.012, 0535 m. C.000554 me W2ix 68 | 0013 ny (0537 m. 0.00067 m™ Which of the following gives the lowest axial stress. Which of the following gives the lowest bending stress Which of the following gives the safest section. eee fe fy Usetheformui: —gatey + aaghyy <4 SOLUTION Lowest axial stress For W24 55 For W21 +62 2 fa~ 20833 kPa r= 2083 MPa For W21.x 68 ree Jy = 19237 KPa ‘fy= 19.23 MPa “The lonst stress 1519.23 MPa 3 aBu 435 2 Lowest bending sires: For W 26255 maf For W21 x66 4-208) 37.4053) 4 J Doonsi6@2) (M= 3875 kN For W21 x 62 © 35750599) Jo" 0000854 (2) fo= 162353 kPa Bi Pa poeta Sa= 162.4 MPa Lowest bending stres is 147.1 MPa Sift secton For W24x55 lim « li 6 Fy. Teo Fy $19 3 | 108 Tareas) * Teoeaasy = 127 (net safer For W21x68 alin + adtee T6Fy * O66 Fy 31° 1923, 1471 B.248) * 166(248) = 1.098 motos For W216 ohn + pln s Ue Fy * Oe Fy 21° 2083, 1624 , Gerais} * Te624g) = 1152 (not safe Therefore all the thre sections are not safe 436 fae 437 144 CE Board Nov. 1997 145 Problem: ; The bottom chord of a Howe truss consists of two 100 x 75 x 10 mm angles placed [A simply supported beam has a span of 4.5 m. The beam is eubjected to an axial les place teri force of 250 EN. anda vertical concentrate losd P acting at its midspan. The ‘ck to back with long legs adjacent and separated by 10 mm gusset plates. The merrily tly oppo iste ang Twat fanyoeacan te | om dr te 1 the sa ie years of 2mm neon 2m neglected. The beam consists of 2 - 150 x 90 x 12 mm angles with long legs back to yauge used in the 100 mm leg. Use A26 steel Fy = 248 MPa. Deck sped a 1mm apa. Fr ths problem he properties on 152 9% 12 ‘Allowable bending sess = 0.66" angles are: Allowable tensile stres cory Area (A) = 2751 mm? Properties of two 100 x 75x10 mm Section modulus (5) = 0.00063 m? Ste! A36 with yield strengti(Fy)= 248 MPa Allowable tensile stress = 060Fy Allowable flexural stress ~ O.55Fy Neglecting the weight of the beam, which P of the following most nearly gives the 250K 250k maximum value of the load P that the member can support, Compute the location of the neutral axis from the bottom of the beam. ‘Compute the section modulus ofthe beam, Which of the following gives the allowable tensile load that the bottom chord could carry neglecting its own weight. SOLUTION: @ fOLLEGE Linke” is tr SOLUTION ana Dia of ole= 22+ 3 250000 f= Fane. Dia. of ole = 25 ra fs = 1544 MPa Fa = 0.60(248) M Fa =1483 MPa Ag = 500 on? (roe hole) nak bes, sty W!{0--O--0:-0--0:-0. $y * 63000 mm? AwA)-Ap a =r a5) Fb = 0.65(248) wed A-=3106-500 A=2606 mm? (net are M=1.125P Nm (eeaeh LSP . fem) at | 80F 47 B10) 50162 fi 11997 sec, -172100.Cy u CieP p= 217210010) 50997 147 Ma 82740 “Ta Ta10(0018) = 65.20 MPa < O6Fy Cheek: O.6Fy = 06(288) = 148.8 MPa Use F,= 65:20 MPa Interaction value 14.7 Problem: ‘A simple beam 4.5 m. in span carries a concentrated load of 260 KN at its midspan, and is subjected to an axial tensile force of 250 kN. Fy = 248 MPa, Three sections are being considered as follows with their corresponding properties relevant to this problem, [Seton ares fear Bap Moreno ino [wars | oom? [059m —] [ware [oid [0593 m | Which of the following gives the nearest value of the lowest axial stress. Which ofthe following gives the nearest value ofthe lowest bending stress, Which ofthe following gives the safest section, eee SHAR f= 15591 MPa SOLUTION: For 21 x57 2925005 © ant ei res fo= Sonoioa) Formt55 So 12569 ol Janx = Gor fo 162.67 MPa f fa = 25000 «Pa So one For 21x62 = For 21x57 201 a0 2925010533 = fa=Gard esa Je=F0005720%2) fa= Gee - Sa= 20893 kPa Jon 196270 KPa jeomnasiara fo= 13628 MPa For 21 x82 Lowes bending stress = 13628 MPa 250 Ja G04 Ja = 17857 kPa Ja 786 MPa Lowest stress = 17.86 MPa 443 Lowest bending stress Safest section fb Taary Oto ry MO For 24x55 25, 1591 » TEE * Venegy = 112 (not sed For 21x57 2083, 16267 Tes2as} * cee) = 119 (net safe) For 21 x62 17.86, 13628 Tas) * D66(248) =0.95 (safe) Use 21 x 62 safest section RAP OLLEGE Li pr 444 i 14,8 Problem: ‘Two angular section 200.x 100 x 25 mm is used as a bottom chord of a roof truss with the 100 mm vertical legs placed 12 mm back to back. The section carries an axial load (of 8300 in tension. The angles are connected to a 12 mm thick gusset plate by means of 2 22 mm diameter rivets passing through the vertical legs. The capacity of the 2? mym rivet is good for 90 AN both in shear and bearing. River geuge on 100 mnt leg 162 mn, Assume diameter of hole to be 3 mm greater than the rivet diameter. roperties of two 200 x 100 x25 angles A= 13750 mmé 1297 10'mm* y= 26.25 mm 53.75 mam f w= TLS kg/m 200 200 (ra psasfe 100 BS Compute the net moment of inertia at the neutral axis Determine the maximum tensile stress taking into consideration both the ‘eccentricity of the connection and bending due to weight ofthe angles. Determine the number of rivets required at each end. Allowable stress is 165 MP2. The bottom chord spans for 3 m. a SOLUTION Net moment of inertia at the neutzal axis Aen of ole = da. of hole times thickness of angle Area of hole = (22 + 3) (25) Area of ole = 625 ram? for one angle Arca of holes = 2(625) Area of oles = 1250 eum? Net aren = 13750-1250 Se Net area = 12500 me? Determine te location of the neutral axis o centroid of section 12500y = 13750(26.25) - 1250462) 2.675 SIGN 445 Moment of inertia 1, © 9.7 108 + 13790 (3575)? 1, = 9875345 (for angles only) y= 1250 (39.325)? f.= 19330695 ment (for hoes) h T= 98757345 - 19590695 7942665 mm! 2 Max. tensile stress: B, BeC Me wTtT 0000 An T3500 2 £2264 MPa PeC _ 33000039 325)77.325) < -emaga BC sszeat ra Me ag agEe7395 T 7842665 100 Me ropa J 2644 1264 +799 f= 160 MPa < 165MPa (ok) No. of rivets required at each end No. af required = 3.67 say rivets fOLLEGE Links” COMPOSITE BEAMS 15.1 Composite Beams ‘This applies to steel beams supporting a reinforced concrete slab 0 interconnected that the beams and the slab act together to resist bending. The ‘concrete slab in composite construction acts not only as a slab for resisting the live loads but also a5 an integral part of the beam. It serves as a large cover plate for the upper flange of the steel beam which increases the beams strength, Two types of composite members: 1, Totaly encased members which depend upon natural bond for interaction with the concrete Non encased members with shear connectors (mechanical anchorage to the slab). For Steel members not totally encased in concrete, shear connectors must be provided for composite action. The portion of the effective width of ‘concrete slab on each side ofthe beam centerline shall not exceed. 2. One eight of the beam span center to center of supports b._ Thedistance from the beam centerline to the edge of the slab. ‘Use the smallest value elective wih) seams y ( =—_—_>—__7 3) b=2(2) or » £ cone futhofpe b-2()s-s (STRUCTORAY STEEL DESIGN 447 When shear connectors are used, the composite section shall be Proportional to support all the loads without exceeding the allowable stress. prescribed by a compect section F,= 0.66 F, even when the steel section is not shored during construction. In positive moment areas, the steel section is exempt from compact flange criteria and there is no limit on the unsupported length of the compression flange. Effective Section Moculus In cases where it is not feasible or necessary to provide adequate connectors to satisfy the horizontal shear requirements for Full composite action, the effective section modulus shall be determined as: ; Vi as 89280 YE 50 where Equation 152.1 Sig effectivesection modulus section modulus of the transformed composite section referred to its bottom flange, based upon maximum permitted effective width of concrete flange. section modulus of the steel beam referred to its bottom flange. VysgN 44 allowable shear load for one connector N = no. of connectors furnished between the point of max. moment and the nearest point of zeto moment. 7 Vel Ay 2 Use smaller value of Vi Vo Live GOLLE 15.3 4. Maximum center to center spacing of stud connectors shall not exceed 8 For composite beams constructed without temporary shoring, stresses in steel shall not exceed 0.90 F,, Stresses shall be computed assuming the steel section alone resists all the loads applied before the concrete has reached 75% (of its required strength and the effective composite section resist all loads, applied after that time. The actual section modulus of the transformed composite section shall be used in calculating the concrete flexural compression stress and for construction without temporary shores, this stress shall be based upon loading, applied after concrete has reached 75% of its required strength. The stress in the concrete shall not exceed 0.45 f' Shear Connectors Except in encased beams, the entire horizontal shear atthe junction of the steel beam and the concrete slab shall be assumed to be transferred by shear connectors welded to the top flange of the beam and embedded in the concrete, For full composite action with concrete subject 10 flexural compression the total horizontal shear to be resisted between the point of maximum positive moment and points of zero moment shall be taken as the smaller value of Vp, 0.85 fc v= 2h guation 631 veh uation 1632 NSCP Specifications for shear connectors 1. Shear connectors shall have atleast 25 mm of lateral concrete cover, except for connectors installed inthe ribs of formed steel decks. 2. Diameter of studs shall not be greater than 2.5 mm the thickness of the flange to which they are welded, unless located directly aver the web. 3. Minimum center to center spacing of stud connectors shall be § diameters along, the longitudinal axis of the supporting composite beam and 4 ‘tiameters transverse to the longitudinal axis of the supporting composite beam times the total slab thickness. (SRUGTURAD STEED DEsion 15.4. Partially Composite Beams Partially composite section could result if for example the steet section when made composite with concrete slab will require a resisting moment vt 270 kN-m, then when we select a section from the manual when mad ‘composite with the siabit will havean allowable resisting moment of 3204N. bbut when we compute the shear connectors for fll composite action, the section will have an allowable resisting moment uf 320 KN. which isin excess of what we needed which is only 270 kN.m. We have to provide only enough connectors to develop an allowable strength of 270 kN therefore we reduce the number of connectors, thus the shear Vg required far Full composite action is reduced to V', to calculate the number of shear connectors required for artial composite action: vue, (SACS) Spe S Equation 154.1 where Vg should not be less than 25% of the allowable shear strength required for full composite action. Vin> 025 V5 p= the smaller value of © and ® © va 085fihe Effective Section Modulus of a Partially Composite Section: Sige Sot (St,-8) Equation 154.2 Vy=qN2025V, 4 ~allovrable shear Toad for one connector N= number af shear connectere 450 ___ STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGN] 451 Deflections of Partially Composite Section: For partially composite sections, it will have larger live load deflections after composite action develops that in a section with sufficient number of connectors to develop full composite action 1B. Stress of Steel after concrete hardens without shoring, The composite section is assumed to resist all loads applied hereafter: and the total steel stress ater concrete hardens is computed as Fallows: Me come, Equation 1552 4 = deflection for partially composite section. See feflection for a fully composite section, i area cat ne ceaproe eter eee cel ay ca a Sw ta = Section modulus of the transformed composite section y= moment of inertia of transformed composite section 4 nt of inertia oft aaa referred to the tension flange. moment of inertia of tel beam : fective momento ine spo " 4 rf i " tb 184 Nenad Compas en =! oe . Iva transformed moment of inertia atthe neutral axis. Compression Stress of concrete after concrete hardens without shoring. itt < 04s: Equation 1553 E (modular ratio of steel and concrete) 1 Ay Sof Sn bee cern arn, wn ig ts he fear sen te dl aloe i sured tori al be prea oe eae fall e ost, eae st {sre ote ble cone arden : aes ght of steel beam and wet concrete 15.6 Problem: ‘A composite beam section consists of a 100 mm concrete slab and a W 400 x 46 ste section. The beam has a simple span of 8.2 m and has a spacing center to center of 24m. Adequate shear connectors are assumed to be present and no shoring is tse Use the following data: L496 Patton weight = 860 Nin? 100 mm concrete slab weight = 239 Nin? 07 MP ‘ 250 MPa (A 36 steel) 9 (modula rato) Properties of W 400 x 46, A= 5884 mm? | | 20046 aa 156.09 x 108 mm $,=7735 x10 mm? wt. = 46 g/m © Compute the stress of ste! before concrete hardens. ® Compute the stress of steel after concrete hardens. Compute the stress of concrete after concrete hardens. SOLUTION: 1) Stress of steel before concrete hardens Loads applied before concrete hardens. Slab = 239024) Slab = 574 KN/m 74 $045 Total DL = 6.19 kN/m DESIGN = fox 67.27 MPa < 0.66 Fy = 165 MPa ok sof seer onc bn Unareppd ae ont en Pontne 74089 Pent 20818 Uetnd 2449) Ueto = 824N/m Tanta 82 Touts i8880N/n note = 1358027 My= 1414 kN. Effective width of flange. NSCP Specs. {© _Etfective width of concrete slab on each sde ofthe beam is equal to one tight of the span of the beam messured center to enter of supports for both simple and continuous spans 1 Gen 05m = 2050mm 454 ___sTRuC @ Effective width of concrete slab on each side ofthe beam is equal to one half ofthe distance fom the bern centri tothe enero he sdjcen bea 1 »2Qes b= 24m, Use smallest value = 2050 mm a Ay = 227.78(100) 6 A= nt t 4-8 A 18662 mem? AV~Aiyi + faye 28662 ¥ = 22778(453.4) + $884( 201.7) 7 =401.73 mm Ia = 156.09 x 10° + 5884(200.03)2 + BITE? «227000951579 SOLLEGr tn Iya 7471.3 x 10 mms es - mt Tike su” Jee oe LI £ 4534) Sree = 73th Sig 38g ET Ww = 6.882(8.2\(1000), W = 5543240 __ 5156832.40)(8.2)° 10008 '384(200000)(212.3) 10° bp B= 954 mm 459 @ _Dalection for Jonds applied alter concrete hardens. swL Sem ae We 18.70218.2)(1000) 154094.4 N |5(154094.48.2)3 000) '364(200000)(620) 10° 2mm, lowable deflection = <1 Allowable deflection = 31 of span 8209 Allowable deflection = 522° Allowable deflection = 22.78 mm ok ® Number of shear connectors needed for full composite action if the capacity of Br j ' ee : v, = osstanzgosia0n y= 1763899 N AE, ak vn4y cess. vy, A528) Vj = 823960 N Use V,= 823980 N No. of shear connectors: 23980 “51300 N= 1606 say 17 Use 16 shear connector on each side of max. moment and one at the centerline MIUGTURAUSTEELDESICN at 15.8 Problem: \ nom encased composite section has.a simple span of m. Itearries« total dead load vwliting wt, of beam of 6.8 KN/m and a total live load of 18. kN/m. The effective sulthof Slab 13 2000 me, witha slab thickness of 100 mm. Properties of W Section: 000 A= 6646 mn? 450mm 10 212.4% 10° mm* i $= 944 x10 mmt f= 248 MPa | = 200000 MPa fe = 207 MPa 0 Assume no shoring isto be used. Modular ratio n =9 Compute the moment of inertia at the neutral axis fora full composite action. Compute the number of shear connectors required which will be sufficient only for the maximum estimated moment to be applied to the section that is if is partially composite section ifthe capacity of each shear connector is 51.3 KN. Compute the live load deflection after concrete hardens in a partially composite section SOLUTION: Moment of inertia atthe neutral axis fora composite action: A= 6646 y= 22222100) Ay Tm AY =A + Aw 28868 ¥ = 6646(225) + 22222(500) 7 = 43669 I= 2124 x 10P + 6646021169)? + 22222(U0OP 5 app0n16R 317 Lp © 617.81 x 108 mit eu 462 _ STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN| ® No. of shear connectors needed which will be sufficient only for max, estimated moment: Wot? es 6.5(8)? Mp= S88! Mp Mp = 544 Kim we aay a, = 88.8% ee’ My= 1504 kNn Dead load moment capacity of existing beam 066 Fyn gts Mp = 0665248) 944) 10° -Mp= 1845 kNam > 544 KN. Live load moment capacity based on allowable stress of steel after concrete hardens: =Mp , Mc $3 oT S4ac06 | my (436.69) OM Fy" Sas 10 * 620x106 . 1M, (436.69) 0900288) «5763+ MES My = 235.07 KNam > 1504 kNm (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Live load moment capacity based on conerete stress after concrete hardens: M,.(13.31) (9) 620 x 106 oason =Mu1830 Mz 24587 KNom > 1804 kNin ‘Therefore the section used is partially composite beams: Vy required for fll composite action wea yet vate gzancan Vy= 1959500 N ee) V,=820101N Use ¥, = 824104 N . se von [ce] Syy= quired 5, My +My Sa" UBF, (S14 + 150.) 10° Sa 06 ie) $2 251x108 mm? by Su 1781 x 108 re Sy, = 1415 x 108 vow Beet! 1251 x 10° 1415 x 10-944 10" Vy = 587185. N > 0.25(824104) = 206026 Nok : 464 a 465 No. of shear connectors on each side of centerline: 13,9 Encased Sections iy wet whee ghar apc of oe comme Silas nbd suctres ae someties comple} need in consi on rosin pups, The onal sea bene sy secre ero yar! bran con hae te 11057 sy Hone fete so eaose ‘A beam totally encased in concrete cast integrally with the slab maybe © Live load deflection assumed to be connected tothe concrete By natural bond, without additional Vicon k anchorage provided that: { 8) Concrete cover over beam sides and soffit at Ist 50 ¥%, =51300(01) ' gone bs 4 | by The top of the beam is at least 38 mnt below the top and 50 mw above: z Vy=564200N {he bottom of the sab, e a ©) Conerete encasement contains adequate mesh or other reinforcing 4 e lagu Nye Me bd steel throughout the whole depth and across the soffit of the beam to prevent spalling of the concrete. 2124x108 + 9f36800 la leg 547 87 10° mmt = Live load deflection for full composite beam. COLLEGE SoBe), Lge W, = 18.8(6)1000) an Wi, = 150400 5, = -_ 511504008000) Encased beams shall be proportioned to support, unassisted, all dead "+ 384(200000)(617 81) 10° Icacs applied prtor to hardening of concrete (unless these .oads are supported 5-611 em temporarily on shoring) and acting in conjunction withthe slab to support al dead loads and live loads applied alter hardening of the concrete without exceeding a computed bending stress of 0.66 Fy The bending steesses produced by the loads after concrete has hardened shall be computed on the | basis of the section properties of the composite section. Conerete tension, pate 8 stresses shall be neglected. Alternatively, the steel beam alone maybe Live load deflection for partially composite beer: ‘9 proportioned to resist, unassisted, all moments without a steel stress exceeding, 4) = S1Z8L x 1G (8.11 temporarily shoring is not requ 347.87 x 10 p= 9.14 mm. 466 A. Stress of Steal before concrete hardens. NSCP Specs, states that stee! sections which are to be encased in coner and are not to be shored must be able fo resist the moment Mp due to weight of steel beam and wet concrete, before concrete hardens! [tem { s, Section modulus of steel Hf 30 mm sdrim SO mun > ie B. Stress. of See! after concrete has hardened if Bending stresses after concrete hardened are to be computed with the composite section properties. Min. values of covering moment My due to load ' applied after conerete hardens plus the moment Mg due to the weight of the 4 section are both assumed to be applied to the eomposite section, Lowa 3 aaa econ mds c Stress of Concrete after concrete has hardened Mo + Mi f T= Il at T . modular ratio Be 0 # Sir top = Section modulus =!xa Sectop= STRUCTURAUSTEELIDESIGH! (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 467 15.10 Problem: A steel beam macie up of W 400 x 67 is completely encased in concrete as shown on the figure 15.10 for fire proofing purposed and are not to be shored. Effective lange wd 1500 men Dead load moment Mp = 1500 mm Lived moment My=102 km wl pt F,= 250 MPa for A-36 steel mm) Fe" =20.7 MPa n=9 402 mm Properties of W 400.x 67 4 = 8980.63 mm? i 4=402 mm b= 176mm 6 Sy 1191.3 x10" mm? 0m 43.91 x 108 mnt Figure 15.10 Which of the following gives the bending stress of steel before concrete hardens. Which of the following, gives the bending stress of steel after concrete hardens, Which of the following gives the bending stress of concrete alter conerete hardens sowuTio Sites of steel belore concrete haces Mp wee S4x10 SFist dx 168 ({.24533 MPa < 165.MPa ok Allowable stress = 066 F, Allowable stress = 0.66(250) Allowable stress = 165 MPa a. rene PRE VULLEVeE * @ Stress of steel after concrete hardens: Neglect concrete area below the flange. Ay = 8580.63 mm? AnAy+ AD 580.63 + 16666.67 A = 2524730 mm? AY = Ait dove 25247.30 F = 8580.63(261) + (6666.67(850) ¥ = 985.77 mm 2391 108+ 88060024777» HOOOOD? , 150) 92 460.14 10° mm* Section modulus at the bottom: ji . 460,14 x10" 3077 Sp= 141247 x 108 (54+ 162) anys 1412.47 x 10" 52.92 MPa < 0.66 F,, = 165 MPa oh (STRUGTURADSiEEL DESIGN 469 Sttess of conerote after concrete hardens Mp + My ESE) Section modulus atthe top: 5) = 4028.19 x 103 mm? Mp +My one (54 + 162) 10° (4028.19) 10? 5.96 MPa < 0.45 fe'=9.315 MPa (safe) (045 fe" = 045(207) = 9.315 MPa 15.11 Problem: Ie composite section shown has an effective lange wich of 1900 mm. 1 caries a seyative moments of Mp)~ 68 ENan and M, = 3 kNm. Assume no shoring is used. 1 steel is used with F,» 250 MP2, Modular ratio n= 9, fe'= 20,7 MPa Properties of W400 x 67 4 = 8380.63 mm? 4=402 mm = 1191.3 10? min? | DART x LOM mast 402 300 h Compute the stress of steel before concrete hardens, Compute the stress of steel after conerete hardens, Compute the stress of concrete alter concrete hardens. oo if 470 STRUCTURA SOLUTION: D _ Stress of steel before concrete hardens. fo Tea Ie foe 5604 MPa < 066 F,= 165 ok j @ Stes fsa terconcrete hardens . Using anomie ston method of computing the el ax ON = 5506 201-3) J) « y2+ 514.73y- 13434580 = 0 { ¥=190501m 19050) | io Iya = 243.91 x 108 + 8580.63(70 57 “0 ‘ “3333019050? rly TW. 1] so 3 I= 3684.10 mt Stress of steel alter concrete hardens. 4 (Mp +Myc fe Pe fox G82 LX 10 209.50) fo 363.4 108 fy= 132.86 MPa < 0.6F Stress of concrete after concrete hardens. ip + Mye oT (68 + 88) 106190 50 fe) 363A € 10) J, =9.09 MPa < 0.45 e' =9:32 MPa (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 471 15.12 Problem: |W shape section is encased in the concrete beam shown, The maximum shear teated by the beam is 100 kN. Allowable bond stress is 0.55 MPa, and allowable war is 117 MPa. Area of W shape section is 8542 mo?; |= 243 x 10° mmf; n = 9 and ange width = 1500 mm. a Es Which ofthe following gives the sheer stress atthe critical section, Which ofthe following gives the shear resistance ofthe encased section, SOLUTION: ‘Shear stress atthe critical section. ‘Transform the slab into its equivalent ste section. ela econ are iw he ge AoA! Tred afore A=ssi2 +10 1 42820 me! Ay = Acwit Aaye 2st 85426) + 2% y= 386m 1 (243 x 10%) + 85120025)" 472 ___ STRUC I= {9 (166.67)(100) + 166.67000)64)" tee se Hon = s7c0060" 82.2 x 10%mmt b he hy (3765 x 108) + (82.2 « 10%) = 458.7 x 10° met Q satca! mont of aren above section ABCD Q= 1500(100) 64 180162145) -4 (oy62)2)34.67) = 8.97 x 108 mt (in terms of concrete? = 857x101 Q=0.997 x 10 men* Cin terms of steel) / g i 7 190000 (0.997 x 105 458,73 10" 117.35 Nimm @ Shear resistance af the encased section. distance AB = VIG GO? distance AB = 853 mm Allowable bond = 085 N/mm? (189 mm) Allowable bond = 99 N sam Allowable sheor =1.17(85.3\2) Allowable shear = 202 N/a N/m + 202 N/mm, 11 N/mm > 217.35. N/mm ‘Total shear resistance Total shear resistance (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN: ams 15.13 Problem: A W shape section is encased in a T-beam having a flange width of 1500 mm and slaiy IWckness of 100 mm and a total depth of 500 mm with its web member 300 mm wide. The top of the W shape section is placed at a distance of 28 mm below the top of the Jb, The section is subjected to a positive dead load moment of 70 kN-m and a live lad negative moment of 90 kN-m. If the maximum live load shear is 145 kN, imine the adequacy for shear. fo’ = 21 MPa; fs = 165 MPa; u = 0.55 MPa; 1. MPa; fe = 9.45 MPa, tea of W shape section # 8542 mm?; depth of flange = HO mm; 1 = 243 x 10 mm: bf = 179 and n= 9 Which of the following gives the stresses of concrete and steel after concrete hardens, ‘Which of the following gives the shear stress at the critical section atthe bottom. Which of the following gives the total shear resistance atthe critical section atthe bottom, SOLUTION: Determine the neutral axis, 33y (8)=s2097-» sP-5I3y- 1518195 =0 88 mm 1= (243 x 109) +8542(697 +3 (33.3)088) 103574 10'mm* a Me fT M=70kN-m M=70x10¢Nimm 70x 104 208) 7x 10" 59 MPa < 165 MPa @ Shear stress at the critical section at Total shear resistance atthe critical 474 Afr concrete bakes: Me eae M=My+M. M=70+90 M=160kN.m 060 x 104) 188 FEST AXADIS : (fe=9.35 MPa < 945 MPa (safe) pte (160.104 AOSTA (fo= 122.7 MPa < 165 MPa (safe) + the bottom. = 52(33.3\162) — a. (= 280519.2 mm? YQ vais Ce = 145000(280519:2) va 74x10 p= 113.8 Nimm section at the bottom. a Allowable bond stress = 0.55 N/mm? Allowable bona = 179 (0.55) Allowable bond = 98.45 N/mm. Allowable shear stress = 1.1 N/m? Allooable shear = 2(60.5)(1.1) Allowable shear = 133.1 N/enmn ‘Total shear resistance = 98.45 + 133.1 Tota shear resistance = 231.55N/mm > 1138N/mun (safe) CHAPTER SIXTEEN AXIALLY LOADED COMPRESSION, MEMBERS 16.1. Axially Loaded Compression Members, A column is a compression member that is so slender compare to its length that usually it fails by buckling rather than by crushing. They are classified into three groups. 1. Short Columns: For short columns, the failure will be by crushing and no buckling will occur. 2. Intermediate Columns: For intermediate columns, some of the fibers will reach the yield stress and the member will fal by a combination of crushing and buckling and their behavior is said to be elastic. 3. Long Columns: For long columns, the axial buckling stress usually remains below the proportional limit and the column will usually buckle elastically. Long columns usually fal by buckling or excessive lateral bending, The longer the column is, the greater its tendency to buckle and the smaller load it will support. The tendency of a member to buckle is usually measured by its slenderness ratio which is define as the ratio of the length of the ‘member to its least radius of gyration. The greater the slenderness ratio, the smaller will be the capacity of such column, 476 sia = 16.3. Eulers Formula 16.2 Common Sections used for Colurans aH Foomals 16248 F Case® Fixed Ends: Case D One End Fixed, i the other end hinged | Me res - eee Single sgn Double agle Te Chass ; Bot secton Bor eecton One End Fixed, the other end Free —_. ‘Bor secion Se Weitheoertts ——Biilup = el ie & == ie ae, uittop 478 U0 STRUCTURADSTEERDESIGNI | (STRUCTURAUSTEEL pEsion 16.5 Problem: 46.4 Limitations of Eulers Formula: ‘\ column having a length of 7m. isto support an axial load of 450 KN, Design a W 6 8 Leng I ign «ction to carry the given loads using Eulers Formula with a proportional limit of !00MPa, B= 200000 MPa and a factor of safety of 3 > we tional limit the Eulers formula isnot applicable © Me & @osedsthe propor " © Assume both end are hinged Assume one end fixed and the other end hinged. a © © 100 euters formula isnt va ant he proportions limit the crtal sess: & = proportions vat Wacom Area (mm?) Tr, (mm) ry (mm) Le (am) 1, (mméy W112 65 12323 134.11 76.71 221.9x 10° 72.8x 10° : Wid e439 8129 147.83 48.08 178.6 x10" 18.8 x TO 3 Relations between, Short, Intermediate and Long Columns Widxa9 | 9290 | 10608 tsa] 1136108 | 387 5108 15 \ wie | —7a19 [0886 [S08 are ee ic #10x%3 | 1265 | 10668 | 4928 | rite x0e | 15210" i eld poi ingen y oreftchve mos gre i Gris ¢ Proportional Limit SOLUTION: 4 aap © Both ends are hinged | Eaters Curve .™El | PIA=UEM Lin? PD 2 100} P=4508) - Stor Intermediate P= 1350kN i, Sia Ee = = (200000) I sas = #20000 5 i (000 Lir(slenderness T= 3351 x10 Es 19 Empirical values of short and long columns for Fulers formula Lionn®™ “a wdanes CUCY LU 480 STRUCTURAD/STEEUDESIGN! Select a section with min less than Peae Ee rn > 100 38000 £ = 14532 < proportional limit 200 6 14532 < propor Use w20249 ®@ Oncendis fixed, p.2E Poap L=071t) x2 (200000) 1 ‘00 15164210 mt Ty 18810, 102.06 > 100 ok a~ proportional limit of 200 290 2k mmm and min Igzeater than 33.51 x 10° 8129 mon? Try lighter one: W 10x33, 1, ‘Based on Proportional limit © _ 4900, 1 = 3928 E = 9943 < 100 Required area 1350000 “A 7 20 A=6750mm? > 6265 mm? (not ok) ‘Try W10x39, ‘Based on proportional iit: 419 ram’, ry=5029, 1y = 187x108 Required area: y= 18.7x10° > 1642 x 108 ok Note: tf < 1, he propor! mistakes he cst tat a propotonal lint «200s tee W10538 ee wm CACY se 482 16,6 Problem: Minimum length Pp ‘Two C 310245 channels are latticed together so they have equal moments of inestia F - propotionl limit about the principal axes. Assumed bath ends are pinned an popu tinal Ti ix 240 MPa, E = 200000 MPa aa © Compute the distance back to the channel pezm2kN @ Compute the minimum length of «columm having this ection | aa What safe load will the column carry for 3 length of 12m witha factor of safely pat! fs. a 108 arora - #346 106 Properties of C310 45 channel Area = 5690 mm? E 9863 mm 1,=67.3x 10° 99.86, ly=212x108 x=17mm 7,= 109mm % Safe load of 12m. length of column with a factor of safety of 25. =V2h ne NDA 2 SOLUTION: i =i neNG D Distance back to back of channel 17,5 108 mm For 2ehannels: hh. hel 673) x 108 34.6 x 108 2:12 x 10° + 5690(K)] 2 1346 x 10° « (2.12 x 108 + 5690 2) 2 67.3% 10%= 22x 106 4 5690 K? = 107.03 mm s 4417-10703 30.06 mm _P_ . ® (200000) 35650} ~ “(110.097 P=1854 kN » 7 1854 i Safe load = 834 Sale load = 741.6 KN ‘ 2 ___# STRUCTURAUSTEEL DESIGN] 16.7 Effective Length of a Compression Member The effective length of a compression member is equal to the distance between the inflection points of a laterally deflected member. The effective length is expressed as KL, where Lis the actual length of meinber and K is the 484 485 Table 16.73 gives the value of K for columns whose end restraints are defined. Use the recommended design values when ideal condition are approximated, effective length face Table 1673, Figure 167.1 shows a column with pin at both ends. The location of ame inflection points of Buckled shape are located at the pins. The effective length Rapitestpes of 3 th is equal lo actual length. Therefore the theortcal effective length factor K for Sr duoed ie ( J] hh such Suen oqo 70 ( \ / } i P “Theol Waker [05] a7 [a9 a0] a] 20 Recommended design ly ] talarwhenideal "| oes | om | 12 | 10 | 20 | 20 j Sppronete | End Condition ode > Rotation ied, ranlaon fed / 2 Rotation ee tansation xed J Rota fed, anton fee rncotreias Manes Dagan 7 Rotation te, translation fee Figure 1672 Figure 167.2 shows a column whose ends are fixed. The location of inflection points of a buckled shape are located at quarter points. The effective length is equal to one half of its actual length, ‘Therefore the theoritical effective length factor K for such case is equal to 0.5, Recommended K=0.65 Vv at iN \ ely) LL / us ’ Figure 16.72 Efective length Factor K using Alignment Chart, The alignment chart for braced and unbraced frames & ‘ & AL Sidesway Inhibited B Sidesway Uninhibited 486 Agnnent chart A are for contiguous frames which ve braced o tf allowed sea that enh Alignment chart B are for continuous frames which are allowed to sway, _ that is uninhibited, y ‘The subscripts A and B refer to the joints 2t the two ends of the column section being considered. Gisdefined as: te PE o-7k. i 25 Equation 167.4 Where: ‘moment of inertia ofthe column, 1L.= unsupported length of column Ig= moment of inertia of 2 girder or other restraining member i, unsupported length of a girder ‘The moment of inertia [, and lg are taken about the axis ‘perpendicular to the plane of buckling being considered. For pinned end column (supported but not rigidly connected to a footing, or foundation, G is theoritcaly infinity, but unless actually designed asa true friction free pin, maybe taken as 10 for practical designs. If the column end is rigidly attached to a properly designed footing, G Is theoritically zero but maybe taken as 1.0. Smaller values maybe used if justified by analysis. 487 Procedure For Using Alignment Charts 1, Calculate G values at each end of column. 2. Enter Alignment Chart with value of G for the top ofthe column as Gg 3. Enter Alignment Chart with value of G for the bottom of the column as Ge. 4. _K factor is obtained at the point of intersection between the ine connecting, two G values and K line. Note: For fived end column G = 1.0 (rigid connection of column to footing) For pin end column G = 10, If a beam or girder is rigidly attached to a column, its stiffness should be multiplied by the appropriate factor as shown in the table 16.7.5, depending on the condition atthe far end of the member. Table 1675 ‘Multipliers For Rigidly Attached Members Condition at Far End of Girder Sidesways Prevented, 15. Seaways Uninhibived 05. When sidesway is possible, it will be found that the effective lengths are always greater than the actual lengths, that is K is greater than 1.0 When frames are braced in such a manner that sidesway is not possible, Kis less than 1.0 48 __ 1 STRUCTURADSTEEDDESIEN| 16.8 Problem: A W 14x 82 column having an unsupported height of & mis to support an axial load {ithe interior af a building where the tp ofthe column i igily framed o two way floor beams as shown in Figure 16.8. All stores are spaced al 6 m. and adjecer’ stories have the same colurm sections. Use A 36 steel with F,=248 MPa E, MPs The column base issgidly fixed to the footing. Assume that the bracings i Provided to prevent sidecway in the wcak axis of the column but te sidesway inthe strong axis is not prevented. , Member Properties 14x82 Columns: A = 19548.36 man? 367.2% 108 ment ly = 61.6% 10° mmé 1p 158.67 man = 62.99 mam, ote CITY W24x76 Beare for Li" 1, = 874.09 10° mm - Wi6x40 Beam , 15.61 x 108 mint Use the charts for effective lengths of colurans. ‘Compute the value of effective length factor Ky ® Compute the effective length factor ky. ® Compute the governing slendemess ratio. Compute the capacity of the W 14 x 82 column section 00066 )Bifective length factor K;: Major x-axis (sidesways permitted) at the column top: I Come: wax EE s Beam: W24x26 rE 36712108 , 36712108 2000 2000 Ca= “Soa, BOOT 12000 7 Gq= 088 At the column bottom: Gp 1.0 (column base rigidly attached to a footing) From the chart Ky 129 ® o Effective length factor Ky Minor y-axis (sidesways prevented) atthe column top. ke Column: W 14x82 = G=-— al Beam: W16 x40 rk 5 & 616x108 , 616x106 Cae 00 * 0 4° FISS1 10 TS 61 TP ‘000 00 Gy 0286 ‘At the column base: Gy= 1.0 (column base rigidly attached to a footing) K,= 0.695 from the chart, Governing sendeess ate Kely 1251600) we ae kia. = 97 Kyly.,. 0:695(6000) als» 05 Sh. eaao ; Use the slenderness ratio equal to 66.20 for which the buckling will occur in the column about the minor y-axis, KL. 6620 © Capacity of W 14x 82 column Gay ae aR oT C= 12617 Bec, ve en [aa] + Reo au! (66.20) * 8126177 Fs.=$ + 366.20) 3 * wi2617) FS. = 185 (66.20? | 248, [:- 226.172 185 F_= 115.60 MPa Fy Pw 15548.36 (115.60) Pa17974kN 492 16.9 Frobiem: The fraime shown has its sice sway uninhibited and the far ends of the girders are fixed against otstion, Compute thax factor for columa AB, STRUCTURAL STEEMDESIGNY ae om = Sie ra rere oe 1809 if me ct ora = is BE 333.8 x 10° 5633.3, o Sena aie? = sa 5869 n Sosa 700 ra length of column = length of girder or beams moment of inecti of ealumn noment of inertia of girder or beam SOLUTION: K factor for column AB G factors for each joint At the bottom: G5 100 (hinged or pinned joint) At the top: rom the chart: K = 1.78 Note: Multiply the stifness of giders by C8 due tot condi far ends of the girder whichis fined against otalames fective length of column EF: At the bottom: l ke a rk Gp Gy = BOSS 667 (We7\S5635:3 + 77700) Gp= 0416 At the top: z ad 1 G 202867 ‘A= (@E7VBIOIG7 » 34588.9) Ga= 0461 From the chart: K=1.15 ¢ fective length KL = 1,15(3) = 3.45 m. na. Note: Maltiply the stiffness of girders by 067 due to the condition of the far ends ofthe girder which is fixe against rotation. Loe ey a wiena CITY * @ Slendemness ratio of column DE: XN At the bottom: zk °G Gy= 100 (hinged or pin joint) i) G Atthetop: | zk Gye i = 19989 220887 ‘*™ (05755633. + 77700) a casos ‘si From the chart: K = 1.78 Slendemess rato: KL _ 1.78(3600) 7 > F106 KL 90.18 Note: Multiply the stiffness of girders by 0.6? due to the condition of the far ends of the girder which is fixed against rotation, 16.10 CE Board May 2006 From the figure shown, the moment of inertia of girders and columns areas follows: 1, = 0.00004570 mé 1g = 00003107 mé Sidesways Prevented far end of girder Multiplied by Pinned Fixed against rotation The frame is not braced against sidesway. pin a a2 1) Which of the following gives the Ciieviceoretameee bl Thee Which ofthe folowing gives the - x value of Gy for column C8 4 z Which of the following gives the 4} ctfective length of columa C-3 es Ir Using the given alignment chart a £ Ls s0m——L—s 50m SOLUTION: Value of Gy: Note: Multiply the gieder stiffness by 05 (far end is pinned and sidesways is uninhibited) Swans ACY Lhe errr A496 D Valge of Ge Note: Multiply the girder stiffened by 05 (far end is pinned and sidesways is uninhibited) pr Ce pr c.go0n6570 , <.0004570 37+ a7 .o00s107 , 0.500107 (2a, 20008107) (95) Gy= 0309 ® Effective length of column C2: Eifective length = KL Eifetive length = 1.1387) Effective length = 4.181 m. 497 16.11 Problem: The frame shown in figure 16.11 is not braced against side sway and the girders are rigidly attached to the exterior columns and simply connected to the interior one. ‘AB, 221 85x10" 2000) BC 221.85 x10" 3000) DE 300.94 x 107 30001 EF 300.96 x 10% 3000, cH 275:96% 10" 3000) HI 275.96 % 10" 2000) BE. 757 54x 10" 9000) ce 557.75 x 10 3000 EH 986.47 «10 72000 Fi 757 SAO 12000 Multipliers For Rigidly Attached Members Condition at Sidesways Prevented | Sidesways Uninhibited fac end of gieder ‘Multiplied by Multiplied by Pinned, 15. 05 ‘Fixed against rotation 20 067 ‘Using the appropriate alignment chart, determine the effective length factor of column AB. 2 Using the appropriate alignment chart, determine the effective length of column DE. ® Using the appropriate alignment chart, determine the slenderness ratio of columa HI if it has a radius of gyration of 96.47 mm. SOLUTION: 1) Effective length of column AB: At the top: de eee re q Figure 16.11 498 Note: Multiply the girder stiffness by 05 (far end of girder is simply supported or pinned at the interior column). ( Slendemess ratio of column H.L Atthe top: & ar | Atthe bottom: ze \ Gp~ 10 (hinged connected at the base) °¢] & (7962104 From the alignment chart: K = 2.28 ax ee 3) (Pao! x 291 ® Effective length otenlumn DE: e Atthetop At the bottom: L zk a re y @ 275.96 106 | 275.96 10° 3000 3000 oe 05) (Bee) og, ‘ . 1 Ga=ass At the bottom Value of K from alignment chart K=192 } Bp= 10 (hinged connected at base) ! K=22 from alignment chart Slenderness ratio ~ 19249000) Effective length = KL Effective length = 2.20) or 9647 Fffective length = 6.6 m. KL - son 16.12 Problem: For the framing system shown in figure 16.12, it is braced against sidesway. The frame is connected to another building. ee W300x95 | 22185% 10% mnt | 3800 mm | SB3816 ie W300x96 | 22185%10% mm* | 3600mm | 61625 D ‘W400x74 | 274.30 10% mm? 000mm | 457167 BE, WA50 x74] 33299 105 mnt 6000 ram | 554983 © Compitie the value of Gq for column 3C. i @ Compute the value of effective ot length factor of column AB. ® Compute the effective length of | Le column AB. Tag Figure 16.12 nee Biers Ie oe Fe ay 61625 Ga 357167 Gy= 235 2 Effective length factor K for BC. Gp= 216 Elfective length factor K = 0.84 »Blfctive length of eokumn AB: | k Ge Je oh 5 cyl Biss Ga=216 Gp= 10 fixed end Effective length KL = 0.82(3.8) Effective length KI 116 m. eb oe ces - rurmso SY (STRUGHURAUSTEEV DESIGN. 503 502 ___| STRUCTURAL STEEU/DESIGN! 16.13 Problem: ‘The framing system shown in fgute 16.13 where side sway is inhibited has moment of nertias of columns and girder as follows 1, = 0200004570 mé fg =0.0003107 mé \ Multipliers For Rigidly Attached Members onion Foti Siang Sema cute Preven nani Tamed 3 oS © Compute the elective length for si Column Cs nin ® Compute the effective length for Column Cs. 34m] ley ley les 7 San Z 4 SOLUTION: 5 Te ss0m 550m 30m Effective length for Column Cx Ga 10 pinned end a i as) 05) ‘ogoonss70 , 090008570 Effective length factor fective length factor K! = 0,743.7) [fective lengths KL = 2.738 2 ffective length for Column C3 Effective length KL = 0867(3.7) Etfective length KL = 2.479 m. Effectivetength for Colum gk oe Peas omn04s70 , anos Ge 3 CET, TOBA gs Gqr0103 Ga-10 Etfective length KL =0.65(37) Effective length KL = 2.405 m. 16.14 NSCP Formulas for Axially Loaded Columns: wen ME < 6 nermedate Column On the pron section of ail ode earpreon member whose cross sectors ner wih he provision of the NSC, wher KL te Erp seers rato ay unbriced segment es than the alowbe tes aun) rae [1 Que Fe Equation 16.14. 5, SKU) exit - f+ Mle - ate Equation 16 42 Where: C= 222 x when AE > ¢, (Long Column) On the gross section of axially loaded compression members, when Kir exceeds C,, the allowable stress is: ner BKEP Equation 16.143 F, = allowable compressive stress Note: This les formula witha factor of safety of 3 «152 oF (STRUGTORAUSTEEUDESIGN Where: C.= slenderness ratio which defines the limit between intermediate column and long column. 1odulus of elasticity of stel (200000 MPa) yield stzess of stee] festive length factor lowable compressive stress lowable axial load PoEA A = cross sectional area of column section 16.15 Length Factors K for Centrally Loaded Columns with Various Idealized End Conditions. Theoritical K Value Recommended K value| ‘when Heal conditions sreapproximated End Condition Code ih = Rotation xed Slaton ae | + Rotation fee Transat fined Rotation fixed Translation free g Rotation free Translation free 506 16.16 Problem: ‘A column that is 9 m, long is to carry a load of 890 KN, The member will be braced about both principal axis at top and bottom and in addition will be braced about its minor axis at mid-height, Using Fy = 385.5 MPa, design a'section to earry the loads safely. Ky=K, ° Properties of Steel Sections Available Wi10%49 9250 mam T1049 men | 64.52 mm. Wi2x50 384 mm 13157 mm | _49.78mm SOLUTION: 7. ee ve crey 7613 mm2, ry=89.66 mm, ry = 51.82 mm ~ {1y9000) _ $865 7 10038 ¢.- VER eV S8s C= 105.89 > 100.38 i ve ne [| Fe |, 300038) 10036)? 3 * 8 (106.85) © 8 (106.89 reese , _ 0m.382 73455 Be [ 2unes9e 192 : Fs. 00.60 MPa P= 100.60(7613) P= 765865 N P=765.87 KN < 890KN (failed) Tey Waxes A= 9087 mm? KL _ a)g000 7 78168 KE _ 516 Ce K,L _ (14500) & 7, 7 8283 Keb ps8 EO (38.16% ] 3455 205.897] 191 104.62 KPa PFA P= 104.62(9097) P= 951728N P=951.73KN > S90KN (safe) Use 19 8x 48 column section 16.17 Problem: AW If x 142 is used as a column having a length of 9 m, long. It is hinged at the ‘upper end and fixed at the lower end but there is a lateral bracing perpendicular to ‘ie minor axis of the W section at a point 5.4 m above the bottom support. It is sssumed to be pinned connected at the bracing point. Using A 36 steel Fy = 248 MPa and the NSCP Specifications. E, = 200000 MPa. Compute the slenderness rato. Compute the allowable axial stress. Compute the capacity ofthe column section, Properties of W 14 x 142 iP Wibx 1a \ lee spon asin ie sam) [ff metermeoet, Assume K, = 080 for 9 m. length K,= 1.9 for the 36 m. length K,=0.80 for the 54m. length OLUTION: Slendemess ratio. K, Ly = 0.80(9000) = 7200 KyLy=19(3600) = 3600 Ky Ly = 0.80(5400) = 4320 = 485 7A ee = apa GY @ Allowable axial stress. ute RE 85 bigger somerset) Kee, , eres [1 SeF] Fe 5, KU Kup ps5 NO Set 5, 3485) casasy ne 526.17) * (126.17 rs= 179 ne [i eee] 28 aired 179 F,= 129.79 MPa © Capacity of the column section s 16967.69(129.79) P=3500.24 kN 16.18 Probiem: A built up section consists of two miscellaneous channels MC 18x 42.7 and one lover plate 12 mm x 500 mm. The channels are placed at 300 mm. back to back with Ihe flanges outstanding. This section is used as a column having a height of 6m. awume K= 1.0 Properties of ome MC 18 x 42.7 Compute the minimurn radius of gyration. Compute the allowable compressive stress. Compute the allowable kad that the built up section could earty as a column, SOLUTION: Min. radius of gyration: ‘y= 126500) soilens A= 6000 mmr? z= 2181292) ‘Ay 16258.04 mm? AnAtAr A= 2258.04 mm? AT = Avy + Arye 2288.04 7 = 6000{6) + 16258.04(257) Y= 17473 mm 512 S0O{12) 4. soq2y 68.73)? + 230589 x 1082) + 6129021622772) 695.1 x10 mnt T2GOOE 4 5,99 x 106 (2) + 8129.02(172.28)? 2) 619.53 x 10 mm tun ease tmin = 2225804 66.84 ® Allowable compressive stress: KL _ (16000) T~ T6684 Co 126:7 Mec, KL] Fy ven [gee] BuKl/a (KL es BG Ce 35.96) (35.96)* 7 * 8126.17) ~ 8426.17) 7 _ J. 95962, ] 298 fe [fae] 3% 13482 MPa ® Allowable load that the built up section could carry Po AF, P = 22258,04(134.42) P=2002kN 16.19 Problem: ss AW 12 x 72 is used as a column to catty an axial load P, The columa has a fixed support at the bottom and hinged at the fop. The column has an unsupported height 145m. Using A 36 sel with Fy=248 MPa. F, = 200000 MPa Properties of W12 x72 4 = 1367.50 mm? Se hinged ' 127 46m) 1-81.17 108 ment 597-74 x 10% mm? 330.94 x 108 mim? VU fice | Compute the recommended value of the slenderness ratio. Compute the allowable compressive stress. 2 Compute theallowable avial load P. SOLUTION: Slendemess ratio: 80,4600) 7D “BR 47.66 MPa 514 @ Allowable compressive stress w 2x2 E co aX (200000 8 C= 12617 ue [OE] 2c drs = 5 MRA, AKLAAE Fs. BGT aCe |. 8147.96) (47.65) FS=3* ga26I7 - (2617 Fs.- 18 1. Kune] 27 UES _ 4766] 248 of 326.1771 180 Fy= 12795 MPa Allowable axis toad: PAR, P= 13677.40(127.95) P=1750kN 16.20 Problem: A W8 x 35 steel column his an unsupported height of 6 m. Using A 26 steel with y= 248 MPa and E,= 200000 MPa, Compute the allowable axial load that it could support - © If both ends are fixed. 2 If both ends are pinned. © Hone end is fixed and the other end is pinned. Properties of W 8 x35 fy =800 mm Sy 1787x108 a? 52.45% 10mm 7, = 889mm 176910 mmé y= 51.56 mm \ 5, = 509.64 « 10° mm? \ SOLUTION: 9 Allowable load itboth ends are fixed. K = <15(6000) 3155 2 7568 me <2 fe Ve a f, Fe t fea p52 84 KLE) _(KLAP 7 ah Bt BG ace 5. 37563) _ sen 3* G21” Baz FS =185 516 a oe [eee )8 ® Axial load if both ends are pinned. K=1.0 KL sige Ge cia2417 ee, aug] &, use te [1 MUP] Fe 4. UUKLIN {KLIN 37 8G. 8, rs = 84 3401637) | i637" 37 802617) ° Baz617P o Fs.= Fs. ne [or] 2G ree [v- aise] 28 «= Le asap | y= 7460s paar, P= 661515 7460) P=a95. kv [STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN. 4 Allowable load if one end is fixed and the other end is pinned. K = 080 KL _, 80(6000) ro S156 XL oai9 dingea 4 318319) _(@2.10) © 3° 8012617)” Bti26a7P | kul le bd niet See CAFS: iP FS. FS. =1.89 P=6346kN 7, 518 BTRUGTURADSTEEDDESIGCN 519 -—____STRUCTURAY STEER DESIGN : Lae8e4 16.21 Problem: 2 For feed ended colunms 1, =8-= Le _ 4000 ‘A.W 460 x 177 colurnn section has a length of 8m. Using NSCP Specification: 77 682 A= 22600 mm?, rin = 68.2 me Legs © Which ofthe following gives the safe axial load if bth ends are hinged. 2 [Ue ® Which of the following gives the safe axial load if both ends are builtin of fixed aL Gales ® Which ofthe following gives the safe axial load if both ends are fixed but braced 5.41 (ule) atthe mid-point. 5-33 Le 5, 36865) _(58.65) FS--3* 50158) ° ai01 93 FS.=1.86 SOLUTION p 50657 ] 350 © Both ends are hinged Le amo L- 68h 186: P= 3852874. Le, $000 P= 3853 KN 7 7682 7 4 Luz0 Brace at mid: point, te column is equialent to one having a length of 4m. fred atone ond and hinged atthe other end. i le=07L te 0704) le =28m ' Le _ 2800 1 > 682 4105 10193 4 5, 04106) __(e1.069 P__1227(200000) FS=3° gi0t93) ~ ACO 93° nso Ta FS<181 ' 2 = 1691592.N a0? | 30. pe ema kv aaron [fore 88 P= 4389790 N P= 43604 520 16.22 Probler Determine the safe load of the column section shown, if t has a yield strength of 250 MPa. E = 200000 MPa. Use NSCP Spectictions be= [1.61084 392915898)] Properties of Channel Section + [axa 10+ s4s0(69.02F] Ae32mm? | d=305mm t= 4665x10¢mm* = 127 mn tye7amm i 53.7% 10%mm! y= 161x 10'mn ny 17mm 77 mie 1 ly =58.7%106 + 16.5% 10° Iy=703x 106mm Propertics of W 460 74 ly 703% 106 A=9450 men? 233 10'mm* fy = 166% 10hmm! > When the height of columa is 6m. When the height of columa is 10m. Assume K= LO Use Least ee SOLUTION: © When the height of column is 6m, AnAltay A= 13379 mm? = 1h + Arve 3929(17.7) + 9450(235.7) 7 = 171.68mm 522 fe 16.23 E board No. 2002 te re [GE] Vaded compresion meabers whose conrsetore met ih the povions oe 53d) _ see Oy ook 1 When (he gt elt sends ns it any anbace) seent 5-2 BE i ‘ psoas testhance = YEE o=[ EERE] 78 oe fier] ee #a~ 10000 rs -543 iL ku a poset when Lc, P=1391416N Vin? Fs P= 13914kN 23 (KL a = 12(8) (200 000) 23 (138) Fa = 54.1 MPa roa P= (64.1)03,379) P=723801N 723.8 KN 4 compression member is 3 m. long and pinned at both ends. Effective length of hnelor K = 1.0, The column is subjectec to an axial compressive load of 590 kN. The sctio iy made up of 2 angles Of unequal legs with long legs back to back and. wparated by a gusset plate 11 mm thick, Use A 36 steel, Fy ~ 248 MPa and. = 200000 MPa. Which of the following gives the largest allowable compressive stress. Which of the following gives the smallest allowable compressive stress, Which ofthe following gives the most economical section. AngularSections —Area(m?) rim) tym) 2-2120x80%10 0.0056 oso oo18 2-2150x90%12 0.0062 082 021 2-2180x100%10 00077 0.060 0.026 t ss SOLUTION: For2- 21208010 KL 1G). 0018 16567 c-\fBe NE [22 200000) Co =f 2 000001 Ce= 126.17 < 166.67 yan 23 (KLAP a 1282 200000) 23 (166.67? Fa=37.07 MPa For? - £150x 90x12 KL_ 1g r “0021 HL w286> _12n2 (200000) 23 (14286) Fs=S045 MPa For? - £180 10010 KL_ (3) F-00026 Kasse 590 LN Therefore the most economical section is 2- £180. 100. 10 ay 16.24 Problem: A compression member 3 m. long consists of two angles 160% 100 x 10 mm with long, legs back to back and strutting 10 man gusset plates at each end, | = 200000 MPa Fy =230 MPa Properties of ome angle 150 x 100 x 10 mm 1,=5576x 10mm! f, = 2025 x 10° mm* A=2400 mmé x=2375 mm y=4875mm Using NSCP Specifications Which of the following gives the minimum radius of gyration. Which ofthe following gives the allowable axial stress. Which of the following gives the safe axial load capasty of the compression ‘member. SOLUTION: © Min. radius of gyration: A= 240012) A= 4800 mm? 576 x 108 2) 1.152 x 10° mt forsee nc0a797]2 8.0210" mumt © Allowable axiat stress: KL _ (19000 m= OES KL 39 aE Fy (=a & 230, C= 13101 > 73.39 were [i SF] seep 303.39) (73.39 8031.01) * g Sl ee [st Fi = 108.25 MPa © Safeaxial compressive load: Fa P = 2400(2)(108.25) P =500400N P=5004kN 16.25 Problem: ‘A member of the top chord of a truss of an industrial building is 10 m. long has a ‘compressive stress of 3500 KN and is made up of two C 460 x85 placed 275 mm bback to back with flanges outstanding. The member has 500 mm x “t" cover plate at the top and lacing at the bottom. Find the necessary thickness "of the cover plate using NSCP Specifications. Use A 36 stee, Fy= 250 MPa. Neglect moment and deflection due to its weight. Solve to the nearest 1.5 mm. Assume K=0.80, Properties of C460.x 86 10900 mun? 79 x 106 runt 7.7108 mat SOLUTION: Try t= 12mm ‘A= 1002) + 500112) A=7800 ay 27800 ¥ = 10900(2)(273) + 500(1296 = 187 mm nv + Aave ~ AGP [7.7 x 108) « 109001159.97]2 C= 125.66 wee] f [ 2G ES rsa §- S00). Cosy, +3 * BC 125.66) ~ 8125.66? FS.=181 BS 126.97 MPa Use Fa P=Ary P = 27800 (126.97) P= 3529766N P=3530KN> 3500 KN safe Use t= 12 mm 530 STRUCTURAL STEEDBESTON 16.26 Problem: A storage tank of molasses in a certain sugar mill in Central Luzon is supported by @ column which is built up 9f two standard channels. Use NSCP Specifications. Assume K=10 Properties of C:310x37 A= 472 mm? Which of the following gives the distance back to back of the two channels for a most efficient built up section ® Which ofthe following gives the most efficient capacity of this section, SOLUTION: Tor the most efficient section of 2 channels, it must be placed back to back with flanges outstanding in such a way that it would be equally strong in both axes [p= 599108 @) ily 58.9 10° 2)» (1.85 x10 + 472042)2 42 699-188)10° $720 = 110.90mm 6 Baxek ® = £ 41710-11090 = 1876 mm distance baok to back S31 (C= 128.66 > 10652 wae] be) 4% 5, amt ps5. 50m Ga nae 5 somes as ‘3 * 8125.66) © 8125.66)" ae (106.52)? r= [8] F,= 8386 MPa Pear P=472002)(83.86) 731638 N P=72N 532 16.27 Problem: ‘A cylindrical water tank with 65 m. inside diameter is supported by four steel columns made up to two 00175 x16 mm angles with long legs back to back spaced 3816 min. The four points of support under the tank form a squate with 4.6 m sides and 6 m. below the tank, the corresponding. four points of support form a bigger | square with 7.6 m. sides. When empty the tank weighs 45 ZN. Assuming that each column will cary one fourth ofthe total load equally and that the load is concentric ‘with the axis ofthe post, find the maximum height of water in the tank which the column can carry safely. Neglect the effect of buckling. Use NSCP Specifications Fy=250MPé, K=10. Properties of two 100 x 75 x16 angles A= 5135 mm? r= 312mm SOLUTION: Vasey 2 = P+ GP nie _ f= aoa Cem 20 C= 12566 < 208 F-11981 kN le (cortical load for one column) Faaciss) F=479.24KN (for $colurns) Total vertical lads carried by the four colunans = wight of water land weight of tank when empty 479240 ~ F (65)? (9810) + 45000 = 138 m. of water SOLUTION: 16.28 Problem: {A built up section consists of 150 x 26 and two channels C 380 x 74 having an elfective length of 6 m. The section is pin-connected at both ends. Use A 572 Grade 50 stee] and NSCP Specifications. © Compute the slenderness ratio of the column section @ Compute the allowable compressive axial stress. © Compute the capacity ofthe column section. Properties of One channel C 380 x 74 A= 9460 mm? 4 =381 mm = 168 «108 mnt r= 133mm Jy 46% 10% mat ry=2mm 3=203 mm f= 182mm Properties of One $ 150 26 d= 152mm) re= 577 mm ry= 171 mm (0.8 x 108 mnt 952 x 108 mum © Slenderness ratio: 168 x 106 (2) + 0.952 x 106 36.952 x 108 mam! © 380%. 08x 108 + [46x 10+ ss800739"7] 2 | 12254 x 108 @ Allowable compressive axial stress For A 572 Grade 50 steel y= 50000 psi 5x -5000019.81 V DHOS ANOS F/=345.58 MPa {Capacity of the column section. 12730(155.62) P=1981kN P=Al, Due to wind load only: & water tank with a gross weight of 100 kN when empty is supported by five 220 nares 160 mom x 10 ram steel angle columns (battered 1 horizontal to 4 vertical) equally distant from each other supported on concrete footings on a base of 48 mr in ameter. The tank is subjected to'a wind pressure of $4 KN and is ating at a vertical distance of 6 mt above the ground. Determine the maximum height of water that the fank could support neglecting, wind pressure on the columns and brocings, Sensidering only 2:4 the unsupported length of column. Diameter of the tank j 2 meters. and its height is # m. Use NSCP Specifications: F,~ 450 MPa f= S075 Solve forthe least moment of inertia, Properties of 100 min x 100 mm x 10 mm angle: using, Mobrs Circle: A= 1900 mm? topes a myn = 1.8% 106-092 «108 "I 1,=1.8 108 mmé ee Ian 0188 x 106 mnt =y=287 min hy = 082 108 SOLUTION: 24 Sin it 074m, y= 24Sin 54° y= 194m 0005) M=324000Nm rAd ‘Assume area of one column as one: F124)? + 20.74) + 201.94)? 438 #9366 < 1i152 538 me a(t) 1220000) 2 Gi1s2} ‘5281 MPa Pear P= 1900(8281) P=187339N By ratio and proportion: A w s075+ 2 = Ww 15730948) _ 540754 ¥ #12, = MS + 5 193407 N mi 1. of water and empty tank 49807 ae aero) ooo = 303m. 539 16,30 Problem: ‘A cylindrical water tank full of water is sufficiently anchored atthe top of a triangular steel tower, The tower has 75 x 75 x 12 mm steel angle columns amply braced on. concrete footings A, 8 and C equally distant from each other and 4 m. apart. A. horizontal wind pressure of 30 KN acts on the tank 5.5 m. above the ground. Neglecting wind pressure on the column and bracings and taking 2.5m. as the unsupported length of the column, for what maximum weight of the tank will the lower sustain the load. Use NSCP Specifications. Fy = 250 MPa Properties of 75x75 x12 mm angle 1y=092%105 mm! * Pe Th 2325 mm SOLUTION: / 33m Position of colushn to obtain maximum sttess. To obtain Inin- Use Mohs Circle: nen ly ly (efor to Mobrs Circle) 192% 10° 0.53 x 10° 139 x 108 mmt Jae ae 3 ‘Moa Stes Ce Catan 1778 Coin Sin 148 mm, a ‘iva L _ 254.0) ant) L rule TG wREN TS 540 Bs Con VN 250 Co =12566 < 169 122 Use Fe 23) ‘ar? 200000) 23169) Fy 3606 MPa Paar, P =1774(36.06) P= 62970 be ‘M = 30000155) M = 165000 N.m M165 10° Nine ‘Assume area of one angle as one mn? 1 2(1.15 x 10007 + 1(231 x 1000)? 17.98 «10° mnt fialtf px Mss ue.s1i0000 798 x 10 mm! fi 47763 N/mm? f= 47763 N/colurn P__ WA+47763 a. 0970, W/3 4.97763 az 7 soro7= W a arzes Io 30 ins igor} - —, at aad Zz ast 2 ° Tire (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 16.31 Problem: Lbetermine the allowable total Toad on the steel column in plan with unsupported lungth of 5m. Use the allowable stress of: 16E ie (275) where: E =200 GPa Vroperties of one angle 150 x 100 x 20 mm) 102 x 106 mam 61 x 10 mmé ‘owuTion: ‘A= 4478(2) A= 8956 mm? 1y=2{u02 10% + 44786972] dy = 52.32 x 10° mm* [961 x10) + 40780747] 39108 mnt y= Ay day = $478(59.71274) 2 y= 1465 108 mt Ie-h= (6232-13910 1y-1y=3842x 106 mm 44 = 1921 «108 met 542 ____ /STRUCTURAUSTEEUDESIGN! RE 14.65 x 10 + 9.21 x 10°F R=2.16x 106 mmb ha Hl Jo 3311x108 mm in 24 Min, 1 = 33.11 x108- 24.16 x 10° Min, £ = 895% 10° mut 5 51000) 316 15823 _16e (ex ~ 82003109 ask9 075) f= 638 Ma f P= 8956(46.48) 16.3 KN (allowable load on ste! coluran) 543 16.32 Problem: ‘1 150 mm x 160 mn x 16 mim angular section is used as a column having an unsupported length of 3 n. Using the NSCP Specs., compute the safe axial load that ‘teould carry if F,= 250 MPa ant E, = 200,000 MPa Properties of 150 uns x 100 mmx 16 mm 1,2840x 108 miné 1y=3x 10 mmt x= 259mm y=509 mm A=3740 mm? 0-23.46" SOLUTION: Using Mohr's Circle: 22x10" Cos20 = 228 R=395 x 10 5.27 ~ 3.95) (10) Syag = 1.32 108 rt 544 aE Bue F, = 122% @o0000) °° 23 (159.66) Use: Fy Paar, P= 3740 (40.4) 151096 N P=15L1kN 16.33 Problem: AW 14 x 84 section is used as a hinged-end column to support a column load vf 1200 kN, F, = 450 MPa, E = 200000 MPa. Properties of W14x 84 Aw 15935 mm? 55.7 me 671 een Determine the maximum length ofthe column section SOLUTION: afar Fy = Raw ‘60 386 K=10 thinged-ond) wren KE 936, solve lar alowabebengstes i> 7531 MP te BUF = 128? 200,000) #23 83.66" F,= 11740 > 7531 MPa 546 547 Use the formal _ re Bue 16.34 Problem: In the bridge truss shown in figure 16.34, the end chord AB is composed of two C 230 1 30 chants latticed together so that the fabricated section has equal moments of inertia about the axes of symmetry. Properties of €230.x30 1y=255%10° mm? A =3800 mm? ‘Compute the stenderness ratio of section AB, Compute the capacity of member AB. If the safe load P on the truss is B. ‘governed by the strength of member | 3m AB, which of the following gives the value of P using NSCP Specifications with f= 290 MPa Figure 16.34 SOLUTION: ) Slendemess ratio of section AB. Ar=2(3800) Ay= 7600 mare 1, = 1y=2255% 106) BI x10 rn! ‘Trass members are pin connected 50 = 1 id eno ro GSE Ke a Capacity of member AB: pee Vee Re GORI 2 Go 667 « KE 24 bee Fe 12 Use Fes Se KLAP po BS 200105 ae S221 08 MPa F, Pag = 7600(69.08) Pag=760(69.08) Pag= 525 kN Value of P 3 isos, 4 (525) P=210kN 548 _STRUCTURAL STEEU'DESIGN) 16.35 Design of Lacing and Tie Plates When compression members are built up from more than one section itis necessary for them to be connected to each other by lacing together across their open sides in order to hold the component parts of the laced column in position so as to maintain the shape of the overall colurnn cross section and provides also lateral support for the component column segments at each connecting point. It also act as a ‘web replacement to resist shear. In addition to lacing, itis necessary to have tie plates {also called stayplates or baiten plates) at the ends of the member and at intermediate [points if the lacing is interrupted. Fae P Sie aving Ps Ierpeit te Pe feet ie craptint NSCP Specifications: © Thickness of the tie plates shall be atleast equal to 1/50 the distance between the connection lines on rivets, bolts oF welds, 2 Min. length of tie plate = distance between the rivet lines. Tie plates should a length parallel to the axis of the main member at least equal to the distance between the connection lines. Lacing is assumed to be subjected to a shearing stress normal to the member equal to 0.02 of the etal compression of the member. 6 100 frag ling << 200 for double lacing of single chad shouldbe es than 3 E of the oka ® Double lacing must be used if the distance between the rivet line is more than 15° (380 mm) Single lacing is used if the distance between the rivet line is les than 380 mm. STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN 49 16.36 Problem: wo channels having the given properties shown is placed at a distance of 300 mm Iuack to back and is properly connected by a pair of lacings as shown. Properties of one channel A= 5690 mn? 305 mim =17mm 1, = 673% 10° mmt y= 2.12 10° mmé r= 193mm ‘muna p—200— 1 ‘Assume Determine the safe allowable axial load that the column section could carry. Unsupported height of column = 6m > Design also the riveted lacing for the column section. Fy = 250 MPa, F, = 152 MPa for rivets. Use 16 mm rivets. Distance between rivet lines = 260 mm SOLUTION: y 1) Safe allowable axial load A= (245690) A= 11380 | | 1,=2673)108 Ltd 1, = 1346x108 I = [212 «106+ 5690013394) 2 1y= 20555 x 10° 550 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGRE @ cK?) By 2c J FS wer [ Hk REP BC BS 1D 185179 ‘B(125.66) * 8(125.66)° FS.= 182 (5.17% ] 250 om [1 18 Fo 12812 MPa Pear, P= 11380(124.12) Pe 141248 N (safe ond carried by the elim) (STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Design of lacings: 300 nn» ‘Sheac tobe resisted by the lacings bars: V-=0.02P (NSCP Specs ) 10241412486) 8250 N’ fortwo lacings v ¥ z 4125 N for one lacing bar Since the distance between rivet line is 260 nm less at than 390 mm, use single lacing CCas30" = 14125 a €=16310N : L 260 = L. Cos 30° a So L=30022 aa £ ssa $L soul bess thn 3 oft colon acon 3002 oy ony 7 = ABP? of one channel L 2 PF 21856 < Fosine atas 552 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN) CHAPTER SEVENTEEN LEwWleatTS 17.1. Classifications of Steel Section Subjected to Local Buckling ANSCP Specifications) 12030 > C,= 125.66 ¢,- 1E A. Compact Sections: “BU 1. Thetanger must cortinuonsy connected othe web or webs +, Bao 2 Widheticess rina iecompresson cements poate, 2) Fangs ol shaped led beams and chanesin leare c=4r, be 2 16310 = 8(6{60.66) ’ b=61mm Flanges of shaped weld bens in xu rivets are used = 30 mm 6.10 eee akties ol ae oe = : Use 0x G0 »200:2 wit lings Flanges of square and rectangular box and hollow structural sectiors of uniform thickness subject to bending or compression. coring ro ts Range cover plats and diageagm plaecbeneenas oases eis v Beg 500 —, re Fee (n/4) a VEo ats Webs nex compression ” Ga/a) U6F d _ 1680 Fea M28 150 Gof 1 Facies 6) Websin combine ere snd asl cmpresin in eng diane between he set ne 1 then £ < ons Min. length = 260 mm a on #180 (1a fe) Min, thickness. 5 distance between rivet lines te VF Fy : Min tines = 4, 20) wien £ > 016 Min thins = 522mm say Son os (Use 260 mm x 6 mm x 300 rane tie plates 554 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! 1) Cirealar hollow sections 1. Imaxial compression or flexure D . Zz0 rr Non Compact Sections: 1. Flanges of shaped rolled beams and cham in members 7 otherwise Kn19 : 7) : pla” projcing itn valed Nae scone atte aoe em en VE 4. Angles or plates projecting from girders, built up columns or other compression members, compression flanges of plate girders, 5. Stems of tees b "VF, 4. Unstiffened elements simply supported aleng one edge, such as legs of Single-ongle struts, legs of double angle struts with separators and eross br slar Shaped cross section 200 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Flanges of square and rectangular box and hollow strucitzal sections of uniform thickness subject to bending or compression, flange cover plates and diaphragm plates between lines of fasteners or welds. be 25. iE Unsupported width of cover plates perforated with » suecession of access hoes. a2 VF, All other uniformly compressed stiffened elements, thet is supported along two edges, » . 664 Ie Webs in flexural compression or combined flexwial and axial compression fg 195 fv Slender Element Section : IU the width-thickness ratios of any compression element exceeds the latter applicable value, the section is slender clement section 556 STRUCTURAL STEEUDESIGN! | STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN ‘556 CC STRUCTURARSTEEUIDESIGN 17.2 Unstiffened Elements Is a projecting piece with one free edge parallel to the direction of the ‘An unsiffened element isa projecting piece with one free edge parallel to the compression force direction of the compression force while a stiffened element is supported along, the two edges in the direction, For unstiffened elements, which are supported along only one edge, parallel tothe compression force, the width shall be taken as 1. Unstiffened elements with a width "b" and thickness “fof the elements in ae For flanges of [shaped = members and tees, the width “br is half the full nominal width, guestion For legs of angles and flanges of channels and zees the width, ‘eis the full nominal dimensions Stiffened elements with wiclth°S and thickness F of the elements in question, = distance from the edge to the first row of fasteners or lines of welds Oo D For stems of tees “a” is taken as ‘nominal depth 558 17.3 Stiffened Elements 6 {A projecting piece which is supported along the two edges parallel to the direction ofthe compression force For stiffened elements, the width shall be taken as follows: For webs of rolled, built up or formed seetions, fis the clear distance between flanges For webs of rolled, built up or formed sections. “a” isthe full nominal depth. For flange oF diaphiagm plates in built up sections, the wicth ‘DY is the distance between adjacent lines of fasteners or Lines of welds For flanges of rectangular hollow structural section the width "6" is the clear distance between the webs less. the inside corner radius on each side. IF the comer radius is not know, the flat width maybe taken 28 the total section width minus three times the thickness b= W-3t 17.4 Compression Members with Local Buckling Avially loaded members and flexural members conta ning elements subject to compression which have a width-thickness ratio in excess of the applicable non compact value shall be proportioned according to whether unstifened or stiffened compression elements Unstiffened Compression Elements. ‘The allowable stress of unstiffened compression elements whose width thickness ratio, the applicable non-compact value shall be subject to a reduetion factor Q, Forsingle angles 340-0.001702 (2) VF Equation 1744 2, 407 @ When 2 > $02 Pe se Equation 12.42 nO For angles or plates projecting from columns or ether compression members, and for projecting elements of compression flanges of beams and girders x Equation 743 180640 . Fy to Equation (744 For stems of tes: 3b, 462 ® When 333

6 ek. Fe KE Values of Q, for stiffened elements when #3 pits oe “Atal area Actual area ipl (2)+ bE Effective area Equation 1752 Equation 17.6.1 563 17.7 Compression Members with Local Buckling ‘A double angle is used as the top chord of a given truss shown ie figure 17.2. Its composed of 2 angles 2 225 x 100 x 12 mm. with short legs back to back, Thickness of gusset plate is 9 mm, Bracing is provided in the plane of the top chord every 2.21 Total length of the top chord is 8.8m. but bracing between trusses & such that latensl ‘support occurs only at the ends of the top chord, Neglect the contribution of nvfing ‘olaterel support. Use 4 36 steel. K = 1.0, E,= 200000 MPa Compute the reduction factor due to lacal buckling of compression member ® Compute the allowable compressive stress forthe top chord Compute the maximum axial compressive force which the lop chord can carry safely Properties of ? angles 2225 x 100 x12 mm with short legs back to back AW stee! 1857 men 248 MPa SOLUTION: 1» Reduetion factor due to local buckling of compression member: Figure 177 127 © 1875 < 25.88 200 S68. Vin Compute the reduced effective wid 2 6 Be se ars 2B b, 664 PE Reduced effective width be eu fram] cy . ii] 46 Vis 95 b= 258.17 < 276 ok Etfective area Aag= Ag area of shaded section Aag= 7656 -1783(6) Ayg= 7549.02 mm? 568 Ogu Efetice aren “Actaal are 754902 7555 986 a 2 2=2,0, = 05070986) Q= 0.894 KL _ 2400 r 6819 35.09 Mog sf). eu] te Fox Q eee KLIN) (xy 5 | W509 _@son 838.44) 121.41 MPa ISTRUCTURALSTERLIDESION’ STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! Recompute the value off FF, f=121.410.907) f= ti9.12 sig. fy. SS lee] 278.76 < 27 ye Ara of ined ston Aug 7656-0246) Aqg= 765456 Ss Efe ara o> Feta area ¥ Sale axial capacity PaFAy nag fr Se = 0.998907) Q=0%5 570 STRUCTURAL ) CHAPTER EIG HTEEN ade) Je AXIAL een 18.1. Design for Axial Compression and Bending. Bending Moments in compression members tends to increase lateral deflections than moments in tension members. Incroase lateral deflections in turn resulls in larger moments, The members are then subjected to both axial snatending stress acting simultaneously fB aM entinginene eis? BMC MG engin bth ad 18.2 NSCP Specifications for axial compression with bending. rs.2h ASO. 509 Merbers ubjeced to both axial compreion and bending stremes chal a2657 be proportional to satisfy the following requirements. aE fe ep gate soma “a a in wut], a L sony ] 248 , pens 2(132.63P 4 1.763 When gece Peay fee she cro Egution 1823 P=FyAy computed axial stress peared om (eee eee eerie pet ae axial compressive stress that would be permitted if axial force alone existed F, = compressive bending stress that would be permitted if bending ‘moment alone existed 572 Lae, BaF Equation 18.24 11, = actual unbraced length in plane of bending, y= the radius of gyration inthe plane of bending K = effective length factor in the plane of bending 18.3. Cy, = modification factor or reduction factor whose value shall be taken as follows. 4) For compression members in frames subject oot translation When there i sdeowy. Cy = O85 1) For rotallonaly restained compression members in {rames traced against joint rarslation (no sidesay) and mat subject fo traneverse loading between ther supports inthe plone of i bending. Cy= 060-040 (28) where FFE = ‘the rato ofthe smaller to lager moments atthe ends of the portion of the member unbraced in the plane of bending under consideration. gli postive when the member i bent in reverse curvature My Fit IS negative when bent in single curvature ©) For compression members in frames braced against joint translation in the plane of loading and subjected to transverse loading between their suports, the value of Cy maybe cletermined by analysis, however in lieu of such analysis, the following values are permitted 1. For members whose ends ae restrained against rotation in the plane of bending. Cy,=D85 2. For members whose ends are unrestrained against rotation an the plane of bending. C, For bending in one axis: The value of 1 is called the amplification factor, G- 4) which is larger than 7.0 ‘n= i called the modification factor which is equal to or less than LO 120? E - BEE, a() Magnification factor = If the magnification is as 4 ___sriuerumavsreeemetem 18-4 Values of Gm for compression members subjected to transverse loading cee between ther supers, ‘te cour sto support an aia loud of 100 KV ada moment about the tong ] 1 ‘sso he cole secon agua to 340 8Nm. The oka hens height of 54 a Mositation cer(Cm)| | tsbutens pirconeced and ist be lately bed inthe oak dona case Amplcaton nor | MOA the mid height. The comprenion member fs subjcted ee ition aeanay) . (q=088. f= 20000MPa, Fy e250MPe. Eo. Deng Wiseaon teary abe [RR oie t Tj o | ia : Properties of available W section fa Section aye ]>u]w 3. Heise = | T {mm) | (mm) | (mm) | (mm) | (mm?) Ea caenrvetitrterii tae on | ea Wiebe 372_[ 37 | 262 | 164 [aro © W360x262. 387 398 333. 21.1 | 4620x107 Wo10x140) 250 [222 [131 [3630x107 W760x161 758 [266 [193 4900x105 Linge (KL) Kin BC. BCS Summary for values of reduction facter Cy, for beam-column interaction equations. When there isno sidesway @ When there is sidesway C= 085 F Column with teansverseloading 1 Cye tees 576 Use 80% of F, = 0.8150) 120 Trial §, = 4533 x10 Try W360 x 262 A=33500mm? > 31667 5, = 4620 10? > 4833 x 10? 163 ky, 10270 OD, = Sa? (2), = 2037 577 pg 284 38803) 63357 _ 3 * 812566) ~ 8125 667° FS.= 17% 93.13) ] 250 ee [1s] Be a7 Ju=56.72MPa 567 ih 12a! Ey "BRE = 12 (200000) Fes Sy tga3y Fy',=93830 MPa 580 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN] © fending stressif bending moment alone existed M, fu St fen TOO fe T2005 108 for 5853 Ma 2: Interaction vale: Cue=O85 for comprsion mans byte ot an (ieseay ee Bian 1292 200000) 5 (300)? 18.7 CE Board May 2007 1 W 8 x 27 steel column 6 m. long is pin connected at the top and the bottom and is prt of a frame subjected to joint translation (side sway). It carries an axial load of Si KN and a counter clockwise moment at the top and a clockwise moment at the Iuttom which is only 90% of the moment at the tp. Properties of W 8x27 section A=0)013 m* 1194 mm S, = 0.00099 m? y= 248 MPa = 200000 MPa K-10 Which of the following gives the axial compressive stress if axial load only existed. 2 Which ofthe following gives the allowable axial compressive stress. 3 Ifthe allowable bending stress is 149 MPa, what is thr vali of the moment at the twp. SOLUTION: Axial compressive stress Pp 13 (1000 ie> 6154 Ma 5, FE 3(KLA) | (KLEE? BG aC? 8 3 5, 316383) (6383) F825 + pipet 826.17) FS.= FS. = 184 ref 885] 28 11753 MPa (STRUCTURADSTEEUDESIGN Moment at the top he Sfe— rp oO Ate C= 0185. frames subject to aint translation (sidesway) Jan E, a(Ky ‘12x? (200000) 23 (63.83)? y= 252.77 MPa rome 085 hs 35277 fae i. Cale ie "Obs or 11733 Jos = 63:15 MPa M, fu M $38 90039 (1060P 2M =6252x 10° Nnm M=6252 kN 18.8 Problem: ‘A W 10 x 45 column carries a central load and a lateral load as shown in figure 186. Use A 36 steel Fy=248 MPa. C,=1.0 for unrestrained ends. K= 10, Properties of W 10.45 A= 8516 mm? 4=25705 mm y= 20876 mm y=1570 mm y=889 mm Sy = 805 x 10° 5,=218x19 11 =10998 mm 1j= 508mm Figure 18.8 Compute the allowable compressive axial stress Compute the allowable bending stress. ® Is the column safe to carry the loads if so, what is the total interaction value for both axial and bending stresses. Souumion: Sec ee aa as + = 508 EL arsine C= 12617 > 78.74 5, 378.74) 7s74 = 3° 83517) 31125178 ne [h- 78.7492] 248 = LY aarp liar F,=106.79 MPa Allowable bending stress y= 4000. (anbraca ent) 1, = 2 oat ky /200(203.76) err 2588 oy 1. 137900 __ (25705), 303.7615) 1, = 6520 mm. b> ky chy Use Fy= 0.50 Fy F,=06(248) Fy=1488MPa 586 ___ STRUCTURAL STEE DESIGN! Total interaction value for both axial and bending stresses. My, 4Ry + 90(0.3) = 20(2) Ry=325KN R= 20-335 Ry = 16.75 KN Max. M 16.750) Max. M.= 33.50 kN. z a a= 450000 + 90000) , fe 8516 fo= 5341 MPa 106.79 MPa fo, 64) i F, 7 106.79 fe fe = 0593 > 015 ie + Gann we Goi <8 b nob f= 2350810" ‘505 x 10° fn 41.51 MPa 18.9 Problem: A steel column section carries an axial load of 1784 kN and a clockwise moment of 272 kN.m at the top and a counter clockwise moment of 272 EN.nt at the bottom. In the plane of loading, there is no bracing and the column is subjected to sidesway, Use Kr=192and Ky= 1.0. Fy= 248 MPa. E, = 200000 MPa, isis Properties of steel column: A = 29999.94 mm? 4 =381 mm b= 394.97 mm = j= 30.18 mm 7 tye= 18.54 mm " = 162.56 mim 101.60 mem 4146 » 108 anon 7 1570 x 10° man © Compute the allowable axial stress ifenly axial stress occured, ® Compute the allowable bending stressif only bending stress occurred, 4 Compute the interaction value of kth axial and compressive stresses and indicate the adequacy of the column section ‘SOLUTION: } Allowable axial stress: Kel, | 19215400) To T6236 ibs gaze Kuby. 1.06400) fo 0160 KL ule 505 C= 12647 [ser] = 3 BURL) (KLIP 5, 316378) (6370p 31 w2617) * Ba2517F 184 fee [1 gee] 28 . 2(126.17) J 1.84 10756MPa Allowable bending stces tye 2 37900 334.9760.18) 1y=17397 mm & Interaction value: C= 085 (subject to sidesway) Megniiction factor: Cy, 085 5947 i By Sa 2111 > 10 oF LE 084 < 1.0 (ape) Therefore the column is adequate to carry the Toads 18.10 Problem: 1" column has an unsupported height of 54 m8 pin connected at both ends with s. sways prevented, It carries an axial oad of 530 kNand a moment of 20 kN.m othe top and 13,4 kN, m at the bottom which causes bending about the major axis foingle curvature). Except for bracings at the top and the bottoms, there is no lateral lacing about either major and minor axis of the coluann 592 _____ STRUCTURAL STEEDDESIGN] Properties of steel section: A= 7450 mm? 4 =250 mm ty=204 men f= 136 mm 94 x 108 mm? 188% 10 mm? 1,108 mm 504mm tas BOIN © Compute the allowable compressive stress ofthe column section @ Compute the combined axial and bending interaction value, ® Compute the amplification factor SOLUTION: © Allowable compressive stress K=10 (pin connected kL _ (S100 ro Se KL woras (kuin? | Fy 2CF FS + Buk) | kur? BC BCS woz.ig) 07.14 125.66) ° 8(125.667" [»- gee] 20 2425 6571 170 ‘Combined interaction value Gu 060-040 (F1) —sdeays prevents 3 Ca=060-040 (184) (singe coratre Co = 0868 1, = 202 VA Lex 200808) v2 L.= 2580 mm by 132900 ‘2XN250 204(13.6) Ly= 6121 mm y= 5400 mm Ly > Le = 2580 mm Ly < L)=6121 mm 594 Use Fy = 000 Fy Fy = 060(250) Fyp= 150 MPa funn 20x08 fo BTS Jog = 2881 MPa Bee Fes BRA IS kL, uxsian m7 Magnification factor = “Magnification factor = —2868 1 Ae ‘412 e " Magnification factor = 1.089 > 1.0 of 0.961 < 1.0 (ok safe) Amplification factor: Amplification factor ‘Amplification factor = Amplification factor = 1.209 596 18.11 Problem: A.4.8m. column is acted pon by an anil gravity losded of 76 KV and a uniform load fof WKN/m as shown in the figure 1811. The column section is a W 12 x 58, A 36 steel with lower end built in. Assume K,=080, K,=21, F,=248MPo, 200000 MPa. Cy = 0.85 Properties of W12 x58 run A= 11082 me? 309.63 mm by =254.36 mm y= 16.28 mm t= 912mm S_= 1280 10% mm? Sy= 351108 mm? 7.213411 mm 6375. mm Figure 18.12, © Compute the allowable axial stress © Compute the required spacing of lateral bracing for maximum uniform lateral loading. @ Compute the maximum uniform lateral loading allowed using the calculated spacing of lateral bracing, SOLUTION: Allowable axiat stress: KL _ @sy(sa00) 7 7 TMT k, KL _ 803 2.1(4800) C75 = 126.17 < 15812 122 BRU 128? 200000 fo asa 11.19 MPa Use Fy= ‘Spacing of lateral bracing for max. lateral loading: bw Ob 200 (254.36) V8 1, = 230mm, Use b= 3.23 m, (spacing of lateral bracing) Max. uniform lateral loading: 108 (compact section) f= 13350 MPa 13350 = —M 1280x108 (M = 17088 x 10° Nem ‘M=17088 KN. we Me 2 rose = Wat W = 59.33 KNin 18.12 Problem: W shape columns are sed to support crane ral as shown in figure 1812. The tp of the columns are braced against sidesway in the direction along, the crane rail (K = 080) but sidesway is not prevented in the direction perpendicular tothe crane ral (= 2.10). Using NSCP Specifications. frais wasn ; j iW she | Ky=2.10 A 5-080 : Figure 1812 Properties of W section 11419 mm? b= 25591 mm y= 250 MPa y= 1735 mm = 26035 mm S_=1100x 1 mm? 5,= 379x102 D_ Which ofthe following. gives the allowable axial stress. 2 Which ofthe following gives the allowable bending stress, 1) Which ofthe following gives the allowable max eccentricity the erane rails could bbe placed on top of the W shaped colurnns if the max. expected renetivn on the rails is 75 kN. 600 STRUCTURAL STEELDESIGN! | ([STRUCTURAUSTEEMIDESIGN = 601 SOLUTION: © Allowable axial stress 8 Allowable max. eccentricity A (DRO 180 fof (KL) _ 0. 25000 (B= SOR = 9808 + = 7m fom 6558 Use XE 2 150 > Ca APE * M c= {2 aonIN) fos 250 75000 ¢ C= 125.66 PF To0x18 “122k BUF ag conga 1435 < 0.15 251150) 457 MPa ® Allowable bending stress veh sft sro 75000 6568, Tto0x18__, a7 1%) igo MaRS 21843 mm = 23237 mm 1, = —137900_ wd 18.13 Problem: af 137900 5 ige ‘AW 250 x58 A36 steel column is pin connected a the top and bottom with side ways Bas being prevented. The upper hinge is eccentric by 25 nnn causing bending about the inajor axis. The column is 5.4 m. high without any lateral bracing column, Using y= 9409 mm SCP Specifications. Lon te Which of the following gives the allowable axial stress forthe column Which of the following gives the allowable bending stress for the column. + Fy=06F, = 06(250) Which ofthe following gives the maximum safe axial load P. Fy= 150 MPa 602 Properties of W12 x58 SOLUTION: Allowabie axial stress for the column: K=1 (pimconnected KL _ (16100) _ 1g, KL. (UY5409) ~ yo7.14 iy 2n (200000) ce JED 125.66 2CF suki) _ (KLEE a rs - 84 MIOZI) 0714p = 3 * (12565) ~ 825.667 sc bedi : FS 1696 [1 cet] 2g aasea# | 1958 F_=93.83 MPa 203135) y= 6008 mm Loy bel, Use Fy= 000 F, Fhe 000 Fy F,= 0.60250) Fy= 150MPa Maximurn safe axial load P: fe Assume fF > 015 18.14 Problem: AW 200 x 46 is used as continuous top chord member from joint A to joint B of a tuss shown in figure 18.14. It carries a purlin load of 44 RN and a compressive stress ‘of S5DEN. Use NSCP Specification. F,= 345 MPa Properties of W 200 x46 y Se= 44810? mn? ae 5y=151x10 mn? Peer ‘fed ended © Which ofthe following gives the value of Cy @ Which ofthe following gives the Figure 12:34 value of the permissible axial stress if axial forcealone existe. Which of the following gives the interaction value due to axial and bending, Value of the ei axial stress Use F066 F, _12e2 E KL _ {1)(4000) _ Re 23 15.40)? $99.66 MPa For loadings as shown: -02 fi Can 1-02 fi - 93.86) y= 1-02 $388) Cu = 0.962 (6, = 40 905 (4), 18000 5.49 tee 24ktda oe 145.4 moe oy 1. 35 * 800697) ~ p82 71106 97 70.61 MPa Interaction value due to axial and bending: fa 386 ga 5 F, > i7er ~ 059 > O15 te fs ES ea (ha Fy-065F, Fi, = 0.66(345) f= 227.70 MPa 9286. 149.11) TR * GE an 055+0.26 = DBL < 1.0 (safe) 93.86. iaet * 2277 055+ 022 = 0.77 <1.0 cso 10 18.15 Problem: AW 12 x 167 is used as a column to support an axial load of 1784 kN and moments about the x-axis equal to 180 kN. and moment about the y-axis of 60 KN. The column section has an unsupported height of 3.6 m. consisting of A 36 steel with y= 248 MPa. which is braced ageinst sidesway, There ave na transverse loads and K,= Land K, = 1,0, The column is bent in reverse curvature about both axes with ‘equal end moments ray Properties of W12 X 161 30580.6 mm? = 352.55 mm r= 44.78 mm 1.28 mam © Compute the allowable axial stess if only axial stress occurs. ®@ Compute the allowable bending stress about the x-axis, ® Compute the allowable bending stress about the y-axis © Determine the adequacy of the column section by computing the interaction values of axial and bending stresses. SOLUTION: © Allowable ania stress Kile _ 1.00600 tr, ” 14478 Kite = 2487 Kuby _ 100600) ty Blas Kubs « 1429 a Co= 12617 > 44.29 Kune) Fy toe Fem [1 SEE] eg = 5, SKU) | (KLir)® 33 SE + Ha429) | (44.299 BS= 3 gci36i7) * aaa! Fs 176 re [roe] 28 a 326.178] 176 F,=13223MPa Allowable bending stres about the x-axis: 200 be Vey 2001788) Yoib = 4037 ars 18922 Allowable ber cling sess about the y-axis Fy 075 Py foex 2802100 f= 3538 x 10 for= 49.48 MPa M f= St Sige SOE 8" Dre S824, LoWPas) , 1047.13) . haze * Mead’ * M2? = 0997 < 10 (ety ali + ft a fw 10 O8 Fy * Fo * Fey 83, 4948 | 4713 aay + HS - 2B = 0008 < 10 wooo The column section is adequate to carry the given loads 18.16 Problem: AW 12x 72 is used a> « eulumnns to carry an axial load of #46 ANY acting as shown in the figure 18.16. Assume K = 1.0 and the columns are subject to join: translation ‘causing the column to sidesway. C= 0.85 The columm height is 54m. Properties of W 12X72 A= 13677 mm? d= 31115 mm y= 305.82 mm = 1204 mm - te = 10.82 mm, 5," 1598 x 10? mm? S,=531 x10? mm? r= ABT ty= 7722.0 y= 248 MPa. Figure 18.16 ‘Compute the allowable compressive axial stress if only axial stress occurs, Compute the allowable bending stress with respect to x-axis if orly bending stress occurs, Compute the value of eccentricity ¢. SOLUTION: Allowable compressive axial stress KL eo Be c ‘2n* (200000) C= 12617 > 6993 se f= [1 CD 254 SKU). (Ktiny rs05 862 - Ger Fs = 8 HOD) (695939 3° 8026.17)” 802617 anf: Fy= 113.46 MPa 2 Allowable bending stress y= 5400 mn 1, Re VF, 1, = 200,905. 248 1, = 3884 mm 137500 ae: 305.82(17.04) = 9313 mm bok chy Use Fy= 060 Fy Fy = 06(248) Fy= 1488 MPa @ Value of fice ime l= RKP KL | (y5s00) | 7 > “13437 ~ 4008 1222 (200000) Fes “Saan.047 Fy'g = 642.38 fyye le 7 BRE fy, = 122 ooo 5400 2 Gra) M, = 44000(100) My= 44.6% 0 Nenin Joo= SS 6 F598 x 10° Jin = 2791 MPa Fy= O75 Fy Fy = 0.75(248) Fy= 186 MPa 516 617 Fos Fa 18.17 Problems + Gayla , nybr o4.9 fn (Ary AW 14.48 A 36 steel column 3.4 m long supports én axial load of 300 KN and the “e lateral loads indicated in figure 18.17, The compression flange is laterally restrained inst rotation atthe top of the column. Assume Kes 21 and Ky + O80, 248 MPF. 20000 MPa Properties of W 1448 A = 9097 mm? 4 =35077 mm y= 20899 mm {y= 15.06 mm t= 861mm S_= 11504 x10 mm Sy= 209.75 x10? mm? 148.5 mm 724851 mm } “a Fie tt7 re By Compute the allowable axial stress Compute the allowable bending stress with respect to x-axis. Compute the interaction value of the combined axial and bending stress to 2, FBS + BOQZIY | LU 9 indicate whether the section is adequate or not, Use NSCP Specifications My Jom 3, ue SOLUTION: 96 0= se 1) Allowable axa stress: KyLy _ 2.100 My= S134 x:10°Namm re 88H ae My= 446000 ¢,) re = 4997 - Kuby _ 08003400) 51.34% 10 = 4460000, ty 4851 = 115.11 mm Hate 5 soar 618 tol Lsh Use Fyg= 060, Fo = 0.60(248) Fyp= M88 MPa c= 12617 > 56.07 (Bee 2G? 2 kU) (kun BC ace 5, 35607 (6: 802517) ° 826.17 Interaction value: w , _ 6607 }2 | onli i Fy= 122.81 MPa ® Allowable bending stress along the x-axis ‘Ly= 3400 mun (unbraced length) fe, bee OOF, * Be 200 a Jing moment about ax ws ie Sending moment about x-axis «20020399 M,=1064) VoB My = 34k 1, = 2590 mm Bending stress about x-axis: mM, 208.95(15.06) 1, 24870 me fux= 2955MPa 620 Bending moment about y-axis: tana 248.84 2) 4) 28204 @) a4 Re1785kN aan =a 8! vase M=20.23kN.m ‘My = 20.23 Nm Bending sess: M fig 5 _22ax 10 Pos 708.75 x 108 ay 9645 MPa Caz = 0.85 (mermbers whose ends are restrained against rotation) Cry = 0.85 (members braced against joint translation and subjected to transverse loading between their supports) Enlers stress fy 2 PRE > BED 122 200000 234977 41246 (SMUGTORAU STEEL DESIGN Lon Bika? 128 200000 Fey 2356.07) 22758 Rye Allowable bending stress about y-axis Fyy=075 Fey (bending about rear axis) Fay= 0750048) Fay= 186 MPa fe, Sale, Gaul 19 0 Bre Of) 3298, 1.002958) _ 1.009645) _ og 122.81 * (1488) * (186) = 085 <0 afd) Cheek also: 3298, 29.58 , AS. 0.999 < 1.0 (safer | i 18.18 Problem: [An eccentric load P is placed at an eccentricity of 180 mm from the x-axis and 290 mm from the y-axis. The W 10 x 60 column has an unsupported height of 4.5 m. Fy 345 MPo, E = 200000 MPa Assume Kx 1.0 and K,= 10. Properties of W 10x 60 f i A= 11419 mm? aa y= 1054 mm 8,= 1100 108 mm? 5y=3785 x10" mm? r= 11231 mm r= 65.23mm © Compute the allowable compressive axial stress that would be permitted if axial force alone existed ® Compute the allowable bending stress about the strang axis that would be permitted if bending moment alone existed. @ Compute the safe value of P. SOLUTION: © Allowable compressive axial stress: KeL _ (1(@500) t. * M201 Kel 5 soar (2344500) 65.28 = 6893 Allowable axial stress: [See A 262 anu) - smug Use: F, = SAG. Fin 5 A sneahs _ [iy co932_] 385, ne [ithe ® f= 14619 MPa Allowable bending stress about x-axis- 14=4500 man 204 Ve bow 200,055.90 HS Les 2756 mm 1, = 132500. ee Fd oy 137900, 3A5(260.35)_ 255:91(0735) Ly= 6817 mm bok yc ly Allowable bending stress Fun 0608, Fu, = 0.600345) 207 MPa 3 Value of Asune f «ons fp sto F,= 146.19 MPa Fxc= 207 MPa Fy O73 Fy Fy = 0.75(345) Fy = 258.75 MPa hed 2 fe 5 ‘Jo=0,0000876 P Suen ge (180 Sor” Foo x18 fin= 0.000164 P Syn ED We" SIE Foy 0.000076 P fn he fof +f =10 0.0000876 P , 0.000164 P , 0.000766P _ 5 146.19 207 25875 P= 229786N 229786 f= Tins ‘fo=20,12MPa 2012 _ BBY, = 014 < 018 (old Fr Use P =229786.N, P=2298kN 626 18.19 Problem: AW 10 x 39 steel column carties an eccentric load of 220 KN acting as shown figure 18.19. The column has an unsupported length of 6 m. with a yield strength Fy=400 MPa, Assume K,=1.0 and Ky= 1.0, Cy=0.85. E= 200000 MP2. Assume the column to be part of a frame braced against joint translation, A=7419 mm? x yo 20255 mm ee ii, = La = 8.08 me S_= 691.5» 10° mm? 1835 x 108 mm? 7 108.46 mm y= 50.23 man Figure 18.19 © Compute the allowable compressive axial stress that would be permitted if axial force alone existed ® Compute the allowable bending stress along the x-axis that would be permitted if bending alone existed. @ Compute the value of eccentricity ¢ SOLUTION: © Allowable compressive axa tes: KL (M6000 77 08S Koh A 5532 KL _ axeooo 7% 7028 KE yo C= 935 < 1931 Allowable axial stress 1282 (200000) 23 (119.057 72.66 MPa ifbending alone existed: Allowable bending stress about x-axis y= 6000 min, i= MO vi, = 2020295 va00 y= 2030mm 13 he 7900, 202.95(13.41) Ly= 3716 bok > be Allowable bending stress: (Use bigger value but < 060 Fy) 172100, One 82740 Cy, Tr by 11721000) (107 975 y= 10054MPa i 0 for frames braced agains sidesuay 1 xa} 11283) 3=3761 yx 827400 + Go0052.48) 20295(13.41) Fy= 148.65 MPa A =20.95(1341) + 3761.08) A=3005.45 134120295), 37.61(8.08)° 2 12 9.383 x 108 Use Fy= 148.65 < 060 Fy =240 MPa Allowable bending stress F,,= 148.65 MPa oe Valueof TRAD . yop » \/SIROO Ye < w797 > fe) 4193 < 10797 > 93.76 a0. Sor ee ereieas STRUCTURAUSTERMIDESIGNEE a Allowable bending stess about weaker axis: Fig = O75 Fy Fay =075(400) Fay= 300 MPa Use interaction equation fe, Surfs, ee fF Check also: fe rf war, te B <10 Ie Fee LAF +. 12x? (200000) Fi, = Be @o0 #23 (65.32) My= 11x10 Nmm 336.53 . 085 7 Bes B65 fu fo G15 x 1 093 < 10 fix "1591 MPa “== 10 2968 , LOUSSI) , 14nd _ 1 9 -f 7s * (48.65) * (300) = Soy = 101.02. MPa M, fo My 183.5 x 105 My= 18.54% 10°Nmm My 1854-2206 © = 0.084 m 10102= Pe = 84mm 632 ee 18.20 Design of Beam-Columns using Equivalent Axial Load Method c, ($e The basic principle is to replace th> eccenteic load which produces ‘moment on the column by an equivalent axial load such that the canimum stress i causes is the same as the maximum slress produced by the eccentric Joad. In addition tothe axial load P, another load P* will be determined which 5 Gyasrnt a? will cause the same max. stress asthe actual bending moment Tat A PRE Poy =P +P" (equioalent arial lac) From the given equation with Bending abut cans oly. fe Sab cto bs Where 4,~ 1.92 x 106A? p Leg fe A Pb GyM le Bes AF,” P Bs (tah Multiply loth members by 4 F, MAR Cu acd se) AF. Se - Maliply both numerator and denominator ofthe factor Cig. — by, ‘aR FQ ae ream cn (GFR) amop0 This the Motte formula for bending about thea Kune ae PLBMCm (4) Gf) Equation 1820. LP Modified formula for bending in both x and y-axes. ters [atten OE ar] . [orca feta) ] Equation 1820.2 - e+ [oon] - [o, whee fe 015 Allowable Fi = 2 "YF 20025895 VvaB £,= 3289 mm 4, 137000 248(269.75) 258.95(22.05) y= 11770 mm y= 4500 mm ly> le bel Use Fay =0.60 Fy Fue 060248) Fue= M88 MPa r+ [amcn eta] 1464s Tax? By =0.01038 Mye 110% 10kNan My Cu = 060-04 Fi (na sideseny) Cm =060-04(-35) Cru = 0.80 97x 108 Ar? 97 x 10P (14645 (1140592 4,= 375.27 x 10 Nimmé KL= 1.018600) KL= 4600 P Pya Pe [amcn Eta | tyr 90: [eoacomasy ES Gar FBP a) ess Piy= I6H.BKN < 1664 KN! (08d (Equivalent axial fond that will cause a stress the same as the maximum slress produced by the actual loads using the modified formule) Check also F, P agin, * uM 900(113.63) : (11363) Pag rae + 0.01038(110000) 113.2 SOD KN < 1666 LN (ok) Fa ‘The section is safe to carry the given loads 19.1. Base Plates for Axially Loaded Columns Steel columns are placed on some type of supporting member or by a concrete footing, A base plate is necessary when a steel column terminates on any reinforced concrete footing (o spread the high intensity of stress in the steel to a value that can be safely cazried by the reinforced conerete footing, ‘These base plates can be welded directly to the columns by means of some type of bolted or welded lug angles. For small columns these plates are usually shop-wolded to the colurmne, but for lager colurins itis necessary to Install the plates separately and set them to eorrect position. The columns are thon set and connected to the footing with anchor bolts which pass through the lug angles which have heen chop welded to the columns, ‘The NSCP Specifications provides two allowable bearing pressures for ‘onerete supports, 4. Ifthe entire concrete area Az is covered by the plate whose area is Ay 5,205 b. Ur estan asp VR ww cory ‘The following stresses are recommended by the NSCP Specs, 4. Onsandstone and limestone y= 2.75 MPa 72MPa F,=025f/ Onbrick in cement mortar ‘On the full area of concrete support On less than full area of concrete support... Fy = 0.35 f: __ STRUCTURAW STEEL DESIGN specified compressive strength of concret rea of steel concentrically bearing on concrete support ‘Ag = max. crea of the portion of the supporting surface that is ‘geometrically similac to and concentric with the loaded area, where: f, In the design of column base plates i s assured that the column load is, uniformly distributed within a rectangle whose dimensions are 95% of the depth and 80% of the flange widtk ofthe colunnn section and that the base plate to have a uniform bearing pressure on the foundation. 0 Trial area BC = area of base plate Net upward beringpresvrefy fenbe < 0381 Consider 1 mm stripof base plate M=fy (mya) 5) M=fy mn) G) mage om Bop te) “we EA taf ye tee Where Fy 0.75 Fy (allowable bending stress of tase plate) 642 19.2 Weded Base Plates: 644 STRUCTURAL STEED DESIGN: 19.5 Problem: ‘AW I¢ x78 is used as a column to support an axial load of 2000 KN. A square base plate is to be designed and is assumed to be resting on a full area of concrete foundation with f.'= 20.7 MPs, An A 26steel is used with Fy = 248 MPa Properties of W 14 x 7 A= 14774 mam? y= 300 mm 4=351.5mm e Design the dimension of the square base plate, © Design the thickness of he base plate SOLUTION: © Dimension of square base plate: 35 f' (allowable bearing stress of concrete) 35(20.7) a 245 MPa = B= 52541 mm $08 = 830mm | Use 530x530 min a ‘STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN _ 4s ® Thickness of base plate: B= 0951 +2m 520 = 0.95(351 5) + 2m m=9804 mm, B= 0.80 by+ 20 530 = 0.80(300) + 20 145 mm ‘Actual bearing pressure: Sen hi ‘Thickness of base plate: vais VEE $49.14mm say 50mm Use = 50 mm 646 19.6 Problem: } AW14x 75 section is used a8 a column to carry a concentric axial load of 1670 KN as shown in Figure 195. 20.7 MPa, Fy=250 MPe. Properties of W id x75 b= 256mm d= 360mm 1070 Figure 19.6 Design the value of B when m = Design the value of C when m= 0 Design the thickness of the base plate. esa SOLUTION © Value of B Fy =0.35f.' (Allownble baring stress) Fp = 035020.7) Fyn 7245 MPa ose ‘Twal area P ac-2 ey 1670000 ac = 19700 BC = 230504 mm? B=2n + 0.80 by B=2n + 0.804256) Co dm +342 B= 2n+ 204.80 Ca2n +382 BC = 230504 (2n-+ 204.8) @n +342) =230608 Jnit-+1093.6n = 230504 42+ 1093.6 + 700416 = 230504 4+ 1093,6n - 160862.4 =0 n+ 273.4n-401156=0 B=2m + 20480 B = 2(106) + 204.80 B= 496.8 mm Use B= 417 mm 0984 19.7 Problem: @ Value of C Can +342 C= 20106) + 342 C= 554 mm @ Thickness of base plate: Woo 1670000 Se ISSA) Jp=729MPa < 7.245 MPa ok ' ‘A base plate shown in figure 19.7 is resting on a concrete pedestal 600 mm x 500 mm in ‘cross section. The base plate is 550 mm x 414 mm x 36 mm. f.’ = 20.86 MPa. The column section is a W 14 x 70 with flange width of 256 mm and a depth of 360 mm. Fy=250 MPa. © Compute the capacity of the Soom Pepe W 14x 70 column section based : con the flexural strength of the base plate. 1 ® Compute the capacity of the oo W 14 x 70 column section based fan) Fe ‘on the bearing strength of the pedestal © Compute the safe axial concentric = foad of the W 14 x 70 column section. SOLUTION: © Capacity of W 14x 70 column section based on the flexural strength of base plate. 550 =2m + 0954 550 = 2m + 0.95(360) a5, 414 =2n + 0.80 by 550 360 loose 414 = 21 + 0.800256) n= 20 +080(256) n=1046mm 650 ,-03300%) (ZR £,=796MPa < O76! 5504) P= 1685663. P =1685.66 KN Safe axial concentric Joad of the W 24s 70 column: Safe P = 1685.66 kN } © Capacity of W 14x70 column section based on bearing strength wf the concrete pedestal: 19.8 Problem: A W279 is used as a column section with an unbraced length of 47m. Assume Ky=Ky=10. Use F,=245 MPa, f,’= 28 MPa. The column is interlaced to a concrete pedestal, £,= 200000 MPa, Properties of W12»70 A= 14968 mm? 5, = 1753 x 10? mm? d= 31445 mm. 5y=587 x10? mm? 306.83 mm 135.64 mm 18.69 mm TAT men 194mm A= 600(451.54) Az= 270981 52 men? ‘Compute the max. capacity of the colurnn section © _ Design the size of colurnn base plate ‘Design the thickness ofthe base plate 652____—_____STRUCTURALSTEELIDESIGN! | | STRUSTURADISTEEL DESIGN! GRUCTURADSTEEUDESIGN’ sss @ Size of Base plate: SOLUTION: © Max. capacity of eolumn section: Allowable bearing sites of concrete KL _ (1)(4100) p= 0.35 f 177787 . y= 035428) Ls 29 Sp= 98 Mia aE alate pe * af ce VEG a= 28h TR A= 251340 mm? Assume m= B= 25140 B=2n +0805, B=2 + 0.80(306.83) B= 2n + 245,46 C=2n + 095d C= 2m+ 0.951445) j2sxe Ca 2m+ 29873 2106.97, B=2m + 245.46 64.56 Ma BC = 251340 Pera (2m + 245.46) (2m + 298,73) = 251340 P= 164.56 (14968) Ame 1088.38 + 7352627 = 251340 P=2463134N in? + 1088.38%m + 178013.73 = 0 2463.14 KN + 272.10 - 44508 4 m=1497 Ba 2m + 245.46 B=2(114.97) + 245.45, C= 201497) +298.73 28.67 say 530. mm Use 480 mn x 530mm base plate 4 Thickness of base plate: + 248.46 480 = 20 + 245.46 1727 0 $298.73 20m 4 29873 530 = 118.64 ene, Use n= 117.27 (bigger volues) 29.3 me say 10mm Use thickness of base pte © 40 nam Problem: bolts, f, “= 20.7 MPa for concrete pedestal Properties of W14 70 A= 14050 mam? 4=360mm 256mm 332 108 mi 554x108 mm* fy = 1A mea = 199mm r= Sdn r= 627 man ) Compute the value of Bf C= 780mm, 2 Compute the thickness of the base plate 3 Compute the diameter of the anchor boli if there are 3 anchor bolts placed on both sides. Assume that the anchor bolts will carty the full moment even though theaxial force will reduce the effect of the moment considerably. This assumption provides some reserve capacity of the anchoring system € resist a considerate lateral force (column shifting laterally, GSPRIICTURAL STEEL DESIGN 19.9 Base Plate for Columns Subjected to Bending Moment: A.W 1f x 70 column section carries an axial load of 1670 kN and a moment of 5 AN. as shown in figare 19.9. ‘The pedestal floor line dimensions will be the same as the base plate, Fy=250 MPs for the base plate and Fy = 345 MPa. for the anchor 16700N kN op Figure 19.9 655 SOLUTION: D Value of B: (1954 + 2m = 780 10195(360) + 2m = 780 m=219 mn Allowable bearing pressurefy Sp 035 (0 fp 0350207) fp 7285 M=P, 265 = 1670 =016m, py) soro000 - POEL) B=168.13 mm say 670 mn Use B = 670 mn gars @ Thickness of plate: hr 7.225 < 7245MPa (sof) wy, 725 219 * “Goo y=229 7 Considering me rip oft plate Measssaisx 2 «222 argo) Qs M= 151954 Nm y= 0.75(250) y= 187.50 om ard var = SS) 4mm say 75mm ‘re mae refine ‘Check the other side: 20+ 0.80 by= 670 2+ 0.80(256) = 670, n22326 Considering Imm strip of Ibase plate: a= 4035 C261)0326) (M = 138199 N mm om “oe 197 59 = 139) OF ' 654mm Therefore use t = 75 ma 'B_Diameter of anchor bolts: P M=T(570) p) aeass tvn (Assuming the anchor bolts will carry the full moment) 265000000 = T (570) T= 464912. THE ia F,=0608, F,= 0600345) Using 3 anchor bolts on each side: 464912 = Fd? (3)Q07) 4 = 3087 mn Used = 32 mm anchor bolts 20.1. Grillage Foundation ‘The purpose of a grillage is to distribute column loads over the required area of the foundation bed. For heavy column loads grillage beams are often lighter and more economical than column base plates on mote tiers of steel beams, Ample spaces is provided between the flanges for placing and rodding the concrete. The concrete fills all the spaces between beams and the entire systems of beams is enclosed in a least 100 cm, of concrete. The concrete helps the beam to distribute the load to the foundation bed and serves also as protection of steel from corrosion. we | We toad supported by one beam in N st «= Teng ofthe base plate in mm. L = length of the beam in mm oslo «f= depth of beam in mm Fe thickness of web of the beam in K-=distance from theouterfaceot EP PE PE the beam flange to the wel toe ones ofthe fillet in mn wie Hetne-! HE OFO w M= Bea mm) ‘Maximum shear occurs on the beam at the edge ofthe base plate: Upad pesue= © /mm) W (ica v=! (52) maser) 0) (STRUGTURAD STEEL DESIGN 661 20.2 Problem: ‘A W250 x 101 column supports an axial load of 1380 EN. The foundation bed has an allowable bearing capacity cf 380 kN/m. The column is supported by a base plate 700 x 750 x "t” mm, four W 250 x 33 on the upper tier and twelve $ 150 x 19 on the lower tier placed forming a square foundation whose dimension is 1850 x 2850 mm as shown in figure 20.2. Allowable bending stress is 0.75 Fy for the base plate and 165 MPa fr the grillage beams. Shearing siress is limited to 100 MPa. F, = 250 MPa for A 36 tel Properties of Steel Sections W250 x 101 257 man tention Properties of Steel Seton wasorss 258mm i-ienm ee Stamm y=91 mm? Drapes ct Sie Sections Siar d= 132mm 1mm S,= 119 10° mon? to 58mm y= 9d mn y= 8A mm ot Den, ape ar NLusioair tant te re 20.2 ‘Compute the thickness of the base plate, ® Compute the bending stress ofthe upper tier. 8 Compute the shearing stress of the upper ter © Compute the max. allowable concentrated load at the upper tier to prevent web crippling. Compute the max, bendirg stress of the lower tir, ©) Compute the shearing stress atthe lower tier ® Compute the concentrated load at the lower tier to avoid web crippling, SOLUTION: © Thickness ofbase plate A= 700x750 (4=525000 mm? 1 2m +0984 = 750 ii 2m + 095(264) = 750 om | m=2496mm ! 2+ 0800 = 700 | 2m + 080057) =700 | n= 2672 mm Fas fp 0.806 pm a4 | y= 0.75(250) Fy=1875MPa = iy EO 1875 0 me @ Bending stress of the upper tier. Since there are four Beams in the upper ts 138041000) - 359500 N w mW aa each beam must resist a load of 1 SBI asso = M=47 8x18 Nmm Pom tas. i 4 y poli foe 8x18 r bo ax T0! ss fevwionns exe wre eee peru ae J Shearing stress of upper tier: Y= 10R5N v trary 103345 Jo 2556.0 6567 MPa < 100MPa (safe) fo= @ Maximum allowable concentrated load_to avoid web crippling on the uppet wer: R066, xt (W454) = 0.662506.) [700-507] Re rw0n02s > 232500N (af) © Bending stress of lower tier: cower er bd resisted by each bea: Tow % we e633 750mm mW aay e108 99.75 M=152x 10 Ninn ug cas 32950 fom S552) for STSTMPa < 100MPa (safe) © Concentrated load at lower tier to avoid web eippling R= 066 F, xfIN + 5K) = 0.66(250)68) [750 + 520)] 13450 N > 110833N (safl 21.1. Welded Connections Welding is a process of joining two pieces of metal by heating their surfaces to a plastic or fluid state and allow the parts to fuse together usually With the addition of other molten metal. The bond between the members is completed after the molten metal solidifies. Seruccural welds are usually made either by the Shielded-Metal-Are Welding Process (SMAW) or by the Submerged-Arc Welding Pzocess (SAW). In both process the heat of an electric are simultaneously melts the welding electrode and the adjacent stee] parts being joined. The electrode is deposited in the weld as. filler material 21.2. Types of Weldifg Process AL Shielded Metal Are Welding Process (GMAW) This is the most common welding method using metallic cod which is used as the electrode. Inare welding an electric ae is formed between the pieces being welded and an electrode weld by the welder with a special type of holder. The electrodes produces a continuous spark which upon ‘contact brings the electrode and the pieces being welded to the melting point. At the end of the electrodes, small droplets of molten metal are formed and.are forced by the arc across the metal being connected, penetrating the molten metal to become pat of the weld, ie. coveing SF at tepte pi 566 ___|_ STRUCTURAL STEEEIDESIGM B, Submerged Arc Welding Process (SAW) Submeelore wg ‘This method of welding is most often used in fabrication shop. The: joint is aligned and covered with a blanket of granular fusible material and the electrode is inserted into the granular material, the are produced and the melting of electrode and base metal lakes place, The base metal electrode is kept continuously shielded by the molten flux over which is deposited a layer of unfused flux in its granular condition. Welds made by the submerged are process are found to have uniformly high quality, exhibiting, good ductility, high impact strengths and good corrosion resistance, ‘Three Classification of Welds: crt 1. Based upon the types of welds eer is a) Fillet welds 1b) Groove welds Sine paw eee [Lu] Fillet Weld —S> Fillet welds are usually used for structural connections but they are ‘weaker compared to the groove welds, which are welds made in grooves between members to be joined are they are used when the members to be connected are lined up in the same plane, Groove Weld: ee, tote Gre weiel "ypeot Groove welds 2) Complete entation welds which extend forthe fal hicks of the par eng ornate 2 Pavniperton wel wih een ony pf he eer Plog Weld la vest Plug weld isa circular weld passing throu and joining the two together STRUCTURAL STEELIDESIGNI SlotWeld: Slot weld is a weld form in a slot or elongated ho'e which joins one member to the other member through the slot. The slat maybe partly or fully filled with weld materia. 2, Based upon the type of joint used a) Butt joint b) Lapointe ©) Teejoint d) Edge ©) Comer crn SSS ar ee Come 3. Based on the position of weld: a) Flat weld b) Horizontal weld ©) Vertical weld 4) Overhead weld 21.3 Fillet Weld Nomenclature a) Fillet-weld nomenclature for equal legs ) Fillet weld nomenclature for ‘unequal legs Peorle h is Figure 213-2 Figure 21.3-b ‘The strength of the fillet weld is equal to the allowable shearing sires times the theoretical throat atea of the weld. The throat area equals the ‘theoretical throat distance times the length of the weld, 24.4 Values of Theoretical Throat for a Fillet Weld A. ForSMAW Process (Shielded - metal -are welding) 1. Te=O707¢ (for equal legs of nominal size “I") (ee Figure 213-8) size of fillet weld in mm ab 2 for unequal lege of nominal size "a" and "b (See Figure 21.3b) BL ForSAW Process (Submerged Are Welding) 1. When t < 10mm Test 2. When t> 10 mm T.=0707t+ 3mm 21.5. NSCP Specifications for Fillet Welds © Bective area: ‘The effective area of fillet welds shall be taken as the effective length times the effective throat thickness: JOT UL. (SMAW Process) © _E'fective length of fillet welds; except fillet welds in holes and slots shall be the overall length of fullsize fillets including returns. Lexy ‘nd returns 6m ® Theetfective throat thickness of a fillet weld shall be the shortest dist from the root of the joint to the face of the diagrammatic weld, except that for fillet welds made by the submerged arc process (SAW), the effective throat thickness shall be taken equal tothe leg size for 10 mm and smaller fillet welds and equol to the theoretical throat plus 3 mm for fillet welds lazger than 19 mm Test forts 10mm ‘T_=07071+3 mm fort > 10mm (SAW Process) © _Forfillet welds in holes and slots the effective length shall be the length of the center line ofthe weld along the eonter ofthe plane through the throat In the case of over lapping fillets, the effective ates shal not exceed the ‘nominal cross sectional area of the hole slot in the plane of the faying surface. Minimum Size of Fillet Welds Maximum Size of Fillet Welds Natal Tkness of Minirum Sie of Max Sie of Ticker Par Jones im) | File Wein) _| | Motors Thismess | Fact Welds 706 mm Sm = Bom ‘not eater than Over 6 to 12mm ‘Sm = ease a matt greater than Over 12 20m Some > 6mm — | ckness of materia Over 20 mm ‘im mins 4.6 mm Base metal Min thickness of fillet weld-=6mm Max thickness of fillet weld=10-1.6= 84 mm Use thickness of fle weld = Brim Té mm hick Miniauain weld size is dependent upon the thickness ofthe tivo parts joined, except that the weld size need not to exceed the thickness of the thinner part. Base metal thickness is that of the thicker part being joined, Maximum size of Fillet welds that is permitted along edges of connected parts shall be 1a. Uf the material is less than 6 mum or 6 mm thick the max. size of the weld should not be greater than the thickness of the material b, Ifthe material is greater than 6 mm in thickness, the max. size of the fillet weld should not be greater than the thickness of material minus 116 mm. rnless the weld is specially designated on the drawings to be built out to obtain full throat thickness. Minimum effective length of filet welds The minimum effective length of fillet welds designated on the basis ‘of strength shall not be less than 4 times the nominal size ot else the size of the weld shall be considered not to exceed 1/4 ofits effective length. Min. length of Longitudinal fillet welds: , IF tongitudinal fillet welds } are wend alone in end connections of flat bar tension members, the length of each fillet weld shall be rot less than the perpendicular distance between them. If the load is transmitted to a plate by longitudinal welds along, both ‘ends at the end of the plate, the length of the welds shall not be re less than the width of the plate (6) longitudinal Fite weld The transverse spacing of longitudinal fillet welds used in end connections of tension members shall not exceed 200 mo, ualess the member is designed on the basis of effective not area (&) Transverse Fillet weld 21,6. Effective net area of Fillet Welds ‘When ihe load is transmitted by transverse welds to some but not all of ‘he cros-setonal elements of W,M or S shapes and structural tees cut From these shapes, the effective net area shall be taken asthe area ofthe directly connected dements When the load is transmitted by welds through some but not all of the «ross secticnal elements of the member, the etfestve net area Ay shall be computed a: Ae=UAy Where: Ag=netatea of member ‘Ag= gross area of member U=reduetion coefficient Values of Reduction Coefficient U a) WhenL > 2W-----U=10 b) When2W > L and L > 15W- ©) When SW > Land L > W -----U= Where: L = weld length W = plate width (distance between welds) NN Intermittent Fillet Welds: Intermittent fillet welds are permitted t transfer calculated stress Across a joint or faying surface when the stngth require is less than the developed by 8 continous filet weld ofthe smallest permitted size, and to join comporents of built up meinbers. The elfective length of any segment of intermittent wed shall not seweldsize be less than 4 times the weld size, swith a minimam of 38 mie Intermitent weld mensions 218 219 Lap Joints In lap joints, the minimum lap shall be 5 times the thickness of the thinner part joined, but not less than. 25 mm. Lap joints joining plates or =a bbars subjected to axial stress shall be boas fillet welded along the end of both 1 joints lapped parts except where the deflection of the lapped part is sufficiently restrained to prevent ‘opening of the joint under maximum, loading. End Returns of Fillet Welds (Sometimes called Boxing) Slide of end fillet welds ends eu terminating at ends or sides Z respectively, or parts or members shall, wherever practicable, be returned continuously around the comers for a distance not less than 2 times the nominal size of the weld, ‘Several end returns This provision shall apply to side and top fillet welds connecting brackets, beam seats, and similar connections, on the plane about which bending moments are computed. For framing angles and simple endplate connections which depend upon flexibility of the outstanding legs tor connection flexibility, end returns shall not exceed 4 times the nominal size of weld, End. returns are useful in reducing the high concenteations which occurs a the ends of welds Fillet welds in holes or slots are permitted to t:ansmit shear in lap joints or (o prevent the buckling or separation of lapped parts and to join components of built up members. Such fillet welds may overlap subject tothe provisions of fillet welds, Fillet welds in holes or slots are not to be considered plug or slot wold 21.10 Basic Weld Symbols Basic Weld Symbols Pha rove oe Batt Back | Flt | Fav Crees ors Square [VT Bevel | UT FeV f& MIV IY EP NCIC Ul Sippleteniny Weld Gyno Jean] ree [__Conur Seve | Mund |__| Fig T Chore Standard Location of Elements of a Welding Symbol a re comet st ——\ saa Saietes \\ trent SARE \ / \ oo seta —y \\\ 7 / Sta wesmwe \ ES |r CN NL [ttt =e. —_\ \\ i “er ctner reference RY, reece aes) Mester jm ever sos Marden fnew png gene ong Neate meena oni gt rnerenmiargss [UZ P77 mors natn Arran Ober St wll of hast ae terse sown Dimension fil welts smal Tesiom onus he Aer Sean he Caras hago Bld srl all episced afoe snd hh ae reece ine fj withthe Syepets apply beer abrupt change sislionof welding ures govemeby the AE Anon smubolerodterrige dimenatnes wen . hese smbale de pol eps providefor the cave tha rien acute in strstr wor, where sleet ch sare Sephari Hela Sy ‘av adpied is convention tha when he gol idemd mana eles we scenes TSS thy Brake we as on the nea the welding shown fate eae de sha doncned ae 21.11 Basic Weld Symbols Fillet weld on near side (arrow side). Size of weld (6mm). Ie given to left of weld symbol and Tength (150 mm) to right of symbol — \. 12.5 mm fillet weld on far side, 50 mm long intermittent welds 150 man fon centers 21.12 Allowable Stresses for Fillet Weld Type of Weld and Stes “Allowable Sess ‘Requlzed Weld Strength Level ‘Complete-penctration Groove Welds "Tension normal to octive ae ‘Same as base meta Matching” weld metal shal be used ‘Compression normal toveective area ‘Same as bate metal "Tension orcomprenion parlil o axa of weld ‘Same as are metal ‘Shear on eectve aes Ta0F nomnnal tele aaggphot el mc eld metal with a strength level equal to coc less than “matcung” weld meta is ted ae a. 6mm fillet weld on both sides 15) mm long Asses same on bth sides, nol necessary, but permissible, to give sizes on both side on line ‘The Mag indicates it to bea field weld [A staggesed intermittent 10 ma fillet weld 50 mm long, 150 mm on centers Both sides. oa Bm a Weld-all-around joint symbol Partial penetration Groove Welds Compreson nora toedective aes ‘Same as base metal “Tension or compronaon parallel to avivot weld ‘Same as bave metal ‘Shear para oN OT wad 5" nominal ene Strength ef weld metal ira Tens nomalto fective aren [0-30 nominal venaile lsongiv et weld mots lads} excop tree stem onde metal shall not exceed 0.50» Wield metal with strength level equal {Worlins than matching wed metal permed The tail used to indicate reference toa certain specification or process Thearon cestive ea Fenalon ar campesaion [parallel io aio ot weld stat wid eta Same as base metal ‘Weld metal with astength level equal 0 eres than “matching we metals luagand Slot Wels Shear pall io Fang sutdacts fon lictive ara) 0.30" nominal tensile Scongth of weld metal irs Ved metal with « stenath level qual to Or less hart mating’ weld metals ponnite Allowable Stresses: ‘Tension or compression for weld met F,=0.60F, @ ‘Shear stress for fillet welds Fy 2030 Fy $78 __ STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGHI 21.13 Welding Electrodes zt Ie Leola A variety of electrodes. are available so that proper match of base metal Determine the allowable shear force for 812 mm filet weld using an £ 70 electrodes strength and metallurgical characteristics to the weld metal can be made. The with Fy = 485 MPa AWS in cooperation with ASTM has established an electrode numbering system which classes welding electrodes or rods as follows. Using shielded metal are process GMAW) ‘Using submerged are process (SAW) Exxbe Using a plug weld whose thickress ofthe plate that the plug weld is being made where: E = electrode 1510 mm sxx = two oF three digit number indicating the ultimate tensile strength of the weld metal such as. ngth ofthe weld metal such as 60 ksi (415 MPa) COUN serotonin eaten min |g eg b=1 for suitable for all position Fe = 030 Fy CINE ninesert arn nan area nmneecne for use with de straight polarity apse nS Sac = 3 for use with de reversed polarity R = 8.484(1)(0-30)(485) Example E6011 Exbe It is an electrode with Fy = 60 ksi ($50 MPa) which is an all position Shear force using SAW process: welding and for use with either aor de current. Fy=030Fy Thickness of fillet weld = 12mm > 10mm Example: £7021 Effective throat dimension = 0.707(12) +3 It is an electrode with Fy = 70 ksi (485 MPa) which is suitable for Effective throat = 11.484 mm horizontal fillets and flat postion of work and for use of with either ac or de R= 11.484(1)03)485) are | R= 167092 Nim @ Shear foree for a plug weld: 21.14 Minimum Tensile Strength of Electrodes (F,) Diem of plage 1m. of plug wel Electrodes Minimum Tensile Steength (F,) Eo sI5MPa Daty+8<25ty E70 485 Mra D910+8<25412)~20 E80 550 MPa Bisco ox £90 @20MPa 1D F100 0 MPa aaEP oar, eno 750 Ma | a E120 825MPa Ra ELSE (05,485) | R 37025.28N 21.16 Problem: {A lap joint shown in figure 21.16 1s welded using a fillet weld with E 60 electrodes &, e009 @ 115 MPa). F=250 MPa. Use SMAW process. Design the size ofthe filet weld. Compute the vakie of "a Compute the length of end coturns bt SOLUTION: Figure 21.16 Sive of fillet wele: If the matetial is 6 mm or more in thickness, the maximum size of fillet should not be greater than the thickness of material minus 1.6 mm: Max, sizeof fillet weld = 15-16 Max. size of fillet weld = 134 mm Use 13 mm filet weld Value of "a For thicker plate: 0.60 Fy Ag = 0.60(2504150)015) 7337500 | For thinner plate: T = 0.60(250)'190\12) 342000 337500 N Use Shear capacity of fillet welds: Te O7071L(03)F 337500 = 0.707113) L (039415) L=295 mm 2a 5295 ua7Smm 3 Valueof end return “b b=2t b=203) b= 26mm 24.17 Problem: A lap joint shown in figure 21.17 is welded using a fillet weld with an electrode E 70 (Fy = 485 MPa) F,=250 MPa. Use SAW process. © Design the size of the fillet weld ®@ Compute the value of "a" ® Compuce the value of end return Figure 21.17 62 STRUCTURAL STEEN SOLUTION: Size of weld: Max size of weld = 16-16 Max size of weld = 14.4 mm Use t= 14 mm 2B Valueof*a" For thicker plate T= 060 Fy Ay ‘T = 0.60(250)16).150) T= 360000N For thinner plate: T=060F, Ag T = 0.60(250)(12)190) T=342000N Use T = 342000 Shear capacity of fillet welds: t= 14mm > 10mm Effective length of throat = (0.7071 +3 Etfective length of throat = 0.707014) +3 fective length of throat = 12.898 min ‘T= Bf length of throat x Lx 0.30 Fy 42000 = 12.898(10.30)¢485) L= 18224 2a = 182.24 a= 9142 mm End return "be ber b=214) b= 28mm (SRRIGTURAL STEEL:DESIGN 24.18 Problem: ‘A welded connection is shown in figure 21.18. An A 36 steel is used with F y= 248 MPa. Size of fillet weld is 8 mm. Use E 70 electrodes with F, = 485 MPs © Compute the capacity the connection shown using SMAW process. ® Compute the capacity gf the connection shown using SAW proces. SOLUTION: © Capacity of connection using SMAW process: ‘Tensile capacity of plates. T= 0605) Ag 0.60(248)(18)(200) = 535680 N Shear capacity of fillet weld: ‘T= 0:707(8\150 + 200 + 1500.3 (485) TH41s74N Allowable capacity = 411474 N Figure 21.18 @ Capacity of connection using SAW process: ‘Tensile capacity of plate: T=060F, Ag T = 0.60(288)(18)(200) T= 535680N Shear capacity of fillet weld: Effective length of throat = § mm since t < 10 mm = 8(150 + 200 + 150(0.3)485) T= 582000 Use T = 535680 N fe 21.19 Problem: ‘A welded connection is subjected to a tensile load of 446 kN. Both plates'are 12 mm thick. Use E 70 xx electrodes with Fy= 485 MPa, Use SMAW process and A 36 steel, Fy= 248 MPa. © Compute the value of b. @ Compute the tensile capacity of the connection © Compute the shear capacity of the plates. ‘ites SOLUTION: Figure 21.19 © Valuecofb: Max. sizeof fillet weld Min, sizeof fillet weld = 5 mes (thickness of thicker pact is 12 mm) Use 10 mm fillet weld ‘Shear capacity of E 70x fillet weld T=0707L (0.3) Fe 446000 = 0.707(10) L(0.3)485) 1 = 43356 2 = 433.56 b= 216.78 mm | Tensile capacity of the connection: T=060F, Ay T = 0.60(248)(12)(200) T=357120N @ Shear capacity of plates: T=040F, A, T = 040(248)12)1433.56) T=s1610N 21.20 Problem: From the given welded connection shown in figure 21.20 and using A 36 steel with 48 MPa and E 60 electrodes with F, = 415 MPa. Use SMAW process, Determine the plate thickness. Design the size ofthe fillet welds. Determine the length of lap. SOLUTION: Plate thickness: T=060F, Ay 290000 = 0.60(248)(225) W We 8.66mm sey 9mm Figure 21.20 Size of fillet weld: Max size of weld =9-1.6 Max size= 7.4 mm say 7mm Length of lap: ‘Shear capacity of illet weld T=O.7071(L +L +225¥0.34415) 290000 = 0.707(7)21. +225K03)(418) L= 122.83 mm 686 21.21. Problem: ‘An angular section 100 mm x 87.5 mmx 6 mm is connected to a 10 mm gusset plate by fillet weld as shown in figure 21.21. Using NSCP Specifications and F 70 electrodes with Fy = 415 MPa and A36stoel Fy= 248 MPa, Properties of 2100 rane x 87.5 mm x 6 mon A= 1668 mm? 7 =29.46 mmm © Compute the design force of the welded connection, ® Compute the size of weld appropriate forthe connection, © Compute the value of L using static loading, Figure 21.21 SOLUTION: Capacity of the welded connection 60, Ay ,60(248)(1668) Te 248188 N ® Size of weld appropriate for the connection: Max. size of weld if thickness of material is 6 mm ot les is not greater than. thickness of material Max.t=6mm Min, thickness = 5 mm (over 6 fo 12 mm of thicker part) Use t= 6 mim size of weld Value of L using static condition: 707¢ 2L. + 100}(0.3) Fy 248198 = 0.707(6)2L + 100(03)(415) L= 184.98 say 185 mene 24,22 Problem: ‘A 180 mm x 90 mm x 12 mm angular section is welded to a gusset plate having & thickness of 12 mm, An A 36 steel is used with a yield stress of 248 MPa, with an E70 loctrodes fillet welds with F, = 485 MPa Properties of 2150 mm x 90 mm x 12 mm A=2903mm? 7 =52.83mm Which of the following gives the design force P. Compute for “a” using dynamic method of analysis. Compute forthe value of "b" using dynamic method of analysis, SOLUTION: Design force P: P=O60F, Ag 0.60(248)(2903) 4319664. P= 432kN Value of P=O707L (03) Fy Max.t= 12-16 Max. t= 10.4 mm Min, t= 5mm (for 12 mum gusset plate) Use filet weld 431966.4 = 0.707(10) 1 0.39485) L=420mm 2M L (62.83) = a(150) + b(O) 4$20(62.83) = 150a + 0 a= 14792 mm ® Volueoft SOLUTION: L-a+b hm ‘Value of P which is acting at the 420=14792+ y petelte centroid of angular section: b=27208 mm Pa0770 LF, P= 0,707 (8X50 + 75)145) Check: P= 184527N EMa=0 1097.17) b{I50) + (0) $20(97.17) = 150 b= 272.08 mm ok Force per mm of weld due to 21.23 Problem: ‘An angle is welded to a plate to resist a load P acting through its centroid. The specific Iengths of 8 man welds is shown at figure 21.23-A but a welder applies them as shown in the figure 21.23-B. Allowable shearing stress of the fillet weld is 145 MPa. Assuming elastic action to occur only in the welds 2 =150 [022 . @2+052] 0) J = 2250000 19 Figure 21.238 4613175 (5 > Which ofthe following gives the value of P. f= 0000 2 neh of he follwing ies te fa pe mm of wad eo ening nly in ‘painsN/ems 2 Which of the following gives the total maximum force per mm of welds in figure R= 898? + 15387 5 R=21751N/mm aM ay 4513175 09 poo SS1BIIS 05) f= 1538N/mm P= (1538)? + (1538 R= 21751 N/mm ® Total max. force per mm of welds in figure 21.23-B: Force per mm due to axial load Force per min due to axl load 15.09 N/eamm R? = (768.89)? + (153.8)2 R=7BLIZN/mm ae arr) ee ‘ me 76889 21.24 Problem: ‘A 100 x100x70 mm angle is to be welded to a gusset plate. The angle carries a load ‘01 200 KY applied along its centroidal axis which is 28.7 mm above the short leg as shown in figure 21.24. Use an 8 mm fillet weld with a minimum tensile strength F, = 483.33 MPa, © Which of the following gives the length of a transverse fillet weld 100 0% 0 along the edge of the angle in swe order to avoid eccentricity of eR er 1 foading, FT Taam hs ® Which of the following gives the Tih length of side fillet weld required acne heal corey ® Which of the following gives the length of side fillet weld required atthe toe Figure 21.24 SOLUTION: Length of side filled weld along the edge ofthe angle. To avoid eccentricity of loading, the length of the fillet weld at the edge of the angle must be equal to: 087) I= 544 mm Length of side filed weld atthe hee: F3=07071 13 (03) Fu a= 0.707 (8Y57.4)(0.3)483.33) 7075 (200000 - 47075) (71.3) Fy 200) Fy = 109036, Fy=0707¢ Ly (O3KFu) 109036 = 0.70708) (L4)(03)1483.33) 32.95 men (length of welded atthe heel) Length of weld atthe ae Mp =0 (100) = (200000 - 47075)28.7) Fp = 43889 Fp=0707t 12 03NFe) 3886 707 (8) L> (0.3)483:33) [a= 5352 mm (length of weld atthe heel) Check: 209000 Total L required = Sar ENE HIST Total L required = 243.87 mm LeLitlatla [= 13295 453524574 1 =243.87 mm 21.25 CE Board May 2001 ‘A150 x 90°x 12 mm. angular section is welded to a gusset plate as shown in figure 21.5. . ‘Area of angular scion is 2736 mn? Fu «$50 MPa, Allowable shear Allowable tensilestress F,= 060 Fy Which of the following gives the design force P. Which ofthe following gives the total length of weld using 12 mm. fillet weld. Which ofthe following gives the value of 'b" ese 12mm sate e1s0eore SOLUTION: Design forceP. Pear, P=2736{0.6)250) P= 41000N Figure 21.25 B Total length of weld using 12mm. fillet weld, P=070%L.030R, 410400 = 0.707112). 034550) L=2882 mm. 4 Value of =, La50-51) (150) 298.2(99) = 150 b= 1935 mom. 694 Welded Connection in Trusses @ Valueof "a" 21.26 Problem AA joint in a welded truss is shown in figure 2126, Use E 60 electrodes with F,= 415 MPa, © Compute the size of fillet weld to be used in member B. Compate the value of “a’ in t. pubis member B, ® Compute the value of °b" an member B. SOLUTION: © Size of filet weld: Max. size of weld: Mex size of weld = 8-16 Max. size of weld = 64 mm. ae * Figure 21.26 Min. size of weld: s “Material tices f thicker part joined = 10 man (qusset pate) Min. size of weld (NSCP) (over 6 mm to 12 shim thick) = 5mm Use size of weld = 6 mn 07 L (03) Fu 78880 = 0707(6)(L)(03)(415) L=148.60 mm a+b +80= 148.60 awb=6a6 Strength per mm of fillet weld = 0.707(6X1)(0:3)215) ‘Strength per mn of fillet weld = 528,13 N/mm ‘Taking moments about weld line "b (0) 528.130 + 528.13(80}(40) = 784800273) 0.71 mm Value of a+b=686 1071 +b -686 b 57.89 mm Double Fillet Welded Lap Splice 21.27 CE Board May 2004 "National Structural Code of the Philippines gives the allowable shear on the effective area of fillet welds as 00 times the nominal tensile strength of the weld metal. NSCP Specifications gives the following provisions for fillet welds 1. The effective area of fillet welds shall be considered as the effective length times the effective throat thickness, 2. The effective length of fillet welds, except fillet welds in holes and slots, shall be the overall length of full-size fillet, including returns. 3. The effective throat thickness ofa fillet weld shall be the shortest distance from the 100 tothe face of the diagrammatic weld, NSCP Specifications gives the maximum size of fillet weld that may be used along ‘edges of connected parts as 1. Along edges of material less than 6 mm thick, not greater than the thickness of the materials, 2 Along edges of material less than 6 mm thick, not greater the thickness of the material minus 1.6 mm, unless the weld is especially designated on the drawings tobe built out to obtain full throat thickness, NSCP Specifications gives the minimum amount of lap on lap joints shall be 5 times the thickness ofthe thinner part joined, but not less than 25 mm, A double fillet welded lap joint ts shown. ‘The thickness of the plate is 12 mim, The ‘nominal tensile strength of the weld metal is 550 MPa, Which of the following gives the maximum size ofthe fillet weld ® Which ofthe following gives the total area of the fillet weld ‘Which of the following gives the capacity ofthe connection. SOLUTION: Max. size of weld: Use max. size t= 10 nant © Total area of the fillet weld: Ay=0707%L ‘Ay = 0.707(10X2)(350) Ay = £949 man? ‘Capacity of the connection: THAR F =494940.9}650) T= 816585 N T= 81659 kN! 698 _STRUCTURAL STEEL/DESIGN! 21.28 Problem: Aap joint consisting of two plates 10 mm x 280 mom is being welled by a double fillet welded lap joint as shown in the figure 21.28. Use A 36steel (Fy 248 MPa) and E70 slectrodes (= 485 Mo? . Compute the maximum size of — fillet wel. {sane r cal ® Compute the capacity of the lap joint @ Compute the recommended minimum length of lap for the double fillet welded lap joint. 28h Figure21.28 SOLUTION Max. size of fillet weld Max. size hickness of material ifs greater than 6 mm less than 1.6 mm Max. size* 10-16 Max. say 8mm ‘Check if we did not exceed the min, size required. ‘Thicker Material PartJoined Min, Size too mm (inclusive) 3mm Over 6 mm to 12 mm Simm Over 12mm 1020 mm omm Over 20mm Sm Since the min, size is only § me, then adopt the man. sizeof 8 mm, 2 Capacity of the lap joint: Shear capacity of fillet weld: T=0707 (O3MF,) L tT 7O7(8)(03)(485)(2)(280) T= 460851 N Tensile capacity of plates: T=O60F, Ay T= 0.60(248)(10)(280) T=416640N Safe capaci of joint: T= 416640N ® Min lap joint: Min. lap joint = 5 times the thickness of thinner plate L=5(10) L= 50mm Incermiccent Welds to Connect the Cover Plates for a Wide Flange Section ® Allowable capacity of 6 mm filet weld: Shear flow at the intersection of flange and cover plate: 21.29 Problem: A buill up section consists of a W 21 x 62 and two cover plates of 20 mm x 400 mmm as shown in figure 21.29. The intermittent filet weld required to conneet the cover pilates for the section is a 6 mm fillet weld having a spacing of 300 mnt on centers, at 2 point where the external shear is 424 KN. Use A 35 steel and E 70 electrodes with Q = 400(203276.58) y= 485 MPa, x Q= 2212640 mm? Properties of W 21x 62 E Sis ‘A= 118064 mm? vi 4 =583.16mm Fite eth ae 209.20 mm, 2sgon(2212 5.62 mm Appi 10.16 mm 1, = 553.6 x 10° mm q=52762N/mm Shear capacity of fillet wed for 300 mm length: 4=52752(300) a= 156285 70N Compute the moment of inertia of the built up section at the neutral axis Compute the allowable capacity of the 6 mm fillet weld 3) Length of intermittent fillet weld: intermittent fillet weld. .707t (0.30) Fy (2) 156085 0 = 0.7E7690.3K85)0)1 : Ls 2823mm Figure 2125 SOLUTION: — m Note: Effective length of any segment of intermittent fillet welding shall be : —— not esthan ines the weld sige witha insu of 38m, ‘Moment of inertia a the newsral axis L> 4(6)=24 ok Min. L 38mm ok Use b= 128.23 mm tessaoxi0' + [29922 , soonoya7e 8) = 1778.10.» 106 mot A welded plate girder is made up of 25 mmm x 300 mm anges and 20 mm x 750 mm ‘web. The built-up plate girder has an external shear of 600 EN. ata particular section, Using A 36 steel and E 60 electrodes with F, = 415 MPa, © Compute the moment of inertia at the neutral axis, ® Compute the shear flow at the Intersection of web and flange Set @ Compute the fillet weld size for a continuous weld Fite wi e ® Size of filet weld: For1 mm fillet weld, the allowable capacity. qa = 9.70710 ,0:3)415) a= 88.02 N/mm, 953.0 880202) Ei stom SOLUTION: teS4lmm say 6mm ® Moment of inertia at the neutral axis: Figure 21.30 1= 200902. [209282 . sooa5y287507 J Min size of weld: au20 09's Fas Material thickness of thicker part Min Size of weld to6 mm (inclusive) 3mm ‘Over 6 mm to 12mm 5mm f 2 Shear flow at the intersection of Celene ian a web and flange: ‘Over 20mm 8mm Since the thicker part welded is 25 mm > 20 mm, then the minimum size of ‘weld is 8 mm which is greater than 6 mm. Therefore use & mm fillet weld, = 300(25)387.50), (= 2906250 mm? 21.31 Plug and Slot Welds Etfecive area of plug and siot welds: ‘The effective shearing area of plug and slot welds shall be considered as the nominal crass sectional area of the hole or slot in the plane of faying surface. Limitations of Plug and Slot Welds © Plug or Slot Welds are permitted to transmit shear in lap joint or to prevent buckling of lapped parts and to join component parts of built lup members, @ The diameter of the hole for a plug weld shall not be less than the thickness of the part containing it plus 8 mum, rounded to the larger odd 16 mim nor greater than the minimum diameter plus 3 mm or 2.25 times the thickness of the weld @ The minimum center to center spacing of plug weld shall be 4 times the diameter of hole @ The minimum spacing of tines of slot welds in a direction transverse to theie length shall be d times the width of the slot. The minimum center to center spaciig in a longitudinal direction on any line shall be 2 times ‘the length ofthe sot © The length of the slot for a slot weld shall not exceed 10 times the thickness of the weld. ‘The width of the slot shall be not less than the thickness of the part containing it plus 8 mm nor shall it be larger than 2.25 times the thickness of the weld. The ends ofthe slot shall be seri circular or shall have the corners rounded to a radius not less than the thickness of the part containing it, except those ends which extend to the edge of the part. ® The thickness of plug ar slot welds in material 16 mm or less in thickness shall be equal to the thickness of the material. In material over 16 min thick, the thickness of the weld shall be at least 1/2 times the ‘thickness of the mat rial but not fess than 16 mm Length of slot for a slot weld © L=10 ty (length of slot) L=length of slot tw = thickness of weld Width of slot fora slot weld @ Wat +8<225t, W = width of slot tp thickness of plate cantaining the slot weld tye = thickness of weld Min. spacing center to center in a direction transverse to the length of a slot weld 5.24W Sj-= minimum spacing of slot welds in a direction transverse to their length W= width of slot Watyt8 < 225ty {p= thickness of plate containing the slot welt thickness of weld tw Min. center to center spacing in longitudinal direction of slot weld. S=2L 5. = minimum center to center spacing in a longitudinal direction on any line of stot L= length of slot ® Radius at the end of slot R= tp radius at the ends of slot {y= thickness of plate containing the slot weld © Thickness of slot weld (ty) a) When ty < 16mm twat tp | b) When ty > 16 mm ty =O5 ty but not less than 16 mm 21.32. Thickness of Plug Weld © a) Whenty < 16mm, ben tp ©) When t, > 16mm. t=054, but not lessthan 16mm ® Center to center spacing of plug welds S=4D D= diameter of plug hole 8 Diameter of plug hole Daty48 < 25ty y= thickness of plate ‘containing the plug weld lye = thickness of weld 21.33 Problem: ‘A.225 mm wide plate is to be used in a lap joint to carry a tensile load of must carry 958 EN and a possibility of some accidental eccentricity can not be computed ax shown in Figure 21.33. To insure a tighter joint, a plug weld is to be used. Assume the gusset plate to which the 225 mm plate is welded does nat control any of the design. Use A 36 steel with yield stress of Fy = 248 MPa, and E 60 electrodes with F, 415 MPa, © Compute the thickness of the plate ® Compute the weld size for the best joint @ Compute the amount of lap. SOLUTION: © Thickness of the plate: Tensile capacity of plate T=060F, Ay £58000 = 0 60(248)(225) W w 16.67 mmm say 17 mm Weld size for best joint. Max. sizeof fillet weld: 217-16 12154 mm Use t= 15 mm (size of fillet weld) Amount of lap: Shea apacty of plug eld and filet weld ToDo, (0.70% (2L +225) 0.3) Fy, Thickness of plug welds when thickness of material is greater than 16 mt shall be at least 1/2 times thickness of material but not less than 16 mom 1 tw #3 7) by 285 < 16mm Use = 16 mm Detye8 < 25, De1748 < 25116) De25 < 40 Use D=25 mm 558000 = F 25)? (0.3)(415) + 0.707115 KO. + 225,(0:3K415) 5.67 mm 21.34 Problem: A channel by a fillet weld and slot weld combination as shown on figure 2134 Thickness of web of channel is 13 mm, Assume width of the slot weld te be 22 mon Weld thickness is 11 mm. using E 70 electrodes F, = 485 MPa Figure 21.34 Compute the capacity to be resisted by the fillet weld # Compute the force to be resisted by slot weld, 4 Compute the length of slot weld SOLUTION: © Capacity tbe resisted by fillet weld Length of fillet weld = 125(2) + 300-22 Length of fillet weld 28 mm Capacity of fillet weld = 0.707 L 0.3) Fy, Capacity of fillet weld = 0.707(11)'528)(0.3K485) Capacity of fillet weld = 597460 N Capacity of fillet weld ® Force to be resisted by slot weld Force to be resisted by slot weld = 750 - 597.46 Force to be resisted by slot weld = 152.54 kN & Length of slot weld Since web thickness of channel = "3mm < 16mm, use thickness of slot weld tp = 13 mm Min. width of slot wel ip +8 < 22 ok 1 < 22 ok Min. width of slot weld = 13 + Max, width of stot weld = 2.25 ty =2.25 (11) = 24.75 mm Width of slot weld = 22 men (safe) 2L (03) Fy 152540 = 22 L (0.3)(485) 710 ___ STRUCTURAL STEEUBESIGN! 21.35 Problem: From the welded connection shown in the figure 21.35, a 225 mm x 18 mm plate is ‘welded to a 18 mm gusset plate provided by a fillet weld and a plug weld. An A 36 steel is used with Fy = 248 MPa, Electrodes used is an E70 with F,= 485 MPa. Use SAW Process. © Compute the tensile eapacity of the plate, © Compute the diameter of plug weld. © Compute the welding capacity of the connection. SOLUTION © Tensile capacity ofthe plate: T=060F, A, T = 0.60(248)(225)(18) T= 602640N Figure 21.35 ® Diameter of plug weld: D= thickness of plate + 8mm <225¢ where t= thickness of weld De18+8 < 22502) D=26mm < 27mm ® Welding capacity ofthe connection: t=12mm > 10mm T+ [area] wos»? 02%, = av07a2)+3] 25+ 257039485) + 225 03y485) 1 = 4948981 N 21.36 Problem: ‘A.200 mm x 10 mm plate is welded to a 12 mm gusset plate by a combination of the fillet welds and slat welds as shown in the Figure 21.3, 4 572 Grade 50 steel is used with a yield stress F,= 346 MPa. An E 70 electrodes with F, using SMAW Process. Compute the size of the fillet weld. Compute the tensile capacity of the plate Compute the tensile capacity of the fillet and slot welds. SOLUTION: Size of fillet weld: ‘Thickness of connected pat Max. size of fillet weld = 10- 16=84 mm Min. size of filet weld = 5 mm (thickness of base metal s12 mm) Use t= 8 mim fillet weld Figure 21.36 0mm > 6mm Tensile capacity ofthe plate: T=060F/Ag T = 060(246)(200)(10) T= 415200N Tensile capacity of fillet and slot welds: T (0.7071) L103) Fy + Area of slot x0.30 F, T = (0:707(8}(125 + 125) (0.3) (485) + 75(18)0.3)(485) T=402162N ‘atic ofea Of a jroove welds shall be old times the effective throat thickness, BBflevtive length of groove welds shall be Ming Grove welded Etfective Throat Thickness of Pertial-Penetration Groove Weld. SRUGTURAUSTEEL DESIGN considered as the effective the width ofthe pat joined, rly Postion | R8ES | Ethan =| Groove Thickness Shetiet meta are | For pn - | Depth of evelory | hbk Gat tal are a | Bey Bowel) ~baphar Flucored arc juine<éo" | chamierminas buts ast | 3mm | Minimum Effective Throat Thickness of Pa “Material Thickness of Minimum Effective Throat ‘Thicker Part joined (ram) ‘Thickness (mm) — Tos inchsive z ‘Over 6 fo 12 5 ‘Over 12 to 20 & ‘Over 20 to 38 8 ‘Over 38 to 57 10 ‘Over 57 to 150 12 "Geert Te provide sufficient preheat for soundness of the weld, Effective Throat Thickness of a Flare Gronve Welds Min, effective throat thickness is determined by the thicker of the two parts joined, except that the weld size need not exeeed the thickness of the thinnest part joined. For this exception particular cate shall be taken to en Fare eve al ster | Use (3/8)R for Gas Metal Are Welding (except short arealting Usaha Effective Throat Thickness of a Complete Penetration Groove Welk! ‘The effective theoat thickness of a complete penetrat shall be the thickness of the thinner part joined, 21.38 Butt Welded Joints or Groove Welds ‘A butt weld is generally used for the members carrying tensile, compressive ‘or bending stresses, ‘Throat Thickness: 4) For complete penetration to be ensured, the throat thickness can be taken to be equal to the thickness of the parts joined. IF the parts joined are of unequal thickness, the throat dimension is taken to be equal to the thickness of the thinner part connected. Complete penetration ean ‘easily be achieved in case of double V and Bevel butt Joints, b) In case of single V general penetration is not complete (partial penetration) the effective throat will be taken as 5/8 times the thickness of the thinner part connected. supe neem Sn — (= throat thickness 4 8 ie tbat sane Po T= thinner thickness ofl ( ty t= throat thickness oy i bn ‘Single V Butt weld ], 7 7, ny Double V But weld . To thickness of plate T= thickness of thinner part {thickness of throat wT {= thickness of throat Dor Note: 21,39 Full Penetration Groove Weld Effective Throat Dimensions: (t.) te effective throat D= depth of chamfer GD D=depth of chamfer one Effective area of groove weld = t,x length of weld Capacity of groove weld= Effective area x 0.30 Fy 21.40 Problem: ‘Two plates 200 mim x 10 mm and 200 mm x 16 mm are to be connected using butt weld connection. Use £ 70 electrodes with F, = 485 MPa, ® Compute the,max. tensile force which the joint can take safely fa single V butt ‘weld is used to connect them, ® Compute the max. tensile force which the joint can take safely if a double V butt ‘weld is used to connect them, SouUTION © Tent capacity fora singe Vb weld ij a alr 7 Single V Bu wid cnnecton tactve engin of toa =f 00) fective length of throat = 6.25 mm F = (6251200/03) F,) P=6.25(200K0.3)(485) P= 181875 © Tensile capacity for double V butt weld connection: i 0 mF 7 | ‘Single V But weld connection Etfective length of throat = 10 man P= 10(200,10.3)485) = 291000 N 21.41 Problem: Two plates 325 mm x 18 mm are to be connected using butt weld connections. Use E 60 electrodes with F, = 415 MPa . © Compute the capacity of the joint connected if a single V butt weld is used to ‘connect them. ® Compute the capacity of the joint if a double V-butt weld is used to connect them, SOLUTION: © Capacity ofa single V butt weld connection: 7 |. Etecive length of toat= 809) Effective length of throat = 11.25. mm P= 11.25 (8250034415) P=455203 N @ Capacity of a double V butt weld connection: Double V But weld Effective length of throat = 18 mm P= 18(325)0.3N415) P= 728325 78 sey sraucruRasrEER 21.42 Problem: A full penetration groove welds using E 70x electrodes (F, = 485 MPa) is connecting the two 12 mm x 150 mm plates using A 36 stel (Fy = 248 MPa). © Compute the allowable load based on the weld capacity using SMAW process. ® Compute the allowable load based on tension of plates, ® Compute the capacity due to shear of plates. SOLUTION: © Allowable load based on weld capacity: Allowable tension perpendicular tothe welds longitudinal axis = 06 Fy for the base metal T=06F, Effective area of weld Eifective area = Effective throat x length of weld. Effective throat = thickness of plate Allowable load based on shear of E 70 electrodes groove welds: T = 12(050(0.3(485) T= 261900 N Safe T = 261900N ® Allowable load based on tension of plates: T2068, Ay T = 0.6(248)(12)(150) T= 267840N ® Capacity due to shear of plates: Plate shear does not need to be computed, since the plane of tension excludes the possibility of shear failuce the boning sts and suing res town he ge the : max, shearing stress do not occur at the same Sorat the top and bottom while Froet noc bending 8 and eld, Max bending sss cn Sere cing stesso he mil point fhe ws. So we anne sebhe be Prorat stresses at any point, but in actual practice we oo con agra vaation of string siren and terelere We May ‘Combined vectorially the maximum values of the two stresses Consider mim width of tefieyweld Resultant stresses: RaVGP A | R=0.707¢(03)Fy size of filet welds where: Fy=imin. tensile rength of fillet weld 720 21.44 Probler A brocket shown in Figure 2.44 is welded by a ile weld o a column section, Ik carriesan eccentric load of 80 EN acting at 200 min from the fillet weld shove ® Determine the max, bending. 1 tira reson the filet wed | ‘i ® Using elastic method, determine the maximum foree per mm to be resisted by the fillet weld shown, @ Determine the size of the fillet weld to carry the load using E 70 electrodes with F, = 485 MPa Figure 21.44 SOLUTION: © Max bending stress perm of fillet weld Mc i M = 80000,200) M= 16x10" Nunm C= 125mm = 250)? 1-Mgs0P 1 1302083.33, y= 1536 Nimans _STRUCTURAL STEEWDESIGN) R= V(3207 + (1536? R= 1569 Nam fyc1336 Ninn ® Size of fillet weld to carry the load: 1569. * O7071N0 ABS) t= 1525mm say 16mm 21.45 Problem: From the given welded connection shown in the Figure 21.45, an eccentric load of 45 KN is acting at a distance of 150 mm from the flange of a column section. An E 70 fillet weld is used on both sides of the bracket with a minimum tensile strength Fy=485 MPa. ‘ 45KN Soa © Compute the bending stress per mm resisted by the fillet weld. | Compute the maximum force per sm fo be resisted by the fillet wel Compute the size of the fillet weld required for the connection shown. 72 smerunavsresupesiam |] srmucrueat'sreet veston Eoeuri 21.46 Problem: Moai eee ee ‘A bracket shown in Figure 21.46 is subjected to an eccentric load of 178 kN acting at Se aon 100 mar trom the face ofthe flange of the column section, The angular section ik 1= (2250? @ Tea hinge cecum ecuon by an E10 wed win 2 paemtb © Compute the moment of inertia Compute the paximum force per M = 45000(150) mm to be fesisted by the fillet ian Sen ane Compute the size of the fille weld to carry such load. 67500000 1125 suse fe once SOLUTION: f igure 2% 1 32¢NImm © Moment of inertia of fillet welds: ‘Consicer 1 mm width of weld Ac= 105002) ® Max. force per mm to be resisted by the fillet weld: Ay = 500, ey P _ 45000 1 = 30%) Ar 120)0) + ba nat ss 2s ARAL AD is a R= 625724 07 | aztoo424 a ia R=23530Niwm on en il i “ + ® Size of filet weld using am ait Arya 70 dlectrodes: ae 524 J = 5001125) +240) seweancroann ff ) Yo1837 €2326say 4mm ar | by X22 a « asnays75? + 209@,819277 Use 4 mm fillet weld 2.962 ¥ 10% mot 724 74s STRUCTURAL'STEEWIDESIGNS 2 Max. force per mm thatthe filet weld can resist Neglect the direct shear to be carried by the end returns. 21.47 Problem: Due to bending oMC ‘A seat angle is supporting a W 16 x 3¢ beam reaction of 90.6 KN. It is welded on both r : sides of the angular section having a width of 200 mm as shown in Figure 21.47. Use M = 175000(100) wea fn? fan E 70 electrodes for fillet welds with F, = 495 MPe. A 36 steel is used with i + ‘Fy= 248 MPa. M-=178x10°Nmm w ior temon 13073 Properties of W 16x36 (1288.10 «3079 leg, y= 17755 mm S862 10° 12° 7.59mm f= 7856N/mm fy=Pu ee i Vreu. ee Compute the bending sts of a seat angle. = Compute the maximum force to be resisted by the fillet weld. 6 = om Compute the size of the file ‘weld to support the given loads. {, =350N/mm ca = (8869 755697 SOLUTION: R= $62.50 Nim Bending stress of the seat angle. We ere Figure 21.47 The critical section for Size fillet weld bending is usually assumed to be . at the edge of the fillet which is ‘90800 WY 80250 = 0707 (1Y0.24485) approximately (+95) mm from 1275 wl 1=8.38mm the back of the vertical leg for t most angles and the beam reaction is assumed to be User 295 mm filet wold concentrated atthe center ofthe theoretical required. bearing ss length N, where t = thickness of ah, seat angie 726 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! ® Maximum force tobe resisted by the fillet weld: To avoid web crippling: compute bearing length required. Moment resisted by one vertical B crtaey < 006, GNFR fillet weld. 0800 cos T5GINS 25x21) ~ 66248) m= 2280 (25.53) N=1856 mn = 115062 Force acing on he wel per mn due to bending From he igre er wa Ne rs9sse be f 6 (115906.2) 135+ BS. 29546 _— fo= 8.54 /n ¢<08mm Force acting on the weld per mi dueto dre shea: “9200 Fo=2(100) Moment acting on the seat angle: fos 454 N/rom M =90800(4.03) ucdlooste Max, force tobe resisted by the filet weld R= Veosi+ sae R= 459.29 Ninn ‘Max bending stress of seat angle: a4 ie of fillet weld to cary the loa no ® Size of fillet weld to carry the load R= 0.707 1(1)03) Fy ja Ses = oxtae 459.29 = 0707 #(1)0.3K485) Jo=T523MPa < 075 F,= 186 MPa f=446 mm oo} Use 5 mm size oftaeld ne Bracket Connections (Tension with Shear) 21.48 Probler A tension member, two angles 200 mim x 75 mm x 12 mm carries a tension load P = 536 KN with a direction of 30° from the horizontal axis, The bracket used is a 16 mm plate which is welded to the center of the column flange using a double-level full penetration groove weld. Fillet welde attaching the angles to the plate should be arranged s0 as to balance the forces about the Nextral axis of the connection of the double angles to eliminate any eccentricities. Assume no welds is placed along the end of the angles. Use £ 70electrodes with F,, = 485 MPa. Size of weld is 10 runt. A 36: has F, ~ 248 MPs, © Compute the value of ian 2 Compute the value of b~ S pesgoun ® Compute the allowable tensile "sm pe stress with combine shear and tension acting on the groove weld. ‘ere ‘i ee Fy = allowable tensile steess of groove weld shearing stress of groove weld Figure 21.48 Length of filet weld required: T=0707 11 (030) Fy 268000 = 0.707 (10) L (0.3085) 1 = 260.53 mm 26053 Capacity of 10 mm filet weld per nm: = 0.707(10)(1)103)485) 9= 1028685 N/mm Summing up moments abost 1028.685(0)(100) = 268000(33.25) 4 = 86.65 mm ® Valueof 6053 260.53 - 86.63 b= 17390. mm ‘ ® Allowable tensile stress: S3g4N - pe " ace ep Poon coed 730 __ STRUCTURAL STEEU DESIGN! For the double-bevel full penetration groove weld: Effective length of throat = thickness of plate Eifectivelength of theoat = 16 mm s39kN aa in te 16mm ts Shearing stress of groove weld oll] | im ‘ite bee pt Poneto rove weld fo= 67 MPa (shearing stress) ‘Tensie stress of groove weld Tr fein 464190 Se 1605) f= 11605 MPa Allowable tensile stress with combine shear and tension: ten [ey] Fn000F, F, 0.60(248) F,=M48.8MPa Allovrable tensile stress with combined shear and tension: a= [1-GSp)] uss Fy=11863MPa > 116.05 MPa (safe) 21.49: Shear and Torsion Eccentrically leaded connections as shown in the figure, is subjected 10 shear and torsion. Fig. 2149-4, Fig. 2149-8 Torsional moment M=P, M=P (105 + 200) M=305 P. Torsional stresses: Polar moment of inertia: Inholy Consider 1 mm strip of weld: 1,= G20 5 15041100722) f= 367% 10° mmt 2 {0502 , sasoyao? fe 2000459 # 1.24% 10° mm? ‘ Jehel J =367 x 10° + 1.24% 108 =491 x10 Direct shear stress: fk Se F150 200 =o N/mm * Si RaVGY + Gf R-=max. force per mm to be resisted by the fillet weld R=0707¢(1)(03) Fy eof fillet weld required F,=muin. tensile strength of fillet weld 21.50 Problem: [A bracket shown in the Figure 21.50 is carrying an eccentric load of 80 kN. Use an E70 electrodes with Fy = 485 MPa. © Determine the value of the polar ‘moment of inertia, @ Determine the maximum force ‘per mm to be resisted by the fillet weld @ Determine the size of the E 70x fillet weld required for the bracket. SOLUTION: Figure 21.50 © Polar moment of ner Consider mm of wed 22592). as9ayayao0e 100, J = 7604166.67 mm4 “- | Check sing orm 2 p-EL(E ste) i | 121 [222 « coo? +7] bs 100 380 |: J 7604166.67 mont 734 © Maximum force per min to be resisted by the fillet weld a Torsional moment M = 80000(200) M = 16000000 M~16x 108 Nm My foX fewtSxih.025) a 7etkiGo.87 f= 263 N/mm 7, 16x 10%(100) i 7e168 67 fy 2N04N/mm (263 + (3704) R= 45427Nimm 263 Size of E 70 electrodes fille: weld required forthe bracket 454.27 = 0.707 (103,485) 12442mm Use t= 5 mm filet weld 21,51 Problem: A bracket shown is welded to a column flange by an £ 70 electrodes fillet weld. It carries an eccentric load of 90 KN. Compute the polar mament of inertia ofthe fillet welds. Compute the maximum force to ‘be resisted by the fillet welds, Compute the size of the fillet weld if an £ 70 electrodes fillet weld with F, = 485 MPa is used. fie Figure 21.50 SOLUTION: Polar moment of inectia: Consider 1 mm strip of fillet weld. p= 05072). soci) = 2250000 mm# Check: Using the formula yesn (Kaxtey) 1s0@) [0522 « 920] J = 2250000 man* 736 Se (STRUCTURAL STEFL DESIGN @ Maxim force to resisted by the file wel 21.52 Problem M holy ‘The welded bracket connection is subjected to an eccentric load of 45 KN acting a8 -M = 9000100 +75) shown in Figure 21.52. An E 70 fillet weld is used with a minimum tensile strength F, = 485 MPa, M=15 75x10 Nan © Compute the centroid of the fillet ‘welds measured from BC. fot © Compute the moment of inertia at the centroid ofthe group of filet few IBSX 106175) welds. ee Compute the appropriate sizeof Se= SSN the fillet welds to be used, SOLUTION: Centroid of fillet Lelythtly 1L=150 + 200-4150 L= 500 Lx = Lyx, + Lyx 43x 500 % = 150(75) + 200(0) + 150(75) X= 45 mm, from BC R= (257+ 257 © Polar momen of inertia R= 977.88 Nimm Consider | mm width of fillet weld. hseqyaen?] 2. (oe ‘@ Size of fillet weld required: | 97.88 = 0.707 (1y030)485) ty= [00502 « rasnyao? ]> «200038 15951 mum sty 10 mm bye124x108 Use 10 mm fillet weld Fatt ly Jo 3.67 x10" + 1.24% 10° J= 4.912108 mnt 738 Size of fillet welds: -M = 45000 (200 + 105) M = 13725000 Numan fags 137250001100) 491 x 10° fax 27953 N/mm nes f= 437250000008) v5) x 18 f= 29351. N/mm Max. force per mm to be resisted by the fillet wele: R= (38351)? + 279.53)" 47457 N/mm aa ae. Size of filet weld ons R=07071(1)03) Fy k 12461 mm ay 5mm Use 5 am fillet wold 21.53 Problem: ‘The bracket shown in Figure 21.53 is connected to its support with a 6 mm fillet weld using E 6) electrodes F, = 425 MPa © Compute the torsional moment to be resisted by the fillet welds. @ Compute the location of the instantaneous center of rotation measured from the center of the fillet welds @ Compute the maximum stress in the fillet weld, jr SOLUTION: 1D Torsional moment to be resisted by fillet welds: Figure 21.53 Locate centroid of fillet welds. Lelththy L = 100 +300 + 100 i Le 500mm. i alin thr +lyss 100(50) + 300(0) + 100150) M=Pe 1M = €0000(280), M= 138x108 Nm. M=138kNm 740 ® "Location of instantaneous center of rotation Polar moment of inertia of group of fillet welds. Consider 1 mm stip. ty= DORE cri00 aso 2) 1, = 6730000 men [eau exe? + 200(1).20)° 166567 mont = 6750000 + ab6667 PAG? tsi 8275 mm Max. steuss inthe illet weld om Max. force per mm to be resisted boy the fillet welt a=V0027 f= 207.07 mm R=39597N/mm Max. stress inthe fillet weld R=0707¥(1) 595.97 = 0707 (6) F, Fo= 93.34 MPa (nay. strossin the fillet salt) STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN) 21.54 Problem: ‘A welded bracket connection shown in Figure 21.54 is subjected to an eccentric lond Of kN. An E70 illet weld is used with a minimum tensile strength of F, = 485 MPa. 40kN Compute the maximum torsional moment to be resisted by the fillet welds. Compute the maximum force per mm to be resisted by the fillet to) welds, ® Compute the size of the fillet weld needed to support the given loads. Figure 21.34 SOLUTION: Max. torsional moment to be resisted by the fillet welds Centroid of fillet welds 2100+ 150 1 =250 mm, L¥ehntly 250 ¥ = 150(75) + 100(60) Ly-Lin 250 ¥ = 150(0) + 100(100) 7 Lay 40mm ‘M = 49000(65 + 100) M = 6600000 Nm. M 56kNon ® Max. force to be resisted by the fillet weld: Most stressed section: 1, = 10041 M60}? + 15041407 1, = 600000 For section A. 0g00" eneya57 «EP seaeyaos no) fr 16345 N/mm Mc fy _scooor065 Sy yo02083 33 (Check using formals fy= 8281 N/mm (12 2) haan L(pestey?) i Se20$5 4 2 oe a Jaa= 150 [132E «02+ 402] . pod fo B an= 536250 for 160N/mum fe " 3. * oO Ry? = (2684572 (588.11)? 2s Keo= Gy + +¥) Rye i. N/mm x4 Ry Jeo = 100 007. a5y-« oe] Jen = 46583333 For section D: J= last loo 1 = 536250 + 465833.35 1 = 100208333 (ok) ‘f= 39818N/mm (688.11)? + (395.18)? Rp =70855 N/mm Most siressed section is point D. Max. force to be eesisted by fillet weld = 708.55 Nim Size of fillet weld required: R=0.707 1(1)03) F, 708.55 = 0707 (1)(0.3,485) 1689 mm say 7 mo Use Pun fillet welds a, ‘om 2. — Ys 60 ‘ode DSe9518 fy=t28.11 f.. 60 p.39818 538.11 GSTRUCTURAUSTEEL DESIGN 21.55 Problem: ‘A welded bracket shown in Figure 21.55 is subjected to an eccentric load of 40 kN. ‘An E 70 illet weld isto be used with a minimum tensile strength of 485 MPa © Compute the maximum torsional moment tobe resisted by the fillet weld. ® Compute the moment of mertiaat the centroid of the group of fillet welds @ Compute the thickness of the ‘weld that could be used to carry the load se ade age, Figure 21.55 SOLUTION: @ Max torsional moment to be resisted by the fillet welds: Locate the centroid ofthe group of fillet welds. atlatls 100 + 190 + 150 350 mm L¥ =x tha ths 350 ¥ = 100(50) + 100(0) + 150(75) F = 46.43 on Ly=bythet | 350 7 = 100(100) + 100150) + 150(0) 42.86 mm Max: torsional moment M = 40000 (100 + 46.43) M = 5957200 Nam 746 STRUCTURAL STEEUIDESIGH] Js STRUCTURAT STEEUIDESIONY Moment of inertia atthe centroid of group of fillet welds r= 1000 67.14)? + 10902. rooqny734y? + 1500 ¢4286)2 y= 690476 28002 4 rooaya.s7? + MA50P . soq)28:57) + 1oays6.43)2 7oaa69 = 690876 + 703869 [= 1398345 mnt @ Thickness of fillet weld to carry the load: Locate the most stressed section. Try section fen GE = 5857200 (42.86) fe T3315 ‘fe=18004N/ramn Sat jy = S783) See y= 195.08 N/mm T 40000 fe 350 foo M429N/mm Re = (0997 + 180.087 a= 35791 N/mm Tey section D: nee 5857200 (57.14) Se THs ‘fo 240N/mm Mc __ 5857200 (46.43) om) fyx 19504N/mm f= 11429N/mm Ro? = (07 + 08387 Rp=391.52N/inm Most stressed section is at D: R= 0707 4(1N03) Fy 391.82 = 0707 (1,033) (485), S1rim say 4mm. Use mm fillet weld 748 21.56 Problem: Fg racket shown in Figure 2136 acres» load P - 220 ia and welded by a 10 mm ‘let wele. ‘usa RON 20 © Compute the max. shearing stress a ata SD me | ae ® Compute the max. shearing steess T atB. ab © Compute the max. shearing stress 75) 160112 oer E LL M = 120(437.5) - 160120) Latosteaterso ® Compute the max. shearing stress — M = 23900 kNanm aD. 283x 10Nm ‘£e=400.85 Yf1600001680-250 some Figure 21.56 AT jynso9 62 SOLUTION: Max, shearing stress at Me a Considera 1 mm thickness of filet weld 10 E20 ‘eae - Fy=15985 ‘A= 200(1,2 + 240(1) f= 409.85 * Aneto ARE AIM + ADY ya 640 x 200(1)(2)(100) + 240(1)(0) 25 mn 1, = EE 200y1208 @) 912000 y= UATE) , OI7SPO) aor yes? R= VA59.85)"+ (657.127 R=67628N/mm R=0707 tL Fey 676.28 =0.707(10)1) Foy Fyn = 95.65 MPa Max. shearing stress at B 33.3 x10° (20) ery rata 409.85 333 x 10° 625) 97x10 fy =213.46 maa Ry = V(2596)" + (59.88 y= 151.91N/mm Re 070701 Fay 161.94 = 0707000)(1) Fo Fog= 22.9) MPa Max, shearing stress at C: Re= Vies9.857= 25.96" Re= 660.35 Re= 0707 (1) Foe 213.46, os9as € 660.6 = 070700)2) Fae e340 MPa © Mx shearing ste at | - 18130 Rp= ¥ (659.85) + (657.12)? = asa Y fet0sas 672 py Ry oat iad Spat Dts Rp=0707 (1) Fep 931.24 = 0707010)0) Fey Fp IDL72 kPa (Most strss0 752 a 21,57 Problem: A plate is attached to the frame by two side fillet welds to resist a vertical load pf 40 KN acting as shown in Figure 21.57. Using an allowable shearing stress of 145 MPa through the throats of all welds. © Which of the following gives the centroidal torsional couple acting, ton the bracket Which of the following gives the value of the max. force per millimeter of weld. Which of the following gives the size of the weld to resist the vertical load, SOLUTION: © Centroidal torsional couple Locate the centroud of the fillet weld 100(100) + 150(0) = (100+ 150) 7 ¥ 240mm 100 (50) + 15075) = (100 + 150) ¥ 65mm Centroidal couple = 40 (165) Centroidal couple = 6600 kN-mm Centroidal couple = 66 kN. STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! a “Tm E ptermett Figure 21.57 2 Naw tome pee minster of we | rot [Bovey 2 10 [059 5 aop+ or] Jan Jap ~ 536250 sve = 100 [2997 «0592+ oP] Joe = 4658, J= 148+ Toe 536250 + 455853 I= 1002083 Check 4, = 1000)? + 150(1)(40)? 4, = 600000 + CLE rans? = 402083 Jeletly J = 600000 + 402083 J 1002083 i> Yoo + 150 Vy =160N/mom 754 STRUCTURAL STEEU DESIGN Most stressed section iseither Aor E 21.58 Problem: See From the given welded connection shown in Figure 2158, using A 36 steel and E70 fF electrodes with a nominal tensile strength Fu = 483.33 MPa pe = 0000460) To0208 fe=395 N/mm > Which of the following gives the Ms force per mm to be resisted by the ney fillet weld due to bending alone 5500000165 +— Which of the following gives the fe" Tonn083 a maximum force per mm to be f= 428N/mm CC is repeted ey ihe et weld, 7 2 a ich of the following gives the Eeawnt 96? + S08? ' Mr, size of the fillet weld to resist the §- R85 N/mad , given load. Figure 21.58 Atsection A Me ey SOLUTION: f= SO) hes Force per min to be resisted bythe fillet weld duc to Lending alone. fy=428N/men 4 Assumea Twn ti fale My i tow , oars) mee ey _ J 1302083.33, f= 285N/mm BM = 300488000) f= 0685724 68892 f= s00asoon) 64.24 N/mm Ma= 14400000 Use R= 70836 N/mm (Max: force per milter of weld) 125 130208833 Sine of welt 1382.N/mn R=0307¢ L045) My = 36000(125), My = 4500000 N/mm 70836 = 0.707 ()145) 1=69mm say 7mm fillet wed 756 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN! @ ‘Max. force tobe resisted bythe fillet weld due to bending alone 982-452 = 950 Nino Max. force tobe resisted by the fillet weld: Due to 48 KN load 48000 Load per mun Load per mm = 192N/mm_ Due to 36 KN load: Lon per an = 5000 oF Load per mm = 144 N/mm rom the result, the max. force is acting a B RP = (192 + lose? R= 11 Nim (Max. fore resisted by file weld) Size of fillet weld Note: Allonsabe shear stress = 0 30F R~07078 L(03)Fu 1111 = 0,707 €(2y0.3)(488.33), P1084 say 12 mm 21.59 Problem: ‘The 60 mm 2, 1.2-m. length cantilever solid shaft shown in Figure 21.59 is welded at the fixed end. Its subjected to an eccentricload P =5kNat a distancee = 04 m. Find the torsional stress of the solid shaft. Find the maximum shearing stress of the fillet weld, Find the maximum tensile stress ofthe solid shaft. SOLUTION: ‘Torsional stress: 1st 8-15 Figure 21.59 scan 5.47.16 MPa ‘Maximum shearing stress of fillet weld: Bending stress: Mc T M=s(1.2) M=6kNm @ Max. shalt Shearing stress of fillet weld Using Mors Circle R= 47.167 aLa7e R= 149.12 MPa Maximum Shearing stress of fillet weld = 402 MPa tensile stress of the solid 141.47 4 49.12 29059 MPa Welded Beam Connections 21.60 Problem: A.W 21 x 68 beam is connected to a column section by a welded connection using a 75 mm x 75 mm x10 mint as its web angle welded to the flanges of the column section as shown in Figure 21.60. The fillet weld is an E 60 electrodes having a nominal tensile strength of F, = 415 MPa, The becm supports a reaction of 196 EN. The shop and field welds is 7 mm in size for both column and beam web conection. Use A 36 ‘steel with Fy = 248 MPa 196N) y w2tx68 Wah xcs & am Figure 21.60 Ra RR Investigate ifthe shop weld to beam connection is adequate, | Investigate ifthe field weld to column flange connection is adequate, f not what size of fillet weld is requited | Investigate if the welded web angle thickness is adequate SOLUTION: © Adequacy of shop weld to beam connection: Consider 1 mm thick of fillet weld. Locate centroid of fillet welds Leltlyety 1 =65+ 220465 = 350 Linthy thy 350 = 65(325) + 220(0) + 65(32.5) = 1207 mm Polar moment of inertia of fillet welds: 1p MLO, se ai9202) 160333.33, 132081.55 Jehe+l J = 2460338.33 + 132081.55 J 259241488 Torsional moment -M = 98000(62.93) M-= 6167140 Nira > ss ot HS2507 @) , 11207? 2 enoya2.079 1960002 33000 oft Feo 5 Torsional stresses M Z fait fe gpa #167140 (10) Jeo. 88 fe=261.68N/mm Mx uo ay = 6167140 52.93) ; Sy" 5828148 2. © fy=12592N/ mon Direct shear stress: hop Fo" 350 foe 280N fram Max. force per mm tobe resisted by the fillet weld: Ry? = 40592) + (261.68 Ry = 482.95 N/mm Shear capacity ofthe 7mm fillet weld: 0707 #13) Fy 707 @HANOINALS) 1615 N/mm > 482.96 N/man The 7 mm shop fillet weld to beam web is adequate, Adequacy of the field fillet weld to column flange: wg220f eeF 4 I 1 6220] 4) aan) Le ik wl NSCP Specs and AISC Specs. ‘The fel welds ar subject oa rotation lect which cases the web angle ob forced aginst te beam we atthe top and pushed apart te bottom, tending toshenr horizontal the ilt wel. Thess pace ore consider thatthe neutral as dividing the tension Fern evpescos Se Ineted L/S of the way down tom thetop of he engin, the ented shear sss assumed to vary fom zero a pont Aros muha atthe foitom of hengen. Maso Fh = 98000(75) (2 08323) = 250005) Fe 01s75N ofl 0137.5 =f18333) 2 f= 656.06 N /emen, Direct shear stress: ‘Max. force per mm to be resisted by the field fillet weld: Capacity of the 7 mm fillet weld: 4 = O707(7)(1N0.3N15) q= 616.15 N/mm < 793N/mm (not adequate) Size of fillet weld required for column flange weld! R=0.707 *(1)(03) Fy 793 = 0.707 ¢(1)(0.3)(415) Use 9mm filet weld @ Adequacy of web angle: = 793N/mm Capacity of 9mm fillet seldom the column flange For length of 220 mm. fillet weld: Capacity of fillet weld = capacity of angle due to shear 793 (220) = ty (2204040) Fy 798 = hy (O40 }248) 980008 B mm required thickness The angular section is seiat adequate it has.a thickness of é JOmm > Smm (required) | be CHAPTER TWENTY TWO 22.4 CE Board May 2004 From the given Figure 22.1 shows a base plate connection which carries a moment of 78 ANont. Neglecting the axial load. Nominal tensile strength of the fillet weld 1s 480 MPa, MoT KM nm —_ C12, Fite wet filet wid lowe Ast angie aw ere late um o f 2 concretdifocting omthor ba anchor bolt Figure 22.1 Which ofthe following gives the tensile capacity ofthe bot. Which ofthe following, gives the moment capacity carried by the fillet welds. Which of the following gives the thickness of the weki SOLUTION: file vet Tensile capacity of the bolt (450) = 78 x 10° fe T= 173333 1317333 kN t r “or Moment capacity carried by the fillet welds. M=T60) M = 17383350) M = 8666650 Nm (M=8.67 kNm | || Thicke of the wel Mommy eat -aaaitin a ,=480 MPa ta Ge T=17 33 0N - 8.667.106 foe Seo0res fe 28889N/mm Force per weld = SSS a Fore po inl = 86565 ay = th sees ~ fy = 28889 N/mm EP +e (288.89)? + (288.89)? R= 40856 None R=07071(1)030Fy 408 56 = 0.707 ¢(1)0.30)(480) 124.01 mm 766 Suen (STRUETURAL STEEL DESIGN 22.2 Problem: 1575 = 86547 2 The base plate for the A36 W 12 x 72 column shown in Figure 22.2 is (600 mm x 300mm. It earries an axial load of 356KN and a moment of 181 kN.m Using NSCP Specs. for base plates subjected to eccentric loads with fe’ = 20.7 MPs, Fy~ 246.67 MPa, Fu = 48638 MPa for lillet welds, = 35427 Br,=0 3s64N T+ 356000 =F T+ 356000 = 7245199827 (599) ramon. Ta Ache jeadery fox 0s04ssn foe OMe THAS aasor = 04 Fiera age le 4 =4957 say50mme Figure 22.2 Use 50 mm dia, anchor bolts 5) Which ofthe following gives the diameter ofthe anchor bol. @ Which of tne following gives the size ofthe fillet weld. @ @ Size of fillet weld: Which ofthe following gives the thickness of the base plate. m2 Force pf weld = 856 Fore per weld = 142836 SOLUTION: © Diameter of bolts ‘Stresses on one weld: 142836 Suomation of moments he ine of aan of. 22486500 (595.4) «sseonans) «181108 950505250608.» 261.105 108 75a + 432463.77 =0 ‘M= 142836(50) f= 714800 Non a fy pe = IZ1A1800 (e007 (fre47612N/mm RV 76.127 + 7612 Re 67334N 707% (1) (0.30) Fy (67334 = 0.707¢ (13(0.20(4838) 5.6.56 mun say 7 mm Use 7 mum fillet weld D Thickness of base plate: y__ 7265 2. - 3427 yn469 Consider 1 mm wudthof pate: M-= P, 625) +P: (83.33) y= 4.69(125)(1) = 596.25 Fo=0.75Fy Fb = 0.75(246.67) Fo= 185 MPa eM 75-6 (= 40.25 mm say 50 mm Clam angie F ‘clon 22.3 Problem: AA steel column having a depth of 355 mm as shown in Figure 22.3 transmit to Ita footing an axial load of 134 kN and a moment of 124 EN.m in the plane of its web. Modular ration = 9. Allowable bearing pressure is 5170 kPa. Allowable bending stress in the plate is 196.10 MPa. Allowable tensile stress of anchor bolts is 96.5 MPa, Use 60 electrodes for fillet welds with F, = 415 MPa naan pan 4 Ne te weit anale L/ se eontenny cll ee ‘anchor boir > ‘a te igem23 Compute the value of 6 Compute the thickness of base plate, Compute tho diameter of anchor bolts, Compute the sizeof illet weld 770 baw SOLUTION: a eee © Thickness of base plate aa © Value ofB sieve fate wett — | FY cole | Critical bering tress in the base weiton plate occurs atthe faeof the column ‘ sa oe ; v8 # “ ld { Bor * ToT 1072 x= 57x 10.72 x = 584(5.17) 5.17 y= 103 MPa x= 19001 comer fi Tan hr bt ‘Considering 3 mm strip . ste seo ro34 22 Zasoon & i 1 oom sn \ 424 gray) OEMED C49L18 B - “ $52 000m | on | am | cas ia EMp=0 57 Use t= 38 mom o 772 Diameter of anchor bolts T+138000 =¢ T+ 134000 = 498 T= 491.18(620) - T= 170532. T A fe 170532 365 Aga 1767 mac? nd? a 4=4743 say 50) Use anchor bots A 1767 Size of fillet welds: 88 134000 50mm 0 STRUCTURAL STEEL DESIGN Each tine of fillet weld will resist a free of 172 Mc oar M = 85266(76) M = 6880716 Nm oM Png , (6480216) * (1)(300)? fe=432N/mm 85256 fs 28422 N/mm R= 432} + (294.2092 51711. N/mm f= 887 mm says Use 6 mm fillet 7 ANU}, Hyo.aNa15) wld C491 188 ER TWENTY THREE BASIC PRINCIPLES of PLASTIC DESIGN jastic Analysis When the bending moment is mcreased at a particular section of the beam ‘twill produce a linear variation of stress unl the yield stress is reached in the outermost fibers a5 shown in a rectangular beam in the elastic range and the corresponding plastic range. Rectangular Elastic Plastic Section Distribution Distabution folStesses of Steer At fully plastic distribution of stress, more parts of the beam eross section is stressed to the yield point and when the stress distribution has reached this. stage a “plaitic hinge” is said fo have formed because no additional moment ‘ean be resisted at the section. Any additional moment applied at the section will cause the beam to rotate with litle increase in stress. a) Yield moment = the moment which will ust produce the yield stress in the ‘outermest fiber ofthe section. b) Plastic moment = the moment that will produce plasticity in a member «ross section and create a plastic hinge. Plastic Moment Shape factor =Yieid Moment Elastic Section Modulus: My=FyS (yield moment) 5 ic tn nt | 774 Yield moment My: Mt (Qa cQa Fba Myo Ga fe My=F, 2 My= FS s=42 caste ston me Plastic Section Modulus: aa cm (ond) pee ‘a2 Fond) Taf rhe 204 usenet note Shape Factor: (S.F.) be ode SF =1.50 (shape factor for rectangular section) SE= Factor of safety: (For compact section) R =f FSF 5, FS.=agr, FS, =15 (roughly) Lond factor: Load factor = facto of safely times shape factor 7s _srmucruravsrreepesram || israenuwausreevnrsicn 22.2 probiem: ouoy 1 SOLED. soasnyso ‘8 Tstcon having cos section shown in Figure 182 has a spun of 36 m 1=20040? royanyso? + S208? «sory Fano Me 1 58.13 10% mm 200mm © Compute the yield moment capacity of the bear, ® Compute the plastic moment Elastic section modulus: capuey ofthe ben seb ® Compute the shape factor of the © team a 108 ® Compute the ultimate uniform " load which can be carried by the —=| $= 447154 mm? beam som we Yield moment capacity: SOLUTION: My=FyS © Yield moment capacity i a nega aoe oe My=111 79210 Nm 1794Nn ‘S= elastic section modulus an Locate the elastic centroid: Ay = 20040) ® Plastic moment capacity Locate frst the plastic neutral axis. Note: The area on the compression side is equal to the area in the tension side of the cross section na NA. Tao Aaa A 200480) = 160(50) Locate the elastic neutral axis I 200440) = 8000 he AT =A tay = n Ye fay “hal 130 160(50) = 8000 I 14.0 7 = sc +0002 I = 7-7 Sa EB | NA. isat the base of flange Plastic section modulus Z: 200(40)20) + 50(160x80) 2 = 800000 mm? 20) [40 My=F,2 'M, = 250800000), M, = 200 x 105N aman = M,=200kNm & Shape factor: M, Shae 200 SFT Sh e179 Check: Sh=f 200 ~ Wu (36? 6) Wy 1235 kN 23.3 CE Board Nov. 1992 ‘The recanglar section of which band depth hae plage seton modu 2 eu tobd d. Which of the following gives the shape actor 2 in the plat design, SOLUTION: Eg eK Shape factor = 15 ‘Shape factor = 23.4 CE Board Nov. 1993 A BW775 x 287 steel [beam has the following dimension j Hw 753mm total beam depth to 19mm web thickness ’ 360 mm, ange widih y 32mm flange thickeess Which ofthe following gives the plastic section modulus about the principal axis. 1 SOLUTION: 2 [3018.2)0615) + 34.550.5907275)} 2 = 10597 em 780 23.5 CE Board Nov. 1995 The yield stress of the steel beam is 250 Nmm?. The beam must be designed for a plastic moment capacity of 288 kN.m Which of the following gives the required plastic section modulus. “ SOLUTION: My=FyZ 288 108 2 152000 ann? 2= 1152 om 23.6 Problem: | A hollow circular section has an outside diameter of 300 m1 and an inside diameter of 208 mm, This section is used as a cantilever beam 2m, long to carry a concentrated load at the unsupported end, Which of the following gives the plastic section modulus ofthe hollow section, souumio: ce 2 RUE 34612) 222 aa oy Z=3% 10° mm? 22 PiDe z= G0} (208)? £106 mune 23.7 Problem: “The shape factor of a compact wide flange section is 1.12, which of the following gives the load factor. SOLUTION: Shape factor Fy O66 F, plastic elastic Lig, Load fctor = 56 F* Lead factor = Load factor = Load factor = 1.70 23.8 Problem: A T-beam is made up of 150 mnt x 50 min used es its flange and 2 200 mm a 50 mm web 100 MPa. Which of the following gives the ultimate moment capacity section. If Fy of the beam, SOLUTION: Locate the plastic neutral axis 150450) + 80x = (200 -x) 50 150 _y x23 7 E 30 | 2 = 1805050) + $0(25)(12.5) + 175(50)87'5) ae 2 = 1156280 i “50- My=2Fy -M, = 11562501400) My = 462.5 Non 762 es 23.9 Problem: A Tosection consists of a flange of 150 mm x 10 mm and a vertical web of APA An 130 mm x 7 mm. forming a total depth of T-sction of 20 mm. Which ofthe following sivesthe shape factor of the T-secton 2830 7 = 1500(5) + 1320(105) SOLUTION: isaaoya7? +202 5 assay Locate the plastic centroid 150 = 150(10-x) + 19007) 1 11.06 x 10° man 300x = 1500 + 1330, = 943 mm 2 309.49 C8) + 50050 (5 + 19070557) 5 =74750 mm? 2 = 133802 mm? 2 ‘Shape factor = ovate the elastic contri pe factor = 5 Ay = 150(10) Shape factor = L33802 Ate Shape factor =1.79 p= 1900) y= 1330 23.10 The Collapse Mechanism A statically determinate beam will fail if one plastic hinged develops. If a simple beam is loaded with a ‘concentrated Joad at its midspan and if it is increased until a plastic hinge is developed at the point of application of the load where maximum moment occurs, this will cause an unstable structure wherein further inerease in load will cause collapse. For a statically indeterminate structure to fail t is necessary for more than one plastic hinged to form. The plastic hinges vary — from structure by is usually not less than fo. ‘The arrangement of plastic hinges seal hinges which permit collapse in a structure is called mechanism. The following are ‘mechanisms for various beams. > eS P pies 6b 4 4 Pic hinge efit te _ i WUT RTT (a LL 1-10} Ey=10- | st hinge HE —ossor—rosisddy io 5 Sat} oi sf wi uaceue = Beep Jo s86 10> 5860 a Mel Wa 1-10 —1oat0 TRU PF tmo—| ya Paeqpeane | Pate ye Of 23.11. Problem: Aap nae sce Sie bear is wed oie lon inmate distibuted uniformly toughout it span. The Bean Recap eae ed plastic moment capacity M7, ng gives the unre ty = 500 KN! mm. Which of the following giv load itcan carry at collapse load, meres te union SOLUTION: Mylo+20+0)=1W,L(2) SOLUTION: My Qo)= wf M29) WAL09)0 M,= 0405 Ww My=FyZ 3906250 B M, = 3906.25 Nim 2905.25 = 0.405 Ww | W = 9645 N fem 965 kN GGUMeRamstenLnesiows 0 23.13 Problem: mm and inaide ‘A hollow box beam has an outside dimension of 400 mm x 600 id ‘dimension of 300 mm x 500 mm (uniform thickness of 50 mm) has a fixed ended span of 6m. © Compute the plastic ection modulus. @ Compute theplastic moment capac of the bear. & Whuvof he olin ves the safe nfo lod dstebuted horizontally that the beam could carry before collapse if Fy= 250 SOLUTION: ® Plastic section modulus. £2, = 400(50)(275)(2) + 250(503(125KS) z= 17250000 joie” Sy ® Plastic moment capacity of the beam. | — Yoo Wi, Pe baie — + ye @ Safe uniform load that the beam could carry before collapse. ye3e ew, M,Qo+0+0)=W,L¥ 0) Mp (Go) Pose hse 2 43125 (lo) = W, (50) w= 82S Wy = 1917 kNim 78 STRUCTURAL STEEL'DESIGN! —__ STRUCTURAL STEEL/DESIGN! 23.14 Problem: A hollow box beam has an outside dimension of 400) dimension of 300 mon x 500 nm (uniform thickness of 50 m the other end simply supportes ma 600 mm and inside im) has one end fixed and ® Compute the plastic section modulus ofthe beam, ® Compute the plastic moment capacity of the beam. ®D Which of the following ives the safe uniform load distributed horizontally that the beam could carry belore collapse ifithasa span of 6mm. Fy= 250 MPa SOLUTION: © Plastic section modulus of the beam. 2 = 400(50)(275)2) + 250(50\125}4) 2 = 17250000 ® Plastic moment capacity of the beam. My = $312.5 KN ® Safe uniform load that the beam L could carry: CAN) Mywrore)-ne$ at v=35160 S Mylo v0 + 142 = MalSl2Ste 8 Wy, (318516) 1398.3 kNIon fou 23.15 Problem: sim 00m and ide holo box beam has an ouside dimesion of #0 Shenson of 0 300mm ron ches of 8 yh aed ene end wihaspenafm Compute the plas scton mods mputethe Plastic section modal ‘hh fhe eon es eneeniated lad that he ben cu cry a ts mldspan before lap f= 290 MPa eee SOLUTION: D Plastic section modulus, Zz z= 17250000 100{50)(275)(2) + 250(803(12518) Plast section modulus. My=FyZ My My=43125 Km 25K 729000) at midspan. y=30 | M, Q0+0+0)=Pyy 43125 4e) = Py Ga) P= 5750kN 23.16 Problem: 8 hollow box Beam has an outside dimension of 400 mm x 600 mm and inside «dimension of 300 mam x 500 mm (uniform thickness of 50 mm) has one end fixed and the other end simply supported on a span of (Compute the plastic moment capacity of 6m. the beam, Which of the following gives the sale concentrated load that the beam could carry al its midspan beloce collapse. Fy= 250 MPa 3. Compute the shape factor SOLUTION: © Plastic moment capacity of the beam, 2 = 400 (5027512) + 250(50)125)4) Z = 17250000 -M, = 25017250000), My=4312.5 kN Concenteated load it could casey at midspan before collapse yo30 Myx (0 + 20 4312.50) = P, (30) P,= 4312.5 kN Shape factor: 18583 x 105 Shape factor = 1.27 23.17 Problem: “The propped cantilever beam is 10 m. long and is required to carry a load of 100KN at rmidspan. Ifthe yield stress of mild steel is 300 MPa, © Which of the following gives the plastic moment capacity of the beam if load actor against failure is 15 strap © Which ofthe following gives the plastic section modulus if a load factor against failure is 15. ® Compute the elastic section modus of the beam. SOLUTION: Plastic moment capacity 1.50100) 50 KN M,(0+20)=Pyy y=50 My (8) = 15008) 6 Mp 150 KN Plait ise ® Plastic section modulus: | etesicseion modulsf he beam iit hae shape fat of 168 | Shape for = 2 ss93 Shape factor = "TEs Shape factor = 49509.5 min? 2 emer 23.18 Problem: ‘Compute the plastic moment of 23.19 Problem: and a roller sapport oe et Of 8 Propped beam having fixed s narries a platic uniform sjgure 23.19 are each 150 KN “The working load P on the propped eaniilever shown in Figure rarer oie he yl eves a ld tel is 10 MPe: which of the following jives the plastic section modulus using «lod factor of 1.75 against collapse SOLUTION: y=@-90 ae SOLUTION: eee Py 175 2 aaa Py=175150) P= 2625KN, My(0+0+a)=W, LY Using a collapse mechanism at A and C: My20-+4) 298) 8.9 My, [roe #2200 20 pani so 2) mg : — yas APS aw? My [or ®0] / £0] =s078-2)0 were Leen ® soe2a M4, [o-®] soxe-.0 a=20 My(0+0+0)=Puya* Putt My (29) soo, WO) = 80018 - 2) (My (@-+ 0 + 28) = 262.5(20) + 262.5140) My © = g0@-2) My OB My Ee) AM, =1575 am My = 393.75 KN.m ‘ff = 500 [2818-20 6-40) Note: a r (say 04141 from the simple su y=Fy (+ 98-23) Br-2 My 8008-2) ;Pport Br 64-28-16 er _— 8? ley 64 M, 300° : ’ Z=13125 x 10 mm? 331m M, 794 23.20 CE Board Mauy 1999 {A fixed ended beam having 2 span of 6m. ond carries a uniform load W, throughout its span, Compute the ultimate strength capaci capacity of the beam in terms of its plastic ‘moment capacity. i SOLUTION: w,tbnw My (0620 0) Hedy My 0) = (48) 2 one My woe? 9 16M, w,=1oMe E 16M, w= Ge 4M, 4M, We 23,21 Probiem: © Compute the plastic section modulus of the given cross section, {@ Compute the plastic moment capacity ofthe beam. ® Compute the safe value of concentrated load Py at the midspan of the beam. SOLUTION: Plastic section modulus: e Locate the plastic neutral axis -200(20) + 20% = (300 -2)(20) 200+ x=300-x 2x=100 x=50 Plastic section modulus: Z = 200(20)(60) “+ 50(20)(25) + 250(20)(125) 2 = 890000 mn? © Plastic moment capacity My=FyZ 'My = 250(890000) My= 222.50 10 Nan M,=22250 Nm [AT section has the given cross-section shown. It is used as a beam having @ span of dim which is fixed supported at the left end and supported by a roller at the Fight fend. It carries a concentrated load P, at the midspa Safe value of Py M, (0 +20) = Pyy 20 My (30) =, (20) MyQ)=2P, 222503) =2P, P= 333.75 kN 23.22 Problem: Find the value of ultimate W, thal the Tee-section could carty if Fy= 250 MPa using Using equilibrium method, Using vietual work method. SOLUTION: ¢ Equilibeium method: i Using the equilibrium method, sum up moments at the center of the tension should be equal 250(20) + 2580 13750 = 50 x=275mm 5 (x) 350-2 = 75mm Z = 250(20)85) + 250751375) 4+275(25)(137.50) M, = 360156250 Another way of computing M To compute the plastic section modulus, the oreay in com m+ Cah 1.250000(222.5) + 468750(175) 360156250 Namm (same as before) Wa? 16 Ss Wo? 360.156250 = “rE Wi, = 160 kNIm @ Virtual Work Method: Using the collapse mechanism My(o+0 +25) Wyt by sy) = W06)(1) ss ow, aa Lb Myx FZ aa 2501440625), } y= 36008680 Xm micee iy = 360 kN 9M m,=2 ow, 360-28 Wi, = 160 kN 23.23 Problem: ‘A propped beam having span of 8m, and cross-section shown caries Plists load Pat the midspan. If F, = 250 MPe, Compute the plastic section modulus ofthe cross section Using equilibrium metsod, compute the value of Py ‘Using virtual method, compute the value of Pr 280 SOLUTION: © Plastic section modulus: canes the centroid at plastic stage, that i area in compression must be equal to area in tension. '350(25) + x(25) = 25(400- ») + 200(25) 25 =275 400- 7 = 950(25)(137-5) + 125(25)62.5) “+ 275(25)137 5) + 25@200%287-5) Z= 1437500 ® Equilibrium method: Sum up moments at the center using right side only P.M, Pa My MG 34 4, M,=27,- as los 1 3M,=4P, oc a My-FyzZ = 2500437500) -M, = 3598378000 Nm \" (My = 359.375 kN.m q pa ae Q asoars-4P, a P= 269.53 KN Puyl2eMps Using virtual work method: @ Valveof Py using equilibruin method: M, (0 +20) = Pyy R24 Py My (@ + 20) = P, (4) {fe ne2P, $00) = Pat = eo = rina aes 2 2M =3 P42) vate 23.24 Problem: a | Py=10035 kN {A fxed ended beam having the given crs eclan sew cherie’ pL Lia YE fe © Value of Py using virtual work method from vata as an 1 Compute the plastic section modulus. 3x Dando % Compute the valve of Py using a=» equilibrium method @ Compute the value of P,, using virtual work method. “0 M(aterase)=Py M, Qo+0 +20 40)= Py (We M, (60) «40 Py 2 SOLUTION: Mn=5Pa ® Plastic section modulus. Mp=FyZ 00120) + 20312) = 60 - 920302) My = 25002676000) 12000 + 40x = 14400 40% M, = 669 x 108 80 « 2400 My=669 kN x=30 My-2P, . p= 5Pe 2 = 600(20)40) + 30,20,15K2) Mp + 20(330X165}2) 669 = 2 Pe 2 = 2676000 Mp P= 10035 kN 23.25 Problem: A continuous beam have two spans of 4 m. each. The first span carries as ultimate concentrated load of 50 kN and on the second span if carries an ultimate uniform load of #0 ENm. If Fy = 250 MPa, which ofthe following gives the required beam strength ‘M, to support these ultimate loads. SOLUTION: Considering AB! My @o+0)= Pay My (a) = 50 2a) My =3833 KN. x= 04144) x= 1656 ye 23He 1.6560 = 2.3440 a= 14150 Canby oc Mlorera-w. Qos My (4150) = 40(2)2.3440) My G50) = 187.520 My= S491 Nim Use My = 54.91 kN 23.26 CE Board Nov. 1994 ‘A two continuous beam is to be designed using the plastic method of Analysis the first span is 6 m. long and adjacent span is 4 m. long. Both spans are loaded! with uniform load of 30 kN/hm. The shorter span carries a concentrated load of 60 KIV at ite center. Using a load factor of 1,70, what is the plastic moment capacity. SOLUTION: x= 0414 (6) 122484 youn y= 24840 20K y=3516a, 4 I lc 24840 = 35160 am a-07le Mlosasaye MEY ois Mylo +070) +070) = 8828 My (242 6) = 223.560 My = 9238 Mp=92.38(1.7) My=157kNm ys20 M,(o+20)=P,+WL ¥ My Ge) = 900) 24920) M, Go) =2400 My=80KN.m My =80(1.7) My=1364Nm Plastic moment capacity My = 257 804 23.27 Problem: AA series of frames is adiied to a heavy steel building to support a mono rail crane. The layout of one frame is shown here. 4 36 steel was used (F, = 250 MPa). ‘The original design was based on elastic principles for a total design load of 89 kN that included the erane rail, trolleys and liveload. Use AISC Specs. © Hflateral support, joint rotation and impact present no problems, what total load would be imposed under plastic design eriterta using a load factor that is equivalent to the factor of safety that exists under elastic design principles. ® his desired to strengthen the horizontal member by adding top and bottom ‘over plates inthe vicinity ofthe erane load, so that this load may be increased to 178 KN under plastic design criteria. What width and thickness must these plates have? Property of W section 52620108 mum! By 164mm Z=803910% mm? =306mm SOLUTION: Paso an Ly moi Kya= iG) fglet | i Kap & W300x 16d 4 1 Kaeo! Mpg = - 66.75 =. Mens + Megs + 66.75 ® Total load: Design moment = 18.5685 KN.m M ae yo BU-S685 x 108 620% 10° 29.47 MPa r. factor = FE Load factor = Ft 250 Load factor = 305 Load factor = 193 My=FyZ ‘My = 250(803) 10° me < ‘My = 200.75 x 10° io esse loam 0 FEM po 75 | $6675 [Bal haz, tal 29.63 Co Fis 65, a 514.8185) Final | +18 5565]+37-113] 97.113] +81. 5685) | momen @ Width and thickness of cover plates: P= P x load factor P,=178(1.93) Py= 383.54 w= 164 kg/m w=0.160 KN/m PL, WL? myaBh ME. 20075 My BHO. , LIEGE 209.75 Poi 78 kN My = 315.28 kN.m M, Required 2 315.28x 108 oe Pur39L.6 KN Wel644Nin Try b= of +32 b= 164 +32 = 196 say 200mm, = M05(1261.12 803) 10° =e 200306) £47.86 mm say 8mm Use 200 x 8 mm (stet plate) 803000 + 200(8)159)2) 1311800 > 1561720 ok ISTRUCTORAL'STEEMDESIGNS® 23.28 Problem: AW section has an elastic section modulus of 1438 x 10° mm. It carries a uniform load throughout its span of 6 m. with both ends fixed. Allowable bending sirens is 0.66 Fy. the same beam will have a plastic section modus of 1655 1 10" mm’, compute the plastic nafety factor of Wasction. Une 26 otcl with Fy» 250 MPa SOLUTION: Using elastic theory: w MD M. 9.660250) = aa ap 375% 106 Nim 2B7SkNm we 7 2373- WE 12 W= PL EN/m GSERUGTORAD STEEL DESIGN 23.29 Problem: Using plastic theory Determine the plastic moment M, for which the members shal be proportlonwl y=30 My(@40+20)= WL SOLUTION: Mplo+2040)= Puy eyed W, (6130) My) 2 Mg (48) = 50(6) © - 9 Wy M, = 58) oma} ‘6m o 4 M,=75kNm M,(0+6)=Pay My = 25000655 x 10%) Plastic hinge M, (20) =20 (60) My = 413.75 x 108 Namen e288 " z My= 41375 kNm acco aun, ana75 22 My (20 + 6 + 9) = 50(60) + 3360) a 4 M, (40) = 3000 + 1800 Wy= 183.89 kN/m 480 + 183.89 7A Plast safety factor Plastic safety factor = 2.32

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