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Building &Mechanical Engineering


Research Project.

Name:Devonte Morrison
 Centroids

A centroid is the central point of a figure and is also called the geometric center. It is the point

that matches to the center of gravity of a particular shape. It is the point which corresponds to the

mean position of all the points in a figure. The centroid is the term for 2-dimensional shapes.

 Lines of Symmetry

The line of symmetry can be defined as the axis or imaginary line that passes through the center

of the shape or object and divides it into identical halves. Lines of symmetry can be vertical,

horizontal or diagonal. The line of symmetry produces reflections that coincide. Here’s how shapes

and objects can have multiple lines of symmetry. The line of symmetry is also called the mirror

line or axis of symmetry. The circle has infinite lines of symmetry.

 First and Second Moments

Moments are usually defined with respect to a fixed reference point; they deal with physical

quantities as measured at some distance from that reference point. A moment is a specific

quantitative measure of the shape of a function. If the function represents physical density, then

the zeroth moment is the total mass, the first moment divided by the total mass is the center of

mass, and the second moment is the rotational inertia. If the function is a probability distribution,

then the zeroth moment is the total probability (i.e. one), the first moment is the mean, the

second central moment is the variance, the third standardized moment is the skewness, and the

fourth standardized moment is the kurtosis. The mathematical concept is closely related to the

concept of moment in physics.

 Orthographic Projection

Orthographic projection, common method of representing three-dimensional objects, usually by

three two-dimensional drawings in each of which the object is viewed along parallel lines that are
perpendicular to the plane of the drawing. For example, an orthographic projection of a house

typically consists of a top view, or plan, and a front view and one side view (front and side

elevations). Three-dimensional drawings can be used to show the overall concept and design, but

they are often not clear or detailed enough. Orthographic drawings can help to overcome those

challenges. An orthographic drawing represents a three-dimensional object using several two-

dimensional views of the object.

 First and Third Angle Projection

What is First Angle Projection?

This is one of the most common methods used to obtain engineering drawings, mostly for

orthographic projections. Orthographic projection is a graphical method used to represent three-

dimensional structures or objects into different perspective projection images called views. The

orthographic view typically consists of the top view, front view, and the side view. First angle

projection is one of the methods used for orthographic projection drawings and is approved

internationally except the United States. In this projection method, the object is placed in the first

quadrant and is positioned in front of the vertical plane and above the horizontal plane.

What is Third Angle Projection?

This is another perspective projection method used to represent three-dimensional objects using a

series of two-dimensional views. In third angle projection, the 3D object to be projected is placed

in the third quadrant and is positioned behind the vertical plane and below the horizontal plane.

Unlike in first angle projection where the plane of projection is supposedly opaque, the planes

are transparent in third angle projection. This projection method is mainly used in the United

States and Japan stipulates the use of third angle projection schema for industrial designs for

product fabrication.

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