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Section B

(30 marks)

Question 21
Write a suitable response for each picture in the space provided.


(2 marks)


(2 marks)


(2 marks)

Question 22
Read the story below and answer the questions that follow.
Kamal, Ramesh, Beng Hock and Paul like cycling very much. They participated in a cycling
race last Saturday which was organized by their school. The race was held in their school
compound. It started at seven o’clock in the morning.
There were thirty participants in the race. The cyclists began to cycle as fast as they could
when the referee blew the whistle.
Kamal was leading the others. Beng Hock was just behind him. The four friends tried their
best to win the race. The boys had to be alert all the time as there were many sharp corners and
steep hills. They had to cycle uphill as well as downhill. It was really tiring for the boys.
It took the boys about forty-five minutes to complete the race. Kamal, who was leading at
first, was later overtaken by Paul who had a lot of stamina. Paul was the champion while Kamal
was the runner-up. All the boys were happy that they participated in the race. They congratulated
Paul and Kamal.

Write True or False in the space provided

(a) The race was held in a stadium.

(b) It was a challenging race with sharp corners and steep hills.

(c) The race was illegal

(2 marks)

Write your answer in the space provided.

(d) When did the participants begin to cycle?



(e) Paul overtook Kamal and _______________________________________________

because he ___________________________________________________________

(f) Did the boys had sportsmanship? Give your evidence.


Question 23

Read the recipe and answer the questions that follow.


(For 1 glass shake)
1 cup of milk
1 sliced banana
5 strawberries
4 ice cubes
1 teaspoon sugar
¼ cup of fresh cream

 Wash and wipe the fruits
 Peel the banana
 Cut banana and strawberries into small pieces
 Pour all the ingredients except ice cubes into the blender
 Put the lid on the blender and blend 40 to 50 seconds till it get smooth
 Crush the ice and pour it into a tall glass
 Pour the shake into the glass and served chilled

Tick (√) the correct answer.

(a) Which is the ingredient for the shake?

Blueberry (1 mark)

(b) Sugar is added into the shake to make it ____________________.

smooth (1 mark)
(c) Match the phrase in List A to the suitable phrase in List B. One has been done for you.

List A List B

Firstly, put all the ingredients into the blender

Secondly, pour the shake into a glass and serve it cool.

Then, , wash the strawberries.

Finally, blend until it gets smooth.

(2 marks)

Write your answers in the space provided.

(d) List two main ingredients for the milkshake.



(2 marks)

(e) For how long must we blend the ingredients?

Question 24 and 25
Study the flyer and read the dialogue below. Answer the questions that follow.

15th – 31st December

below 12 get a
free ice kacang on the first day of


Chicken Rice Mutton Briyani Laksa Johor
Chinese Tea Iced Coffee Rose Syrup
40% Discount 50% Discount 30% Discount


Lamb Chop Vegetable Pasta Chicken Lasagna
Iced Lemon Tea Orange Juice Soft Drink
70% Discount 40% Discount 60% Discount

Opens : 10.00 a.m. till 11.00 p.m.

Spend morethan RM200 on a single meal and receive a voucher worth RM50

Mr. Lim : Where shall we go for Tom’s birthday?

Mrs. Lim : Let’s go to Jenny’s Restaurant. I saw this flyer which stats that they are having a
a year-end promotion.
Mr. Lim : That’s fantastic. They have Tom’s favourite food, chicken lasagna.
Mrs. Lim : Oh yes, I might order the lamb chop since the discount is good.
Mr. Lim : I will go for the mutton biryani. It is my favourite food.
Mrs. Lim : So when shall we go?
Mr. Lim : Tom’s birthday is on the third day of the promotion. Shall we go then?
Mrs. Lim : I do not think that would be suitable as both Tom and Lisa will be having tuition
Till quite late on that day. Let’s go on the 20th instead.
Mr. Lim : Very well, I should be free then.

Questions 24 and 25
Tick (√) the correct answer.

24. (a) Mr. Lim’s friend, En. Azlan took his ten year old son to the restaurant on the first day of
the promotion. His son will get…..
a birthday gift

free ice kacang

thirty percent discount

(b) “It is my favourite food.” The word It in the dialogue refers to the …..

Laksa Johor
Chicken Rice
Mutton Briyani

25. (a) “That’s fantastic.”

Why do you think Mr. Lim said that?

(b) Mr. Lim’s daughter, Lisa is a vegetarian. Suggest a set meal for her and give reasons to
support your suggestion.

(c) Why does the restaurant give a RM50 voucher for every RM200 spent in a
single receipt? Give reasons to support your answer.

22. (a) False

(b) True

(c) False

(d) they began to cycle when the referee blew the whistle.

(e) Paul overtook Kamal and became the champion because h had a lot of stamina.

(f) Yes because they congratulated Paul and Kamal on winning the race.

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