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CHAPTER V: Towards Being Human

What does it mean to be Man? In what sense does our being a Man consists of? How does man unfold
himself into the world?

Ramon Tagle, Jr describes man to be a:

Being –in- the- world

Being – at- the – world
Being – through – others
Being – with – others
Being – for – others
Self – project
Being – unto- death, and
Being – unto – God.

By nature, man is a worldly being: he cannot be conceived and be born; he cannot live and die, except in
the world he lives in. His existence is attuned to the world. His body is subject to the laws of the world.

As implied by Gabriel Marcel, Man is not merely his body for he is spirit as well. This is the mysterious
relationship “in between” having his body, and being his body. From this, we can say: Man is not his
body. He is somebody. Man is not a thing, he is someone.

Man as Being –at- the- World

Man’s existence is not a passive existence in the world. He is being at the world. He does not only live
in the world. He is an actor, adding his labors to the world. There is an essential dialogue between him
and the world. He lives his accomplishments (footprints) in the world. He has the ability: to appreciate;
to work over the world; to transcend it; and to break through it.

Man as a Being-through-Others

Man is being- through-others. It is “these others” that brought him into existence and maintains his
early existence as a being-in-the-world.

Man is a being through others. He cannot grow up; he cannot work completely and efficiently except
through others. His sickness, his recovery, his work, and even his death will become meaningful only
when considered in reference to others like him.

Man as a Being-with-Others

Man’s being through others point to another attribute – his sociability. His being a being –with-others.
“No man is an Island.” He has to live with others.

The various needs of man point to his social nature. Psychologists emphasize man’s three A’s as his
major needs; Attention, Affection, and Acceptance.
Man as a Being-for-Himself

Love for oneself is a prerequisite to loving others. As the saying goes: “Charity begins at home;”
however it should not stop there. It must extend to others since man is also a being for others.

Man as a Being-for-Others

One of the basic needs of man is the need to love and be loved. However, the common orientation at
present is to be for others, but for oneself.

Man as a Being-unto-God

Man has different beliefs and convictions about his existence. To any Christian, man is a being-unto-
God. Man has been created with a wonderful purpose. His Creator has a meaningful plan for him. He
is dream of the Father. Man also can grow in his faith in God through various ways example are:
fellowship prayer, Bible study, personal covenant with the Lord, community immersion, evangelization,

Man as a Being-for-Others, and a Being-for-God

Man learns that he is on earth-on a pilgrimage. His end is to go back home to the Father through Jesus
Christ. And he learns that the only way to go back home to the Father is by first experiencing
becoming a man-for-others as Jesus Christ exemplified.

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