Brigada Message

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Welcome, dear stakeholders!


school year 2015-2016

will open on

June 1, 2015

. Another batch of high school freshmen will join in our school the Sibalom Natinal High School.We find
it er significant to prepare the school facilities and to plan ahead programs that will help ensure
that our students learn effecti el .Hence, we are strengthening our

Brigada Eskwela

program to raise support for the repair and maintenance of classrooms, canteen, and other school
facilities. The "rigada #skwela is a nationwide school maintenance week where partnerships are formed
between the school and its stakeholders and other olunteers to prepare the school for the entr of
students when the school ear begins.We ha e identified the workloads for rehabilitation, repair, and
maintenanceand the estimated cost of materials and labor. $ou ma help us address those needs b
donating materials, cash, or olunteering manual labor.

We will be very glad to work with you Be !art o" creating a school environ#ent that will hel! students
to learn better

message brigaDA eskwela

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