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Choose the correct answer.

1. Refers to the most difficult lens defect.

a. Astigmatism c. Distortion
b. Coma d. Chromatic aberration

2. Impressions which are taken simultaneously on the fingerprint card are referred to as:
a. Rolled impressions c. Fragmentary impressions
b. Plain impressions d. Visible impressions

3. It is used to allow light to enter through the lens for a predetermined time interval.
a. View finder c. Light tight box
b. Shutter d. Holder of sensitized material

4. Its primary use in photography is to focus the light to the subject.

a. Light tight box c. Lens
b. Shutter d. Viewfinder

5. Refers to the deflection of the bullet from its normal path after striking a resistant surface.
a. Mushroom c. Ricochet
b. Key hole shot d. Misfire

6. It is the distance measured from the nearest to the farthest object.

a. Depth of field c. Focal distance
b. Hyper-focal distance d. Scale bed

7. Fingerprints left at the crime scene which may be an impression or imprint.

a. Latent print c. Loop
b. Pattern d. Arch

8. Which among the following is not a primary color?

a. Red c. Yellow
b. Blue d. Green
9. It is microscopically small photograph.
a. Microphotograph c. Photomacrograph
b. Photomicrograph d. Macrophotograph

10. The normal developing time of a paper or film.

a. 1 to 1 1/2 minutes c. 20 to 30 minutes
b. 5 to 10 minutes d. 30 to 60 minutes

11. In enlarging a photograph what would be the ideal paper for printing?
a. Chloride paper c. Contact paper
b. Bromide paper d. Chloro-bromide paper

12. This refers to the absence of all colors.

a. White c. Blue
b. Red d. Black

13. A lighting condition under sunlight wherein subject in open space casts a transparent shadow.
a. Hazy c. Cloudy bright
b. Cloudy dull d. Bright

14. The basic building blocks of DNA are as follows ACGT, A stands for what?
a. Adenine c. Adenum
b. Adenide d. Adenoid

15. Its primary function is to prevent the contamination of two chemical solutions in chemical
processing in photography.
a. Development c. Fixation
b. Stop-bath d. Bleaching

16. Which among the following comprises the essential parts of a camera?
a. Body, lens, shutter, holder of sensitized material, view finder
b. Light tight box, shutter, holder of sensitized material, view finder, lens aperture
c. Body, lens, range finder, holder of sensitized material, shutter
d. Light tight box, shutter, range finder, lens, holder of sensitized material

17. It is inherited from the mother found in the mitochondria which is the cell body.
a. Nuclear DNA c. Mitochondrial DNA
b. Helix d. DNA nucleus

18. Mechanism that is used to measure the angle of convergence of light coming from a subject as
seen from two apertures.
a. Focusing scale c. View finder
b. Scale bed d. Range finder

19. Italian scientist who used hydrosphymograph procedure for accused persons.
a. Angelo Mosso c. Lombroso
b. Veraguth d. Vittorio benussi

20. In taking fingerprints _____________are rolled away from the body of the subject.
a. All fingers c. Both thumbs
b. All fingers except the thumb d. Both little fingers

21. Known for his rule which states that “ No two individuals in the world are exactly the same size
and that human skeleton does not change after 20 years”.
a. Darwin c. Galton
b. Mendel d. Bertillon

22. The easiest means of discovering latent fingerprint, is to view the area:
a. Obliquely c. Directly
b. About half an inch distance d. About one inch distance

23. Fingerprint pattern in which two or different type of pattern are represented.
a. Accidental loop c. Double loop
b. Central pocket loop d. Whorl

24. Failure of the cartridge to discharge.

a. Misfire c. Ricochet
b. Hang fire d. Key hole shot

25. A distinct fingerprint pattern with two separate loop, and its respective shoulder and deltas.
a. Double loop c. Central pocket loop
b. Accidental loop d. Whorl

26. What pattern bears a downward slant of ridge from the thumb toward the little finger.
a. Tented arch c. Ulnar loop
b. Radial loop d. Loop

27. A condition of a woman who had one or more sexual experience but not had conceived a child.
a. Moral virginity c. Physical virginity
b. Demi-virginity d. Virgo-intacts

28. A single ridge that bifurcates and meets again to form a single ridge is called:
a. Enclosure ridge b. Dot ridges
c. Short ridges d. Resembling a loop

29. Which part of the human body has no papillary ridges?

a. Soles of the foot c. Finger
b. Palm d. Elbow

30. It records the subject’s skin resistance to a small amount of electricity.

a. Cardiosphymograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph

31. Refers to the study of sweat gland openings found on the papillary ridges as a means of
a. Poroscopy c. Podoscopy
b. Edeoscopy d. Dactyloscopy

32. In determining the sex by analyzing the skeleton, which par is not used?
a. Skull c. Stemum
b. Pelvis d. Tibia

33. Basis of fingerprint identification.

a. Pores c. Friction ridges
b. Ridges d. Latent print

34. In blood grouping, should there be no agglutination with either group A or B what would be the
particular blood group of the sample.
a. Group A c. Group AB
b. Group B d. Group O

35. Period of time wherein human bones will not exhibit changes.
a. 10 years c. 30 years
b. 20 years d. 40 years

36. It is the formation of a soft, friable and brownish white greasy substance in the soft fatty tissue
after death.
a. Saponification c. Mummification
b. Rigor mortis d. Maceration

37. A discoloration of the body after death when the blood tends to pool in the blood vessels of the
most dependent potions of the body and starts 20-30 minutes after death and is completed by
12 hours.
a. Rigor mortis c. Maceration
b. Primary flaccidity d. Livor mortis
38. Average time for the stomach to empty its contents after meals.
A. 2 to 3 hours C. 4 to 5 hours
B. 3 to 4 hours D. 5 to 6 hours

39. Rate of growth of human hair.

a. 0.4 to 0.5mm. / day c. 0.6 to 0.7mm. / day
b. 0.5 to 0.6mm. / day d. 0.7 to 0.8mm. / day

40. Sudden inflammation of the pancreas caused by infections carried in the blood stream. It may
follow obstruction of the pancreatic duct subsequent congestion of the gland.
a. Perforated peptic ulcer c. Acute intestinal obstruction
b. Generalized peritonitis d. Acute pancreatitis

41. A break or solution in the continuity of the skin.

a. Wound c. Bruise
b. Trauma d. Scratch

42. A wound which inflicted in the body which is so serious that will endanger one’s life.
a. Non-mortal wound c. Trauma
b. Mortal wound d. Coup injury

43. A collection of blood underneath the skin.

a. Contusion c. Petechiae
b. Bruise d. Hematoma

44. It is a fracture wherein a break of the skin and bone is evident.

a. Simple c. Comminuted
b. Compound d. Dislocation

45. In gunshot wounds, when there is evident burning of tissues and blackening of the skin, it may
be ascertained that is a near contact fire meaning that the distance of the body to the gun is
a. 6 inches c. 18 inches
b. 12 inches d. 24 inches

46. A physical injury which is found at the site and also the opposite site of the application of force.
a. Extensive injury c. Contre coup injury
b. Coup injury d. Coup and contre injury
47. It refers to the nearest distance at which a lens is focused with a given particular diagram
a. Depth of field c. Focal distance
b. Hyper-focal distance d. Depth of field

48. The term double action in a firearm means.

a. Cocks and releases the hammer simultaneously
b. Manually cocks the hammer
c. Autoload before firing
d. Double pressing of trigger

49. A complete, continuous, persistent cessation of respiration, circulation and almost all brain
function of an organism.
a. Somatic death c. Molecular death
b. Cellular death d. Apparent death

50. This muscular change upon death lasts about 20 to 30 minutes and is characterized by the
relaxation of the muscles and loss of their natural tone.
a. Stage of primary flaccidity c. Cadaveric spasm
b. Post mortem rigidity d. Secondary flaccidity

51. Period of time wherein the body would be completely skeletonized, under normal conditions in
tropical countries.
a. 1 month c. 6 months
b. 3 months d. 12 months

52. DNA is found in all nucleated cells of the body, it is regarded as the fingerprint of life. What
does it stands for?
a. Deonatural acid c. Deoxyribonucleic acid
b. Dynamic natural anti-body d. Deoxyribunucliec acid

53. The whitish foam at the mouth and nostrils due to mucous secretion of the respiratory track
after death.
a. Cutis anserine c. Champignon d’ ocume
b. Washerwoman d. Cadaveric spasm

54. A bullet fired from a firearm with an oversized or oily barrel or its lands have been worn down
would produce what kind of markings?
a. Slippage marks c. Rifling marks
b. Skid marks d. Shearing marks

55. A part of ballistics dealing with firearm identification.

a. Interior c. Terminal
b. Exterior d. Forensic

56. Refers to the action of bacteria to a dead body.

a. Flaccidity c. Lividity
b. Rigidity d. Putrefaction

57. Its medico-legal importance is to approximate the time of death.

a. Cadaveric spasm c. Muscular contraction
b. Putrefaction d. Rigor mortis

58. Most noticeable sign of death.

a. Cessation of respiration
b. Progressive fail of body temperature
c. Insensibility of body and loss power to move
d. Cessation of heart action and circulation

59. A question known to be the subject and is answerable by YES.

a. Relevant c. General
b. Irrelevant d. Immaterial

60. An inhibition of a previous activity of an effector organ or organism as a result of stimulation.

a. Response c. Detection
b. Deception d. Reaction

61. Refers to an emotional response to a specific danger, which appears to go beyond a person’s
defensive power.
a. Response c. Stimuli
b. Reaction d. Fear

62. This component drives the chart paper under the recording pen simultaneously at the rate of 6
to 12 inches per minute.
a. Cardiosphymograph c. Galvanograph
b. Kymograph d. Pneumograph

63. Part of the galvanograph attached to the left fingers of the subject.
a. Finger electrode plate c. Rubber convoluted tube
b. Diacritic notch d. Keymograph

64. This component record changes of the subject’s blood pressure and pulse rate.
a. Cardiosphymograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph
65. To view watermarks in disputed documents, what particular method of photography is utilized?
a. Bounce light c. Transmitted light
b. Side light d. Reflected light

66. Kind of lie wherein a person assumes another identity to deceive others.
a. Black lie c. Red lie
b. White lie d. Yellow lie

67. Fingerprint pattern in which the downward slant or ridges from the little finger toward the
a. Ulnar loop c. Arch
b. Radial loop d. Whorl

68. Deviation from normal tracing of the subject in the relevant question.
a. Reaction c. Specific response
b. Normal response d. Positive response

69. Chart tracing of subject when irrelevant questions were answered.

a. Reaction c. Specific response
b. Normal response d. Positive response

70. Normal time interval for pre-test interview.

a. 20 to 30 minutes c. 60 to 90 minutes
b. 30 to 60 minutes d. 90 to 120 minutes

71. The primary objective of post-test interview.

a. To thank the subject c. To make the subject calm
b. To obtain confession d. To explain polygraph test procedure

72. Test undertaken when both relevant and control questions are similar in degree and
a. Guilt complex test c. Peak of tension
b. Silent answer d. None of the above

73. Refers to the questions to ascertain the subject’s normal pattern of response.
a. Relevant c. Supplementary
b. Irrelevant d. Control

74. The number of basic tracings in a modern polygraph.

a. 3 c. 5
b. 4 d. 6

75. Did you hide the gown of Ms. Lalong? Is an example of interrogation in lie detection which is:
a. Control c. Relevant
b. Irrelevant d. Leading

76. Developed the systolic blood pressure method for detecting deception.
a. William Marston c. John Larson
b. Harold Burtt d. Leonarde Keeler

77. Which among the following is not considered as a basic fingerprint pattern?
a. Loop c. Whorl
b. Arch d. Accidental

78. Who first incorporated the galvanograph with measurement, respiration component and blood
a. Harold Burtt c. Leonarde Keeler
b. Hans Gross d. John Larson

79. Invented the gunpowder.

a. Chinese c. Van Amberg
b. James Forsythe d. Berthold Schwartz

80. Refers to the complete unfired unit of ammunition placed into gun chamber.
a. Cartridge c. Bullet
b. Primer d. Shell

81. The measurement of the bore diameter from land to land.

a. Gauge c. Caliber
b. Mean diameter d. Riflings

82. This component records the changes in the breathing of the subject.
a. Cardiosphymograph c. Galvanograph
b. Sphygmomanometer d. Pneumograph

83. This part of the firearm strikes the primer causing the firing of the cartridge.
a. Hammer c. Trigger
b. Ejector d. Firing pin

84. Term used in referring to the tip of a bullet.

a. Breech b. Ogive
c. Rim d. Pitch

85. A smooth bore military firearm designed to fire a single projectile.

a. Rifle c. Shotgun
b. Musket d. Artillery

86. The tumbling of the bullet in its trajectory and hitting the target sideways.
a. Key hole shot c. Hang fire
b. Ricochet d. Misfire

87. Minimum requirement for conclusive conclusions in forensic ballistics.

a. 3 test bullets/shell c. 5 test bullets/shell
b. 4 test bullets/shell d. 6 test bullets/shell

88. Refers to the placement of the right and left specimen in side by side position.
a. Drag marks c. Juxtaposition
b. Positively matched d. Pseudomatch

89. Pattern or curved path of the bullet in flight.

a. Range c. Velocity
b. Trajectory d. Yaw

90. Bullets containing nitrate compound which is set on fire when it is projected.
a. Incendiary c. Tracer
b. Ball d. Explosive

91. Caliber in the firearm is measured in the barrel from what particular part?
a. From land to land c. From groove to groove
b. From land to groove d. From groove to land

92. The capacity of the bullet to expand on or after impact.

a. Mushroom c. Ricochet
b. Keyhole shot d. Schorching

93. Regarded as the father of ballistics.

a. Albert Osborne c. Hans Gross
b. Col. Calvin H. Goddard d. Charles Waite

94. Raised portion between the groove found inside the barrel.
a. Land c. Gauge
b. Caliber d. Rifling
95. The unstable rotating motion of the bullet.
a. Yaw c. Velocity
b. Trajectory d. Gyroscopic action

96. It refers to the helical grooves cut in the interior surface of the bore.
a. Rifling c. Ogive
b. Breaching d. Swaging

97. A primer with two vents or flash holes.

a. Bordan c. Boxer
b. Berdan d. Battery

98. A fingerprint pattern which one or more ridges enter on either side of the impression by a
recurve, and terminate on the same side where the ridge has entered.
a. Tented arch c. Ulnar loop
b. Radial loop d. Loop

99. Literally means delay in discharge or the cartridge’s failure to explode on time.
a. Misfire c. Ricochet
b. Hang fire d. Key hole shot

100. Measuring device used to measure the velocity of projectiles.

a. Caliper c. Test bullet
b. Chronograph d. Bullet recovery box

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