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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela

Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City



A Concept Paper
Presented to the Faculty of the
Senior High School

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements of the Strand
Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

Delloro, Kiselle
Magpantay, Desiree
Pena, Jella Mae
Rubiano, Jasmie Violet
October, 2019

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Table of Contents

I. Acknowledgement ………………………………………………………… 4

II. Introduction……………………………………………………………….... 6

III. Purpose……………………………………………………………………….9

IV. Project Description…………………………………………………………10

V. Methodology and Timeline………………………………………………..13

VI. Goals and Objectives………………………………………………………17

VII. Scope and Limitations……………………………………………………..18

VIII. Expected Outcome…………………………………………………………19

IX. Reference List…………………………………………………………….. 22

X. Appendix…………………………………………………………………….23

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

List of Tables

I. Materials and Price for the Tablair………………………………………….. 10

II. Advantages and Disadvantages of Tablair……………………………….…19

List of Figures

I. Illustration of the Tablair…………………………………………………………11

II. Tablair’s Methodology……………………………………………………………13

III. Tablair’s Timeline…………………………………………………………………14

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City


We would like to express our warmest gratitude to all those who helped us

in making our Concept Paper a possible one.

First of all, we would like to articulate our special thanks to our Almighty God

who is constantly there by our side. He is the one who inspired us despite of our

difficulties and wrong doings we encountered and done.

To our beloved parents for being our inspiration and motivation to always

do our best in everything we do and always soar higher; for their hard work just to

be able to support us financially in sending us school, especially the days that we

spent in making this concept paper; for their patience, love and undying support;

for always being there in times of laughter and when things were not so great; for

always showing the world and making us feel how much they are proud of to us;

for their teaching and guidance which made us become who and what we are right


To our beloved school, Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela, where we

continuously grow as students of Science, Technology, Engineering and

Mathematics: and for giving us the opportunity to be educated without spending

too much.

We are extending our warmest thanks especially to Ma'am Michelle

Imnacin, as our Concept Paper Adviser who with all that she can, share with us

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

everything that we need to know about the concept paper. We are thankful to her

for encouraging and guiding us in the making of this Concept Paper.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter I

According to Kennedy (2012), students spend hours a day in classrooms

so it is necessary to their learning to have properly sized and aligned furniture for

computers used, classrooms and learning spaces with furniture that enables

students to carry out their school work comfortably and does not distract from their

ability to focus and learn.

In addition, as everyone knows, education is the fundamental of an

economy. What and how students learn in school determines how they become as

individuals. Nowadays in innovation economy, education becomes even more

important developing the next generation of innovators and creative thinkers. In

behalf of this, using innovative methods give better serve to the students and to

teach them about the benefits of innovative thinking. For that reasons, it will ignites

a passion for learning and provides students with the tools they need to succeed

in innovation economy. (McKinney, n.d.)

In present time, many classrooms in school and universities are equipped

with desk, tables and chairs, wherein armchair is the most common furniture used

in rooms for study. In layman’s term, armchair is a chair with a desk on one side

where you can rest and lay your arms and used by students to write their notes as

they listen to their teacher.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Moreover, students are not just passively sitting and listening to an

instructor or learning forward to a flat desk surface as they write notes or complete

assignments. The students also needs to tap keyboards and gazing into video

monitors to gather information enables them to accomplish their school works.

(Kennedy, 2012) Moreover using technology in the classroom makes learning

efficient, interesting and captivating, especially for younger generations raised on

the latest technology, which leads for faster and more efficient and effective

delivery of lessons. (McKinney, n.d.)

For the reason that students nowadays, struggling in taking their notes while

their teacher discussing because the students tends to write things without

understanding the point of the lecture. The students also experiencing difficulties

in finding the important text while their jotting things down from presentations

without listening to the speaker. Another thing, keeping the records and files is also

a problem facing by students in reason of some their records in schools lost and


In line with this, with respect on Tablair  an innovation: Digital Armchair, it

will be beneficial for the betterment of the lives of students allowing them to have

a convenient technological education. With this Tablair, students will solve their

struggles in taking notes because they do not have to use paper and pens. The

teacher’s presentations and lectures will be directly send to each Tablair of

students. Every information they should get, students can have that copy for their

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

school needs. In essence, students and teachers will easily import and moderating

the records and files. Tablair has enough accessibility to furnish the 360 quality

of learning of the students and to embrace and take advantage of this tool

technology offers.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter II


Tablair is an innovative digital armchair that has unique design and content.

The main target of this product are the students. This may give them an easiest

and convenient way of learning. With this product, they do not have to worry on

buying their paper and pens. They only have to bring their foods and belongings

on school and focus on their studies and since people are now more on technology,

with the use of Tablair, they can easily access and input their own records in school

and may instantly search and study the lessons that are transferred in Tablair by

their teachers.

In addition to this, Tablair may also benefit the teachers, they do not have

to provide visual aids, written quiz and hand-outs because all they have to do is

input the information to the Tablair. They can easily teach and do a lecture with the

use of stylus in writing informations to the Tablair and it will automatically transfer

to the Tablair of each students. In terms of checking the results for the quiz of them

students, Tablair also have an application that will automatically check the

student’s answers. Teachers will only have to input the answers on the application

and the result will also record on the student’s database.

Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter III

Project Description

Physical Characteristics

Tablair has its own special characteristics that is useful nowadays. It has a

height of 35 inches from the floor to the seat and 17 inches between the chair, and

table has 50 x 45 cm width. The Tablair has a colour of a shining silver and it is

more developed and functional. It is made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)

plastic because it has a low melting point and also has a high electric strength that

is why it is very resistant to any heavy and solid impacts that also withstand heavy


In exchange of just a typical wooden table, it is replaced by an advanced

computer table with 10 x 7 inches. It resembles modern smartphones and much

more convenient to use than a computer. The main tablet is movable upward and

downward but not sideward. It is fixed and cannot be portrait.

Table 1.
MATERIALS and PRICE for the Tablair


ABS Plastic P2,370.00

Tablet P14,999.00

Heat sink fan P550.00

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Battery Lithium Ion Polymer P400.00

Internal speaker P300.00

Estimated Price P18,979.00

Tablair has an estimated cost of 19,999Php. The price is just fair and

enough for the product because it had a really good material used that really worth.

This product, compare to a personal computer goes a lot better. On top of this,

Tablair’s advantage provides convenience that every user asks for. It has distinct

features, which make it unique and attract a spotlight in the market that really

catches the attention of prospective buyers. Bring the first ever product that uses

very advance technology that suits perfectly to the taste and preferences of people,

especially now that we are in the age where technology advancement is utmost.


Power button
(back) – general
button for the chair

Digital pen Heat sink fan to

for writing prevent
and thermal shock

located under
Pathways for the desk for
information better audio
input quality

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Figure 1
Illustration of the Tablair

The Tablair has three buttons to be able to operate. The first one is located

at the back of the chair that generates the whole chair. The second button is the

power button of the main tablet and the last one is for the whole room to operate

the Tablairs installed in a particular room. It has two ports for the USB located on

the side of the table. The first port is for the user’s personal USB to transfer their

saved assignments to the Tablair and transfer it to the teacher’s tablet, while the

second port is for the charging purpose. The product will have an application or

website to open the lectures and inputs saved on the Tablair that can be access

by the use of the student’s school code. It is special because it has an original

setting to look and secure itself using a thumb print for the students to keep their

bio data, records, and some personal information safe. It also has a specific

application that when opened, it will direct to the teacher’s lecture from their Tablair

and also has a different application that will show their quizzes and seat works for

them to answer it easily in the use of stylus, a digital pen. It has also a speaker at

the back of tablet to give users a good audio quality. The tablair has also a high

efficiency fan to lessen thermal shock.

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter IV

Methodology and Timeline


 Most of the teachers were using power point presentations

 Students bring too much school supplies and were

struggling in writing their lectures

 Some students does not have gadgets needed in their field

Research Questions
 What can we do to lessen the student's learning struggle in


 How will the student be technology oriented depending on

their field?

If we build a technology that can help the students with their lectures the

students would not struggle requesting for the copy of lectures

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City


Once the prototype were innovated, it will be tested to determine if it is

accessible or not

Figure # 2
Tablair’s Methodology


Canvassing of materials needed for the tablair

(3 days)

Allotting and estimating the budget for the materials of the


Buying the materials needed in making the tablair


14 | P a g e
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Creating the tablair

(16 products in every one month)

Finishing and testing the product


Introducing the product to the public market


Figure # 3
Tablair's timeline

Timeline shows the process involve in making Tablair. Canvassing of

materials needed for the tablair will be the first thing to do it will take three days

because the materials will be bought in different place and to have more time in

choosing more affordable yet high quality materials. Next is Estimating te budget

of the materials for the tablair, it will only take a day because of the preparation

have done on the first stage. After that, buying the materials needed will be next

and it will take two days because travelling to different store takes time. In reason,
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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

stores are located in different places. In terms of creating tablair, it will take 10

months because it needs time and effort to make one. The technicalities of making

a tablair is complex, from assembling the parts to arranging the proper connection

of each parts cannot be done easily. After making a product, next thing to do is

testing the product to make sure it is capable and functionable. Last is introducing

the product to the public market, to get feedbacks regarding to the product.

In creating 16 pieces of tablair wherein 10 people will work for the product,

it will lasts for 25 weeks. So, the 100 pieces of products will requires 30 months

and the remaining 6 months will be the time to distribute the products to the market.


1 workers X 6 hrs. X 7 days = Man hours per week of workers

42 man hrs. /per week of worker x 10 workers = 420 total man hrs. /per
𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘
Average production time per unit =𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑖𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝑝𝑟𝑜𝑑𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑠 𝑝𝑒𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑒𝑘

420 𝑡𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑚𝑎𝑛 ℎ𝑜𝑢𝑟𝑠

= = 105 per unit

Total man hours per month = total man hours per week x 4weeks
= 420 x 4
= 1680
Total products per month= total products per week
= 16 products per month

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter V

Goals and Objectives

Tablair is an innovative armchair that helps the students in their learnings

and gives the students a convenient way of studying. Its main goal is to develop

the capabilities, skills and knowledge of the students on working and learning with

the use of this advanced technology. The Tablair may also improve the insights of

the students on working through technology. In order to make this product

successful and conductive, there are goals that are needed to achieve.

 Aim to improve the insights of the students on working through technology

with the help of different applications that is downloaded in the main Tablair

 Aim to help the students gain specific knowledge conveniently regarding

their chosen course with the help of Tablair’s special applications manual

 Aim to show the advantages of Tablair to the student’s learning and how it

may help them doing daily tasks in school.

 To conduct a survey to see the possible chance of producing the Tablair

Specifically, this study aims to answer these following research questions:

1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of Tablair?

2. What are the possible academic effects of Tablair to students?

In conclusion, the target of innovation of the Tablair are more on the

academic performance and skills of the students.

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter VI

Scope and Limitations

This paper covers the process of manufacturing the Tablair armchair and

will focus on its durability and stability in terms of the materials that will be use in

the innovation. The softwares that are going to install based on the student's field

are involve for it is one of the major components of Tablair innovation. This will

also include the estimated amount of the materials and the estimated time range

in order to finish the product. The feasibility of the first 100 products will be

conducted through survey questionnaires with the help of the 20 selected senior

high school students of Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela in both

technological and non-technological field.

The innovation of the Tablair will limit to the possible weakness of the

product which is the electricity conservation. The softwares and hardwares that

are going to install were also excluded for the redeveloping of the product for it will

be discuss for the future renovation. This will also limits to the price of Tablair

because not all schools have enough budget to afford the market price of the

product and the possible defective product from the first 100 products that are

going to build.

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Chapter VII

Expected Outcome

Table 2.

 Tablair makes the learning  Students are highly exposed

interesting and captivating to the to radiation


 Students do not have to bring  The student’s learning will

papers and pens depend on the gadget

 The program installed in the

Tablair already provides what

they must bring in their academe

 Lectures are already transferred

in the tablet

 The students can easily access

and input informations

 Teachers do not have to provide

visual aids and handouts

This study expects that the result of this product will give an easiest and

convenient way of learning and a lot of benefits and advantages for those students,
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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

teachers and other people who have potentials to use this Tablair product. In line

with this, using the tablair as one of innovative methods in studying through the

use of high technology system serve by the product, this will make the learning

more interesting and captivating to the students. With respect on Tablair: Digital

Armchair, comparing to the typical wooden armchair, it will be beneficial because

students do not need to bring their papers and pens allowing them to avoid

shortcomings in bringing heavy bags when they go to school. The program

installed in the tablair, already provides what they must bring in their academe. For

the reason that students can instantly get the copies of lectures and lesson and

modules that are transferred in tablair by their teachers. So that, their full attention

is on the class discussion while having the convenient way of learning. Aside from

this, they can also easily access and input their own records in school and

monitored it as well. Meanwhile, for the teachers, it will also help them for

teachings. They do not need to create or print visual aids and hard copies of

quizzes, because once they provide power point presentation, video presentation,

or soft copies of quizzes it will directly deliver as well to the monitor of their each

student's tablair. Thus, the education system will set into high quality, fast and

effective way of learning with the help of tablair product unlike to the typical wooden

armchair wherein its function is to provide only a seat for the students and a typical

way of learning experience.

In addition to this, the feasibility of creating the tablair is expected to have a

big opportunity to attract a spotlight in the market. Having this product a distinct

and unique features, it will suits perfectly to the taste and preference of people.

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Since tablair uses an advanced technology, wherein younger generation are

favourable especially they are more engaged on the technology advancement

which also gives opportunity to enhance their digital citizenship skills.

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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela
Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City

Reference List

Goodnotes. (2018, Feb.13).6 common note-taking mistakes and what you can do
to avoid them. Retrieved from

Kennedy, M. (2012, Oct.01).Learning in comfort ergonomic considerations are an

important factor in classroom furniture. Retrieved from

McKinney, P. (n,d).Innovation in the classroom: Why education needs to be more

innovative. Retrieved from

Rogers, T. (2015). Everything you need to know about abs plastic. [Blog post].
Retrieved from

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Tongco St., Maysan, Valenzuela City


(Applicable for those who will conduct survey)

Put survey questionnaires here.

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