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Habib University

Math 205 – Linear Algebra

Syllabus Spring 2019

Musabbir Abdul Majeed & Muhammad Imtiaz

“You can’t learn too much linear algebra”

January 2019
Instructor: Dr. Musabbir Abdul Majeed
Dr. Muhammad Imtiaz
Office: C-124
Extension: 5256
Office Hours: 14:15 - 15:15 every Monday and Tuesday + by appointment
Lecture timings: L1 – Monday and Wednesday 15:50 – 17:05 in N219
Course LMS URL: tbd
Course Prerequisites: There are no formal pre-requisites for this course. However, an as-
sumed knowledge of linear equations and vectors will be an advan-
Content Area: This course meets requirements for EE and CS majors, and MATH
RA: Basem Algera Atiq

1 Rationale
Linear algebra is concerned with linear system of equations. Linear system of equations is ubiquitous in almost
all the applications we can think of e.g. game development, google search results, 3D printing, machine learning,
geometrical modelling, price comparison websites, data science and so on. For example, the output of many
electrical circuits depends linearly on moderate ranges of input and successfully correcting the trajectory of a
space probe involves repeatedly solving systems of linear equations.
The application of linear algebra is not just restricted to linear systems. The first step in solving a non-linear
system is almost always to linearise around a given point and solve the resulting set of linear equations.
The utility of linear algebra becomes apparent when the number of variables reaches in the order of millions and
billions. The speed of every new supercomputer is tested on Ax = b: it’s pure linear algebra. IBM and Los
Alamos announced a new world record of 1015 operations per second in 2008. That petaflop speed was reached
by solving many equations in parallel. High performance computers avoid operating on single numbers, they feed
on whole submatrices.
This course builds a deeper understanding of the underlying ideas to investigate similar objectives and develops
skills to perform related computations. In this course you will study vectors from two to n− dimensions, systems
of linear equations and matrices that provide the bridge between linear equations and vectors, determinants and
real linear (vector) spaces. Along the way, you will learn that the matrix encodes tranformation of vectors. The
course will move on to the applications of linear algebra in computing least squares errors, eigenvalues, singular
value decomposition (SVD), and differential equations.

2 Course Aims and Outcomes

2.1 Aims

This course aims to develop an appreciation of the basic concepts and problems of linear algebra and its appli-
cations in geometry and differential equations to address the wider fields of computer science, engineering and
many natural and social sciences

2.2 Specific Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, you (students) will be able to:

Learning Do-
main Level
Predict and explain linear transformations and whether a given linear system
CLO 1 of equations will have any solution(s), and what will be the best approximated COG-4
Explain and evaluate whether a given space is a vector spaces and/or a subspace
and what will be its bases.
Predict and critique on the response and stability of the system by computing
CLO 3 the determinant, eigenvalues, eigenvectors, matrix factorisations, definiteness of COG-5
Use modern tools e.g. Python, Octave, MATLAB, LATEXor similar to present
their ideas coherently

CLOs mapped to Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)


Level of Emphasis
Program Learning Outcomes (PLOs)
(1:High; 2:Medium; 3:Low)
1. Engineering Knowledge 1
2. Problem Analysis 1
3. Design/Development of Solutions
4. Investigation
5. Modern Tool Usage 2
6. The Engineer and Society
7. Environment and Sustainability
8. Ethics
9. Individual and Team Work
10. Communication
11. Project Management
12. Lifelong Learning

3 Format and Procedures

The material in each class will build up on the previous classes. If you miss a class, you’ll be responsible for
catching up. I also encourage you all to ask questions and stop me if you are having trouble understanding
something. If you’re confused by something but hesitant about bringing attention to yourself, I want to assure
you that you’re not alone and there are most likely other students feeling the same as you. You’re expected to
complete your reading assignments, since material assigned as reading will not be covered in detail in class but
will be utilized in class. When assigned a class activity, I’ll urge you to utilize the time efficiently. You cannot
pass this course simply by memorizing a few formulas. There is no single method for solving problems either.
Each problem in this course will require you to give it some serious thought. As such, practice is the only way to
sharpen your probability skills. If you get the feeling that you’re not improving even after a lot of practice; you’re

stumped by every new question, don’t be disheartened. Your practice is not going to waste; you’re certainly
improving. Finally, I expect that you’ll be respectful to each other always.
The material in each class will build up on the previous classes. If you miss a class, you’ll be responsible for
catching up. I also encourage you all to ask questions and stop me if you are having trouble understanding
something. If you’re confused by something but hesitant about bringing attention to yourself, I want to assure
you that you’re not alone and there are most likely other students feeling the same as you. When assigned a class
activity, I’ll urge you to utilize the time efficiently.
We will discuss most topics listed below, though not at the same depth. Some of these will be taught in detail
while others will be reviewed for further directions of study. We will also discuss some applications of linear
algebra to other parts of mathematics and statistics and to physical and social sciences. Our major focus would
be on:

• matrices and systems of linear equations

• vector spaces
• inner products, orthogonalization and projections
• orthogonal transformations

• determinants
• eigenvalues and eigenvectors
• symmetric matrices and quadratic forms, principal axes and diagonalization of quadratic forms, least squares
• functions of matrices, exponentials of matrices, applications to differential equations

• linear transformations

4 Course Requirements

Course readings
• There is no conventional textbook for this course and we shall not produce a course pack. Any textbooks
with titles like “An Introduction to Linear Algebra” or “Elementary Linear Algebra” available in the library
will prove useful. A few recommendations, if available, are:
(a) H. Anton and C. Rorres, “Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications”, Wiley, 9th edition, 2005
(and earlier editions)
(b) S. J. Leon, “Linear Algebra with Applications”, Maxwell, 3rd edition, 1990
(c) G. Strang, “Introduction to linear algebra”, Wellesley-Cambridge Press, Fifth edition (and earlier
editions); and
(d) G. Strang, “Linear algebra and its applications”, Cengage Learning, Fourth edition (and earlier edi-
• In this course we will closely follow the book “Introduction to linear algebra” by Gilbert Strang. However,
the topics discussed can be found in other books too
• The course will be delivered via a combination of whiteboard writing, lecture slides, and lecture summary.
Therefore, to be successful in this course, it is highly important that you attend all the lectures

• There will be practice exercises available on LMS. These problems are for YOU to do to enhance mastery
of the course. Some of those problems will be done in labs, but you will learn a lot more if you try to do
the problems yourself without using technology.

5 Assessments
The following forms of assessments will be used in this course. Grading will be based on:
a. 4 assignments 20%
b. 4 quizzes 15%
c. Midterm 20%
d. Final exam 35%
e. Participation 10%

• Each homework and quiz will have the equal weightage. We will count the best 3 quizzes and homeworks
towards your final grade
• There will be one midterm and the final exam which will contribute 20% and 40% respectively towards your

• The quizzes can be online or in class.

• There will be no surprise assessments
• Class participation marks are not guaranteed. You must attend recitation sessions, be in class on time, and
actively take part in class and workplace discussions

• Assignments must be clearly typed in LATEX. You will have a week to hand-in the assignment from the date
of release.
• Recitation classes will be arranged by Basem Algera Atiq. You are strongly encouraged to attend them
because the recitation classes contribute towards the participation marks

Course Assessment Mapping over CLOs

Assessments CLO 1 CLO 2 CLO 3 CLO 4
Quiz 1
Quiz 2
Quiz 3
Quiz 4
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Assignment 4
Final exam

6 Grading Procedures
Grades will be computed as follows.

Grading Scale

Letter Grade GPA Points Percentage

A+ 4.00 [95, 100]

A 4.00 [90, 95)

Assignment ×(4 − 1) 20%
A- 3.67 [85, 90)
Quizzes ×(4 − 1) 15%
B+ 3.33 [80, 85)
Participation 10%
B 3.00 [75, 80)
Midterm 20%
B- 2.67 [70, 75)
Final 35%
C+ 2.33 [67, 70)

C 2.00 [63, 67)

C- 1.67 [60, 63)

F 0.00 [0, 60)

Knowledge and skills assessed: All assessment tasks will be assessed against the learning outcomes outlined
above, specifically, the ability to apply the concepts discussed in class to solving simple and complex problems
and the ability to communicate mathematical arguments in a coherent and logical manner.
Assessment criteria: A correct procedure leads to the right outcome! The criteria for marking all assessment
tasks will focus on correct working and appropriate reasoning in solutions and not just on correctness of answers.
Indeed, a wrong attempt producing an answer coinciding with the correct answer will be discarded. On the other
hand, no mistake will be penalized twice and a logical output of a mistake will be graded.

7 Attendance Policy
Habib University requires that all freshmen and sophomores must maintain at least 85% attendance and all juniors
and seniors must maintain at least 75% attendance for each class in which they are registered. Non-compliance
with minimum attendance requirements will result in automatic failure of the course and may require the student
to repeat the course when next offered. It is the responsibility of the student to keep track of their own attendance
and speak with their faculty member or the Office of the Registrar for any clarification.
If you are late in class for more than 5mins or leave class early without a valid reason, your attendance will not
be marked

8 Accommodations for students with disabilities

In compliance with the Habib University policy and equal access laws, I am available to discuss appropriate aca-
demic accommodations that may be required for student with disabilities. Requests for academic accommodations
are to be made during the first two weeks of the semester, except for unusual circumstances, so arrangements can
be made. Students are encouraged to register with the Office of Academic Performance to verify their eligibility
for appropriate accommodations.

9 Inclusivity Statement
We understand that our members represent a rich variety of backgrounds and perspectives. Habib University is
committed to providing an atmosphere for learning that respects diversity. While working together to build this
community we ask all members to:

• share their unique experiences, values and beliefs
• be open to the views of others
• honor the uniqueness of their colleagues

• appreciate the opportunity that we have to learn from each other in this community
• value each others opinions and communicate in a respectful manner
• keep confidential discussions that the community has of a personal (or professional) nature
• use this opportunity together to discuss ways in which we can create an inclusive environment in this course
and across the Habib community

10 Office hours
Office hours have been scheduled, circulated, and posted. During these hours the course instructor will be available
to answer questions or provide additional help. Every student enrolled in this course must meet individually with
the course instructor during course office hours at least once during the semester. The first meeting should happen
within the first five weeks of the semester but must occur before midterms. Any student who does not meet with
the instructor may face a grade reduction or other penalties at the discretion of the instructor and will have an
academic hold placed by the Registrars Office.

11 Academic Integrity
Each student in this course is expected to abide by the Habib University Student Honor Code of Academic
Integrity. Any work submitted by a student in this course for academic credit will be the student’s own work.
There is zero tolerance for plagiarism. Every case will be reported to the conduct office and you’ll get a zero on
that particular test or assignment.
Scholastic dishonesty shall be considered a serious violation of these rules and regulations and is subject to strict
disciplinary action as prescribed by Habib University regulations and policies. Scholastic dishonesty includes, but
is not limited to, cheating on exams, plagiarism on assignments, and collusion.
PLAGIARISM: Plagiarism is the act of taking the work created by another person or entity and presenting it
as ones own for the purpose of personal gain or of obtaining academic credit. As per University policy, plagiarism
includes the submission of or incorporation of the work of others without acknowledging its provenance or giving
due credit according to established academic practices. This includes the submission of material that has been
appropriated, bought, received as a gift, downloaded, or obtained by any other means. Students must not, unless
they have been granted permission from all faculty members concerned, submit the same assignment or project
for academic credit for different courses.
CHEATING: The term cheating shall refer to the use of or obtaining of unauthorized information in order to
obtain personal benefit or academic credit.
COLLUSION: Collusion is the act of providing unauthorized assistance to one or more person or of not taking
the appropriate precautions against doing so. All violations of academic integrity will also be immediately reported
to the Student Conduct Office.
You are encouraged to study together and to discuss information and concepts covered in lecture and the sections
with other students. You can give ”consulting” help to or receive ”consulting” help from such students. However,
this permissible cooperation should never involve one student having possession of a copy of all or part of work
done by someone else, in the form of an e-mail, an e-mail attachment file, a diskette, or a hard copy.
Should copying occur, the student who copied work from another student and the student who gave material to
be copied will both be in violation of the Student Code of Conduct.
During examinations, you must do your own work. Talking or discussion is not permitted during the examinations,
nor may you compare papers, copy from others, or collaborate in any way. Any collaborative behavior during the
examinations will result in failure of the exam, and may lead to failure of the course and University disciplinary

Penalty for violation of this Code can also be extended to include failure of the course and University disciplinary

12 Tentative Course schedule

May change to accommodate student needs
Topic(s) Subtopics covered Remarks
Motivation, matrix algebra,
identity and inverse ma-
Matrices and some associated no-
Week – 1, trix, transpose and symme-
try, and elementary row op-
Echelon forms, augmented
matrix, Gaussian elimina-
Weeks 2 – 3 Sytem of linear equations tion, and back substitution,
existence and uniqueness of
solutions. Applications
Spaces of vectors, the
nullspace of A, rank and
Quiz 1 & assign-
the row reduced form, inde-
Weeks 4 – 6 Vector spaces & subspaces ment 1 – prior to
pendence, four fundamental
starting vector spaces
subspaces, and complete
Orthogonality of four fun- Quiz 2 & assign-
damental subspaces, projec- ment 2 – prior to
Orthogonality, projections, and
Weeks 7 – 8 tions, least squares approx- starting orthogonality.
least squares
imations, orthogonal bases Midterm, last day
and Gram-Schmidt prior to spring break
Row and column operations
and properties of determi-
Week 9 Determinants nants, areas of triangles and
parallelograms, volumes of
parallelepipeds, Jacobians

• Assignment 3
Eigenvalues and eigenvec-
– prior to start-
tors intuition, diaonalising a
ing eigenvalues
Week 10 – matrix, application to dif-
Eigenvalues and eigenvectors
12 ferential equation, singular • Quiz 3 – prior to
value decomposition, defini- starting definite-
tiveness of a matrix ness of a matrix

Assignment 4 –
Geometrical transformation
Week 13 Linear transformations prior to starting linear
using matrices and vectors
Norms, condition numbers,
Week 14 –
Numerical algebra complex vectors and matri- Quiz 4
Final exam

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