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New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics

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Petrography and geochemistry of lithic fragments

in ignimbrites from the Mangakino Volcanic
Centre: Implications for the composition of the
subvolcanic crust in western Taupo Volcanic Zone,
New Zealand

Stephen J. P. Krippner , Roger M. Briggs , Colin J. N. Wilson & James W. Cole

To cite this article: Stephen J. P. Krippner , Roger M. Briggs , Colin J. N. Wilson & James W.
Cole (1998) Petrography and geochemistry of lithic fragments in ignimbrites from the Mangakino
Volcanic Centre: Implications for the composition of the subvolcanic crust in western Taupo
Volcanic Zone, New Zealand, New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 41:2, 187-199,
DOI: 10.1080/00288306.1998.9514803

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New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1998, Vol. 41: 187-199 187
0028-8306/98/4102-0187 $7.00/0 © The Royal Society of New Zealand 1998

Petrography and geochemistry of lithic fragments in ignimbrites from the

Mangakino Volcanic Centre: implications for the composition of the subvolcanic
crust in western Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand

STEPHEN J. P. KRIPPNER fragments are used to propose a model for the shallow crust
ROGER M. BRIGGS below Mangakino Volcanic Centre. This model postulates
eruptions through a basement of Mesozoic biotite schists
Department of Earth Sciences overlain by metagreywackes, a thin cover of Tertiary
University of Waikato sandstones and siltstones, and an overlying volcanic
Private Bag 3105 succession of andesite, dacite and rhyolite lavas, welded
Hamilton, New Zealand ignimbrites, and lacustrine sediments. Ignimbrite eruptions
incorporated comagmatic biotite granite fragments from the
COLIN J. N. WILSON crystallised margins of the silicic magma chambers, and
Institute of Geological & Nuclear Sciences effectively sampled the subvolcanic crust and volcanic pile
Wairakei Research Centre from the vent walls en route to the surface.
Private Bag 2000
Taupo, New Zealand Keywords volcanism; ignimbrites; Mangakino Volcanic
Centre; Taupo Volcanic Zone; lithic fragments; petrography;
JAMES W. COLE geochemistry; subvolcanic crust
Department of Geological Sciences
University of Canterbury
Private Bag 4800 INTRODUCTION
Christchurch, New Zealand
Ignimbrites consist of three components: juvenile magmatic
material (pumice and glass shards); crystals (representing
phenocrysts in the magma chamber before or during
Abstract The Mangakino Volcanic Centre is the eruption); and lithic fragments. Lithic fragments represent
westernmost and oldest rhyolitic caldera volcano in the pre-existing rocks which have been incorporated into a
Taupo Volcanic Zone, North Island, New Zealand. The volcanic eruption by erosion or abrasion of the conduit walls
largest eruptions from Mangakino occurred in two periods or disaggregation of vent chamber walls (L. Wilson et al.
of caldera-forming activity during 1.68-1.53 Ma (Period I), 1980). Lithic fragments may also be incorporated into a
and 1.21-0.95 Ma (Period IIA), producing several pyroclastic flow by erosion of the land surface over which
voluminous widespread welded and nonwelded ignimbrites the flow is travelling (Cas & Wright 1987).
and minor fall deposits. Other activity from Mangakino
Detailed studies of lithic fragments in pyroclastic
generated fall deposits and rhyolitic lava domes. Lithic
deposits may often represent the only source of information
fragments are common in all Mangakino ignimbrites (1-10
about the nature of the crust underlying a volcano and earlier
modal %), and consist of diverse lithologies including:
volcanic activity. In particular, explosive rhyolitic eruptions
rhyolite, dacite, andesite, and basaltic andesite lava, welded
that may produce fall or flow deposits are so abrasive of
ignimbrite, tuff, volcanic breccia, biotite granite, granodiorite
their conduit walls that they can essentially provide a
porphyry, siltstone, sandstone, greywacke, metagreywacke,
window into the nature and composition of the crust to a
metaconglomerate, biotite and hornblende-biotite schist.
considerable depth. This paper investigates the petrography
Lithic populations in Period I ignimbrites are dominated by
and geochemistry, density, and magnetic susceptibility of
andesite lavas, suggesting that there was a pre-existing
lithic fragments in ignimbrites derived from Mangakino
andesite volcano in the Mangakino area, geochemically
Volcanic Centre (MVC).
distinct from Titiraupenga and Pureora, the nearest roughly
contemporaneous andesitic volcanoes. Later ignimbrites that Previous studies on the eruptives from the MVC have
erupted during Period IIA, contain predominantly rhyolitic focused on the stratigraphy (e.g., Martin 1961; Blank 1965;
lava lithics, implying that significant dome building activity Wilson 1986a, b; Houghton et al. 1987a, b; Grindley &
occurred at Mangakino, which represented greater volumes Mumme 1991), age (Soengkono et al. 1992; Houghton et
of rhyolitic lava than previously described from the area. al. 1995; Wilson et al. 1995a, b), and geochemistry (Briggs
Petrographic, geochemical, and geophysical (density and et al. 1993) of the widespread ignimbrites and fall deposits.
magnetic susceptibility) data measured from the lithic Preliminary work on the petrography and geochemistry of
lithic fragments in ignimbrites from MVC is found in Briggs
et al. (1993). This paper extends earlier work by describing
in detail the petrography, major and trace element
geochemistry, and density and magnetic susceptibility of the
lithic fragments as a guide to the nature of the volcanic and
G97026 subvolcanic crustal lithologies at Mangakino through its
Received 5 May 1997; accepted 11 December 1997 eruptive history.
188 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1998, Vol. 41

Te Awamutu LKaiapiro
Kakepuku£ r"— \. Maungatautar

{ ] Mangakino

. f \ Maroa

Fig. 2 Sample localities and general landforms surrounding the

Mangakino Volcanic Centre. MVC caldera boundary outlined by
dashed line. Sample localities (from the metric topographic map
series Topomap NZMS 260) are: (a) Hinuera Quarry (Tl6/461614),
(b) Lichfield Quarry (T16/588490), (c) Duncan Road (T17/
542234), (d) Topaz Road (Tl 7/520151), (e) Maverick Road (Tl II
473140), (f) Leyland Road (Tl7/346901 ), (g) Waipapa Valley (Tl 7/
399081), (h) Waipari Gorge (T16/338270), (i) Mangaokewa Road
(SI7/191020), (j) Waipa Valley Road (SI7/120101), (k) State
Highway 30 (S17/092015), (1) Ahuroa Road (S17/116100).

Fig. 1 Position and setting of rhyolite caldera centres in the Taupo

Volcanic Zone (adapted from Houghton et al. 1995).
Rhyolite lava domes (i.e., Tumai, 1.27 + 0.05 Ma, and
Whakaahu, 0.87 ± 0.08 Ma) that crop out within the MVC
GEOLOGICAL SETTING have radiometric ages which occur outside these periods
(Briggs et al. 1993).
The Taupo Volcanic Zone (TVZ) is a major Pliocene-
Quaternary NNE—SSW orientated, volcano-tectonic
complex, c. 300 km long and up to 60 km wide (Healy 1962; LITHOLOGY AND SAMPLE LOCATIONS
Houghton et al. 1995) in the central North Island of New
Zealand (Fig. 1). Early volcanism in the TVZ (c. 2 Ma) was The ignimbrites from Mangakino are nonwelded to densely
restricted to andesitic volcanoes (i.e., Titiraupenga, Pureora) welded, generally crystal-rich, pumice-rich ignimbrites.
in the western part of the TVZ (Cole & Teoh 1975; Froude Crystals constitute 10-30% and consist of plagioclase,
& Cole 1985). More extensive and explosive rhyolitic quartz, orthopyroxene, hornblende, titanomagnetite,
volcanism has dominated the zone from c. 1.6 Ma onwards ilmenite, zircon, and apatite. We use the term "crystals" when
(Houghton et al. 1995). they occur in the matrix, and "phenocrysts" when in pumice.
The MVC is the westernmost and oldest rhyolitic caldera Pumice clasts range in abundance 2-35%, usually 30-
in the TVZ (Wilson et al. 1984; Houghton et al. 1995). It is 200 mm in size, vary from dense to highly vesicular, and
defined by a major gravity anomaly where the depth to their structure is often fibrous, but typically platy in the
"basement" (i.e., rocks with a density of 2650 kg/m3) is Ahuroa and Ngaroma Ignimbrites.
estimated to be 4 km (Rogan 1982). The modern topographic Lithic fragments constitute 1-10 modal % and vary
expression of the centre is a basin (Mangakino Basin) lying widely in their lithology. Lithic fragments have been
200—400 m below the surrounding ignimbrite plateau, partly collected from ignimbrites at 12 localities (Fig. 2), chosen
infilled by lacustrine sediments (C. P. Wood pers. comm. where the lithic fragments are >30 mm in diameter and are
1997) and ignimbrites, particularly the >200 m thick, suitable for petrological and geochemical analysis (Table 1).
0.34 Ma Whakamaru-group ignimbrites (Martin 1965; All of the lithic fragments are interpreted to be vent derived
Wilson 1986a; Brown 1994). rather than incorporated into the ignimbrite from the land
Eruptive units attributed to the MVC have produced a surface over which the pyroclastic flow was moving. This
sequence of voluminous, widespread welded and nonwelded is because none of the lithic lithologies considered here have
ignimbrites, fall deposits, and minor lava domes (Wilson any surface expression and each ignimbrite was emplaced
1986a, 1995a, b; Briggs et al. 1993). Houghton et al. (1995) over a land surface dominated by greywacke and the
divided the MVC ignimbrite sequence into two periods: preceding ignimbrite(s), none of which form a significant
1.68-1.53 Ma (Period I) and 1.21-0.95 Ma (Period IIA). proportion of the lithic populations. At most sites, sampling
Krippner et al.—Petrography & geochemistry of Mangakino lithic fragments 189

2 of lithic fragments was restricted to layer 2 of Wilson &

Walker (1982), but some were from a ground layer (e.g.,
M T3
u u Q i Ngaroma and Ongatiti Ignimbrites) or from lithic lag
*£ 2 z
H ed
ca § breccias (e.g., Ignimbrite C) (Walker et al. 1980; Walker
0 0 cd
2 lo «Z o 1985).
JJJ j j C¿ C¿ ci
a zz Sample locations for lithic fragments were generally
situated at medial distances (c. 10-50 km) from the inferred
source area of the ignimbrites. With a few exceptions (e.g.,
Ignimbrite C), proximal locations for ignimbrites from
Mangakino do not exist because of caldera collapse or burial
by younger eruptives. Dense lithic fragments of suitable size
for detailed study (c. >5 cm) are generally not found in
localities beyond c. 50 km.
The range of lithic lithologies and relative abundances
are summarised in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. Lithic types
include plutonic, metamorphic, sedimentary, and volcanic.
Plutonic types include biotite granite and granodiorite
porphyry; metamorphic types comprise metagreywacke,
metaconglomerate, biotite schist, and hornblende-biotite
B schist; and sedimentary types include greywacke, sandstone,
'B and siltstone. Volcanic lithic types consist of lavas (rhyolite,
dacite, andesite, basaltic andesite), welded ignimbrite, tuff,
> and volcanic breccia.
I The relative abundances of lithic types vary considerably
(Table 2). In general, the early Period I ignimbrites contain
lithic fragments dominated by andesite lava, whereas in the
So later Period IIA ignimbrites there is a dominance of rhyolite
lava and welded ignimbrites. Plutonic and metamorphic
lithic types have been found only in the Ongatiti Ignimbrite
00 ca
and Ignimbrite C. Also, the widest variety of lithic types
occurs in the Ongatiti Ignimbrite, in contrast to the Kaahu
and Ignimbrite B, which have a restricted range.
S ca-


The following is a brief summary of the petrography of the
^ ' C "ü S

'o 'a
ÏÎ1IP ^ lithic types found in ignimbrites of the MVC. Further
detailed petrographic descriptions and electron microprobe
•S Sb a
ca ca q ^ ca
data for plagioclase, K-feldspar, orthopyroxene, clino-
pyroxene, hornblende, biotite, Fe-Ti oxides, and some glass
——¿— 'C^ « — .2 « ,2 U
u 43 B
U 1> B «
'5 -5 'S '3
•11 B B •- U > analyses in lithic fragments are given in Krippner (1996).
.3 S obiS B -O
-a Volcanic lithic fragments
!£ J d ^ J — J — — Já « Rhyolite lava
cd *-* ^j -^^ ¿¿ *^ ^-•^ o3 c
o Rhyolite lava lithic fragments are fine grained, vary from
> •" o o o o u o ° "3 aphanitic to phaneritic, and typically are vitrophyric or have
: 'S 43 JS 43 JS
1-t'•e-S t_i c j ¡ c ¿- c c t- r^;
a hyalopilitic groundmass. Rhyolites display variable
u — — — i oO
textures, are generally porphyritic, but may be glomero-
"3 ifiOOMNN
%g > T— 00 —' I porphyritic, flow-banded, spherulitic, or amygdaloidal.
Some have "spotted-dog" groundmass textures where the
SI o
groundmass glass is variably devitrified and occurs in small
spherical patches, which are possibly incipient spherulitic
structures. Phenocrysts (av. 6-7%, range up to 12%) consist
««« i l&1&
l a 1l 1i a
g» of plagioclase (An25_37), quartz, Fe-Ti oxide (titanomagnetite
and ilmenite), and occasional biotite and orthopyroxene
C C -r
o O « 2 M S) S) oo C (En35).

I cö .u .g ' | 3 ,
:> > >i
Dacite lava
Dacite lava lithics contain higher proportions of ferro-
ca , , _
magnesian phenocrysts and lower quartz/feldspar ratios than
« gg
•il i rhyolite lavas. Phenocrysts consist of plagioclase, quartz,
Fe-Ti oxides, minor orthopyroxene (En64), clinopyroxene,
< D O
190 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1998, Vol. 41

and amphibole. Phenocryst abundances average 3-5% and

range 1-30%. Textures are similar to those in rhyolites (flow
banded, spherulitic, amygdaloidal) but are not so well
defined. The groundmass is typically hyalopilitic, and glass
in the groundmass is devitrified.

Pyroxene andesite lava

Pyroxene andesites are grey to dark grey, medium to fine
o £ grained, and porphyritic. They are 2-pyroxene andesites with
I?. phenocrysts of orthopyroxene (En65_7o), clinopyroxene,
abundant plagioclase (An56_5g), rare hornblende and Fe-Ti
oxides. The groundmass is typically intersertal with
Is microlites of plagioclase, pyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides. These
pyroxene andesite lavas are different from those of Pureora
and Titiraupenga, where augite is the dominant pyroxene
(Cole & Teoh 1975; Froude & Cole 1985).

Hornblende andesite lava

Hornblende andesites are fine grained, porphyritic, and
contain phenocrysts of hornblende (edenite-pargasite),

If plagioclase (An25_5i) and biotite, set in a hyalopilitic or

trachytic groundmass. Fe-Ti oxides are rare or absent.

Basaltic andesite lava

Basaltic andesites are dark grey to black, medium to fine
3COJ33 grained, and porphyritic. Phenocrysts are mainly clino-
00 g, pyroxene, orthopyroxene, calcic plagioclase (An80_88), and
Fe-Ti oxides. The groundmass is fine grained, intersertal to
hyalopilitic, and contains microlites of plagioclase and Fe-

u o
Ti oxides.

Welded ignimbrite
Lithic fragments of welded ignimbrite show a large range
Í's in their abundances of pumice, crystals, and lithics, and can
«I be divided into three groups: (1) accessory co-eruptive
l11 recycled intracaldera fragments which exhibit mineralogical
and textural characteristics similar to those in the host
60 M
• i—i OT
c 'o ignimbrites (e.g., Ongatiti, Rocky Hill); (2) accessory welded
•s-g ignimbrites which are similar to previous ignimbrites in the
Uee 3
Mangakino succession, and contain plagioclase (An3Q_34),
1-8 quartz, orthopyroxene (En4g), amphibole (edenite), biotite,
Fe-Ti oxides, and accessory zircon and apatite; and (3) true
accidental welded ignimbrite lithics which do not match with
any surface analogues, and may represent previously
11 VI g (A undiscovered ignimbrites from an earlier period.
£-§ The last group of unknown welded ignimbrites are
IIo s distinct because they contain clinopyroxene (Eii4o_4i, Fei4_
a, T3 18, Wo42^t4), a phase notably absent in all other ignimbrites
C3 derived from Mangakino (Briggs et al. 1993). These welded
•53 s 5-a ignimbrite fragments are rare (found in Marshall and Rocky
11 ca
~ fe
Hill Ignimbrites) and are typically small (c. <20 mm).

< OQ -
u u Tuffs are fine grained, light brown, well sorted, weakly
il ll 11 indurated, crystal-tuffs and vitric-tuffs. Quartz, plagioclase
(rare orthopyroxene), and Fe-Ti oxides are the dominant
9.1 § crystals, and are set in a very fine grained, cryptocrystalline,
devitrified hypocrystalline brown matrix.

Volcanic breccia

-g "8 Volcanic breccia lithic fragments are light to dark brown,
•g moderately indurated, and average maximum clast sizes vary
Krippner et al.—Petrography & geochemistry of Mangakino lithic fragments 191

8-20 mm. Angular to subangular rhyolite lavas are the

dominant clast lithologies in the volcanic breccias, with •
\ \ Trachyte
minor andesite lavas. Matrix abundance is up to 40%.
\Trachyandesite \ ^ ^
Plutonic/hypabyssal lithic fragments
Biotite granite Trachy-\ r•
basalt \
Biotite granite lithic fragments are leucocratic, hypidio- 6$ 6
morphic-granular, medium to coarse grained, and are
typically sheared and fractured and occasionally altered. O • \
Plagioclase (An26-45») dominates the felsic assemblage with CM

K-feldspar (CT63) and minor quartz. Myrmekitic inter- \

growths constitute 5-10% of the rock, and ferromagnesian
minerals present are biotite (Mg#39-40), hornblende
(edenite), orthopyroxene, and Fe-Ti oxides. Andesite
Granodiorite porphyry andesite *
Very rare granodiorite porphyry lithics have been found in
the Ongatiti Ignimbrite and are greenish-grey, medium to
coarse grained, porphyritic, intensively fractured and altered.
Phenocrysts consist of coarse-grained plagioclase, medium- \
grained quartz, and altered biotite (Mg#45^t7) in a felsitic
55 60 65 70 75
SiOz wt%
Sedimentary lithic fragments Fig. 3 Total alkalis (wt%) versus silica (wt%) diagram for MVC
Siltstone lava and welded ignimbrite (whole rock) lithic fragments.
Siltstones are light to dark brown, very fine grained, matrix
supported, and moderately indurated. Grains of quartz, - magnetite - zircon. Biotite and minor hornblende are fine
feldspar, and biotite are rounded to subrounded and rest in a grained (av. <0.03 mm) and define the foliation. Biotite is
very fine grained matrix. notably granular in form, and the high abundance of both
biotite and quartz suggests the rock is metasedimentary.
Sandstone lithics are light greyish-brown, fine grained, Hornblende-biotite schist
poorly to moderately sorted, moderately indurated, and Very rare hornblende biotite schist lithic fragments have been
matrix supported. Grains of subangular to subrounded found in the Ongatiti Ignimbrite and are dark greyish-green,
quartz, plagioclase, and Fe-Ti oxides are abundant, with medium grained, and have a weakly developed, dis-
minor hornblende, biotite, pyroxene, and volcanic and continuous and wavy foliation. The mineral assemblage is
sedimentary rock fragments. quartz - albite - biotite - green/brown hornblende - chlorite
- titanite - magnetite. Hornblende and biotite-rich laminae
Greywacke are separated by fine-grained xenoblastic quartz-rich and
Greywacke lithic fragments are dark brownish-grey, fine albite-rich bands which have a granoblastic texture.
grained, grain supported, well sorted, and strongly indurated.
Grains consist of subangular to subrounded quartz, feldspar,
biotite, Fe-Ti oxides, and volcanic and sandstone rock GEOCHEMISTRY
fragments. The matrix is very fine grained and makes up to Geochemical analyses have been done on selected volcanic,
5% in some greywackes. plutonic, and metamorphic lithic fragments in MVC
ignimbrites. Fifty-five XRF analyses and 19 ICP-MS
Metamorphic lithic fragments analyses for REE are given in Krippner (1996). Here, we
Metagreywacke and metaconglomerate present selected analyses of lava, welded ignimbrite,
Low grade (prehnite-pumpellyite) metagreywacke and metamorphic and plutonic lithics (Table 3), and examine
metaconglomerate lithic fragments are dark greenish-grey, their compositional relationships with known ignimbrites
medium to coarse grained, and strongly indurated. They have and lavas derived from the MVC at the surface.
a typical low-grade metamorphic fabric with an assemblage
of quartz - albite - prehnite - pumpellyite - chlorite - epidote, Major and trace element geochemistry
but relict grains of feldspar, amphibole, biotite and Fe-Ti Major and trace element XRF analyses were done at the
oxides persist. The rocks are cut by veinlets and stringers of Department of Geological Sciences, University of
quartz-muscovite-calcite. Canterbury, using procedures outlined by Norrish & Hutton
(1969) with modifications by Schroeder et al. (1980).
Biotite schist
Lithic fragments of biotite schist are dark grey, medium Volcanic lithics
grained, and weakly foliated and schistose. The mineral Compositions of volcanic lithics show a typical calc-alkaline
assemblage is quartz - albite - biotite - hornblende - chlorite trend from basaltic andesite to medium-silica rhyolite (Fig. 3,
Table 3 Major element (normalised to 100%, volatile-free) and trace element XRF data of selected volcanic, plutonic, and metamorphic lithics sampled from Mangakino Volcanic Centre-
derived ignimbrites. * original values.

Sample no. WDR 5 MAM 6 MAM 11 MBDRl NL30 5 ONWG9 NL30 4 ICR9 WDR1 ONLI 11 ONLI 20 ONLI 22 0NWG2 ONLI 8
Ignimbrite Waioraka Marshall 'A' Marshall 'A' Marshall B' Ngaroma Ongatiti Ngaroma Ignimbrite ' C Waioraka Ongatiti Ongatiti Ongatiti Ongatiti Ongatiti
Grid ref. T16/543234 T17/473140 Tl 7/473140 T16/543233 SI7/092015 T16/338270 SI7/092015 Tl 7/399081 T16/543234 T16/588490 T16/588490 Tl 6/588490 T16/338270 T16/588490
Lithic lithology rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite rhyolite dacite pyroxene andesite pyroxene andesite basaltic andesite rhyolitic ignimbrite dacitic ignimbrite biotite granite granodiorite metagreywacke hbl-btot schist

SiO 2 74.63 72.16 74.17 74.48 68.81 57.69 61.20 55.45 72.32 68.05 70.67 67.34 61.9 67.55
TiO 2 0.26 0.37 0.30 0.27 0.59 0.76 0.62 1.35 0.35 0.49 0.33 0.4 1.1 0.46
A1 2 O 3 13.83 14.73 13.48 13.73 16.78 18.24 16.79 17.38 15.08 17.45 15.03 16.16 17.24 15.71
Fe 2 O 3 0.39 0.61 0.58 0.41 0.70 1.63 1.43 1.96 0.56 0.75 0.67 0.91 1.35 0.84
FeO 1.39 2.19 2.08 1.49 2.52 5.87 5.16 7.06 2.00 2.69 2.4 3.28 4.87 3.02
MnO 0.04 0.05 0.08 0.04 0.02 0.14 0.11 0.15 0.08 0.08 0.06 0.11 0.12 0.12
MgO 0.14 0.34 0.18 0.22 0.16 3.50 4.89 3.28 0.58 0.74 1.24 1.53 2.65 1.71
CaO 1.36 2.05 1.25 1.34 3.30 7.33 5.68 8.27 2.17 3.14 3.53 4.28 3.93 4.23
Na 2 O 4.52 4.20 4.81 4.54 3.95 3.29 3.08 3.39 3.76 4.72 3.89 4.26 4.83 4.41
K2O 3.42 3.24 3.04 3.45 3.13 1.39 0.96 1.26 3.04 1.87 2.17 1.7 1.71 1.94
P2O5 0.02 0.06 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.15 0.08 0.20 0.06 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.28 0.02
LOI* 0.73 0.69 0.32 -0.13 0.98 0.92 1.58 1.06 2.45 1.51 0.63 0.66 2.64 -0.27
Total* 99.51 100.15 99.83 100.21 100.06 100.12 99.50 100.38 99.71 99.53 99.64 99.79 99.6 98.52
Ba 783 773 755 766 747 406 436 321 761 708 421 454 861 <2
Rb 112 111 104 115 108 50 33 39 103 71 81 65 50 117
Sr 114 164 117 114 251 155 334 174 231 171 218 534 7
Pb 14 13 15 14 47 8 7 14 11 13 20 11 17 9
Th 12 11 10 13 13 5 2 3 12 10 8 6 7 16
Zr 245 191 277 242 188 121 84 131 160 209 96 117 119 19
Nb 8 7 7 8 10 2 <2 3 7 7 3 2 4 10
La 44 66 28 31 104 20 91 11 25 30 16 18 17 11
Ce 73 59 50 57 185 35 107 32 42 50 21 26 42 78
Nd 49 77 25 28 104 24 99 18 12 29 15 18 22 15
Y 42 43 36 27 43 23 45 23 15 32 15 23 25 85
V 12 12 7 13 46 201 171 373 30 37 53 76 191 212
Cr <3 3 4 <3 17 61 195 7 5 4 11 14 22 555
Ni 4 4 4 4 5 22 60 7 7 5 9 10 13 82
Zn 46 57 71 40 32 71 78 78 31 54 67 74 124 3
Ga 17 18 15 16 18 18 19 17 19 15 20 26 16 <5
K/Rb 253 242 243 249 241 231 241 268 245 219 222 217 284 138
Rb/Sr 0.98 0.68 0.89 1 0.43 0.19 0.21 0.12 0.59 0.31 0.47 0.3 0.09 17
Ba/La 18 12 27 25 7 20 5 29 30.4 23.6 26 25 50.6 0.18

Krippner et al.—Petrography & geochemistry of Mangakino lithic fragments 193

Plutonic lithics
Plutonic lithics range from 64.9 to 73.3 wt% SiC>2 and are
classified as granites and granodiorites (Cox et al. 1979).
Plutonic fragments display similar trends in major and trace
High-K Rhyolite
element abundances compared with volcanic fragments. All
High-K Dacite
plutonic lithics show the calc-alkaline trend of enriched LILE
relative to HFSE (Fig. 6). As with volcanic lithics, a variable
• negative Nb anomaly is present, implying a subduction
High-K Andesite
component in the petrogenesis of these plutonics (Hole et
ft* al. 1984).
Basaltic •
andesite Rhyolite Metamorphic lithics
Dacite Metamorphic lithics include low-grade metagreywacke and
# "Andesite ii - . ^ "
metaconglomerate, and medium-grade hornblende-biotite
Basaltic schist, which range in composition from 61.2 to 67.6 wt%
^ —

andesite SiC>2 (Table 3). The hornblende-biotite schist is notable for

Low-K Rhyolite low abundances of Ba (<2 ppm) and Sr (7 ppm), and high
Low-K Low-K Dacite
Basaltic Low-K Andesite Cr (555 ppm) and Ni (82 ppm).
56 60 64 68 72 76 Rare earth element geochemistry
SiO2 wt%
REE analyses were undertaken by ANALABS, Perth,
Australia, using sodium peroxide digestion and ICP-MS
Fig. 4 K2O (wt%) versus SiO2 (wt%) diagram for MVC lava
and welded ignimbrite (whole rock) lithic fragments. analysis. Initial digestions of the rock powders were by total
acid digestion (including HF), which were later suspected
to be incomplete dissolutions because of refractory zircon,
an important accessory phase in MVC and other TVZ rocks.
4). Only one high-silica (75.5 wt% SiO2) rhyolite has been This problem is considered to be resolved in these rocks by
found, which may reflect sampling bias, although Briggs et using sodium peroxide fusions. REE data for six repre-
al. (1993) noted that low to medium silica rhyolites were sentative lava lithic fragments are presented in Table 4.
typical of the MVC. Andesite lava lithics range from low-K Chondrite-normalised REE compositions of lava lithics
to high-K types, and dacite and rhyolite lava lithics range (Fig. 7) show patterns typical of a volcanic arc-subduction
from medium-K to high-K types (cf. Graham et al. 1995). signature, enriched LREE, and depleted and flat HREE
Lava lithic fragments are also characterised by an overall (Wilson, M. 1989) with silicic lavas more fractionated than
enrichment in the more mobile LILE (Ba, Rb, K, Sr) relative intermediate lavas.
to less mobile HFSE (Zr, Hf, Y) (Fig. 5), typical of calc- Most lava lithics show negative Ce anomalies, a feature
alkaline magmas (Wilson, M. 1989; Rollinson 1993). previously noted by Briggs et al. (1993) for ignimbrites

Fig. 5 Chondrite-normalised 1000

trace element abundance diagram
for selected lava lithic fragments
in ignimbrites from MVC.
Normalising values from
Thompson et al. (1984).
TJ 100-

O) 10-

o 6

Ba Rb Th K Nb Ta La Ce Sr P Sm Zr Hf Ti Tb Y Yb
194 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1998, Vol. 41

1000' Fig. 6 Chondrite-normalised

trace element abundance diagram
ONLI 20 biotite granite for selected plutonic lithic frag-
ments in ignimbrites from MVC.
--O- - ONLI 22 granodiorite porphyry Normalising values from
Thompson et al. (1984).

c clOO-

CD 10-

00 in
O) <M to 00
00 CO
Ö o

Ba Rb Th K Nb La Ce Sr P Zr Ti Y

derived from MVC, and considered to result from weathering probably provide the most useful information for modelling
or vapour-phase alteration under oxidising conditions. purposes at the MVC, and also at other rhyolitic caldera
Furthermore, most silicic lava lithics display negative Eu centres within the TVZ, because they represent local rock
anomalies, also demonstrated by Briggs et al. (1993) to be types within the crust above the silicic magma chambers.
characteristic of ignimbrites from MVC. Wet bulk rock density measurements were determined
using the method described in Houghton & Wilson (1989).
Magnetic susceptibility measurements were done using a
GEOPHYSICAL DATA Bartington MS2 Susceptibility Meter in the Geomagnetism
Bulk rock density and magnetic susceptibility of selected Laboratory, Department of Earth Sciences, University of
lithic fragments (Table 5) were measured to place Waikato.
geophysical constraints on the subvolcanic crust at the MVC
and to provide some geophysical data which might be useful Discussion
for gravity and magnetic modelling of the centre. Bulk rock Lithic fragments show a density range of 1400-2800 kg/m3
density and magnetic susceptibility data for lithic fragments (Table 5), which is comparable to upper crustal rocks (Stern

Table 4 Rare earth element data for selected igneous lithic ejecta sampled from Mangakino Volcanic Centre-derived ignimbrites.
Samples digested by sodium peroxide fusion and analysed by ICP-MS.
Sample no.: ONWG9 NL30 5 ONAR9 WDR 5 MAM 11 ICR9
Ignimbrite: Ongatiti Ngaroma Ongatiti Waioraka Marshall 'A' Ignimbrite ' C
Location: Tl 6/338270 SI7/092015 S17/116100 Tl 6/543234 Tl 7/473140 Tl 7/399081
Lithology: andesite lava dacite lava rhyolite lava rhyolite lava rhyolite lava andesite lava
La 16.8 88.7 55.6 40.0 30.5 12.9
Ce 19.2 147.0 50.9 54.3 42.3 19.3
Pr 4.9 24.6 15.6 9.8 7.2 3.5
Nd 18.3 79.0 54.8 34.3 26.6 14.5
Sm 4.5 16.0 11.4 7.3 6.3 3.8
Eu 1.2 3.5 1.7 1.5 1.7 1.3
Gd 4.1 12.9 11.2 7.1 6.2 4.4
Tb 0.7 2.1 1.8 1.3 1.1 0.7
Dy 4.5 10.4 9.8 7.0 6.3 4.3
Ho 1.0 2.1 2.0 1.6 1.4 1.0
Er 2.7 5.3 5.2 4.4 4.3 2.7
Tm 0.5 0.9 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.4
Yb 2.5 4.8 5.0 4.5 4.4 2.7
Lu 0.4 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.4
Eu/Eu* a 0.86 0.24 0.46 0.64 0.84 0.98
(Ce/Yb)N 1.95 7.79 2.59 3.07 2.45 1.82
Eu/Eu* calculated using the geometric mean where Eu/Eu* = EuN/V[(SmN).(Gd>j)] (Taylor & McLennan 1985).
Krippner et al.—Petrography & geochemistry of Mangakino ignimbrites 195
1000 volcanic data is suitable. However, as no published data exist
for metagreywacke/metaconglomerate and biotite granite
lithologies, the values measured here should be used for
future magnetic modelling at the MVC. Magnetic suscept-
ibility of schist lithic fragments should also be used as these
100- lithologies are unique to the centre.
10- Rhyolitic lavas
Only two rhyolitic domes or dome clusters of an age
contemporaneous with the ignimbrite activity have been
mapped at MVC, the Tumai lava dome (1.27 ± 0.05 Ma)
and Whakaahu lava dome (0.87 ± 0.08 Ma). However,
rhyolite lava lithics are abundant in ignimbrites from MVC,
La Ce Nd SmEuGd Dy Er Yb Lu especially in the later Period IIA ignimbrites, suggesting that
Fig. 7 Chondrite-normalised REE abundance diagram for rhyolitic lava domes and flows were interspersed with
selected lava lithic fragments in ignimbrites from MVC. Same caldera-forming eruptions but were mostly buried by later
samples (and symbols) as for Fig. 5. Normalising values from eruptives (Briggs et al. 1993).
Nakamura(1974). Our petrographic and geochemical data support a genetic
relationship between the rhyolitic lava lithics and the
exposed, mapped rhyolitic lava domes. Both lithics and
1986). The majority of the lithic fragment density values exposed rhyolitic lavas have a similar petrography, consistent
are similar to the published data of Whiteford & Lumb phenocryst assemblages, and similar compositions as shown
(1975). The volcanic breccia lithics have slightly higher on trace element abundance diagrams (Fig. 8A). Further-
densities than the published values of Whiteford & Lumb more, the rhyolitic lava lithics also have comparable
(1975), although this would only affect the modelling of the compositions with the rhyolitic pumice clasts in the
gravity anomalies if they are significant components of the ignimbrites (Fig. 8B).
crust. However, their low abundances in the lithic
populations suggest that they are a very small component Andesitic lavas
of the volcanic pile at the MVC. Biotite granite lithics were Andesitic lava lithic fragments are common in Period I
not previously considered in gravity modelling at the MVC ignimbrites from MVC and less abundant in Period IIA
because at the time the presence of these plutonic rocks was ignimbrites. Andesite lavas have not been mapped within
unknown. Because of the potential for a large plutonic body or on the rim of the Mangakino caldera, and the spatially
underlying the MVC, the biotite granite density data should and temporally closest andesite lavas exposed are those at
be considered for future gravity modelling. Titiraupenga (K-Ar dated at 1.89 ± 0.02 Ma by Stipp 1968)
Magnetic susceptibility measurements of volcanic lithics and Pureora (1.60 ± 0.10 Ma, Graham et al. 1995) volcanoes,
are similar to those published for volcanic rocks (Whiteford which lie 3-10 km south of the caldera rim. However, our
& Lumb 1975; Tulloch 1989). This suggests that modelling data show that the andesitic lava lithics are distinct from
of magnetic anomalies of the TVZ and MVC using published Titiraupenga and Pureora andesites as shown on trace

Table 5 Mean and range of wet bulk rock density (kg/m3) and magnetic susceptibility (m3 k g ' x l O 3 )
values for selected lithic fragments sampled from Mangakino Volcanic Centre-derived ignimbrites.
n, number of samples measured.
Wet bulk Magnetic susceptibility
rock density (kg/m3) (m3 kg -1 xlO- 3 )
Lithic lithology n range mean range mean
Greywacke 2 2400-2700 2550 204-313 259
Argillite 1 2300 2300 223 223
Sandstone 1 2600 2600 - -
Siltstone 2 1800-2000 1900 - -
Volcanic breccia 3 2300-2500 2400 266-760 491
Crystal tuff 1 1900 1900 321 321
Ignimbrite 15 1400-2400 2000 129-750 471
Rhyolite lava 8 2200-2500 2400 248-735 405
Dacite lava 5 2000-2400 2300 202-641 432
Andesite lava 9 1900-2800 2400 376-1371 707
Metagreywacke/metaconglomerate 3 2300-2600 2400 15-130 54
Biotite schist 4 2400-2700 2600 174-220 190
Hornblende-biotite schist 1 2700 2700 35 35
Grandiorite porphyry 1 2400 2400 - -
Biotite granite 3 2200-2600 2400 300 300
196 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1998, Vol. 41

B O-- - WDR 5

\ ^ ^ O-- - MAM 11
T3 - NL30 5
g 100-

LU 10-
m 10- a

U 0.042

- 0.865
« S

- 11.8
V- 0.35

U 120

- 46
(D (o n
o o
i l _

Ba Rb Th K Nb La Ce Sr P Zr Ti
Ba Rb Th K Nb La Ce Sr P Zr Ti Y

Fig. 8 Chondrite-normalised trace element abundance diagrams comparing rhyolite lava lithics with: (A) Whakaahu/Tumai rhyolite
lava domes. Bold lines represent lower and upper compositions of selected rhyolite lava lithics (11 samples; Krippner 1996). Composition
of Tumai lava dome (MP1 64) is thin line, Whakaahu lava dome (MP89) is dashed line (both compositions from Brown 1994); and (B)
Mangakino Volcanic Centre-derived rhyolitic ignimbrites. Bold lines represent lower and upper compositions of rhyolitic Mangakino
ignimbrites. Normalising values from Thompson et al. (1984).

1000 have included the plutonic lithics found here at MVC. Brown
et al. (in press) concluded that the major and trace element
geochemistry, including REE contents, and Sr, Nd, and Pb
isotopic compositions of the plutonic lithic fragments
suggest that the majority were broadly comagmatic with the
associated rhyolitic lavas and ignimbrites of the TVZ and
probably represent the crystallised margins of the silicic
magma chambers.

Sedimentary lithics
The volcanic breccia lithics are composed predominantly
of clasts of rhyolite lava and are considered to have
formed from epiclastic sedimentation during periods of
rhyolite dome building and collapse, or intracaldera
postcollapse rockfall or rock-slide resulting from sliding
Ba Rb Th K Nb La Ce Sr P Zr Ti Y
and slumping of oversteepened caldera walls (Fritz et al.
1990; Nelson et al. 1994). Some rhyolite clasts also show
glassy, fine-grained chilled margins similar to hyalo-
Fig. 9 Chondrite-normalised trace element comparison of clastite breccia, which suggests subaqueous emplacement
andesite lava lithics with Titiraupenga and Pureora andesite lavas. (McPhie etal. 1993).
Bold line is lower and upper range of andesite lava lithic
compositions (10 samples; Krippner 1996). Thin line is average The sandstone and siltstone lithics may be Tertiary in
Type 1 Titiraupenga andesite (Froude & Cole 1985). Dashed line age although pollen grains, diatoms, or marine fossils have
is average Pureora andesite (Cole & Teoh 1975). Normalising not been found. Some sandstones and siltstones, however,
values from Thompson et al. ( 1984). There are no data for Th, Nb, are volcanogenic with a high felsic volcanic rock fragment
La, Ce, and Y in Cole & Teoh ( 1975) and Froude & Cole ( 1985). content, and an origin from epiclastic sedimentation within
the caldera may also be possible.

element abundance diagrams (Fig. 9). The andesitic lithics Metamorphic lithics
have higher abundances of Ba, Rb, Zr, and Ti compared with The metagreywackes and metaconglomerates are most likely
Titiraupenga or Pureora (Cole & Teoh 1975; Froude & Cole fragments of the Mesozoic basement which crops out in the
1985). The volume of andesite in MVC ignimbrites implies Hauhungaroa Ranges to the west of TVZ (Grindley 1960).
there must have been a buried andesite volcano in the However, comparisons with the data of Reid (1983) and
volcanic pile beneath MVC which is discrete from Beetham & Watters (1985) using major and trace element
Titiraupenga or Pureora and older than the Period I geochemistry cannot distinguish whether the MVC
ignimbrites (i.e., older than 1.68 Ma). greywacke lithics are derived from Torlesse or Waipapa
Terrane, and further geochemical data are required to
Plutonic lithics determine this.
Brown et al. (in press) have studied the plutonic lithic The biotite and hornblende-biotite schists are also
fragments from a number of ignimbrites in the TVZ, and considered to be derived from Mesozoic basement, although
Krippner et al.—Petrography & geochemistry of Mangakino lithic fragments 197

Whakaahu Rhyolite
lava dome
Post-MVC ignimbrites Lacustrine sediments

Period I A ignimbrites
a. (ave. p=2000 kg/m3) ." Eroded rhyolite lava
o . domes and flows
^ - ^ Period I MVC ignimbrites
. Buried andesite volcano (ave. p=2000 kg/m 3 )
- (ave. p=240Q kg/m3)-"?
-%~ Tertiary siltstones/sandstones
(ave. p=2250 kg/m3) \
Mesozoic greywacke/argillite
Hypabyssal (ave. p=2450 kg/m 3 ) ; "
^ granodiorite porphyry Metagreywacke/ metaconglomerate
\ (ave. p =2400 kg/m3) (ave. p=2450 kg/m 3 ) '' N ^
Biotite and hornblende biotite schists
I 1^ Comagmatic plutonics l (ave. p=2600 and 2700 kg/m3) .
. -biotite granite ' \ ' i ^ ' , /•
_(ave. p= 2400 kg/m 3 ) >
Depth to magma chamber/s , \ Magma chamber s -. / v / N
= 7-17 km (Ewart et al. 1975) (-300 km3)

Fig. 10 Schematic diagram for the subvolcanic crust and volcanic pile at the Mangakino Volcanic Centre.

their trace element abundances show lower Ba, Sr, P, and as interdigitating rhyolite lava domes and flows, intracaldera
Zr and higher Y contents relative to the average Eastern and ignimbrites, localised lacustrine sediments (Wilson et al.
Western basement composition of Reid (1983). 1995a), epiclastic volcanic breccias, and possibly epiclastic
sandstones and siltstones. These units rest on a buried
Model of the subvolcanic crust and volcanic pile andesite volcano and associated lava flows.
A previous concept of the structure and composition of the The subvolcanic crust component is modelled to consist
upper crust in the TVZ (Grindley 1960) proposed a Mesozoic of: (1) uppermost layers consisting of sandstones and
basement of greywacke and argillite overlying crystalline siltstones of inferred Tertiary age; (2) a deeper Mesozoic
granite and large-scale rhyolitic magma bodies, overlain by basement of greywacke, argillite, and conglomerate and their
a Quaternary cover of ignimbrites, rhyolite domes and flows, regionally metamorphosed equivalents—low-grade
with interbedded lacustrine siltstones, diatomites, fluvial metamorphic prehnite-pumpellyite facies (metagreywackes/
conglomerates, and sandstones. Nairn (1989) displayed metaconglomerates) grade into medium grade biotite and
similar features in cross-sections of the Okataina Volcanic hornblende-biotite schists; and (3) plutonic (biotite granite)
Centre with multiple intracaldera ignimbrites, rhyolitic lavas, and hypabyssal (granodiorite porphyry) rocks formed from
and lacustrine sediments. the crystallisation of MVC rhyolitic magmas and associated
Browne et a!. (1992), Nairn et al. (1994), and Wilson et magmatic intrusions.
al. ( 1995a) also described buried andesite volcanoes in parts Our data indicate that lavas are present in significant
of central TVZ. Geophysical modelling by Stern (1987) volume within the volcanic pile of the MVC. Andesite lava
suggested that all the subvolcanic basement of the TVZ was lithics indicate that either there was an andesite volcano
of "andesitic" composition. Deeper metamorphic and which predated the initiation of activity at the MVC, or
plutonic rocks have been postulated by Graham et al. (1988) andesitic volcanism was also generated at the MVC
and Browne et al. (1992). (Ignimbrite C of Wilson (1986a) is of andesitic composition).
We propose a more detailed and revised model for the The andesite lavas are geochemically different from the
composition of the subvolcanic crust and volcanic pile at nearest andesitic volcanoes of Titiraupenga and Pureora, and
the MVC (Fig. 10), based on petrography, geochemistry, and hence the buried andesite volcano is presumed to be a
some geophysical measurements of the lithic fragments in separate edifice. Abundant rhyolitic lava lithics which are
the ignimbrites. The model takes into account the recent geochemically and petrographically comparable to the
geophysical models of the MVC by Stern (1986) and mapped rhyolite lava domes at the surface provide evidence
Soengkono (1995), and is separated into two components: for significant dome-building episodes in the development
the volcanic pile and the subvolcanic crust. of the MVC.
Volcanic lithic fragments (lava, welded ignimbrite, There are significant differences in lithic populations in
volcanic breccia, airfall tuff) are inferred to be predominantly Period I and IIA ignimbrites, with andesitic lavas dominating
vent derived and are thus suggested to comprise the volcanic Period I ignimbrites, and silicic lavas and welded ignimbrites
pile at the MVC. These rock types are consistent with the dominating Period IIA ignimbrites. These differences
mapped rocks within the TVZ. The volcanic pile is modelled suggest changes in the depth to subvolcanic crustal rocks
198 New Zealand Journal of Geology and Geophysics, 1998, Vol. 41

and thickening of the volcanic pile with time. This is most Blank, H. R. 1965: Ash-flow deposits of the central King Country,
likely related to subsidence and down-faulting of crustal New Zealand. New Zealand journal of geology and
rocks and caldera infilling by volcanic rocks during the geophysics 8: 588-607.
evolution of the volcanic centre. Briggs, R. M.; Gifford, M. G.; Moyle, A. R.; Taylor, S. R.; Norman,
M. D.; Houghton, B. F.; Wilson, C. J. N. 1993: Geo-
chemical zoning and eruptive mixing in ignimbrites from
Mangakino volcano, Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand.
CONCLUSIONS Journal of volcanology and geothermal research 56:
1. The lithic fragments in ignimbrites at MVC consist of
diverse lithologies including: volcanic (rhyolite, dacite, Brown, S. J. A. 1994: Geology and geochemistry of Whakamaru
group ignimbrites and associated rhyolite domes, Taupo
andesite, and basaltic andesite lavas, welded ignimbrites, Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Unpublished PhD thesis,
tuffs, volcanic breccias), plutonic (biotite granites), lodged in the Library, University of Canterbury,
hypabyssal (granodiorite porphyry), sedimentary Christchurch, New Zealand.
(greywackes, sandstones, siltstones), and metamorphic Brown, S. J. A.; Burt, R. M.; Cole, J. W.; Krippner, S. J. P.; Price,
(metagreywackes, metaconglomerates, biotite and R. C.; Cartwright, I. in press: Plutonic lithics in ignimbrites
hornblende-biotite schists). of Taupo Volcanic Zone, New Zealand: sources and
conditions of crystallisation. Chemical geology.
2. There is a buried andesite volcano at the MVC with an
age older than c. 1.6 Ma that is geochemically discrete Browne, P. R. L.; Graham, I. J.; Parker, R. J.; Wood, C. P. 1992:
from Titiraupenga or Pureora, the nearest andesitic Subsurface andesite lavas and plutonic rocks in the
Rotokawa and Ngatamariki geothermal systems, Taupo
volcanoes to the south. Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of volcanology and
3. A significant quantity of buried rhyolitic lava is present geothermal research 51: 199-215.
in the volcanic pile at the MVC. Previous work on the Cas, R. A. F.; Wright, J. V. 1987: Volcanic successions—modern
nature of volcanism at MVC inferred it was dominated and ancient. Sydney, Allen & Unwin.
by explosive rather than effusive volcanism because Cole, J. W.; Teoh, L. H. 1975: Petrography, mineralogy, and
there are only two rhyolite dome lavas exposed at the chemistry of Pureora andesite volcano, North Island, New
surface (Wilson et al. 1984; Wilson 1986a; Briggs et al. Zealand. New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics
1993). However, the existence of rhyolitic lava lithics 18: 259-272.
in every ignimbrite derived from MVC except for Cox, K. G.; Bell, J. D.; Pankhurst, R. J. 1979: The interpretation
Ignimbrite B, suggests that there must be rhyolitic lavas of igneous rocks. London, George, Allen and Unwin.
buried within the volcanic pile and that rhyolitic dome Ewart, A.; Hildreth, W.; Carmichael, I. S. E. 1975: Quaternary
building intercalated with explosive volcanism is more acid magma in New Zealand. Contributions to mineralogy
prevalent than previously thought. and petrology 51: 1-27.
Fritz, W. J.; Howells, M. F.; Reedman, A. J.; Campbell, S. D. G.
However, questions arise as to the age of the rhyolitic 1990: Volcaniclastic sedimentation in and around an
lava lithics. Geochemically they have similar compo- Ordovician subaqueous caldera, Lower Rhyolitic Tuff
sitions to the two exposed rhyolite domes, indicating Formation, North Wales. Geological Society of America
some petrogenetic relationships, but their chronological bulletin 102: 1246-1256.
relationships remain unknown. Nevertheless, the Froude, D. O.; Cole, J. W. 1985: Petrography, mineralogy and
presence of rhyolitic lava lithics in the earliest Period I chemistry of Titiraupenga volcano, North Island, New
Ngaroma Ignimbrite suggests rhyolitic precursor activity Zealand. New Zealand journal of geology and geophysics
before explosive volcanism (i.e., >c. 1.6 Ma). 28: 487-496.
Graham, I. J.; Grapes, R. H.; Kifle, K. 1988: Buchitic meta-
4. The subvolcanic basement of the MVC includes
greywacke xenoliths from Mount Ngauruhoe, Taupo
greywacke, low-grade metamorphic rocks (meta- Volcanic Zone, New Zealand. Journal of volcanology and
greywacke and metaconglomerate), and medium grade geothermal research 35: 205-216.
metamorphic rocks (biotite and hornblende-biotite Graham, I. J.; Cole, J. W.; Briggs, R. M.; Gamble, J. A.; Smith,
schist). I. E. M. 1995: Petrology and petrogenesis of volcanic rocks
from the Taupo Volcanic Zone: a review. Journal of
volcanology and geothermal research 68: 59-87.
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Grindley, G. W. 1960: Sheet 8—Taupo. Geological map of New
Zealand 1:250 000. Wellington, New Zealand. Department
We thank the New Zealand Foundation for Research, Science and
of Scientific and Industrial Research.
Technology for financial support through a FRST subcontract to
the University of Canterbury. We would like to thank Stephen Grindley, G. W.; Mumme, T. C. 1991: Magnetic stratigraphy and
Brown at the Department of Geological Sciences, University of correlation of ignimbrite eruptions of the Mangakino Basin
Canterbury, for assistance with XRF analyses; Stu Brown for and Tokoroa Plateau. New Zealand Geological Survey
constructive reviews of the manuscript; Frank Bailey for record 43: 25-36.
draughting assistance; and Elaine Norton for word-processing of Healy, J. 1962: Structure and volcanism in the Taupo Volcanic
the manuscript. Zone, New Zealand. In: McDonald, G. A.; Kuno, H. ed.
The crust of the Pacific Basin. American Geophysical
Union geophysical monograph 6: 151-157.
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