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Grace and Max Learn a Lesson

Grace and her brother Max were bored. Even though it was a nice summer day, they could not
think of anything that they wanted to do. They did not want to watch any movies or read any
books. They did not want to play in the yard or go swimming. They did not even want to go over
another house to play with a friend.

Grace and Max sat on their beds to think of things they could do that would stop them from being
bored. As they were thinking, Grace's and Max's mommy walked into the room. She looked at her
children and their sad faces, and asked, "What's the matter with you two?"

When Grace and Max explained their problem to her , she smiled and told them that she knew lots
of things that they could do .

First, she took them into the kitchen and told them they could help her make sandwiches. After
putting bread, meat, and other food together, Grace and Max were done with making one
sandwich. When they showed their mommy, she said, "Good. Now make forty more." This took a
long time, but they were happy to be doing anything at all.

One hour later, Grace and Max were finally done making sandwiches. They did not even get to eat
one before their mommy said, "Now help me pack these sandwiches into these paper bags."

After they were done in the kitchen, Grace and Max went in the car and their mommy drove them
to a place they had never been before.

There were a lot of people there. Some of them were waiting in line, and others were standing
behind a table serving food. The people who were waiting in line looked like they had not eaten in
a long time.

Grace and Max and their mommy brought their sandwiches to the table and helped pass them out
to the people in line. Other people had brought things like soup, bread, water, rice, apples and

Once these people got their food, they smiled and looked happier. They said thank you, and then
went to the chairs to sit down and eat their food.
When those people left a few hours later , Grace and Max stayed with their mommy to help the
other people clean up the place . By the time they got home , it was already night . The whole day
had passed by so quickly , Grace and Max had not even noticed .

Their mommy told them that even if they were bored, they should be happy that they were not
going to bed without food or water like many people in the world. Grace and Max were quiet,
thinking about what it would be like to have to live like that. They knew that they had been wrong
in what they had thought before. They had so many simple things in their life that they had never
thought to be happy about.


Grace y Max aprenden una lección

Grace y su hermano Max estaban aburridos. Aunque era un lindo día de verano, no podían pensar
en nada que quisieran hacer. No querían ver ninguna película ni leer ningún libro. No querían jugar
en el patio o ir a nadar. Ni siquiera querían ir a otra casa para jugar con un amigo.

Grace y Max se sentaron en sus camas para pensar en cosas que podrían hacer para evitar que se
aburrieran. Mientras pensaban, la mamá de Grace y Max entró en la habitación. Miró a sus hijos y
sus caras tristes, y preguntó: "¿Qué les pasa a ustedes dos?"

Cuando Grace y Max le explicaron su problema, ella sonrió y les dijo que sabía muchas cosas que
podían hacer.

Primero, los llevó a la cocina y les dijo que podían ayudarla a hacer sándwiches. Después de juntar
pan, carne y otros alimentos, Grace y Max terminaron de hacer un sándwich. Cuando le mostraron
a su mamá, ella dijo: "Bien. Ahora gana cuarenta más". Esto llevó mucho tiempo, pero estaban
felices de estar haciendo algo.

Una hora después, Grace y Max finalmente terminaron de hacer sándwiches. Ni siquiera llegaron a
comer uno antes de que su mamá dijera: "Ahora ayúdenme a empacar estos sándwiches en estas
bolsas de papel".
Después de que terminaron en la cocina, Grace y Max subieron al auto y su mamá los llevó a un
lugar en el que nunca habían estado antes.

Hubo mucha gente allí. Algunos de ellos esperaban en la fila, y otros estaban parados detrás de
una mesa sirviendo comida. Las personas que esperaban en la fila parecían no haber comido en
mucho tiempo.

Grace y Max y su mami trajeron sus sándwiches a la mesa y los ayudaron a pasarlos a las personas
en la fila. Otras personas habían traído cosas como sopa, pan, agua, arroz, manzanas y naranjas.

Una vez que estas personas obtuvieron su comida, sonrieron y parecían más felices. Dijeron
gracias y luego fueron a las sillas para sentarse y comer su comida.

Cuando esas personas se fueron unas horas después, Grace y Max se quedaron con su mamá para
ayudar a las otras personas a limpiar el lugar. Cuando llegaron a casa, ya era de noche. Todo el día
había pasado tan rápido que Grace y Max ni se habían dado cuenta.

Su mamá les dijo que incluso si estaban aburridos, deberían estar felices de no acostarse sin
comida ni agua como muchas personas en el mundo. Grace y Max estaban callados, pensando en
cómo sería tener que vivir así. Sabían que se habían equivocado en lo que habían pensado antes.
Tenían tantas cosas simples en su vida que nunca habían pensado en sentirse felices.

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