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Sl No.

Definition of Done for Sprint 1

All the Done user stories in the Sprint meet the actual Definition of Done for the User Stories

All the Ceremonies were conducted efficiently

All the User Sories which has passed the demo got approved from PLAI

QA is done including UAT

All the reported 'Problem' issues with severity 'Blocker/Critical/Major' are fixed based on PO priority

Automated tests for the approved User Story are created and pass

Automation Test Script has been shared with PLAI with latest smoke report

We have the latest copy/version of code deployed in PLAI UAT server

Sprint Goal is achieved and Haelthtech to obtain Sprint Sign Off from the Prudential Product Owner

Product Backlog is updated


To Be Done

To Be Done Criterias Met 0

To Be Done % of Sprint Completion 0.0%

To Be Done

To Be Done

To Be Done

To Be Done

To Be Done

To Be Done

To Be Done
Users Involved

Hospital Staff
Hospital Doctor
Pru Staff
Pru Doctor

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