Probationary Reviews: Background/Purpose

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Probationary Reviews 2.

Date: December, 2006 Page: 1


The probationary period is an employee's initial period of employment in a regular

or recurring position during which an employee is expected to adapt to the position
and to demonstrate proficiencies in the techniques, procedures and skills inherent
to the position. For external incumbents, this is called the Probationary Period and
for internal incumbents it’s called the Assessment Period.


Every new hire will be required to serve a probationary/assessment period. The

supervisor will determine the suitability of the individual to the position into which
he/she has been hired by completing the Probationary/Assessment Period Form.


Each new employee has a probationary period of between three (3) months and
six (6) months, the duration of which will be determined by the Department
of Human Resources in consultation with the appropriate supervisor. For external
hires, the recommended length is (6) six months. For internal candidates the
assessment period is usually (3) three months. The length of the probationary
period will be clearly stated in the letter of appointment.

The supervisor should conduct one or more reviews prior to the completion of the
probationary period using the Probationary/Assessment Period Form. A mid point
review is necessary if there is concern that the employee is not performing to
expectation. Discussion with the employee as to how to best meet requirements
should be conducted long before the end of the probationary period to give the
employee the opportunity to make improvements.

At the end of the probationary/assessment period, if performance is satisfactory,

the Probationary/ Assessment Period Form must be sent to Human Resources to
be placed on the employee’s file. If at the end of the probationary period there is
not a clear determination of the individual’s performance and fit to the position, the
supervisor must contact Human Resources to request an extension of the
probationary period. Only one extension will normally be provided. If an external
hire’s performance is determined to be unsatisfactory before the end of the
probationary period, the supervisor, in consultation, with Human Resources will
terminate the employment relationship.

Probationary Reviews 2.8
Date: December, 2006 Page: 2


 Probationary Employee Evaluation (new to
 Assessment Period Evaluation (existing


The objective of this process is to ensure that employees understand what the standards are by which they are being
measured, how they are progressing and what their evaluation is prior to the end of the probationary period. The key
to this process is clear communication between the Supervisor and employee.


Employee Name: _______________________________________ Position:

Probationary/Assessment Period: ____________ to _____________ Department:
D /M /Y D /M / Y

Responsibilities of the Supervisor include the following:
• establish and communicate expectations, standards or objectives for the work to be done;
• periodically review progress with the new employee regarding how well expectations are being met;
• maintain on-going documentation of performance; and
• make a determination regarding the employee’s suitability for continued employment.


Satisfactory: Performance meets expectations and all requirements of the job. While there are still areas for
development, there are no concerns about the individual’s ability in the performance of his/her job.

Unsatisfactory: Performance does not meet expected standards and requirements of the job. Significant
improvement is needed. When this rating is given it is a warning that an employee’s job may be in
jeopardy if performance continues at the current level.

First Final
Evaluation Evaluation
Rating () S U S U
Core Capabilities:
Has a positive attitude and has productive relationships with others; displays interpersonal skills; is
continuously looking for improvements. Comments to Support Rating Decision:

Customer Service Orientation:

Follows through on commitments to resolve client issues and needs in a timely manner; takes
initiative to uncover client needs; responds in a positive manner to the needs of internal and
external clients.
Comments to Support Rating Decision:

Probationary Reviews 2.8
Date: December, 2006 Page: 3

Quality and Quantity of Work:

Produces an acceptable level of work in a timely and consistent manner; is accurate and thorough;
consistently meets deadlines. Comments to Support Rating Decision:

Decision Making and Judgment:

Analyzes and solves problems; accountable and takes responsibility for decisions taken; is
effective and flexible; consults others when appropriate. Comments to Support Rating Decision:

Organizational Ability:
Plans work and organizes its completion; is able to cope with a variety of activities and distractions;
is able to establish priorities. Comments to Support Rating Decision:

Consistently arrives to work on time; observes proper timekeeping for breaks and leaving work;
attends work regularly. Comments to Support Rating Decision:

Uses independent judgment and innovation within his/her limits of authority; uses time effectively
and productively; requires minimal supervision to complete tasks. Comments to Support Rating

Job Knowledge:
Understands and applies his/her knowledge of the techniques, methods and skills involved in the
job; complies with health and safety rules. Comments to Support Rating Decision:


Probationary Reviews 2.8
Date: December, 2006 Page: 4

In signing this form, I am indicating that I have read the evaluation/assessment and discussed it with my Supervisor.
My signature does not necessarily signify that I agree with the evaluation, but that the evaluation has been reviewed
with me.

_________________________________ ___________________
Employee Signature Date

 Retain Employee
 Extend Probationary/Assessment Period to the following date: _________________ (please contact Human
 Do Not Retain Employee (please contact Human Resources)

This evaluation has been completed by: _________________________________

Supervisor Signature Date

Original – HR Personnel File Copy 1 – Supervisor Copy 2 - Employee


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