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C O O K B O O K . . .
Ugh. Look. We decided the 'I know... I’ll read Dan and
contents section would be Ben's book.'
excruciatingly long, painful
to read, boring and let's be To us, that is what this book
honest you'd most probably is all about. 
skip to the good bits.
But for now we’d love it if
We want this book to be: you:

Simple Skim read this cover to cover

once. Go through a second
Actionable time and make notes. Jot
down 5 of your favourite tips
A reference guide for you to and recipes. Start
turn to.  implementing the advice.
Refer back to the book in
In fact, here’s our ideal detail next time you’re
scenario. You’ve calculated struggling with your diet.
your calories and macros,
you’ve planned and cooked Oh, and two last things:
 all of your meals,
motivation is high yet you’re 1. Introduce yourself by
still finding it difficult. You shooting us an email, tell us a
keep thinking to yourself: little bit about your goals -
‘Surely there’s an easier m
Because like we always say, get involved with the
there’s more to dieting than discussion.
calories and macros.
Enjoy the book, take notes,
So you ask yourself: implement what you learn
and hopefully it’ll make your
‘What can I do to guarantee life that little bit easier.
I nail every aspect of my
nutrition whilst making life  Merci. Dan & Ben.
easier for myself?’
Ugh. The part where I try to hence why every diet works one
cram 25 years of my life into way or another -
one paragraph. by controlling your calorie intake.

Look, I’m not very good at this People don't fail diets, it's the diet
whole bio thing and I don’t that fails people. The reason why is
like bragging about myself. because individuals fall for
Mind you, there’s nothing to nonsense like avoiding a certain
brag about. food or cleansing their liver. 

To cut a long story short, I I'm not lying when I say I've tried
trained to be a primary every diet under the sun.
teacher, hated it, became fat
at university and turned my I was fortunate enough to fall into
attention to something I’d the good side of the industry. The
been doing since 16 years old. side that follows a scientific,
Training and helping people. common sense approach to both
nutrition and training.
Listen, if I can teach a 6-year-
old maths, I can teach an I developed a really bad
adult how to break the Da relationship with food in my early
Vinci Code (or in this years of training. It’s something
case, how to eat according to that’s very common in the fitness
their goals whilst training industry and I don’t see it going
correctly). away anytime soon.

What is Flexible Dieting? Ben, it's over to you.

Let me get this off my

chest. It’s not for everyone. It’s
not the be all and end all. It
doesn’t make us superior to
any other dieters. It’s not

Every diet is based on

Thanks Dan. I was a late Little did I know this was the
starter into the world of beginning of an epic journey.
flexible dieting. For years I
was your typical clean eating Over the coming years I
'bro' thinking I was hardcore.  began experimenting with
flexible dieting. To begin with,
No carbs after dark, whilst I was sceptical and a little
avoiding nights out with worried that I'd gain fat
family and friends was the and lose my gains. Through
norm. All because I truly trial and error, experience,
believed that if I missed a education and trusting the
meal, ate sweets or consumed process I found flexible
alcohol I'd lose all of my hard dieting was the only way for
earned gains.  me.

Like Dan I think I've tried I can adhere to flexible

most diets. None of which dieting far easier compared to
have been sustainable. clean eating.
Eventually I'd always hit
breaking point where I'd eat Of course my diet is 90%
myself into total oblivion. 'clean', but once I know that
my macro goals are met I'm
Cheat meals turned into free to introduce a few treats. 
cheat days which turned into
cheat everything until I felt I'm the happiest and
sick and hated myself. Then healthiest I've ever been, I'm
came the guilty cardio making progress and that's all
punishment to make up for down to embracing flexible
it.  dieting. 

When Dan first mentioned Excited? Good. Because you're

flexible dieting I thought he about to learn from the
was totally absurd. mistakes we made.

'Eat chocolate and not get

fat? Yeah right whatever Dan.'
'What? Are you serious?' exclaimed Ben to Dan as he
stood in a windowless gym room pouring his protein
powder into his shaker bottle, whincing at the thought
of having to down what laid in front of him.

Every thirty seconds the sound of tractors working in

the fields around the gym would send vibrations
through the thin, plywood walls.

Dan looked like a wannabee fitness model with his

tight rugby shorts, shit haircut wearing an x-small
Topman '2 for £12' t-shirt, hoping the tightness would
at least demonstrate in some shape or form that he

'So no food group alone makes us fat? Whilst eating

clean alone won't get me the desired look I'm going
for?' asked Ben frantically, his eyes bursting with
amazement at the news he'd just heard.

It was exactly what Ben had wanted to hear since he

began chasing the shreds.

'I'm deadly serious' said Dan, his excitement matching

that of Bens. His voice higher pitched. Puberty had
only just struck.

 | 5

| 6
PART 2: 2017
'Ben, lets talk.'

Two days later Ben and Dan were sat opposite one another,
taking shameless selfies of each other's #FoodPorn Nutella
shakes. To the left sat a couple who were undoubtedly confused
as to why two men, one nearing his mid twenties and another
nearing his thirt....late twenties were taking so many
photographs of this Nutella shake.

'So what is this idea you have in mind?' asked Ben with a

nervous smile as he slid his iPhone 6 into his pocket.

'Do you remember that day back In the gym, when you were a
complete and utter bro?' asked Dan, nervously laughing.

'Haha, yes of course mate. That day where you changed my life
and introduced me to Flexible Dieting?' asked Ben, 

'Phew, I'm glad he found that funny.' thought Dan.

Without warning Dan muttered nervxictidly (a combination of

nervously and excitedly):

 'I want us to create a recipe book. I'm fed up with all the BS
nutritional plans many are sucked into. I want people to
understand that carbs & cake are not the devil. I want people to
stop scapegoating sugar as the issue. I want to leave a legacy in
the fitness industry.

'Let's do it'.

| 7
Ladies and gents, that's how this book came about.

From the bottom of our hearts we genuinley can not thank you
enough for placing your trust in us in buying this book.

We really hope you find it useful, but more importantly apply

what you learn in the real world.

Taking action is something we both thrive on. Actually doing

not just talking. In this day and age too many people talk the
talk. Don't be one of them.

Dan & Ben.


P.S. We'd like to send a special thank you to Sophia for helping
us with the layout of the book along with using her keen eye for
the set up of certain recipes. 

A big thanks also goes out to Mr Crumpets & Coffee for his
support and to Ben's sponsors for their continuous support.

And finally you. The one reading this. Seriously, thank you.
Calories - Food contains calories. If you're struggling to lose
fat you're consuming too many calories. Period. Even foods
you may consider healthy contain calories.


'But I've heard if you control insulin....' 'NO'.

Fewer Calories In + An Increase In Activity = Fat Loss

Macros - Macros is a short term for 'macronutrient'.

Macronutrients make up the components of food and they


Protein - Literally the building block of muscles hence its


'How much do I need?' 

Calm your tits. We'll get to that later.

Not only can protein help preserve muscle mass through

periods of dieting (along with strength training providing
the stimulus), it is more satiating compared to its
counterparts; fats and carbs.

Protein contains 4 calories (kcal) per gram, meaning you'd

have consumed 120 calories if you consume 40g of protein.
Carbs - Carbs are not essential for survival (we see you low
carb zealots jizzing right about now). Yet there's a
difference between surviving and enjoying the s**t out of
life as well as improving energy levels, mood and gym
performance (carbs do this).

Like protein, they contain 4 calories per gram and are our
number one source of energy.

'How many grams of carbs should I be...'

Patience. We'll get there. 

Fats - Fats contain 9 calories per gram. Low fat diets can
decrease testosterone i.e libido. In this
instance, correlation doesn't imply causation. We won't go
into detail because we're guessing you don't really want,
nor need to know.

Fibre - Ah, health. Looking good on the outside is

important, as well as on the inside. Fibre controls gastric
emptying and feeds us the vitamins and minerals to keep us
functioning (also called micronutrients).

| 10

To this day we're dumbstruck whenever someone asks

us this question hence why we've created this
table, where we elaborate on the context below.
Habits & Discipline: Without the integration of good habits
and eradicating bad habits along with restrictive dieting,
the likelihood of continuously failing with your dieting
phase is high. Heck, this may even be your fifteenth time

Yes, discipline matters. But its availability comes in small

doses. The first stages of starting something new is the
formation of a new habit, which is to change how you
operate. This is why the term ‘lifestyle change’ gets passed
around online so much. When we’re creating these new
habits, more discipline is required to carry out these new
tasks. Flexible dieting does not teach habits, yet a good
coach usually will. Phew, I think you get the point.

Calories: Energy balance (calories in vs calories out)

matters. A lot. We'll soon teach you everything you need
to know. You'll have full control over your calories with
flexible dieting.
Protein Intake: Like calories you'll have total control over the
intake of protein. You'll soon learn how many grams you'll
need in order to preserve and grow muscle.

Fibre Intake: Your parents had a valid point where they'd

constantly nag 'eat your damn greens'. The rule stands as an
adult. Consuming enough fruit and veg ensures you're
absorbing enough vitamins and minerals, as well as looking
after your digestive health.

Carb & Fat Intake: 'YES, today I hit my carb and fat intake to
the gram'. What a useless achievement to boast about. If you
prefer carbs over fats, prioritise carbs. We personally prefer a
punnet of strawberries over a spoonful of peanut better. So
long as total calories are met come the end of the day, that's
what's important. No one wins a medal for nailing their
macros to the gram. It's boring, frustrating and takes the
enjoyment out of it. Trust us with this one.

Food Quality: When we say food quality what we

mean is organic vs non-organic, caged vs free range and
grass fed vs whatever the counterpart is. Look, we're all for
animal welfare and man do we love dogs. But please don't
be thinking one leads to better gains compared to the other,
because to be frank, it doesn't.

Meal Timing & Frequency: Meal timing is individual

dependant. Look, if you missed your 'meal #3 at 3:00pm'
don't sweat. No seriously, don't. Calories consumed come the
end of the day is what matters although some structure is
important. How you structure your meals is totally
dependant on what you prefer and what works best for your
lifestyle. A coach can help with this.

Supplements: Protein powder, caffeine, creatine, fish oils

and vitamin D is all you'll ever need.

| 13


A slight habitual change with what you're about to read.

From today we stress you perform your food shop on a
weekly basis, rather than grabbing bits and bobs on your way
home from work. Print it off if you wish. You'll soon learn and
understand why.

How many times have you excitedly flipped open a recipe

book only to find you're missing the key ingredient? We both
understand how frustrating this can be.

Which is why we're expecting you to print out the following

shopping list, to take with you on your next shopping trip
and buy the required ingredients so you're not like: 'holy s**t
I don't have turmeric'. 

On a serious note, if there's anything outlined below you're

allergic to, you dislike or have an intolerance to, don't feel
obliged to buy. We felt like we needed to say that.

| 15
So, why weekly? Well, let’s say you woke up with a zit. You
know you shouldn’t squeeze the zit, yet as the day prolongs,
the more you look at the zit. Temptation boils over and in
the end you blitz the zit.

The same goes with food shopping. Enter the supermarket

once a week, get your big shop done and there’s a high
probability you’ll get what you need, resisting temptation
(i.e. the naughty stuff you know you shouldn’t buy). Enter
the supermarket several times a day, buying little bits and
bobs here and there, chances are you’ll walk out with what
you went in for plus un-needed extras (i.e. the naughty stuff
you know you shouldn’t buy). 

So, when performing your weekly food shop it's important

you forward think, plan and ask yourself:

'How many of these/much of this do I need before I perform

my food shop next week?’. 

Doing this ensures you to have enough ingredients in the

house and will prevent you from buying unnecessary extras.

Remember, the foods outlined below are guidelines and are

enough to create all of the recipes. Some will only last a
week, whilst others will last for months.

P.S. At the end of the day it's totally up to you how you

perform your food shop. Based on our own personal
experience along with using this strategy with clients it's
worked wonders in the past. Once again, it's your life, do
what you wish, but you should probably listen or at least
give it a go.

| 16
In terms of convenience and - Unsalted butter
longevity, frozen veg IOO (in our
opinion) is a wiser option due to - 15 eggs
the lack of preparation needed,
longer shelf life and short cooking - Philadelphia Lightest
time. Again, this is our 10p on the Cream Cheese (or
matter. At the end of the day it's something similar)
your life so you choose; frozen or
fresh.  - Parmesan

- Frozen Mixed Veg - Milk

- Potatoes - Almond milk

- Lettuce (we like to buy bags of - Alpro Single Soy Cream

this stuff as it does really help with (or any lower calorie
satiation to have alongside meals)  cream)

 - Tomatoes - Quark

- Chestnut mushrooms - Greek yogurt

- Portobello mushrooms - Cottage cheese

- Cherry tomatoes

- Peppers

- Spinach

- Parsnips

- Courgettes

- Sweet potatoes
- 5% beef mince if cutting - Paprika
(fewer calories)
- Basil
- 12-20% mince if bulking
(more calories) - Parsley

- Chicken breasts (turkey - Salt

steaks/breasts are lower
calorie if you're cutting) - Pepper

- Turkey mince - Any curry powder

- Bacon medallions

- Tuna steaks

- Parma ham

- Wafer thin ham

- Cheese (your choice)

- Pasta
- Fry Light cooking spray
- Tortilla wraps
- Tomato puree
- Brioche buns
- Peanut butter
- Ketchup
- Cornflakes
- Flour
- Maple Syrup
- Chickpeas
- Tinned chopped tomatoes
- Red pesto
- Gel stockpots beef & chicken
- Worcestershire sauce
- Soy sauce
- Dark chocolate
- Orange flavouring 
- Nutella
- Cocoa powder
- Vanilla extract
- Light condensed milk
- Caster sugar
- Self raising flour
- Jelly packets
- Xanthian gum
- Casein powder
- Protein powder
- Sweetner (Trivia)
- Flan base
When it comes to tracking your dietary intake, there are three
key components we'd like you to prioritise. As mentioned
earlier, macronutrients make up calories. 

Below is a nutritional label, similar to that found on the back of

foods. When purchasing food, it's usually a wise idea to study
how many calories certain foods contain. This ensures you don't
arrive home, prepare the food, track the barcode, ending up
in complete shock when confronted by the calorie intake.

cal (calories). Don't mistake for kj (Kilojoules). An important tip is to double
check if the calories mentioned are based on cooked or uncooked as they
will differ.

F at. Like mentioned above, let it fall where it falls dependant on your

C arbohydrate. As above.

P rotein. One you should prioritise after calories to ensure you nail your protein
intake for the day.

F ibre. Mostly found in fruit and veg. It's important you understand that some
foods tracked will not include the fibre intake. When individuals create these
foods on MFP (My Fitness Pal) they'll avoid inserting the fibre intake, thus
leading you to think you're not consuming enough.
Grab a pen and a piece of paper.

This video was created to allow you to fully understand the

thought process behind calculating your very own calorie
and protein intake.

We felt visual explanation via video format could be

explained a little easier whilst allowing you to follow my
commands as you devise your own intake.

Click on the thumbnail below to start the video.

There was once a guy called John. John wanted to maintain
his weight.

In order for John to achieve this, he realised he'd have to

eat at maintenance, thus calculating his maintenance

John's the kinda guy who avoids gravy with his roast dinner,
drinks the same coffee daily (has done over the past 22
years) and buys the same brand of trainers when his current
pair are worn to the thread.

Simplistic, non-experimental and safe. Three words that

describe John to a T. Nothing wrong with this.

He configures his maintenance calories through following

this simple (yet effective) protocol.

First, he tracks his dietary intake to the T over the course of

7-14 days. 

Second, he weighs himself every morning over the 7-14 days,

recording his weekly average.

If John's weekly weight average is increasing, there's a

strong probability he's eating over maintenance. If he's
dropping weight, chances are he's under eating. He must
make amendments to his calorie intake accordingly (i.e. eat
more or eat less until he maintains his weight).

And it really is as simple as that.

P.S. NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis) will impact

on your daily maintenance and it's explained a few pages
We hear you:

'how many calories does it take to build muscle?'

First, lets understand what's achievable in terms of muscle

gain depending on your lifting experience:

% Muscle Gain Total BW Per Month

0 - 24 Months


60+ Months
24 - 60


Beginner Intermediate Advanced

Table By Lyle McDonald

Example: An 80kg beginner is capable of gaining 0.8kg's of
(LBM - Lean Body Mass) per month.

Remember, the above is the increase in lean body mass.

Actual increase in body weight will differ as it's extremely
difficult/near impossible to gain mass without adding body

Understood? Cool.
So to gain size, one must consume more calories, thus
eating at surplus. I mean, muscle doesn't grow from thin air,

The issue lies when an individual uses the term 'I'm bulking
bro' to justify his 15 burgers. The more excessive the fat gain
during a bulk, the longer you'll need to diet to cut.

'So how much extra on top of my maintenance do I need in

order to gain size?'

This table outlined by Lyle McDonald sums it up:

A depressing sight for those who think a huge surplus is

needed to stimulate muscle growth.

Example: An individual who's calculated his

maintenance at 2800 calories per day will (roughly) require
an extra 175 calories at the beginner stage of his lifting
career in order to grow.

I hope that clears things. Remember they're only guidelines

and an individual may require more/less calories based on
differentiations in NEAT on more active/less active days.

Onto NEAT.
Non-Exercise Activity Thermofhdsnbhdbsdgvshsxg
(thermogenesis). A big old word that looks scary, but really

NEAT is the activity you accumulate throughout the day,

excluding purposeful exercise.

Brushing your teeth, walking to work, peeling potatoes, the

list goes on.

The higher one's NEAT the more food one can consume
when cutting, maintaining and bulking whilst the opposite
stands for the more sedentary individual.

Above, we mentioned that NEAT may affect your calorie

intake on certain days. What we're trying to say is pretty
straight forward.

Basically, we all have days that may be more/less active

compared to other days. On these days it may be a wise
idea to reduce calories slightly if you're cutting when you
know you have a sedentary day ahead (think Sundays/admin

Alternatively, it's a wise idea to eat that little bit more if you
decide to be super active and, oh I don't know, you decide
to climb a mountain or something.

So yeah, NEAT plays a big role as to how many extra/fewer

calories we may require depending on the current goal.
Don't be afraid to make amendments with regards to your
calories to cater for different days.
This was the really embarrassing moment in the book
where we both sat down, making a list of the
affiliation codes at our disposal hopefully saving you
some coin on some ingredients.

Yet we felt we needed to say this first, so bare with us.

At absolutely no moment at all will we be gaining any

money if you decide to use a code. They're there for
your benefit.

So yeah, why was it embarrassing? Partly down to the

fact Ben had the codes below in his arsenal whilst I,
Dan, had zero.

Yes you can laugh all you like but I'm sure BPI will
come knocking soon (you will only understand this if
you're seriously into fitness).

Anyway, here's the list.

@cardiffsportsnutrition (BENJI10)

@crumpetscoffee (BEN10)

@trkghealthyliving (BEN10)

@rippedkit (BENJI20)

@skinnybakery (BENJI10)

 @americanfizzuk (BENJI10) until December 17

 | 29
You've created your calorie intake that matches your current
goal. Awesome.

Yet there are several different methods on how you can

structure your daily, weekly or monthly intake.

I, Dan, explain in this video how different approaches can

suit certain individuals who have varying lifestyles, meaning
a different set up may be more optimal.

Once you've watched the video, you'll (hopefully) have a

greater understanding as to what set up is optimal for your
lifestyle. Be sure to remember that these are only three
approaches that have worked well for my clients. Feel free to
use, experiment and implement all three if life
throws a clanger your way.

I've inserted the graphs below for easier viewing and greater
With 18 years of 'gym' experience between us, we've learned
a heck of a lot over previous years, some of our own accord
and others through working with world class, well respected

Daily Fasting: Fasting has worked wonders for us both

through tough periods of dieting. Fasting isn't magic. Fasting
won't accelerate fat loss. Fasting isn't necessary. But man
does it help.

First, lets explain what fasting is:


Fasting allows one to preserve calories. Many eat breakfast

due to habit (think to when you consume breakfast. Are you
actually hungry?). Restricting calories early on allows for
more calories later on in the day.

Secondly, it allows an individual to understand what true

hunger feels like. Being a first world country, we will never
be deprived of food, therefore never knowing the true feeling
of hunger. Being able to manage and deal with hunger is a
skill set in itself and it's inevitable, one will become hungry
through periods of caloric restriction. Training yourself on
how to deal with this makes the process easier*.

*I say easier, not easy. Restricting calories sucks, is difficult,

but in the end it's worth it. Kinda.

'Is water, black coffee, diet drinks and tonic water okay to
consume between meals when fasting?'

Absolutely. In fact we encourage this as they can help with

dealing with hunger.
Saving Calories & Eating Out: Don't be a doughnut. If you
know you're going out for food on a Wednesday evening, save
calories for the meal. Yes, that does mean consuming less
food throughout the day to compensate for the extra calories
you'll most probably eat.

Pre tracking: Many popular food outlets will have their

calories and macros logged on My Fitness Pal. If you know
you're going to be indulging in a Nando's half a chicken with
fries and spicy rice, pre track the damn foods in the morning
and work your calories for the day around that meal.

By adding in first, it ensures you get your daily fix without

coming to the end of the day, blowing yourself out of a

Simple? Yes. Effective? You bet. 

'But where I'm eating doesn't have the calories and macros

OMG what do I do?'

You track food similar to those found on My Fitness Pal.


Food shop: Never perform a food shop whilst you're hungry.

No seriously, don't. I think it's pretty obvious why.

Multipacks: 'My issue is that I can't just eat one. When I get
going I eat the whole damn pack'.

Maybe buying multipacks isn't the answer then? Maybe buy

singular items?

Diet drinks/Tonic Water: 'Diet drinks? Are you serious? Don't

they cause cancer?' (Jumps on sunbed for 14 minutes).

There is no direct correlation between diet drinks and

cancer. Sure, they're not ideal for your teeth. So why diet
drinks? Believe it or not diet drinks can aid the feeling of
fullness when consuming a meal or in between meals.

Bonus: if you're sceptical about diet drinks, try soda water. It

has the same affect.
Food volume: Small, petty, fistful sized meals rarely fill
anyone. When devising your meal think volume. Volume
stands for the amount of food on your plate for the least
amount of calories possible (see salad bowl example below).


Experiment with meal size and volume. Find what works for
you. Personally, we find 2 meals consisting of around
half our calorie intake, with one small snack works well for
us. But you're not us, so find what works.

Smaller Cutlery: No, we're not expecting you to fork out on a

new cutlery set. If on the off chance you have a smaller
spoon for example, use with your dessert. It'll take you
longer to consume meals, thus aiding the feeling of fullness
sooner, potentially leading to less food being consumed.

And with that said, we feel like it's time we move onto the
S E X I F Y  Y O U R
 O A T S 


The issue with oats is that they're very carbohydrate orientated.
Don't get us wrong oats are healthy, satiating and contain a s**t
ton of fibre. The issue lies where individuals will eat oats alone as
their first meal. This can lead to:

1. A feeling of drowsiness. Some research supports findings where

an individual may crave more carbohydrates further in the day
when carbs are consumed on their own early on.

2. Individuals who unintentionally avoid protein with their first

meal usually find themselves playing catch up with their protein
intake later on in the day.

This is why we urge you to include some sort of protein source

with your oats. Greek yogurt, quark and cottage cheese are great
examples as not only are they a great source of protein, they can
also increase the volume of your oats. Protein powder is another
great alternative.

Below you can find Ben's famous oat cooking method.

Bens Method

1, Add oats, milk and water into a large, plastic microwaveable


2. Cook for 6-7 minutes on full power, stirring and checking

regularly. By now, your oats should be ready.

N.B. It's important you leave the oats to cool slightly

(approximately 5 minutes as it will thicken as it cools) before
adding Greek yogurt and your choice of flavourings. Mix well and

Bonus: Chill in the fridge overnight to eat cold the next day if you
Bens top 3 picks.


Ingredients: 80g Quick Cook Oats, 200ml Almond Milk, 250ml Water, 200g
Greek Yogurt (add sweetener, sugar, protein powder, cacao/cocoa powder,
coffee, flavouring etc or whatever you fancy for taste and requirements).
Cooking Method:
1. Add oats, milk and water into a large plastic microwaveable bowl. Cook for
6-7mins at full power (800w) checking and stirring half way through.
2.IMPORTANT - Leave to cool slightly, approximately 5 minutes (it will thicken
as it cools) before adding Greek yogurt and choice of flavourings. Mix well.
3.Chill in the fridge overnight to eat cold the next day. Top with your flexible


Ingredients: 40g Quick Cook Oats, 200ml Almond Milk, 100ml Water, 200g Greek
Yogurt, 250g Sweet Potato, Sweetener or Sugar To Your Taste, Pinch of Salt      
Cooking Method: 
1. Add oats, milk and water into a large plastic microwaveable bowl and cook for
5 mins at full power (800w)
2.Cook the sweet potato until soft to touch. (Approximately 5 mins depending on
size), Scrape the potato out of the skin and mix with the part cooked oats, add
pinch of salt and cook oat and potato mix for a further 4 mins or until desired
consistency is achieved
3. Leave to cool slightly, approximately 5 minutes (it will thicken as it cools)
before adding Greek yogurt and sweetener, Mix well.
4. Chill in the fridge overnight to eat cold the next day
5. Top with maple syrup and bacon


Ingredients: 80g Quick Cook Oats, 200ml Almond Milk, 250ml Water, 120g
Philadelphia, Protein Powder and Truvia (add any syrups/coffee for flavour)
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Baking Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: 210
Protein: 24g
Fibre: 2.3g                                        
Cooking Method: Add oats, milk and water and microwave for 10 minutes.
Check it is not over flowing. Once cooked, add Philadelphia and choice of
flavourings and mix well before eating.

We could have given you a list of various lunch ideas. But
from experience we're giving you free reign. You see, we've
noticed a pattern where individuals will spend hours in the
kitchen after a long day at work where they'll prepare two
meals; one for the evening and another separate meal for
their following day's lunch.

What is this about?

Make things easy for yourself. Time is something you'll never

get back. Here are two approaches you can take.

The Convenience Foods Life Saver: This method is a sure fire

way that'll allow you to remain on track when motivation to
cook is non-existent. It's a method we utilise through the
majority of our working week. Quick, simple and effective.


Double It Up: Another simple, underused and under thought
method. When creating your dinner create double the
amount. Track and consume one immediately whilst placing
the other half into a tupperware container, ready for the
following day.

Bonus: My Fitness Pal allows you to create and save recipes

for continuous use.

When creating the recipes below, feel free to make double,

triple or quadruple the amount. This can work wonders if you
know you're going to have a busy few days ahead with
minimal time to prep.
D I N N E R 

Two pans, Eight ingredients; it really doesn't get much
simpler than this. This recipe is ideal to have for dinner
and lunch the following day.


Ingredients: 6 bacon rashers, 60g Chestnut Mushrooms, 120g
Philadelphia Lightest Cream Cheese, Two Chicken Breasts,
200g uncooked Pasta (of your choice), Parmesan, Fry Light and finally a
dash of milk
Prep Time: 5 minutes 
Baking Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 2
Calories: 716 per serving
Protein: 91.8g
Carbs: 6.9g                                               

1. Cut your mushrooms, bacon and chicken
2. Coat a frying pan with fry light cooking spray and fry your mushrooms
whist boiling the kettle ready for the pasta
3. Once mushrooms are golden brown add chicken pieces and bacon
4. Whilst the chicken and bacon is cooking pop your pasta into a
pan with the boiled water (please check desired cooking time of your
chosen pasta as this can vary)
5.Once everything is cooked, drain the pasta and add in your bacon,
mushroom and chicken 
6. Add in the Philadelphia, parmesan and milk and mix until combined
7. Serve and add salt and pepper (to taste) and parsley if you're feeling


This recipe can be served with microwavable vegetable or rice instead
of pasta for ease. This recipe serves 2, so is perfect for dinner and
lunch the following day. Simply half all the ingredients to make one
Reduce Calories By:
1. Using whole wheat pasta,  courgette sphagetti or rice
2. Half the ingredients to make a smaller portion size

Increase Calories By:

1. Using full fat Philadelphia 
2. Doubling the ingredients
3. Frying with oil
SKEWERS with spicy wedges

Who would have thought you could create something so

delicious on a stick.


Ingredients - Skewers: 2 Tuna Steaks, Parma Ham, 100g Chestnut
Mushrooms, 10 Cherry Tomatoes, Wooden Skewers, 1 tbsp Basil, 2 tbsp
Olive Oil and 1 tbsp Parsley
Wedges: 1 Baking Potato, Paprika, Italian Seasoning, Salt & Pepper and
Fry Light Cooking Spray
Prep Time: 10 minutes 
Baking Time: 40 minutes
Servings: 2
Calories: 590 per serving
Protein: 47.9g
Fibre: 3.1g                                               

Preheat Oven to 180 degrees
1. Slice mushrooms, tuna steaks and tomatoes into chunks
2. In a bowl mix olive oil, parsley and basil
3. Arrange onto skewers in any order along with the parma ham slices
4. Place skewers on a baking tray and drizzle with olive oil mixture and
set aside
5. Slice potato into thick, same size wedges and place into large bowl
6. Spray with fry light and add seasoning (to taste)
7. Place on baking tray and cook for 20 minutes
8. When timer goes off, place skewers in for the final 20 minutes
9. Remove and serve adding salt and pepper (to taste)


This recipe can be served with microwavable vegetables or rice for
a convenience purposes. 

Reduce Calories By:

1. Using fry light instead of olive oil
2. Limiting/eliminating Parma Ham

Increase Calories By:

1. Increasing Parma Ham
2. Cooking more potato wedges
3. Using olive oil to coat the wedges
The easiest calzone recipe in the world.


Ingredients: Tortilla Wraps, Wafer Thin Ham (or any ham or your
choice), Mushrooms, Tomato Puree, Fry Light Cooking Spray, Grated
Cheese and 1 egg
Prep Time: 10 minutes 
Baking Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: 311
Protein: 16.1g
Fibre: 3.3g                                               

Preheat Oven to 160 degrees
1. Slice mushrooms and cook using fry light cooking spray
2. Once cooked place to the side and ready to fill your wrap
3. First, smudge tomato puree all over the tortilla
4. Drizzle with cheese and add your desired topping, for this we chose
wafer thin ham and mushrooms
5. Once filled, fold tortilla in half
6. Whisk and egg in a bowl and wash the outsides of the wrap and seal
using a fork, poking holes in the top
8. Place onto a baking tray and bake for 10 minutes until golden brown
9. Slice and enjoy


This recipe super quick and ideal for a delicious lunch time meal. You
have free reign to put everything and anything into this calzone, mixing
cheeses, meats and vegetables. 
Reduce Calories By:
1. Using a 'lighter' cheese
2. Using a 'protein friendly' wrap
3. Use lettuce instead of a wrap (obviously don't oven cook if using this

Increase Calories By:

1. Adding more meats and mix of cheeses
2. Coating with olive oil for crispy texture
3. Having more wraps with different fillings
TRAY BAKE A great way to prepare three meals in one hit.


Ingredients: 500g Chicken Breast, 1kg Baking Potatoes, 254g Alpro Soya
Single Cream, 30g Parmesan Cheese, 2 Tomatoes, 1 Pepper and 2 tbsp
Olive Oil
Prep Time: 10 minutes 
Baking Time: 1 hour
Servings: 3
Calories: 693 per serving
Protein: 61.9g
Fibre: 3.3g                                               

Preheat Oven to 200 degrees
1. Cut your vegetables and place into a large oven dish
2. Slice potatoes into chunks and boil for 10 minutes to soften
3. Drain potatoes and add on top of the vegetables
4. Place chicken breast on top of the potatoes and drizzle olive oil
5. Cook in the oven for 20 minutes
6. Add Alpro Soya Cream and return to oven for 30 minutes until golden
7. Once cooked, sprinkle parmesan and serve.


Ensure you boil your potatoes before popping in the oven, this is to
ensure they cook quicker. You could substitute chicken for beef or pork
 for a change.
Reduce Calories By:
1. Using jersey royale potatoes
2. Using 'lighter' cheese
3. Replacing vegetables for potatoes (microwave for ease)

Increase Calories By:

1. Using full fat cream
2. More olive oil for those crispy potatoes
BURGERS Don't knock it until you try it.


Ingredients: 5% Turkey Mince, Salt, Pepper, Salad (of your choice)
Brioche Buns, Cheese Slices, Peanut Butter and condiments (of your
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 15-20 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: 650
Protein: 62g
Fibre: 3.6g                                             

Preheat Oven to 200 degrees
1. Add mince into bowl and combine adding salt and pepper to taste
2. Shape into burger patties and place on a non stick baking tray or oven
proof dish, covering with foil
3.Place into oven for 15 minutes until burgers are cooked through and
pipping hot
4. Time to assemble your burger. Lightly toast your bun, add lettuce,
peanut butter, tomatoes, sauce (of choice) and add burger patties


You can either oven bake, pan fry or BBQ your burgers. 

Reduce Calories By:

1. Using lettuce as bun
2. Having a 'naked' burgers (no bun)
3. Using portobello mushrooms as the bun
4. Using the lowest 5% mince 

Increase Calories By:

1. Using 'high protein' rolls
2. Adding bacon
3. Higher % of mince
The tastiest of chicken treats, even better with
maple syrup.


Ingredients: 500g Chicken, 200g Corn Flakes, 50g Flour, 1 Egg, Fry Light
Cooking Spray and Maple Syrup (optional)
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 15-20 minutes
Servings: 2
Calories: 255 per serving
Protein: 42.3g
Fibre:  2g                                            

Preheat Oven to 200 degrees
1. Grab three bowls and in each place the flour, cornflakes and eggs. 
2. Slice chicken into long strips
3. Individually dip each strip into the flour and cover, then into the egg
and then into the cornflakes. Repeat for each chicken strip.
4.Place in the oven for 20 minutes until chicken is cooked through


These chicken strips are simple to make and you can make enough to
take to lunch the next day. 

Reduce Calories By:

1. Buying low calorie corn flakes

Increase Calories By:

1. Drizzle with maple syrup
2. Using different cereal i.e. crunchy nut
& CHICKEN BAKE Very fibrous and packed with protein.


Ingredients: 500g Chicken Breasts, 1 x Tin Chickpeas, 200g Spinach, 1 x
Tin Chopped Tomatoes, Salt and Pepper
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Frying Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 2
Calories: 620
Protein: 57g
Fibre: 11g                                         

1. Cut the chicken breasts into chunks and fry using fry light cooking
2.Whilst chicken is cooking, drain the chickpeas of all juices
3.Once chicken is cooked, add chickpeas, tinned tomatoes and spinach
4.Leave to simmer until chick peas are soft


This meal is perfect for meal prep as it is quick and simple.

Reduce Calories By:

1.Replace chicken for turkey breasts
2.Remove meat all together

Increase Calories By:

1.Adding variety of meats
2.Serve with rice of choice
3.Serve with spicy wedges (see tuna and parma ham recipe above)
Meatballs.. You dirty dogs. A twist on the classic
Meatball Sub.

A special thanks to our good friend, Bradley

Stubbs for creating this recipe.


Ingredients: Meatballs : 500g mince, breadcrumbs (1 piece of bread
blended) Salt, Pepper, Paprika. Sauce: 500g Tin of chopped tomatoes,
red pesto, gel stock pots (1 x chicken 2 x beef) Worchestershire Sauce,
Soy Sauce. Toppings: 50% Less Fat Cheese (or cheese of your choice)
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 4
Calories: 327
Protein: 18g
Fibre: 3g                                         

Meatballs - Preheat oven to 160 degrees celcuis
1. Combine bread crumbs with mince, pepper, salt and paprika (or similar
2. Roll mixture into balls then cook for 6-8 minutes at 220 degrees Celsius 
1.Heat half chopped tomatoes in saucepan. Add half chicken gel stock pot and 1
whole beef stock pot. Add teaspoon worcestershire sauce, soy sauce and a tbsp
2.Let simmer whilst meatballs cook. Once meatballs are cooked add into the
3.Add the remaining chopped tomatoes, stock pots and more pesto (as desired)
4.Place in the oven at 160 degrees Celsius for as long as you desire (SEE TIPS)
5.Remove and place on bread of choice and add cheese (as desired)


The longer you leave the meatballs to cook in the oven the tastier they
will be. Ensure you place the meatballs in an oven proof dish or
saucepan for the second phase of cooking in the oven.

Reduce Calories By:

1.Use low fat % mince (turkey or beef)
2.Serve with vegetables instead of bread
3.Use 50% less fat cheese
Increase Calories By:
1.Use high fat % mince
2.Serve on tiger bread or bread of your choice i.e. brioche/french stick
3.Add extra cheese 
Side dishes that are easy to bulk up your meals.

Ingredients: Parsnips, Courgettes, Baking Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: 30 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: Varies depending which vegetable you use
Protein: Varies depending which vegetable you use
Fibre: Varies depending which vegetable you use                                     
Cooking Method: Slice into thick wedges and spray with fry light
cooking spray. Place in oven at 200 degree Celsius for 30 minutes.
Tip: Cut into the same size to ensure they cook evenly. 


Ingredients: Portobello Mushrooms, 250g Quark, Garlic, 30g
Pesto, 20g Feta and Salt and Pepper
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: 20 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: 95
Protein: 10g
Fibre: 3g                                        
Cooking Method: Combine Quark, garlic, tsp pesto, salt and pepper in a
bowl. Stuff mushrooms and cook for 20 minutes,


Ingredients: Broccoli, Carrots, Peas, Tomatoes, Spinach, Green Beans
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: Varies
Servings: 1
Fibre: Lots                                     
Cooking Method: Steam or microwave. Lots of vegetables will fill you
up thus increase your fibre, bulking up your meals. 
Dishes that can be cooked in batch and added to
almost anything.

Ingredients: 750g Pork/Beef/Turkey Mince,50g Ketchup/Brown Sauce
Prep Time: 15 Seconds
Frying Time: 5 Minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: Depending on % and what meat you use
Protein:  Depending on % and what meat you use
Fibre: 0g                                         
Cooking Method: Fry mince until ready, reduce the heat, add your
desired sauce and stir into the mice for 1 minute. Serve immediately or
freeze/chill for future reference. Fry with veg to increase fibre intake.

Ingredients: 4 Baking  Potatoes , Garlic, 1 Onion, 1 Egg, Fry Light
Cooking Oil, Salt, Pepper and 30g Cheese  
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 15 minutes
Servings: 1
Calories: 300
Protein: 4g
Fibre: 3g                                         
Cooking Method: Peel and then grate potato, add cheese, garlic, egg
and combine. Create into patties and fry in pan around 7 minutes on
each side until golden brown.


Ingredients: Greek Yogurt/Quark and Curry Powder
Prep Time: 24 Seconds
Baking Time: 0 Seconds
Servings: 1
Calories: Depends on the amount of Greek Yogurt/Quark used
Protein: Depends on the amount of Greek Yogurt/Quark used
Fibre: 0g                                         
Cooking Method: Add as a sauce base for your meat to make a curry.
Fry your meat until ready, mix the contents into a bowl, pour and
simmer with the cooked meat. Increase Greek Yogurt/Quark quantity
for a saucier dish.


nutella brownies
What could be more satisfying post workout than a nutella cake containing protein? Yes, slightly
calorific, but hey, they're worth it. I (Dan) once owned a coffee shop. They'd sell like hot cakes. Not
literally as they were cold. But you get what I mean.


Ingredients Needed: Base: 75g Unsalted Butter, 100g Dark Chocolate,
3 Eggs, 100g Caster Sugar, 20g Maple Syrup, 100g Chocolate Protein
Powder, 15g Plain Flour, 30g Cocoa Powder, 1tsp Vanilla Extract
(optional) 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
Fudge: 100g Nutella & 400ml Light Condensed Milk
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Baking Time: 25 Minutes
Calories Per Slice (Makes 8): 396 Calories
Protein Per Slice: 16.2g
Fiber Per Slice: 2.7g                                                 

 Pre heat oven to 180 degrees.
1. Place butter and dark chocolate together in a microwave until
melted, stirring regulary. 
2. Remove from microwave and stir in eggs, sugar, protein powder,
flour, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, maple syrup and baking powder.
3. Grease a baking tin of your choice. Pour in mixture. Level mixture
for an even rise and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
4. Once baked place aside until cool to touch.
5. Heat condensed milk and Nutella over a saucepan using the
method outline in THIS VIDEO, pour over the brownie and place in the
fridge to set.


When melting the butter and the dark chocolate in the microwave
break the dark chocolate into smaller segments as it'll melt quicker. Do
not burn the chocolate through overcooking.

Reduce Calories By:

1.Using Stevia sugar rather than caster sugar
2. Half the ingredients to make fewer brownies
3. Use Chocologic low sugar dark chocolate (found in Tesco).
Increase Calories By:
1. Using more Nutella
2. Doubling up the ingredients to make a bigger batch
Ok. If you thought the Nutella Brownies were unreal. Wait
until you try the peanut butter version.


Ingredients Needed: Base: 75g Unsalted Butter, 100g Dark Chocolate, 3
Eggs, 100g Caster Sugar, 20g Maple Syrup, 100g Chocolate Protein
Powder, 15g Plain Flour, 30g Cocoa Powder, 1tsp Vanilla Extract
(optional) 1/2 tsp Baking Powder
Fudge: 100g Peanut Butter & 400ml Light Condensed Milk
Prep Time: 20 minutes
Baking Time: 25 Minutes
Calories Per Slice (Makes 8): 396 Calories
Protein Per Slice: 16.2g
Fiber Per Slice: 2.7g                                                  

Pre heat oven to 180 degrees.
1. Place butter and dark chocolate together in a microwave until
melted, stirring regulary.
2. Remove from microwave and stir in eggs, sugar, protein powder,
flour, cocoa powder, vanilla extract, maple syrup and baking powder.
3. Grease a baking tin of your choice. Pour in mixture. Level mixture
for an even rise and bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees.
4. Once baked place aside until cool to touch.
5. Heat condensed milk and Peanut Butter over a saucepan using the
method outlined in THIS VIDEO, pour over the brownie and place in
the fridge to set.1.


When melting the butter and the dark chocolate in the microwave
break the dark chocolate into smaller segments as it'll melt quicker. Do
not burn the chocolate through overcooking.
Reduce Calories By:
1.Using Stevia sugar rather than caster sugar
2. Half the ingredients to make fewer brownies
3. Use Chocologic low sugar dark chocolate (found in Tesco).
Increase Calories By:
1. Using more Peanut Butter 
2. Doubling up the ingredients to make a bigger batch
3. Adding a delicious melted chocolate topping (as seen in the
BLUEBERRY LOAF Cake with protein? You heard it right. See hints, tips &
alternatives to switch up this super simple recipe.


Ingredients Needed: Base: 70g Unsalted Butter, 135g Caster Sugar, 40g
maple syrup, 2 Eggs, 3 Bananas, 180g Vanilla Protein, 50g self-raising
flour, 50g blueberries
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: 1 hour
Calories Per Slice (Based on 10 slices): 269 Calories
Protein Per Slice: 16.8g
Fiber Per Slice: 1.4g                                                

Pre heat oven to 160 degrees.
1. Cream together the butter and sugar (TIP: See hints, tip
& alternatives)
2. Beat in eggs - one at a time
3. In a separate bowl mash the bananas and add into mixture
4. Sift flour into mixture and add your vanilla protein 
5. Once mixture is combined - gently fold in blueberries
6. Empty the mixture into the baking tin and place in the oven for 30
7. Remove and check if cooked (place knife through middle until it comes
out clean
8. If not cooked, return for further 20 - 30 minutes until golden brown


Ensure your butter is room temperature as this will make it a lot easier
to mix. If not, place in the microwave for 10 seconds until soft and easy
to mix.
Reduce Calories By:
1.Using Stevia sugar rather than caster sugar
2.Make in cupcake tin for smaller portion sizes
Increase Calories By:
1. Using more maple syrup
2. Substituting the blueberries for raspberries or Nutella. Trust me, it is
Quick meals to make using minimal ingredients.
The amount of ingredients you choose to use is
your choice.

Ingredients: 300g Greek Yogurt and 35g Protein Powder (your choice of
Prep Time: 30 seconds
Baking Time: Zero
Servings: 1
Calories: 300
Protein: 45g
Fibre: 0g                                         
Cooking Method: Place greek yogurt into a bowl and simply add your
protein. Stir until you have a smooth consistency. Add berries, banana,
apple or honey to increase fibre intake.

Ingredients: 300g Greek Yogurt, 35g Casein, Sweetner, 1tbsn Xanthan
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: Zero
Servings: 1
Calories: 300
Protein: 40g
Fibre: 0g                                          
Cooking Method: Add all ingredients into a bowl and whisk (electric
would be easier) add a few drops of water until thick consistency and
either place in fridge for a few hours or eat immediately. Add toppings
of your choice.

Ingredients: 250ml Almond Milk, 35g Chocolate Protein Powder, 1
Square Dark Chocolate, 3 Terry's Chocolate Orange pieces, 5ml Orange
Flavouring and Cream (optional)
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: Zero
Servings: 1
Calories: 210
Protein: 26g
Fibre: 1g                                        
Cooking Method: Blend milk, protein powder and orange flavouring. Grate
Terry's Chocolate pieces and sprinkle on top of cream (optional)
Desserts that can be done in an instant.


Ingredients: 60g Philadelphia Lightest Cream Cheese, 150g Fat Free Greek
Yogurt, Reece's Pieces, 15g Chocolate Whey Protein and Tbsp of Truvia & flan
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Baking Time: Zero
Servings: 1
Calories: 184
Protein: 11g
Fibre: 2g                                         
Cooking Method: Mix all ingredients into a bowl and set in a flan case.
Decorate with Reece's treats and leave to set in the fridge or eat immediately.

Ingredients: 1 Tub plain Cottage Cheese and Jelly Packet.
Prep Time: 5 minutes
Baking Time: Zero
Servings: 1
Calories: 240
Protein: 25g
Fibre: 0g                                          
Cooking Method: Create jelly with water as instructed, pour contents
into a blender with the cottage cheese, blend and place in a tupperware
tub. Place in the fridge to set for 5 hours.


Ingredients: 80g Quick Cook Oats, 200ml Almond Milk, 250ml Water, 120g
Philadelphia, Protein Powder and Truvia (add any syrups/coffee for flavour)
Prep Time: 2 minutes
Baking Time: 15 minutes 
Servings: 1
Calories: 210
Protein: 24g
Fibre: 2.3g                                        
Cooking Method: Add oats, milk and water and microwave for 10 minutes.
Check it is not over flowing. Once cooked, add Philadelphia and choice of
flavourings and mix well before eating.
As of today, whether you're cutting, bulking or striving to get
stronger, we want you to implement this advice, taking a leaf
from our book.  

Striving For Fat Loss: If you're in a caloric deficit day after day,

over a prolonged period of time, training sensibly, prioritising
your daily step target, sticking to the plan even on weekends
and sleeping well there's absolutely no reason for fat loss not
to happen. 

Adding Muscle Mass: If you're lifting more volume in your third

training block compared to your first, managing to remain
injury free and consuming a sufficient number of calories to
promote muscle mass; you're going to add size. Period.

Becoming Stronger: If your training is programmed to have

you working at a higher intensity in your sixth mesocycle
compared to your third and you're able to manage slight
niggles and joint pain, you're going to become stronger.


Quit looking at yourself every morning hoping some miracle

has happened overnight, if you put in the work, remain
consistent, you will get to where you want to be.

Trust the process and make amendments where needs be.

That's why we always recommend anyone to hire a coach
because this is what a coach can help you with.

It's like, why did you hire a driving instructor? Because you
couldn't drive. So you asked for help. 
This is the part where I help you.

There are going to be those of you who may not need, or

aren’t ready to commit to, coaching (just yet). That’s fine. You
can start putting what you learned in this book.

But, there will also be a lot of you who may already know
some of this, maybe you’re like me when I first began you’re
reading all this information and are overwhelmed by all the
conflicting viewpoints. Due to this you’ve either made no
progress. Or, maybe you made some progress but now that’s
come to a halt and you don’t know what to do.

If you do fall into the latter group, then this is for you.

I’d like to extend to you the offer to work with me through my

online coaching program at a significantly reduced price (30%
off) as a thank you for buying this book.

If you're interested, all you have to do is fill out this coaching

application form

After you’ve filled out the form, I’ll take a read through it and
make sure we’d make a good fit for the coaching. If we do, I’ll
send you an email and we'll book in a Skype consult to discuss

Before you apply, I want to highlight one thing: The online

coaching program is not for everyone.

– If you're not really serious about changing your body. I'm

here to be your mentor. I am not here to babysit. If you're not
willing to do the work, no amount of coaching is going to
– If you think this one of those '30 day change' type things – it
isn't. It's going to take time. And if that's something you don't
want to hear, don't apply.

– You need to have access to a gym and have some experience

lifting weights. You don’t have to be super advanced but you
need to be able to perform the basics with good form. This
whole getting you sexy thing is done online. And for it to work
I need the client to have a good base from which we can build
on otherwise it isn’t going to work out.

– Willing to commit to at least 3-4 days of training per week.

– Are injury-free

If you don't fit the above requirements, then this isn't for you.
But, if you do fit the above and are finally ready to lose fat,
build muscle, improve your health, and remove all the
nonsense and misinformation that’s rife in the fitness world,
then let’s get started. Here’s the application form again:

Coaching Application Form

I look forward to working with you.

PS/ this offer comes to a close in the next three days. So, if you
want customised nutrition programming, a custom training
plan tailored just for you, direct access to me whenever you
have any questions or concerns, and more – fill out the
coaching application form and take advantage of the 30%

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