Freshmen Orientation: The New CL

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included rules concerning proper As a treat, Rex Publishing Book-

FRESHMEN attire, academic policies and the

library’s services. As a graduate
store was also present during the
orientation. The publishing house

ORIENTATION school, the College of Law exempli-

fies professionalism and expects
offered discounts for their books,
distributed loyalty cards, and even
by: Clio Ocampo the same from its students. gave out free Codals. Most of the
students took the chance to stack
PLM College of Law welcomed a Atty. Ma. Patricia Rebaño, an on their required books.
new batch of aspiring lawyers last 2 alumna and now a member of the
June 2018. The event, which was Faculty, served as the event’s guest The event served as a take-off to
held at the Bukod Tanging Bulwa- speaker. Atty. Rebaño generously what will be some of the most
gan, was spearheaded by the shared her own experience as a interesting years of these new
Student Council, and greeted more former student. Just like all law students. The school year officially
than 80 fresh bloods. students, she too faced challenges started two days aſter the event on
and worked through pressure to 4 June 2018.
To prepare them for what is ahead, attain the letters A-T-T-Y.
they were provided guidelines and
tips about the College of Law. This





by: Jaimee Coleen Aguelo

The recent academic year intro- painted chocolate brown to comple-

ment the motif.
kasi free ang printing and usage of
PC, need lang magdala ng bond
duced various improvements to the
College of Law. Among these are the paper,” Mrs. Ferrer added.
College’s newly-renovated Law A newly upholstered sofa made it
Library, refurbished Dean’s Office, more appealing, and the new light The Moot Court had undergone simi-
and updated Moot Court. fixtures made it brighter and more lar renovationswhich gave it a more
conducive for studying and fighting formal and updated ambiance. And
The Law Library is where most law off drowsiness. of course, the Dean’s Office, with its
students spend their time of the day new design, brought in a fresh and
as they prepare for class. From the Law students, Ionna Ferrer and welcoming look. Without a doubt,
generosity of Dean George Garcia, Alyssa Cubangbang, are in the despite the amountof stress faced by
the law students and librarians now consensus that said computers and the students every day, these new
have four sets of PCs and printers at printer have been very helpful to improvements gave the College a
their disposal. them. The computers have allowed sense of comfort.
them to easily access and obtain
The library was even given aesthetic copies of cases online. “Malaking
renovations—with desks and chairs bawas din sa expenses ng students
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Law Students join

by: Eljohn Marin

Students from PLM-College of Law participated in

the programs and events of the newly-established
Central Bar Operations (BarOps) Committee. The
said Committee was created last year to optimize
and streamline efforts and activities related to the
Bar Examinations.

For 2018, the College opted to have “Siklab

Pamantasan” as its guiding theme. This showed
the student’s school spirit and support for the bar

takers. As part of the said operations, students were
assigned to assist the barristers throughout their
CM preparation period.

Other activities were likewise organized to aid the
barristers in acing the bar. Before the tests com-
menced, the College of Law and some university

officials, gathered together to attend the send-off
program and mass for the barristers. This was
followed by last-minute lectures held before every
examination day. The lectures were given by
esteemed faculty members who made sure that the
barristers were prepared.

All of these took place at The Luneta Hotel in Manila

- where the takers, accompanied by their respective
buddies, were accommodated courtesy of the
College of Law Administration.

During the last day of the bar exams, PLM-CL

students and administration waited outside the
University of Santo Tomas for the traditional Salu-
bong. Together with other law schools, the students
brought placards and cheered for the Pamantasan.
Everyone joyfully waited for the barristers to come
out and celebrate their success.

All of them proceeded to Hotel H20 for the Thanks-

giving program. In this event, Ma. Jennifer Borbon,
speaking for the barristers, expressed their heartfelt
gratitude for the helpand support given to them.
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C 2018 Post-Bar
Thanksgiving Party
by: Anthea Oarde


MANILA. - PLM Bar Exam takers or barristers cele-
brated during a thanksgiving dinner party.The event
was held right after the last leg of the 2018 Bar Exam-
ination on November 27, 2018 at the Pacific Ballroom

of Manila Ocean Park’s Hotel H2O.

The gathering rolled out with a complete program

starting at 8PM that featured testimonies from parents,
song numbers by PLM-CL students, and speeches from
core leaders who recounted the challenges and
triumphs of the recent bar operations.

In support of the examinees, their families, friends,

professors, and “bar buddies” likewise attended. An
hour after the event began, everyone gathered to
enjoy a buffet dinner beside the ballroom’s 22-metre
aquarium wall. In the background, local music channel
Wish 107.5, known for their creative music bus studio
and recordings, arranged a live band for the event.

Overall, the Thanksgiving Party honored everyone who

contributed to the success of the Bar Exams: the
professors, the parents, the bar buddies, the College
Administration and of course, the hopeful bar takers.
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by: Ria Nadora

L ast May 3 2019, Bar Chair SC Justice Mariano C. Del Castillo

announced the results of the 2018 bar last November. Out of the
8155 hopefuls, only 1800 emerged as lawyers, which makes a
22.07% passing rate compared to 2017’s 25.5%. Justice Del Castillo
also announced the names and schools of the year’s topnotchers, with
Atty. Sean James Borja of Ateneo de Manila leading with a grade of 89.306%, and
University of San Carlos with the most number of top notchers.

According to the Comparative statistics data released by the Supreme Court, the hardest
subject was taxation with a median rating of 68.52%, only 18.78% of examinees passed,
followed by Civil Law with 22.96%. The subject with the most number of passing examinees was
Legal Ethics with a median rating of 79.37%.

In order to pass the bar, an examinee must garner a general average of 75%, however the Supreme
Court En Banc has discretion to adjust the passing rate, as it did on 2012 (passing was 70%) and on
2014 (73%). Meanwhile, no adjustments were made on 2015, 2016, and 2017 examinations.

Bar Passers took oath on June 13 2019 at the Philippine International Convention Center (PICC) and start-
ed signing the Roll of Attorneys on June 14.

Bar topnotcher talks LGBTQ rights


Y by: Ria Nadora

Mr. Sean James Borja, the Atenean valedictorian must first advocate for the passing of anti-discrimina-
tion bill or the Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity
who topped the bar (2018) with a grade of 89.306%,
was invited to talk about his advocacy for LGBTQ+ and Expression (SOGIE), to ensure the protection of
our LGBTQ+ brothers and sisters; “Before we can talk

rights last May 30 2019 at the British Embassy, Mckin-


ley Hill. about marriage… talk about the SOGIE bill first. We
don’t talk about it because of religion. Religious free-
Being a member, he discussed the value of engaging dom is not exclusive, LGBTQ+ is not about religion.
others about discourse about the said advocacy in It’sabsolutely wrong to deny SOGIE on the basis of
order to get started. Mr. Borja also acknowledge that religion, what we can do is to engage the conversa-
the importance of discourse to inform and enlighten, tion”.
Some LGBTQ+ are unaware about their rights, that
even within the LGBTQ+, there exist a divide in In line with this, when asked what is one thing
perspective which he coyly quipped, “I don’t get we can do to advocate, he answered: “The
it, were all gay at the end of the day”. Philippines is in the position to climb, We’re
not there yet but were not rock bottom. If
When asked for his message to the you happen to be straight or LGBTQ+, noth-
LGBTQ+ activists he answered: “to ing is going to happen if you’re just going
engage, [and] keep discussing and to sit there. You have to reach out,
talking to people in a human-being don’t live in a bubble, Start the
perspective”. He also discussed practi- conversation, I think it can start
cal activities to pursue for equality to from there”.
be institutionalized in schools: “Murals,
seminar, panel discussions- where
students can ask real questions” and put
emphasis on the importance of “pride

According to Mr. Borja, before we take the

steps to same sex marriages or civil union, we
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he Supreme Court of the Philippines

together with the UP Law Center and The

Asia Foundation conducted Seven (7)
Regional Consultative Meetings on Legal by: Cath
Education nationwide to seek consensus Tomas. He opened the program with his erine Ja
welcome remarks expressing his support de David
of the students, administrators, faculty,
and law schools on issues concerning the in the development and innovation aimed
(1) Bar Examinations; (2) Law Curricu- for by the 2019 Legal Education Summit, the proposal of solutions corresponding
lum; (3) Law Instruction; (4) Law School together with Mr. Sam Chittick, represen- to the issue at hand.
Administration; and (5) LEB Charter. tative from The Asia Foundation, and Mr.
John C. Law, representative from the After the group discussions, the plenary
Last June 03 2019, the seventh and last United States Embassy. session then was held in the common
leg of the Regional Consultative Meet- room to allow the participants to ask
ings, for National Capital Region and Hon. Chief Justice Lucas P. Bersamin also questions and to voice out suggestions
CALABARZON, was held at Dr. Robert C. delivered a short speech on how indis- and comments on the consolidated infor-
pensable legal education is to the law mation gathered during the discussion.

Sy Grand Ballroom, 2nd floor, UST


Buenaventura Garcia Paredes O.P. system and the importance of the effort This provides a good opportunity to
(BGPOP) Building, University of Santo to improve our current legal system while inform all the participants of the current
Tomas, Espana, Blvd., Sampaloc, Manila. Dean Fides Cordero-Tan, Dean of the stand, progress, and conclusion of the
University of the Philippines College of group on each topic.
Law, delivered a insightful speech in the

The Organizing Committee for the 2019


Legal Education Summit was spearhead- Filipino language on the significance of As each lead discussant finished present-
ed by Hon. Alexander G. Gesmundo, the discussions in each topic in the hopes ing their gathered data, Dean Sedfrey M.
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, of improving the system. Candelaria, former Dean of the Ateneo
and was assisted by Dean Fides Corde- College of Law, PHILJA Chief of Office for
ro-Tan as his Vice Chairperson, and sever- The program then proceeded with the RPLO ended the program with his closing
al deans of different law schools around introduction of each moderator for each remarks.
the country. cluster and the list of members of each
cluster were posted for the break-out The chosen student participants from all
The Regional Consultative Meeting for session in the morning. The break-out the Regional Consultative Meetings will
NCR and CALABARZON was hosted by session per group had a separate room to then attend the National Consultative
Dean Nilo T. Divina, Dean of the Faculty allow the discussants to hear every idea Meeting on July 31 2019 and August 1
of Civil Law of the University of Santo and sentiment on the assessment of the 2019, the First Summit on Legal Educa-
current system, the ascertainment of tion to be conducted in the Philippines;
problems and areas for improvement and while the next project of the Association
of the Law Students of the Philippines will
be the 30th National Convention held on
July 04 2019 to July 07 2019.
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by: Ma. Fatima Belino

T he Legal Education Board (LEB) held an orientation and consultation last June 14, 2019,10:00 AM at
PamanangBedista in San Beda College Manila. The law school deans, college/university registrars, law
librarians and law students were invited in the event for the familiarization with changesin LEB Operations,
Consultation on policy directions of the LEB and orientation on existing LEB issuances.

Commissioner Abelardo Domondon welcomed the guests attending the orientation/seminar. A representa-
tive of LEB then started the part one of the event- familiarization with the changes in LEB Operations. A
brief history about LEB is discussed, and then the discussion led to the analyzation of the Bar Examination
Results. It was shown through graphs, that the Bar Passing rate on a normal basis from 2012-2018 is rang-
ing only from 16-25 %, except to that of 2016 bar examinations- which is known to be the highest bar
passing rate in the history with the percentage of 59.06 %.
The first issue with suggested solutions is then revealed to the attendees: “How do we strengthen the law
Y program?” The LEB suggested that the curriculum may offer non-bar courses, such as Masters in Criminal
CM Procedure. In this way, the students may be able to focus in the field of criminal law without having the
pressure of taking the bar. Another solution was given by LEB, such as having allied courses in law such
Bachelor in Jurisprudence, Bachelor in Legal Studies and Bachelor in Dispute Resolution. In this way the

chances of a higher bar passing rate is possible, as stated by LEB.

K Second issue discussed involved the question: “how do we strengthen law schools?” At present LEB is the
regulation body of law schools, and as a solution, LEB suggested deregulation of law schools who compli-
ant with their regulations be given an autonomous status. All suggestions and issues mentioned in the
event will be a part of the topic for the First Summit on Legal Education happening on August 1, 2019.

Consultation on Policy Directions started when LEB asked for opinion of the audience about the issues that
law school administration sees from their point of view. Dean Nilo T. Divina from UST College of Law, raised
the following concern: first, that law schools be allowed to set their own PhiLSAT grade required for admis-
sion. Second, that part time faculty members may not be required of Masters degree in law, but shall be
given special MCLE lecture for part time faculty members. Lastly, that Philippine Association of Law Schools
(PALS) be consulted before LEB issuances are approved. Students also raised that they too, as stake hold-
ers be consulted about LEB issuances during ocular visits in law schools. Some attendees also raised their
concerns about the shift from LLB to JD program.

Last part of the event was the information about recent issuances of LEB MO. 21-23. Here, the audience
were informed about the required documents and the deadline of submissions set by LEB. All representa-
tives per institution present on the event were given a hard drive containing the soft copies of LEB issuanc-

The event ended with the participants given meta-cards to input their ideas on the raised topics during
discussion for in order to hear everyone’s opinion even if not given the chance to verbally express their
thoughts in front of the LEB and the attendees.
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by: Ria Nadora

T he first Philippine Law Debate Championship was

held last June 3 2019 at the San Beda University -
Mendiola Campus and was hosted by San Beda Law.
The 3- day competition was a first of its kind, adopting
an Asian Parliamentary and Oxford Oregon hybrid
type of debating, open only to law students of the

Various law schools from all over the country came to

participate, including PLM Law students: Patricia Anne
Q. Felipe, Doreen Ysabelle E. Garcia and Jose Paulino
BAR PASSERS M. Domingo (PLM-A); Enrique San Juan, Salvacion
Lycca Tenoso, and Ria Mariz P. Nadora (PLM-B).
by: Ria Nadora The Core Adjudicators: Angela Conejero (UP LAW),
Atty. Karlo Antonio (SBU LAW), and Ross Aguilar (Arel-
T he PLM College of Law held its annual testimonial lano LAW) spearheaded the competition proper with

Lunch last June 14, 2019 at the Manila Hotel’s Café innovative legal motions designed to challenge the
Ilang-Ilang, to give recognition to the esteemed faculty legal prowess of the debaters. The Elimination period
for their excellent teaching performance and to consisted of 5 rounds, which implemented the rule of
CM welcome the 2018 Bar passers into PLM's Roll of attor- most wins to break into the semi-finals. The four
MY neys. breaking teams were San Beda University A (Mendio-
la), San Beda University B (Mendiola), St. Louis
Universtiy(Baguio), Ateneo De Davao University

Hosted by PLM COMELEC Chairwoman Casina Mae


Cenit and PLM COL SC Auditor Catherine Jade David, (Davao) with PLM A as a reserve break.
the ceremony started with an opening remarks by Dean

George Erwin Garcia who welcoming the awardees and The final round between SBU-A and SBU-B was adju-
the guests. Followed by the recognition. The awardee dicated by legal luminaries: Atty. Chito Gascon, Chair
Professors include Atty. Ma. Leah A. Josa-Sebastian, of the Commission of Human Rights, Atty. Jose Angelo
Atty. Jack Andrew O. Miranda, Dean Melencio S. Sta. David, Associate Solicitor General, and Dean Chel
Maria, Justice Hector L. Hofilena, Atty. Lope E. Feble, Diokno, Dean of De La Salle University Law. The final
and Atty. Tranquil G.S. Salvador III. These esteemed motion: “This House Believes That a person has the
professors which were rated by their students for their right to die” was adjudicated in favor of SBU A: Jed
much appreciated passion for teaching. Each awardee Salapare, Nikolai Paggao, Charles de Belen.
was handed a plaque of recognition, alongside a lady
justice Statuette.

The event then moved to the signing of the 2018

Bar-Passers of PLM’s roll of Attorneys, a rite of passage
done annually which symbolizes the entry of our
esteemed Bar passers of the privy society of PLM-pro-
duced Attorneys. Before signing, each Attorney was
given a Medal signifying their success at the Bar, a
Plaque of recognition from the College, and a lady
justice Statuette.

For the Closing remarks, Atty. Bryan Balio, on behalf of

the other Attorneys expressed their sincerest gratitude
towards the Faculty, the College and to Dean George
Erwin Garcia.
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College of Law
Holds First
Grand Alumni
By Clio Ocampo

MANILA – Familiar faces with new

stories, reliving old memories while
making new ones—this is what reunions
are all about. Last June 29, the College of
Law held its first ever Alumni Homecoming
in line with its 30th Founding Anniversary.
The grand event took place in Palacio de
Maynila and was attended by alumni from
various batches, present students, faculty
members and PLM administrators. The
event reunited old friends and celebrated
C new milestones.

The Homecoming was an initiative of
Dean George Garcia who aims to strength-
en the bond among PLM Law graduates.
During the program, Dean Garcia

expressed his gratitude towards the
attendees, especially the elder alumni. He
K also shared his hope for future Homecom-
ings in the coming years. According to the
organizers, all the proceeds from the grant
event will be going to the College’s Bar
Operations fund.

A sumptuous dinner buffet was served for

the guests along with some cocktails. Of
course, the night would not have been
complete without entertainment. Several
performers graced the event such as
singer Carmela Ariola, The Brandz, and
comedians Michael Angelo Lobrin and Alex
Calleja. The venue was filled with laughter
as the comedians performed their skits.

The party ended with the guests dancing

and singing as Juan Miguel Salvadore and
the Authority performed 80’s classics. The
night was truly memorable but, more
importantly, it signified the start of a
strong network of PLM Lawyers.
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The End of the Election Drought

by: Clio Ocampo

The last academic year brought in notable changes to the College of Law, and one of them is an actual Student Coun-
cil Election. In an interview with the PLM COMELEC chairperson herself, junior law student Ms. Casina Mae Cenit gives
all the details.

What made it possible

to conduct elections this year?

How long has it been since the last

This was made possible
election in the College of Law?
through our very supportive
Dean who is incidentally an elec-
According to other tion lawyer. He gave us advice on
alumni, in 2015, no student how the elections happen in a national
from our college filed a certifi- setting which inspired us to adopt such
cate of candidacy. Since then, the in our University. The candidates from
officers of the college of law our college also made it possibleas
student council was simply How did the elections go? they respected and upheld the
appointed by the Dean. processes.
C We were actually quite nervous in
reaching the simple 25% turn out of
votes for the success of the election in
our college since not a lot of students were

active in terms of participating in college activi-


ties. If it failed, these candidates who willingly
participated can no longer be appointed
CMY because it would show that they were not
Who won? Who did not win? the choice of the students. Thankfully, a
lot of students casted their votes and
we reached the 25% turn up.
All of the candidates actually
won since there was no opposition.
Ms. Diane Kimberly Mapoy is the
new College President, with Mr. Louie
Pariñas as Vice President for internal Affairs,
Ms. Janis Ilagan as the Secretary, Ms. Do you think the elections
Mary Rosarie Sto. Tomas as the Asst. will continue in the next few years?
Secretary, and Ms. Danica Taba-
junda as the Treasurer.
Being the chairperson of the
COMELEC, I do hope it would. I
However, there were two will be helping out whoever will be
positions left vacant. Hence, the next commissioner from our
through a Resolution passed by College to encourage the students to
the COMELEC, power was vested to be active in making changes in the
the elected officials to appoint students process.
to fill-in the vacant positions. Ms. Cath-
erine Jade David and Ms. Jell Effie
Waje were appointed as Auditor
and Public Relations Officer

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