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Reconstructed by: Tonchie M. Alesna Demonstrator: Lanie T. Labide (Aug.


I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:
a. Identify letter M m
b. Produce the /m/ sound
c. Identify and read words beginning with M
d. Draw a picture that they like whose name begin with M

II. Subject Matter

Lesson: Mm
III. Materials
Pictures, flash cards, cut-outs, chart
IV. Procedure
1. Motivation/Activation of Prior Knowledge
Do you have a small baby sister/brother at home? What does mother do to the baby besides
bathing him/her and giving him/her milk?
What does mother do to the baby to sleep? When mother sings a lullaby, many times mother
does not sing the words because she is thinking of the other things that she needs to do when
baby sleeps. So, how does she sings without words?
Let us sing a lullaby without the words (hmmm). Close your mouth.

2. Presentation
What sound comes out when you hummed? (/m/)
The sound has a symbol (picture). M (big letter M) m (small letter m).
What is the sound of the letter M? m?
Big letter or small, do they have the same sound?

3. Development
Now, who puts the baby to sleep? (Mother) Teacher posts the picture and puts the label below
And what does mother give to the baby so he/she will be healthy? (milk) Teacher posts the
picture and label it.
What does mother give to the seller to buy milk? (money). Paste real money and label it.
Mother will also buy fruit good for the baby. It’s yellow and sweet. What is it? (mango) Teacher
posts the picture and label it.
Another fruit for baby is big and round and green on the outside but when you open or slice it
it’s red. What is it? (melon)
Teacher posts and label the picture.

Let us read:
Mother money melon
Milk mango
What letter is common to all words? What is the sound of M?
Here are the 5 pictures. Label them. (Let the children pick the label and place it near the

________________ ___________________

_________________ ___________________


4. Application
Teacher flashes the words for children to read:
(Mother, monkey, melon, milk, mango)

Encircle the Mm

n v w m h M N W m u t m

5. Abstraction
Name a part of your face that begins with m. (mouth)
What’s the beginning letter? Name the thing in the sky that shines at night. (moon) What is the
beginning sound of the word moon?

A little boy will grow to become a big _________.

What will we call a little boy when he grows older? (man) What is the beginning letter of man?
What is the beginning sound?
V. Assessment
Connect the picture to the word:

Milk tango
Silk mango
Will melon

Mother moon
Money melon
Moon money

VI. Assignment

Underline the words that begin with Mm.

moon brother money donkey

mother won monkey spoon

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