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“The Unexamined Life... --- E -
Is Not Worth Living”

on Trial p. 2

The Three Eternal

Destinies of Man p. 8

The Judgment
of the Sheep
& the Goats p. 7

The Majestic Ones p. 14 A Twelve Tribes Freepaper

then it is mischievous. But if he expects but a short career, hands, but they to pay the debt

Socrates On Trial that and nothing else is my

offending, and he lies who
says else. Further I would
untouched, must occupy a pri-
vate not a public station...
Clearly, if I tried to persuade
of crime and unrighteousness
at the hand of Truth. I for my
part shall abide by the award;
say, O Athenians, you can you and overcame you by en- let them see to it also. Perhaps
believe Anytus or not, you treaty, when you have taken somehow these things were to
may acquit or not, but I the oath of judge, I should be be, and I think it is well...
shall not alter my conduct, teaching you not to believe that Wherefore, O Judges, be of
no, not if I have to die a there are gods, and my very good cheer about death, and
score of deaths. defence would be a conviction know of a certainty that no evil
You can assure your- that I do not pay them regard. can happen to a good man,
selves of this that, being But that is far from being so. either in life or after death.
what I say, if you put me I believe in them as no one of He and his are not neglected
to death, you will not be my accusers believes. And to by the gods, nor has my own
doing greater injury to me you I commit my cause and to approaching end happened by
than to yourselves. To do God, to judge me as seemeth mere chance. But I see clearly
me wrong is beyond the best for me and for you. that to die and be released was
power of a Meletus [an- better for me; and therefore the
other of Socrates’s pros- The jurors find oracle gave no sign. For which
Greek philosopher Socrates chose us, we let you go on condition ecutors] or an Anytus. Heaven Socrates guilty reason, also, I am not angry
to die rather than cease teaching that you no longer spend your permits not the better man Men of Athens, many things with my condemners, or with
his philosophy, declaring that “no life in this search, and that to be wronged by the worse. keep me from being grieved my accusers; they have done
evil can happen to a good man, you give up philosophy, but if Death, exile, disgrace—Anytus that you have convicted me. me no harm, although they did
either in life or after death.” In you are caught at it again you and the average man may count What has happened was not not mean to do me any good;
399 bc Socrates was accused and must die’—my reply is ‘Men of these great evils, not I. A far unexpected by me. I am rather and for this I may gently blame
convicted of impiety and moral Athens, I honour and love you, greater evil is to do as he is now surprised at the number of them.
corruption of the youth of Athens, but I shall obey God rather doing, trying to do away with a votes on either side. I did not Still I have a favour to ask
Greece. At his trial, he presented than you, and while I breathe, fellow-being unjustly. think the majority would be so of them. When my sons are
a justification of his life. The sub- and have the strength, I shall O Athenians, I am far from little. As it is the transference of grown up, I would ask you, O
stance of his speech was recorded by never turn from philosophy, pleading, as one might expect, thirty votes would have acquit- my friends, to punish them,
Greek philosopher Plato, a disciple nor from warning and admon- for myself; it is for you I plead ted me... and I would have you trouble
of Socrates, in Plato’s Apology. ishing any of you I come across lest you should err as concern- A fine life it would be for one them, as I have troubled you, if
not to disgrace your citizen- ing the gift of God given unto at my age always being driven they seem to care about riches,
The Last Words of ship of a great city renowned you, by condemning me. If you out from one city and chang- or anything, more than about
Socrates for its wisdom and strength, by put me to death you will not ing to another. For I know that virtue; or if they pretend to be
Thou doest wrong to think giving your thought to reaping easily find another of my sort, whithersoever I go the young something when they are really
that a man of any use at all is to the largest possible harvest of who, to use a metaphor that men will listen to my words, nothing, then reprove them, as I
weigh the risk of life or death, wealth and honour and glory, may cause some laughter, am just as here. If I drive them have reproved you, for not car-
and not to consider one thing and giving neither thought nor attached by God to the state, as away, they themselves will have ing about that for which they
only, whether when he acts care that you may reach the a kind of gadfly to a big gener- me cast out, and if I don’t drive ought to care, and thinking that
he does the right thing or the best in judgement, truth, and ous horse, rather slow because them away their fathers and they are something when they
wrong, performs the deeds of a the soul’... of its very bigness and in need relatives will cast me out for are really nothing. And if you
good man or a bad... So God bids, and I consider of being waked up. As such and their sakes. do this, I and my sons will have
If I should be found to be that never has a greater good to that end God has attached received justice at your hands.
been done you, than through me to the city, and all day long The jurors
wiser than the multitude, it
would be in this, that having my ministry in the city. For it is and everywhere I fasten on proceed to The hour of
my one business to go about to you, rousing and persuading sentence Socrates
no adequate knowledge of the
persuade young and old alike and admonishing you... departure has
Beyond, I do not presume that to death
I have it. But one thing I do not to make their bodies and Be not angry with me speak- arrived, and we
their riches their first and their ing the truth, for no man will O men, hard it is not to
know, and that is that to do
injustice or turn my back on engrossing care, but rather to escape alive who honourably avoid death, it is far harder go our ways—I
give it to the perfecting of their and sincerely opposes you or to avoid wrongdoing. It runs
the better is alike an evil and
soul. Virtue springs not from any other mob, and puts his faster than death. I being
to die, and you
a disgrace. And never shall I
fear a possible good, rather possessions, but from virtue foot down before the many slow and stricken in years am to live. Which
springs possessions and all unjust and unrighteous things caught by the slower, but my
than avoid a certain evil ...
other human blessings, whether that would otherwise happen accusers, sharp and clever is better God
If you say to me, ‘Socrates,
Anytus [one of Socrates’s for the individual or for society. in the city. The man who really as they are, by the swifter only knows. s
If that is to corrupt the youth, fights for justice and right, even wickedness. And now I go to
prosecutors] fails to convince
pay the debt of death at your
2 1-888-TWELVE-T
T he Greek
Socrates had
law, which is innate in
every man.6 We hu-
mans only have
a strong sense a short lifetime
of the value here on earth to
of a virtuous choose to either
life. In his old age, defy God or to obey
he was tried and Him. He is not speak-
judged worthy of ing to us directly with
death for his deeply a voice from the sky,
held convictions, but through our con-
and for express- science, which we all
ing them publicly. have. The conscience
Socrates accepted speaks with authority
the judgment of the as God’s vice-regent. A
court and willingly vice-regent is a person
drank the cup of who acts in the place
deadly hemlock. He of a ruler, governor, or
believed himself to sovereign.
be a good man, and Our Creator has
that a good man said that one hundred
would have a good and twenty years is
eternal destiny. As enough to determine
the story goes, he where man will spend
received the judg- eternity,7 according
ment of those who
condemned him, “The Unexamined Life to the path each man
chooses in this life.

is not Worth Living”

and entrusted him- So why did Socrates
self into the hands say, “The unexamined
of the Almighty. life is not worth liv-
~Socrates ing”? Examine means
to inspect closely, to
Will Live our habits, and our habits result in our themselves of good and evil.2 Only the carry out a thorough
Forever… fixed character, and it is the character fool says in his heart, “There is no God.” examination or inves-
So, why did we formed in this life that we bring into He is deceiving himself when he says tigation. Do you have
Socrates think eternity. that he has no accountability for any ac- anything to hide? Are
and teach that Without the judgment of one’s life, tion he does.3 you living in guilt and
for a man’s life to without the knowledge you gain by this The one who continues to harden his denial? If so, then
be worth living it examination of the deeds you did in this heart and justify his wrong-doing will your life is not worth
should be exam- life, what are you living for anyway?1 eventually become depraved,4 and no lon- living because it will
ined? Examined by Without knowing that there are conse- ger be able to hear from his conscience. end in futility.
whom? And what quences of every choice one makes or He has effectively silenced God’s emis-
does a man do with deed one does, then what is life? Even sary in his heart. This one is “over the What is
the examination? the most worthless person actually waterfall.” He cannot recover from the Death?
Socrates knew that knows there are consequences, but he loss of his humanity — the image of Every man is born
Man is more than goes against that knowledge! God all men are born with. Having lost with an appointment
the short life he has Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the all human worth, he will spend eternity with death. As the
on this earth. Each with all of the other worthless ones in Scriptures say, it is
man has become like one of Us, to
of us has an eternal the Sea of Fire, also called “the Second appointed for all men
soul, and we deter-
know good and evil…” Death.”5 There could be nothing more to die once, and then
mine our own eter- (Genesis 3:22a) tragic than the waste of a human soul. face the judgment of
nal destiny by the The knowledge of good and evil is God expects His highest creation (man our Creator.8 Physical
choices we make inborn in all men. It is the way in which who knows right from wrong) to do the dying is when your
in this life. For our men and women are “made in the im- good he knows, according to the natural soul and spirit
thoughts become age of God” and are different from the 2
Romans 1:18-20-32; 2:6-11 depart from your
our deeds, animals, who have no such awareness in 3
Psalm 14:1-3; 53:1-3
our deeds 4
depraved — totally immoral, a warped character or 6
Romans 2:6-16, esp. v 14,15
f o r m a twisted mind. 7
Genesis 6:3
Eccl 12:14; Heb 9:27; Rom 2:14-16; Rev 20:12-15 5
Revelation 21:8; 22:15 8
Hebrews 9:27
body, going to a place of waiting called Then He will also say to those on brimstone, which is the second death. are far greater than the loss one may
Death. In Death there are no distrac- the left hand, “Depart from Me, you (Rev 21:8) temporarily experience for being honest
tions to keep you from considering your cursed, into the everlasting fire pre- and upright — doing what he knows is
Some will make themselves worthy
life — your motives and choices, your pared for the devil and his angels.” right, and not doing what he knows is
of the second death by choosing to con-
deeds and the consequences of those (Matthew 25:41) tinually embrace the evil rather than wrong. Every man knows in his heart
deeds. You may not The Sea of Fire was created for Satan the good. For those judged worthy of what is right and what is wrong, and
have taken the time and the angels who followed him in his a second death, that place of is responsible and accountable for the
to consider your rebellion. He is the author of rebellion torment will be their eternal choices he makes.
deeds while you and becomes the father of all the rebel- dwelling place. This will apply
were alive, but in God Gave
lious people on the earth. Rebellion is especially to those who are
Death, there is act of resisting or opposing authority. confronted with the gospel. Them Over
nothing else to do Iniquity was found in Satan when he rea- They are offered the water of to a Depraved
but wait for the soned that he could be like God, desiring life (which is the Holy Spirit), Mind
judgment, when to actually be greater than God, thus 15
yet they choose not to No one is responsible
your life will be dishonoring the One who created him. overcome what keeps them or held accountable
examined by the from drinking.16 They will
Being an eternal for anything he did not
One who created you and gave not receive the grace and
spirit, Satan will know in his heart to be
you the knowledge of good and evil. faith of the Holy Spirit who
have to spend wrong. The frightening
Though you may hope for oblivion9 eternity some- is coming to them to set thing is that it is very
or annihilation10 when you die, there is where.Presently them free.17 They are the easy to trust in your
no escape from this place of agonizing he is loose on the “cowardly and unbelieving” of own subjective reasoning and
awareness called Death. In this agony, earth, seeking to Revelation 21:8 — the first on increasingly lose touch with the instinc-
if a person can receive the truth of his deceive mankind away the list of those who will go tive knowledge of God that is in your
conscience condemning him, perhaps he from God’s righteous the Sea of Fire. heart, especially when you reason away
will “pay the just wages of his sin.”11 But, standard, just as he did in To be cowardly your conscience in order to feel justified
in this agony, a worthless person will the beginning with Adam and unbelieving is to in your wrongdoing.20 Though you may
only rail against the voice of truth about and Eve. Two thousand years refuse to receive the suppress the truth you know, deep inside
himself. Both will stand before God on ago, the Apostle John wrote that truth which would you still know what you know, and God
the day when God will judge the secrets the whole world lies under the save one’s soul holds us all accountable for what we
of men’s hearts and the deeds in their sway of the evil one.14 How from eternal tor- know.
lives, and determine who is worthy of a much more today? All who ment, just as the Tragically, those who continue to
second life or a second death, both of are led astray from following rich young ruler suppress the truth in unrighteousness
which will never end.12 their conscience by Satan, rejected Yahshua’s will eventually cease to hear anything
and continue to deny offer of eternal at all from their conscience. They will
God and follow life.18 Those who be turned over to their depraved minds,
Can God Satan’s rebellion, reject the gospel which do not make a distinction between
Condemn will be with him in will have no need right and wrong any more. They have
People For that place that was to go to the judg- thrown off all internal restraint.
Eternity? created for his eternal ment for all men,
Therefore God gave them over in
Many struggle since they have already
In His great kindness, judged themselves as
the lusts of their hearts to impurity,
to understand that their bodies might be dishon-
why God, who is God put a conscience unwilling to live in
into all people to save fellowship with their ored among them. And just as they
love, could judge
someone as worthy them from eternal death Creator.19 They are did not see fit to acknowledge God
of eternal torment in the Sea of Fire. and torment. That is the “judged already.” any longer, God gave them over to a
The fact that the consequences are so reason eternal consequences are in So many are depraved mind, to do those things,
dramatic indicates the seriousness of store for all who refuse the Creator. heedless and do which are not proper. (Romans
honoring or dishonoring our Creator.13 Those who go against the natural not consider the 1:24,28)
law of conscience are aligning them- consequences of
Sin is lawlessness,21 which is to say that
selves with the Evil One. their sins. The
oblivion — the state of being unaware or uncon- sin is to not pay attention to the restraint
scious of what is happening. But the cowardly, unbelieving, consequences
of conscience.22 Some people are unre-
annihilation — destroy utterly; obliterate. From
abominable, murderers, one will suffer
a Latin word which means, “reduce to nothing.”
strainable. They do not submit to natural
in the second
Some religions teach that when you die you simply sexually immoral, sorcer- law, the instinctive knowledge of good
death penalty
cease to exist. This goes directly against the inner ers, idolaters, and all liars and evil.
knowledge we have that there are consequences 15
Revelation 21:6; John 7:37-39
for our actions. shall have their part in 16
Revelation 21:7; 22:17; John 3:18,36; 7:17
Romans 6:23 the lake which burns with fire and 17
Ephesians 2:8-12; Romans 10:8-17 20
Romans 1:18,21
1 Corinthians 4:5; Revelation 20:12-15 18
Mark 10:17-30 21
1 John 3:4
Romans 2:6-16; Rev 20:12-15 14
1 John 5:19 19
John 3:18; Acts 13:46 22
James 4:17
4 1-888-TWELVE-T
A depraved mind is not quickly ment bar of God, before which all must eventually turned over to a
formed. One must “kick against the stand.30 Every person is obligated to an- depraved mind, which can no
goad”23 of his conscience night and day swer for every action. For God will bring longer hear from the conscience.
in order to finally arrive at a depraved every work or deed, every action into There is then no fear of God before his
mind. But then his name is removed judgment, whether it is good or evil.31 eyes,35 which Ecclesiastes 12:13 says one
from the Book of Life24 (where every must have as his prime responsibility. We
man’s name is written when he comes What Does it Mean to are all accountable to God for how we
into existence) and he is worthy of the Fear God? carry out our responsibility.
second death, since he is no longer wor- Hardly anyone realizes the reality that Now all has been heard; here is the
thy of a second life. the whole duty of man in this age is to conclusion of the matter: Fear God
It is appointed for men to die once fear God and keep His commandments.32
and keep His commandments,
and after this comes judgment. God’s righteous standard is present
within every man from birth. This is for this is the whole duty of man.
(Hebrews 9:27) (Ecclesiastes 12:13)
the natural law written in his
The judgment will conscience. We will all stand before our Maker
bring back every secret to give an account for how we lived
thing, the good and the When Gentiles, who do walk within the restraints of doing good,
our life. He will ask: “Did you not have a
evil.25 Some will be able not possess the Law, do not feeling free to do evil, and thus not
conscience? Then why did you not obey
to pay the just wages instinctively what the Law Me through your conscience? It was your losing the hope of a second life.38
of their sin in the first requires, these, though God-given conscience. I gave it to you.”
death.26 The judgment not having the Law, are a Being Saved From Death
Then the Lord God said, “Behold, When one continues to go against the
will also reveal the sins too law to themselves. They
terrible for one to pay for the man has become like one of Us, voice of his conscience, he knows deep
show that what the Law
in the first death,27 so they to know good and evil…” (Genesis inside that he is deserving of death,39
requires is written on
will go on to the second 3:22a) and will die, and after the judgment will
their hearts, to which go into death a second time. He even
death, which is eternal. Genesis 3:22 is both man and God
their own conscience also knows that the second time is for eter-
As Romans 3:23 says working together to assure a second life
bears witness; and their conflict- nity. At least the first death has an end
that all have sinned and fallen short of the for the man. The conscience36 speaks
glory of God, but not all have sinned to
ing thoughts will accuse or perhaps in sight, and then a judgment follows.40
from the common knowledge that God
the degree that they have been turned excuse them. (Romans 2:14,15) and man share concerning good and evil. Some, who suffered greatly to do good in
over to a depraved mind and eternal So anyone who goes against this this present lifetime, will be determined
Although they know the ordinance as worthy of the second life in the na-
torment in the Sea of Fire. law or inner restraint is a lawless or
restraint-less person. He demonstrates of God, that those who practice such tions of the eternal age.41 But for most,
All men have sinned and have an ap-
pointment with the first death.28 The his lack of respect and fear of God by things are worthy of death, they death will be the terrifying expectation
sins that take a person to the second being inconsiderate of others and the not only do the same, but also give of judgment for the second death which
death29 have to do with one’s own con- consequences of his actions. This is hearty approval to those who practice awaits them, and which is eternal.
sistent irresponsibility to sin: knowing the them. (Romans God knew before
live up to the expected right thing to do, 1:32) the foundation
standard. Our loving but not doing it. Sin of the world that
Death is separa-
Creator instilled the is restraintlessness,33 man would need a
tion from life.37 But
natural law in us all as one who trans- Savior.42 He knew
it doesn’t have to
from birth. We are all re- gresses the natural ahead of time how
be eternal separa-
sponsible, which means law written in his Satan would be de-
tion. It is according
able to respond. Those conscience, saying termined to corrupt
to how we respond
who are responsible are in his heart, “There us, and how our
to the instinctive
also then accountable. is no God.”34 The selfish nature would
law within us. When
Accountable means that result of this inner incline us away from
Adam sinned, he
one is answerable to give statement is ex- the good we knew
was immediately
an explanation of why he pressed outwardly to do, how our sin
separated from God. He could no lon-
did what he did, to see in evil deeds, even would lead us to death, and for many,
ger walk with God in the Garden, in the
if the reason holds any abominable deeds. the second death. Yahshua,43 the Son of
life of hearing and speaking directly with
weight before the judg- When one con- God, paid for our sins by dying and go-
God. But God did not abandon him to a
tinues to go beyond second death, to be eternally with Satan.
goad — a sharp stick for driving cattle, a thing 38
Genesis 3:16-19; Job 14:14
that stimulates someone into action the boundaries of conscience he is He gave Adam a way to indirectly hear 39
Romans 1:32
Revelation 20:15 His voice through the conscience. This
Revelation 20:12-15
Romans 2:16; Ecclesiastes 12:14 30
Revelation 20:11 41
Revelation 21:24; 22:2
Romans 6:23 31
Ecclesiastes 12:14
was God’s mercy to help him (and us) to 42
Revelation 13:8
Revelation 21:8; 22:15 32
Romans 2:14-15; Ecclesiastes 12:13 35
Romans 3:10-18 43
Yahshua is the Hebrew name of the one who has
Hebrews 9:27 33
1 John 3:4 36
Con-science = co-knowing been more popularly called Jesus. See Yahshua The
Revelation 20:14-15; 21:8; Matthew 25:41 34
Psalm 14:1; 53:1 37
Ephesians 2:1 as Genesis 2:17 Healer on page 10 for more on the name Yahshua.
ing into death in our place, so we The wages of sin is death.51 being given over to a depraved God’s Testing
could receive God’s mercy to This refers to both the first mind,56 and having their name Ground
escape death.44 So why die and death and the second death. erased from the Book of Life. Everything must
go to death for your sins when Since the fall of man there is a So, at the judgment of the be tested to prove its
He had already gone there on tendency towards selfish- nations,57 there will be some worthiness. Man is no
your behalf? ness, which leads to sin. who still have their name in exception. Earth is
The pen- But rebellion52 is Satan’s the Book of Life and will be God’s testing ground
alty of death sin. The Sea of Fire found worthy to live a second for man. A man’s
for sin45 can was created for Satan life in the nations of the eter- character is formed
be removed and his angels. Satan nal age.58 in this life through
in this pres- was a rebel from the Today, during his lifetime, a his response to the
ent life, but beginning. Those who man who was not acquainted instinctive knowl-
only if one follow Satan’s path with the Law of Moses still has edge of the Creator
actually puts will end up where he his second chance at life. Man that is in him,62 as
his trust in is going. fell into death when Adam he struggles along his What
the One who transgressed,59 yet he is still path through life.63 One life-
can save him Rebellion is able to make choices, and ac- Will Become of the
time is enough to determine
from death. To the Sin of cording to those choices he is the eternal destiny of a man, Fool?
be saved from Satan given eternal life in the nations for it is in this life that a man’s The fool has said in his heart,
death means All who rebel or eternal death in the character crystallizes into what “There is no God.” They
to be free from against the truth they know Sea of Fire. Which he will be for eternity. That is are corrupt, they have done
having to pay for our own sins in their heart will, by their are you choosing as why Revelation 22:11 says, abominable works, there is
in death,46 and to be purified own doings, bring upon you go through your “Unjust still… filthy still… none who does good. The
from all those things within themselves the wrath journey in this life? righteous still… holy still…” Lord looks down from heaven
us that led us to go against of God eternally — the Those who hear Still means eternally. upon the children of men, to
our conscience. For the one never-ending torment the good news see if there are any who un-
who actually puts his trust in and obey He who is unjust, let him be
of the Sea of Fire.53
unjust still; he who is filthy, derstand, who seek God. They
Him, entering into an eternal When the great the terms [the fools] have all turned
covenant with Him, the pen- of peace let him be filthy still; he who
search is made
is righteous, let him be righ- aside, they have together
alty of sin is broken. The one through all the are saved become corrupt; there is none
who keeps his new “garment” from the teous still; he who is holy, let
names recorded in
him be holy still. (Rev 22:11) who does good, no, not one.
(conscience) spotlessly white, the Book of Life,54 all possibility (Psalm 14:1-3)
obeying His word, will never of eternal What benefit is 60 or 70 or
those whose names Psalm 14 speaks of the fool
see death at all47 — not even death, and by 100 years of living selfishly
are not found in it who says in his heart that there
the first death, which even be- their obedi- when compared with eternal
will suffer the same is no God — no responsibility
lievers will experience who do ence have the torment for the unjust and filthy?
destiny as Satan, be- or accountability, nor
not keep their garments clean possibility Or what can be compared to
cause they also were consequences for his
and white.48 to never see the never-ending reward for the
rebels. They rebelled abominable deeds. They have
death at all.60 righteous? They paid the price
Eternal life in Messiah can- against the restraint
in this life in a great struggle corrupted themselves who defy
not be earned or paid for. that was given to men But those
to overcome temptation, and the truth of God they know in
Nothing one can do earns the to keep them from who hear the
they chose to do the good they their conscience. They have
free gift of eternal life, but who going over the line, good news and
knew to do. Sin is knowing the rejected their Creator and will
does God give this free gift to? to keep them within reject it are
right thing to do and not doing ultimately be away from His
One cannot pay for his obsti- the boundaries of judged already
it. It was not that the righteous presence eternally, with Satan
nate rebellion,49 which is sin God’s love. and will go
did not sin, but they did not and his angels in the Sea of
with eternal consequences. But All men were born straight to the
sin the kinds of sins which the Fire, which is the second
sin which is not rebellion can with their name in the second death,
unjust or filthy commit, to the unending death.65 All mankind
be paid for by one’s own death Book of Life. Though since they have
hurt of others, leading them could be blessed eternally, as
— the agonies of death.50 all have fallen short of already rejected
to the same destiny of the one the righteous will be. As a man
the glory of God,55 not eternal life.61 they follow. If they were to live sows, he shall reap. Every man
all have fallen to the point of forever, the unjust and filthy will “lie in the bed he made”
would continue to lead others in this life — eternally, still…66
Acts 2:24,27,31 51
Romans 6:23 56
Romans 1:24,26,28; Psalm 14:1-3
Romans 5:12: 6:23 52
Rebellion: resistance to or defiance of 57
Revelation 20:12-15 astray eternally, still, just as s
Romans 5:21 any authority, control, or tradition. 58
Matthew 25:34-40; Revelation 21:24; Satan and his angels for whom
John 8:51 53
1 Samuel 15:23; Proverbs 17:11; 22:2 the Sea of Fire was created.64
Galatians 3:27; Revelation 3:4-5; Jeremiah 28:16 59
Hebrews 9:27; Hosea 6:7;
Rev 2:11; 1 Ths 5:14-18; Rev 17:14 54
The Book of Life of the eternal nations 1 Corinthians 15:22 62
Genesis 3:22 65
Matthew 25:41; Revelation 21:8;
Romans 2:8-9; John 3:36 — Revelation 20:15 60
John 8:51 63
Job 14:14 22:15
Luke 16:28; Acts 2:24 55
Romans 3:23 61
John 3:18,36 64
Matthew 25:41 66
Revelation 22:11
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The Judgment of the Sheep & the Goats
T he scene opens before us in
Matthew 25, the last judgment.
But when the Son of Man comes
Then the righteous will answer Him,
saying, “Lord, when did we see You
hungry, and feed You, or thirsty, and
of Mine, even the least of them, you
did it to Me.” (Matthew 25:40)
There is an exactly parallel discus-
with the sheep nor to the left with the
goats — no words are addressed to
them in this judgment of the nations,
in His glory, and all the angels with give You drink? And when did we see sion with those on His left, which but only about them. They are with
Him, then He will sit on His glorious You a stranger, and invite You in, or culminates in their condemnation. Him. Based on their deeds alone,
throne. (Matthew 25:31) naked, and clothe You? And when did They will go to “the everlasting fire the righteous and the wicked, the
Before Him are all the people of all we see You sick, or in prison, and come prepared for the devil and his angels” sheep and the goats, go to the eternal
the nations of the earth separated into to You?” (Matthew 25:37-39) (verse 41) for not showing kindness destinies they deserve.
two groups. This is in preparation to So He explains that it is how they to one of the least of these, His very And these will go away into eternal
pronouncing judgment upon them. treated these brothers of His — His own disciples. punishment, but the righteous into
And all the nations will be gathered very own disciples. He is rewarding Then He will answer them, saying, eternal life. (Matthew 25:46)
before Him; and He will separate them, the righteous, for the kindness “Truly I say to you, to the extent that But “these brothers of Mine,”
them from one another, as the shep- they showed even the least of His you did not do it to one of the least called from every nation and people,
herd separates the sheep from the brothers. of these, you did not do it to Me.” ransomed by the blood of the lamb,
goats; and He will put the sheep on (Matthew 25:45) so weighty are their lives and their
His right, and the goats on the left. place as the “apple of His eye” that
(Matthew 25:32-33) the eternal destiny of all who come
Here the judgment begins, as the into contact with them depends on
Son of Man praises those on His how they treat His brothers. Because,
right for their kindness shown to as He makes it clear, that was exactly
Him — kindness that He took very how they treated Him.
personally. So it is obvious that there are Three
Then the King will say to those on His Eternal Destinies of Man — the
right, “Come, you who are blessed wicked, the righteous, and the holy:
of My Father, inherit the kingdom He who is unjust, let him be unjust
prepared for you from the foundation still; he who is filthy, let him be filthy
of the world. For I was hungry, and still; he who is righteous, let him be
you gave Me something to eat; I was righteous still; he who is holy, let him
thirsty, and you gave Me drink; I was be holy still. (Revelation 22:11)
a stranger, and you invited Me in; na- Here the wicked are called by the
ked, and you clothed Me; I was sick, two most common ways they act: un-
and you visited Me; I was in prison, just and filthy. The unjust are those who
and you came to Me.” (Matthew And take advantage of others, and the filthy
25:34-36) the are those who are sexually immoral.
Amazingly, they do not understand King will All three kinds of people, the wicked,
this. They feel as though there must answer and say to them, Separate, the righteous, and the holy will be the
have some kind of mistake. “Truly I say to you, to the extent that distinct from the nations gathered way they are forever and ever, still...
you did it to one of these brothers before Him are “these brothers of which is the basis and the necessity of
Mine.” Gathered neither to the right their eternal destinies. s

The Three E ternal D estinies
This is written in the hope that it will liberate people to know the true character
of M an:
of the Creator of mankind. Almost everyone has heard of “heaven and hell,”
but the good news we have come to know is that there are not just two,
but three eternal destinies for mankind.
Even the terms “heaven” and “hell” (as
eternal destinies) are misleading. It has What are the
been a stumbling block to many people that Three Eternal Destinies of Man?
no matter what kind of person you are, no
matter what good you have done, or how The Filthy
sincere or conscientious you may be, “if you ... give themselves over to degrading acts of immorality. They
don’t believe in Jesus, you are automatically use and abuse others in order to fulfill their own base appetites for
pleasure and indulgence.
doomed to go to a place of torment called the
Lake of Fire.” The Unjust
This “man-made” doctrine of there being ... practice lying, deceit, greed, laziness, dishonesty, and slander.
only heaven and hell has repulsed thousands They pursue their own comfort and advantage at the expense of the
upon thousands of people from the God of the suffering of others.
Like a dishonest lawyer who makes a living defending the guilty,
Bible for almost two thousand years.The Creator and an unrighteous judge who condemns the innocent, or a journalist
of the human race has been misrepresented, who makes a career out of lying…
accused, blamed, and His name maligned – Although there are differences between the two, the unjust and filthy
both love and practice deeds that violate the law of conscience.
most often by those who claim to know Him.
Their eternal destiny is the Lake of Fire.
We want to “re-present” Him to the world
in hope that His true nature and heart could be The Righteous
revealed. The Three Eternal Destinies of Man ... are those whose lives are characterized by faithfulness in their
justifies God’s heart toward mankind. relationships, diligence in their work, and kindness toward the those
whose lives they touch. Although they are not perfect in it, they
Every person must choose what his or her suffer to do the good they know in their conscience, even when it
eternal destiny will be. cost them discomfort or rejection.
The pull of evil is like the current of a river that a person must exert
Revelation 22:11 declares… himself to swim against. Going against the current of evil in society
is truly a struggle, but the righteous use their will to overcome the

Three E ternal
pull of their fallen nature.
The Their eternal destiny is a second and unending life in the nations

D estinies of M an:
of the eternal age.

The Holy
The Filthy and Unjust still… ... are a people set apart. By His death, the Son of God opened the
way to the tree of life so that a people could walk in the same way
The Righteous still… that He did. Those who are weary of their own sin and the death
sentence it merits, and who see the Savior as worthy of their whole
life, will leave everything behind to follow Him – not just their sin,
And the Holy still… but everything including family, career, and possessions.
They will become a set-apart people, wholly devoted to Him, for
These are the final destinations for all that is what “holy” means. They become His visible, tangible Body
on earth, living together and loving one another just as the Messiah
mankind. The Creator of heaven and earth loved them.
Their eternal destiny is to rule and reign with their Master Yahshua
leaves this choice up to each individual. the Messiah as His Bride — the Holy City.
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Fate or Destiny?
There is a difference between fate and destiny. It
is mankind’s fate to die once. Fate, like death, is
unavoidable. It is an appointment which every person
must keep. You can’t change fate, but you can change
your destiny…
Your eternal destiny is set in direct
Destiny is like destination. It is the place where you relation to how you obey or disobey
arrive at the end of your journey. Each step takes you your conscience. Every person has a
closer to where you are going, just as every choice you conscience which tells him instinctively
make takes you closer to your eternal destiny. what is right and what is wrong. That is why
Every person will go to one of The Three Eternal we are without excuse for the choices we make.
Destinies based on how he lives and conducts his life. Your deeds, your words, the things you think, and
God the Creator does not decide for you, as though it even your hidden motives, are what you will have
were a matter of fate. No! You choose your own eternal to give account for. It is so wonderful that God, our
destiny. Your actions reflect the choices you make and Creator, has left us the freedom to choose for ourselves
reveal your inner motives and true character. what our ultimate eternal destiny will be.

The true God is not indis- and others? What is the point of having a conscience if
criminate in His judgments, God does not reward those who suffer to maintain it?
but distinguishes between So who can you blame when you arrive at your
the Filthy and Unjust, the eternal destination? It is ultimately up to you to decide
Righteous, and the Holy. We what your eternal destiny will be. The Creator will
can clearly see that there are three eter- not force you to do what is right. Since you have the
nal destinies for mankind, not just two as knowledge of right and wrong at work within yourself,
Christianity has mistakenly taught us. you are totally accountable for your deeds.
The simple truth is that God recognizes another Fallen man must live by the knowledge of good and evil. He cannot
category of people: those who are righteous according stretch out his hand to eat from the Tree of Life, for he is under the sentence
to the instinctive knowledge of the truth which is of death for his sin. Only if someone could take his place in death could he
inherent within their conscience. gain access to the Tree of Life.
Perhaps you are not used to thinking in terms of three Yahshua, the Son of God, took our judgment upon Himself in
eternal destinies, yet the truth of these words resonates death and provided the way back to the Tree of Life. He is the Tree
with your conscience. How could a righteous and just God of Life. All who utterly surrender their own lives in order to live only
cast righteous and just people into the Lake of Fire? for Him will be able to eat from the Tree of Life. They will be a set-
Will He condemn men and women to eternal torment apart people, just as the Tree of Life was set apart from the Tree of the
who suffer to keep a good conscience? Will He treat them the Knowledge of Good and Evil. They are His holy people who will know
same as the cowardly, self-seeking, greedy, deceitful, and Messiah intimately in a relationship that endures for eternity.
sexually filthy people who defile and corrupt themselves You can become one of His holy people if you want to. s 9
F rom time to time, radical
men and their radical
thoughts have swept across the
unexplored areas of the human
heart, bringing men’s motives
out of their dark burrows and
caused such a stir? What
was it that polarized all of
humanity, causing some to
His shocking message and
what it brings us all to has been
intellectualized by a million
He was the most passionate
and determined man who ever
lived. The blazing quality of
stage of history. When these into plain view. Even those adore Him and others to hollow words. We’ve lost His life was so pure that even
men appear, they disturb the who followed Him found the grind their teeth at Him? sight of Him in the dust of a death has bowed down before
comfortable and self-satisfied ancient foundations of their It was something so stampede to enshrine Him and Him. His endurance and single-
among us. But there is one lives quaking in devastation. wonderful that if you heard it, institutionalize Him. Although mindedness have established a
man who deserves our special The words that He spoke you could hardly believe it. He poured out His life in beachhead in this hostile world.
recognition. His life was like The good news He the dusty, sun-bit villages of He accomplished the mission
the path of a comet proclaimed was this: Judea, artists have insisted on He was given to do. He is God’s
— in both its Deny yourself. Turn away presenting Him clean, combed Anointed Son, sent by His
briefness from your self-centered life. Let and sleek, in spotless clothing, Father to set all creation free.
and your old impulses and desires To the
die inside of you. Follow What was it that polarized complex
Me in the way I am
going and you will find
all of humanity, causing some reasoning of the
resisting heart,
yourself caring for to adore Him and others to He is a tyrant,
others and having gnash their teeth at Him? demanding total

all your needs met. obedience. But
Is it any and with an expression that to the yielding heart, He is a
wonder that the the average child would think King who offers total care. To
society of His day strange and repelling. take Him seriously is to enter

cried out against These, among a million upon a challenging and radical

The Healer Him? Whatever

else the deafness
and blindness of
other impressions, have made
Him unreal to so many of
us. This distortion of His
new path. Of those who find
themselves stirred by His word,
He said, “These are My sheep.
His hearers might image has also distorted His They will hear My voice.”
have missed, it’s name. If we view Him in an He is the perfect Shepherd.
clear that they saw unreal way, we truly cannot The life He established is
this: He was the seed know Him or be connected to unending, and one day it is
of a whole new order Him. His name is Restorer. going to fill the whole earth,
of things. The greatest The traditional groups that and then the whole universe.
enemy to this man’s message have a supposed devotion to Despite what we may have been
intensity. was the fossilized human heart. His memory largely ignore the told, we now know that His
Who was Yet, what this man matter that was closest to His name is Salvation. This is the
this man? He accomplished was enduring. heart — the message of His name He is known by among
was everything His That’s why His name is kingdom, the call of deliverance the people He is gathering.
name describes. He still had an amazing effect on important. His name shines in from the decaying His name is true because it
is. His name is Healer. people. When He spoke, some all that He has accomplished. society in says what He is. His name is
Though His years were people totally abandoned His name is Deliverer. which we Yahshua. Does His name
short, His extraordinary life their homes, families, jobs, The same world that He live. stir your heart? s
established a new race among and properties to follow Him came into has made Him the
the afflicted, broken-hearted, from town to town, doing victim of a great campaign,
and strife-torn peoples of the
earth. There has never been a
whatever He told them to
do. Others heard His words
a campaign to distort
His true T N A
he ame bove ll ames A N
light like the light that shone and turned their backs on image. Although commonly rendered as Jesus, Yahshua is actually the Hebrew name of the
forth from this man. His words Him, or called Him a devil, Son of God. It is what His mother Miriam (Mary) and foster father Yoceph (Joseph) named
broke into the or plotted to kill Him. Him when He was born, as recorded in Matthew 1:21. The footnote for this verse in the NIV New
What did this man Testament reads: “Jesus is the Greek form of Joshua.” In Hebrew, as in old English, there is no “J”
talk about that sound, so the name is more accurately rendered Yahshua. It means “I am powerful to save,” since it is
constructed from Yah, the personal name of God, and shua, which is from a Hebrew root word that
means “power and authority to save.” In Exodus 3:14, God introduced Himself to Moses as YAH,
meaning “I AM.” Other examples can be seen in Psalm 68:4, KJV (“by his name Jah”), and in the
familiar Hebrew word Hallelujah (“Praise Yah”). In John 5:43 and 17:11, Yahshua declared that He
had come in His Father’s name, “the name which You have given Me” (NASB), so it is not surprising
that the Father’s name would be directly incorporated into the Son’s name. Acts 26:14-15 says that the
apostle Paul heard the Son of God introduce Himself “in the Hebrew tongue.” There it is recorded that
He didn’t use the Greek name Iesous nor the English name Jesus, but rather His Hebrew name. We call
Him Yahshua because that truly is His name, the name above all names (Philippians 2:9, Acts 4:12).

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The Healing of the Nations
present age, but the Righteous
cannot be healed in their soul
and mind until the eternal age.
The Righteous will have enough
human worth left in them to
stand in the judgment that is
“For the Son of Man has reveal a restoration of all things entirely; and may your coming for all men.7 They are
at the end of this age, in the spirit and soul and body be those who will be found worthy
come to seek and to save of a second life, after they have
next age, and in the eternal preserved complete, without
that which was lost.” He came to save, those who are age.1 Our Creator’s ultimate paid the just wages of their sin
blame at the coming of our
~Yahshua, the Messiah sick and need a real doctor. purpose is to redeem and in death.8 Going through death
Lord Jesus Christ.

Ywhich even two thousand

Probably not many of us restore His highest creation does not heal them.
ahshua came to a world would regard ourselves as so (1 Thessalonians 5:23)
from the devastating effects of And he showed me a river
damaged or lost. But if we knew evil and selfishness, and then Our spirit, soul, and body
of the water of life, clear as
years ago was full of strife, the glory a man was intended fill the infinite universe with must be renewed — made
division and deep desperation. to have and the power of our qualitatively3 new, to be eter-
crystal, coming from the
His goodness, kindness, and
If man was “lost” then, how Creator to restore us, we might nal4 as the new heavens and throne of God and of the
love. Though it could seem like
much more now in this age of just realize our true condition. wishful thinking or far-fetched earth will be qualitatively re- Lamb, in the middle of its
skyrocketing suicide to some, we believe it newed, renovated by fire, made street. And on either side of
and divorce rates, because we are expe- habitable for a new beginning.5 the river was the tree of life,
medicated children, riencing a foretaste Our renewal comes through a bearing twelve kinds of fruit,
and the shameless of the age to come, deep healing process in which yielding its fruit every month;
pursuit of self- in actual and the leaves of
gratification. The communities There is a the tree were for the
ancient proverb says, where this healing of the nations.
“As a man thinks, so restoration is renaissance coming (Revelation 22:1-2)
he is.” So what on happening.
earth is man thinking? Mankind for mankind, Revelation 22:2
looks forward to the
Is there any hope that has had am-
we could be renewed ple opportu- a rebirth or renewal, healing of the na-
tions, of them and
in our mind, soul, nity for many
and spirit? For surely thousands of a restoration of all all who will be born
to them forever and
man’s great potential years to try all
has scarcely been of his self-help that has been lost. ever, from genera-
tion to generation.9
realized. programs,
The word lost could vain philosophies, and we overcome all of our wrong The minds and souls of their
mean perishing in the man-made religions. ways, the things in us that offspring will also need healing
world. It could mean But people have never cause pain to others, alienat- from the effects of their former
destroyed, meaning been more alienated, ing us from our Creator and life in this age. For the devastat-
you’re no longer self-centered, and un- our fellow man. The Holy, who ing effects of selfishness and evil
there or you might holy. We are surely liv- have completely entrusted their run deep, even to the genetic
as well not be there — you’re We can look to Yahshua as an ing in the end of days foreseen lives to Yahshua in this age, will level, and will take generations
lost, like a destroyed character, example of man in His highest by the prophet Daniel — the give themselves to this healing to heal completely.10 This can
which no longer reflects the im- glory, reflecting the image of time when knowledge has in- process, looking forward to come about only through the
age of the Creator. Actually the God. He lived as an example creased exponentially and men the eternal day when we will holy ones who reign forever and
word also means marred. After for us to follow, which requires travel to and fro all over the face be with Him and like Him in ever over them to provide that
you mar something it is marred a true and real deliverance from of the earth.2 Never has there every way.6 healing.11 Through their healing
— defaced, disfigured, dam- our fallen state. This is what been so much knowledge, yet the Righteous will be restored
aged, dissipated, defective... salvation is all about — being so little wisdom, and so much
The Healing of the to the fullness of how Adam
Yahshua came to seek restored and renewed, being activity with no real sense of Nations and Eve were before the Fall.12
and to save those who were healed from the inside out, in purpose. The Holy give themselves The original mandate of
seriously damaged, injured, order that we could be like our to this healing process in this Genesis 1:28 to “Be fruitful
Now may the God of and multiply, and fill the earth,
spoiled, ruined. Life in this Creator forever and ever.
world has marred God’s
peace Himself sanctify you 3
Qualitative: relating to, measuring, or
and rule over it” has now been
Renaissance measured by the quality of something
highest creation. Man’s soul 1
Mark 9:12; Luke 1:17; Acts 3:21; Rev- rather than its quantity. 7
Revelation 20:12-15
There is a renaissance coming
has been bewitched, bothered, elation 21:1-5 4
Revelation 21:4 8
See “An Unexamined Life” on page 3
for mankind, a rebirth or re- 2
Daniel 12:4. In 2010, at any given 5
Psalm 102:25,26; Revelation 21:1-3 9
Ephesians 3:21
bewildered, transformed into
newal, a restoration of all that moment, there are approximately 5,000 6
1 Corinthians 1:2; 1 John 3:1-3; Rev- 10
Exodus 20:5,6
another image, in deep trouble, commercial passenger flights traveling in elation 21:2,9-12; Ephesians 1:18-21; 11
Revelation 22:2-5
has been lost. The Scriptures
in distress, scarred. That’s who US airspace. 2:19-21; 3:21 12
Romans 3:23 11
or renewed, God Will Be With special notice of each damaged “with men” — the righteous
not yet Them and Among soul. This will take human-to- men of the nations. But the holy
restored to its human care and attention. ones must be like His firstborn
former state The holy ones will be their son Yahshua, and have His same
So in Revelation 22:2, healing
before the fall attendants until all tears can be attitude, who took the form of
means that someone human
of man. wiped from their eyes and the
and touchable, visible and
So in the memory of their own death,
material will have to minister
eternal age, and the death of their fam-
to them the leaves of the Tree
the people ily, and the pain of their past
of Life, giving special attention
of the na- life and their time in death,
to cure or heal them of the
tions who is gone. There shall be no
hurt ways in their souls. This
have been more curse, only freedom.
kindness and care is actually
granted a
second life
coming from the Creator God’s Servants
Himself, as He will live in His Are Redeemed
will need
Body — the holy ones, the
healing by
Twelve Tribes of Israel united
and Healed in
the leaves This Age
with their husband, Messiah
of the God is spirit, and He
Tree of Life, needs His very highest
in abeyance for six which will be administered And I heard a loud voice
creation to be redeemed
thousand years, awaiting the by the Holy — the servants of from the throne, saying, “Be- by the blood of His son
restoration of man. Man has Messiah. You can see the heart hold, the tabernacle of God Yahshua, who lived His
not been able in his fallen state of our awesome Creator that is among men, and He shall life on earth as a servant
to bring it about to its fullest He cares so deeply about their dwell among them, and they to bring healing to those
extent — quite the contrary. lives and knows their struggle shall be His people, and He touched. And who will
But in the restoration of the to overcome and maintain their
God Himself shall be among be the servants who will
nations in the eternal day, once righteousness against all op- care for the people of the
position. This is what
them. (Revelation 21:3) the servant.20 The Holy
more it will be given to them nations, but these redeemed
to fulfill — forever and ever, it means that they “will sinners who were far worse than willingly offer their obedience,
multiplying from generation to not lose their reward,”16 those of the nations who devotion, and loyalty to
generation, forever and ever.13 which they knew in- went through such hard Him. They serve Him
stinctively as they de- service to maintain their where He dwells by
The Holy Will termined to choose the His Spirit, ministering
conscience.18 That is
Serve the Nations good in life. why they will be to and receiving
Forever and Ever The servants of redeemed in this healing through their
Messiah will wipe away fellow servants.
And there shall no longer be age to overcome
all tears from their eyes their selfish Those who serve
any curse; and the throne of and heal their souls, Him now, in His
God and of the Lamb shall ways, learning to
restoring them to their walk by His Spirit Body, are those
be in it, and His bond- former created state who will serve
and love with His
servants shall serve Him. before selfishness and love.19 They will be Him eternally
(Revelation 22:3) the evil one defiled His servants, His as part of His
Healing comes from the their minds and caused ministers whom Body — His
servants of Messiah — the great hurt and damage. He can minister dwelling place
Holy, who reign over the The souls of the nations through to heal forever and
nations as “servant kings” just who are resurrected to the people of the ever.21 s
as Yahshua was in His days on a second life are not nations. They will If anyone serves
the earth.14 To serve Him is to totally defiled, or there have so much compassion Me, let him follow
minister that deep healing to the would be nothing that and respect for those people Me; and where I
nations who have gone through could be restored or after all they have been
renewed, nothing left if they The healing of the people am, there shall My
great struggle, hardship, pain, through in this age to be servant also be; if
were totally depraved in mind. of the nations will take special
suffering, and last of all death.15 redeemed.
care by the personal presence anyone serves Me,
But through their struggle, the As one’s spirit ministers
soul and mind was not healed
of those attending to their the Father will
through his own body, so
damaged minds and souls. So
God in His people can be honor him.
Revelation 21:24; Ephesians 3:21 the holy ones whom God lives in (John 12:26)
See “The Majestic Ones” on page 14 and ministers through will take
to learn more about the Holy. 18
Isaiah 24:5 20
Philippians 2:1-11
Job 14:14; Revelation 21:4 16
Matthew 10:42; Mark 9:41 17
Revelation 21:2-4,9-12; 22:1,2 19
John 13:35; 1 John 3:14,16 21
Revelation 21:3; 22:2,6

12 1-888-TWELVE-T
If you don’t know that there are consequences for every decision you made
every word you said, every deed you did, if you don’t know that, then what is life?

If what you do now doesn’t make a difference one way or another

if eternity is not affected by today, then life is meaningless now, too.
You might as well be an insect and wander on your way.

But even the person who feels that his life is worth nothing actually knows inside
that there are consequences to what he does, but he goes against that knowledge.
He denies it, but he knows deep down that it is true:
there is a God up there somewhere who watches and it matters what we do.

We’ve heard it said that there is no God, no one in charge of the universe,
no judgment to come, no one looking down on us, no condemnation, say some.

Others have said there is a wrathful God who judged you before you are born,
who’s watching you, condemning you, no matter what you’ve done.

We live our lives believing what we will, but when death comes, as it does to each one,
then our eyes can see who’ve we become.
Will we say, “I didn’t realize…why didn’t anyone tell me what I could have done?”


Why are there such dramatic consequences for being a human being?
Why can’t we be like a little bird, make our nest and not think about eternity?
Or why can’t we be like water, flowing like a river into timeless time?

What would heaven be like if you were there the way you are now?
Would just being in paradise finally change you?
Or would your hurtful ways change paradise into hell all over again?

have been anything but majestic and writing as a prophet, said, “He has crowned people of the nations who obeyed their

As for the saints

excellent! him with glory and honor and majesty.”4 conscience will be the Restored Man in
However, the Psalms of David are Can you imagine how our Creator longs the eternal age12 — restored to the origi-

n e s
prophecy, which must be fulfilled. King to see His highest creation restored to how nal state of the first man and woman

He created us to be? He desires before the Fall.

David looked into the future, seeing the

t i
who are upon the

e s
great worth of man and the ultimate it so much that The Holy = Redeemed Man

a j
purpose for which he was created — to The Nations of the Eternal Age = Restored

The M
rule over all creation: Man

earth, they are the

One Heart and One Way
The Holy are called to treat one anoth-
er with dignity, having great appreciation
for who He has made each one of them

noble, glorious,
He gave to be. They treat all men with dignity and
His precious son Yahshua5 respect, but especially they treat those of
as a ransom, in order to redeem us and their own household with all dignity and
What is man save us!6 honor. This is their response to the glory

majestic, and
that You take thought of him? they see in each other, which demands
The Holy Ones love and respect. This is the nature of
And the son of man, that You care
The revelation of The Three Eternal their life — having one heart and one
for him? Yet You have made him Destinies of Man7 rightly identifies the way.13 This is how all men will know
a little lower than God, and you

excellent ones in
category of the who belongs
crown him with glory and majesty! Holy as these Ultimately, God’s name to Him — be-
You have made him to rule over the noble, majes-
works of Your hands; You have put tic ones, the is no better than the cause they love
Him with all
ultimate attainment of of their heart,
whom is all
all things under his feet. royal sons of
(Psalm 8:4-6) Yahweh, who His highest creature, mind, soul,
Ultimately, God’s name is no better will reign with and strength,
Him eternally.8 His noble and most and they love
than the ultimate attainment of His

My delight.
highest creature, His noble and most Yahshua, the excellent creature – Man one another as
excellent creature — Man. All the rest Messiah, paid themselves. 14

of His creatures are creatures of instinct the price that makes them Holy. He bore This can’t happen while living only with
and cannot choose to honor Him. Thus their shame in order that they could bear one’s own nuclear family, but only as it
they cannot bring the highest honor to His glory.9 He delivered them from their was in the beginning with the first-cen-
meaningless existence and set them tury church: All those who believed lived
~Psalm 16:3
His name, even though they and the
mountains and all of creation do bring apart for His own special purpose, which together and share all things in common.15
Him glory.2 Yet as long as His highest is what holy actually means — set apart.
creature, His highest creation, is not They have been called and chosen to The Holy are a Royal
reflecting His glory, God can have no reign over the men of the nations in the Priesthood
rest, day or night.3 Not until His ultimate eternal age, as God’s eternal dwelling
place — a corporate body to house His But you are a chosen race, a royal
ho and where are these creature is ruling the universe with love priesthood, a holy nation, a people
can His ultimate purpose be fulfilled, for Spirit eternally. The Holy will be the
“saints” whom the Creator for God’s own possession, that you
He created all things for His highest Redeemed Man ransomed by the blood
of all holds in such high esteem? Surely may proclaim the excellencies of Him
creature to rule. of Yahweh’s first-born son, Yahshua.
they are those who hold His name in
The men and women of the nations who has called you out of darkness
high esteem, and who labor night and Psalm 8:6 says, “You have made man
day to make His name excellent in all to have delegated authority, rulership, or (those who are not part of His holy na- into His marvelous light; for you
the earth! Presently, the name of God dominion over the works of Your hands.” tion) are expected to live by the instinc- once were not a people, but now you
Man is the highest thought God has ever tive knowledge of God which He put in are the people of God; you had not
stands in need of being redeemed in all
had. He could not make us any better if every man’s conscience. The righteous received mercy, but now you have
the earth, since it has been brought low
by those who claimed to revere Him, He tried, for we are made in His likeness, 4
Psalm 8:5; Revelation 22:5; Daniel 7:18,27 NRSV received mercy. (1 Peter 2:9-10)
yet behaved shamefully before all the so that He could make His home in us 5
Yahshua is the Hebrew name of the one who has
The holy nation is a royal priesthood
watching world. At least 17 centuries and communicate His love through us. been more popularly called Jesus. See Yahshua the
Healer on page 10 for more on the name Yahshua. of twelve tribes who diligently serve
of violence and corruption have stained Can you imagine what that will be like? 6
John 3:16,17; Matthew 1:21 God night and day.16 They no longer
the garments of those who claim to be Man was made only a little lower in 7
Revelation 22:11 live for themselves, but for Him who
God’s spokesmen on the earth.1 They glory than His Creator, yet because of sin,
Revelation 1:6; 5:9,10
2 Corinthians 5:21; John 17:22 12
Revelation 21:24; 22:2
he fell short of that glory. Still, King David, 10
Revelation 21:3; 5:9,10; Daniel 7:27 13
Jeremiah 32:39; Psalm 133; Acts 4:32
Psalm 19:1 11
redeem — compensate for the faults or bad 14
Matthew 22:37-40; John 13:35; 17:21-23
See The Mystery of the Black Box, http://www. 3
2 Corinthians 4:15,17 NRSV; 1 Corinthians 2:9; aspects of something; gain or regain possession of 15
Acts 2:44; 4:32 8:6; Ephesians 1:22-23; 4:10 something in exchange for payment. 16
Acts 26:7; James 1:1; Revelation 21:9,12
14 1-888-TWELVE-T
died and experienced the agony of death in their place.1 They will be fulfillment of what And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, “Now the dwelling of
He called the children of Israel to be when He delivered them out of Egypt,2 following God [which is the Bride, the Holy City] is with men [the men of the na-
in the footsteps of their father Abraham.3 tions], and He will dwell with them. They will be His people, and God
For I have chosen him [Abraham], in order that he may command his children and his Himself will be with them and be their God. He will wipe every tear
household after him to keep the way of Yahweh by doing righteousness and justice; in order from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or
that Yahweh may bring upon Abraham what He has spoken about him. (Genesis 18:19) pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” (Revelation 21:3-4)
The Holy have royal children in the process of being trained up in the way of
The Body of God
Yahweh — to do justice and righteousness. These holy offspring are not wasting their
The honor given to the Redeemed Man “in whom is all His delight”
lives with foolish and vain pursuits, nor are they conformed to the world, for they are
is even a greater honor than his original glory.
the hope of the world.4 Most people in our day would never
The “saints” are the Holy in Revelation
understand that this is what it is going to take to fulfill
22:11 — “let him be holy still.” The
the promises God made to Abraham5 — fathers
Righteous have the glory restored to
turning their hearts to their children to raise
man that was his original glory and
them up in the way they should go.6
honor before the Fall — “let him
This is an essential aspect of the holy
be righteous still.” Still means
nation, for this is what sets them
forever and ever, as man’s char-
and their children apart for God’s
acter is set for eternity in one of
purpose and His will alone.
three categories — the Holy, the
The Glorious Ones Righteous, or the Unrighteous
The glory that You have given (unjust and filthy).
Me I have given them, so that The saints are the redeemed
they may be one, even as — those purchased by the
We are one. (John 17:22) blood of the Lamb, even
The Holy are the glorious from the foundation of the
ones, having inner worth universe.8 God’s original
that demands the respect purpose was to have a
of others. This fellowship Redeemed Man of splendor,
of heart and life binds honor, glory, magnificence,
them together as one, and beauty to be His own
bringing the highest honor eternal dwelling place. The
to the One who gave them holy nation would be a
His glory. Glory is the corporate body fit for Him,9
heaviest weight by which made ready without fault or
God can be honored. God blemish, wholly compatible,
crowned man with the highest able to be together as one
degree of glory and honor and forever and ever, holy and
dominion. Honor is excellence. worthy of Him.10
Dominion is to be ruler over all, King David prophesied, “You
to reign, govern, and have authority have made man to have rulership
over all of His creatures and creation. as kings with the highest glory and
Redeemed Man (the Holy) is to rule honor” — to be respected as God
and reign over Restored Man (the nations Himself dwelling in human flesh, in His
of the eternal age).7 This is how Yahweh eternal dwelling place.11 Just as Yahshua
Himself (in His Body) will be with the men of was chosen before the foundations of the
the nations, caring for them and wiping every tear world,12 so we were chosen to bear His glory,13
from their eyes, bringing deep healing to their souls. in order that many could believe and put their hope
in our Master Yahshua, the Messiah. s
2 Corinthians 5:15; Acts 2:24
Exodus 19:5-6; Deuteronomy 7:6; 14:2 8
Revelation 13:8; Ephesians 1:4
Galatians 3:29 9
Ephesians 2:21-22; Revelation 21:3,9,12,24
1 John 2:12-17; 1 Peter 4:4; Romans 8:18,19 10
Revelation 3:4-5; 5:9,10; 19:7,8
Genesis 15:18 11
Hebrews 1:3; Revelation 21:3; Matthew 1:23
Malachi 4:5,6; Proverbs 22:6; Deuteronomy 6:4-7; 29:29 12
Revelation 13:8
Revelation 1:6; 5:9-10; Revelation 21:24 13
Ephesians 1:4; 1 John 3:1-3; 1 Peter 1:18-23 15
!wlwbz Zebulun – to honor British Isles    @sowy Joseph – increase Western United States    !ymynb Benjamin – son of the right hand Southeastern United States hdwhy Judah – praise Northeastern United States    !bwar Reuben – a son who sees France    dg Gad – fortune has come Canada   

Come and see us!
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rXa Asher – happy Australia    yltpn Naphtali – my wrestlings Brazil    hXXnm Manasseh – cause to forget Central United States 1- 888 -TWELVE-T
The Commonwealth of Israel

CALIFORNIA Common Ground Café, 420 Main St. Germany

Community in Vista, 2683 Foothill Drive Hyannis, MA 02601 % (508) 778-8390 Gemeinschaft in Klosterzimmern
Vista, CA 92084 % (760) 295-3852 Community in Plymouth, 35 Warren Ave. Klosterzimmern 1, 86738 Deiningen, Germany
Yellow Deli, 321 East Broadway Plymouth, MA 02360 % (508) 747-5338 % (49) 9081-290-1062
Vista, CA 92084 % (760) 631-1888 Common Sense Wholesome Food Market Prinz & Bettler Café Reimlinger Straße
If God lived on my street, I’m sure Morning Star Ranch, 12458 Keys Creek Rd. 53 Main St, Plymouth, MA 02360 % (508) 732-0427 9 Nördlingen, Germany % (49) 9081-275-0440
the house would be big. It would have lots Valley Center, CA 92082 % (760) 742-8953
of rooms for all the widows and orphans
Blue Blinds Bakery, 7 North Street England (0800-0743267)
COLORADO Plymouth, MA 02360 % (508) 747-0462 Stentwood Farm, Dunkeswell, Honiton,
who live t­here. It would be their home, not
Community in Manitou Springs, 41 Lincoln Ave. NEW YORK Devon EX14 4RW, England % (44) 1823-681155
some institutional orphanage with bars on Manitou Springs, CO 80829 % (719) 573-1907
the windows. I’m sure the rooms would Common Sense Farm, 41 N. Union Street
Cambridge, NY 12816 % (518) 677-5880
have windows to let lots of light in. The Maté Factor Café, 966 Manitou Ave Comunidad de San Sebastián, Paseo de Ulia 375
house would probably be old and fixed-up, Manitou Springs, CO 80829 % (719) 685-3235 Common Ground Café & Bakery 10 E. Main St. 20013 San Sebastián, Spain % (34) 943-32-79-83
not new and plastic. Community in Boulder, 583 Aztec Drive Cambridge, NY 12816 % (518) 677-2360 Sentido Común, General Echagüe 6
There would be a nice white fence Boulder, CO 80303 % (303) 974-5097 Community in Oneonta, 81 Chestnut Street 20003 San Sebastian, Spain % (34) 943-433-103
around the house, so that the children are MISSOURI Oneonta, NY 13820 % (607) 267-4062
safe inside. It would have a gate that is easy Community on the Lake of the Ozarks The Yellow Deli, 134 Main St.
to open, so that guests could come in. No 1130 Lay Ave, Warsaw, MO 65355 % (660) 438-2541 Communauté de Sus, 11, route du Haut Béarn
Oneonta, NY 13820 % (607) 431-1155
mean dog would bark and scare people. 64190 Sus/Navarrenx, France % (33) 559-66-1428
Common Ground Café on the Osage Community in Ithaca, 119 Third Street
Lots of people would live in God’s 145 E. Main Street, Warsaw, MO 65355 Ithaca, NY 14850 % (607) 272-6915 Argentina
house, I’m sure, because God doesn’t % (660) 438-2581 Comunidad de Buenos Aires
want to be alone. He’s not a lonely God. Maté Factor Café 143 East State St. Batallón Norte y Mansilla 120, 1748 General Rodriguez
Common Sense Bakery & Market Ithaca, NY 14850 % (607) 256-2056
Nobody would cry alone in their rooms at Buenos Aires, Argentina % (54) 237-484-3409
234 W. Main Street, Warsaw, MO 65355
night, or at the dinner table over a bowl of % (660) 438-2787 NEW HAMPSHIRE Brazil
reheated canned soup. No, all the people Community in Lancaster, 12 High Street Comunidade de Londrina, Rua Major Achilles
Stepping Stone Farm, Rt. 2, Box 55 Lancaster, NH 03584 % (603) 788-4376
would eat together, and some would cook, Ferreira Pimpão 5000, 86040-020
Weaubleau, MO 65774 % (417) 428-3251
and some would clean up, but they would Simon the Tanner — Family Outfitters Londrina, Paraná, Brazil % (55) 43-3326-9664
all be together. Common Ground Café, 100 W. Hwy 54 55 Main Street, Lancaster, NH 03584 Comunidade de Campo Largo, Caixa Postal 1056,
They would invite everyone on my street Weaubleau, MO 65774 % (417) 428-0248 % (603) 788-4379 83601-980 Campo Largo Paraná, Brazil % (55) 41-3555-2393
to a special dinner. They would invite the TENNESSEE VERMONT Café Chão Comum, Rodovia do Café BR 376
poor couple in the small apartment, and Community in Chattanooga, 900 Oak Street Community in Island Pond, P.O. Box 449 KM 297, 86828-000 Mauá da Serra, Paraná, Brazil
the crippled woman, and the lame boy Chattanooga, TN 37403 % (423) 752-3071 Island Pond, VT 05846 % (802) 723-9708 % (55) 43-8812-2280
with the funny legs that curved inwards. The Yellow Deli, 737 McCallie Ave Simon the Tanner — Family Outfitters
And the blind man, yes, everybody knew Chattanooga, TN 37403 % (423) 386-5210 Cross & Main Streets, Island Pond, VT 05846 Australia
his name, and he came all the time. There Community in Pulaski, 219 S. Third Street % (802) 723-4426 The Woolshed, 1510 Remembrance Drive
was a place for everyone at the table, but Pulaski, TN 38478 % (931) 424-7067 Picton, NSW 2571, Australia % (61) 02-4677-0600
Yellow Deli/Common Sense, 28 Cross St.
not everyone came. The important people Common Ground Café & Bakery at the Island Pond VT 05846 % (802) 723-4453 Peppercorn Creek Farm, 1375 Old Hume Highway,
never came, because they were too busy Heritage House, 219 S. Third Street Picton, NSW 2571, Australia % (61) 02-4677-2668
Basin Farm, P.O. Box 108
doing important things. They could have Pulaski, TN 38478 % (931) 363-8586 Common Ground Café in Katoomba 214 Katoomba St.
Bellows Falls, VT 05101 % (802) 463-9264
come, but they didn’t. Katoomba, NSW 2780, Australia % (61) 02-4782-9744
VIRGINIA Community in Rutland, 134 Church Street
God’s house would be clean. God’s
Stoneybrook Farm (Washington, DC area) Rutland, VT 05701 % (802) 773-3764
yard would be clean. In fact, all the trash 15255 Ashbury Church Rd, Hillsboro, VA 20132
on the street would get picked up. You % (540) 668-7123 Back Home Again Café & Hostel, 23 Center St.
Rutland, VT 05701 % (802) 775-9800
Visit Us at Our Cafés & Stores
could tell someone cared.
God is love, and love is God. I think NORTH CAROLINA
– if I lived where Love lived, that I could
Gladheart Farms, 9 Lora Lane Canada (1-888-893-5838)
Asheville, NC 28803 % (828) 274-8747 Community in Winnipeg, 89 East Gate, Winnipeg,
change my bad habits. I could even be Manitoba R3C 2C2, Canada % (204) 786-8787
honest about the bad things I had done, Community Conference Center
and then I could change. I bet everybody 471 Sulphur Springs Road, Hiddenite, NC 28636 Common Ground Café, 596 Fifth St.
who lived at God’s house says “I’m sorry” (between Statesville & Hickory) % (828) 352-9200 Courtenay, BC V9N 1K3, Canada % (250) 897-1111
a lot and “I forgive you” even more. GEORGIA New Sprout Farm PO Box 189, 7191 Howard Rd.
If you wanted to come over, you’d Community in Brunswick, 927 Union Street Merville, BC V0R 2M0, Canada % (250) 337-5444
be welcome. All the people inside would Brunswick, GA 31520 % (912) 267-4700
Mount Sentinel Farm, 2915 Highway 3a
stop and talk to you. If it was getting late, Common Ground Bakery, 801 Egmont St. South Slocan, (Nelson), British Columbia V1L 4E2,
God would invite you to spend the night Brunswick, GA 31520 % (912) 264-5116 Canada % (250) 359-6847
and give you His room. He’d even let you Community in Savannah, 403 E. Hall Street Preserved Seed Café, 202 Vernon St.
move in to His house. And you could bring Savannah, GA 31401 % (912) 232-1165 Nelson, BC V1L 4E2, Canada % (250) 352-0325
home another person, too. MASSACHUSETTS
It would be a place to belong, a place Fairfield Farm (Vancouver area)
Community in Boston, 92 Melville Ave. 11450 McSween Rd. Chilliwack, BC V2P 6H5,
to be for a long time, a place where the Dorchester, MA 02124 % (617) 282-9876
people belong to God, and He belongs to Canada % (604) 795-6199
Common Ground Café 2243 Dorchester Ave.
Preserved Seed Café, (Vancouver area) Visit:
Dorchester, MA 02124 % (617) 298-1020
I would move in and live with Love, if
Community in Hyannis, 14 Main Street
45859 Yale Road, Chilliwack, BC V2P 2N6, Canada
% (604) 702-4442
Or call us toll-free, 24 hours a day:
1- 888 -TWELVE-T (1-888-893-5838)
God lived on my street. ✦
Hyannis, MA 02601 % (508) 790-0555

!w[mX Simeon – a son who hears Spain and Portugal ywl  Levi – attached Germany rkXXy Issachar – recompense Argentina

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