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waste metabolites are converted by

Basil Performance Evaluation in Aquaponics microbial breakdown in the recirculat-

ing system filters—where ammonia is
Rhuanito Soranz Ferrarezi1,3 and Donald S. Bailey2 converted to nitrate by nitrifying bac-
teria (Love et al., 2014); and nutrients
are absorbed by the plants cultivated
ADDITIONAL INDEX WORDS. aquaculture, cultivar trial, herbs, hydroponics,
hydroponically (Rakocy et al., 2011).
recirculating system, tropics
Solid fish waste eliminated after food
SUMMARY. Basil (Ocimum sp.) is a fast-growing, high-value cash crop for aquaponics. digestion provides most of the nutri-
Plant suitability evaluation in tropical conditions is critical to recommend new ents required for plant nutrition, ex-
cultivars, increasing grower portfolio and minimizing the production risks associated cept calcium and iron, which are
with untested selections. Two trials were conducted to identify suitable basil cultivars
for tropical outdoor aquaponics production using the University of the Virgin Islands
commonly supplemented. The aqua-
(UVI) Commercial Aquaponics System in the U.S. Virgin islands. We evaluated five culture effluent flows through deep-
basil cultivars in Summer 2015 (Genovese, Lemon, Purple Ruffles, Red Rubin, and flow culture hydroponic troughs, and
Spicy Globe), and seven cultivars in Fall 2015 (Cinnamon, Genovese, Lemon, Purple a closed system recirculates the water
Ruffles, Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai). In both trials, 3-week-old seedlings were back to the fish-rearing tanks for reuse
transplanted in net pots at a density of 1.5 plants/ft2 (16.15 plants/m2). The 6-inch (Rakocy et al., 2011).
portions and upper portions of the canopy were harvested as a salable product and the The integration of fish and vege-
resultant material (leaves and stems) considered as total yield per square meter. In the table production in the UVI Commer-
summer, yield was higher in ‘Genovese’ (14.91 kgmL2) and ‘Spicy Globe’ (13.99
cial Aquaponics System uses a small
kgmL2); ‘Purple Ruffles’ resulted in the lowest yield (4.18 kgmL2). Leaf anthocyanin
was greater for the red cultivars Red Rubin [28.35 anthocyanin content index (ACI)] land area, conserves water, limits waste
and Purple Ruffles (34.36 ACI) compared with the other cultivars. Chlorophyll discharged into the environment
content was the highest in ‘Genovese’ [48.59 chlorophyll content index (CCI)]. In the (Boxman et al., 2017), and recovers
fall, ‘Cinnamon’ (6.60 kgmL2), ‘Genovese’ (6.70 kgmL2), and ‘Spicy Globe’ (6.35 nutrients from fish production into
kgmL2) showed the highest yield and ‘Purple Ruffles’ the lowest (1.68 kgmL2). Leaf valuable vegetable crops. A standard
anthocyanin differed in all cultivars, with the higher values in Purple Ruffles (80.5 protocol has been developed for the
ACI) and Red Rubin (36.5 ACI). Chlorophyll content was a response of plant growth production of Nile tilapia (Oreochromis
and cultivar, with values increasing over time and ranging from 12.06 (Lemon) to niloticus), which yields up to 11,000 lb
17.99 CCI (Cinnamon). Plant growth index (PGI) was higher than that of other
cultivars in Genovese and Lemon on day 58 (summer), and higher in Cinnamon on day per annum (Rakocy et al., 2006). The
87 (fall). Yield was greater during the summer, which was calculated from May to production of many vegetable crops
August, in comparison with the fall, calculated from September to November. Yield also has been studied, but because of
declined for the fourth harvest in the summer, indicating that growers may need to end specific growth patterns and differences
production after the third harvest and replant the crop. The results of this experiment of marketable product, no single pro-
indicate that basil has potential as a specialty, short-season, and high-value crop in the tocol is promoted.
UVI Commercial Aquaponics System. Of the cultivars tested, Genovese and Spicy In general, leafy vegetables grow
Globe were the highest yielding cultivars within the environmental and geographical well with the abundant nitrogen in
conditions of this study for two consecutive seasons (summer and fall).
the system, have a short production
period, and are in high demand.

quaponics is a food produc- by fish, bacteria, and plants (Somerville Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) has been
tion technology that combines et al., 2014). Fish are fed with dry feed; produced continuously in the UVI
aquaculture and hydroponics fish waste is generated by direct excre- Commercial Aquaponics System, in-
in an integrated recirculating system tion into the fish tanks, and organic cluding a diversity of cultivars and
without soil (Rakocy et al., 2006).
The aquaponics ecosystem is composed
To convert U.S. to SI, To convert SI to U.S.,
Received for publication 7 June 2017. Accepted for
publication 21 Dec. 2018. multiply by U.S. unit SI unit multiply by
Published online 11 February 2019. 0.4047 acre(s) ha 2.4711
0.3048 ft m 3.2808
We thank Luis Carino Jr. and Donna Gonzales
0.0929 ft2 m2 10.7639
(Horticulture and Aquaculture program) and the
undergraduate students Seti Balkaran and Jomanni 0.0283 ft3 m3 35.3147
Bernier for technical assistance. This work is sup- 3.7854 gal L 0.2642
ported by the USDA National Institute of Food and 0.7457 horsepower kJs–1 1.3410
Agriculture, Hatch project (accession number 2.54 inch(es) cm 0.3937
226104). 25.4 inch(es) mm 0.0394
University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricul- 0.4536 lb kg 2.2046
tural Sciences, Indian River Research and Education 4.8824 lb/ft2 kgm–2 0.2048
Center, Fort Pierce, FL 34945 1 mmho/cm dSm–1 1
University of the Virgin Islands, Agricultural Exper- 28.3495 oz g 0.0353
iment Station, RR#1 Box 10000, Kingshill, VI 00850 305.1517 oz/ft2 gm–2 0.0033
7.4892 oz/gal gL–1 0.1335
Corresponding author. E-mail:
0.1 ppm mg/100 g 10
This is an open access article distributed under the CC 1 ppm mgL–1 1
BY-NC-ND license ( 6.8948 psi kPa 0.1450
licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 10.7639 W/ft2 Wm–2 0.0929 (F – 32) O 1.8 F C (C · 1.8) + 32

• 1 of 9

cultural practices (Rakocy et al., indicating how different cultivars and Fall (7 Sept. to 3 Dec. 2015)] at
1997). Economic studies of lettuce perform. The evaluation of plant the UVI’s Agricultural Experiment
and basil production also have been adaptation in tropical conditions is Station (AES), Kingshill, U.S. Virgin
conducted (Bailey et al., 1997; Rakocy essential to recommend new cultivars Islands (lat. 1743#08$N, long.
et al., 2004a). Each crop yields differ- for the UVI Commercial Aquaponics 6447#46$W, elevation 100 ft).
ent revenue per unit area, and this System. Yield per area is a primary UVI AES is located on the island of
variation must be considered when concern so that cultivars with the St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands. The
selecting cultivars to produce and ob- greatest biomass can be selected to territory presents an equatorial cli-
tain the highest returns for the farmer maximize the production per area. mate with dry summers (As) accord-
(Bailey and Ferrarezi, 2017). Plant height, width, leaf area, num- ing to K€ oppen–Geiger classification
Basil is a fast-growing crop com- ber of leaves, and other aspects of (Kottek et al., 2006).
monly cultivated in aquaponics systems plant morphology are also useful to Daily total rainfall, reference
by commercial producers, hobbyists, evaluate crop performance. Our ob- evapotranspiration (ETo), average
and educators (Love et al., 2014). jective was to identify suitable basil air temperature and vapor pressure
The crop’s distinctive aroma and flavor cultivars for tropical outdoor aqua- deficit (VPD), and maximum solar
derive from essential oils, plant pheno- ponics production using the UVI radiation were recorded throughout
lics, flavonoids, and phenylpropanoids Commercial Aquaponics System to the studies using a weather station
(Juliani and Simon, 2002). The genus support farmers picking adapted (ET107; Campbell Scientific, Logan,
Ocimum comprises more than 30 spe- cultivars. UT) (Fig. 1). The equipment was
cies, and is divided into basil types, located 100 ft from the experiment
which include sweet (Ocimum basili- Material and methods site. The average ± SD for the two
cum), lemon (Ocimum citriodorum), LOCATION AND ENVIRONMENTAL growing seasons (summer and fall)
dwarf bush (Ocimum minimum), pur- CONDITIONS.Basil cultivars were eval- were, respectively: total rainfall 76
ple (O. basilicum var. purpurescens), uated in two sequential seasons and 368 mm; ETo 3.67 ± 0.76 and
and thai (O. basilicum var. thyrsiflo- [Summer (22 Apr. to 12 Aug. 2015) 3.28 ± 0.99 mm; air temperature
rum). Basil cultivars can be produced
for different target markets such as
essential oils, pharmaceuticals, orna-
mental plants, or as a culinary herb for
fresh or dry spices (Kaurinovic et al.,
2011; Walters and Currey, 2015). Pur-
ple basils contain higher anthocyanin
levels (Simon et al., 1999) and are
grown for culinary purposes and teas,
especially as a potential source of an-
thocyanins because of antioxidant
properties (Juliani and Simon, 2002).
Basil can be produced in aquaponics
using one planting date (batch) or
staggered planting dates, resulting in
the production of 7.8 and 7.2 kgm–2 of
shoot fresh weight, respectively, with
a density of 8 plants/m2 (Rakocy et al.,
Choosing high-value crops is
one of the strategies to maximize
income in aquaponics systems (Dediu
et al., 2012), increasing grower port-
folio and minimizing the production
risks. Previous research has indicated
that basil is a high-value crop for
aquaponics (Rakocy et al., 2004b).
However, little research has been
conducted to produce different basil
types and cultivars in commercial-
scale aquaponics (Love et al., 2015).
Walters and Currey (2015) recently
compared hydroponics systems and
Fig. 1. Rainfall, reference evapotranspiration, average air temperature and vapor
basil cultivars in greenhouse condi- pressure deficit, and maximum solar radiation recorded in Kingshill, U.S Virgin
tions with environmental control. Islands throughout the two growing seasons (Summer and Fall 2015) using an
Saha et al. (2016) cultivated basil automated weather station (ET107; Campbell Scientific) located 100 ft (30.5 m)
under soilless agricultural systems from the experiment site; 1 mm = 0.0394 inch, 1 kPa = 0.1450 psi, (1.8 · C) D 32 = F,
(aquaponics vs. hydroponics), without 1 WmL2 = 0.0929 W/ft2.

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Fig. 2. The University of the Virgin Islands Commercial Aquaponics System, consisting of three main components: fish-
rearing tanks, solids removal [clarifier, filter tanks, and degassing tank (Red Ewald)], and deep-flow culture hydroponic
troughs. Water returns to a sump, where a base can be added into the base-addition tank to adjust pH; D = diameter, H =
height, L = length, W = width, 1 ft = 0.3048 m, 1 inch = 2.54 cm, 1 gal = 3.7854 L.

27.37 ± 0.81 and 27.15 ± 1.17 C; Table 1. Nutrient concentration in fish-rearing tank effluent in Summer and Fall
VPD 0.95 ± 0.25 and 0.81 ± 0.2 kPa 2015 used for the cultivation of basil (‘Cinnamon’, ‘Genovese’, ‘Lemon’, ‘Purple
(calculated from the saturated and Ruffles’, ‘Red Rubin’, ‘Spicy Globe’, and ‘Thai’) in tropical conditions. Samples
actual air vapor pressure using the were collected from the University of the Virgin Islands Commercial Aquaponics
air temperature and relative humidity System. Average of five samples per growing season.
data); and maximum solar radiation Variablez Summer Fall
1142 ± 170 and 1090 ± 194 Wm–2.
pH 6.87 6.69
Electrical conductivity (dSm–1) 0.69 0.65
SYSTEM. The system used was devel-
Nitrate-nitrogen (mgL–1) 47.23 49.60
oped by the UVI’s Horticulture and
Ammonium-nitrogen (mgL–1) 0.44 1.85
Aquaculture program in St. Croix,
Phosphate (mgL–1) 8.64 11.49
and consisted of fish-rearing tanks,
Potassium (mgL–1) 47.6 48.85
cylindro-conical clarifiers, filter tanks,
Calcium (mgL–1) 47.2 37.30
degassing tank, deep-flow culture hy-
Magnesium (mgL–1) 11.77 14.58
droponic troughs, sump tank, and
Sulfate (mgL–1) 16.13 21.01
base-addition tank (Rakocy et al.,
Aluminum (mgL–1) 0.01 0.09
2006, 2011) (details provided in
Boron (mgL–1) 0.34 0.39
Fig. 2). The water flow rate used in
Chloride (mgL–1) 28.49 44.01
the study was 100 gal/min, with a re-
Copper (mgL–1) 0.09 0.07
tention time of 3 h. The entire system
Iron (mgL–1) 3.92 1.58
contained 29,000 gal of water and
Sodium (mgL–1) 36.18 59.17
occupied 1/8 acre (Rakocy et al.,
Molybdenum (mgL–1) 0.02 0.01
2006). A 1.5-horsepower regenerative
Manganese (mgL–1) 0.01 0.08
air blower (S45; Sweetwater, Apopka,
Zinc (mgL–1) 1.04 0.73
FL) provided air to each rearing tank z
with twenty-two 6 · 1.5 · 1.5-inch 1 dSm–1 = 1 mmho/cm, 1 mgL–1 = 1 ppm.

[length (L) · width (W) · height (H)]

medium pore air diffusers (AS15L; (L · W · H) medium pore air diffusers were measured daily throughout both
Sweetwater). Hydroponic troughs (AS5L; Sweetwater) spaced at 4-ft in- production trials using a digital meter
were aerated with a 1-horsepower re- tervals in the center of the trough. (HI98194; Hanna Instruments, Woon-
generative air blower (S41-A; Sweet- Dissolved oxygen, pH, electrical con- socket, RI). There was no automated
water) and twenty-four 3 · 1 · 1-inch ductivity (EC), and water temperature control of those parameters, but they were
• 3 of 9

constant during the study (data not basil), and Spicy Globe (bush basil)]. (Aphis sp.) and silverleaf whiteflies
shown). Dissolved oxygen averaged (mean In the fall, we evaluated seven culti- (Bemisia tabaci).
± SD) 4.90 ± 0.81 mgL–1, EC 0.89 ± 0.08 vars [Cinnamon (cinnamon basil), MEASUREMENTS. Plants were
dSm–1, and water temperature 26.63 ± Genovese, Lemon, Purple Ruffles, harvested multiple times by cutting
0.85 C. pH averaged 7.46 ± 0.27 and Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai stems 6 inches above the substrate
base addition was not required. Five (thai basil)]. surface and allowing the plant to re-
pounds of chelated iron (11% FeDTPA; PROCEDURES FOR EACH SEASON. grow until the next harvest. The
BR Global, Rocky Mount, NC) was Basil seeds (Johnny’s Selected Seeds, upper part of the canopy (leaves and
added every 3 weeks to maintain a con- Winslow, ME) were seeded on 98-cell stems) was harvested as a salable
centration of 2 mgL–1 iron. Calcium flats (HC Companies, Middlefield, product, and the resultant material
was applied weekly by foliar spraying 10 OH) filled with commercial peat- summed over time and totalized as
gal of a solution with 60 g calcium based substrate with sphagnum moss yield per square meter. In the sum-
nitrate (15.5% nitrogen and 19% cal- (75% to 85%), perlite, and vermiculite mer, plants were harvested every 4
cium) per liter of water. Fish-rearing (Promix BX Mycorrhizae; Premier weeks or 28 d (days 28, 56, 84, and
tank effluent nutrient concentrations Tech Horticulture, Riviere-du-Loup, 112); and in the fall plants were
during the trials are available in Table 1. QC, Canada). Three-week-old seed- harvested about every 3 weeks, rang-
About 1.5% of the system water volume lings were inserted into 2 · 2-inch ing from 21 to 28 d (days 21, 25, 43,
was replenished daily by using rainwater (D · H) net pots (P€ oppelmann, 49, 66, and 87). The change in
stored in four 30 · 4-ft [diameter (D) · L€ohne, Germany) to hold the rooted harvest interval was performed to
H] panel tanks (21,150 gal; Red Ewald, seedling and transplanted into Styro- suppress bolting—given that bolting
Karnes City, TX). foam rafts [4 ft · 8 ft · 1.5 inch (L · W produces an undesirable flavor on
Nile tilapia were stocked at a rate · H)] floating on the surface of the some cultivars (Gil, 2016).
of 77 fish/m3 and fed three times hydroponic troughs. Rafts were pre- Plant height and width (mea-
daily with a complete, floating-pelleted pared for planting by painting the sured in two perpendicular direc-
diet with 32% protein (PMI Aquamax, board surface with white nontoxic tions) were measured before each
Gray Summit, MO). The feeding rate roof paint (Cool-Cote 22-DW-9; harvest in four plants to calculate
applied during the summer trial was BLP Mobile Paints, Mobile, AL) PGI [(H + W1 + W2) O 3] on days
66 gm–2 plant area per day, and during and drilled with 1–7/8-inch diameter 28, 56, 84, and 112 in the summer,
the fall trial was 74 gm–2 plant area per holes. Forty-eight plants were trans- and days 25, 43, 66, and 87 in the fall.
day. Both feeding rates were within the planted into an area of 32 ft2 Two entire plants were sampled
optimum range of 60–100 gm–2 plant (2.97 m2). Planting density was 1.5 from each cultivar at each harvest to
area per day indicated by Rakocy et al. plants/ft2 (16.15 plants/m2) spaced determine canopy fresh and dry
(2006) to prevent plant nutrient toxic- 8 · 12 inches. A 4-inch edge was left weight. We added the fresh weight
ity. The treatment capacity of the filters along the rafts to provide equal spac- of those two plants into the total yield
and hydroponic tanks is equivalent to ing to all plants. results to avoid subestimation.
180 g feed per square meter of plant Pest management required spray- Anthocyanin and chlorophyll
area per day. Fish growth performance ing once weekly with Bacillus thurin- content indexes (nondestructive anal-
was not assessed because of extensive giensis ssp. kurstaki strain ABTS-351, ysis) were measured on fully expanded
results already published on that topic fermentation solids, spores, and insec- leaves in two plants before the final
at the same system (Rakocy et al., 1997, ticidal toxins (Dipel DF; Valent Bio- harvest in the summer (days 100 and
2004a, 2004b, 2006, 2011). sciences, Libertyville, IL) to control 107) and before each harvest in the fall
TREATMENTS. In the summer, we caterpillars (Lepidoptera), and with in- (days 21, 43, 66, and 87). Anthocya-
tested five basil cultivars [Genovese secticidal soap potassium salts of fatty nin was measured with a portable an-
(sweet basil), Lemon (lemon basil), acids (M-Pede; Dow AgroSciences, thocyanin content meter (ACM-200
Purple Ruffles and Red Rubin (purple Indianapolis, IN) to control aphids plus; Opti-Sciences, Hudson, NH),

Table 2. Analyses of variance for yield, canopy fresh and dry weight, plant growth index (PGI), anthocyanin, and chlorophyll
content for two seasons (Summer and Fall 2015) and seven basil cultivars (Cinnamon, Genovese, Lemon, Purple Ruffles, Red
Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai) cultivated in the University of the Virgin Islands Commercial Aquaponics System.
Summer Fall
Yield Canopy fresh wt Canopy dry wt Yield Canopy fresh wt Canopy dry wt
Source P value
Cultivar <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
z y y
PGI Anthocyanin Chlorophyll PGI Anthocyanin Chlorophyll
Source P value
Cultivar <0.001 <0.001 0.008 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Sampling date <0.001 0.959 0.958 <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Cultivar · sampling date <0.001 0.903 0.624 0.002 <0.001 0.119
Calculated using plant height and width in two directions measured before each harvest in four plants [(height + width 1 + width 2)/3] and collected on days 28, 56, 84, and
112 in the summer and days 25, 43, 66, and 87 in the fall.
Data were collected on days 100 and 107 in the summer and on days 21, 43, 66, and 87 in the fall.

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and chlorophyll using a chlorophyll EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN AND the fall. Data were analyzed using the
concentration meter (MC-100; Apo- STATISTICAL ANALYSIS . Treatments general linear model procedures in
gee Instruments, Logan, UT), both were arranged in a randomized com- SAS (version 9.4; SAS Institute,
following the manufacturer’s instruc- plete block design, with four replications Cary, NC). A one-way analysis of
tion manuals. in the summer and three replications in variance model was used to determine

Fig. 3. Total yield (A and B), canopy fresh weight (C and D) and dry weight (E and F) in Summer and Fall 2015 for seven basil
cultivars (Cinnamon, Genovese, Lemon, Purple Ruffles, Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai) cultivated in tropical conditions
using the University of the Virgin Islands Commercial Aquaponics System. Means ± SE followed by the same lowercase letter
are not significantly different by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test at P < 0.01; 1 kgmL2 = 0.2048 lb/ft2, 1 g = 0.0353 oz.
• 5 of 9

treatment effects for total yield, and Results and discussion cultivars tested [P < 0.001 (Table 2)].
canopy fresh and dry weight. Re- Our results indicate that basil In the summer, ‘Genovese’ (14.91
peated measures were used for PGI, adapted well to aquaponics in tropical kgm–2) and ‘Spicy Globe’ (13.99
anthocyanin, and chlorophyll con- warm conditions, because the yield kgm–2) presented the highest total
tent. The errors were checked to be was higher than that in other studies yield and ‘Purple Ruffles’ the lowest
normally and independently distrib- on hydroponics at northern U.S. re- (4.18 kgm–2) [P < 0.001 (Fig. 3A)].
uted. Probability values were consid- gions using the same yield per area Our results are comparable with
ered statistically significant when index (Walters, 2015). There were Rakocy et al. (2004a) at 14.20 kgm–2
P £ 0.01. significant differences among the basil (Spring 2002), and Rakocy et al.

Fig. 4. Yield per harvest in Summer (A) and Fall 2015 (B) for basil cultivars (Cinnamon, Genovese, Lemon, Purple Ruffles,
Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai) cultivated in tropical conditions using the University of the Virgin Islands Commercial
Aquaponics System. Means ± SE with * are significantly different by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test at P < 0.01; 1 kgmL2 =
0.2048 lb/ft2.

Fig. 5. Plant growth index (PGI) in Summer (A) and Fall 2015 (B) for seven basil cultivars (Cinnamon, Genovese, Lemon,
Purple Ruffles, Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai) cultivated in tropical conditions using the University of the Virgin Islands
Commercial Aquaponics System. PGI calculated using plant height and width in two directions measured before each harvest
in four plants [(height D width 1 D width 2)/3] and collected on days 28, 56, 84, and 112 in the summer and days 25, 43, 66,
and 87 in the fall. Means ± SE followed by the same letters are not significantly different by Tukey’s multiple comparisons test at
P < 0.01. Lowercase letters represent the mean separation across sampling date within a cultivar, and uppercase letters within
a cultivar across sampling date; DAT = days after transplant, 1 cm = 0.3937 inch.

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(2004b) at 14.40 kgm–2 (Summer/ deficiencies or diseases such as pythium fresh weight decreased 53% and dry
Fall 2002) of ‘Genovese’ on a stag- root rot (Pythium sp.) or phytophthora weight decreased 67% from the sum-
gered planting in the same system. root rot (Phytophthora sp.) over time to mer to fall. Canopy fresh weight
However, visual observations indi- explain the total yield decrease. The followed the same trend compared
cated the occurrence of bolting in cultivars tested in the summer pre- with total yield in the summer or fall
some cultivars during the 4-week sented the same trend in the fall, in- trials [P < 0.001 (Fig. 3C and D)].
harvesting period (data not shown). dicating that the total yield differences Canopy dry weight was the highest in
In the fall, ‘Genovese’ (6.70 across cultivars were consistent in both ‘Genovese’ (55.1 g/plant) in the
kgm–2), ‘Cinnamon’ (6.60 kgm–2), seasons and mainly affected by cultivar summer [P < 0.001 (Fig. 3E)] and
and ‘Spicy Globe’ (6.35 kgm–2) pro- differences. in ‘Cinnamon’ (20.3 g/plant) in the
duced the highest total yield and Yield per harvest was greater fall [P < 0.001 (Fig. 3F)]. To the best
‘Purple Ruffles’ the lowest (1.68 during the summer than fall [P < of our knowledge, few studies are
kgm–2) [P < 0.001 (Fig. 3B)]. One 0.001 (Fig. 4A)]. Yield declined on available on aquaponics basil produc-
can note that total yield decreased the fourth harvest in the summer, tion. Besides UVI studies (Rakocy
57% from the summer to fall [P < possibly because of plant senescence et al., 2004a, 2004b, 2006, 2011),
0.001 (Fig. 3A and B)]. Possibly, the caused by successive harvests. This most references compare aquaponics
more frequent cutting to avoid bolt- trend indicates that a grower may to hydroponics (Saha et al., 2016) or
ing stressed the plants and resulted in end the crop after the third harvest cultivate different basil cultivars in
the decrease in total yield because and replant. Rakocy et al. (2004b) hydroponics systems (Walters and Currey,
morphological characteristics such as did not report a decrease in ‘Geno- 2015), limiting data comparison.
branching change when shoots are vese’ yield on the fourth harvest. Plant growth index was influ-
harvested several times (Walters and Maybe, slight changes in the envi- enced by cultivars · sampling date in
Currey, 2015). The reason for this ronmental conditions might have the summer and fall [P < 0.001 and
difference is unknown because varia- contributed to the reduced yield. P = 0.002, respectively (Table 2)].
tion in nutrient concentration on fish- The fall trial was conducted from Plant growth index was higher in
rearing tank effluents cannot explain September to November, with high ‘Genovese’ and ‘Lemon’ on day 56
the decrease in total yield. Ammo- temperatures at the beginning of the in comparison with the other cultivars
nium, aluminum, sodium, and chlo- trial (Fig. 1). Because staggered plants [P < 0.001 (Fig. 5A)] (summer), and
ride increased from the summer to grow slowly after transplant (Rakocy in Cinnamon on day 87 [P = 0.002
fall, whereas copper, iron, molybde- et al., 2004b), maybe the higher tem- (Fig. 5B)] (fall). ‘Purple Ruffles’ was
num, and zinc decreased (Table 1); peratures during basil’s young phase the smallest cultivar. Future trials
but the values were within recom- affected subsequent plant growth. could plant this cultivar at higher
mended values (Kamal and Mair, Canopy fresh and dry weights densities to increase yield per unit
2005; Timmons and Ebeling, 2002). were also influenced by cultivar [P < area (Walters, 2015). These results
There were no detected visual nutrient 0.001 (Table 2)]. Average canopy are in agreement with Walters and

Fig. 6. Leaf anthocyanin content in Summer (A) and Fall 2015 (B) for seven basil cultivars (Cinnamon, Genovese, Lemon,
Purple Ruffles, Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai) cultivated in tropical conditions using the University of the Virgin Islands
Commercial Aquaponics System. Means ± SE followed by the same letters are not significantly different by Tukey’s multiple
comparisons test at P < 0.01. For the fall, lowercase letters represent the mean separation across sampling date within a cultivar,
and uppercase letters within a cultivar across sampling date. Anthocyanin content index (ACI) was determined
nondestructively using a handheld meter (ACM-200 plus; Opti-Sciences); DAT = days after transplant.
• 7 of 9

Currey (2015) and Simon et al. green cultivars [P < 0.001 (Fig. 6B)]. method (ACM-200 plus); and there
(1999). Average PGI decreased 16% Phippen and Simon (2000) indicated are no reported results in the literature
from the summer to fall. that the genes controlling anthocya- for comparison because data are not
Leaf anthocyanin content varied nin expression in purple basil cultivars available for basil. Average leaf anthocy-
across cultivars in the summer, and are unstable, with the crops easily anin was 24% higher in the summer than
cultivar and sampling date interaction reverting to green pigments. This char- in the fall.
in the fall [P < 0.001 (Table 2)]. In acteristic might have caused the reduced Leaf chlorophyll content was
the summer, leaf anthocyanin was readings in each harvest in the fall [P < influenced by cultivar in the summer
higher in the red cultivars Red Rubin 0.001 (Fig. 6B)]. Usually, ‘Purple Ruf- [P = 0.008 (Table 2)], and cultivar
(28.35 ACI) and Purple Ruffles fles’ and ‘Red Rubin’ present a similar and sampling date interaction in the
(34.36 ACI) [P < 0.001 (Fig. 6A)]. total extractable anthocyanin yield, av- fall [P < 0.001 (Table 2)]. Chloro-
In the fall, leaf anthocyanin differed in eraging 17.75 mg/100 g of fresh tissue phyll content was higher in ‘Geno-
all cultivars, with higher values in (Phippen and Simon, 1998; Simon vese’ (48.59 CCI) in the summer [P =
‘Purple Ruffles’ (80.5 ACI) and et al., 1999). However, we measured 0.008 (Fig. 7A)], and was a response
‘Red Rubin’ (36.5 ACI) than in the anthocyanin using a nondestructive of cultivar in the fall, with the highest

Fig. 7. Leaf chlorophyll content in Summer (A) and Fall 2015 (B and C) for seven basil cultivars (Cinnamon, Genovese,
Lemon, Purple Ruffles, Red Rubin, Spicy Globe, and Thai) cultivated in tropical conditions using the University of the Virgin
Islands Commercial Aquaponics System. Means ± SE followed by the same lowercase letter are not significantly different by
Tukey’s multiple comparisons test at P £ 0.01. Chlorophyll content index (CCI) was determined nondestructively using
a handheld meter (MC-200 plus; Apogee Instruments).

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