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Template of the Vietnam War Interview

Background of your participant:

(answer in full sentences)
Name (Make one up): cxk
Age: 21
Where is he from: American
How did he get involved in the war:
He was being drafted by the soldiers
The Interview
Q=Question, A=Answer
Q.1: Why did you go to war? Are you volunteer or ​drafted​?

A.1: I was being drafted in this war. I didn’t want to go to this war because in the war, you might
die in any seconds. The war was really tough, and I don’t think I could survive in this war. And if
I went to the war, my parents would be worried, they don’t know what would be happening to
me. They would be so worried that they might be sick, and I want them to be like normal.

Q.2: How are you feeling when you realized that you’ll be involved in this war?

A.2: I felt very nervous and very scared. I think that I was really weak and can’t really fight. I’ve
never thought myself fight in the war, or being involved in a war. When the soldiers come and
get me, I don’t know what was going on. But after I know that I will be going to the war, I just
hope that I could survive.

Q.3: Have you ever thought of escaping from the war, and hurting yourself on purpose?

A.3: I’ve got the thought of escaping at first, but then I know that’s no use. Some people were
trying to escape, but they all failed. If I’ve got time planning on how can I escape from the war, I
think I should take this time to fight for my life. Even though I could be going home if I got hurt,
but I’ve never thought of hurting myself on purpose. Because that’s just causing more pain for
myself. There’s people from both sides of the country trying to shoot themselves on purpose.
Even my friends shoot themselves. But then we found out that the captain would be checking
the angle of the bullet. So no one will be faking their injury.

Q.4: What do you think of fighting for your country?

A.4: I think fighting for my country for my country is a great thing, but I still doesn’t wants to go
to the war. If our country victoried in the war, then we could achieve our goal. Which we could
stop the vietnam from becoming a communism, so the countries arount it would not become
communism too.

Q.5: What do you think the cause of this war is?

A.5: I think the cause of this war is that American are capitalism and vietnamese are
communism. American was afraid that if Vietnam turns out to be communism, and other
countries would follow vietnam.
Q.6: Do you think your country is making a bad decision?

A.6: No, I don’t think our country is making a bad decision. Because if our country is not fighting,
then communism was going to seperate around the world. I don’t think communism is fair for
everyone, I think people diserved what they work for. I believe that our country is right.

Q.7: Do you think there would be any mental health problem being lefted on you after the war?

A.7: Of course. Because in the war, we could be seeing our friends dying at any moment.
There’s several times when my friends steps on the booby traps, but I can do nothing about it.
Many times I thought I’m going to die, and it everyone in the camp was just so nervous and
scared. Vietnamese are just so good at making traps, and hide them. We don’t know when we
would just be stepping on a trap, and we would die.

The Conclusion:
Would your participant support the Vietnam War? Explain your reasoning.
I think he won’t be supporting the war at first, becasue his being drafted to the war. But through
so many brain wash, and the news about vietnam on TV, and social media. I think he was going
to be support the war at last.


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