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My first clinical exposure

On my first day I felt so nervous, fear, excitement, and everything in between. I felt nervous because
it was my first time, and excited because I have now the chance to enter hospital because, before I
never experienced entering hospitals I just get the chance to see hospital setting when I’m watching
medical movies or series. Upon watching movies like that all I can see is the good setting of areas like ER,
Ward, and Operating room in movies they are nice and the surroundings are very pleasing. It’s like even
if you are in hospital you still have the guts that you’re safe there because they have all the things that
you need, the comfortable beds and a lot of nurses that will going to take care of you. But then I was
surprised when I enter Tarlac Provincial Hospital because it’s very different from what I expect and what
truly hospital is. I remembered when we went to our perspective ward which is the pediatric ward I was
shocked because there’s a lot of patient and umabot na sa point na nag sisisksikan sila which is not ideal
because the surroundings still can affect the health of the patient. i realize that my imagination or the
movies that I’ve watched is very different in real life. I did not know exactly what I expected but I
definitely thought at least some things would be easy.

Aside from that I still enjoyed my first clinical exposure because of my groupmates, CI
(kiligin ka naman ng slight sir hahaha) and to the patient that I’ve got the chance to performed
some minor assessment. I enjoyed hearing my patient saying “thankyou po” thankyou nurse”
“nurse baka pwedeng….” Hearing those words makes my heart so happy and even if you’re tired
na and init na init kasi siksikan sa ward once you did something for your patient even if its just
minor parang everything napapawi. I just wished/hope I could stay there pa and do something
for them to make them feel better kahit in a simple things lang like comforting and talking to the
parent of the patient giving them hopes for the betterment of their child. But then the time is too
short for everything we want.

I also felt something during hospital duty, it also easy to compare yourself to other peers
during the clinical experience. Even though I tried not to, I found myself comparing my
knowledge and skill ability to other students. I found myself thinking “I don’t know as much they
do” or seeing other students performing some skills you wanted to try also while I had still only
performed the basics, which caused me to feel like I was behind. Even though I still experience
these feelings, I remind myself that these skills come with time and experience. To make it little
easier for me and not to stress pa I always think na lang na we have limited time and not
everything I want to do is possible. Buti na lang din I had a great clinical instructor who always
reminded us

I enjoyed everything and thankyou Sir Jan for everything, the knowledge you impart to us and the
moments we’ve shared is my favorite, thankyou for making our first rotation memorable. WALANG

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