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Good Friday

April 19
Good Friday is a part of the religious holiday week in the lead up to Easter Sunday in the
Philippines. This is the time when many Filipinos refrain from engaging in worldly
activities such as listening to loud music or drinking alcohol. Most Catholics refrain from
eating meat during this day and engage in fasting and prayer.

Many people also attend church services and take part in the Acts of Reparation to Jesus
Christ or the Station of the Cross. The Station of The Cross depicts the last hours of the
Passion of Jesus, and the Filipinos use these stations to meditate on Jesus’ sufferings. Some
men in different localities in the Philippines re-enact the penance of Jesus Christ by going
as far as crucifying themselves on the cross.

Masses (church services) are also held in the church before 3pm (or 15:00) local time since
this symbolizes the time that Jesus Christ died on the cross. Once the clock strikes 3pm
(15:00), people observe this moment in silence and solemnity. Good Friday is a time when
people take part in a form of penance to repent from their sins. Some Filipinos spend time
at the beach during the holiday.

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