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at the end of 2018 there is a tourist from America who wants to spend the new year at Bali


at the airport I Gusti Ngurah Rai ...

Mr. Bayu: Hello, how did I get to the exit. have I arrived at my pickup?

Driver: yes sir I almost there, I headed to the arrival door.

a few moments later Mr. Bayu came out of the door of arrival

Driver: (by using cardboard that says MR BAYU From America and shouted) Mr. Bayu!
Mr. Bayu!

Mr. Bayu: (while looking at his cellphone) are you the driver who picked me up?
Driver: Are you Mr. Bayu from America?

Mr. Bayu: Yes its me

Driver: Come on, Mr. Bayu. come with me to the car (The driver brings some of his items)

Mr. Bayu: Okay! I'll go with you.

They went to one of the famous hotels in Bali. when he arrived at the hotel reception desk

Receptionist: Welcome to our hotel ... can I help you sir?

Mr. Bayu: I want to check in hotel number 21 A (by showing proof of hotel booking online on his
(hurriedly 2 tourists from Malaysia went to the receptionist's place by placing a place goods
carry it not far from the luggage mr bayu)
Mr. Heri: I want to check in hotel no 29A (by showing proof of booking the hotel online from
His mobile phone

Receptionist: Yes, wait a minute, sir. this is Mr Bayu's card please use the elevator to the 2nd
floor or

use the stairs over there (Mr Bayu takes the card and takes the bag to the elevator and
go straight to his room)
Mr. Ade: Have we got it, sir ??
Receptionist: yes please this card is your room on the 2nd floor you can use the elevator or
stairs at
over there.
(in each room they begin to take care of the personal belongings they carry
they did not expect that the items they carried were swapped in their haste
call the receptionist and ask if there are guests who feel they are exchanged)
Receptionist: Hello. mr can you go to the reception desk now ?? there is something to talk about
Mr Bayu: I'm going there now.
(a few moments later...)
Mr. Heri: Hello sir, I am confused, does anyone feel that the goods are exchanged too?
Receptionist: Mr. Herman can bring the items exchanged to the reception desk now
we'll talk about here later
(At the reception desk Mr Heri met the receptionist ... at the reception desk they checked
goods that are exchanged and at the same time Mr Bayu comes)
Mr Bayu: I think this is my personal item ... why is it here?
Receptionist: Ohh, yeah, Mr. Heri and Mr Ade handed over the items that were exchanged to
we want them to return it.

Mr Bayu: oh thank you ... introduce my name mr bayu (while holding up his hand
to mr heri and mr ade)
Mr. Ade: Yes, my name is Mr Ade and this is my friend Mr. Heri
Mr Bayu: let's talk in the restaurant
(the three of them walk towards the restaurant)
(they talked about their personal experiences about tourist attractions
they have visited and planned their trip while in Bali some tourist attractions
they want to go it turns out the same and they go together)
(the problem of the food they ate at the restaurant was that they paid, calm, rich people from
the next day they headed to the continental promontory, Bali
when they got there they tried several rides there, after which they sat down
while enjoying the atmosphere ...
(from a distance someone looks intimidated)
Mr Fikri: Give me your money you asshole
Mr. Shodikin: Assalamualaikum what was wrong with me ?? why do I have to give money to you
Mr. Fikri: You are nothing wrong. the wrong why do you live ... Give me your money bitch
Mr. Shodikin: patient patience ... people are patient loved by boyfriend
Mr Fikri: Shit i don't have GF bitch
(seeing that the trio of kwek kwek approached)
Mr Bayu: What's the problem here? (while pushing Shodikin)
Mr. Heri: what's the problem man ?? what's this ?? speak to us ...
Mr Fikri: (What)
Mr. Ade: What's your problem ?? (while looking at the sho)
Mr. Sho: oh relax 5x why am I being judged ... I'm here who is the victim.
Kwek Kwok Trio: (Confused) Huh?
Mr. sho: let me explain one by one, first I am not a terrorist. the second one is JOMBLO, well
the most important thing is that I was walking and enjoying the scenery that suddenly arrived
this came (while pointing at Mr. fikri) he asked me money for reasons that were unclear and well
now come to this situation
The police: good afternoon, sir, can I help you ??
Mr. Sho: Sir, I want to report that I am JOMBLO and I want justice here
The police: Oh that's what you ok come with me and let's party ...

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