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1. The wall of a refrigerator is constructed of fiberglass insulation (k = 0.025 W/m · °C) sandwiched
between two layers of 0.1-mm-thick sheet metal (k = 16.1 W/m · °C). The magnitude of heat transfer per
area is 1000 W/m2 .The refrigerated surface (inner) is maintained at 2°C, and the outer surface temperature
is 15°C. Determine the thickness of fiberglass insulation.


0.1 mm L 0.1

Fig. Question 1 Fig. Question 2 Fig. Question 3

∆T ∆T  ∆T Lin Lout   13 0.1 × 10 −3 

q= =  L= − − k =
 ins  − 2 0.025 = 0.013m
RA  Lin L Lout   q kin k out   1000 16.1 
 + + A
 k in A k ins A k out A 

2. Steam at 320°C flows in a stainless steel pipe (k =15 W/m·°C) whose inner and outer diameters are 5 cm
and 5.5 cm, respectively. The pipe is covered with 3-cm-thick glass wool insulation (k = 0.038 W/m·°C).
Heat is lost to the surroundings at 5°C by natural convection and radiation, with a combined natural
convection and radiation heat transfer coefficient of 15 W/m2· °C. Taking the heat transfer coefficient
inside the pipe to be 80 W/m2 · °C, determine the rate of heat loss from the steam per unit length of the
pipe. Also determine the temperature drops across the pipe shell and the insulation

Tinside − Toutside 320 − 5

Q= =
R 1 ln(r 2 / r1 ) ln(r 3 / r2 ) 1
+ + +
hin (2πr1l ) 2πk1l 2πk 2 l hout (2πr3l )
101.85 W/l
320 − 5
= =
1 ln(2.75 2.5) ln(5.75 / 2.75) 1
+ + +
80(2π (2.5) ×1) 2π (15)(1) 2π (0.038)(1) 15(2π (5.75) ×1)

3. A 5-m-internal-diameter spherical tank made of 1.5-cm-thick stainless steel (k = 15 W/m · °C) is used to
store iced water at 0°C. The tank is located in a room whose temperature is 30°C. The walls of the room
are also at 30°C. The outer surface of the tank is black (emissivity = 1), and heat transfer between the outer
surface of the tank and the surroundings is by natural convection and radiation. The convection heat
transfer coefficients at the inner and the outer surfaces of the tank are 80 W/m2·°C and 10 W/m2·°C,
respectively. Determine the rate of heat transfer to the iced water in the tank.


T∞ ,in Ts ,in Ts ,out T∞ ,out

Rconv,in Rcond

hrad = cannot be calculated as outer surface temperature is unknown. If it is known, then the heat transfer
can be calculated directly for the outer heat convection (heat transfer is same at any point for the same
dimensional problem). Thus estimation is required. For this condition, outer surface temperature is
assumed to be 4°C

hrad = εσ Ts2 + Tsurr
(Ts + Tsurr ) = (1)(5.67×10-8)[(4+273)2 + (30+273)2](4+273+30+273) = 5.543 W/m2·°C

Ai = πDi2 = π (5) = 78.54 m 2 Ao = πDo2 = π (5.03) = 79.49 m 2

2 2

1 1
Rconv ,in = = = 0.0001592 0C/W
hi Ai 80 × 78.54
r2 − r1 2.515 − 2.5
Rcond = Rsphere = = = 0.0000127 0C/W
4πkr2 r1 4π × 15 × 2.515 × 2.5
1 1
Rconv ,out = = = 0.001258 0 C/W
ho Ao 10 × 79.49
1 1
Rrad = = = 0.00227 0C/W
hrad Ao 5.543 × 79.49
1 1 1 1 1
= + = + ⇒ Req = 0.000809 0 C/W
Req Rconv ,o Rrad 0.001258 0.00227
Rtotal = Rconv ,i + R1 + Req = 0.0001592 + 0.0000127 + 0.000809 = 0.000981 0C/W
T∞ ,im − T∞ ,out 0 − 30
Q= = = −30581W
Rtotal 0.000981

Ts ,out − T∞ ,out
Q= ⇒ Ts ,out = QReq + T∞ ,out = −30581(0.000809) + 30 = −5.23°C ≅ 4 , then no need to iterate

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