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(Meeting 2, Cycle 2)
School : SMPN 1 SILO
Subject : English
Class/Semester : VIII / 2
Language Skill : Reading
Language Component: Grammar (Past Continuous Tense)
Time : 2 x 40 minutes
I. Standard Competence
11. Memahami makna dalam esei pendek sederhana berbentuk recount, dan
narrative untuk berinteraksi dengan lingkungan sekitar.
II. Basic Competence
11.3 Merespon makna dan langkah retorika dalam esei pendek sederhana
secara akurat, lancar dan berterima yang berkaitan dengan lingkungan
sekitar dalam teks berbentuk recount dan narrative.
III. Indicators
a. Product
1. Answering the questions of past continuous tense by choosing the best
answer in the form of multiple choice format.
2. Putting the verb in parantheses into the correct form.
b. Process
1. Reading a recount text entitle ‘Hurricane’ aloud.
2. Identifying the patterns of past continuous tense.
3. Identifying past continuous tense used in the text.


IV. Learning Objectives


a. Product
1. The students are able to answer the questions of past continuous tense by
choosing the best answer in the form of multiple choice format.
2. The students are able to put the verb in parantheses into the correct form.
b. Process
1. The students are able to read a recount text entitle ‘Hurricane’aloud.
2. The students are able to identifying the patterns of past continuous tense.
3. The students are able to identify past continuous tense used in the text.

V. Learning Materials
( Enclosed)

VI. Teaching and Learning Strategy

Approach : Cooperative Learning

VII.Teaching and Learning activities

No Teacher’s Activities Students’ activities Time
1 Pre-Instructiona Activities 7’
- Greeting. - Responding. 1’
- Checking the attendance - Responding. 1’
- Giving some leading - Responding. 4’
(giving praise and applause (receiving praise and
to the students who can applause)
answer the teacher’s
questions correctly)
- Stating the objectives. - Paying attention. 1’

2 Main Activities 68’

- Reviewing the materials - Reviewing the materials. 15’
about past continuous tense.
(giving praise and some (receiving praise and some
candies to the students who candies)
could answer the teacher’s
question correctly)
- Distributing the recount text - Reading the text aloud. 7’
and asking some students to
read the text aloud.
(giving Wafer Tango to the (receiving Wafer Tango)
students who read the text
- Asking the students to - Identifying the patterns of 6’
identify the patterns of past past continuous tense.
continuous tense.
(giving praise to a student (receiving praise)
who can identify the pattern
of past continuous tense
- Asking the students to - Identifying the past 10’
identify past continuous continuous tense sentences
tense sentences stated in the stated in the text.
(giving candies to the (Receiving candies)
students who can identify
the past continuous tense
sentences stated in text
- Asking the students to do - Doing Exercise I in pairs. 10’
the Exercise I in pairs.

- Discussing the answers with - Discussing the answers 5’

the whole class. with the whole class.
(giving candies and praise (receiving candies and
to a student who can answer praise)
the questions correctly)
(giving chocolate to the (Receiving chocolate)
group who gets the highest
score) \
- Asking the students to do - Doing Exercise II in pairs. 10’
Exercise II in pairs.
- Discussing the answers with - Discussing the answer with 5’
the whole class. the whole class.
(giving candies to a student (Receiving a candies)
who can answer the
questions correctly)
(giving two notebooks and (receiving two notebooks
applause to the group who and applause)
gets the highest score)
3 Post Activities 5’
- Guiding the students to - Drawing conclusion. 4’
draw a conclusion.
- Parting the students. - Responding. 1’

VIII. Media and Resources

Media : PowerPoint presentation
Resources : (Alexander, L. G. 1994. Practice and Progress: an integrated
course for pre-intermediate students. Yogyakarta: Kanisius)

IX. Assessment

1. Process assessment. It was conducted during the TLP to know the

students’ participation during the teaching learning process of tenses by
giving positive reinforcement. the researcher used observation checklist to
observe the students’ participation during the teaching learning process of
tenses by giving positive reinforcement (the observation checklist was
enclosed in Appendix C).
2. Product assessment : Conducted after the action given.
Instrument : Tense achievement test.
The Researcher

Dian Wahyuning Tyas

NIM. 100210401070


Leading Question

1. what do you call a strong wind that can damage anything it passed by?

2. what do you call ‘angin topan’ in English?


Susan was walking on the beach. She noticed that the wind was blowing
very hard. The waves were crashing on the sand. Black clouds were coming
toward the land very fast. When she got back to the house, her husband was
covering the windows with wood. A hurricane was coming.

(Broukal, M:27)

Exercise I
Identify the past continuous tense sentences stated in the text !

Exercise II
Choose the best answer by crossing a, b, c or d in your answer sheet!
Example: While I . . . (study), the light went out.
a. am studying c. were studying
b. was studying d. is studying
1. Eli . . . a letter when her sister shouted.
a. was writing c. is writing
b. were writing d. are writing
2. It rained when she . . . on the beach.
a. ware walking c. was walking
b. is walking d. are walking
3. . . . Dara looking out the window when you passed her home?
a. Were c. Did
b. Was d. Do

4. . . . your parents . . . abroad when the robber robbed your home?

a. Is/going c. are going
b. was/ going d. were/going
5. Rina and Tito . . . when their teacher came to their house.
a. Weren’t studying c. aren’t studying
b. Wasn’t studying d. isn’t studying
6. My father . . . when the thief came to my house.
a. aren’t sleeping c. isn’t sleeping
b. wasn’t sleeping d. weren’t sleeping
7. My father . . . a newspaper when the postman came.
a. are reading c. was reading
b. is reading d. were reading
8. Were Nita and his mother . . . some cookies when you came to their
a. cook c. cooking
b. cooks d. cooked
9. . . .she . . . her car when she saw the car crash?
a. Is/driving c. Are/driving
b. Was/driving d. Were/driving
10. Alissa . . . television when she heard a scream.
a. wasn’t watching c. weren’t watching
b. isn’t watching d. aren’t watching

Exercise III
Put the verbs in the parantheses into the correct forms!
Example: Mrs. Diana .Was
. . . .teaching
. . . . . . . when Mr. Smith knocked the door.
1. We. . . (play) tennis when he broke his arm.
2. My mother . . . (make) a birthday cake when someone knocked the door.
3. . . . (be) you chatting with your mother when it started to rain?
4. My father . . . (not/listen) to the radio when my uncle called him.
5. . . . (be) she . . . (read) a book when you saw her in the library?

Answer Key

Exercise II Exercise III

1. a 6. b 1. were playing
2. c 7. c 2. was making
3. b 8. c 3. Were
4. d 9. b 4. Wasn’t listenng
5. a 10. a 5. Was/reading
The Distribution of the Items

Types of Sentences The Numbers of the Test Total

Positive (+) II. 1,2,7, 5
III. 1,2
Negative (-) II. 5,6,10 4
III. 4,
Interrogative (?) II. 3,4,8,9 6
III. 3,5


Exercise II

Score = Correct answer x 10

Exercise III

Score = Correct answer x 20

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